#and then fucked off to qsmp lmao
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ahalliance · 1 year
qétoiles n qbagz’ convo about his code arm + fun banter from last sunday :] english subs + transcript below da cut
[Video transcript:
Etoiles: But yesterday when he [Forever] talked to me, he was so frightened, basically he was like, ‘But one day won’t you lose your shit and want to kill the Eggs with the Code, and everything?’ Though I was telling him, ‘But the fact is, I know the Code very well’—
Baghera: Oh, so you told him you joined—?
Etoiles: No, no, no, not at all. It’s just that he has these assumptions that I’m really allied to the Code because—
Baghera: I think it’s due to your Code tattoo, also, it gives off the impression you’re in the process of transforming into a Code, Etoiles, let’s not lie.
Etoiles: That’s it, that’s it. But, basically I told him that I’ve had it since—
Baghera: But you don’t give a shit? You’re taking it well?
Etoiles: Well, yeah, I don’t give a shit because I know he’ll never beat me. Basically I—
Baghera: But you don’t give a shit about the code literally popping up over your body?
Etoiles: Well, yeah, because it’s a part of me now. It’s normal.
Baghera: How?
Etoiles: Well, after— after fighting someone 17 times, you start— you start creating links. But those links—
Baghera: But— you know that’s not how things work. Like— look, we cross paths. Right now we’re crossing paths. You see? We’re crossing paths. I kick your ass. Like, for free. You see? I see you, I’m like, ‘Bro, I don’t like his face,’ so I kick your ass.
Etoiles: But no! Because if you tell me ‘Good fight’ at the end—
Baghera: I see you again— wait, I’m not finished. I see you again like 12 times, and I tell myself, ‘Hey, I’ll do it again,’ I kick your ass again. After a while, Rayou, I won’t get diabetes!
Etoiles: Well, maybe you will, huh.
Baghera: Yes, but it’s not— it doesn’t work, like— there’s no correlation, you see!
Etoiles: You know you won’t have those cells anymore, you know, it’s possible.
Baghera: But— no— what I mean is— Etoiles! That’s now how it works! It’s worrisome! It’s normal for us to worry!
Etoiles: Well, yeah, but, uhhh. Basically, you’re all used to talking with me on the island. And you understand very well that there’s nothing able to corrupt me.
Baghera: That we don’t know, Etoiles! Because— if it’s— I know that your morality, and your enormous brain, and your big body, won’t get corrupted. But if there’s suddenly— well, what I mean is that we don’t know what all the possible systems of manipulation on the island are.
Etoiles: It’s true. No, it’s true. But for the moment I’m doing well.
Baghera: Yeah, well, so much the better. But—
Etoiles: For the moment I’m doing well!
Baghera: If you feel any change, Etoiles, mention it, okay?
Etoiles: Oh, I’ll talk about it. But for the time being I’m doing very well.
Baghera: So I can understand peoples’ fear upon seeing you LITERALLY transform into a Code and who tell themselves, ‘Oh, strange, maybe there’s a thing with the Codes.’
Etoiles: It’s true but who can better know the dangers of the Code than someone who’s confronted it his whole life? Instead of someone who—
Baghera: I’m well aware.
Etoiles: No but it’s— it’s— it’s for that reason that I told Forever. I totally understand the fear and everything, it’s normal. You see a dude turning into a Code, you ask yourself, ‘What’s the guy who sent him doing?’
Baghera: Well, yeah, there you go.
Etoiles: Like, ‘Who sent him?’
Baghera: But you don’t feel any different? Nothing?
Etoiles: Absolutely not, no. Everything is going well. I still hate the Code whenever I see him, I still want to kick his ass. Everything’s fine. Even if right now I want him—
Baghera: But you join up with them when he suggests it, yeah. Well, it’s to get the shield back.
Etoiles: It was just for the shield, believe me. Believe me, if I run into them again- if I run into them again and they don’t offer me things to save the Eggs and everything, it’s goodbye. And considering what I’ve prepared— considering what I’ve prepared, I objectively think that 5 Codes won’t be enough to kill me. There’ll need to be 10 of them.
Baghera: They might bring 10, huh.
Etoiles: Yeah, well, then again, we have time.
