#and what if Regulus survived the cave but was unscouscious and Lily made up a lie that they were secretly engaged
limetimo · 2 years
Ok I have to ask about the Regulily fake dating
Okay so first of all when it comes to this fic, this
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is me. It's going to be BIG af. I invented my Emma Vanity from the scratch daydreaming plotting this fic. Regulus may have a spotless face but has acne & acne scars on his shoulders and back. Lily plays flute.
“Date me.” Lily blinked. Then she blinked again. “Excuse you?!” “I am asking you to date me in order to distract Potter from Quidditch,” the black haired boy repeated in the same metronome cadence, but with conspiratorial undertones. “His affections for you are well documented, and if he cannot control himself in the face of you giving your attention to somebody else? That’s his problem.” Lily put her head in her hands because this was some new, advanced level of idiocy. 
That's it. That's the premise.
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