#and with the poor stray cat. it broke my heart to leave it. but i couldnt get it to come out.
milswrites · 7 months
A Mother’s Love
~ Azriel X Fem!Reader
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Summary: When their family that Azriel worked so hard to build is threatened, their children having been taken in the night, Azriel and the Reader must do everything within their power to ensure that they get their kids back home safely and uninjured. Angered by this injustice, no one could predict what lengths a mother would go to in order to protect her child.
Warnings: Kidnapping, angst, violence, gore.
Notes: I am not a mother but I channeled my love for my cat into this fic. No one messes with my fur baby!
The news was delivered to you like an omen of death. Your children had been taken. Stolen from their beds in the late hours of the night by an unknown force. A shaken Feyre had been the one to break the bad news to you, having heard it first hand from Cassian.
Poor Cassian who had been eager to give your children a taste of the Illyrian lifestyle now they were both flying well, whisking them away to Windhaven with promises on his lips that what they would experience there would put hair on their chests. Poor Cassian who was now having to deal with the aftermath of their disappearance, devastatingly overwhelming guilt settling in his soul. He had failed to protect your children. His nephews.
You didn’t blame him of course, nobody could have predicted what had unfolded under the cover of moonlight last night. You wouldn’t blame him, even when you frantically winnowed to the camp and entered their bare room only to see droplets of thick crimson blood spattered on their once white sheets. The sheets which were now stone cold from the absence of their heat.
No, there was only yourself to blame. You could have spent months, standing there in the empty room, clinging to the empty sheets of your missing children, coming up with ways this would have ended differently. Alternative realities where you did not allow them to leave with their Uncle, instead keeping them safe in your home, surrounding them with your loving presence at all times. But no amount of wallowing or wishing for the events to have not transpired would bring your children back to you. You had to stay strong for them so you could act.
Yet when your husband came crashing into the room, having fled his latest mission instantly once Rhysand had managed to get through to him, the dam that had been holding back your emotions broke.
Raw sobs broke from your drying throat, your chest heaving with the effort it was taking to breathe. Azriel, whose eyes had bulged wide at the state of the disheveled room before him, wasted no time in rushing to your side in order to pull you into the safety of his arms. However, not even the strong, grounding grip of your husband would make this right.
“It’s going to be alright,” his wavering voice whispered into your ear, unsure whether he was speaking to you or himself, “we’re going to find them. We’ll bring them home.”
“Why’s there so much blood, Az?” You harrowingly cried out between your sobs and heaved breaths, looking up to the pained face of your mate, “They must be so scared.”
Azriel stilled, taking in the room once more as he pulled you even closer to his chest, the uneven beating of his heart against your cheek filling you with even more dread. “They’ll be ok” he pathetically reasoned, tears falling down his own cheeks to match yours, “Rhysand’s got everyone out searching for them now. I’m going to go too, but we should take you to Amren first, you shouldn’t be alone.”
His words were enough to stop your crying, fire burning in your eyes as you sternly replied to your husband, “if you think I’m going to sit here and do nothing whilst my sons are in danger then you are sorely mistaken Azriel. I’m going to get them back.”
“Ok…ok,” he relented without a fight, knowing no amount of force or convincing would result in you not taking part in the rescue of your children. His shaking, scarred hands reached for your cheeks, wiping away the stray tears that remained. “My love, I’m going to need you to be strong. They’re going to need you to be. No distractions” he searched your eyes for any trace of weakness or panic as he spoke, not wanting to risk you also being in death’s path. Losing your children was an unimaginable agony he could scarcely describe, losing you too would surely be the end of him.
“Let’s go get our boys Azriel” you willed, not wanting to waste another minute talking whilst they were in the enemies hands.
Long gone were the days in which you bore weapons, having made the difficult decision to lay your swords down and leave the Night Court’s army upon the discovery you were with child. It was a tough call to make, leaving behind the job that you had worked so hard and so many years to get. But with Azriel being constantly under the threat of danger in his line of work it needed to be done, ensuring the unborn child would still have a parent if anything ever happened.
As difficult as the decision was to make, it all made sense from the moment you laid your loving eyes on the innocent face of your first-born son. The child, barely a minute old in your arms, had stolen your life without even trying. He had commanded your love and protection from the minute he was born and you were only too willing to provide it.
This same feeling of an otherworldly type of love, the love only a mother could understand, returned upon the birth of your second son. A child just as perfect and virtuous as the first. Your new role in life was clear, there would be no more spine-chilling and adrenaline pulsing missions performed for Rhysand, you would dedicate your life to your sons. Lay down your arms and become a new type of warrior, a mother.
And you had, passing every ounce of love and knowledge you held onto your children. The cool touch of the hilt of a sword long forgotten as you have had no need to strike one in twelve long years. No evil forces to fight against, you had enjoyed a peaceful life with your family. Until now. Until someone had cruelly ripped your life away from you.
The cold metal of the sword felt alien in your sweating palms. You gripped the hilt tightly, forcing yourself to become familiar with the weight, testing it out in fluid swings and powerful hits against Cassian’s whilst you waited for any form of news from Rhysand or Azriel who were out searching. Unwilling to let your rusty skill be the reason for your children’s death.
It was clear to you what must be done, what you had to do to ensure the safety of your family. Because of this you were more than welcoming to the blinding anger that burned deeply in your veins, fuelling your body. You would battle through a whole army with only your teeth and nails if it meant seeing your two sons safe on the other side.
It was the waiting that hurt more than anything, the feeling of being useless, standing there doing nothing whilst your sons were likely being tortured or worse. Releasing your frustration through practicing with your sword could only do so much, and after a few hours of training Cassian was stopping your actions, warning you to save some energy for the fight ahead.
So you sat in painful silence, praying to the Mother, Cauldron and every other powerful being you could think of. Begging them for mercy, to spare the lives of your faultless children who had not yet been given a chance to make something of themselves in the world. Praying for the future they deserve to have.
It was the grim face of your returning husband that broke you from your silent pleading, words heavy on his lips, “We know where they are.”
It was a fortress. An array of deadly defensive weapons, swarming with heavily armed guards who were all fitted with glistening, strong armour which would be difficult to pierce. It was so perfectly defended that it would take a fool to attack it. A fool, or a viciously enraged group of people who would stop at nothing to get their family back.
You advanced swiftly and quietly, using the dense foliage of your surroundings to your advantage. Finally, you were here. All that stood between you and having your darling sons in your arms again were the large stone walls of the fortress and the hundred unsuspecting men waiting inside.
Of course the rest of the inner circle were there to help, but to you - whose children were trapped inside this cursed fortress- it may as well have been you against the world.
You began your attack viciously, running the sharp tip of your sword through the unsuspecting guards throat, silencing him before he could raise the alarm and alert the other soldiers of your presence. Unblinking as his body dropped to the floor, you continued moving forwards, not wanting to waste any more time waiting and standing uselessly by. The time to act was now.
You crept along the wall, pushing forwards until you reached another enemy, this time slicing your sword against his stomach, bloodied guts pooling out onto the grass below. By this point the alarm had been sounded, shrill bells ringing out from inside the keep, no doubt having been made aware of your presence from the brutal attack of one of your friends.
The increased number of soldiers flooding out of the gates you so desperately needed to pass through didn’t phase you, they were nothing but unwelcome obstacles in your path.
You fought bloody and hard, allowing the untamed beast inside of you to roam free. It was carnage. Sword clashed against sword, bits of limbs and spatters of blood flying everywhere until the ground was no longer visible beneath the pile of bodies that covered it.
Unstoppable, you worked your way through the group, slashing and stabbing anyone who stood in your way, all the while releasing the most feral of cries from your lips. Screaming every ounce of agony and pain these men had brought you into their shocked faces as you killed them. Crazed and unstable, your unpredictable actions caused the enemy to hesitate with their advancements and yet you had no problem in cutting them all down.
You could feel the blasts of heat and untameable power emitting from your surroundings, caused by your equally furious family, but you couldn’t stop and bring yourself to look at the devastation they were unleashing, not while your children were still inside. So you kept moving onwards, rushing through the gates alone. Slashing here and cutting there. You weren’t actually sure how present you were in your own body, unable to feel the scratches and cuts which were leaking viscous blood down your arm. Perhaps the mother had heard your prayers and granted you the strength to battle on without pain. One mother understanding another’s plight.
Each step you took towards the keep, towards your children, saw a wave of energy and brutality wash over you as you continued to fight viciously. Some men bravely stood their ground against you, staring into your wild eyes as your weapons clashed together. Others tried to run from you in fear, not wanting the last thing they see to be the sharp edge of your sword. You showed no mercy to either of the two.
Chasing after their retreating forms you would not relent, killing everyone in your way. Until a firm hand meeting your shoulder startled you. Whirling around you raised your sword in preparation to strike a devastating blow, only to be met with the concerned face of your husband, of your mate.
“It’s over,” he explained, hand roaming down your arm towards your sword as if to take it from you, but you flinched from his touch and pulled your arm back to yourself in retaliation, “Feyre’s got them. They’re safe. It’s over.”
“It’s not over!” You growled at him, his arm coming back to grip yours and preventing you from chasing after the fleeing soldiers. Azriel roughly yanked you towards him, wrapping his large arms around you, shielding you from the horrific sight of the scene around you and the retreating backs of the cowardly men.
“It’s over,” he repeated, resting a gentle hand on the back of your head. Your own head was shaking in disbelief against his chest. “No” you whimpered, wriggling in his arms, “Az, they’re getting away! We can’t let them get away!”
He shushed you, hand keeping your head sealed tightly against his chest whilst the other one travelled down to take your sword from your bloodied hands before throwing it to the floor. “Please my love,” he begged, lips pressing against your filthy forehead, “your children need you. Our children need you. Please come back to me.”
You were shaking in his embrace. Wondering how in good conscience you could allow those men to escape, the people who had stolen your children from you. “Cassian can handle them, you need to stop” he tried to convince you, the mating bond sharing your thoughts with him. “You fought so bravely my love,” he continued, hugging your trembling form, “it’s over now. We need to see to our sons.”
You did the best to clean yourself up with what you could find. Using a scrap of material to lamely attempt to wipe the dried blood from your skin, not wanting to scare your boys with your bloodied form. Not wanting them to see their mother like this.
Your blinding fury had subsided, your husband having talked you back to reality. The only need remaining was the one to take your children in your arms and never let them go.
Hands sealed together for support, Azriel led you through the winding empty halls towards where Feyre was hiding from the fight with your sons. Turning round the corner, you finally laid your watering eyes on them, scratched and a little bruised but otherwise unharmed.
Your relief was so overpowering you began to sob once more, salty tears streaming down your face as you ran over to the two boys, dragging them into your open arms in order to give them a blisteringly tight hug. Littering their heads with grateful kisses, the boys giggled. Squealing as they wiggled in your tight grip trying to get away from your overbearing display of affection.
Azriel approached where the three of you were tangled together in a heap on the floor and forcefully threw his arms around you all, covering your small but perfect family like a comforting blanket. “You are never leaving my side again!” You cried in-between kisses delivered to their flushed little faces, Azriel following suit and leaving a gentle peck on each of your son’s cheeks.
“My poor babies” you couldn’t help but wail, crushing them a little bit tighter into you, fearful to ever let them go.
“It’s ok mum,” They managed a small grin as they looked up to your distressed face, “we knew you would come and get us! And dad too!”
A happy sob broke from your lips at their words, laying a final kiss to each of their foreheads before speaking, “I would have gone to hell and back to find you if I needed to. Your dad too.” You cast your mate a loving smile whilst still huddled in your embrace, heart filled with joy at the family he had given you, at the family you would both kill to protect.
Notes: This was my first time writing a proper fight sequence so I hope it flows and makes sense!
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almostgigi · 1 year
"I Know The End"
Warnings: hurt/no comfort, angst everywhere, crying, yelling, unrequited love, light use of y/n, heartache. So fucking sorry!! Also Eddie throws some mean comments so, mean!Eddie but almost not.
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Summary: Reader confesses to bestfriend!Eddie, but he stands there and, after a few seconds, he turns around and leaves. Poor reader’s heart is shattered and her only company are her sorrows. Seeing him again would be a challenge.
Eds and I were friends for a long time now. We met at school when I was just the new kid with big hopes and dreams and they seemed to go to hell on the second day there. A group of boys from the basketball team harassed me and made me cry, but it was ok, cause my hero came to rescue me.
“¡leave her alone you assholes! She’s a lady, ¿what the fuck are you doing treating a lady like this? That just speak of how little your dicks are, no men that deserves respect would do this” he had said. Somehow, he broke those guys egos and they left me alone forever. I haven’t heard a word from their mouths ever again. Not to me at least. They were afraid he would come at them if they did.
He was now my best friend, confined to love me for eternity and beyond, and so was I. We started hanging out, and then hanging out more until there was no time we spent separated. Nights talking, drinking, smoking. Evenings of coffee and cookies, mornings of jogging and laughing at how funny Eddie runs. Days after days where our trust in each other was stronger and our bond was even unbreakable. He knew my house, he met my dad, I knew his place and had met Wayne. There was nothing we didn’t tell each other; I knew everything about him and he knew everything about me. Well, everything except for one thing; my eternal and utter love for him.
There was a point in my life where I started to see him differently, I don’t know when that was because suddenly I realized most of the time I thought about him, or I would dream with him, maybe even pay more attention to his gestures. But I know exactly when was the exact moment I knew I was inevitably in love with Eddie.
We were in his trailer, I stayed the night. We already had dinner and were watching a movie in his couch, my legs resting on his lap, one of his hands caressing me every now and then. Some shitty horror movie was on but I was lost in my head. Suddenly I look at Eddie who was very invested in the movie, and I notice his lashes are longer than last time I saw them. He’s always been a fan of horror movies to the point where they made them laugh at some moment. And when he did I looked at his lips and I mentally slapped myself for even looking at something that shouldn't be important to me. But his smile was beautiful, and his laughter made his chest rise and fall quickly. His chest, I wanted to sleep in it, I knew it was the most comfortable and his heart rang in my ear when he did. And suddenly I imagine myself kissing him, it was only a second that flew in my mind, but it was enough to make me move in my place trying to get that thought out of my head, it wasn't right.
“everything ok sweetheart?” he asked.
“y-yes, I was just sleepy” I invent an excuse worth having thought of such a thing.
“oh, in that case, let’s go to bed. I’m sleepy too, I was just comfortable” he giggles and I die inside. He’s mesmerizing. “I’ll feed the cat and we’ll go to bed, alright?”.
“yeah, sure. I wanna say goodbye to Moonlight please” a stray cat we often fed and we decided to name after a few months.
“course honey. Here you go Moonlight, but first...” he picked the cat up in his arms. “mommy wants to say goodbye” his words went straight to my fast-beating heart. I kissed the kitty on the head and scratched behind his ears a little. Then he went to eat as Eddie puts him down. “now we’re done for today. I’ll close everything and you go put your pjs, alright?” I nodded and went to his room. Room we often shared when I stayed the night. We were already comfortable enough to sleep together, but that night was different. “you ready? It’s freezing cold outside, good thing I got the heater last week, although I’m warmer when you hold onto me” he lets a snort out and I wonder what he’s thinking about.
“you use me for my heating service” I say in a playful tone.
“oh darling, you wound me, I’ll never hurt you anyway possible” his arms wrap around me and the cold weather is left behind as we warm each other, our bodies intertwined, also our legs. “I’ll see you tomorrow baby, good night” his voice in a whisper.
“good night Eds”.
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I realized I wanted common and simple life only if it was with him. Just him and I and out little Moonlight against the world. Pay the bills and make dinner, go to sleep under a million covers and hug forever in the bed. Wake up together jsut like we always do and kiss under the light of the kitchen when I’m making breakfast.
And I would of loved it if that night wasn’t only my awakening, but his too. It would have been a dream come true if he realized he actually loved as me more than just a best friend while our bodies were wrap together. But it didn’t, it was just a normal night for him. To me, it was my whole heart exploding into a million pieces like fireworks.
I can’t blame him for not feeling what I felt all this time, that would be just pathetic of me. Plus, I can’t really hate him even if I tried my very best. So I had gathered my guts and I’ve put them close to my mouth so I could say what I’ve been meaning to say for a long time. It was easy, right?
I love you.
I’ve been loving you for a real good time.
I love you with my soul.
Nope, it wasn’t easy. Just thinking about it makes me wanna throw up. There are many ways this could go.
1- He loved me too (I’m waiting is this one and this one only so we can be Mr. and Mrs. Munson someday)
2- He loves me like a friend and nothing more but eventually falls for me (I fell first but he felt harder)
3- He doesn’t love me and never will (I’ll probably go sleep on the highway)
4- He hates me and never wants to speak to me ever again.
¿See? Those are good options. Well, not good if he doesn’t love me back but at least they’re realistic. And as you can see, I didn’t say
5- He stays quiet with a blank stare and then leaves without saying a word like a fucking psycho.
Which, if you wanna guess, is exactly what he did. Maybe it was a reflex, or the best he thought at the moment, but he knows me like the palm of his hand and he knew that would hurt me.
This night was almost exactly like the night I realized I loved him. Him and I and a movie we didn’t know. Moonlight was already ours, so he was inside in his tiny bed. I did not think, that would have made it harder, I just said it.
“Eddie, I love you” I spit.
“I love you too, dummy” he thinks I tell him I love him like I normally would.
“No Eds... I love you” I say the mid word in a different tone so that he understands what love I meant. The hand that was holding my leg finally lets go and goes back to his lap. His eyes are astronomically big right there and then, he can’t believe it. What can I say? I’m good at hiding stuff. He stares a couple seconds more and then he just gets up, grabs his keys and leave. Leaves my house like millions of other times, but this one feels wrong. Feels like he’s never coming back through that door. Feels like a thousand cuts in my heart and he didn’t even say goodbye.
I curl up in bed and cry myself to sleep. Inside my head I keep reliving the moment he leaves me and I sob uncontrollably until I have no more tears left to cry and I try my best to rest.
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“It’s been three days, rob, three fucking days. He’s never been away from me that long, he’s not going to be my friend anymore, that’s it” I was convinced he was gone and everything in between us both would stay forever unspoken, broken.
”Darling, you need to give him time, he’s a man, they can’t process information fast, look at dingus” one movement of her head leads me to look at Steve who’s moving some boxes around the house.
”Huh?” he says, he heard his name.
“See? Living proof” she jokes. We both laugh and keep helping him around.
”You moving out?” I ask given the thousand boxes he’s carrying.
“I wish, no. I’m just moving this to the garage. Some things I no longer need. I’ll take them to charity tomorrow morning” he leaves one on the floor and shows us some clothes and toys from when he was a little boy.
