#and then instead of walking fucking away or asking mom or me to handle it you fucking ATTACK EACH OTHER????
the-gayest-sky-kid · 2 years
im so fucking done
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storm-angel989 · 3 months
How would Valentino react to his Daughter getting into a fight at school? And how would the other vees react? O and we won btw.
Sulking on the bench outside the principles office, I reflected on the events that left me holding a ripped paper towel against my mouth and my knuckles tinged in red. There was no doubt in my mind that the fucker had it coming. 
“Your Daddy is a cocksucking whore,” my classmate taunted. “And you’re no different, are you, reader? Huh? You wanna suck my cock?”
I had ignored it the first time. The second time, he snapped my bra strap and whispered nonsense insults about my father and my Uncle Vox. I warned him at that point. Told him I’d break his hand if he touched me again. When he grabbed my shirt at recess, asked if I was a whore like my Daddy and tried to unhook my bra with his finger, I whirled around and before he could move, my fist connected with his face. 
The rest of it was blurry, a mix of blood, pain and hands stronger than me yanking me off him.
“She’s a fucking psycho bitch,” he screamed as blood poured from his nose. “My Mommy will…”
“Last I heard, your Mommy works for my Uncle Vox,” I spit as the teacher yanked me away. 
The teacher scolded me the entire walk to the nurses office. According to her, I should have just kept my mouth shut. Then as the nurse handed me a paper towel, she told me I needed to be more calm- after all, boys would be boys. And even the secretary told me that he probably just liked me, and if I had kept my mouth shut and smiled pretty I would have had a date instead of facing expulsion. 
I looked up as my father, my Uncle Vox and Aunt Velvette walked through the door. 
“We really only need to see Mr. Valentin-” the secretary began, but quieted instantly at the look Velvette gave her. “She’s over there. The principal will go over details of the expulsion with you. As you know, the other child's mom is…”
I tuned out the rest of her words and my stomach turned. Expulsion? I wouldn’t say I was perfect, but I tried to be a good kid. I got good grades. Was I not supposed to defend myself, or my family? Should I have just let it happen?
My Dad’s voice broke me from my thoughts.
“Let me see,” he said softly as he knelt in front of me. He reached over and gently pressed his fingertips against my jaw. “Open your mouth. Any broken teeth?”
I shook my head and carefully opened my mouth, then closed it again. 
“Good. Looks like a busted lip. And some bloody knuckles,” he said as he took my hands in his. 
“It isn’t mine,” I said sullenly. 
To my surprise, my fathers face twitched a smile. “Come on, let’s get this sorted, baby. Up you go.” 
I stood up and my Uncle Vox gently squeezed my shoulder. “Just stay quiet and let us handle this, okay?”
I nodded and followed them into the office. The principal looked up and gestured to the chairs in front of his desk. The mom of the other kid looked up and paled at the sight of Valentino, Vox and Velvette. 
“Please sit,” the principal said sternly.  
“I want to know why my daughter is being punished for defending herself against a sexual assault,” Vox began sharply. 
I watched as the other two adults in the room paled.
“He snapped her bra strap. Not once, not twice, but three times. And said completely inappropriate things to reader,” Velvette chimed in.
“Not to mention the incredibly poor reaction from the staff at your school,” Valentino added in disgust. 
“We have a zero tolerance policy, reader will be expelled,” the principal replied firmly. 
I watched as my Uncle Vox smirked.
“Yeah, well I have a zero tolerance policy for stupidity at my company. You’re fired, get the fuck out,” Vox said calmly. “You work for VoxTech. Plain and simple. Valentino, take her home. Vel and I will meet you there later.”
Valentino gently put his hand on my shoulder and guided me out the door. Once safely in the limo, he opened one the lid of the ice bucket and wrapped several ice cubes in a paper towel. 
“Here, put this one it. It’ll help with the swelling,” he said gently as he lowered my hand from my mouth, pressing the damp paper towel to my lips. “Now that we’re out of earshot, bebita, what happened?”
I winced as I pressed the ice to my lip. “You saw it on camera, right? Daddy, was I supposed to just…let him do it?”
Valentino shook his head. “No. You did the right thing. Never, ever let anyone touch you without your consent.”
“Am I in trouble?” I asked hesitantly.
He shook his head and pressed his lips to my forehead. “No, mi amore. You are not.”
The limo door opened and Vox and Velvette slid in.
“Welp, that takes care of that problem,” Vox said cheerfully. “How are you doing kid?”
“A little bloody, but she looks okay,” Velvette said as she raked her eyes over me.
“It isn’t mine,” I replied, “I told Dad that earlier.”
“That makes it even better,” Vox said with a grin. “How about we stop and get ice cream on the way home? Celebrate your victory and get something cold on your lip.”
“Wait, Uncle Vox- can I go back to school tomorrow?” I asked hesitantly. “And what about the other kid.”
Velvette looked up from her phone. For a second, her eyes flashed and she gave me a grin. “Don’t you worry about it, reader. Your Auntie and Uncle took care of the issue. Business as usual tomorrow morning.” She glanced to Valentino. “But for now, I second the ice cream idea. Val?”
“Only if reader is up for it,” Valentino said gently. “What do you think, ninita?”
“I think ice cream sounds great,” I said softly. 
Vox reached over and squeezed my hand. “Hey, don’t look so down. This is a victory, kiddo. We’re proud of you. We promise.”
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jsprnt · 5 months
Americano PT. 8 | Jude Bellingham x Reader
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What happens if two individuals who absolutely despise each other are forced to interact after unforeseen events occur?
A/N: this one is a bit on the shorter side, but I promise next chapter will be juicy! 😉
W/C: 3.086
part seven
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"Wait- why am I actually kind of bitter about this?"
I mumble, looking up at Luis. He turns around, moving his camera away to look at me.
"Bitter about what?" He asks, fidgeting with the settings of the device.
"They literally crap out money- but get a free BMW?" I question, folding my arms.
"Oh, please. Will you stop being such a negative person?"
He gives me a nasty look, his hand coming to grab my arm.
"Or go sit in the car..?" He adds, pointing behind me.
"No, it's too hot to sit in the car.." I complain, adjusting my sleeve.
"Why did you even follow me here in the first place?" He asks, raising his brows.
"I was done with my to-do list and didn't want to stay cooped up in the office.."
Not to mention to avoid the insanely annoying looks I had been receiving ever since those stupid rumors and photos had been out.
"Okay, just stay back and watch then.."
I watch him make cinematic shots of each individual model and car. My patience begins to thin when he's still busy with it twenty minutes later.
I pull my phone out of my pocket to keep myself busy. I carefully scroll through my Instagram explore page, ignoring the thousands of follower requests to my account.
The internet was very quick, so within hours of my face being online, people had found both my full name and social media accounts.
I freeze, holding my phone against my chest, and turn in the direction the noise came from.
I make immediate eye contact with Valeria, her obnoxiously fake smile burning my eyes instantly.
"Yeah? Anything wrong with the shoot?" I ask, shoving my phone into my pocket.
"No, the players have just arrived- and it's a better look if you're off your phone and look interested."
I fight the urge to snort at her ridiculous comment, and just nod before I lose it.
"Sure, any reason you're here today? It's only for some short clips..”
I watch her take a step forward, a hand reaching up to her hip. She moves her neck in a weird way, staring at me for a moment.
"It's always good to see how my juniors work, and how close they are to the players is really something I like keeping an eye on.."
Oh- surprise, she was here for something stupid!
I was already over her snarky remarks, especially those insinuating a romantic relationship between Jude and me.
The thought only makes me want to gag.
I shiver at the cursed idea, noticing a few players already walking over to check out the new car they chose, and look back at Valeria.
"Well, I'm sure some of the guys really need your presence and knowledge. Please, go and join them.."
I instigate, hoping and wishing she goes to bother Toni instead.
For some reason, he could handle her bullshit really well.
"Oh, don't mind if I do.." She chuckles, immediately turning her back to me and walking away.
I sigh in relief, rubbing my nape to try to release some tension from my body.
I begin walking up to the cars myself, reading off every license plate to see which player got what model.
I stop at the car chosen by Aurélien, observing the details of the 'i4 eDrive35'.
« Très belle, non? » I hear him say. I nod, pursing my lips.
« Le couleur- noir est parfait.. » I compliment, stepping back to get a better view.
I open my mouth to say something else- but I'm startled by a loud car horn, it almost makes my eardrums explode. I shut my eyes tightly, not reacting fast enough to cover my ears properly.
"What the fuck.." I mumble, looking to my left. An obviously aggravated expression on my face, because who the hell thought that was a good idea?
“Jude! Get out of your mom’s car, please!” I exclaim, seeing him stand at the driver’s door.
The man couldn’t even drive, but got to choose a car for himself?
Not even that- he also chose the most expensive model worth more than a hundred thousand euros?
Life is so unfair.
“You’re standing in the way!” He exclaims, walking around to sit in the passenger seat. Another staff member comes over to drive him around the parking lot.
I give him a nasty look, stepping aside and looking back at Aurélien.
“Why don’t you join him?” He suggests, an obvious smirk on his face.
“What? Why would I do that?” I ask, raising my brows and folding my arms defensively.
“You know- nice car and fun drive..” He trails off, glancing at the moving car.
“I would feel like I’m in danger without him even being the driver..” I state, shielding my eyes from the sun with my hand.
He chuckles, as if to mock the fear for my safety. I shrug it off, looking behind me to see where Luis is.
“Come on- get in the car and I’ll get Luis to do a little video..” I usher, walking away to get Luis.
The entire shoot takes us about an hour before we’re finally done. I quickly bid farewell and thank fellow staff members for their hard work before jumping into my car.
I go to start my car, looking up to see where Luis is. I roll my windows down, letting some fresh air into the car, hoping he’ll be here quickly.
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“No- it’s just annoying because I’m trying to do my job properly and I’m getting the craziest stares. Like, does having a conversation with someone mean we’re married with three kids and a chihuahua?!” I exclaim, looking at Amira on FaceTime.
“And you attended his match, and you wore his name on your shirt and spoke to his family and-"
I cut her off with a loud groan, rubbing my eyes in irritation.
“You’re the one who set me up!”
“I thought you already knew it was his shirt! Should I have worn Jude’s while you wore Trent’s?” She defends herself, a smirk forming on her lips.
I shake my head, dropping my pencil on the table.
I had been studying all day and had stopped the instant Amira called me.
“The way I can’t even get mad at anyone about this- ugh..” I complain, shifting in my chair.
“And those follow requests are so annoying..”
I grumble, totally aware of the fact that I had been complaining about literally every single thing and then some.
“Girl, if you set your account on public again and accept those followers..”
“What? I’m going to clout chase being that douche's fake girlfriend?”
“I have to take over my dad’s firm one day, and you want me to be known for dating my coworker?”
“Too late-"
I stop paying attention to what she’s saying when the front door opens, my gaze moving to see my dad walking in.
“I’m going to call you back later.” I mutter to Amira, waving at her until she hangs up.
I close my laptop, standing up to walk over to the door.
“Hey, dad- you’re late.” I say, grabbing his laptop bag off of him.
“I had a lot of work to review. Did you have dinner?” He asks, hanging his coat up on the coat rack.
“I had some of the food auntie Carmen made. You?”
“We all had dinner in the office. Everyone has been going home late these days.” He says, washing his hands in the kitchen sink before loosening his tie.
“With what?” I ask, setting his laptop bag on the table, prying into his business.
“Can’t say, but- don’t you think you need to tell me something?” He suddenly asks, turning to me.
I freeze, looking at him with wide eyes.
What the hell would I be hiding from him?
“Uh- no? I’m not sure what you’re talking about?” I state, scratching my nape in confusion.
“Are you sure?” He presses on, coming to hold onto my shoulders.
“I’m sure. What am I supposed to hide from you?” I ask, getting rather defensive, a frown forming in between my brows as I keep staring at him.
He notices my irritation, letting go of my shoulders and holding his hands up in surrender.
“Okay- I understand. Don’t get all angry at me..” He says, smiling.
“I’m not angry- just confused..”
“Forget I asked- How was work? How about you tell me about that instead?”
I purse my lips, looking down at my laptop.
“Alright, the players got new cars, so we had to do a shoot for BMW..” I mutter, fiddling with my notebook.
“You look so down, y/n. What? Are you jealous? I got you your new Audi less than two years ago..”
“What do you mean, dad? I love that car, would not exchange an Audi for a BMW- I have some car knowledge.” I state, my expression changing as I explain to him.
“That’s right! Come to me when you really want to change your car. I’ll call up some people I know.”
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I make my way towards the printer, looking for the documents I had sent over to be copied a couple hours ago. Finding them, I quickly read them through to confirm the pages are complete, until I’m stopped by Hugo.
“Are you ready for El Classico week?” He asks, making a copy of something.
Most people, as in football fans, would say an El Classico is a match you shouldn’t miss. The long-standing rivalry between the two clubs was always interesting to watch, and I would definitely agree a hundred percent-
Only, if it didn’t mean we had to ensure our match posts, interviews, and statements were properly prepared and triple-checked and approved days leading up to the match.
Of course, I loved watching the game- but the way it exhausted literally everyone involved was no fun.
What made it harder was the fact that we had a whole Champions League match to worry about first. To sum it all up, no one was getting sleep for the next two weeks.
“Yeah, just really busy with preparations.” I reply, folding the corner of the documents.
“Good luck, we’ve all been having sleepless nights. It will be worth it in the end- you’ve experienced this before. Just keep on doing what you always do.”
I nod in acknowledgment, smiling at him.
