#and then other half astonished we made it to 23
certifiedtrashmouth · 2 years
i wish i could tell 12 year old me that yes, we’re still writing more than 10 years later, and yes, people actually do like our writing.
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astr0-philia · 6 months
ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟛: 𝕎𝕒𝕤 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕪 𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕥𝕙 𝕚𝕥….
Prolouge 1 2 3 4
[Y/N] POV:
"How many times do I have to say it? I'm Grim, spell-caster extraordinaire! I am NOT a weasel!" Declares with fury as he glares at the male in anger.
'  Ah- there he goes again with his "I'm tHe gReAtEsT mAgIcIaN iN tHe wOrLd" sentence.'
Why was it that he was so hooked on getting into this school? In my opinion this school and the people in it look like they were going to open a portal for a devil.
Like why the hell are all of them wearing the same type of cloths with the same type of designs, with their caps on, they look like nuns in a church but with more fashion sense. It makes them look like they are going to start a ritual or something.
"Aren't you a spunky little fellow? Riddle, would you be so kind...?" The silver headed man inquired the red headed man in expectation. waiting for his answer.
'So the guy's name is Riddle....'
The silver haired man was also a bit suspicious. It was obvious the guy wanted to do it for other reasons but I kept quiet. A Princess must never voice out her opinions of course....
"Furry miscreant. I will abide by no rule-breaking. You will be judged by my hand." The red headed boy spoke with authority. His eyes narrowed on the cat like a predator about to pounce on its prey.
Why does the red guy want everyone to listen to rules 24/7? (Like my mom tbh)
but like-
Excuse me? I met this guy for less than 30 minutes and all I heard from him is
'Queen of hearts rule 34 blah blah blah'
Like man.....no one cares about the Queen of hearts rule! No one gives a shit dude.
Back to the situation.
So basically grim started running feral around the room and the 2 boys ran after him firing spells.....
'What type of entrance ceremony drama is this 💀 .' Like seriously. This whole thing was a mess.
'I mean it beats all the long lectures and shit I had to go through in the palace but isn't this too much?'
It was like a never-ending loop. The cat would fire, his great balls of fire. The boys would deflect them and then fire their own spells. Then Grim would dodge them and then run. I felt like I was staring at absolute nonsense .
Couldn't the two boys just use their magic properly and  ACTUALLY  do some damage at least?
They looked like they were getting beaten up by the cat rather than beating up the cat.
'Props for Grim for that achievement'
It felt as if we were standing there for an eternity I finally heard the guy, Riddle say something to finally capture the cat in some type of way.
"OFF WITH YOUR HEAD" A collar had magically appeared on Grim's neck. It was embroidered with a beautiful gold design and shaped like a heart. Each half of the hearts was individually colored in red and black. 
"MYAH!!?? What are you doing?!!" screamed Grim in disbelief. He tried scratching the collar in panic but it would not budge. He looked like he was going through the five stages of grief because of the collar.. ...
"The Queen of Heart's Rule 23: "One must never bring a cat to a formal affair." Your very presence here is a violation of order. You will vacate these premises immediately." The red haired man exclaimed in annoyance. He looked very mad. When I say mad I mean MAD MAD.
"But I ain't a cat either! Don't try to collar me! I'll burn it right off!"
Me and the other students watched in fear as Grim tilted his head back to gain energy for what looked like one of the biggest fireballs he had made in the ceremony. We waited, waited and waited.....
Nothing happened
"Huh...? Wh-what gives? My fire ain't workin'!" in slight fear and astonishment at the revelation.
'His fire wasn't working????'
I couldn't help but stand in shock. Did I just get scared for nothing at all?
"Until I deem you worthy of removing that collar, you won't be using any of your magic. As of now you are nothing but a pet cat!" bellowed the red head. He sounded as if he was about to burst a nerve .
Then suddenly I felt a tap on my back.
Without looking back my hand had curled up into a fist and was flying to whoever unfortunate face was in the way. Just as I opened my eyes for a split second I saw who it was.
It was Yuu....
"Hey [N/N]-"
My fist collided with the nose of his face with great impact.
- and he flew back just a few feet away.
"uh oh...." a whisper left from my mouth in pure terror.
I stood in silence as I processed what I had just done. I was horrified, this was utterly a mess!
I rushed up to him as fast as my feet could take me and checked his face.
"ARE YOU OKAY YUU????? I AM SO SORRY!!!" In a panic I screamed.
"I-Yeah I'm fine....." as he grimaced in pain.
'He sure doesn't look okay though...'
As I helped him stand up the silver haired boy started to talk.
"Ha-HA! Good show as always, Riddle. You're signature spell locks down any magic. It's quite handy." Says in awe and surprise. He looked joyful for some reason too. It was suspicious and did not sound right at all. He sounded like he was up to something...but he seems nice, so I think hell turn out just fine-
"I've just gotta have it—ah, I mean, I've just gotta have respect for it."
- And there it was. I knew something was wrong with that guy!
Suddenly the bird guy dashed to us in a flurry of fury and disappointment. He looked as he was going crazy with all the shit that happened today.
"Yuu and [Y/N]! Was I not clear that you are expected to take responsibility for your familiar? Now discipline your pet at once!"
"I've never seen that creature before in my life! I even told you repeatedly that it isn't mine!" Yuu bit back in annoyance. Sounds like he was holding it in for quite some time ahead. "Did you not hear it the first time I said it?!"
"Oh...Is that so?"
'Is this guy fr?'
"*Ahem* Then I shall have it expelled from campus. I shall even spare it from being served as dinner." In a nervous voice contrasting with his confident stature and poise. He looked like he was going to have a mental breakdown.
'Also cooking a CAT for dinner.....what absurdity is this....'  This guy is cray I tell you!
"My, but I AM kind. ...Someone take this away, please." So Grim is now a 'this'. Heh.
"Nooooo! Let me gooooo!" He desperately screamed in fear and disbelief. "You fools better remember my name!" I don't think I'll be able to hold on that promise Grim...I have a hard time remembering names.......
"Cause I'm gonna go down in the annals of magic history! Just you wait!" he screamed at the top of his lungs. His voice shook the hall as he was guided out the room by the guards.
"Well, that was quite the unexpected fracas. I hereby declare that orientation has concluded." birdman declared in a hurry. "Housewardens, please escort your students back to the dorms."
"Finally....couldn't the guy say that like before all these shenanigans happened...." Yuu said while rolling his eyes and turning his head to me.
"I feel the same way Yuu... I fell the same way...." I said exhausted.
"...Hm? Come to think of it, I don't see Housewarden Draconia of House Diasomnia anywhere."
Did someone not get invited to the party?
....... Can't this orientation be normal for  ONE  second?!
"And that surprises you? Dude's a total recluse." the lion guy replied, sounding so done with all of this. He looked as if, that if this wasn't an important ceremony of sorts he would have dropped down to the floor and start sleeping.
"Wait a sec... Did anyone even invite him?" Said the cute white haired boy I helped in the fire in concern. He sounded quite concerned they didn't invite the Draconia guy.
"If you're that worried about him missing out, maybe you should have told him yourself." Said the beautiful man with purple under-toned hair.
'Wasn't this guy my housewarden?'
"Maybe, but I don't know him too well either..." said the white haired guy with a visible frown.
"Draconia... Like, Malleus Draconia? THAT Draconia?" said one student in fear and awe.
"So it's true? He really does go to school here?" one of them asks his friend.
"You think I know? I just figured it now to dumbass...." the friend replied back.
"Ah. Just as I'd expected." a different voice emerged from the group. He had the face of a new born baby yet had a voice gruff like a man. "I figured I'd come down and see for myself whether Malleus had made an appearance." The man with the deep voice, voiced out his feelings in plain disappointment.
"But once again, he was evidently not informed that his presence was required at an official ceremony." Now I feel bad for the Draconia guy....does he never get invited to parties or something?
"I mean, you must admit, he's not exactly the easiest person to strike up a conversation with." Well red head props to you! Its bad enough this whole ceremony was a flop but this wasn't right! Seriously though it's not nice to not invite an  IMPORTANT  figure to an  IMPORTANT  ceremony.
"No matter. All who were assigned to House Diasomnia, follow me. I just hope he doesn't sulk about this." The man with the deep voice sweatdropping at the behavior of the students. He was ready to turn back and leave. Before he could-
"Hey, I want you to give this to the Draconia dude...." I said with hesitance.
The deep voiced boy turned around as if he heard the best news ever. "Really! What is it dear?" Joy shining in his eyes as clear as day.
I quickly unclipped the necklace of my neck and handed it to him. "Hey dude this is a very important piece of jewelry to me...please tell the malleus guy to keep it safe....."
He quickly took the necklace from my hand in a gentle manner and smiled at me and he questioned "What is your name my fair lady, my name is Lilia Vanrouge."
"[Y/N] [L/N] is my name kind sir." I said as I curtsied to him.
"Well then thank you [Y/N]! I will now take my leave, I will surely and most definitely give your necklace to Malleus!" In utter joy as he left the room.
'Damn it...I forgot that necklace was from my sister....  😭  '
Yuu just stood there in the zoned out and looked brain dead for a moment.
'I don't think the all information has sunk into his head yet....'
As he slowly took in all the information, you could see his face slowly contort from nothing to utter terror.
"I can't believe I'm in a school full of  magical people  and a  princess  ?! What the hell is going on with my life!!??" He mumbled in anger and confusion.
I patted his shoulder to wake him up from his trance. He turned to me in a hurry, looking quite scared but it worked. He looked surprised and looked at me as if he saw a ghost.
"You good bro? I know that getting transported to a whack ass college is something you didn't want....but hey! at least we are in it together?" I told him in the flurry of the moment.
Let me tell you.....I have never in the past 40 minutes of meeting him ever seen him get so flustered his whole face would turn red.
Just as I was about to say something to him again. The bird man approached us again.
"Well, [MC]. This is a most unfortunate turn of events. I'm afraid that you will not be attending Night Raven Collage after all. Surely you realize that I cannot very well admit a student with no magical ability to my academy ."
'Damn the pain is real for Yuu'
"But worry not. The Dark Mirror will see you safely home. Now, step into the gate, and visualize the place where you came from." At least he gets to go back to his home. I have to stay here cause I am probably a convict in my world now and also I think I got sorted into Pomfire or Pomefiore or some house in this college.
Also can't bro give us some space without interrupting our conversation out of nowhere? I was trying to have quality time with my dude Yuu before birdman came to interrupt us.
As Yuu walked up the stairs to the mirror. He looked like he was going to drop dead with all the attention he was getting from everyone at the ceremony. Not gonna lie I would be like that too.
'Mental anxiety is frfr 100% all day'
"Phew..." Yuu let out an exhale in annoyance and fatigue. I guess all that drama took the energy out of him. I can say the same thing for me too.
"O Dark Mirror! Return this soul to where it belongs!" exclaimed birdman in a confident voice to the mirror.
'Why is the mirror unexpectedly quiet now?'
"L-let us, er...try this again. O Dark Mirror! Return this soul—" sweatdropped at the revelation of the mirror not talking. Was this really the mirror's answer-
"There is no such place."
"What...?" Yuu and the bird man said in synchronization questioning the answer of the dark mirror.
'Wtf is with today and all these shenanigans'
"This has never happened throughout my long tenure. I must confess that I am at something of a loss." At a loss for words he asked Yuu in a hurry and panic.
"Tell me from what land do you hail from?"
"Sure. I'm from Tokyo, Japan"
'Well that was unusual.....I've never heard of a Japan of any sorts.....'
"I'm afraid I am not familiar with such a place. I am intimately acquainted with the origins of every student who has ever come here, and yet..." Mumbled bird-man out loud, as if trying to make sense of the situation.
"This mysterious homeland of yours eludes me. Let us go to the library and look it up, shall we?"
"Yes, sir...." answers Yuu hesitantly.
Turning to me the bird-man said "As for you young lady. You must go to your dorm, as you have been sorted by the dark mirror there."
"Ok bird-man" I said in recognition. "I would like to ask how would I get there? My dorm members have already left?" Looking at the empty hall in front of us.
"I will ask the esteemed Vice-Housewarden of Pomefiore to lead you to the dorm."
"Well, that sounds interesting...."
"His name is Rook Hunt. He will be here in a minute or so. So just wait here until he comes."
The bird-man turned his back and started to move towards the exit of the ceremony hall.
I turned to Yuu. "Hey Yuu...it was nice meeting you today! I hope that you will be able to get home soon!"
Yuu looked at me in silence and then answered "Thank you for the enjoyable experience today [N/N], I really liked your company, once again thank you."
He turned around and left the following bird-man out of the ceremony hall. As the doors of the exit closed I was alone once again. It was lonely.
It was comforting yet lonely in a nostalgic way. I never felt so close to home in this silence. As I reminisced in the silence I hadn't noticed a person entering the room.
The person tapped my back. I stopped the urge to turn around and punch the guy like I did to Yuu. I looked back and saw blonde hair.
He was a taller-than-average young man with fair skin. His mid-length hair was cut in a bob style, with straight-cut bangs. Complementing his completion His eyes are green. He also has a wide-brimmed hat with a large feather on top. Altogether he just looked so pretty.
"Hello there mademoiselle. I have come to pick you up to take you to Pomefiore!" The guy said in glee. "Also my name is Rook Hunt. What may be your name mademoiselle?"
"Ah yes Rook- my name is [Y/N] [L/N] princess of the Andromeda. Pleasure to meet you!"