“Here, I’ll help you organize them” maybe that way would be more easy and fast.
“Go nuts baby” his smile is wide and I spend my evening with them, having a good time and forgetting about anything else.
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Monday mornings were absolutely disgusting to me. I could barely drag my feet out of the bed and make coffee. School wasn’t any better, and without the best of my friends I can say it would be a shitty day.
“Maybe he has been thinking and came to the fact that he loves you but he’s waiting to tell you when you’re alone” Peter, one of my friends, says trying to cheer me up.
“Or he hates me for ruining our friendship and he’ll rather die struck by lightning than see me again” me being a pessimist was absolutely normal by now.
“Or there’s that too” I give Peter a dead stare. “What? You said it” I shake my head and keep eating.
By the time we had to leave I couldn’t find Eddie nowhere. He wasn’t at lunch in the cafeteria and he wasn’t in his respective classes. He wasn’t in the library either so I had only one place more to look. Old drama classroom where he and the guys would have hellfire reunions was close on my way out so I step aside and knocked. It seemed like nobody was in there but I could see the lights on. I stepped inside not even wanting to knock again. He was sitting in his throne observing the nothingness and thinking I assume.
“Sorry, I saw the lights and went in. Couldn’t find you anywhere” I explain to him, as he lifts his gaze to connect it with mine.
“Mhm” It’s the only thing he says. He doesn’t speak, just hums.
“I’ve been looking for you, wanted to talk you know?” I launch an attempt to touch on the subject.
“about?” he tries to avoid it, obviously.
“don’t play dumb, you know about what” I spit. No time for rodeos.
“It’s not a big deal, don’t bother” the way he talks, he’s never done it before.
“¿It’s not a big deal? ¡Of course it’s a big deal! I told you I love you for God’s sake ¿How is that not a big deal?” tears already threatening to come out of my eyes.
“I didn’t intend to hurt you” yeah sure.
“but you did, you stood there like a ghost and never said a word, which I can almost understand because you weren’t expecting it, but then you proceeded to avoid me for days when we always spend them together, that I can’t understand. I refuse to, actually” my stomach hurts, like a million butterflies dying.
“you know I hate awkward situations, I don’t know how to handle them. What did you expect, really?”
“I don’t know, but certainly not avoiding me, that’s not the answer to any problem” I raise my voice a little, a hot rage coming from me was palpable in the air.
“well I’m sorry if I can’t be the perfect guy you want me to be. Apparently I’m some kind of imbecile since I can’t take correct decisions” he’s fully screaming at me now. I want to cry like a baby.
“you’re being idiotic Eddie, you’re missing the point. I came here to make things better, not to fight” I hold both my arms with my own hands to give me some kind of comfort.
“pretty fucking nice we’re treating each other, ¿don’t you think?” still loud, the vocabulary extends a little.
“we’re losing the thread of the conversation, please” I try my best to calm down as it’s not going well and I’m making him react the worst possible, and that makes me wanna cry even more.
“¿What do you want from me?” he’s tired, almost as if talking to me devastated him. Made him feel empty.
“¿From the bottom of my heart? For you to love me like I do. But I know I can’t force you to do it, so I want you to be clear, honest. I need to hear you at least, cause being away from you it’s killing me” the sweet sound of his voice was like caramel to my ears. I loved to hear him talk about his likings and everything he did say during the day. These past four-to-five days were torture. Not being able to hear him, his laugh or just him complaining about a song or movie he hates and had to see cause Wayne wanted to at dinner table.
“I just- I don’t feel like that y/n” and just like that my world fainted. I knew he probably didn’t like me back. But hearing him say it is actually really hurtful.
“Okay... Yeah, that’s what I needed. See? That wasn’t so bad” tears roll down on my face, from my cheeks to end in my lips, where I taste them, salty.
“it’s not okay, you’re hurt now, you’re hurt cause I don’t love you like a woman” his hands are in the air, every movement defining his uncomfortable behaviour.
“I lived before being unloved by you even as a friend, I’m not gonna die without your love” I state my point as a ‘I don’t care if you don’t love me back’ even when I do.
“so you don’t want us to be friends anymore?” almost a question, almost an statement.
“that’s not what I said, c'mon”
“you said that if you didn’t have my friendly love you would live anyways”
“yes, but do you know how fucking much that would hurt? Eddie, I rather have you as a friend than not have you at all” my brows frowning as I plead with my eyes. I plead that he understands how much I love him as a friend first and then whatever this is. “I can live without being loved by you, but I can’t live without you in my life” I take his hands in mine, he flinches at first, then he let’s me take them. “you’ve been my person all this damn time, you’ve been there for me and we’ve been each other’s comfort. I can’t lose you. A world without you in it is a world I don’t wanna live in. A little heartache won’t kill me, I’ve been there before. Loosing you will, looking at you and not being able to talk to you. Seeing you from afar and thinking I can’t tell you to come watch a movie, to hear a new song with me. Walk through the forest with you or go to parties just to drink and dance then go for a burger and home like old people. Smoking together and sharing the most stupid thoughts, laughing so hard it hurts, but good. That would kill me” the sudden feeling of his hand on my cheek makes me go black instantly. Forgetting my love for him would be the hardest I’ll ever had to do. But it had to be done.
“I’ll eventually come back to you, I know. But I’m not ok, I never meant for this to happen and I feel responsible. Hope you can forgive me and give me the space I need, I’ll come back to you when I’m better, when I’m not feeling guilty or like I could break your heart even more for being close to you, with any gesture of mine” all of his insecurities about this were showing finally, and I felt like I broke the most pure thing I had in my life. I should of kept my mouth shut. He leaves again, this time I just know he ain’t coming back, cause I’m not gonna look for him like today. I interrupted his space to see him, that’s not gonna happen again. He prefers not to keep me, that’s okay, I’ll learn to live like this. Wish I wasn’t crying like I just lost my life.
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adeanthepurpledragon · 5 months
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Warriors Cats oc-Foxfur’s Backstory
Foxfur was originally a kittypet named Shadow abandoned by her two legs as a young kit left in a cardboard box in the streets of the twolegs. Shadow grew up a stray loner cat on the streets eating leftover food from the trash that the twolegs threw out.
It was not until Shadow came across some strange cats that she never seen on the twolegs streets. They had awesome skills at crouching down and killing mice but not eating them.
“Hello, that was a great catch, I believe I never seen you from around here,” mewed Shadow.
“Exactly what a kittypet would say, go back to your cozy home with your twolegs kittypet!” The strange cat said his mouthful of mouse.
“Kittypet? Twolegs? You mean people, I’m sorry but I’m a stray, my house folks abandoned me when I was just a small kit,” said Shadow glumly.
“What’s your name?” The she-cat mewed.
“I don’t have a name, except my house folks called me Shadow before they dumped me on the streets to fend for myself,” Shadow grumbled.
“What’s wrong with that? You don’t have your food handed to you from a can, you get more freedom outside being a kittypet,” the she-cat meowed.
“I’m not a kittypet, not anymore, I live on the streets,” meowed Shadow.
“Well, then you must be a loner!” The Tom spat.
“If you don’t have house folks and don’t live on the streets then where do you cats live?” Shadow meowed.
“We’re Apprentices training to become warriors, we are wild cats that live in the forest of Thunderclan territory,” mewed the she-cat proudly.
“Warriors? The forest? You think I can live in the forest to train to become a warrior too?” Shadow mewed.
“Clan cats don’t allow loners in!” The Tom cat spat.
“Take it easy on her! She must be starving living off twoleg filth on the streets,” mewed the she-cat.
“Who cares, a former kittypet who gets dumped by its twolegs will never make it on her own!” The Tom cat growled.
“Have some heart Sunpaw! She could use some help from our clan,” meowed the she-cat.
“I’m not giving up my fresh kill to give to a sad loner on the streets!” Sunpaw growled.
“Our clan is still well fed, we need to help this poor cat, it’s twolegs left her with nothing!” The she-cat hissed.
“Oh, alright!” Sunpaw grumbled.
Sunpaw plopped the dead mouse down at Shadow’s front paws.
“Is this, for me?” Shadow mewed.
“Yes, any cat who has been dumped by its twolegs with nothing deserves respect from our clan,” the she-cat mewed.
Without words Shadow started to take big bites out of the mouse gulping it down feeling satisfied from her hunger.
“Yum, I never tasted anything like this, much better than garbage,” meowed Shadow.
“My name is Furzepaw and you met my friend Sunpaw, I told him to give his fresh kill to you,” said the she-cat.
“Thanks Furzepaw, it’s been a long time since I had a real meal,” said Shadow.
“I got an idea! How about you join our clan, we could use some extra apprentices in Thunderclan,” meowed Furzepaw.
“Really?” Shadow meowed.
“As long as you can prove to the rest of Thunderclan that you can fight off other clans, hunt for the other cats of our clan and follow the Thunderclan code,” meowed Sunpaw firmly.
“Code? What’s that?” Shadow mewed.
“It’s the rules run by our clan handed down by our ancestors in Starclan,” Furzepaw mewed.
“Be quiet! Mouse brain! We now broke the Thunderclan code by feeding an outsider!” Sunpaw hissed.
“Yes, but even for a loner cat she couldn’t feed herself on these filthy twoleg streets when her twolegs dumped her, she needs us!” Furzepaw meowed.
“You’re always the one to help cats in need, no matter where they’re from,” grumbled Sunpaw.
“Don’t mind Sunpaw, yes he’s a bit of adurdon at times but it’s only because he doesn’t understand that loner cats who’ve been through a lot would still need help from a clan cat,” mewed Furzepaw.
“I’m not bothered by him, I was just so relived after he gave his mouse to me to fill my belly,” mewed Shadow.
“Come with us to the forest in Thunderclan, leave this twoleg streets of filth behind and our mentors will train you to become a clan warrior!” Furzepaw meowed.
“That’s quite nice of you but what would your clan leader think of me being in their camp?” Shadow questioned.
“We will know once we get to the Thunderclan camp,” meowed Sunpaw.
“Follow us, we’ll lead you into the forest to meet our clan leader,” meowed Furzepaw.
Shadow followed Sunpaw and Furzepaw out of the filthy twoleg streets and into a place where there were more trees but still twoleg nests full of twolegs. Shadow can smell the scent of the air smelling a lot cleaner then what she smelled in the twoleg streets. Shadow never smelled the air this clean in many moons ever since she was a tiny kit before her house folks abandoned her to become a stray.
They left the twoleg streets behind them and after crossing many gardens, twoleg nests, and fences they were now in the lush green forest of Thunderclan territory.
Shadow can tell because there was no more stench of twolegs or their filth that she used to live on in the streets anymore.
She felt more happier getting the scent of the fresh forest air instead of eating out of the trash and being chased by stray dogs.
“No more twoleg filth, I can now hunt in the forest,” thought Shadow.
A smoky black Tom cat with green eyes saw them return back with Shadow.
“Where have you been, Furzepaw?!” The clan’s deputy yeowed.
“We went out to the street to hunt and found this cat living on the streets who was half starved,” meowed Furzepaw.
“Furzepaw told me to give up my fresh kill for this she-cat,” meowed Sunpaw.
“I’m very disappointed in you Furzepaw, you broke the warriors code but you also helped a cat in need, but why did you tell Sunpaw to give up his fresh kill?” The clan deputy meowed.
“This is Shadow, her twolegs abandoned her when she was just a small kit and all she had to eat was twoleg filth off the streets,” meowed Furzepaw.
“Is that true?” The clan deputy asked Shadow.
Shadow dipped her head nodding silently.
“How cruel can those mangy twolegs get?” The clan deputy yeowed.
“I want to train to become a warrior as your apprentice,” mewed Shadow.
“I’m sorry but I’m training Furzepaw, you would have to go to our clan leader Waspstar, she’ll settle something out for you outsider,” said the clan deputy.
“Aren’t you the clan leader?” Shadow asked.
“No, I’m Thunderclan’s deputy, I’m Spotbelly, I work for Waspstar,” said the clan deputy.
“Can you bring me into your camp to meet her then?” Shadow mewed.
“As you wish,” sighed Spotbelly.
Shadow followed Spotbelly and the two apprentices through the undergrowth of the forest and past many pine trees till they reached the Thunderclan camp where the clan leader Waspstar was waiting on high rock.
“Waspstar! We brought you a new apprentice to train to become a warrior!” Spotbelly yeowed from below Waspstar.
“He smells of twoleg filth and looks underfed, what happened for you to bring a kittypet into our forest!” Waspstar meowed.
“Yes, I was a kittypet but only for a while, my house folks abandoned me when I was just a small kit, all I had to eat was two leg filth from the trash in the two leg streets,” meowed Shadow.
“You must prove yourself worthy then, I sense a lot of spirit in you young street cat, what did your former housefolks call you?” Waspstar asked.
“Shadow,” she mewed.
“You will be trained by yours truly Waspstar as your mentor,” mewed Waspstar.
All the other cats stared at Shadow then looked at their leader in surprise.
“Starclan has given me this young cat’s apprentice name, for now on young Shadow will train as my apprentice as Foxpaw, please welcome Foxpaw!” Waspstar meowed.
The other cats in Thunderclan were unsure about their leader welcoming in a loner cat but Furzepaw was so proud of Foxpaw that she came up to her and gave Foxpaw an affectionate lick on the nose.
“The sun is setting, we must rest till tomorrow, then we can start hunting again,” said Spotbelly.
“Where do I sleep?” Foxpaw asked.
“Follow me,” said Furzepaw.
Foxpaw followed Furzepaw through the brambles of the overgrowth till she saw a den.
“This is the apprentice’s den, we as apprentices sleep here,” said Furzepaw.
Furzepaw was starting to become an even closer friend to Foxpaw although she didn’t know what the other cats in Thunderclan had to say about her yet even Furzepaw’s hunting partner Sunpaw still.
Foxpaw knew that Waspstar was going to train her to become a great hunter and warrior of Thunderclan.
Furzepaw and Foxpaw layed next to each other in the apprentice’s den sharing touches grooming each other till they both fell asleep.
This made Foxpaw feel good, she had a close friend and she found herself a place where she could belong in Thunderclan. This is where she belongs.
The End.
@drake-the-highlander @kingnice1219 @alexcanine @jaysmily2919 @reformedladyfandom
This was a short little backstory of my new Warriors Cats oc Foxfur right now she’s known as Foxpaw by Starclan and the clan leader Waspstar even with her being Foxpaw’s mentor to teach her to hunt for fresh kill for the clan and to fight as a warrior to defend their camp from other clans. I had to make it short because I didn’t want to write on this all day, I had to get to a stopping point but this was a short backstory behind my new Warriors cat oc Foxfur.
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fallout-lou-begas · 1 year
who would you say is your favorite wrestler? also please keep filling my dash with these big hot women wrestlers thank you
honestly i think it's kris statlander (which means there will be plenty of big hot woman posting). she's not even been medically cleared for in-ring activity the entire time i've started watching AEW but i've been going nuts on youtube and stream sites watching basically every statlander match that i can just because she's so strong and cool and fun and her movement is so expressive and a joy just to watch and her fits are to die for and on top of everything else her technique is just absolutely killer. i think if she so much as looked at me i would explode with a crunchy poor stock explosion effect, for dyke reasons. it's funny because it's like, i miss her but haven't even seen her live on television! i miss her without even knowing her! anguish. agony. i've also been watching a lot of thunder rosa matches just because she's the other really crucial wrestler out on indefinite injury leave and my god she's a blast. goes apeshit. again, just so much fun to watch; like statlander she just has that je ne sais quoi where she could be doing the most basic possible moves in the ring but it's still compelling because she's the one doing them, and she's just got it. this is probably just a form of confirmation bias but digging into the backlogs for these two wrestlers, it really does throw into relief how badly the women's division is limping with all the injuries. but maybe if kris wasn't doing the double-suplexes that made people fall in love with her, her knees wouldn't have exploded so it's like...man.
as far as wrestlers that are Actually Wrestling Right Now: i do love that jamie hayter and she's basically carrying the women's division of AEW singlehandedly on her shoulders rn because the whole outcasts thing is just foul but takes up so much oxygen; mox for his rabid desire to bleed and fluid-bond with every man who enters his field of vision; bandido is a lucha who i've only seen in the ring once, against bryan danielson, but who was AMAZING and i want to see him and his fucking execution-shot gesture running attack over and over; MJF for being literally perfect in every way as a champion heel to the point where i genuinely hope darby, sammy, and jungleboy all fail to take the title because i just think it would be a huge downgrade in entertainment value; samoa joe for being DA KING OF TELEVISION; stu grayson for being apeshit (and dark order in general is always such an entertaining stable); brian cage for being probably the epitome to me of the ferocious kind of Terminator heel who just destroys people, like the motherfucker looks like a miniboss in a batman video game; keith lee is a wrestler that i fell in love with basically immediately when he showed up to diss chris jericho and then i fell in double-love with him in the ring when he gave chris a fuckin polite little kissaroo on the forehead between blows.
honorable mentions go to Wardlow who i hated at first but who has sucked so much that he has endeared me. getting his car broken into. losing the title immediately. my ex-husband pointed out that he's a hired goon without a boss, like a stray cat, and it broke my little heart. the poor guy is acting out! he's troubled! there's also a lot of women wrestlers that i would love to see a lot more of like willow nightingale and nyla rose but either they're all wrestling on friday nights (i only really watch wednesdays) or the outcasts' feud with jamie hayter is really just burying opportunities for Literally Anything Else to happen in the women's division. jade cargill is an absolute beast but she has literally run out of people to fight so i hope taya valkyrie or something finally takes the belt away (as it's looking like) so that jade can do something else beside mulch regional guests. and yeah i think i do like britt baker as a wrestler, the dentist gimmick is good to me, she's good in the ring, and i know the legit feud with thunder rosa is messy and shitty but whatever, i like her matches (including THE hardcore cage match WITH thunder rosa pre-feud). honestly when rosa comes back, maybe they patch things up face-to-face or maybe they don't, but in either case i'm expecting a fucking barnburner of a grudge match that'll make the hardcore cage match look like a kindergarten classroom
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orcelito · 2 years
I'm just hungry. And tired. And sad. And stressed.
I'm not having a very good day.
