#and then he suddenly just hits me with this tko of a comment
theboyercannon · 1 year
I know that the most recent historical american girl dolls are pretty blatantly Mary Kate and Ashley and people are calling 90s fashion “”””vintage””” but it hadn’t quite hit me as hard as today when a pretty young (late high school/early college) customer randomly told me that he wished he could “go back to 1989 and ride the high of the 90s” and it’s made me realize that the 90s have now been relegated to “I was born in the wrong decade!!!!” nostalgia status and I am just dust and ashes
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Out Of Time ~ 34
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< previous chapter
Word Count: 1,115ish
Summary: Y/N finds out a little bit about Fury’s plan.
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Two days later, Happy and Tony were sparing in a boxing ring. Tony needed to let out some frustrations with how professional Y/N was acting. Y/N was in there too, doing her own exercising. She was trying to avoid thinking about Tony dying and who Fury was sending in to help.
“The notary’s here!” Pepper announced, coming into the room. “Can you please come sign the transfer paperwork?” She asked Tony.
“I’m on Happy’s time,” he responded before hitting Happy in the face with is elbow. “Sorry.”
“What the hell was that?” Happy questioned.
“It’s called mixed martial arts. It’s been around for three weeks.”
“It’s called dirty boxing, there’s nothing new about it.”
“All right, put them up. Come on.” 
Y/N heard another set of heels and looked to see the notary walk it. Y/N froze as she met Natasha’s eyes. Her face hardened at the sight of her friend, while Nat’s eyes plead with her to keep her cool. Tony and Happy’s attention had also shifted to her.
“I promise this is the only time I will ask you to sign over your company,” Pepper said.
Natasha walked over to Pepper, holding some papers and a pen out to her. “I need you to initial each box,” she directed.
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Y/N turned and headed to the punching bag, taking everything she could out on it. She didn’t even flinch when Tony kicked Happy, throwing him into the corner of the ring. Natasha and Pepper looked over though, causing Natasha to also see Y/N attacking the punching bag. Nat let out a quiet sigh. Fury had warned her that Y/N would probably be mad about her coming onto the mission, but had also said that Y/N would get over it.
“That’s it. I’m done,” Tony said. He grabbed is water bottle and pointed at Natasha. “What’s your name, lady?”
“Rushman,” Natasha answered. “Natalie Rushman.” Y/N rolled her eyes. Not like Y/N’s alias was any better but, Natalie? Really? 
“Front and center. Come into the church,” Tony requested.
“No,” Pepper said. “You’re seriously not gonna ask—“
“If it pleases the court, which it does.”
“It’s not problem,” Natasha said to Pepper.
“I’m sorry,” Pepper apologized. “He’s very eccentric.”
Y/N stopped what she was doing and watch Nat enter the ring. Tony studied the new woman and he drank more of the green liquid from his water bottle.
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“Can you give her a lesson?” Tony asked Happy.
“No problem,” Happy replied.
Tony stepped out of the ring, motioning to Y/N as he headed towards Pepper. “Y/N,” he called. “Pepper.”
“What?” Pepper questioned as she sat down and Y/N came up to them.
“Who is she?” Tony asked, sitting next to Pepper.
“She’s from legal,” Pepper answered. “And she is potentially a very expensive sexual harassment lawsuit if you keep ogling her like that.” 
Y/N felt a serge of jealously flow through her.
“I need a new assistant, boss.”
“Yes, and I’ve got three excellent potential candidates. They’re lined up and ready to meet you.”
“I don’t have time to meet. I need someone now. I feel like it’s her.”
“Really?” Y/N questioned, folding her arms over her chest and looking at Tony. “I don’t think so.”
“How do I spell your name, Natalie?”
“R, U, S, H, M, A, N,” Nat answered.
“What, are you gonna google her now?” Pepper wondered.
“I thought I was ogling her,” Tony responded, typing at the screen’s table beside him. He began flipping through the information, with Y/N standing above him. “Wow. Very, very impressive individual.”
“You’re so predictable, you know that?”
“She’s fluent in French, Italian, Russian, Latin. Who speaks Latin?”
“No one speaks Latin.”
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“No one speaks Latin?”
“It’s a neat language you can read Latin or you can write Latin, but you can’t speak Latin.” Pictures of Natasha in lingerie popped up on the screen.
“Cur curo unum tantum homines?” Y/N spoke in Latin. (Why do men only care about on thing?)
“What was that?” Tony asked, him and Pepper looking at Y/N. “Was that Latin?” He looked at Pepper. “Apparently you can speak Latin. Y/N apparently does.” He looked back down at the screen. “Did either of you model in Tokyo? ‘Cause she modeled in Tokyo.”
“Well…” Pepper gave Y/N a look, saying that he was clearing just into Natasha— Natalie because of one thing.
“I need her. She’s got everything that I need.”
“Are you serious?” Y/N questioned, clearly upset. “And what exactly do you need from her?”
Suddenly, the three heard a large thud. They looked over at the boxing ring, to see that Nat had taken down Happy.
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“Oh my gosh!” Pepper exclaimed. “Happy!”
“That’s what I’m talking about,” Tony said, heading back to the boxing ring.
“I just slipped,” Happy stated.
“You did?”
Y/N grimaced for Happy as she watched him get up. He clearly was in pain.
“Looks like a TKO to me.” Tony rung the bell and Nat left the ring, grabbing her folder of papers. “You might be able to hold your own against Y/N.” Tony nodded his head in Y/N’s direction. “Happy refuses to go against her anymore.”
“I just, uhh… I need your impression,” Nat told Tony.
“You have quiet a reserve,” Tony replied, studying the woman. “I don’t know, you have an old soul.”
“I meant your fingerprint.”
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“So, how are we doing?” Pepper asked, walking up.
“Great. Just wrapping up here,” Tony responded, pressing his thumb where Nat needed it. “Hey, you’re the boss.”
“Will that be all, Mr. Stark?” Natalie inquired.
“No,” he said, almost too quickly.
“Yes,” Pepper answered as well. “That will be all, Ms. Rushman. Thank you very much.”
“I’ll walk you out,” Y/N offered.
Nat give her a small smile and a slight nod before they walked out of the room. Y/N waited until they were far enough away before throwing Natasha against the wall, pinning her to it.
“What the hell, Nat?” She questioned through gritted teeth. “What is going on and why haven’t I been told?”
“It’s good to see you too, Y/N,” she replied.
“Tell me what’s going on.”
“I can’t. Especially here. You just need to go along with it.”
Y/N pressed her forearm against Nat’s neck. “Go along with what?”
“Do you trust me?”
Y/N looked down, sighing. She dropped her arms, unpinning her friend from the wall. “I do.”
“Then just follow my lead. I’m just trying to get all the info I can so we can save him.”
next chapter >
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ithisatanytime · 2 years
The Pointer Sisters - Dare Me
 sam one by tko, no surprise there, what was actually shocking is the commentators calling sam a bad boxer and not realizing what he was doing, from round one i called it. sam had much more experience and the number one thing guys with experience do to punk out new guys is just let them throw wildly, sam was throwing wild and walking the other guy down, to encourage him to throw wildly which he fucking did, he was throwing haymakers all round long from round one and missing the majority and the only hits landed harmlessly on sams upper back, the guy was heaving, literally heaving by round 2, this is an especially effective tactic if you are more physically imposing than your opponent, you can have all the training in the world but your reptile brain absolutely will take over when a dude several inches taller than you is barrelling down at you without experience. if you ever watch the fight compare sams performance from round one to round three, typically fighters get worse in the final round but suddenly sam seems to remember technique. his callout of piker in the post fight ring interview was legendary as well and ill share that as soon as its up on youtube. 
