#and no i'm not saying you can't HC them as aroace
emerlovesinvaderzim · 11 months
"Everyone in IZ is aroace, it's canon so you can't ship anyone now" Yeah right, let's ignore the fact that Dib was literally crushing on Tak in her debut episode and Jhonen said the show would've ended with Zim and Gaz getting together. Also some aroace people can still get into relationships, it depends where they are on the spectrum.
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elyxisea · 2 months
I have complicated thoughts on bill's sexuality and now I'm going to complain about it
this isn't going to make much sense. by which I mean it won't make ANY sense. a huge ramble is all this is
so aroace bill is a popular headcanon, minus billdip which we don't talk about, and then bob comes out! and now toxic bitter exes fordbill is raging. its very one-sided - ford's out of a toxic relationship and bill's still broken up over him. classic stuff! can't go wrong (yes you can)
and now we know bill has had serious romantic relationships before. oh boy, this is the end for aroace bill hcs isn't it? BUT WAIT, Enter:
whatever this is!
so. obsession. my belief is that bill has never felt romantic love for ford. the entire bob is him manipulating us, AND it's proven that he's had serious romantic relationships in the past (bloody mary). truly, the end for aroace bill, and indeed the uprising of aroace ford. but hear me out: platonic obsession. aroace bill who gets into relationships with people and never actually romantically loves them but because he's the way he is he doesn't actually care if his attraction to them is romantic or platonic. he's a manipulative asshole who's obsessing over ford because ford isn't doing what he wants because the romantic implications he tried to manipulate ford with didn't work because. AROACE FORD! just imagine these two aroace losers running around making everyone think they kiss. hilarious stuff.
so that's aro bill. now for ace bill. is it a stretch to say he might not have even had sexual organs. he's a triangle. maybe it's because my puny human, pathetically mortal brain can't comprehend a triangle doing the deed, but I physically can't imagine him in a sexual relationship. I'd like to imagine that because he's from the second dimension he can't find people to do the tango with. maybe he's just ace. how do shapes reproduce? he had a mother and a father. how do shapes reproduce. I need to go think about that. is how they reproduce still possible as a 3d shape? it definitely involves his eye. ford has spit in his eye, in that deleted scene. what are the implications of that? only bill will ever know. maybe he isn't asexual but he never does it because nobody knows how. I need to go lie down.
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minipisi-is-dumb · 2 years
idk y'all but the whole "saiki does not fall in love because of his powers if you take them away he would be normal" and similar variations of those arguments against aroace saiki headcanons (which. why do you feel so attacked for a hc that you need to bend canon in weird ways to justify ships that make no sense) make me so uncomfortable bc they feel just like when people say that ppl who are aspec wouldn't be aspec if they weren't ND or traumatized or mentally ill or whatever similar.
like ok nobody knows if me being ND is what makes me aspec or trans or what but i know i AM regardless. also you can't fucking separate my neurodivergency from me that's not how it works i am not a separated person from it IT LITERALLY CHANGES NY BRAIN STRUCTURE but whatever
wether you see saiki as autistic, gifted (i know i do lmao), both or any other type of ND you cannot deny the man's got HEAVY coding, and that coding comes along with his powers
like if you have watched the show you would 100% get it but the guy is so ND is actually pathetic (affectionate) and part of the feeling of separation is enhanced by him being a literal psychic whose powers work as an extension of his symptoms (the whole "i can hear every thought in a 200km ratio and it physically exhausts me to not be able to filter thoughts" is such a latent inhibition deficit MOOD okay)
so what if he's aspec because of his power/neurodivergency? does that mean he's less aspec? that his experiences in the show are less real? nah they're not
and I'm not saying this all because ooooo having a pink hair anime guy aroace in fan communities is so important oooooo but more like. the entire reasoning of people invalidating it all. like the mentality and the obsession with shipping him just bc he's the protagonist. that type of invalidation can pass onto real life stuff
like ive lived good ol aphobia and dismissal of me being ND going together, not always but truly a handful so that this entire thought process pisses me off but ugh whatever works are stupid everything is stupid is not like anyone who ships saiki in generic romcom style while hating on any and all aspec hc of him are even gonna care that a lot of their arguments instead of being "nah i just don't personally interpret him like that death of the author or whatever" go to "he is actually NOT because his POWERS ARE TO BLAME that he doesn't see people he just sees their bones because of XRAY and he doesn't like kokomi because he READS HER THOUGHTS!!!!!" like have anyone in this app heard what a metaphor is
eh whatever im tired i just wanted to get it off my chest i need to cook my dinner n rewatch the show
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oscconfessions · 6 months
Sigh... I'm gonna add my two cents about the Balloon arospec drama(I'm AroAce BTW) and by my two cents I mean I'll mention it two times and just talk about something else related. I'll also be providing some knowledge about AroAceness and all that.
For those of you who don't know,
Aro: Aromantic - Little to no romantic attraction.