“You’re right, we will put our best foot forward.” I give him a thumbs up, chuckling.
“Good- I’ll see you at lunch. Work hard!” He encourages, patting my shoulder before leaving with his printed papers.
I sigh in relief when he leaves, making my way up to my desk. I place the documents on the table, before running down to the pitch. Having to finish some last-minute recording of the match preparations.
I walk over to the pitch, training is already in full motion, and I notice Luis already there. I look around for any other staff members, only seeing the creepy guy I ran into weeks ago standing across the pitch.
The guy was a walking, real-life jumpscare at this point. I’d only run into him at random moments, and the way he’d look at me had my heart leaping into my throat.
“You’re late.” Luis complains, bringing me out of my thoughts, fiddling with a black cable.
“Did those two minutes kill you?” I ask, sighing, and look at the players who were training.
“Of boredom, yes..” He replies, and I notice the small- very slight compliment in his words. A smile forming on my face as I chuckle.
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“We would’ve been absolutely fucked if Kepa didn’t save that one..” I mutter, insanely stressed, as I eye the scoreboard in the Lluís Companys Olympic Stadium. A temporary stadium FC Barcelona had been using for this season.
“Don’t say that- you have no trust in this team whatsoever..” Luis complains, looking up at me.
“Who will score?” I ask, we loved guessing who would score and assist goals during every match.
“Jude.” He immediately says, not hesitating one bit.
“No- I’m guessing Vinicius..” I say, eyes darting back to my laptop screen.
“I will be right- just watch..”
“It’s his second El Classico and his first in season one. What is he going-” I immediately stop talking when I notice a chance to score, my hands tangle into my shirt as I see how much space there is to score.
I gasp, and my jaw slacks open when Jude scores an absolute screamer, which I’d obviously never admit to him.
“I told you!” Luis screams, celebrating like it’s his birthday. I scoff, secretly happy we were put out of our 0-1 misery, and search for the draft I’m supposed to publish.
A couple minutes pass, it’s almost full time, and extra time is finally announced. The away side is full of Madridistas, all sitting on the edge of their seats until Luca kicks the ball towards Jude and GOAL!
The away side celebrates happily, with another El Classico win in our pocket. I quickly manage and do what I have to do, before we both get up to go back inside.
I was both delighted and annoyed at the fact that we won. Of course, it’s always amazing to win a match like this, especially when we were doing so well this season. Also because it’s Luca’s 500th match, and an assist is pretty amazing to pull off on a day like this.
The only thing making me have bitter feelings was the fact that I had to interview Jude today. Normally, Man Of The Match interviews with him were already horrific to experience. An elaborate interview with him, after I’d been avoiding him like the plague, wasn’t necessarily something I would want to do.
“Can you go first? I’ve got to pee really badly..” I say to Luis, placing my bag down and running towards the restroom. Finishing my business up quickly and washing my hands thoroughly.
I look around me for a bit, knowing that sometimes players would use these restrooms as well. I had heard about instances where the players of the opposite team had raged against our team’s staff members. Which definitely had me watching my back in moments like these.
I had interacted with some players of FC Barcelona, and they hadn’t been disrespectful so far.
Thus, I’m not too fazed when the door to the restroom opens. I look up as a sweaty and tired Ferran Tores walks in.
We make immediate eye contact, and I nod in greeting, shooting him a quick ‘hello' before pulling some paper towels from the dispenser to dry my hands.
He seems to be seething in anger, so I break eye contact, looking away.
“This is a staff bathroom, are you aware of that?”
He suddenly says, water splashing from the faucet as he begins washing his face.
“Sorry?” I question, wondering what he’s getting at.
“Not for girlfriends.” He mutters, turning the faucet off.
My face twists into one of confusion, the words throwing me for a loop. Seems like he notices, and he opens his mouth again.
“You’re Bellingham’s girl, aren’t you? This is the staff restroom.” He enunciates every single word as if I’m a kindergartner, it makes me freeze for a second.
I struggle to stop myself from reacting thoughtlessly, not knowing if I should be crying or laughing.
My hand reaches for my staff badge hanging from my neck, waving it in front of his face.
“Do I look like a girlfriend?” I ask, dropping my badge and stepping out before he can apologize.
Asshole, losing doesn’t give you the right to be so damn rude.
How could I even get rid of these stupid fucking rumors?
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“Okay, smile!” I exclaim, holding Luis’s camera up to take a photo of the squad. With the happiness of winning an El Classico and the celebration of Luca's milestone came a lot of excitement and enthusiasm.
I hold back a chuckle at the sight of Aurélien laying on the floor, instructing some of them to move a bit for a better shot.
We take multiple photos together, staff members taking photos with the squad while I force them to stand in front of the camera.
“y/n, come here, and we’ll take a picture!” Antonio urges, snatching the camera off of me and pushing me to stand in front of the camera.
I feel myself being pushed, until I find myself almost pressing into Jude’s side.
I curse to myself, forcing an awkward smile as I pose next to everyone.
“What? Surely, you don’t think I bite?” Jude whispers, his arm dropping to his side.
“Please, shut up and pose. We still have that interview, so don’t start now..” I mutter between a clenched smile, pretending I’m not fazed.
I hear a soft chuckle, a mocking and breathy ‘sure’ leaving his mouth.
It gives me shivers down my spine, and I fight the urge to step on his shoe, focusing on posing instead.
This will be a long, long interview..
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“You should’ve told me you’re leaving.” I mumble, mouth full of cereal and milk.
“Sorry, been so busy, didn’t even come to mind.” My dad says, walking around the house as he gets ready for work.
“Where is that blue tie I just got?” He shouts from his room.
“I ironed it! It’s in the bottom drawer!” I shout, scrolling through my messages.
“Got it!”
I hum, chugging the leftover milk in my bowl before standing up from the dining table.
“When are you going? Will you be gone for long?” I ask, watching him put the tie on in his bedroom.
“This weekend. It’s a crucial case, so I’ll be back when it’s totally over. Don’t get up to mischief. I know how you get when you’re home alone.” He points, giving me a stern look.
“Yeah, sure, I will plan a house party or two..” I joke, but it doesn’t land as he continues staring me down.
“Okay! I will be a responsible adult and call you or auntie Carmen when something happens..”
“Good, I’m leaving to get to work. Will you be back on time for dinner?” He says, grabbing his paperwork and laptop bag.
“Yeah, can we order in tonight?” I give him a pleading look, walking him out.
“You know I can’t deny my daughter happiness in the form of burgers and fries...”
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callsign-magnolia · 2 months
Undiagnosed // Ch. 21
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Mature Content 18+
Jake Seresin x Neurodivergent OC
Summary: Katie Blair grew up trying to be the perfect daughter. She always struggled to be the prim and proper little girl her parents wanted. Big personality as a kid, but now at 25, she's the shy admiral's daughter who just keeps her head down and tries to get through law school. So what happens when she's had enough and with help from a certain Lieutenant, she gets out.
Warnings: Emotional abuse, trauma response, abusive parents, smut, mentions of thoughts of suicide.
Word Count: 3.6k
Chapter 20 | Masterlist
“Who do you think you are-” “Shut up!” I yelled as I turned to face her. She closed the door a shocked look on her face. “How fucking dare you.” I said as I pointed at her. “How dare I?” I nodded. “Yeah. As I grew up I realized what a shitty mother you were but I never expected this kind of low from you!” She was reeling. “Shitty mother? You should be grateful to us! We raised you with only the best-” “AND I WAS MISERABLE!” I screamed. “You raised me with so much fucking trauma! You want to know why I was so ‘emotional’? Maybe you should read these!” I tossed the papers at her, the paper clip keeping them together. She grabbed them and within a second her face fell. “How did you get these?” She asked. “My doctor gave them to me when I went to see her today. Asked me of I was taking anything for my ADHD and depression.” I’m sure my face was tinged red, showing how angry I am and I hope she understands the severity of this. “You didn’t tell me.” I seethed. “You didn’t tell me when you knew of ways to help me.” I said as I stepped closer. “Instead you let me suffer and struggle and be made fun of and called the weird kid my entire childhood.” I was in her face by the time I finished. “You let me suffer and consider suicide at fucking thirteen years old when I could’ve been in therapy and on medications to make me function better!” “They only gave us this diagnosis to shove pills down your throat! You don’t have any of this! You were and are just a bad misbehaved child! You needed what our parents gave and that was a good ass whooping! I messed up with you because I was too soft on you.” She stepped past me and I was shocked. 
“Too soft on me?! Smacking me in the face was too soft? Daddy beating the hell out of me with a belt was too soft?! You’re sick in the head!” I said and she scoffed. “I did what I had to do-” “No, you did what you thought was easy! Because you couldn’t buck up and be a decent person or a good mother! Because having patience for your child was too hard!” “WE COULDN’T HANDLE YOU!” She screamed in response. “YOU WERE THE WORST BEHAVED CHILD I HAD EVER MET!” It shouldn’t have but it stung. “We couldn’t handle you! I couldn’t stand to be in the same room with you! Especially when you were a baby! You would just cry and cry and I almost just stopped taking care of you all together but I knew if you died your father and I would be in prison!” My chest heaved at her words. It hit me hard how little she truly cared. I walked over and snatched the papers as a coughing fit hit me. “Maybe I’ll get lucky and you’ll drop dead. It’s the least you deserve after all these years of torture and abuse.” She laughed loudly at my words. “I’ll be here good and long after you’re dead. If I’m lucky I’ll watch them lower your casket.” I stopped in my tracks at her words. “No, you won’t. Because now I have a happy life and I’m away from the misery you’ve inflicted on me!” I said as I turned away from her and headed for the door. “Oh by the way, I was at the doctors for a flu diagnosis. Hopefully one of your lungs will collapse and you’ll suffer on the floor.” Her face dropped. My mom rarely got sick but she’s in her sixties so she’s more susceptible. “You little bitch!” She rushed forward and raised her hand but my fingers wrapped around her wrist, effectively stopping her. My free hand came back before my own palm connected with her face and she stumbled back. 
My chest heaved as I looked at her down on the floor, holding her face as she breathed heavily. “It hurts doesn’t it?” I asked and she moved her hand, revealing a red mark. “All the times you and daddy hit me, it didn’t just hurt physically. I sat there and I wondered what I could’ve done to deserve it, what made you hate me. But now I know all I had to do was be born. Don’t worry, you’ll never see or hear from me again. You can start pretending I never existed.” With that I walked out the front door, slamming it on my way out. I got in the truck and immediately left. I picked up my medicine before going home. As soon as I was home I grabbed all my stuff and went inside. When I got the door closed and latched everything hit me at once. I leaned against the door as the sobs hit and sunk down till my knees were against my chest. I almost feel like it would be better if I did something to make them hate me, but simply my mere existence made my mother want to go as far as kill me. Having my mother confirm they never loved me hit hard and I feel like my heart is being split apart. Eventually I got up and took a shower, knowing it may make me feel a little better. Once I was out I dried off, took my medicine and crawled into the spare bed in the guest room. I wanted to do my best to keep Jake from getting sick and that meant sleeping in here for a while. My mind raced with all the thoughts and memories of my parents, how I never truly did anything, they just hated me. Tears ran down my face, soaking my neck and pillow as I cried myself to sleep. 
Fingers ran through my hair and roused me from my sleep. “Hey, darlin’. Why you in here?” Jake whispered, leaning down to kiss my temple. “I didn’t wanna get you sick.” I mumbled. “I appreciate that. What did the doctor say?” Everything came rushing back and tears came to my eyes. I sat straight up, keeping the covers against my chest as I looked away from him. “I-I do have the flu.” I said as I rubbed my eyes. He hummed and kissed my bare shoulder. “I’ll make some soup for dinner.” I shook my head. “You don’t have to. I’m not hungry.” He raised a brow at me. “Are you sure?” I nodded, giving him a small smile. “I’m sure.” He sighed and kissed my head again. “Okay, you’ll holler if you need me right?” I nodded as I laid back down and he stood. “I love you, Jake.” I whispered as he walked towards the door. “I love you too, Katie.” He closed the door behind him and my tears came back. I leaned over to my purse in the chair next to the bed and pulled out my diagnosis papers. I read over them the words depression, attention deficit hyperactive disorder, and autism glared at me from the white paper. If Jake saw this would he change his mind? Would he no longer love me? The thought terrified me. I couldn’t lose him. He’s a big part of me figuring out who I am without my parents, I’m not sure I could turn around and figure out who I am without him. “I won’t tell him. He can’t know.” I said as I stuffed the papers back in my purse, laying down again. “I can’t tell him. “ I muttered, fingers gripping my pillow tightly. 
Two days later I still felt like shit and I haven’t eaten. “Katie darlin’, you have to eat. You’re starving yourself right now.” Jake muttered as he came into the guest room. “Jake, I’m just not hungry.” I was sitting up in bed doing some school work and this was the third time today he’s asked me to eat. I’ve been drinking a bunch of water but I had no appetite. “You’re not going to get any better just sitting there and not eating. You’re only gonna get weaker and it’ll take you longer to get over this.” I huffed, closing my eyes. “Jake. I am not hungry. Now please, stop pestering me about it.” I said. “Katie, you have to eat.” I slammed the lid of my laptop closed. “Jake! I am not hungry! Now for the love of God JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!” I yelled and he stepped back in surprise. I took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. “Jake, I'm sorry. I just don’t feel good and I just want to be left alone.” I set my laptop on the table and laid back down, my back to him and the door. He sighed before leaving and closing the door and more tears streamed down my face. Another day passed by, it was almost time for Jake to come home from work and I was in the kitchen finally trying to make myself something to eat. 
