#and the friendliness of Turkish People towards Pakistani people
ask-pakistan · 3 years
what do you think about Sadik (turkey)?
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During the British Raj Era, he has had a huge infatuation with the Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman Empire being the last standing Islamic Caliphate at the time, the South Asian Muslims living under the British Raj absolutely did not want it to get dissolved. As a result of that, South Asian muslims organized whatever funds they could collect in order to send them as support to the Ottoman Empire, and some soldiers refused to fight the Ottomans during the great war. This all was the basis of the start of friendly relations between Pakistan and Turkey when both of these nations gained their respective independences.
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Turkey has largely been seen as a role-model for Pakistan :) As a result, Umer kind of looks up to Turkey with much admiration. I'd say they pretty much have a Senpai-Kouhai-ish relationship lol
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