Ace: Asexual - Little to no sexual attraction.
Aro+Ace are spectrums and aren't just "every Aro person doesn't feel any kind of romantic attraction" or "every Ace person can't feel sexual attraction." I feel as tbough people forget that all the time so I wanted to remind you lot haha.
I'm noticed this kind of drama a few times, where people argue about a character on where they are on the AroAce spectrum. It's difficult for me to put what I think into words here, but if a character(either canon AroAce or not) doesn't have a canon placement on the spectrum then whatever, go wild.
To help with my previous statement, I'll use SakiK from... SaikiK. People generally agree he's AroAce, yet people argue about where he is on that spectrum(mainly the Aromantic part). Since it's not ever stated where he is on that spectrum(or even if he is AroAce but SHHHSHSHHSH 🤫🤫), everyone has their own interpretation of it.
I believe it should be the same for Balloon, unless Balloon comes on screen and says "I am *insert very specific thing here* " as he points to a picture of the Aro spectrum then its to to you. Obviously, don't make him a sex crazed fiend or constantly searching for love, you eejit, but it should be up to interpretation.
A little off-topic here, sorry, but I wanted to bring up umbrella terms in both the Aro and Ace spectrums(I'm included ace because eh why not! This is for my people who HC Balloon as Aro AND Ace 🙏🙏)
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Here are some terms under both the aro and ace spectrums. I feel as though you guys and many, MANY others tend to forget that there are umberlla terms for AroAce. I'll define them below:
Ace umbrella:
Aceflux: someone whose sexual orientation fluctuates but generally stays on the asexual spectrum
Greysexual: only experience sexual attraction some of the time, and sometimes not at all.
Demisexual: An individual who does not experience sexual attraction until after a close emotional bond has been formed.
Aro umbrella:
Aroflux: someone whose romantic orientation fluctuates but generally stays on the aromantic spectrum
Greyromantic: Some may feel a strong emotional connection with others but do not desire romantic relationships, while others may feel a weak romantic attraction to some people but not all.
Demiromantic: An individual who does not experience romantic attraction until after a close emotional bond has been formed.
Now, there are MANY more, feel free to add in the replies or the reblogs (o: !
Also, my apologies that this post was very long! Also also, my personal opinion on Balloons arospec thing? Idfk, lmao. TBH, this was kinda an excuse to just talk about stuff I like and am interested in so... 👍I've seen the tweet where one of the people who worked on II said yes, Balloon is meant to be Aro, but I couldn't tell you if they went into specifics about it. Sorry for constantly saying AroAce instead of just aro for Balloon, I felt like it was still important to include all my asexuals out there and educate others about it.
(BTW! Any inaccurate info, PLEASE, PLEASE correct in the replies)
If a character who is just stated to be AroAce(not demi, grey, flux ETC) and never has their place on the spectrum explained whatsoever, it's okay to have a little fun experimenting with it IYKWIM. As I've stated, we all have our own interpretation of the AroAce character and there's no point arguing about it and getting mad because that's fucking stupid, unless they start actively getting rid of the AroAce rep then burn them to the stakes! /j
I know how wild you mother fuckers can be, so don't shank me please. If you disagree, take a deep breath and remain calm because getting all pissy about this isn't gonna do shit. Try to go about it calmly and reasonably. <3
I'd love to see others' opinions on this, remember to be respectful! 🩵
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thearoaceshark · 7 months
but I would also like to propose:
Gen as aroallo
Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.
Gen as aroallo sounds SO CANON
But before I start talking I want to say that I am not up to date with Dr Stone, I heard the manga ended but I have no idea what the ending was like. I saw the anime two or three years ago and I loved it, and I watched the second season but by that time my hyperfixation had passed and I didn't pay much attention. And I didn't read the manga for almost the same reason, I have a hard time paying attention when I read manga (I'm working on changing that because I like reading) and it was quite long so I haven't read it.
Everything I know is from the first season of the anime and a little from the second. If you have data that is not in these or is from the 2nd season that I probably no longer remember, please mention it.
Now, AROACE SENKU, thanks for offering to speak.
He's so aroace, and I mentioned that I think he's sex/romance-neutral, because well, he's indifferent to both things and having relationships, BUT, he's also disgusted by the idea (watch when he meets Kohaku). So I think he is neutral but a little repulsed, you know what I mean? Like he might get into a relationship for his own benefit, and he has done that, but not because of feelings or attraction. So my conclusion is that he is mostly romance-repulsed and sex-neutral, what do you think?