I had decided to just do some noodles with a little chicken and tomato sauce. The chicken was already cooked so I just tossed it into the pan with the sauce. I leaned against the counter reading as I waited and when the timer went off for the noodles I heard the front door open. I grabbed the pot and walked it to the sink to drain them but as I went to tilt it I lost my grip and the pot went into the floor spilling noodles and boiling water everywhere. “Katie?” Jake sounded concerned and came into the kitchen. I just stared at my food on the ground and everything within me broke. “Dammit!” I screamed, grabbing the pot and slamming it down onto the counter. “I can’t even just make fucking pasta!” I felt like all of my emotions were just gonna explode out of me. “What dumbass can’t make pasta?!” My hands went into my hair as tears burst from my eyes. I felt like I was having a complete breakdown. “Katie, darlin’. Your feet!” My feet had been covered in boiling water but I honestly couldn’t bring myself to care. Jake rushed over, lifting me till I was sat on the counter. “Oh, Katie, your feet.” They were an ugly shade of red and I could feel them throbbing. Jake cut the sink on and turned me till he could stick my feet under the cool water. “Stay there while I clean this up.” I just stared at my feet in the sink. Jake cleaned up my mess and took my chicken off the stove before turning to me. He cut the water off and grabbed a paper towel to dry my feet. “I’m sorry.” 
He looked at me with raised brows. “Why are you sorry?” He asked as I started to cry. “You just got home and I made a mess and I just let you clean it up. I should’ve stopped you and done it myself. God I’m such an awful person! I can’t even cook for myself without making a huge ass mess and I’ve been so mean to you when all you’ve tried to do is help me and-” I was startled when his large hands gently grabbed my face. “Hey, hey. Where is all this coming from?” He asked as he stared into my eyes and I started sobbing. I was sobbing hard and he just pulled me into him and held me. I clutched to him like a child as my tears soaked his clothes. His hand rubbed my back and he whispered soothing words to me as he held me. “I’m sorry!” I cried into his shoulder. “You have nothing to be sorry for.” He held me for a few more minutes until I calmed down and I sat up and looked him in the eyes. “I went and saw my mother a few days ago.” His eyes widened and his face turned red. “Katie, why would you do that?” He didn’t sound mad, but he looked it. “I-I had to confront her. I couldn’t go the rest of my life without talking to her.” I spit out, hoping to ease his anger but I realized I had brought up a whole other situation with it. “Confront her about what?” He asked, confusion all over his face. I bit my lip, not knowing how to tell him. “Katie, what is going on? Is this part of why you’ve been acting weird the last few days?” He asked as his hands slid from my face to my neck. 
I slid off the counter and walked away, up to my room and he followed close behind. “Katie.” He asked as he stopped in the doorway. I had the paper in my hands and I stared at it. “When I went to the doctor I discovered a few things about myself. Things my parents never told me. N-no matter how you feel about this I’ll respect it. If you want to break up we can, if you want me to leave I will-” “Darlin’.” He walked over and grabbed my hand, pulling me to sit on the bed next to him. “You need to talk to me, Katie.” I sighed, holding the paper out to him. I buried my face in my hands as he read it. I’m not sure how long we sat in silence for but when I sat up his arms were hanging down between his legs as he stared straight ahead. “Jake?” I asked. “I can’t believe this.” He muttered, looking down at the paper again. “Jake, I’m sorry-” “You’re sorry?!” He jumped up and I got scared, he stood over me and I could swear smoke was coming out of his ears. “How can you be sorry when you have nothing to be sorry for?!” He asked and I was confused. “Your parents, the two people who were supposed to love you and take care of you kept something this big from you? Your entire life?” He asked, staring at the paper again. “Yeah.” I muttered, looking down at my hands, not wanting to meet his gaze but I yelped when I was grabbed and he pulled me into him. He squeezed me and I stood still for a second before hugging him back. 
“Katie, I swear to you, your parents will never be able to hurt you again.” I pulled away, meeting his gaze. “Yo-you don’t think I’m weird or want to break up?” I asked and he set the papers down before pulling me into him again, one arm around my waist, the other cradling my face. “Katie, I fell in love with you. Everything about you. Every little quirk in your personality, all of it. Katie, all of this is what makes you you and I fell in love with every bit of it. Now there’s just a name for all of it.” Tears soaked my cheeks as I bit my lip. “I love you, too.” I said before squeezing him to me. He held me as I cried, rubbing my back. “Is this what you confronted your mom about?” I nodded, wiping my eyes. “I was so angry when I found out I barged my way into her house and yelled at her.” He cracked a small smile. “And I hit her.” I confessed and his face fell. “I’m going to assume she hit you first?” I tilted my head side to side. “She attempted but I stopped her and then hit her.” My face burned with a blush. “Well it was self defense.” I hummed as my eyes locked on the door behind him. “I asked her if it hurt. I hope it did. I want them both to hurt like I have my entire life.” Jake’s face fell and he tilted my chin so I was looking at him. “They’ll get what they deserve Katie, but it’s also not good to wish harm on people.” I knew he was right, it would only tank my mental health. “You’re right.” I muttered and he held the back of my neck, pulling me towards him till his lips pressed against my forehead. “Why don’t you go put some burn cream on your feet, crawl in bed with some socks, and I’ll make your food and bring it to you.” I shook my head. “My feet don’t hurt, and I can make my food. You just got home from work-” He stopped me, shaking his head. “I just got home from work and I want to make you food. You’re exhausted from being sick and constantly thinking about what’s on these papers.” He said as he shook said papers. “I want you to relax and finally get some rest.” I sighed, giving in. “Okay.” I said and he smiled. “And you need to go get in our bed, I haven’t been sleeping right with you in here.” I pursed my lips. “Jake, I’m still sick.” I said and he shrugged. “If I haven’t gotten it yet, I won’t now.” I sighed again and nodded. “Okay. Where’s the burn cream?” I asked and he grinned. “Under the cabinet, in the first aid kit.” I nodded, trudging out. 
I did as he asked and put the cream on my feet and slid some fuzzy socks over them  before crawling in bed. I curled up facing Jake’s side, his smell wafting into my nose and I quickly drifted off. “Darlin’.” I immediately woke up, looking up at him as he held a tray. “Sorry, it was so easy to fall asleep.” I said as I sat up. He set the tray next to me and chuckled. “You’re exhausted. I reheated some of that tomato soup you had in the freezer, and made you a grilled cheese.” He said before kissing my temple. “Mm, thank you.” I muttered. I set the tray in my lap as he stood from kneeling on his side of the bed. “I’ll be back, gonna get you something to drink.” I just hummed as I started eating. It was good and I could already tell I was starting to feel better. After a minute Jake came back in with ginger ale and a second tray. “Here.” He sat the drink on my tray and sat next to me before kicking off his shoes. I watched as he wandered around the room, grabbing a pair of sweatpants and kicking off his jeans and longhorn shirt before slipping the sweatpatns on and crawling in bed with me. “Thank you for this, Jake.” I said as I leaned back against the pillows. “You’re welcome, darlin’.” He grabbed my hand, kissing it gently before letting go and grabbing the remote. “Okay, let’s see what movie we can find.” 
The following week I was much better and went back to school although I was shaking on Tuesday for clinicals. “Hey, glad to see your feeling better.” I was startled by Crystal’s voice as I walked into the break room. “Oh, yeah. The flu really kicked my butt.” I pulled out the breakfast sanwich Jake made for me before he went to work and sat across from her. “Last time I had it I didn’t think I was gonna make it out alive.” She said and chuckled. “Thankfully mine wasn’t that bad.” I told her. “Well let me know when you’re done and we can get started.” I furrowed my brows in confusion. “Get started?” She nodded. “Yeah, you’re with me. I was the only one who didn’t get one of you so you’re with me.” She smiled at me and I felt so relieved. “Oh, thank god. I was scared I was going to be paired up with someone mean.” I laughed. I had heard from Starla that the nurse she was paired up with was awful towards her and she left here crying on the second day of clinicals. Crystal chuckled and shook her head. “No, just me. Meet me out at the nurse’s station once your done.” I nodded and continued eating. Soon others filed in including Annie. “I’m so glad you’re back. Brooke and I are studying at her apartment tonight, we wnated to know if you wanted to join?” I nodded. “Let me see how I feel after today and I’ll let you know before we leave.” She gave me a thumbs up before walking out. 
Once I was done I cleaned up and walked out towards the nurse’s station. Most of the rooms were dark and empty as I walked by and rounded the corner to see Crystal in front of a computer. “Okay, have a seat.” She said as she rolled a chair over. “Kim is going to review all of our patients with us.” I nodded and sat down with my notepad and pen. Once we got everything I blinked rapidly. “You okay?” Kim asked and I nodded. “Yeah, it’s just a lot to take in and I already feel like I’ve missed so much.” Kim and Crystal both nodded. “Well better get used to it sweetheart. It’s all fast paced around here.” I nodded and she smiled before standing. “I’m getting out of here. I have the next three days off and I’m only going to use them to sleep.” Crystal and I both said our goodbye’s before she stood. “So, you wanna go check some vitals with me?” I nodded rapidly, excited to get started.
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archangeldyke-all · 8 months
Could I get a Sevika with a post pregnancy wife reader? Like their baby refuses to latch onto her breast and it causes readers breast to be so sore and swollen and Sevika offers to suck on them for her and it turns into Sevika finger fucking her while sucking her breast milk
hngggg... anon, every once in a while i'll get an ask that actually literally gives me butterflies and this is one of them
men and minors dni
you're tired, and sore, and you miss your wife.
sevika's only been gone for a few hours. it's a sunday, shopping day in your house, and instead of waking you up at eight in the morning like she usually does, sevika cooked you breakfast, changed your baby and fed her again before putting her back down for a morning nap, and left the two of you to sleep. she'll be back soon, her arms swinging with grocery bags, a box of diapers on her hip, and a scowl on her face from having to deal with the weekend shoppers all on her own.
she's a sweetheart. it only makes you miss her more.
your poor little girl's got a stuffed nose-- just a baby cold. but it's been hell for all three of you, because now with her nostrils full of boogies, she can't comfortably breathe while she's breastfeeding.
it's breaking your heart. she cries because she's hungry, and then she cries when you try to feed her. she cries because of her nose, and she cries when you try to clean it out. she's miserable, and you're just happy that whatever bug she's got has been making her tired enough to get some proper sleep. it's the only relief you get between her wails.
as a result, your tits are so swollen with milk that you've been leaking steadily all morning.
you would pump-- but you've already pumped so much that your freezer is full of breastmilk-- probably enough to last a year.
after waking up in a cold bed without sev, you rolled over on your side to peek into your baby's crib. she was still sleeping soundly, so you snuck out of the room to scarf down your breakfast and hop in the shower.
you spent a while massaging your tits in the shower, expressing excess milk down the drain. it makes you sad-- breastmilk is like new-mom liquid-gold-- but, you've got nothing better to do with it.
you checked in on your girl again when you finish drying off.
she was sound asleep, her nose crusted with dried boogies, and she cooed when you pressed the back of your hand against her forehead. she's feelt normal, thank god, and you pressed play on the little white noise machine and refilled her humidifier, before kissing her and heading out to the living room to spread out on the couch and try to relax a bit.
you fell asleep the second your head hit the pillow.
you wake up to the sound of your front door opening. sevika curses in the doorframe as a grocerybag gets caught on the handle, and you smile as you rise to help her.
she sees you, and her face melts.
"hi baby." you say, lifting some of the grocery bags off her arm and swooping in to give her a quick kiss. she sighs against your lips.
"hi, love." she mumbles.
you walk her to the kitchen, where you help her start unpacking the bags.
"how was the store?" you ask. she groans.
"horrible as always. how's the little shit?" she asks. you scoff and elbow your wife at the horrible nickname for your girl.
"she's still sleeping, poor thing."
sevika pouts. "i wish i could make her feel better." she says. you kiss her cheek.
"i think the vapor rub you put on her chest really helped last night." you say. sevika sighs.
"how're you feeling, mama?" she asks you, wrapping her arms around your waist. there's still groceries on the counter-- but all the frozen and refrigerated stuff's been put away, so you pull her closer to you to lay on her chest. she kisses your scalp.
"tired. glad you're home. my tits are killing me." you say. sevika pouts.
"what's wrong, 'd she bite your nipples again?" she asks. you chuckle.
"she hasn't been eating-- i'm all swollen with milk."
sevika shudders in your arms, and you pull away to look at her. she gulps.
"i could... i could help you with that." she says, her cheeks getting dark, her pupils getting wide. you blink up at her, a smirk creeping up your lips and raising your eyebrow.
"and how do you suggest you help me, sevika?" you ask, slowly trailing your hands up from her shoulders to tangle your fingers in her hair. her eyes dart down to stare at your tits, your nipples hard and sticking out of your thin t-shirt, a little damp spot over each from where it's been steadily soaking up the constant leak of your tits. sevika gulps again, her hands slowly slipping up under your shirt, trailing up your waist, until they land on your tits.
you both sigh, and sevika slowly, slowly squeezes her hands. you whimper, and sevika gasps as twin spurts of milk coat her palms.
"lemme put my mouth on you, baby." she whispers, her voice husky and low. you shiver in her hands and grins at you as she slowly walks the two of you backwards until your back hits the counter. you sigh as sevika ducks down to start pressing kisses into your jaw and neck, shoving one of her thighs between both of yours. "whaddya say, mama?" she asks. "hmm? lemme take care of you? make you feel all better?" she teases. you gulp, your cunt pulsing around nothing, before nodding against sevika.