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rin-itoshi · 3 years
mc’s departure | obey me
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summary: how the brothers would react to MC returning to the human world after a year in the devildom
contains: fluff , angst , ?!!!!&;@;&:idk
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he’s the one to see you off, reminding you of the many things he had taught you so that you’d never forget.
his pride is much too large to admit that he will miss you to death and that he loves you dearly.
after you’re gone, he’s gone for hours at a time, holed up in his room with as much as work as he can take on.
he overworks himself with the intention of getting rid of the heavy emotion on his heart.
everything reminds you of him, even the paper clip on his desk that you had once found under his bed.
he gets easily irritable, feeling rather empty now that you’ve gone and left him alone in this now quiet house.
barely leaves his room, only works.
never cries but gets quite emotional when he finds a belonging you left behind.
he cried every single night up until your departure but never showed you that side of him once
after you left, he cried non-stop, not caring if he looked like a cry baby in front of his brother’s who watched him with pitiful eyes.
once his eyes dried up, he soon never returned home as he partied all day and night.
he forced himself to attend parties after parties in order to forget about you.
it never works because everything reminds him of you.
sometimes he sits in his car and just stares into space, wondering what you’re doing now that you’re back on earth.
literally cannot stand the mention of you or your name or he may break down.
pretends to be okay but can’t go a day without getting upset about your absence.
money soon becomes pointless when he realizes no amount of cash will bring you back to the house of lamentation.
curled up in his bath tub and cried himself to sleep.
stopped leaving his room in general, continuously playing games all day and night.
couldn’t look at his ruri-chan figures because they somehow reminded him of you and how much you used to admire them with him.
every inch of his room has your touch on it and it makes his heart ache painfully.
struggles to attend online school but manages to make it through the day by zoning out in class.
claims he doesn’t care about a normie like you but genuinely misses you
sends you messages, forgetting you can no longer contact him without your D.D.D
writes about how much he misses you on his blog fully aware you’ll never see it.
reading. that’s all he does.
he hides in his room and reads every single book he has stacked up along his room, even rereading them if he finished everything.
uses books to get his mind off of you—or more so the lack of you.
will sometimes get excited about a stray cat he sees but stops himself when he realizes he can’t tell you because you aren’t here.
gets angry. a lot.
the smallest things set him off and he can longer feign a smile when he hears your name or anything related to you.
he misses you so much that he wants to tear out his hair and rip apart all these book page by page.
his room is in shambles and he can’t seem to think straight anymore.
loses his interest in everything.
forgets his skin care routine and lets himself go without caring about it.
forces himself to go to parties and tries to sleep with someone to feel better but when it fails, he stops sleeping around in general.
like mammon, he doesn’t come home often to avoid seeing the house he had lived in with you happily.
cannot forget about you no matter what he does, and that frustrates him the most.
wishes he had done something to stop you or at least slept beside you one last time.
neglects himself for a while.
poor bby isn’t hungry for once.
can’t seem to eat now that you’re not sitting beside him, giggling about something he had said.
spends a lot of his time doing weight training and exercising to get his mind off of you.
misses all the meals you used to make on the nights you were in charge of cooking.
sometimes forgets you’re not around whenever he’s about to go downstairs to eat dinner.
clings to belphie in hopes to fill the gap in his heart.
accidentally broke down your room door in an angry fit when your absence finally set in.
either he sleeps even more or somehow gets less sleep.
no matter what, he feels sluggish and blank.
locks himself in the attic, almost as if he was never released in the first place.
even though he hated humans, your absence affected him the most after he had grown to love you as a human.
nearly went demon mode on diavolo when he found out that you were being sent back to the human world.
partially wishes he never met you but cherishes his memories with you too much to ever wish for that wholeheartedly.
sleeps in your bed often to hold onto your lingering scent that was fading quickly.
complains to beel that you were nothing but a stupid human who turns their backs on demons like them, but he never means anything he says.
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“Why is it so quiet in here?” Diavolo asks as he opens the front door of the House of Lamentation with Barbatos at his side. The man’s golden eyes scanned the entry hall, noticing how it was so eerily dark and quiet that it almost felt like something out of a horror movie. It felt like no one had lived here in over two thousand years. “Hello?”
Upon receiving message from Diavolo, everyone had exited their rooms for the first time in a while, looking like they were dragged through the mud. The state they were in made Diavolo jump with surprise, shocked to find that even Lucifer looked like he was ill. “What happened to you guys?!”
“What is it that you need, Lord Diavolo?” Lucifer asked as he ran a hand through his hair to compose himself a bit in front of the red haired man. “If is nothing important, may I kindly ask you to leave and return another time?”
Diavolo sighed, shaking his head lightly as he crossed his arms over his chest. “I don’t know what’s up with you guys, but I brought everyone’s favorite person along with me so sing your praises now!”
Mammon huffed, “If ya’ talking about that butler of yours, ain’t nobody care right now! We got bigger things to worry about!”
Barbatos simply smiled, taking no offense to the sly insult thrown his way.
Diavolo cocked a brow in confusion. “What? Of course not! It’s-“
The person stepped out from behind Diavolo, catching the attention of every single male in the room. The seven brother’s choked, staring at the one person they had longed for these past few days.
“[y/n]!” They shouted in unison, practically flying down the stairs to get to you. Mammon was the first to reach you, wrapping his arms around your entire body as he tackled you to the floor. The other brother’s climbed on top of you two, hugging you so tightly that you feared this would be where you’d die. “You’re back!”
Diavolo chuckled boisterously. “This is amusing! You lot are acting like you didn’t know they’d return today!” His laugh came to an abrupt stop when he saw the flat expressions coming from each and every brother. “Oh- Did I not inform you?”
“Obviously you didn’t.” Belphegor scoffed with a roll of the eyes, burying his face in the crook of your neck to inhale your scent. “[y/n]...”
“Ya can’t ever leave again! I’ll seriously get angry at ya if this happens again! Ya either go to the human world with me or ya don’t go at all!” Mammon snapped, cupping your cheeks while getting dangerously close to your face to yell at you.
“I’ll severely punish you if you ever leave this manor without giving me a heads up as to where you’re off to. You’re not just an exchange student anymore. You’re special.” Lucifer explained, a panicked glint in his tired eyes as he reached out to pat your head gently with his gloved hand.
Satan sighed, pressing his forehead against your back. “If you leave again, I don’t know if I’ll be able to control my emotions, so don’t leave.”
The avatar of lust whined loudly, “my beautiful self can’t handle a life without you! Don’t ever go anywhere without me again!” He clutched onto her waist tightly.
“Don’t... Don’t go anywhere.” Leviathan said with a sad frown on his lips as he held your hand, bringing it up to rest against his cheek. “It’s so empty without you.”
“Let’s eat dinner together, [y/n].” Beel suggested, his voice full of emotions as he drooled at the thought of dinner with you.
A million emotions ran through your veins as you sat there, basking in the warmth of their touch. It was overwhelming to receive so much love all at once but it was amazing.
A smile slowly crept onto your lips as you leaned into their touch, enjoying the way they clung to you as if you’d disappear any moment now. “I missed you guys, too.”
“What a lovely reunion!” Diavolo exclaimed happily, snapping a view blurry photos on his D.D.D to send to the group chat later.
After the heartfelt moment, they quickly disappeared upstairs to fix up their appearance before rushing downstairs to the kitchen where you stood. They clung to you like bugs to a light, hounding you about your sudden departure, only to find out that you had gone up there with Diavolo and Barbatos to help the man experience human world activities he had never gotten to try before. Diavolo was sure he had told them that but seeing as they were genuinely distressed, he assumed the message never reached.
Even though they were beyond pissed with Diavolo and his carelessness, they were just glad you were back. Them being here with you really was their idea of a perfect life.
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doctenwho · 3 years
Man (and TARDIS)’s Best Friend
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Hey! Thanks so much for the request, I had a lot of fun with this one! Most of the dogs in this fic are either dogs I had when I was little (and currently) and a few are my friend’s dogs. 
The TARDIS being a troublemaker is my new favorite thing, so hopefully you enjoy!
Warnings: None
Word Count: 3,700
Summary: Check out the prompt above :)
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(Gif doesn’t belong to me, credit to the rightful creator!)
In your defense, things had probably gotten out of hand. You really hadn’t meant for it to happen, for one to turn into two, two into three and... well, three into seven.  
It really had started with one.  
Just a few weeks ago. You were on earth, which, for it being your home planet, you didn’t tend to spend much time around anymore. You and the Doctor hadn’t exactly split up, but he’d left you to your own devices while he went off doing whatever it was he was doing on earth. The man had an agenda, and earth was the only place you didn’t mind being by yourself on.  
It was later in the evening, street lights illuminating the darkness around you as you strolled. It was nice to just be back on earth for a while, where you knew the terrain, and the people. Where things weren’t completely surprising, or shocking.
You’d been so caught up in your own head as you wondered around, you’d barely noticed the creature cowering on the sidewalk that you tripped over. The creature whimpered, and winced down, and it instantly broke your heart.  
You’d always been an animal person, sympathizing with those neglected, or abandoned, or abused. You couldn’t imagine ever intentionally hurting, or leaving a pet alone, so this was hard to see.  
The dog, you realized, stared at you fearfully. Cowering down like you were going to hit it. It was an older dog, dirty and scruffy, some kind of shih-tzu mutt if you were to guess. Its fur was matted, clearly left to on his own for a while at this point.  
You didn’t even want to think about what this dog had been through, just from his attitude towards humans, as well as it’s neglected state. He’d obviously been abandoned—maybe grown too old and lost that cute ‘puppy’ image that some people craved. The thought disgusted you.
The poor little guy was skin and bones, shivering where he was tucked in on himself despite his coat of matted fur that was probably too warm for even the late-night chill.  
You knew you couldn’t leave him. Not in good conscious. He obviously needed someone—he needed a person to care for him, and do the right thing for him, which is... well, it’s how you found yourself sneaking into the TARDIS with the poor little dog swaddled in your sweater.  
The Doctor wasn’t much of an animal person. He’d never outright said it, but you’d never really seen him interacting with creatures. Not like how a human would love and care for a stray dog, or cat. He never seemed the type.  
You weren’t sure how he was going to react to the dog.  
You moved swiftly through the TARDIS, your little companion wiggling in your grip as you snuck through the TARDIS halls. You weren’t even sure if the Doctor was in, or out.
“(Y/N)?” His voice called from behind you. The bundle in your arms froze, as did you as you debated your options. You were a ways away from your bedroom—the safety of it where you could clean up the little dog and think of a better plan than to be caught in the hallway with a stowaway in the Doctor’s space and time machine.
The Doctor’s steps were approaching, following behind you. He was so close. You turned to look behind you, afraid he’d catch up and you’d have to explain the dog so soon. You squeezed your eyes shut, thinking about making a break for it as you turned forwards again--
And there before you, was a doorway. Which didn’t make sense, because you’d been in the hallway, at least twenty steps away from your bedroom door, if not more. You knew for a fact there wasn’t any doorways for a while, because this corridor often felt endless. You looked around in confusion, frowning to yourself as you let your hand settle on the doorknob.  
“(Y/N)?” The Doctor called again, confused, and so much closer than before. You barely had a second thought as you pulled the door open, tumbling in as your feet moved before your brain could process the action.  
The door shut behind you, which you had absolutely no part in as you tried to finally catch your footings, arms securing around the bundled dog. It was only when you looked up to see where you ended up that you realized you were in you room.  
It didn’t make a lick of sense, but you were quick to settle the dog into your closet as you heard steps approaching, managing to jump onto the bed and pretend to be reading a book that was on your bedside table just as the door opened.
The Doctor furrowed his brows at you, gaze looking from the book in your hands, up to your face in confusion, “I could’ve sworn I just saw you returning to the TARDIS,” the Doctor commented, voice almost distasteful as he eyed you.
“Nope,” you forced out, hoping you didn’t sound as much like you were hiding something as you did to your own ears, “been here a while, Doctor.”
The man casted his eyes around the room again, looking for anything out of the ordinary, before he settled on you again, clearly coming up short.  
“Uh huh, well, we’ll be leaving shortly if you’re good to go?” he blinked, leaning just the slightest bit against the doorframe, and giving the room another thoughtful onceover.
“Y-yeah,” you stuttered out, cursing your anxious nerves internally before flashing the man a grin to hide you panic.
“Alright, well,” The Doctor frowned as he moved to pull the door shut behind him. He paused before it shut, standing for a second before he spoke again, “I was unaware humans could read upside down.”
The door clicked shut, and it was only then you let out a breath, eyes snapping down to the book you were indeed holding upside down. You groaned to yourself as you righted the book before dropping it back on the bedside table annoyed at that tiny detail that could’ve ruined it all.  
You pushed yourself off the bed, moving swiftly to the closet where you pulled the door open and smiled down at the nervous little dog. He was still mostly wrapped in your sweater, but his head and shoulder were exposed.  
“C’mon,” you offered your arms, “let’s get you clean up, huh?”
The dog only hesitated for a second before moving close enough for you to pick up. You cradled him in your arms, pressing your cheek against his head as you stared up at the ceiling for a second.  
You weren’t entirely sure what had happened just then, but you know one thing. You definitely hadn’t done it alone.  
“Thank you,” you smiled up to the ceiling, knowing exactly who’d helped you protect the little dog.
You’d given the little dog the name Teddy. He’d been a nervous wreck when you’d been snipping away at his matted fur with the scissors in your bathroom, but he’d warmed up to you a lot while you bathed him warm water with a sweet-smelling dog shampoo that was, confusingly enough, hidden away in the bathroom cabinet.
The name had only really come to be when bedtime rolled around, and you found yourself with a cuddly, snuggly little dog tucked in your arms. It was like snuggling with a teddy bear, and you couldn’t imagine naming him anything else as you stroked his ears as he slept.  
You really had just meant to leave it at Teddy, and see how long you could get away with hiding him away in your room. You snuck him food from the kitchen, set down a bowl of water in the bathroom, as well as a bowl of kibble that you had absolutely no idea where it had come from. You suspected the TARDIS helping you out where she could, and the thought made you smile.  
It was almost a game at this point, and it was a funny thought that it appeared to be you and the TARDIS against the Doctor. Finally, the odds seemed a bit more well-rounded.
Hunny and Saidy had come into your life unexpectedly.  
You knew the two German Shepherd Rottweiler mixes well. You’d gotten the call from your friend, the one who owned the two, that she could no longer keep them. She was being evicted, and it was quite hard to find a flat that would allow someone to have two medium-big sized dogs.
You knew you really shouldn’t take them—but you knew the girls, and they loved you, and the thought of them being rehomed, or given to the pound or something else just because no one wanted to take them made a weight settle in your stomach. The thought of them being separated tore at your heart.  
You weren’t sure where you were going to keep them, as you walked into the TARDIS holding both a pink and purple lead as you led them into the time and space machine. The girls were quiet, silent besides their paws tapping on the floor, as well as their panting as you led them along.  
You bit your bottom lip as you opened your door, stepping in quickly as you ushered them in, before closing the door and leaning your back against it. When you looked up, your jaw dropped.  
Your room was double the size it had been before. Three food bowls, and three dog beds—one small, and two big enough for Hunny and Saidy to sprawl out on. It warmed your heart to see, the effort the TARDIS was going through to make room for the dogs was honestly adorable.  
There’d been that inkling of worry that you wouldn’t have enough room to house these dogs and that you’d need to start rehoming them.  
You grinned up at the ceiling, “you go, TARDIS,” you laughed out as you kneeled to scratch at both Hunny and Saidy, then, to the dogs, you continued, “welcome home, girls.”
Teddy wagged his tail happily from the bed, hopping down to greet the new dogs, and you were overjoyed to see them all getting along.  
Gizmo was not a dog. Well, he wasn’t an earth dog, at least. You and the Doctor had been on a planet in a universe you hadn’t even known existed when the two of you stumbled upon a pack of little creatures.  
They were babies, you could see.  
You’d never seen anything quite like them. They were tiny—like teacup chihuahuas, fluffy like them too. They were a bit bigger than palm sized, and you were sure they didn’t weigh much more than half a pound, if that. They almost... well, they kind of resembled dragons too. It was like an earth dog and a dragon procreated.  
Their colours were vibrant, an orange one with purple markings, a green one with red patches. One tri-coloured one, which was two different shades of blue with patches of white.  
They were rainbow chihuahua-dragon hybrids.
The babies flocked around you and the Doctor, attempting to crawl up your shins. They made little sounds of excitement, not quite a bark, but close enough, and you instantly fell in love with them.  
“Awh!” You swooned, kneeling down so the small creatures could finally make their way up you. You’d learned early on to only be afraid of things if the Doctor appeared to be afraid of it—or if it was threatening you with weaponry, or violence. The Doctor never really seemed afraid of that. “What are they?”
“Tricos,” the Doctor huffed, crouching down so he was lower, but not quite at an angle for the little creatures to crawl on him. “They’re easily domesticated creatures, but are more-so viewed as nuisances by the locals.”
You frowned, looking down at all the little faces. They didn’t act much different than puppies on earth would. “Why do the locals not like them? They’re like little dragon-dogs—look at how cute!” You grabbed the blue and white one under the arms and hoisted him up for the Doctor to see his face.
“Well,” the Doctor clicked his tongue, crinkling his nose at the little Trico, “They’re scavengers. Like earth raccoons and rodents. Besides, they don’t quite have the intelligence for violence, so they’re pretty low on the food chain. Some locals have domesticated them, but lots don’t want to put in the effort.”
“Well,” you stuck your bottom lip out in a pout, “I like them.”
“I know,” the Doctor’s smile was small, his hand reaching out to stoke one of the Trico’s backs, before he was standing up again, “well, c’mon then. We can stay here all day. There’s things to be done.”
You pouted, taking the Trico’s off your lap one by one, petting them before settling them on the ground before you were standing as well, ducting yourself off. You looked back at them, frowning as you waved before you followed after the Doctor.  
It was only when you were tucked away in your room that evening, surrounded by Teddy, Saidy and Hunny that you noticed the sweater you’d shrugged off and tossed onto your bed shift as if something was in it. You froze, watching the sweater move, as the dogs around you growled—Teddy being the only one confident enough to draw closer.  
Your heart stopped for just a second as Teddy sniffed the sweater, only to cry out in surprise as the little blue and white Trico’s head peeked out from under the folds of the sweater, tiny tail wagging against the weight of the sweater.
“You’re not supposed to be here,” you laughed away the fear, sliding off the bed to kneel beside the sweater. The Trico’s nose pushed into your cheek, before it gave you a lick like earth dogs did when they liked someone. “Have you been hanging on all day?” You asked, knowing the creature wouldn’t respond now that his attention was locked onto Teddy, who was reversing cautiously towards the girls.  
“It’s alright,” you hushed the dogs, offering your palm to the Trico; the little creature didn’t hesitate for a second before pulling himself up, tail whipping back and forth happily as he did so—and you could see a bit of the lack of intelligent the Doctor had mention, but it just warmed your heart. “It’s okay.”
