#and then in my last physics class it was giving me the most terrible and wretched integrals known to man and it would have been nice to
the-daiz · 14 days
When you’re sick | One punch man
Synopsis; How the one punch men would act when you’re bed ridden
genre: fluff, hc
Characters: Saitama, Genos, Speed-o’-sound sonic, flashy flash, Zombieman, Garou
side note; My… my hands… wont… stop typing… save me…. I’m gonna hibernate after this post
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Shockingly takes very good care of you
he’s a mundane guy that lives alone and needs to take care of himself, so I’d assume he’s gotten his fair share of sick days
He’ll be softer and more careful with his words
He lets you huddle up in his futon, even if he’s a little annoyed cuz now he needs to find somewhere else to sleep,
he still wants you to be close to him so he can look out for you
makes you lotssss of tea and warm meals
and bananas! (Saitama loves bananas)
he knows all the foods to avoid when you’re sick, ex: eggs
he’ll probably spend most of his day sitting next to you while he watches tv or talks to you about something
doesn’t leave the house to do any hero work so he can stay by your side
like I said before, he takes veryyy good care of you until you feel better
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oh gets really worried
a little bit frantic even, but he doesn’t let it show
does a shit ton of research about your illness/symptoms and how to take care of it
Consults dr kuseno
who of course gives him a lot of advice
he’s hella dotting
Like fr he doesn’t leave your side
despite being an S-class hero, unless its an absolute emergency, he DOES NOT LEAVE YOUR SIDE
Will make sure you take your medication exactly on time
Prepares gourmet type meals for you
Also expect a lot of broth, soup etc etc
Will offer you any form of physical affection you want. Since he’s a cyborg he doesn’t get sick, so will cuddle you all day without complaints if thats what you’d like
He’s constantly checking up on, his cool metal hand pressed gently on your forehead while his mechanic eyes inspect your frame, a small frown etched on his temple.
he’s so cute kms
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He knows how to take care of you
he’s gotten sick PLENTY of times, it never lasted long though because his immune system is simply goated
That being said, he’s very… awkward?
he’s concerned and worried, don’t get me wrong, but he’ll probably try to hide it
His words won’t reassure you much but his actions will!
He’ll drop off supplies like medication, food, herbs, or anything else you need, whether you mention it or he decides you need it anyway.
he’ll check up on you a lot, and he’ll try to stay nearby to make sure your safe
but honestly, you having to rely on him when you’re vulnerable makes him feel prideful
he doesn’t admit it, but he kind of likes having you sick, just a tinsy bit
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Oh god
of course he’s terribly worried about you
very aloof about it though
I’ll start with the cons: He’s sort of emotionally distant, and offers very little emotional support, and he won’t try sticking by your side as often as the other characters
Now that that’s out of the way,
He does make sure you have everything you need, and if he’s not with you, probably because he’s doing some hero work, he’ll text you or call very occasionally to ask how you’re doing and if you need anything
If you do mention that you’re feeling worse, he’ll be right by your side in an instant
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He’s very down-to-earth and calm about it
He won’t fuss over it or worry too much in the slightest
He’ll take good care of you, bringing you meals in bed, drink lots of fluids and getting enough rest
he’ll focus on making you as comfortable as possible too
He’ll leave for hero work every once in awhile, thats unless you’re really sick, then he’ll stay rooted beside you without another word
He’ll spend a lot of time just sitting or laying next to you. If you’re uncomfortably hot and would probably not want him to sleep beside you, he’ll sit on a chair and quietly hold your hand.
If you want him to talk, he’ll talk, and if you don’t, he’ll sit wordlessly without complaints.
he’ll probably crack a joke here or there if the mood is too damp
also, he’ll offer lots of forehead kissess
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He’s a little rough around the edges, but he’s got the spirit! 😍😍
this lone wolf isn’t used to taking care of people, let alone himself
He’ll probably tell you to just walk it off, but his protective instincts will kick in anyway
he’ll try to stay by your side as much as possible
he’ll grumble and act like he’s annoyed, but he really isn’t
he’s a little harsh, probably giving you some weird motivation like “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” or smth
he’s genuinely concerned for you though, just be patient with him, he’s trying
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the---hermit · 5 months
I have not kept it a secret that this semester commuting has been really rough on me. By the time I get home in the middle of the afternoon even if I only had to sit in a hour and a half lecture I feel like an overcooked noodle. And the mornings aren't any easier, my anxiety has been spiking a lot lately, and that messes me up completly, and it's particularly hard on my stomach. Let's just say it's a very demanding period of my life both physically and emotionally and I have been doing my best to get through it with ups and downs, but most importantly by trying to properly take care of myself. I decided to compile a list of small things that have been helping me, both for future reference as well as for people who might be dealing with similar issues.
Prep everything I can the night before. I don't leave the house until more or less mid morning since my class is on lunch time more or less (and this will come up again), so I do have time to do stuff in the morning, but if I have already put everything I need in my backpack, picked an outfit for the day and checked that I have my bus ticket the night before I can have a much calmer morning. Having a calm morning is fundamental for me on any day, so especially when I have a stressful and energy demanding day ahead I want to make sure I don't have to rush, and here is my second point.
Try to have a morning as calm as possible before I have to leave. I am a morning person so I wake up quite early which means I have plenty of time to take it easy. And this means drink my tea as I read my book, prep the last few things I need, like my waterbottle, eat (on which I'll have a later point). Overall my morning before leaving needs to be slow and mostly made of things for myself so again my precious reading time, listening tocmusic as I get ready to get in a better mood and so on.
Taking my meds regularly. It's the logical thing to do, if I am in a period in which my anxiety is worse than usual the number one goal is to be consistent with meds, they are there to help me even if sometimes I forget that.
Finding ways to enjoy food when anxiety fucks up my stomach. What happens is that as soon as I have an anxiety spike for some reason I get very nauseous, which is terribly by itself and it gets worse when it makes me struggle to enjoy my food. But I found a couple of ways to work around that in the past few weeks. Eating when I am away from home is much worse so what I do is embrace the little hobbit in me and have more meals when I am at home, and just bring some snacks on the road if I need them. That means I have two breakfasts before I have to leave the house, the last being a bit more filling. And then when I get home no matter how tired I am or what time it is I cook something for myself, something simple, but I take the time to make something good that fills me up and makes me happy. Because having a full stomach does improve your mood belove me. When I am on the road I bring some lighter snacks that can help me if I feel like I need to have something but that will also work well if I have a spike in anxiety and correlated nausea. I usually eat some homemade bread while I walk from the bus stop to my uni, and then snack on some nuts while I wait for the lecture. And I always have an emergency sweet treat in my backpack because that is something that I actually do on a regular basis. This thing has been working very well, I have had less problems with my stomach acting up, and I am definitely getting all the nutrients I need during the day, just at times that are a bit different from my normal routine.
Bring tea with me. It's something I never did before but it's becoming the one thing I won't give up. I either make a green tea or an herbal tea that I drink before the lecture, and it's been so good for me both physically and mentally. It's been super cold so the warm treat is really needed, but most importantly it's been very comforting and calming, so shutout to my dad for suggesting that.
Having little things to look out for during the commute. This mostly consists of me listing to podcasts, and re:dracula has been of great company in my commutes last year so it's nice it's become a bit of a tradition. It's just good for me not to associate commuting with negative things, so now I just percieve it as poscast time which makes it much much better. This also includes texing friends when I feel like I can look at the screen of my phone without getting car sick (again when anxiety messes me up I can get random car sickness), that's good to keep my mind off things and make the commute feel lighter.
Total relax when I get home. Which sometimes means lying in bed with a cup of tea and nothing more. If I have enough brain power I might read a comic, or play stupid midless games on my tablet for a bit. Honestly just things that need as little energy and brainpower as possible because by that time I do not have much energy or brainpower left, and it's okay. I normally use up a lot of energy when going out and it this period of time all tasks require I use even more energy. I can't do much about it other than accept it and do my best to tke care of myself.
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diiwata · 3 months
thg/tbosas ocs on wattpad
I don't think I ever showed you guys my ocs on wattpad... lmao! aka, my main writing platform. find me @ disk4rte!
I wanna write shorter stuff and aus on ao3, hence the creation of diiwata <3
they're character x oc fics... SUE ME. these are ocs I made for tbosas and one for thg! their moodboards are not cohesive b/c they're different fics (with the exception of 2 ocs)!
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nerissa hong: victor from district 4 (66th games). l/i: finnick odair (current), davy kumar (prev). fc: kim yongji.
probably my most devastating tbh... after a terrible earthquake (known as the big one) devastates district four, they haven't had careers OR a victor in a hot minute (with the exception of finnick). after her best friend gets reaped, nerissa bravely volunteers... but the boy she's loved quietly -- davy kumar -- gets reaped alongside her, and no one volunteers for him. she ends up killing him (without meaning to) after a devastating confession on the last day of the games. the capitol has a way of warping her story, making her out to be a capitol sympathizer. in the end, the entire district grows a hatred for her because of this, and because she killed their "favored victor". she learns to put on a performance to keep her loved ones safe, and finnick acts along with her.
this fic plays around with propaganda as it explores district four unlearning what the capitol taught them, but also forming such a hatred for the capitol that they turn on a teenage girl (aka her). this is so where I got the idea of an asian d4! while this fic is a finnick/oc fic, it mostly focuses on nerissa's navigation of victor-hood. I'm especially proud of the worldbuilding I did here since it's inspired by my cultural experiences as an asian-american.
about nerissa:
her name means "sea nymph". she also shares a name with a shakespeare side character from "merchant of venice" who tricks her lover and taunts him about it. it mirrors her reputation with her home district.
her left foot was amputated as a result of her final battle with her district partner.
was a middle child (until snow made an example out of her father and brother after she tried to defend herself on live television). and she has a younger sister, coralie. her mother died during the big one.
she's in the merchant class and was a dancer that performed for d4 festivals. her father owned a repair shop, where she and her older brother worked.
her "talent" is cooking. every hunger games, she's forced to do a cooking segment with claudius templesmith.
she's two-ish years older than finnick odair (technically 14 months), and he was her mentor. she gets bitter about this fact sometimes because... what does a freshman know about winning a death match?!?
"O CHILDREN" -> reaper and treech (2 protags)
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chassis harbin: exporter and boxer from district 6. l/i: reaper. fc: courtney eaton.
her biological mother was a rebel, but was killed after finding out the betrayer in the district 6 rebellion group. now, she lives in neglect as her father builds a family of his own with a woman she'd never consider her stepmother. she only worked as an exporter that sent goods to the eastern districts of panem, but after a physical (and bloody) altercation in an alleyway, the peacekeepers who capture her give her two options: get thrown in prison and executed, or join an illegal boxing ring for their entertainment... you can guess which one she chose. her job as an exporter led her to find the secret love of her life: a tame, shy delivery boy named reaper ash. the boxing ring is more sinister than they make it out to be, which is something that she finds out after her name gets called in the 10th hunger games.
she is one of the two protagonists of the fic!!! she and cariad are best friends that keep in touch via letters and phone calls. she's on the poorer side while cariad had always been better off than her. I call the poorer side of d6 "farren heights", while the wealthy neighborhood is "peregrine court"!
about chassis:
her name is a part of a car/train. it's essentially the metal framework of the car/train.
she has half siblings, twin boys named coupler and cams. they're named after train parts. although they're not entirely blood related to her, chassis thinks of them as her own sons sometimes.
she became an exporter at the age of 13, which was also the age she met reaper. love at first sight things.
chassis is friends with two exporters: ginnee, who's her neighbor and co-worker, and trek, an oc that's the son of their boss.
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cariad landas: capitol transplant from district 6. l/i: treech. fc: melizza jimenez.
cariad moves to the capitol after her mother stole the plans of a new type of fuel from her own district rebellion group, and sold them to the capitol. when found out by chassis' mother, mrs. landas kills her. she goes to the capitol academy, but instead of being outspoken like her sejanus, she becomes a ditzy airhead sort of character that she named "caroline winters". with this persona, she is able to make it into their inner circle and learn all sorts of secrets. but because of this, cariad doesn't feel that she forms very authentic or personal relationships and flits between friend groups (and significant others) to feel fulfilled. going on vacation in d7 is quite fulfilling, especially when she meets a worker named treech.
the other protagonist!! in this fic, I try to explore class differences as well as privileges that not only chassis lacks, but also cariad in the capitol. I also couldn't decide if I wanted to write for reaper or treech, so I made it both.
about cariad:
her name means "love" in welsh (allegedly), but I also like that it includes the word "car".
cariad absolutely loves photography. she is gifted one upon her arrival to the capitol by her father.
although she moves around friend groups, cariad's main friends are clemmie, lyssie, persephone, sejanus, and dennis. they're all in different friend groups, though.
she's a year older than treech. they meet because she paid him to help her escape her mother. cutesy!