"y-yes." you whimper. sevika grins against your neck, before pulling up to press her lips to yours as her hands fall to grab your ass and sit you on the counter.
"fuck babe." she mumbles against you, nipping your lip. you whine. "nobody told me havin' a kid would mean havin' a live-in cockblock. i've fuckin' missed you."
you laugh for several reasons. for one thing, you told sevika about a million times how different your sex lives would be once your daughter came into the world. for another-- you and sevika fucked last night in the shower.
sevika smiles at the sound of your laughs, pulling away to admire you for a moment before pressing a kiss to your nose.
"you're ridiculous." you say. sevika shrugs.
"you're gorgeous." she whispers. you grin, reaching down to pull the hem of your shirt over your head. sevika gasps as your tits are revealed to her, her eyes going wide, and her tongue darting out to lick her lips. "fuck." she grunts. you giggle again, and sevika's eyes go a little softer as they dart down to watch your stretch mark riddled belly jiggle with your laughs. one of her hands reaches down to gently grope it, the other coming up to cup your jaw.
"sevika." you say, right before she kisses you. she blinks at you, waiting for you to speak. "i love you so much."
she smiles, pressing a quick kiss to your lips. "i love you more." she says. you chuckle, and she grins, and then, she ducks down to begin pressing kisses over your breasts.
you're really sensitive, tender to the touch, and sevika moans against you when she realizes just how sensitive you are. a few drops of milk escape your nipples as she pushes her face against your breast, before slowly sliding down your tit and onto your ribs. sevika whimpers, nipping your tit, before ducking down to lick the small trail of milk all the way up until her tongue is against your nipple.
you gasp, arching your back to press your tit more firmly against her mouth. she chuckles, before wrapping her lips around your nipple and sucking.
you moan, your hands flying up to claw at her hair, and sevika groans.
"you're so fuckin' sweet." she mumbles, before returning to sucking your tits. "mmm fuck."
"sev!" you moan. she hums against you.
"mmhmm?" she asks. you whimper.
"mhm." she agrees. you laugh, and sevika's hand on your stomach trails lower, fiddling with the waistband of your underwear.
"please." you whine. sevika groans, pulling away from your tit with a pop. there's milk running down her chin and throat, and she looks fucking drunk.
"you want my fingers, baby?" she asks. "i'd give you my mouth, but i'm pretty occupied." she mumbles, pressing kisses against your tits. you gulp.
"please, sev, please. need you." you whine. she growls.
"fuck, i'll give you anything, baby." she says. "anything you want." she promises as she ducks her hand beneath your waistband, her hand cupping your cunt. your thighs twitch around her, and her mouth latches around your other tit, pressing kisses around your nipple before sucking it into her mouth.
on your cunt, she starts drawing circles against your clit. you whine, and she growls, her teeth gently teasing your nipple, making you squeal.
"watch it!" you cry. she chuckles around you, slurping against your tit.
"'m sorry." she mumbles. you look down at her where she's sucking against your chest, her cheeks hollow, her lips covered in your milk. you groan.
"you're so fuckin' hot." you whine. she chuckles.
"says you." she mumbles. a bit of milk escapes her lip, falling onto your torso. in your underwear, she dips a finger down to your hole, and you gasp.
she nods against you, blinking up at you with big eyes as she easily slides to fingers inside you, all the way up to the hilt. you both moan, the gentle vibrations of sevika's mouth against your nipple making you dizzy.
"oh shit." you whine. she nods against you again. "fuck me!"
sevika starts fucking you hard, her fingers slamming in and out of your cunt, her palm making sticky smacking sounds against your cunt, as she continues to drink you up.
"f-fuck." she says, pulling away to gasp. she's a mess, milk coating her face and throat, and you're sure your tits and abdomen is no better. "fuck, you're so fuckin' hot babe, you taste so good, and you're so fucking wet." she growls. between the two of you, your cunt begins to squelch. she flashes you a wolfish grin.
"fuck!" you whine as she crooks her fingers up to begin hammering against your g spot. "fuck, sev, right there!"
"keep it down, baby, our girl's sleepin." she teases you. you whimper.
"fuck off."
"fuckin' leakin' for me all over, aren't you?" she continues. "cunt and tits. you're even droolin' a bit." she says, laughing.
you growl, reaching up to grab her hair and forcing her face back against your tits. she goes without a fight, grinning up at you as she licks your nipple back into her mouth.
"fuckin' needy." she mumbles against you before she begins to slurp against your tits again.
you're close, and sevika can tell with the way you're clenching and pulsing around her fingers. she reaches up with her free hand to fondle your free tit, groaning when a steady stream begins to trickle out as she squeezes it.
you blink down at your wife, gasping at the sight of her, her eyes rolled back in her head, her eyelashes fluttering, her lips puckered as she continues to gulp you down. she looks like she's in paradise.
when she blinks her eyes open to meet yours, a small smirk pulling up at her lips, a dribble of milk escaping her mouth and trailing down her chin, you cum.
you cum so hard you get lightheaded, and you and sevika both gasp when you start to squirt around her fingers.
"oh fuck baby!" she growls, before sinking her teeth against your tit. you gasp and scream, and sevika chuckles against you as she continues to work you through your orgasm.
eventually you catch your breath.
you blink your eyes open, and sevika's grinning at you. in the background, you can hear little fucker's cries from the bedroom. you huff.
"you made me wake the baby up!" you pout. she grins.
"that's not all i made you do." she says, slowly pulling her fingers out of your cunt and smiling down at the puddle of cum on the tiled kitchen floor as she pops her fingers in her mouth. "fuckin' delicious." she grumbles.
you giggle, and sevika smiles up at you.
"i love you." she says. you smile and lean forward to kiss her, your milk and cum sweet on her lips.
"i love you too."
"you wanna clean up this mess or go get the kid?" she asks. you laugh.
"you should get her. i don't think my legs will work for a few more minutes." you admit. sevika grins.
"damn right they won't." she says, cockily. you laugh, pressing another kiss to her lips. she hums against you. "how're your tits?" she asks. you laugh.
"much better. feeling very loved." you say. she grins.
"thank you for takin' care of me." you say, slinging your arms around her shoulders. sevika grins.
"always." she says. you smile.
in the bedroom, your little girl's cries turn into wails. sevika sighs and rolls her eyes, pressing another kiss to your lips before turning around.
"i'm comin' baby!" she calls to your daughter. you grin, leaning forward to smack her retreating ass. she shrieks and jumps, turning around to glare at you. you laugh.
"this isn't over. you're gettin' payback tonight." you say. sevika grins.
"oh am i?" she asks over her shoulder as she walks into your bedroom. you laugh.
"you've got no idea." you call back.
@fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @ellabslut @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @love-sugarr @chuucanchuucan @222danielaa @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther @gr0ssz0mbi3 @ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @leomatsuzaki
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nina, pt. 3
Nina woke up in the middle of the night feeling woozy and sick. She committed mentally to staying in her bed and fighting the feeling. She was confident that if she didn't move, she wouldn't throw up. Nearby, she heard giggling. Cassie, and, she was pretty sure, Paul. She wasn't sure what time it was, but it felt late. Or early, I guess. Moving very slowly, to keep herself from getting sick, she moved her head over to face Paul's bed. Oh, she thought.
Paul was sort of straddling Cassie on his bed. Cassie had his cock in her hands, and she was stroking it half playfully and half passionately. "You're so hard," she whispered enthusiastically. "I'm gonna fucking cum," he said.
"Shhhhh," she said. Nina instinctively closed her eyes for 30 seconds. She heard Cassie stroking and Paul grunting. "Fuuuuuck," he said.
Nina squinted. She could see ropes of Pauls' cum shooting out and landing on Cassie's exposed breasts.
"So good," he said. She kept stroking for a while, and when she released it his cock flopped down, deflated.
"Your turn," he said, sliding down Cassie's body. Nina watched as he parted Cassie's legs and put his face between them.
Nina closed her eyes. She pretended to be asleep, but closely followed the slow arc of Cassie's breathy orgasm.
"We should really stop doing this," Paul said. "Why?" Cassie said, "It's so fun."
Paul laughed. He got up then, and went over to his bed and flopped onto it.
Slowly, Nina fell asleep.
She woke up in the morning, rolled out of bed and stood up to stretch before she was concious of the fact that she'd slept naked, and in fact, still had dried cum on her chest. She decided not to cover herself even as she clocked Paul's eyes on her. "You slipped away from the party last night with those two--- what were their names? The twin?"
"Now you and I have slept with sisters," Nina said teasingly. "You slept with them? With her?" Paul asked. "Wow, that's cool." "Well, kind of," Nina said. "She ate me out." "Hot," Paul said, grinning.
Nina wanted to ask him if he really thought it was hot. But she didn't push it. Instead she went over to the free bed and grabbed a banana and ate it casually, standing there in front of him, trying to make no big deal out of the fact that she was completely naked. They talked about who was handling what job that day. At a certain point, Paul got up and stood in the bathroom pissing with a semi-erect cock that he made no effort to hide from Nina as he walked back over to his bed. Nina decided she kind of liked this, this intimacy. It reminded her of seeing her mom and Evan the other day when Evan had pulled his cock out right in front of her mom, not knowing Nina was there.
She asked her mom about it later that day. They were having lunch alone at her mom's site. "Do you and Evan see each other naked a lot here?" she asked her. Her mom laughed. "What a question." "I just… you know, living with Paul and Cassie, I'm just trying to calibrate what is normal." "Well, we always joke that we're in nature." "So, you're saying…" "I'm saying if I was at your uncle's house, I would probably not change my clothes right in front of him. But here at the camp… yeah, I kind of always have." Nina could tell her mom was thinking about it more. "Yeah honestly he sees me naked every day," she laughed. "And I see his fucking dick constantly." "How does he compare to dad?" Nina asked wryly. Her mom snorted. She could tell she liked Nina talking to her this way, as near-equals. She'd been right about that feeling, of reaching the apex of trust and freedom. Her mom lit a cigarette. "Your father has the biggest cock I've ever had," she said. "I mean, he's basically a porn star." "Oh, jeez," Nina said. "Well, you asked," her mom said. "He's got both length and girth. And a lot of stamina. Sometimes, I've already cum three times and I'm just, good lord, just fucking finish!" Nina laughed. "I mean, Evan is fine. He has what seems like a totally servicable, functioning cock." "How do you know it functions?" Nina grinned. "Because he wakes up rock hard all the time," her mom laughed. Then she looked at Nina a little conspiratorially. "Plus," she said, then giggled. "I can't tell you that." "What?" Nina said. "One weekend, your father was up here, and he invited a friend of his from work. This woman who'd recently been divorced. And we all got drunk, and a little stoned and…" "And?" Nina said. Her mom turned red. "Well, we kind of all ended up in the same bed." "Doing what?" Nina asked, openly scandalized. "Well, your father and I had sex and this woman and Evan had sex." "In the same bed?" "For me, the hottest part was seeing your father's co-worker -- a woman he's talked about in little work stories for years -- seeing her get a load of your father's cock. I mean her eyes practically bugged out of her head. I wonder what the drive home was like for them." "Did he look at her?" "Oh sure, there was a lot of looking. She was a pretty girl. Younger than us. Nice and clean." "Clean?" "I mean, she had really nice skin. I remember admiring her back and her ass." "I'm glad you and dad do stuff like that," Nina said. In her head, she found herself thinking that her father deserved it: the attention and adoration of women other than her mom. In the same part of her head that fantasized about him asking for more than her skirt, she imagined his nameless coworker reaching for him on the drive home. Stroking his cock while he drove. Nina had seen this kind of thing in porn online and it was a top ten fantasy for her. "It's important, honestly," her mom said. "You should make sure you marry someone you like to fuck more than almost anything else." "Is that your favorite thing to do with Dad? Fuck him?" Nina asked. Her mom bit her lip. "When I touch myself I think of him." "Do you get a chance to do that much here, with Evan around?" "I do it when he's sleeping," she said. "I don't care. He jerks off in our bathroom. I always find his cum in the sink." Nina laughed. She knew she should find it gross, but she didn't.
When Nina's dad came up to visit again that weekend, Nina felt a little hot in her cheeks when she hugged him, in her bikini, and he said she was looking very tan. After a family lunch, when she and Paul broke off for chores, she found herself quietly circling back to her mom's cabin and once again drifting around the window by the corner of the building. This time, she couldn't see anything -- a curtain was in the way. But she could hear. Thrusting, grunting, moaning. "I'm so fucking wet," she heard her mother say. "My little whore," he said. "Did you trim your bush for me, or are you skinny dipping?" "All for you babe," she said. "It's your pussy, it's all for you, it's your pussy." "Too bad," he said. "More people should get to see this pretty pussy." "Mmmmm you think my pussy is pretty, daddy?" "I'm gonna fucking cum." "Cum inside me, please, cum inside me babe." "Okay," "I need your fucking cum in me. Fill my fucking pussy." "Good girl." "Are you going to cum? Are you gonna cum for me?" "Oh god!" "Yes daddy, yes." Nina slipped back into the woods, and cut back to her cabin. She laid on her bed and touched herself, cumming in seconds.
