#and scott's face is priceless 😂
updownlately · 10 months
Nahh i hear ya. I remember the euros 2017 in my country i went to England against Spain for the group stages. England won with 2-0. After the game i walked to the bus and barely people was there. The busses was even next to eachother. And on the spain side it was mostly family.
On the england side i was with 3 germans next to me and maybe 7 other people. One by one the players came and i got pictures with a few of my faves and small chats. I only regret not asking Jill Scott for a picture, i do have her signature on my flag. And Jordan was funny she had her hands full and the germans called her over and they barely knew a player they had to ask me all the time who it was. And jordan comes holding a tea and a sandwitch and she was looking around where to leave her tea, she gives me the paper cup and says don’t drink it tho and i laughed and i said why would i even drink your tea 😂
She put the sandwich in her mouth and signed a german shirt(her face was priceless tho 😂) and then signed my england flag. She hid the sandwich to take a picture while i still hold her cup of tea. She chats a bit says thank you to me and to the germans she waved and walked away and i was shouting Jordan your tea, and she comes back running again 😂😂😂 this honestly is a memory i will never ever forget.
And now you can be lucky if you can meet them at a bus.
ahah nah jordan's a real one for that!!!!
that's honestly a memory to never forget! im glad you got to experience jordan and her sandwich shenanigans 😂
but yeah no, definitely not something that happens anymore, for the better unfortunately
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thelonesomequeen · 5 years
Has anyone posted or submitted a GIF from the Fallon episode that just aired of zoomed-in Chris Evans' face when he realizes that Scott is not admitting to the same poop story Chris told? That expression was priceless!
I havent seen a GIF, but this exists 😂
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wellntruly · 5 years
FLEABAG Notes - Season 2, Ep 3
In which Fleabag complements her sexy spiritual guide in the Hot Priest with another sexy spiritual guide in the Best Woman In Business. It’s Scott plus Scott and it’s a lot!! I go 😍ff.
Season 2, Episode 3
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this show is fucking priceless that’s all there is to it
reading BIBLE PASSAGES a cute PRIEST marked for you in a BUBBLE BATH and GASPING like you just hit a really surprising DRAMATIC TURN in a romance novel!!
Claire tells Fleabag not to be herself at the end of naming all the specific things she doesn’t want her to do, which notably included being funny and clever :’)
Fleabag knows her sister so well, that she’s actually living right now in all this panic and stress
Claire: “Where is everyone?!” Fleabag: “She’s so happy.”
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I love this cryptic pinch-knock gesture Claire uses as if other people should know what it means. also she looks gorgeous, this business dress on her? damn
Emily and I were trying to figure out why the award drop works so well (as in it just fucking BREAKS you with laughter), and we think it’s because it happens so quickly, without fanfare, in this casual medium shot
more running sequences, thank u
the first thing Kristin Scott Thomas, “Belinda”, does is look at Claire and say “God you’re tasteful.” UGH THIS WOMAN. swoon.
this ray of indefatigable blonde Finnish sunshine showing up as Claire’s business partner is still just a whole delight
this show is so fucking good at crushes, honestly?
“Off the wagon then?” “Oh, just when I’m with you!” see this is what I mean! my response is just to shriek into my hands! Claaaire!
EVERYTHING ABOUT THE JOKE THAT HIS NAME IS KLARE IS RENDERED SO FLAWLESSLY. the long beat, the staring, what the fuck is coming, then “Klare”, and Fleabag’s faaaace
also: love that Flea doesn’t glance away at us at all in that sequence, she’s just totally tuned in to Claire and having this whole conversation with her in facial expressions. only after she walks off and Fleabag scopes out Klare looking for her over by the champagne do we get an eyebrow wiggle
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Rowan Atkinson whomst, btw
I really feel like Claire deserved an appreciative “ah yes” chuckle for her cover that the other winner is busy “--which, shouldn’t come as a surprise, really!” this was good, Claire!
THE TORSO SCULPTURE IS LIKE AN ANTI-McGUFFIN AND I’M OBSESSED WITH IT AS AN OBJECT/STORY DEVICE!! you originally think it’s just gonna be this prop for a one-off bit but it just keeps gathering SO much plot and meaning into itself! keeps showing up in different contexts and gaining new layers and new power!! IT RULES
sidebar: can’t tell you how many times I’ve had to wrangle with I am 98% certain is this exact plexiglass podium out of the way in my former job’s storage unit/various closets
omg Claire’s face as she hands it over
classical music as Fleabag walks pointedly after Belinda, who’s glancing back at her periodically in her stunning outfit: I feel the Killing Eve
(seriously, these flowy cropped trousers with the heels? her short sleeved pussy bow top?? this windowpane coat??? wrooowwrrr)
the cut from confrontation to them getting drinks so Fleabag can tell her the story of the stolen golden tits—I love 1 television show
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aaauuuugghh! Kristin Scott Thomas!
honestly? I think Belinda’s right that women’s awards are an infantilizing subsection of success!
Belinda, looking at the statue: “Gosh, she’s hot.” Fleabag: “Yeah.” Belinda: “Are you a lesbian?” Fleabag: “Not strictly.” 😂Flea!
j’adore the reveal that’s she’s a bit bi though, really good. admittedly this scene isn’t done with me yet!