The truth is that I was very surprised when I tried to enter the Dr Stone fandom and what I found was that Senku was shipped with almost all the characters, I think that was one of the reasons why my hyperfixation on Dr Stone lasted so little. I mean, I wasn't against ships but it felt a little strange to ship the character who doesn't give a shit about romance with half the world. Above all, the ship that I liked the least (and I still don't like it) was Senku and Kohaku, because I am a big defender of man-woman friendships, and they radiated bestie energy for me. At that time I was already tired of seeing romance everywhere and I only wanted to see a platonic relationship, AND THEY WERE THAT, AND I FELT VERY IDENTIFIED WITH THEM BECAUSE THEY BOTH SHOWED REPULSION EVERY TIME THE OTHERS INSUINATED THAT THEY WERE A COUPLE, AND THAT'S EXACTLY HOW I FELT (for Hestia, looking back I wonder why it took me so long to realize/accept that I'm Aroace).
Now I can see Senku and Kohaku having a queerplatonic relationship for the convenience of both, but like they don't really have a romance they just have great affection for each other (Kohaku could be aroace too or be on the spectrum)
Those are my thoughts so far, do you have anything to add or anything else you want to share? (you can tell me about Gen aroallo if you want, I LOVE that hc I can't believe I haven't thought of it before)
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papikyoo · 1 month
I love the Dunmeshi Sims! Did you use any of the Sims 4 custom gender options for them? I ask because I feel like Izutsumi in particular has an extremely "meh" approach to the whole concept, and goes by she/her "by default" without really caring, so I'm interested if you've done anything special with anyone's gender or just gone for standard male and female options? Same with anyone's sexuality - again, in particular I'm thinking of Izutsumi being ace!
Yes, I used those features for almost everyone. XD
For Izutsumi tho, she's a teen in my save, goes by "default" she/her but if there's an option, she would use "any" because I think she just straight up doesn't care, the same for sims Mithrun. Fleki and Lycion use they/them in my save. My Izutsumi is aroace too because it doesn't make sense otherwise!
Mostly, I didn't do anything special about their gender because tbh I really can't decide, I have too many HCs for them that even the options seem limited and I focus on farming gameplay too much that I don't get to explore those features in action... but if this is anything, Falin only wears ill-fitted masculine clothes (just like in daydream hour) and Mithrun has a unisex approach (mostly t-shirts and pants or skirt over pants. I must say, creating him from TS4 masculine frame is very much a hard work, I almost switched to feminine one but I'm using a body preset to make him look androgynous)
my HCs for my sims' sexuality or how I tried to achieve with those features:
Laios: Greyromantic asexual, he's very locked in about taking care of animals, doesn't have time to flirt or woohoo lol
Marcille: Bisexual but 90% women
Falin: Lesbian, never gets jealous if her partner interacts with others romantically or sexually, she's all for exploration.
Senshi: Aroace, he's a adoptive dad for Izutsumi (and Chilchuck...)
Chilchuck: He's a child in my save, I'm so sorry lmao
Izutsumi: Aroace
Kabru: Bisexual, partnered with Mithrun, he's okay with a little bit of flirting from non partners.
Mithrun: Asexual, he doesn't care if his partner flirts.
Pattadol: Bisexual in a hopeless romantic sense
Cithis: Bisexual but isn't interested in romantic relationships.
Fleki: They're up to anything, nonmonogamous, woohoo partner with Lycion
Lycion: Poly, Fleki is their primary partner
Wow nobody is straight here...
Anyway, my pronoun and sexuality HCs are pretty flexible since my sims barely interact with each other romantically or sexually and my view on gendered pronouns are just...whatever, my first language doesn't have that concept. I just love looking at them doing stuff and living happily XD Thank you for the question! I'm really glad you enjoy my silly sims screenshots!
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normalteenager2018 · 1 month
hey man im sorry your getting ganged up on and stuff but you gotta really dig deeper then just looking at a few singular posts. With the “qftim” thing, its not qftim its actually a fanfiction of someone who re-wrote the au called inky mystery and i highly recommend it c: . Idrk about the carla thing because i think she said she hcs cuphead as demisexual (something still on the aroace spec). With pja party, its an au of basically cuphead and mugmans parents in casino cups. Their parents are obviously gonna look like their children. So basically just dont assume stuff without knowing the full context behind most of it. I hope you have a good day 😁😁/srs
OK, this gon most likely gon be my last post to this dumbass argument. Ik some ppl gonna keep bringing it up unless I do it myself. This drawing was a joke comic, but yall saying that I joke bout rape. Ima be honest I did but it's not that I find that shi arousing. This is inspired by me and my family members and at the time I just wanted to post it to see if wha my dad was doin to me was bad or not. I don't find rape arousing cuz I'm a rape baby🤨 yal can't be just throwing stuff round when u don't know why I made somthin. I'm not q fucking pedophile. I was just joking bout it cuz Ion wanna make ppl sad if I ever told them the truth.
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The guy on the top of this post mentioned the pics of bendy and cup. The reason why I brought it up was bcs I think it's weird to ship characters that aren't even in th same fuckin universe but I wasn't directly clowning on one person. Those 2 pics were an example
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Yall can't just be spreading this shi round cuz that girl marshmallow literally said in he comments bout them gon spread that I support incest when the guy that touched me was my brother. Like why do u think I used dice and mug for the first pic instead of cup and mug. Cuz Ion like incest. Like u rlly think I liked it when my brother touched my dick, Ion think so💀 All I did was tha.
