#and then she hits me with the ‘you look a bit like phoebe bridgers and i’m jealous’ GIRL!!!!!!!
torybrennan · 6 months
someone told me i look a bit like phoebe bridgers this morning and while i do not think that’s true i’m going to think about it all day anyway
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coffeeshades · 18 days
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credits to the gif maker!
—forever winter
summary: the trials and tribulations of falling in love or two idiots who can't get their shit together.
pairing: pedro pascal x actress/singer!reader.
word count: 6.8k
warnings: 18+ (minors dni). angst!!! cursing, age gap, mentions of alcohol and covid. feelings of hopelessness, anxiety. no use of y/n, if i missed something please let me know!
a/n: hello again, here's the next part!! also here are a few songs i listened to while writing this one: salt in the wound - boygenius, flume - bon iver, the gold - phoebe bridgers, for emma - bon iver, forever winter - taylor swift and calgary - bon iver.
happy reading <3
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January 19, 2020
Los Angeles, CA
There have always been two versions of you: the person you once were and the person the world has decided you are. The first is the one who existed long before the spotlight, the one with a bit of adolescent angst, dreams bigger than herself, and a heart still learning to shield itself.
This version was taught by her parents that she was special, but the world hadn’t yet caught on. She was the girl who felt small and out of place, who wrestled with who she was and where she belonged.
And then there’s the second version, the one who stands in the center of magazine covers, on the glossy side of fame. She is everything you once dreamed of becoming—and more. You’ve spent the last decade perfecting her image, carving her out of raw ambition and countless hours under the hot glare of cameras. Her Wikipedia page reads like an epic: awards, accolades, achievements—flawless. She’s a masterpiece.
This side of you is never tired. She never shows frustration. She knows how to angle her face when the camera flashes, to smile when the questions sting, and to cry beautifully when accepting awards. She can gracefully discuss the sexism she’s faced in the industry, yet she knows better than to name names or point fingers.
She always sticks to the narrative.
For the longest time, you hoped you wouldn’t need to split into two people. That the version of yourself from years ago would be good enough for the world. But the divide wasn’t gradual—it was sudden. It happened four years ago, the day your ex decided to make you the centerpiece of a bitter, ugly breakup that splashed across every tabloid in the country. Since then, you’ve been caught between these two identities, juggling the woman you once were with the image the world expects of you.
As you sit in the back seat of the car, your eyes linger on your reflection in the tinted window. Tonight is the SAG Awards, another high-profile event where your public persona will take the lead. You watch yourself in the mirror, a familiar stranger, and wonder: Does anyone truly know you? Do you even know yourself anymore?
“There's a line of press when you get out of the car,” Taylor, your manager, says without looking up from her phone. “You know, the usual stuff.”
“Got it.”
You nod, trying to focus on the task ahead, but your thoughts are far away. You look out the window, the city lights blurring into a kaleidoscope of color. No matter how many of these events you attend, it never gets easier.
The car slows to a stop, the muffled sounds of the crowd growing louder through the windows.
“Why isn’t Daniel here?” Taylor asks, breaking the silence.
“He had to fly back to Enstone,” you reply, a pang of disappointment in your chest. “The season starts soon. He’s prepping.”
Last year was a challenging one for Daniel—his racing season wasn’t what he hoped for, and he’s determined to make up for it this time around. His commitment to his craft mirrors yours in so many ways, but tonight, you wish he was here with you.
“Oh, that’s too bad, babe,” Taylor says, her hand resting on your knee in a gesture of sympathy. “When will he be back?”
“I’m not sure; he didn't say,” you murmur. “Hopefully soon.”
The door opens, and the roar of the crowd hits you like a wave. Flashing cameras, the shouting of photographers, and the glittering red carpet stretch out before you. “Looks like we’re here,” Taylor says, stepping out and extending a hand to help you.
You take a deep breath, steadying your nerves. It’s always easier with someone by your side, but tonight you’ll have to do this alone. You follow Taylor’s lead, plastering a smile on your face as you step out into the chaos. The cameras flash, posing and waving, but inside, you feel detached—like you’re watching yourself from afar.
After what feels like an eternity, you finally make it inside the venue, your body relaxing slightly as the noise of the red carpet fades behind you. You’re greeted by familiar faces and smiles, but the exhaustion from keeping up appearances lingers.
“I thought I was going to be the coolest person here, but clearly, you've beat me to it.”
The voice pulls you from your thoughts, deep and teasing. You turn and find Pedro standing there, dressed in a sleek silver suit jacket with black pants, his expression warm and playful.
His presence doesn't faze you; you've been filming for the Mandalorian since November last year, seeing each other here and there, not really spending time together between takes, and not acknowledging what happened at the wedding. You didn't hear from him since production stopped mid-December, only to get back on set early January. Although with everything else he's doing, you barely see him there anyway.
“You look amazing,” he says, his eyes lingering on you.
You glance down at your outfit—a sharp, stylish suit you picked for the night. It fits perfectly, giving you an air of confidence even though, inside, you feel anything but. “Thanks,” you say. “You don’t look so bad yourself, Pascal.” You gesture to his getup, offering a kind smile.
Pedro smirks, his eyes crinkling at the corners. “I came over to congratulate you.”
“The Achievement Award. That's huge.”
You laugh softly, a little self-conscious. “That sounds like an overstatement for someone who’s only 28.”
He studies you for a moment, his gaze piercing. Pedro has always been able to see through you in ways that others can’t. You can hide from the world, but not from him.
“Don’t do that,” he says quietly, his voice firm.
“Do what?” you ask, but he cuts you off before you can finish.
“Don’t invalidate your accomplishments. You deserve this.”
There’s something in the way he says it—a weight to his words that makes you pause. Part of you wants to argue, to downplay everything like you always do, but his sincerity stops you.
Instead, you nod, offering a small smile.
“Thank you, Pedro,” you say softly. “That means a lot.”
Does it?
He sees right through and holds out his arm, a silent invitation. “Wanna walk in with me?”
For a moment, you hesitate. There’s an unspoken tension between the two of you, a history that neither of you has fully acknowledged. But as your eyes meet, the air shifts. You loop your arm through his, holding onto his bicep as the two of you make your way into the theater together. A camera flash goes off, and you smile. But this time, with Pedro by your side, it feels a little less lonely.
You were sitting at a table when a fellow actor and friend started talking about you on stage. It was surreal, like time had slowed down, and you found yourself lost in thought. You’d been to countless awards shows and accepted more than your share of accolades, but this one felt different. A recognition of not just a role or a single performance, but a lifetime of work—or at least, a decade of it. And you were still young. Too young, part of you thought, for this kind of tribute. Yet here you were, about to be honored in front of your peers, the people who had seen your highs and lows.
The screen flickered to life, and a montage of your work began to play. Scenes from movies that had shaped your career, close-ups of moments that had shaped you. A smile here, a tear there, moments of triumph and vulnerability.
It was oddly like watching your life flash before your eyes—a strange out-of-body experience, as if you were looking back at someone else's journey. The montage moved through the years, capturing not just the characters you played but the changes in you—subtle at first, then more pronounced. The younger you, still full of raw hope and untamed energy, compared to the more seasoned version, who had learned how to navigate the treacherous terrain of fame. It felt like a snapshot of your life in fast-forward, as if you were witnessing your own eulogy.
You breathed in deeply, trying to stay present. It wasn’t the end, you reminded yourself.
The applause was thunderous as the montage ended, and it wasn’t until your name was called that reality snapped back into focus.
You stepped out into the blinding lights, the weight of the moment settling in as you approached the podium. The sea of faces before you blurred slightly in the brightness, but you could make out familiar ones. Peers you respected, younger actors looking up at you with wide eyes, veterans who had paved the way before you. And somewhere out there, you knew Pedro was watching.
With trembling hands, you held the award, the metal cool against your palm. You took a breath, steadying yourself before speaking.
“This is... overwhelming,” you began, chuckling, your voice breaking slightly from the emotion of it all. “I don’t even know where to start. Thank you to everyone who believed in me and to the people who supported me through the ups and downs. This means more than I can put into words.”
You paused, scanning the room, catching sight of Pedro for just a second, his gaze fixed on you with an intensity that grounded you.
“When I started this journey, I was just a kid with big dreams and very little understanding of how hard this industry could be,” you continued, feeling the words flow more easily now. “But I learned early on that dreams don’t work unless you do. It’s not just about talent—it’s about determination, grit, and pushing through even when everything seems impossible.”
Your eyes drifted toward the younger faces in the audience. “To the younger actors out there, keep going. I know it can feel like the world is telling you no at every turn, like you’re not good enough or that you’ll never make it, but don’t stop dreaming. Don’t stop working. This industry can be brutal, but it can also be beautiful. Find the beauty. Hold onto it. Work for it.”
A wave of applause broke out, but you weren’t finished yet. You felt a pull, a need to say more, something from the heart. Something real.
“And through all of it,” you said, your voice softer now, “keep the people who truly love you close. In this business, it’s easy to get lost in the noise, in the hundreds of things that try to tear you down or make you feel like you’re not enough. But the people who love you for who you are, not what you can give them, are the ones who will keep you grounded. I’ve met some of my forever people in this industry, and for that, I’m grateful. Despite all the bad and all the heartache that comes with this life, it’s those relationships that make it worthwhile.”
Your gaze wandered again, unconsciously searching the crowd for Pedro, and when your eyes met his, something inside you softened. He knew what you were talking about. He knew the weight of those words better than anyone.
“I’m grateful,” you continued, your voice a little more vulnerable now, “because I’ve been able to hold on to those people. Even when things get complicated even when it feels like the world is pushing us apart. You have to fight for those connections. They’re what make this crazy, beautiful life worth living.”
You felt a lump in your throat but pushed through it, finishing with, “So thank you. To the people in my life who have stuck with me through the good and the bad. This is as much yours as it is mine.”
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March 5th, 2020
Calgary, Canada
Life after the awards ceremony didn’t feel much different than before. It was still the same relentless rhythm—work, events, travel, more work. The brief moments of peace in between became rare and fleeting, like whispers in the storm of your career. Daniel’s season was supposed to start soon, and though you’d seen him twice after he flew to France for preparations, something between you felt... off. His distance was palpable, but you hadn’t allowed yourself to dwell on it too much. It was easier to stay busy, keep moving, and brush it off as a phase. After all, the both of you were pulled in so many directions—when was the last time anything felt normal?
A quiet dinner in your NYC apartment, one of the few times Daniel managed to swing by in between training sessions. The table was set with takeout boxes instead of a home-cooked meal—neither of you had the energy for anything more.
“I’m glad you’re here,” you said softly, watching him as he absentmindedly poked at his food with a fork. He smiled, but it didn’t quite reach his eyes. “I miss this,” you added.
“Yeah, me too,” Daniel said, but the words were like dust on the air—insubstantial, weightless.
“Is everything okay? You’ve been quiet," you trailed off, unsure of how to breach the distance you felt growing between you.
He hesitated, then nodded. “Yeah, just a lot on my mind with the season coming up. It’s…you know, a lot of pressure.”
You reached across the table and placed your hand on his. “You’re going to be great. You always are.”
He gave you that familiar smile, but it still felt like something was slipping through your fingers.
By March, you had flown to Calgary to shoot a horror-adjacent film. The setting—a desolate cabin in the snow, miles from anywhere—was perfect for the kind of chilling atmosphere the director was aiming for. You’d always loved working with indie directors; their stories had depth, innovation, and a sense of grounded reality that the big-budget productions sometimes lacked. It was a reminder of why you fell in love with acting in the first place.
On set, things moved fast. Between takes, you found a quiet corner of the cabin and pulled out your phone to FaceTime with Taylor. She was mid-ranting when she answered.
“There’s a potential shutdown happening, babe. Something about a virus…COVID, or whatever they’re calling it. Have you heard anything about it?”
You’d heard whispers from the crew, but nothing had been confirmed. “I’ve heard some talk around set, but no one knows what’s happening yet.”
“Well, I’m telling you now, it’s serious. This might be the last project you get to work on for a while. Everything else is likely to be delayed. Keep your eyes open.”
You sighed, looking around as the crew moved around with their usual buzz of energy.
“Guess I’ll enjoy this last bit of freedom while I can.”
Taylor chuckled. “Yeah, enjoy it while you’re in the middle of nowhere. Call me if you hear anything else.”
You ended the call and pocketed your phone, the unease settling into your chest. Everyone around the set seemed unfazed, but the air had undoubtedly changed.
By the final days of production, the world was different. Everyone wore face masks, and hand sanitizer became the reigning deity on set.
Reality hit hard. Flights were cancelled. No one could leave. You were stuck in the cabin, snow piling up outside like a barricade against the world, while the virus barricaded you from returning home. You made a grocery run the minute things got a little hectic, filling the place with more supplies than you’d ever seen yourself buy—just in case. The panic in the air was contagious, and chaos reigned for those first two weeks.
You FaceTimed your mom as you unpacked. “I’m stuck in Canada,” you said, laughing softly despite the anxiety that gnawed at your insides.
“Are you serious?” her voice was a mix of worry and exasperation. “You should’ve been back by now. What about New York?”
“I don’t know when I’ll be able to get back. Airports are closed.”
She sighed heavily, the sound crackling through the phone. “Just take care of yourself, honey, alright? Don’t be reckless. Are you alone?”
“Yeah, but I’ll be fine."
Her voice softened. “Be careful, okay?”
“I will, Mom. I promise.”
It was a particularly dark, cold afternoon. The kind where the sky hung low with thick clouds and the cold crept in through the cracks of the cabin no matter how many layers you wore. You had wrapped yourself in a blanket, the silence of isolation pressing down heavier than usual when your phone buzzed on the table.
Daniel’s name appeared on the screen.
You hesitated, thumb hovering over the answer button, but you couldn’t ignore him. Not yet. So you swiped to answer and brought the phone to your ear, forcing a soft, casual, “Hey.”
His voice on the other end was calm, but there was an undercurrent to it—a kind of distance that had been growing for months. "Hey," he replied, his Aussie accent tinged with something heavy. "How’s it going over there?"
You shrugged, even though he couldn’t see it. “You know… same. Snowed in. A lot of waiting.” There was an awkward pause. You filled it with a half-hearted laugh. “How about you? Everything alright?”
He cleared his throat, and you could feel the shift before he even said it. “Actually… I don’t think we should keep this up.”
The words hit you like the cold outside, seeping into your bones, but not with shock—just a kind of muted inevitability. There it is, you thought, the final crack in what was already falling apart.
Your brain hummed with white noise after that. You don’t remember what you said in response, something vague like, “Yeah, I get it.” The words came out on autopilot, and you weren’t really listening anymore. It wasn’t traumatic; it wasn’t the kind of breakup that destroyed you. It was like slowly waking from a dream and realizing it had already ended before you even opened your eyes.
His voice was kind, soft—too soft. “You’re so great, you know that, right? This just… it wasn’t working anymore. For either of us.”
You nodded, though he couldn’t see it. Your mind was elsewhere—on the conversations with Pedro, on the way your heart leaped when you heard his voice instead of Daniel’s. You had known, deep down, for a while now where your heart really was.
“I guess we knew this was coming,” you finally managed, voice steady, as if you were discussing something as simple as the weather.
“Yeah,” he agreed. “But still… I didn’t want it to hurt.”
The niceties and the polite words that followed hurt more than any fight ever could have. It was the kindness of it that made it sting—the acknowledgment that neither of you had it in you to fight for something that had already drifted away. There was no anger, no raised voices, no accusations.
Just two people who had loved each other briefly, now saying goodbye like they were parting ways at an airport terminal.
“Well, take care of yourself, alright?” Daniel said softly.
“You too,” you whispered, already feeling the weight of finality.
And then it was over. The phone went silent in your hand, and you stared at the screen as if it could offer you some kind of closure that you weren’t sure you needed.
The days began to bleed into one another. You were alone in that cabin—snowed in and quarantined from the world. The only connection you had was through your phone, through calls with Sarah and Oscar, who checked in on you daily.
Most days, you found ways to pass the time. You read, you cooked—burned some things, too—and found yourself sitting by the old piano that had come with the cabin. Your fingers brushed against the keys, unsure at first, after so much time spent focusing on acting. But the music came swiftly, like muscle memory. The songs poured out of you, stories in lyrical form, shaped by the silence and solitude around you.
But some nights, the quiet was too loud.
The breakup with Daniel lingered in the back of your mind like a dull ache. You had been okay with it for the most part; you knew it was coming, and neither of you were in it anymore. But there were nights, like tonight, when the weight of it crashed down and the loneliness felt too heavy to carry. You lay in bed, tears wetting the pillow, thinking about how everything had ended in polite goodbyes when maybe you needed the screaming.
One day, in the middle of baking—flour dusting your hands and a bowl of half-mixed batter sitting on the counter—you received a text: “I hope you’re doing okay.”
You stared at it, your heart skipping a beat. You had thought about him every single day and wondered how he was coping and whether he was safe. Anytime Sarah called, you asked about him, telling yourself that it was enough to know from a distance. But now, with that simple text, you caved.
“I’m okay. Are you?”
His reply came almost immediately. “Not really. Mostly lonely.”
Your heart broke for him. You knew how hard it was for him to be alone. He thrived off people, off energy. And now, the world had gone still.
“Wanna talk?” you typed, holding your breath.
“Would love to hear your voice,” came the reply.
So you called him, and the hours melted away as you both talked about everything—about the virus, about work, about how isolating it all was. He asked, finally, “How’s Daniel?”
You hesitated. “We’re no longer together. Haven’t been for a while.”
There was a pause, then a soft, “Oh, I’m sorry.”
You quickly changed the subject, but it lingered between you, the unspoken acknowledgment of what that meant. After that, you spoke almost every day. The isolation became less suffocating, and with each call, you both felt a little less alone.
On Pedro’s birthday, you baked a cupcake in his honor, lighting a single candle before FaceTiming him. When he picked up, he laughed, “You made me a cupcake?”
“Of course I did,” you said with a grin, holding up the tiny treat. “Now, pretend to blow out the candle.”
He played along, puffing his cheeks and making a ridiculous show of it. “Thank you for this. It’s not much of a birthday without people.”
“Well, you’ve got me,” you said, singing an off-key version of Happy Birthday. His laughter filled the space between you.
Later that night, he posted a screenshot of your call on his Instagram story, and the internet lost its mind. Comments flooded in—"Omg, she baked him a cupcake!"—“My favorite best friends!”—and you laughed at the attention it brought.