Baghera: Well, in any case, they don’t want to kill you anymore since you’re working with them.
Etoiles: Well, in fact, we’re not really— actually— I don’t really know what he’s thinking. Because the last time we talked I told them, ‘But if you lay even a finger on the Eggs, I’ll kick your fucking asses, you sacks of shit.’ And they left, and they didn’t answer me.
Baghera: Then again, they’re a bit cryptic, the Codes, you know.
Etoiles: Yeah, but normally they— I managed to talk with them a bit, so— so I don’t know. Personally, I’m telling you—
Baghera: Okay, no, what I mean is that I understand why when people see you they think, ‘Maybe it’s possible he’s getting a little bit corrupted by the Codes.’
Etoiles: No but yeah, yeah, I totally get it. But honestly, never. Never in a million years.
Baghera: I believe you! I trust you. But if there’s— if once you feel any difference or something of the sort, you mention it, okay? To whomever you want, but you mention it.
Etoiles: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah (10000x)
Baghera: You know you’re not very reassuring when you say that, as an answer.
Etoiles: That’s true. But I’m telling you there’s no problem. And— actually. The moment I start feeling strange, I’ll put numbers. And so you’ll have to come get me.
Baghera: Okay, okay. I’ll remember that.
Etoiles: Just that. But I— I— yeah. I whisper in the Code’s ear.
Baghera: The day you start talking to me in binary, there’ll be an issue, basically.
Etoiles: The day I say, ‘10001’, that’s it. But actually, I’m telling you, I could never be corrupted because I have AVAST, my wool block which blocks viruses.
Baghera: That’s real, that’s real.
end video transcript.]
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aetherean-alchemist · 6 months
Cucuhalo roomates arc be like:
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Bad: GET YOUR FUDGING CAT CUCURUCHO!!!! (Emotional Support clearly munching on bad) Cucurucho: it don't bite <333 Bad: YES IT DO!!!!!
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occasionally-victor · 4 months
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me when i get into a small argument with someone and kinda don't want to keep arguing because i dont really care honestly so after my last response i just ask a person to give an idea for spiderbit art and they just ask for anything fcell x croier which is. fine ig the only other version i care about other then og. and i wanted to make is something quick and small but well. it took me almost a month (20hrs......) . i did say i was a slow drawer tho sooooo- also how the fuck do i tag it eh whatever
also listen to Blood Moon Love by Shayfer James (clickable) smiles :)
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unjorts · 1 year
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q!jaiden the silliest little guy 🤏
i want her to experience more of The Horrors :) as a treat :)
[design notes under cut :v]
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crystalkitty1220 · 11 months
Tubbo? In a suit? In an area he made? With everyone else online also in that area? Being called a rat? By Quackity? In the middle of October?
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hiiii heres my qsmp stuff from my ipad :) its all really old now i don’t have anything during or purgatory since during is in my sketchbook and after that charlie only streamed like one more time before the server imploded and id moved interests in like october
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they’re in chronological order from oldest at the top to newest at the bottom- and the tallulah and chayanne designs are so old that if i redrew them now they would look completely different lmao. (they’re also so old that i spelled tallulah’s name wrong lol) those are from before we knew all that much about them (at least for tallulah, i think for chayanne i just hadn’t watched enough streams) but the canvas next to it that didn’t pass the cringe test does have chayannes skull mask so i fixed that part RIGHT after that drawing lmao. the election doodles are from during the winner announcement stream and the charlie glitches are from the evening that stream dropped i watched his pov live and then watched cellbit and phil’s perspective afterwards while doodling it :) watched a lot of tubbo for a bit since he was always live when i was up and before anyone else went live so there’s frubbo as well :]
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tomfrogisblue · 3 months
chay and lullahs admins saying how they always needed someone watching whenever tazercraft or tubbo were online to make sure they didnt crash the server lmaooooooo
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zeb-z · 1 year
Cellbit trying so hard to stay level headed and rational and keep shit together, but when Hombre Misterioso comes in with some fuck shit, and he’s not sure if he’s only hearing him inside his head, his response is basically ‘I can and I will out crazy you without hesitation’. He’s like I have done fucked up shit before and I will do it again if you give me an excuse I swear to god. He’s like I’m level headed and reasonable right now with rigid self control, but if you give me a single reason I will kill us both