The dogs took the evening to get used to the little Trico who you named Gizmo. You’s fallen asleep boxed in by German Rotties, with Teddy tucked against your side, and the tiny little Trico snuggled up on your chest.  
That following morning, you found a book on Trico knowledge and care instructions on your bedside table and whispered a hushed thank you to the TARDIS as you propped it open and read about the newest addition to your dog pack.  
After the Trico, you weren’t entirely sure how you’d managed to find Chloe, Bella and Cohen. They were a package deal, Chloe, an older Pitbull, who’d trailed behind you, hesitant but trusting all the same as if you gave off some kind of calming pheromone that attracted dogs in need. She walked slow with Bella and Cohen following behind her like ducklings.  
Bella was a French bulldog, and you weren’t entirely sure why someone would abandon such an expensive dog so young, but you’d taken her in easily. Cohen was the smallest of the three, a chihuahua mix that pressed in tight against the Pitbull.  
They were all strays down on earth, and you’d just happened to stumble upon them while the Doctor was chasing some alien criminal around for the safety of earth. You almost felt bad sneaking away to lead the trio of dogs into the TARDIS where she welcomed them with open arms, and three additional dog bowls, and a huge cushion that the three of them could curl up on.
“I knew you were up to something,” You spun quickly, mouth dropped in a hurried attempt to get something out as the Doctor stood with his arms crossed in the doorway, scowl on his face.  
Before you could say anything, your bedroom door slammed shut, much to your own surprise, and the Doctor’s as well, who you could hear jumping back in shock.
“TARDIS,” you gasped, attention shooting up to the ceiling.  
“(Y/N),” The Doctor’s voice travelled through the door, as the knob turned but wouldn’t open. “What in the world?”
You almost would’ve laughed if you weren’t busy ushering all the dogs into your adjoining bathroom and closing them in. You tried to make yourself look natural, standing awkwardly in front of your bathroom door, and it was only then that your bedroom door finally open, the Doctor stumbling in like it had pushed open as he’d been leaning on it.
“What,” he gasped out as he tried to regain his footings, “is going on here?”
“Nothing,” you squeaked out.  
You’d known that at some point you wouldn’t be able to hide the dogs anymore. You knew the Doctor was clever, and you were actually a bit surprised it had taken him this long to figure you out. But that didn’t mean you weren’t afraid that it was happening now—you'd been holding on the idea that it would happen eventually.
The Doctor stepped more into the room so he couldn’t be locked out again, where he eyed everything in your room, his gaze settled on the dog beds and food bowls. His gaze raised from the beds and dishes to your face, where his features were unreadable.  
He was a smart man, so he obviously knew what he was looking at when he asked: “what’s all this?”
You couldn’t seem to come up with a logical explanation besides the truth. But you still stuttered over your words.
“What’s in the bathroom?” the Doctor asked calmly, stepping closer to you, as you stepped back, blocking the bathroom door more urgently.
“W-what bathroom?” You asked dumbly, but to your surprise, the Doctor’s eyebrows shot up as he angled his head to look around you. You turned to look back at the door, stumbling away as you blinked at the now vacant bathroom entry. You gaped, glancing towards the ceiling before focusing back on where the bathroom should be.  
The TARDIS never ceased to amaze you.
The Doctor’s face was pressed into a look of uncertainty as he stared at where the bathroom door should be. It was the most shocked you’d seen the Doctor in all the time you’d known him. His gaze fluttered in your direction, where his eyes narrowed on your shoulder, “that’s a Trico on your shoulder.”
It wasn’t a question. You hand flew up, where it indeed settled on the tiny little creature. You groaned aloud as Gizmo made a similar noise. You should’ve known he was going to cling to your clothes as you tried to get them all into the bathroom—that was how he found himself a home here.  
“I knew I heard barking,” the Doctor’s eyes blinked rapidly like he was trying to understand, “and it certainly wasn’t him—” the Doctor’s gaze settled on the Trico, “what else do you have in here?”
You let out a long sigh, moving towards where the bathroom door should be. “The jig is up,” you called loudly, and almost immediately; the bathroom door was back. You ignored the mystified look on the Doctor’s face as you pulled the door open and the dogs all trotted out, barely batting an eye at the Doctor’s shock.  
“You’ve brought dogs into my TARDIS,” the Doctor had a distant look in his eyes, “my TARDIS helped you hide these dogs from me. How did you turn my TARDIS against me?”
“I didn’t turn her against you,” you huffed, voice bordering on annoyed, “she just has a soft spot for dogs, I guess.”
You instantly felt bad, swallowing before you mended your words, “it really did start with just one, and then... well, how can you say no to them? Look at their little faces. And... I think the TARDIS really likes them too, because she’s been helping me out.”
“You stole a Trico--”
“Hey!” You frowned, “technically, the Trico stole himself. I didn’t know he was clinging to my sweater when we returned, he was just there. Look... I’m sorry.”
The dogs had all mad their way up to the bed, laying and watching the exchange. The little Trico though, refused to move from your shoulder. “They all just needed a place to be, like... like I did too when you found me. Please don’t be mad.”
“I’m not,” the Doctor’s voice was low, “frankly, I’m just a bit confused about why the TARDIS is so keen on these pets.”
“She’s a dog person—err, uhm, a dog time and space machine?”
The Doctor let out a quiet laugh. “Yeah,” he agreed, “I suppose she is. She’s always had a soft spot for misfits.”
The Doctor doesn’t look unhappy, or upset. He looks thoughtful as his gaze sweeps over the dogs, lingering on both you and the Trico before he’d looking back to the earth dogs, “quite the collection.”
“Yeah,” you cleared your throat, “so, uh, can we... can we keep them?”
“How long have they been here?”
“Teddy- the uh, the little white one- has been here about a month. Since that earth visit.”
“A month,” the Doctor’s face scrunched up, almost in disbelief, “I don’t see why not then. I doubt I have to tell you they’re your responsibility, which I’m sure isn’t a problem considering they already have been for an upwards of a month, right?”
“The TARDIS has been helping too,” you remind, smile slowly crawling onto your face.  
“I’m only allowing this because the TARDIS is so keen,” the Doctor informs, but you can see through his words. He always has a hard time saying no to you, the TARDIS just sealed the deal for him. “You’re lucky I love you,” his gaze casts upwards and his smile appears a little crooked, “the both of you.”  
Trico is the name of the Last Guardian, who wasn’t quite the inspiration behind the hybrid alien dogs, but I was picturing them looking a bit like Trico as I was writing. Body wise, at least, and I’m awful at naming things, and thought Trico would be a cool species name :). I thought an alien dog would be fun, since they travel space lol
As always, if this wasn’t what you were looking for, feel free to prompt again! I hope you enjoyed, because I really enjoyed writing this one :D Thanks for taking the time to prompt, and to read my writing, it means a lot!
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sopeyb23-blog · 4 years
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*not my gif
Summary: Spencer gets out of jail and reunites with Y/N but is afraid he has changed too much.
Warnings: crying, angst, mentions of prison, mentions of injury (very minor)
words: 2.4 K
Pairing: Spencer Reid X Gn!Reader
A/N: its been a while so I thought I would write a single chapter thing to please the people. if anyone has any cool ideas for another single or even a multichap lmk, I would be happy to oblige.
*I do not own any CM characters.
I scurried around Spencer and I’s apartment hastily grabbing his old satchel and tossing a jacket into it. Even since he left for prison this was the only bag I would use, no matter how many things I had to carry I would only use his satchel. It was just a way for me to be with him even if I couldn’t really be with him. The first visit anyone from the team had with him he made them promise that they wouldn't let me go see him. He said he would call me when he could, and he did, or tried too, but after a week the calls stopped. JJ assured me that he was okay, she continued to see him once a week and would always call me and update me every chance she got, but it just wasn't enough. I needed to see him. 
So today, I woke up. I called the prison to let them know I would be visiting, and I packed up to leave. I was more nervous today than I was on the day he was put in there. That day I was so confident that he would be fine, I thought it was a cut and dry thing and he would be home for dinner that night, but he wasn't. Just as I put my hand on the doorknob to leave I heard a ring come from my phone inside Spencer's satchel. I looked down at it to see a picture of JJ holding Henry lighting up my screen in the dark of my apartment.
“JJ, hi, I was about to call you actually, well sort of, i'm on my way to see Spence and I know he didn't want me to come, but I think I have a way to get him out of there and I just need to be the one to tell him you know?”
She was silent on the other end for a second before taking a very deep breath.
“Y/N, he's here.”
“What do you mean he's here, are you at the prison?”
“No, Y/N, he’s at the BAU, he's been out for a day”
Right away my mind went to all sorts of places I knew it shouldn't. 
“Why didn't anyone tell me! What, does he not want to see me! Is he even okay?” I was screaming into the phone even though I knew it wasn't fair to her. Whatever this was, it wasn't JJ’s fault.
“Hey, hey! Don't go there, it wasn't like that I promise. As soon as we got him out we had to throw him into a case, he wanted to call you I promise but, Y/N, it was about Cat.”
“He was out for less than a day and that bitch tried to take him away from me again? Where is he, he couldn't have called me?”
“It wasn't just about Cat, it was about his mom, listen she's fine now, everything’s okay, but I need you to come get him from the BAU. he needs you to take him home. He needs you”
“I’m on my way”
It was those last three words that got me out of my head. Who was I to be angry at him when poor Spence had gone through so much. Still with his satchel on my shoulder I finally left our small apartment. Barely moved into before he was taken from me so abruptly. It just wasn't fair, the universe had it out for him I swear, first his mom gets sick, and then when he goes to help her he’s almost killed, and then he was convicted for something we all know he would never in a million years do, he won't even tell me what happened in there because it was so bad, and then he finally gets out, unbeknownst to me, is thrown into a case before he can even call, has to go back to that horrible women who tears him apart. Even just thinking about it makes me cry for him. He didn't deserve any of it. 
I wipe a few stray tears from my eyes as I step into the car and put his satchel on the passenger's side of the car. I look up at the picture of him I placed on the console and place it back in my bag, ever so ready to replace it with the real thing. 
“I'm coming Spence”
The drive from our apartment to the BAU is particularly long, but it seemed even shorter to me this time. Maybe I was speeding, who knows, but I was almost surprised when suddenly I found myself in the parking garage outside of their buildings, as if my brain had decided it wasn’t important to focus on driving when there was something more important to come.
I grabbed the brown satchel and threw it on my shoulder before running into the elevator and frantically pressing the level six button repeatedly. Spencer's voice in my head chuckled, you know that wont make it go faster, right? He's so close. I couldn't help the tears that started to fall again as I took shaky breaths to calm myself. I didn't know what sort of pain he was in right now, and it wouldn't be fair of me to make him have to take care of me. I wiped them off again as the elevator stopped on floor six. I waited impatiently for the doors to open and tears started again no matter how hard I wanted them to stop. And then the doors opened.
It was like I was seeing him for the first time all over again. He had obviously heard the elevator ding and began walking towards it as the doors were opening slowly. So when, finally, the doors were opened all the way he was facing me, battered and bruised and opening up the glass doors I had seen him behind many times before.  I was frozen as I looked at him. He was there, he was my Spencer but, different. I took one step out of the elevator before I just stopped breathing all together,. He walked toward me still with the whole team behind him, sorry looks on their faces. I finally unfroze and ran the distance to him, throwing myself into his arms. It startled him and he flinched but wrapped his arms around me automatically. 
“It's you,” I said in between sobs and he nestled his head into my neck.
“Its me”
I continued to cry as he held me. When I finally lifted my head from his shoulder I looked at his team, who were staring lovingly back at me. I looked at all of them and mouthed; thank you, before pulling back from Spencer to kiss him. His lips were chapped and mine were salty. But the love that he put into that kiss was more than I had ever felt from him. When we finally broke apart I clung to him as we walked into the elevator. The entire interaction was about ten minutes, all of which were just me crying as he held me. Ten minutes seemed like a lifetime to me.
In the elevator he was silent. He looked down at the floor, obviously deep in thought and I just started at him. The more I looked the more worried I became. For each second I looked at him I saw one more cut, one more bruise, one more scar that wasn't there the last time I saw him. Even though he didn't look up at me or even speak at all, he put a hand on the crook of my elbow like he always used to and held it tight for the entire walk back to the car. He still had a slight limp from the incident last week. It served as yet another reminder to me that the Spencer I’m with right now is not the same Spencer that i knew before. 
The drive home again felt short. He never spoke and neither did I, but I could feel his gaze on me as I drove, just trying to tell if I was really there. When we made it up the stairs to our apartment door he stood behind me and stared at the door. When I opened it with my keys and held it open for him he shook his head quickly as if trying to wake himself up from something and then finally walked inside. Every move he made was like he was afraid of hurting himself or me. 
“Go sit, i'll make you something to eat” 
I wasn't going to say it for fear of sounding like a grandmother, but he looked very thin. I mean I love my string bean boyfriend don't get me wrong, but this wasn't healthy.
I reheated him some Rossi pasta leftovers that I knew he would love before placing it in front of him at the counter. I sat on a stool beside him and got a comb to work through his hair. He ate tentatively but seemed to relax as I brushed through his hair. The comb did nothing so eventually I just worked my fingers through his curly locks, trying to bring more comfort than fix it.
That entire night we didn't speak at all. Well, he didn't. Every once in a while I would talk to him, just one sided things, i'll go clean up, why don't you get changed, let’s go to bed. And finally when we laid in bed I moved all the way onto his side and tried to have as much of me touching him as possible. He touched my back carefully, like he was afraid of breaking me. Eventually I fell asleep, but I don't know if he ever did. At some point I suppose he must have because he woke me up screaming. Rocking himself back and forth with glassy eyes and heaving. 
“Spence? Spencer, you're okay! Look at me hey,-” I moved so that I was sitting in front of him but was careful not to touch him.
“You're okay, i'm right here, it’s okay” the screaming stopped but the glassy look in his eyes stayed and he still cried and rocked back and forth. He looked so..pained. After he had stopped screaming I placed a tentative hand on his arm careful to do it slowly so I wouldn't startle him. He flinched and looked at me with terrified eyes.
“Don’t, please, don’t.” I took my hand away but started to cry.
“Spencer, you aren't going to hurt me, it's okay.” he shook his head and looked almost angry through his tears.
“You don't. You don't know that.” so that's what this was about.
“Of course I do. I know you, and you would never hurt me, I know that.” I was crying but trying to keep myself calm so i wouldn't startle him. 
“Do you know what I did today?” he raised his voice a little and his eyebrows pulled together.
“Did JJ tell you that she had to pull me off of Cat?”  i could feel my heart breaking into pieces, he wasn't just scared of hurting me for nothing, he had actually hurt someone.
“Did she tell you that I put my hands around her neck and shoved her against a wall? Did she tell you that I wanted to- no, that I would have killed her. If she wasn’t there to pull me off I would have killed someone. Did she tell you that?”
I sat there in shock not knowing what to say. She hadn't told me. 
“Spencer you had good reason, anyone who’s been through what you have would-”
“Would what? Kill someone?” 
“Spencer I know you wouldn't hurt me!”
“No, you don’t! Prison changed me, Y/N, i'm not the person you loved anymore!”
“Don't you dare say that! I love you Spencer! I love you now and I loved you then, you are the same person that I loved!”
“No. no i’m not. The Spencer that you fell in love with would never have done that. Would never have done this.”
He gestured to me, we were both crying fervently, covered in salty tears and snot. I was still sitting in front of him on the bed.
“Don't tell me that it didn't change me. It did. It did change me.”  
“Fine. it changed you. It also changed me. And you know how it changed us both?” I looked him dead in the eyes and placed a hand on his cheek wiping away a few tears.
“It made you more compassionate. More observant. It made you even more.. You. and it only made me love this new you more. So yes, yes it changed you, but that doesn’t mean I don't love you, that doesn't mean you are suddenly less deserving of love! I love you Spencer Reid, and I won't stop doing that just because you went through hell! You got out! And I am here! So why don't you just shut up and let me love you!”
He was silent for a couple of minutes after. We had both stopped crying. He placed a hand on my cheek just like mine was on his and looked me in the eyes with a small smile.
“Well, what's that for” I was still crying a little but when I heard him chuckle it took all of my tears away.
“Well, you told me to shut up and let you love me, so that's what I'm doing.” 
he laughed a little, but bit his lip after he said it, trying to make himself stop laughing. But as soon as he said it I started laughing. The both of us laughed at each other. Snot covered and torn apart, but somehow still laughing. 
“You know, I threw a book today” he laughed and pulled me into his chest where I looked up at him.
“A book? My goodness, maybe you aren't the same man after all!” I laughed at him and he shook his head as he smiled down at me. 
“Nah, same man, I felt really bad afterword and made Garcia order another copy” 
We both laughed and he kissed the top of my head. He slid down so we were both laying down in bed again. After a few minutes I noticed that his breathing was slow and steady. He was asleep. Peacefully asleep. I looked at him from his chest and with a small tear on my face kissed him on the cheek.
“I love you Spencer Reid. Always”
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infinitegalahad · 4 years
YOUR PROMPTS ARE OPEN!!!! 🥳🥳🥳 im so excited this time has come! you know i'll probably send a few but for my first i'd like to request #'s 33 and 50 from the fluff prompts with my dear shifty, of course. mucho love 2 u!
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Summary: Before your childhood friends Popeye and Shifty are shipped out, Popeye brings his new camera and decides to make some last minute memories. 
Word-Count: 1.9k 
Prompts: “can i keep it, the photo of us?” and “look at me.”
A/N: pearl, my love, my life-HI! your little request was beyond fun to write! this piece is short and sweet in (hopefully) all the right places-anything for you! shifty is our sweet sunshine boy and it was a pleasure to write for you. i hope you request more prompts soon my love-thanks you for being there for me. your messages always brighten my day. i hope you enjoy ❣️✨ 
Masterlist | Send In A Prompt!
It was the perfect day outside. In Virginia, it felt like summer all year round. But today was different-it was absolutely gorgeous. The sun shined bright as the heat burned down on your exposed shoulders with the sun making your skin become pink. The day seemed too perfect for it to end so soon.
You, Darrell, and Robert had been friends since the three of you were in diapers. You all grew up in a small tight-knit town; living down the same dirt road that went for miles on end, going to the same Sunday church and packed diner for pancakes and milkshakes, walked all over the train tracks, the three of you were conjoined at the hip. Wherever they went, you went with them.