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I don't hate Carla or pja, I actually were fine with what they were doin cuz I didn't care. Not that I care now but I wanted to just say an opinion. My opinion basically. I even made art of them back then.
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And this was inspired by pja
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And i actually did apologize before all this bs escalated. That's why ppl actually started defending me. I never hated either of them cuz I knew they ain't do nothin wrong. But after some time I started to find it corny so I said what I thought then yall started Givin me hate.
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Most of yall started saying i like rape, incest, and probably think ima becom the next number one sex offender in the Bronx. Like bro stfu I just did sum yall don't like so that just shows me yall sum sensitive ppl. Ion wanna hear ppl say I like that shi when u don't even fuckin know me.
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fandomwe1rd0 · 3 months
Before anyone says anything, yes ik Haruhi got with Tamaki (which makes me exteremly happy because they are my otp) butttt I don't want to spoil anyone that didn't read the Manga yet and you don't either riggghtttt? So shush.
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silver-wolf-official · 6 months
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I can't believe people actually use this website for talking, thought it was just for gaming tips.
(( ooc ))
THIS IS A FAN ACCOUNT not affiliated with Hoyoverse or whatever legal mumbo jumbo
secondly hi I'm Mel I go by they/he
my hcs for Silver Wolf are nonbinary and aroace I also hc them as autistic just like every other character I like ever (probably uses they/he/she pronouns so all are fine)
most ships are okay with me besides pro-ships, if you want to rp a ship, please let me know beforehand. (make it queerplatonic tho) (if you try to kiss them... she will reject you...)
please use tone tags if you're unsure if I'll get your tone, especially if you're not trying to be rude
no racism, homophobia, transphobia or ableism is allowed on this page, if you have nothing nice to say, don't say it at all
NO NSFW, while I'm an adult I'd rather not rp anything like that. I also can't really… write it well. If you want them to fuck just do what I do in my writing and just write it simply.
double parentheses or (( )) will be used for ooc/when I say something
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canonically47 · 10 months
my queer hcs for 2023 TDI reboot characters <3
hello all! after watching all the way through to episode four of the second season, i realized my old hcs kind of contradict canon, and they've changed drastically based on that.
here are my new and updated headcanons, how much of them is canon, and why i hc them this way!
bowie: gay (canon), cisgender, he/him
raj: gay (canon), transgender ftm, he/him
wayne: aroace, cisgender, he/him
caleb: straight, cisgender, he/him
zee: panromantic demiaroace, non-binary, they/them
ripper: straight, cisgender, he/him
chase: straight, cisgender, he/him
damien: biromantic demisexual, transgender ftm, he/him
scary girl: aroace, agender, it/she (it/itself preference)
julia: lesbian, cisgender, she/her
MK: lesbian, non-binary, they/she (they/them preference)
axel: bisexual, transgender mtf, she/her
nichelle: lesbian, transgender mtf, she/her
priya: bisexual, cisgender, she/her
millie: unlabelled, cisgender, she/her
emma: aromantic sapphic, cisgender, she/her
details such as reasonings, closeness to canon etc.:
bowie: canonically gay. there's not much to say about him. i don't see a bit of transness in him, but he is definitely a strong ally.
raj: canonicaly gay. also not much to say; i just think he's... a bit cooler than gender.
wayne: he's just like me fr!! well the aromantic part but! he is so much like me!!!
caleb: funnily enough, i hced him as gay before this season. now i have changed my ways; i'm actually rooting for him and priya to get together. look at that dynamic!
zee: zee is beyond gender and sexuality. they like everyone, but they only feel attracted to people sexually and romantically when they know them on a deeper level. i also am debating whether or not i like them and damien together atm, so that's cool :3
ripper: my man! his romance with axel this season is great so far, and i cannot for the life of me believe i am saying this. he's such a guy, and has proven himself better this season. just look at he!
chase: yeah fuck this guy that's all
damien: similarly to zee, sexual attraction only comes to my man if he knows the person. i feel like this is pretty in-character. i also hc him as biromantic, but he probably fears romantic interactions equally for each gender, for which he's questioned his sexuality multiple times and thought he might even be aromantic. i feel like this hc also appeals to both priyamien and dwayne shippers so you're welcome /hj
scary girl: it just is this way you're welcome
julia: look at her dynamic with MK. and then get back to me if you can't see it. /j
MK: same as above! i love mkulia <3
axel: heLLOOO have you LOOKED at her. she is bisexual but a DISASTER bisexual at that!!! i hc that before realizing her feelings for ripper she was helplessly in love with nichelle and just gazed at her from afar like... oh my god pretty girlfailure... must kiss... which is kinda the reason she fell for ripper too, SHE LIKES HER MEN, WOMEN AND ANYTHING BEYOND DUMB AS A ROCK!!!