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theeternalrealist · 7 years
Jujitsu Clubs
The Gracie's were not the sole ones doing Jiu-Jitsu on earth during the 1900's, and most certainly not the only person's doing Jiu-Jitsu in Brazil, they certainly were just the most popular. Early members of the Gracie family in Brazil were political figures and extremely active in the community where they lived. Among Helio's first students were Governor of Rio, Carlos Lacerda, and President, Joao Figueiredo. There were many Japanese immigrants practicing Judo and Jiu-Jitsu in Brazil and an innovative new as a type of "free fighting" was also developing in Brazil at this time. The Brazilians developed a system of fighting called Luta Livre (Free Fight), if you ask a Gracie, they might inform you that Luta Livre is from Jiu-Jitsu, if you ask a Luta Livre practitioner, he might tell you different things. There clearly was a large rivalry between your two styles, however the truth for the matter is the fact that the styles are particularly similar. I heard from a few sources that Luta Livre was created from Wrestling and Judo in Brazil. Luta Livre is practiced without having the gi or kimono. While I happened to be in Brazil, I handed down a street in Bahia (which will be where Capoeira also arises from) named after one of several great Vale Tudo (meaning "anything goes") fighters regarding the mid 1900's named Valdimar Santana, who was simply accountable for one of Helio Gracie's only defeats. I have heard some Brazilians call him a Luta Livre fighter, others say he was a Judoka, and also the Gracies say he was a Jiu-Jitsu player. During Valdimar's fight with Helio Gracie, after over an hour or so, Helio's corner was forced to give up. I have read that Valdimar Santana was certainly one of Helio's students, but have heard different as well. Carlson Gracie would later avenge Helio's defeat by defeating Valdimar Santana in a No Rules fight. One other famous victory throughout the Gracie family during the early the main art's development took place 1951. After defeating a famous Judo player named Kato, Helio issued a challenge to another Japanese fighter named Yamaguchi. Yamaguchi was concerned with taking the fight because he felt Helio will be hard to submit. A friend of Yamaguchi named Masahiko Kimura (5'6" 185 Lbs.) stepped up to face Helio in the place. The fight between Helio and Kimura lead to a win for Kimura by TKO after Helio's side threw in the towel. Kimura applied udegarami (a shoulder lock now called the Kimura), an arm lock to Helio's left arm, breaking it. Helio was commended for not giving up, but still suffered a defeat, nonetheless.
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An appealing event occurred later in the 1950's when Kimura finished up facing Valdimar Santana in a No Holds Barred Match. He describes the name associated with the fighter as Adema, but i suppose that this might be a spelling mistake produced in the translation due to the description being identical to Valdimar down to the spot he resided. Kimura describes the match in this excerpt obtained from his biography "My Judo". I debated for a little while about whether to include this, but it was so interesting, hard to find in print, and thus historically significant that I experienced to fairly share it with you. This excerpt really gives lots of insight as to what was happening in Brazil during this time period period, and provides an idea about how far ahead of the U.S. and Japan that Brazil was at Mixed Martial Arts fighting. The following two and three-quarter pages are taken directly from Kimura's book, My Judo. "My opponent Adema (Valdimar) Santana was a 25 year old black man, and was a boxing heavy weight champion. He had been 4th dan in judo, and a capoeira champion as well. He had been 183cm had a well proportioned impressive physique. His weight was close to 100kg. Bahia, where the match took place, is a port city where black slaves were unloaded. The slaves were forbidden to transport a weapon. Because of this, many fighting techinques were manufactured by them, I heard. Vale Tudo is regarded as such martial arts. Within the south of Sao Paulo, pro wrestling is popular. However the farther one would go to the north, the greater popular Vale Tudo becomes. Helio Gracie, whom I had previously fought, was the champion in Vale Tudo. But Adema Santana challenged him the earlier year (Note: 1957), and after 2 hours and ten minutes, Helio got kicked into the abdomen, could not wake up, and got knocked out. Thus, Adema had get to be the new champion. In Vale Tudo, no foul is allowed. 1 foul results in a sudden disqualification. No shoes are allowed. Once the fighters are separated, they are not allowed to strike with a fist, and they have to make use of open hand strikes. But once they get in touch with one another, all types of strike is allowed but groin strikes. All types of throws and joint locks are legal. The winner is set when one of several fighters is KO'd or surrenders. Biting and hair pulling were illegal. Since bare-knuckle punches are traded, taking direct two or three hits within the eye means the termination of the fight. I was told there have been many cases by which a fighter got hit within the eye with an elbow, while the eyeball popped out of the socket by half, and got carried to the hospital by an ambulance. Therefore, there have been always 2 ambulances during the entrance of the arena. "I have no choice. I will fight." I said. Then, the promoter grinned, took out a questionnaire and told us to sign it. Yano translated the content, which said, "Just because I die in this match, it is what I intended, and will not make anyone responsible for my death." I nodded, and signed the shape. On my method to the ring, someone raised his arm and waved at me. It had been Helio Gracie, whom I experienced not seen for quite a while. Helio was at the radio broadcast seat. He had been the commentator for the match. The gong rang. Adema and I also circled the ring first. I lightly extended my fingers in a half-body posture, and prepared for his kicks. Adema, also in a half-body posture, had tucked his chin, tightened his underarms, as he would do in a boxing match. Once in a while, he delivered high kicks to my face. "I blocked the kicks with my hands, and returned a kick with my right leg. Adema started initially to deliver right and left roundhouse kicks. I stepped back and dodged them, but suddenly, I received a fire-like effect on my face. It absolutely was an open hand strike. I had overlooked his hand motion, paying an excessive amount of awareness of his kicks. When I got hit into the temple, and the core of my head became a blur, left and right roundhouse kicks came. Once I blocked his right kick with my left hand, a huge pain ran through from the tip of this little finger into the back regarding the hand. I experienced jammed the finger. I traded kicks with him. The entire audiences were standing with excitement. Even in this situation, I happened to be able to think clearly. While I mixed martial arts miami was thinking 'Adema is one level more than I in both kicks and open hand strikes. To be able to win, i have to take the fight to the ground,' another fast kick flew within my abdomen.
0 notes
writingsubmissions · 8 years
UFC 209 Preview
WHAT'S HAPPENING: *Fight Night from Halifax pretty much followed the same script as most of UFC's offerings this year, that terrible UFC 208 card aside - nothing was particularly amazing, but the card was filled with pretty solid, well-matched action from top to bottom. The best fight of the night was probably the main event, which saw Derrick Lewis get stunned early by some body kicks but come back to score a TKO stoppage over Travis Browne in the second round - in fact, this was the kind of crazy brawl that UFC 208 really could've used, which is somewhat bittersweet, since this fight was in fact initially slated for that card. But all's well that ends well, since being in the main event slot here gave Lewis a platform to be the guy everyone would be talking about the next day, and boy did he give people something to talk about. Lewis kicked things off by explaining that he wasn't actually hurt by Browne's body kicks early in the fight, but just suddenly needed to, well, drop a deuce, then went on about being happy he could knock Browne out because of previous domestic violence allegations against Browne. Somewhere in there was a weird comment asking where Travis Browne's current girlfriend, Ronda Rousey's "fine ass" was, along with some distaste for the snow in Halifax, and then in the post-fight interview on FS1, Lewis apparently had a toy UFC belt and was proclaiming himself interim heavyweight champ. So yeah, Lewis will probably eventually say the wrong thing at some point - assuming something in this interview wasn't already it - but for now, just enjoy the ride, I suppose. Also, Lewis suddenly finds himself as fresh blood near the top of the heavyweight division, as despite a pretty limited game, his sheer physicality means he's probably one or two fights away from a title shot and should probably be fighting contenders from here on out. While Lewis will probably be overmatched against all those guys, he hits hard enough and seems to do a solid enough job of just surviving that there's actually a chance he could knock out pretty much anyone in the division. As for Browne, this marks three straight losses, and I have no idea where he goes from here - he apparently spent parts of this camp with three different teams, and he looked more comfortable than he had in his last few fights, but one fears that Edmund Tarverdyan's coaching may have broken Browne's game for good. *The co-main event was a weird one going in, with Johny Hendricks and Hector Lombard both trying to revive their careers in the former's middleweight debut, but it wound up being a pretty solid bout. Things went back and forth, and both guys probably looked the best they have in a while as far as the latter stages of their careers; both are obviously diminished, but there's enough veteran craft and bursts of violence that it was a fine nip-tuck three rounds. Hendricks wound up getting the win, and it was pretty