"Ah mademoiselle is a princess! I shall call you dame princesse!" A very unusual nickname but it was a good one nonetheless. "Now shall we go to the Dorm dame princess?"
I nod my head and we start to walk out of the ceremony hall to a new room. It had strange looking mirrors everywhere. We went into the one with a peacock and poisoned apple on it. It had a label at the top which was symbolized with the name of the dorm, it had a type of regal air to it. I felt as if I was entering my castle where I lived. It was nostalgic.
As we entered the Mirror Rook had started to talk again.
"Well then mademoiselle....this is where us people sorted into Pomefiore live!" In enthusiasm and ecstacy. "I can not wait for you to meet Roi du Poison, he is the housewarden and he is absolutely magnifique!"
As Rook rambled on about the housewarden and the dorm. I couldn't help but look at the dorm in awe. It looked like the palaces back in Andromeda but even more fashionable and regal! It looked fit to house a queen or a king. It looked amazing.
As we reached the entrance of the dorm, I couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding......
'I have come all this way...I can do this...'
Was this really worth it? 
Authors Note: 
I am so sorry for the delay of everything! I had my semesters going on and it let me tell you it's nerve-wrecking!
As of now the my semesters are still going on but I was somehow able to update today and I hope you liked it! It took me a whole week to write this chapter.....so it might be a bit inconsistent. 
So to the bad news.....I don't think I will be update book until the end of my exams which will after the 15th of March! I am so sorry and I apologize deeply for my very late updates. I hope you understand!!
Have fun reading!
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aitchnkay · 1 year
Jiang Gunian Made A Change Part 23
Xia KeXin nodded to herself and bit her lip upon seeing Meng Yao approaching her. The informal camp was barely a quarter of its original size since the raiding parties were sent out. Meng Yao, of course, remained with Jiang YanLi and a few retainers to protect her, and a few advisors. They, too, would be leaving the seaside in a few days, the better to coordinate with the Jiang and Nie sects as well as the raiding parties.
"Greetings," he bowed slightly. "Do you have a few moments? I would like my fortune read."
"You make your own fortune," she reminded him.
"I would like that to be true." He smiled. Perhaps it was even a genuine smile. "How did we win the war?"
"It doesn't matter now. That future was overwritten. The events that led to Wen RuoHan's defeat are no longer possible to repeat." She tried to sound like a true sage. But inside, she was still barely a teenager. Not wise in the least.
"All events are impossible?" He looked away, angry. "How did we do it? I would like to know anyways."
Xia KeXin gave up. He was going to pester her until she talked, right? "The short version? After Wen Chao burned Lotus Pier, Wei WuXian lost his golden core in a fight." She ignored his gasp of astonishment as she was ignoring that she wasn't entirely telling the truth of that story. "He was then thrown into the Burial Mounds and left for dead."
"I assume he didn't die?"
"No. Instead, he..." Sorry, MXTX, for destroying your creation. It's necessary, you see that right? Meng Yao is too smart to know how the war was won last time. I wouldn't put it past him to find the Core Crushing Hand and make a deal: his life for Wei Ying to have his Core melted and his body thrown into the Burial Mounds. "He developed a brand new method of cultivation using yin energy."
Meng Yao frowned. "Using yin energy instead of yang will kill the body and destroy the soul."
More fudging required. "He found a... device... that tempered the effects on the body while amplifying his use of yin energy. With that device, he was able to help the Allies crush Wen RuoHan's army. Then while Wen RuoHan was trying to kill Wei WuXian at the last battle, you managed to swoop in for the kill."
"So... We get the device and have Wei WuXian recreate cultivating with yin energy."
"It's not possible anymore," she boldly lied. "We've changed too many events. Wei WuXian will never be in the same place as the device. Even if you try to have someone throw him into the Burial Mounds, he'll never find it." Hopefully, that will prevent this bastard from harming my Wei Ying! Lan Zhan's Wei Ying, but still.
"I killed Wen RuoHan?" He narrowed his eyes. "That seems improbable."
"Again. You're in completely different circumstances now. What you did then is vastly different that what you've done now. Then you were a acting as a spy for the Allies. Now you are Jiang YanLi's strategist."
"What was my end goal?"
Xia KeXin snorted. "Do you have any other end goal? You crave respect and power. And you're willing to step over as many dead bodies as necessary to get either." Angered at what he had done in the book, she recklessly continued. "Your father acknowledged you as his child after you ended the war. Then he gave you the courtesy name Jin GuangYao. You fell in love with a woman, and she with you. You weren't careful and got her pregnant. Before the wedding, her mother begged you to stop because you'd be marrying your own sister.
"You gave a few hints here and there. Hired a few assassins. Talked people into believing your lies. All the while pretending you were the aggrieved party, and were only acting in the other's best interests.
"People died because of you. Your two brothers. Your sister. Your father. Your son. Your best friend. Thousands of innocent people. Hundreds of not so innocent people. Wei WuXian and Jiang YanLi were also killed because of you."
"I killed my own son?" he whispered, horrified.
"The child you had with your half-sister? You know what happens sometimes when close relatives breed with each other. their bodies and minds aren't always healthy. Bad traits get amplified, right?" See the Egyptian pharaohs for example. And that French royal family with the really bad jawlines. Oh, and the Russian royals, too. Wasn't that blood clotting disease they had due to inbreeding? Same things happen with purebred dogs. Gotta open up that gene pool a bit. "You didn't want to chance anyone seeing those deformities and making the connection."
Meng Yao was silent for a while. "Jiang YanLi... she knows that information?"
"She knows enough. That you're extremely smart: the smartest person in any room. That you will be loyal to those who protect you. And that you have the capability to backstab anyone who hurts you. It appears she's taken the loyal part seriously, given how she forced Nie HuaiSang to whip those men who insulted you."
"Does she know I'm the one who caused her death?"
"I don't remember telling her that. I told her... you will remove any obstacles in your path. That you will kill your father." She half laughed. "You will do that, won't you?"
Xia KeXin nodded. "I wish you luck. Are you going to kill me?"
"I have no need to kill you at the moment."
"At the moment," she repeated. "Fair enough. I keep your secrets and I keep my life? I can agree to that."
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meret118 · 2 years
The Comstock Act is one of the most laughably unconstitutional laws that is still part of the United States Code. Named after Anthony Comstock, who the Supreme Court once described as “a prominent anti-vice crusader who believed that ‘anything remotely touching upon sex was ... obscene,’” the law is vague, overbroad, and purports to make it a felony to mail a simply astonishing array of material.
Among other things, the act makes it a crime to mail any “lewd, lascivious, indecent, filthy or vile article” (whatever that means). It prohibits mailing any “thing” for “any indecent or immoral purpose” (again, whatever that means). And, in a provision that largely sat dormant while Roe v. Wade was still good law, the Comstock Act purports to make it a crime to mail any “drug” that “is advertised or described in a manner calculated to lead another to use or apply it for producing abortion.”
But, of course, thanks to a Supreme Court dominated by Republican appointees, Roe is no longer good law. And that means that this prudish law named after an impossibly squeamish man is suddenly relevant again. Read broadly, the law could make distribution of abortion-inducing drugs incredibly complicated.
Medication abortions — that is, abortions induced by pills — account for more than half of all abortions in the United States.
As my colleague Rachel Cohen explained, medication abortion is also the next frontier in the anti-abortion right’s campaign against reproductive freedom. Even as the Biden administration attempts to expand access to abortion-inducing medication, mostly Republican lawmakers in mostly red states have ambitious plans to prevent patients from obtaining these drugs. According to the Guttmacher Institute, state lawmakers introduced 118 restrictions on medication abortions, across 22 different state legislatures, in 2022 alone.
. . .
This problem is made worse, moreover, because not every judge hearing abortion-related lawsuits operates in good faith. The most ominous example of this problem, for anyone who needs a medication abortion, is a currently pending lawsuit seeking to force the FDA to withdraw its approval of mifepristone — an abortion drug it approved nearly 23 years ago.
That case is currently pending before a Trump-appointed judge named Matthew Kacsmaryk. Kacsmaryk, who has a history of reading the law in outlandish ways to achieve conservative results, also shares Anthony Comstock’s obsession with other people’s sexuality.
More at the link.
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feb 5 23
alright here's another dump:
Today was weird in the sense that I not only had standing social plans but also answered an impromptu call to hang out with someone else beforehand. This may not sound impressive to anyone else but I genuinely cannot remember the last time I made plans with people from two different circles in one day. Furthermore I have vague plans tomorrow with K****** (member of an entirely separate THIRD circle) to help hang up her curtains--this one almost feels the most impressive, as an informal arrangement that developed naturally through casual conversation at work on Saturday.
To be clear I am not actually as woefully socially inept as the last paragraph is implying. I have made and maintained many friendships in my twentysfanlg years, and even successfully attended many social gatherings and rendezvous! Really it's still just the comparison to 2022, how the difference is still honestly unbelievable from my life now and a few months ago.
On one hand this process of societal reintegration is a bit astonishing (what do you mean I can just--go and get coffee with a friend? What do you mean I can sit in the sunlight with people who are nice to me and talk about nothing?) and on the other I am finding myself totally forgetting to remember it was ever anything different.
This is dangerous of me, forgetting to remember. Need to remember. Need to be grateful. Need to reschedule my last therapy appointment and go to AA and be cognizant of who I am and how bad it can get.
The impromptu plans were with J***, whose 8 am text asking if I wanted to get breakfast I only saw at 10 am when I woke up. I replied while still in bed sans contact lenses that I'd be down for lunch or an equivalent instead. He picked me up within a half an hour or so to tag along on his next errand, which was watering the plants in the apartment he was housesitting.
It was a 1br in the P***** building (belonging to his friends, long-time partners and start-up work-from-homers the way everyone is these days) and satisfied the mild curiosity I'd had surrounding those apartments since they opened 6ish years ago. (Smaller than I'd thought. White walls, tall ceilings. No windows in the bedroom, I don't think. Same exact oven and dishwasher as our own house.)
It was probably a mistake to bring me considering my penchant for monumentally fucking up any and all house-/plant-/housesitting gigs, and I told him as much after I had spilled the coffee he made us across the counter and stood witness to his tangling of a vined plant when he took it out of its macrame plant holder.
(We stood by the sink with me holding the top of the macrame rope and him unsuccessfully attempting to detangle the thin wispy vines from the fabric. It registered as a pleasant exercise in whatever passes for intimacy for me these days. Standing close and working together, not touching, talking about nothing without really being heard nor needing to.)
We went to the building's roof where it was too bright and too windy. He talked excitedly about how he'd figured out how to make his body throat-sing and played a few clips of his favorite throat-singing songs. I (more concerned with blocking the sun from my eyes and wind from my hair) couldn't tell if he was wanting me to ask him to demonstrate so I didn't. I told him about H teaching herself to whistle and the first clear note she managed after a year of enduring her flat and wet attempts. Something nice in realizing you can still teach your body how to do something, we agreed.
Back inside he told me he'd thought he'd finally cracked religion, or at least his definition of it. Could not pretend to record it as coherent as he said it, but the gist: Start with the fact that there is a God, and that God manifests as the underlying principles that guide the universe's machinations. The transitive property is god. Chemical formulas are God. The closest we will get to seeing God (maybe my own insertion here) is witnessing these rules in practice, and trusting their permanence.
And then---there was a second part, and I'm sure probably more he didn't say, but I can't remember it. I think a bit of all-religions-are-true, even if most have been manipulated as institutions to preserve wealth and power. The intent behind them is still valuable. Etc.
I told him it sounded interesting but felt very logos-heavy, where's the ethos? And he said yeah, it was definitely more attuned to reasoning than revelations, which was funny because historically religions tended to utilize revelations more heavily. And I said yeah, I feel like in terms of amassing followers that's your best bet, tapping into that emotional core, and he said but I'm not trying to amass followers, and I said I know, I just meant in the historical sense.
Part of me does wonder about his attempts to figure this out without plans to preach it, however informally. Part of me wonders if he is trying to convert me, however informally. I don't know how I feel about God. I feel like I should be more interested in an academic sort of way after such a formative childhood exposure to the church and my clumsy attempts to discern my own value system separate from it.
Maybe I am scared to actually decide what I think a good person is, because then I will be forced to admit I am not one?
? Hard to say. Much to think about.
The longstanding plans for today were with B*** et al, a candle-making soiree we had planned the last time we all hung out in January. I had a mild to medium time I think, although H was too sick/overwhelmed with homework to come and there was no one there I was completely comfortable with. B had outdone herself as a hostess, turned it into an early Galentine's thing with endless charcuterie boards and personalized chocolate boxes for each of us.
I feel weird around other women. This is a slightly dishonest presentation of the true feeling, which is probably: I often feel weird in moderately sized groups of people, especially in a setting like this in which we are not all perfectly compatible nor meant to be. Classmates and roommates and classmates of roommates and ex-roommates of classmates of roommates. And that this sort of gathering tends to be with primarily other women.
My social anxiety has matured enough to realize it is not a moral failing if I don't always have the right thing to say to some of these people but I do still resent the obligatory embarrassment when I don't. I'm never going to know what to say to K****e's sex jokes or A*****'s stilted attempts at polite conversation, sorry!
What should have been a comfort but actually just made things more tense: the fact that there were two other girls there also experiencing the slow burn of not fitting in:
L****, one of B's older friends, seemed downright miserable as she stood awkwardly in different corners and seemed to glare when anyone laughed. She left before we even made the candles, although I think she had other plans to get to. Again, my own social anxiety has matured enough to recognize when others' anxiety manifests in off-putting ways (God knows I do this enough), but--the resulting tension is hard to ignore.