nichelle: not much to say just. her!
priya: even before this season i could not for the life of me ship her with anyone, i settled for just heterosexual, but NOW i can see why. NOW... there's caleb. and i like where their relationship is going. seeing both caleb and priya so in love is hilarious and adorable. i still think she would be good with a girl, maybe not necessarrily one on the cast but. A girl
millie: she is so?? confused?? what the fuck is going on?????? like she likes people but also. not?? is that a thing????? what????????????
emma: she's just like me fr. she thought she wanted a man that treats her right GIRL NO! she doesn't want a man PERIOD!
and finally, pairings:
bowie x raj. do i need to add anything?
zee x damien. hear me out.
zee x emma but like... not romantically, not platonically, but a secret third thing
ripper x axel. i fucking adore them.
caleb x priya. the slowburn can and will be so real with these two.
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punkeropercyjackson · 8 months
Eternally glaring at Pjo fandom for never popularizing trans girl Percy and lesbian Annabeth and reacting with dismissiveness if not ouright hostility when someone does headcanon them as them.All my lesbian friends have said Annabeth is definitely a lesbian and same goes for the ones who haven't read Pjo when i explained why i think she is and they also got mad and defend me and that interpretation of her when i got hate for my hc and literally every transfem Pjo fan i've met and even just seen posts by think Percy is a femme trans woman but neither of them get jackshit from this stupid fandom that hates any girl that deviates even slightly from society's ideals-And i'm saying this because 'Annabeth is obviously into men and just a tomboy,not butch!!!' and 'Percy is such a stereotypical guy,he dosen't understand womanhood and just wants to be manly XD' mfs are always the same people who bully Rachel,call Piper a pick me,downplay Sally's toughness,ignore Drew in favor of white boys who did way worse things that her,erase Hazel's multifacedness and,you guessed it,hate on Theyna as if ace and aroace people can't date and make Alex transmasc when she's canonically transfem and can't use her shapeshifting to give herself her ideal body.I get that this is a Greek Mythology series but this ain't Ancient Greece,you're supposed to think of women as people even they don't fit into your neat little box instead of treating men like heroes not even for the bare mininum but for being being abusers who turned out to be sowwy and acting like gayness and transgenderism don't 'count' when they're the female kinds
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androdetective · 10 months
Headcanons for Tulio's comic sister, Grasita
-In the comic she says that no one has complimented her before, so I'm assuming she is very ignored/lonely, gets insulted often, and has low self-esteem
-She pushes away people trying to get close to her because she expects them to be insincere
-While Tulio got verbally/emotionally mistreated by his dad, Grasita also got mistreated by him neglecting/ignoring her. This caused some jealousy and bitterness towards Tulio.
-Because younger Tulio was too unnerved to go hunting (+ queasyness of blood) Grasita took up the role of family hunter. Which is why she's seen with a gun in the Triviño family page. Tulio sr was disappointed by Tulio not taking up the hunter role. He would've rathered Grasita not take it up, but let her because they needed one.
-Tulio sr would still not pay much attention to her after she became the family hunter. But would tell Tulio "why can't you be more like your sister" (he's that dad 😭)
-I think she's bi just cause (maybe aroace too bc I love projecting that onto every character)
-In my human design she lost vision in an eye, probably from a work accident
-Adding onto the last hc, I imagine the family doesn't have access to the best medical care so she just made do. In my design she covers her eye with her hair. I also imagine several other family members have work injuries.
-She never had the best relationship with Tulio and it definitely worsened after he left
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yukidragon · 1 year
Hi, first of all I'd like to say that I love your fics and theories/hcs/asks and I can't wait for The Phantom of Sunny Day Jack knowing that you were also working on it.
Secondly, there's something I've always been wondering. Since all characters with routes are male and the MC dated Ian it's kind of a given that (and necessary for the story to progress) that Sunshine is attracted both romantically and sexually to men. But what if Jack wasn't that lucky and MC was asexual? Since sex is kinda what lovers do so in Jack's mind so it seems to make him more sure of their love/feel secure in the relationship.
And what if they were asexual and aromantic and just couldn't love him back so friendship is all Jack will ever have. He's not their only friend either, and MC has known Shaun longer so his position as someone most important in his Sunshine's life is even more threatened, how would he deal with those feelings and the jealousy?
Or even worse, what if MC was attracted to women exclusively? In aroace friendship you can still technically make him #1 very best friend or something, but here Sunshine would actually LOVE someone else without him having the chance to win them over because it's impossible for them to ever reciprocate and naturally they'd be dating someone eventually, perhaps even married a woman, and naturally most people put their spouse above all. They don't neglect other relationships, but this one is simply the most important. How would he cope with that? Since whether he even gets to exist depends solely on whether MC wants him to. Would he get involved or just let his Sunshine be happy?