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asclepius gaul: academy student and nephew of volumnia gaul. l/i: clemensia dovecote. fc: han hyunmin.
asclepius is orphaned by the war after his parents, according to his auntie vee, were assassinated by rebels. he's lived with her ever since, but he also spent time with the family on his mother's side (he prefers their company). his aunt is terrible, and he considered his avox, avelot, to be more of a mother. asclepius was dating clemensia dovecote, but after he himself had an encounter with dr. gaul's snakes, his change of demeanor showed clemmie a violent version of him that scared her into breaking up with him. with his aunt growing desperate, the 10th hunger games brings about the concept of mentors and the idea of spectacle. while he enjoys seeing his aunt scramble around to revive her games, asclepius doesn't enjoy the fact that his ex had suddenly missed out on the action.
this is a second chance romance that's centered around acceptance and learning how to let people into your heart. asclepius is a child prodigy trying to find out the cure to his snake scales, and with clemmie sick b/c of the same reasons, it motivates him to find his cure faster.
about asclepius:
asclepius is the greek god of medicine and is often portrayed with a serpent coiled around his staff. people call him "clee" for short!
because he didn't die from the earlier prototypes of the rainbow snakes, gaul used his blood to formulate the antidote that saved clemmie from dying.
before the venom, he was geeky, timid, and accepted the ab*se from his aunt. after, he became bolder, and feared his aunt less.
he and clemmie remain civil in front of their classmates, but their friends always seem to catch on that they miss each other.
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ichore · 12 days
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synopsis: your investigation leads you to suguru geto and his followers, and they welcome you with open arms. have you found a new family or are you going to be a butterfly caught in a spiderweb?
pairing: suguru geto x fem!reader (read warnings)
wc: est 3.5
warnings: MINORS & BLANKS DNI, DEAD DOVE. description of a murder scene of young children at the end, mentions of suicide, appearance of postpartum depression curse, pairing is strangers to teacher and student vibes (non-romantic and non-sexual, but suggestive) relationship, reader's pseudonym is chouka. reader gets high from the agarwood incense.
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2015, Tokyo
November 27
The enormous metal gates close with a baleful thud behind you. The walls are white, the windows are high with freshly coated wooden borders and the vibrant lilac of the rug reaches across each hallway - all too pompous for an association that's barely known. Manami Suda's high heels click against the vitrified floor, each step taken with elegance and swaying hips as her honeyed voice is painting the picture of your possible future.
“Geto-sama was so delighted to hear about you, I'm sure you'll feel like you're part of the family very soon. Don't you worry your pretty head over those inferior species anymore.” The disgust in her tone contradicts her fragile appearance; the bile of words towards non-sorcerers mix into the suffocating cloud of her expensive perfume and the remains of her blueberry scented lotion that she got on your palm when she shook your hand. Which reminds you to stop the anxious fidgeting of your fingers.
Perhaps coming here was a mistake, you think to yourself as you're shown to your room and you place your suitcase on the bed. And maybe coming here alone was just outright inept, which was already confirmed by the chief on the call you had with him while you were walking to the Association. 
“The old lady who found the victim? Not interviewed. Your interview with the first responder? Terrible work. The lab found nothing. The press is sitting on my ear for new information. Your only lead is a thief who has no records of any previous violence, and the trails show you the way to a shady religious group. And you do what? Go to Tokyo without asking for permission, without backup. Are you stupid or what? I didn't raise you like this.” You could only imagine how red Machida's face was with wrath, how the office was standing still and his bellowing roared through his door to the cubicles of your colleagues.
“So, like I said, the reports are gonna be late,” you say, unfazed. “And give me two weeks before sending anyone, don't wanna have my cover blown, you know. And no worries, I can take care of myself, you trained me like that. See ya.” 
There is a strange, gaping hole inside where you should feel remorse or anger. Machida spent the last twenty years of his life looking over you, after all, and you were mere inches away from the finish line of becoming the next best investigator in Kyoto. All the extra classes after work, the nights spent with physical training that left your body aching in blue and lilac bruises, all the petty chases of junkies and mischievous younglings, all the onigiri and donuts you brought to the office to win over your coworkers and superiors. All for nothing, because Machida is a liar. Most detectives are, that's a common knowledge in the law enforcement, but you wanted to believe they only use it on suspects and the victims’ family members. All your keen-edged senses for falsehood were blinded by love. You can recall myriad memories now where he was acting suspicious; telling you that the throbbing fear on people's shoulders were not really there, how many times he found you in the garden in the middle of the night as you stood still and soaked in the moonlight, and how your sensitivity to artificial light is completely normal. There's nothing normal about you, or him, for that matter. Your throbbing headache reminds you of that as you take in an aspirin and swallow it without water before deciding to turn off all lamps in your room. 
As you begin to unpack your clothes, bubbles of laughter pass by your door before it fades away, urging you to undo your luggage faster. Your phone lays in one of the trash cans on the street, your laptop, gun and badge were left in your hotel room. The usual clothes of beige trench coat, suit, white shirt and polished shoes are now changed to converse, jeans and long-sleeved Henley - you feel bare and exposed, an easy target, like a naked slug in the middle of the road that can get crushed anytime. The fact Manami let you know your interview was canceled right at the entrance door, and they were ready to take you in right away did not help your nerves. Was there a possibility they were trying to lure you here? The ritual for the Harvest Moon and your sensitivity to moonlight are far too much of a coincidence, but how would a sorcerer in Tokyo know that you would be assigned to the case? Why you? And where is Uehara Hachiro?
Your feet carry you across the hallways in silence towards the room of beige walls, placards of unknown enchantments and thick cumulus of sweet-balsamic incense. A deep inhale, you relax your shoulders before you make the final turn - even if this is all a trap specifically for you, this is a path you don't want to stray away from. For Fuji, for yourself, for truth.
“Everyone, this is Chouka-chan. Geto-sama wants everyone to give her a very warm welcome,” Manami says cheerfully, her voice like a small bird's song on an early spring morning while she smoothes her palm against your shoulder. The bulk of the odor of incense, the remaining heat of myriad followers and the overwhelming dose of cursed energy makes your eyes water and your throat itch between the introductions and the hand shakes. Every last one of them has the same sliver of smile on their mouth like Manami, calculated and forced, their eyes screaming a certain type of wariness. It makes you fetch a clean glass and pour some bourbon for yourself at the first given opportunity.
The calmness of the afternoon is suddenly broken by the sparkling laughter of two young girls, neither of them looking more than thirteen, as they're riding a one and a half meter tall curse in between the members. They jump off with precision, their hands connect and they swing the knot of fingers in between each other as they make their way to you. 
“Chouka-chan, was it?” the bright caramel haired asks, but she doesn't wait for an answer. “Have you ever killed a curse?”
The question registers in your brain five seconds too late. Just yesterday, you didn't even know that these types of cursed spirits existed and now here's an enormous one, and it's being treated like a pony. By two children. In the building where a potential cult is residing. The intensity of the adult members makes your skin prickle, your fingers tighten around your empty glass and your throat begins to itch again. “Only one” Barely.
“Cool,” says the brown haired girl, and you feel another hard question coming. Suddenly, the interview cancellation makes perfect sense. “I can barely see your energy. Is this part of your cursed technique?”
“I'm sorry, didn't quite catch your name there,” you hold a hand to your ear as you tilt your head to the side. The alcohol already begins to bloom with warmth in your stomach, and the aspirin snaps your headache into a buzzing torpidity, relaxing your nerves just enough to make an attempt at taking control of the conversation. Yet, reminding the girls of their manners seems to hit a nerve as rosy pink blooms on their full cheeks and tears begin to glimmer at the edges of their bulbous eyes. Someone lets out a chuckle in the distance.
“The name is Nanako and she's Mimiko,” says the bright haired one as she motions towards her sister. “Didn't mean to offend you. Geto-sama told us you're a special one. We're just curious is all.”
“Girls, what did I tell you about pestering new recruits?” a man's voice comes from behind you. You didn't sense his approach, his closeness startles you into quickly turning around with widened eyes and bated breath. The glass slips from your hand, and the man and you catch it both at the same time before it reaches the floor. His skin feels like silk against your shaky fingers, his breath smells like soap seeping through his knowing smile. “Impressive reflexes” he whispers, and takes the glass away from you to put it onto the table before hiding his arms in the sleeves of his yukata robe, and turns to face his people who are already on their knees with their foreheads against the ground.
“I understand your suspicion about Chouka-chan. It's not common for us to immediately welcome someone so soon, especially someone so new to jujutsu, but I put my trust in her and I want you to do the same. Treating her poorly is equivalent to mistreating me, understand?” 
“Yes, Geto-sama,” they all mumble and nod in unison before they're ordered to leave the room to you and Geto. The one named Miguel offers you an apologetic smile when he catches your eye as he's leaving. The other named Larue doesn't even bother to look your way, it's as if he's deep in a dreamy thought ever since his Master appeared. Mimiko and Nanako's faces stiffen after Geto ruffles each of their hairs, slightly whining about the man messing up their hairdo and they're all too busy fixing that while they're leaving. 
You can barely even remember your early teenage years, you realize. The point where you started caring about your looks, your growing body, a healthy nature of selfishness, the boys and the girls you might want to kiss. Normal teenage things, and you can't recall any of it. You remember learning how to carry a gun, though.
“You may sit next to me,” a large palm on the small of your back jolts you out of reverie as it leads you across the empty space. The lines of Suguru Geto begin to wash away ahead of your eyes, his fingertips keep tapping against your skin in a rhythm you can't recognize while his all-knowing smile never falters. You're high; your blurred vision, clouded mind and labored breathing makes your body feel heavy as Geto helps you sit down next to his armrest. Was it the combo of aspirin and alcohol? You wonder to yourself while the man moves across the room with the lightness of a feather in the wind to turn off all the lamps and set candles aflame, swapping away the buzzing ache from the back of your head. Oh, this man knows exactly who you are.
“So let's start again,” The room is cast in a warm, flickering glow from the dancing flames of the candles. Geto leans in close as he places himself next to you, his piercing eyes fixating on yours, their intense gaze making your heart race. You can feel the weight of his presence as he invades your personal space, his body almost touching yours as he seems to see through your defenses, searching for any hint of emotion or reaction. The air is charged with an unspoken tension, and you find yourself feeling helpless under his scrutinizing gaze. His smile makes the fuzz on your nape stand high. “Who are you?”
“I have a feeling you already know that,” maybe even better than I do, you want to add, but his chuckle cuts you off. In the dim light and your mind above the clouds, you continue to stare at him with a deluged affection that people tend to feel towards anything beautiful. You're trapped in a strange mixture of dread and intimacy as he puts the weight of his palm on your shoulder.
“I didn't expect you to come here so soon, Detective. You didn't get much sleep, did you?” His voice is low with a fatherly genteel. It makes you want to hug him, but the rational part of your mind continues to scream danger. Your lips begin to tremble and tears burn your eyes as he pats and caresses your skin, like a parent consoling his child after yelling at them for doing something mischievous.
“What's the meaning of all this? What's happening to me?” it amuses him how quickly you break. A trembling, sobbing mess under his touch against your cheek as he leads your head against his thigh.
“You shouldn't have drunk that shot of whiskey,” he lies. “Just lay down and relax. Your cursed energy is overwhelming you, and I'm here to help if you let me,” every word spilling out of his mouth is like a honeyed string of duplicity. Yet you can't help, but feel at ease as he strokes your hair and hushes your sobbing while your tears are soaking the black material of his yukata on his thigh. “Will you let me?”
“Yes,” you say. How strange it is to feel more loved by a cult leader, a potential murder suspect than you ever felt with your own father. The pain in your heart feels physical, making you gasp for air as your weeping flows again and you hold onto Suguru's knee for support. 
“Breathe,” he commands, his fingers brushing your hair out of the wetness on your face as his other hand gingerly forces you by the cheek to look at his face. “Focus on the outline of my cursed energy.”
