#and they're put in danger by anti-vaxxers
gremlinmodetweeker · 15 days
Talking Heads Roll on Floors
So I really really wanted to do this hybrid au inspired by @bluegiragi, but if they want me to delete this I'll do so. I don't want to steal their idea, and if I'm stepping on toes I'll take it down. However, I did like the idea of shifters and created my own hybrids (just because I love monsters and mythology) and wanted to make a story following König.
So this story is just an intro of reader talking to a general as they're assigned König's case file. König is a half nachtkrappe/half jotunn hybrid, with a tendency to spread sickness and decay.
Either way, very short intro.
TWs: Discussion of death and disease
Wordcount: 1.1k
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Story below the cut
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Talking Heads Roll on Floors
You looked down at the documents in your hand. The file was decently thick, strangely so for a hybrid. You’d been assigned to a couple of hybrids before, but you’d never had a case quite like this before. A lt. general had purposefully called on you, specifically, for your background in avian hybrids, and though you had tried to explain that your experience with avians was limited to one grumpy grounded roc hybrid, the general was determined to see you on König’s file.
“He’s a lot to handle,” the general warned you sternly, “be careful with him.”
“Has he actually… He’s not hurt any handlers before, has he?” you asked nervously.
“We’re legally required to disclose these deaths in relation to Cnl. Leichenberg,” the gray haired man brushed his mustache, thick with dark streaks stained through it.
You looked down at the daunting manilla folder being pressed across the table.
“You’ll find that deaths in relation to Cnl. Leichenberg are largely due to handlers not following proper procedure,” the general tried to lighten the weight but failed miserably.
“Sir, it’s not my place to correct you,” you fumbled awkwardly, “however, aren’t most handler deaths written out as handlers not following proper procedure?”
The general was kind enough to give you a small smile, “You’re right to be suspicious, however Cnl. Liechenberg is a separate case entirely. In his shifted form, he acts as a form of bioterrorism against enemies. You may have heard of Lt. Riley, from SpecGru?”
“The one who kills somebody everytime he shifts?” you asked nervously.
“By random chance, yes,” the general nodded, closing his soft blue eyes momentarily before opening them again slowly, “Cnl. Leichenberg has a similar condition, except it seems that those in close proximity are at higher risk of contracting a fatal illness.”
“And you expect me to accompany him into battle,” you grumbled.
“Cnl. Leichenberg cannot control his illness, which is where you come in. You are to ensure he does not contaminate other shifters,” the general explained, “of course you’ll be given full vaccination and hazard gear on the military’s dime, and need I mention the benefits this position offers?”
“I can only imagine,” you whistled.
“Cnl. Leichenberg is not a dangerous shifter by any means,” the general paused, “at least, not to his handler. When proper procedure is followed, he is perfectly safe to be in close proximity to. However, the last string of handlers have been… Lackluster in performance.”
You glanced over the latest handler’s bio, “It says here that the latest was crippled?”
“He contracted a case of small pox,” the general explained, “the man was apparently a known anti-vaxxer and yet was put on Cnl. Liechenberg’s case. Of course, he didn’t manage to make it through the mission. You, I’m assuming, are up to date with your vaccinations?”
You nodded.
“You’ll need a few more before meeting Cnl. Leichenberg when he’s shifted, but I imagine you’d do well to meet him before you take his case,” the general’s warm eyes crinkled, “he’s not a difficult case to manage, I assure you. I’ve met the man, and he’s a nervous creature, but he’s nothing to be afraid of. I imagine you’ve dealt with more unruly hybrids during basic training.”
You laughed, “Well, if you’re so sure, I might as well meet him. Does he have a call sign or anything that I can call him by?”
“He goes by the name ‘König’.”
König… It seemed familiar.
“Wait, that guy’s not a colonel,” you glared at the general.
“He was when he was in the military,” the general explained, “and here in KorTac, we tend to respect the previous rank a soldier had before joining us, as long as they’re up to standard of course. König, thankfully, exceeds expectations.”
“It says here he’s an insertion specialist?” you asked, “but he’s a nachtkrappe shifter. Those are pretty small, aren’t they?”