nice in the aftermath to see him actually being happy about fighting again, as he finally found a weight class he could make and just seemed overjoyed with how much energy he was able to fight with now that he wasn't training himself to attempt making welterweight. Sadly, I'm not really sure how well things are going to go going forward, since Hendricks is still quite undersized for the weight class, but he should be able to hang around as sort of a top-ten gatekeeper of sorts, as long as UFC doesn't feel pressured to put him into bigger fights. *Outside of the top two fights, the biggest result probably took place about halfway through the undercard, as Randa Markos got a stunner of an upset over former strawweight champ Carla Esparza. Esparza's been looking to get back into action for a while, as she's been sort of the forgotten woman at the top of the strawweight division, while Markos's career seemed to be careening downwards after some camp changes and a few losses. But Markos looked better than she has in a while here, using a weird, hunched-over striking stance to just keep Esparza at bay on the feet, then holding her own in the grappling department with one of the best wrestlers in the division. Honestly, I still thought Esparza won, but it was a narrow affair, and that alone was impressive from Markos - and getting the decision win has suddenly given her career new life, while it's suddenly Esparza that's looking for answers. *Running through the rest of the card, the most important result was probably Sara McMann pretty much running through late injury replacement Gina Mazany, as expected. McMann then gave the world's most polite callout to the winner of the assumed Nunes/Shevchenko bantamweight title fight, and honestly, McMann has suddenly revived her career and probably become the top contender; it's either her or Raquel Pennington, and that may be the fight to make in order to officially crown a top contender. Two Canadian prospects both made solid debuts, and it was actually the much less-heralded Gavin Tucker that had the more impressive one, outclassing a solid vet in Sam Sicilia on the feet and looking like someone UFC could make a priority in the Canadian market. Meanwhile, Aiemann Zahabi, brother of Tristar coach Firas and considered one of the top Canadian prospects out there, was merely solid in a win over Reginaldo Vieira; Zahabi was obviously the better fighter, but he just seemed to struggle a bit when faced with Vieira's aggression and forced to counter, enough so that Vieira easily could've stolen the fight through sheer activity. Canadian favorite Elias Theodorou got a big win over Cezar Ferreira, even if the fight wasn't all that pretty, as a grappling-based struggle. Two striking matches saw brutal finishes, as Paul Felder destroyed Alessandro Ricci's nose with a vicious up-elbow for a first-round stoppage, and Thiago Santos got a bit of a comeback win over Jack Marshman with a beautiful spinning wheel kick. Marshman's ridiculously tough, as while he was in no position to defend himself and the fight was rightfully stopped, the Welshman actually stayed awake and seemed to merely be stunned rather than unconscious from such a ridiculously violent blow. Santiago Ponzinibbio beat Nordine Taleb in another fun fight between two action welterweights, and midwestern vet Gerald Meerschaert opened up the card with a slick armbar submission over Ryan Janes. *UFC officially announced that Georges St. Pierre is back in the fold, and this week, Dana White went to ESPN to announce his comeback fight, and people...are not happy. There isn't a date or a venue, but St. Pierre will be making his comeback against Michael Bisping for the middleweight title, because...because. I'd say it's a fight that fans want to see, but is it? St. Pierre against Anderson Silva seemed to be the obvious win/win fight in terms of starpower and interest, playing off the years where the two were the consensus best fighters in the sport, and while I think Bisping's among the most entertaining personalities in the sport, he's never been a particularly big box office draw. I guess this all boils down to the squeaky wheel getting the grease once again, as Bisping has basically asked for the St. Pierre fight whenever he's had a public platform to do so, and much like the Dan Henderson fight, it seems management has eventually decided to let him call his shot. This also throws a wrench into the middleweight division, which already had a backlog of contenders after Bisping/Henderson, and I'm kind of of two minds: on the one hand, it is complete bullshit that guys like Yoel Romero and Jacare Souza have to wait things out for Bisping to fight a retiring non-contender and a career welterweight, but on the other, the pro wrestling fan in me does kind of love the storyline of Bisping dodging legitimate opponent after legitimate opponent and building to him finally getting his comeuppance. But it's just like, there were much better options for St. Pierre here, and if Bisping's such a draw, you'd think they'd try to get another fight out of him before late 2017. It's really unclear now when the fight is going to be - one would think it's a natural for UFC 213 over UFC's big July weekend in Vegas, but word is already out that GSP won't be ready by then; and UFC's September pay-per-view date in Canada is apparently out, since Dana White has already said the fight won't take place in St. Pierre's native country. So, I guess it'll be in Vegas at some date to be determined. *So, Cris Cyborg actually got her retroactive TUE, and is amazingly free and clear to fight, per USADA. While Cyborg didn't actually bother to disclose any of the drugs she was taking until she was actually notified of the failed test, USADA ruled that the treatment she was receiving was in fact the standard care for her depression issues, and that outweighed the fact that those drugs are banned out of competition. Okay then. I'd imagine similar stuff to this has happened in the past, and at the very least there probably should've been a brief suspension since she didn't disclose any of this beforehand, but...yeah. It's not like we figured she wasn't on the juice anyway, so I guess we'll just go on with our lives as she fights in a division that doesn't really exist. *Speaking of USADA, a few changes are going into effect on April 1st when it comes to UFC's drug testing policy. Essentially, the main change will close the loophole that basically prevented once-cut fighters like Ben Saunders and Angela Hill from returning to UFC on short notice - now, rather than a mandatory four-month drug testing window for anyone returning to UFC, it'll be six months, but only apply to those who left UFC involuntarily. So, essentially, if you're cut, you're free to be re-signed and return, but if you retire, you'll theoretically have to re-enter the drug testing pool for half a year before allowed to fight again. Also, the "in-competition" window will now be considered closed after a fighter's post-fight drug test; this basically clears up the controversy that happened at UFC 202, where Nate Diaz was smoking cannabis oil after his drug test, but nobody seemed to be sure if he was technically still "in competition" at the time. *A few years back, a Zuffa presentation to investors infamously said that their goal was "Global Fucking Domination" - and it looks like for the first time in a while, UFC's starting to roll that back, at least financially. Off the huge cuts a few weeks back, a few more fighters have left the promotion, and in an interesting bit of synergy, they're all doing so because of better opportunities back home. The big one is flyweight contender Kyoji Horiguchi, who was reportedly set to be a free agent, and did indeed sign with RIZIN in his native Japan shortly after that leaked out. As one of the best Japanese fighters in the world, Horiguchi figured to get a big offer from whatever Japanese company was willing to pay him, and despite Horiguchi being a young, exciting fighter near the top of a thin division, they didn't see the offer as worth matching. One would think this would've been a problem in the past, but it really hasn't been, and part of that has been UFC being fairly proactive as far as letting fighters not even reach free agency; but that's one of the side effects of corroding the goodwill between fighters and management, whether it be the Reebok deal or just UFC's management style in general - guys are going to be willing to see if there are greener pastures. Similarly, the promotion surprisingly cut light heavyweight contender Nikita Krylov, who was another rising young talent in a thin division, albeit one coming off a loss. But this wound up being a case of UFC being proactive in the completely other direction - Krylov had apparently made it clear he was going to sign with a promotion in Russia once his UFC deal was done, and with one fight remaining on his deal, UFC just decided to cut him loose. Krylov's already signed with Fight Nights, and it's unsurprising that he'd get a big deal with the promotion - long story short, MMA promotions have become a way for Russian oligarchs to basically try and curry favor with the national government, and Krylov, as a Russian-sympathetic Ukrainian with a high UFC profile, is a big get. And lastly, while he's nowhere near as big a name as the other two, Korean fighter Dongi Yang also asked for and was granted his release to join Korean start-up promotion Gleamon FC. Yang was somewhat surprisingly brought back for a second UFC run when UFC ran Seoul in November of 2015, but he had trouble getting booked since - his only other slated fight was against Ryan Janes on the Manila card which wound up getting scrapped. So it's somewhat unsurprising that Yang decided to go somewhere where he could actually fight, but it's also a sign of the times that guys are willing to ask for their release from the biggest promotion in the world. *On the plus side, after Dana White said he was done with the promotion, UFC did in fact wind up re-signing top light heavyweight prospect Misha Cirkunov. When White said that negotiations had fallen apart, it seemed like WME-IMG cheaping out once again, but then word got around that UFC had actually