Robert was the one who brought the group together. In second grade, Robert and Darrell had been playing during recess one day and saw you, sitting all by yourself with tears coming out of your big eyes and your hair and dress all covered in dirt. Darrell saw you and ran over. He didn’t know you, but he hated seeing other people sad-so not only were you crying, but Darrell burst into loud sobs, followed by Robert. When you had stopped crying, Darrell and Robert took you to their little play corner and got wet clothes, rubbing the dirt from your face. The boys in your school had been teasing you and kicked dirt in your direction, messing up the outfit your mama had made for you. While Darrell attempted to “make you pretty” again, he asked for your name and asked if you had any friends. Once you told him your name and that you had no friends, he said that he and Robert were your new friends from now on.
And they truly were.
Now the three of you we’re in your twenties-still living in that small town in Virginia. Each of you had changed in appearance. Popeye grew into his round-face, his thin hair receding, but his dimples and slurred accent still remaining the same. Shifty, well to you-he was handsome. He hadn’t changed one bit, but every day he got even more handsome to look at it. He grew from the sweetheart who cried with you in second grade to the boy who offered to take you platonically to prom since nobody was “in their right mind” to do so. The boy with the sun-tanned skin and comforting smile was your best friend and the love of your life. But how could you tell him? Almost every girl wanted him. Bless their hearts, but he was too shy for his own good-and so were you. Considering your experience with men, you decided it was best if you and Shifty would stay friends. The two of you had done some for nearly a decade. But as you got older, it got harder to contain those feelings. Whenever you looked at him, you felt like you were going to throw up your heart.
The three of you all believed that you would live in this town for the rest of your lives and until you were all old and real adults. But that all changed in an instant.
Robert and Shifty had signed up for the Paratroopers and we’re being shipped out to Toccoa early next morning. They had broken the news to you last night at Shifty’s house with his poor Ma, breaking into tears. Just like his ma, Shifty’s big eyes began to burst into tears, which made everybody cry. Whenever he got emotional, it always reminded you of a younger and more innocent Shifty, the one that never missed a single shot and loved nature. Your one, true friend who you could tell anything to, the one who knew your small quirks and deepest secrets. The one man that you loved more than anything in the world that was now slipping through your fingers.
In that very field you sat in, you stayed silent most of the time. Shifty had his rifles slung over his shoulders, donning light blue overalls as he and Popeye walked around, casually conversing about being Paratroopers. You hide behind the tall grass, slowly picking the petals off of a bright daisy, muttering to yourself. You watched his every move; his lips moving with a smile, his smooth skin glittering in the sun, and his chocolate brown hair becoming golden in the bright sun.
You had become so lost in your own little world that you didn’t even notice Shifty, standing right next to you. He poked your shoulder and saw you looked up with a confused face, progressing your surroundings.
“Y/n? You okay?” He asked, bending down with his hands on his knees. “You’ve been awfully quiet.”
You looked up and subtle smiled to cover up your sadness. “I am, Darrell. Just a little sleepy.”
Darrell held out a free hand in front of your face, “Well, you wanna with me just a little?
You silently responded and took his hand, which lingered for longer than you wanted it to. His hands had been so worked, his skin remained as soft as silk. His fingertips finessed against your palm. The two of you walked side by side as you walked side by side, the sounds of the wind blowing through the tall grass filling the silent void.
Darrell was a little concerned by your quiet behavior. You were normally very energetic about him and Robert, but you were as silent as a mouse today. It was your last time truly with him and for Robert for one month, one year, who knew how long they would be gone for. Darrell maybe would never see you again, the small town the two of you grew up in, your bright smile. He wanted to see that every single day; whether that be waking up to you in the morning or having a little piece of you overseas.
Darrell was very in touch with his emotions, unafraid to conceal them. His ma always taught him to be honest, and that’s what he did best. So when you were down, he had to fix it before it was too late.
“Y/n?” He said in a low tone, turning over to see you, unresponsive as you looked down at your fiddling hands. You were hurting, and it broke his heart to see what. “Can you tell me what’s bothering you?”
You were unresponsive as you kept your eyes down, your hands scrunching with the fabric of your flowy skirt. He had done nothing wrong-he never had done anything wrong to you ever. But it was hard to think that the next time you would hear from Shifty-it could be a military letter and announce that he had died a hero. Just another number in a never-ending war. And that you, a fool, never confessed how you felt to your childhood best friend.
Darrell stopped in his tracks and let out a soft sigh, tenderly grabbing your forehand to stop you as well. His free hand moved to the edge of your chin, gently tilting it sideways so you would make eye contact with him.
“Look at me,” Darrell politely requested, his voice shaky.
You followed his request and looked at him, seeing that he was fighting back tears. You weren’t the only one, which made you feel relieved and even sadder.
“Oh Darrell...you know if I start with my waterworks, you’ll be followed’ after,'' You remarked and let out a dry chuckle, masking the incoming tears. It was too late and a stray tear escaped from Shifty’s eye, his pink lips quivering as he was speechless.
Just like you had stated, two tears came from your eyes as you used a finger to wipe him away. “Told ya’ so. Look at us, just little kids.”
Darrell rested in your palm, rubbing against it like a cat would with a pillow. “Like it was yesterday. I remember washing the dirt from your cheeks so I could make you look pretty again. Don’t know why I ever said that-you still are pretty.”
You patted his cheeks as you lead his hands down into your own, squeezing them. Darrell and you stood in the open field, hands tangled with each other, the wind blowing against you as the grass tickled your bare feet. Not only did the humidity make you feel warm, but so did the growing heat in your cheeks.
“How do you tell someone you love them?” Darrell casually questioned to break the silence that was growing in the wind.
A smile crept on your face, “Just like your ma would say, you just gotta be honest with yourself.”
“Well, I think I love you. No, I don’t think. I know it.” Darell declared, holding your hands close to his chest. “I wanted to let you know. I didn’t wanna ever tell you.”
You tilted your heart and let out a dreamy sigh. “Oh, Darell...I…”
The sudden click and flash of a camera before blinded you and Shifty. You squint your eyes as they burned with flashes of white light as Shifty pulled you into his chest, his hands protectively resting on your lower back.
It was just Robert, holding his brand new camera over his eyes, his thin eyebrows raised and mouth wide open in shock. Instead of reacting, Shifty and you stayed close together, both red in the face along with Robert.
Robert took the photo out of the camera and shook it, tucking it into Shifty’s pocket. You opened your mouth to speak, but Robert beat you to it.
“I’ll leave you lovebirds to it,” Robert said as he turned around, walking away in a hurry, “I’ll see ya at the Power’s for supper-I hope.”
Once Robert had left, Shifty dug his fingers into his pocket to retrieve the photo. You leaned against his chest and observed the photo. Robert had caught the two of you in the middle of your confession, hands tangled as your eyes met. Both of you had smiles on your faces-and Darrell looked amazing-even if he was in black and white.
“That’s not a bad photo of you,” You complimented as you leaned into his nice smelling chest, “You looked handsome.”
“And you looked pretty-but you always do.” Shifty shot back, planting a kiss into your face. He observed the photo and then looked down at you to compare, a big smile appearing on his face like a child on Christmas morning. Shifty had found his answer, and it was not only right in front of him but in his fingertips.
“Can I keep it, this photo of us?” Darrell said in your hair as he shook the photo, “When I need a piece of home. I’ll give you my whole heart, anything you want, darlin’.”
You nodded your head, “Yes, you can. You don’t need to give me anything-but can I ask you something?”
“Yes, darlin’. Anything,” Darrell stated as he looked down at your adoringly. He looked like he wanted to give you the whole world in that moment, If he could have, he would have.
“We only got a night left together for a long time. Can we spend it all together? Just one night?”
Shifty flashed his bright smile and kissed each knuckle on your hand, leaving a small mark. “Yes ma’am.”
Once Shifty had neatly stored the cherished photograph of you into his breast project, the two of you grabbed each other's hands and walked down the gravel road, back to the Power’s residence for supper. You leaned against his shoulder, letting him lead you. Whenever Darrell had gone, you would follow along. You knew your last few hours together were short, but if it was your last time ever seeing Darell-you wanted to make the most of it.
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peculiarpatches · 4 years
𝒍𝒊𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒎𝒆 - 𝒂 𝒃𝒊𝒍𝒍𝒚 𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒈𝒓𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒔𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒔
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 I’ve had this idea for awhile and decided ‘fuck it’ let’s write it. This is the prologue, so, there’s not much other than the main source and description of what the story is going to be about.  I would post the full story here, however, I just want to make sure people actually like it before I put it out there, haha. Either way - I do hope you like it! If you do, please like, comment and HELL - give me a few suggestions for other stories or what you’d like to see if you find yourself, enjoying this story. Thank you very much for reading :) It means the world to me. Much love, always. - cierra. x 
SIDENOTE: This story will contain both angst and smut. it’ll also feature triggering topics (abuse, both emotional and physical) so please be cautious when reading! also, female reader and features she/her pronouns. 
~*~ *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~**~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Billy Hargrove. Bringing his name up in a conversation always brought one of two different reactions.  For the girls, it'd cause their cheeks to bleed red and they'd chew on their bottom lip and twirl their stray pieces of hair in between their fingers, murmuring how attractive he was and what they'd do if he were to ask them out. (What they'd do if they were alone with him in the back of his car, too. (Y/N) heard plenty of that scenario. Way too many details, if you were to ask her.  She still cringes when she thinks about Margaret Adams going into full story mode of what she'd do to Billy and what she'd like for Billy to do to her. Margaret was the definition of innocent. Went to church every Sunday, prayed without being told to, always carried a bible with her, would blush when a boy - male teachers, included - glanced in her direction. She was one of those girls. So, when she told (Y/N) what she'd love to do to Billy and vice versa, it was shocking, to say the very least. Of course, the moment the sentence (well.... several sentences) leaves her mouth, Margaret turned her head to the side averting  her gaze, but the sudden rosiness of her cheeks gave her away. (Y/N) could tell her  blush was burning  through her cheeks and her face  was feeling like a hot oven. 
She probably felt like a  sinner, saying all those foul words and using such dirty language like that...  
Oh, how she curses herself for not being able to stop herself from the sinful thoughts that corrupted her mind. 
(Y/N) practically felt the embarrassment clouding over from Margaret and hovering above her  as she attempted to hide her rosy cheeks behind her skinny fingers. (Y/N) had to fight back a laugh, even though it wasn't so funny to poor Margaret who was still blushing a beet-red and trying to pull her long, wavy brown hair to hide her burning cheeks. 
(It didn't work out and eventually, with a huff, Margaret gave up and dropped her hands at her sides.) "It's fine," (Y/N) reassured with a gentle smile. "I was just curious as to what people really thought about him. I'm new here too, you know?" She said with a shrug. "And although I may not be as pretty as Hargrove, I do wish I was given some attention he receives." She laughs, thankful Margaret found it funny as well as she had started to giggle.  
"I just wanted to know why people are so star struck over him, that's all." She explained. Margaret, this time, shrugged in reply.  "Not sure myself." She admitted, the red to her cheeks only growing deeper as she admits this statement. "He's something else, though, right?" Margaret continued.  "Sure." (Y/N) grinned, though it was far from a real, genuine smile. "Anyways, I've got to get to class but thank you." As she gets up to leave, Margaret is quick with an, "Oh! Hey... don't tell Pastor  Jason about what I said, okay?" "I promise. Your secret is safe with me.") When his name would be brought up with the same sex as he, there was mixed signals.  "I don't see the big deal of Hargrove." one spat.  "He's a cool dude, I guess." another spoke. "If he comes anywhere near Sabrina, I'm going to fight him, no matter where I am or how much trouble I'll get into, that's my girl and I'm not having Billy try and snatch her away." a jealous boy with the name Tyler said.   (In the end, as one comes to find out, Sabrina broke up with Tyler for Billy.)  (Billy and her didn't last.)  (His relationships never do.)  (It was a lose-lose situation for Tyler and Sabrina.)  Billy Hargrove.  From what I've seen myself, and from all the stories that I overhear in the school cafeteria, he's one Hell of a guy. Good and bad. There's two sides to every story, isn't there?   (There's more bad than good, so I've heard.)   This being said, that's what I've come to do — give a story to those curious about Billy Hargrove.  Who is he? Really? Behind that smirk he wears proudly against his lips — what goes on behind closed doors? (Other than the obvious hook up's.)  Does this man actually have a heart towards other people or does he only give a shit about himself? I have no idea. Nobody does.  I guess what I'm trying to say here is.... if nobody's going to ask questions, I might as well try and seek out the answers myself.  Nothing else interesting has happened in Hawkins, Indiana until Billy and his family have moved in.   It's Indiana, for fuck sake's. Not shit is interesting and the only entertaining thing that was going on was Billy and watching him from afar like he was the main character in a movie.  To Billy, more than likely, it was his world and we were all just his side characters, living in it.  Not anymore.  I've acted before. Won a few awards and ribbons for my acting skills, actually. (Not to brag.)  So, I can gladly pretend to love Billy Hargrove - the most  selfish and mysterious man  there  is in Hawkins, Indiana.  What's the worst that could happen?
Again, nothing else interesting happens in this town. Why not play pretend and see what he’s all about? 
Yes, I’m well aware too; Curiosity killed the cat. But, satisfaction brought it back. 
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simp-for-mha-men · 4 years
𝕔𝕒𝕦𝕘𝕙𝕥 𝕚𝕟 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕣𝕒𝕚𝕟 (𝕤𝕙𝕠𝕦𝕥𝕒 𝕒𝕚𝕫𝕒𝕨𝕒 𝕩 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣)
Request by @hermionie-is-my-queen​: Hey! Not necessarily a request, and kind of a scenario proposal: but imagine aizawa and reader adopted a cat a while back together, and the cat gets sick, or has to be put down, and it’s just some comforting fluff? Idk if this falls into the category of no angst so if it does instead maybe visiting a shelter to adopt a new kitty? Tysm anyway! Soft aizawa and soft kitties are my fav
A/N: Yes, yes, and yes! I am so in love with this whole idea. I took a little bit of inspiration from the English voice actor’s Tik Tok and from where I live for this one. School just started back up, too, so I’ll now be taking a bit longer to reply to requests. Sorry! Anyways, I really hope you enjoy it!
Genre: fluffy times with a rescue cat and your boyfriend, angst in the first half due to animal death 🌧️💜
Word count: 2.7k
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It had only been a month. One month ago, you lost your precious siamese cat, Willow. Your boyfriend, Shouta Aizawa, had given her to you once you moved into your first apartment together. She was a gift that kept on giving, whether it was hairballs or purrs. She kept you company through the day while your boyfriend was teaching his students, and you both would welcome him home with kisses and cuddles every day.
Aizawa loved Willow just as much as you did. You were both the lights in his life, and without you, he would feel incomplete. After the worst days at U.A., he could come home and feel at peace due to the loves of his life. It tore him up inside that Willow was gone, but he knew the loss broke you apart even worse than it did him.
He adopted Willow when she was 11. The shelter he went to, usually just to browse, was going to put her down just because of her age. Aizawa formed a bond when he looked into her ocean blue eyes. He knew that she would be perfect not only for him but for you as well. In a matter of minutes, the adoption papers were signed and finalized. A beautiful forest green bow was placed around her neck, and she was on her way to meet the better half of her new owner. The three of you were inseparable when home. Midnight cuddles and afternoon snacks were always a favorite among your little family. Despite you and Aizawa never talking about kids in your future, you felt like Willow was your daughter. It was true perfection and bliss. Sadly, it couldn’t last forever.
When Willow turned 13, she started acting strange. She began hiding around the house more, throwing up whenever she ate, and losing an excessive amount of weight. You decided a check-up was in order, and Aizawa whole-heartedly agreed. Praying for a fluke incident was what you did, but deep down, you knew that wasn’t going to be the case no matter how much you wished it to be. Her vet told you both that she had cancer and wouldn’t live much longer. This caused your world to come spiraling down.
How someone handles the five stages of grief depends on the person. For you, Willow was absolutely fine. You were in absolute denial. Over the two years you and Aizawa raised her, she was always healthy. There was absolutely no way that she could have cancer. Healthy cats don’t get cancer, right? You went about your life with Willow as if everything was normal. Aizawa tried to knock some sense into you, but you blocked it out. A week later, a certain piece of information triggered the second stage of grief.
Aizawa told you that he would be staying home to take care of Willow with you, since she was living her final weeks. Saying you were furious would be an understatement. You took your boyfriend onto the balcony and yelled at him for 15 minutes about how Willow was completely normal. You told him that everything was fine and that she would live longer than what the vet said. Seeing you were too stubborn to change, Aizawa refused talking to you about the matter but still took those extra days off. It lasted like this another week before another trip to the vet.
Once you got home that night, you found yourself on your knees next to the bed. You were praying to whatever deity was in the sky or under the ground to save Willow. You didn’t know if bargaining with the immortal was a sane idea, but you had entered the third stage. Aizawa watched you do this every hour of the day, it seemed. He heard you muttering to yourself in your sleep, begging for Willow’s safety. None of this worked, though. Two weeks after the visit, Willow was back at the vet to be put down for good.
The last month had gone by agonizingly slow. Your boyfriend was back at work, leaving you alone to your own devices. The depression had been the longest stage. You wondered to yourself if you would ever get to the acceptance part of the five stages. Nothing you did to try and clear your mind worked. You tried to write, draw, sing, and dance, but nothing seemed successful. Most days, you were confined to your side of your shared bed, sobbing your eyes out until they looked unusually red and puffy.
Losing an animal shouldn’t hurt this much. You had a cat when you were younger, and when she was put down, you were only upset for a week before understanding it was time to move on. Why did losing Willow hurt so much. The question plagued you day and night. You racked your brain trying to figure out why this pain wouldn’t subside. Why did it sting so badly? Why did the tears keep falling?
When you were starting dinner one evening, your boyfriend came home. He seemed to be in a good mood, which was strange for someone like him. He came around, gave you a quick peck on the cheek, and leaned against the counter next to the stove.
“How was your day, babe?” you asked, mustering up as much fake happiness as possible.
You flashed your lover a quick smile, hoping it hid the pain better than you thought it did. However, you had been dating this man for 3 years. He knew you all too well. Willow’s death had affected you so much, which caused him to mull over it for longer than expected. An animal’s death was, of course, sad, but people usually got over it quickly. Why was it taking you longer?
“Are you alright?” your boyfriend questioned, placing a hand on your upper arm.
Sighing, you answered, “Of course I am.”
“No, you’re not.”
“Yes, I am.”
You both began a waltz to avoid each other. You stood on the opposite side of the island, setting the places on the table for the both of you to eat. Right as Aizawa met you, you sauntered off back to the stove to turn off the burner. It went on like this for much longer while your words went at each other.
“No, you’re not.”
“Yes, I am.”
“(y/n)...you’re not.”
“Just shut up, ok?”
