#and then complain about the cold
lathrine · 1 year
my favorite part of watching Alone is the Rural American White Dudes who talk a huge fucking game in the first episode and then tap within 72hrs because of things like "there are wild animals out here :((" and "im so alone out here :(("
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wizardsimper · 9 months
I love my druid parents
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chialattea · 13 days
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me after reading Kuma’s backstory🧍‍♀️👍 (ft quick Brook sketch lol)
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llamagoddessofficial · 9 months
I love Farmtale Sans a lot. But also, living in the country isn't always sunshine cottagecore magicalness. It can suck. But... here's some unromantic country stuff that I think could actually be very romantic when you're with him.
As mentioned before, the two of you end up spending a lot of time in the car together. The nearest big store is a ways away, after all. On those long drives, the radio often cuts out for long periods of time... it can feel pretty lonely, especially at night. But when you're together, it's alright. You sleep with your head against the passenger window, your coat over you, holding his unoccupied hand through the quiet.
He gets a call in the middle of the night from someone else further into the village that there's a surprise rain shower coming through tomorrow, and they need to move a lot of kit indoors ASAP before it hits. He grumbles, but heads out anyway. ... An hour or so later, in the middle of a dark cold field, he sees your flashlight rushing over to him. You have a flask of steaming soup and a tupperware box with a slice of hot pie inside. Despite your fear of the dark and bugs, you made your way out to him. He feels himself fall in love even harder, and just like that, the task takes half the time.
When your home is as exposed as country houses can get, the wind can be really fucking loud. Especially if your room is on the windward side of the house. It can sound like a train is driving over your bedroom at night. You decide to sleep on the couch, both because you can't sleep and because you're nervous about how loud it is; it's difficult to rest when you can literally hear the roof rattling and the shingles jumping up and down. Sans, even though his room is absolutely fine, opts to join you. He lights the fire and gets comfy with you, then stays awake so you feel comfortable enough to fall asleep. You wake up the next morning snuggled up to his chest.
The weather is horrendous pouring rain, cold and damp and treacherously muddy. But the animals have to be fed regardless of the weather. You both go out into the early morning darkness, feeding the chickens and cows, checking on the crops, making sure nothing is leaking, hands almost frozen. You come home absolutely drenched in a thick mixture of rain and mud. And as much as Papyrus complains, refusing to let either of you past the porch until you strip all your dirty items... he's got hot lunch waiting for you both, dry pyjamas and thick socks hanging up over the stove, warm blankets on the couch. There's nothing like the feeling of sheltering from a tempest in someplace cosy. Even if the power does keep going out.
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malewifingonside · 1 year
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Afternoon nap at Lotus Pier
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radio-volta · 2 years
Kim just never grew past the phase where you'd rather freeze to death than wear weather-appropriate clothes because it doesn't fit your aesthetic. He seems so pragmatic and smart at first but he'll run around in below freezing temperatures and snow in a fucking cropped nylon bomber, no scarf or hat. Like girl I've been there - when I was 22. You spent too long in the juvie
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dumbasswithapen · 8 months
can we just listen to Disabled people when they say what accommodations they need??? Like it really isn’t that hard to just take someone’s word on what is best for their own body! Whether it’s more or less or different than what you deem they need it really isn’t your place to say!!!
Sometimes, people need more than they show! Especially if they’re used to being in pain all the time, then they won’t always display that discomfort.
Sometimes the accommodations someone needs are different than what you assume. A friend who struggles with noise sensitivity may ask for you to turn on a different type of music, instead of turning it down, and if that is what they express they need you don’t have to say “oh no I can just turn it down!” and ignore them saying that that isn’t necessary because your idea of noise sensitivity is different than their own experiences and needs.
And sometimes people need less than you try to provide! Or simply don’t want that accommodation at the time! And here’s the crazy part: this applies even if what they say to do could hurt them. Obviously this isn’t a rule for every situation*, but for some it absolutely is. If your friend wants to tag along for, say, a hike, and they have joint pain it isn’t your place to add in “oh no but they can’t do [the hike]! They’ll be in pain! We have to do something else to accommodate them!” If that person expressed a desire to go, especially if offered other options prior that wouldn’t hurt them, let them live. Let them do the thing that puts them in pain, because Disabled people don’t always want to be shoved into a little box of safety. Absolutely sometimes they do, and some might always want to, but if they don’t, then let them make their own choices for their body. Just as anyone else does. You go out and get drunk, even if it gives you a hangover. You go skating even if you’re shit at it and scratch up your knees a bunch. Just because someone is Disabled doesn’t mean that they can’t do the same thing and do that fun thing that hurts them.
I don’t know if I’m displaying my point how I want, so here’s my own example: I am allergic to the cold. Anything below 60 degrees (f) I get hives. Any water cooler than a fucking warm shower I get hives. My joints don’t do great when it’s cold out. This does not mean that when I say I want to go swimming, you can say “oh but you can’t you’ll get hives!” Or “no you can’t do that you’ll be in pain!” Because. I know that. I know that. I know my Disability better than anyone else can, and I can ask for accommodations I need. I am not a child to be wrapped in bubble wrap so I don’t get hurt. My body is my body and I can do with it what I want, and face the consequences. Likewise, just because I said I wanted to go swimming doesn’t mean that when I don’t want to go out and muck around in the snow it is anyone’s right to say “oh but you wanted to swim earlier, so obviously it isn’t that bad for you!” Or “oh it’s fine it’s not that cold! Just wear a sweater!” Because at that time I need and want different accommodations and that should be listened to and considered accordingly, as far as it can be in that situation.