made Cirkunov a pretty competitive offer in line with what you'd expect a rising young fighter with some promotional upside to get. Cirkunov looked poised to be one of UFC's Canadian stars going forward after a big win over Nikita Krylov in his adopted hometown of Toronto, so it's nice to see that at least in one case, everyone came to their senses. *Bellator gonna Bellator, as nothing went right for the promotion at Bellator 172. The card was slated to be headlined by Fedor Emilianenko returning to face Matt Mitrione, but that fight got called off hours before the event was slated to start, as Mitrione suddenly came down with a case of kidney stones. After some scrambling for a replacement - with Chael Sonnen apparently being one of the options - Bellator just ran out of time to get a deal done, and the card went on with local favorite and UFC vet Josh Thomson facing Patricky Pitbull in the main event. Bellator has been building for a fight between Thomson and lightweight champion Michael Chandler for a while now, so, of course, Patricky knocked Thomson out in the second round, becoming the first man to finish Thomson since Yves Edwards all the way back in 2004. And the other big UFC veteran on the card was also a complete bust, as Josh Koscheck finally made his Bellator debut...only to get knocked out by Mauricio Alonso, a Brazilian journeyman pretty much signed as a showcase opponent for Koscheck. Koscheck's chin is completely done at this point, and I really hope he retires, to be quite frank about it. *And as seemingly always, we end things with a note on a drug test or a suspension, as Tom Lawlor has been suspended for two years after a failed test for ostarine. Lawlor, who's been a fan favorite for years running now, has pretty much stopped just short of saying he's retired, as he'll be 35 by the time he can fight again and seemed close to ending his career due to injuries anyways. Lawlor's test failure was a surprising once, since he's been a pretty vocal anti-steroid voice for years running, and he's been pretty open about the fact that he has no idea how the ostarine got in his system. But, well, that's not an excuse, so a two-year suspension it is. ------ BOOKINGS: *Well, the big news is the GSP/Bisping fight mentioned above, but UFC also added a bunch of interesting stuff to the slate over the last two weeks, the highlight of which is probably them really stacking up the UFC 211 card in Dallas this May. Already announced for the card were two big heavyweight fights, the main event title fight between Stipe Miocic and Junior dos Santos, as well as a tilt between Fabricio Werdum and Ben Rothwell, and it looks like they've filled out the rest of the main card. After some rumors of the fight taking place on a few different cards, the expected Joanna Jedrzejczyk/Jessica Andrade strawweight title fight, which should be a good one, will co-main the card here, and somewhat surprisingly, Demian Maia and Jorge Masvidal will square off in what might be a #1 contender's fight at welterweight. After tapping out Carlos Condit and making it look easy last August, Maia, somewhat rightfully, was sitting out waiting for a title shot, though there was some talk that he could face Donald Cerrone in a fight to crown the top contender. But with Masvidal beating Cerrone, well, it looks like he's taking Cowboy's spot. Weirdly, the Maia/Masvidal fight was initially rumored to be taking place on the Nashville card, which threw into question exactly what was going on, since Cub Swanson and Artem Lobov were already announced as the main event for that card. But the bout eventually landed in Dallas, and it's unclear what that means for the Eddie Alvarez/Dustin Poirier fight that was also expected for that card, but hasn't officially been announced. If it's indeed at UFC 211, that's a pretty ridiculously stacked main card, but one wonders if Maia/Masvidal heading there means it's being moved to a different date - after all, that Fox show from Kansas City still needs a main event... *UFC was expected to run Copenhagen for the promotion's debut in Denmark over Memorial Day weekend, but it looks like those plans are off - but UFC will still be making its way to Scandinavia, as May 28th will mark their return to Stockholm, Sweden. And we have a main event - unsurprisingly, the card will be headlined by Sweden's own Alexander Gustafsson, this time taking on Glover Teixeira. UFC tried to make the bout once before, in June of 2015, but things fell through due to injury and that card instead saw Joanna Jedrzejczyk beat the piss out of Jessica Penne in her first title defense. They also added a few other bouts featuring Swedish fighters, as Magnus Cedenblad will take on Chris Camozzi, and Jack Hermansson will take on Alex Nicholson, both at middleweight. There was also the brief rumor of top heavyweight prospect Francis Ngannou taking on Stefan Struve, but Struve ended those rumors in short order, as he's apparently still recovering from surgery. That does seem to be a slated fight for sometime later in the year, though, which makes one wonder exactly why UFC seems to hate Stefan Struve. *Some other fun fights are taking place, so let's run through them. UFC 212, the Aldo/Holloway card in Brazil, got a fun main card fight, as the rumored Claudia Gadelha/Karolina Kowalkiewicz bout between Joanna Jedrzejczyk's toughest tests to date will take place there. UFC 210 in Buffalo added some interesting fights, even if the main card isn't particularly stacked - after a one-off attempt to make lightweight, Thiago Alves heads back up to welterweight to face Patrick Cote. And two New Yorkers get to fight on the card - top lightweight prospect Gregor Gillespie takes on Andrew Holbrook, and Bellator vet Desmond Green makes his UFC debut against Josh Emmett. Nashville added three fights to a card that's shaping up nicely - John Dodson and Eddie Wineland square off in what should be a fun as hell bantamweight fight, native Tennesseean Ovince St. Preux takes on Marcos Rogerio de Lima in a fight St. Preux badly needs to win, and Cindy Dandois makes her UFC debut against fellow grappler Alexis Davis. Belgium's Dandois has been a pretty solid featherweight in Invicta, so one would think they'd sign her to join a division that needs, you know, fighters, but nope - this one will see Dandois cut down to 135, which she's also fought at in the past. And while the Fox card in Kansas City still needs a main events, some solid fights got added, headlined by Jeremy Stephens taking on featherweight prospect Renato Moicano. Stephens had been rumored to take on Gilbert Melendez on this card, but Moicano's a fine replacement violence-wise, even if he doesn't have the name value. Talented lightweights Rashid Magomedov and Bobby Green will square off, veteran grapplers Nathan Coy and Zak Cummings will take each other on, and in what might be the most interesting fight of them all, uber-prospect Tom Duquesnoy makes his UFC debut against Patrick Williams. And to wrap things up, UFC 211 also added one more fight, between TUF: Latin America alums Enrique Barzola and Gabriel Benitez. *And lastly, UFC added two more events to the schedule. UFC 214 got moved up a week, as UFC will now head to Anaheim on July 29th. And the company announced their return to Singapore for a card on June 17th - no fights have been announced, outside of the expected debut of top Chinese fighter Guan Wang, as UFC is suddenly trying to promote Chinese talent again. Hopefully it goes better this time around. ----- ROSTER CUTS: 1) Kyoji Horiguchi (18-2 overall, 7-1 UFC, last fought 11/19/16, W vs. Ali Bagautinov): As mentioned above, Horiguchi is the most surprising name UFC has let get away in recent memory, since he's an exciting, young fighter that still has a bunch of upside while being a top contender in a thin division. It was kind of absurd that Horiguchi got a title shot when he did, in April of 2015, coming off of wins against Darrell Montague, Jon Delos Reyes, and Louis Gaudinot, but options were scarce, and UFC just decided to throw a talented prospect to the wolves. Horiguchi was unsurprisingly outclassed there, but he's continued to improve and looked excellent in his last fight over top veteran Ali Bagautinov, even mixing in some clinchwork and grappling to go with his typical powerful striking style. That fight was the last on his contract, and as possibly the best Japanese fighter in the world, Horiguchi must've known the big offers were coming, and he signed with RIZIN pretty much right after becoming a free agent. He's already slated for a fight in April, and honestly, it wouldn't surprise me if RIZIN soon had a flyweight division roughly the same level as UFC's, Johnson aside. 2) Nikita Krylov (21-5 overall, 6-3 UFC, last fought 12/10/16, L vs. Misha Cirkunov): Farewell to Nikita Krylov, owner of one of the most bizarre UFC careers in recent memory. The Ukrainian came into UFC as a pudgy, 21-year old heavyweight with an undefeated record (because his losses had mysteriously not yet been reported), and put on an instant classic in his UFC debut against Soa Palelei for all the wrong reasons, as the two giants just tired immediately and then just sort of flopped around at half-speed until Palelei won after Krylov essentially got too tired to defend himself. That earned Krylov instant cult favorite status among the MMA hardcores, and his subsequent two fights just helped that right along - Krylov came out of nowhere to uncork a head-kick knockout of Walt Harris in just 25 seconds, but then cut down to 205 and got immediately tapped out by Ovince St. Preux with a basic choke. That seemingly established Krylov as a joke for the rest of his career, but then he suddenly went ahead and became an actual prospect, further trimming down and becoming a weird fighter who wasn't all that good, but was ridiculously tough and aggressive and had just enough of an idea of what he was doing to put away his opponents. Krylov then faced off with Misha Cirkunov in a rare prospect-versus-prospect fight at light heavyweight, and finally found his match in another top-tier athlete who was able to weather the storm and take advantage of the openings Krylov provided, eventually clamping on a choke for the submission. Cirkunov's future was still fairly bright, so it was a surprise when UFC cut him, until it came out that Krylov only had one fight left on his deal, and made it apparent he was going to sign back in Russia. And indeed, Krylov signed with Fight Nights shortly thereafter. 