It was a slow evening at the camp. There were no teens or college kids around to interact with, just older people, and Paul went to bed early. Cassie, Nina, and Uncle Evan hung out down by the river that night, by the fire. It was pretty cold, and Nina and Cassie both wore sweatshirts over their bikinis. They chatted and joked and Nina teased Evan about sleeping in the cabin with her parents. "Do they go into the bathroom to fuck?" He laughed. "No actually. They just try to be quiet." Cassie giggled. "Really? While you're in there?" He nodded. "Constantly. Those two are insatiable." "Aunt Maria is pretty hot, I totally get it," Cassie said. Her dad smiled. Cassie looked at Nina. "I mean, she looks just like you." "She has a bigger ass," Nina said. "Nothing wrong with that," Evan observed. "I know, I'm jealous." "You kind of have bigger tits," Cassie said. "Like just slightly over her." "Thank you," Nina said. She playfully lifted her sweatshirt, which caused her bikini top to pop right off. "Fuck," she said. Cassie laughed. "It's fine. Nice rack." She looked at her dad. "I mean, I see her boobs all the time at the cabin." "Makes sense," he said. "Does Maria walk around naked in there?" Cassie asked. Evan coughed. "Yeah," he said. "Ooooh," Cassie said. "This is so intrusive I know, but, does she shave her pussy?" Her dad laughed. "That is intrusive. And no, she doesn't." "That's surprising," Cassie said. "Why?" "Because Nina is so perfectly shaved," Cassie pointed out. Nina blushed. "Where'd she learn how to do that?" "I just have skills," Nina said. "Why don't you shave anymore?" Cassie smiled at her dad. "Because my mom didn't." "Oh," Nina said. "This winter I had like a total 70s bush," she said. "It was awesome. But I trimmed it up for bathing suit season." Nina giggled. "What?" Cassie asked. "I just can't imagine talking about this in front of my dad," Nina said. "It makes my face feel hot, just you doing it." "We're pretty open," Cassie said, putting a playful arm around her father. "I've seen his big dick." Evan laughed and playfully pushed her. "Can't believe Uncle Jimmy hasn't seen that nice smooth pussy of yours," Cassie said. "Honestly dad, it's immaculate." "Shut up," Nina said. "I feel like you're teasing me." "I'm not! Show him." Evan laughed. "Nina, you don't have to show me your pussy." "Yeah, if you're a pussy," Cassie teased. Nina, practically vibrating with chills, pulled down the very top of her bikini bottom. Not enough to show anything more than pale skin. "You're good with a razor," Evan said. "You could teach your mom a thing or two. She just kinda, cuts it down to stubble with scissors." Cassie grinned. "I think it's cool how close you and your sister are," she said. "I'm jealous." Nina was still taken aback at how Cassie talked to her father. It was flirty, there was no way around it.
Evan eventually went back to his cabin, and Nina and Cassie got high on the beach. "Have you really seen it?" Nina asked her. "His dick?" "I've seen him rock hard," she said. "He was jerking off." "Oh god. Did he see you see him?" "Yeah," she said. "But he was pretty relaxed about it. He was like, oh, hi. And I was like fuck, I'm sorry! and he was like, it's not a big deal, everybody does it. And I was like, at least you have a big one, and he laughed. And then every since then he's been pretty chill about being naked around him. Like, I see his dick most days. But he's not usually hard." "Wow," Nina said. "So why did you say you were jealous of him and my mom's intimacy?" Cassie grinned. "Because I think your mom sucks him off." "Really?" Nina was scandalized. "How do you know?" "I think I almost caught them once. I came by the campsite at night and I swear your mom was on her knees in front of him by the fire. But they heard me coming and she moved to a chair. But I'm like 80% sure she was fully bottomless. She had a big sweatshirt on but there were shorts and panties on the ground." "How do you like… feel about that?" Nina asked Cassie. "I… think it's kind of hot and kinky?" Cassie confessed. "Really?" "You know, my mom was pretty fucked up in the head," Cassie said. "Right," Nina said, and then felt bad for saying that. "Well, she told me once that when her parents got divorced, she 'took over' for her mom." "Meaning?" "Well, that's what I said. And she said she cooked, she cleaned, she did the household budget, and she slept in a bed with her dad." "Like, slept in a bed or…" "I didn't really ask, but she said she felt like it was her duty to be like a wife to him." Nina was soaked and short of breath. "Oh. Wow." "Yeah so, you know, when she died, I kind of felt like… maybe I needed to do that too?" Nina just waited for more, didn't react, couldn't even really swallow. "But I think your mom kind of beat me to it." Nina remembered when her aunt died. They went there a lot. Sometimes Paul and Nina slept over, but sometimes just her mother did. Nina realized she wasn't aware where her mother had been sleeping. Their dad always stayed home with the dog. "Did she sleep in his bed?" "Yeah," Cassie said. "And she wore my mom's clothes. Including underwear." "Interesting," Nina said, which was an odd thing to say, but Cassie didn't seem to clock it. "It's not a bad move," Cassie said. "I started wearing my mom's panties around the house after that. My dad definitely noticed, and definitely liked it. Started grabbing my butt." "Oh!" Nina said. The idea of her father grabbing her ass made her desperate to touch herself. She looked at Cassie, whose eyes were shiny and dark in the moonlight. "Want to masturbate?" "Absolutely," Nina said. Sitting on their towels, they took off their bikini bottoms and, giggling a little, went to work. "I'm not gonna rush it like in the cabin," Nina said. "Right," Cassie said. "This isn't a race." It was so quiet was they touched themselves that Nina could hear how wet Cassie was. "Is my brother good at eating pussy?" Nina asked. Cassie giggled. "Yeah," she said. "He is."
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trinity0finite · 10 months
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Right Now - Yu Jimin
Nonidol!Jimin x Biker!Reader
Desc- you hated party and admitting you're in the wrong, going to a party to save and apologise to your potential future wife? pfft..
tags: redflag simp reader bc thats the only thing i can seem to write 🥰, Jimin keeps you in check, super fine karina, my woman jimin, non!idol!au, i love bikes, i need my own fr, kinda petty and dumb reader ig, reader simps for karina and we get that, mommy rina haha..
note/ sorry if this sucks, my bipolar ass keep changing the plot
pushing past these sweaty, futureless people was one of the least thing you wanna do. but to save your potential future wife? you'd do just about anything.
but just because you two got into an argument doesn't mean she can just show up to your friend's party with another dude and not tells you about it.
you knew it was your fault, you broke a promise but for her to show up with the one guy you asked her to stay away from was too far.
now, you had a mission apologise, kiss her, make up,then kiss her again, and then make out or do something more.
suddenly a body bumped into yours, liquid spilled all over you which heightened your rage even more. and it turns out to be Choi Yeonjun.
The male turned around to face you, his eyes widened to see your glare, and hardened jaw. he rushes to use his hand to wipe the wet fabric of your leather jacket which makes you livid.
"sorry! sorry!" he continuously cries out.
Jay who was behind you could only suck in a breath and prepare for what's about to happen.
and the only thought on your mind was,
why was he using his dirty hand to touch you?
you grimaced before pushing the boy off of you with crazed amount of force, he bumped into another and they both fell to the ground, catching the other people's attention at the party and paused their dancing to check out the commotion.
"Ah you fucking-!" you gritted through your teeth and glare at the green hair boy who was shock.
as you were about to merge towards the boy, a hand on your chest stopped you. you paused, looking at the owner of the hand to see it was non other then the Yu Jimin.
"Jimin-ah.." you muttered out hopelessly, as your eyes landed on her. breath caught in your throat, even with an angry frown on her face she manages to still be the most beautiful woman you had ever laid your eyes on.
she was mad at you but she was still wearing the same matching black leather jacket you both got, you fell for her even more.
without even replying, she pulls you by your leather jacket and fast walking away from the crowd.
it was quiet, too quiet for your liking as karina stared at you with the most disappointing stare that almost made you whimper.
you were stronger and certainly not smaller than her, but something about her make you weak in the knees. maybe its the way she looks, the way she smiles, the way her eyes sparkle, the way her lips looks, the way she handles you emotionally, the way she wears your clothes — lets go back to what's happening.
"were you going to fight again?" you winced at her strong tone and look down at your feet.
"he-he spilled his drink all over me.." you muttered out trying to get out of another situation of Jimin scolding you. you came here to apologise after all.
"it a party, they're drunk, it was an accident." the fact that she wasn't shouting at you scared you even more. you shivered at the deja vu with your mom.
it was even scarier because your mom actually likes Jimin for you.
"im sorry.." you whispered quietly, still not meeting her eyes making her sigh.
"look at me." she demanded, her hands on her hips.
instead, you didn't do as she says and got on your knees, in front of her, your head tilted up. her eyes widened to say she was shock was an understatement. because, you are the biggest, pettiest spoiled brat that she had ever seen. yet here you were, on your knees infront of her.
"please forgive me." you begged your voice breaks as you held onto her hand. "please baby come back to me, 'm sorry"
"i fucked up, i'll change." you admits it, you fucked up because you promised her to not get in any other fight, and you still did anyway. "i'll change for you, i'll change for us."
somehow, Jimin's heart swell in adoration, she wasn't supposed to feel like this, but she couldn't help it. you looked like a sad, kicked puppy, begging her to come back to you.
and now she confirmed it, underneath all of that tough interior, you were just a puppy. (not pet play)
she knelt down infront of you, hands cupping your cheeks to make you meets her eyes. the way you melt into her hand make it harder for her to control herself.
"i forgive you," she whispered, and you feels like thousand of weight had been lifted off of you. "but you need to keep your promise to me, you won't ever get into any other fights ever again."
with the way you quickly nodded your head, with your eyes wide almost made Jimin cooed.
Jimin slowly bring your face closer to hers, and the way you sigh in relief when your lips meet hers, it had felt like years of not feeling her lips on yours.
"my mom was going to kill me when she heard from jay that we got into an argument.." you muttered out of nowhere, against her lips.
"you deserved it." and her mumbled against yours, hand sneaking up to your fluffy hair and tugged it back, whimpers.
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billluver0124 · 22 days
"once more to see you.."
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Narrators POV:
Imagine being who you are and being open about it. Having pride in who you've become when you entered this world and not living in fear. Sounds great right? I wonder what it's like too.
I hope you are brave enough to be who you are and love whoever the hell you want. Since I couldn't, being afraid made me lose the only person that could fill the empty void I had for so long. That void becomes bigger and bigger everyday. I'm losing hope for love.
It all started back in 2007...
"fuck.." he moaned out, the feeling of y/n grinding his neediness on Bill's lap was driving him nuts. He pulls y/n in, entrapping them in a wet passionate kiss. But this little make out was cut short with the sound of Bill's mother coming home.
"s-shit!" he muttered, pushing y/n to leave Bill's room through the windows, So his mom wouldn't see y/n. So no one would see him. So no one would see two boys making out; two boys in love.
This whole thing had been happening for months now, y/n and bill would meet up somewhere private and be themselves with each other, hold each other, kiss each other. But it all had to stay private because the world can't handle something like that. Two people of the same gender, being in love.
Especially not for Bill, he had a reputation to uphold. Being a musician has its pros, but with every pro comes double the cons. One wrong move and his entire career is over, it's like one long excruciating game of poker. But instead of gambling money, you're gambling your entire life. He's gotta play the cards right to stay in the game, if not, he could lose everything. But he's not gay...y/n and him are just friends...right?
The next day they met up again,what's so special about that? they do it every day, kiss, hug, make out? but this time was different, y/n just had to say what was on his mind today...the last time Bill would ever speak to y/n ever again.
"what is this?" he blurted out, holding it in was eating him alive. "what're you talking about?" asked Bill, his confused eyebrow making an appearance. "this..us..why are we still hiding?" y/n spoke, his eyes pleading for Bill to answer. "we're not hiding from anything..we're friends, just hanging out y'know?" y/n's stomach dropped to his ass. Just friends..? "friends don't do the things we do Bill.." "well we aren't together..I'm not gay y/n you know that." Hearing Bill say those words triggered tears in y/n's eyes. "so I don't mean anything to you..? at all?" Bill started to get annoyed now "what the hell are you even talking about?" "Bill, you told me you loved me..we've kissed, made out, we've cuddled..I even trusted you so much I let you touch my body bare..naked. That means nothing to you?"
"It's just something me and you do..it's a casual thing we do." Broken glass, the sound similar to y/n's own heart breaking by Bill's words. the sound of broken glass.
"why are you so afraid?" "what?" Bill was caught off guard by y/n's question. "why are you so afraid of this..of us?" he asked, "we could run away to a place where we don't have to hide anymore Bill..go on walks in the cities together..not having to hide anymore. I'm tired of hiding Bill." Bill started to become really annoyed, "dude I don't know how many times I have to tell you this, but I'm not gay, we aren't together and the things we do are just casual things..we aren't in love y/n." he said those words so carelessly, like it doesn't have an impact on y/n's feelings. y/n stood there trying so hard to keep the tears back. "my career and reputation is more important than this..than you."
then he just couldn't hold it back anymore. the tears just started falling. "if that hurts your feelings, then go." y/n didn't say anything back, he just turned around and went back home.
Bill didn't mean anything he said, but he just can't admit who he really is. He's afraid..
It had now been one week since the fight. Y/n hadn't showed up to school..matter of fact he hasn't shown up anywhere. Bill was becoming worried. After all, he still cared about y/n. After school, Bill walked to y/n's house. Hoping to see him again and fix everything, resolve everything. But that hope was cut short almost immediately. "y/n passed away a few nights ago.." Y/n's mother said. "w-what..?" Bill felt his whole world collapse, this cant be true. "yeah, he committed suicide..I'm sorry." "n-no its okay! I'm so sorry you lost your son. I wish you well" That was the last thing Bill said to y/n's mother. He ended up not sleeping that night. He now has to live his life without y/n, without the love of his life; the person he was so afraid of loving.