When your teary gaze meets with his, you're faced with the faintest tug of smile hiding at the corners of his lips. Your brows furrow in suspicion, your chest falling and rising to fight for air until you notice the crimson color enveloping the two of you. His thumb strokes your cheek, wordlessly reminding you to focus on his energy which is a pale blue beating around him in a steady rhythm. The last of your tears wet his finger when you finally lose yourself in the dance of his aura. A salty taste remains in the back of your throat, but your inhales gradually become deeper. The red shadow of your energy is soon soothed; it shrinks into the same size as Suguru's, matching its balanced pulsating. Calmness washes over you, the vehemence of your heart beating ebbs away and the sudden clarity of your mind makes you recognize pride behind Suguru's simper. 
“You'll make a fine sorceress, Detective. I hope to have you on my side in the future, that's why I want you here” starts the man, still stroking your hair like you're a cat resting on his lap. 
“The boy didn't have to die,” you mumble as you mindlessly pinch a strand of his black hair between your fingers, playing with it, and you recognize the fragrance of the same shampoo and hair oil you smelt on the twins. These girls love this man enough to tend to his hair, his people trust him enough to let a stranger into their circle, and his cursed energy is in harmony with yours - for a second, you feel like you found someone you can rely on. But then he speaks again.
“That boy was nothing, but a monkey. It was a necessary evil to get you here, and it worked,” you let go of his hair, and sit up while using the sides of your hands to dry up your tears while he continues. “Your adoptive father never loved you, I can taste it in your tears. He only adopted you, so he can keep a close eye on you and make sure you'll never become a master of jujutsu.”
“What was the point of doing all that?”
“Fear? Envy? I don't know, I gave up on trying to understand the way monkeys feel or think a long time ago,” he shrugs and shakes his head in disbelief, as if Machida's way of raising you offends him more than it does you. There's a still of silence between the two of you before he speaks up again in a sweeter tone. “Where did the name Chouka come from?”
“She was a five year old girl, a murder victim” you begin. You can recall the murder scene clearly just like it happened yesterday, even though the last time you read her files was two years ago; it started with a frantic call from a single mother of two, her baby boy stopped breathing in the middle of the night, she weeped into the phone. Little did everyone know that it was no mere accident, the boy's body was so badly beaten he could've barely been identified, his blood and gore painted the baby blue of his bedroom walls crimson and black. In a fit of rage, the mother blamed the boy's older sister, Chouka-chan who had her baby brother's blood all over her Hello Kitty nightgown. By the time you got there, it was a case of double homicide and a suicide. The throbbing darkness that you now know as curses was overwhelming when you set foot into the house, but you had no way of knowing the causes of deaths were supernatural, so Chouka-chan was named the murderer of the infant. Yet, the wounds on her body and the flesh under her nails told you she was fighting tooth and nail to protect the other child. 
“It was a grade one curse,” says Suguru. With a snap of his fingers, he summons a monster akin to a weeping woman, her hair dark and wet like weeds on the bottom of a dirty lake, her skin dark and spotted with something akin to leper. “Postpartum depression curses usually appear around hospitals, but your victim accumulated so much negative energy on her own that she created this and caused the death of her own children,” with a second snap, the curse vanishes and he continues. “It was the first place I ever sensed your residue. You didn't even know, but the sheer power of your will made this curse hide in fear. She knew you could easily kill her if you were to see her. Ever since then, I knew I had to have you in my family.”
“I can't control it, though. The curse I killed… I just stepped on it,” you confess, and Suguru's sudden laugh startles you.
“Did seeing it make you feel disgusted, by any chance?” he asks, and he smooths his palm across the back of your head when you nod. “Imagine a world where these disgusting creatures never existed. If it weren't for the monkeys oozing out cursed energy, Chouka and his brother would still be alive. If it weren't for your cowardly stepfather, you could've saved so many lives. The best we can do right now is move forward, step towards evolution and purge the world from these filthy curse machines, Detective. Don't you agree?”
Your mind finally feels clear and your bosom is light. The dried salt of your tears are the only thing remaining of your sorrow as you're looking into the brown gaze of this man whose judgment you decide to not trust. You snap away his hand. “I think there are many flaws in your plan, Geto-sama. Bring me Uehara Hachiro or I'll arrest you instead. Or kill me, and have the entire Kyoto and Tokyo Police Department hunting you down for murdering the daughter of the Chief Inspector. If you need me, you're far away from having enough manpower to withstand two cities worth of law enforcement.”
“Disappointing answer, but I had an inkling suspicion you'd say something like that,” he says while standing up and making his way to the light switches. You expect a sudden ache to come as the artificial light illuminates the room, but to your utmost surprise, you feel nothing out of the ordinary. Suguru smiles, and it earns a click of your tongue to know everything still goes according to his plans. “Give me two weeks to train you, both body and mind. If by then, you'd still decide to leave, I'll give you Uehara Hachiro.”
“And what do you gain from that outcome?”
“Oh, rest assured, you'll pay back the favor when the time comes. But right now, your cursed energy is so unstable that it may very well kill you, or you can turn into a curse. Imagine the disaster the latter could cause,” you follow him in silence as he blows out each candle. His arms hidden in his sleeves, that irritating curve of his knowing smile never threatens to fade while he accompanies you back to your room - he already knows you have to say yes.
“Fine, two weeks,” you say with a sigh.
“And your father?”
“He gave me enough time. No one else will come or call. I'm all yours.”
“Did anybody ever tell you you're even prettier when you cry?” his breath feels hot against your cheeks. He's so close, you're forced to tilt your head to the side to be able to look him in the eye. His smile widens as your pearly canines are slightly bared in a ginger smirk.
“You're not my type. Sorry to disappoint you twice, Geto-sama,” 
“That's alright,” Suguru chuckles. He takes a step back, so you can give him a proper bow before he turns on his heels and begins to make his way to his chambers. “Sleep well, Detective. I won't go easy on you during your training.”
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gullableh · 5 months
movie night
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★°•Warnings : overworking, swearing, bad grammar, terrible story telling abilities, might be ooc. reader is like 13/14, Lorenzo is 18/19 REMEMBER this is a PLATONIC story. So there isn't any romantic stuff in this story. I haven't watched the purge so I have no idea what type of movie it's like, all I know about it is its a horror movie ( I think )
★•°summery : kid reader has a test tomorrow, so as every teenage kid would do, he completely spends all his time learning for the test. Lorenzo's is kinda pissed that his younger brother won't even look at him. So why not have a movie night?★it has some fluff, but more like cute brotherly love relationships y'know?
Music you could listen while reading :D :------------------°•©
Blue monday; New order
Imitadora(instrumental; Romeo santos
Things to do; Alex g
Red eyes black dragon chain; Odetari
(Enjoy ^v^)
3rd person pov:
School. School is an teaching system where misters or misses learn the younger ones about math, art, music, physics and etc. my question is what do you think of school? Most people (children) say that it's a pretty boring system, some disagree with that jugment as they find intrest and delight within the school system. Well whoever find school interesting...needs to teach there ways, cuz how am I going to learn all this withing the next 4 hours huh!? *Points at a pile of Biology books.* "I'm going to fail this test" The child said wallowing in there own despair.
He shouldve payed close attention to the teacher, he shouldve taken notes, he shouldve studied earlier. Because maybe then he would have already learned enough about the subject, and wouldn't have needed to study so hard anymore for the subject, but all of these are what ifs and will never be reality. [Reader] had already spended most of there time on studying today, actually the entire day, without barely any breaks. He even skipped dinner (you can't skip dinner, you just can't end of discussion.) For this. They even had to decline there older brother for a quick soccer match. Lorenzo who witnessed all of the chaos his brother went and was going trough, had enough. He was ignored almost the entire day, he was declined to have a fun soccer match with him (ouch), and he even skipped dinner, the time where they both talk shit about his younger brothers classmates. No this was enough, [reader] had learned enough for the test, it's time for him to get some rest.
*Knock* *knock*
Looking at the person who knocked, a smile emerged on [reader]s face as they saw they're older brother. "C'mon smartass where watching a movie." He remarked while giving his younger brother a toothy grin, flexing his golden teeth in the process." Can't, still need to learn for this test."
[Reader] said with their smile slowly turning into frown, realization dawning on them again. With the quick wave of his hand and a small grin. "Dah, but you've been studying all day, it's time ya give those books a rest." He said with his iconic "dah" in his sentence. "Y'know I can't do that, I don't want to fail for this test. Snuffy will be disappointed in me" He answered back a frown still evident on his face. "So what, you already have perfect grades, and believe me Snuffy's not gonna get pissed just because of one bad grade. Or even if you failed all of you're classes, he still wouldn't care about that" Lorenzo said, his grin still on his face, there it was wide and proud. "No, I'm gonna stay here and study. End of discussion." Was the last thing reader said before continuing to read the book that he got from school. Leaving a slowly starting to get pissed of Lorenzo alone. He did not like that answer. Not one bit, so being the great brother he is...
He dragged him.
"LORENZO WHAT THE FUCK, PUT ME DOWN RIGHT NOW." "Stop screaming, it's not gonna help with you're situation." Lorenzo had [reader] over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Yup only possible way to get you're younger brother to stop studying. (Snuffy downstairs like : 🧍‍♀️"I'm not dealing with that" *Sips out of a coffee mug*)
And so it continued, they continued bickering back and forth untill they reached Lorenzo's room, with a child over his shoulder, he opens the door of his room and dragged his brother inside. He placed him on a bean bag wich was right Infront of a large tv screen."I told you I'm not going to watch a movie." [Reader] snarked at the older one as they sat next to them, covering the both of them with a blanket and some squishys to stay warm with. "Oh c'mon, I even brough some snacks." Lorenzo said while magically popping out pop corn out of thin air. While having his stupid sly grin back. With a sulking aura surrounding the younger boy, they hesitantly gave up on trying to run away from Lorenzo, its impossible to get free out of his grasp. With a pout on [reader]s face they muttered out a small. "Fine"
Making Lorenzo completely thrilled and happy to spend some time again with his brother. "Sho wisht movie shoulds we wash?"Lorenzo asked while having a mouth full of popcorn. "Don't talk while having food in you're mouth idiot." Lorenzo just reacted back with opening his mouth and showing the disgusting horror of non-swallowed food, it's like he's a five year old child. "You're disgusting" [reader] remarked back with dotted eyes and a disgusted face.
The younger brother started to think wich movies they could watch. "Hmm, how 'bout.... Baby driver?" [Reader] said with an enthusiastic expression on their face. They saw an article online about the movie, it was a combination of a romance, comedy and action movie, sounds like a good movie right? "Eh sounds boring" Lorenzo said while still chomping away on the snacks, he should stop otherwise there isn't none left for me): . [Reader] looked at him again with dotted eyes. He didn't even know what the movies about and already though it's boring? "Alright then what kind of movie do you have in mind?" [Reader] said with a questioning expression on their face. Oh boy he shouldn't have asked. "How about..... The human centipede." That one horror movie everyone has been talking about. No thanks. "No, where not watching any horror movies."
"Aww, why not I always let you choose the movies ):"
"That's a lie, last week all we watched was what you chose."
"Yeah but that was last weak, this is this week"
"I haven't even chosen a movie yet"
"Me neither so I'm choosing"
"That doesn't make any sense!"
"Too bad so sad, where watching the purge"
The purge, aww c'mon, why always the horror movies? [Reader] though while silently sulking next to a very happy and enthusiastic Lorenzo, who seemingly was very satisfied with [readers]s defeat.
The movie just ended and [reader] was already asleep, resting their head against Lorenzo, Lorenzo silently gushed about how adorable his brother was. Its funny how they used to hate eachother. ( more like Lorenzo just being very petty) ever since snuffy adopted Lorenzo, he kinda excepted them to not get well with eachother, but after years. They really grew up to be great brothers, even if they weren't related.
The night ended, with [reader] resting his head on Lorenzo's shoulder asleep, while Lorenzo's head was resting on top of [readers] head while he was sleeping.
The both of them bathed in eachothers warmth.
★(smal) °•BONUS+--------------------
The clicking of a camera could be heard, and who was clicking this camera? The only proud father in the house, snuffy
"Just a few small fotos here and there"
Snuffy would mumble to himself while knowing damn well he's going to have an entire foto album of the two brothers who where currently sleeping.