One evening, as you sat at the piano again, your phone propped up with Pedro on FaceTime, he listened quietly as you played a new melody. “I think the lyrics need work,” you said, biting your lip.
He smirked. “Let me hear them.”
You hummed the first few lines, fumbling over the phrasing. “See, it doesn’t quite flow.”
“Let’s try this,” Pedro suggested, offering a line.
By the end of the night, the song felt whole, and you felt lighter.
The days passed—isolated and cold—but your connection with Pedro was alive and warm again. And as the weeks stretched on, you couldn’t help but wonder: How long until you fucked this up again?
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October 5, 2020
Budapest, Hungary
Pedro had always known loneliness. It was a quiet, persistent companion, but in Budapest, it had taken on a new form. The city was beautiful, its streets old and layered with history, but none of it could distract him from the hollow ache in his chest. The early mornings on set, the long hours of filming—the work was steady. But outside of that, the hours stretched endlessly.
He had been filming in Europe for months, and though he loved his job, the thrill of creating something special—the distance—both physical and emotional—was wearing him thin. He had been keeping in touch with you, his constant thread of connection. The texts, the occasional FaceTime calls, were easy and comforting. But he could never shake the weight of what he hadn’t told you. What you didn't allow him to say. It felt like a brick in his stomach.
You lived strangely in his head.
He still hadn’t found the courage to say the words. I love you. They haunted him—a truth he couldn’t bring himself to speak. Every time he thought he was ready, he backtracked, swallowing the confession whole. His cowardice infuriated him. What the hell was wrong with him? He’d been in love with you for years, the feelings growing stronger and deeper, but now… now you were thousands of miles away, and he was stuck in this self-made purgatory.
His thoughts often drifted to his mother lately. She had always known how to comfort him, her voice soothing, her advice simple but profound. What would she have said about you? About his inability to speak the truth? He could hear her in his head, telling him to stop being such a fool, to just go for it. But she wasn’t here anymore, and he felt lost without her, more than he ever let on.
The days on set were repetitive but engaging. The crew was tightknit, and the project was exciting. He threw himself into work, hoping it would distract him. He laughed with the cast, bantered with the director, but when the camera wasn’t rolling, his mind was elsewhere. It was with you.
A few weeks later, after wrapping up in Budapest, he found himself in Switzerland alone again. He didn’t know why he’d come. The scenery was breathtaking, the mountains vast and quiet, but the isolation magnified the emptiness he felt. It was as if everything had come to a standstill.
The stillness weighed on him. The quiet, once a solace, now felt oppressive. He spent his days wandering the small towns, drinking coffee in hidden cafés, trying to convince himself that the solitude was a gift. But he felt shattered, more broken than before.
One night, the loneliness became too much, and he called you. Desperation tightened his throat as he waited for you to pick up, his mind screaming at him to just tell you. The phone rang, and when you answered, your voice was soft, familiar, and full of comfort.
"Pedro," you said, and it was enough to stop him in his tracks.
His breath caught, and the confession lodged itself in his throat again. He had been ready, so ready, but hearing you—he thought better of it. What could he say that wouldn’t ruin everything?
"Hey," he replied, his voice rougher than intended. "Just wanted to hear your voice."
You chuckled softly on the other end. "You good?"
"Yeah, I’m good," he lied, the words heavy on his tongue. "Just…miss talking to you, that’s all."
"I miss you too," you said, and it broke him a little more. The call went on, but he had already retreated into himself, too afraid to say what needed to be said. He listened to you talk about your day, your laugh filling the silence on his end, but he couldn’t shake the feeling that he was failing—failing himself, failing you.
The next day, he went for a walk. The air was cold, biting, but it didn’t bother him. He needed to clear his head. He walked along the cobbled streets, past quaint houses with shuttered windows, and let the weight of his feelings wash over him. It was overwhelming. His history with you, all the unsaid things, all the moments when he should have acted and didn’t. It crashed over him like a wave, leaving him breathless.
He found a bench and sat, his head in his hands. One day, he thought. One day, I’ll tell her.
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December 31st, 2020
New York, NY 
The phone call from Oscar came two weeks before New Year's Eve. His voice was warm, as it always was, but there was an unmistakable edge of hope in it, the kind that crept in after months of isolation.
“It’s just something small,” he had said. You could hear his smile through the phone, that charming grin he always wore. “Not a lot of people, you know. Just family and close friends. After the last few months we've had… I think we need this.”
You hadn’t seen Oscar in person in what felt like forever, and the idea of being with people—Oscar’s people, your people—sounded like a balm to the soul. You agreed before he could finish the invitation, the excitement bubbling up despite the world still not feeling quite right.
You got tested later that week, making sure you were safe to attend the gathering.
When you arrived at Oscar’s apartment, the city had an eerie quiet to it. New York was never still, even during the pandemic, but tonight it felt subdued, like it was holding its breath for something more. You headed for the entrance, and the soft sound of music spilled out the moment the doors opened.
Oscar met you with his arms wide open, pulling you into a tight hug. “Look who finally made it,” he teased, his face lighting up in that familiar way. “You look good.”
“You too,” you said, stepping back and taking in the warmth of the room. It was intimate—just the right amount of people to make you feel at home, but not so many that it felt overwhelming.
Before you could take another step, Sarah swooped in, stealing you from Oscar’s embrace with an exaggerated squeal. She enveloped you in a hug so tight you could barely breathe.
“I missed you so much!” she exclaimed, her eyes wide with delight. You hadn’t seen her in ages, and the reunion felt like a weight lifting off your chest. The two of you spent the next few minutes catching up, your laughter blending in with the soft chatter around the room.
Then, out of the corner of your eye, you saw him. He had arrived a little late, typical of him, but the sight of him sent your heart into a dizzying spin. It had been almost a year since you last saw each other in person.
He moved through the room, and when he finally made his way toward you, your breath hitched. He wore a simple black t-shirt, the fabric clinging to his toned chest. His hair was longer, fluffy from the months of lockdown, and his big brown eyes—usually so full of light —looked tired.
But when he saw you, the weariness seemed to lift for a moment.
He said your name softly, stepping close. His arms opened, and you fell into them without hesitation, wrapping yourself around him in a way that felt too familiar, too safe. He held you tight, his grip lingering longer than necessary, like he was afraid to let go.
“Hey,” you breathed against his shoulder, inhaling the scent of him—pleasant, familiar, grounding. The world seemed to fall away for a moment, leaving just the two of you. You pulled back slightly, looking into his face, wanting to say something—anything. You couldn’t live without thinking about him. He consumed your every thought, and somewhere along the way, you had come to terms with how you felt about him.
But the words stuck in your throat.
“At last, we see each other,” he said, his voice quieter than usual, his hand still on your back.
“At last,” you repeated, your heart pounding against your ribs.
You both opened your mouths to speak, then laughed in unison.
"You first," Pedro said, his eyes twinkling with amusement, though there was something deeper there—something lingering just beneath the surface.
But before you could say anything more, Sarah reappeared, her arm hooking through yours as she dragged you away. “Sorry! I need to steal her for a sec,” she said with a laugh, oblivious to the quiet intensity of the moment she’d interrupted.
Pedro smiled at her, though his eyes flicked back to you. "What I wanted to say can wait," he said softly, his voice carrying a promise that sent a jolt through you.
You promised yourself you’d find him later.
In the kitchen, you and Sarah were rummaging through cabinets for more drinks when you heard Oscar’s booming laugh. Turning, you spotted him and Pedro, who now had a ridiculous pointy birthday hat perched on his head. You burst into laughter at the sight, unable to resist.
“Cute hat,” you said, pulling your phone from your back pocket. “Let’s document this moment.”
He grinned, grabbing Oscar by the shoulder and pulling him in for the picture. Pedro tilted his head, drinking from his beer, and Oscar looked up at him with a puzzled expression as you snapped a photo.
“Perfect. That’s going on Instagram for sure,” you teased, and Pedro groaned.
Before anyone could respond, Oscar’s wife walked by, eyeing the hat on Pedro’s head with mock suspicion. Pedro took his cue, unlocking from Oscar and jokingly attacking her with the pointy hat, poking her side with the plastic tip. You snapped another picture, laughing as she swatted him away.
“Send that to me,” she called over her shoulder, and you nodded, tucking your phone back into your pocket just as Sarah handed you a drink.
The night continued, the energy in the room bubbling up as the countdown to midnight approached. Karaoke had started in one of the rooms, and you couldn’t resist.
Pedro avoided it at all costs, standing in the doorway with a bemused expression. After your rendition of Losing My Religion, he caught your eye.
“That was something, huh?” he said, a smirk playing on his lips.
“I was extra terrible just for you,” you shot back, walking over to him. “I know how much you hate this.”
“You’re so thoughtful,” he said.
Just as you were about to respond, a woman’s voice broke through the moment. “Oscar said you were in here,” she said, stepping forward. “Hi.”
You turned to see her approach Pedro, and before you could fully register what was happening, she leaned in and gave him a quick peck on the lips. A casual, intimate gesture that sent a shock of realization through your entire body.
You blink, dumbfounded, as Pedro shifted slightly to make introductions. “This is Julia,” he said, his voice a little too calm for the turmoil suddenly spinning inside you.
Your mind raced, trying to place her. And then it hit you—she was in the group photos he posted from the crew of the movie he was filming in Budapest. One of the producers, you think.
Julia greeted you happily, oblivious to the terrible ache now pooling in your chest. You felt your throat tighten, the words you had wanted to say earlier were now swallowed by this unfamiliar wave of jealousy and disappointment. You went mute, unable to find words that wouldn’t betray how much this hurt.
Pedro’s voice broke the silence again, almost too nonchalant. “This is what I wanted to talk about earlier.”
Your stomach twisted. “Oh, great,” you managed to say, forcing a smile that you didn’t feel.
“And you?” Pedro asked, clearly trying to keep things light. “You said you wanted to talk, too.”
Your heart hammered in your chest, and your mind screamed for you to say something—anything—but all you could muster was, “No, um, it was nothing, really.”
Something stung deep inside you. It was a dull ache, gnawing away at your resolve. You needed a way out. Fast.
“It was a pleasure to meet you,” you said to her, your voice tight. “If you’ll excuse me…”
And before either of them could say anything more, you slipped away, making a beeline for the kitchen where Oscar stood.
“Hey,” you blurted, pulling him aside. “He’s fucking dating someone? And you didn’t say a thing?”
Oscar looked at you, taken aback. “I—it wasn’t my news to share.”
You pressed your fingers to your forehead, trying to swallow the embarrassment. “I know. I know, I’m sorry. I just… I can't believe I was about to confess my love for him and make a fool of myself. Again.”
Oscar stared at you, his eyebrows raised. “You were what?”
You laughed, though it was tinged with bitterness. “Yeah. But now? I mean, clearly, it’s just another sign. The timing’s never right. Never.”
Was it punishment? you thought.
Oscar opened his mouth, then closed it, clearly uncertain of what to say. Instead, he walked over to the counter and grabbed another drink. “Here,” he said quietly, offering it to you.
You took it, staring at the liquid swirling in the glass.
"It’s fairly new, you know," Oscar said softly, his voice tinged with hesitation. "Like two weeks or something. It’s not serious yet."
“I just don’t get it,” you muttered, almost to yourself. “I don’t.”
Oscar sighed, his hand finding your back, a comforting weight that helped ground you. “I know. I know.”
You knew there was else nothing you could do right now, so you poured the drink down your throat, feeling the burn as it went down.
“There you are,” Pedro called softly, his voice muffled by the cold air as he stepped through the glass doors onto the backyard patio. The wind hit him immediately, sharp and biting, but the bitter cold felt fitting, almost poetic.
You stood there, your back to him, a silhouette against the frozen horizon. For a moment, he was transported back to the first time he saw you in this very spot, under a much different sky. That night, the air had been warm, filled with the kind of anticipation that crackled with every glance exchanged. You had stood just like this, dressed similarly too, arms crossed against the world, hair cascading down your back like a curtain he desperately wanted to pull aside.
But tonight was different. Tonight, your shoulders were tense, hunched against more than just the cold. When you turned around, your face wasn’t full of curiosity. It was distant, your eyes heavy with an emotion he couldn’t quite name, but that he knew he was responsible for.
"You bolted out of there," Pedro said, his voice strained as he tried to sound casual, but the worry leaked through.
You gave a soft, bitter hum, a sound he couldn’t decipher but felt in his bones. "I was a bit shocked, honestly."
He swallowed, suddenly nervous, fumbling with the words he had rehearsed in his mind so many times but never managed to say. "I know. I wanted to tell you about her, I just... I don’t know. It’s new. I didn’t think it was important enough yet. I thought I’d find the right moment, but it never felt... appropriate. And I didn’t want to make things weird, you know?"
Pedro kept talking, words spilling out as he tried to explain. He mentioned her name—Julia—said they had met on set, that it wasn’t serious yet, that it had barely even begun. His voice grew quieter, more unsure with every sentence, as if he was trying to convince himself as much as you.
See, Pedro hadn't planned on getting into a relationship, not when his every thought was consumed by you, not when he knew he loved you, and yet here he was. He didn't know what he was doing anymore.
But your expression had already changed. He could see the way your face shut down, the way your gaze hardened, and it twisted something deep inside him.
“Don’t apologize to me about your relationship,” you said, the words sharp and cutting. “That’s the kind of thing that makes me feel like I’m some kind of Machiavellian villain.”
Pedro winced, his breath catching in his throat. He hated this. But before he could say anything, you spoke again, your voice lower, more controlled.
"Our time never seems to align, does it? It never has, and it never will. It's funny, even.” You paused, looking away, your voice a strained whisper.
Pedro wanted to scream. He wanted to tell you that he felt trapped between his own heart and the razor-sharp edge of what was right, what was fair. The guilt and longing were choking him, twisting his insides until all he could feel was the jagged ache of wanting something that was always just out of reach.
You took a deep breath, the cold air clouding in front of you like smoke.
"Are you happy?" you asked, your voice barely audible. A mirror of his very own "Do you love him?" from last year.
Pedro looked at you, his heart hammering in his chest. “I’m trying,” he said quietly, the truth in the words landing hard.
You nodded, your lips pressed together in a sad, resigned smile.
“Then that’s good enough for me.”
It was an unspoken agreement—a quiet acceptance that, once again, you were not meant to be. That your lives had written this story long before you’d ever had a say in it.
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a/n: enough sadness, their time will come soon ;)
a like, reblog or comment, anything is very much appreciated <3
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shadowbriar · 9 months
Matt Murdock - Your Wedding Dress
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Pairing : Matt Murdock x (she/her) Reader Word Count : 1.7k Warning : Angst. Get your tissues, I mean it. Synopsis : It was one thing to attend her wedding as a guest but to meet her before the ceremony? Would Matt have such strength in himself to face her? Notes : I listened to Phoebe Bridgers - Scott Street outro 1 hour on ytmusic while writing this. I suggest you do the same to get that maximum punch to the gut. If you like this story and would like to support me, please visit my kofi page and perhaps get me a coffee?☕
Matt’s grip on his white cane tightened as the smell of florals and champagne hit his nose. The soft sound of wedding symphonies was heard, and he could hear the bustling murmurs of the guests crowding the venue. This would surely be one of those days where he wished he didn’t have his heightened senses.
If only Fisk hit him a little bit harder on the head the other day. If only he’s gotten an important trial to attend to today. If only he’s got any other reason to pass up this harrowing day. If only.
Karen’s gentle squeeze on his arm is the only anchor Matt now has to not completely lose it. Foggy and Marci were a few steps behind them and though none of the four exchanged a word since they got out of the taxi earlier, Matt could tell from the beating of their hearts that they were worried too. For him or for her, he wasn’t sure. It would’ve been a pleasant mini reunion for them all if the circumstances weren't as unfortunate.
He knew that the grey cloud surrounding his head was contaminating such a pleasant morning. His sour expression was in contrast to all the gleeful smiles and happy faces the other guests have. He knew that he should, at the very least, pretend that he’s happy for her. Matt tried. He painfully has tried to be happy. To finally accept his final defeat in life and let her go, but it’s just such an impossible task to do.
Some people are bound to leave greater marks than others in your heart.
“Excuse me,” Someone called from behind the quartet “Is any of you by chance, uh, Mr. Murdock, Ms. Page, Mr. Nelson, or Ms. Stahl?”
“That is us all, actually,” Foggy answers, knowing that his best friend has no power in him to utter a word.
“Oh perfect! The bride has asked to see you all before the ceremony.”
The three friends glanced at Matt, waiting for his response. It was one thing to attend her wedding as a guest but to meet her before the ceremony? Would Matt have such strength in himself to face her?
Before any of them could say a word, the person who seemed to be one of the wedding organisers ushered them to a room. The smell of her perfume was intoxicating. It was the only thing Matt could sense with every step they took. Like a magic spell binding him to follow blindly wherever it may lead. Even if that final destination might be his death.
His heart was hammering inside his chest. Like a hummingbird trying its best to flee its cage. Yet when the door closes behind them, when they’re finally given the privacy to see her alone, when the noise of the havoc happening outside was muffled and all he could feel is the serenity of this bridal suite, Matt suddenly feels like he was afloat.
“You guys made it.”
Matt clenches his jaw. Her voice was as sweet as a melted butter, yet it did nothing but make all the muscles in his body tense. His body went uptight. She was everywhere now. Her scent, her voice, her heartbeat. All of her is filling and suffocating his senses.
The sound of her dress sweeping the floor as she comes closer to them makes his heart ache. He wonders just how beautiful she must look right now. He wonders if she’s wearing that one dress she once described as her dream wedding dress. The one with thousands of mini buttons and a long sleeve of beautiful lace that feels like feathers when you touch it. He wonders if her dress has that long train that he argued would be quite a problem when she needs to do her slow dance later.
The four of them shared their small talk with Matt still busying himself to be desensitised with the event unravelling before his eyes. It proved to be a challenging task to do with her presence around. Everything about her just pulls him whole like a blackhole he couldn’t escape.
“Guys, would you mind giving me and Matt a moment?” She says at last. Matt could feel her heartbeat quickening a little “I don’t really have much time left before the ceremony starts, so if we could just have a few minutes..”
“Of course, yeah! Sure,” Foggy says fast “We’ll be outside.”
Matt could hear the soft sound of the door closing behind him yet it serves as a loud gun to his ears. He’s finally alone with her now, for God knows why, for God knows how long. A part of him wanted to throw away his cane and run towards the closest window to flee himself, but a bigger part of him wanted to melt his feet to the ground and bask in this moment forever.
