#and then there was lots of bullshit involving homelessness and poverty that meant i very VERY rarely even saw ER doctors
aniseandspearmint · 1 year
conversation i had with someone today;
Me: hah yeah no I haven't really been out and about lately, been having a fibromyalgia flare up.
Person I am talking to: Oh? What are the symptoms of that??
Me: *describes them* *gets to the extremities sometimes feeling like there on FIRE bit*
Person: Oh! That's just diabetes. You probably have that, since it runs in your family.
Me: .... No. I do not. I have been tested a lot. And what makes you think it runs in my family?????
Person: Well, you're mother had it. Obviously.
Me: My mother got GESTATIONAL diabetes. That just never went away. Because sometimes it doesn't. She's the ONLY person in my family to ever have diabetes that I know of.
Person: Oh.
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