#and unlike the people that spread sheer lies about Jared
hippychick006 · 1 year
It’s very interesting they have that laundry list of lies they trot out about Jared time and time again and yet absolutely nothing on Misha’s factual rape and slavery “jokes” or that he queerbaited and profited financially from doing so, or that he is the only straight person to have to come out as straight because he pretended to be bi one too many times,, or that his treasure hunts had extremely questionable items on it, not least the nudes covered only in food products (when his known fanbase is young impressionable girls), or that he found himself outside school fences staring at young girls as he prepared for Karla and felt invigorated in the scenes he was beating a woman, or that he tried to get a threesome from 2 barely legal teens when he was in his 30s, and in the same night was so drunk he fell but instead of admitting to that, tried to get sympathy by saying he was mugged. Like bffr who the asshole in the supernatural actors is
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