3) Valerie Letourneau (8-6 overall, 3-3 UFC, last fought 12/10/16, L vs. Viviane Pereira): Letourneau confirmed her release from UFC on social media, and she had a weird run - frankly, I'm still unclear if she was actually all that good. Letourneau was a bit of a surprise choice for a late-notice slot on a card in 2014 - while the Montreal native is a pioneer in Canadian women's MMA, her lone UFC exposure was a loss on TUF to Roxanne Modafferi, whose career seemed all but over at that point. But Letourneau got a debut win in a fairly trash fight over Elizabeth Phillips, and then surprisingly made the cut down to strawweight, where she looked absolutely brutal and drained on the scale. Still, she made weight for another win over Jessica Rakoczy - in another fight where neither woman looked all that good - and then scored a win over Maryna Moroz where Letourneau's game suddenly looked fairly impressive. Still, it was a shock when she was chosen to fight Joanna Jedrzejczyk for the strawweight title after that win - the thought was seemingly, since this was the big Rousey/Holm show, that Letourneau would be a solid opponent for Jedrzejczyk to have a showcase win over. But to her credit, Letourneau managed to hang in there for all five rounds, which was far from expected, and seemingly had cemented herself as a top-ten or so strawweight. And then the wheels fell off. Letourneau faced Joanne Calderwood in a one-off flyweight fight and had a competitive loss, albeit one where Letourneau struggled with an ill-fitting top and then got knocked out, and once UFC decided not to add Letourneau's natural division, it was back down to 115, where she drained herself once again, but still missed weight against Viviane Pereira. And that Pereira fight wound up being absolutely awful - Letourneau had a comical size advantage, but was too drained to do anything with it, and the result was just a terrible fight where nobody really deserved to win. After that performance, I kind of don't blame UFC for cutting Letourneau, and hopefully she can now fight somewhere where she can be at flyweight, and not put herself through such a rough weight cut. 4) Dongi Yang (13-3 overall, 2-3 UFC, last fought 11/28/15, W vs. Jake Collier): As mentioned above, Yang requested his release after basically not being booked, instead choosing to latch on with a new promotion in his native Korea. In his initial UFC run from 2010 through 2012, Yang was one of those mid-tier guys who had a bad record due to some tough matchmaking, as UFC decided to keep feeding him to what were then top prospects like Court McGee and Brad Tavares. But he was still a surprising signing when UFC decided to hold an event in Korea, since in the intervening three and a half years, Yang had only fought twice. But he got a win in that return fight over Jake Collier, and then...nothing. UFC didn't run Asia in all of 2016, and Yang's lone booking was on a card in Manila that wound up getting scrapped. ----- UPCOMING UFC SHOWS: 3/11 - UFC Fight Night 106 - Fortaleza, Brazil - Vitor Belfort vs. Kelvin Gastelum, Edson Barboza vs. Beneil Dariush, Mauricio Rua vs. Gian Villante 3/18 - UFC Fight Night 107 - London, England - Corey Anderson vs. Jimi Manuwa, Alan Jouban vs. Gunnar Nelson 4/8 - UFC 210 - Buffalo, NY - Daniel Cormier ( c ) vs. Anthony Johnson, Gegard Mousasi vs. Chris Weidman 4/15 - UFC on Fox 24 - Kansas City, MO - Rose Namajunas vs. Michelle Waterson, Gilbert Melendez vs. Jeremy Stephens 4/22 - UFC Fight Night 108 - Nashville, TN - Artem Lobov vs. Cub Swanson, Al Iaquinta vs. Diego Sanchez, Sam Alvey vs. Thales Leites 5/13 - UFC 211 - Dallas, TX - Stipe Miocic ( c ) vs. Junior dos Santos, Joanna Jedrzejczyk ( c ) vs. Jessica Andrade, Ben Rothwell vs. Fabricio Werdum, Demian Maia vs. Jorge Masvidal, Eddie Alvarez vs. Dustin Poirier 5/28 - UFC TBA - Stockholm, Sweden - Alexander Gustafsson vs. Glover Teixeira 6/3 - UFC 212 - Rio De Janeiro, Brazil - Jose Aldo (c) vs. Max Holloway (ic), Claudia Gadelha vs. Karolina Kowalkiewicz ----- UFC 209 - March 4, 2017 - T-Mobile Arena - Las Vegas, Nevada It's pretty crazy to think that this card essentially marks the one-year anniversary of Nate Diaz's win over Conor McGregor, a fight that helped establish 2016 as pretty much the peak year in UFC history, as well as more or less upend the entire way that the company promotes fights. And while this isn't that level of a card, this show does sort of serve as a tentpole for the beginning third or so of 2017, as this features two of the best fights that UFC can put on at the moment. And they actually did a pretty solid job of loading this card up - pretty much every fight on this card should be fun, and frankly, UFC's matchmaking has been excellent lately, as even the fights that may not be that great to watch (Evans/Kelly, maybe Bektic/Elkins) are really interesting fights to see where certain guys stand at the moment. After a rough two months to start the year, it looks like UFC is finally shaking out of their doldrums, and this card is really kickstarting that into motion. Whee. MAIN CARD (Pay-Per-View - 10:00 PM ET): Welterweight Championship: ( C ) Tyron Woodley vs. (#1) Stephen Thompson Interim Lightweight Championship: (#1) Khabib Nurmagomedov vs. (#2) Tony Ferguson Middleweight: Rashad Evans vs. Daniel Kelly Lightweight: David Teymur vs. Lando Vannata Heavyweight: (#3) Alistair Overeem vs. (#8) Mark Hunt PRELIMINARY CARD (Fox Sports 1 - 8:00 PM ET): Heavyweight: Luis Henrique vs. Marcin Tybura Featherweight: (#13) Mirsad Bektic vs. (#14) Darren Elkins Bantamweight: (#15) Iuri Alcantara vs. Luke Sanders Heavyweight: Mark Godbeer vs. Daniel Spitz PRELIMINARY CARD (UFC Fight Pass - 6:30 PM ET): Light Heavyweight: Paul Craig vs. Tyson Pedro Women's Strawweight: Cynthia Calvillo vs. Amanda Cooper Bantamweight: Albert Morales vs. Andre Soukhamthath THE RUNDOWN: Tyron Woodley (16-3-1 overall, 6-2-1 UFC, 8-1 Strikeforce) vs. Stephen Thompson (13-1-1 overall, 8-1-1 UFC): UFC 205 will rightfully be best remembered for Conor McGregor becoming UFC's first simultaneous two-weight champion, or for being the promotion's big debut in Madison Square Garden, but the best fight of the night was the welterweight title bout, a majority draw between champion Tyron Woodley and challenger Stephen "Wonderboy" Thompson. It took a bit to get going, but it was a pretty great, back and forth affair; for being a fairly stout wrestler going against a highly decorated kickboxer, Woodley did an excellent job of hanging with Thompson on the feet, and had the best moments of either fighter in a one-sided round four, where Woodley pretty much beat Thompson pillar to post and clamped on a tight guillotine that Thompson was lucky to survive. And as it turns out, Woodley needed that one-sided fourth round, as even though many thought Woodley won the fight (and, to be fair, a bunch also had it for Thompson), that 10-8 round was enough to tie it on two out of the three scorecards. So, of course, a draw necessitates a rematch, and UFC runs it back here, about four months later. Even though the draw was probably frustrating, the first Thompson fight was the sort of great bout and great performance that Woodley seemingly needed to be taken seriously as welterweight champion; before this, Woodley was sort of seen as an unworthy title-holder, who had some high-profile failures, beaten some weaker names, and then basically just waited things out until he got a title shot, as more interesting fighters were booked in other fights. And when Woodley knocked out Robbie Lawler in fairly sudden fashion once he got his shot, Woodley was just sort of seen as a boring spoiler in the division, and most assumed Thompson would be able to take the title from him and move on to more fun, violent things. But as mentioned above, Woodley held his own, and given that consensus has seemingly crystallized that he probably got the better of things in the first fight, it's nice to see him now taken seriously as one of the top welterweights in the world, even if he seems to be filling the role of well-spoken, somewhat cocky, black athlete that irrationally arises the ire of parts of the fanbase that Rashad Evans used to fill. And that's made for a solid contrast against Thompson, who's pretty much as white-bread as they come, as a karate practitioner from South Carolina. These two really do make for an excellent matchup in terms of frame and style - again, Woodley's a short, compact wrestler who's learned how to leverage the knockout power in his fists, and he has a ridiculous ability to cover distance in a short amount of time when going for that finish. Woodley also tends to use a weird strategy where he actually starts to back himself up against the cage, seemingly in the hopes that his opponents will open themselves up for either a takedown or an overhand, and you can see why many thought Thompson would just pick him apart in his first fight. Thompson's done an excellent job of rounding himself out where other karate guys have faltered, leveraging his long frame into some excellent distance management, keeping active, and improving his takedown defense to the point that he can - typically - keep fights where he's most comfortable. Appropriately enough, given that it was a draw, their first fight has given a lot of insight as to how those styles will interact, but not so much in terms of who will actually win it this time around. Woodley, as mentioned, did a much better job on the feet than anyone probably could've expected, but Thompson should still figure to have the advantage there. And while Thompson could easily finish the fight with a well-placed kick, again, it was Woodley that came the closest to finishing things a few times both on the feet and on the ground. I really don't see anything less than a back and forth war, but I do always tend to favor wrestlers, since they can control where the fight takes place, and for that reason, I'll take Woodley to win a decision, since he had some