#and really dr:ae trash
mythgirlimagines · 6 years
How about the Hope kids having lil admiration crush (like infatuation) on Komaru? Stemmed from admiration but they too awkward and like, kids being kids. 😆
I can’t believe this is my first time writing the Warriors. I really love them tbh and I could just see them all having a role model in Komaru
Masaru Daimon
He has to admit, he didn’t think he’d look up to Komaru this much! He wasn’t used to girls being so brave and admirable like she was (though he wouldn’t say that in front of Kotoko or Monaca for fear of his life).
He really likes how she cares for all of them- he’s never really had anything like that before in his life. It’s always only been his friends that cared for him, and nobody else.
He wants to make Komaru proud of him! Of course, when she is he becomes such a blushing mess that Kotoko teases him, but it’s worth it.
Jataro Kemuri
He knows that Komaru probably wouldn’t want him near her- or at least he thinks that. She’s the first source of love (instead of hate) that he ever truly got apart from his four friends.
He draws her little pictures all the time of her in action, beating up the bad guys. She always accepts them with a smile, and has a whole folder filled with them.
It’s nice to not be hated every once in a while. He isn’t used to the attention she gives him at first, though she assures him it’s perfectly natural. He likes being liked by her, and really looks up to her.
Kotoko Utsugi
Komaru is just too adorbs for her! Kotoko really loves Komaru’s natural looks, and wants to be just like her when she grows up.
She makes sure that they have time to bond, like doing each other’s hair and nails. They have some pretty great talks, too, about crushes and other things that girls would talk about. Kotoko admittedly doesn’t know too well what that entails.
Of course, she’s able to pretend she doesn’t have an admiration crush on Komaru. She’s an actress, after all, and she’ll be darned if she goes off-script for this.
Nagisa Shingetsu
He gets embarrassed pretty easily around Komaru. She makes him feel like he’s more than just a student, more than an experiment. His parents never did that.
He’s considered giving her a couples flowers he found outside before, but knew that the other Warriors would find out and tease him endlessly about it. Plus, he had a certain reputation to uphold.
She reminds him that he doesn’t need to be perfect all the time. He doesn’t have to carry all of those expectations on his shoulders. And from her, he learns that he’s perfect the way he is.
Monaca Towa
Monaca never knew she needed someone like Komaru in her life, but now that she does, she’s become attached super quick.
She finds herself copying some little mannerisms Komaru has, and becoming an altogether brighter person because of Komaru’s influence.
So what if she might admire Komaru more than she originally thought. She was almost certain the other Warriors did, too, which made sense to her. They all deserved someone like Komaru to look up to.
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ladykailolu · 5 years
The Jojo x DR crossover takes before Part 4 and after Part 3 in a au where Avdol, Iggy and Kakyoin survives the final fight. It has to be at least a year or two. Where Joseph’s still active to partake in the adventures. If it were years after Part 3, I’ve imagine Holly, Joseph, Jotaro’s wife and his little daughter Jolyne put under protection of the Speedwagon Foundation. As I’ve imagine Jotaro’s reaction to the WoH since he has a much younger daughter. But that’s speculation.
Maybe somewhere between Part 3 and Part 4 if Joseph is still gonna be a fighting unit within the demon hunting game. I mean, during part 4, isn’t he very sickly? And he’s getting up there in years...
Yet, my mind keeps flipping back and forth between taking place a year or two or so after part 3 where all of the crusaders are active and trying to fight and survive in the chaos that is Towa City, but then there’s also Part 4 (or maybe right after part 4?) when we could throw Josuke into the mix as another hostage taken during the tragedy and forced to survive in the city-wide extermination of adults (and yes, he’s a target since he’s *almost* an adult, just like how Komaru and Toko aren’t exactly kids). I honestly can’t choose so I prefer to just say that there’s two separate timelines of this crossover: one a year or two after SDC where Dio is no longer of this world and all of the crusaders survived, and another one probably right after part 4 or so when the crusaders are rounded up and thrown into the mix as they were still fighting the Remnants of Despair, and Josuke was involved in the mess as he was a hostage taken during the tragedy a year prior.
Actually, since the tragedy had occurred one year before the events of DR:AE, I *think* it would be safe to say that the second timeline could occur one-two years after part 4. I say this because the tragedy could occur right after the events of part 4, and Josuke was captured and kept hostage for a year, like Komaru, before the game got underway. Meanwhile, Jotaro, who is working for the Speedwagon Foundation, is sent along with the Crusaders to fight the Remnants of Despair alongside the Future Foundation. It goes...as well as you can expect? Lol not really. The Remnants of Despair, led by Izuru Kamukura the former Ultimate Hope, know about the stands, and although they can’t see them (without the help of the stand arrow I guess), they use their ultimate talents to develop technology that will help them see the physical manifestations of mental energy that comprise the stands. Consequently, they can fight back, and what’s a little terrifying about this whole ordeal is that the ultimate students have the physical prowess to match--perhaps even best--the stands’ fighting performance. Such as Peko and Akane who are seen fighting Silver Chariot and Star Platinum, respectively during that little confrontation edit I had made a little while ago.
Not to mention, the ultimate despairs are crafty, and Izuru had correctly predicted the actions of the Crusaders and baited them right into a trap. There was a scene where he and Jotaro were attempting to stare each other down, and around that time, Izuru had sprung his trap, forcing the Crusaders into a deep sleep then transported all of them into the airship above Towa City. From there, when they woke up (around the same time too by the sound of a chime similar to the chime that wakes the “blackened” during the DR3 future side killing game), were filled-in their current situation by Monaka speaking to them through a monitor and forced out into the chaos just as throngs of Monokumas appeared and trashed the city. Obviously, around this time, a Monokuma broke into the apartment Komaru was being held in, forcing her outside and eventually being captured by the Monokumas and taken to the Warriors of Hope. I believe Josuke was broken out a little earlier too and bore witness to all the violence. He learned the hard lesson of the Monokuma bracelet by nearly passing out from the toxic effects of the poison as he desperately ran around, trying to heal this person and that person until he realized one cold fact--he can’t save them all. So for now, he’ll just hide out somewhere in the city, pursuing the rumors of a hidden bunker where most of the survivors are.
Ah, “Jotaro’s wife,” you say? You must mean Usagi Tsukino. Lol well, I was talking with @deluxesoap over a few imagines with Jotaro’s family involved in the demon hunting. Of course, during the tragedy that occurred after Part 4, Monaka could try to send Jotaro into despair by playing a recording of the very moment that the brainwashed goons controlled by the ultimate despairs broke into the hotel Usagi and Jolyne were staying in and forcibly taking them away. There was a lot of screaming, crying, pleading to spare their lives and the breaking and shattering of furniture, glass, and doors. There was also a baby (Chibiusa who was recently born) shrieking and crying in the background. They had abducted her too. Much of the noise was incoherent screaming and sobbing as the three were attacked and dragged out to be held as hostages. Yet, to this day, Jotaro has no idea where Usagi or Jolyne are being kept--and it’s good to note that Usagi had given birth to their second child, Chibiusa, sometime during part 4, and so the ultimate despairs had also abducted the baby. All Monaka tells him is that his wife and children are *somewhere* in the city, but she declines to comment if they’re alive or not.
