#and they’re respectfully greeting each other. perhaps saying goodbye
zero1qn2 · 2 years
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to greet a colleague
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tanyawritesstories · 3 years
Liquid Hearts | The Mandalorian x Reader pt. 7 finale
It's the end! This is the last chapter in this series, I hope y'all have enjoyed the entire thing thus far. I hope you think this end is satisfying, sorry if this chapter is so much shorter than the other ones. I hope you enjoy! 🥰
Series Masterlist
Word count: 2.6k
Warnings: fluff, so many feelings, arguing, canon divergence, more fluff, hints at past abuse, Din is adorable when nervous
Din’s jaw dropped under his helmet. The Supreme Chancellor’s daughter. How was that even possible? This entire time he’d been traveling with an extremely powerful and important person and he hadn’t even known it. “That makes sense,” he heard Cara say from behind him. Din walked over to Y/N. “Why didn’t you tell me?” She sighed. “It wasn’t important and I was trying to stay away, to be invisible,” she answered. “I left the Rebellion just before the war ended. I was tired of it. Tired of being held hostage, tired of being protected and treated like an object of power.”
“My husband was an X-Wing pilot, I married him right after my mother said it was ok if we left the rebel cause. I never turned my back on them, never betrayed them. But I hated being in the spotlight, having to give orders, having to kill, having to tell families that their loved ones had died in combat,” tears accumulated in her eyes again. “I could only live that life for so long.”
Din wasn’t mad at her, how could he be? He realized now that the past she didn’t want to tell him about had been riddled with hurt and abuse. He understood now.
“Fett should be here soon and I’ll be gone,” Fennec said. She walked to Din and Y/N. “I hope everything works out,” she said to Din. “Thank you, Fennec,” Y/N said, “for helping rescue me and my daughter.” Fennec nodded to her and left the bridge. “What now?” Koska asked. “We wait, until the New Republic arrives and we sort everything out,” Bo-Katan answered her.
It was a tense hour and a half until the New Republic X-Wing transports showed up. Luke hopped back in his X-Wing and helped escort the light cruiser to the nearest habitable planet with a suitable secluded spot where they could land. The X-Wings landed first, their pilots exited the craft and waited.
Y/N came out of the light cruiser with Din, Cara, Koska, and Bo-Katan all behind her. Din had offered to carry Mandi for her while she did official business. Y/N greeted Carson and Trapper beside their X-Wings. “So how have you boys been?” “Getting old,” Carson replied. Y/N laughed, “it’s good to see you both again.” Carson put his hand on her shoulder. “I’m sorry about your husband,” he said. Y/N smiled sadly and nodded. “The Chancellor is on her way here, she should arrive in a few minutes,” he said.
“She’s coming in person?” Y/N questioned. “Of course she is, she hasn’t seen her daughter in four years,” Trapper put in. Within a few minutes a large New Republic transport landed. Several armed guards and security exited the craft first and stood at attention. Then Mon Mothma herself came out of the craft. She looked at her daughter and saw the turmoil in her eyes, walking towards Y/N with her arms open. Y/N ran into her mother’s arms, hugging her tight.
“I missed you, my dear,” she said. “I missed you too, mama,” Y/N replied. They pulled away and Mon Mothma pushed Y/N’s hair out of her face. “I’m so sorry about Aogen, I heard what happened,” Mothma said. “Are you doing alright?” Y/N nodded and smiled sadly, “I’m getting there.” Mothma cupped her daughter’s cheek. “Last I heard, you were only weeks away from your due date. I haven’t seen my grandchild yet.”
Y/N smiled and turned around, motioning for Din to bring Mandi over. He hesitantly approached with Mandi in his arms and Grogu in the shoulder bag. Y/N took the baby from him and placed her in her grandmother’s arms. “This is your granddaughter, Mandi,” Y/N said. The older woman smiled and cooed over the baby. “How old is she now?” “A little under three weeks,” Y/N answered. “She seems like a healthy, happy young one,” Mothma stated. “We have this Mandalorian to thank for that,” Y/N said motioning to Din. “He delivered her, and has been helping me take care of her ever since.”
