#and stay safe and hydrated
honeys-marmalade · 6 months
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earththings · 4 months
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royalpumpkinplanet · 7 months
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umulata · 2 months
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Super cost efficient: they only need your very blood! 
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ageremoji · 28 days
Hydrate emojis ||Sippy cups and bottles|| (Without paci)
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rayjeff · 7 months
hello !!! i wanted to just say that i love the way you draw alastor so so much hes so round and i wanna squish him AUGH
his redesign as well !!! its such an interesting design !!! i do wonder what was the thought process behind some of aspects like the turtleneck and stuff?(if any, i know sometimes changes r done like . because Looks Cool
and of course the rest of your art looks so cool !! like the dca and your sonic drawings OUGRH
to be 100% honest
The thought process was "how can i draw this man in a different way and still keep him hot classy and appealing??"
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some main things i changed a lil:
Turtleneck - i always thought that turtlenecks looked elegant! Alastor in his oryginal design has covered neck and I wanted to keep this aspect and give it more class (I think he would like it :] It's simple and imo suits him, makes him look wiser and more confident)
Glasses - I got inspired by his human redesigns! I like to think that his eyesight isn't perfect and he would use these glasses for reading or something. He looks like someone with fucked up vision lol
Hair - i believe in hot man with long fluffy hair supremacy, don't judge me asghdasd
Ace ring - I own one! :D Thought it would be nice to have a more subtle portrayal of his sexuality :>
Tail - tail.
Shoes - i remember seeing similar shoes in the past, they look silly
"Claws" - deer with claws??? how cool is that
and yes you're right, some changes were made because they looked silly =v=
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littlebeedreamer · 3 months
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I don't know about anybody else, but it has been very hot. It is very important to drink water! (heat stroke is not fun,,, trust me!) but... water can be so boring!
so what do you do to remedy this? I have some tips!
🫧 Have a special cup just for water!
Having a special cup just for water might inspire you to remember to drink it! the cup can be anything, a bottle, sippy. I have a big big plastic cup that I put aluminum foil on top of. I then poke a straw in :>
🫧 Use fun ice cubes!
personally water is alot more pleasing to drink when it's ice cold. in itself ice cubes are neat, but you can jazz them up further! In the baking aisle of Walmart, they have molds meant for jellos and stuff you can use for ice cubes! I really wanna get a unicorn shaped tray 𖹭
🫧 Use flavor packets!
not everyone likes plain old water, and that's valid! a way to try and remedy this is to flavor it! There's so many flavoring options. you can get powder, drops, and all that sort. and you can get it sugar free! There's so many options. You can experiment as well to see how much you need to make it taste good to you. Not everyone's gonna want it saturated with artificial flavor, and not everyone is gonna want a drink that's just water with the vaguest touch of flavor. Do what's best for YOU!
thank you so much for reading! Hydration is so important, and in some situations when your body really needs it, soda and juices may not satisfy you in the way you need it to. I had to learn that the hard way, unfortunately, and it's not a fun experience at all! So have fun and stay hydrated, friends! 𖹭❀𖹭❀
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inkykeiji · 9 months
sukuna is the walking definition of a complete terror to everyone but a touch softer for his baby. like he can deny it all he wants but he would do anything for his weak pretty princess
no truly he would, but he’d always be able to frame it in a way where he’s doing YOU a favour, acting as if he’s doing everything wholly and solely for your sake and not because his heart feels like it’s being wound with a fucking noose at the mere thought of you being unhappy, unwell, unsafe. he pretends as if it doesn’t send thorns of unfamiliar, unsettling anxiety tearing through his veins, as if it doesn’t overwhelm his mind and override his receptors and make every nerve in his body feel overexposed, hypersensitive to the slight change in the air as your aura shifts. it’s as though your mood saturates the atmosphere and he can see it, sense it, smell it—and he can’t fucking stand it. 