“Keen on your biology, aren’t you?” the general chuckled, “but you’re right, they’re usually rather small and sickly, a result of their contagious nature. That nachtkrappe part of König is why protocol is so important when managing him. However, the other problem with König comes from the other side of his family,” the general trailed his finger down a page, “which you’ll find is-”
“He’s a jotunn shifter?” you spluttered before snapping your jaw shut. You looked up at the general fearfully, but thankfully the older man was in good spirits.
“That’s the insertion specialist part,” the general laughed, “he’s the biggest shifter on base, bigger even than the roc you were managing. He’s the biggest I’ve seen in ages.”
“So why are you asking for avian training when handling him? It’s not like he can fly, right?” you joked. You face fell with the general’s.
“König can fly alright, that’s part of what makes him an effective insertion specialist. He’s too big for most weapons to do significant damage, and he’s able to get into high points with a few flaps of his wings. He’s big, strong, and fast,” the general smiled grimly, “a perfect killing machine. Of course the unfortunate part is that he spreads disease wherever he goes. He’s the only shifter that can be used on a team at a time, and the rest of the squad needs to be outfitted accordingly. It’s part of your job as handler to ensure other soldiers follow protocol when they follow behind him into a building.”
You groaned, “You know they’re not going to listen to me.”
“You make them listen,” the general’s face hardened momentarily, “if you don’t think you’re up to it, I can find someone else easily. But here I was, thinking I was doing you a favor and helping you get ahead!”
“I understand sir,” you ducked your head submissively, “I’ll ensure the soldiers are equipped properly.”
“You’d better,” the general snorted, “the anti-vaxxer nearly got a whole squad of special ops killed on the first mission. Half of them had to be put on permanent leave,” the general leaned close and hissed, “you will not make the same mistake.”
You nodded quickly.
“Good,” the general relaxed, “so you know the drill, meetings will be once the paperwork’s been signed up. We’ll send you your forms with you once you leave, and König will get his side. Have them filled and submitted by Wednesday and we’ll arrange a meeting between you on Friday.”
“Yes sir!” you gave a quick salute.
You were quickly dismissed, and as you left the secretary by the door handed you a tome of paperwork that already had your head aching. Looking down at the stack, you had the dreadful feeling that the night would be a long one.
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
I'm going to be somewhat contrarian (?) to the anti-vaxxer post. I don't want to start fights, and I want to foreword this with the statement that I am vehemently NOT an anti-vaxxer. I am not defending it! I have autism myself, and believe that these ideas are very harmful to others with autism!
The only thing I really want to put forward is information that I have found, which is that, while yes, there are no studies to prove that vaccines cause autism, I have also found that the claims that vaccines don't cause autism are apparently also unsupported by science at the moment. I will add, I could be wrong, and I'm fully willing to accept that—would be glad, even. Please correct me, if so. I'd love to know, genuinely ! because I don't think these people need power or support for their beliefs. I just found it concerning; the idea that there's a lack of scientific study either for or against the idea. I don't like it. I don't like that some anti-vaxxer may have gotten petty enough to do actual research just so they could threaten legal and, in the end, say "Ha! Well, vaccines don't not cause autism! Checkmate!"
(Obviously, I don't personally believe that the lack of evidence is evidence in and of itself. I'm sure that for some people, that is enough—I would assume the idea is that if they were making the statement that vaccines don't cause autism, and had to pull back because the lack of scientific study, that alone could be validating—"if they're lying about that, what else are they lying about!?")
What I myself have read were documents that I believe were from the FDA ? Something official, definitely. It has been awhile. They looked to be legitimate, however. It basically appeared as though they may have gotten in some form of trouble—probably legal—for stating that vaccines don't cause autism, because they had not in fact done studies, or at least, there was not enough study so as to be conclusive at that point in time. It was something to that effect, I know that.