“You look handsome,” She compliments, slowly taking closer steps towards him. Matt’s breath hitches when he feels her hand around his neck, trying to fix his collar “You’re wearing the tie I gave you back in college.”
“It’s the only nice tie I have,” He says with a smile “I’m sure you look handsome too.”
“Yeah, right.” She scoffs, Matt could tell that she just rolled her eyes.
“What’s wrong? You don’t feel beautiful on your wedding day?”
“Oh, no, I do feel pretty, it's just..” She pauses, letting out a soft sigh “It’s just not what I imagined.”
Matt forces a smile, “Describe your dress for me.”
“Don’t you want to just touch it? I’m not the best at describing things, remember?”
“I'd rather hear you talk.” He says, he could almost feel the heartbreak mirrored in her heart beat “Please.”
“Well, uh, where do I start,” She says with an awkward laughter escaping her lips “It’s an off shoulder ball gown with some super tight corset. I’m supposed to wear a glove with it but I couldn’t be bothered. Oh, and the veil. The veil might be the cherry on top in this. I look like a ghost from the 1800s.”
Matt let out a genuine laughter, amused by the distraught she seems to be having, “So no mini buttons?””
She shakes her head, “No mini buttons.”
“No long sleeve with lace that feels like feathers?”
“No, no feather like lace.”
“And no long train?”
“No,” She says, this time with more shakiness in her tone “No long train.”
His tongue darts out of his lips, licking it as he tries to find a word to say, “That does sound like an awful dress.”
“It is,” She agrees in defeat “It’s the worst.”
Silence fell upon them. A familiar one that typically would be comfortable and soothing, yet for once it made them tick like a timebomb. Matt wishes that his abilities would extend into mind reading because God knows just how desperate he wanted to know what she’s thinking. He wanted to know the truth about her heart, what made it beat so loud whenever he laughed or smiled at her. He wanted to know what is making her eyes glossy right now.
“Rescue me, Matt,” She finally whispers “Get me out of here.”
Matt swallows the hard lump on his throat, “And where would we go?”
“Anywhere. We could go miles away from here or.. Or we could just go back to your apartment and drink some beer,” She begs, her sobs get louder as a tear escapes her eyes. She takes one of his hands that was clutching the white cane and places it on her cheek, trying her best to melt into his hold “Tell me that you don’t want me to go on with this. Tell me that this is a mistake, that us breaking up was a mistake. Tell me that you don’t want me to marry him and we’ll be free, Matt. We’ll be free.”
“You’ll never be free with me,” Matt argues, his own voice breaking “You’ll never be safe with me.”
And that’s when Matt feels it. His heart completely shatters as she breaks into tears. He could feel her trembling, feel the pain she’s going through with this marriage. He could feel the heartbreak and despair in her heart. He could feel the frustration and anger that she desperately wanted to vent yet had no outlet for. He could feel it all.
But this, as much as it destroys them both, this is what is best for her. She deserves to be with someone who could provide a stable life for her. Someone who doesn’t spend their nights haunting bad guys and going home on unGodly hours with blood and bruises littering their body. She deserves to be with someone who could protect her, not the one who would only draw danger towards her.
“I don’t love him, Matt. I never do,” She reasoned “I could never love anyone as much as I love you.”
Matt pulls her close for an embrace. He tries to eliminate all the space between them, pulling her impossibly close, yet it still doesn’t feel enough. It hurts him to know that for once their embrace couldn’t fix the problem at hand. He wanted her all for himself but even his greed isn’t as big as the love he holds for her. He couldn’t risk it. He just can’t.
“I’m sorry,” He whispers “I’m sorry you don’t get to have that dream wedding you wanted in this life.”
She remains quiet, her sobs are the only thing filling the room right now.
“Hey, look at me,” Matt says as he pulls away from the hug, cupping her face to make her see him “I’m sorry I caused us this mess, Baby. I never wanted to hurt you.”
She nods, forcing a smile, “I know.”
“I promise you, in every other universe, you’re wearing that wedding dress. You’re smiling and happy because I’ll be waiting at the altar, and I’ll cry. I’ll cry when I feel you walk down with orchids on your hand. And we’ll exchange our vows, and I’ll kiss you before the priest announces us man and wife because I just couldn’t wait. I couldn’t wait.”
A laugh escapes her lips.
“And then we’ll make a fool of ourselves for our dance because what exactly can you expect from a blind man and a woman with an insanely long train of dress?”
“Oh, Matt,” She cries, pulling him for another hug “I love you so much.”
“I know, Baby,” He breathes “I love you even more.”
“Promise me this is the only universe where we don’t end up together.”
Matt pulls away. His thumb caresses her skin gently before pulling her for a kiss. The very last kiss they would share in this lifetime, “I promise.”
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itsagoodluckkiss · 8 months
I Know The End
Pairings: Roronoa Zoro x f!reader, platonic strawhats x f!reader
Summary: This is based on one of my favorite songs, I Know The End by Phoebe Bridgers, and I take the meaning of this song as a "when you're at the bottom, the only way is up" kind of song. Reader is a friend of Nami, she has air powers and joins the Strawhats after they help her save her town.
Warnings: Mild East Blue spoilers, kinda OC Zoro, typical OP violence, otherwise pure fluff, no use of Y/N
WC: 3.7κ
A/N: Oi, hello there! This is my first One Piece fanfic, took me a bit more than I expected but I did it! I have another one for my first request on the way, but since this is my first, I had to post one about my fave! Also, I'm sorry for any mistakes, english is not my first language. Anyways, hope you enjoy it, and if you do, pretty please leave a comment! Requests are open! ❤️
“I’m not gonna go down with my hometown in a tornado, I’m gonna chase it. I gotta go now, I know. Driving out into the sun, let the ultraviolet cover me up. Went looking for a creation myth, ended up with a pair of cracked lips… A slaughterhouse, an outlet mall, slot machines, fear of God… Big bolt of lightning hanging low. Over the coast everyone’s convinced it’s a government drone or an alien spaceship.”
Feeling out of place is something you get used to when living in this part of the East Blue and seek adventure; it is called the weakest sea for some reason after all. Even if she loved her living place, she disliked the fact that people mostly minded their own business without blinking an eye to the suffering and corruption around them. She couldn’t entirely blame them; it wasn’t an easy thing caring about neighboring regions when your own was constantly hit by natural disasters, causing deaths and lifetime labors destroyed.
She had just learned that the Conomi Islands had been freed by Arlong’s cruel rule after eight whole years. She wondered how Nami was. They had met a couple of years ago when she caught her rummaging her family’s vault and helped her through it without getting her caught. She hid her in her room while the Navy was looking for the thief. She didn’t need the money and it was obvious to her that Nami did. Nami was her first real friend. The week they spent together, drinking and getting to know each other, talking about their backstories, their wants and plans for the future was the best in her life. She had promised that after she’d buy her village back and free it, she’d come to see her again. She hadn’t heard from Nami since.
They said it was because of the Marines the islands were liberated. She could never believe that for one second. Her curious personality always managed to get her into the Navy’s business, making her family’s influence and prestige on the island take a hit every time she got into trouble with them. She couldn’t help that all this talk from the Marines about justice and keeping the peace made her want to throw up on their shiny uniforms. She knew it was all an act for them and their allies to maintain power. How could Marines talk about values when regions and people were enslaved and the Navy turned a blind eye instead of helping, just for power and some berries?
Her dream was to end all that fake order and bring actual freedom to those in need; to become a freedom fighter and help people. She needed the right opportunity but also, she had to take advantage of every situation if she wanted to get away from that place someday and seek what she so wholeheartedly craved. So she learned her family’s secrets and strengths. It’s not every day you see generations of people knowing how to yield the air around them, giving them a bunch of abilities like flying or sucking the air out of their enemies’ lungs or causing hurricanes of every size. She knew when to play nice and be obedient so that her parents would teach her their ways, thinking that she would grow out of her rebellious phase, would learn about and protect her family’s rule. It’s not an easy task for them to cover up the Navy’s dirt on the island after all.  
The more she mastered her power, the more she could see that something was wrong with her family. She had started to notice the patterns. Every time the island was hit by a storm or a natural disaster, they were never home. At first, it would make sense that they’d go and help their people. Then, after the storms, her island’s Navy unit and its captain started collecting “taxes” for rebuilding the infrastructures. Thing was, the taxes would constantly go up, bringing inhabitants to their knees. Meanwhile, her family didn’t seem affected at all. They would just roam the island, giving advices and pacifying the angry voices that protested the Navy. So, she decided, in the next hurricane, she would learn her parents and older siblings’ sketchy business. She had to know what was the cause of all this and what she could do to change it.
Meeting new people travelling between islands and seas was a fascinating thing. She loved hearing stories about their adventures, about different places and bigger dangers, fights between pirates and marines or about the golden age of piracy. About the Grand Line, the different weather conditions in each island, the devil fruits and the abilities they gave their users. She would always wander through the port, looking for more myths coming to life by the sailors that docked their ships on her island for supplies.
When she spotted a beautiful pirate caravel, with a sheep figurehead in its bow and its Jolly Roger with a straw hat, docked in their port, she felt a strange wave of excitement and peace. She couldn’t explain it but that beautiful ship radiated so much love and care, like it had a soul of its own and a smile that made everyone feel like home if they stepped into it. She stood there, admiring it from afar, when she felt someone standing next to her.
“She’s beautiful, isn’t she? Her name is Merry! She’s my ship.”
She turned to look at the stranger. A boy around the same age as hers, with a small scar under his right eye and a straw hat on his head, and that made her assume this was the captain. He had a smile so vibrant, it reminded her of the sun. His energy was so welcoming, she felt like she could be friends with him on a whim.
“Hello. She is indeed a sight to behold.”
She gave him a warm smile back, raising her hand to introduce herself.
“That’s a pretty name. I’m Luffy, and I’m gonna be King Of The Pirates!”
She couldn’t help but laugh, but it had no malice. She loved dreamers, being one herself, and even if she met that boy only a couple of minutes ago, she could see he would give everyone in the world a run for their money. A gust of wind blew, taking his hat away, and before he could react, she brought it back to him through the air around her. She placed it on his head and gave him a toothy grin.
“There! You can’t be King Of The Pirates without your trademark, right?”
She was dumbfounded by his enthusiasm and his abrupt proposal. Never had she met anyone like him, so thrilled by her presence and her little air tricks. Before she could reply, she heard footsteps and another male voice behind her.
“Oi Luffy, stop scaring people by asking them to join us like that, will you?”
She turned to look at the deeper voice, and for a moment it felt like lighting coursing through her veins. Taller and more muscular than the boy next to her, he looked a bit older than them both, with short green hair and eyes gray as steel, three golden earrings that gleamed in the sunlight graced his left ear. He had a sharp gaze that radiated a strong and confident energy, one that lacked fear or hesitation. She never believed in love at first sight, but this felt as close as she could imagine it would feel. The man approached them and introduced himself to her.
“Roronoa Zoro? As in ‘Pirate Hunter’ Zoro? In a pirate crew?”
Of course she had heard of his reputation. Who didn’t know the infamous bounty hunter swordsman in the East Blue? He chuckled at her surprise.
“Yeah, well, long story short, this guy here has an effect of convincing people easily.”
“There you are, you idiots! We’ve been looking for you everywhere! We’re not here for me to babysit you not getting lost, we’re here to find my-”
She heard a familiar female shriek before she felt soft arms around her, squeezing her tight, and she immediately knew who it was. She could never forget her best friend’s hugs. She returned the hug as she screamed Nami’s name, before they both started to cry tears of joy. Her hand grabbed her upper arm, and she felt deep scars where her Arlong tattoo should be but was replaced by another, prettier one.
“I was so worried about you! I learned what happened to your village and I didn’t know what to think!”
“You should have known I’d be okay, you know I always pull through. Although, these guys were the greatest help I could get. They are the reason I’m freed and I wanted to keep my promise to you.”
She looked at the boys around them with gratitude, two more joining them, a blond boy wearing a suit, who looked like he would burst into flames from the heart eyes on his face and another one with wavy hair, a long nose and mischief in his eyes.
“I can’t thank you enough for helping my friend. She means the world to me!”
“Whoa, Nami’s your friend? Now you should definitely join our crew! We’ve heard so much about you, the only reason we stopped here before Loguetown was to find you!” Luffy said with enthusiasm.
“Yes, it’s not every day you hear someone born into money giving them away without question, hiding the thief in addition and fighting their way to get them out safely. You must be quite the character.” Zoro smirked at her.
“And to add to that, you’re also a sight to behold, my lady!” the blond boy said as he kissed her hand and introduced himself as Sanji, making her laugh at his advances.
“We’ve heard you have a great mind for plans too. Could use a strategist in this group of idiots that run into danger head on. I always device a plan to beat my enemies. I’m Usopp by the way.”
She was dumbfounded to say the least, taking them all and their kind words in. She met these guys a few moments ago, yet never had she felt such a feeling of being so welcomed by the people around her, she was so used to being ignored that this interaction almost made her sob. She kissed Nami’s cheek before letting her go.
“I… thank you guys… you’re all so sweet… but I don’t think I’m that good-”
“Bullshit, you’ll be the smartest person besides me in this crew. Come on now, I know how much you long to get the hell out of this place, they’ve never appreciated you anyways, and I don’t think anything changed since we met.” Nami proclaimed, smiling at her.
“No… not much anyway. I just learned how to use my powers now… Look, I don’t know what to think of this, I have-”
A loud rumble shook the earth below them. She felt the temperature drop rapidly and she knew what was coming. Now was her chance to find out the truth she looked for, the one that could possibly make her decide to cut ties with her family if her speculations were true. She turned to the Strawhats, as they called themselves, and smiled brightly.
“Thank you guys. But I have to run now. There are rooms for rent down this road, run and cover yourselves and don’t come out before the storm passes. Maybe I’ll see you around after that.”
As they started to protest, she flew off to the source of the hurricane she could see coming from afar.
And sure enough, the feeling of throwing up from disgust and despair overwhelmed her when she arrived at the source. She saw her family controlling the hurricanes and lightings that hit her island, and the Navy captain, who she knew was a devil fruit user, was shaking the ground, causing the earthquake, while his Unit watched from the sidewalks. Bodies were scattered around damaged buildings, scenery of pure horror. Before she could react to stop this, she felt boulders hitting her, splitting her lips and bruising her body, blood running down her jaw as she fell down.
Logically, everything fell into place. Emotionally, nothing made sense. She couldn’t comprehend how she could have been raised by such cruel people. Her eyes welled up with tears, but not from the pain she felt on her body, but from the sight in front of her, as her parents approached her, proclaiming she was not mature enough to understand their family’s best interest and how she has always been such a disappointment, never listening, never following orders, an annoying, meddling child.
“Do whatever you want; we can’t do anything about her anymore.” Her parents proclaimed to the navy captain as he too approached.
“You’ve always been a pain in the ass and I can finally get rid of you.” The captain proclaimed as he unsheathed his sword.
She closed her eyes but she never felt the blade on her skin. The captain’s scream echoed as his arm got cut off from the shoulder, his sword hitting the ground.
“Swords are not toys, captain. You don’t get to play with them.”
Her head spin to the male voice behind her and her eyes widen as she saw the five pirates ready to fight. Zoro was the closest to her, having drawn one of his swords that was now covered in blood, leaving a clean cut on the marine’s shoulder. Usopp was standing a few feet behind, a slingshot in his hand as he shoot at the navy soldiers, the collision ended in blasts and the soldiers started to run away. Nami was holding a strange, long, steel pole that seemed by its use to control the weather around them with air bubbles.
“You’re not hurting a lady on my watch.” Sanji proclaimed before his leg collided with the bleeding captain’s face, kicking him to the ground.
“He was already done, curlybrows.”
“Shut your mouth, marimo!”
They were bickering as if they all were not in a life or death situation. The most shocking thing was Luffy, who was stretching his body as he was wielding what seemed to be the bark of a tree around, taking soldiers and her family with it.
“Nami said you had problems with your family. You seemed worried. So we followed you.” He said with a toothy grin.
Zoro grabbed her hand and raised her from the ground.
“You know how to fight I assume?”
“Yes I do.”
“Well then, let’s give them hell, pretty girl.”
Either way, we’re not alone. I’ll find a new place to be from. A haunted house with a picket fence, to float around and ghost my friends. I’m not afraid to disappear. The billboard said "The End Is Near". I turned around, there was nothing there. Yeah, I guess the end is here.”
And sure enough, she couldn’t believe the six of them managed to stop the destruction while fighting the whole navy unit and her family combined, who were now running away from the angry crowd that had assembled when the hurricanes stopped and saw the whole thing happening.
“You guys… I can’t thank you enough-”
“Pffff, that was nothing, it was funny being blown away, felt like flying hehe.” Luffy laughed as he grabbed her in a hug. “You’re Nami’s friend, so you are our friend too!”
She had started crying by now as she hugged Luffy back, the feelings she felt in that moment couldn’t be described.
“I think… I think I’ll join you guys!”
A week had passed since her family fled off the island that was now filled with marines who listed the damages and arrested their own dirty kind. They had made a futile attempt to take the strawhats in, and before they would even start a fight, the people of the island wreaked havoc, not even letting them close to their saviors. She took the crew in the house that was now hers.
She helped Nami move all the gold from the house onto their ship. She gave Usopp advices for his trinkets and how they would fly through the air easier. She cooked with Sanji and then would catalog the storages that would be taken with them to their journey, with Luffy receiving several kicks from the cook because he tried to eat everything. She had never had so much fun in her life as she had with them. Her favorite moments came at night, usually spent drinking with Zoro. They had talked about their childhoods, he had told her about his family how died when he was a toddler, his promise to his childhood friend who died way before her time, how he acquired that big scar across his chest. The more she got to know him, the more connected she felt to him, like a final puzzle piece falling right in to place.
On their last night, everyone was fast asleep, getting the rest they’d need since they would cross the entrance to the Grand Line the next day. But her anticipation wouldn’t let her sleep. After tossing and turning for what seemed like hours, she got off her bed and walked around the house, taking it in one last time. She had decided to gift it to a large family whose home got destroyed. It was a fact that she didn’t want anything to do with that place anymore. Tomorrow morning her life would change forever. Her mind leading her nowhere in particular, she walked to her terrace. The wind, soft and gentle, rustled through the leaves of the trees, creating a soothing melody, and she could see the sea ahead, illuminated by the moon, which casted a silvery glow on the water. It was a peaceful scene, yet she could feel her heart racing when she saw Zoro sitting on the bench of her terrace, polishing his swords. 