Din flushed under his helmet, not used to the attention and he wasn’t sure if he liked it. “You have my deepest thanks, for protecting both of them,” Mothma told Din. He wasn’t sure how to respond. “Um, it was my pleasure,” he managed to say. She handed Mandi back to Y/N. “I hate to have to talk business but you said you captured Moff Gideon,” she said. “Not me,” Y/N said. She turned around and faced the others that came with her. “They did, plus a couple others that couldn’t stay for the festivities.”
Mon Mothma addressed the three women and Din. “You all have my utmost thanks and the thanks of the New Republic,” she looked back at Y/N. “Where do you have him?” Y/N smiled and jerked her head towards Cara. “New Republic Marshal Dune will lead you to him.” Cara smirked as Mothma told a few guards to go with Cara to get Gideon. “I will address the situation of Mandalore with the other two later, they have been on the radar for sometime, I will work something out with them,” Mothma ensured.
Luke approached and the Chancellor greeted him. “What was your issue with Luke this time?” Mothma asked her daughter. Y/N got a determined expression on her face. “He wants to take this child away from his father,” Y/N answered. She pointed to Grogu, who looked up at the strangers with curious eyes. “He must be trained or he will continuously be at risk,” Luke said. “Fine, but can Mando at least be allowed to visit your school and see his son, you can’t take him away forever!” Y/N protested.
Luke thought for a moment. “I suppose that could be an option,” he said. “Anytime he wants, they’re extremely attached to each other, and the kid only listens to Mando anyway,” Y/N added. “I can agree with these terms,” Luke said with a nod. “Does that sound good to you, Mando?” Y/N asked Din. He looked between the three expectant faces all waiting for an answer from him. “I just want the kid to be safe,” he said. “Very well, perhaps you would like to visit when the school is finally finished,” Luke offered. “Then you could see your little one in action.”
Din nodded slowly. “I’d like that.” Luke nodded respectfully to Din. “We have one more thing to discuss,” Mothma said. “This Mandalorian hasn’t exactly had pleasant run-ins with the New Republic recently.” Din sighed, there had to be a catch. Y/N stood tall. “I will take on any lawful repercussions that he may have warranted,” Y/N announced. Din looked between Y/N and her mother. “No,” he said, putting his arm around Y/N’s back. “I can’t let you do that for me. You already let yourself get captured and tortured by the Imps.” “I know, and you saved me, so we’re even,” Y/N said. “Now I’m doing this for you, so-”
“No, I can take responsibility for my own choices,” Din said, taking her hand. “That won’t be necessary,” Mothma interrupted. She called to someone behind her who walked over. “See that this Mandalorian’s criminal record gets wiped clean.” Y/N and Din exchanged glances. “You have done a great service to the New Republic today, it’s the least we can do for you,” the Chancellor said. Y/N got excited and wrapped Din into a tight hug. He chuckled and hugged her back. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have some other Mandalorians to talk to.”
It took a couple weeks to sort everything out. The New Republic had promised to help Bo-Katan any way they could although it looked bleak. Y/N hid the Darksaber on the ship they were taking back to Trask to pick up a couple other Mandalorians. Din was given plenty of time to say goodbye to Grogu and even flew him to Luke’s Jedi school on Ach-To to drop him off. Y/N had come with and Luke took them both on a tour. They decided to stay the night and Din found Y/N away from everyone else, sitting on a rock and watching the sunset.
“Can I join you?” Y/N smiled. “Of course.” Din took a seat next to her and stared out at the water. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you who I was initially,” she said. “It’s ok, I understand why you did,” Din replied. “I’m still sorry, that I was such a burden, that I dragged you into the whole New Republic mess, I know I-” “Hey,” Din put his hand on her knee. “You weren’t a burden, not at all. In fact….I enjoyed our time...together.” She smiled at him again, “As did I.” Y/N took his hand off her knee and held it in her hands. “Mando, I...I meant what you saw me say when I was taken,” She stuttered. “I know you may not feel the same way, but I have to get this out. I love you.”