And ******?, whose name I have unfortunately entirely forgotten, despite her staying for longer than I did. Was in B & E & K's cohort. Seemed a bit on the spectrum (aren't we all!) and prone to saying the wrong thing. Made a bit more sense when she mentioned she'd been very sheltered in Catholic school. Felt bad when I realized she was not entirely liked by the rest of the group.
But what can you do? Sometimes people simply do not click with each other! This is fine!
I don't know. I am a bit exhausted with meeting new people and having to identify then temper all their little idiosyncrasies. I miss being young and people seeming perfect. Intentionally written characters from a franchised series whose characteristics were recognized tropes, and whose dialogue was always sharp and plot-driving, and whose motivations always made sense.
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remmushound · 3 years
Rise/bay 23!! @brightlotusmoon @errorfreak88 @selfindulgenz
Donnie ran out of his room in an excited frenzy. His feet tip-tapped the happy dance he always did when he found a discovery. The light in his eyes, the flutter in his heart. The warmth overwhelming him. He ran right over to the cuddle pile, hesitating only to eye the strange scene curiously before prodding Donatello’s forehead.
“Mm?” Donatello’s eyes opened in an angry scowl at being disturbed.
“Hey!” Donnie was beaming, his eyes shimmering like dark pools of shiny chocolate, “Hi— here— here take a look at these!” 
Donatello grumbled through his sleep-heavy state and ignored the pictures shoved in his face, covering his muzzle with his arms to block out the light.
“Wha— hey, come on! I think I found your April!”
Donatello hardly heard him, and the fuzz of his mind wasn’t sharp enough yet to care. As the bickering continued with Donnie’s mouth running like a motor trying to wake up the sluggish softshell, Raphael opened his own heavy eyes and started to listen in. 
“Ugh! Make it stooooop!” 
Leonardo reached over and prodded Donnie where his tail would have been under the pants, making the box turtle yelp and fall forward. 
“There.” Leonardo snuggled back in against Raphael, “I found the off switch.”
Raphael was fully awake now and slowly started to untangle himself from his brothers. When he stood, the absence of his immense form made Michelangelo and Leonardo roll suddenly and slam into Donatello on either side. None of the three seemed to care. Raphael gave himself a minute or so to stretch and pop his joints before positioning himself behind his brothers, low to the ground. He sucked in a good deal of air, and then belched it back at his brothers.
The reaction was immediate. Screams of terror as the scent overwhelmed them and the panicked scrambling as his brothers tried to escape the stench. Their feet scrambled helplessly on the floor for a minute as the slick floor held them in place. Michelangelo was the first to find his footing, then Donatello, and lastly Leonardo. All scrambled to different corners of the lair.
“You’re up now, antch’a?” Raphael laughed. “Whatchu got for us Don?”
“What? I don’t have anything for you.” Donatello answered.
“He meant other Don, Don.” Leonardo nudged his brother in the side, “Maybe we should mark you with paint or something— Don 1 and Don 2.���
“Not funny, Nardo!”
“No, it is extremely funny.” Leonardo laughed continuing to prod Donatello playfully.
“Nardo, if you keep doing that I’ll—“
“You’ll what?” Leonardo stuck out his tongue and bounced between legs as he continued to poke Donatello and avoid his swatting hands.
“Eh, ignore them.” Raphael smiled as he rubbed his neck and turned to address Donnie, craning his neck over to look at the pictures the box turtle reluctantly offered. “You found something?”
Donnie squeaked at the closeness of the snapping turtle’s head to him and pulled away quickly, dropping the photos in his panic. Raphael picked them up and his eyes lit up once he located the reason for the images.
“That’s April!”
That simple declaration was enough to make the other three forget about their playful bickering and hurry to Raphael’s side. The mutant held the proof of April low enough for his brothers to be able to look comfortably. Cheers sounded off seconds later.
“That’s April!”
“Oh, she’s okay!”
“Looook!” Leonardo prodded a finger against the paper at April’s chest, “She’s got the orb!”
“Ohh I hope she’s okay!” Michelangelo piped, crawling to hang over Leonardo’s shoulder.
“Time stamps from an hour ago.” 
“Do you know where she is now?”
“Can we get a pizza on the way to find her?”
The smaller mutants started to swarm Donnie with their questions, but Raphael was quick to separate them and give the box turtle some space.
“This is the last I saw of her— she was heading into an alley and I can just kinda see her going up the fire escape.” Donnie said finally.
“Hey, isn’t that where dad was?” Leonardo pointed out.
There was a symphony of agreement.
“I didn't see her come back down though, so she’s probably still up there.” Donnie said, “Unless she found a different way down, which I don’t see why she would…”
Donnie gave yet another yelp as Raphael’s hand fell onto his shoulder. Raphael laughed.
“You’re a jumpy one arencha?” He gave Donnie a few comforting pats to try and reassure him, “Great work Don! You don’t know how much this means to us.”
Donnie’s eyes glimmered with astonishment at the genuine praise.
“Yeah, that big head is good for something after all.” Despite the insult, Donatello’s words came off as a good-natured joke as he circled around Donnie and leaned his head on the box turtle’s shoulder.
“You’re one to talk, peanut head!” Leonardo laughed, “Your head looks like Stewie Griffin’s in reverse!”
“Ha ha.” Donatello faux-laughed, “Very funny, Leon.”
Donnie shivered as Michelangelo scrambled up his shell, using the older turtle’s tech for hand and foot holds. “You’re so smart, other Donnie!”
“Uh— heh— thanks?” Donnie’s cheeks hurt from smiling so wide. 
Raphael whistled, and his brothers all dislodged themselves from Donnie to heed his call. “Come on, Mad Dogz! April needs us!”
Another uproar of agreement sounded.
“I have an ideeeahhh!” Donatello purposely exaggerated the last word, “Let’s take the turtle tank!”
That suggestion sparked a series of cheers. 
“You do have a turtle tank right?” Donatello asked, his brothers excited cheering still sounding behind him.
“Well— yeah— but—“
“Great!” Donatello didn't let him finish, and Donnie couldn’t help but wonder if it was on purpose.
“Wait— you’re not really supposed to…” Donnie’s voice only got softer as the cheers drowned him out and the other four set off searching for the tank, “Take it out of the lair without… oh never mind.”
Donnie followed reluctantly after them. 
When they finally found the room they had been searching for, Leo blocked their path before they could enter. While the rest of the brothers stared at Leo— Donatello annoyed, Michelangelo concerned, and Raphael confused— Leonardo was quick to confront the box turtle.
“Hey guy, we were trying to get through there you know.”
“I know.” Leo crossed his arms pointedly.
“What, you the new door? Cause I’m not really seeing any working handles.” 
Leonardo pretended to look all around Leo for a handle before returning to stand in a similar stance as the older shinobi, except more relaxed. 
“Waiiiiit~ Are you like the sphinx? Gotta answer a riddle to get past you and if we get it wrong you just stare at us disappointedly!” Leonardo said the last part of the sentence in a low voice that tried to mimic Leo, standing up a little straighter and making sure to be loud. “Waitwaitwait, lemme guess: What’s green and uglier than a half-drowned mutant mole rat? And the answer is you! What’s my prize?”
Leonardo cupped his hands together and batted his eyes innocently, standing on one foot as he posed.
Leo didn't even address the annoying slider. “Donnie. What are you doing?” He asked slowly.
Donnie’s head shrank slowly into his shell. “Sorry Leo… I tried to stop them.”
“He spotted our April.” Raphael explained calmly.
“And so you thought you could just bully my brother into taking you out to get her?” Leo pulled up to his full height to try and tower over Raphael, even if the difference was only a few inches.
“Wha— bully?” Raphael frowned, not flinching at the attempt at a threat and looking more concerned for Donnie than for what Leo could do for him, “I didn't mean to bully him— did— did I?” 
Raphael looked back at Donnie with soft eyes. Donnie was looking incredibly guilty, his eyes locked on the floor as he sniffled softly and adjusted his glasses. Raphael gave a long, almost mournful sigh and approached Donnie.
“Gee, I’m sorry. I didn't mean to press you into anything.” Raphael apologized, “I just really wanted to find our April.”
The rest of the collection of mutants muttered similar apologies, Leonardo even giving a bow to the box turtle. Donnie looked to Leo to make sure he wasn’t the only one made uneasy by this strange situation. Leo seemed to carry a similar sentiment.
“Don’t worry— we’ll go out and find your April.” Leo said finally when he was able to, “But you all need to stay here.”
“Stay here?” Leonardo shot back, “Why?”
Leo was more than happy to challenge the slider again, almost glad he finally got the mutants attention. “My brothers and I know this city better than you.”
“Yeah, and we know our April better than you! And you’re not my leader!”
At a simple touch on the shoulder from Raphael, Leonardo immediately calmed down. “We won’t get in your way.” Raphael addressed Leo.
“You better not.” Leo said after a hesitation, so used to an aggressive remark that a kind one threw him off guard for a moment. “Suit up Don. We roll out in five. You two as well!” Leo called across the lair to Raph and Mikey.
“What?” Leonardo turned to Raphael with a hushed voice, “You can’t be serious!”
“I’m not.” Raphael whispered softly out of the corner of his mouth. “I said we wouldn’t get in their way, and we won’t. Never said we weren’t going.”
Leonardo understood immediately and gave a soft laugh, punching Raphael playfully in the shoulder. “April, here we come.”
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Shelbys at Somme Chapter 23
Thomas X Reader
Word Count: 962
Summary: Always make friends with subordinates. 
by @adventuresintooblivion
She wasn’t sure how long it took. Every second felt like years of time wasted as she scrambled for an idea that was better than this. Any idea really. At least one that didn’t bring her to where she was right now, sneaking into Rothschilds’ territory, armed with a crowbar and her wits.
It was near the edge, close to where she told the others to meet her. A warehouse district that was being constricted on all sides by residential flats. In the middle of the day the streets were packed, which was probably the only reason she’d made it this far without someone recognizing her. Smoke tinged the air making it look hazy and taste of tar.
A few doors from where she stood was her target: a building with the Rothschilds’ sun emblem painted on the door. It had once been a storehouse for illegal goods (and probably still was if she was being perfectly honest.) The fact that the gang now felt powerful enough to broadcast the existence places like this only stoked the embers of rage burning in Y/N’s chest.
Guarding the door were two men. She knew them both by name. Charlie, the shorter one with a clean shaven face, had two children at home waiting for him. His wife died of consumption four winters back. His companion, Rudy, sported a scraggly beard that she knew reeked of stale booze and cigarette smoke.
She took a deep breath and stalked around the corner. It was moments before they saw her. Charlie, bless his heart, waved. Rudy just watched her with bleary eyes, his hand reaching for his side. 
“My God! Look who it is. Y/N where have you been? Almost thought the war had gotten you. Hell, Rudy here won some money on it.” Charlie rushed forward encompassing in a hug similar to one Freddie had given her not that long before.
Y/N bit back the tears, “Hey Charlie, Old Man and I got into it when all the boys got rounded up for the war. And you know him, not exactly the forgiving type.”
Rudy watched quietly, listening.
Charlie shook his head, “That’s a shame. Granted right now the business is big enough that it doesn’t need you watching out for all the details, but it still hasn���t been the same. Your Da’s been running everyone into the ground. Blimey bastard doesn’t even remember half his lieutenants' names without you reminding him.”
Y/N let out a shaky breath, “Probably doesn’t remember that your Stevey’s birthday’s coming up.”
“Holy shit, you remember?” Charlie shook his head in astonishment. “If I tell him you said anything, he’d be over the moon.”
She nodded before taking in a deep breath, “Charlie, I need a favor.”
Rudy shook his head, “Not saying a single ‘Hello’ in three years and suddenly you show up needing a favor?”
“The Old Man sent me away. That’s… why I haven’t come back.”
“Banished you is what I heard.” Rudy growled. 
Y/N snapped, “He sent me to a fucking asylum.”
Rudy’s mouth opened and closed, his eyes wide. “He...He wouldn’t. Everyone knows what those places are like. No.”
The color had drained from Charlie’s face as he stared at Y/N.
She once again looked him in the eyes, “I know this could get you into a lot of trouble, but like I said, I need a favor.”
John paced beneath a lamplight, shoving his hands in and out of his pockets. “Where the fuck is she? They could’ve left the city twice over by now.”
“Trust her, John. She’s not gonna let anything happen to him,” Freddie said again. He leaned against the post, arms folded as he tried to contain his own nerves.
“You said Y/N was gonna marry him right?” John suddenly spun to face him. “Was Tommy also gonna…”
Freddie nodded, “Definitely. Granted he’s a stubborn bloke and wouldn’t admit it to himself. But you should have seen it. When those two stood side by side it was like destiny herself bowed before them. Hell, if they were both running the Peaky Blinders, and I mean as partners, your little gang there would be unstoppable.”
“That’s quite a tall order,” John chuckled dismissively. 
Freddie shrugged, “Those two are the only reason as many of us made it out of that war as well as we did. It wasn’t until after Y/N got shot that we started taking any major casualties.”
They were interrupted by a carriage suddenly pulling to a stop beside them. It wasn’t until it was practically on top of them that they noticed the symbol on it’s side.
“Stop telling tall tales about me and get in,” Y/N shouted from the driver's seat of a garishly painted carriage. A sun proudly stood out against the orange that coated everything else.