Snuffy 🔛🔝 of being the best dad tho fr Lorenzo gives off laid back and chill older Brother vibes.
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mojjisxng · 1 year
super shy
&team jo x reader / y/n
high school au, in which basketball player jo and ‘nobody’ y/n both have huge crushes on each other, yet are totally oblivious. well, that is until they are forced to confront their feelings in the aftermath of the final basketball game of the year.
requested (sorry it took a while, i’ve been quite busy)
pronouns- she/her (as requested)
warnings- super cheesy, shit writing because i haven’t written properly in ages (i’m so so sorry 🫶🫶)
word count- 1,035
lowercase intended
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y/n hurriedly scuttled between the rows of students inside the crowded gymnasium, eventually situating herself in the middle of her two best friends. any minute now the final basketball game of the season was about to begin, and y/n was trying not to pass out from the nerves. so much so, that the aforementioned friends had to physically drag y/n to the game. if you’re thinking that the actual result of the game was significant to y/n, you’re terribly mistaken. the poor girl merely had an earth-shattering crush on the school’s star player, jo. she didn’t even think she could look at him right now, never mind watch him do what he does best; the crush had escalated that far.
she didn’t even know where the crush came from, it just manifested after observing him in their classes and during the small interactions they had at school. however, she was adamant that jo could never like her back.
‘i’m meek, nerdy and don’t stand out at all; i’m completely unremarkable,’ the girl pondered to herself whilst counting down the minutes until the game began. ‘he’s perfect and popular, and wouldn’t even know of my existence if we weren’t in class together. like yeah, we do make eye contact a lot in the corridors, but i’d be delusional to think he actually could like me. he doesn’t seem as intimidating as his other team mates though; he seems so gentle with everyone including me. and his stoic face sometimes quirks up into the most adorable smile when we greet each other. oh. my. god. I CANNOT STAND ITTTTT!!!!’
obviously, y/n’s internal monologue was presenting itself on the outside as well, as her leg was shaking erratically, she was gripping her jumper so hard it looked like her fingernails were going to pop through the other side, as well as her facial expressions going through all five stages of grief. her friends looked concerned, yet simply shared a slightly worried look and laughed with a roll of their eyes; they were used to this.
on the other hand, y/n could not have been more wrong about jo’s feelings towards her, seeing as though he too had a monumental crush on her. that’s why he was almost having a panic attack outside of the locker room, with yuma trying to hand him a paper bag to hyperventilate into. jo then started to pace towards the door of the gymnasium, peeking through the window to look for y/n. as soon as he spotted her, he sprinted back to his previous spot, doubling over with nausea.
“just take the bag dude, it might help you to not die,” yuma exclaimed with slight amusement in his voice.
the team captain, nicholas sauntered over, “you’re just nervous because you want to help us win the whole season, and it’s not because of that girl you like right…RIGHT?!?!” jo’s side eye did not look promising to nicholas, who just patted jo on the shoulder, shook his head and walked away in defeat, not ready to give relationship advice.
there was no time for anyone to comfort jo anyways, because the team was directed to line up ready to file into the packed gym.
the boys ran out, one by one, jo being the last due to the anticipation he brought with being the most important player of the season. as he scanned the audience while waving to everyone, he made direct eye contact with y/n. the pair immediately looked away from each other, blushing profusely.
throughout the game, y/n was internally being pulled between being unable to spare a glance at jo because ‘his magnificence was just to great’, as she put it to her friends, and being unable to look away from him. he effortlessly moved across the court with the ball, gracefully jumping to score (which he did many many (*italics*) times). the lovesick girl was mesmerised by jo, watching his tall frame join the crowd of other boys to celebrate a basket that he made, with a huge grin on his face. she wished he would smile like that because of her.
it was no surprise that jo’s team won the game. despite this, the oblivious pair were in for a shock, when they were forced into facing each other.
as soon as the final whistle was blown, y/n’s friends pushed her down towards the court, whilst jo’s teammates basically held him hostage in the centre of the court.
“jo has something he needs to get off his chest…don’t you jo?” yuma probed.
“funnily enough, y/n does too,” stated one of y/n’s friends, very matter-of-fact, despite having to push down a smirk.
y/n decided to just let it all out, maybe it would be a weight of her shoulders no matter the result, she thought to herself. as if they were psychically linked, jo figured that confessing couldn’t feel as bad as he had been lately because of his crush on y/n.
“OK SO BASICALLY I LIKE YOU, LIKE A LOT,” y/n and jo, practically screamed at the same time.
“huh, you like me back?! you, jo, the star of the basketball team, the most popular boy in school at the moment?!”
“well…yeah i do, i like you so so much, i could burst. i may be all those things that you said, but i feel like a shy loser around you. you’re so sweet and smart and beautiful, that i can’t handle it. i could barely look at you lately.” a smile bloomed across y/n’s extremely rosy face, at hearing jo’s confession.
“well, i guess we can be shy losers together now,” she giggles, laying her soft lips on jo’s plushy cheek.
their friends whooped and hollered, as the couple hid in each other’s arms, sending a glare at their mildly irritating supporters. yuma had to clutch onto his evil eye bracelet for protection from the double side eye.
“i guess we were the only ones that were clueless about each other’s feelings,” jo whispered into y/n’s ear, as they basked in the first of many tender moments they shared together.
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force0fchaos · 2 months
Last yap session of the day but while I’m at it, i wanna share my kanade headcanons!!
Unrelated opinions paragraph here, scroll to the red title to get to the actual hc’s
Headcanons are a tough thing for me in the pjsk fandom because sometimes I see people get a little lost in the sauce and use ‘hc’ when what they really mean is ‘au’ or ‘thing I want to happen/wish happened.’ In addition, many hcs I’ve seen tend towards being reductive in my opinion, or not necessarily accurate to the way I see the character. This is fine with me! I love fandom discourse (as long as everyone stays respectful). Everything is a matter of opinion, and as someone who prefers to stay near the canon-accurate side of things (unless I am making an au, see: evil nightcord) not everything will be for me. All that is to say, these takes might not be super daring. I’ve thought a lot before coming to my own conclusions about my favorite characters, and feel a strong need to sufficiently explain and support my takes with evidence and elaboration. But I do hope they’re fun to read nonetheless, and I’d love to hear other people’s opinions as well as their own hcs in the reblogs, contradictory or otherwise!
KANADE HEADCANONS (in order from least to most elaboration)
1) kanade has albinism :D she inherited it from her mom, and it’s (part of) why the sun is especially rough on her
2) kanade is terrible at stem, especially math. She seriously struggles doing operations in her head, she has good spacial awareness but can’t grasp conceptual stuff. When she was younger her parents considered getting her a tutor, but since she’s going into music anyway she just took the bare minimum math classes and moved on
3) (this is a little contrary to canon but) kanade DOES have some semblance of a hair routine (bc how else is it not all matted by now). When she was younger, her mom liked to dress her up and would braid her hair before bed, so kanade always brushes and braids her hair whenever she goes to sleep properly instead of passing out. She will neglect her own needs for the purposes of composing, but her hair feels more like her mom’s than hers, so she makes sure to take good care of it.
4) kanade is the rectangle body type. I only feel the need to say this myself because pjsk has such little variation between their character models, and you really have to look hard to discern their features from one another, but I do think it’s fairly obvious for kanade in particular. Part of it is her lack of healthy eating habits, but I always picture Kanade to be relatively flat with a boxy torso and a round face
5) kanade is demiromantic & ace! (This one is just for me) but I like to imagine her wondering at some point why she doesn’t have crushes on anyone while in junior high school, but all of those thoughts get pushed aside and mostly forgotten after her dad collapsed because ‘I don’t have time for that, I need to make music.’ In terms of other orientation, I imagine kanade to be pan as I don’t think she would have much of a preference as long as she knows the person well. And I can’t honestly picture her going out of her way to use pronouns other than ‘she/her,’ at least in the context of canon.
(Now for the more major/stretching canon hcs)
6) kanade has a chronic illness, which is a major cause of her general fatigue. Yes I know it’s canonically because she doesn’t eat enough or go outside but I think that’s part of why she doesn’t know about it: she rarely engages in physical activity, so she chalks up fatigue to lack of practice, not realizing her fatigue is abnormal. I also think it makes sense for her because her parents both have histories of underlying conditions. Not that pjsk gives us anything to work with, but we know her mom passed away of an illness, and her dad suffered a stroke due to stress; one so major that it could only have been caused by an underlying condition. Running on the assumption that she would have inherited her condition from her mother, I’m sure this would be a subject that would, at least, be on Kanade’s mind. I can’t imagine when she was younger that she would be able to understand her mother’s condition in its entirety. But I can easily imagine as Kanade grows older and puts herself out there more, her having to confront that she may be sick. She would admit her concerns to her grandmother once she realizes she can’t deny it anymore, and her grandmother would confess that she had feared this all along; that it was the same condition her mother suffered from. It’s a compelling concept to me, and one I definitely want to fanfic in the future…
Last but not least, the one you’ve been waiting for:
7) kanade has autism. This one is also tough because project sekai gives us nothing but my CANON evidence is: she eats the same thing every day (not just out of convenience because she also orders noodles when she goes out to eat), wears the same thing every day (verified in a 1koma that she has several of the same outfit, and possibly pointing to sensory issues), focuses on composing for such long stretches that she forgets to eat and take care of herself, and ofc, special interest. I also like to think that kanade is hyper-empathetic, doing things in her childhood like: “I have to spend the same amount of time with all my stuffed animals so none of them feel left out”. Not having the words (much less the diagnosis) to explain some of her behaviors, when she goes nonverbal with niigo she will use the chat function and say something like ‘my voice hurts,’ or more often skip out on the call saying she needs to focus for a while (because when she’s stressed enough to be nonverbal, she’s also going to fall back into the mindset of needing to work herself to death composing). She stimmed a lot when she was younger but (as many do) learned to mask it as she got older. It still manifests in her drumming her fingers on her desk, bouncing her knees, etc. when working at home, and a lot of the time vocally in the form of singing. Her house has always been musical, so this was never a problem. But whenever honami hears her doing this (as it’s often without her realizing it) she gets very embarrassed, so honami pretends not to hear it so that Kanade will do it more.
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tarirose · 2 years
From Best Friends To Lovers
Garreth Weasley x Reader
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I’m also taking requests for Sebastian and Garreth so I can get more into writing. So feel free to send me some requests :)
Based on this request: Flirty Garreth trying to get the MC’s attention and him hinting that he likes them. But MC thinks that it’s just his dorky self. Because he’s just clumsy! He even went as far as mentioning Amortentia, hoping it would perk up their attention. Garreth and MC are best friends, but he always tries to hide away to cover his blushing face whenever he tries to flirt, or there’s any kind of physical affection. Until he finally gets what he has been trying so hard to do. And things get a little heated.
Warnings: Fluff and Smut. Characters are aged up.
Thank you for requesting this! I absolutely love Garreth! Your message made me super happy and I’m glad you enjoyed my last one. I’m still super nervous I’m not very good. But I really appreciate your message, I tried my best, and it may have gone in a bit of a different direction. I also hope you are doing well 🥹
Also @thedarkjotun I can finally tag you 🥰 I’ll tag you in any others I do!
You were sat in the library, head buried in between a book you had been studying for hours. Garreth had told you about a new potion he wanted to try, he wouldn’t tell you exactly what it was, but he needed your help with the ingredients.
Of course, he himself had accompanied you. He was always by your side. You two were always seen together, always paired up in the classes you shared, always sat near each other in the Great Hall. As you were both in the same house, he would always walk with you back to the dorm. He would leave you little notes, telling you what he has found, if he found something you like, or something new he wanted you both to try.
Over the past years of your time at Hogwarts, you and Garreth had become relatively close to one another. You would consider him as your best friend. You piqued his interest from the moment you shared the same level of excitement in potions as him. He had started to develop feelings for you, and quickly became attached to you. You were kind, funny, smart and beautiful.
Garreth was sat beside you, finding any way he possibly can to entertain himself whilst you were trying to find out more about the type of ingredients he needed for this mysterious concoction. Throwing you little notes, poking at you, making stupid flirtatious jokes was his way of trying to express his true feelings towards you. But in your mind, this was just Garreth being the dork he is.
“Are you sure you’re not tired?… Because you’ve been running through my mind all day.” He was terrible at this. It landed him a smack across the head with the book you were currently reading.