She looked out at the setting sun. “I thought it was wrong at first, my husband hasn’t been gone that long but it….I’ve never felt this way before, and…” she trailed off. Din shucked off his gloves and couldn’t resist reaching over to cup her cheek and turn her head to look at him. “Y/N I….I love you too.” He sighed shakily, might as well let it all out. “I’ve tried to deny it, tell myself it wasn’t real, but I’ve never felt anything like I do when I’m around you. You’re so good with both the kids and you’re such a strong person…”
Y/N smiled and leaned over to him, pressing a kiss to the cheek of his helmet. “I know that’s as close as I’ll ever get to you, but that’s ok. I love you regardless and I always will, you’ve done more for me in a matter of weeks than anyone has in my whole life. Thank you for that.” Din's heart rate sped up as he thought of an idea. “That’s not exactly true,” he said. “Family members can see my face, I..I let Grogu see me just before I let him go with Luke. And Mandi saw me without it by accident.”
Y/N laughed, a heavenly sound that Din thought could drive away any bad weather. “What do you mean on accident?” Din sighed. “The first night on that frozen planet, while you were sleeping she woke up so I took her up into the cockpit with me and got her back to sleep, I was eating and bumped my helmet and woke her up. I picked her up to calm her down and she opened her eyes,” he explained. Y/N giggled again. “No wonder she thought you were her father, you were the first male face she saw.”
Din chuckled and took a deep breath, standing up and pulling Y/N with him. “I...I want to show you…” She shook her head. “If you don’t feel comfortable then don’t, I’m not pushing you to-” “I want to,” Din said. He slowly placed both hands on his helmet and lifted it off his head. Awe was written all over her face as she looked at him. “Stars, you...you’re beautiful…” she breathed. Din blushed and looked at the ground. She cupped his cheeks in her hands and made him look at her. “Would you look at that, I’ve fallen in love with the most stunning being in the whole galaxy.”
“You, you’re stunning too,” he said, still blushing. “Yes, most beautiful..” It was Y/N’s turn to blush now. “You’re too sweet, Mando,” she said. “Din,” he corrected. “My name is Din.” She smiled. “Just when I thought you couldn’t get any better,” she mused. “What happens now?” He sighed, setting his helmet on the ground and taking both her hands in his. “I know we haven’t known each other for long but I’ve been all over the galaxy, met all kinds of people and I’ve never known anyone who makes me feel the way you do. I don’t want to pass it up and never have the chance again..”
“Neither do I,” she agreed. “What do you say? Together from here on out?” He nodded. “Yes, I’m not losing you again.” Y/N smiled up at him as happy tears welled in her eyes. “Can I kiss you, Din?” A smile came to his face, “yes.” Y/N leaned up and her lips met with his in a passionate kiss. Her arms wrapped around his neck and he pulled her closer by her waist. They stayed connected for as long as they could go without air before reluctantly breaking apart. Their foreheads rested against each other, basking in their newfound love. Din quietly asked her a question.
“Marry me?”
Four years later…
Mandi bounded off the Razor Crest, her bare feet touching down on Ach-To’s lush grasses. She ran up the hill and searched through the groups of children in Jedi training, looking for her older brother. She spotted him with a group of other children, practicing their levitation. “Grogu!” She called out. She ran as fast as her little legs could carry her over to her brother, greeting him with a hug which he returned. “Mandi!” He gurgled happily. The little girl was now taller than Grogu despite the fact that he had been growing.
“Mandi!” She looked over her shoulder to see her father walking with her mother. “Don’t disturb them while they're training, you can wait,” he called. Luke came out of a nearby hut, smiling at his visitors. “It’s quite alright, Mandi. They can have a break,” Luke assured her. Mandi took Grogu’s hand and the children wandered off together. Luke strode over to Din and Y/N. “I see a lot has happened since I last saw you both,” he remarked. “Only ever good things,” Y/N said, rocking the newborn in her arms. He looked more like Din than Mandi did. Luke placed a gloved hand on the baby’s head.