Freddie’s jaw dropped, “Did you go out and steal a carriage? By yourself?”
She rolled her eyes, “No I asked nicely. Now get in. Freddie, you're driving.”
She clambered into a small seating area on the roof, helping John up beside her. As he stepped over the lip his foot bumped into a heavy ammo canister. Several guns had been scattered across the floor.
John glanced around, eyes wide. “Where the hell did you get all those guns?”
“Once again, I asked nicely.”
“Why don’t I believe you?”
Y/N shrugged as she loaded up a clip, “No one ever does. Are you ready to go get Tommy?”
“Please, let’s just get this over with.” John’s hands closed around the stock of a gun, his eyes getting a far off look. “I never thought I’d be holding one of these again.”
“Let’s hope this is the last time.”
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wickfursfanfics · 3 years
DCMKEmogust2021 - 10/08
My entry for DCMKEmogust 2021 - Tuesday 10/08
My prompt Inspirations for this one:
This Art I stumbled upon in my dashboard.
Word 1 -Abnormal
Word 2 - Pure
Photo 1:
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Intended Genre: Angst with salt in your wounds
Rating: General with Teen and up for violence
Starring: Kaito and Shinichi
My name is Kuroba Kaito and when I was a young boy, upon that fateful night so many years ago. I met a boy that would change my life.
Sleep had claimed me into its embrace like it had so many others. The orphanage was quiet, save for the many whispers of soft breaths of sleep. I was restless and half asleep when I heard a noise that woke me up.
Sitting at my bed was a boy my age, no older than 10. He looked oddly similar to myself with bright Azure orbs that drew me in. His hair was much neater with a cowlick that refused to stay down. His name was Shinichi he had told me.
To my astonishment he could fly. I wanted to as well. He held out his hand telling me to come with him, to a world where you never grew up. With lots of fun and no responsibilities, it sounded like a dream. I never wanted to grow up, so I took his hand and never looked back.
We escaped out the window, my heart in my throat as we leaped out. But he held on tight, he wouldn't let me fall he said. Together we flew, higher and higher until we met the stars high above the clouds. He gestured to two stars ahead and pointed to one of them. That's where we will go he said, to Neverland.
We lived day by day on that island. Only having fun and playing. Having constant adventures and laughing as we did. Meeting creatures I could only have dreamed of. Every day was paradise, especially with Shinichi by my side.
Shinichi kept telling me that we would never grow up, never become adults. To always have fun. And that we did. I realised that Shinichi was the best thing that had happened to me. He was my happiness on this island, in my life.
He Kept telling me we wouldn't grow up, that we would stay as children forever. And I believed him, even though I slowly grew taller.
As my body grew and my voice changed. I watched on as Shinichi wasn't growing at all. He treated me the same, like I was still that 10-year-old boy from so many years ago. I pretend with him even as I knew deep down in my heart that things couldn't stay the same.
One day he just snapped. It was like he finally could see the truth and couldn't accept that he was alone. Always alone in knowing he would never age. We will never grow up, he yelled and screamed in denial. Pounding his fists on my chest as I held him tight. He completely broke down.
The next day, he was back to pretending everything was okay. Like I was the 10 year old he had picked up. It was hard to watch. But I loved him and would keep pretending for his sake, until I now longer could.
In the end he couldn't run away from it, as my 16 year old self turned into 23, into 25.
I could see the look in his eyes change. How his sanity wavered for every day that went by. Until finally, he picked up the knife we used to carve wood figures with and tried to kill me.
I lost an arm that day. I escaped with my life only because Shinichi couldn't kill me. He had held the knife to my throat, ready to end it all. But he couldn't. Tears had escaped with his screams as he cried. Unable to age, unable to die.
It broke my heart to leave, but I had to. I didn't want to see him break any more than he already had, because of me. As I pushed him away to escape, I vowed to never be the cause of his grief again.
Today, I am the pirate captain of my vessel, called the Jolly Roger. The ship is made from materials from the Neverland, making it able to fly, just like Shinichi could. My crew consists of all the people Shinichi has lured with him during the years after I had left. The loneliness making him unable to be alone, least he lose himself completely.
We were all little lost boys, abandoned by the same boy that never grew up, that never could grow up, that never would. Shinichi never could accept it. So Kaito continues to watch over him. To watch over the lost boys he brings back and abandons as they grow too old. And he will continue to do so until he breathes his last breath.
Until next time
//Wick 0v0
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whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years
Wednesday 1 January 1840
9 10/..
2 ½
fine morning R11 ½° on the opening window console and 11 ¾ on the other console at my bed head now at 10 20/.. – breakfast till 11 – some while looking over Willmans’s map route from here to Berlin – count Panin called for 10 minutes – brought the casserole – it would not go into the case – pother – count P- of course, annoyed – while dressing had asked Grotza if she would go with us on our journey – answer no! she could not bear the cold – I made no other reply or observation than, very well – mentioned the awkwardness of this to count P- he said it would be easy to get other servants – if they would not go with us, we had done with them – as Mr. Marc I thought did not perfectly well understand English Miss Cooghill countess A.P-s’ governess would help us to settle the matter this evening – much obliged But declined giving this disagreeable and useless (I feared) trouble – then some while talking to A-  sent for Mrs. Howard – briefly mentioned what Grotza had said – that she declined going with us – and had her and Gross up to explain in Mrs. Howards’ presence – Gross said (after a long tiresome irrevalent [irrelevant] preamble of what I had [said] to others about not taking him – I observing that what I had said to others was not in question it was I said to himself and Grotza) – Gross said that he would not allow his wife to go without him – I then turned to her – she declared she would not go whether he went or not for she could not bear the cold – she gave me warning that she would leave us this day month – I mentioned that the agreement was to go with me anywhere – to the worlds’ end – and that she broke this agreement and gave me warning .:. I had nothing to do with her journey home – she said she should try to get a place here and to return with some family – she was determined to leave us whatever Gross might do – I turned to G- and asked what he intended to do – he said he was astonished (I had said speaking to Grotza that it was she who was of use to us, not Gross) that as he was of no use, I must do as pleased – i.e. he did not give notice to leave us – nor did I give him notice – said I should consider about it – Mrs. Howard had said to Grotza perhaps she would go – but Grotza no! she would not – I said I had at present nothing more to say to them (G- and his wife) and sent them away – Mrs. Howard very civil – said the thing was very disagreeable – she could not tell what to say – the same sort of thing had occurred to Lady Wyville or Wylock and she had sent two Englishwomen home but it was in the month of August – said I should consult Mr. Marc – could not get out till 2 – called and left each of us our card chez Madame Aproxine – then from 2 10/.. to 3 ¼ walked (3 turns) on the boulevard – then to the Gastinoi [Gostiny] Dvor to look for a Sarepta shop i.e. for woollen chemises, jackets, etc.
it was 3 ½ when we got there – too late – shutting up, and too dark – then to Jacksons’ – just gone – saw the covered sledge kibitka – will not be done till Saturday morning – saw the foreman – I to send for it then – in returning passed by Mr. Marcs’ – sent George in to say I should be glad to see him at 2p.m. tomorrow – not at home .:. left no message – home at 4 55/.. we walked about the rooms – dressed – dinner at 6 – talked and walked about and read a little of the St. James’s morning chronicle – tea from soon after 8 to 9 then finished the paper of 10 to Saturday 12 October and read thro’ that of from 12 to 15 October and wrote all but the 1st line and half of today till now 11 ¼ p.m.  R -13 ½° on the snow on the boulevard this afternoon the sun just gone – R 13 ½° on my writing and the other (St. P-) 13 ½° on the large table à thé in the salon now at 11 ¼ p.m. very fine day – R -18° out of doors this morning said George
vid. the St. James’s chronicle of from 10 to 12 October p. 3 col. 5 – It was contended that by the agent of Lord Fitzwilliam that a Mr. Wilkinson had no right of vote – the lease of the property in question was made in May 1828 from the dean and chapter of Peter brought to Lord F –‘B- that it appears that the whole estate is in his Lordship, for there is no condition nor defeasance in the lease to lesser that estate Mr. W- speaks of a defeasance and has produced the draft of a declaration as to the lease of 1818, but has done nothing of the kind as to the lease of 1828. He speaks too of a payment of interest, but has called no witness to prove it. I say, as far as the proof goes, the estate is Lord F-‘s – if it be provided that there is a mortgage, I am instructed to prove that his lordship is mortgagee in possession, receiving the rents in liquidation of his principal and interest than as to the question of the vote. If Mr. W- had thought fit to claim for an annuity issuing out of the freehold or copyhold estate, he would have been entitled to have been placed on the register  So far the vote is a good vote. But he has not done so. He has claimed for a rent charge upon this [leased] property Now, I contend, that the testator by his will could give him no power to enter and distrain, because the legal estate was in Lord F- when the testator made his will. He could not have distrained himself after the condition broken in the mortgage, and could not delegate to another a power which he himself had not Mr. W-, therefore, has but an equitable right or interest – he has no equitable estate, and such a right is not sufficient to entitle him to vote. Besides when the lease of 1818 was surrendered, the interests of the parties became changed, under the new lease to Earl F- this annuity is a nullity, and Mr. W- is not entitled to either an annuity or a vote.
Mr. W- contended in answer that from all the above it was not quite that Mr. Richards the beneficial owner.... is very safe; for if my annuity be, as he (Lord F-‘s agent)
says, a nullity under the new lease, I wish to know what better title that gentleman has for his £800 or £900 a year.. First, I put in receipts for the payment ½ yearly of £93, as Lord F-‘s interest, signed by Mr. Simpson from 1820 to 1836. – 2nd I put in receipts from the Norwich Life office, for the premium on the 3 lives; one of which is the very life named in the new lease, which if it be Lord F-‘s own lease would never have been done’ which Lord F-‘s agent asserted ‘altho’ he [qualified] it a little leaving himself a sort of creep hole to escape thro’ if I proved the mortgage - ........ ‘3rd there is a receipt dated April, 1839, from Simpson, of rent due to Bulls’ devises, for part of the leaschold estate, and not to the Earl as mortgager in possession. I challenge them to prove that he ever has been, or is; for the estate is worth £20,000; his lordship once offered it; and it is very unlikely Mr. Richards would allow him to take possession of it.  the question for the court is, have I an equitable estate? I say I have.  I refer to Cruises’ Digest, vol. 1 p. 439, 440; to Burtons’ compendium, p. 481, where it is laid down, that the right of redemption in the mortgager constitutes an equitable estate, capable of alienation, and having all the incidents of a trust; to Cook on mortgages, p. 140, 147, where it is laid down that a lease renewed is subject to the same equity as the one surrendered. It is, therefore, an estate that I possess, and not a mere equitable right. And if I have no remedy in case of non-payment by distress, I have a remedy in Chancery, but my annuity remains the same.  It is merely a choice of process in [your] enforcing it. Again, it was, under the Statute of Frauds, section 10, and is, under the act of Victoria, subject to judgment and execution.............my annuity is a good, valid, and bonafide annuity....... the court (of registry North Northamptonshire Peterborough 10 October before J.J. Richardson and W.F. De Salis Esquires) held the vote to be good, and retained Mr. W-‘s name on the register.’ Mr. W- a conservative objected to by the Whigs. – the notice of objection was left at his house 24 August and another copy served on the overseas – Long while talking to A- then came and wrote the latter ½ last page and so far of this till now 1 50/..
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purpleyellow · 4 years
Freaky Holidays (1)
Originally BTS 8th member
Sunny’s masterlist
“With only 3 days until December 25th, the Christmas spirit turn things around and make us wonder: What would happen if Sunny was a NCT oc?”
a/n: so I’ve wanted to do a oc/group swap for the longest time and the occasion just sort of fell into place. I tried not to make it too centered around the festivities but it was kind of inevitable so apologies to those who don’t celebrate it, next week things will go back to normal. Please let me know what you thought of it, your feedback is always welcome💜
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Sunny’s peaceful sleep got interrupted by her roommate throwing a pillow at her head before carefully taking it back and sitting on the edge of her mattress to tie his shoes.
“I’m  going to buy some of my secret Santa gifts, do you want to come with me?”  Doyoung asked in the process and turned to her sleepy figure blinking aimlessly “I can give you fifteen minutes to get ready”
“No, you can go. I told the dreamies I’d spent the day with them, so there’s that” The girl stretched herself sitting up.
“Yep, wouldn’t want to annoy that bunch” The boy shivered before getting up “Well, do you want me to see anything for you at the mall”
“Nah, I have Jungwoo for the secret Santa stuff and he has yours truly so we decided to buy our own presents this time” Sunny nodded and suppressed a smile at his annoyed face.
“What? You told each other?” Doyoung waved his arms around in frustration “What part of the secret thing you didn’t get”
“It’s not like we’re ruining everybody else’s experience. We just agreed getting something we’d actually want was better than spending money on something the other would end up returning” Sunny rolled her eyes pushing her blankets aside and also getting up
“You two and your weird ‘we were born the same day so we understand each other’ thing. Seriously, if Christmas sucks this year I’m blaming on you both” Doyoung called out as she walked into the bathroom making her giggle and send him a wave.
“Have a nice trip to the mall, Oppa”
After doing her morning hygiene and putting on something more formal than the sweats she used to sleep, Sunny walked to the kitchen just in time to sense her favorite morning smell.