It definitely takes time to study these things, however, but I have to say, I am concerned at the idea that we don't have enough evidence to debunk it at this point in time. If we think about it logically, the idea that vaccines cause autism is irrational, but then, at the same time, the idea that we simply don't have the evidence to debunk those claims yet is ...a little concerning. Not because I believe it to be true, but because enough people out there will. As if science were a quick process, not needing controls, etc., not needing potentially years to test and get real results. Not to mention that being an anti-vaxxer is a fairly new idea. I am aware things like this take time, but I find I wish there was something concrete, regardless.
Though I don't know what I expect from people, honestly. There are people who believe the world is flat despite having all the information in the world practically at their fingertips. I'm not surprised, but I am concerned. Maybe the real problem is that we have all the information at our fingertips, including all the misinformation, etc.. Dangerous things in the hands of the ignorant, especially if they are willfully so.
Anyway. I'm getting too introspective here. Sorry if this comes off bad—I'm never quite sure about my communication skills or how I'm coming across, because I do have trouble processing my words. Being able to write them out and mull over them certainly helps a bit, but. There's always a chance I could be percieved in a way that I do not intend. I just felt it was somewhat valid to say there's nothing on either side, even if it is a bit pedantic, and I wanted to reflect about that as well, but perhaps I have reflected too much. I certainly hope that, if what I've read is true, that studies are being done as we speak, and moving along nicely to boot.
The sooner we can have evidence against anti-vaxxers, the better. Some may not believe it still, but hey — at least then we'll know for sure who to avoid.
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fuckyeahilike · 1 year
Downsides and dangers of the Carnivore diet - part 1
People don't read these things, but I'm going to leave a few warnings to those who are considering following a Carnivore diet. The first one is not so much about the diet as it's about the people in the "community".
Most people who do this arrive at it after decades of chronic diseases that, as it turns out, where mostly caused by metabolic disorders, which is why they're curable with the right diet. You arrive at Carnivore at final fucking last and after you've tried everything because the consensus is always that you can never be too vegetarian. Vegetarianism is for herbivores and we're obligatory carnivores. However the standard advice, for now, is the opposite. So Carnivore is what you do when you're desperate... and then it works. The people in the "community" are perfectly fine good people doing a good job of passing along the knowledge they have acquired, hoping it will be of value to others. That's it, that's all. Nobody knows everything but everyone knows something and they're all worth listening to.
I wouldn't say the community is crawling with Trump supporting Conservative anti-vaxxers, but they're there. I think somewhere along the way fascists decided that vegetarianism is for soy boys whereas eating meat is for men who believe in Jesus; and then there's also the aspect of always going against the establishment... unless the establishment is Trump saying doctors should open people's bodies up and shine sun light inside them to kill the Covid virus, then it must be science.
The last time I had to unfollow a Carnivore influencer for being a fascist he made a short video redirecting his viewers to another site, where we'd be able to watch what turned out to be an anti-Covid vaccine video. That other site is Rumble, a site that claims to be the censorship-free version of Youtube.
Whenever a site claims to be the censorship-free version of a popular site like Twitter or Youtube, understand: it's a far-right site that is free of democracy and human rights, not free of censorship. Coming from them, censorship means democracy and human rights.
The last time I joined such a site it claimed to be the censorship-free version of pre-Elon Musk Twitter, with more diversity of opinions and more interesting content. What could possibly go wrong, right? Who doesn't want more diversity and inclusivity and less suppression of varied content?
It was an almost exclusively Nazi site for Nazis. I have many and varied interests that I put on my check list and they never showed up on my dashboard. There was no anti-Nazi content, either, just for the sake of "inclusivity", it really was just Nazi anti-semitism 100% of the time.
I finally had enough when I logged in one day and was greeted with a series of photos of a sexy young blond wearing a black mini dress, burning a flag with the star of David. Words can not express to what an extent I did not sign up for this shit.
That's what free from - wink wink nudge nudge - "censorship" means in Anglo-Saxon speak.
So I watched the other video on the Rumble site and it was a conspiracy video about how Covid was never an infectious disease but was only ever transmitted through the vaccines themselves. Before the vaccines came along the hospitals that we were told were loaded with patients were actually practically empty and doctors had little to do, except to put Covid on the death certificates of those who died of other causes. Only by watching videos like this will you ever know the "truth".