“Why aren’t you sleeping?” he asked as he glanced at her.
“I… I guess I’m nervous about tomorrow.”
“It must be a little overwhelming, I guess. Don’t worry though, we’re a good crew, we’ll take care of you.”
A small smile played on his lips. His words were reassuring, but there was something else in his tone, something that made her heart skip a beat. She bit her lip, walking to the edge of the terrace, her hands holding on to the railing as she tried to find the right words to say.
“I know I’ll be safe with you, guys. It’s just… it feels like the end is near for me in this place… and being in a pirate crew is going to be something so new and big… and I don’t feel like I bring a lot on the table…”
He chuckled softly as he placed his swords down, walking towards to stand next to her, taking her hand in his to give a firm squeeze.
“The end is near for this part of your life, indeed. But you’re strong, you’re brave, and you’re a great fighter. You’ve been through a lot and yet you’re one of the kindest people I’ve met, still standing here, ready to face whatever comes next. That takes a lot of courage, and it takes character. I think you bring a lot, and you’re going to fit right in with us. You’re not alone.”
She smiled shyly, feeling warmth spread through her chest, her eyes almost welling up. He smiled back, his expression genuine.
“Thank you, Zoro. You really have no idea how much that means.”
“I think I do. I know what it’s like to be uncertain about the future, to feel like you don’t belong anywhere. But you belong with us now. You’re going to make a great crewmate. It’s good to have you on board. I have a feeling you’re going to surprise all of us with what you can do.” He paused, his expression a bit more serious. “And… if you need to talk… or vent or… anything… I’m here.”
A deep blush crept up across her cheeks. “I… thank you… for everything. Same goes for me.”
She felt her heart flutter as he continued to hold her hand, her stare moving to meet his gaze. She couldn’t help but feel more at ease with him and he couldn’t deny the way he felt either.
“For now, I think we should just enjoy being together and explore this new thing we’ll find ourselves in. Who knows what kind of trouble we’ll stumble upon?”
“I’m looking forward to seeing what awaits us.” She leaned a bit closer, her voice dropping to a whisper. “And I’m looking forward to get to know you better too.”
It was time for his heart to skip a beat at her words. Her eyes widened but before she could shy away, he leaned in closer, and their lips met in a tender, hesitant kiss, a slow, gentle brushing of lips. The sounds of the forest faded away, leaving only the beating of their hearts and the rush of blood in their ears.
“Take care!”
“Come back soon!”
“Sorry I was mean to you, can’t wait to see you again!”
“Be safe and make us proud!”
“Don’t disappear!”
Most of the town’s people were at the port to give their regards to the strawhats and her. The others were already abroad, her being the last to climb the rope ladder on to her new home. She turned around before hoping on to the deck, and took in how weird and eerie her town looked now, like looking at a haunted house from afar.
“So, the end is near, then?”
She lifted her head to see Zoro’s smirk as he gave her his hand to lift her on to the ship. Someone shouted at her to not disappear. She wasn’t afraid of that. She was afraid of staying still. Her head turned around one last time and she saw nothing there.
“Yeah, I guess, the end is here.”
And she took his hand.
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modanisgf · 10 months
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y/n felt trapped, trapped in a sense that she didn’t feel real. on late nights like this, she would lay in her bed staring up at the ceiling contemplating her life.
the girl had picked up a comic book hiding away in closet the day after she got bit. it was about spider-man obviously, and reading through the collection of them she had she came to a realization.
if she was technically spider-man, does that mean that the fate of every other spider-man would come to her too? what if her loved ones were now in danger?
this was what made y/n so hesitant to let danielle into her life. after their hangout that night y/n kept her distance aside from when they were working towards the collab. she couldn’t hurt the girl like that, y/n didn’t know what she would do with herself if dani got hurt because of her.
what she was oblivious to though, was that regardless she was hurting danielle.
just not in the way she thought.
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y/n felt rather nervous as she unlocked the door to the lesserafim dorms. she had just gotten back from a patrol, lying to her members that she went shopping. except yunjin of course, who was busy being your right hand man.
recently y/n had gotten more into the persona of spider-woman which is what alarmed zuha even more when danielle texted her. kazuha barely saw her friend anymore, she needed answers.
y/n finally walked into the room, her heart dropping when she saw all of her members sitting on the couch. chaewon who looked extremely angry, sakura and kazuha who were more concerned, yunjin who looked hella nervous and eunchae who had no clue why she was there.
‘was it really necessary for zuha to get the entire group here..’ y/n thought placing her bag down at the door.
she took a seat on the floor ready to be lectured, but instead was asked a question.
“y/n are you really spider-woman?” chaewon asks, her face softening.
“huh?!” y/n says. all of a sudden it was clear why yunjin seemed so scared.
y/n looked at the only member that knew her identity, she was giving her a look of sympathy.
y/n just sighed, “fine, i am.” she said finally making all of her members let out a sigh of relief.
“god i thought you were ignoring us..” sakura says hitting her younger member on the arm.
“sorry..” y/n says.
“i’m just afraid.”
“of what?” eunchae asks.
“of something happening to you all. like what happens in the comics.” y/n admits, her eyes looking anywhere but her members.
“y/n it’s not your fault if we get endangered i promise. nothing bad will happen, okay? i just want my friend back.” chaewon says hugging y/n lightly, letting the girl ease into the touch.
“thank you guys for always being there for me.” y/n says, her members hearts melting.
“we love you y/n.”
“so much.” eunchae emphasizes making y/n smile.
“i love you guys too.” she says.
“also y/n you better start talking to danielle again.” kazhuha warns, y/n nodding.
“i will.”
series masterlist || next
taglist (open): @haerinsloverr @kaypanaq @idkwhatim-doinghere101 @pandafuriosa60 @thefckghost
note— y’all i didn’t realize i would get sm free time this weekend so heres an update 😭😭
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Okay so idk why it's taken me this long but I finally started listening to phoebe bridgers and I AM MADLY IN LOVE OMG. Particularly with the song "Garden song". Some of the lines in this song are so perfectly and delicately poetic it's wild. Like "I don't know how, but I'm taller. It must be something in the water" or "I'm at the movies, I don't remember what I'm seeing. The screen turns into a tidal wave" AND LET US NOT FORGET MY FAVORITE LINE IN THE WHOLE SONG "The doctor put my hands over my liver. She told my resentment's getting smaller" OUUHOFGH MY GOD IT'S SO GOOD. Not to mention that the whole song sounds murky and muddy but like in a rich soil type way. It feels like how I think getting soaked in mud would feel if you were a frog. UGH I JUST WANNA BE SUBMERGED BY THIS SONG FOREVER. Idk what phoebe wrote this song to be about in her mind but frankly I don't really like looking up meanings to songs because I like makingy own interpretations of music and song lyrics so this song just feels so, right.
Anyway thank you this has been the latest installment of Noa yells about her interests! :D
ALRIGHT I FINALLY GOT AROUND TO THIS HI HELLO. Holy. Crap. So, I had never heard this song before, surprisingly. I've heard of Phoebe tho. I made the time to listen to it just now.
Like???? They're the kind of lyrics I know I'll never memorize, but that's alright, because that means I'll have the euphoria of discovery every time. Some of the lyrics really remind me of my childhood, WHICH IS SAYING A LOT BC I HARDLY REMEMBER MY CHILDHOOD. It reminds me of the person I used to be, and that weird missing part of myself that just vanished when I turned 13 and left the memories behind. It hits the right chord.
It's all so somber and kind of otherworldly, but it has such a weird air of nostalgia and good memories to it, like, AAAAAAAA
I think the best lyric in it for me is "I grew up here till it all went up in flames, except the notches in the doorframe" LIKE DAMN IDK ABT YOU BUT THAT HIT ME. Like a TRUCK. I've been through something in my life that takes that line literally and it removes a little bit of heartache when I hear it
It's definitely outside of the usual genres I listen to. I'm not much of a guy for soft songs. But this really did hit right. I'm surprised. In other circumstances, it's not something I see myself liking. THANK YOU FOR INTRODUCING ME TO THIS 🙏 🙏 🙏 IT'S GOING ON A PLAYLIST FS
The rambling is much appreciated, please scream at me more often abt music 😭 I love this
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ts1989fanatic · 2 years
Taylor Swift’s incredible success in graphs – who can blame me for being a Swiftie as a 50yo man?
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Of recent artists only Drake, Kanye West and Beyoncé have the same cultural vitality as Taylor Swift, and I am nowhere hip enough to be part of the Beyhive
At a certain point every 50-year-old man has to face up to the fact that they are a Swiftie. OK, maybe it is just me.
I’m not even sure how it happened. I could blame it all on my teenage daughter. It’s basically a law of nature that girls her age are fully immersed in Tay-Tay. I guess it’s her fault.
But no, as Taylor would say “I’m the problem, it’s me”.
Somehow I find myself in a position where colleagues half my age wander by my desk asking what I thought of her new album because I was listening to it the very second it dropped, and my editor gets me to write a column about Swift because she saw my tweets on the subject.
Who even am I at this point?
Good thing is I am not alone. This week Midnights has been streamed on Spotify just over 700 million times.
Swift might sing that we should “Put on your records and regret me” but no one seems to be regretting putting on hers.
The amazing thing is not that I like Swift, but that anyone still cares about her. It’s hard to do that 18 years into a recording career.
At this stage of their career the Rolling Stones were putting out Emotional Rescue, Dylan was releasing Street Legal, Bowie did Let’s Dance (nice, but hardly culturally dominant), Springsteen was past Tunnel of Love and no longer vital to anyone under 30. R.E.M released Up, which no one cared about, even at the time, and U2 were about to hit the Pop phase
Of recent artists, only Drake, Kanye West and Beyoncé have really had the level of long-ongoing cultural vitality as Swift, and I am nowhere hip enough to be part of the Beyhive.
And even Beyoncé doesn’t have the popularity of Swift; among women artists, Swift is miles in front:
If the graph does not display click here
I’m not even a Swiftie. Not really. Sure, I can sing all the words of Love Story, but who can’t? Yes, I know about her scarf and with whom she is never getting back together, but don’t we all? I know 13 is her lucky number and might have had a couple songs on Folklore at the top of my Spotify Wrapped. But I’m not a Swiftie. Not really.
There are plenty of songs/albums that I don’t know. Around her Reputation phase, the only time I thought about her was when a colleague and I discussed whether we thought she voted for Trump. Let’s face it, she wrote a song about her mansion on Rhode Island, so we’re not talking Billy Bragg on the political spectrum.
But you have to acknowledge she can write a damn good song.
My interest in Swift has gone in phases and, given I use graphs to explain everything, I present the following:
Really, it was the pandemic that is to blame. Folklore dropped out of nowhere and I gave it a listen and after three songs (including that one about the mansion), I thought … what is going on … I really like this.
For me the best three albums of the lockdown era were Folklore, Phoebe Bridgers’ Punisher and Bob Dylan’s Rough and Rowdy Ways. All three seem very much of that time – that stuck-at-home-things-are-pretty-sad-and-I-just-want-to-ruminate-about-life period.
That two of them were by women aged 26 and 30 and one by a retirement-age bloke is a bit weird. But we should all be well past the time where I need to explain why I enjoy Swift and Bridgers – and seriously got excited when I heard Nothing New on Taylor’s Version of Red – but not Dylan. And yet here I am still sort of doing it.
Cripes, I grew up being told that Springsteen singing about cars and girls (thanks Prefab Sprout) was deep, but honestly there is not much that has better encapsulated destroyed love than Swift singing “And you call me up again just to break me like a promise, So casually cruel in the name of being honest”.
Looking around popular music these days, a bloke my age notes the lack of blokes with guitars. But there is Swift, Bridgers, Angel Olsen, Sharon Van Etten, Lucy Dacus, Courtney Barnett and many others who have the guitars and are writing songs that matter and that tell of life.
Look, I’m not really a Swiftie. But sure, I may be wondering just what did she do on April 29, and who is Daisy May and why we are saying goodbye to her.
But her Easter eggs are part of the fun. And the music is good. In the end, that’s all that matters, and besides, there’s plenty of us.
Greg Jericho is a columnist for Guardian Australia who usually writes on economics
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Review: Bashlow’s newest dark-pop single ‘Parliaments’ combines unrequited love with storming passion in a boldly alluring soundscape
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East Coast native and LA based indie-alt pop artist, Bashlow has been quickly making a name for herself, collaborating with some of LA's most prolific songwriters and up and coming producers including Charlie Curtis-Beard, Sleeping Lion, Miette Hope and Alex Venegas. Unapologetically herself both in her stage presence and her distinct sound, Bashlow bears influence to stars like Halsey and Phoebe Bridgers whilst paving her own path in the music industry that she just can’t be stopped on. Now sharing her newest offering ‘Parliaments’, Bashlow is only on the way up and this single is the perfect place to start learning of her before she’s a name you’re hearing everywhere.
Bold and moody, ‘Parliaments’ right from its dominant beginnings encompasses a dark-pop aura you’ll feel utterly enclasped within as you’re caught between the opening ticking beat, thumping bass and bright piano sprinkles. As the verse hits the instrumentals only get more prominent, with the booming bassline the core of the entire release whilst Bashlow’s sultry vocals add an air of mystery and allure to the deep concoction. With a pre-chorus that shifts in tone entirely, enchanting piano notes alone create a moment of tender sincerity before things come crashing back down into the track’s staple bombastic electronic air. As Bashlow interweaves synth whirs, resounding bass and undertones of piano into the chorus, it can’t help but feel similar to the verses instrumental mix and yet the addition of the more consistent piano’s snappy pops allows it to soar. Bashlow’s continued vivid vocals add a perkiness to the track’s downbeat atmosphere, constantly in your face and emotionally revealing through every airy tone and confident outburst. One final chorus explosion leads things out, with layered vocals that take on an electronic, echoey vocal effect for quite the theatrical closure to a song grippingly unique.
As Bashlow finds herself reminded of past lovers by a discarded pack of Parliaments, the track takes on a reflective look on her previous relations, unpacking the heaviness of a fling built around lust and unrequited emotion. With the track’s angsty air already hanging off the opening line ‘she used to smoke parliaments, said she hated the government’, you can’t help but immediately get the impression of a rebellious wanderess that Bashlow can’t help but be captivated by the bad-girl energy of. Admitting ‘she never wants to be alone, scared of dying on a bathroom floor’, the state of their romance is acknowledged rather fast as Bashlow seems self-aware she’s a temporary fill-in while the girl she yearns for just looks to fill the space in her bed. Attempting to progress things further, her growing feelings reveal themselves in lines like ‘told her I could make the South a home, she took the notion like a joke’, with her unrequited love left shut down but continual physical relations only leave her more confused. The most tender pre-chorus line shows it all though, with Bashlow sharing that ‘she told me that she loves me but I know it’s just the vodka talking’, knowing she should walk away from this self-absorbed lover but she’s too caught up in both her own feelings and the high of their lust. For everyone caught up in their own situationship or just reflecting on the past, Bashlow is here to serenade you with her own fruitless romances.
Bashlow adds, “There’s nothing quite like having feelings for someone you know isn’t good for you. You know you should know better, but you’re enjoying the ride so much you don’t really care about the destination. I can be a bit reckless when left to my own devices – give me a partner in crime and I can get up to no good so quickly.”
Check out ‘Parliaments’ for yourself here to enjoy the thumping dark-pop sound unique to Bashlow, along with a message that’s both alluring and aching all the same.
Written by: Tatiana Whybrow
Photo Credits: Unknown
// This coverage was created via Musosoup, #SustainableCurator.
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jwzyreviews · 2 years
Album Review: "S.O.S" BY SZA
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It had been five years since the last time we received an album from one of, if not the leading, R&B girls, Solana “SZA” Rowe. After dropping her introspective and tear-jerking debut “CTRL” in 2017, fans around the world were waiting for another body of work from the singer. While she didn’t leave us completely in the dark, appearing on a number of singles in the meantime, including Maroon 5’s “What Lovers Do”, the soundtrack single for Black Panther  “All The Stars,”and the record-breaking smash collaboration “Kiss Me More” with fellow popstar, Doja Cat, we needed tracks completely devoted to SZA’s vocals and artistry. After numerous delays from her label, and countless teasing, the era started to pick up. After delivering us a stream of inconsistent singles, including “Good Days”, “Hit Different”, and the soundcloud track-turned-single “I Hate U,” the drought eventually ended with receiving the genre-bending and emotionally packed sophomore effort, “SOS”.
Sza is known for her relatable lyrics and unique vocalizations. Despite becoming a fan of hers later in the game than most, CTRL is one of my favorite albums, as are many other people. I was going through a tough time during the release of CTRL, dealing with a variety of similar emotions that were discussed on SZA’s debut album. Such as feelings of insecurity, developing self esteem, and reflection. I was also dealing with my first real “boyfriend”, or my first situationship. It was a hard time in my life, and CTRL definitely was a comfort album during those times. I was definitely looking forward to SOS once it was finally announced, and I love the singles that were leading up the release. “Hit Different”, despite being absent from the final tracklist, ended up being on my Spotify Wrapped in 2021. The smooth production from Rodney “Darkchild” Jerkins, combined with the melodic vocals from Ty$, was a hit in my personal playlist. “Good Days”, the official lead single, was a bit of a miss for me, nonetheless it proved to resonate with the masses, becoming SZA's first solo top ten hit and third overall on the Hot 100.”I Hate U”  was a BANGER, and my first few listens of the track brought me to tears. The lyrical content of the song hit home for me, reminding me of my feelings to my first love, especially when she sings a line from the chorus, “What I would do to make you feel just like this.” The things I would do for the guys who did me wrong to feel how they make me feel, hating them for making me feel so inadequate when I have done nothing but show them love. This song was such an emotional release, SZA’s pen was on fire when she wrote this track despite being classified as an “[soundcloud] experiment”. The way she is able to write out feelings that everyone can relate to is what makes her such a powerhouse, and I believe that it is because she writes from the heart, and from experience. 
