#and v1 refers to my New and Improved edited first draft
vellichor-virgo · 3 years
manuscript search lx
hello dear friends! i haven’t been doing tag games for a little while, but i decided to fill out a word search today. this one is from @emelkae, thank you! :)
my words are steam, dearth, entertain, & influence!
steam (from night’s daughter v0. this is the morning after celena has had a life-altering discovery about herself, hence why she’s a bit upset):
When I emerge again from the blankets, I see that [Cait] has left breakfast for me—a warm bun dusted in powdered sugar and a steaming drink that smells of cinnamon. It looks delicious, but the bun tastes like ash in my mouth and the drink scalds my tongue. I pick at the meal for a few minutes before giving up on it.
entertain (from night’s daughter v0):
“No worries, Maia dear,” Pollux purrs as he reaches across the table to snatch a strawberry from her bowl. She swats at his hand, but he draws back quickly and lets the berry drop into his mouth. “I’m more than happy to entertain Celena in your absence.”
“Oh, please,” Maia scoffs. “As if she would voluntarily subject herself to that.”
“You would be surprised to find that aside from you, most people find me quite charming.” He finishes this sentence with a wink at me.
Maia makes a face. “Ugh.”
influence (from night’s daughter v0; extended for context):
“ [...] All of the court will be in attendance. As will a number of Morlene and Eilimnian royals.”
Ah. So that’s why I’m invited.
“I’ll be meeting with them,” I say. Not a question.
“Yes, you will.” [Aedan’s] expression is serious and steady and sure, at odds with the uncertainty that flickers in my chest. “[...] It will be simple. Just a matter of explaining what happened to you.”
“And praising the kingdom and your father’s rule.”
The prince’s eyebrows knit together at whatever he sees on my face. “Well, yes. Will that be a problem?”
“Of course not, Your Highness. I was just wondering… Well, I’m not quite sure how I’m meant to improve relations with the other kingdoms.” My fingers find their way to the crescent moon nestled in the curve of my collarbone, worrying it back and forth along its chain. An old anxious habit. “I’m just one girl, after all. How much influence could I have?”
i'll tag @akindofmagictoo @lanawritesalittle @zmlorenz @rose-bookblood @drippingmoon and @sleepyowlwrites + whoever else wants to join in :)
new words: nestle, scoff, mouth, and hear
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