This was a guy I had been following for the Carnivore tips.
My diagnosis is that he decided to take a leaf off of the Alex Jones school of financial self-help: you encourage and instill fear and paranoia in your audience and then tell them that they can trust no one else, that you and you alone can tell them what is really going on, and that only you can tell them how to interpret the dystopian reality that they live in; and that only by commenting, liking and subscribing and of course sending you all their money will it be possible for you to continue to do all this important journalism with all the hard hitting facts that proper news stations and the government are hiding from you.
Don't join communities, is all I'm saying. Continue to think for yourself and never trust a guru. Male gurus of any kind (spiritual, vegetarians, carnivores...) are often rapists as well, don't be alone with them. Follow many different sites and don't be afraid to listen to contrarian voices. If I had stuck religiously to any one thing I would never have found the path that works for me.
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mirasmirages · 1 year
For the @julybreakbingo squares "Masks" and "That was then, this is now".
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It was a sunny Saturday afternoon when Hanae took the train out to see her friend, Diana, for the first time in months. Everything was going fine until they decided to look at some dresses in a cute little store, and Hanae put on her face mask. 
"Why do you still wear a mask?" Diana asked with a grimace. "No one wear masks anymore." 
Hanae fought the urge to sigh. Of course Diana had to comment, and if Hanae knew her friend, it wouldn't end with one comment.
"To limit the spread of disease," she said, with the same light cheerfulness she had worn every time someone had asked her about her mask for the past two years. 
"We don't need to do that any more," Diana said. "Everyone's vaccinated now, so the virus isn't dangerous anymore!" 
There were a lot of ways Hanae could respond to that. She could bring up the people who wouldn't or couldn't get vaccinated, or the de-funding of COVID research making it hard to say how safe or dangerous the current situation was. But she had had that conversation with so many people by now, and she was tired of it. 
"You know," she said instead. "I remember a time only a couple of years ago when you were arguing that people should be sent to jail for refusing to wear a mask." 
That had been a bad fight, where Diana had first accused her of being naive for defending people's freedom to choose, and then it escalated to them calling her an anti-vaxxer and a republican, despite the fact that Hanae had gotten vaccinated already and also that they weren't Americans, so that accusation didn't make sense. 
Diana rolled her eyes. "Grow up, Hanae. Times change. That was then, this is now, and right now, masks are pointless." 
Hanae pressed her lips together. She knew that if she didn't step down, they would be fighting about this all day. 
"Fine," she said. "I spent over a hundred euros on masks that match my outfits and now I wear them because they're cute. Happy?" 
Diana huffed, but went along with her deflection. "Whatever," she said. "You've always been weird like that." 
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agape-philo-sophia · 3 months
➝ Techniques Of Cults. 🚨
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Cult leaders use these rigid, strict techniques to keep their rank-and-file members in line. They have been used throughout human history without wavering. They have always worked because people have not built their consciousness up to a level where they understand how these methods of manipulation work. Most don't even fully know what a cult actually is, otherwise they'd realize they're already in one. A cult isn't just a group of people who share a common belief system or common values. Cults are based in group-think (no individuality, collective "identity") and have an "us vs. them" world view making them dangerous to the rights and well-being of anyone who isn't in the cult. There are techniques used to create and maintain that mentality.
This is probably the single most important technique, because it makes it very difficult for anyone to penetrate the collective of the cult. We've seen this being employed during the COVID-19 "pandemic," having everyone isolate themselves in their homes. Police and military training is also always done in isolation away from public view. You have to physically separate the cult members (or potential cult members) from the rest of their community so no reason can be spoken to them. And since we are social beings, being cut off from each other in such a massive way causes psychological trauma which can cause (and has caused) an increase in self-harm and suicide.
No tolerance for any individuality within the cult. One's old identity has to be completely broken down and re-formed into a "new normal." This is why cults use uniforms. Uni-form = ONE FORM. Again, we see this with police and military, and in the COVID era of mass mask-wearing. This is about rigidity and sameness in appearance as well as sameness in speech and behaviors.