“Got your coffee ready” Johnny promptly handed her a mug as she sighed happily. “I tried some new brew today so tell me if I should throw it on the trash or just add it to our flavor rotation”
“That’s why you’re my favorite” The girl took a sip and pondered for a while before adding “I like it but not too much”
“Same. I think it should go to the every other week pile then” He nodded turning around, which led him to get scared and flinch when she suddenly shouted towards the rooms “Haechan-ah, let’s go!!”
“I’m almost ready” The boy’s muffled voice screamed back making her sigh and sit on the table, pulling out her phone to answer some texts. Taking another sip from the mug she nodded “Every other week sounds about right”
“Here, we can go now” Hyuck showed up putting on a coat.
“What about Mark? Did you hear from him?” Sunny asked, not wanting to forget anyone as they walked to the door.
“Not sure, he said he’ll meet us in the coffee shop if he has time” Haechan answered waving Johnny goodbye as they went down the stairs.
“It’s seven in the morning, what on earth is he doing that he doesn’t have time to grab a coffee”
“Probably simping over that Seventeen chick again” He joked, making her laugh.
“I already said I can set him up with her but he always denies it.”  Sunny rolled her eyes and hid herself deeper into her jacket as they met the cold in the street “I don’t know what’s wrong with him”
“Me either, Noona” Hyuck shook his head in embarrassment making her laugh and intertwine their arms together. “Me either”
Making to the coffee shop, the pair scanned the place finding the rest of the dreamies sitting at the back. Gesturing for Haechan to go meet them, Sunny headed to the counter and ordered a few pastries as her treat for the boys.
“Looking astonishing as always, Noona” Chenle smiled brightly at the sight of the food and she rolled her eyes, setting the plate in the middle of the table and sitting next to Jaemin.
“Good morning to you guys too,” She said ironically, getting a few mumbles as an answer and an actual good morning from Renjun. “Anything fun going on?”
“You know what’s fun?” Jaemin cheered up from her side as she stole a sip from his coffee and nodded casually “I’ll let that slip, but only because I was at the mall yesterday and saw this cool-”
“I’m Jungwoo’s secret Santa so you can spare your energy” Sunny rolled her eyes when she noticed where he was going and Jaemin slouched back in his chair.
“Hey, don’t go around sharing who you got” Jeno fake scolded her making the girl throw a napkin at him “I’m serious if Doyoung Hyung hears-”
“I already told him and I’m here to tell the story” She raised a challenging eyebrow and the boy raised his hands in surrender, making a shocked face before grinning. “Anywho, anyone got some fun that doesn’t have to do with our gift exchange?”
“Well, now that you brought it up. Are you going to get your favorite dongsaengs something for Christmas?” Haechan made an innocent face that got a scoff from her.
“I thought the point of the secret Santa was so we wouldn’t have to buy 23 different presents. If I'm counting right, at least half of you are my dongsaengs”
“Well, you don’t have to give all of us something” Jisung sneakily added and her incredulous smile only got bigger “Just like… your three favorite”
“And you think you’re on her top three?” Renjun smirked and the youngest nodded.
“I’m confident in the first place, just didn’t want you to feel bad” He shrugged, making Sunny gasp.
“Who gave you this confidence kid? And keep going, I like it” She smiled proudly fist-bumping him. Cleaning his throat, Jaemin nodded to the table. “Well”
“Well?” She repeated earning a few annoying groans.
“Who’s your favorite?” Chenle asked, rolling his eyes.
“Oh yeah, I’m not sharing that” Sunny crossed her arms making all of them sigh annoyed.
“But why? We won’t make you actually get us individual presents” Haechan whined and she gave him a look telling him to knock it off “Oh, it’s me isn’t it?”
“Doesn’t matter who it is. And I’m not sharing because I know for a fact that, if it is any of you, you are not going to use this information for good”
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Looks Like Someone Picked a Whole Bushel of Oopsie Daisies: Prologue
yeah okay I ship pinecest and I’m writing a soulmate AU nobody asks for or needs but you know what either I write it and not post it or I write it and post it so I might as well post it. If you’re not into pinecest, that’s fine, you can skip on by. TBOAS chapter 23 is coming out soon.
Regarding this fic, let me explain a few things about it. So in this universe, everyone has a soulmark that appears as soon as you touch your soulmate. It's exactly the same as theirs. Soulmarks appear regardless of age, but once you hit seventeen, you start to feel an insanely strong attraction to your soulmate whether you've touched them already or not. When you do actually touch them, you get a very very strong urge to, well. Bone. It's also very draining to be away from them for too long, so most soulmates who find each other move in with each other right away, just so it's easier on them. There are no laws against incest-y soulmates, but it is still strictly taboo. Most people think that incestuous soulmates should just live separately and not be around each other at all. It’s not gonna be the most angsty fic on the face of the earth, but there is definitely gonna be some in there. And probably a healthy amount of sexy stuff because, despite being in a happy relationship, I am also a huge pervert and like to see my ships do the do so that’s gonna happen. Buckle up. And now, without further ado, welcome to the prologue of Looks like Someone Picked a Whole Bushel of Oopsie Daisies. Starts under the cut.
“No one is ever ready to be a parent. We’re all just varying degrees of not ready.”- my Mom
August 30th, 1999, 10:42pm
“…and as we get closer and to the new millennium, more and more people are coming forward with opinions on the new studies indicating that 17% of mated couples are actually siblings, with an astonishing 73% majority being twins. We have one of the researchers here who has her own opinions about the issue, Dr. Eleanor Robinson. Thanks so much for joining us this evening, Dr. Robinson,” said the news reporter on the television.
Mildly interested, Mr. Will Pines took a sip of his can of Pitt soda as a blonde woman in a lab coat came on screen.
“No problem, Robert, happy to be here,” said the doctor.
“So Dr. Robinson, are these statistics true?” asked the reporter.
The doctor nodded. “Yes, absolutely. I participated in the research myself, and we made some very interesting discoveries.”
“Really?” The reporter leaned forward, resting his elbows on the table. “What kind of findings are you at liberty to share with us?”
“Well,” the doctor continued. “We’ve found that biological sex doesn’t seem to have much of an impact on the soulmarks showing up. The rules seem to be the same as they are with anybody else- except the twins we’ve studied, their marks have been there since birth.”
“So they never have that “ahah!” moment the rest of us experience when we first touch our soulmate?” Robert wondered.
The doctor twisted her lips slightly. “I wouldn’t say that, exactly. They get the same sort of… electricity when touching their soulmate prior to accepting the bond, and they certainly feel drawn to them both romantically and sexually, but that doesn’t happen until later in life.”
“Oh, so they don’t experience it as children, then?”
“No,” Dr. Robinson shook her head. “As with all children who find their soulmate early in life, while touching them does cause the mark to show up, it does not elicit any biological reactions until both parties are at least seventeen.”
“Interesting,” the reporter said with a nod. “And is it true that you support attempts to eliminate the social backlash that these couples experience?”
“Oh, absolutely, absolutely,” Dr. Robinson nodded. “Soulmarked couples are in no way at fault for their feelings for one another, and should not be criticized or judged for acting on those feelings. It’s completely biological.”
“What about the risks of inbreeding? Is that a concern?” Wondered Robert.
The doctor shook her head. “Not really, no. Soulmarked couples are at a much lower risk of genetic birth defects, because they are chosen partially because of their abilities to produce the healthiest children each individual is able to produce. So you see the statistics of soulmarked couples who aren’t related compared to couples that are not soulmarked, and the percentage of birth defects in the former is so much lower than the latter that I’d have difficulty believing it had I not done the research myself.”
So, wait,” the reporter interrupted. “There’s no risks at all?”
“Well of course there are risks, there are always risks when having a child,” reasoned Dr. Robinson. However, with soulmarked couples, the risks are vastly lower than with non-soulmarked couples. The pregnancies are much safer, the births are much safer, and the children themselves are much healthier. According to the research we’ve done, that doesn’t change in the slightest when factoring in the biological relationship, if any, of the couple.”
“Fascinating, just fascinating. Do you have any personal recommendations for parents who have soulmarked children?”
“You mean children who are soulmates with their siblings?” The reporter nodded, and Dr. Robinson tilted her head slightly in thought. “Well,” she began. “I’d recommend that those parents don’t panic or try to separate their children from each other. Even at a young age, after you’ve already had your soulmark appear, not having your soulmate nearby at all can lead to difficulty concentrating and depression. This can, of course, be counteracted with medication, but that’s wholly unnecessary if you allow the children to spend adequate time together in a way that’s age-appropriate and healthy. Supervise them, of course, but the reason most people move in with their soulmate as soon as they find out they share a soulmark is because it’s incredibly draining to be apart. As a doctor, I cannot, in good conscience, recommend attempting to have them live separately if it can be avoided.”
Mr. Pines snorted. Obviously such a thing could never happen. Not to anyone he knew, anyway.
At that moment, Mrs. Caroline Pines staggered into the room, one hand clutching the wall and the other clutching her very large belly.
“Will!” She cried out, wincing. He whipped his head around, startled. “It’s time,” she told him in a shaky voice.
In their haste to get to the hospital, he barely managed to turn off the television.
Six and a half hours later, Mrs. Pines had given birth to two children, a boy and a girl. She was too exhausted to give them names just yet, and when the nurse placed them in her arms, she smiled tearfully.
Mr. Pines smiled affectionately at his family. “I’ll be right back, honey. I’m going to go grab us some water bottles.”
She barely noticed him, cradling her newborn children.
Mr. Pines jogged out of the room and found the vending machine down the hall. Putting in fifty cents for each water bottle, he leaned down to grab them from the vending machine. Standing back up, he heard a horrified screech he recognized as belonging to his wife.
He felt a horrible drop in his stomach. No. No, it isn’t possible.
“Caroline!” He called out, running as fast as he could, coming to an abrupt stop at the hospital room door, his shoes squeaking on the waxed floors as he did. “What’s wrong? What happened?”
Two nurses had taken the children from Mrs. Pines, rocking the newborns in their arms to calm their crying. Mrs. Pines was sobbing uncontrollably, clutching at her hair. A third nurse was desperately trying to calm the new mother down, but was unsuccessful.
“Their wrists!” She gasped out. “Look at their wrists, Will!” The drop in his stomach worsened, and dread filled his veins, but he did as she told him, gently turning each squalling child’s wrists so that he could examine them.
To his horror, he discovered what had upset her so much. Both children had soulmarks.
And they matched.
Thoughts? Questions? Comments? Concerns that aren’t insults about my new ship? Cool, message me! I’m always happy to talk about pinecest.
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Firefly Music Festival – The Woodlands- Dover, DE – September 23 to 26, 2021 (A PopEntertainment.com Concert Review)
Although this was the first Firefly Festival back after a year and a half off due to the COVID-19 pandemic – or perhaps because of it – fans were more eager than ever before to run through the gates to the four-day-long festival.
This was the second year of Firefly being under the ownership of AEG Presents, and the hard work the company put into creating the best possible experience for fans and artists definitely was clear. Taking place in The Woodlands of Dover, Delaware, right next to Dover International Speedway, this year’s lineup included Billie Eilish, The Killers, Tame Impala, Lizzo, Phoebe Bridgers, Cage The Elephant, Megan Thee Stallion, and many more fan-favorites. The diversity of genres of artists performing is what makes Firefly such a special experience. 
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What makes Firefly unique isn’t just the performances, but the atmosphere and the overall experience. Since its start in July 2012, festivalgoers are offered the chance to camp at the festival, whether that be in an RV, a glamping site, or just a pop-up tent and sleeping bag. The ability to camp on festival grounds gives festival-goers easy access to the music, activities, shopping, and food that Firefly has to offer.
The festival has several options of different price ranges for camping at the festival. These includi South Tent Camping (within walking distance from the festival) and North Tent Camping (within walking distance from the festival and includes a private entrance to the event, as well as exclusive hang-out spots). There is also Meadows Glamping (includes twin or queen-sized beds, air conditioning, and concierge service), Infield Glamping (includes pre-set tents in the race track, complete with a private lounge, air-conditioned restrooms, shower passes, power courses, and shuttles to the festival), Then there is infield RV Camping (includes a plot big inside the race track, spacious enough for an RV and plenty of space to spare), and many more options from affordable to a well-deserved splurge! 
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Even if festivalgoers are unable to camp at the festival, they are still able to have the full Firefly experience with the various activities inside of the festival.  This year, the experience includes The Treehouse, The Thicket Silence Disco, The Nest, The North Hub Beach Club, The Roller Rink, The Hammock Hangout, Firefly’s first-ever Pride Parade, and much more!
The Treehouse is perfect for festivalgoers who want to unwind and listen to acoustic performances, as well as interviews with budding artists. If you are looking for a dance break with friends complete with your own personal set of headphones to hear some tunes, The Thicket Silent Disco is right up your alley. If you want to continue the party with DJs nestled among the trees, even after headliners are finished performing, you should definitely check out The Nest.
The North Hub Beach Club, running all weekend long, is the perfect spot to relax, cool down with drinks from the Tiki Bar, play volleyball, and return later in the night for an electric silent disco. Need a break from the performances and want to let loose and have fun with friends? We would totally recommend checking out the new Roller Rink in the North Hub! Our favorite spot to literally hang out is back-- The Hammock Hangout! This year, we were so excited to attend the festival’s first Pride Parade, led by Monique Heart and LaLaRi! 
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Firefly has always had the most fire food options, and this year was the best yet. The food option lineup included everything from “BBQ Bueno”, “Island Noodles”, and “Two Guys Chicken & Fries” to “Nomad Coffee”, “Carvel Ice Cream”, and even “Rita’s Water Ice”! The eating options at the festival have definitely been more inclusive and aware of food sensitivities and allergies, veganism, vegetarianism, and the basic picky eater. You can’t have a great festival without great food, and Firefly nailed it. 