Oh, and then there’s that torture video Monaka shows the surviving adults sometime in chapter 4 or chapter 5. In this video, if you recall, many surviving adults are tortured and broadcasted to the adults within the bunker, and many of them recognized their loved ones in the video being tortured in grotesque ways and killed. Now, Jotaro was present to see that video, but he doesn’t see his wife or children anywhere in it. However, it makes him very uneasy. He even visibly sweats upon seeing the horrors, and Komaru notices that he has this blank stare in his eyes.
Additionally, I had also thought about perhaps Jolyne (who would be around 6-7 years old by now), would be taken away from her mother Usagi and forced to wear one of those Monokuma helmets to be brainwashed just like the other kids in the city to hunt down the adults and kill them, including her father. So, she’s forced to wear the helmet then runs around the city, controlling the Monokumas and committing heinous acts against the adults along with the rest of the kids. She’s either wearing her regular clothes or wearing one of those uniforms that the other kids wear. Either way, Jotaro doesn’t recognize her (if he does come across her, anyway) in the streets of Towa, so he doesn’t know that she’s been brainwashed. And he won’t know…unless Komaru breaks the controller controlling the Monokumas…
Briefly for those of you who may not have seen DR:AE, the controller that controls all of the Monokumas in the city is also linked to a bomb implanted within the Monokuma helmets that all of the kids are wearing. And if the controller is broken, the bombs detonate and blow off the heads of the kids. This was all Monaka’s plan to welcome the second coming of her big sis, Junko Enoshima, and she wanted Komaru to fit that role. Her reasoning was that if the Future and Speedwagon Foundations find that all of the kids in the city have been brutally killed all at once, they would assume it was another act of terrorism caused by the Ultimate Despairs (and conclude that even the Crusaders were converted to ultimate despairs themselves) and plan to counteract and start a war. I imagine that the counterattack would be several air strikes that would level the city in the hopes of killing the ultimate despairs. After the controller was broken and the subsequent explosions “heralded [Komaru] as a hero,” Jotaro would find out later that his daughter Jolyne was among the children killed. He still doesn’t know where his wife and baby daughter Chibiusa are, and there’s very little time to find them. So, what is most likely to happen is that Chibiusa and Usagi (who are actually held in another apartment complex and guarded by brainwashed Monokuma kids, rioters and actual Monokumas as well as a myriad of traps built into the building) are most likely taken out by the multitude of bombs raining down from the sky.
Interestingly, I imagine that just before the tragedy occurred when Hope’s Peak Academy wasn’t boarded up yet, Junko was confronted by Jotaro who had done enough research to find her the most suspicious person behind the strange occurrences in the school (such as the death of one of the board members and the infiltration into the cell of Izuru Kamukura). Yet, before he could stop her, she brings up something that’s very near and dear to him. Probably his wife and young children. Now, normally Jotaro can keep a calm stone-face in such situations, but Junko would probably know that she’s pulling on a few strings or pressing on a nerve or two because she comments on the way his “pupils dilate 33%” or so (yes, just like she did with Sakakura) whenever he gazes upon a picture of his family (I headcanon that he keeps small pictures of his wife and children on his person so he may look at them whenever he wants for comfort when he’s away from them for a long time). Oh, oh! Not to mention, Junko had done her own research on her potential enemies, including the Future and Speedwagon Foundations, and discovered some of Jotaro’s history—such as his fateful encounter with Dio many years ago. You know how in Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc, Junko even says “muda muda muda!!” or “useless useless useless!!” in her bullet time battle? Welp, guess what she says to Jotaro! Lol but unlike Kira, Junko accurately predicted even Jotaro’s reaction and exploited his PTSD and subtle emotional ties to his family to defeat him and his resolve in that moment without even laying a finger on him. (she also came prepared with special contact lenses developed by her brainwashed ultimate subordinates that allows her to see the stands if it came to that)
But that DR:AE ending that I had mentioned where Komaru broke the controller, that’s the super duper ultimate bad ending. The true ending is when Komaru does not smash the controller, and she and Jotaro team up to destroy the Big Bang Monokuma. In the end, the Crusaders, Komaru, Toko, Yuta, and Josuke stay within Towa City, fighting the remaining Monokumas and protecting and gathering the surviving adults as best they can until the world begins to heal from Junko’s influence.
Lastly, I feel like as a parent, Jotaro would find out about the traumatic pasts about the Warriors of Hope and feel disgusted at the actions of their parents. From physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, torture…it was hard to stomach. Not to mention that their horrible pasts were exploited by Junko, the one who started all of this. These kids were just manipulated by one adult after the next and taken advantage of. All he could do was end this sick game, protect the survivors and break the last remnants of Junko’s influence.
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A/N: This was just too chaotic to pass up. My problematic sons. 
Other switch AUs: luckster | togami | naegi | detective | maid | liar | protagonist dr1/sdr2 | protagonist dr1/ndrv3 | protagonist sdr2/ndrv3 |  heroine dr1/sdr2 | heroine dr1/ndrv3 | heroine sdr2/ndrv3 | fem protag dr:ae/ndrv3 | mastermind
Troublemaker in the Wrong Game - Komaeda and Ouma
"Stop lying! Stop manipulating! Why don't you just try being nice for once?"
There's nothing inherently wrong with the statement itself... except for who said it.
"Who the fuck are you to lecture us on that?" Kuzuryuu angrily yelled. He sounded like he was just about to commit murder.
"Obviously I'm the good guy!" Ouma huffed defiantly. "And you're all just a bunch of meanies ganging up on me!"
"Now you're just lying straight up from your ass!" Souda pointed at him.
"Am I really the liar? Maybe I'm the only one telling the truth here and all of you are just lying to make yourselves feel better!"
"Eh? Is... Is that t-true?" Mikan nervously asked.
"Of course! Now say you're sorry you fanservice orange!" Ouma yelled all too suddenly for the nurse.
"EH? S-Sorry! I'm so sorry!" She cried.
"What are you apologizing for, pig barf?" Saionji added even more insult. "Yeah, you should be sorry for existing but you shouldn't apologize to this gremlin nightmare."
"Woooow, that really hurts coming from the kid who's definitely shorter than me." Ouma even made a face of mock hurt.
"You know at your height, it's perfect for giving a blowjob to—" Hanamura was abruptly cut off.
"Keep it in your pants Hamham!"
"I think we're getting a bit sidetracked here..." Koizumi took charge to reign in the chaos. "Can we please just get back to the trial?"
"Yeah! I know you all love me but you shouldn't forget that we're playing a game right now! You shouldn't get distracted so easily!" Ouma lectured them on. "By the way, where did we stop?"
"You just confessed to knowing who the culprit is," Pekoyama answered him.
"Oh, that's right." Ouma nodded. "That was a lie of course. I obviously just lied about it just like how I lied about the truth before that was even brought up. Geez, keep up with me you guys."
"Eh?? So wait. If you lied about telling the truth, but that truth was also a lie, but the lie was a lie within a lie, then that means..." Ibuki scratched her head in confusion. "So what is the truth?!"
"You tell me! I don't get it either!"
"I'm can't figure it out either," Owari cracked her knuckles threateningly. "Alright, I'm gonna beat the truth out of you!"
"Waaaaaaaaaaaah!" Ouma bawled like a kid. "Help me! I'm being bullied!"
"No, she will not beat you up," Nidai calmly intervened. "However, that does not excuse your actions."
"Who are you to tell me what's inexcusable?" Ouma suddenly turned serious. "Or have you forgotten that we live on an island where the rules are decided by a bear who wants us to kill each other? Really, can you blame me for making the most out of this game?"