success taking things to the ground in the first fight, and that should be able to serve as a safety valve, if not a way to just outright win the fight, as needed. Still, it's an excellent rematch of a fight that was surprisingly fun and helped establish Woodley's title reign, so hopefully whatever the result is, it sets things up so that we can get a trilogy fight in the coming years. Khabib Nurmagomedov (24-0 overall, 8-0 UFC) vs. Tony Ferguson (22-3 overall, 12-1 UFC): With all due respect to the main event, which is an excellent fight in its own right, I think people are most excited about this fight, which is one of the best UFC can put on at the moment - in fact, it's apparently the first fight between two guys each riding an eight-fight UFC win streak. And while it's somewhat ridiculous that they're fighting for an interim belt, I don't think anyone will complain about this being a five round fight; and as an added bonus, that belt theoretically acts as a golden ticket for the winner to face Conor McGregor, which should be a hell of a fight either way. Khabib Nurmagomedov's sort of loomed over the lightweight division as an uncrowned champion for a few years now - one of the first fighters to come into UFC of this recent wave of Dagestanis, Nurmagomedov has pretty much been the best, destroying opposition with his ridiculously stifling wrestling; hell, in his fight against Abel Trujillo, Nurmagomedov managed to hit a UFC-record twenty-one takedowns, despite it only being a three-round fight. Honestly, looking back on Nurmagomedov's first five fights, you could've made the case that his competition was rather weak, as a lot of his early opponents started trending south right after they faced Khabib - but all that's moot, since he really became a contender in fight number six, against future division champ Rafael dos Anjos. Both Nurmagomedov and dos Anjos were riding five-fight win streaks, and the winner seemed set to be a title contender if they weren't already, which made it all the more impressive when Nurmagomedov just stifled dos Anjos like he had every previous opponent. But while dos Anjos rebounded from that loss to start another five-fight win streak that led him to the UFC championship, Nurmagomedov instead headed into surgery, as he tore up his knee over the summer of 2014. And as mentioned before, once dos Anjos won the title, Nurmagomedov's presence just loomed over the division, since by proxy, he figured to be the actual best lightweight in the world, but was just too hurt to compete. After a few teases of a return - the last of which was actually against Ferguson - Nurmagomedov finally came back in April of last year against late replacement Darrell Horcher, after another attempt to re-book the Ferguson fight fell through. And after taking about a round to shake off two years of rust, Nurmagomedov just simply picked up where he left off, dominating Horcher and setting his sights on lightweight gold. Khabib took out another contender, this time Michael Johnson, at UFC 205, and provided one of the best out-of-the-cage highlights of the night, stirring the mostly Irish crowd into a frenzy as he called Conor McGregor a chicken, and then talked about how he was going to make said chicken tap and win lightweight gold. Great stuff. But for everything Nurmagomedov has done, Ferguson has pretty much been right there with him, right down to beating dos Anjos in a hell of a five round fight just a week before Nurmagomedov's win over Johnson. Ferguson won season 13 of TUF back in 2011 and reeled off three quick wins, but after a flat loss to Johnson where it turned out that Ferguson had broken his arm, Ferguson was pretty much out of sight, out of mind for a good year and a half while he recovered. And when he came back at the tail end of 2013, Ferguson seemingly was starting over from scratch, working his way slowly up the ladder, against a lot of the same people Nurmagomedov faced, in fact. But while Nurmagomedov wins with just hard-nosed, straight-ahead wrestling, Ferguson instead does so with style; Ferguson is lanky for a lightweight, and he uses that frame to great effect, just sort of bouncing around everywhere, pecking away from distance, and occasionally doing some crazy things with movement, like doing a weird ninja roll or striking from an unorthodox angle. And his grappling game is fairly similar - despite having a background in wrestling, Ferguson never really uses it, instead choosing to hop on all sorts of chokes, particularly a D'Arce that has become a bit of a signature after his crazy win over Edson Barboza. And it's that contrast in styles that makes this a ridiculously fun fight on paper, even past the talent of both guys; Nurmagomedov has never faced someone as dangerous and active as Ferguson, while a hard-charging Russian who just wants to cut through the shit and take Ferguson down is probably his toughest test yet. Honestly, for being such a fascinating fight on paper, this seems to be a pretty binary fight, and we'll probably figure out how it's going to go within the first few minutes, since it really comes down to if Khabib can catch Ferguson or he can't. We saw it briefly in the Johnson fight before Khabib took over, but Nurmagomedov's striking still isn't all that great, and is pretty much just a means to an end of getting close to take his opponent down and maul them. That could be a huge problem against someone with one-hitter quitter knockout power, like, say, McGregor, but despite being having some power, I don't really think of Ferguson as that type of guy. But what Ferguson is is evasive, and even worse for Khabib, Ferguson also seems to have one of the best gas tanks in MMA; he just always fights at a ridiculous pace, and if doing so for five rounds against Rafael dos Anjos at the elevation of Mexico City doesn't tire him out, a fight with Nurmagomedov probably won't. Unless, of course, Nurmagomedov just takes over and out-wrestles Ferguson to wear him out, but at that point, the question of if Ferguson can keep avoiding him is moot. I could see a scenario where Ferguson just pecks at Nurmagomedov from outside and then takes over as the Russian tires out, but honestly, I have the feeling it's only going to take one takedown for Nurmagomedov to take over the fight, and things should go downhill for Ferguson after that, since once Khabib gets into a groove, pretty much every fight to date has been over. So I'll take Khabib via decision, with a chance of a late finish if Nurmagomedov is able to take over early enough in the fight, but I do expect some trouble before the Russian figures things out and gets his hands on Ferguson. Either way, though, woohoo, what a fight. And I can't wait for the winner to face McGregor. Rashad Evans (19-5-1 overall, 14-5-1 UFC) vs. Daniel Kelly (12-1 overall, 5-1 UFC): While I'm happy that Dan Kelly has somehow had enough success to get such a big fight, it is kind of sad that it's come to this to see if Rashad Evans has anything left. Evans was never really been the biggest star, but he's been a UFC stalwart for over a decade, became UFC light heavyweight champion, and gave us some of the better rivalries in the history of the sport with Quinton Jackson and Jon Jones. But, for all intents and purposes, Evans's dominant win over Chael Sonnen in late 2013 was pretty much the end of his high-level career, or so it seems. Slated for a fight against Daniel Cormier that would've put the winner firmly in the title picture, Evans went down with a knee injury that was supposed to only keep him out for a month or so, but instead turned into a two-year ordeal of surgeries. And once Evans finally returned against Ryan Bader, he looked pretty much done - Evans went from 34 to 36-years old during his layoff and showed every year of it, just looking slow, getting out-struck by Bader, and not even having much success implementing his reliable wrestling game. And things went even worse in an attempted rebound fight against Glover Teixeira, as Evans did even less before getting obliterated via knockout in just under two minutes. And so Evans turned to the last resort of the fading fighter - changing weight classes, in this case cutting down to middleweight, though getting a fight booked at 185 became a bit of an ordeal itself. Thanks to privacy laws, it's unclear exactly what happened, but some sort of medical issue that Evans has apparently had throughout his entire career got flagged by the New York commission right before Evans was slated to fight at UFC 205. So his bout against Tim Kennedy was shifted a few weeks later, to UFC 206, only for Ontario to basically follow suit and refuse to clear Evans. But thankfully, there's always Nevada, so Evans can finally make his middleweight debut against, of all people, Australia's Dan Kelly, one of the unlikelier success stories of the last few years. A four-time Olympian in judo, Kelly didn't really take up MMA until he was 35 years old, and when he showed little on a Canada/Australia season of TUF a little over a year later, that figured to be that. But UFC was in full global expansion mode, signed Kelly to a contract anyways, and after two ugly wins over lower-level foes, Sam Alvey destroyed him under a minute and seemingly put an end to a fun little story to those who bothered to watch UFC's Australian shows. But then things took a bit of a crazy turn - after knocking off prospect Steve Montgomery, Kelly suddenly became a going concern in the middleweight division, scoring a come-from-behind finish over top prospect Antonio Carlos Junior in one of the bigger upsets of 2016, and then taking out solid vet Chris Camozzi on UFC's most recent card down under. It's a wonder to behold, as Kelly, who's been an underdog in all six of his UFC fights, just continues to win - he's kind of plodding and creaky on the feet, often wearing a giant knee brace, but he just bites down on his mouthpiece, wades in with some wild punches, and just hopes he can get close to his opponent. And to his credit, when he does, age goes out the window, and judo takes over, as Kelly just uses a combination of technique and sheer dad strength to take over his foes and just beat the piss out of them as they wonder how exactly this all