“Listen to me...”
Suddenly, a bright flash of lightning struck outside. The deafening boom from the sky sounded next. In a matter of seconds, a downpour began outside and inside the apartment. Your eyes were filled to the brim with tears. Aizawa froze, giving you time to finally realize why Willow’s death meant so much to you. It was right in front of you the whole time, but your ignorance caused blindness. Just as your boyfriend began to approach you, the tears and truth spilled over.
“She was like our baby,” you began. “Once I moved in with you, I was so scared that you would break up with me. Willow brought us together. No matter what had happened on a bad day, she would fix us back up. It’s like I lost a part of our relationship, Shouta.”
Aizawa was shocked to say the least. In actuality, Aizawa was completely caught off by your statement. He never knew you felt this way about Willow. He knew you had developed a close bond with the feline, but he should’ve noticed sooner the parental role you took for her. He felt like a terrible boyfriend. He felt like he should’ve found a way to keep Willow alive longer. He felt like her death was his fault.
“(y/n), I’m sorry I should’ve--”
Both of you came to your senses. Did you really just hear a meow? Had Willow come out of her grave to come back to you both? Aizawa looked at you, causing your tears to stop for a moment. Another flash of lightning struck, followed by the familiar thunder. Then, you heard it again.
Your brain was going crazy. You were already running on endorphins due to the sudden outburst you had at your lover. Now, you felt your fight or flight responses kick in. There’s no way there was a cat at your apartment. Sure, you lived in an area where an animal could get lost, but a stray cat would never be near your complex.
Taking a deep breath in, you tried to calm your nerves. Silently cursing your boyfriend’s senses, you heard him shuffling over to you. He placed his hands on your hips and kissed your forehead. Aizawa felt guilty. He knew that a cat wouldn’t be outside in this weather, especially if it was a stray. It was just his mind playing tricks on him. His guilty conscience was in full force, or maybe it wasn’t?
“Ok,” you said, slowly tilting your head up to meet your boyfriend’s gaze. “Please tell me you’re hearing the meowing, too.”
“It’s real?” Aizawa asked, gazing at you with confused eyes.
Shaking your head, you slithered out of his arms. Despite your mind telling you this was a bad idea, you decided to stick with your sudden plan. You were going to check outside. You didn’t know what you would find, but it was worth the risk. Wherever this cat was, you had to find it. You weren’t doing this for you, however, but for Willow.
Placing your hand on the front door knob, you unlocked it and slowly opened it just a little bit. That’s when you saw it. A beautiful tabby cat sat on your front mat, meowing to its heart’s content. It was drenched, laying against the door in search of some warmth. The poor little angel was shivering, but it looked up upon sensing your presence.
“Well, hello there,” you greeted, opening the door wider.
You bent down and sat on your knees, cooing the little creature forward. Taking your invitation, it sauntered over to you. Once your hand made contact with its back, the cat began rubbing its wet body all over your leg. Laughing slightly, you turned to look at Aizawa.
He was staring at you with true adoration in his eyes. He knew from the moment he met you that you were the one, but this tender moment between you and a stray cat solidified that even more. It was perfect. You were perfect. Despite the past month, he realized what this new stray would mean to you immediately. Willow sent him or her as a gift from heaven. That much had to be true. It was her way of saying that everything would be alright.
“I’ll get some food and water for the little one,” Aizawa said, walking over to first close the door.
“Make sure to get a towel first,” you replied. “I don’t want this poor baby getting sick from being to cold. Right, sweetie?”
The cat gazed at you with thankfulness in its eyes. You felt much different than you had just a few minutes ago. You were no longer sad about Willow. Instead, you were happy her pain had ended when it did, even if it wasn’t in the best way. Somehow, this little stray just happened to choose your doorstep. Your heart was starting to feel whole again. That’s how you came to a simple conclusion: this was fate. The stage of acceptance was finally in your sight.
You and Aizawa resumed your waltz around the kitchen, but this time, things were much different. It felt like the day Aizawa first brought Willow home. You immediately took on the role of the parent, watching your new friend’s every move to make sure it didn’t hurt itself. Once Aizawa brought you a towel, you sat on the couch and began drying off the cat. You discovered during this that you had found an adorable little boy, proud and frisky from his recent adventure.
Aizawa set the food and water out, luring the tabby out of your lap and to the kitchen. He lapped everything greedily, only further confirming that this was indeed a stray. Walking over to your boyfriend, you stopped once you reached his side.
“I’m sorry,” you began, lacing your fingers with his.
“Oh, don’t be,” he replied, smoothly changing the position you both were in so he could snuggle your neck. “I should’ve taken off time from work and been there for you. It was wrong of me to think our lives would go back to normal.”
“But, still..”
“(y/n)...just let me hold you.”
You did what he asked. You let him wrap his arms around you as you both watched your new boy. Unspoken between the two of you was what was going to happen with your newfound cat: you were going to keep him. Of course, he would need to pay for his shots, a proper bath, and new amenities, but that was a thing for the future. Aizawa knew you would bring it up tomorrow morning, worrying about it profusely, and you knew Aizawa would tell you to stop worrying so much, peppering your face in kisses as a distraction.
Once the cat was finished eating, he walked over and began rubbing himself against Aizawa’s leg. Realizing he needed to be warmed up, you reached down and picked him up. He clearly enjoyed being showered in attention and didn’t pull away when you both began talking to him.
“What do you think?” Aizawa questioned.
You knew what he was talking about: his name. Despite only finding this cat outside of your doorstep 20 minutes ago, you both knew this was his new forever home. The name was an important part of claiming a pet, which you made sure to educate Aizawa about before naming Willow. This, however, wasn’t a tough decision like Willow’s name.
“I was thinking Thunder,” you replied softly, gazing into your lover’s eyes.
He hummed in response, alerting you that he liked that name. You purposely chose that name due to the circumstances you found him in, but you also had an ulterior motive. You eventually wanted to get another cat and name it Lightning. Why? Easy answer: why not?
Suddenly, your boyfriend let go of your waist. Turning around, you noticed he began walking off to the bedroom. It was only 7:30, but, of course, your lover was already exhausted. That was one of the qualities you loved about him, though. He could always fall asleep easily.
“You didn’t eat dinner,” you called after him.
“I know,” he replied in a low voice, “but wouldn’t you rather fall asleep with the man you love?”
His words made you blush, but he wasn’t wrong. With Thunder in your arms and dinner long forgotten, you made your way over to your bedroom. Upon entering, you saw your boyfriend was already laying down and waiting for you to join him. You placed Thunder on the bed and went to lay down next to your lover. He placed his arms around you, making you fell safe and secure before someone interrupted you both.
Thunder began slowly crawling up to lie in between you. Chuckling, Aizawa left a little bit of room between your bodies for your new baby to curl up between you both. It felt natural. It felt like home again. It was just you, your boyfriend, and your cat. Willow, you could tell, was smiling down from heaven. You knew she could be fully at peace now knowing you were happy.
“I love you so much,” you mumbled to your boyfriend, allowing your eyes to close.
“I love you, too, kitten,” Aizawa replied, drifting off to sleep and allowing your breaths to match one another.
This was home. This was family. This was perfection for the both of you. Now, Aizawa went to bed with a single question on his mind. It was quite simple but also heavy. When was he going to place that wonderful ring on your finger?
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606writings · 4 years
Ello! Not sure if your requests are open or not, but if they are could I request a MLQC Gavin and Victor scenario (separately) where it has their reaction to MC finding a newborn kitten stray just laying in the middle of the road and has been using their paychecks for the vet bills and such? Same thing happened over here at my house and the poor thing is riddled with worms and ticks. Stay safe!
SC: Stray kitten [Victor]
A/N: Part 2 with Gavin is here!💛 Btw this happened to me too, but instead the kitten couldn’t move or feel one of his legs and we took him to several vets to see what was wrong and no one gave us a proper answer, currently the cat still can’t move his leg but he’s happy and healthy!🥺 But back to this thing! Hope you enjoy!:)
Genre: Kind of fluffy...?
Warnings: None
Word count: 1,144
On a sunny and bright day, Victor and you were walking through the park on a date, when you suddenly noticed a small and scared kitten laying exactly in the center of the road, with cars passing over, every time almost hitting it with the tires.
“Victor!” You shouted panicked, pointing to where the kitten was. “Look!”
He followed your finger with his sight and instantly spotted the small furball struggling to stay in his place. Victor was just about to say something when you ran into the street without giving it a second thought.
But you could only think of the scared and fragile creature right in front of you, and that you were the only one who could help it.
And as if it were magic, the moment you stepped into the road everything surrounding you froze. You looked back towards Victor and he had an angry face while approaching you.
“How can you be so imprudent and careless?” He claimed with a rough tone.
Instead of answering, you hurriedly took the kitten into your arms and covered it so he wouldn’t be scared after Victor made the time back to normal.
“Thank you…” You said ashamed when you got back on the sidewalk, with Victor following behind you still mad at your rash actions.
“Why did you do that? It was such a foolish thing to do.”
“But it was worth it…” You replied looking down at the little thing resting in your arms, smiling relieved. “He could’ve died there; it needed some help…”
Even though Victor was still a bit mad, he was moved by your pure intentions and your honest concern. So, he dropped the nagging for once and helped you take the kitten home.
A few days passed and you had decided to take care of the kitten and adopt him. You were always busy trying to look for meds and all the things a newborn kitty could need, even taking it to the vet several times a week due to its weak immune system and constant health problems arising every now and then.
And this was one of those days, you were running late already to a meeting with Victor at his office, with a report in hands ready to be reviewed by him.
Earlier that day you were worried because the kitten wasn’t eating properly, and you took him to the vet to check on him and found out it was pretty much plagued with worms. So, you had to buy some meds, and before you could notice it was already time for your meeting with your very strict boss.
You barely arrived before it was too late for the meeting to proceed, since he always cancels every appointment that runs more than 10 minutes late. Victor was merciless with everyone, and his girlfriend was no exception for him.
“Come in.” He replied with a cold tone when you knocked at his door before entering nervously.
“I’m so sorry for being late, but I have everything ready to do my report right now.” You said handling him the papers you were carrying.
He didn’t say anything and just started reading through them.
“Why are you late?” He asked out of nowhere without taking his eyes off the papers. “You’re careless and dumb, but you’re never late to a meeting.”
“Umm, I… I took the kitten to the vet… Sorry.”
Victor stopped reading and raised his sight to place it back on you.
“Why? Did something happen?” He asked slightly confused.
At first, your boyfriend was against you adopting the kitten since he thought it would be too many responsibilities for you to handle, however he still supported you on your decision and at the bottom of his heart, he showed concern for the newborn.
“Oh, no, no. I was worried because he wasn’t eating properly and turns out he has worms, but it’s normal since it’s a stray baby, and I already got him enough meds…” You answered.
“But didn’t you take him to the vet the other day…?”
“Yes, I have to take him a few times a week and make sure he’s making some progress.”
Victor stood still in his chair while looking at you frowning. After a few seconds of heavy silence, he suddenly spoke with a suspicious voice:
“How much money have you spent on that?”
You stirred in your place taken aback by the question, already expecting an angry reaction from him.
“I—I’m not sure… I visited the vet a couple times the past two weeks, plus the meds…”
Victor sighed and shook his head slowly, you thought he was about to give you a sermon but instead he grabbed his phone and searched something in it.
“W—What are you doing…?”
His only response was:
“There’s a Care Center where you can leave the cat while you’re working, they have a vet in charge so if he needs attention, a professional is right there.”
You stared quietly at him shocked by his suggestion. He was actually worried about you, more than the kitty, at the moment and you knew that, and internally thanked him for it.
“If he stays there you won’t have to take him to the vet, and they will make sure the kitten takes all his medicines on time. That way you can get your work done, sounds fair?” Victor talked at the same time he started writing a number and a direction in a piece of paper, and then giving it to you. “I’ll take care of the bill.”
You were wordless. Surely Victor was worried about the kitten’s health and always helped you, but you weren’t expecting something like that from him.
Your look of amazement made him embarrassed and self-aware, so he cleared his throat and covered his mouth with a hand.
“I’m only doing this so it doesn’t affect your work.” He excused himself poorly.
“Thank you, Victor! I lov—” You coughed interrupting your own words when they almost slipped from your lips, and corrected yourself with a wide smile. “Thank you, boss!”
He laughed and got up walking towards you.
“You should’ve told me you were struggling to take care of this matter.” He spoke, placing his right hand in your cheek to caress it gently.
“It’s my responsibility! I should be able to do it…”
“Dummy.” Victor tapped your forehead with his middle finger to annoy you. “Don’t forget I’m not only your boss, but your boyfriend too. You can count on me for anything, anytime.”
Before you could even react, he pressed his lips over yours in a tender kiss to put emphasis on his words, reminding you with that sweet gesture how lovable can your boyfriend be. And when he broke the kiss, he said:
“Let’s go pay a visit to that place I talked you about.”
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cardest · 3 years
Tennessee playlist
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I’m going to Memphis! This is the mighty Tennessee - Memphis & Nashville playlist. You can’t tell the story of rock n roll without mentioning Memphis. Mississippi and Nashville, such a great history of music in this region. Chuck D hits things off with the ultimate introduction. Hit play here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-iHPcxymC1_X9nesbW37-9FNLiJWOQ1f
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This playlist has it all. Soul, blues and rock n roll. We take a journey back to the beginning of country as well, with Nashville and finish up at Dollywood. Hope you dig it.