“Garreth, tell me why you would need Castor Oil and Gurdyroot? From what I’ve read about them, they’re used for love potions and stamina? Mind telling me the thought behind this?” You asked, eyebrows furrowed, as you were curious as to why he would possibly need them. There was also another ingredient, but that one you couldn’t find. Little did you know, it was a simple craving ingredient. Which would have the drinker taste of what they craved the most.
“Ah, can’t be telling you all my secrets now can I, Y/N? Garreth replied, a small smirk forming on his face, sending you a wink.
He had been trying for months, perhaps longer, trying to get your attention with things. Whether it was just simply getting your favourite sweets from Honeydukes. Giving you his robes if you were caught out in the rain. But you never took it as anything other than friendship.
It was getting late, the two of you had been in the library for what seemed like hours. There was a now comfortable silence between the two of you, you could feel your eyes getting heavier by the minute. Garreth took notice of this, he took the book from your hand, his hand ever so slightly brushing against yours. He quickly turned away to put the books back, trying his best to hide the embarrassment. His face turning as red as a tomato from the feel of your skin on his.
Garreth couldn’t sleep that night. He was wide awake, staring at the ceiling, thinking of you, thinking of your smile, your laugh, how beautiful you were. The man was in love, and you still hadn’t noticed. He has never felt this feeling before. Never been in love. Never been with someone. Before you came, he was alone. Yes he was popular, but more in a way where, he was only needed for laughs. You made him feel like he was wanted. He enjoyed your company, he loved how you had taken an interest in what he likes doing. He had to do something, anything that would indicate that he liked you.
The two of you made your way to the Great Hall for breakfast, he knew what you loved to eat, so he quickly filled your own plate up before his. A small smile forming on your face, it made his heart melt. He went to pour you some orange juice, but the thoughts in his head made him lose concentration on what he was doing-
“Garreth!” You spurted out, breaking out into a laughter that filled his ears and turned his attention to you and what he had done.
He had poured it all over you, your blouse was soaked and turning see through, your legs were left feeling sticky. The shock forming on his face, eyes wide open, realising what he has done, “Y/N, I am so sorry!”
Garreth was always, and had always been clumsy. He was always messing something up, blowing up his experimental potions, spilling stuff everywhere, setting off some kind of explosion. He always made a fool of himself, but you were never angry at him like most other students.
He noticed how see through your blouse was getting, and noticed you had nothing else to wear over it. He quickly removed his sweater and handed it to you. All whilst being careful and trying to hide the growth that was starting to appear in his pants.
He couldn’t help but stare at you wearing his clothes. You looked so cute, so perfect. A grin moulding onto his face, he quietly whispered in your ear, “It looks good on you.”
You returned the smile, “You’re just saying that” you gently gave him a slap on the arm, not understanding that he was generally complimenting you.
“No, you really do look good in my things.” He replied, taking your hand in his, he had to quickly turn away. The red-headed’s face was beginning to tinge that familiar rose colour he had become so accustomed to. Garreth felt like his heart was going to explode, was he really holding your hand under the table? Are you finally starting to take his hints?
You both had a free period, and what better way to spend it then brewing up some kind of potions, which you had no idea what they were, or what would happen. Of course, it was Garreth’s idea. You had shown him your Room Of Requirement back at the end of fifth year, so you two always had privacy. It was a haven for him, so many potion tables plotted about.
An explosion had begun to erupt, sparks flying everywhere around the room, foam and froth started pouring out of the cauldron, uncontrollably. You both had no idea what to do, but just stared at each other. Then all of a sudden, you were both covered in whatever was just in that pot. Smelling of ginger and oranges. You both just broke down in a complete fit of laughter.
“Well…. That went well.” You spoke up, completely baffled by what just happened.
“It went better than I expected!” He replied back.
“What was it you were expecting?”
“A fire, that’s what usually happens.” His reply made you giggle.
He always felt a sense of happiness knowing that he was the one to hear you giggle and laugh. It made his heart beat faster, and without thinking, he started to wipe you down, free of all the foam and froth that had covered you.
Garreth had always been a big flirt with you, but to his end, it never seemed to work. Was he just not very good at it? He was always complimenting you, at one point he straight up told you how beautiful you looked one night.
You couldn’t sleep, so you walked down into the common room, your hair dangling down, night robe on. You made your way to the fireplace to keep warm, and opted for reading a love story you had found. Garreth was also awake, quietly sat in another corner of the room, reading about Amortenia. He looked up and gazed at you, watching you silently, admiring how you looked. But you didn’t acknowledge he was there. Until he accidentally made a noise. He froze in place, you were staring straight at him, slightly embarrassed that he saw you like this.
“Oh! Garreth! I-I didn’t know you were there, what are you doing?” You said, trying to cover yourself up, as your nightrobe was a bit revealing and short.
He didn’t know what to say. He was taken back, he just glared right through you. Never taking his eyes off you.
You shifted in your seat, trying to look away and avoid this intense situation. “Garreth-“
“You look beautiful.” Is all he could say. His gaze was soon cut off by a pillow flying into his face. Now he had a reason to hide behind it. What did he just do? Had he ruined anything you had by telling you that? Why did he feel so shy whenever he made any kind of flirtatious interaction with you?
You made your way over to him, leaning over to see what he was reading.
“A love potion? Garreth! I didn’t take you as a romantic person.”
“I can be, with the right person.” He sent you a playful wink, then hiding back behind his book as a blush was appearing over his face, his ears beginning to heat up.
“I was wondering about it actually, to satisfy your curiosity, little miss nosey.” He peaked up, shoving a finger into your cheek.
You scooted your way next to him, resting your head on his shoulder, his body radiating heat onto you.
“What’s got you wondering about it? I heard it creates an obsession with whoever drinks it, and that each smell is different to what attracts you.”
“Correct.” He shyly responded, “It made me curious as to what I would smell, would it be what I really desired and desperately want?”
His face was mere inches away from yours, and you could feel his eyes melting into yours.
You both felt nervous, but in your mind, that was normal for Garreth. He was just playful. But to Garreth, it was more than the friendship you had cherished. All he wanted to do was lean into you, pull you close to him, feel your lips on his. But every time, he would shy away. Him being the idiot he was, instead of just telling you how he felt, he just pulled out the worst thing he could think of. “This might be cheesy, but you’re grate.”
He instantly recoiled, feeling ridiculous. But to his surprise, you let out a laugh, hitting him with another pillow to the face. “You’re absurd Garreth” your hands suddenly touching his face. You could feel his face heating up from your touch. He began leaning in to your touch, eyes closed. You moved your hands to his sides, he was extremely ticklish. You had him rolling around on the couch, and the pair of you fell to the floor, breaking out in laugher.
A moment of silence passed, and he was quick to see the position you were in. Lying trapped under his grip, his hands around your wrists. His face turned as red as his hair.
“Oh! Y/N, I am so sorry!!” He rushed to get himself up off you, not wanting to cause anymore embarrassment. He held his hand out for you to grab and get back on your feet.
You took his hand in yours, it was sweaty to grip, which suddenly made you topple back to the ground. But before your body could hit the cold floor, his hands were around your waist, and he pulled you back to your feet.
You tugged him into an embrace. Throwing your hands around his neck, his hands pulling you closer to him. He rested his head on your shoulder, letting out a sign. I guess this was the closest he would get to you.
You freed yourself from him and his grip, planting a kiss to his cheek, “Goodnight, Garreth Weasley.” You said to him, with a slight flirt to your tone.
His thoughts on that night were interrupted by the feel of bubbles being thrown into his face. He had completely forgot that he was currently with you, brewing failed potions. Now was his time, he wanted to kiss you.
You were so close to him in this moment. He took his chance. He grabbed your face, planted his lips on yours, but he swiftly pulled away. “That was stupid of me, I don’t know why I did that. We’re friends. I shouldn’t of assu-“
He was immediately cut off, by you throwing your arms around his neck, kissing him again, but only this time, deeper, more intense. He pulled you closer to him, holding you tight. Slipping one of his hands through your hair, one kept on your waist. He had waited years for this, he never wanted to let you go. He began to push his tongue into your mouth, your own licking around his, sending twisting motions as you both flicked around each other’s mouth.
You gently pulled back and broke his kiss. He was a worried mess. Did he push you away? We’re you going to tell him how wrong it felt?
You felt a tingly sensation roaming through you. You never realised before just how attractive he really was. His curly ginger locks, falling over his face. His green emerald eyes, you now found them stunning. It all came to you. All those times he had given you his clothes and let you keep them for the night. You remembered how they would always smell of him, and how you always kept them close to you. He had feelings for you. And only now, have you come to senses that everything he did, was to get your attention.
“Garreth, I never knew”
He let out a low laugh, “I thought I tried enough to show you, but obviously I wasn’t very good at showing it.” He sounded let down.
You took his hands in yours, intertwining your fingers with each other, and led him over to one of the couches you had conjured in the past. “Tell me everything. I want to know.”
He gently tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear. “You’re beautiful Y/N. I’ve waited so long for you to notice, and I would of carried on waiting however long it would of took. I have wanted this for so long.” His hand reaches for your face, cupping your cheek.
“So that’s why you were reading about Amortenia.” Sending a playful smile his way.
Garreth returning the playful exchange with a seductive wink, “I could of used it on you, made you as obsessed with me as I am with you.”
You sent a playful smack his way. Once again pulling his body to yours and crashing your lips on his. He desperately increased the kiss, hungrily moving against you. You pulling at his robes. He pushed you back against the couch, tossing his body over yours. This time, not afraid to hide how he feels. He kisses you again, with so much love, it was sweet and gentle. He was compassionate, he wanted this to be right. Not rushed. He wanted to take his time. Make sure it felt right.
He moved his lips to your neck, your hands gripping into his curls. He could feel himself getting hard, just the touch of you on him sent him wild. He went back and fourth from your lips, to your jaw, your neck. Each time you let out a small moan. Your hands moved from his hair, to the back of his neck, pulling his body closer to you, closing the gap between you. He completely melted at the touch of you.
His free hand gracefully starting to make its way over your body, shyly making its way under your blouse, caressing every part of you. Moans becoming gradually louder and more frequent from your mouth, straight into his ear. It overwhelmed him, he was sweating out in nerves.
Your bodies heavily pressed together, moving against one another in a rhythm, one of his legs pressed tight in between your thighs. Which meant you could grind your hips around him. Your free hand roamed and explored his body, feeling his tense chest through his clothes. Your hands lowered and lingered around the bulge of his pants. Slowly starting to stroke it, waiting for his response.
He sank his head into the crook of your neck, letting out moans from your touch right into your ear. Your hand carrying on, slowly stroking the base of him, trying to remove his belt. He swiftly lifted himself up, looking you directly in your eyes.
“I-I’ve never done this before..” He admitted, feeling embarrassed that this was his first time.
“Don’t worry Garreth. Me too. But I want you.” You whispered into his ear.
“I want you too sweetheart. I really do.”
And that was all he needed to hear. His nerves slowly fading away. Removing your clothes, then removing his own. He was left stunned, looking down at you, taking in the view left under him.
Both of you exploring each other bodies, hands roaming over places he had only dreamed of before. Feeling every inch of each other’s skin. He wanted more. It wasn’t enough. Both of you were screaming for more.
He placed himself between your legs, right at your entrance and gently pushed himself into you. A sweet moan escaping your mouth, a sign of pleasure that he seemed to enjoy.
He took his time, gradually and slowly inserting his full self into you.
Once fully in, Garreth breathed straight into your neck. He started to thrust more and more, it was sloppy and clumsy. But it didn’t matter, you both had never done this before. You wanted him to enjoy it, and it was a celestial feeling. Each hit sent you into a sensation you both had never felt before. It had you arching your back, breathing heavily.
He started to pound faster, more rough, quickening up his pace as you could feel a tension flowing throughout your body. A wave of pleasure and emotion rushing over both of your bodies. Both of you shaking with pleasure and excitement. Sweat pouring from his curly red hair, dripping onto your face. He pulled out, catching his breathe as he pulled you back into his arms. One hand running through your hair, the other rubbing circles onto your back. You rested your head on his chest, feeling how fast his heart was beating.
Garreth kissed your forehead, never wanting to let go of you. He finally had you. And things were about to change between the two of you.
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spc-rambles · 9 months
I adore the steelworks gang, like more than I've seen other people express online.
First of all...
My little icon Lexi.