happened. Amazingly, given all of Evans's accomplishments and given that Kelly's pretty much mostly been a curio during his UFC career, this is a somewhat hard fight to call, given that it's unclear exactly what Evans has left, as well as questions about how he'll look at a new weight class. If Evans was more of a finisher, I wouldn't have much of a problem picking him - Kelly tends to wear down his opponents through sheer tenacity, and Alvey showed that if you can just blast him early, you can score a quick knockout before tiring out. And hey, maybe Evans is just enough more of a powerhouse at middleweight to make that happen. But I could easily see a fight where Evans has some success early, tires due to the weight cut, and, once again, Kelly takes over the late stretches of a fight over an exhausted opponent to steal another win. But I kind of have to take Evans to win a decision - he has the size, the veteran wiles, and enough of a wrestling background that one should hope he should be able to neutralize Kelly, if not just outbox him for three rounds to keep him at bay. Still, to come full circle, as much as I love Dan Kelly's unlikely success, it's still sort of sad that it's come to this. David Teymur (5-1 overall, 2-0 UFC) vs. Lando Vannata (9-1 overall, 1-1 UFC): When Michael Chiesa was forced to back out of a main event against Tony Ferguson, and newcomer "Groovy" Lando Vannata stepped in, it was viewed as a bit of a disappointment, but instead, it may have been a launching pad for someone who may become a future star. First of all, the fight itself wound up being absolutely awesome - Ferguson seemingly finally met his match and faced someone with enough swagger as he has, as Vannata just sort of let things flow, played the evasion game on defense, and hit enough crazy counter-shots to actually have Ferguson briefly on the ropes before succumbing to a second-round submission. And rather than wind up as some one-hit wonder, Vannata instead followed that up by taking out John Makdessi with possibly the most aesthetically pleasing knockout of 2016, a walk-off spinning wheel kick that dropped Makdessi like a bird being shot out of the sky and established Vannata as a prospect to watch. Rather than rush Vannata back against high-level competition, UFC instead did a fascinating lateral move here, matching Vannata up against Swedish striking prospect David Teymur. Teymur wasn't particularly memorable on the McGregor/Faber season of TUF, but he's looked good since making it to the UFC roster proper, knocking out castmate Martin Svensson and then doing the same to newcomer Jason Novelli, both in rather brutal fashion. Like Vannata, Teymur hasn't shown much outside of dynamic, violent striking skill, but hey, that's more than enough to make you someone people want to see. This could be a bit of a tricky matchup for Vannata, but frankly, he's looked the better of the two and done so against much tougher competition. So while Vannata could dick around and get himself knocked out, and while I could see Teymur going fairly well early on as both guys feel the other out, I'll say Vannata eventually hits a groove (pun not intended, I swear) and scores a second round knockout. Alistair Overeem (41-15 [1] overall, 6-4 UFC, 4-0 Strikeforce, 7-7 PRIDE) vs. Mark Hunt (12-10-1 [1] overall, 7-4-1 [1] UFC, 5-3 PRIDE): It's an interesting fight between two late-career heavyweights, but UFC pretty much has to be screwing with Mark Hunt at this point by booking him against Alistair Overeem. Hunt's sudden career resurgence in UFC was a ridiculous one - even though he was pretty much just a super-heavyweight oddity, Hunt refused to be bought out of his PRIDE contract, and after a quick submission loss to Sean McCorkle, Hunt suddenly flashed some takedown defense and rode knockout after knockout all the way to an interim title shot. And since, he's been a fairly reliable hand - while a one-sided loss to Stipe Miocic pretty much confirmed a title won't be in his future, Hunt's been someone UFC can feature on a lot of shows in Australia or his native New Zealand, and he'll probably give you a fun as hell brawl and a knockout while doing it. But one of the sidebars of Hunt's career is that his opponents keep failing drug tests - Antonio Silva did so after their 2013 war, and Hunt's last two opponents did so, as Frank Mir flunked a drug test after the fight, and, well, then there was the whole Brock Lesnar mess. Lesnar came out of retirement to face Hunt at UFC 200, but UFC waived a mandatory four-month drug testing period to get Lesnar on the card, which caused the conspiracy theories to fly after Lesnar pissed hot following a surprising win over Hunt. Hunt, for his part, refused to fight unless UFC would guarantee him that he would receive his opponent's purse if they failed a drug test, and then sued the company; and while that lawsuit is still going on, Hunt basically needed the money and decided to take a fight that, of course, is against Overeem, one of the sport's most notorious drug cheats. Overeem exploded from a reedy light heavyweight to an absolute monster of a heavyweight over the course of his career, which mostly took place in Japan and other areas without drug testing, and whenever the Dutchman was prompted about the change, he'd knowingly give the credit to a diet of horse meat. Sure, horse meat. When UFC finally brought Overeem over from Strikeforce to debut against Lesnar, getting a drug test was, unsurprisingly, a bit of a hassle - Overeem just wound up getting a conditional license without having to pass one, as he submitted two samples that, for various reasons, weren't able to be tested, and pretty much waited out the clock. But the Nevada commission was finally able to catch him with a surprise drug test at a press conference, and Overeem finally pissed hot now that he didn't have any notice, which kept him out of action for all of 2012. And when Overeem returned, he was obviously a much diminished fighter without his horse meat - there was still some violent offense, but once opponents were able to weather the storm, Overeem would gas out and was pretty much a sitting duck for knockouts at the hands of guys like Antonio Silva, Travis Browne, and Ben Rothwell. But Overeem turned to Jackson-Wink in a last ditch effort to save his career, and the Albuquerque camp worked wonders, reinventing Overeem's game from a power striker to sort a combination outside boxer and grappler that was able to both leverage his physical gifts as well as keep his suddenly diminished chin safe. And Overeem rode that change to a four-fight win streak and a title shot, even though he fell short in a crazy brawl against Stipe Miocic. I really hope this fight is fun - if it stays on the feet, it's a really awesome battle of former top-flight kickboxers, pitting Overeem's athleticism against Hunt's durability. But in fights against one-dimensional opponents, Overeem has shown a willingness to just take things to the ground and play it safe, and I fear that's what happens here. Lesnar showed that while Hunt's takedown defense is much improved, and Hunt's short, squat body type makes him hard to take down, it can be done, and I see this fight playing out a lot like this one, with Overeem taking things to the ground and just keeping them there, much to the chagrin of the crowd. That said, there's still a chance at any moment that Overeem could just get lamped, and I'd love to be wrong just for entertainment's sake, but my pick is Overeem by fairly one-sided, disappointing decision. Luis Henrique (10-2 [1] overall, 2-1 UFC) vs. Marcin Tybura (14-2 overall, 1-1 UFC): Let's try this again. Much like Rashad Evans above, a minor medical issue made a skittish New York commission refuse to clear Luis Henrique, so rather than being on UFC 208, this fight will instead take place at 209. Henrique's an interesting talent - the Brazilian started his UFC run by getting his head knocked off by Francis Ngannou, but he's rebounded quite well, using aggression and wrestling to pretty much overwhelm some lower-level giants of the division, scoring submission wins over Dmitrii Smoliakov and Christian Colombo. Add in the fact that Henrique is somehow just 23 years old in a division where 30 is considered young, and the sky is pretty much the limit. But for now he has an interesting test in Poland's Marcin Tybura, who's in pretty much the opposite situation, coming in as a fully-formed vet. Despite coming in with a really solid regional record, Tybura disappointed in his UFC debut against Tim Johnson, where he pretty much got out-wrestled, but he rebounded in a huge way with a beautiful head kick knockout of Viktor Pesta. That Johnson fight, though, is representative of what I think might be Tybura's big problem in the UFC; while he's a skilled fighter, he's just not particularly large for a UFC heavyweight, and the company is basically filled with the biggest, toughest guys from every smaller promotion. Against another mid-sized heavyweight like Pesta, Tybura styled out, and what makes this interesting is that Henrique is somewhere in the middle - he's not quite cutting to 265 like some guys, but he's fairly big, and just wrestles like an absolute powerhouse. I'll lean towards the side of saying that Henrique's physicality winds up being too much for Tybura, and that the Brazilian wins a wrestling-heavy decision with a chance of a finish. Still, if Tybura can neutralize that wrestling game, his experience and striking skill might actually make Henrique a sitting duck. And that's really why UFC matchmaking has been wonderful lately - while I favor one guy, there's a chance the other could just as easily make that pick look stupid - ah, the wonders of this sport. Mirsad Bektic (11-0 overall, 4-0 UFC) vs. Darren Elkins (21-5 overall, 11-4 UFC): Mirsad Bektic was topping prospect lists in fairly short order after coming onto the MMA scene - a Bosnian refugee whose family fled to Germany and eventually wound up into Nebraska, Bektic is a top-flight athlete and an explosive wrestler who's quickly picking up the striking game, which, well, adds up to pretty much everything you'd want. He's still there to be hit a bit, but that hasn't really come close to hurting him yet, particularly