My personal favorites from “SOS” are "Snooze”, “Blind” “Seek and Destroy”, and “Love Language”. Despite having an excess amount of songs on this record, SZA managed to put some real gems on this record. Her music palette definitely expanded on this album, with slow alt-pop track “Ghost in the Machine” featuring Phoebe Bridgers and pop-rock track, “F2F”. There is a song for everybody on this album. With CTRL, I feel like it was a bit more streamlined, and was more about the lyrics and the story. With “SOS” I feel like she was trying to go above and beyond with vocals and production. “Smokin on my Ex Pack” showcases her rapping skills and lets us know that she can ride a beat if needed while “Nobody Gets Me” lets us hear her voice on a true pop sound with some real nostalgic flair. The emotional spectrum of this record is way different from CTRL, as she is more liberated on this record. Yes, there are definitely songs that touch on the topics as mentioned above, this album really steps in the way of moving on, knowing your worth, and knowing that you’re still a bad bitch no matter how you’re feeling at a specific time. It’s truly an evolution, and an upgrade from the melancholy vibe of her previous record.
  All in All, SZA “SOS” is a classic in the making. Despite being a bit too long, I enjoyed most of the tracks, even the ones that did not make the cut. It blends new production and lyrics, while still keeping that nostalgic tone. Despite all the setbacks,, SZA is an artist that almost does no wrong because every song is from her heart, and who are we to judge that? She really snapped on this album, and if you haven’t checked it out, please!
Overall Score:
0 notes
luthiensaralonde · 3 years
stephen strange x f!reader
requested: Yes, by anon. 
 I have a request that’s sort of based on a song (steamroller by phoebe bridgers- more specifically the line “part of me wants you, but most of me needs you”). The reader is a sorceress and a single mother who shows up to the NY sanctum seeking refuge. Stephen takes her in, and over a few years, she falls for him, but because they’re so close, she’s worried about confessing to him. But one night she just grabs his face and kisses him.
word count: 1.4k
warnings:  just a steamy kiss. 
a/n:  I posted this and then made changes to it. So if you read it as soon as I posted, I suggest reading the end again, because I added a bit. 
Thank you anon for introducing me to Phoebe Bridgers. I listened to the song while writing this, and I really like it a lot. It’s definitely going on my playlist. I normally paraphrase the request, but decided to just paste this one how it was sent because I can’t think of a summary and I love how it was worded. 
stephen strange masterlist
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Just breathe. You’re both safe here.
That’s what you told yourself when you first arrived at 177A Bleecker Street. You were a sorceress on the run, with your young child, and nowhere to hide. You heard whispers about the sorcerer in New York, the one who some folk claimed to be the new Sorcerer Supreme, but that claim was still up for debate. All you knew was that he was skilled and powerful. The Sanctum in which he reigned over was the perfect place to seek refuge. 
That was years ago, and since then, the New York Sanctum had become your home as much as his. 
You sat in a chair near the fireplace. Your legs were curled up close to you, and you sipped gingerly on a cup of tea. You watched as Stephen helped your child with school work. He was good at explaining things, more patient than you anticipated, and you loved watching them interact together. You sighed, your eyes averting to the flickering flames dancing softly in your wistful gaze. 
You and Stephen had a perplexing relationship. He had become your closest confidant since your arrival. He was like family, yet you were not together. He acted as a father to your child, yet he was not your husband. You would tell him every little worry, every happy moment, and some nights you both just sat in the silence together, enjoying the comfort of each other’s presence. You both had this understanding that you were friends.  And you were both content with just having a companion to share life with, without any definitive commitments. Your relationship was far from romantic. It was a platonic love that transcended typical relationships. But as the years flew by, you were starting to think of him differently. He went from this much-needed friend, almost like a brother, and then suddenly it hit you like a sickness—you were in love with him. And now you were left with this empty feeling, this sadness that gripped your chest. Your heart ached when you so much as looked at him. 
He glanced up at you and smiled gently in your direction. You had this urge to touch him. It was an intense desire, much the same way you needed oxygen, water, and food to survive. If you didn’t touch him, you would simply wither away and die. You released a shaky breath and returned his smile, it was the only thing you could offer him in that moment. 
After the sun’s light no longer lit up the room and the window framed the moon, you sent your little one to bed. At the courtesy of Stephen, of course, who apparently read bedtime stories in a much cooler voice than you. Who were you to argue with the kid? You saw movement at the corner of your eye and looked up to see Stephen enter the room again, his body haloed by the soft glow emitting through the window. 
“Are you okay?” He asked, his eyes searching yours knowingly. You could never hide your emotions from him. He could read you like a book, except for the feelings you secretly harbored for him. 
“Just tired.” You said. Of being sad. You wanted to add, but you didn’t dare let the words slip past your tongue. 
“Perhaps you should go to bed too. Maybe things will look a little brighter in the morning.” He said before sitting down in the chair adjacent to you. 
 No. It was the first thing you felt when you woke up in the mornings. You wanted Stephen, yet in a way, you had him already. He was your closest friend, but it was more than that. You needed him. You needed all of him. You let your eyes take him in a moment just sitting there. You could see the flames reflecting in his eyes. His gaze was always so intense—just as sharp and dangerous as a dagger. 
“What are you thinking about?” He asked as he pressed the tip of his fingers against his temple, tilting his head at you expectantly. 
Your tongue darted out to brush against your bottom lip. Apprehensively, your gaze fell on the crackling fire. “Just about the years I’ve spent here.” You whispered. “It feels like yesterday, yet it feels like I’ve known you forever.”
He gave you a long look, “Is that really what you’re thinking about?” 
You exhaled a timorous sigh, “No, probably not.” You pushed up on the arms of the chair and stood, “Goodnight, Stephen.”
He looked disappointed. “Goodnight.” He said, his eyes following your every move as you left the room. 
How could you tell him the truth? You were so close, and you didn’t want to ruin everything you’ve built with him. Stephen deeply cared about you, it was obvious, but he never showed a sign of harboring anything other than platonic feelings for you. You just had to accept and be happy with the relationship you had with him. You were still his closest person, and the one he confided in during times of darkness and happiness. You were still his person, whether it was romantic or not. 
Months flew by, and with every day you didn't say anything to him, you felt your heart break a little more. Piece by piece, you were becoming more desperate. The ache you felt was never going to go away, and you felt your soul would never be sated until you did something about it. The fear of ruining everything slowly started to take a back seat to your searing desire to be with him. 
It was night again and you dreaded how depressing the evenings felt. You found him in the library. He wanted to go over something with you, but your mind was far too tired and far too occupied with all thoughts of touching him to pay attention to the words coming out of his mouth. 
You stood near a bookshelf, with him standing close to you, holding a book open in his hands. You were distracted by the way he turned the pages, the way his brows knitted together pensively as he absorbed the information and relayed it back to you. 
“Are you listening to me?” He asked suddenly, averting his gaze from the book to look at you.
You pulled your gaze from his lips and instead focused on his eyes. There was something dangerous about those eyes. Like a violent storm over waters, they were shockingly beautiful to look at, but you knew you’d surely drown if you treaded any further. 
“I was listening. Sorry.”
He didn’t look entirely convinced but continued on anyway, all while you continued to watch him with a thudding pulse that was getting louder and louder until you could no longer hear anything but a deafening silence. He was so tangible and standing there in your reach. Like how the moon controlled the tides, you had no choice but to gravitate closer at his command. You stepped forward, seizing his face in your hands. His eyes flickered up at you in surprise, but before he could say a word, your lips crashed into his. 
You felt a chill shoot down from the back of your neck to the soles of your feet. The years of needing him seemed to dissipate from just the taste of his mouth. You felt a sudden fear wash over you at the thought of him ripping himself from you. You were just about to pull away and apologize when you heard the book shut. 
You jumped, pulling back enough to catch his gaze. “Stephen, I shouldn’t have done that.” You glanced down at his chest. 
He slipped the book back onto the shelf before both of his hands found your waist, and he gently pushed you against the shelves. You felt your head loll back against the books just as he grabbed your jaw and caressed your lips with his.
Your head began to spin and your arms wrapped around him, pulling him flush against you. His kiss was slow and gentle yet filled with so much desperation. Your face burned from the feeling of his thumb brushing your cheek and his hand grasping at your hip and sliding up your waist. His fingers drug along the length of your spine until he found the back of your neck. You shivered at the sudden grip of his hand that assured you he had no intention of pulling away from you.
You were a sorceress yourself, but you were utterly under his spell, and you couldn’t stop this if you tried. There was only his mouth, his hands, and a scorching heat sifting through your limbs. Judging by the satisfied exhale that escaped his lips and slipped past yours, you knew he wanted to do this for as long as you did.  
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petite-ely · 3 years
Afraid // JJ Maybank
Seven- Mommy Issues
Pairing: JJ Maybank x fem routledge! reader
Warnings: mommy issues, mother abandonment, anger, maybe some mistakes, tell me if I missed anything
Description: y/n has always wanted answers about her mother, but the truth seems more harsh than what she had in mind.
A/n : hello, hello friends. Sorry for not updating sooner. I had absolutely no inspiration, lol. Anyways, hope you enjoyyyy! :) (also I know the gif is terrible quality but I really wanted to put this clip and I couldn’t find any cleaner option to make a gif)
Afraid Masterlist
Song recommendation
Tumblr media
Gif made by me!
As a child, y/n never realized how her family was different than the others. A lot of kids on the cut had single parents, it wasn’t that big of a deal. Her mom had left when she was only three, to go pursue her dream job in Colorado. It wasn’t a bad thing in the girl’s eyes. It didn’t feel like she was missing out on anything.
As she blossomed into adolescence, y/n finally understood how unconventional her family was. She heard the other girls at her school talk about their mothers. About the cakes they made or the precious moments they spent together. Mother-daughter bonding moments. She had to admit it she felt jealous. Or maybe was it envious?
She had lived all her life without a mother to kiss her scraped knees or braid her hair before going to sleep. And she would have given anything to experience it, even for one single night.
It wasn’t that she didn’t love her brother or her father, far from it, she adored them. They were both so precious to her. Still, she felt as if something was missing from her. Or more like someone.
She didn’t remember her mother, she was so young at the time, but she cherished the stories her father had told her. She fed her imagination on these stories. Making up fake memories where her mother was still there. In her heart it was all real. Reality was bitter compared to the sweet comfort of her imagination.
By the time she was 12, she’d heard the famous story enough to know it by heart, each word of the letter engraved into her head. She begged her father again and again. She wanted more stories, even the smallest anecdotes, she wanted to hear them all. Anything to improve the sketch, constantly redrawn, of the woman she didn’t remember. The woman she couldn’t really call a mother.
She knew the story by heart and yet it felt incomplete. She’d heard enough fairytales and read enough books to know when a story was complete. This one wasn’t.
And she was right.
A week after the twins’s 13th birthday, their dad gathered them around the kitchen table. He wanted to talk. It was very important. Y/n had to admit, this was quite strange, as her father was never the one to bring up important issues. In front of him was placed an envelope, yellowed with the years.
The girl knew this envelope all too well. Every scratch, every little bump, she could almost feel them on the tip of her fingers. It was her mother’s letter. This time, when he pulled out the folded pages, a third paper came out. The missing part.
Big John didn’t say anything, only slid the pearl white sheet to the twins. And though no words came out of his mouth, a million could be seen in his gaze. He wore an unfamiliar expression on his face. It was mix of sadness, fear and regrets. It was the expression of a man who only wanted to protect his children from being hurt.
The missing paper read as so:
“This is my dream, John.
And I know you might think there’s a way for us to fix this, but there isn’t. This time you can’t fix it.
When I got pregnant with the kids, I was so scared. And when I told you, I saw this glimmer in your eyes. This flame suddenly being lit inside of you. You were so excited to have your first child and it was twins! You seemed so happy. It was beautiful.
Then I thought that maybe we could do this, maybe I could be a mother. I had you, so everything would be fine. My friends kept talking about this amazing connection that felt with their babies when they were carrying them. But I never felt it with the twins.
And I thought that maybe once I held them in my arms I would finally feel it. That motherly connection. It never came. And I tried, John. I tried so hard. But I just can’t.
I do love them, I love them so much, but not the way you do. Not the way a parent loves their child It can’t do it, I’m sorry. I wasn’t meant to be a mother. Life is cruel that way sometimes.
If there’s one thing I’m certain of, it’s that you were meant for this. I can see it in the way you look at them. You can do this, John. I know.
Be the parent I will never be able to be.”
Y/n’s curious eyes scanned the paper excitedly. Her face showed a variety of emotions in the span of a few minutes. First, excitement and joy, then, confusion and finally, anger. The tip of her ears burned red, her hand shaking beneath the table.
John B. placed the paper on the table, a loud sigh escaping his lips. Though, compared to his sister, he seemed relatively calm.
Y/n couldn’t contain it anymore. She stormed out of the house, her feet shoeless and her shoulders bare. She had no idea where she was going, but she ran.
It didn’t matter. As long as she was going somewhere. As long as she was moving and running, then she wouldn’t have to think. And if she was thinking, then her mind would take her to a bad place. She didn’t want to go there. So she ran.
The Routledges were never reputed to be angry people, much less violent. They were generally very calm, maybe a bit arrogant, but always composed. Of course, when a Routledge was after something, they would do anything in order to obtain it.
But y/n was one of the exception. She was the first Routledge woman in nearly 150 years. For generations, every Routledge man had sons, who had sons, who had sons until her father. He had a son and a daughter.
She wasn’t an angry person or mean in any way. On the contrary, she was kind and gentle. But compared to her brother and her dad, she felt emotions deeply.
And maybe it was her mother’s side and not the Routledge in her. It was so intense, sometimes. Almost blinding, at some moments. It was like the emotions took over her. It didn’t happen very often but it felt like she didn’t control her body anymore.
When she finally came back to her senses, y/n was standing on an empty beach. She hadn’t realized how far she’d gotten until she felt the warm sand under her feet. A cold breeze wrapped itself around her shoulders. She was so far from home. And so alone.
She walked to the ocean, letting her toes dip gently into the water. The water was cold but calming. Her anger slowly disappeared with each breath she took, until finally she could see everything clearly again.
Y/n turned away. She thought of going back home, when a wave of emotions hit her. She fell to the ground. It was like the air had been sucked out of her lungs.
Her chest burned, she felt like she had swallowed fire. Her shoulders shook and loud sobs escaped her lips. She dug her hands into the sand, trying to ground herself. It didn’t stop her tears from crashing onto her shirt.
A shadow appeared in front of her and she recognized its shape in a matter of seconds. It could only be one person.
“Are you hear to laugh at me?” She said through tears.
“No, not this time,” said John B. He sat down beside her, his eyes looking into hers. “Oh, y/n.” He wiped the tears off of her face
“I’m sorry,” she sniffled. “It’s just that, that,” he placed his arm around her shoulder, she took a deep breath. “Part of me always thought that she would come back.”
“That she’d come stay with us and finally be our mom. But she’s never coming back, ever,” her tone was almost accusing. “I lost so much time making up scenarios for her and she doesn’t even love us.”
“You know that’s not true,” reasoned John.
“Yeah, but it feels like it.”
“We don’t need her anyway,” stated the boy. “We’ve got dad, surfing, plenty of fish and well, each other. It’s not that bad is it?”
“No, you’re right.” She looked at him. “I just feel like I’m missing out on something. Like I’m,” she paused, looking for the right word, “incomplete.”
“I get it. If the roles were reversed and dad wasn’t there, I guess I would feel that way too,” confided her brother. “But don’t give her this much power. She doesn’t get to make you feel this way. You’re whole on your own, y/n/n.”
“Thank you, bird.” She slid her arm around his shoulder, letting her head rest on top of it. “You know, you can be an amazing brother sometimes.”
“Yeah, sometimes.”
“Hey, bird?” “Yeah?”
“How did you find me, anyway?”
“You always come here when you wanna be dramatic.”
“I do not!”
“You so do!”
And slowly, the imaginary memories fell apart and disappeared. Y/n didn’t need them anymore. She’d be better in the real world.
@kaelyn-lobrutto24 @poguestyle17 @im-a-stranger-thing @lasnaro @thoughtsofthestars @briandaflores19 @lunaposey @allycat449-blog @ifilwtmfc @kitty084 @coloradogirl07 @ponyboys-sunsets @chaoticbisous @p0gue420 @sloaneemily @babygal-babygal @itsagurl @mendesmaybank
If you wanna be added or removed or if I forgot you, tell me and it’ll be modified!
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theimmaterialplace · 3 years
holding on | emily prentiss x reader & spencer reid x reader | ch. 1: prologue
Summary: Emily is an easy person to love, even if you shouldn't. This becomes apparent when she leaves you after two years of hiding your relationship, if you could call it that, with just a text. It's not long after that you are alerted with news of her death and you break down completely. Confiding in Spencer, the one to introduce the two of you, seemed like a good idea at the time but it becomes something more. You slowly begin to heal and then one day you see her, alive and well, and every feeling you have for her comes back to you. You're met with both your present and your past and you don't know what to do.
Contains: female!reader, bisexual!reader, friends with benefits/ hidden relationships, mentions of death, angst, hurt/comfort
Word Count: 2k
A.N: I like making things complicated and messy so here we are! I hope you enjoy whatever the hell this is! Also, this is first time writing for cm so sorry if the characterization is off; we’ll get there eventually!
masterlist | read on ao3
I want to be the power ballad that lifts you up and hold you down
I wanna be the broken love song that feeds your misery
And I can wish all I want, but it won't bring us together
Plus I know whatever happens to me
I know it's for the better
- Phoebe Bridgers, "Waiting Room"
It’s not uncommon for you to wait on Emily but even this is a new level of tardiness you’ve never encountered with her. She’s nothing if not kind and always alerts you when she’s on a new case or has to reschedule. It worries you to say the least.
You really shouldn’t care this much for her but mistakes are supposed to be made. It’s just that you can’t even begin to consider Emily a mistake but if she is one, she’s the best mistake you’ve ever made.
Sometimes, you think she looks at you with something akin to adoration in her eyes and it takes every bit of your control not to look at her with that same exact look. She’s a profiler, after all, and you’re typically one to wear your heart on your sleeve but she made herself very clear in the beginning.
Your agreement was simply just a friends with benefits situation, no feelings involved. That lasted for a while, truly. You had managed a little over a year with her before you realized that the feeling in your stomach was the fluttering of butterflies. It had frightened you but you decided that she was worth it, even if the decision might come back to haunt you.