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They have been known and initially regarded for their silly voices and jolly nature but I don't often see people looking into why they do it. Like their voices make them more wild than Marion who's generally loved by some fans but they also do it in spite of themselves. They and Theo did an entire upbeat song about how much they are failures to railway engineering with lyrics like:
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"We're experiments gone bad
in other words whoever designed us must be mad."
These are not the words of someone with self esteem in how funny they are! They even showed them actually depressed when saying 'We can't do anything.' for the final time in the special.
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And anyone who knew how long it took for more in-your-face LGBT+ representation in 2018 She-Ra will know that if this special just came out three or four years later, we might've had proper gender-fluid Lexi representation.
As for Theo...
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He is still a pure little bean and I feel the ambiguity of his design makes it all the more reason for him to feel bad about his design. I don't know what about his design warranted gigantic cogs on his sides but we don't know what went on in whatever workshop he was built at. For all we know he could've had the Henry treatment, having been dumped on the doorstep on the first desperate railway executive needed an engine, as a last ditch effort for a dying manufacturer.
As for him being on the spectrum, I can still see it in his behaviour. Lexi was truly not gender fluid but once you've met one autistic person, you've met one autistic person.
And some characteristics are visible in him.
His unintentional bluntness. "Are you being scrapped?"
His tics and stutters.
His shakes in excitement, if you were to count it as stimming.
And who's to say he's not limited to physical disabilities? He and Lexi, depending on how successful you can view it having designs as unique as them on British rails, are the perfect ones to have given the body language they were adamant on giving all the engines back then.
Him being so gentle and anxious is generally adorable, so yeah, not so much to say about his actual personality.
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Speaking of not much to say, not much to say on Merlin either, at least nothing that people haven't said already. We all know how awesome he is.
Beresford is MY MAN!
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Beresford just wants a friend guys. He said in his own song that he was always ignored by engines who just want to get a job done. No time to chat with him. Loneliness can drive him mad. It is kinda sad that his appearance in Royal Engine was not only a sign of the further appearances these characters could've had but how it was also kinda a rehash of the scene we got in his last appearance, so maybe an episode of his own where he learnt to make friends properly would've been fun.
Ah well, at least he got some friends in another life.
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And what can I say about Hurricane?
Keeping it real, working with steel.
Since 1902
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He is such a chill guy, that while his companion might've had a lot of hard labour in mind for Thomas, he seems so genuine in wanting to take Thomas in while still acknowledging his terrible position. He could've done with standing up to Frankie though. But whatever, that's meant to be a part of his character, and he was voiced by the chad Jim Howick no less.
It's so funny when people say he sounded like a member of the royal family when he's played kings before.
And then there's Frankie.
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Oh my god I adore her so much. Her manipulation being legitimately intimidating at the best times, especially when she's actually chasing Thomas down in the dead of night, her musical style bribing him into working for her, her VA's performance capturing all of her personality through line delivery perfectly.
Everything about her class, her demeanour, most of her lines makes me so curious about her whole life.
How is she running this steelworks better than the human manager of the works if there even is one? How are the human workmen so ok with her doing this? How did the other engines before Thomas get into doing her work? How did they get out? How did Hurricane stay with her for this long, let alone not encourage some potential friends of his to work with her? Was she indirectly responsible for Hurricane surviving as long as he did to still be a tank engine after she was built? Why didn't the railways surrounding this fictional steelworks not agree with this most likely non-existent human manager not just agree to get a lot of their engines to transport steel from their works? What did Frankie do? What are you hiding from us!?
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The whole mystery surrounding her and her apparently feeling put-down and apparently not evil at heart according to her character profile and her role in the book 'Delivery at the Docks' makes her potential crimes such a goldmine for story potential that I really want to delve into very soon.
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And yeah, that's what I have to say on them in canon. All beautiful characters that I feel need more recognition on a regular basis.
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gale-gentlepenguin · 1 year
Gale's Rankings: Best Ash Ketchum
Now this sounds like a weird Ranking topic, but with over 20+ years of Pokemon anime to sift through, I can tell you there are some differences.
This Ash:
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Is very different than this one:
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And not just in animation styles.
So I should go over the rules.
I will be distinguishing each Ash on the Tried and True method. Based on Ash's Hat. For Example, Ash in the Kanto league, Orange Islands, and Johto Ash are all the same Ash, as they have the same hat. But once he goes to Hoenn, Its a different Ash
I will be ranking them based on Personality, Pokemon team, Competence for experience level, Performance and Overall Charm.
In regards to Competence for Experience, I mean how skilled he was shown to be compared to how he is in the region
I will not be including Manga, or spin offs. Purely the anime. Movies will be included if it benefits Ash
This is a personal list and I would love to hear everyone's thoughts.
7. Black & White Ash
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This... this ash at his lowest point in my opinion.
Also 2nd lamest companions. Iris was fine but the green haired Connoisseur annoyed me.
This was around the time the anime tried to do a soft reboot/retcon within itself and had Ash still say he is 10, even though he already went through 4 regions.
This Ash isnt a terrible person or anything, but ... he is kind of an idiot in battle. He gives advice and there are times he's mature but he loses battles he has no business losing. His team is also pretty unremarkable in Unova, even with all 3 starters. He never fully evolved any of them, the only Fully Evolved pokemon from Unova being his Krookadile (His best pokemon aside from Pikachu) Leavanny and Unfezent. (Which he switched out HALF THE TIME)
His pikachu also lost to Trip (a bargain bin version of Paul) who JUST GOT his pokemon recently.
But that is nothing compared to his embarrassing performance in the Unova League.
He made it to the great 8 and ended up losing to Cameron. Who if I had describe his incompetence, it would physically hurt me.
This Ash off the bat was not going to win any Leagues. But you would think with his experience he would be better... but he wasnt.
6. Sun and Moon Ash
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I hate this iteration of ash... personally dislike him.
This Ash is likely the most immature we've seen ash since Kanto. Most of his maturity is gone in the first half of the season. His battle tactics may not be as bad as the previous ash (With this Ash actually WINNING his league). But its hard to say if most of those wins feel earned. Unlike later entries on this list, this Ash stumbled into incredibly powerful pokemon (two of which are basically legendaries), but to this Ash's credit, his Incineroar and Lyconroc were trained up and earned. I also enjoyed seeing the dynamic of this ash had with his friends in alola, along with the professor. I do think this Ash didnt deserve his Win in the league... mainly because the league was hardly official in terms of rules. It was basically a tournament with half of the people being his friends. But thats me nitpicking. This Ash does show to grow and strategize better than the last Ash, so I will give him props. But thats all I am giving him. Well Okay, Pikachu helped hard carry in this season
5. Journey's Ash
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This Ash is... well he is technically the most skilled Ash as he can use all the tricks and did win the Master Class. But I dont get why.
Side note Gou is the worst Companion in the entire series dont @ me I know I am right.
This Ash STUMBLES hard into all his strong pokemon. Gengar, Dragonite, Dracovish. Sir Fetched and Lucario are the only two he needed to help evolve. Also, what is up with that unbalanced Team Composition? Half weak to fairy and dragon, Half weak to ground types. How did Cynthia NOT sweep?
That may have been Nitpicking a bit, but I still stand on the former point, most of his mons were strong at the jump. In Alola, the two legendaries he finds he at least has to evolve. Sure they are legendaries, but still.
I also just found this ash a bit too kidish until the end at the master class tournament.
Now did Ash deserve to be the very best? Yes. Did this iteration of Ash deserve it... Meh. At least it wasnt Unova or Alola Ash.
I do like that this Ash actually remembers his journey and tries to improve on it... though I am still pissed at a LOT of the retcons they did.
It did give us a lot of epic battles and Pikachu's epic clash.
4. Ruby & Sapphire Ash
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Now we are at the Ash's I actually enjoy.
This Ash is a more refined yet still Childish Protagonist. He has been around the block and still has his child wonder. Yet he is more brazen and intelligent. He is more strategic compared to his previous iteration and will go into battle's with clever strategies. His team is also fairly balanced, His Sceptile being the star of the show, but his hoenn league team was nothing to sneeze at, His Swellow, Glalie, and Torkoal did work.
His placement in the great 8 in Hoenn showed his improvement and was a solid placement for him at this time. After this we really got to see Ash improve in the Battle Frontier.
Now the Battle Frontier is similar to Ash in the Orange Islands, the main difference though is that this is a more mature ash with some more serious opponents. Ash had a larger arsenal of pokemon and if it wasnt for all the experience he had gained, he likely would never have beaten Brandon and his team of incredibly strong Regis
Ash had his MVP companion Brock, and was accompanied by May and Max. Max being the young curious kid helped let Ash be more mature, while May still being new to pokemon let ash give advice as well as explore new avenues for strategies by watching Contests
Out of All the Ash's I would say he is the ash I look to to show his growth.
3. Original Ash
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The Original, The start, the hyper active, comedic Ash that I grew up with.
Ash in the start was a complete noob and was stubborn to a fault. Its funny how he doesnt earn Half his badges through battles at the start. His pokemon usually joined him instead of being caught, and a chunk usually left for other reasons.
This Ash does grow and has the most heart out of all the ash so far. He cares about his pokemon and this is the closest Ash to capturing the magic of a trainer on their first Journey.
During the Orange Islands and Johto he does grow a bit, learning new strategies and showing himself capable of winning. He even bests his rival Gary.
And Of course this Ash had a team of strong mons, Charizard, Pikachu, Heracross, Squirtale, Bulbasaur, Pidgeot, Lapris. and a HERD OF TAUROS! Bayleaf, Quilava, and more.
And of course the OG companions, Misty and Brock. Though tbh I never cared for Misty. She was Mid.
2. Diamond and Pearl Ash
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This was VERY hard for me to decide. Ash from Sinnoh is honestly some of the Best Ash I have seen.
We see ash grow and develop a lot more of the iconic strategies and out of the box thinking we know him for. Ash had met his antithesis in Paul and would clash with him only to have one of the best battles in ALL of Pokemon in the great 8!
This Ash had The OG Brock by his side, along with Dawn, who in my personal opinion was a superior coordinator companion to May. I liked May but Dawn managed to vibe with Ash much easier in my opinion.
Ash's team with Gliscor, Torterra, Buisal, Staraptor, Gible and Infernape were a solid team base, and Ash's Pikachu also being a star in its own right
I loved the maturity of this ash, as well as the frustration he felt when being beaten by Paul at every step. He even began questioning his own ability when Paul's cutthroat tactics seemed to show such results. But it was shown through Infernape why Ash was in the right.
This Ash also should have gone farther than top 4, but dude faced DARKRAI AND LATIOS. Not Ash's fault the had to deal with the one trainer with a game shark. It did feel like Tobias was created SOLELY to stop Ash from winning. But even the final's opponent couldnt beat the darkrai while Ash at least did.
Still salty on that.
1. XY Ash
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Yes, Kalos Ash is my favorite Ash. Sure Kalos as a region and a game was MID. But Mega evolutions, the battles, the way Ash grew and developed. This Ash was SUCH an improvement from Black and White Ash that it felt like this ash was from Diamond and pearl. It is Ash at his best. His most mature, his most energetic yet not annoying. This Ash is the cool ash that your GF tells you not to worry about.
Serena Clemont and Bonnie were solid compatriots. Bonnie being a better max, and Clemont being the dorky yet fun inventor. While he isnt Brock, he is still a fun character. And of Course, Serena is best girl. She didnt lose her bike to Ash's pikachu, so points. She knew him from the past, the cute crush never felt forced. It also made the times when they argued really hold weight. Ash realized he effed up when Serena was pissed.
Now for the team. Ash earned his OP team. He evolved all his pokemon save for Pikachu and Hawlucha, into the strong powerhouses they became. He was competing against Mega evolutions AND Winning. He and Greninja even bonded so hard he got a unique form. AND THAT THEME FUCKING SLAPPED
His fights in the Kalos league top 4 and final match were INSANE!
His rivalry with Sawyer was interesting, especially with how Sawyer overtook him when he was in a slump only for him to push back hard.
His rivalry with Alain also had some depth that I wish was explored more.
This Ash deserved the Win in Kalos. But even so, his fight with Alain in the final was intense and epic.
It shows how Ash went the POLAR opposite of his Unova iteration, it showed how Ash struggled and grew on the level of Sinnoh, and it showed how he was a leader in his own right. This was Ash at his best.