It has now been seventeen years since y/n passed, everyone has moved on. maybe even forgot about him, but not Bill. He gives with a sense of pure guilt for the rest of his life. "hey y/n, it's me Bill!..the band has been super successful and we've gone on so many tours sometimes I wish I had a break..y'know, a break with you." Bill laid a bouquet of flowers on the grave, hoping y/n would accept the flowers in the afterlife.
Bills POV:
"I'm so sorry..." I sobbed as the tears flew from my eyes, If only I wasn't such a fucking coward. he would still be here, we could've had a life together; a really good life together, but I didn't want it. Because I was afraid of what everyone else would think of me. If only I was proud of who I was, just like y/n was. If only I told him my true feelings that night and not what I needed to tell myself in order to feel "normal". Then he would still be here..
I would see him one more time.
AUTHORS NOTE: hey guys! I've been on a break but I've decided to come back! I might not post as often as I used to because I've been working on small little film projects here and there, but I will be posting again! I know this one is not good Im a little rusty. But I hope y'all enjoy!
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haesunflower · 1 year
if you're still taking requests, could you do a zb1 reaction to the members accidentally breaking something really special you gave them (such as like a first date gift, or smth that you saved up to buy for them)? thank u sm!!
how i imagine they would all interact lol
₊˚⊹♡.....zb1's reaction to their members accidentally breaking something you gave them .....₊˚⊹♡
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pissed (externally) : ricky
rightfully so, ricky is so pissed when he finds out a member not only has borrowed something without permission but has also broken it. usually he has no problems with members using his things, but he doesn't lend the stuff that you specifically gift him, like the expensive watch you gave him for his birthday
so when he finds the broken watch, he takes a picture of it and sends it to the groupchat asking "who the fuck did this". when he finds out it's gyuvin he has to be physically restrained by gunwook, because he has half the mind to tackle him. yeah....they'll be ignoring each other for a while after that.
but gyuvin apologizes everyday and eventually ricky got sick of hearing it. he even contributes a little to the repair fee but only ricky can truly afford to repair it lol.
pissed (internally): hanbin
he wants to get mad but hanbin can't because he's the leader. he already warned the kids not to play soccer in the room because they might break something...and true enough, not even 30 seconds later, they accidentally knock over the vase you got him
they send over yujin to apologize on behalf of the team (because they think sending the youngest would soften the blow) but hanbin doesnt say anything, instead, he just sighs and excuses himself to go on a walk.
hao gets mad at gunwook, gyuvin, and yujin on hanbin's behalf. literally nagging like a mom when he says "see what happens when you don't listen!!"
cries: taerae & gyuvin
taerae is actually so devastated when he learns that the guitar that the members borrowed during their reality show broke, the strings came off and it can't be repaired. he calls you, tears in his eyes, about how the members didn't take care of the guitar you gifted him like he thought they would.
he would only speak to the members when spoken to, and when the cameras are on. otherwise, it's the cold shoulder....scary...
later on, he finds out that it wasn't handled properly by the staff and he got an apology from the manager. after that, he went back to normal with the members, even saying "sorry guys i thought it was your fault ehe" and gyuvin screams "i told you it wasn't us hyung!!"
as for gyuvin, he's doing the dishes with yujin when the younger member accidentally drops the mug you both made during your first pottery class together.
his face is frozen like 😀as yujin says "sorry hyung, it slipped from my hands" and for the record, he DOES feel bad about it okay
especially when gyuvin is crying to gunwook, who is patting him on the back when gyuvin dramatically says "how am i gonna tell y/n it's broken, she loves that thing". ricky is trying so hard not to laugh at gyuvin's crying face, so gunwook pushes him away telling him to go elsewhere
silent treatment: hao
hao doesn't even speak to any of the members once hanbin delivers the news that some of their pets have used the plushy you gave him as a chew toy. he likes to keep the mangled plushy on his bedside table as a reminder of his anger.
he's petty and only speaks to the members without pets. it takes a while for the other members to figure out that he's been mad and giving them the silent treatment.
in an attempt to be peacemaker, hanbin suggests for the members involved to find an exact replica as a replacement. lol goodluck because you bought that in another country.
makes his members fix it: gunwook & yujin
it's hanbin that softly delivers the news to gunwook that the sweater you made him has shrunk in the dryer and he's like "excuse me what did you say hyung" 😶
hanbin gets ahead of him and explains to him all the theories he has in order to reverse it. but gunwook is good at science and helps them figure it out anyways, he gets peace of mind that way
as for yujin (not romantic okay), your joint art project was sitting peacefully in his bedroom when jiwoong accidentally knocks a can of paint on it. yujin is scarily quiet when he says "you're going. to fix that. right hyung?" and jiwoong cooly responds with "yeah yeah i will don't worry kid"
but for once, he isn't confident over something and has to wake ricky up in the middle of the night and bribe him to help fix the art project. ricky sighs but gets his painting materials anyways.
doesn't make a big deal out of it: matthew & jiwoong
he knows it's an accident, so matthew is so chill about it. i mean he's a little sad that the picture frames you gave him got knocked over, but so did the rest of the pictures on display – after they decided to set up the PS5 in the living room. though, he does ask hanbin if he could tell ricky off or something, since it was his idea to set it up on the mantle.
the tasks spills over to hao (who can't do it), so it spills over to jiwoong (who also can't do it, since ricky helped him fix his mistake)
to put it simply, jiwoong is unbothered because you are unbothered. if you were mad about it, he would be mad too. but you were there when it happened, and you watched taerae and matthew bicker over the lyrics displayed on the ipad you gifted jiwoong
in the midst of their argument, the ipad drops on the floor, screen shattering. all jiwoong could do is look at you, carefully awaiting your reaction. your face is like 😦 then 🤭 before you say "damn guys that was expensive"
matthew and taerae are spilling apologies as they hand the broken ipad to jiwoong for him to examine, only for him to look them straight in the eye as he removes the broken tempered glass – returning the ipad to them, as good as new "be careful next time, will ya"
tagging: @dwcljh @aleiamk @snowflakemoon3 @kpoprhia @en-ct @weeiyin @aleinasstuff @jiaant11 @caocoamamam @mashihope @wonluvrbot @littlegirltacos @ihrtgw @seok02 @ollieluvrs @thejadeazalea
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scekrex · 7 months
Yk like, reader complaining his issues with them (like fuck bro, he DID NOT get a break from them, even when he got to heaven) to the point where he’s all depressed all over again just like when he was alive, and Adam’s like “Bitch, nuh uh. You ain’t getting depressed from those mfs again 😒” and tries all his best to avoid reader’s parents when they’re walking/flying around heaven together, until they finally catch up and confront reader (in the worst time possible—Adam isn’t there for a few mins) about his mistakes and everything, until our bbg comes to save us and explodes at reader’s parents and hypothetically gives them an award for the worst parents possible to ever get in heaven
have a good day/night 🐴
The Plan (Fuck Parents)
pairing: Adam x male!reader
warnings: language, shitty parents
note: not beta read bc fuck you I don't have beta readers
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How your parents had managed to cross the pearly gates had always been a question no one had been able to answer. They had been awful when you had been alive and death hadn't changed a thing about that, so why in God's holy name they were up in heaven with you, you'd probably never figure out. But that was fine - well not fine but you were handling it. And by that you meant Adam was handling it.
“Fuck you,” you yelled at your mother, flipping her off as you were to turn around to leave. Not with her though, she firmly grabbed you by your shoulder, forcing you to look at her yet again. “You don't get to talk to me that way, that Adam guy is no good for you, you even talk like those sinners already,” she tried to sound concerned, she really did, but after spending so much time with her, she was an open book for you to read. So really there was no concern about you, only hatred towards you and your boyfriend. “Don’t you fucking dare to bring Adam into this conversation, you don't fucking like him, fine, but that doesn't mean I have to hate his guts too,” you replied furiously, slapping her hand away and taking a step back, away from her and towards the door. “We can fucking talk when you decide to behave like a motherfucking grown up instead of a five year old,” and with that you finally turned away and stormed out of the apartment, the door slammed shut behind you.
You rushed down the stairs of the building until you reached the exit, there was Adam, already waiting for you. A playful grin was on his lips as his arm wrapped around you and he greeted you with a quick kiss, “You doing good babes?” Fuck no you weren't, you were pretty sure Adam knew that as well as you did, but the brunette always tried his best to keep your mood as bright as possible. “Mom’s acting like a fucking cunt again,” you answered his question honestly. There was no point in lying, you didn't have the energy for that anyways. You were fed up with your parents, and had been ever since they had died. But now you were in heaven too and things got fucking complicated again. First they had complained about your attitude, then they didn't like that you and Adam were dating. They constantly found things to bitch about and it really fucked with your head.
Adam pulled you flush against his side as he guided you down the street, away from your parents’ apartment. “How about I get us both milkshakes and we'll just enjoy the fucking day without her then?” Adam offered and that made you beam at your boyfriend in excitement. He always knew how to cheer you up.
As you stopped in front of the small ice cream parlor you both enjoyed so much, he asked you to wait outside so he could pick up your drinks, you agreed happily.
Big mistake.
Once Adam had entered the building, your father approached you, where he was coming from. You didn't know and you didn't care either, you weren't up for a chat with him and your body language made that crystal clear. Your father, however, ignored that perfectly fine. “You can't walk around with him in this area,” was the first thing the man said to you in a tone that made it clear he was ready for another discussion. “It’s fucking heaven, I can hang out with Adam wherever the fuck I want,” was your reply as you turned away from the man that had raised you with crossed arms. What the fuck was Adam taking so long? “It ruins our image, Y/N.” You shot him an annoyed side eye, “So me dating the first man is ruining your image? That ain't got shit to do with me, dad, and you know it. So quit acting like I'm fucking five and move on with your existence.” That that clearly was the wrong thing to say because as you were about to enter the parlor to follow Adam and get away from your father, he grabbed you by the wrist to stop you from that. “Listen, if you wanna act like a rebelling teenager, do that by dyeing your hair, painting your nails and listening to that trashy music, not by dating Adam,” your father seemed dead serious about it. Did he really think you were dating Adam just to piss him off? “Dad, I'm not dating Adam because you hate him, I'm dating him because I fucking love him,” the little bell above the parlor's door ringed as Adam stepped outside with two milkshakes in his hands, his eyes darkened as soon as he spotted you with your father.
He walked up to you, just catching your last words as he stopped next to you and handed you your drink, “Is there a problem?” Your father looked up at Adam, pure hatred was reflecting in his eyes as he confidently spoke, “Yes. You can't hang around my son in public.” The brunette took a sip from his own drink as he looked down at the man that raised you disinterestedly and hummed, “Mhm, yeah, no. I hang around my fucking boyfriend wherever I want.” “Not if I get to say something about that,” your father disagreed. In God's mighty name, he was truly acting like you were a five year old child. “I’m an adult so you don't get to say shit about it,” you stood up for yourself as Adam's arm lazily wrapped around your waist and he nodded in agreement. “If you don't fucking like it, fine,” the first man clarified as he took yet another sip, “Then look the fucking other way and mind your own fucking business.” And with that, Adam simply flipped him off and walked past him with you by his side, basically shoving your father out of the way. You heard him grumble something about consequences but you really didn't mind. “You’re gonna crash at my place until they pull out the stick that got stuck in their asses,” the brunette simply decided as he placed a soft kiss onto your head. “Now, we'll get your mind to focus on something more fun, how does going go-karting sound to you, babes?” It was yet again something that made you beam at him in delight. Adam truly knew how to get your mind off of your parents. “And after that we're gonna go watch a fucking movie at my place, sounds good?” You nodded, a cheerful smile on your lips, “Sounds fucking good.”
“Tell your dad he can suck my dick if he keeps up his fucking attitude,” the first man spoke loudly enough for your father to hear him and the smile on your lips turned into an amused grin. You loved this fucking idiot so much. “I swear, one word from you babes and I'll beat the living shit outta them.”
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casualwriters · 22 days
Dick Grayson x Plus size reader ending up stuck in a elevator together.
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This can't be happening," you said, standing outside the elevator, staring daggers at the man known as Dick Grayson. You weren't sure how this little rivalry started in the first place; maybe it started when Dick moved in right next to your apartment. Not caring at all that he kept you up all night with his flings and their obnoxious moaning, how good could his dick be? He wasn't a god or something. Dick's eyes moved from scrolling through his phone. "You're going to stand there all day or get in; I have places to go," he said. Most people who knew Dick thought he wasn't the nicest man ever; he was the one your mom's would want you to bring home, but weirdly enough, that wasn't how he treated you. Grinning from ear to ear, stepping in, "Oh, my deepest apologies," rolling your eyes and leaning forward to push the lobby button. Dick raised an eyebrow; his lip twitched to a small smile, but it didn't meet his eyes. Instead, he said, "Do you always have to be a spoiled brat?" Glaring at him and slipping your phone in your purse pocket, fingers gripping handle "That rich coming from you didn't Bruce Wayne take you under his wing; you know a fucking billionaire." She knew some things about Dick and how she had seen Bruce Wayne visit his apartment. "Oh, and how you and you're annoying bimbos keeping me up all night; you can't say anything." Raising your voice, huffing, but neither of you felt the elevator moving. "Oh, look, you even made the elevator scared of you," Dick snapped, pushing his fingers through his dark brown locks in frustration.