Seriously. Just listen to us. We are in our own bodies. We know ourselves. It really isn’t that hard
*a situation where this point would be null is, for example, a situation where the person has been peer pressured into doing something, or one where you know the person well and know that the endurance of pain is a self-harming behavior
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jackdaniel69nice · 1 month
Does anyone else think the bird jokes are overused and redundant :/
Like people reduce Tokoyami’s whole personality to a single physical trait and I just think it’s weird. In mha canon not a single (good) person makes jokes about tsu, shoji, or Tokoyami’s heteromorph traits. Tokoyami doesn’t even exhibit any bird traits (except the perching), that’s all headcanon. The only one who brings up his avian appearance is hawks. There are only 5 instances I can remember someone saying something about mutant appearances (excluding the direct assault against shoji and ordinary woman)
Mineta calling shoji octopus, which he then apologizes for after finding out how rude that is to say
Jiro saying “that damn bird” when dark shadow blocked her attack. It felt more like a statement of her frustration than an insult.
Bakugo calling tokoyami bird brain, which is normal for him
Dabi calling spinner lizard, and spinner getting offended and yelling at him (I don’t remember if he continues to do it afterwards)
Shoto calling that police chief a mutt, there was no excuse for that, that was just racist
And still I think these are pretty tame compared to how the fandom treats heteromorphs!! The stereotyping of Tokoyami and hawks is absolutely insane. I love when people come up with headcanons for them having more avian traits but when those traits become the butt of the joke it’s extremely distasteful. If I see one more cannibalism joke about eating chicken I’m gonna hurt something. You guys do realize birds eat other birds all the time right???? There is a reason “chicken hawk” is a name. A hawk literally tried to attack my chickens yesterday, they love chicken. That is the reason hawks favorite food is chicken. I can see why tokoyami would want to hide his avian traits because if people in mha are like ours he would have been bullied to hell.
I know people making bird jokes are just having fun, but it’s just really weird to me. It’s important to see the comparison between real life racism and the heteromorph racism in mha. There is a reason horikoshi adds the mutant rally in the final war arc, the lesson there has flown over so many people’s heads. I hope this post gives you more insight to look beyond appearances and actually try to understand these side characters a bit better.
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
Honestly, the "gay voice" and the "tranny voice" are both so fucking beautiful and stunning. Frankly, those are the voices I would rather hear than somebody who is complaining about the way queer people exist and speak. Those voices are what I want to hear serenaded to me, to hear express joy and pain and love, and hear exist. Those are the voices that are most gorgeous.
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artiststarme · 9 months
There is literally nothing that Eddie hated more than snowstorms. The snow always matted his hair, he got cold way too easily, and his ungraceful ass always slipped on ice. He absolutely despised the Midwestern winter and how much snow Hawkins got during the colder months. It was ridiculous having to wake up to ten inches of snow outside his window that he had to shovel off his and his neighbor's driveways and scrape off the cracked windshield of the van. What he wouldn’t give to be able to hibernate for four months to escape the entirety of the cold. 
But Steve loved winter. He loved the mystical view of the soft snowflakes falling from the sky, playing hockey on the thick ice of the local pond, and curling up beside the frosty window with a hot chocolate in hand. He even liked the snowstorms that everyone else found dreadful, the thick snow that made the Beemer slip and fishtail. 
When Steve and Eddie spent their first winter as a couple together, they had to make a lot of compromises. Steve had to turn his gloriously cool house into a steaming sauna for Eddie to spend the night there, still wrapped in multiple layers and a duvet while Steve sweated to death in basketball shorts and crew socks. Eddie had to mosey on over to the pond to “skate” with Steve, i.e. slip and flounder on the ice while Steve skated and watched him pout like a grumpy cat. And the kids had to watch the disgusting view of Eddie snuggling way too close to Steve underneath his winter coat to leech warmth from him. Compromise! 
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mediocre-breadcrumbs · 2 months
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New profile picture! They're having fun in Spagonia
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theorahsart · 10 months
I've read several ancedotes in this book about Robspierre that make me convinced he was autistic, and then read about this hilarious incident the other day on Tumblr, and felt compelled to draw a silly comic about it.
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itsoverfeeling · 3 months
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cold day
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hajihiko · 11 months
Firm believer that Hajime always sticks up for his friends (even the slightly crazy ones🙏)
he will go "haha yeah those guys are kinda nuts" good-heartedly but if you take it too far he's like "whoa. Only me and about 20 more people are allowed to say that"
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steviesbicrisis · 2 years
Eddie: I’m kinda cold
Steve: *wearing nothing but his boxers and a t-shirt*
Steve: ah shit
Steve: *takes off his shirt*
Eddie: *panicking* WHAT THE FUCK
Robin: *wearing Steve’s jacket* you see Eddie
Nancy: *steve’s scarf around her neck* Steve doesn’t like it when his friends are cold
Jonathan: *wearing Steve’s sweater* you can’t fight it
Argyle: *Steve’s sweatpants on, over his jeans* because he will put them on you one way or another
Steve: *throws it at him* just take the damn t-shirt
Eddie: *nosebleeds*
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the-call-of-cthuwu · 18 days
relativity falls mabel has a different muumuu for every day the way kid mabel had her sweaters
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