Another aspect of this year’s festival that we love is that nearly almost every performance was live-streamed powered by Mandolin, so people unable to attend could watch from the comfort of their own home or campsite. Virtual meet and greet experiences were also offered this year to assure the safety of fans and artists, alike, which definitely makes the experience just as special for those who could not physically be at this year’s Firefly Festival. “Live From Firefly” also offered fans the option to be notified when their favorite performers would be on, so they wouldn’t miss a second of the action. 
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Thursday night’s headliners included Billie Eilish, Phoebe Bridgers, Girl in Red, Marc Rebillet, and more. Even though there was a bit of a rain delay, festivalgoers kept their electric energy when the gates finally opened that night. While some walked onto the festival grounds admiring the sparkling LED lights all around, others ran to secure a spot at the stage at which their favorite performances would be held.
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Phoebe Bridgers lit up the stage, stepping out in her iconic rhinestone-covered skeleton top. She played hits such as “Motion Sickness” and “Kyoto” as well as a cover of comedian Bo Burnham’s “That Funny Feeling.”
Up next was the iconic Billie Eilish. We spoke to several fans before the show and they said they ran straight to the Firefly stage the second the gates opened to see Billie, nearly 4 hours before she would come out. Once the stage lights went out, the audience went wild in anticipation of Billie’s long-awaited performance. She played new songs like “Happier Than Ever” and “Oxytocin”, then some older hits for her die-hard fans including “Ocean Eyes”, “bellyache”, and “ilomilo.”
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Friday’s performances were definitely ones for the books. Headliners included Cage the Elephant, The Killers, Wiz Khalifa, Band of Horses, and Ian Dior. Multiple time performers, Cage the Elephant, took the stage by storm with hit songs “Come a Little Closer”, “Ain’t No Rest for the Wicked”, and obviously “Cigarette Daydreams”. By the way that the fans sang their hearts out, we could tell this this performance was much needed. Up next on the Backyard stage, Wiz Khalifa fans who waited all day, finally got to catch his performance. Wiz got the crowd dancing with “Black and Yellow”, “Roll Up”, and “We Dem Boyz.”
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 Saturday’s thrilling performances included those by Tame Impala, Roddy Rich, Diplo, Glass Animals, and many more. Tame Impala’s “The Less I Know the Better” and “New Person, Same Old Mistakes” took fans on a spiritual ride, complete with astonishing visuals on the screens, and a captivating light show. Though it was late in the night, Diplo got festivalgoers on their feet with his performance featuring rhythmic remixes of various hit songs. Fans were adorned with glowsticks throughout the audience, adding to the festival’s ambiance. 
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Though it was the last day, headliners Lizzo, Megan Thee Stallion, and Machine Gun Kelly finished off Firefly Festival 2021 with a bang. Lizzo fans were ecstatic to hear top hits “Juice” and “Rumors”, accompanied by a breathtaking performance, Megan Thee Stallion fans were not close to disappointed after hearing and shaking it along to “Savage” and “Body”, and Machine Gun Kelly fans rocked out to “I Think I’m OKAY”, “ex’s best friend”, and even a cover of Paramore’s “Misery Business”. It is safe to say that this year had one of the best lineups yet. 
This year’s festival most definitely made up for lost time during the pandemic. Though this is only AEG Presents’ second year of ownership over Firefly, they did an outstanding job of organizing an insane lineup, fun activities, and creating a weekend that people will never forget.
While we are all sad to see this year’s Firefly Festival come to an end, we cannot wait to see what is in store for next year! 
Kayla Marra
Copyright ©2021 PopEntertainment.com. All rights reserved. Posted: September 28, 2021.
Photos by Isa Barnett and Kayla Marra © 2021. All rights reserved.
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elydraws · 4 years
YOUR HERO [dekuxreader]
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pairing: midoriya izuku [deku] x reader
genre: fluff, romantic, lemon (maybe?), action
word count: 3.5+ words
part 1/?  <previous next >
warnings: none for this chapter
author’s note:  As usual, this is a translation of my original work. So excuse me in advance if there will be any mistakes, I will try in every way not to make them.
with this work I wanted to create a sort of "mini-series". The chapters will therefore be real "episodes" concerning the establishment of the love story between the reader and deku.
The story is set after the manga, so all the characters are roughly 23-24 years old. 
This is because in future chapters things will get spicy and then because WE TALK ABOUT DEKU ADULT. COME ON. REALLY. LOOK AT HIM. --> As a reference I am taking my own design, but feel free to imagine Deku as you prefer! 
I hope you appreciate the idea and the work behind it.
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"Oh! Sorry! Sorry!" you shouted, getting out of the train as soon as the doors opened. "Sorry! My fault!" you kept repeating, trying to avoid the crowd of people who had gathered in front of the platform. 
Despite your best efforts, your shoulder hit several unfortunate passers-by too slow to move several times. 
"Miss! Be careful! " 
"Forgive me!" you hastened to say, joining the palms in front of the face without stopping. 
Many bowed their heads, watching you zigzag from side to side of the sidewalk, looking desperately at the fine watch tied around your wrist. 
I haven't heard the alarm clock, and now Asu-chan will kill me. 
A sigh left your lips. 
It was your first day free from ... well ... what seemed like life and you promised your best friend to see you, after postponing the latest releases because too tired to even think about going out. 
And of course, that morning, still sleepy, you had turned off the alarm clock completely forgetting about the commitment. 
The bed was so... comfortable. 
You hit another distinguished man, making him drop the briefcase and scatter the contents on the asphalt. He began to rail in a loud voice, waving a punch in the air, entirely deaf for the excuses you were shouting, walking away. 
Yes... much more comfortable.
But there was little point in basking in the warm and welcoming memory of the duvet against the skin. A promise was a promise.
The heel hit harder on the floor when you increased the pace, climbing the steps of the station two by two to gain time.
Asuka had given you an appointment at the entrance of FootTown, one of the most famous towers in the city, so you could have lunch together and take a tour of the Observatory in the early afternoon, and end the day for shopping in the nearby shopping district.
It was a life that you didn't spend time for yourself between work and housework. When you left college, you realized how many hours there were actually in one day.
"Ohiiiii!" you looked up, and finally, above the heads of the crowd, a hand was waving in the air calling for you. "I'm here !!!" a girl of about the same age with short teal-green hair shouted louder in your direction.
She stood on her toes, gesturing for you to come closer.
"Asu-chan !!! Forgive me," you cried desperately, overcoming the last group of people between you and your friend.
Arriving in front of Asuka, the air had now left your lungs. You leaned over yourself, keeping your hand pressed against the spleen that had started to ache.
By now, you were entirely out of practice, and having abandoned the gym membership in some drawer, perhaps it had been a wrong decision. With your head lowered, you caught the slight impatient beat of Asuka's pearly dancers on the floor.
"The appointment was half an hour ago!" your friend's voice echoed over you, hitting you where it hurt most.
Involuntarily, the head recessed more deeply between the shoulders. She had every reason in the world to be angry.
You nodded, tightening your eyelids, your head still bent as you caught your breath. You didn't know if you would find the courage to face her.
"I overslept," the cheeks caught fire, saying those words, "Excuse me..." only then, you dared to look up at the girl's face.
Asuka's pout softened. The scales around her eyes and cheeks shone with a thousand pink hues, making her resemble a mermaid when the sun reflected against them. 
She did not notice your astonished gaze when her hands ran around your arm, pulling you to your feet by force. 
"Aw! Asu-chan!" you grumbled, wiggling weakly when your feet almost tripped over each other. 
She tightened her grip on your elbow, dragging you to the entrance "Up! Here we go! We have a lot of time to recover."
"So I told her what she could do with her nasty opinion!" Asuka's voice rang through the entire Observatory, causing some of the patrons to turn around.
But you were too busy laughing, trying to hide behind the back of your hand, to worry about who you were grabbing attention. You had missed all this. Laughing and joking without worrying about others.
It was like being a teenager again when the world was still full of promises.
Despite different commitments, you and Asuka had remained close friends from high school. Then there your path was divided, she had chased her dream of breaking through as a TV presenter while you, well, searching for your place in the world.
In a society of people with meta-abilities and superpowers, the real challenge was not to have any Quirks.
By now, the world population without power was below the 5% threshold and decreasing each new generation. Within twenty or thirty years, the birth of a child without a Quirk would have been a unique event.
They had become real whiteflies. It was as if the world wanted to remind you of how unique and singular this condition was.
The life of a Quirk-free was not easy. From an early age, in most cases, it was bullied as if having to struggle with the awareness of being different was not a considerable challenge at just four or five years.
Furthermore, everything in today's society was built to fit Quirk owners.
A simple example was shoes.
Anyone with powers had a mutation of the last toe, where for its complete superficiality, the joint had disappeared. In people without skills, this small feature was still present, made it extremely uncomfortable for them to wear shoes for "normal" people and with Quirk. 
The last time you had to buy shoes, you passed a month before finding a pair that didn't make you tear in pain with every step. 
And they were just shoes.
Having to compete with other students at school - all genetically better than you for one reason or another -, or finding a job in which being without Quirk was not considered a disabling handicap was a real feat.
In practice, you had to conquer your place in the world laboriously.
Although fortunately, there were people like Asuka or Ms. Mizuki, your employer, who cared little if you had a Quirk or not.
You drank from the straw a sip of the Bubble Tea ordered at one of the shops on the lower floor while Asuka took you by the hand, dragging you to another corner of the Observatory, telling another gossip about her internship with the TV station.
"Besides, you won't believe it, but what she's wearing are tons of foundation ... or rather ... quick-setting concrete," she joked, making a playful tongue, and you burst out laughing.
The Bubble Tea went almost sideways, risking to get out of your nostrils. "Please! Stop that!" you prayed, trying to push back the tears at the corners of the eyes if, for too much laughter or the burning up your nose, you don't know. "You should be more patient with your superiors ..."
Asuka shrugged, resting her elbows on the railing of the parapet "To hell with it! They make my life hell! At least I get my revenge" you looked at her, but there was no trace of hatred in her voice or resentment in her big blue eyes. The ghost of a smile hung over her purple lips.
You folded the corners of your lips back, fiddling with the plastic straw. "But you're happy, aren't you Asu-chan?" you murmured thoughtfully, continuing to watch the small rubbery tapioca balls floating in the liquid between your hands.
Asuka turned to you, blinking, "Uh?"
You woke up as if caught thinking about something you shouldn't have, and you absentmindedly waved a hand in front of your face, embarrassed "Don't mind! I was thinking aloud ..." you apologized as you sat upon the railing.
The icy metal against your thighs made you shiver, but the sun against your cheeks was warm and pleasant, like the light breeze that had started to mess up your hair.
It was a lovely day.
Asuka stared at you with a sly smile, resting her mind against the palm of her hand. "And you? Can't you tell me anything new?"
You raised your eyes to the sky, drinking, thoughtful "Mmh ... no, I would say no" you mumbled, sipping from the glass again.
But Asuka was not happy with the answer, "Look, you don't trick me!" she shouted, pointing at you, narrowing her eyelids with long white eyelashes "Do you want to tell me that you haven't met anyone interesting while working at the shop?!"
You looked at her from under your eyelashes, suspicious, "I don't like where this is going..."
Asuka puffed up her cheeks. "Yes, yes! There are always a lot of people there! Do you want to tell me that there was nobody who caught your attention? Not a little bit?"
You shook your head "No" you said merely looking up to the sky "I'm fine right now and I have no intention of going looking for someone or despairing about it" you explained calmly, shrugging your shoulders "but if I ever meet someone who will awaken my interest enough to convince me to take risks and get involved, well... you will be the first to know "you promised her with a smile.
"I hope so for you ..."
A roar swallowed Asuka's words.
"Uh? What is happening?" asked a man beside you, leaning over the railing in the direction of the noise.
In the angle you were in, you couldn't see anything—only a lonely cloud of gray dust stretch between the buildings, not far from you.
Another roar reverberated in the air. This time closer.
"A collapse?" someone behind you ventured.
A third rumble shook the air. This time so close that your stomach turns.
"Asu-ch—" you shouted, turning to your friend, but she didn't hear you over the screams of the other people around you when the floor of the Observatory began to tremble under your feet.
You let go of the Bubble Tea, whose glass fell into the void behind you, disappearing between the buildings below. Your hands ran to the railing, holding on with all your might so as not to be thrown back by the jolts.
Asuka instinctively grabbed you by the arms, hugging you with a scream, trying to push you towards her, tearing you from a fall of thirty floors.
"Do not give up! I beg you! Do not give up!" she prayed to you with tears in her eyes. Her voice always so calm now twisted in a desperate scream, "Hold on! Please!" she repeated, grabbing you with more force under your shoulders when a more violent shock struck the whole building. Her grip was so firm that you were sure that her fingers would leave bruises on your skin for days.
The screams sharpened.
You couldn't even hear your thoughts.
By now, the only thing you could do was close your eyes and pray that everything went well. And when your body fell forward, against Asuka's, you didn't even realize it.
Around you, people flocked to the exit. There was a crowd around the emergency stairs and the elevator entrance. People shouted and squirmed.
Someone was pushing to try to get there first. Someone else was crushed against the columns, trying to stay upright.
A shoe hit Asuka's temple, still flattened on the ground near you. She screamed, or it seemed so. You weren't sure. The only things that filled your ears were the screams and roars from below you.