"You indeed reek of sin, you scoundrel," Gundam practically spat his spite. "To take pleasure in the struggles of innocents, your malice knows no human bounds."
"Well don't blame me if you're bad at murder and killing games. That's on you," Ouma rebuffed.
"Please, you do not wish to perish, right? Then why not just simply cooperate with us and tell us what you know," Sonia almost pleaded.
"Geez, this is the problem with ungrateful talented jerks. They think they can get everything easy." Ouma sighed. "That's so annoying! So boring! I hate all of you!"
"Hey, Ouma," Nanami softly spoke. "If you keep telling lies and hurting people, you'll get misunderstood easily. And that would be sad and lonely... I think."
"Hmmm?" Ouma eyed her levelly. "You know, rather than waste your detective gaming skills analyzing me, you should  focus more on catching the culprit if I were you, Nanamemes."
"Just cut the bullshit already," Hinata warned. "We're going to cut through your lies anyway so let's just get this over with."
"You say that as if you hate my lies." Ouma frowned but that didn't last long. "But I wonder... Which one will you hate more? Lies or the truth?"
Ouma was grinning and it sent a foreboding feeling throughout the room.
"Would you rather have a kind lie or a cruel truth?"
Meanwhile, in another class...
"How wonderful! The despair of losing a classmate is no match against your sparkling hopes!"
There's nothing inherently wrong with the statement itself... except for who said it.
"Um, while I agree with your sentiment, it is confusing to determine what to feel overall considering that you had a hand in the despair in the first place," Kiibo warily voiced out.
"Oh, are you saying that I helped despair instead of hope? I see..." Komaeda pondered on that for a moment. "Ah, but don't worry! I'm rooting for hope, of course. I just created a small despair to be a stepping stone for your hope!"
"This so called stepping stone of yours is our dead classmate," Hoshi glared.
"Yes, it is quite unfortunate to lose Amami." Komaeda sighed wistfully. "I was looking forward to seeing what amazing hope he held inside of him."
"Inside him? Didn't know you swung that way, Cumaeda!" Iruma hollered.
Komaeda neither confirmed nor denied it. Perhaps he just ignored the inappropriate comment altogether. "It's such a shame that garbage like me has survived and yet dear Amami is gone too soon. It would seem that my shsl luck has cycled towards bad this time."
"You speak so fondly of Amami and yet you had killed him," Kirumi said matter-of-factly. "Why then would you choose him to be your victim?"
"Did I kill him though, I wonder..." Komaeda cryptically dropped. "Well I will tell you that Amami was definitely not the intended target. In fact, I didn't have anyone specific in mind at all. He just happened to walk by at the wrong place and at the wrong time."
"You degenerate male! Are you saying that you could have killed anyone in this room?" Tenko asked with a threatening pose.
"Yes, I thought that much was obvious," Komaeda spoke as if it was the most uninteresting fact in the world.
"Why? Do you really want to get out so badly?" Yumeno quietly asked.
"Oh, no. Trash like me don't deserve a place anywhere, much less getting just myself out when there are people here who are worth so much more than me."
"Oi oi, are you saying you killed someone with no intention of leaving this place at all?" Momota asked, concerned.
"Hmmm. Maybe?"
"Do you want to die?" Maki asked with a sharp glare.
"Honestly? If it helps your hope shine then I would gladly offer my life!" Komaeda laughed all too happily that it was disturbing.
"Ooooh! If you want to die so badly then Atua is taking sacrifices!" Angie innocently offered.
"Wow, really? That's too good of a deal. My worthless life in exchange for the betterment of your hope. That's way too good of a deal!" Komaeda exclaimed.
"No! Gonta don't want friend to die!"
"I..." And then the oddest thing happened. Komaeda started crying. "You truly are the embodiment of hope. To think that someone would be so concerned over scum like me... Maybe I am lucky after all."
"Hey, Komaeda. I have one question." Saihara who has been quietly pondering all this time, finally spoke up. "Have you ever tested your trap?"
"Not at all," Komaeda flatly answered. "I don't need to because I already have luck."
"Luck? Oh, I get it!" Shirogane clapped her hands. "Since your talent is luck, you were already confident that the shot put ball would hit the target regardless."
"How curious, kukuku." Korekiyo laughed. "A person who could bend luck towards their favor. Is this the truth behind your talent?"
"Ahaha, it's hard to tell. As long as it's possible, no matter how small the odds are, then I can still luck out and I do. However, my luck has a cycle," Komaeda explained. "If something good happens then something equally bad will happen after. And vice versa. But I'm used to it. After all, but everything works out for me in the end."
"Wait... Your luck cycles..." Akamatsu turned to him as if she had been struck with an epiphany. "Then... is killing Amami good or bad luck?"
"Hmmm, who knows? I honestly can't tell until after the fact."
"But you said that in the end, everything works out for you. That means you always achieve what you aim for no matter how roundabout the method is." Akamatsu reiterated. "You said it yourself. Killing Amami wasn't your goal, it was only a means. You've yet to say what your true goal is."
"What of it though?" Komaeda asked with feigned ignorance.
"That's... That's right." However, it was Saihara who answered. "Komaeda said he never tested the trap so we can't confirm if it works. If we say that the trap relies purely on his luck and if his luck depends on his motives then... Then we need to know Komaeda's motive before concluding that he is the culprit."
Komaeda simply smiled in return.
"Won't you show me just how brilliant your hopes are?"
The two troublemakers continued to struggle with trials of their own and unbeknownst to them that they were in the wrong class.
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dangangoogles · 6 years
unpopular opinion: DR:AE / UDG is the best game of all of them at LEAST just on the basis of characters and story \\ THAT OR the ending of v3 was actually really good and wasn't a fuck you to the fans it was supposed to mean everything was all for nothing cause it's all fake the ultimate despair yknow
AHDGSAGDJHS i have never played DRAE tbh and ive seen like one (1) cut scene. So i mean you could theoretically be right?? i probably wont play it cause im trash at first person shooter games
as for v3, the ending was worth it solely for the actual in-game comment they included that was like “this guy should have died instead of kaede” because thats literally the most accurate representation of this fandom i can think of. thank, and “even if nobody was waiting. even if it makes you go what, again?” because i lost my shit at that line 
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lori-hime · 6 years
5, 15, 22, 26, 29, 33, 34, 35, 45, 56, 59, 60, 71, 72 and 79.
5. Best girl?Nanami ;_; (It feels like I should say Monaca here.. bc I do like her more as a character than Nanami. But idk the title “best girl” doesn’t fit Monaca imo. Maybe “best satan”)
15. Your absolute OTP?I wish I had one.. There’s ships I like but nothing I’m SUPER serious about in DR. I guess the closest to one is probably OumaMiu though? Their interactions give me life.
22. Favourite talent?Hmm… honestly probably Ultimate Despair because it affects so many characters I like in ways I like.. Junko, Monaca, Servant, and everyone else. Oops
26. Favourite execution?Surprisingly none come to mind immediately.. NDRV3 Chapter 2′s was neat, though. Or maybe SDR2 Chapter 5 if I’d been able to see what was happening through my tears!
29. Which character should survived in your opinion?OUMA. FUCK V3
33. Character with the best clothing?I really love Monaca’s little skeleton dress in DR:AE..
34. Best character design?Servant & Ouma. (Damn sorry for talking so much about just my faves)- Servant’s…. whatever the hell he’s wearing. It’s such a good dystopian trash aesthetic. I hated it at first and then it grew on me a lot. (Way better than that awful green jacket and horrible zipper shoes lol)- Ouma’s is really great cause I played the entire game and only after realized when looking at concept art that it’s some shabby ripped up straight jacket.