when he can rush into a takedown at the first sign of danger. After beating some low-level competition, UFC finally looked ready to push Bektic up the ranks by matching him up against Tatsuya Kawajiri, but Bektic wound up tearing his ACL and missing the greater part of 2016. But when Bektic made his return at UFC 204 this past October, he pretty surprisingly picked up right where he left off and showed little, if any, rust, running through Russell Doane for a first-round finish. The one knock on Bektic at this point is his weak competition in the UFC - outside of Chas Skelly, everyone else is either out of the UFC or about to be - and this fight is going to fix that in a big way, as Darren Elkins is a perennially tough out. Since about 2012, Elkins has been a prospect-killer supreme; the Indiana native's game isn't pretty, but it works, as he just sort of goes after takedowns and gets his opponents to the mat through sheer force of will, basically staying on them and preventing them from getting any offense in. Elkins has lost enough fights to guys like Chad Mendes and Jeremy Stephens that a title run almost definitely isn't in the future, but Elkins can hang with pretty much anyone outside of the elite. Frankly, this fight really comes down to whose wrestling is better, and while Bektic has been a prodigy to date, we have yet to see him against someone who'll probably just ignore the hype, charge forward, and try to put him on his back. Elkins is currently about a three-to-one underdog, which seems wide to me, since while Bektic's offensive wrestling game is frightening and vicious, offensive and defensive wrestling seem to be two different skillsets, and again, there's always the chance that Elkins can put his opponent on their back first. But while there's way more upset potential than seemingly expected, I'll favor Bektic to take the decision - even after the ACL tear, Bektic's athleticism still seems otherwordly, and the Bosnian also should have the better striking to work with. But, that said, I don't really think it'll be a mauling like a lot of Bektic's other wins - this should be a pretty solid fight that sets Bektic up for bigger and better things. Iuri Alcantara (34-7 [1] overall, 8-4 [1] UFC, 1-0 WEC) vs. Luke Sanders (11-0 overall, 1-0 UFC, 1-0 Strikeforce): Well, Iuri Alcantara's back at the gatekeeper game, as Luke Sanders finally gets to follow up on an impressive debut and fight at his natural weight class. Alcantara's pretty much been a top-fifteen mainstay since cutting down to bantamweight in 2013, as he's won a great majority of his fights, and even in his losses, he's pretty much always put up a game performance as a jack of all trades, master of none. And it's that skill set that has pretty much made Alcantara UFC's go-to prospect test at 135, as a great part of his career in recent years has been spent fighting guys coming off impressive debuts. Jimmie Rivera outclassed Alcantara about a year ago as part of his rise up the division, which led some to think Alcantara's best days might be behind him, but the Brazilian followed up by blowing the doors off of Brad Pickett, so Alcantara seems to be far from done. This time around, Alcantara's test is Tennessee's Luke Sanders, who was a top prospect on the radar for a while before getting the late call-up from UFC last January. There, Sanders fought up a weight class and got a surprisingly quick win over Maximo Blanco and established himself as a name to watch...before dropping off the radar after not being booked for over a year. Anyway, Sanders is a similarly well-rounded guy who's good everywhere, but with no particular standout skill, which makes for an interesting fight, since it's unclear who should have the advantage where in each aspect of the fight. I could just flip a coin, but I'll actually slightly favor Sanders to win a decision, just because he seems more active and I trust him to win more rounds. Still, this figures to be a nip-tuck fight, and should either establish Sanders as yet another rising young bantamweight, or keep Alcantara as the big veteran test in the division. Mark Godbeer (11-3 overall, 0-1 UFC, 0-1 Bellator) vs. Daniel Spitz (5-0 overall): Heavyweights! British vet Mark "The Hand of" Godbeer made his UFC debut this past November, and, welp, it didn't go well at all, as what figured to be a striking match against Justin Ledet turned into Ledet getting an unlikely first-round submission. So Godbeer, who's pretty much a one-dimensional kickboxer, tries to rebound here against newcomer Daniel Spitz. Spitz is a former Washington State lineman training at Sikjitsu, the same team that's churned out Julianna Pena and Michael Chiesa, and gaining a rep as a camp where the coaching is pretty dumb (choosing not to focus on things like altitude and defense), but where you can become a pretty solid submission expert. The only fight of Spitz's that's really out there is against "Cabbage" Correira of all people, and while Spitz does look decent when it goes to the ground, most of the fight is spent with Spitz using his giant frame - at 6'7", he's a tall dude - to just sort of peck away and keep Correira at bay with single strikes. I think Spitz has a shot if he gets it to the ground - and Godbeer's grappling defense looked bad enough against Ledet that he just might be able to - but if this remains on the feet, Spitz just looks way too slow and defensively open for Godbeer to not just track him down and crack him. So my pick is Godbeer by first-round knockout, with the caveat that this is low-level heavyweights, and pretty much anything can happen. Paul Craig (9-0 overall, 1-0 UFC) vs. Tyson Pedro (5-0 overall, 1-0 UFC): It remains to be seen exactly what the hell UFC is doing with the light heavyweight division as they continue to let good talent walk, but on the plus side, this is a real interesting fight between two prospects coming off impressive debuts. Four first names enter. Only two will survive. Scotland's Paul Craig made a memorable debut this past December - the "Bearjew" nickname alone was probably enough, but Craig used an impressive wrestling and submission game to put away rising prospect Henrique da Silva within two rounds, and then gave a charming post-fight interview in an often-incomprehensible brogue. And, well, the debut also went pretty similar for Australia's Tyson Pedro - facing Khalil Rountree in his home country, Pedro ate some strikes early on, but got Rountree to the ground in short order, earning the tap to go to 5-0 with five first round finishes. It's an interesting fight since, well, both guys are pretty similar fighters, which is particularly fascinating since you rarely see submission experts in the higher weight classes. Either guy could easily win this, but I'll favor Craig to take over the fight and earn, let's say, a second round submission, mostly since Pedro's faced way weaker competition, both pre-UFC and when comparing da Silva and Rountree. Cynthia Calvillo (3-0 overall) vs. Amanda Cooper (2-2 overall, 1-1 UFC, 0-1 Invicta): UFC threw together two fights at the bottom of this card to help fill it out, and this does feel sort of thrown together, since both women are fairly unproven. Amanda Bobby Cooper didn't really impress in her lone Invicta fight, but she still managed to make it to the finals of TUF 23 before getting dominated by Tatiana Suarez. Cooper rebounded with her first UFC win over the since-retired Anna Elmose, but the whole package is just sort of...eh; Cooper's a solid enough boxer, but still sort of a sloppy grappler who gets herself into bad positions, which is probably trouble against the debuting Cynthia Calvillo. Calvillo probably sets some sort of record as far as a normal prospect goes, as she just started her pro MMA career this past August, so she's making her UFC debut about six months after officially starting. But the Team Alpha Male product has an amateur career going back to 2012 that includes a big win over current top prospect Aspen Ladd, who's actually the woman that beat Cooper in that aforementioned Invicta fight. Calvillo's film shows about what you'd expect from a raw Alpha Male fighter - the striking is still a work in progress, but she looks like a natural wrestler who's comfortable going for chokes or just mounting and beating the piss out of overmatched competition. Cooper's almost surely her toughest test to date, particularly on the feet, but given that I've never really been impressed by Cooper, I feel comfortable saying Calvillo can impose her game and get, let's say, a second-round stoppage on the ground. Albert Morales (6-1-1 overall, 0-1-1 UFC, 2-0 Bellator) vs. Andre Soukhamthath (11-3 overall): The second of two fights thrown on this card at the last minute, this one should be a barn-burner. Albert Morales has had a weird, brief UFC career thus far - the Californian was a ridiculously raw prospect when UFC scooped him up last year, and after a debut against Alejandro Perez that was called a draw thanks to some iffy refereeing, Morales was thrown in against top bantamweight Thomas Almeida in what wound up being a rebound fight for Almeida. UFC matchmaking has gotten better in terms of handling prospects, but Morales is a reminder that sometimes they don't really seem to have a plan in mind. But this is finally a well-matched fight against the debuting Andre Soukhamthath, a Laotian-American from New England who's been training at Combat Club, which is essentially the former Blackzilians. Soukhamthath really got on the prospect radar with a beautiful knockout knee over Kody Nordby about a year ago, but he's faced a solid slate of competition over the last few years. Both guys are essentially exclusively strikers, so this should be a really fun fight, and it's a hard one to call - Morales definitely has the athleticism advantage, and seems to handle getting in a firefight more, but Soukhamthath seems to be much more technical, has a vicious clinch game in close quarters, and as his last few fights have shown, can put away opponents with a dynamic finish. I favor Morales to take a decision, but this could easily be a narrow split decision type of fight in a good way, where both wind up looking good.
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