"Let's leave!" not even your voice sounded like it came out of your mouth. But it was you who screamed it, because Asuka nodded, while a trickle of blood began to streak her cheek from under her hair.
Instinctively you looked for each other's hand and stood up against all expectations. Your knees were shaking like jellies, from fear, the constant shaking of the building, and perhaps even the adrenaline that was now pressing against the frontal bone of your brain.
The only thing you wanted was to get out of that hell.
With a shaky and uncertain step, you started to run towards one of the exits, where people still crowded, looking for an escape route.
Other people came behind you, crushing you from one side to the other. By now, you couldn't understand where you were anymore. The only thing you knew for sure was that you didn't leave Asuka's hand despite everything.
Her grasp was your only point of reference.
Another pair of hands grabbed you by the arm, pulling you back, you screamed trying to wiggle and escape that iron grip around your forearm at least until your face met that of a woman, her face pale and distraught, and her eyes red for tears.
"... I beg you! Have you seen my Sosuke?!" the woman's voice was cracked, hoarse, who knows how many times before she had repeated that.
You blinked, confused, without really hearing her words. But Asuka's hand was still there, desperately anchored to yours, and that was the bit of hope that helped you recover a bit of lucidity "... What...?" you repeated, confused.
The woman burst into tears "My child! Have you seen my child?!" she shouted grabbing the sleeve of your shirt tightly, the fabric tore as the woman shook her head in despair, but you didn't even notice "I lost sight of him just a moment ... a moment ..."
Yet another shock struck the Observatory.
"I ... I don't..." you instinctively started looking around, running out of words.
The woman screamed louder, "Please! He has an orange Ground Zero hat! he's... so young, please! "
The screams continued to crowd in your head, along with the bodies huddled around you. Your head was spinning, swirling.
Asuka shouted your name, giving your hand a more forceful tug, trying to drag you forward as a small crack opened between the bodies in front of her. 
But you didn't move. 
The grip of that desperate mother kept you there. 
Amid that complete chaos, it was there that your eyes caught an orange dot in the distance. 
At first, its edges were blurred like a speck in one eye. It disappeared several times from your sight, covered by heads and hands that waved in the air. But once you saw it, you could no longer ignore it. 
A boy had crouched in the opposite corner of the tower, sobbing desperately and screaming, but nobody seemed to have seen him. But you.
You looked down at the woman still harpooned on your arm, she trembled and kept murmuring meaningless words, slipped into total despair.
You squeezed your fingers more tightly around Asuka's, who suddenly gave up trying to push you into the crowd.
When you turned around, she was looking at you. Her eyelids widened as she saw an uncertain smile extend on your lips. But she understood because her hand tightened more tightly on yours.
But it didn't help.
You shrugged your shoulders with a determined gesture, freeing yourself from both Asuka and the woman's hands, and you sprang forward, avoiding the body of a man who came against you. Your legs moved, shaken by a new rush of adrenaline.
You didn't even hear Asuka desperately calling your name; by now, the only thing your ears were full of was the fast beating of your heart against the eardrums. Nor much less, your eyes don't capture your friend's attempt to grab you again, go empty, pushed back by the crowd. The only target on which your gaze was fixed was that orange dot at the bottom of the tower.
 Before you knew it, you were there, next to that little crumpled figure on itself that kept screaming and crying.
"You are Sosuke, right?" you asked in a calm and reassuring tone, without even knowing how you had been able to. 
Hearing his name, the boy suddenly stopped screaming, nodding. He sniffled, wiping his tears with his arm. "I want my mom!" 
"Give me your hand Sosuke, now we'll go together, okay?" and, as you did with Asuka, you shook his hand, determined not to let him go. 
Sosuke seemed reticent, but he did not resist or try to escape, and a sigh of relief escaped your lips. 
You turned around, and it was almost with tears in your eyes that you noticed Asuka running towards you, shouting your name. 
"Asu-chan!" you greeted her, partly relieved that she had not abandoned you there, alone. 
The relief was fleeting.
A shock more durable than the others forced you and Sosuke, as well as most of those present, on their knees or to look for something to hold on not to end up lying on the ground.
This time the floor didn't just shake. The blow was so sharp that you felt it up to your knees and scattered throughout your body until your teeth chattered. The screams reached the peak, the air filled with dust and iron beams fell from the ceiling and beyond the window.
You saw the floor in front of you open in a black slit that spread with frightening rapidity, emitting a horrible creak. Your eyes searched for Asuka's, fixed in horror on the same show. She had seen it too.
Sosuke let out a more sharp cry, sinking his face against your chest.
The floor crumbled. The weight of gravity weighed on your shoulders, crushing you against what remained of the corner where you found yourself trapped.
You cursed, trembling like a leaf, but your hands firmly grasped the waist of the child who screamed in terror when you raised him in the air. You didn't even know how you managed to stand up.
"Asu-chan! Take him!" you shouted, throwing Sosuke towards Asuka, who instinctively spread her arms, seeing him arrive.
Your heart skipped a beat. Two.
You didn't realize you held your breath until your friend's arms tightened around the baby.
"JUMP! DAMN! JUMP! " Asuka shouted, reaching out her other arm.
You tried to run, while the emptiness drew your body and the floor under your feet with more force. It was like trying to swim against the current. 
The figure of Asuka became more and more distant.
And suddenly, you understood that you were now running uphill on an increasingly steep surface.
You pushed with your points against the last bit of floor remained intact, where the crack had now become an abyss overlooking the void.
You felt your stomach squirm at the feeling of the ground missing under your feet.
Your fingers touched those of your friend, looking for them desperately, and you smiled, drunk with joy.
I've done it! I've done it!
But Asuka's face twisted in horror when that contact failed, and her hand tightened around the air. She screamed your name at the top of her lungs, and it seemed to you that her voice filled the whole city with the force with which she did it as your body dragged down.
Lower and lower.
Still, that stupid smile didn't leave your lips as tears started to pinch the corners of your eyes.
You didn't even have the strength to scream anymore.
"I got you!"
You sensed the movement of air. The hair suddenly stopped lashing your face with strength, and the stomach's emptiness disappeared. There was only a warm warmth against your cheek and a rhythmic and dull accelerated thudding against the ears in its place.
You were no longer at the mercy of anything. Two strong supports surrounded your back, resting on your shoulders, and legs, just below the knees.
When you found the courage to open your eyes that you had not realized that you had closed, you found your face pressed against a firm and broad chest. Your hands clawed to a thick, dark green fabric.
The air around you seemed to have come to life, charged with electrostatic current and subtle bright green flashes.
You were still in the air, suspended in nothing, but you were not falling. It was like you were floating.
It was with uncertain eyes that you looked up, meeting the profile of a square jaw, a face with soft features and cheeks full of freckles. A boy. A Hero.
The wind stirred a short mop of curly hair cut in a messy textured top, and on the nape in an undercut fade. Two large, emerald green eyes lowered onto yours.
"Don't be afraid," the stranger reassured you, and for a moment, you thought you were dreaming, but his voice and body seemed too real "I'm here now," he continued, broadening the smile that had never abandoned his lips.
Your eyes could not leave him, unable to lower them onto the city, still too far from your feet. 
A strange heat began to radiate throughout your body, down to your cheeks and the tips of your ears.
It is there. Suspended in air, in the arms of that stranger, that you stopped being afraid.
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oureuphoria · 5 years
Worst of You - JJK 02
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You meet him under horrible circumstances but that doesn’t stop you from developing a very abnormal and completely unsolicited crush on your local hot police officer™. Too bad you have a bitch of a best friend, anxiety and an inability to learn from your mistakes which cripples your chances to be with the man of your literal dreams. Oh, and he has a lifetime’s worth of emotional baggage at 23.
“I’m not leaving until you tell me what’s wrong.” “Cool, I’ll let everyone know that you’re moving in then.”
Genre: fluff, angst, comedy
Pairing: officer!jungkook X collegestudent!reader
Word count: 2,083
Note: I am actually not American so if I depict the American school system, police system or any system incorrectly then I am really sorry!
| 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 |
You awaken from your not-so-graceful sleep only to see that it was 1:50pm and you had overslept. Oversleeping was very a common thing for you because you often forgot to set your alarms. You’ve trained your body to wake up at specific times from your unchanging routine which is why you were awake, minutes before your meeting with the goddamn Officer and very much not ready. You rushed out of bed with so much force that your self-induced blanket burrito rolled out onto the floor where you laid limply, regretting the brute force you had gotten up with. However, you didn’t learn anything from your mistake and continued with that same force towards the bathroom only to hit your bathroom door square in the face. 
You made it on time, looking somewhat presentable (you tried your best in the compressed time limit). Alex offered you a ride which helped unbelievably because you were incredibly late. You speed-walked to the front counter wand asked the secretary where to go. She looks at you plainly and before replying with much annoyance. “Officer Jeon instructed me to refer a message to you. The perpetrator confessed to the crime late last night and the case has been closed, we will no longer been needing your time.” Oh. Your heart began to sting a little at the realisation that you will never see the officer again but the realisation that you were free overpowered the pain. You smiled while walking towards the door but your happiness was short-lived. You spotted the attacker, hand-cuffed. You locked eyes for the second time although they seemed a lot less manic. 
He didn’t recognise you, that was clear enough but you knew you’d never be able to forget him and that thought scared you. Enough so to leave you frozen in the middle of the station. You stood there for what felt like an eternity before an officer shook your shoulder. “Are you okay?” You didn’t really look at her before nodding, a smile on your face as you thanked her a sped out of the building. You walked back to your dorm with only one thought on your mind. 
Morning classes were a bore and you often found yourself reciting the entire script of a movie instead of writing notes. You looked concentrated and teachers never noticed so it never really harmed anyone, except your GPA of course. It had been just over 2 weeks since you became the hottest news on campus and it blew over quite quickly. The buzz was bound to return though because the student who was attacked, William, was set to return to school that day. 
You were fired from your job at the store (because apparently hiring college students was problematic) which meant you had to spend your weekend tutoring privileged high schoolers instead. It was a Tuesday and you were at lunch when William approached you with a light tap on your shoulder, you removed your earphones from your ear and turned to face him but the moment your eyes landed on his face you could feel your lunch creeping back up. 
You were too scared to approach him yourself so you left a get-well-soon card and a teddy bear for him at the hospital which you assumed was why he was there. “I just wanted to thank you for that night, who knows what would’ve happened if you didn’t call the police when you did.” You smiled but it was half-hearted. Your mind was filled with a quiet chant of ‘it should’ve been me’ every time you saw his face. “Honestly, it’s fine, I’m glad you’re okay.” You awkwardly gestured a thumbs up which was meant to be reassuring before you put your earphone back in and went back to your sandwich. Trying to shut up before you embarrassed yourself further ended quickly when he tapped your shoulder lightly again. 
“I’m sorry to bother you again but I was kind of wondering, did you know him? You know the student who…” “No, sorry I didn’t.” You answered quickly because you wanted the conversation to be over as soon as possible but you might’ve come off as rude. You noticed a glint sadness in his eye, a need for closure, a need to know he did nothing wrong. “I don’t think he had a motive for doing what he did to you though. From what I know, you’re a nice guy, I mean your hospital room had flowers everywhere.” He chuckled a little before furrowing his eyebrows in confusion. 
“You visited?” It was just then that you remembered that you had forgotten to sign the card. “Oh! Yes, I left a bear there it was pink, kind of ugly but it was the best thing the gift shop had. It was either that or a Giraffe that said ‘it’s a boy!’” You were rambling, you knew that much but you couldn’t stop yourself if you tried. “Thank you, for everything…” “Y/N.” “Right, Y/N. Maybe we can get coffee sometime or something?” You gulped while in deep thought, you weren’t sure if you could ever make it up to him but you were willing to try. “Sure!”
Once he left, you stared back at your deflated peanut butter sandwich before poking at the stale bread. “Ah, fuck it.” You threw away your crusty sandwich and walked to the nearby cafe which you often avoided like the plague during lunch hours because it was bustling with students. That day was an exception, you needed carbs and you needed them stat. You walked into the cafe, ready to order cheesy fries when you saw him. Officer Jeon. You cursed under your breath and allowed yourself to stare a little. You knew officers often came here since it was around the station but you had never seen him there. 
You were waiting in line while he sat down with 2 of his co-workers. You watched them pick up the menus and discuss what they wanted to eat. You were invested in staring until a loud voice startled you. “Next waiting.” That was your cue and you almost missed it staring at the Officer with obvious heart eyes. You held the little table number concoction in your hand as you made your way to sit in the far corner seat where you always sat. But you didn’t go as unnoticed as usual. The incident was still fresh news for the a few students even though it had been 2 weeks. Some students thought you were a hero while others remain confused because “does she even go here?” But the majority never really cared about you but stared anyway because that was the way society worked. You sat and slowly retracted into a small ball of dismal anxiety while you waited for your cheesy fries to arrive. 
“Hey isn’t that the awkward kid that you questioned, Jeon?” The officer parallel to him asks loudly, clearly pointing at you which made you retract into the corner even further. “Oh yeah I saw her at the station, poor thing she looked so helpless.” To make matters worse, the woman next to him was the one who checked on you at the station. To top off the embarrassment, Officer Jeon turned around to look at you right when you accidentally smashed your toe on the edge of the table while trying to grab your bag. You winced and chanted “ow, ow, ow, ow,” until you abruptly stopped after realising you were being watched by 3 amused officers. 