Chest tightening has you pushed off from the wall, mind freaking out and slapping the emergency button. "Why isn't this working!?" You're voice changed; your breathing was getting harder, starting to pace in my the small areas. "What's going on?" Dick asked, annoyed at first, but stepped up, walking closer. He could tell you didn't like small places, and being in a trapped elevator was the worst of them all. "Take my hands." There wasn't any sense of sarcasm or annoyance. In his voice, you did what he asked.  Looking up at him your face confused and wondering why he was helping "why do you care?" Asking him Dick Snickers and he squeezed you're hands " because I don't need you passing out on me okay Princess" he says so normal like not knowing why that one phrase caused butterfly's in your stomach. Dick's hand ran down you're waist that made you shiver his presence was calming you wanted to push him away saying to go fuck, himself but of course you didn't . His hand slipped around the curves of your waist pushing your body closer to his. Glaring at him you raised a eyebrow seeing were this was going he noticed how your breathing became more noticable, hands were shaking. Dick leaned forward wrapping his arms around your waist "hey listen to me" he says pushing the strands behind your ear you sighed leaning into his touch "thank you" Dick smiled his movie star smile and that when the both of you hear the Elevator door open seeing the fire fighters "You guys okay?" The older man said holding his hand out for the two of you. Walking forward winking at Dick " Thanks for the help" you said and Dick laughed " see you later Brat" she says watching you leave the elevator and when you did he followed right after you.
A/n - This was so fun to write might Wright some more short stories of the bat boys xo.
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s0ulspen · 8 months
gone girl (Shuriri week: comfort)
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a/n: I stay posting these sleep fics but listen, bro...I'm sleep-deprived okay? Damn. @shuririweek @neptoons1998 @mal-urameshi
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“Come here,” Riri murmurs, half asleep as she pats the space in front of her. She notices the small gulp in Shuri’s throat as she stands by the doorframe. They hadn’t spoken since their morning, and after a short argument in the lab, they both needed space from each other. Shri had been rather snappy and refused to open up about anything.
“Shuri, come lay down.” She orders her voice just as soft but with some added firmness. Shuri feels ridiculous, she’s no child but here she is close to tears as she walks towards Riri. They’re arguing still and Shuri feels horrible. It feels like she’s manipulating her, forcing her to feel bad. 
Riri swears she hears the faintest sniffle.
“What’s wrong, mama?” Riri questions as she watches Shuri enter the room.
“Baby, please.” Riri pleads and the softness In her tone is all it takes for Shuri to finally settle in next to her. She lays on her side and faces away from her girlfriend. She’s stiff as a rock, the tenseness in her bones heightening by the second. 
“Relax, mami. You’re too anxious.”  Riri whispers, her voice laced with sleep that Shuri wishes would comfort her. She craves reassurance but she doesn’t feel deserving of it.  A soft hand moves below the hem of Shuri’s shirt and rubs at the hard muscle covered by soft skin. She feels Riri’s chin set in the crook of her neck. 
“Stop torturing yourself, sweetheart,” Riri speaks into her skin. It makes the Royal freeze. 
“It’s nothing,” Shuri exhales so Riri chooses not to mention it directly. People often tell them that the pair are very similar, both extremely brilliant and sometimes stubborn. They understand each other but they’re very different. They handle things differently, Shuri tends to bottle up her feelings while Riri likes to tackle them before they manifest.
“It’s okay. You’re human, we’re going to argue and just because we do, doesn’t mean I don’t want you to not seek me out in moments like these, I fucking love you, all the time. Whether we arguing or not.” Riri speaks, half of her words are slurred but Shuri understands her anyway. 
Shuri’s eyes feel irritatingly heavy. She craves sleep. It’s not something that comes easily and the panic attacks don’t help.  She’s tried everything from natural teas and remedies to modern supplements and medication. Nothing ever works.  She’s desperate for a good night's rest.
“Yknow, for the longest time I was sad about my Dad and Nat. It got really bad, I had nightmares about it almost every night, I think my Mom knew and didn’t say anything.”  Riri says, thinking about it is physically difficult but over the years she’s learned to be more comfortable. She doesn’t just tell anyone about her Dad and Natalie. 
“My grades dropped low but the worst part for me at the time was that I had this girlfriend…I wish she had broken up me like a regular human being but instead, everyone found out how my Dad and Nat died. Then she cut me off over text and told me I had too much baggage.”  Riri murmurs, feeling a tight squeeze around her waist. 
“It was high school, so I don’t care too much. But since then, I could never commit to a relationship, I was always too scared that I’m too much to handle.”  
Shuri hums, slowly falling asleep at the sound of Riri’s voice. 
“I only said that to let you know that this is normal, It’s okay to miss them all the time. I know I do. And I’m not going anywhere, I promise you I’m not so just…don’t think I don’t get you, because I do. I get it, I’m here.” Riri finishes. A gentle wind blows through the room.
“You don’t sleep at all, do you?” Riri asks, soft eyes cracking open as she looks at Shuri.  She adjusts so her elbow is pointed against the mattress and uses her hand to hold her up. It makes sense now. She’s always available to call when they’re apart, always texting Riri in the Morning while it’s sunrise here. Riri’s always known that Shuri has trouble sleeping but watching it is different. 
“Not really, no, usually I can close my eyes for an hour and a half,” Shuri admits. 
“So how do you keep going?” 
“The heart-shaped herb has aided me a lot, I go on missions weekly so when I do go, I get exhausted enough to have to sleep.”  Shuri exhales, her eyes watering again. She can feel the tears coming and she doesn’t want them to fall. 
Right in time, Shuri’s Kimoyo beads chime. She sighs before tapping them. 
“Queen Shuri, You have a lab project to finish. 21 percent of it is undone.” Griot reminds her. She starts to get up but a hand on her wrist prevents her from doing so.
“I’ll finish it up.” Riri offers while sitting up.
“What? No-“
“Shuri, Please. Just let me do this. I might as well just help out, I’m not tired and I’ve been sleeping.”  Riri insists while standing up, still in a tanktop and MIT sweats. Shuri remains on her side, blinking as slowly as ever. “Thanks,” “Anytime.”
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final-girl96 · 1 year
My Boyfriend's Back Chapter Twenty-One
Spring 1998
"Are you okay?" I looked up at Randy who was sitting in front of me in the cafeteria. "Hmm?" He was looking at me in concern. "I asked if you were okay. What's going on with you?" He asked. "Yeah. Just haven't been getting a lot of sleep lately."
Because I've been paranoid that my crazy ex-boyfriend is going to come and kill me.
"So, you ready for the Stab movie?" He asked. I scoffed, "I'm already getting prank calls." I rolled my eyes and sighed. "People look at us weird already. It's just going to get worse once this movie comes out. Gale really made us all look like assholes while she was the hero. I've got class, I'll talk to you later." I stood up, grabbed my tray and walked away.
I groaned when I was rudely woken by a knock on my door. I peaked one eye open to see it was eleven at night. I was going to get up but turned over to face the wall instead. Just as I was about to fall back to sleep my phone rang. "What the fuck!" I flopped over and blinded reached for the phone. "Someone better be dead!" I hissed. A chuckle on the other end had me sitting straight up in bed.
"No, but there can be. Open the door, baby." I looked over at my door, heart hammering in my chest. "Do you think I'm stupid?" I asked. "There's a surprise for you outside your door and it's not me." I opened the bedside tables drawer, pulled out my pepper spray, and walked to the door. I took a deep breath, unlocked the door, and cracked it open. When I didn't see anyone I opened it more. "Look down." Looking down I saw a bouquet of flowers. "Happy Anniversary."
I bent down, picked them up, threw them on the table beside the door and quickly shut and locked the door. "There is no more anniversary, Stu. We aren't together. The sooner you get that through your head the better." I hung up before he could say anything and went back to bed. I tried to go back to sleep. I have class in the morning but I've been laying here for thirty minutes a day still awake.
Another knock on my door had me jumping out of bed and started trying to push the table in front of it. The door handle jiggled, silence followed before I heard the lock click. There is no fucking way he has a key. I couldn't get the table in front of the door on time before he pushed it open, shut it behind him, and looked at me. My heart damn near stopped. He has a fucking key to my dorm!
"I think we need to have a little chat again." He moved towards me and I jumped up on the table to get away from him. The room wasn't that big seeing as it was a single room. The double rooms were much bigger. I was a little jealous of Sidney and Hallie. "How the fuck do you have a key to my dorm?" I asked. I looked around the room for anything to protect me. I could use my guitar but fuck that. I was not breaking that. I blindly reached for something and looking to see it was a drumstick.
The fuck am I supposed to do with this?!
He moved as I moved and I pointed it at him. "Don't! You just stay right over there and we'll fucking talk but don't come near me, Stu." I was now standing in the corner near my bed while he was still by the door. He held up his hands and moved to sit in the chair at my desk. "That's all I want." I stayed where I was and gestured for him to talk.
This was so fucking stupid. What the hell is wrong with you?!
"I really am sorry. I never wanted to hurt you and I know I've said that already but it's true. Billy was always a little fucked in the head. We used to talk about what it would be like to kill someone but at that time it was just shit talk. Being dumb teenage boys. Then his mom left and he became more serious about it. One day he came to me about what really happened and why she left. Said his dad had an affair." He had his elbows resting on his knees, hands clasped together.
"I asked who it was, he told me it was hour and Sid's mom. Then he went on to talk about his plan to kill her. I was hesitant at first because I thought about you. But he was my best friend. Bros before hoes." His face dropped when I glared at him. "Not that you're a hoe." He went to stand up. "No! Stay right there!" He sat back down and looked at me with something I couldn't figure out.
"Anyway, after we killed…ya know–it was such an adrenaline high that I started thinking about maybe I should kill Casey for breaking up with me for Steve fucking Orth. But I didn't say anything to Billy at the time about that. After all the adrenaline wore off I started to freak out. We went back to my place since my parents weren't home like always. But I was freaking out because I knew you're the one that found her.
"I saw you coming home then Sid shortly after. Billy wore Cotton's jacket after we took it out of his car. He was the perfect person to pin it on. He was already at the house that night so we took the jacket and waited until he left. When months passed and Sidney closed herself off not letting Billy touch her, he got pissed and that's when the plan to kill her took shape. I told him about wanting to kill Casey and Steve.
"Then Principal Himbry came into play because he pulled Billy into his office to talk about his parents and his grades. He was always on Billy and we figured why not. Perfect distraction to get everyone else out of the house and distracted the police. We didn't count on Gale Weathers and Deputy Dipshit to show up. Didn't count on Randy sticking around either. It was a shitty plan. You all survived…well, Tatum and that cameraman didn't. I'm not sorry for doing it. I am sorry you got hurt though."
There was so much to take in that I didn't realize him standing up and walking towards me until his hand was around my throat, and he had me pinned to the bed. "Gotcha ya…again."
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evafhernee · 10 months
I present; 99 Castoff Incorrect Quotes. Don’t ask why
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3 (this one))
Rori: I'm quick at math.
Arianna: Ok, what's 38 times 76?
Rori: 24
Arianna: That wasn't even close.
Rori: But it was quick.
Vector: Am I in trouble?
Arianna: Take a guess.
Vector: No?
Arianna: Take another guess.
Frankie: Wow, it sure smells like wrong dog in here!
Vector: Oh buddy…
Frankie, already sobbing: ASK.
Rori: You can take away my rights, but can you take away my lefts?
Vector: What scares you guys the most?
Frankie: Werewolves!
Marina: Sharks.
Sage: The unstoppable marching of time that is slowly guiding us all towards an inevitable death.
Sage: Arianna.
Arianna: We have to plan, we have to figure something out.
Frankie: Arianna, when have any of our plans ever actually worked? We plan, we get there, all hell breaks loose.
Frankie: Oh, hey, I didn't see you come in! You should have come by and said hello!
Arianna: Oh! Yeah, I uh...
Arianna: Didn't want to bother you.
Arianna: Or talk to or listen to or be around you.
Frankie: There are three ways to handle a difficult situation. The right way, the wrong way, and the Arianna way.
Vector: Isn't that the wrong way?
Frankie: Yes, but it's faster.
Arianna: We wouldn't last two minutes without Frankie.
Arianna: Don't tell them I said that.
Arianna: Why do you hang out with me?
Vector: You're the best thing that's ever happened to me!
Arianna: ...
Arianna: I feel a bit sorry for you.
Frankie: Oh, fiddlesticks! That really ruffles my feathers!
Rori: Please, just say fuck.
Vector, texting Marina: sends a voice message
Marina, texting back: I'm a little busy, is it urgent?
Vector: No, don't worry, just listen later. later
Marina: presses play
Vector's voice message: THERE'S A FIRE-
Marina: You need to stop swearing so much.
Arianna: Shut the fuck up.
Marina: Yeah, that's not how you do it.
Arianna: Alright sorry. It's just that it's hard not to swear. The words just creep up on me when I least expect it.
Marina: Now now, don't be like that. Just replace the swear words with 'beep' and you'll be fine.
Arianna: Shit the beep up.
Frankie: I have a bad feeling about this, guys.
Arianna: Oh don't worry, you'll be fine.
Vector: Yeah, what's the worst that could happen?
Frankie, being bailed out of jail the next morning: I hate you all.
Arianna: fast-forwards all the way through the movie
Frankie: You can't just skip to the happy ending!
Arianna: I don't have time for their problems.
Marina: Do you ever want to talk about your emotions, Arianna?
Arianna: No.
Frankie: I do!
Marina: I know, Frankie.
Frankie: I'm sad.
Marina: I know, Frankie.
Arianna: When do I get my own gun?
TheStarfishface: I wouldn't trust you with my kid's lightsaber.
Arianna: Well, well, well, if it isn't the consequences of my actions.