The use of rigorous schedules, instructions and repetitive behaviors (stay six feet apart, use hand sanitizer, etc). Repetition is one of the greatest forms of mind control if not the most powerful form. The mind is indoctrinated by giving it the belief system over and over again until it is accepted unquestioningly. Keep repeating the lie until it is widely believed. Anyone who openly challenges the accepted cult narrative is dubbed as an enemy (i.e. "a pandemic of the unvaccinated," "anti-vaxxers," "civilian pukes," "non-believers," "deniers," etc).
This one is broken down in two parts: Physical Trauma and Emotional/Mental Trauma. Physical Trauma consists of high levels of activity to the point of exhaustion. Low sleep time / disrupted sleep, high carbohydrate intake and low nutrient intake in the diet. This damages the brain, increases stress, and puts the person in a state of weakened resistance. Their body, mind and spirit are unable to resist the dictates of the cult.
They use Emotional Trauma to weaken the spirit – verbal and psychological abuse heaped at them continuously, constantly telling them they're not good enough, and keeping them in a perpetual atmosphere of Fear. Fear increases stress, and stress weakens the body's defenses. And as you read in the NATURAL LAW EXPRESSIONS section, fear can only lead to ignorance, confusion, control/slavery, and ultimately chaos. It can never lead to knowledge, understanding, wisdom, freedom, sovereignty, and certainly not order and justice in a society.
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think-queer · 3 years
Please remember that there are people who genuinely cannot get vaccinated because of real health issues. They are not the same as anti-vaxxers and should not be treated like them.
The people who aren't able to be vaccinated are one of the reasons it's so important that everyone who can be vaccinated is vaccinated. Herd immunity helps protect the people most vulnerable.
I understand the feelings behind people saying that anyone who doesn't immediately disclose that they're vaccinated must be anti-vaxxers, but please remember that some people really can't be vaccinated and shouldn't have to give a detailed explanation of what health issues are preventing them.
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athingofvikings · 3 years
If it's not too much emotional labor, I'd love to hear your thoughts on anti-vaxxers appropriating Jewish symbols and Holocaust imagery.
Of course.
So first, the TL;DR:
Anti-vaxxers are coddled, spoiled assholes who have never felt anything like the persecution whose mantle they are claiming. They are, fundamentally, a danger to themselves and people around them. Before COVID, when anti-vaxxers were "just" opposed to things like childhood vaccination, I called them "child-murdering fuckwits", and my opinion has only dropped from there over the last year and a half of COVID.
So, let me set this up in a compare and contrast.
An antivaxxer who refuses to get the COVID-19 vaccine can, in many countries, be denied employment and services because they can be a live carrier for a virus that has killed 5.5 million people in a little over 18 months, a rate of death we have not seen in a century since the 1918 Influenza pandemic. Fundamentally, anti-vaxxers are a threat to the health and wellbeing of those around them, and are being treated appropriately in that light, based on scientific evidence... at least, until corporate profits get involved *sideeyes Delta Airlines and the CDC*).
To stop being a threat, they can simply get a free vaccine, thereby safeguarding their own lives and the lives of those around them. So it is fundamentally their own choice that is causing people not to want to interact with them. But they want to have their cake and eat it too--they want to continue being a threat to everyone around them, and force people to interact with them. In essence, they're on the side of the virus, and want to be there, whether they admit it or not.
But the major point is that this is entirely their own free will. They can choose to get the vaccine at any time.
Now, let's talk about the Yellow Stars of David that the antivaxxers are appropriating.
The Yellow Badge/Star and things of that nature predate Nazi Germany by centuries. Yes, you read that right. In Europe alone, Jews were required to wear distinctive dress since about 1215 (declared during the Fourth Council of the Lateran), with various European kingdoms getting more or less specific in the centuries afterwards. In 1274, the King of England ordered that all Jewish men older than 7 years old be required to wear a yellow badge in the shape of the two Tablets. This was a way of marking Jews as "Other" for centuries, on top of everything else that Medieval Europe did to the Jews (ghettos, additional taxes, ritual beatings, expulsions, massacres, etc).