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Losing my mind because so many people keep boiling down BadBoyHalo’s problem with the votes last night to “haha hes angwy he can’t take furniture haha L” when his LEGITIMATE CONCERNS ARE BEING COMPLETELY DISREGARDED (Cellbit I trust you to explain the problems he had PLEASE). So for clarity I will address every problem BBH ACTUALLY had
Roier getting multiple votes for each of his personalities is NOT fair. If players during the actual elections only got to vote twice, then alter egos shouldn’t get that kind of power either, otherwise you’ll have people coming up with new personalities just to rig the votes in their favor
Implementing a law with an ACTUAL ENFORCEABLE PUNISHMENT that MANY MANY MANYYYY players didn’t get to vote on just because they weren’t online is NOT FAIR. It makes more sense for this to be a trial run with no actual consequences so players and the audience get an idea of how the voting system will work. As it is now, it completely screws over everyone who wasn’t online yesterday
THIS LAW IS NOT A JOKE NO MATTER HOW MANY TIMES FOREVER OR OTHER PEOPLE SAY IT. It was reiterated BY FOREVER and IN THE CHAT BY QSMP that this law is legitimate and players breaking this law WILL be punished. It doesn’t matter if the law is stupid, if there’s actual consequences to breaking the law THEN IT IS NOT A JOKE, IT IS REAL. My previous 2 points address why this is such a huge problem
NOBODY ELSE SEEMS TO CARE ABOUT THIS BEING UNFAIR. When Bad tried to explain to Forever his concerns, Forever got distracted by Melissa and stopped listening. Other players kept laughing at Bad being angry about this being the furniture law being targeted at him and saying that’s the only reason why he’s upset, and when he tries to explain himself they laugh over him. Bad had said a few days ago he’s concerned that players are getting complacent because the Federation hasn’t hurt them individually and explicitly, they’re slow-cooking everyone so when real problems arise they won’t care, and this is just proving his point
Bad is VERY upset that more players voted banning furniture theft over BANNING MINES. Mines have been a problem for months and have killed multiple players and nearly killed multiple eggs. Literally 2 nights ago Foolish had to speed bridge over the desert with 3 eggs by Luzu’s house because every step they took another mine would go off. Poor Maximus had a mine explode the island where he went camping with Trumpet which genuinely hurt and angered him. BBH’s school, which he rebuilt with the eggs and Senhora Neide and which he was really proud of it being included in the egg quests, got exploded by mines and it was treated like a joke. Mines are a HUGE PROBLEM, and people choosing to vote for a stupid law over banning mines makes him distrust the others even more
Building off of point 3 and 5, it doesn’t make sense that people think the federation would never actually ban mine usage if they ACTUALLY ARE GOING TO PUNISH PEOPLE FOR STEALING FURNITURE. I don’t think they won’t take the mine blocks away completely, but they DEFINITELY would have punished players for using them
Bad has been steadily growing more upset with people treating him as more of a resource than a person with resources, upset that he isn’t given any appreciation or credit for the things he has done. He was literally introduced to the new players as “a guy who will give you stuff, just ask and he’ll deliver.” Everyone laughing at him and ignoring his concerns is just further proof, in Bad’s mind, that they don’t respect him as a person or any of his thoughts or ideas, even after all the good and gifts he’s given to them, and he feels betrayed.
TL;DR: Defending BBH on Twitter isn’t enough, I need a gun
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saphflare · 4 months
Honestly I also do not really care for the ending they gave the eggs.
As far as I am aware, if the egg admins don't say they are dead or apparently in cryosleep then as far as I am aware, they are not.
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thedroloisms · 2 months
But Dream was acting pissy over a smp he himself recognized was very close to Q's project only to let everyone down.
And then liked shady twt towards Tommy, making their beef public. Fans only got angry towards Tommy bc of him (love Dream but he needs to keep his behavior in check bc he always make mess worse)
Wow I can’t believe Quackity invented the concept of having a multi language Minecraft server. The issue wasn’t the server, it was the mod??? Which Dream literally released first. Idk what you mean by acting pissy or what the USMP being shut down as a result of a very obvious negative reaction by the fandom at the time has to do with anything in the current conversation, tbh.