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okthatsgreat · 4 months
Reversing it, what would your Danganronpa OCs be as DnD characters?
HEHHEHEHEHEHEEHHEHEHHEHHEHHEHEHEHEH. so fucking awesome. kicks my feet giggling
billie: starting with her is so fucking funny because she is just a npc. born to be a halfling npc with the commoner stat block. shes not even necessarily an important npc either shes mostly just somebody the dm would make should a player character ever need to ask for directions. if i were to really try to give her a story i reckon she would resent how horrible she feels as a boring commoner and TRYYY to become an adventurer but she really doesnt fit into any category LMAO
erin: GLAMOUR BARD!! pippy would fucking THRIVE in this universe where it is way more acceptable to take out her instrument and start randomly playing something. still just as annoying but you cant hate her for this... race wise i can see her as a gnome BUTTT honestly just a regular human might make more sense for her lore lmao. as a race that is notorious for having a fleeting lifespan in comparison to a lot of the other fantasy races she would be far more paranoid with keeping up her persona while also lamenting the fact she cant stay young forever
naomi: STARTS AS A SCOUT ROGUE DEFINITELY that skirmisher ability........... possibly turns into a phantom rogue later on down the line! she would be an extremellyyyy agile adventurer and definitely stock up on so many goddamn invisibility potions. either a wood half-elf or (more likely) a tabaxi for that feline agility ability, paired with bonus action dash she would FLY out of any combat she finds herself in hfjkgds. kinda like her as this more humanoid looking cat with brown and ginger spots Yknow
mika: definitely would not be an adventurer, still an npc but with a better stat block than billie!! human merchant that seems kind of jealous of you when you walk in but will give you a cool amulet if you are patient
rie: eloquence bard/pact of the archfey warlock :)) she is extremelyyy charming and able to weave her way out of so many situations with her words alone, in a way that exceeds normal bard limits. like shes definitely got multiple people suspicious about her and accusing her of dark magic already LMAO, and they arent WRONG, she definitely took a pact with an archfey, but her success is what is keeping her family afloat so she cant complain that much. i think she's an elf :) that beauty is ETERNAL baby!!!! theres no ending this torment!!!!!!
ryobe: ok its actually a bit of a toss up for me here because ryobe's stats are definitely high charisma/high intelligence, but im not super suurreeeee what that would translate to class wise....... im honestly thinking yet another bard LMFAO. possibly a glamour bard/arcane trickster rogue multiclass???? which isnt the best optimisation but. yknow GDFKGFD. i kinda like him as a satyr, gives him a reason to prioritise fun as much as he does
sae: path of tempest barbarian that THINKS shes a beast master ranger that kinda sucks at magic for soooo much of her life. the last time she went into any sort of rage was when she was a kid and even then she was in denial bc her rage manifests in this terrible storm so she just assumed it was natural and nothing to do with her LMAO. its a mix of both "that cant be my doing. surely" and "i can not be an angry person i canttttt be a barbarian" that prevents her from reaching her full potential for while, and even when she does comes to terms with the fact shes a barbarian its still badddd bc her rage is explosive as FUCKKK. she'd be one of the more physically intimidating races like a half-orc i think. maybe a firbolg but most likely half-orc
yoshito: life domain cleric of ilmater 😁 ohhhhh buddy your saviour complex is gonna SUCKKK in this universe, but he would definitely be an adventurer that tries to help out as many people as he can as a roaming cleric!! he would mostly act on his own but possibly joins a party at some point for the more dangerous quests :) im thinking he's a drow half-elf?? his mother and himself both came from a place theyre not fond of but they both found ilmater or something and now it motivates him to help others out
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socialbunny · 1 year
15 questions for 15 mutuals :3
i was tagged by @annieshowell, @obsoletepixels, @goatskickin, @shitysimp, @sicksadsim and @jsasimmer <3333333333 thanks guys ily >:3
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are you named after anyone? no, my mom had two names she wanted to pick for me and she and my dad settled on the one i have. but she was alsoo watching this movie in the hospital and one of the characters has my exact birth name so i think that cemented the name lol. and my name dirk, i named myself after dirk dreamer bc he's so me fr
when was the last time you cried? can't remember exactly
do you have kids? No I don't need that that in my life rn
do you use sarcasm a lot? I dooo, never in a mean way tho bc i feel like using sarcasm to mask how u feel abt some1 is pussy fr. i love joking around and poking fun and just being silly and weird and chillin like? irl personality is hit or miss with people. ive been told i talk back too much or always have something to say like? 😭
what sports do you play/have you played? when i was in elementary school i was in a dance group (terrible at it i have no rhythm at all it's honestly embarrassing) and when i was in high school i was in a tennis class (which was a PE alternative where we honestly never did shit tbh, towards the end of the school year we'd just be in the computer lab most of the time) and i considered joining the actual team but i also sucked at it 😭 and i really don't like doing team shit esp sports bc people start acting weird and i start getting real agitated.
what's the first thing you notice about other people? like physical i guess their outfit and hair and other shit i wear my glasses forr but shittttt, like just talking to someone i can catch their vibe really quick. just the way someone talks can tell you a lot abt them
eye color? Brown
scary movies or happy endings? it really depends on what the movie is
any special talents? nothing in particular i can think of. i think anything i do i'm really good at but not especially good at you know. i used to be told i'm really good at drawing but i was told this by the type of ppl who say they cant draw a stick figure so. take that as u will
where were you born? Texas 🤠
what are your hobbies? I love drawing and writing and reading and all the shit in that sphere of hobbies in theory 😭 been in a slump lately and doing shit seems harder than it needs to be. I love watching animation analysis and critiques, and listening to those 3hr vids of ppl talking abt shit i will never watch or care about while i do other bullshit. i really like making renders right now it gives me something to do without getting distracted too much. i also love playing really old shitty video games that have pages of cut content on tcrf
do you have any pets? No :( never had any pets when i was a kid either bc my mom had a whole bunch of dogs as a child and she didnt fw the idea of having any more animals in her house
how tall are you? 5'4 :)
fave subject in school? I love English (predictably I guess 😭)
dream job? i'd love to work in the animation industry in any way possible <3 or work in tv in general. probably have my own cartoon some day but thats such a stretchhhhhhhh i cant even work on my sims fanfiction or any oc shit LMAO. if not then i'd accept nothing less than a job where i don't have to talk to a lot of people and get payed billions of dollars to do bullshit
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i dont have 15 ppl to tag since i do ask games so slowlyyyyy but i'll tag @despairoftheendless, @junkskoer, @faghotline and @hyperthinks !!! <3
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bigjimbopickens · 1 year
Hi! I wanna say I love your art first of all! I just read the message under your last post about Kevin’s art video and you said you’re mostly self taught - I’m curious about how you get into that? I’d love to learn to draw but have no idea where to start!
Sorry for getting back to this so late I am not as active on Tumblr. And yes, I am mostly self-taught because of my circumstances growing up. To those who don't know, I am SnowfallWarning/Big Jimbo and I am currently an animation student. I do 2D animation, concept art and character design and I graduate this year (hopefully). I am disabled both physically and mentally which is why I mostly do digital art. I have a coordination disorder (dyspraxia) and am blind in one eye but that doesn't stop me. For my entire childhood I was discouraged from drawing as I apparently wouldn't go anywhere with it or that I was terrible. Where I lived most of my life had no opportunities for someone like me so I had to leave to continue pursuing art. Because of the poor access, the only things I had was notebooks, school supplies and an old iPad mini to draw with growing up. I learned everything I currently know now from using those. I don't know what got me into drawing still, may have been Warrior Cats and dinosaurs. Like what Jose said in Kevin's video, art comes from the soul. It is human expression and we've always been doing it. Anyone can be an artist and we all start somewhere, trust me. Here's some stuff I usually tell people because I do get asked this often (I'm also not the best teacher): 1: Experiment. Find what works for you. Be messy with it, not every piece needs to be perfect. If you are a digital artist then also trying different programs can be helpful too. Maybe you're better at drawing landscapes, characters or abominations that defy God. 2: Use references if necessary. Not sure why for a while it was considered "cheating" to use references. Everyone in the industry uses references, I would know. If you also want, you can try tutorials but I found I learn more from references. 3: Take inspiration. I'm always adding things I see in other people's art to my own style if I like it. Though try not to copy them. 4: Tracing. I believe tracing is okay for learning purposes. It's how I learned to draw humans after doing exclusively furry art for years tbh. I tend to stick to real-life references for this, this is a great site for practice: https://line-of-action.com (if you're not okay with nudity then do remember to turn that off). "But where do I even start?" Grab a piece of paper and pencil (or open a blank canvas on a digital art program if you prefer that) and just start doodling whatever. If you have an idea then go for that as well. Every class I've had in college so far has started with drawing and rendering a bunch of shapes to see where everyone was at and to get a feel of our styles. So maybe try that too. Draw random shapes with different materials/brushes, colour them in and add details like shadows and highlights. I know it seems ridiculous but I do it every once in a while to experiment and try different methods. You probably won't improve overnight. Hell, it took me 7 years to get to where I currently am. A lot of people quit because they think they're not good enough when pretty much every artist is only proud of about 10% of their work. Definitely the case for me. Not every piece is going to be a masterpiece and the imperfections can be what makes it special, so please don't be so hard on yourself. Don't be discouraged because other artists may be better than you either, they've probably been doing it for longer. So please, if you are dedicated enough, keep trying. I'm sure you will get somewhere :) So basically, - Use whatever material you got and draw what comes to mind, even if it's terrible it is a great start. - Experiment with your style and/or materials. - Reference, take inspiration and trace for memory. - Don't give up but do take breaks to avoid burnout. - Try not to be intimidated by other artists, we also don't really know what we're doing tbh (and just as afraid of you as you are of us).
I hope that all made sense and was somewhat helpful :)
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azsazz · 2 years
Kind of a personal question so feel free to ignore it but have u ever dated anyone? What was ur first relationship like?
Oooh getting deep I see.
Sooooo, this is actually like not a great story...and i basically just word vomited my life on here 😅
TW: mentions of poor mental/physical health, cancer
Yeah, I've only been in one relationship and it lasted for 3 years (too long) lol.
It was great at the start. I'd met him when I went away for college and we were friends which is what I liked the most. We met at a karaoke bar my school had that my friends and I would go to every Thursday night and so would he and his friends so we all kind of became this large group that did that almost every week.
And it was my first relationship ever you know so I was all dumb and head over heels and the whole thing was just a mess looking at it now. My family and friends didn't like him and I became a terrible friend because I would basically spend all of my time with him and not them, so when we broke up I had like no friends of my own because we would only hang out with his friends and that's a whole other mess I won't get into haha.
But basically we were together and things just got worse and worse. He was very jealous and overbearing, had to know where I was and what I was doing all of the time and when we first got together he would tell me what he was doing all of the time and I'd be like okay? I don't need (or care) to know what you're doing all of the time, that was just a natural thing for him I guess. So then he conditioned me to basically be the same way and it was awful and I hated it.
Eventually, things were so stressful. I'd gained so much weight and I was deeply unhappy. All of my relationships were strained and I had no one to turn to. If we fought I'd basically have nowhere to go if I needed time to get away. He chased me down in his car once when all I wanted was some space to think.
Towards the end of our relationship I was literally the most miserable person ever. I hated everything and I started feeling even worse. I got a cold around my 22nd birthday and then that turned into something much worse. I kept getting sicker and sicker and I had no idea why. The doctors I went to thought I had an ear infection, then bronchitis, then that again. They just kept giving me medication for things that weren't helping.
I'd be freezing cold at night but wake up sweatier than ever.
And one day I literally just blurted out during a fight that we should just break up and then we did.
I lost like 30 pounds in a week but was sicker than a dog and I thought it was just because I was sad or whatever and I went to a therapist who literally said to me "Why are you so negative?" I'll never forget that. like lady i'm here to tell you about my problems what fucking part of that is positive?
Like legit I could barely go to class because I was so sick, I had no motivation to do anything. I'd go to class, come home, and go to bed. I barely even did homework because I had no energy.
I visited my brother at his school which was five hours from mine and my parents were there visiting him for a weekend and by the end when it was time for me to drive myself back I started bawling my eyes out and pleading to my parents that i didn't want to because I felt so awful it was the last thing I wanted to do.
Fast forward to thanksgiving break, i went to see another doctor in my hometown because I was still sick (so it started september and it was now november) and she said lets wait a few more weeks, see if this goes away and we'll check again at winter break (december).