“It’s been a bit of a wild ride,” Din said with a smile, “she went into labor early again.” Luke watched as their child slowly woke up and looked around. “What’s his name?” Din and Y/N exchanged glances. “Mar’eyce,” Din answered. “It’s Mando’a for discovery, and finding a state of heaven,” Y/N added. “He’s a result of the heaven we found with each other.” Luke smiled and looked back down at the little one. “A perfect name.” He let the baby clamp onto his finger and Luke’s brow furrowed for just a moment, something Din noticed. “What is it?”
Luke chuckled. “You two are going to have your hands full,” he said. “This little one is Force sensitive as well.” Y/N’s jaw dropped and she laughed. Din was shocked. “How do you know?” “I can feel it, most likely Mandi and Grogu can as well. Mar’eyce is strong with the Force,” Luke informed. “Stars, you’re potent,” Y/N joked, slapping Din’s chest plate. “Hey, hey,” he admonished lightly. “We’re in public.” Luke smiled at them. “I’d best find where Mandi and Grogu ran off too, he will be eager to help teach her how to levitate things.”
Luke left Din and Y/N and the woman laughed. “What’s so funny, my love?” Din asked. “We are outnumbered by Force sensitive children, this’ll be fun.” Din put his arm around her and held her close to him, smoothing his hand over his biological son’s little head.
“Yes, I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
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samthemarvelfan · 4 years
I Won’t Say: Chapter One
 -A Cold Greeting-
Summary: Ellaria Stark is the daughter of a king. When she is unwittingly betrothed to the king of a neighboring city, she isn’t sure how to feel. More importantly, she isn’t sure how the king will feel if he finds out the truth about her.
Pairing: James Barnes x OFC, Ellaria Stark. (Stark!Reader.)
Warnings: Royal!AU, Angst. I think that’s it?
A/N: Eeep! Chapter one! This is my first time writing a Royal AU, please let me know what you think! <3 Taglist is open!
Taglist:  @iheartsebastianstan @jjlizz @stuckysbabe @sk493494 @lefoutoir @nickangel13 @marvelismysafezone @lilulo-12 @warmvanillafeels @star-spangled-beard-burn @ravenesque @pinknerdpanda @wintersoldierissucharide @snapcapquartet @ellen-reincarnated1967 @unlistedpond @my-drowning-in-time @supernaturalwintersoldier @kimvmarvel @roseboho​ @disaffectedbarnes​ @winterboobear11 @choicesloversstuff (strikethrough means the tag didn’t work! I’m sorry!)
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The carriage ride, while not unpleasant, was not nearly long enough. It hadn’t even reached mid day, and you were to arrive to Buchanan at any moment.
As your mind wandered, your fingers kept busy fiddling with the embroidery on your gown.
“Princess, you must be calm.” Wanda kindly urged you. “Would you like me to assist?”
Wanda was a sorceress and your lady-in-waiting, chosen to be by your side—she was also one of your closest friends.
“Wanda, I’m beginning to regret this. I have such an awful feeling in the pit of my stomach...” you fret.
She smiled softly, “Permission to speak freely, your highness?”
You nod, “Always.”
Her hand touched yours for a moment, and you felt a blanket of comfort wash over you. Like a warm bath on a winter’s morning.
“You’re strong. You’re honorable, and kind. Your heart guides you and your head keeps you there—these are necessary qualities for any Queen,” she removed her hand from yours and continued. “If the King can’t see that, then the fault does not lay with you.”
You sighed.
In your heart, you knew she was right. You’d been groomed to be a Queen most of your life. You could easily handle the responsibilities of one after a bit of adjustment—but what of your betrothed?
Could you remain in a potentially loveless marriage? Spending your days with a man whom your heart has not chosen, giving him your life? Your body? Children?
“Ellaria,” Wanda said. “You’re thoughts are like thunder they’re so loud!” She laughed.
“Sorry about that.” You felt the heat rise to your cheeks
She waved a hand, “Don’t be. It’s natural to assume the worst. Just don’t get ahead of yourself yet. Let things play out as they will.”
You heard your Coachman stall the horses. Drawing the red velvet curtain of your carriage window back, you’d seen that you’d arrived.
The city’s gates were tall, black, wrought iron and ornate in design. They bared the Barnes house sigil—a wolf, in the brightest of gold. A horn sounded, and the gates opened. Your Father’s carriage heading in before yours.