35. A character who should’ve got more character development?I feel like DR (the games, not the anime) doesn’t really suffer from that much.. But I sorta wanna say Monaca? Because while she did change drastically, I wish we got to see more of that. It all just happened behind the scenes with Servant. (Maybe we’ll see some of that in the upcoming Despair Girls? I can dream.)
45. Unpopular opinion?Oh god. Extremely unpopular opinion. Something I’ve never wanted to talk about publicly because I don’t want to get kicked out of the fandom, but.
Komaeda isn’t gay. Komaeda loves Hinata/Izuru, yes, but I don’t think he’s gay. I don’t think he has a preference at all, he just loves people who radiate hope. Like that’s literally the reason he fell in love with Hinata and Izuru, both times. And as soon as he realized Hinata wasn’t the hope he idolized him to be in SDR2, he turned against him (albeit reluctantly, it still says something imo). He’s in love with hope, not boys. Hope just happened to be a boy. (Also he loved Junko so I mean it’s canon he’s pan or bi?) Headcanon what you want, I’m just saying.
56. Best free time events?All of Ouma’s. Annoying little shit. Korekiyo’s were really freaking good too, though.
59. Favourite moment?Either “It was me ♥” or The Biggest, Most Atrocious Incident in Hope’s Peak Academy’s History. Delicious despair.
60. Saddest moment?Nanami’s death in the anime, hands down…
71. Character you can relate to?Tsumiki and neet Monaca.. hhgnbh
72. Character you can relate to but you dislike them?Hrmm.. Probably Tsumugi? I still don’t know what my exact feelings about her are though, honestly.
79. Which character has the cutest design?Kotoko! Although she was heavily overshadowed by Monaca and Servant, I think I would’ve appreciated her more if they hadn’t been around.
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jinjojess · 7 years
DR has some out-there stuff, but what do you think are some low-key or relatively un-noticed disturbing moments of the DR series? For me, it's that bit in DR:AE where the Princess and the Frog is re-told with Junko and Jataro and the latter is sleeping in her bed before becoming human. The implications really creep me out. What about you?
To put you at ease, I think the actual intention was to follow the original story as closely as possible, where the frog just sleeps beside the princess’s bed every night iirc. Jatarou’s issues were rooted in self-hate as the result of his mother verbally abusing him, so I think that’s why they chose a fairytale about transformation. I originally thought his story was about Junko’s heir, haha.
Hmmm, an unnoticed thing that could have had disturbing implications…
(V3 spoilers)
Trying to think of something I’ve never talked about before or someone else hasn’t discussed already. Like for example, we never find out what exactly went down in the Touwa household between Tokuichi/Haiji and Monaka. Clearly something happened to make them think they were responsible for her ending up in a wheelchair.
A lot of background stuff in AE actually I think qualifies--like those people crucified on the walls of the hospital right before you face your first abomination junk monokuma goes by with very little commentary.
Meanwhile, in V3, it’s pretty noticeable to me that all the participants are repeatedly said to have no family to go home to, which of course could have been a lie, but it could also mean that their families were neutralized by the DR Team, or worse, signed their children away entirely of their own volition.
Also that comment that Monokuma casually tosses out about how he’s trashed all the bodies from previous cases was kind of unsettling to me. Makes me think that everyone just got dumped in a giant meat grinder. 
There’s also a fair degree of creep factor regarding exactly HOW memories are erased in DR1--according to Monokuma it could have been anything, but given what we know about Kamukura’s transformation and Matsuda’s involvement with this part of Junko’s plan, it’s pretty heavily implied to be extensive brain surgery which squicks me the fuck out.
I feel like I could come up with quite a few examples of this, but I’ll stop there for now, haha.
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benjaminhunter · 7 years
wow dont read this if youre gonna unfollow for me speaking a bit abt my life situation btw even if the whole thing sounds so much like a 15year old narcissistic cunt’s post venting about their emo problems and their ‘i hate my fucking life’ stick like i used to vague about on scattered fanfic french blogs; look ill get over myself ! sooner than you think ! but i havent made a really personal post on this blog in a while cos it felt.. useless and self pitying in the wake of the really upsetting suffering i see on my dash, from the mutuals i consider friends and the political situation that i kinda want to escape from? but even then. that feels self pitying. and also its almost 8 am so no one will see the bs im posting. so  anyway an update on my thrilling life ! my moods have been flickering between extreme anger and complete exhaustion ! obssessively checking social medias of artists i really looked up has transformed the feeling of admiration i felt into complete beatdowns of myself, always comparing myself to them and rejecting everything decent i made.. getting angry over ship content for absolutely no reason when ive always been the type to be ‘oh fuck it live and learn’; now my anger is making me feel like im expecting ppl to draw content for a f/f rarepair and when this rarepair is overshadowed by huge het or m/m popular pairs i get pissed off, storm and brood about it, feeling like im a child throwing a tantrum ! so thats fun !!!!!!!!!!! lol !!!!!!!!! all my insecurities flooding back because the dam is damn broke when ive been taping it the best i could over the past years. so im feeling intense jealousy at talented artists finishing their projects and starting new ones, and w/ mikus 10th bday coming up and everything- it feels like when youre following your multiplayer guild’s quest in a mmorpg but with bad internet. theyre accomplishing so much and im. here? what? what achievement do i have for myself? oh yeah. i played dr:ae at least ten times. and yet i still couldnt find the energy to make decent dr:ae fanart. its awful. its terrible ! and my asshole dad feels like he can strut all he want because i chickened out on calling the cops on him that one time and hes been even more verbally abusive, although the good side is hes not hitting me or my sis anymore. i guess pulling a knife on him once when hes done so on me so many times impressed him a bit, yknow, the snake that comes back to bite you in the ass? you reap what you sow bs? yeah. so no more slaps or punches, which is good. i guess he yells more and lashes out at the dog, which is terrible, but he hasnt been a complete ass to the rabbit, mostly because hes too lazy to come upstairs and kick chaussette’s cage or smash stuff off the shelves i guess. still the wifi is Very bad cos obvs my parents are hogging the bandwidth, the weather is bad, my sis and i dont have money to fish out of our purses to go to the pool, the library is closed & friends are either working or on holiday away with their families, also our teacher just confirmed that there will be an entrance exam at the start of year2 and i need to get stellar grades to get into the teacher course,so im wasting my eyes frantically speedrunning japanese grammar basics from year1; while my moms accusing me of being selfish for not wanting to go on a stupid 2week trip when i want nothing to do with her and my dad. my ex’s situation is still hanging over my shoulders, that bitch is still cursing me beyond the grave shes been digging and the shit morons that are her friends are still trash talking me, make ‘triggerd memes ;)))’ about me which is fine i guess :)) at least im not lurking their every tweet & post they do so my head is mostly clear on that, the trick is not to think about it or else it WILL fuck me up.. u got other worries like im worried about getting a job even and im worried about celeste’s job and while i know she definitely can handle herself im afraid of drunks coming into her store, have been ever since i started living with one, so theres that lel. 
im glad i got to spend some time with suke and yura and manon before we parted ways two weeks ago, and celeste i ever so sweet.. its been 1 (one) whole year since weve been together although it feels like ive loved her for .. way longer than this so. like if i could get one wish rn, it’d be to get to leap across the ocean so i could be physically close to her and enjoy some time w/ her. get you a girl who gives you butterflies like that, man. shit. wow wow chica bow wow this is long winded and whiny and ill probably regret ever writing that
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kaedeakamatsu · 7 years
Komaeda Nagito Character Analysis
I was finally motivated enough to make this! Let me start off by saying that a lot of this includes theories of mine, but once you read it I believe you’ll understand. Warning for SDR2 and DR:AE spoilers under the cut!