the room becomes heavy with your sadness, weighing down on his chest with such force he’s sure it’ll splinter his ribs, send jagged cracks like lightning through the bones and snap them into sharp shards. the room becomes scorching with your fury, flames that lick at his skin and fill his lungs with a seething rage, bubbling as it eats away at his oxygen and pours out his mouth in roars. the room becomes stifling with your disappointment, something that wraps delicate hands around his neck and crushes his windpipe beneath it’s deceptively dainty grasp, choking his sentiments. 
they’re all horrifically irritating feelings—he hates experiencing them and, what’s more, he hates you experiencing them—and so he must eradicate it immediately; destroy the source, devour the seed, dig it out by its roots with his bare hands and pull it apart vein by vein, tendon by tendon, with his claws until it’s dead and can no longer bother you (meaning it can no longer bother him, either). 
in other words, sukuna lives for hedonism, meaning he really doesn’t like feeling bad, so he wants to get rid of those bitter, aching, caustic emotions as soon as physically possible. what he fails to realize in his primal thinking is that he feels all these icky, awful feelings because he loves you, he can’t handle them because he can hardly bear the thought of you being even the tiniest bit upset, at anything, for any reason, he wants to eradicate them not only to make himself feel better, but to make you feel better, too—though it’s all subconscious.
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shen-mu · 2 months
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realised that i don't have any motivation to do anything maybe it's artblock or ......who knows
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honeys-marmalade · 7 months
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earththings · 6 months
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royalpumpkinplanet · 8 months
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arcielee · 5 months
Hey everyone, I know it's a dark time in the fandom right now and I am only going to speak on this once.
To begin: there was a period of time where I had some bigger blogs blocked due to a misunderstanding that escalated. I recently learned that both sides were being fed a villainous narrative over something that I did not do. It became this weird Us vs Them ordeal.
I tried to pull away. I blocked a lot of blogs to try and remove myself from the HotD space.
I was very heartbroken. Tumblr was my little nerdy escape that allowed me to swoon over my beloved fictional characters and find kindred spirits who shared the same sentiment. I found myself hating to check my notifications, seeing the hateful anons and DMs, and seeing my mutuals receiving the same grief for publicly engaging with me.
It was awful.
After some time, blogs began to reach out and share what had been said about me, telling me about the rumors. It gave me clarity on what had happened. I see the fierce loyalty a lot of us posses and if I had been told these same horrible things, I probably would have responded in a similar way.
I was grateful for the honesty and I hold no animosity towards anyone who believed what was said. I do not care about the cruel things spread or the name calling, I just felt relieved that I could speak my truth and slowly become part of the community that I loved. I wanted to forgive and just move forward.
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Then I found out that I had been doxxed.
They found my legal name and my private IG. They shared it without my permission. I feel fortunate that this group did not do anything with the information shared, but I also do not know if it was shared outside of this chat.
Tumblr is a silly hellsite that allowed me to learn the art of a Reader inserts, to brainstorm story ideas with my mutuals, to reblog nifty gifsets and fanart. But this is something I keep separate my from actual IRL, so learning about this felt like a violation.
I know we are all hurting. The point of this post is a reminder to stay safe, to set up your two-step authenticator and to please keep yourselves protected.
Like I said: I will not speak on this again. If you stay, please know my blog is a safe place where I do not tolerate bigotry of any means.
My DMs and my anons are open, always. 💜
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lalalalalalakakakak · 4 months
Vel wrote him a note saying "Hi, I want some cold medicine. Ok bye." (what he was supposed to say, word for word)
Val lost the note, so he improvised
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lastoneout · 1 year
I do want to chime re: that last post, as someone who lives in a place where it's like 100F+ for like half the year, when things are bad enough it literally doesn't matter what you drink as long as you are consuming liquids. Yes, you should try to drink as much water as you can, but if you literally cannot stand the taste of it literally drink fucking anything. Coffee, tea, soda, and gatorade is better than not drinking any liquids at all. The ONLY drink doesn't hydrate you is alcohol, everything else is fair game.