“Open your curtain, please.” You ask Wanda.
She obliges, drawing it back on her side, allowing you to see the city better.
It was beautiful. Cobblestone streets, and clean, crisp gardens in front of nearly every home. Smiling families, happy children playing in the streets.
This gave you hope. Surely the citizens are happy for a reason, right? Their King must be a good man to care so much for his people.
“Look, the castle.” She urges.
The palace was as beautiful as you’d expect. Its walls covered in ivy vines determined to make their to the top. There were two large, oak doors adorned with gold filigree, and marble pillars mounted with stone statues of wolves. They were perched as if surveying the kingdom.
“It’s beautiful.” You whisper.
The carriages came to a halt, and soon, your Father was at your door. The guard opened it, and Father smiled at you softly. “It’s time.” He says.
You look to Wanda, who gives a soft smile, before turning back to Father. “Yes.” You agree.
Guards lined the white marble steps leading up to the castle, and at the top stood two men. Both strong and tall. The one with deep umber skin was dressed in armor—gold with golden helmet held at his side.
The man next to him, blonde of hair and eyes that matched the sky. He was in a navy blue tunic, sleeved adorned with black weaving. His lapel bore the family sigil atop a golden hand.
The hand of the King. You thought.
Father offered you his hand, and you placed yours atop it gently as you ascended the stairs. “Just breathe, my sweet.” He whispered.
A chaste nod from you earned a smile on his lips. Wanda adjusted your gown, and you lifted it slightly as you stepped.
“Your majesty...princess.” The blonde greeted happily when you reached the threshold, “Welcome to Buchanan, I am Steve Rogers, his majesty’s hand. This is Samuel Wilson, head of the royal guard.”
Your Father shakes both of their hands, “May I present my daughter, Ellaria Stark.”
The curtsy you fall into is second nature. Sir Samuel takes you hand, placing a chaste kiss on it. Steve does the same.
“A beauty, of that there isn’t a doubt.” Steven says.
Your cheeks flush with heat, “You’re far too kid, Sir.”
The sound of the palace doors opening cause you to jump. The guards lining the steps suddenly stood at attention, and your eyes searched the walkway.
The first thing you saw was the gleam of his sword; It hung proudly on his waist. Soon after that, you saw him. In all his glory, King James Barnes of Buchanan.
He was handsome—anyone with eyes could see that. When you saw his eyes however, your heart skipped a beat. They drew you to him; two perfect pools of cerulean opulence.
The King approached Steve and Sam, who both stepped aside to allow him to walk between them.
He did not smile. He did not seem eager, or excited by your presence, in fact...he seemed entirely uninterested. Not bothering to even look in your direction.
Nerves, surely. You thought to yourself.
Sam saw the look on your face and cleared his throat. This seemed to draw the Kings eye to yours finally.
“May I present his royal highness James Barnes, King of Buchanan. Your majesty, you know King Anthony Stark of the Iron Kingdom...”
He and Father bowed to each other respectfully. “James, allow me to introduce my daughter, my pride and joy, Ellaria.”
For a moment, you forget your place. He was so hypnotizing, just being in his presence felt intimidating. You shake your head subtly, snapping you out of your trance.
“Your Majesty,” you curtsy. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. Your kingdom, your castle...they’re beautiful.”
His majesty doesn’t speak, he simply looks at you. For what feels like ages, he just stares.
“Perhaps you’d like to welcome them, your majesty?” Steven urges.
James shakes his head. “Yes. Welcome to Buchanan, you must be tired from your trip.” He says curtly.
You smile, attempting to make conversation. “Not as much as one would think, it’s only a half days journey after all.”
He doesn’t acknowledge your remarks as he turns away from you to face your Father. “Tony, will you be staying for the feast?” He asks.
“No, no. My job is done. I should be getting home to my Pepper.” He begrudges.
Father turn and places a kiss on your cheek. “Write as often as you can, my sweet.”
You nod, not realizing how hard it would be to say goodbye. “Give Mother and Morgan my love.”
Father nods, a tear in his eye matching your own. He and King James bow to each other once more, before he heads for his carriage.
