#and obv the reason Marcia says nothing is because that would be an objectively terrible adaptation choice when she doesn’t even appear again
purecommemasolitude · 21 days
Today’s The Outsiders Musical Opinion™️ is that Randy’s role is not only split between Paul & Cherry but also a little bit with Marcia
(Randy’s whole thing re: the conflict is that he’s disillusioned and starts to realize how pointless it is, and obv that & the car conversation turn into Hopeless War from Cherry, but notably unlike Cherry he doesn’t do anything to actually help the greasers. Yes he testifies for them at the trial but that’s more of a wrapping up of loose ends, that’s not framed as being about class the way the rumble is, where Cherry actively crosses lines to help out the greasers. Similarly, Marcia, to my knowledge, visibly does not approve of Two-Bit’s jumping in Justice for Tulsa and is not rah rah anti greaser pro Soc, and yet she still sings the lyrics: she cannot bring herself to speak out for them. She doesn’t approve of the situation but that doesn’t manifest in any of her lines, just like how Randy only expresses his new worldview to Ponyboy. And yeah that’s not the same as Marcia saying Nothing but can you imagine if we stopped the plot to have a random Marcia-Ponyboy 1:1 conversation. That would suck. Also, a lot of Randy is how he’s torn between what he thinks is right and the crowd; he is conflicted and doesn’t know what he should do. This similarity can again be found in Marcia being torn between her disapproval for the extremes to which the greaser-hunt has gone and her inability to speak out and try to put a stop to it)
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