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Ah... you really flatter me. Thank you! It makes me happy to know that you enjoy my writing and ideas so much that it makes you look forward to the Phantom of Sunny Day Jack more. I'm still blown away whenever someone tells me that. Thank you for being so kind.
Anyway, onto the ask...
You do raise an interesting question about an MC who simply isn't attracted to men. While we have evidence that the MC is attracted emotionally/romantically/physically to men, that doesn't mean that we can't go the AU route, or examine a scenario where they realize that it's not truly what they want after breaking things off with Ian.
I have touched on MC being asexual/aromantic in a previous post and how Jack might deal with that. I believe that if MC simply was incapable of romantic and/or physical attraction, that would Jack some worries, not because he's not supportive, but I think that Jack finds love to be the closest bond people can have. I also talked about how I believe he feels that sex is closely tied to that.
The fact of the matter is that Jack needs MC. From what we've seen on the "no" route in the demo, if they stop needing him, he'll become less real and will probably disappear. In that case he'll most likely return to a place that he described as hell.
That's why I think Jack insists on MC remembering him. If he stops being important in their mind, if they stop caring about his existence... then he's gone. Not to mention the fact that it hurts like hell when the person you love doesn't love you back.
If MC was incapable of feeling romantic love, that would be painful for Jack. Still, I imagine he would hold out hope that maybe someday that could change, especially if we're still talking about a continuity where they were in a relationship with someone before they met.
I can imagine that Jack wants the relationship Ian and MC had, which I'm sure is one of the many reasons why he probably dislikes Ian. Ian wasn't satisfied with the person Jack loves and needs so desperately. Jack can't lose MC, but Ian threw them away for a fling. It's kind of a maddening thought if you think about it.
If the relationship with Ian played a part in MC realizing that they weren't sexually or romantically attracted to men, it might be just another reason for Jack to not like Ian, to be honest. Not that Jack needs even more reasons to want to take care of Ian at this point.
Anyway, since you brought up a lot of different possibilities about MC's orientation that Jack could potentially deal with, I'm going to break them down one at a time. Let's keep going with the assumption that MC figured out this aspect about themselves after breaking up with Ian rather than it always being the case for the sake of simplicity.
First, let's go with an asexual MC who is sex repulsed. They don't want sex at all, but they still can feel attracted to men romantically. It's less than ideal for Jack considering his high libido and how he associates sex with love. However, he cares about MC's happiness and consent, so he won't do anything they don't want.
A quick reminder here - the "no" route was not intended to be a case of non/dubious consent. The team behind the game have repeatedly stated that Jack cannot do anything MC doesn't want. He can't even touch them they don't want him to. The intention in the narrative seems to be for MC to be reluctant about having sex, but still making the conscious choice to have sex with Jack in that route. The option to turn down sex altogether in either route is something that the team said will be added in a future update to the demo.
That said, I think Jack could accept not having sex with MC, provided that they showed him that they love and need him in other ways. I think he'll only truly feel secure if he's convinced that he's the most important person to MC, and they'll never stop loving him. As long as they could get together romantically, and MC could show him love other ways, I think he could be happy and eventually feel secure that a strong relationship doesn't need sex to solidify a strong bond of love.
With an aromantic MC, that's a different beast, especially if they have any sort of desire to have sex with people. I have a bad feeling that if MC was incapable of romantic love, Jack would continue to pine for them. He would no doubt consent to being friends with benefits in a heartbeat. After all, it's something he can give them that they want. I think that the mood would in a lot of ways be like the "no" route, since that is a prime example of MC and Jack having sex while MC doesn't want him romantically. The sex would be him desperately giving them what they desire just to make sure they never stop needing him... while he keeps loving them one-sidedly. He might even hope that one day things will change and they'll eventually love him as long as he just keeps giving them whatever they want. It would make for a pretty depressing situation, not going to lie.
It would make things worse if the aromantic and sexually active MC wants to have multiple sexual experiences with different partners without emotional attachment. I'm sure that would fuck Jack up mentally, and we'd see his worst yandere tendencies come out. I'd expect more and more people would be getting the Nick treatment, and even wind up killing themselves because of his manipulation.
After all, MC can't choose someone else if there's no one else left to choose.
With that thought in mind, an asexual/aromantic MC might be a little easier on Jack's state of mind, at least relatively. If MC doesn't want anyone else, romantically or physically, there's no one else who they're pursuing as a lover or partner. Jack, unfortunately, is no doubt going to remain constantly insecure, especially if MC has other friends, and he might start chasing them away and encouraging MC that they don't need anyone else but him, their best friend in the world.
I believe that Jack needs to feel like he's the most important person to MC. If he can't have reassurance that they'll always care about him and want him around, then he's going to have to make sure to do something about it himself.