You managed a small smile and a wave before you grabbed your laptop from your bag and tried to distract yourself from the major discomfort you had endured. Everything went well for a collective amount of 37 seconds before the man you found intimidatingly attractive sat on the seat opposite yours. You peeked over your laptop a little because for some reason you believed that if you couldn’t see him, he couldn’t see you. However, his tall physique allowed him to clearly see you crouched behind the laptop screen. “Hey.” You feigned a smile and pretended to not be completely disturbed by his presence. “Hi.” You squeaked back before internally slapping yourself for sounding so timid but unfortunately your handbook on social interactions seemed to lack a chapter that covered ‘how to talk to attractive police officers who you are low key crushing on but can never be with for longer than 2 seconds without combusting into a nervous mess’. 
“How’s everything going? I heard you visited the station looking a little scared.” You chuckled nervously, your laugh becoming slower and slower before dissipating into an awkward silence. “You see, that wasn’t me that was just someone who happened to look a lot like me. You know, me and my common face.” These were moments you wished you could forget because your communication skills were frankly astonishing. However, instead of worrying over your inability to make small talk, he laughed. Officer Jeon laughed at something you said and it was super fucking cute. 
“You know Y/N, you’re really…unique?” You held back a snort as you laughed under your breath. “You seem so shy and timid but you looked like you were going to bite my head off at the station.” You started violently chugging your water down, this time for far too long because you didn’t want to reply. “Well, you see I was very…dehydrated? And you know what dehydration can do to someone.” You were never a very good liar which proved to be an important skill in times like such. 
He curved his eyebrow at you questioningly but didn’t care to press further, soon after the waiter came with your cheesy fires. You thought it would be rude to eat in front of him so you just stared at the bowl quietly. “Aren’t you going to eat?” “Yeah I was just waiting for it to cool down.” You awkwardly crouched to slowly blow on your cheesy fries which just made him stare at you amusingly. “You’re a weird kid, Y/N. I’ll get going now, it was nice catching up.” You nodded before William crossed your mind. You lunged forward to tug on his sleeve to stop him from leaving. “Wait, do you think you could um, tell me what happened with the case?” “Meet me here tomorrow at 5 and I’ll tell you what I can.” And with that, he left. 
“And thEN HE LEAVES, HE JUST LEAVES ALEX, DOESN’T EVEN GIVE ME HIS NUMBER, OR EVEN HIS FIRST NAME?!?” You angrily protested to your friend who was more interested in her phone than the conversation. “Hey, Alex, are you even listening?” Your question fell on unhearing ears so you yelled again to catch her attention. “Alex!” “What?” She replied, a little annoyed but she didn’t push further at the sight of your glare. “I’m sure he was just leaving then because he had to, you know, special police business or something. I bet he’s into you, you’re adorable.” She ruffled the top of your head and you smiled bitterly. Compliments from Alex were normally out of pity and she had a lot to pity you for. She was prettier than you, nicer than you and uncannily good at socialising. This generally meant that whatever boy you were into, was into her. 
“Is he really that cute? I need to meet him.” “No! I mean, I don’t even know his name, it’s not important. Don’t waste your time.” Your abrupt exclamation made you feel a little guilty. You’d never voiced your insecurities with Alex and yet you held her completely accountable which was entirely unfair. “Oh, alright. So, what movie are we watching tonight?” Her attention was trained on her phone again as she asked the question. She looked up at you suddenly with pleading eyes and you knew exactly what she wanted. “Just go.” You waved her off with your hand and she didn’t hesitate before leaving you to go to her room. You allowed yourself to melt into the couch as you moped over spending another Friday night alone again. “Wait, Alex! Can I come with you?”
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bopinion · 3 years
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2021 / 16
Aperçu of the Week:
Mein Freund der Baum ist tot
Er fiel im frühen Morgenrot
My friend the tree is dead
He fell in the early morning
Bad News of the Week:
Christmas 2019, my daughter had wished that instead of another gift from her "budget", it was better to plant trees. And I was proud of it. Of her selflessness and of the trees themselves - after all, the fresh green stands for life and sustainability, breaks down man-made carbon dioxide and gives us oxygen in return. It provides habitat for other species and is also beautiful to look at. Every tree is worth so much more than a cell phone tower. So much for that.
It's no wonder, then, that reforestation is seen as a crucial key in the fight against climate-damaging gases. But two aspects are currently shaking this hope to the core: First, the existing forests are in poor condition. The latest "Forest Condition Report" published by the Thünen Institute states that only one fifth of the tree crowns in German forests are still healthy. And more than a third of the ill trees fall into the highest damage category. The main reasons are nitrogen oversaturation, pests, (less robust) monocultures and climate change itself - with storms in winter and drying out in summer.
Trees extract the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide from the air store carbon in their wood and release oxygen. To grow, they need nitrogen, which acts like a fertilizer. But "a lot helps a lot" does not apply here. The Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL) observed around 100,000 coniferous and deciduous trees in 23 European countries for 15 years and analyzed their growth. The result: too much nitrogen, if more water and nutrients are not available at the same time, makes for significantly weaker, less resistant trees that also bind less carbon dioxide. This overturns an important factor in all calculations of how humankind still has a chance of sufficiently slowing climate change.
The recipe of quickly planting lots of trees is therefore only partially effective. If only because of the very long cycles involved. It takes 2,000 young trees to replace one adult tree. And they need several decades to grow up. That's why the Bavarian state forests are already relying on so-called climate-tolerant varieties such as serviceberry or weeping cherry, which are supposed to cope better with the much warmer climate in 100 years' time than the currently dominant spruce. It's just too bad that we won't have time to wait for "Forest 2.0." We need to protect the forest of today - today.
In 1968, the pop singer Alexandra sang the hit song "My friend the tree". In the song, she mourns a tree that was cut down to make way for a house. You could almost say that nowadays mankind has more subtle ways of killing trees. Which, in turn, could be interpreted as man's indirect attempt at suicide. Not for nothing is it said to "saw off the branch you're sitting on" when someone endangers themselves out of ignorance. Today is the international "Day of the Tree". But also tomorrow our friend the tree needs our help. Since it benefits ourselves, this should actually not be difficult.
Good News of the Week:
Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin is one of the most professional politicians ever. The inventor of "controlled democracy" could well be placed in the same row as Julius Gaius Caesar, because both are gifted geostrategists. And, of course, ruthless. Putin gets away with it again and again. The annexation of Crimea in violation of international law? Without any real consequences. The support of the Syrian war criminal Bashar Al-Assad? Without any real consequences. The digital sabotage of free elections abroad? Without any real consequences. The illegitimate condemnation of regime critics? Without any real consequences. Fueling the civil war in Ukraine's Donbas? Without any real consequences. The suppression of liberal media? Without any real consequences.
I could think of many more. After all, Putin disregards democracy seemingly every week. All the more astonishing that I was positively surprised twice in the week that is coming to an end. First, by unexpected participation in Joe Biden's online climate summit. Although that could be taken as a concession to multilateralism. Second, by the withdrawal of Russian troops from the Ukrainian border. Although that could be understood as a concession to Ukraine's sovereignty.
A rare touch of mild of age? Perhaps even a rethinking away from isolationism? Certainly not. Putin does nothing without self-interest. But he apparently does not automatically put his personal machismo above the raison d'état. Opportunism does not necessarily have to be negative. Perhaps the realization that cooperation does not necessarily mean renouncing sovereignty is beginning to take hold. That would be good news.
Personal happy Moment of the Week:
My twelve-year-old son is definitely addicted to anything with a screen. Whether it's Netflix on the TV or Roblox on the iPad - the main thing is digital. And now he also wants a Switch for his birthday. Of course, the fact that distance learning also takes place on a display doesn't make it any better. So I was all the happier when he now apparently decided to listen to the family predisposition to creativity. Last week I was supposed to tell him one of my favorite musicians. Sting was playing. So all right. Half an hour later, he presents me with a pencil drawing of Gordon Sumner. And his mother's significant other got a portrait for his birthday yesterday that morphs from him to Mr. Spock - because he's a Star Trek fan. Again, in pencil. On paper. So totally analog. Nice...
As I write this...
...I am once again drinking far too much espresso. Freshly ground, of course, from Fair Trade organic Arabica coffee beans. Pleasure apparently often comes with a bouquet of unreason ;-)
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fgffbfghtr · 3 years
. Above all she’s jealous of me. A goal was called on the ice, but after video review
Some of these were upgrade options in our system (approx. Just feel, I be happy. Above all she’s jealous of me. A goal was called on the ice, but after video review, the goal was disallowed due to goaltender interference. Shortly after the hour fixed on for the landing of the boat, Mr. Not since the Trident. He's on target to go for Tendulkar's numbers, if you look at the numbers and look at his age.". I’ve been wanting to embrace you as a brother for ever so long; she has told me so much about you! We’ve somehow not made Mens JORDAN Hoodie friends or got on together till now. Conference had set for itself was proving tougher than expected. What surprises one Snow may yet surprise another. On the Criminal records we are asked to put imprisonment if the sentence is penal servitude but as we in the UK know penal servitude means transportation to a penal colony. Whether it was her boy or Dalla’s he could not be sure. Plumm took the second, for double the stakes. The thought was queerly comforting. The snow has stopped. In England, Scotland, Wales, France, Germany, Belgium and Prussia, my whole power has been concentrated on this object. Sure, styles like the "Galaxy" celebrate a triumphant departure from tradition, but by in large a relaxed monotone Foam shell matched with a solid biciclete rusesti vechi sole unit does the trick. VVM ensures that the administered vaccine has not been damaged by heat. “If you want to get to Meereen, swim. "He thanked me, and didn't say anything more, but I could haibike e mtb 2020 hear him catch his breath."On Thursday, at a site in Calaveras County near property Shermantine's parents once owned, searchers found a skull identified as Cyndi Vanderheiden's. Having guards about her would no doubt help keep the black brothers properly respectful, the red nike air max thea atomic pink priestess knew, but none of the men that Stannis had given her were like to be much help should she find herself in peril. 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Natasha seemed to have resolved to control herself, to appear cheerful and unconcerned, but she could not. John Y. Tickets are $65 general, $15 children 12 and under and includes lunch and music. E., “Nobody can give what he has not got,”—which certainly one should think sensible and satisfactory enough. Day will feature different environmental subjects. Liston continues: "It's about knowing what's out there. Her whole family is actually as repellent as she is. AOBs have been around in Florida's marketplace for more than 100 years. It is a fact, and a most honorable one to our common human nature, that the bokacsizma bakancs distress and anguish of these poor, helpless creatures does often raise up for them friends among the generous-hearted. Amazon Channels is an unique aspect of Amazon Prime. And I don't always relate to women as easily as I do to beings of all sorts.For one thing, she says, she's not a mother.said, many of my friends are moms and grandmothers, so it's part of life, she adds.She says that adidas mariposas will not read a certain type of so called feminine work, and I stay far away from books and websites with flowers and woo woo music and pictures of goddesses. And my heart’s in a flutter all the time: I keep expecting him to get angry and curse her once for all.. The driver improvements resulted in an astonishing 63.8% faster performance at the end of the year in MP3.. Some warm words, some feelings, thoughts frankly uttered and we were friends for ever. A great lord, still virile, with no heirs except these cousins we have just now dispossessed, the scion of an ancient House with a fine stout castle and wide, rich lands that will no doubt be restored and perhaps expanded by a grateful king, once we have triumphed. That other shoe companies use a plastic insert to make the box rather than building it up layer evro kalkulator by layer is a point of contention for Freed factory manager Gary Brooks. Saturday at High Point High School at 3601 Powder Mill Road, Beltsville. The Falcons held UAPB to just 36.8 percent shooting and out rebounded the Lions, 19 6, in the first half. “From Stannis?” Jon had been hoping for some word from the king. It was a senior oriented team that struggled with its chemistry, a kind that made it tough for a young rookie to fit in, even if she did bring some splash.. Said he believes 37 year old Jon Kitna gives them the best chance to win until injured starter Tony Romo returns. The girl took a deep shuddering breath, and realized it was true. The palace gates were closed to me thereafter, but I did not care. I ought to burn it. Her brown hair was tied back in a knot. The Republican thus laments his hard lot:. Jon Connington’s answer was a long cold stare. You are hardly convenient and there is the risk of leaving something behind at the airport.. A British Airways Board was established by the United Kingdom government in 1972 to manage the two nationalised airline corporations, British Overseas Airways Corporation and British European Airways, and two smaller, regional airlines, Cambrian Airways, from Cardiff, and Northeast Airlines, from Newcastle upon Tyne. She hasn't always looked this plastic, however it's been a long road.. You see, they pay you.”. Schoenborn: What? Clarke: What's with pleading not guilty? Schoenborn: Whadda ya mean, what's with it? Clarke: You did it. Somehow Rattleshirt ended up on top, with Jon’s head in his hands. In Alberta, the ACTA at least has a plan. She claims he scares the princess. "Obviously, he's a guy that we have had a lot of respect for over the years," Mattingly said. It was introduced in 2011 the latest Astra arrived in 2009 and stands out with a neater, more modern shape. Not your chainless maester, not your false father, not the gallant Duck nor the lovely Lemore nor these other fine friends who grew you from a bean.. I laced up and I was off to the treacherous terrain of the Copper Canyon mean Central Park.. The slaves are not free agents, and a dissolution by death, is 200not more entirely without their consent, and beyond their control, than by such separation.. Assassin's Creed IV's V Sync support is oddly implemented. God has not blessed us ..
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