I’ve also addressed quite clearly that Dream was obviously acting emotionally which affected their conflict behind the scenes. And Dream couldn’t like the tweets if they didn’t first exist, lmao? People got mad at Tommy when the guy was literally in surgery. Idk man I think Dream is allowed to have emotions and Tommy is allowed to have emotions bc breaking news they’re both people and their fandoms fucking suck and any friendship has its rougher moments and misunderstandings.
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ahalliance · 9 months
looks at fitpac date and tubbo’s plan . this has the potential to make the resistance missions awkward
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lowkeyrobin · 7 months
hi pookie can I get an mcyt with reader that bakes?? Like they'll just come in on stream and give mcyts a fucking platter of baked goods lol
-🎀 anon
oooo yes omg!! thank you 🎀 anon! <3 got the whole gang in here for this one LOL
MCYT ; "in my baker era"
includes ; tommyinnit, ranboo, badlinu, nihachu, quackity, foolish gamers, slimecicle, & cellbit
warnings ; language, mentions of drugs
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"Hi y/n- oh, thank you, darling!'
literally has the widest smile on his face
shows off the goods to the stream
"do these have any drugs in them? me n charlie are trying to sell drugs, y/n. we need more stock"
you hear charlie screaming through tommys headphones, "we need the grain, y/n! we need THE GRAIN"
bro is munching away on those cookies holy shit
he feeds chat as well dw
"Hey babe! Oh, thank you!"
does a whole 360 of the plate for chat 💀💀💀💀
"Oh my God, these are so fucking good"
"guys, y/ns in their baking era. can you write an album about that? please become Taylor swift for us"
literally takes a picture as per usual and posts it to Twitter LMAO
he gets some fans to send you recipes you should try for a serious baking stream LMAO
"Hey love- oh, hi!"
all smiles and shit, he swears you have a sixth sense to know when people are hungry
"guys, y/n made me some bisexuality cake!" He giggles, showing off the tri-colored cake on the plate
he was making a video with harry, tubbo & tommy so everyone had their facecams on
it was like a three tier cake you made and cut out a slice for him
the inside was just the bi flag and the outside was plain white with some fun icing piper testing
he tries it and it's SO MOIST AND SOFT IT IS PERFECT.
there's just 5 raw minutes of him telling you how amazing this fucking cake is LMAO
"Hey, I'm streaming ba- ohmyfuckinggodthankyou!!"
does a 360 of the plate for the camera
"Holy shit these look so fucking good, thank you so much, y/n"
he's literally just streaming on the qsmp with roeir and fit and he like games and eats the damn cookies at the same time LMFAO
"Dude I feel like I'm high, these are so good, what's in this shit?"
you're just playing into the bit dw
best red velvet cookies he's ever eaten
"Hey darling, what's up?"
you hand him the little strawberry shortcake and he just looks at you like 😍😍
turns to his stream and shoves the plate up to the camera all happy like "Oh my God look what they made for me!"
he eats the entirety of it on stream and asks you a bunch of questions
like how you made it, where you found the recipe, etc
he shares it with you too 💔🫶
"Hi honey! Ooo, what's this called?"
"Chocolate mousse. it's a little thick because it's my first time making it but let me know if it's good"
she holds that little glass like it's her child
she tries it with a tiny spoon you gave her and she's like "oh my God this is amazing, y/n/n"
shows it off to the friends she's streaming with too
"send them more recipes guys, I wanna be spoiled with sweets!"
"thank you nikis viewers!! love you all"
when I tell you this man's face LIGHTS UP.
"you made me fudge? oh my God! I love you"
literally spends the next 15 minutes talking to you and gobbling the fudge down
"since when do you make fudge??"
"since I wanted to try" you shrug
"you should totally make some more... when you're not busy and if you want to!"
"Thank you y/n! everyone say thank you!"
"Oh, hi y/n! thank you so much"
does a 360 for stream
"when did you find time to make this? I thought you were at work????"