“God you are a tonic!” I kNOW
glad we’re now at the stage where we’re all admitting being in your early 30s is STILL a confusing shambles
we just gotta quote this whole monologue and then talk the heck about it okay:
“Listen, I was on an airplane the other day, and I realized—well I’ve been longing to say this out loud, so: Women are born with pain built in. Period pain, sore boobs, childbirth, you know. We carry it within ourselves throughout our lives. Men don’t. They have to seek it out. They invent all these gods and demons and things all so they can feel guilty about things which is something we do very well on our own. And then they create wars, so they can feel things and touch each other, and when there aren’t any wars, they can play rugby. And we have it all going on in here, inside. We have pain on a cycle for years and years and years. And then, just when you feel you are making peace with it all, what happens? The menopause comes. The fucking menopause comes, and it is….the most...wonderful fucking thing in the world. And yes, your entire pelvic floor crumbles, and you get fucking hot and no one cares, but then: you’re free. No longer a slave, no longer a machine with parts. You’re just a person. In business.”
I am enamored of this moment, and actually less for the content of it than for how it functions in the story. so for starters, this is, of course, a totally batty speech down in the nuts and bolts of it. men don’t make war and demons because they don’t have periods. for that matter, plenty of women do make war and demons. some women don’t even have uteruses—and some men do! biology is influential but not so strictly deterministic.
but I don’t think this scene isn’t about factual reality, I think this scene is about powerful words and Fleabag’s receptiveness/reaction to them. Belinda begins her speech by saying that she just wants to get these words out there, as if she wants to see what happens when they hit the open air. Fleabag listens to her with an expression of startled fascinated bewilderment, that gradually becomes more dazzled, and then longing. and I feel like I recognize this Fleabag, that in this moment Belinda has become a spiritual leader to her, like an answering note to the Priest. here is this person Fleabag is deeply drawn to—like the Priest—where she can’t figure out if she wants them to lead her or sleep with her, tell her what it all means or take her to bed—like the Priest—who has powerful words to share with her that aren’t like, literally TRUE, but are just something to think about, some poetry that might help you with something you’re struggling with. like the Priest, handing her his post-it noted Bible.
and that’s why I love this incredible, bonkers, female pain speech so much. it’s a sermon. the Sermon at the Bar.
(also anything that references Barbara Kruger’s “You construct intricate rituals” piece is automatically superb)
oh and then there’s even a go-with-my-blessing-child call to action! “People are all we’ve got, so grab the night by its nipples and go and flirt with someone!” I love Saint Martini Aunt
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when people say Fleabag Season 2 is even better than Fleabag Season 1 they mean many things and one of them is this. and not just because it’s a wlw kiss, but because it’s so sweet and unusual and wonderful. because they both know this is just this, Belinda has already made it clear that she won’t be taking her home, but Fleabag still wants to give her a kiss just to give her a kiss. it’s almost—a communion, fuck, god she’s taking communion how am I just seeing it!! aahhhhhh
Fleabag: “Thirty-three isn’t exactly—“ Belinda: “And what had Jesus done by 33?” Fleabag: “Died?” Belinda: “Exactly, so get out there and flirt.” I mean structure!!
the reveal that Claire is jealous of Fleabag because she feels she isn’t interesting in comparison to her far too interesting sister, “with your quirky cafe and your dead best friend!” Wow! but you can understand it still?? 
ah, yeah, well see she’s a little tender about the whole “friends” thing right now…
so of course she takes all this and goes to flirt with the other person with no friends
the Priest is in a Buffalo Bill T-shirt. it’s snug.
“I just fancied a drink—[and a priest]—and a chat, maybe.” “Oh, well that’s my whole job!” priests actually kind of rule to be honest
Fleabag: “So I read your book.” lol
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a) your face is ridiculous
b) this big ol candle on a plate behind him, like a vase-less devotional candle meets one of those candlesticks with the brass holders you carry around as an old man in a nightgown
see!!! see yes!! he describes the text as poetry! it’s not literal or fact or without inconsistencies, “they’re just words”---“It’s interpretation to help us work out God’s plan for us!” like Belinda’s lesson!!!
sorry sorry I keep noticing absurd details about this clergy house: the bowl with just two lemons in it, in the living room
also Andrew Scott is sitting cross-legged in a chair: the second gayest thing he’s done in this series
Fleabag: “Do you think I should become a Catholic?” Priest: “No, don’t do that. I like that you believe in a meaningless existence.”
[laughing helplessly] the fox thing, the fucking….FOX thing… it just makes me feel like John Mulaney going “Now we don’t have time to unpack aaaall of that!”
I’ll just do one though: The Foxy Priest
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hilariously, Andrew Scott’s fox monologue performance is very good & Theatre in a different mood but in exactly the same amount as Kristin Scott Thomas’ very good & Theatre pain monologue performance. like you could audition for your school play with either.
yes darling, I do think you’re mad, I think you’re a bit of a lost soul and that actually makes you more holy.
that here, only halfway through the season, they openly talk about how they aren’t going to have sex—this is assured writing, this is writing that believes it knows what it’s doing. (and Phoebe’s riiiiight, she does!)
the “Many” moment…the Priest is also bi yay or nay?
I realize now that’s supposed to be yea, but also, is it
“What was that?” READER. I. GASPED.
Fleabag: “What?” Priest: “Where’d you, where’d you just go?” Emily and I: [yell-ing]
he can see her!!!! the only one who notices the skip when she makes an aside to us!!! his attention to her at the dinner was only part one, this is a whole other level!!!! THIS IS BREAKING DOWN BREAKING-THE-FOURTH-WALL LEVEL!!!!! the Priest is disrupting the very fabric of the television show and I’m Screaming. it’s MAGICAL and it’s FRIGHTENING and it’s UNBELIEVABLY EXCITING
and then they’re both startled by a fox, perfect, yes give us a break with a different kind of jolt to carry us into credits
Fleabag Notes
Season 2: Episode 1, Episode 2 | Season 1
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