Now... when it comes to MC not being romantically attracted to men... it would likely be the same functionally as just not being attracted to Jack in general. It doesn't matter who the person is or their sexuality - if they become more important than Jack to MC, then he can't feel secure in his existence. He might lose them. I'm sure he can live with being their best friend if not their lover, but not if they take someone else as a lover.
Jack seems willing to be whatever MC wants him to be, give them whatever they want as long as they'll always remember him.
That isn't to say that Jack would change into a woman to suit their desires if that's the only type of person they can feel attraction towards. His body might be affected by supernatural powers given the hints we've been given, but that would be pretty messed up.
Rather, I think Jack would try to figure out what about women that MC finds so appealing in a partner. Sometimes people with strong sexual preferences have exceptions despite their sexuality. He could potentially bank on becoming that exception by giving MC everything they could ever want in a relationship with a woman. Sure they might sigh and wish they knew a woman like him, but as long as he made sure no women get close to MC, then maybe eventually they'll change their mind.
It's a foolish hope, but it might be all Jack has at that point.
Of course... this is all speculation based off the idea that MC never really realizes that Jack is insecure about his relationship with them or why he needs them so badly. Not that he's going to tell them since that might risk losing them. It's possible if MC could find other ways to reassure Jack, maybe even help him deal with his issues and his tenuous grip on reality, then maybe he could become less insecure. Maybe he could accept just being friends with MC and accept his beloved being happy with someone else romantically, even if it breaks his heart.
Naturally, since the name of the game is Something's Wrong with Sunny Day Jack, that's probably far easier said than done.
@channydraws @earthgirlaesthetic @sai-of-the-7-stars @cheriihoney @illary-kore @okamiliqueur
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lesbiansanemi · 5 months
Hello, I know it's sudden but I read your opinion about Sabigiyuu and I loved how you understood Giyuu and his situation in his life more logically but something doesn't quite fit on Sabito's side. Do you have an opinion about his life situation? In what terms do you think it fits? Why does Giyuu or the other dead children seem to "attach" to him? Another thing is that I find it so funny that the only person with whom Sabito was seen establishing a friendship in death was with someone physically similar to Giyuu, thanks for reading I love you 💖
Oof! Sorry this has been in here a while, I'm trying to clear out my inbox (or at least take steps towards it lmao) but this was in regards to my aroace Giyuu hc and qpr Sabigiyuu hc I believe
I didn't elaborate much on Sabito's side of things originally, not for any big reason, more just I was specifically asked about Giyuu I believe.
Part of it is also that we just don't know a whole lot about Sabito! Canon doesn't give us a lot of information about him, beyond his personality, and that he was close with Giyuu. So I don't have a whole lot of thoughts on how his sexuality might have affected him and his story the same way I do with Giyuu.
I don't actually have a concrete hc for Sabito regarding his sexuality (I do like headcaoning him as trans though! But that's a different thing). However, that being said, I don't hc him as aroace the same way I do with Giyuu. Part of it is because I don't strictly view him that way, but another part of it is I like having a qpr ship with one aroace character, and one allo character. I often see people bend over backwards to force aro and/or ace characters into stereotypical alloromantic and allosexual relationships, but I never see the other way around where an allo character chooses to be in a more "aroace" relationship.
I like the idea that while Sabito might experience romantic and sexual attraction more similar to an allo person, he still chooses that type of relationship with Giyuu, because that's what Giyuu likes and wants
As far as why the other spirits of Urokodaki's students latch onto Sabito, I can't say for sure! A part of it could be his more commanding personality. He also appeared to be a fair bit older than a lot of them, so younger kids would naturally default to him and see him as an authority figure I think. And tbh, while I suppose she has dark hair and blue (iirc) eyes, I don't see a whole lot of physical similarities between Makomo and Giyuu, so I do think them being close is a coincidence regarding that personally
Essentially! The point is! I don't think Sabito has to be aro/ace to be in a qpr with Giyuu, and I don't really see him that way, so I don't have a whole lot of thoughts about how that could have affected him and his story
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lalaloobzy · 10 months
Random aspec fictional character HCs
Matthew Cuthbert (Anne With an E)
Asexual + aromantic
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Lived his whole life unmarried like his sister but, unlike Marilla, never had any relationships in the past. Doesn't reciprocate Jeannie's feelings and tells her his love for his adopted daughter (Anne) is the only love he has room for. Was TERRIFIED when Anne tried to set him up with Jeannie.
*(this is specific to AWAE but I think it can apply to book Matthew as well)
Selah Summers (Selah and the Spades)
Asexual + aromantic
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Tbh this one might be canon (or at least heavily implied). Never has been in a relationship. Admits to Paloma that she's just never been interested in anyone in a romantic or sexual way.
Monkey D. Luffy (One Piece)
Asexual + aromantic
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Just doesn't seem remotely interested in romance or sex. Gets grossed out/ annoyed when people kiss in front of him.