Twirling the wine of glass in your hand, you contemplate calling her but decide against it because you don’t want to seem desperate. It may be an accurate description but you weren’t going to show that. Ignoring the waiter who’s been shooting you knowing looks for the past hour, you decide just to leave. You call the waiter over and ask for the check. He just nods at your words; his eyes filled with pity and it pisses you off more than anything,
It’s not that you care that you got stood up because you understand that her work is demanding. It’s more that you’re worried for her because she’s been inactive and short in her recent messages. You hadn’t received a good morning or good night text in days. It makes you wonder if she’s finally gotten sick of you. You’d like to believe that she would at least grace you with a text informing you of this decision but you’re not the best at predicting her.
Emily is a very closed off person and you respect that, you do. It’s just sometimes you wish she didn’t compartmentalize every part of her life into tiny, separate boxes. She likes to pretend that you and Spencer aren’t friends, even though it’s how you were originally met. She tells you that no one needs to know and at the beginning, you were okay with this but lying to Spencer is something you wish you didn’t have to do.
You have to pretend not to know every little bit of Emily she shares with you that she also shares with her team and try not to focus on every little detail he shares about her that you don’t already know. You feel a bit guilty but you figure that she wouldn’t really mind. The only thing that would make her annoyed, never mad because she says anger is useless, is if you mixed her personal life with her work life. You understand to a degree but you also wish that you didn’t have to hide.
Clearly, you were too far gone for her. You always had to take a step back and remember that you weren’t in a relationship with her. If only she didn’t make it so easy to love her. When this ended, you were going to end up heartbroken and that was okay with you. You had accepted that a long time ago but now that you’re actually faced with the inevitable, it scares you.
Emily Prentiss was not the first woman you were with but she’ll be the one to always haunt you. She’s shaped you into the person you are today without even knowing it. You’ll never regret your decision to be with her but you’ll always be left with the “what ifs”.
Lost in your thoughts, you don’t notice the man who sits across from you and it’s only until he coughs that he brings you back to reality.
He’s handsome in a rugged sort of way. If you weren’t so enamored with Emily, he surely would have fired something in you but as it is, she is the only one able to cause a spark in you.
“Hi, I saw you here and couldn’t help but notice how you’re alone. Such a shame since you seem like such a catch.” His voice fits him well and he has a nice smile despite its crookedness.
“Ah, my date couldn’t make it. I guess he got busy with work or something. It happens to the best of us.” His eyes narrow the slightest bit at use of “he” and you wonder why. He’s the one hitting on you, after all. It’s gone as soon as it comes and he’s back to those kind eyes.
“Oh, he’s one of those. Well, I know when I’m unwanted when I hear it. Have a lovely night…” He shoots you one last smile and gets up and leaves the restaurant. The waiter shows up and you pay immediately and get into your car as soon as you can.
It’s only when you arrive at home do you see it. You have one new message from Emily and it brings a smile to your face until you see the contents.
Emily <3
I think it’s time we called it quits.
Don’t contact me anymore.
At first, you feel nothing. You reread it and reread it until it’s practically ingrained into your vision. You knew it was coming but seeing it actually made it real and before you know it, you’re crying.
You feel like a fool because you’ve known that this was just a casual thing for her. It doesn’t make it any easier to accept. Perhaps what hurts the most is her demand to not contact her anymore. You would have been fine, loving her at a distance but remaining friends. Emily cutting you off completely had never been a possibility in your mind. It almost makes you want to laugh though because although you’d never thought of it, it’s such an Emily thing to do. You just never thought it’d be something to happen to you.
A fool, you might be, but better to have loved than to have not. It’s like you had thought earlier, Emily would never leave you, even if she had in person. There would always be reminders of her in your life; in the interior design of your home, in the music you listened to, in the movies and books you had shared together, and in the hidden, ignored corners of your heart.
It hurt. God, did her short messages pain you but you’d seen it coming. You had time to accept it but that did nothing to quell the tears that fell down your face or the sobs that wracked your body.
You cry yourself to sleep, still in the dress she bought you, the one she said you looked your best in and always brought out her coyness to the fullest.
When you wake up, you’re thankful it’s a Saturday because you can’t imagine facing anyone today. The most you want to do is get drunk on every bottle of wine you own, which is quite a few. You hope it’ll be enough to keep your mind off of Emily.
You go to the bathroom and you can’t help but wince at the image you make. Your makeup has run all over your face and you look like la llorona with the mascara and eyeliner running down your cheeks. Your lipstick is smeared beyond comprehension and overall, you look like a mess, not even a hot one at that.
You look like the stereotypical girl who has just gotten heartbroken and so you scrub it all off until your skin is clear of the previous night’s emotions. You change into something comfortable, throwing the dress into the hamper rather than the trash because you can’t bear the thought of throwing away things from her. Maybe it’d be the smart thing to do but you can’t.
You’re in a sort of limbo and you’re unsure of where to go from here. You’ve accidentally built up your life around her and now that she’s gone, you’re left with nothing but yourself.
It’s only a week later that Spencer shows up to your place, looking worse for wear. He looks like you did on that day when Emily broke up with you but worse. His eyes are bloodshot and his nose is bright red against his pale complexion.
“Um, could I come in?” His voice cracks and he only shrinks further into himself and you nod at him, opening the door to accompany his skinny frame.
You guide him to your couch and place the cup of tea you had made for yourself into his hands since it seemed like they needed something in them with all the twitching they were doing.
You sit in silence, knowing that whatever he had to say would eventually come out.
His tea has stopped steaming when he finally speaks up. “Today, my colleague was taken by the person she had been chasing after. We found her and apprehended the person she had been chasing but… But we were too late. By the time we had gotten there, she was already wounded and she was pronounced dead two hours, thirteen minutes, and twenty seven seconds ago. She’s dead and I never got to say goodbye.” With his proclamation, his tears begin again and you take the cup from his hands.
“May I hug you, Spencer?” He nods and that’s all it takes for you to take him into your arms. He sobs into the crook of your neck. It’s hard to connect the image of the nerd you know and care for to the man who’s breaking down in your arms. You rub soothing circles on his back and try to keep up with his words but they’re too quiet and unintelligible to your ears.
The both of you sit there like that for a while. It could have been five minutes or an hour but you can’t tell and you bet he can’t either.
When he finally runs out of tears, he whispers something so quietly that you think you’ve misheard him.
“I never got to say goodbye to Emily.”
Emily . She’s his colleague. He had said she in his retelling of the events. It takes your breath away and you have to stop the tears from coming on because you’re not supposed to care for her, not like this. Not in front of anybody, especially not Spencer.
She’s dead. Emily is dead. It’s a truth you don’t want to accept. It makes you glad that Spencer is still hidden in your neck because you’re sure your face can only show the agony you feel over such a reveal.
Your worst nightmare has come true, it seems. You don’t want this. Anything but her leaving you permanently. She can’t be dead, not the woman who’s changed you so irrevocably and made you feel like life was worth living.
You could accept loving her in quiet, away from her, but not at the cost of her death. You can’t deal with this, not when Spencer needs you so push it away. You shove the pain and agony down until you’re numb.
You’re supposed to be nothing but an acquaintance to her. She hadn’t even loved you. You shouldn’t feel like your heart has been ripped violently from your body and that your soul will always have an Emily sized hole left in the wake of her death.
You focus on Spencer so that you don’t break down and you’re grateful that he doesn’t notice your little episode. You can’t confront this in front of anybody. It’s better to deal with your grief in private, just like everything else you did with Emily. It made sense for the last thing you’ll ever do for her to stay quiet and watch from afar.
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thequibblah · 3 years
hi so i'm looking for some new music to listen to and i thought you could help because you have great taste!
if this helps, i'll tell you what i normally listen to, which is very basic & basically the same few artists over and over lol
- mostly just taylor swift, she makes up 70+% of my listening probably haha and if i had to pick a favorite genre of hers it would be the folkmore style
- some other pop, like olivia rodrigo and conan gray and lorde & some doja cat but i'm not a huge fan of doja's lyrics
- lyrics are really big for me, so is having a pretty voice and nice melodies
- i love your playlists but the old songs are usually not my style (there's been some though that i really like, ty for that !! <3)
- ceremonials is my favorite florence album
- liability is my favorite lorde song
no problem if u don't want to!
OH i basically recommend things for a living so why not music, eh?
so. what i'm getting from this is that you have three big listening buckets: soft acoustic and indie pop and just plain old pop. so i will divide my recs by those broad genres! i too prefer singable music so i will try to lay off on especially dissonant artists, or mark them as such so you can be prepared (LOL)
acoustic/folksy (i'll admit i am a big indie pop girl so this stuff will be a bit sparser)
phoebe bridgers — admittedly she is more alt-rocky, but see garden song, savior complex, moon song, graceland too, prayer in open D
waxahatchee — can't do much (GOD THIS SONG), lilacs, st. cloud
lucy dacus — also more alt-rocky, but here r some softer jams: hot & heavy, christine, green eyes, red face (a jily song)
anything by first aid kit! start with stay gold and the lion's roar
hozier — i feel like most people on the internet have listened to SOME hozier but check out wasteland, baby! (i tried to pick individual songs and ended up listing most of the album LOL)
kacey musgraves — another artist you've probably listened to already, but try golden hour
brittany howard — stay high must be the sweetest song in existence, and basically all of her album jaime
arlo parks — the whole album but especially caroline, hurt, and black dog
lake street dive — i can change, good kisser (a mary song if i've ever heard one), and i adore their hall & oates cover!
anya marina — this whole album has had me by the throat since like 2013
lucius — just the whole album wildewoman, h/t @figg-anon for putting me onto this!
idk what tf genre fiona apple is but try her out as well!
artists i listen to less of but are in this vein: the lumineers, bon iver, vance joy
u know i had to rec some old people shit (LOLLLL), so in this vein, joni mitchell, heart, judee sills, emmylou harris, joan baez, vashti bunyan
one-off songs you might like: hold you now by vampire weekend, big wheel by samia, i eat boys by chloe moriondo, strawberry blond by mitski (i worship at the altar of mitski but she might not be your speed haha), like i used to (acoustic) by sharon van etten & angel olsen, body by julia jacklin, jackie onassis by sammy rae and the friends, cowgirl bebop by HANA
indie pop BELOVED
maggie rogers — ok i cannot recommend this higher like if u like lorde and conan gray drop everything now and mainline maggie's brilliant debut album
HAIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! — they've got poppier songs like want you back and more mellow songs like summer girl, but honestly i would just recommend a deep dive because they have a pretty surprising breadth within their own alt-rock/pop niche
caroline polachek — can sometimes get way out n weird in the pop sense but so hot you're hurting my feelings is a very listenable pop standard (also it's so funny she's such a clever lyricist also this is irrelevant here but she sounds amazing live), also love look at me now and her cover of breathless
charli xcx is more experimental pop but would rec trying out warm (FT HAIM!!!), blame it on your love (FT LIZZO!!), and official
rina sawayama — technically her album is all sorts of genres but especially XS, comme des garcons, paradisin', bad friend, and tokyo love hotel
orla gartland is a lil softer and i love more like you, oh GOD, and did it to myself
king princess — especially cheap queen, 1950, holy, but basically all of cheap queen
more one-offs: kansas by ashe, comeback by CRJ (full paean in her honour to come in the pop section), i am a big fan of other people covering the bleachers (LOL) especially rollercoaster by charli xcx and i wanna get better by tinashe (full tinashe praise to come too), saturdays by twin shadow (FT HAIM!!!), the kiss of venus and 3 nights by dominic fike (also his interlude on halsey's album), aute cuture and milionària by rosalía, young lover by st. vincent (i love her but again might not be for u haha), good days by sza, backyard boy by claire rosinkranz, slow dancing by aly & aj, hot sugar by glass animals
if ur down to try out something weird witchy and cool, kate bush is like the originator of 9 billion pop and rock genres and hounds of love is a masterpiece
pure pop (we can split hairs on what makes pure pop LOL but basically everything here is based on ur enjoyment of doja)
carly rae jepsen — ok if u haven't listened to her non-radio-hits u may be like "what?? call me maybe lady???" to which i say YES, especially window, stay away, no drug like me, and too much
victoria monet — this may or may not be a selling point to you, but victoria is a frequent ariana grande collaborator and you can absolutely hear it in her music (see also: the mattress spring background noises in dive JUST like they are in positions...), and i love experience, go there with you, and we might even be falling in love, and why not throw in her ariana grande collab monopoly
magdalena bay — how to get physical which i am destined, nay, contractually bound, to put in a jily modern AU someday, killshot, stop & go
tinashe — basically ALL of her new album!!! SO good. i also love rascal (superstar), esther, and old jams like company (and i JUST found out she has a chaka khan cover!)
chloe x halle have the most angelic vocals in the world
this might sound actually demented because WHO hasn't heard love on the brain but rly... go give ANTI a re-listen...
tove lo — especially are u gonna tell her, mateo, and jacques
WAIT I FORGOT TO SAY ROBYN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EVERY ROBYN SONG!!!!!!!
for that throwback poppy sound u may as well go real throwback KJAHKJA and check out donna summer!
one-offs: right to it by louis the child n ashe, serial lover by kehlani (also more by her but im getting lazy now kdjfhgk), missed calls by max n hayley kiyoko, peppers and onions by tierra whack, idk who hasnt heard this song but circles by meg, todo de ti by rauw alejandro (the way i wanted this to be song of the summer so bad ;___;)
hope you enjoy and pls come back and tell me if you really liked any of these!!!! xoxo
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lookninjas · 3 years
Sad Bangers for Your Commute Home
So I realized yesterday morning that my current driving playlist is like 94% sad bangers and then the rest of it is mostly Ginger Root (not sad, catchy as hell).  Naturally, I then set about trying to classify each artist (except Ginger Root) as a particular type of Sad Banger.  A taxonomy of Sad Bangers, if you will.  Some of you seemed interested in hearing more about this, so here you go.  I am including a song rec for each one, as @itsmevickyb seemed to want recs and the playlist itself is seriously 17 hours long so you can’t just listen to it (unless you spread it out over the course of a week’s worth of driving, as I do).
Anyway.  Here we go, in no particular order:
Tears for Fears:  Undisputed Kings of the Sad Bangers.  Foundation for the entire playlist.  Chunky knitwear for life.  Song rec: The Tipping Point.  Can’t wait to cry over this album in February.
Dessa: Queen of the Sad Bangers (at least in my opinion).  Apparently her mom once accused her of writing “songs to bleed out to.”  Seems kinda harsh.  Hyperverbal polymath singer/rapper who will never break out the way she should (but she really should).  Glad she’s finally over that X.  Song rec:  Good Grief.
Chvrches: Proud owners of the Robert Smith Sad Banger Seal of Approval.  When I put this on the playlist at first, I didn’t like it.  A couple spins through and now I have no idea what I was thinking because they’re awesome.  Scottish as fuck and it’s amazing.  Song rec: How Not to Drown.
Roger O’Donnell:  Sad Bangers, but Make Them Classical.  Sometimes I just need to hear some cello, okay?  Song rec: Don’t Tell Me...
Japanese Breakfast: Nominated for the Grammy for Best New Sad Bangers, (despite already having three albums out).  This album is apparently actually supposed to be about joy.  It was also written after she lost her mom, so.  Fits squarely in the space between Tears for Fears and Wilco, which makes sense because she covered one and recently joined an all-star team to play “California Stars” at the Austin City Limits Hall of Fame induction for the other.  Love her.  Love her.  Song rec: In Hell.
Depeche Mode: Horny Sad Bangers about God and also Capitalism.  Is that a sample of a ping-pong ball?  Pretty sure it is.  Look, just go with it.  Everyone was more experimental in the 80s.  Song rec: Lie to Me
Chairlift: Sad Bangers That I Should’ve Gotten Into Like a Decade Ago (but better late than never).  Honestly some of it’s more cheerful, but Caroline Polachek’s voice lends everything the highest of drama, and her Kate Bush moves don’t hurt either.  Can I hit these notes? No.  Am I still trying?  Yep.  Song rec: Crying in Public
Curt Smith: Sad Bangers Gone Solo.  Like Chvrches, this album was one that had to grow on me a bit.  Unlike Chvrches, I’m pretty sure half the album is about Curt Smith’s daughters, and that’s pretty adorable, I won’t lie.  “Wild” has a fun, mid-eighties Putamayo World Music Hour vibe to it, but since we’re focusing on Sad Bangers here, the actual rec is Some Secrets and its gorgeous acoustic intro.
Fiona Apple: Sad Bangers Learned to Embrace the Chaos and Got a Perfect Pitchfork Review Because of It.  Also, Sad Bangers Came Back Vengeful with a Baseball Bat, and I For One Am Okay With It.  (Seriously, I don’t think Fiona Apple would actually beat someone to death with her bare hands.  I’m just saying that if she did, I would assume she had her reasons and I would support her choices).  Song rec: Heavy Balloon.
Phoebe Bridgers: This one’s just kinda obvious, isn’t it?  Song rec: Halloween.
Christine and the Queens: Sad French Bangers That Are Oddly Appropriate to These Pandemic Times.  Also, the only thing sadder than some of these bangers is me attempting to sing along in French.  Except for “La Vita Nuova,” which is in Italian.  (Can’t sing along in Italian, either.  Still try though.)  The full La Vita Nuova video is stunning and well worth the watch, but if you really can’t spare the time for it (it’s not even fifteen minutes!), just put People I’ve Been Sad on repeat for a while.
Aldous Harding: These Sad Bangers are So Weird and I LOVE THEM.  Folky, hypnotic, deeply strange.  Her voice is astonishing.  The instrumentation is generally simple but deeply captivating.  Her lyrics are weird as fuck and completely comprehensible in the strangest ways and just the best thing since toast.  Song rec: Damn.
Wilco: Sad is not the word for these Bangers.  There is not a word for these Bangers, in fact, unless there is a word somewhere for That Feeling You Get in February When You’re Looking at Lake Michigan and Everything is Gray and You Realize You Haven’t Had a Real Emotion Since The Week After New Year’s and You Probably Won’t Have a Real Emotion Again Until Sometime in May When the Color Returns.  Which might be a word, probably in German.  Song rec: Please Be Patient With Me
Oh, and then there’s Ginger Root, which is not Sad, only Bangers.  Loungey, disco-ey, strong seventies vibes.  Catchy as fuck.  You gotta dance sometimes, right?  Song rec: Neighbor, because I got so distracted by the “Doo doo doo doo doo!” chorus yesterday that I almost hit a deer, and I still can’t manage to be mad at it.
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soundsof71 · 4 years
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aka, My Top 5 of 2020, but I didn’t want to seem too retro!
Yep, I have a classic rock blog. Yep, I think that the best rock and roll in history is being made RIGHT NOW. And yep, ALL of it is being made by women. 