Arianna: I keep a picture of all of us in my wallet. Whenever I face difficulties, I take it out and stare at the picture.
The Squad: Awwww-
Arianna: And I tell myself "If I can deal with these idiots, then I can deal with anything."
The Squad: Oh.
Rori: Ha! What are you gonna do? Stab mе?
Five minutes later
Rori, calling 911: HELP, IVE BEEN STABBED.
Rori: I'd roast you, but my mom says you can't burn trash.
Rori: slow-mo walks out of the room
Frankie: Hey.
Arianna: pissed off You... complete ... ASS, Frankie! You show up here after WEEKS, and you say "hey"?!
Sage: The dinosaurs didn't rule the earth they were just alive. Stop giving them credit for administration skills they didn't have.
Rori: Advice of the day kids, if you ever meet someone who calls Gatorade flavors the actual name of the flavor instead of just the color then they are a certified nerd.
Vector: Yeah but you have to specify, frost glacier or cool blue? You can't just say blue because there's more than one blue.
Rori: Blue and light blue, nice try nerd.
Rori: I will beat all of you in Rock, Paper, Scissors. You go first.
Vector: Rock.
Rori: Paper.
Frankie: Why's it called an oven when you of in the cold food and you of out hot eat the food?
Marina: ...What???
Marina: I hate to disagree with you, but-
Rori: Please, you love to disagree with me. Its your favorite thing to do.
Arianna: Underestimate me. That'll be fun.
Vector: What does "take out" mean?
Frankie: Food.
Marina: Dating.
Arianna: Murder.
Rori: It can be all three if you're brave enough.
Vector: I am very small and I have no money, so you can imagine the kind of stress that I'm under.
Rori: on the phone Hey Marina, do you know my blood type?
Marina: Of course, it's B-.
Rori: Oh, I guessed wrong. Excuse me, nurse-!
Frankie: Vector, I'm afraid.
Vector: Just stay close to Arianna.
Frankie: That's why I'm afraid.
Marina: What did you two do?
Marina: You're not in trouble, I just need to know if I have to lie to the police again or not.
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mothguillotine · 12 days
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Main Masterlist
cw: swearing (it's happy time now)
word count: 1.1k
Summary: It’s been three months since you were locked in a basement and had to fight an interdimensional monster made out of dead bodies.
Three Months Later…
You are laying on your bed as an early fall breeze blows in your curtains, it has a bit of a nip to it. And if you didn’t have a personal heater curled up behind you, you would probably be cold. The perk of having Robin as your girlfriend really measures up in this instance.
“You know Steve is gonna be here soon,” you tell her, pulling her hand from your waist and giving it a kiss you continue, “He doesn’t like waiting.”
Robin moans out and then says, “But I don’t wanna move.”
“Well, babe when school starts in a week we can’t cuddle everyday anyway,” you tell her trying to get up but she pulls you back into her.
“Says, who?” she asks.
“I don’t know,” you tell her flatly, “Our schedules. We're gonna be lucky if we get to work together.”
“Oh, please,” she says, “If anyone doesn’t get hired it’s Steve.”
“Yeah, that's fair enough,” you tell her, “But we also need to get interviewed first, so get up.”
As the two of you are finishing up in your mirror you hear a horn from outside, “Okay, thats Steve,” you tell her.
“How do I look?” Robin asks, giving you a spin.
“Very professional,” you tell her with a smile, “And what about me?”
“Very hot,” she tells you and you slap her shoulder, “Kidding, kidding, you look amazing.”
The two of you walk down stairs into the kitchen where your mom is standing over the stove mixing a pot.
“Are you two off for the interview?” your mom asks, looking behind her.
“Yeah,” you respond, “Steve is waiting so we have to go.”
“Okay,” she tells you, “Good luck, hopefully this place doesn’t burn down!”
You don’t answer, instead just putting on your shoes and leaving. When you open the door you see Steve waiting in his car, impatiently tapping his fingers on the wheel. You turn to close the door and you hear Steve yell from behind you, “Took you long enough!”
“We're coming!” Robin yells back, “Jeez.”
Both of you walk towards Steve's car and get in, “We’re gonna be late.”
“Well then let's get going,” you tell him from the back, Robin reaches her hand back and you hold it.
“Hey Rob? Can you look over my resume?” he asks and while Steve is driving he notices, “Oh, come on what did I say about P.D.A?”
“Fuck off,” Robin tells him still reading his resume, “I wanna hold my girlfriends hand.”
“Oh,” Steve says in surprise, “You guys made it official?”
“Yeah,” Robin says bashfully, “Last Saturday.”
Steve slaps Robin on the back, with more force than intended, “Congrats!” he says excitedly, “I’ve been waiting!”
“Waiting for us to be official?” you ask.
“Well it has been three months,” Steve tells you and he pulls the car into the Family Video parking lot. Robin lets go of your hand and you grab your purse.
“Let’s go get these jobs,” Steve tells the two of you and opens his car door.
“Let’s do this,” you tell Robin and open the door.
“You put your mom down as a reference?” Robin asks Steve.
“Yeah, why not?” he asks, “She’s, like, super well-respected.”
“That’s kinda sad Steve,” you tell him, “Why not use your basketball coach?”
Steve stops in front of the door, hand grasping the handle, “Well, shit.”
“You’re such a dingus,” Robin tells him and opens the door next to him.
All three of you walk up to the counter where an employee is sitting watching a movie on one of the many TVs. Even when you are standing there he still doesn’t look away from the screen.
“Ahem,” Robin fake clears her throat, “We have resumes.”
The guy looks away from the TV and at all of you, he lets out a breath and says in a monotone voice, “Let me see them.”
You take out your resume from your purse and put it on the counter along with Steve and Robin. He takes a few minutes to look over each of them, Steve’s being the shortest.
“It says you were fired?” he asks.
“Uh, just to be clear we weren’t fired, you know,” Robin tells him, “The mall burned down and, like, killed a bunch of people.”
“Thanks for sharing,” he says in the same monotone voice, “Didn’t know. Three favorite movies. Go.”
He snaps his fingers and points at Robin first, “Uh… The Apartment, Hidden Fortress, Children of Paradise.”
He snaps again at you, “You, go.”
“I- uh, The Exorcist, Alien, and um, Annie,” you tell him.
Finally he snaps at Steve, “Now, you.”
“Favorite movies?” Steve asks, caught off guard.
“Did I stutter?” he asks.
“Uhhhhh, Animal House, for sure,” Steve tells him to which both you and Robin cringe, “Ummm…”
“Eyes on me, Harrington,” he tells him and points his fingers between the two of them.
“Yeah, uhhh,” Steve continues to bomb, “Star Wars.”
“A New Hope?” he asks.
“A new what-now?” Steve asks.
“What he means is Empire,” you interject.
“Yeah and the one with the DeLorean and Alex P. Keaton, and he’s trying to bang his mom,” Steve tells him and laughs, “Those are my top three. Classics.”
He looks between the three of you, “You two start Monday. You start never.”
Steve's face falls as the two of you look at him with sympathy.
“Will you just, um…” Robin starts, “Will you give us a minute?”
“Why?” Steve asks.
“Let’s just go over here, bud,” you tell him and pull him over to a display.
“That was so bad,” Steve says to you, dragging his hands over his face.
“Hey, it’s okay,” you say, “You can’t get every job you want.”
“Yeah, I guess that’s true,” he says, “I just wanna work with you guys again.”
“How about we rent a movie and hang out at your house later?” you suggest, “I may have a little something for later as long as your parents aren’t home.”
As the two of you walk back to the front of the store Steve turns to say something to you but instead trips over a cardboard cutout, “Goddammit. This is-”
Both Robin and the employee look at him, Steve picks up the cutout and looks at it, “Hm,” he attempts to fix the sign readjusting the stand.
“I should have said Fast Times,” Steve sighs and sets down the cutout, “Hey, Keith! I should have said Fast Times! Ever heard of it?”
Robin looks back, smiles, then shakes her head. The three of you leave with new jobs and a promise of a joint.
The End :)
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witchersmistress · 1 year
The Betrayal
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Hello my darlings just a quick snippet chapter from the events after the bomb but before the next steps
My usual warning darlings dont steal my work
word count: 1.2K
my usual warnings, you do not have permission to copy my work in any shape way or form, if you do ill find you and haunt you for the rest of your days
Harpers POV
I fight to keep from stumbling back at the force of the blow. I’ve always known it was coming, and yet, somehow it stuns me more than the fucking car bomb under August’s hood. “What?” I manage, because yeah, I’m a masochist who needs to hear it again. “I’ll get your shit out of my car and bring it by tonight,” August says. “Are you fucking kidding me?” I ask. “We have one fight and you’re ending this?” “Yes.” “You’re unbelievable,” I say. “You were just waiting for this all along, weren’t you?” “Yes,” he says again, his voice emotionless. “Wow. So all along, you were just waiting for an excuse to dump me.
The first sign of a disagreement, and you go running.” “It wasn’t a disagreement,” he says. “You took their side. I knew you would. But that was always going to be the end.” I fight back an incredulous laugh. “What—is this another one of your tests? Did you actually bomb your own car to see if I’d choose you over them?” A flicker of annoyance shows in his face. “I wouldn’t damage my car for you.” I cross my arms over my chest. “You’re wrong,” I say. 
“I didn’t take their side. I chose you. I chose to fight what you’re doing because it hurts you, August, not them. I barely know them. But I know you. And I know this isn’t good for you. I know you’re better than this. That you can be better.” “You don’t know me,” he says flatly. “Or you’d know that’s a bullshit excuse for what you just did.” “You know what I think, August? I think you’re scared that you actually feel something for once in your life. That you’re scared that I understand you and that I still care about you even though you don’t think you deserve it. You’re a big strong man who likes to be in control, and it pisses you off that you can’t control any of this. You can’t handle that, and this lame excuse is the best you can come up with for bailing on the best thing that’s happened to you in years.”
The corner of his mouth tugs up in an indulgent smile, and he reaches out and tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. “You give yourself too much credit, Cherry Pie,” he says. “The only thing that happened to me is that I found another slut who spread her legs and let me fuck her in all three holes until I got bored of them all.” “You’re a bad liar, August.” It’s not true, though. His words cut deeper than I’ll ever let him know. “And you were a pretty plaything,” he says, his smile tender, almost apologetic. “But that’s all you are. It was fun seeing what I could get you to do, but once I knew you were desperate enough to stoop to any level for my pleasure, it was only a matter of time. You’re all used up and worn out now. And I don’t fuck loose girls, so I won’t be seeing you again.”
He turns and walks away, leaving me seething mad on step. I want to yell after him, but I won’t be quite that pathetic, so I turn and slam into the house instead. I hope he fucks three different girls, and they each give him a new disease.
August POV
Walking away from her, Harper, was one of the hardest things to date I've ever had to do. I didnt turn back as I heard her front door slam on me for the last time. My heart, that blasted thing, grew heavier with each step back to Duke’s Hummer. Getting back into the driver’s seat Duke was scrolling on his phone “So how did it go?” he asked “Fuck off Duke” Baron tsked from his position “Someone needs to get laid, but judging from her reaction, that isnt happen anytime soon” i rolled my eyes and rolling my shoulders and neck, the bones popping with tension. I met Baron’s gaze head on as I backed out of the driveway. “Sometimes Braon, i really wished mom had swallowed you both” a sharp glare was all i got from Baron, Duke letting out a sharp whistle “Damn dude that was harsh” 
“Does not make it true,” I pointed out. Swinging back into the work parking lot, I go to my rover and get my stuff and Harper's bag out of my car and throw them in the trunk of Dukes hummer before taking off again. Punching in the code for the gate i drive in and jump out of the vehicle making my way into the house away from the twins, they can go fuck themselves at the moment. I don't wish to deal with them. Stalking into my office i slam the door, what i didn't tell my brothers when i pulled out myself from the car, there was a note on my driver side door,
“Get rid of her or i will”
I don't know who wrote it, I wasn't going to find out. I wouldn't put her in harm's way. I don't know when or how this turned from a game to my genuine caring for the girl but it did. Undoing my tie and throwing it, raking a hand through my hair. I fumed on my decision.
Was it necessary to let her go? Yes it was. Did I want to? Absolutely not but it was safer for her that way. Those soft curves, the long hair that was absolutely perfect for tugging on while she sucked my cock.  Those brown eyes that looked so innocent but there was a succubus underneath those dark pools that begged to come out. And her tight wet heat was just.. Fucking my cock started to harden at the though of plunging in and out of her dripping wet cunt as she screamed my name and claw my arms as she spirals out of control…
Banging on the door drew me back to reality.. My ragging cock quickly deflated at the interruption. “What the fuck do you want” Baron openend the door and walked in. he is up to something that motherfucker always is. “Whoa busy were you? I can come back later?” taking the gun out of the back of my jeans and waving it at him before i tucked it into its spot in my safe “What do you want Baron?” I huffed, tired of this conversation already. “I'd like to rest before we go off on assignment in the morning.” He gave me a wicked smirk and tossed me Harper's phone. “It appears our little Cherry Pie isn't as sweet as she claims to be” he cocked a brow and then pulled out his  phone. 
I opened her phone and saw all the messages,I was blown away. She wasn't who she said she was… Son of a bitch, she was a spy for the Darlings i fucking knew something was off about her. Looking back up at Baron, the darkness of my soul seeped out with every word I spoke. “ She is going to pay, they all will.” “How?” Baron asked, i locked eyes with him this time not a single emotion in my voice “She is going to pay with her life”
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