First of all, there are a few things you need to know and remember in order to understand Komaeda. I’ll try to lay those out as thoroughly as I can.
Komaeda has been dealing with his luck cycle since he was a small child, most likely for as long as he can remember. (x)
This affected his everyday life, but also presented itself in three of the most traumatic events of his life (before the events that took place at Kibougamine)
First of all, when he was in elementary school, the plane he boarded with his parents was hijacked, AND hit by meteors (which killed the hijackers). This resulted in his parents’ deaths, and in Komaeda inheriting their vast wealth.
So, except for the beginning of his life, Komaeda has not had anyone to look after him.
He also had a dog at some point that was run over, although the good luck that came from that particular incident was never made clear.
Next, sometime after his parents’ demise, when he was in middle school, Komaeda was kidnapped by a murderer. This would have been traumatic enough on its own, but it got worse: once the kidnapper learned there was no one to pay his ransom, he stuffed Komaeda in a trash bag, threw him in a dumpster and left him there. Komaeda was left there for a time, believing that he wasn’t wanted and that he belonged right where he was: in the garbage. Imagine the number this must have done on his self-esteem…
When he was finally rescued by the police, a lottery ticket that stuck to him in the garbage turned out to be a winner, and so he acquired more wealth.
Lastly, Komaeda was diagnosed with two fatal diseases - stage 3 malignant lymphoma (cancer) and frontotemporal dementia.
Judging by the length of time between his diagnosis and the events of danganronpa 3: the end of kibougamine gakuen, it is extremely likely that Komaeda’s cancer is in remission
However, dementia is incurable.
For those who are unfamiliar with the disease: Komaeda’s brain is atrophying. In other words, it’s losing cells. (x)
Komaeda affirms that his life expectancy is between half a year to a year. Although he ends up with much more time than that, and is not yet canonically dead (thank god), it is important to note that during the events of super danganronpa 2, Komaeda believes that he only has half a year to a year to live. (x)
Those who have dementia gradually lose their ability to see right from wrong; as the source says, it impairs reasoning and judgement (x)
I want to bring attention to this particular quote: “Some people with frontotemporal dementia undergo dramatic changes in their personality and become socially inappropriate, impulsive or emotionally indifferent, while others lose the ability to use language.” (x)
This partially explains some of his actions, but we’ll come back to that later
He is extremely mentally ill, and it is most likely because of the trauma he has experienced, plus his dementia.
By the way, the “good luck” he received after being diagnosed with dementia, was his invitation to attend Kibougamine as the “Super High-School Level Luckster”
To Komaeda, hope is “ultimate good” (x)
Most likely as a result of his dementia and the constant battering by his luck cycle, Komaeda completely idolizes hope
The process of how this came to be is unknown, however we can probably guess that it happened gradually throughout his life. The following is my theory:
Komaeda needed something to hold onto to get through the constant trauma he dealt with
It’s more than likely that he sees hope as a “salvation” of sorts, and that he sees his good luck as hope, or an extension of it at the very least
If he believes in hope, and sees the manifestation of “true hope” (or, “true goodness”), then perhaps everything he’s been through will have been worth it. So after the bad luck, there’s always good luck that follows, and thus, something to hope for
This is supported by when he says “I was born with a unique type of hope… This current situation… is foreshadowing the Ultimate Luck that will be arriving afterward.” as well as “That’s always been my experience. The bigger the bad luck I experienced at first… The good luck that comes afterward is so big that it wipes out all of that bad luck!” (x)
Side note: this is why Komaeda is almost always calm, upbeat, and positive in times of trouble. Hinata even makes this observation himself.
TLDR: Hope, which is “ultimate goodness” to Komaeda, is so important to him because without it, all of the horrible things he’s experienced would be unbearable.
Now, bringing dangan island into the picture…
We all know the events of super danganronpa 2, and how komaeda ends up setting up his own death in order to take down the others (who he knows are the remnants of despair)
In that timeline, his idea of hope remains as stated above
But when Hinata spends a lot of time with him in dangan island, and the murders don’t happen… Komaeda’s idea of hope changes quite a bit.
“The times I’ve spent with you on this island has taught me that hope was inside me from the very beginning.” (x)
He sees this realization as bad luck, since he now has a will to live, and… he’s going to die at the hand of his dementia (or so he believes).
But it proves that if Komaeda was just shown some understanding, and had a friend to guide him, he’d see things differently.
Now, we’re going to get into the events of the game and Komaeda’s actions/feelings during that time.
As Komaeda says himself, “I have no parents, no siblings, no relatives… Not even friends or acquaintances… Because of my self-righteous thoughts, everyone distanced themselves from me. I was fine with that while I was still healthy, but it’s quite lonely to die alone… Now that I’m on the verge of death, I’ve finally realized what I’ve wanted all along: somebody’s love.” (x)
He tries to play it off as though that was just something he read in a book, but it’s clear that he’s telling the truth, and just panicked about everything he admitted (although Hinata doesn’t pick up on that).
Komaeda is either afraid to get close to people because of his luck, or because he hasn’t been close with another person before, or a combination of the two.
Regardless of this fact, Komaeda still develops some very special feelings for Hinata
This is because Hinata is the first person to really try and understand him. For Komaeda, that’s extremely significant, as he’s been alone this whole time.
He comments on how he feels that he and Hinata are “similar” in some way multiple times throughout the game
At the beginning of the game, he is the only person to stay behind and look after Hinata when he faints
In chapter three, when he has the lying disease, Komaeda says “I’m all alone with Hinata-kun… Spending time with you is just… sheer torture.” and “Yeah, go away. I don’t want to see your face anymore” ...which means he feels the opposite. (x)
In chapter four, when Komaeda is about to read the file from the final dead room, his first thought is “Right… if I look at these profiles, I can find Hinata-kun’s hidden talent. He’ll be so excited! Yahoo! Even something like me was able to help out!” (x)
In his last free time event, he says the famous line “Please, don’t forget… From the bottom of my heart… I am truly in love with the hope that sleeps inside you.” Although I do not remember the exact phrases, I do know that a translator pointed out how Komaeda used an intense version of ‘love’ here that made it seem as though he was confessing, and then backing out. (x)
He has a terrified “despair” sprite that is only used when he thinks about Hinata hating him in the “shot through the heart” event (x)
He talks about going back to his “love nest” with Hinata (x)
Not to mention the events at the end of Dangan Island, where Komaeda, after receiving the bad luck of “finding hope inside himself”, decides he can finally ask Hinata to be his friend.
