#and people wonder why i prefer to make photo edits for roadtrip
hey love_macgvyer_2019 from instagram if you see this: stop reposting my edits, you didn’t ask, you didn’t even tag me and you ALWAYS tried to avoid every conversation even when it was just someone politely asking to take an edit of theirs down (aka twistedsteel_sexappeal and me). stop with your disrespecful behavior and learn how to get manners. people like you make me sick, it’s disgusting. learn how to make edits yourself if you desperately have the need to post some. oh, and - get the fck away from my tumblr
Tumblr media
best thing is i completely stop making photo edits for macgyver and just do roadtrip. those people at least tag me in MY edits or share via story
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zexalweek · 2 years
Hello again, friends! My laptop isn't cooperating with me, so I won't be able to make a cut or add a photo since I'm making this post on mobile! I'll try and come back and make a more user friendly post once my laptop decides to work with me! (Cuz its nearly an hour past 5pm CST, when I said I'd post, I'm so sorry! I had to retype this all out on my phone TwT)
So without further ado, here are Zexal Week 2022's prompts!
Sunday, May 29th: Sports Day - Children's Card Games are the claim to fame for YGO, but in Zexal, we do sometimes see the characters in their gym class! From the springboard jumping over stacks, to the school's indoor pool, what other sports can you see characters doing? You can keep it simple and in-universe, or you can go as far as a full revamp of Zexal and make it a sports anime!
Monday, May 30th: Prank Wars - What characters are the most capable of shattering the peace, setting off a full on prank war? Who's participating? Who are unwitting victims, or amused, untouched bystanders? Does it stay simple? Do things get complex? Does someone take it too far?
Tuesday, May 31st: Mer/Maid - Its the last day of May! During May, 2 different common events in fandom take place: MerMay, and Maid Day (Held on May 10th in Japan)! As a send off to the month, use today to promote any Zexal content you made this month for those events, or make/share something new!
Wednesday, June 1st: Roadtrip - Its the start of the summer months, so we're celebrating with a roadtrip! Who's going? Where are they going? How long is it going to take? Are they making pitstops/small trips to see the sights along the way? Was it a spur of the moment trip? Was it meticulously planned to the most minuscule of details?
Thursday, June 2nd: Retro - YGO Zexal is set in a futuristic setting, but what if it was set in a more recent past? Zexal but 90's, 80's, 70's, hell even Roaring 20's? Whether or not you incorporate the card game or not is entirely your call!
Friday, June 3rd: Call to Attention - With nearly 150 episodes, Zexal definitely had a fair amount of time to introduce and explore different characters and concepts, as well give the fandom enough fuel for fan-theories galore! What is/are some aspects of the show you wish had been given more attention? Do you think a character should have been more fleshed out? Was there a specific direction you thought a plotline was going, only for it to go somewhere completely different? Was there one that just seemed to be dropped? Tell us your thoughts!
Saturday, June 4th: Free Day! - Just as it says: Do as you will, anything is fair game!
Extra Prompts:
A character(s) you relate to the most
Museum of Wonders
Coffee shop date
The Measure of a Life
Defying Gravity
We're Getting the Band Back Together!
"This is a retroactive nightmare."
"Here's to a night we'll never remember, with the people we'll never forget!"
"Lie after lie after lie, we all stopped counting the crimes. You know why we can't trust you, don't you?"
"Do you want to be the layer of the bricks that seal your fate, or would you rather be the architect of what we might create?"
"All I wanted was you."
"I'm minor in a major kind of way."
Now, as usual, the prompts are not mandatory! They're meant more as a framework for those who prefer a guideline or structure! If there's something you'd prefer to do that is not mentioned here, then by all means, go for it! We're celebrating Zexal, and doing so in whichever way you feel is best is totally fine!
Not only that, but by no means is participation in Zexal Week limited to producing content! Likes and reblogs, even leaving comments on others' posts all count as contributing to Zexal Week! Even if you don't consider yourself a creator, your actions and support help make things possible!
In addition, while I am aware that fanfic and fanart are the most common forms of fan content, I encourage all types of content, AMVs/fancams, poetry, screencap edits, even simple posts or videos of you just talking about Zexal! OCs and Self-Insert characters are also totally acceptable!
That being said, if you plan on contributing content, I kindly ask the content you share be your own, and that you're not reposting someone's work, or at the very least, not doing so without their permission and/or passing it off as your own. "Credit to the Creator" does not fly here. Having commissioned someone to make content for you is fine, so long as you state/acknowledge it was commissioned, share who commissioned it, and confirmed with the creator that it is ok to share like that!
Additionally, I will accept mature works, so long as there are clear content warnings and proper tags.
Finally! I kindly ask that you use the tags "#Zexal Week" and/or "#Zexal Week 2022", cuz those are the tags I check to see people's content! In the past years, some people's posts fail to show up in the main tags, so feel free to tag this blog in your posts if you're concerned I might not see them!
Thank you for your patience, and again, I'll try and clean this post up when my laptop stops being rude to me! I'll see you all soon!
-- Krys 💙
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