(Shown at top, Nova Twins by Ant Adams [x] and The Tissues by Michael Espleta [x]. I was planning to make a collage of all my faves in concert, but  not all of them were able to play in 2020. Both of these photos are pre-pandemic.)
There’s been quite a bit of movement on this list, and all five of these have spent some time at Number 1 as the year has done (gestures broadly) All This™. Anyone looking for rock and roll is going to dig any of these. 
Rocking out is just the start of it, though. Wrestling with my bipolarity and schizophrenia is tough on a good day, and there haven’t been too many of those lately. The plague has also taken its toll around me, with two family members dead and a third who’s doing better, but will likely never be all the way back. (Mask up, kids!)
I’ve written plenty about how deeply Taylor Swift and Phoebe Bridgers have moved me this year (and will do so again), but in those rare stretches where I’ve had enough spare energy to listen to music at all these days, I’ve mostly been looking for more than beautiful music. Heavy times need heavy lifting, and I find that in heavy music. 
The five albums here have all helped carry me, pointing the way toward light.
Alicia Bognanno is a force of nature as a guitarist, vocalist, composer, and producer/engineer. (While working on her degree in audio engineering at MTSU, she interned with Steve Albini, who remains both a fan and an admirer). A Nashville transplant from Minnesota, she’s still a natural fit in her home on Sub Pop: as heavy as Soundgarden, as hooky as Sleater-Kinney. 
I was blown away hearing her searing honesty while working through her discoveries of her bisexuality and bipolarity (double bi!), and her triumphant roar lifts me out of my seat every time I listen.
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“She sings the hell out of [these songs], her voice fraying to the point of combustion every time she launches to the top of her range. This is phenomenal music for converting anger and anxiety into unbound joy.” ~Stereogum, Album of the Week
Also, check this fantastic interview with Alicia in the New York Times talking about what she’s gone through to get here. 
Ganser syndrome is a rare dissociative disorder characterized by nonsensical or wrong answers to questions and other dissociative symptoms such as fugue, amnesia or conversion disorder, often with visual pseudohallucinations and a decreased state of consciousness. ~Wikipedia #it me
‘Just Look At That Sky’ doesn’t presume to offer solutions; it’s an honest document of what it feels like to wade through anxiety, day by day, not a survival guide or handbook of answers none of us actually have. Whether or not you pay attention to this, Ganser are simply one of the most invigorating, exciting new bands. ~Clashmusic
I saw one very positive review compare Ganser to a cross between Fugazi and Sonic Youth, but I think they hit much, much harder than either of those. And as you can surely guess, I also deeply relate to their themes of mental illness and dissociation while trying to make it through All This™. But my god, are they TIGHT. This is a BAND.
Ganser has two fantastic lead vocalists, and on “Bad Form”, bassist/vocalist Alicia Gaines wrote the song for the voice of keyboardist/vocalist Nadia Garofolo. Alicia also wrote a FANTASTIC essay on the strains that making an album during a pandemic puts on the mental health of the entire band at talkhouse: “Writing, recording, reaching out, balancing relationships outside and within the band, I found (and still find) myself under-rested and agitated to no particular end. More than not doing enough, I was not enough.” 
(If you can’t relate to that, I can’t relate to you, tbh.)
This video also does a fantastic job of showing dissociation. TURN IT UP!
“Blue Film” is a ten-song shot of dagger-twisting electro-(s)punk. It’s completely addictive from the very first listen. The tour de force is “Rear Window”, an art-punk masterpiece of slashing guitars and mad caterwauling. Copious doses of jaunty poetics and social commentary reward the earlooker patient enough to untangle Kristine Nevrose’s hysterical meowing about intergalactic salt shakers and hysterectomies, but I’m too emotionally invested to look under the hood.” ~ Sputnik Music
“Rear Window” is in fact my most-played 2020 track. TURN IT UP!
It’s not all heavy! But even when I’m looking for something light and hooky, I need a bite, and Gum Country has done it with the kind of swirly, feeedback-laden wall of sound that Lush or Yo La Tengo would make if they lived in LA. (Recent transplants to SoCal from Vancouver, I do think that the sunshine has gone straight to their heads, in the very best way.)
Indie music nerds will know guitarist/composer/singer/front woman Courtney Garvin from The Courtneys, and she really does throw up a glorious wall of sound. I adore this video too! Sweet, swinging, fun -- and yes, the drummer is playing keyboard with one hand while slapping the skins with the other! 
I mentioned earlier that all five of these albums have spent part of the year at #1 on my list -- I think that this one might have spent the longest stretch there. Like all shoegaze, even as hooky as this, the truth of these songs is revealed in VOLUME. TURN IT UP!
Now, THIS is heavy! Amy Lee (vocals, guitar) and Georgia South (bass) are fucking LOUD, and insanely intense. A mix of grime, hip-hop, metal, punk, and good old rock and roll, they’re a harder-hitting, more theatrical Prodigy, with a pyre of intensity that recalls the heaviest howls of Rage Against The Machine. Indeed, Nova Twins spent a good bit of 2019 playing heavy metal festivals and toured as openers for Prophets of Rage. (Tom Morello has been a fan and supporter from the beginning.)
As you may have noted in the photo at the top of this post, their musical audacity extends to visuals too: they design their own clothes, hair, and makeup, they art direct their own videos, and more. They impress the hell out of me, and I’ve been a huge fan since hearing their first singles in 2018. I’ll plant a flag and say that Georgia South in particular is the most innovative musician on any instrument in any genre right now, but they’re both absolutely monsters. 
I’m honestly not at all sure that #5 is high enough for this, but I’m absolutely certain that after this video, you’re gonna need to rest for a little. LOL
“Taxi” is the story of two gleefully and creatively violent women shaking up the local crime syndicate as they use a vintage cab for their moving murder scene. This is the movie that Robert Rodriguez wishes he was making with Sin City, if it were combined with Blade Runner and The Matrix. And gangsters. And a snake.
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I’m gonna take your crown I’m gonna, I’m gonna bleed you out We demand it by the hour We devour, control, power
I’m gonna burn it down Even the, even the royals bow
So not the same kind of therapeutic work being explored on this rekkid, but you know what? Fucking shit up is therapeutic too! 
Definitely take this full screen, and for the love of fuck, TURN IT UP!
SO. Not done with the best of 2020 yet? I’m sure not! A lot of my favorite songs aren’t on albums (at least not yet), so for an unedited list of everything I’m finding, check out my Spotify list, 2020: Shuffle This List! 268 songs and counting, over 15 hours, and not finished yet. I’m still checking out everyone else’s Best of lists (including yours! Message me links to yours!!!), so will probably be adding to this for most of 2021, too. 
And for more banging tracks by women from 2020, plus a few 2019 gems that I’m still grooving to, check out my more thoroughly curated Spotify playlist Women Bangers: A Tumblr New Classics Jam. (You’ll see a couple of these tracks there!) I’m working on a YouTube playlist and an essay to properly roll that one out. I’m also still tweaking the ending, but the three dozen or so tunes there are definitely bangin’.
Tell me if you hear anything you dig here, and tell me what YOU’VE found! We’re gonna get through this together.
Yr pal, Timmy
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the warmest bed i’ve ever known
finally got this bitch finished! 
based on “tis the damn season” by taylor swift. i was also listening to the phoebe bridgers cover of “christmas song”, “last christmas” cover by pale waves (recorded @ spotify), and “home alone, too” by the staves 
also this is only my 2nd time writing starker so lmk what you think plz?
happy holidays! - bloo
word count: 6.07k. this was intended to basically be a porny blurb...instead there’s so much fucking plot it’s probably overwhelming and minimal porn. i’m sorry
warnings: angst, depression & anxiety, drug use (that good kush ft some hotboxing & shotgunning), smut, character death (not tony or peter), tony’s kind of country lmao. despite all the aforementioned things, there is in fact a happy ending! 
summary: peter makes the trip back home for christmas and once again finds himself caught up in deep brown eyes and a charming smile. tis the damn season. 
Peter had forgotten how cold New York winters were. He’d grown used to the year-long warmth of Los Angeles. He supposed the cold was appropriate- it was as if the weather was in cahoots with the solid, frigid thing that was sitting in the pit of his stomach. The last time he’d spent Christmas in Aurora, the last time he’d seen him… Tony.
Just thinking the other man’s name made Peter flex his hands anxiously as he slid out of the driver’s seat of his black Mercedes AMG GT into the amber glow of the streetlight, gently shutting the door closed behind him, still in the overly cautious period of owning the new car. He wondered what Tony would think of it. Last time Peter had come home, he was still driving May’s old Subaru. It’d been almost 2 years to the day, now, which felt like both a century and no time at all. He wished it wasn’t so hard. He wished they hadn’t been caught in this song & dance for so long. It seemed like no matter how good Peter’s intentions, it always came down to one thing: he was so damn scared. He always ran away, no matter how badly he wanted to stay. 
Scuffing a boot through the slush in the street, the brunette straightened his shoulders and made his way toward the brick building, a quick smile quirking half his mouth up as he read the neon red sign above the closed garage door. Stark’s. Memories came flooding back, the countless nights he spent cooped up in the little shop during high school, sketching elaborate ensembles and daydreaming about having his very first collection while surrounded by the smell of motor oil and the sounds of tinkering. The bell above the door jingled merrily as Peter stepped through and wiped his feet on the mat. The pleasant sound of Frank Sinatra crooning the words of “The Christmas Waltz” met his ears. Another small smile flitted over Peter’s face. That was something that tended to happen when he was around Tony. 
“Just a second,” came the slightly muffled voice, a little strained. The man in question was bent over, headfirst in the engine of his old 1979 Chevy C10, the one he’d gotten senior year of highschool. The collar of a heather grey henley peeked out from under a deep red and green plaid flannel stretched over his shoulders as he leaned a little further under the hood, using a wrench to tighten what looked to be a lugnut to Peter from his spot by the door, too nervous to go further inside. 
“I can wait,” Peter replied softly, trying not to stare at Tony’s jean-clad ass and anxious of the older boy man’s reaction. (It looked like Tony had done a lot of growing up over the past two years, no longer the boy he remembered. Peter supposed the same could be said about himself in a way, though he wasn’t sure if it was for better or worse.)
And apparently he was right to be cautious.
Tony promptly smacked his head on the underside of the hood as he jerked upright at the sound of Peter’s voice. “Fuck.”  Moving more carefully, Tony stood upright and turned around, his dark eyes wide. “Peter,” he said, visibly and audibly surprised. To be honest, it hurt Peter a little bit, how surprised he sounded. Maybe coming here was a mistake. Did they not do this nearly every year over the past seven? Had- Oh god, had something changed? Fuck, did Tony finally get tired of-  Had he found-
Peter resolutely cut that train of thought off before he could panic. “Hi, Tony.” He swallowed drily, making eye contact for a moment, before casting his eyes away only for them to make their way back to the open face in front of him. “Think you have time for a quick bite to eat?” He slipped his left hand into the pocket of the new, warm wool coat he bought expressly for this trip. “It’s almost dinner time. And I have a treat,” he intoned, tapping his right pointer and middle fingers against his lips.
Tony beamed and immediately reached for a shop rag to wipe his hands, the black grease and oil smearing on the probably-used-to-be-white-at-some-point fabric. One of those hands came up to scratch at his facial hair, a new addition that made something simmer deep in Peter’s gut. The older man's brown eyes twinkled as he paused to glance at Peter. “You had me at ‘hi, Tony.’” He then proceeded to move about the shop, swiping his phone from atop a chest of metal drawers, Sinatra’s voice coming to an abrupt stop. He pulled on his old lined jean jacket (the one Peter was constantly mending in high school; now it just had small tears in some places, and what appeared to be Tony’s d-i-y patchwork in others). The sign on the front door was flipped to ‘closed’ and Tony pulled a keyring from his belt loop, locking it and flicking off the lights. The streetlights outside the building and the colorful holiday lights strung along the edge of the roof provided just enough light for them to be able to clearly see each other, the sun having set early, around four o’clock. Peter had forgotten about that as well. 
He moved to grab his car keys from a pocket but Tony spoke up, patting the dark green paint of his truck’s hood and walking over to the garage door. His hand hovered over the button that would open it. “Actually, I just finished giving Delilah a tuneup, mind if we take ‘er for a spin?” 
“Sure,” Peter agreed without hesitation, still feeling relieved (and grateful) that his invitation was accepted. 
Tony pushed his palm against the button and paused to do a double-take after the metal door lifted completely. His eyebrows rose at the sight of Peter’s car parked in the small lot beside the shop. “Damn, L.A.. Not worried about your fancy new car?” His tone was slightly teasing, but there was a bit of shock mixed with something else as well, and it caused Peter to go hot, feeling insecure. (What if Tony didn’t like who Peter was, now? Peter didn’t exactly like who he was now.) Tony must’ve noticed his discomfort, because he cracked a grin and bumped his shoulder against Peter’s as he made his way to the driver’s side, yanking the door open. “C’mon, Parker, ‘m just fuckin’ with you. Hop in - how’da some burgers from Delmar’s an’ a trip out to the field sound?” 
They grabbed food from the hole-in-the-wall diner down the road (the one where sixteen year-old Peter burned the shit out of his hand on his first day and promptly quit) and once they were bundled back in the truck with their burgers, fries and one banana milkshake (“yeah, but these are your favorite,” Tony had said in response to Peter’s exclamation that it was too cold out), Tony drove them out to the field behind the old high school. He parked the car under the lamppost, leaving it running in order to keep the heat on. His thick mechanic’s fingers began to fiddle with the temperature controls. Nat King Cole was playing quietly on the radio. 
Peter shifted the paper bag of food in his lap, searching for words but not knowing what to say, and plucked the joint and lighter from his coat. The paper-covered filter found its way between his lips and he inhaled softly as he lit the tip. Satisfied with the light, he french inhaled, closing his eyes for a moment. The first hit was always the best. Peter loved the way he could feel it all the way in his bones. He didn’t know how to describe it other than deep. When he opened them, he made eye contact with Tony in the dim light, and immediately cut his gaze away as he felt the heat rush to his face. He could feel when Tony looked away a moment later.
The lull continued and Peter gingerly held the joint between his fingertips as he exhaled, hand outstretched.  
Worn fingers plucked it away, and Peter’s eyes were immediately drawn to the slightly chapped lips that wrapped themselves around the filter. “You stayin’ at um, at May's...old place?” Tony faltered as he inhaled, as if he wasn't sure what the most sensitive way to talk about it was. 
“Yeah," Peter said softly as he looked down at his lap. Spending his first night in the house alone last night had made him feel the loneliest he'd ever been in his life, and that was saying something because he’d been feeling pretty miserable lately. Peter saw May everywhere he looked, waiting to hear her call for him to come taste some new-fangled recipe from the kitchen, or to please, for the hundredth time, rinse the dishes before he put them in the sink. He missed her more than he thought possible, her death earth-shattering after having already lost Ben when he was 17, back when this mess all started. When he left for the first time. When he started running away. “It’s- It’s weird but I’m...adjusting. It’s honestly not that different to when she was alive, though. Y’know- recently.” He cut himself off, not sure if he wanted Tony to know the full reality of his existence, now. 
Because it was true. It killed Peter to admit it, but his relationship with Aunt May started going downhill around the time of Ben’s death, too. By the time she had her heart attack a little more than two years ago, he hadn’t seen her in over a year, or talked to her in nearly as long. It was the biggest regret of his life, pushing May away; the second was the way he essentially did the same thing to Tony, however drawn-out it had been. 
Peter reached out for the joint and his fingers brushed against Tony’s, sending a jolt up his spine. “How,” Peter started, swallowing as he twiddled the lighter between his fingers not holding the joint. “How’ve you been, Tony?” He was scared to ask what he really wanted to know. Have you finally had enough? Did you stop waiting on me? Am I too late? To distract himself a bit, he cracked the window so he could ash the joint before taking another drag. 
"Same ol’, same ol’,” came Tony’s reply, his voice weary. “I mean, you already know this, but nothin’ really changes here." The quiet way he said it was slightly self-deprecating and the younger man hated it, hated that he had something to do with it. (Peter remembered the way he spat the words at Tony in the wee hours of the morning oh so long ago. "I've gotta get out of this fucking town- I can’t stay here, Tony! You might be okay dying here, a nobody with nothing, but I'm not!")
That’s why I had to leave, he thought, chest tightening. I was trapped in this town. It was never you, Tony. You were perfect. You’re perfect. 
"..Yeah," is what came out instead. Peter took another hit before he handed the joint back to Tony and began rifling through the grease-splotched bag, passing the older man his burger before unwrapping his own. He took the top bun off in order to lay down a handful of fries from the bag, smooshing the top back on afterwards. A moan left Peter’s mouth at the first bite, and he heard a chuckle bubble up from Tony’s chest. (He would never admit it, especially not to anyone back in L.A., anyone who didn’t know him before, but this was his favorite meal in the world.)
“Funny that you still do that. So, um,” Tony began again, stuffing a few fries in his mouth and chewing as he spoke out the side of his mouth. “I saw your new collection. It looked nice.” He licked a bit of salt off his thumb. 
Peter’s ears burned as he swallowed his bite and raised an eyebrow at the man across from him. “You pay attention to fashion, now?” He fought off a smile at the thought of Tony delicately flipping through the pages of a high-fashion magazine. 
“Not like- I’ve tried to keep up with your work,” Tony mumbled, swallowing, his own face taking on a bit of a rosy-hue. “Like to know what you're up to all the way out there.” The joint touched his lips for a few seconds before it made its way back to Peter’s fingers. “I do know how Google works.” 
Peter shivered as he felt something flutter in the pit of his stomach at the salt grains that touched his tongue when he took his next pull. “Tastes like salt,” he breathed on the exhale, locking eyes with Tony through the smoke that had accumulated in the car. 
Something flashed in the older man’s eyes as he stole the weed back and took a large hit, crooking his salt-sprinkled fingers to beckon Peter closer. 
Peter’s own reddened eyes widened when he caught on to what Tony wanted, his heart picking up speed. They hadn’t done that in years. Still clutching his burger in his left hand, he used the right to support himself as he leaned over the console to press his mouth against Tony’s. He closed his eyes as he inhaled, fighting the urge to slip his tongue somewhere it didn’t belong. One of Tony’s hands came up to pull his head closer for a moment, his tongue having the same idea as Peter’s, causing him to whine into Tony’s mouth. His pants were getting tight as he licked right back in response, feeling a slight burn from exhaling through his nose. He missed this. Nobody kissed him like Tony did-
“Shit!” Tony pulled away sharply, and Peter’s heart stopped for a second. But when he realized what was happening, he couldn’t contain the surprised cackle that erupted as he saw the joint land in the other man’s lap. “Quit it,” was Tony’s reply, though he was grinning as he said it. He grabbed what was left of the joint off his jeans and stubbed it out the rest of the way on the dashboard. “It burned my fuckin’ finger.”