Also, Komaeda’s character song talks about how he “wants to love and understand him more than anyone else”
Enoshima Junko
(WARNING: Emotional abuse mention below)
Komaeda talks about having mixed feelings for Junko; it’s even implied that he may hate and ��love” her at the same time
My personal theory on this is that he feels this way because aside from dragging him into despair, Junko also showed him a certain amount of affection
Junko would have known that Komaeda is not close to anyone, and would have used that to her advantage
Since no one has really shown Komaeda affection, it would have frightened and confused him a great deal to have her treat him in such a fashion, especially since she’s everything he despises
She manipulated his vulnerability to her advantage, and thus his twisted “love” for her was born
I’d like to point out that the person who supports this theory is actually Monaca
Monaca imitates Junko a great deal during DR:AE and even reveals herself to be working toward becoming the “second Junko Enoshima”
It follows that this young child would have learned all of her “tactics” from Junko herself. Although her father and brother are by no means reputable people, Junko is undoubtedly the one who taught Monaca a great deal about spreading despair and manipulating others
And what does Monaca do when Nagisa begins to question her?
She reacts by kissing him, multiple times.
I believe this is something she learned to do by watching Junko do it to Komaeda
Of course, this is all just my theory, but it was a small thing I picked up on that seemed to flow with my idea of Junko’s relationship with Komaeda.
Chapter One Breakdown
Komaeda’s “pre-trial” personality is an accurate reflection of his personality, and was not “faked”
However, there is a clear difference between his “pre-trial” and “post-trial” selves. Why is that?
For one thing, he came into contact with Monokuma and was told of the situation he was in, which acted as a “trigger” of sorts
This is Komaeda’s chance to see “true hope”, and he believes he is a dying man, so this is probably his only chance. Even if he does not get to “see” true hope, he wants to be sure that it is born
However, I don’t think he went about his plan in the way most people think
Komaeda’s plan, from the beginning, was not to “get Togami killed” or even to “get Teruteru killed” or “kill one of his classmates”
From the beginning, it was “to kill himself and start the mutual killing”
I say this because Komaeda’s original plan involved hiding the knife under a table and using it to stab someone
We know how he planned on finding the knife, but how was he planning on finding anyone else in the utter darkness of that closed-off room?
Sure, he could follow their voices, but surely they’d scream and alert everyone as to what was happening
And besides, how would he have avoided getting blood on himself?
Komaeda is too smart to come up with a half-assed plan that has a bunch of holes like that, so I disregard “Komaeda aimed to kill one of his classmates” as an option.
Instead, “Komaeda was aiming to kill himself” works much better.
It is unlikely that the other students would have figured out that Komaeda was the culprit if he was the one who ended up dying, and Komaeda is all about pushing his classmates to find difficult truths in trials
Well then, what was that thing with Teruteru, you ask?
Komaeda’s initial plan was to kill himself. However, things worked out in his favor, so he included Teruteru in his plan.. Which became “to have Teruteru kill him”
If he killed himself and the others made it through the trial, that would have meant that they realized he was the culprit. And there’s no way to guarantee that his suicide would start the mutual killing
So he allowed Teruteru to see him setting up the knife, told him his plan, and even gave Teruteru a way to kill him (by telling him about the passageway under the floor)
This way, he could ensure that the mutual killing would start, and that he’d be the victim
Yes, this means, he realized either Teruteru or the other kids would be killed
But remember, Komaeda is aiming for “true hope” at this time, and because of his dementia, his morals/judgement have become confused
He believes that this sacrifice, whoever it ends up being, will be for the greater good
Of course, something happens that he doesn’t expect: Togami thwarts his plan, and is killed in the process
Komaeda is not unaffected by this. He still mourns their loss along with the others.
But because of his luck cycle and habit of staying upbeat and positive in hard times, he comes off as not caring (not his fault)
Those with dementia do tend to have problems with empathy, that much is true. So that probably also played into how Komaeda was willing to watch two friends die and still look forward (x)
The point I’m trying to make is that, although Komaeda was willing to sacrifice at least one of his classmates, it doesn’t mean he has no empathy at all or that he’s doing all of this without reason
He believes that the “good luck” that came out of Togami and Teruteru’s deaths turned out to be his ability to see the rest of the mutual killings, and therefore, his chance to see ultimate hope
The Change in Komaeda from Chapter 4 to 5
It is during the fourth chapter that Komaeda discovers the truth of his classmates’ nature
That is, he discovers that they are all “Super High-School Level Despair”
For Komaeda, this is probably the worst luck that he could have ever run into
He idolizes hope to an obsessive degree, and his classmates are the ultimate expression of hope (in his eyes)
So for them to be “Super High-School Level Despair”...
This explains the change in his attitude all by itself, I think
However, I’ll make a few things clear, to ensure we’re all on the same page
Komaeda decides to kill everyone in chapter five. Not because he has malicious intent, or because he’s acting without reason, but because he knows his classmates are “Super High-School Level Despair”.
He is willing to die to rid the world of “SHSL Despair”, not only because of his poor health, but because of how much he despises despair.
(I can’t find this part in the game right now, but) after he learns who his classmates are, he “takes back” what he said before about being willing to die in the mutual killing game (by one of his classmates’ hand).
He takes that back because, he doesn’t actually want to die without reason. He wants his death to mean something, at least
To him, dying at the hands of “Super High-School Level Despair” is repulsive and not what he wants
However, dying to save the world from “Super High-School Level Despair”...
He is more than willing to go through with that
He puts himself through one of the most painful deaths just so that he can accomplish this. You don’t have to agree with his methods or morals, but you do have to admit that this was not because of malicious intent for the world
Komaeda Becomes “SHSL Despair”
DR3 is poorly written and disregards a lot of worldbuilding in SDR2, so we’ll just ignore it completely for this section (SDR2 did not set up the students to have become despair by simply “being hypnotized/brainwashed”).
It is heavily implied that Komaeda joined up with “Super High-School Level Despair” in order to take them down from the inside. (I forget where this happens in-game, but if I find it, I’ll edit it in. For now, my best guess is that it was during the chapter six trial, or from another game/anime).
However, Junko knew this, and took advantage of that… and so, Komaeda fell into despair in the process
It probably didn’t take much, and honestly, it’s likely that he was already at that point before he joined SHSL Despair, or at least close, given his past and situation.
This is supported by Komaeda’s behavior during DR:AE. He’s virtually similar to how he was in SDR2, correct? Well, he was definitely in despair during DR:AE, so it follows that as his behavior was similar during SDR2, he was in despair/close to being in despair during that time.
I think this is important because it shows another layer of Komaeda’s character and sets him apart slightly
Is Komaeda a stalker?
No. He leaves Hinata alone when Hinata does not want to be around him. I have no idea where this idea came from.
Is Komaeda a yandere?
No. I have no idea where this idea came from, either. But Komaeda has never exhibited “yandere” behavior. He respects Hinata’s space, and even when others try to get close to him he never does anything about it.
Did Komaeda do nothing wrong?
No, he did many things wrong. He made a ton of mistakes, and he knows it. That doesn’t mean he’s a horrible person, but it does mean he should be held accountable for his actions.
Does Komaeda get off on hope?
No. Please stop.
Is Komaeda ugly?
No. Source: me looking at Komaeda and seeing how cute he is.
Is Komaeda beyond redemption?
No. I hope that this is clear because of what I have already explained previously, but in case it’s not, I’d like to remind you that the other SDR2 students committed crimes/atrocities that were just as bad or even worse than what Komaeda did. The only difference is that Komaeda was closer to despair before coming to Kibougamine than they were, and that is because of the trauma he was put through. If you can forgive Hinata and Sonia and everyone else, you can forgive Komaeda.