*(this is specific to the anime, idk about the manga or live action adaptation)
**(I am not caught up on the anime, this may turn out to be incorrect)
Willie Jack Sampson (Reservation Dogs)
Asexual + aromantic
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Never had a love interest or showed attraction in the show (to the best of my knowledge. If she did, I missed it). Also, THIS OUTFIT SPECIFICALLY. Her hoodie is aroace colors and her socks look like a mix of the asexual flag and the aromantic flag.
Lucy Wells (Harlots)
Grey asexual/ greysexual (+possibly aromantic? Maybe demiromantic? I haven't decided yet)
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Born into prostitution but HATES sex. Avoids it as much as she can and by the last season finds a way to do her job without having to have sex. The reason I said grey ace is because she DOES seem sexually attracted to Fallon after some time of being with him (I think? I was a little confused about how she felt tbh).
Birdy (Birdy)
Asexual + demiromantic
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Everyone in his life thinks it's weird that he's so interested in birds and not girls. Admits to Al he doesn't see the appeal of sex at all. Very reluctant to go to prom with Doris and had no idea what to do when she parked the car and offered him sex. I can see him developing romantic feelings after close friendship (like with Al) which is why I think he's demiromantic.
Bilbo AND Frodo Baggins (The Hobbit/ The Lord of the Rings)
Both asexual (+ maybe demiromantic, though I can also see Bilbo as aro)
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Both remained bachelors all their lives. Bilbo lived alone and later with Frodo who was like an adopted son. Frodo lives for a long time with Sam and Sam's wife Rosie. I personally think that Sam and Frodo are in a romantic relationship, while Sam and Rosie are in a sexual relationship. Frodo seems content with this arrangement which is why I believe he's ace.
Ted Buckland (Scrubs)
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Simply because of the part where Carla says "I don't want any MAN filming me giving birth unless he's completely asexual" and then Ted walks in with a camera and Carla smiles and says "oh hi Ted!". (I think this was a poorly-aged joke about him being "ugly" more than anything but I'm still claiming it). Also when he sings the duet with Gooch and Gooch says "I want to screw you" while Ted says "I want to kiss you.
Fabian Rutter (House of Anubis)
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He's nerdy and into space (I know this is a stereotype but representation is scarce I take anything I can get... you get it right). Also his relationship with Nina is very innocent and I can't see him developing sexual attraction even when he becomes an adult.
Dirk Gently and Bart Curlish (Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency)
Dirk- Asexual
Bart- Aromantic
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Neither of them have love interests in the show (although Bart/Ken may have been implied) so this is just how I felt about the characters personally. I think Dirk definitely had a crush on Todd and is gay but I don't think he gets sexual attraction. Bart is the opposite. I can see her developing sexual attractions and feelings but being repulsed by kissing/ dating etc.
*(this is specific to DGHDA, idk about any other versions of these characters)
Anybody feel free to add thoughts and your personal aspec character hcs <3
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wingstobetorn · 6 months
You want someone to ask about your Mutant Mayhem headcanons? Okay, I'LL BITE. Tell me as many of your headcanons for your favorite turtle! Or, if you have the time or don't wanna pick just one, you can do all of them!
Under the cut hgh (THIS IS MOSTLY LEO AHSGAH)
1. I'm emotionally attached to the headcanon that Leo and Raph are twins. Do they have canon birthdays? Yes! Do I care? Reality can be whatever I want it to be.
2. Leo uses every emoji possible, like 😊😍🤭🥰🫤💕😦😳😲😠😱😁🤬🙊👀🤯 and more! He tends to overuse 😊 when messaging April.
3. They have all cyberbullied each other (and others) on Roblox more than once. Well actually, Leo attempted but then he thought “hey what if Dad saw this and got mad 😔” and decided to stop.
4. Leo's favorite Sonic character is Amy, his favorite MLP character is Rarity, and his favorite Scooby Doo character is Daphne.
5. Raph gets a partner before Leo does and this either makes Leo SEETHE or actually gain hope for himself. If Raph of all turtles can do it, why can't he?
6. There is no possible way Raphael Ninja Turtle is straight are you kidding me. Trust me Casey is going to appear and this will make Raph realize shit about himself. Hey Seth you don't wanna make this guy a ladies man okay alright Seth SETH SETH.
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7. Mikey is quite possibly the most aroace ninja turtle I ever seen. I'm so glad there's a 99.99% guarantee they aren't going to put him in any sort of romantic situation.
8. Not a HC but I am being so goddamn fr what the hell is wrong with this guy.
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9. Donnie lives life as as a secret gachatuber and has 100k followers on his account.
10. Leo says “Hey well listen here buddy” before getting thrown out of a window.
11. Raph is like those dads who starts to get pissed off when their kid can't answer a simple math question. Except he is tutoring his brother Mikey.
12. Donnie and Mikey make art together :)
I do have a lot of serious headcanons too but I like getting silly goofy with things
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