Tennessee - Mississippi - Arkansas
001 Henry Rollins & Chuck D - Rise Above 002 Clutch -  Devil & Me 003 Paul Simon - Graceland 004 Isaac Hayes - Memphis Trax 005 Scott Walker - Thats How I Got to Memphis 006 AC/DC - let there be rock 007 Johnny Cash -  Country Boy 008 Chuck Berry -  Back To Memphis 009 Jay Reatard - Gree, Money, Useless Children 010 Lukah - Black Dragon 011 King Curtis - Memphis Soul Stew 012 Rosetta Howard & the Harlem Hamfats - Delta Bound 013 Nots - In Glass 014 Pere Ubu - Memphis 015 Loretta Lynn - The Pill 016 Howlin Wolf - Smokestack Lightnin 017 Rory Gallagher - The Mississippi Sheiks 018 Crime and the City Solution - Streets Of West Memphis 019 River City Tanlines - Met You Before 020 Johnny Cash - Going To Memphis 021 Al Green - Get Back Baby 022 Kim Salmon & The Surrealists - The Zipper 023 Booker T & the MG - Melting Pot 024 Pussycat - Mississippi 025 Boswell Sisters - Roll On, Mississippi, Roll On 026 Aretha Franklin   - Muddy Water 027 The Cramps - Garbageman 028 HASH REDACTOR - Good Sense 029 Optic Sink - Personified 030 Angry Angles - Blockhead 031 Big Star - Thirteen 032 Memphis Jug Band -  Going Back to Memphis 033 North Mississippi AllStars - K.C. Jones (On The Road Again) 034 Bass Drum Of Death -  Bad Reputation 035 Today Is the Day -  The Devil's Blood 036 Walk the Line Soundtrack- Get Rhythm 037 Jack White -  Temporary Ground 038 Jerry Lee Lewis - A Damn Good Country Song 039 The Homemade Jamz Blues Band - Rumors 040 Saving Abel - Pine Mountain (The Dance of the Poor Proud Man) 041 The Oxford Circle - Foolish Woman 042 Bobbie Gentry - Greyhound Goin' Somewhere 043 Reigning Sound - A Little More Time 044 NINA SIMONE - MISSISSIPPI GODDAM! 045 Laurie Anderson - Hiawatha 046 Glen Campbell - Burning Bridges 047 Dolly Parton - Hillbilly Willy 048 Elvis Presley - Guitar Man 049 Blue Oyster Cult - Divine Wind 050 Sammy Hagar - Halfway To Memphis 051 Izzy Stradlin   - Memphis                       052 Johnny Cash -  Run Softly, Blue River 053 Iron Horse - Unchained 054 The Cramps - Human Fly 055 Faces - Memphis 056 Jack Oblivian - Rat City 057 The Cooters - Bustin' Loose 058 Mott the Hoople - All The Way From Memphis 059 Dusty Springfield -  Breakfast in Bed 060 Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Tupelo 061 Chicago - Blues In The Night             062 Crossin Dixon - Guitar Slinger 063 Strummin' With The Devil - And the Cradle Will Rock 064 Stray Cats -  Can't Go Back to Memphis 065 Elvis Presley - Suspicious Minds 066 Suzi Quatro - Can't Trust Love 067 Lost Sounds - There's Nothing   068 Ike & Tina Turner ~ River Deep, Mountain High 069 Neil Diamond - Memphis Flyer 070 Julien Baker - hardline 071 The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion - Memphis Soul Typecast 072 Isaac Hayes  - Groove-A-Thon 073 Otis Clay - Trying To Live My Life Without You 074 Tim McGraw - Don't Mention Memphis 075 Eric Burdon & War - Blues For Memphis Slim 076 Homemade Jamz Blues Band - Blues Train 077 Sweet Knives - I DON'T WANNA DIE 078 Cream - Four Until Late 079 Grateful Dead - Golden Road 080 Huey Lewis and the  NEWS - Function At The Junction 081 The Cramps - I Was A Teenage Werewolf 082 Jesse Winchester_ The Brand New Tennessee Waltz 083 Dorsey Burnette - Tall Oak Tree 084 Field Music - Time In Joy 085 Jay Reatard -  Blood Visions 086 The Rolling Stones - Honky Tonk Women 087 Quintron & Miss Pussycat  - Block the comet 088 Al Green - Let's Stay Together 089 The Mountain Goats - Getting Into Knives 090 Johnny Cash -  Tennessee Flat Top Box 091 Robert Pete Williams & Robert “Guitar" J. Welch - Mississippi Heavy Water Blues 092 MARY JAMES - MAKE THE DEVIL LEAVE ME ALONE 093 Ministry - Mississippi Queen 094 U.S. Bombs - Rocks in Memphis 095 Nazareth - Jet Lag 096 The Bar-Kays - Holy Ghost 097 Ty Segall - Despoiler Of Cadaver 098 His Hero Is Gone - Like Weeds 099 Jerry Lee Lewis - Memphis Beat 100 Generation X =  King Rocker 101 The Doobie Brothers - Wild Ride 102 Bad Company - Whiskey Bottle 103 Black Stone Cherry - When The Weight Comes Down 104 Buddy Miles - Memphis Train 105 Memphis Slim - Rockin' The House (Beer Drinkin' Woman) 106 David Clayton Thomas  - Wish The World Would Come to Memphis 107 Lost Sounds - Better Than Somethings 108 Alice Cooper - Ubangi Stomp 109 Tom Waits -  Don't Go Into The Barn 110 Hank Snow - Music Makin' Mama From Memphis 111 Phil Ochs - Heres to the State of Misssippi 112 Reigning Sound  - Your Love Is A Fine Thing 113 Pixies -  Letter to Memphis 114 Bob Dylan - Stuck Inside of Mobile with the Memphis Blues Again 115 The Colorblind James Experience - Considering A Move To Memphis 116 B.B.King - Rock Me Baby 117 Carla Thomas - B-A-B-Y 118 Aquarian Blood - A Love That Leads To War 119 Nights Like These - Scavenger's Daughter 120 Rufus Thomas - Walking the Dog 121 Clutch -  The House That Peterbilt 122 Lyal Strickland - O Arkansas 123 Don Bryant - How Do I Get There 124 The Sensational Barnes Brothers - Trying To Go Home 125 Squirrel Nut Zippers - Memphis Exorcism 126 Faster Pussycat - Tattoo 127 The Rolling Stones - Memphis Tennessee 128 Alcatrazz -  Sons And Lovers 129 Evil Army - Violence And War 130 Deep Purple - Somebody Stole My Guitar (Purpendicular 11) 131 Dwight Yoakam - Guitars, Cadillacs 132 UFO - Natural Thing 133 Thunderbridge Bluegrass Boys - Tennessee 134 Confederate Railroad - Queen of Memphis 135 The Box Tops - The Letter 136 Jerry Lee Lewis - Night Train To Memphis 137 Reverend John Wilkins - Trouble 138 Phil Lynott - Kings Call (feat. Mark Knopfler) 139 Old Crow Medicine Show - Motel in Memphis 140 Candy Lee- Here in Arkansas 141 Pharoah Sanders - You've Got To Have Freedom 142 Molly Hatchet - Mississippi Moon Dog 143 Rwake - Crooked Rivers 144 CARL PERKINS & PAUL SIMON - A Mile Out Of Memphis 145 Eddie Floyd - Knock On Wood 146 Al Green - Talk to me 147 Mush - Eat the Etiquette 148 PJ Harvey - Memphis 149 EX-CULT  - Clinical Study 150 Isaac Hayes  - Mans Temptation 151 Lil’ Jon & Eastside Boyz - Rep Yo City 152 Rufus Wainwright - Memphis Skyline 153 Stray Cats - 18 Miles to Memphis 154 Amasa Hines - Earth and Sky 155 Joe Henderson -  Back Road 156 Bastard Sons of Johnny Cash - Memphis Woman 157 Norma Jean - Memphis Will Be Laid To Waste 158 Fess Parker - Ballad of Davy Crockett 159 Assjack -  Redneck Ride 160 Brother Andy & His Big Damn Mouth - Social Lube 161 The Replacements - Alex Chilton 162 Ann Peebles - The handwriting is on the wall 163 The Highwaymen -  Big River 164 The Cult - Memphis Hip Shake 165 STEVE EARLE -  Hillbilly Highway 166 The BO-KEYS featuring OTIS CLAY -Got To Get Back 167 Rush - Tom Sawyer 168 Class Of '55: Memphis Rock & Roll Homecoming - Birth Of Rock And Roll 169 Hank Williams Jr - Memphis Belle 170 Sam Moore & Dave Prater - Soul Man 171 Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark - Bloc Bloc Bloc 172 Kenny Rogers & The First Edition  - Just Dropped In 173 Linda Heck - pictures of dead people 174 Carla Thomas - Sugar 175 Three Mafia 6 - Mystic Stylez 176 Osborne Brothers- Rocky Top 177 The Beverly Hillbillies Theme Song 178 Wilson Pickett - Barefootin' 179 Dolly Parton - Jolene 180 Charlie Daniels - long haired country boy 181 The Civil Wars - From This Valley 182 Jill Jack - Gettin' On In Memphis (The Elvis Song) 183 Huckleberry Finn and His Friends - Opening title 184 Dead Cross -  Skin of a Redneck 185 Johnny Cash - I Never Picked Cotton 186 Old Crow Medicine Show -  Wagon Wheel 187 Isaac Hayes  - That love feeling 188 Aretha Franklin - I say a little prayer 189 Little Milton - What Do You Do When You Love Somebody 190 Howlin' Wolf - Spoonful 191 Weird Al" Yankovic - Money For Nothing / Beverly Hillbillies 192 The Oblivians - I'll Be Gone 193 OT Sykes - Stone crush on you 194 The Mad Lads  - Come closer to me 195 The Box Tops - Choo Choo train 196 Bobby Blue Bland - dreamer 197 Wanda Jackson - Rip It Up 198 Junior Parker - Love Ain't Nothin' but a Business Goin' On 199 The Nightingales ft. Tommy Tate - Just a Little Overcome 200  The Louvin Brothers - Satan is real 201 Overture "Big River" - (1985 Original Broadway Cast) 202 Ike & Tina Turner - Shake 203 Playa Fly - fly shit 204 Adia Victoria - Different Kind Of Love 205 Grateful Dead - Tennessee Jed 206 Red Hot Chili Peppers - Backwoods 207 Otis Redding - Tennessee Waltz 208 Nashville Pussy - The Late Great USA 209 The Paperhead - The true poet 210 Tomahawk - South Paw 211 Night Beats - Her Cold Cold Heart 212 Forest of Tygers - human monster 213 LOSS - All Grows on Tears 214 Charlie McCoy - Wayfaring Stranger 215 Dick Stusso - Modern Music 216 Eddie Noack - Aint the Reaping Ever Done 217 Jason & the Scorchers - Greetings From Nashville   218 Jasmin Kaset and Quichenight - A Single Right Word 219  Gospel Keynotes - Give Me My Flowers 220   WEEN - Scrape the Mucus off My Brain 221 Shannon Shaw - Broke My Own 222 The Jesus Lizard - Blue Shot 223 Eddy Arnold    - Tennessee Stud 224 Clutch - Pure Rock Fury 225 Today Is The Day -  Who Is The Black Angel? 226 Hank Williams Jnr - Tennessee River 227 The Dead Weather -  Bone House 228  Every Mother's Nightmare - Long Haired Country Boy 229 Motley Crue - She goes down 230 Waylon Jennings - Tennessee 231 Dolly Parton - Down On Music Row 232 Jello Biafra & Mojo Nixon - Lets Go Burn Ole Nashville Down 233 The Byrds - Nashville West 234 Sharon Van Etten - Every Time the Sun Comes Up 235 Bill Anderson ~ More Than A Bedroom Thing 236 Dottie West - Route 65 To Nashville 237 Intruder - The Martyr 238 Johnny Cash - Smiling Bill McCall 239 Lynard Skynyrd - Workin For MCA 240 The Everly Brothers  - Nashville Blues 241 Nancy Sinatra & Lee Hazlewood - Elusive Dreams 242 Nashville Bluegrass Band - Im Gonna Love You 243 Ringo Starr - No-No Song 244 Hank Williams - Hey, Good Lookin' 245 The Lovin Spoonful - Nashville Cats 246 They Might Be Giants - James K. Polk 247 Commander Cody  -  Back To Tennessee 248 Wanda Jackson - Shakin' All Over 249 Nitty Gritty Dirt Band - Grand Ole Opry Song 250 Tomahawk - Flashback 251 Megadeth -  Dystopia 252 Dolly Parton -  Train, Train 253 The Clovers - One Mint Julep 254 Trampled By Turtles - Whiskey 255 Tom T. Hall - Nashville is a Groovy Little Town 256 Muddy Waters - I am the blues 257 Foo Fighters - Congregation 258 Pavement - Strings Of Nashville 259 Joe Ely - Tennessees Not The State Im In 260 Waylon Jennings - Nashville Bum 261 The Charmels - As Long As I Got You 262 Eve Maret - Do my thing 263 SABATON - 82nd All the Way 264 Halfway To Hazard - Welcome To Nashville 265 Nashville Pussy - Go Motherfucker Go 266 Indigo Girls - Nashville 267 Snarls - Walk In The Woods 268 Steeler - Cold Day in Hell 269 Strummin' With The Devil  - Jamies Cryin' 270 spazz gummo love theme 271 The Cramps - Cornfed Dames 272 Saxon -  Solid Ball Of Rock 273 Al Green - Tired of Being Alone 274 Soul Friction - It's Out Of My Hands 275 Today Is the Day - Wheelin' 276 Jackie Lynn - Odessa 277 The Jesus Lizard - Nub 278 Bully - Where To Start 279 Sonny Boy Williamson II - Lonesome Cabin 280 Tomahawk - God hates a coward 281 The Louvin Brothers - Knoxville Girl 282 Tom Waits - Jitterbug Boys 283 The Evil Dead Soundtrack  - Bridge Out 284 Wanda Jackson - Thunder On The Mountain 285 Elvis Presley - Where Do I Go From Here 286 Booker T & the MGs - Back Home 287 Ezra Furman & the Harpoons - American Highway 288 Joe Ely - dream camera 289 Assjack - Tennessee Driver 290 Nashville Pussy  - We Want A War 291 Dwight Yoakam - A Thousand Miles From Nowhere 292 Hank Williams, Jr. - Knoxville Courthouse Blues 293 ZZ Top - My Head's in Mississippi 294 Nitty Gritty Dirt Band -  Honky Tonkin' 295 Dead Weather - Die by the Drop 296 The Black Belles - What can I do 297 Dolly Parton  - Cowgirl And The Dandy 298 The Secret Sisters  - I've Got a Feeling 299 Justin Townes Earle - Aint Got No Money 300 Tomahawk - M.E.A.T 301 Jex Thoth - The Places You Walk 302 Bill Carter - Road To Nowhere 303 Bill Dees (Roy Orbison back vocals) - Tennesse Owns My Soul 304 Karen Elson  - The Ghost Who Walks 305 The Who - Whiskey Man 306 Hank Williams III - Crazed Country Rebel 307 The Lost Sounds - I Get Nervous 308 Big Star - September Gurls 309 ZZ Top - Whiskey n Mama 310 Johnny Cash - God's Gonna Cut You Down 666 Isaac Hayes - Hyperbolicsyllablecsesquedalymistic
Hit play: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-iHPcxymC1_X9nesbW37-9FNLiJWOQ1f
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rpmemesbyarat · 4 years
RP Meme from Oliver & Company
Now, it's always once upon a time in New York City.
It's a big old bad old tough old town.
Let me have one, please.
Right away, you're making time and making friends
If they pick you out, you're on your way.
Get out there and go and try.
Why does nightfall find you feelin' so alone?
Dreaming is still how the strong survive
Keep your dream alive.
Got to look out and open your eyes,
You're in the fast lane
What's the matter with you? I said get outta here.
I don't eat cats. It's too much fur.
I've been watching you, and I think you're in serious need of some professional guidance.
I'm an expert at these things.
All you gotta do is learn some moves.
This city's got a beat.
When are we gonna get those hot dogs?
I hate to break it to ya, but the dynamic duo is now the dynamic uno.
Our partnership is herewith dissolved.
You're not being fair!
Fairs are for tourists, kid.
Consider it a free lesson in street savoir faire
Hey, wait! I helped you get those! Half of those are mine!
Why should I worry? Why should I care?
I got street savoir faire
You can wear the crown!
Everything goes.
Everything fits.
They love me at the Chelsea, they adore me at the Ritz!
Stop that racket! I'm trying to watch this show.
Shut up, you little rodent.
Come on, let's watch some boxing. I wanna see some action
You think this place is big enough?
What we need is some good quality stuff
Oh, shredded leather.
You insulted my pride! That means death!
It was your turn to get the food today!
You remain our preeminent benefactor.
It was tough. Only I could have done it.
I love a story with food in it.
Enter the opposition.
Gang war! Gang war! Watch out! Here comes a gang war!
Take cover!
It's just a cat.
I followed this dog.
He's lying! He's lying! He's lying! He's lying!
Oh, boy! Dog pile!
Don't let me down!
What do you got?
Let's see what you got.
I was just on my way out.
Actually, I've got something much better than money.
Some luxury items that should make a considerable dent in my debt to you.
Oh, my! You waxed your car, didn't you? Did they use the buffer on it, because I can see myself.
I don't think you grasp the severity of the situation.
Now, I lent you money and I don't see it.
People like you get hurt.
I can't figure out why you'd rather hang around a dump like this when you could be living uptown with a class act like myself.
Isn't it rather dangerous to use one's entire vocabulary in a single sentence?
You bad, man.
Hey, you got something to say to me, fat boy?
Why don't you pick on someone your own size?
Oh, I'm having a bad day!
I like cats. I like to eat 'em.
Your master's calling.
Come on and say it to my face!
How am I ever gonna come up with all that money?
It's hopeless.
That took a lot of guts.
All right. Time for bed. We've got a big day tomorrow.
We've got two days to do or die.
You got a lot to learn. And if you don't learn, you don't eat!
But if you're tough, and always use your head, you'll be right at home, on the street.
When you got talent, everything is free.
You're gonna see how the best survive.
These are streets of gold.
You'll take the town, and you'll take it with style.
You're in charge of electronics.
Hey, but what about me? What do I do?
Ready? Go!
What have I done? Poor thing.
You oughta be ashamed of yourself!
Run along, little fellow. Go on, now. Shoo.
Be a lookout.
I only got one more wire, okay?
Oh, you poor kitty. Here. Let me help you.
Where's the kid?
We can't just take in a stray off the street.
Don't worry, kitty. I'll take care of you.
Your public awaits.
Girl, we've got work to do
Pass me the paint and glue.
Perfect isn't easy
When one knows the world is watching, one does what one must.
See how the breeding shows
Sometimes it's too much for even me!
But when all the world says "Yes", then, who am I to say "no"?
Don't ask a mutt to strut like a showgirl
Perfection becomes me, ne c'est pas?
I'm beauty unleashed!
So classic and classy
They're barking up the wrong tree!
I have your hearts, and you have my pity
Pretty is nice, but still it's just pretty!
I wouldn't go in there if I were you.
What is the meaning of this?
I guess I'll have to handle this myself.
And do you have any idea whose home this is?
Isn't he cute?
What in Heaven's name are we waiting for?
Alas, our beleaguered benefactor bearing the brunt of our futile endeavours.
Cool it!
Our mission begins at daybreak.
I don't hear any practicing.
Oh, you wanna practice too!
We two can be good company.
You and me, just wait and see.
I'll handle that ruffian.
Body slam! Body slam! Oh, come on, you fool! Hit him! Hit him!
Come back here!
Huh, this place looks pretty nice. I mean, how bad off could it be here?
Chagall. Matisse. These are all masterpieces.
Hey, man, if this is torture, chain me to the wall.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Calm down.
Don't come any closer! I knew this would happen one day.
It's not you I'm after.
Not good enough for you?
I mean, do you even know who I am?
Something's not quite right here.
Shh. Quick. Before he comes back. Follow me.
I mean, let's just forget the whole thing.
No, no, you can't do that! You don't understand. The poor dear's so traumatized.
What is going on here?
Hurry. Use the fire escape.
Ooh, I could've danced all night! I could've danced all night!
You were very good.
I was rather good, wasn't I?
You okay, kid?
I have another home now. And someone who loves me.
You're in the gang.
I just wanna go back.
You wanna leave? Fine! There's the door.
You lighten up!
Oh, it's hopeless.
Looks like you're doing all right for yourself
So that's where you've been!
Feel it. That's it. Very good.
This is an airtight plan
I'll even toss in a little extra for your patience.
It's my final offer. Take it or leave it.
I said, push!
No, you don't kill 'im yet.
Did we bring something green and wrinkly to make me happy?
I'm getting your money tonight! It's coming tonight!
Hey, I think there's hope for you yet.
Yeah, you're starting to think big.
It's creepy down here.
I drew a perfectly good map.
A child could read that map.
I didn't do it! I didn't do it! I was framed!
This is a tough neighborhood. You'd better go home.
I came to find my kitty.
You brought a piggy bank.
What kind of a person would steal a poor little kitty?
I'm so scared. I don't know what to do.
I found a little lost kitten.
No! No, wait! You can't do this!
Keep your mouth shut.
Stop! Stop! Time out!
There's gotta be some way in.
Well, it's nice to see that one of you has some manners.
After you, my little croissant
And remember, quiet.
Oh! I broke a nail.
Oh, balderdash.
I don't think you really appreciate the situation. Somebody could get hurt.
You smell that?
It's party time!
Where are those dogs?
I thought I'd never see you again.
What's the occasion? Come to rescue your little friend?
All right! What a woman!
Heigh-ho, heigh-ho, it's off to work we go
This has all been very entertaining. But the party is over.
Hey, man, you're ugly!
Aah! Save me!
Hey, get off my back, woman! I'm driving!
All right, anybody want some cake?
Murder him! Twist his arm!
The gifts were great.
We'll start with a bath.
You know, you're not so bad for a bug-eyed little creep.
You come back here this minute!
Tell me why should I care
What a delightful scoundrel.
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nad-zeta · 4 years
HC Modern AU: Uesugi-Takeda force in Quarantine
Hey, there loves! So here is the other half of our lovable warlords spending time in quarantine! Hope yall enjoy it! and I hope everyone is staying safe!^o^ Also just side note i’ll start back up with writing everyones matchups on Monday! <3
The two of you were sitting together playing videogames when the news broke
Yuki got a text from Sasuke saying he should check the news!
You finished your game before switching over to the tv mode; on your flatscreen.
OOOOH shit, Yukimura low key freaks out and thinks this is the start of the zombie apocalypse (maybe you shouldn’t have introduced him to black ops zombie mode)
“hey, dummy, we better hit the shops before they get cleared out.”
Is shook when he arrives at the shop, and all the shelves are empty, like WTF
The two of you spend most of your time together, snuggled on the couch playing videogames, or watching YouTube videos.
Yukimura is a definite fitness fanatic so he spent a good 10 minutes pouting when he got a notification on his phone saying all gyms would be closed
That okay, at least I can go jogging around the……………*TV playing in the background* “during the lockdown period all jogging, running, walking dogs and cycling is forbidden, and anyone found outside on foot will be locked up.”
Cue Yuki low key having a small breakdown about losing his gains. You kiss his forehead and put on your favorite YouTube fitness video
“Just cause the gym is closed doesn’t mean you can work out, dummy.”
The two of you will often do some small exercises in the garden together to soak in that vitamin D and keep fit!