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their-hairpin-blog · 7 years
Chapter One
Chapter One introduces our main characters a little bit, along with some of the actions, relationships and motives. This story-blog is set after DR:AE; Izuru has become the leader of the Remnants of Despair, Nagito has brought Monaca Towa back and she has some knowledge that nobody else does. Join the remnants on their journey and the lead-in to what we know as SDR2.:)
He took out the small, pendant-like hairclip from his pocket. The only emotion he had felt before the soft girl’s execution was boredom. Now, all he could feel was this despair that Enoshima repeatedly taught him existed in everybody’s life. At first, he thought he was the exception, feeling nothing but loneliness in his brain. Nobody could be like him, it was only he that existed of his kind. The world’s Ultimate Hope was the title given to him, however, he found this name merely ironic now. He slowly tumbled the minuscule rocketship in his hand. This pain he could feel in his chest, the tears flowing freely from his eyes. He struggled to understand. “K-Kamukura?”
He jolted around, clutching onto the hairpin tightly. The call had come from the timid Ultimate Nurse, Mikan Tsumiki. She was a tall, slim woman who had made her advances on the Ultimate Hope many a time before, however, he felt nothing but emptiness. “Hello, Mikan. You’re here? How…” he stopped himself, and without use of a better word, continued his sentence, “boring.”
Her eyes had widened, wincing back, “I-I’m sorry! I-I just wanted you to know, N-Nagito…”
“Has returned? With the child?” She nodded, with warm tears in her eyes. Kamukura sighed, slipping the hairclip back into his pocket. “Then let’s welcome them.”
“Monaca likes to play!” The child beamed, twirling around in circles. Ibuki joined in, spinning around with her.
“I’m glad,” Nagito smiled fondly, sitting on a chair and watching on. Kamukura entered the room, making the blonde man jump up, standing attentively to him. “Kamukura.”
“Don’t speak. The child is safe here, and she will follow Miss Junko Enoshima, correct?” Kamukura looked at the twelve-year-old, wondering how she would take on the embodiment of despair, as Miss Enoshima had previously held; a woman half a decade older than the young girl stood in front of him.
Surprising him, she giggled, “Silly adult!” Her face turned serious; cold and unforgiving, she glared at him. “Big Sis Junko taught Monaca everything she knows.” With a slight tilt of her head, she smiled, “Especially as to how you became who you are, and how you came to be. And why you can’t help but feel despair when you hold Nanami’s hairpin.”
“Nanami…” Nagito whispered, whilst Ibuki stopped focusing and fixated herself on the point. Mikan let out a soft whimper.
Looking around at the despair-induced individuals, Kamukura stood confused. “Who…”
“Monaca’s glad Big Bro had this talk! Monaca wants to go to sleep now!” With her sing-song melodic voice, she skipped off to a different room, leaving Tsumiki in soft sobs, Nagito rushing over to wipe away her tears, Ibuki fixated on one spot and Kamukura stood in the middle of the hall, confused.
Ibuki slowly looked at Kamukura. “Nanami-chan’s hairpin?” She asked, stepping over to him. “Let Ibuki see?”
Kamukura scooped it from his pocket, holding it to the Ultimate Musician. “A space rocket? Who was she? She knew… something I cannot repeat.”
“Our classmate. She was more than that, she was a friend,” Ibuki whispered, taking the hairpin gently. Her eyes flooded with tears.
Kamukura suddenly felt emptiness. Without that pin, he didn’t feel the same kind of despair. A sense of longing for somebody, and a sense of belonging. He felt nothing. He snatched it back from Mioda, walking out of the room quickly, stepping into his office and slamming the door behind him.
“How was your adventure?” Mikan smiled, Nagito leading her slowly towards her office.
Recalling his journey, he mentioned meeting Makoto Naegi’s sister, Komaru, and bumping into Toko Fukawa, a member of the Future Foundation who would surely lend her information to a higher up, such as Byakuya Togami. “So, I’d say it was pretty adventurous, to answer your question!”
“Y-You really should be careful, Nagito…” Mikan whispered as he helped her out of the hall. Each wall looked the same, as did each door and corner. As a hideout for the remnants of despair, this area held up extremely well for its specified purpose. With a current residency of seven adults, a child and four hamsters, it was definitely large enough to accommodate, along with the others had they chosen to live there. Once the two had arrived at the Nurse’s Office, she turned to him. “Too much walking can be very… very dangerous!”
The blonde sat down, rubbing at his forehead. “I appreciate your concern, Mikan, but you don’t have to worry about trash like me.”
“But I want to,” she said, sitting down next to him. She leant over, kissing his cheek. “You know I don’t like it when you’re not with me. I get so nervous…”
He smiled, holding her to his warm body, “I know. I miss you when I’m not here,” he whispered into her hair, lifting her chin to kiss her lips softly.
She wrapped her arms around his shoulders, knotting one hand in his hair. “N-Nagito?”
“Mm?” He mumbled softly against her lips, eyelids heavy on his face. “What’s wrong?”
She smiled, kissing him deeply once more, “Nothing, just ki-” And before she could say anything else, his hands were over her body, exploring every curve he could find.
Kamukura had had enough. What with the commotion of previous events, he gripped on to the deceased Nanami’s hairpin, clutching on to the faintest sense of hope he could find. His eyes welled up once more and he stood confused, uneasy with what the child knew. What did Junko know, who was he? Who was Nanami? He needed to step away from his locked confinements, taking a slow walk around the remnant’s hideout.
“Crimson Steel Elephant Maga-Z has escaped!”
Kamukura stopped, his eyes rolling as he made his way towards Gundham Tanaka’s quarters. Each wall was painted dark, the decoration becoming more elaborate to match his Supreme Overlord sentence bestowed upon himself. A reflection caught his eye from the mirror, but he made no visible note. “Tanaka,” Kamukura muttered, bluntly, upon reaching the chambers.
An attractive blonde woman was sat upon Tanaka’s bed, her full length black ball gown surrounding her ankles, her red heels just visible on the dark oak effect of the floor. Her image known to Kamukura as Sonia Nevermind, the Ultimate Princess. “Izuru, Gundham cannot find Maga-Z anywhere. Have you perhaps seen him?”
“I’m afraid not,” Kamukura sighed, a glimpse of a smile appearing on his face. “However, I believe a pink shark is just outside your chambers.”
“Not cool, Kamukura,” Souda complained, letting his guard down and letting himself be seen. “I just… Miss Sonia, if you weren’t busy…” “I’m afraid I’m very busy,” she sighed, wrapping Gundham’s scarf around her shoulders. “I’ll go look for him.” The Princess gently pressed her lips to the breeder’s forehead, evoking a small smile from the latter’s lips.
“Thank you, my dark queen,” he smiled, setting her tiara upon her head and watching her leave. Souda pulled his beanie over his ears and left in a different direction.
“Now,” Izuru signed with his finger trembling slightly, wiping his face thoroughly, “I’ll be on my way.”
Gundham stood and walked over to Izuru, looking down slightly. “I feel a spirit watching over you. You’re being protected, do you understand that?” Izuru took out the hairpin, showing his fellow despair. “This is the possession of the sleepy one, correct?”
“I believe so,” Izuru whispered, passing it to him. “I watched her die, she called me by a different name. Hajime.”
The Breeder studied it for a moment before passing it back to him. “This precious instrument holds the sleepy one’s spirit, and it is connected strongly with you. It is yours to protect.”
“Can you do anything to contact her?”
“I…” Gundham looked Kamukura in the eye. “I can certainly attempt to.”
