#and not having preferential voting is also fucked up. it sends a message to the major parties when they get votes
myrtaceaae · 2 months
I'll not lie, seeing other countries voting systems baffles and infuriates me.
What do you mean voting isn't compulsory?? That's like. If a candidate wins but 30% of people in the electorate didn't vote at all, how is your representative actually going to represent the views of their electorate.
What do you mean you need to bring photo ID??? Surely they can just cross your name off the electoral role in the big books???? What if you don't have appropriate ID???? How are you supposed to vote.
And what are you talking about that you can only put your vote towards a single candidate???? Surely that's not true, surely you can number them according to your preference?? Please tell me that you can just rank them, please tell me that your vote has power over every party, not just one.
It's like. How are you supposed to have a democratic country if people can just. Not vote, and be unable to vote without ID, and can only put their vote towards a single party. Literally so fucked up.
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theloreofwhatilove · 5 years
Joaquin Phoenix Speeches 2020
I feel very honoured and privileged to be here tonight. The BAFTAs have always been very supportive of my career and I'm deeply appreciative. But I have to say that I also feel conflicted because so many of my fellow actors that are deserving don't have that same privilege.  
I think that we send a very clear message to people of colour: that you're not welcome here. I think that's the message that we're sending to people that have contributed so much to our medium and our industry and in ways that we benefit from.
I don't think anybody wants a handout or preferential treatment, although that's what we give ourselves every year. I think that people just want to be acknowledged and appreciated and respected for their work.
This is not a self-righteous condemnation because I'm ashamed to say that I'm part of the problem. I have not done everything in my power to ensure that the sets I work on are inclusive. But I think that it's more than just having sets that are multicultural. I think that we have to really do the hard work to truly understand systemic racism.
I think that it is the obligation of the people that have created and perpetuate and benefit from a system of oppression to be the ones that dismantle it. So that's on us.  
Thank you.
When I started acting again and going to auditions and getting the final callback, I think many people know what that’s like. And there would be these two other guys that I’d be up against. And we’d always lost to this one kid. No actor would ever say his name because it was too much, but every casting director would whisper “it’s Leonardo, it’s Leonardo”.
Who is this Leonardo? Leo, you’ve been an inspiration to me for the last 25 years. I thank you very very much.
Christian, you commit to your roles in ways that I can only dream of. You never turn in a bad performance. It’s infuriating. I wish you would. Just one time. Just suck once, that’d be great.
Adam, I’ve been watching you the last few years and you0ve just been turning these beautiful, nuanced, incredible, profound performances. I am just so moved by you. You were just devastating in [The Marriage Story] and you should be here.
Taron, where are you? I am so happy for you, wherever you are. Hey. Hey, man. You are so beautiful in this movie and I am so happy for you. And I can’t wait to see what else you do.
And really, I’m standing here on the shoulders of my favorite actor, Heath Ledger.
Golden Globes:
First, I’d like to thank the Hollywood Foreign Press, um, for recognizing and acknowledging the link between animal agriculture and climate change. It’s a very bold move making tonight plant-based, and it really sends a powerful message.
We all know there's no fucking competition between us...I'm inspired by you, I'm your fucking student.
I know people say this but I really do feel honored to be mentioned with you. Some of you I reached out to personally. Some I’m still a little too intimidated by, even though we share the same agent. Hi, Christian (Bale). Uh, you’re not here.
Contrary to popular belief, I don't like to rock the boat, but the boat needs to be fucking rocked. It’s really nice that so many people have come up and sent their well wishes to Australia - but we gotta do better that that. Hopefully we can be unified and actually make some changes. It’s great to vote but sometimes we need to take that responsibility within ourselves. Make changes and sacrifices in our own lives. We don’t have to take private jets to Palm Springs and back, please. I will try to do better and I hope you will too.
Oscars (The Academy):
I’m full of so much gratitude right now. I do not feel elevated above any of my fellow nominees, or anyone in this room, because we share the same love: The love of film. And this form of expression has given me the most extraordinary life. I don’t know what I’d be without it.
But I think the greatest gift that its given me and many of us in this room is the opportunity to use our voice for the voiceless. I’ve been thinking a lot about some of the distressing issues that we are facing collectively and I think at times we feel or are made to feel that we champion different causes. But for me, I see commonality.
I think whether we’re talking about gender and equality or racism or queer rights or indigenous rights or animal rights, we’re talking about the fight against injustice. We’re talking about the fight against the belief that one nation, one people, one race, one gender, or one species has the right to dominate, control and use and exploit another with impunity.
I think that we’ve become very disconnected from the natural world. And many of us, what we’re guilty of is an egocentric world view: the belief that we’re the center of the universe. We go into the natural world and we plunder it for its resources. We feel entitled to artificially inseminate a cow and when she gives birth, we steal her baby, even though her cries of anguish are unmistakable. And then we take her milk that’s intended for her calf and we put it in our coffee and our cereal.
And I think we fear the idea of personal change, because we think we have to sacrifice something, to give something up. But human beings at our best are so inventive and creative and ingenious. And I think that when we use love and compassion as our guiding principles, we can create, develop and implement systems of change that are beneficial to all sentient beings and to the environment.