Legit every time I see someone say "only drink water, everything else is bad for you" especially in regards to a disaster situation I want to scream bcs trust me anything is better than not drinking!! And, in fact, just water alone WILL NOT FULLY HYDRATE YOU. If you're eating enough stuff with salt and sugar in it you should be fine but there is a reason that hospitals use a saline solution to hydrate patients, and it's bcs if you don't have enough electrolytes in your system your body just straight up will not absorb the water!! Trust me, I have been super dehydrated before due to the heat despite drinking tons of water and it wasn't until I drank a gatorade that I actually started to feel better bcs I needed the sugars and salts in it to get my body to absorb the water I was drinking!! (Bcs contrary to popular diet culture opinion your body actually needs sugar, salt, and fat to function properly.)
I also know what it's like to try to force yourself to eat or drink something you can't stand and how a lot of the time our bodies just will not let us consume something if we don't like it, so trust me if you hate water to the degree that you will not drink it, DRINK SODA OR COFFEE OR TEA OR GATORADE FFS. You NEED liquids!! You are not hurting yourself, your body WILL hydrate itself with those drinks!! You should ofc again try to ALSO drink water, but if you hate water or don't have safe water just drink a fucking soda.
Add kool-aid or lemonade powder or mio drops or something like that to your water bottles, buy gatorade or pedialyte or another sports drink and drink a cup of water along with them, eat jello and watermelon and cucumbers, make iced tea or coffee and put extra ice in it, freeze juice in an ice-cube tray and put it in your water, have soda or hawaiian punch or sunny d or chocolate milk or whatever, eat popsicles, have soup, literally please just get liquids into you in any way that you can. Every single year summer gets harder and harder and we do not have the luxury of succumbing to "water or nothing" culture, so please just drink SOMETHING bcs nothing kills faster than dehydration and these things WILL hydrate you. Some might not do it as well as others, but they will do it, and that's enough to keep you alive.
TL;DR: Try to drink as much water as you can, but if you can't for whatever reason don't feel bad and pls just drink something, bcs when push comes to shove it's far more important to get liquids into your body than it is to worry about which ones, and drinking soda/juice/a sports drink WITH your water can actually help you stay hydrated BETTER than drinking nothing but water can. As long as you're avoiding alcohol you're fine, so please, just drink something.
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emmyrosee · 8 months
let me just say this-
sukuna is the type of person to eat your snack right in front of you and when you accuse him-
he'll just stare at you with a dumbfound look and say in the innocent voice ever possible "iT wasN't mE??? PrObaBly thAt mutT of a dOg-"
while literal crumbs and remnants of the snack litter his face as you give him a 'bitch what the fuck' look😭
and he probably steals your blanket while your sleeping and hogs your side of the bed LMFAO-
idk that's Sukuna to me if he turned kinda nice, kinda learned the word 'manners' and was born in our era yk-
(I'm way too feral for him💀)
can you tag me when its released🥺
drink water✨
(that's it now sorry for galloping into your inbox♡)
And he’s the type to, when you try to grab it back, reach his arm up and out of your reach, smirking as you huff and try to jump up and reach for it to no avail.
“Say you’re sorry and maybe I’ll let you have a bite.”
“Sorry for accusing me of such childish things!”
As if there’s not a ring of cheese dust littering his face.
He just. JDJDJDNDOSEN he’s the literal worst in the anime but I neeeeed him to be just so obnoxious as a boyfriend, like he’s mean and he’s cold and he doesn’t like you even though he loves to hold you at night, but he’s still a sucker nonetheless; and if that’s wrong, I don’t wanna be right.
Kind of like the kid to pull on your hair bc he liked you as a kid, ya feel me? Knock your books out of your hands in high school bc it’s the only way he knows how to flirt, ya know?
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