“In return…” Kamukura smiled, “you’re very clever, and certainly not boring. But I can see what you’re doing.”
Tanaka’s eyes widened as Kamukura left his quarters.
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serahne · 8 years
this question is silly tbh and i just started to check your blog lately so from curiosity i couldn't keep this question to my self it's fine if you want to ignore the ask though :) , but why you shipped komahina or why you choosed it over hina//nami , sorry if this ask was rude for you
Hi there ~ Don’t worry, there is no silly question and you aren’t rude at all ( good god, each time someone is saying that to me I wonder if I’m really that scary ). I can definitely explain why I enjoy Komahina more than Hina/nami, please remember that it’s mostly based on my own interpretation of the characters, and that someone else’s interpretation is just as good as mine.
Except when people claim that Hajime is a Griffindor. I’ll bite.
Why do I ship Komahina ? Well…
Tumblr media
( You may think it’s a joke but wait to read my answer, and you’ll see it’s not )
Anyway, if you even glanced at my blog you know that I’m unable to shut up, so under the cut !
To anwer your question, my main reasons to ship Hinata with Komaeda are… the characters themselves. Let’s start with Komaeda, because it’s easier. Shorter. Something.
Komaeda is a character who doesn’t do emotional connections. He has this kind of unbreakable mindset that is fascinating to study, mostly linked to his past and his luck where he seems absolutely unable of sympathy and rationalizes all his feelings. I’m not going to say that Hinata is the only person he ever developed feelings for, we can’t know that. But he is the first person he realized he developed feelings for.
Until then, he didn’t need to think about it. Of course he liked Hinata, Hinata is a symbol of Hope, he is talented and so better than he is ( there is… more to it especially the ‘I feel like we are similar but I promised to keep it short ). The equation was I love Hope = Hinata is Hope = I love Hinata. There was no… internal contradiction in him. And then, of course, chapter 4 happens and it’s the worst. Hinata isn’t talented. He is despair. Worse, he is actually Izuru Kamukura, some kind of abomination who is one of the leader of the Despair Team. And yet, he still has feelings for him. The equation doesn’t work anymore, Komaeda is broken, his world is falling apart, he is willingly pushed into a character development that he didn’t ask for, and it’s so painful for him that he kills himself, trying to take everyone else with him.
That’s… fascinating. Sad, too. But damn, Komaeda.
Dr:ae showed us that he could evolve, though. His mindset wasn’t set in stone. With time, with new objectives, he can accept that someone who didn’t have any talent ( Naegi ) was able to beat despair. Actually, he even says that someone who doesn’t have talent, who isn’t praised and elevated by the society, beating despair, is even more hope-inducing. Which is why I think he will come to respect Hinata, and by extension, himself. With time.
So Hinata is Komaeda’s hope to change. To get rid of this stupid mindset Hope’s Peak’s world gave him. Obviously after dr3 being with Hinata would also allow him to not suffer from his luck, which would also help him to develop real relationships with people without them dying, so it’s good for him.
Now, Hinata.
I’m absolutely fascinated by this boy, and I even started to write a complete analysis of his character here and here ( for now I only covered Hinata before Hope’s Peak Academy and Hinata in dr3 but it’s already giving you a lot of keys to understand how I see his character ).
To be short, Hinata is someone who is always trying to find a way to run away from an unpleasant reality. He numbs himself to block out the exterior world and not face it the way it is, because it’s easier. It’s easier to play video games with a cute Ultimate girl and forget about Hope’s Peak segregationist system ( Dr3 ), it’s easier to convince yourself that you are an Ultimate too and fit with everyone ( Sdr2 ), it’s easier to think that it’s going to be okay, that they’ll do their best and will get out of it without problem, it’s easier to think that they are good people who can do no wrong.
And that’s where Komaeda comes in. Komaeda doesn’t allow Hinata to take the easy way. Never. From the first chapter, can you guess what would have happened if everyone had taken the easy path and voted him as culprit after his breakdown ? Because that’s the logic though to have right ? The only one who can do something bad is someone who is unstable, right ? Wrong. And thanks Mikan to save the day, because Hinata would have ran into this one if you hadn’t been here.
Through the whole game, Komaeda is someone who motivates Hinata to face the truth. Not only Hinata, mind you ( In chapter two, he pushes Koizumi to play the game too ), but especially him. He is the one who spit out Hope’s Peak ideology, how people are born for greatness and can rise through society or are born to be trash and will never become anyone ( which is a terrible thing to think, but is nevertheless what’s Hope’s Peak is all about ), something that Hinata refuses to accept even though he suffered through it. Of course, he is also the one who tells him that he isn’t an Ultimate, and repeats it, again and again, so he won’t run away from it. Hell, in his FTE, Hinata tells Komaeda that he is trying to understand him, and Komaeda replies that it’s really brave, to try and understand someone that you don’t. And I agree. Hinata is never braver than when he is facing him.
Chapter 5 is everything. Komaeda’s final test. Hinata is the only one who keeps going, you know. Who refuses to vote a suicide, even though everyone is almost begging him to, that he doesn’t want to think about another possibility, that they are all so damn tired. He keeps going. And after that, he does something even Komaeda didn’t expect : he understands him. He understands his luck, his hope, his goal and he beats him. At this moment he doesn’t need to be scared of Komaeda anymore, because once you understand something, you stop being scared, that’s just as simple as that.
On a lighter note… I admit I adore how Hinata can’t help but care about him. How angry he is with himself when he realizes he is super worried about Komaeda when he is sick, how embarassed he is when they joke about the sticker, how upset he is when Komaeda starts treating him coldly and I love how hyped he is anytime Komaeda speak during a trial and how attentive to him he is. That’s the cheesy part of me talking, sorry.
I think after dr3, Hinata would need some time to think about himself, the world, the meaning of life, whatever else, for a while. So he wouldn’t rush into a relationship with Komaeda or anyone else. I’m just saying that after sdr2 these two have such amazing connection that it could definitely lead to something great, whether they get together or not.
TLDR ; I love that Hinata is the way for Komaeda to change, and I love that Komaeda is the way for Hinata to accept himself, as hard it is after everything he’s done and become. It’s… honestly so rare to find such amazing bond between two characters who are so-well written, without one overshadowing the over but completing each others.
You don’t have to read it if you enjoy Hina/nami, but since you brought that up, here is why I don’t like it : The reason I dislike Hina/nami, it’s that Nan/ami’s role is the exact opposite of Komaeda. Her role is to shelter Hinata, as part of the Neo World Program. Her goal is that he never remember who he was, that he erases from his past every bad things he did and never have to face them. If you observe her in the game, she is the one who always go for the ‘easy’ route. She is the one who suggests Komaeda as the killer, she is the one who stops Hinata to go through the Final Dead Room and to face whatever is inside, she is the one who say to Hinata that it doesn’t matter if he has talent or not.
That’s just what she is coded to do, but that’s also what dr3!Nan/ami does. She brushes off Hinata’s insecurities, saying that the only thing that matters anyway are friends, not realizing that it’s a very easy thing to say when you are a sheltered, privilegied girl who is adored by everyone for her talent while he is struggling with what looks like depression. She is always painting Hinata a reality that doesn’t exist to make him feel better and hum… I feel like he deserves more than a not-super-bright girlfriend holding his hand through life and forbidding any development on his part. Doesn’t mean he doesn’t care about her, by the way, she probably brought him comfort when he needed some.
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