These eventually went away in the 1800s during the Napoleonic wars and the attempted integration of Jews into European society.
Then the Nazis brought them back in 1939, after spending years dehumanizing the Jews of Germany, stripping away their citizenship, targeted boycotts of their businesses, destroying their property, engaging in public humiliations, and more. Jews were made explicitly not human by the Nazis.
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IThis picture is from 1933, right after the Nazis seized power. The man in the middle there is a Jewish lawyer, being forced to march barefoot through the streets of Munich by Nazi SA militants; the sign says "I will never again complain to the police."
And that's in 1933, and it got worse over the following six years leading up to the Holocaust... where Jews were rounded up, shoved into cattle cars for days with no food or water, and then brought to the extermination camps. They were told that, for hygiene purposes, they needed to be deloused, and were put into large "public showers".
The gas chambers.
Just imagine that for a moment. You are hungry and thirsty like you never have been before. After being forced to wear the yellow star and knowing that you will be punished if you take it off, and you never can take it off, because it marks you for the crime of having been born to a different group, you have been shoved into a train car used to carry animals, and kept there in conditions that no animal would have been made to endure. People have died right next to you of hunger and thirst, you've been trapped in a cattle car for days or weeks, and you are released as the men responsible mock you and taunt you with food and water. But, they say, go to the line and you will be fed and watered.
And there, hungry and thirsty and dying, you are told that you need to be cleaned and put to work. So you walk in... and the doors are sealed...
And instead of water coming from the shower heads, gas comes.
And you die, choking and screaming, surrounded by your people, who have done nothing wrong other than being born. There was no choice to make otherwise, no decision that could have saved them. They were Jews... and thus, to the Nazis, vermin to be exterminated.
And these... these... people think that refusing to act to protect themselves using a scientifically-developed preventative measure against a deadly disease that has killed millions is somehow comparable to the Holocaust.
That doctors acting to save lives are like the enactors of the Final Solution to the Jewish Question.
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hello-nichya-here · 3 years
Are you against the vaccination? Why do you think people don't want it?
No. I even took it myself, so did my immediate family. The people who don't want to take any of the vaccines can be split in two groups.
Group one: they, understandably, are a little suspicious of how exactly not one, but four different vaccines were developed in such a short amount of time, and that their efficiency seems to flutuate quite a lot. In some countries there's also the bonus of "Our government is stupid and every now and again there are ton of scandals involving health proffessionals being in on it and putting people in danger, so I'm gonna wait a little and see if they're gonna fuck up this as well before I even think of taking a vaccine - or going anywhere near a doctor for literally any reason" Hell, my country falls into that category, but since, for once, the mayor of my city is actually somewhat decent and has not yet fucked up on anything, I went with it since, in the "worst" possible outcome, I will be a little safer instead of fully safe.
Group two: Cospiracy theorist/anti-vaxxers. These people are morons who will believe literally ANYTHING as long as it fits their biased mentalities. "The covid vaccine has a secret chip that can be used to spy on us!" (someone please tell them about phones and computers). "Vaccines cause autism! A shitty study made by that doctor who lost his medical license after he forged the results to scare people into buying his vaccines proved it!"
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mc-slowwalker · 3 years
Idk if America is covering it up but it's all I fucking see. Before, we all thought the pandemic would be over when the vaccine comes out. And NOW we have this wonder of science with 3 vaccine that WORK and stupid people won't let this fucking pandemic end. It's just getting worse. It's like there was a glimpse of freedom but anti-vaxxers ruined it.
My friend literally has asthma and they won't let her get vaccinated. She's scared she'll get kicked out if she gets it on her own. Colleges are doing terrible with covid how are you gonna trust Americans at a con? They're already not good with boundaries, how are you gonna encourage them to go when there's a deadly, SUPER contagious virus going around?
I'm just so mad about this, genuinely. Of course covid is terrible but how can Tommy contract it and then continue to encourage vidcon? And Wilbur and everyone else too? It's so unfair. Bad is also going and he's had covid too! Which he said he got from just going to Walmart or something so can you imagine how bad it'll be at a MASS GATHERING.