“Oh poor baby,” Peter shot back, shifting in his seat and taking another bite of his burger. He willed the slight chub to go away, but knew it was a lost cause. He pretty much signed up for it; he was always turned on when he was high around Tony (and most of the time when he was sober, too). Some kind of conditioning or something, he thought deliriously. 
“Ya better hush up, Parker,” Tony snarked and dipped some fries into Peter’s banana shake. He rolled his neck a bit, reaching for his burger. “So, kid. Tell me ‘bout L.A..”
Peter was basking peacefully in his high, humming along to whatever was playing through the speakers. He and Tony had both finished their food, chatting about this and that, but nothing of real substance, their earlier stilted conversation far from their minds. Shooting the shit, as Tony called it, over some weed and a meal was their normal routine when they were younger, and it came as naturally as breathing. Peter had never met anyone else he could simply coexist with on this level, simply enjoying the other’s presence for what it was. I love you, he thought as he looked at Tony, who was leaning back in his seat with his eyes closed and nodding his head along with the beat. I’m so in love with you and it scares the shit out of me. 
The younger man’s eyes roved over Tony’s face as his mind raced. What was he doing? Would something be different this time? He wasn’t that angry seventeen year old anymore- now he was twenty-four, clinically depressed, and living someone else’s life. Would it be so bad to finally leave that all behind, to finally let himself have what he’s denied himself for so long? Didn’t he deserve to be happy, after all this pain? And even if it wasn’t in the cards for them, if Peter was destined to be alone, wouldn’t even the most miniscule amount of time with Tony be worth it? 
Tony’s gravelly voice startled him back to the present. “I should probably be gettin’ you home, huh, Peter?” The bearded man opened his eyes and began sitting up, turning to look at him. The expression on his face was unreadable, and Peter didn’t know if he should agree or protest, so he merely lifted a shoulder in faux indifference, shooting Tony a half-smile.
Please, call me Pete… Just Pete, Peter begged in his head. Tony calling him by his full name made the ugly thing in his chest wriggle uncomfortably. Last time he was home, before he said those awful things, Tony hadn’t called him Peter in years. Yet another beautiful thing that he’d taken for granted and ruined for himself. 
“Could also drive around for a bit if you wanted, see some lights.” Damn Tony and his ability to read Peter so well. The suggestion was soft, and he looked down as he said it, almost as if he was feeling shy. 
Peter shook his head minutely and shifted a little in his seat, gently biting his lip. “I’m getting a little tired, haven’t smoked in a while,” he lied through his teeth, but the smile on his face was real this time. 
Tony grinned right back at him.
(“What would we even do on a date? There’s nothing to do here, Tony,” Peter said with a laugh. “I dunno,” Tony replied, snuggling the lighter-haired teenager closer into his chest as they snuggled on the couch. “We could go look at the Christmas lights, get some hot chocolate… I could tie some mistletoe to the mirror in the truck. There’d be sum kissin’ involved….” He trailed off as Peter’s lips found his own. “Or we could do the kissin’ right here,” he murmured, sinking into the kiss.)
The drive back to May’s house was spent with Tony catching Peter up on everyone in town as they passed various houses. (“Remember Happy Hogan, the butcher?? Him an’ that pretty florist, Ms. Potts, got married last year. Think they’re havin’ a baby,last I heard.” “Rhodey’s mama died this spring, she got cancer, but he an’ Mr. Rhodes still live out here now that Rhodey’s moved home. Honorable discharge last fall. Done got himself a new girlfriend now too, Carol; he met ‘er in the Air Force.  She’s a sweet one, I think you’d like ‘er.”) 
When they pulled into the driveway, Tony cut the engine and hopped out. Peter did the same, grabbing the bag with their trash and patting his pocket, double-checking for his keys and lighter. He stepped around Tony, who had stopped at the bottom of the front steps, and walked up to the door, fumbling for a minute with his keys under the porch light to find the right one (it had robin’s egg blue polka-dots of May’s favorite nail polish). Tony’s footsteps followed him up the stairs. 
Peter stuck the key in the lock and opened the door a crack before turning to face the taller man. “So.”
Tony’s eyes searched his own as they gazed at one another. “So,” he parroted back. His index finger went up to rub at his nose as he took a hard sniff in. There was a beat of silence. “Thanks for the joint, and uh, the company. It was good seein’ you,” he said at last, a hint of his signature lopsided grin curving his lips. 
Peter felt the goodbye that was coming before it even left Tony’s mouth, and something in him broke. “Don’t leave me here alone.” The words came out of Peter’s mouth in a mumble, and suddenly he couldn’t make eye contact with Tony, losing focus and staring at his own feet instead. He felt the harsh burning of tears as it hit him again just how alone he was about to be when he walked inside, how alone he already was. He was always so fucking alone. 
Even in L.A., so much bigger than fucking Aurora, New York, surrounded by thousands of people, Peter still felt invisible, insignificant. He had no friends. Sure, he had a publicist, and connections, and celebrity acquaintances & clientele. But without his money and his clothes, what would he have? What did he have when he was just Peter Parker, rather than Peter Benjamin, semi-famous designer? Nothing. (When he got the call about May, and he’d broken down in the bathroom during a business meeting with representatives for Tom Ford, he realized he had no one to call. No one to comfort him or tell him it would be okay. He’d sobbed into his pillow that night, screaming his throat raw with Tony’s number punched into his phone, ready to be dialed. He never called.) He had nothing and no one, and it was all his fault because he was so stupid, and maybe this is just what he deserved. If he hadn’t pushed everyone-
“Hey- Hey, Peter, no. Never,” Tony was saying gently, cautiously pulling Peter into his strong arms and out of his anxiety attack. “‘m not goin’ anywhere if y’don’t want me to, baby.” He tucked Peter’s head under his chin, a chill running down his spine due to the chilly evening air. “S’okay, everythin’s okay.” 
Peter sucked in a deep breath through his mouth, trying to calm himself. His forehead dug into Tony’s shoulder painfully but it helped to ground him. The soothing sensation of Tony’s fingers tracing circles on his back helped, too. Peter’s breath was still hitching every so often, so he shut his eyes and tried to synch his breathing with Tony’s. It felt so nice to just be this close to someone- Peter couldn’t remember the last time he’d been held. Tony had probably been the last one to do it, though. (He’d had sex in L.A. of course, but it was all superficial. Nothing real. Nothing like what he had with Tony- not even close.) Shifting slightly, he buried his nose in the crook of Tony’s neck, searching unconsciously for the smell he loved so much; a mix of gasoline, teakwood, and something smoky. The scent sent a shiver down Peter’s spine, and that hot feeling simmered in his stomach again. He’d always joked that he would bottle Tony’s smell if he could. Tony would just laugh and jokingly tease Peter for always having his nose in his neck or armpit.
Now Tony just hummed lightly in response, tightening his hold for a moment before relaxing. “‘Yer’okay,” he whispered, once he could feel that Peter’s breathing had evened out for the most part. 
Peter pulled back a bit and stared at a spot in the middle of Tony’s chest, thinking. He decided to go for it. Worst that could happen was Tony saying no, and leaving Peter here alone, but he knew he’d end up alone eventually. But he’d delay the inevitable as long as he could.  “Kiss me, T,” he said quietly, leaning in before he could change his mind. His lips brushed Tony’s and he pulled back, trying not to go cross eyed looking into the other’s eyes. “I don’t wanna be alone anymore.”
Tony stared at him for a moment before their mouths met again, and Peter nipped gently at his lip before clumsily walking backwards through the cracked front door, pulling Tony with him with their mouths still connected. Tony’s foot kicked it closed behind them, bathing them in darkness, and he tripped a bit when Peter clutched at the lapels of his jacket a little too hard. Cursing under his breath, he leaned back against the door and tugged Peter along, using the support behind him to balance as he toed his boots off. They disconnected momentarily as the shorter man did the same, hands still gripping the denim. 
Peter licked his lip as they stood in the dark entryway. Looking up at Tony, he shrugged his coat off, letting it fall to the hardwood floor beneath them. He reached out and gently pushed the denim jacket off the taller man’s shoulders too before leaning in, stopping just before their lips made contact. “Come upstairs with me,” he whispered. 
Tony’s mocha eyes flitted around for a minute, searching his face for something. Peter couldn’t tell if he liked what he saw, but Tony kissed him again before taking his hand. “Your room,” he questioned, taking hold of the banister and leading Peter up the stairs. 
“Fuck, Tony. Right there, right there, ohhhhh.” Peter was on his back with one leg thrown over Tony’s shoulder and the other bent off to the side, the ball of his foot pushing into the mattress. The mechanic’s uncut cock was stretching his lubed hole. Tony was leaning over him and one of his hands was clutching at Peter’s hip, the other at the leg up by his face. His facial hair scratched deliciously against the pale skin on the inside of Peter’s knee as he pressed a kiss there. 
(Tony had kissed and licked and sucked praises into the skin of his neck, chest, stomach and thighs as he’d fingered him open at a torturously slow pace. “So good fer me, Pete. Look at you. You’re so goddamn beautiful.” Peter had whimpered and whined the whole time as he tried to fuck himself on the thick digits whose pads were caressing his prostate.) 
A moan left the older man’s lips as he looked into Peter’s eyes. “You feel so good, baby. Always feel so- fuckin’- good,” he grunted, thrusting further in the tight, wet heat. “Love fuckin’ your ass.”  He dug his fingers tighter into Peter’s skin, sure to leave bruises. 
Gasping, Peter arched his hips up, toes curling, cock bobbing against his stomach with every thrust. He could feel Tony deep inside him, in that place that only he had ever been able to reach. Fuck, why had he ever let this go? Never letting you go again, Tony. You can’t leave me alone. I need you. I love you. He whined, baring his neck in a silent plea and bringing his leg down so that both were wrapped around the man’s thick waist. Tony reacted accordingly; his hands moved up to clutch at Peter’s near the headboard and his mouth latched onto the column of Peter’s neck, sucking. A wounded noise escaped Peter, his hole clenching, and Tony bit down harshly at the sensation. Peter keened again, going limp on the mattress as his legs fell open to the side. “Shit, Tony, god!” 
Hot, wet breath tickled Peter’s neck with every ragged exhale that left Tony’s mouth, causing the smaller to whine lewdly, squirming. “Yeah? Are you- mine? Y’gon be mine- huh, Pete?” Peter heard the unspoken question, the twinge of desperation in Tony’s voice. Will you finally be mine? He sounded tired, that deep-in-your-bones type weariness, Peter noticed as he felt his own chest start to get tight. He’d really done a number on the person who deserved it the least. And for what? To come crawling back years later, expecting to be forgiven? 
Yes, he thought in response to Tony’s question, hating himself for it. One of his hands tangled itself in the crown of Tony’s head, fingers pulling the strands at the root possessively as teeth sunk into his neck again. Yours. Always yours. He let out another moan, rolling his hips in an attempt to get some friction on his neglected cock that was weeping precum as Tony continued to thrust in and out of him. “Please, please- Tony, please.” If Peter had any shame left, he’d probably be blushing at how needy and wrecked he sounded. Instead it just turned him on, knowing just how gone he was for the other man. 
With a grunt, Tony redistributed his weight and brought two fingers to Peter’s lips. “Open up fer a minute, baby,” he requested softly, slipping the digits inside. Peter laved them with his tongue, coating them with thick saliva and Tony groaned at the feeling, dick twitching in Peter’s ass. Once they were sufficiently wet, he pulled his fingers away, a thin string of drool stretching to connect them to Peter’s slick lips. “Fuckin’ gorgeous, Pete, Christ.” His calloused hand wrapped loosely around the hot, rosy cock between them. “Fuck my hand, baby.” 
Peter complied without hesitation, rocking his hips and pressing his shaft in and out of the slick tunnel that was Tony’s hand. He cried out when Tony’s thumb caressed the underside of the head as the cock inside of him nailed directly into his prostate. The pressure had already been a lot, but the pleasure was suddenly overwhelming in a new way. He was so close and Tony hadn’t even been touching him for thirty seconds. “F-fuck, Tony, I’m gonna- Ahhhhh-”  
“Yeah, cum for me, Pete,” Tony’s warm breath heaved into his ear, tongue sneaking out to lick the outer shell and dip inside briefly at the same time he tightened his grip on Peter’s sensitive member.  “Fuck, cum for me, baby, cum on my- Cum on my cock- God-.” 
And with a cry, Peter did just that, biting into Tony’s shoulder as the tension in his gut snapped, hole twitch relentlessly around the hard cock inside him as his own shot spurt after spurt of hot cum on his chest; some reached the hollow of his throat and his chin. “God, Tony, shit, shit, shit.” 
“Yesssss, Pete, holy fuck.” Tony buried himself inside one last time, his mouth latching onto the column of Peter’s neck as he reached his orgasm, shoving himself inside as deep as possible. His dick twitched, painting Peter’s insides with his spend and making him groan. 
They stayed that way for a moment before Tony pulled back to look into Peter’s eyes. “Lemme clean’ya up,” he offered gently as he carefully pulled his softening cock out of the heat of the younger man’s ass. There was a slight burbling sound, and he brushed his lips against Peter’s when he saw the embarrassment flash across his face. “Hol’ on.” Climbing out of the bed, he made his way to the bathroom that was adjoined to Peter’s room.
Peter’s heart was beating uncomfortably in his chest as he lay among the sheets, bringing his hands up to his chest to fiddle with each other anxiously. It couldn’t be over. He wasn’t ready for it to be over. He wasn’t ready to be alone again. 
When Tony walked back in, he got back on the bed, gently wiping the cum off Peter’s chest with a warm rag, smirking at the full-body shivers that ran through the young man in response to the cloth being swiped lightly over his nipples. Once his chest was clean, Tony moved down to run the fabric between Peter’s ass cheeks, collecting the milky-white substance that was leaking out of the hole. 
“Stay,” Peter whispered, once Tony had thrown the washcloth in the hamper and climbed back into bed at Peter’s invitation of patting the spot beside himself in bed. He wiggled so that his back was pressed up against Tony’s front. His fingers tangled themselves with those on a slightly larger hand and as he let his eyes slip shut, he felt Tony’s lips press a kiss into the sweaty curls at the back of his head. 
When Peter woke up, it was well past noon. The bed was so warm that the heat from his and Tony’s bodies trapped up under the fluffy comforter would be sweltering if he didn’t crave it so much. 
Peter swallowed drily as he looked at Tony’s face in the afternoon light, peaceful in sleep. At some point during their sleep, they had shifted to where they were facing each other. He wanted to trace his fingers along the strong facial features in front of him, but he refrained, not wanting to wake the older man. He knew he needed to talk to Tony. He knew that Tony deserved better. But maybe Peter could be selfish just this once... It was Christmas after all. Tis the damn season and all that. 
Leaning forward, with a hand pressed gently against Tony’s chest, Peter pecked his lips against the sleeping man’s in a kiss. He got no response, so he did it again, adding a little more pressure. Tony began to stir; his arm wrapped lazily around Peter’s naked waist, pulling their bottom halves together. 
“G’mornin’,” Tony mumbled sleepily as he blinked a few times before his gaze focused on Peter. His voice was scratchy and rough, and Peter’s hips jerked slightly in response as he whispered back his own greeting, partially because Tony had begun to get hard. The mechanic brought up a hand and took hold of Peter’s chin, pulling their mouths together as he ground their burgeoning erections together. 
Peter wrapped a leg around Tony’s waist as they lay there on their sides and began to gently rock his hips. “Tony,” he mewled, eyes screwed shut. The words were bubbling up inside him, just like the arousal was blooming in his gut. One of his arms wrapped around Tony’s neck, pulling their bodies together as close as they could get. 
“Yeah,” came Tony’s breathy reply. His eyes were roving over Peter’s flushed face as he undulated his own hips, thumb coming up to press against the younger’s spit-slick bottom lip. “Whadisit?”
Peter took the digit into his mouth for a moment and they made eye contact as he swirled his tongue around the tip, fellating it. He released it from his mouth with a pop, biting his own lip. “Am I too late,” he asked quietly, burying his face in the muscled chest before him, pecking tender kisses on the heated flesh. “Do you still love me?” His voice shook as he continued, breath faltering as well as the sensations built up. He squeezed his eyes shut even though Tony couldn’t see the tears building in his eyes as he chased his pleasure, preparing for the inevitable pain that was sure to follow. 
“Pete.” The way Tony said his name was reverent, like he didn’t see Peter for the walking mistake that he was. He was breathing heavier now, too, with the exertion of frotting their hard cocks together. “How could I ever stop, baby?” He craned his neck in order to meet Peter’s eyes. “Was just waitin’ on ya t’come home.” He pressed their lips together as Peter’s leg tightened around his waist. “Was always just waitin’ on ya t’come home,” he repeated. A particularly hard thrust had them both groaning, clutching desperately at each other as they chased that euphoric feeling. “’Course I love you, Peter. Now cum for me.”
Peter couldn’t help but obey as a sob burst from his lips, Tony following him over the edge. “I love you,” he cried, as their bodies shook together. “I’m s-sorry Tony, I love you- Don’t go, don’t ever leave me. I won’t- I promise I won’t go again. I can’t go again, I can’t leave you again. I won’t.” Tony’s thumbs came up to wipe the tears from under his eyes, and a kiss was pressed to his temple as he felt himself be pulled into those strong arms. 
“I’d never leave you, Pete.”
The bed was cold when Peter woke again. He lay there, watching the sunset through his bedroom window. Gentle creaks could be heard as the house groaned under pressure from the falling snow. He rolled over, grimacing at the pain in his lower half and pulling a pillow to his chest. It still smelled of teakwood, smoke, and gasoline. He smiled, burying his face further into the intoxicating scent. “I love you,” he whispered to the empty house, feeling lighter than he had in years. 
(Yes, the bed was cold, now. But Tony would be back to warm it up. And he’d have burgers, fries, and a banana milkshake when he returned. Maybe even a joint. Peter was glad he didn’t have to wait long. They’d had just about enough of that over the past seven years.)
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