So i go back to school and am miserable and finish my classes and I come home at christmas break and am trying my best to tough it out. I was literally the most miserable person on the planet i can't stress this enough how awful i felt. I had no energy to do anything, I'd be so angry at everyone for no reason, and I'd had a terrible cough, nothing was going alright.
At the time my two other siblings were still at school so it was my parents, my little brother, and i. My mom said "if you want to go to the hospital let me know." and i had a friend over at the time so i tried to tough it out but in the end i wanted to go to the hospital.
Basically they told me that I had stage 4 cancer (Non-Hodgkins lymphoma) and man I was in utter shock.
And then I had to leave school to get treatment so I moved back home for that.
So basically long story short I haven't been in a relationship (or even kissed/slept with anyone) since (4 years now, im 26 😳) because now I have this irrational fear that I'll get sick again or something and I just like don't even know how to talk to people or want to talk to them. And I just don't want any of that shit to happen again so idk what im doing with my life in terms of relationships lol.
But I've been in recovery since the middle of 2019 so I am very grateful for that.
sorry for the longest answer in the world that really took a turn. if you read all the way through thank you 💙
And if you should ever need someone to talk to about anything, I am here for you 100% 💙💙
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tobiasdrake · 10 months
We're making bad choices. :D
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Wait, is that Chrono Trigger influence I smell? We've got the party that stays externalized and follows you around, and turn-based RPG battles that happen right there on the map rather than in their own psychedelic wonder-zone.
This world map layout was the last piece I needed to say this game definitely took inspiration from the greatest RPG ever made.
I wonder if they have a New Game+ with a ton of goofy bonus endings based on when you decide to suddenly quit the main story and go fight the final boss instead. :P
In any case, Operation "Do what we're expressly not supposed to do and then brag about it to our authority figure" is a go!
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But first we're going to have a bite to eat. Honestly, I agree with Garl. Right before getting into the most trouble of our lives is the best time for a snack.
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And that sandwich looks immaculate. I'm a little jealous.
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Oh wow, we are troublemakers, aren't we? These sandwiches weren't just good; They were sacrilegiously delicious! ...sacrilecious!
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Okay, enough tasty treats, time to make mistakes.
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HAHA! I am the best Winter Solstice whatever! This is going to prove to be a terrible mistake in a moment but right now I am riding this high. Let's race inside at a reckless sprint!
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There's just something invigorating about, after much effort and practice, finally managing to complete a task you were expressly told not to do in the first place. Like scaling an office building on government property.
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Oh good, so we're already in deep trouble. I was worried we'd have to go and tell him that we should be in deep trouble.
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Nah, screw that. I want to do a good old-fashioned dungeon delve. Maybe we'll find a Big Chest that has a weapon inside of it. We can give it to Garl since he has no opinions about what weapon he wants.
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GOOD JOB, TEAM! We made it to the very first room and now we're screwed.
It occurs to me only now that, as all of our weapons are presently hypothetical, this may have been a mistake. I don't think the rainbow slugs are going to be very impressed if we lob Garl's backpack at them and run away.
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They don't take a monster census in the forbidden cavern, Garl.
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That passageway is a straight shot to the entrance. It's a pretty tight passage with nowhere you could have been hiding while we were tromping through. It is physically impossible for you to be cutting off our exit right now, and I expect - nay, demand - that you cease any and all un-causal existing, and vacate from the impossible reality in which you have now found yourself.
Any minute now. Any. Minute.
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Is it preparing to vanish in a puff of logic because otherwise--
That thing has a sharp horn pointed directly at the small of my back. This is going to be bloody. Why did I turn around?
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I am immensely grateful to you for shielding me from that attack with your body. That was a super heroic thing of you to do and I appreciate you so very, very much.
But why did you use your face to block the horn!? You have a backpack, my guy!
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We are in deep trouble. If we run deeper into the cave, we will most certainly be gored to death by monsters. But if we stay here, we have to face Moraine and own up to what we did.
I'm weighing my options.
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Oh wow. And we're right back to screw Moraine. Can we seal the cave up behind us and leave him in here?
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I want to give Garl the biggest hug and be besties for life for what he did for me. T_T But instead the future says we stop hanging out and never see him again. This flashback is ripping my heart in half.
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Why do I get a bad feeling about that?
Our training began not on the basis that we have promise and the school recognizes our talent, but rather on the basis that we can no longer be permitted to go unsupervised.
We're the class screw-ups.
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Well, at least he shows a more gentle side when he's not interacting with us, directly or indirectly. So maybe he's not a jerk. Maybe he just doesn't like us specifically.
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Garl lost an eye and his two best friends all in one night. What a terrible night. That sandwich we all shared together is the last happy memory before everything went south. The symbol of our sacrelicious bond.
I hope he's doing better now. He's had ten years to move on with his life. People heal and grow and change. I'm sure we'll see him again; The game wouldn't be bringing him up if we weren't going to. But I hope he's in a good place and not, like, the Darth Vader of the plot.
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"Go to your room and think about what you did FOR TEN YEARS" is a bit harsh of a grounding, dude.
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And there it is again. Let people make their own choices! Obviously what happened here today was a terrible mistake committed in the ignorance of youth but come on. He wants to be our bestie so bad he sacrificed his eye for me. He's my gosh darned hero. T_T
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changingplumbob · 11 months
New Goth Household: Chapter 2, Part 5
The bizarre sims code decided to have Marta propose living together 3 interactions after she asked Keira to be her girlfriend. For storylines I made it the other way around. I didn't want them taking a relationship hit so they're living together but still taking some time with their relationship since Keira doesn't have lots of experience and Marta's last relationship was a whirlwind emotionally abusive one.
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In this part the household adjusts to the fluffy and human additions, Joey checks out Geekcon and we see Alexander's younger brother Milton.
Keira: I didn't expect you to have absolutely nothing
Marta: But it's a lot
Keira: When we put it away I'm sure it will be fine. We may just have a few boxes around, but I'll take stuff out so we can both share the dresser
Marta: And the bed?
Keira: Yeah... I've been thinking about that
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Keira: I'm happy you moved in and I get to see you more but-
Marta: You're worried I'll get memories of my last whirlwind romance
Keira: I'm not going to place blame on you for a me issue. Living together is a big step, I want to savour it. Not run up the whole staircase at once. Don't mistake me-
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Keira: I absolutely dream of woohooing you
Marta: *laughs*
Keira: But I'd like to keep the bed for sleep for now. Are you worried about your bad memories?
Marta: A little. He was the only partner I've lived with before you. But I like your plan. Can we still cuddle in bed
Keira: Just try and stop me
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So Keira and Marta fall asleep. It's been a day of changes, becoming girlfriends, having their first kiss, moving in together, they don't want to rush anything else just this second. Sleep is all they do, at least until something bizarre happens. Gertrude wakes them up, despite being locked out.
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I deliberately locked the cats out of Keira and Joey's rooms. But Gertrude (seen in birds eye view on the left side, between the seat and stairs) manages to yowl awake the women. Yep, you read right. Through a planter box and wall her wails rouse them from slumber. Darn mischievous cat.
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Marta: It's 4am, why are we awake
Keira: Cats defy physics. I really need to be rested for class
Marta: Don't worry, I'll go tell her off, back in a minute
Gertrude: *yowls*
Marta: Ay dios mio, quiet! You have dads you can wake up
Gertrude: *yowls*
Marta: It's not polite to wake up people in the middle of the night
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Marta: I think she'll stop for a while. Hey you okay, you looked spooked
Keira: I just had a bad dream
Marta: Tell me, that's what I'm here for no
Keira: I was crushed by a murphy bed
Marta: Eek. Sounds awful, but it's over now carino. No murphy beds here
Keira: You're right, let's go back to sleep
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They slept for a bit before Marta had to get up for her barista shift. Keira would have slept in but this little scamp, Hamlet, copied Gertrude. Yep, he woke her up from the other side of the wall and planter box. James slept in, it's not like they couldn't wake him up.
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Me being me though, I can't stay mad at cats. Hamlet is just so adorable. Marta heads off early to work and I spend most of the day following the cats while the humans juggle classes and homework.
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Poor Joey. He dislikes fitness but I still force him to workout now and then to keep him healthy. He's probably going to keep his beanpole physique for a while yet. I'm not a completely terrible watcher and give him a trip to Geekcon. Joey enters the hack-a-thon, but gets a pretty low score despite his level 10 skill.
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He takes some time to play around with the tech on offer. Then he checks out the sparklers. Having never tried them in game before I'm entranced! I wait for the hack-a-thon results... and wait... and wait... and the festival is over with no results. You win in my heart Joey!
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Joey: Hey pa
Aaron: You were going to be here for dinner
Joey: Sorry, there was a glitch with the festival
Aaron: Well come in, I have some case work to file but let's talk before you leave
Joey: Any update on getting Milton for Alexander
Aaron: Nothing new at the moment
Kelly: Ew it's you
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Joey: I'm also thrilled to be in your presence
Kelly: Get up to any chaos lately
Joey: Sure. The watcher has been perusing new mods
Kelly: You're so weird and loony
Joey: There's this one all about dreams that's being trialed
Kelly: Sure there is
Joey: Just wait. You think you'll have a good day then wham! Nightmare!
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Kelly: But that won't be a kid problem
Joey: Who knows, the watcher can't remember if kids will have nightmares but I think they will
Kelly: You're lying
Joey: Anyway you'll be a teen soon. So many things to have nightmares about
Kelly: Shut up
Joey: Acne! Social mortification! Puberty!
Kelly: MA! Joey's being a turnip!
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Calista: Let your brother be
Kelly & Joey: He started it!
Calista: Go to bed Kelly, it's getting late
Kelly: Whatever
Joey: Good to see you ma
Calista: Did you come just to wind up Kelly
Joey: No. I'm taking this knitting course-
Calista: You are! Sweet
Joey: Can you give me some help
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Calista: Of course I can, I practically knit in my sleep
The two sit down and talk yarns, hooks and needles. Joey is still learning but Calista gives him some good starter tips for his projects.
Calista: Thanks for coming by, you're a good son
Joey: I try ma
Calista: I love you
Joey: Me to ma
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Joey: What did you want to talk about
Aaron: Are you being safe
Joey: Of course. Besides the watcher doesn't include the WTD part of RPO
Aaron: I mean with pregnancy son
Joey: Oh yeah, of course I am
Aaron: Because if you end up fathering a kid, you need to look after them
Joey: Pa, I'm being safe, promise
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Aaron: I'm not against you having kids-
Joey: I know, you're always championing our Italian genes. I want kids someday, but not yet
Aaron: You do?
Joey: Yeah, I'd love a mini me. I just don't want a wife to raise them with
Aaron: And you're making sure the ladies know that
Joey: OMW yes pa
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Back home Joey gets stuck in making a mobile app. Gertrude wakes up James from a nap but he teaches her not to wake up sims. Hopefully no cat alarm now. But a mischievous cat will not be contained. The next day Gertrude kicks trash out of the bin and encourages Hamlet to try eat it. EWW
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Unable to avoid it any longer, Keira has to do some baking. I mean she's doing a baking paper after all. She still gets a tense moodlet from not liking cooking (but girl this is baking). She makes some oatmeal cookies with raisins. Joey gets my inside jokes.
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What is that small speck? Let me zoom in. It's Milton! Having gotten bored with Dina and Nina fawning over newborns he has decided to break out and come see big brother Alexander. Yes it's a different neighbourhood but after crossing the road to see Cassandra, no distance can stop waddling Milton!
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Alexander: Milton! What are you doing here
Milton: I want fun. Newborns boring
Alexander: We should get you back home
Milton: I like here. Story time please
Alexander: Okay one quick story, then we'll get you home
Milton manages to get Alexander to read a couple of books and play with him
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When Alexander knocks on the door to his old house Nina answers with mild surprise.
Nina: Oh Milton, we've been looking everywhere
Alexander: You look frantic. Dina, delivery
Dina: What were you doing with him
Alexander: Excuse me
Dina: Did you kidnap my son
Alexander: My brother knocked on my door
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Dina: Surprised you heard it over the sound of your golddigging
Alexander: You're one to talk
Dina: Get out of my house you spoiled brat, you're never getting Milton
But arriving home Alexander has an idea.
Alexander: You said to call if anything came up? How about some surveillance footage
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