As you watch the door shut, your heart aches. Had you made a mistake? Surely if this was right you wouldn’t be feeling as though your world was collapsing.
Once Father’s carriage had left the castle grounds, you turn back to see only Samuel there. The King walking swiftly back into the palace, Steve at his heels.
“Your highness, if you’ll allow, I’ll have a handmaiden show you to your quarters.” He says kindly.
You could tell right away that Sam was an honest man. He seemed kind and decent and eager to serve his kingdom.
“Thank you, and Samuel when were in private please just call me by my name.” You smile, placing your hand atop his as he guided you into the palace doors.
“As you wish, my lady.” He smirks.
“Oh! Where are my manners? This is my lady, Wanda.” You proudly introduce her.
You’d been so caught up in missing your family, it hadn’t dawned on you until now just how strange your interaction with the king had been. He was staring at you for ages one moment, then blatantly ignoring you the next.
Hoping it was nerves, you simply keep you head high, and follow Sam through the corridors.
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“I don’t want to hear it, Steve.” James said as he stormed into his quarters.
“Yeah? Well, I hate to break it to you, but you gave me this job, right?” He asked gesturing to the pin on his lapel.
James nodded.
“So it’s my job to tell you when you’re making a fool of yourself. You didn’t even greet the poor girl.” He scolded.
James removed his sword from his hip, sheathing it. “Why would I greet her? I don’t want her here, Steve. None of this was my doing.”
Steve sighed, crossing his arms over his strong chest. “No, no it wasn’t. However, you chose to keep this kingdom alive. You could have elected to dissolve it; become a Lord of whatever land you decided to move to. But you did the honorable thing and kept this city whole. Your people need you. They need their king.”
“Their king is dead, Steve!” James shouts, feeling the pain of his parents passing swell in his chest. “And now I’m to marry someone I don’t know or love? Forgive me if I don’t seem eager.”
Steve watched James as he breathed, attempting to calm himself. His heart broke for his friend. “Bucky,” he called, using the nickname he’d had since childhood. “No one is forcing you to go through with this...no one, but the council members chose her for a reason, she’s of noble birth and she’s Tony’s daughter. Stark is a good man.”
Steve watched his friend nod in response, and felt a cheeky smirk land on his face. He nudged Bucky’s hip. “Then again, you’re a king. You have your blood line to think of after all. It must go on.”
James scoffed, “Already have me bedding her, do we?”
Steve chuckled, “Well, your majesty, I hear the marriage bed is a fine place to celebrate after a wedding.”
The two friends shared a laugh for the first time that day.
“I have a duty. To my people, to my parents...” Bucky said softly.
Steve nodded, “She seems kind. She’s a beauty as well. Start slowly, get to know her. The wedding is in a month, nothing is permanent until then.”
James sighed. “Did you see her face when her Tony left? She looked like she’d been kidnapped.” He rubbed his eyes.
“It’s new,” Steve argued. “I’d bet she wasn’t too keen on the idea of an arranged marriage, either...and after the way she was received by you, can you really blame her?” Steve was defending you.
Bucky sat in the chair by his desk, “You seem quite taken with her—perhaps you should marry her.”
Steve chuckled, “If you don’t, I just might.” He jested. “I’ll leave you. I will see you at the feast.”
James nodded, as Steve left the room.
He kicked his feet up on the desk, rubbing his eyes.
None of this seemed real. He was to suddenly marry and be the man his parents had always hoped he’d be. The man they’d never get to see.
He wasn’t ready. He didn’t think he ever would be.
Your image danced in his mind, as he left his head fall back, eyes closed.
He’d be a liar if he said you were beautiful. Bewitching, even.
When he’d laid his eyes on you, he was entranced. The way your ruby colored gown fit your woman’s body—beautiful curves and all. Your lips the perfect scarlet shade, your eyes—bright and bold like your laugh.
James felt his arousal through his trousers, but he didn’t care. Many a woman had gotten his manhood stiff before, and it’d taught him a very important lesson; beauty didn’t equate to love.
Though he couldn’t ignore the feeling that settled deep within his bones.
You were meant to be here, and you were meant to be his.
Chapter Two: Words
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