Yuki will spend half his time phoning Shingen pestering him about his health
You usually drag Yuki to the coach and big spoon cuddle him while you run your fingers through his hair. He can’t help but worry about all his friends. You wrap your arms around him and bring him out of his panicked state. When he calms down, he switches with you and now gently holds you, nuzzling into your neck, leaving a few small kisses. “Dummy, I’m supposed to be the one reassuring you that everything is okay.”
The two of you are cuddling surrounded by your army of fluffy bunnies when you see the news about the virus break
“some guy named Corona is waging war against the world? Never fear love, I will kill anything that tries to lay a finger on you.”
Explains to Kenshin, that it’s a virus and an invisible enemy
“I don’t care if it’s a biological war or a physical one, I’m gonna kill it.”
You giggle while snuggling closer to Kenshin, “silly bunny lord.”
Kenshin makes sure that the two of you are stocked up for the long hall.
He low key bought all the alcohol in the liquor stores, as well as all the plumps he could get his hands-on.
Came back, followed by a few more stray rabbits, guess we will just have to make them part of the family.
The two of you spend your time together playing all sorts of random board games, mainly strategy based ones to soothe his need to fight.
Connect to Yuki and the other via Call of Duty Black ops server. The two of you troll everyone of your friends for laughs. Also, if Kenshin can’t kill people in real life anymore, then killing people over a game is the next best thing
The two of you love cooking together, Kenshin will make his picked plums, and you will make some nutritious food for the two of you, cause you definitely can't live off of just pickled plums
It's no secret that the two of you love to cuddle up to each other, surrounded by your sweet little bun buns. Your favorite thing to do when you’re feeling anxious about the whole state of the world is to, lie together in your hammock. You usually rest your head on his chest while he soothingly pulls his fingers through your hair. The lulls you into a relaxing sleep while protecting you from all the dangers of the world seen or unseen
The second the news breaks you are beyond freaked out; you look up at Shingen with so much worry and fear in your eyes
This is a deadly virus for those with a compromised immune system and Shingen fits that description perfectly.
You make a point of it to do as much research as possible to make sure you are prepared for anything and everything
He juts smile at his worried little goddess, saying that if his beloved angel is at his side protecting him, then nothing will be able to harm him
You insist on doing the grocery and supply runs; you are sure to buy a year’s supply worth of alcohol and sweets.
Awww dang all the liquor stores are sold out! This must be Kenshin’s doing. DARN THAT GOD OF WAR. Well at least you have your and Shingen’s precious candy
You buy sooo, many gloves, hand sanitizers, and masks.
Sasuke is kind enough to organize Shingen his very own oxygen machine and bring the two of your some multivitamins to help fend off any threat
Loves to watch movies together on the couch. Shingen will spontaneously get up when the music starts to play from the musical that you are watching. He will grab your hand and pull you up, while positioning his hand around your waist. He will then turn your lounge into a makeshift dance floor for the whole duration of the song.
You guys love to do carpentry together. Often the two of you can be found in the garage making random things. You would make birdhouses and feeders, and Shingen would make furniture for your house.
The two of you also, connect to the Black ops server with all your friends to find out how everyone is. Shingen gets scolded for 20min over the game by Yuki for not answering the phone every time he calls. Scolds him, even more, when he hears Shingen munching on sweets. The two of you just laugh at the young man while continuing to stuff your faces with sugar
You can’t help but be worried about Shingen's health! You watch him closely and make sure he takes his vitamins and meds to keep his health up. 
Of course, Shingen will see you be a bit anxious and pepper your face with kisses. “The only medicine I need is the healing kiss of my goddess.”
He will then start to tickle you so that he can see that beautiful smile back on your face. He really loves that dazzling smile of yours.
The two of you can often be found curled up together on the bed while Shingen rubs soothing circles on your back, whispering reassuring words in your ears.
This friendly neighborhood ninja knew what was up long before the news broke, he had heard some rumors from his fellow professors at the university
He makes sure to have your shared apartment adequately stocked up of the event.
Sasuke bought the two of you matching black masks. To lighten the mood, the two of you put on the masks and any black clothes you could find and start playing ninja hide and seek.
Sasuke wins after you spent 20 minutes looking for him with no luck of finding him. He appeared out from the shadow of the curtains, snaked his arms around your waist, and pulled you to him while kissing peppering your hair, neck, and cheeks with small little kisses. You could help but giggle at your sweet, lovable ninja
The two of you spent most of your time playing board games, videogames and doing random science experiments for fun.
Cause Sasuke is a university professor busy with his Ph.D., he spends most of his time researching and writing. You loved spending time with him while he would sit on the bed, typing up his dissertation. You would cuddle up next to him and read. He would occasionally drop a small kiss on the top of your head as a silent thank you for supporting him and keeping him company.
You and Sasuke loved to you play videogames with your friends; it helps soothe both your anxiety to hear the sound of their voices over the speakers of your tv. Both of you couldn’t help but laugh at your caring friend scolding Shingen over the mic for everyone to hear
You and Sasuke loved to go outside at night, spread your softest fluffiest blanket on the grass and lie together while looking up at the night sky. You were shocked that the sight of the sky. You hadn’t seen such a clear night sky since being back in the past. You could see an ocean of bright beautiful stars. Sasuke told you it was due to the atmosphere not being as polluted as it usually is due to everyone being forced to stay at home. You couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia
Both of you could often be found cuddled up together under the night sky, savoring the bright new sky that the two of you had not seen in a long while.
When the news broke the two of you were shook, you did a bunch of research to see precisely what this virus is and how to minimize the risk of getting infected.
You guys would watch the news every morning to keep up to date with the happenings
Kennyo immediately called all his friends to make sure they were staying safe and well; he especially called Shingen to make his old friend was doing okay with his compromised immune system
Kennyo went on the food run cause he couldn’t bear the thought of having his beloved exposed to the risk of the outside world
He came back from the shopping run with both his arms full of stray cats.
This sofi boy couldn’t help but rescue the poor cats from the streets.
Both of you spend the afternoon building each cat its own little new bed while also naming each new members of your family. You guys spend hours together playing with the cats.
The two of you would make up hampers with blankets, masks, vitamins, and food. Kennyo will always be a soft monk at heart and can’t help but want to give back to his community. 
The two of you drive around for hours and deliver these hampers to the less fortunate.
Kennyo was sad that the church had been closed, especially being this close to Easter.
You discovered that many priests actually filmed their own YouTube videos online, which the two of you now watch together.
Even during the time of the virus, your spirits are still lifted, the two of you love celebrating Easter, so you have made it your personal mission to gather up all the art supplies in your house and make Easter decorations. The two of you even painted all the rocks in your garden to look like colorful Easter eggs.
Kennyo knows that you still have a bit of anxiety regarding the virus and the mass panic of the world. So, he will build a little blanket and pillow fort with you. Once the fort is built, he will pull you down to rest your head on his lap while he gently pulls his fingers through the long strands of your hair. The two of you spend hours in the little fort you built yourselves just chatting and enjoying each other’s company. Kennyo will occasionally bend down and surprise you with a kiss on the nose when he sees the small crease from between your eyebrows from your overthinking mind
I hope ya guys enjoy it! And are staying safe and well! don't forget to wash your hands and stay fit and healthy during this time!
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Darkstache Week Day Seven: Ordinary People
Days: 1, 2 , 3, 4 , 5, 6, 7
At last, the final prompt of the wonderful event hosted by @projectdarkstache! Thank you so much for encouraging everyone to create such fantastic pieces and I hope all the works can be cherished by their creators! You’ve all done fantastic!
After years of causing chaos and trouble as the Actor, Mark uses his new freedom to bring the fictional world he ruled back to the modern real world. But what about Dark and Wilford?
Word Count: 2,437
(while not necessarily a warning, this does contain sympathetic!Actor becoming Youtuber!Mark in the timeline my stories are written in.)
If he was asked, Mark would admit he had no idea when he felt like ‘himself’ again. It had been decades since the troubled actor’s heart was shattered, the will to live had vanished, and the ability to die eluded him. His broken soul was utterly consumed by the terrors of the Manor’s arcanic past until he became a god-like figure in a world of his own creation. Former friends were moulded and reshaped into characters to suit his schemes. Poor, innocent souls over the decades were pulled into the cat-and-mouse plot to populate the worlds. Drama and chaos were on the regular schedule, and how the Actor thrived!
But now… Peace. And Mark was baffled by it.
He remembered standing at the edge of the city, watching the sun rise like he had never seen the day before. In all the years of darkness and being pulled like a puppet by unseen forces, maybe that was the truth. A new life, a new start. The ‘performances’ he had been part of were failed attempts to gain control over a world that had torn him to pieces and tossed him in the trash. All they achieved was pain and suffering. As he recognised this and wanted to do good, the world he had mastery over was fading and merging with the real world - the one he had left behind. With new independence, he was losing grip over whatever powers he had before. No more would he be able to cheat death or restart time. This was it, the final ‘act’. He didn’t feel sorry for himself. Mark was finally ready to break free from the puppet strings and start over… But there were two in particular he needed to apologise to. Trying to face Dark or Wilford now would result in mockery or gunfire (or both). However, from his spot on the hill, he could see a new opportunity. He could reverse the crimes that were cast. Let them and all their old friends live the lives they were meant to in this new, modern world.
Mark opened his arms wide as the light of the morning sun hit his weary body.  At last, the game was up. He could set everything right.
“Ah, there’s the man of the hour, Damien himself!” A familiar voice sang as he entered the office with his usual dramatic flair. 
“It’s ‘Mayor Brooks’ while you are here, Mark. But it is good to see you.” Damien countered, playfully rolling his eyes. Even if Mark was a big internet celebrity, he made it his mission to check in regularly on Damien. It was a nice relief, even if the pair were trying to regain grounds on their friendship. Mark had dated his twin sister in university, but the manner in which the pair broke up was so dramatic, it caused a rift between the two young men. At least a friendship from childhood was not one that could be broken forever. He saved the document he was typing and closed the laptop. “If you are here, can I assume there is some great problem going on in your world?”
“Oh, no no. All good on my end!” Mark slumped onto the sofa to the side of the office with a laugh. “I recorded one huge game over the weekend and scored myself some free time. What better way to spend it than with my favourite politician?”
“As much as I appreciate the compliment, I would gather that your other friends are busy and you don’t have anyone else to turn to.” However blunt the statement might be, there was a smile on Damien’s face as he fell back onto the free half of the couch. Mark responded with a loud gasp and a hand on his chest, which only prompted Damien to lightly push him.
“How dare you! I’ll have you know I came here to see if you wanted to grab a coffee with me. I found ten bucks in my pants pocket this morning and I wanna splash out. Come on, Dames! Doesn’t your favourite coffee place have the best pumpkin spiced latte on this side of the city?”
“Mark, it’s May. They aren’t going to make that for you.” Now it was Damien’s turn to be pushed as Mark waved the ten dollar bill in his face.
“I think you’ll find myself and mister Alexander Hamilton will disagree with tha- HEY!” Letting his guard down was a mistake, as Damien took the chance to snatch the money out of his hand and jump onto his feet. “You crooked politician! Stealing the money of an innocent, hard-working man like me!”
Damien fetched his coat with a chuckle. “For someone who wants coffee, you don’t seem very keen in moving for it.” It worked, and a childishly offended Mark pulled himself off the couch. The money was returned to Mark as the pair exited the office. Damien did need a break, he decided as he locked the door after him.
Mark was an interesting man. He could act loud and brash, but it was only a mask that hid a soul that seemed older than thirty. Damien used to joke that Mark might be an old man stuck in a young body. The walk to the coffee shop took the usual diversion through a nearby park so they could swap stories and chat without the rush of the world shoving them forward. Mark and his content creator friends were busy working on a variety of projects, and he himself admitted he was feeling happier in himself than he had been in recent years. Likewise, Damien had been working on completing some important jobs around the city and trying to get some new schemes underway.  It was busy, but rewarding. In times like this, neither had to play the part cast for them by society. They could be themselves, just like old times. It meant that Damien was more relaxed and jovial by the time they reached their destination.
The coffee shop had the familiar busy hum to it as the pair entered. Since Damien was a regular, there was never any fanfare of the mayor visiting their business. Mark’s ‘perfect’ disguise of a worn baseball cap and his glasses seemed to do the job of keeping a low profile. Surprisingly, the barista did indeed agree to make a pumpkin spiced latte for Mark, as well as Damien’s regular order. Both drinks and two large muffins were covered by the ten dollar bill, much to Mark’s delight. For now, they simply had to wait for their drinks.
“- And still no sign of a special someone?” It was a question Mark frequently asked. Damien seemed content to be ‘married’ to his work, but Mark would argue that the companionship would make the heavy workload more bearable. They both knew it was true, but Damien was a stubborn man. He was too proud to deal with blind dates, and seemed insistent on waiting for ‘the right person’. Instead, Damien countered with a question about Amy and how she and the two dogs were doing. A simple diversion, but a wholesome one, as Mark could share silly moments and photos on his phone, and Damien could enjoy the tales. How could he not be happy for his friend? It seemed like things were finally looking up for him.
At that, Mark’s drink and the muffins were ready, but there was no sign of Damien’s drink. He insisted Mark go fetch a table while Damien continued waiting. Several long minutes passed as people who ordered similar drinks received theirs, and Damien was tempted to ask one of the staff about his drink. Just as he was about to, the door slammed open as a man stumbled in.
“Geez, man! Could you not break that door, please?” The manager shouted at the stranger, who hurried over and apologised profusely while ordering his ‘usual’ summer iced drink and telling a story about a kid outside throwing ice-cream at him. Damien pulled out his phone to try and look busy, but his eyes strayed from the screen and darted to the man.
The stranger was a head taller than Damien and had a broad build that was emphasised by the fitted white t-shirt and jogging pants he was wearing. His black, curly hair looked somewhat erratic, while the large, bushy moustache reminded Damien of the chief of police from a TV show he loved. Facial hair of that style wasn’t in season anymore - not to mention this wasn’t as eloquently groomed as other moustaches would have been - so it was likely something important to the man. His face was framed by a sturdy jawline, which gave a somewhat intimidating air. But his eyes… Were looking in Damien’s direction. Oops.
The Mayor gulped and returned his attention to his phone.
“It’s rude to stare, you know.” Damien jumped at the sudden voice and presence beside him. The stranger had stepped closer without him realising it. “Is something wrong? Did that kid get ice-cream on my shirt?”
“No, your shirt is fine.” Damien responded quickly, intending to leave it at that. But the stranger stayed firm, bringing a sigh out of the politician. “I’m sorry. I know it’s rude to stare. I thought I recognised you, that’s all.” 
“And do you?” The stranger sounded genuinely curious. That was enough to prompt Damien to lock and pocket his phone.
“I’m not sure. I feel like I do, and I wouldn’t forget a moustache like that, but I can’t place anything… Even if it feels like it’s on the tip of my tongue.” Realising how odd that sounded, his shoulders slumped in resignation. “I’m sorry, this all sounds rather bizarre from a complete stranger -”
“No!” Both men were taken aback at the stranger’s interruption. “Er, no. Sorry. It doesn’t sound weird. I feel the same. I feel like I know you -”
“I’m the Mayor. That’s hardly a surprise.”
“- yeah, but like I know know you, you know?” The stranger shook his head, curls bouncing with a nervous chuckle. “I think this is a sign. Maybe we ought to get to know each other properly, just in case we met in a dream.” A large hand was offered to Damien. “The name’s William Barnum, but friends can call me -”
“The Colonel.” Damien finished. Confusion was mirrored on both faces.
“How did you -”
“I don’t know?” No matter how he tried to place a specific memory with the phrase, nothing came to mind. Instead, he pushed it aside. “My name is Damien Brooks. Despite the rather odd circumstances, it is a pleasure to meet you.” The large hand was taken, and they gave a firm shake.
Immediately, a memory crossed Damien’s mind. This man had pink in his hair. His own hands were gray. Mark had a shadowed, wicked grin on his face. But as soon as it came, it vanished, like trying to recall a fading dream. 
“Hey, Damien?” William’s dark eyes had drifted aside as he tried to encourage the words to come to him. “Do you want to go out for lunch this week?” A simple question made Damien’s heart skip a beat as an all-too familiar sensation of butterflies in his stomach manifested.
“Are - are you asking me out on a date?”
“Yeah… Is that too forward? I feel like it’s the right thing to do. You’re very handsome.” 
Strange. Why did Damien feel like William had complimented him like that a hundred times before? Stranger still, why did it make him feel so happy to hear the nervous rambling? He reluctantly pulled his hand away so he could snatch a napkin from the counter and the pen in his pocket. A phone number was hastily scribbled on it, before it was scratched out and written neater. Just in case, his name was noted underneath.
“Here. Text me later. If you’re free, we could always… Go for dinner?” It also felt like the right thing to do, like it was a regular event. William seemed to agree, as his face lit up. Upon receiving the napkin, it was treated like something sacred by William, who carefully folded and placed in his wallet.
“Yeah! That’d be - I’d really like that - Bully.” That exclamation of relief shouldn’t bring a familiar tugging of heartstrings to Damien, but it did. Only that he was with Mark (and that he has a job to return to), Damien would have gladly gone wherever William was going. 
Both names were called as the drinks were finally ready. Each one was lifted, and the pair gave their parting words and a promise to arrange something as soon as William returned home. But just as Damien was about to turn and walk to the table, William leaned down enough to kiss him on the cheek, hurrying off before anything else could happen. All Damien could do was watch the larger man disappear with a wistful smile before turning to find Mark at the table.
“You’re putting the local tomatoes to shame. You okay?” Mark asked, innocently sipping his latte. It was still mostly full. The drink itself looked hot. How long had that moment actually lasted?
“I’ve got a date tonight.” Damien was so embarrassed after blurting his answer, he didn’t notice how Mark’s surprise was an act. “I started talking to a guy up at the counter and - well, we’re meeting for dinner.”
“I’m so happy for you, man. Look at you, getting out there and being ambitious! I’m sure he’ll be a great guy!” Mark grinned, letting the topic drop so the Mayor could get his head around the ‘unexpected’ event. 
While they were talking after the drinks were finished, a text arrived on Damien’s phone. Mark noticed there was a number rather than a name, but it brought a smile to Damien’s face. The Youtuber waved his hand and insisted Damien needed to ‘urgently’ answer it. As the Mayor did so, Mark noticed how the shadow that was always looming over Damien finally dissipated. At last, the malicious claws from a lifetime ago were gone, and with that, Mark’s own powers.
But what did the loss of powers matter when he was able to use them to help Dark and Wilford start a new relationship together? They could live as normal, ordinary people, just like Dark had always vowed when confronting the Actor. Today: the Actor was dead, Mark was alive, and the curse holding them all down had been broken for good.
Now, if only Celine would talk to him so they could become friends again...
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