Now, I have been a scoundrel in my life. I have been a scoundrel, I’ve been selfish, I’ve been cruel at times, hard to work with and ungrateful. But so many of you in this room have given me a second chance. And I think that’s when we’re at our best: When we support each other, not when we cancel each other out for past mistakes, but when we help each other to grow, when we educate each other, when we guide each other toward redemption. That is the best of humanity.
I just... I want to... when he was 17, my brother wrote this lyric: He said “run to the rescue with love and peace will follow”.
Thank you.
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vsplusonline · 5 years
Oscars 2020: From a tribute to Heath Ledger to dropping the F-Bomb; here are Joaquin Phoenix’s most viral speeches - Times of India
New Post has been published on https://apzweb.com/oscars-2020-from-a-tribute-to-heath-ledger-to-dropping-the-f-bomb-here-are-joaquin-phoenixs-most-viral-speeches-times-of-india/
Oscars 2020: From a tribute to Heath Ledger to dropping the F-Bomb; here are Joaquin Phoenix’s most viral speeches - Times of India
After a stunning performance in ‘Joker’ as Arthur Fleck aka Joker, Joaquin Phoenix seems to be unstoppable as he has been bagging the most coveted awards for the best actor at all the award functions. With Oscars a few days away, fans have been rooting for the versatile actor to bag the prestigious award on the grandest stage and give another unforgettable speech like has been doing since the start of the year.
Pheonix is popular among the artists and the audience for his acceptance speeches where he has bravely called out matters that require attention. From paying tribute to Heath Ledger to dropping the F-Bomb, here are few of speeches of Phoenix that stunned everyone:
BAFTA Joaquin Phoenix won the prestigious BAFTA in London for the Leading Actor for his phenomenal performance in ‘Joker’. But more than the award it was the charismatic actor’s speech which called out on the ‘systemic racism’ that went viral on the internet. Expressing his sorrow on this year’s all-white slate of nominees, he said, “I feel very honoured and privileged to be here tonight, and the BAFTAs have always been very supportive of my career, and I’m deeply appreciative.” Furthermore, he added, “But I have to say that I also feel conflicted because so many of my favourite actors who are deserving don’t have the same privilege. I think that we send a very clear message to people of colour that you’re not welcome here. I think that’s the message that we’re sending to people that have contributed so much to our medium and our industry and in ways that we benefit from. I don’t think anybody wants a handout or preferential treatment, although that’s what we give ourselves every year. I think people want to be acknowledged, appreciated and respected for their work.”
Joaquin Phoenix accepts his Leading Actor award for his performance in @jokermovie #EEBAFTAs #BAFTAs https://t.co/1nK49CjrJo
— BAFTA (@BAFTA) 1580683060000
Screen Actors Guild Awards (SAG) Arthur Fleck aka Joker not only received a standing ovation in the theatres but seems to be dominating the awards session as well. The film which has been the talk of the town since its release due to the negative aspect of a character it emphasises on. At SAG, Joaquin Phoenix even paid tribute to Heath Ledger, who is known to have essayed the character of Joker before passing away. He said, “Really, I’m standing here on the shoulders of my favourite actor, Heath Ledger. There would always be two other guys that I was up against and we’d always lose to this one kid…every casting director would always whisper, ‘It’s Leonardo’. You’ve been an inspiration for over 25 years to me and so many people.” Furthermore, he even praised his fellow nominees Leonardo Di Caprio, Adam Driver, Christian Bale and Taron Egerton for their brilliant performances.
Sometimes, we feel like we’re up against Leo too, Joaquin. We feel for you. #sagawards https://t.co/KoWRLKIFtD
— SAG Awards® (@SAGawards) 1579490226000
Golden Globes Phoenix also won the award for Best Actor’s award at the Golden Globes. He not only hailed the performances of his fellow nominees and but also made a sweet gesture to his fianceé Rooney Mara. Apart from that, Phoenix dropped the F-bomb and stole the show as he took a dig at his ‘Joker’ director Todd Phillips. He said, “There is no fucking best actor. I’m such a pain in the ass,” he added, in a remark directed towards Phillips. I cannot believe you put up with me. To my fellow nominees, we all know there’s no. It’s like this thing that is created to sell advertisements for the TV show. I’m inspired by you. Some of you I’ve reached out to personally. Some, uh, I’m still a little too intimidated by, even though we share the same agent: Hi, Christian. You’re not here, but uh.”
Phoenix even emphasised on raising awareness on social cause related to the fires in Australia. “Contrary to popular belief, I don’t want to rock the boat, but the boat. It’s really nice that so many people have come up and sent their well wishes to Australia, but we have to do more than that, right? It’s great to vote, but sometimes we have to take that responsibility on ourselves and make changes and sacrifices in our own lives and hope that we can do that. We don’t have to take private jets to Palm Springs for the awards sometimes or back, please” he said.
Critics’ Choice Awards The 45-year-old talented actor even grabbed the Critics’ Choice Award for the best actor which was presented to him by actress Anne Hathaway for his stellar performance as Arthur Fleck aka Joker. This time his speech seemed to be on an emotional side as he thanked his mother and even praised his screenwriter Scott Silver. He said, “I need to thank my mum. Mum, you’ve always been my greatest inspiration, even when self-pity led me astray. You’ve never given up on me and I deeply appreciate your support. Turning his attention to screenwriter Scott Silver, as he continued: You used a superhero character to talk about childhood trauma, gun violence and mental health.”
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