I cannot believe how little they're thinking about this. Imagine how many people have had covid, or had loved ones get covid, or at the worst, lost loved ones to covid? I know I've had that fear multiple times because I have family in non-first world countries. It's so insensitive and makes me insanely uncomfortable.
The display of just not caring is bothering me the most. You got covid, you're young so you don't have to worry about your immune system. You don't have to worry about dying. Can you imagine how immuno-compromised people feel? Teachers? Healthcare workers? People with elder family? They don't get that privilege of not having to worry.
I'm just so angry about this, sorry for the long rant. - lettuce anon
My family was sure that things were gonna chill after the vaccine and even though we knew that the antivax movement was big I think my parents thought that the government would do more? (Spoiler alert: they didn’t)
Colleges are doing shit, though I’d say I was a hypocrite because I’m going to college in a couple of weeks. My only options are go to college or get a job, and moving to college protects my family more immediately. It’s probably the selfish option, but either way I’d here to leave the house and put people in danger. I’m vaccinated, paranoid, and super antisocial so wish me luck. If/when I do get sick it’ll be easier to quarantine in a college dorm rather than my very full home. Even that I feel guilty about, I don’t know how vidcon goers don’t feel guilty
But yeah both tommy & bbh got covid by chance despite precautions so the fact that they’re still willing to go is,, wild
I don’t have any family in non-first world countries so I can only relate so much on that front, but my dad’s girlfriend is a healthcare worker and has an autoimmune disorder, so if the family gets covid she will likely not survive. Actually my mom and dad are really high risk too, covid could easily wipe out my family
And I’d like to point out a huge demographic that people (not you) like to leave out when talking about vaccines: cancer patients and recovering vaccine patients! They can’t get the vaccine because it will kill them but if they get covid it will kill them. Immunosuppressed people are gonna suffer too! Arguably I don’t know it immunosuppression is all that different from immunocompromised so I could just be arguing a point you already made
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eroticcannibal · 5 years
So, I've been wondering... I obviously agree that nobody should be forced to undergo medical treatments they don't want, but what about anti-vaxxers? They're putting other people in danger by refusing to vaccinate, not just themselves. What should be done about them?
There's ways of dealing with them that wouldn't be forcing medical treatment, like fines for being out in public and murder/attempted murder charges should they get anyone ill. Which given the risk to other people I think would be perfectly fair
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beevean · 3 years
I have a family member who is very anti-Mask, and refuses to get vaccinated and makes me and the rest of the family feel likes sheep when we don't agree with him, He throws a fit when we don't invite him to any family gathering. The thing is our doctors told her our nice is prone to illness and therefore we should be careful that she doesn't get Covid, and we already lost our grandmother to covid in 2020 but he doesn't care and I'm told not ot get into debates with him, should I?
My grandma became an anti-vaxx. One of those "I don't want the mark of the best inside my body" anti-vaxx :\
We can't invite her anywhere except our house. We can't watch the news without her repeating the conspiracy theories she sees on FB, mainly that everything is a plan to kill old people (yeah, as if Italian politicians would kill off 80% of their voters :V). She refuses to go to the doctor even though she's hurting because "our doctor is not mentally free and he might secretly vaccinate me". My mother still fights with her, one of my uncles (they don't live with us) is like "well, that means that if she dies of Covid we'll grieve her a little less". I hate Facebook and how politics divided families like that.
I'm sorry to say that it is very hard to convince anti-vaxxers, especially the more militant ones. Once you become a conspiracy theorist, it becomes so much easier to dismiss any information you don't like, because the government wants to hurt us and therefore falsify data! So what if on the news they've been saying for months that non-vaccinated people are 30 times more likely to die? They're lying, I know they are, that's what They do! Clearly, instead, this random account on the internet is spreading the True Truth!
I think it sadly falls on your niece, and you all as well, to be very careful with her health. The fact that it seems like your family member is in the minority is a good thing, less people that would put her in danger.
I'm sorry I couldn't be of more help.
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