"special treat" you shrug
you watch him run across the qsmp and go to ems bakery to sit inside and eat it 😭
he keeps you on stream for a while cause chat loves you n stuff 🫶🫶
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isa-ghost · 4 months
In honor of phil confirming that (most) rp phils are the same, maybe some headcanons about q!phil with some of the ex-dsmp members? Or veterans/smpearth?
For the sake of keeping tons of opportunity for more Phil/DSMP member headcanons in the future, I'll focus one duo! And it'd be a fucking crime if I didn't start with Emduo >:)
I WILL say here for anyone thinking of sending more Phil/DSMP requests: I will not be doing Dream Team or Wilbur & Phil. Even though the latter had a huge impact on cPhil.
These might be more general Emduo than DSMP Era specific but hey, that leaves room for more requests too. :D
Dear god these are reminding me I should rewatch Phil's DSMP vods, I'm so rusty on this shit. Apologies in advance if suddenly I get insane about cPhil in the future LMAO.
qPhil headcanons masterlist
First off, I personally don't ship them romantically. I'm not even sure about shipping them as a QPR, that's a maybe. But I do know they were ride or die brothers in arms. The unstoppable force to the other's immovable object. A duo that's down in history in every realm Phil's been in so far.
Even so, just bc he had no feelings of that kind for Techno specifically, spending so much time with him as just the two of them still contributed to him going "Hm. Yknow what, I think I could see myself having a male life partner maybe." So thanks Techno for still playing SOME part in Phil's journey into being fruity.
Techno was one of the first immortals Phil ever encountered, at least the first one he befriended and stayed around long term. It.. was a breath of fresh air to say the least. To know he had eternity with Techno if all things went well, to never have to fear being alone again, knowing there'd always be a when I see you again.
But Techno was immortal, not invulnerable. Same as Phil. Phil was shattered when he lost him. It's by far the worst instance of being reminded he's permanently fated to lose any and all attachments he makes.
Techno found endless entertainment in Phil basically playing Get Off My Lawn with every other member ever whenever they'd come bother the two in their tundra home. He'd purposely go without additional measures to keep people out and away just because he loved watching Phil deal with it or hearing him rant about how many times he had to while Techno was asleep or away.
Phil personally did NOT like some of the "allyships" Techno chose to make, but he was still ride or die with him, so he tolerated them and helped him. And he trusts Techno. He knows in the end, Techno saw some kind of benefit for them. Or the two of them mutually agreed that the destruction entailed in the task was worth it.
Though that changed throughout their time in DSMP. Repeatedly being used and weaponized or crawled to out of desperation rather than genuine desire. It made Phil HATE people for a while, especially mortals. It's why QSMP has him so fucked up present day. For an entire year he was wanted by people, for him. He encouraged Techno to go as ballistic as he did. Even if it was a means to someone else's ends, if they were brutal then at least it demonstrated that the two of them were NOT to be fucked with or taken for granted.
The fucking house arrest and "festival." GOD. That was the first time in a long time Emduo had endured some kind of trauma together. It kicked Phil while he was already down. The fact that none of them cared how he felt or thought in the wake of putting his son out of his misery, now they were giving him a front row seat to the execution of the only person close to him he had left in this realm. Techno felt like the only tangible thing he had left, and they had the audacity to force him to watch them attempt to rip that thing away as if he hadn't lost enough or didn't care that he did. The attempt made Phil EXTREMELY protective of Techno, even though Techno was extremely able to handle himself.
The Syndicate was Emduo's attempt at a found family of their own. What L'Manberg had going was solid minus the government part, it wasn't the community that was the problem. As two immortals who didn't have much besides each other, it was nice to take in a couple people who'd been wronged or forsaken just like them and give them a place to belong and hopefully find some peace. Besides, Phil LOVED being a mentor for them, showing them how to fight & such. Training them alongside Techno,, 🤩 That was his happy place, teaching others to be as strong as them.
Phil's always been more of a Support role guy. He's said it himself plenty of times. That went for Techno especially. He let Techno call the shots, and he'd be at his side no matter what. There's something to be said about how in the same way Etoiles said "I am your arms, just tell me who needs to die," Phil was very much the same way for Techno.
God, honestly, aside from the whole being used repeatedly thing, DSMP gave Phil so much nostalgia for SMPE. Him and Techno vs everything else. He'd missed wearing those antarctic outfits.
When he arrived in DSMP, he didn't expect Techno to be there. He was ELATED, even though he was nowhere near in the emotional state to show it.
I am OBLIGATED to mention the oopsie with the creeper in Techno's cabin. Phil was so bad at playing dumb about it and pretending it never happened. Techno would've never let him live it down.
Phil often falls into mentor roles whenever he's among people. He did no differently in DSMP. But not for Techno. He always appreciated how Techno didn't need him, he wanted him. Now that he's gone, Phil really hopes he finds that kind of companionship again. It's not quite the same as what he has with Kristin or Rose.
After Techno left DSMP, Phil grew even more protective of the tundra. He viciously forbid anyone outside of the Syndicate from coming around unless they had a damn good reason. He'd sooner throw his friendship emerald in lava than let something happen to the cabins while Techno was gone, no matter how long that might've been.
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thenewausten · 7 months
Quackity realising he's in love with a brazilian streamer HC's! 🇧🇷
Everything started when he invited you to join the QSMP server with Cellbit, Felps and TazerCraft, you were a brazilian streamer and youtuber and just like the others you played a bunch of weird games (and Minecraft as well). The first time he saw your face he thought you were so beautiful and even got a little nervous to send you a message on Instagram (lmao) but he did and you answer, being super attentive to him and of course accepting being part of the server!
You and Alex became friends very fast, always being chaotic together on the server and always flirting as a joke (you'd ask him if he wants to marry you so he could be the first one to get married on the server).
In real life, I can imagine you guys being awake until late night talking about your life's, thoughts, feelings and experiences. As a brazilian myself I think we have a lot in common with his mexican culture so you guys would talk for hours about your cultures, he'd show you mexican songs or bands like Los Tigres del Norte and you'd show him Mamonas Assassinas* (I'd give anything to see him reacting to this band). Also, he'd teach you how to do guacamole and you'd teach him how to do brigadeiro* as well!
I think he'd fall in love with you first and would realise it while streaming your both wedding on the QSMP, listening to your voice as you say how much you love and care for him, or even better, for q!quackity. He'd think he's confusing his feelings with the feelings of his character but his heart would be pounding so fast in his chest as you both talked later off-stream he thought he could have an anxiety attack. "Hmm, hey... I need to go, I have to work on the next event of QSMP, sorry..." He'd say to you, looking at your face on the screen of his phone. "Oh, sure. It's okay! Bye, husband!" You'd joke around calling him husband and he'd be dead for the rest of the night and the next day, thinking he was so fucked up to fall in love with someone who just wanted his friendship and lived so far away from him.
Alex didn't know you felt the same, after a couple weeks you'd realise the way you've been reacting when you talk to him. Something was different. Just like him, you thought you'd be confusing your feelings because all of the marriage lore on the server but why would you blush every damn time he'd say you are beautiful and not only that but an amazing person as well?!
You'd talk with Cellbit about it, not knowing Quackity did the same. Cellbit would say you should talk to him about it and said the same to Alex before (he's our Rodrigo Faro*).
Quackity decided he'd open his heart to you in the QSMP meeting in Brazil, he'd have to wait a couple weeks but it didn't matter, he loved you so he'd wait to see your face in real life even if you didn't love him back in this way.
Part 2???
I decided to write Quackity with a brazilian girl because I don't see a lot in here and there's a lot of brazilian's out there, so this is for all my brazilian people <3
If you're not brazilian, here's the explanation of what I marked with the *:
Mamonas Assassinas was an iconic brazilian band in 1995-1996, their music changed Brazil in that time, bringing happiness, laughter and excitement in a time where all the brazilian's needed it. They did what was never done before in Brazil and they did something someone could never do again. Unfortunately, in March of 1996 they passed away in a plane crash bringing sadness to all of our people. However, they're gone but not forgotten, they live in our hearts <3
Brigadeiro is a typical brazilian candy, it's made with chocolate, condensed milk and butter (it's very good, btw).
Rodrigo Faro is a TV presenter, in his program there's a thing called "Vai dar namoro" ("Will date" is the literal traducion of that) and people go there to meet other people so they can go on a date, lol.
Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoy the writing! :)
Requests are open!
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