#and most regular people who play tf2 are also bad even despite having played for like a million years
Tbh the most important thing u can do as a tf2 player is be bad at tf2. Keeps you humble
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pushspacetocontinue · 6 years
Russell Tolbert TV Tropes
Below the read more (because it is a long long list) are a list of TV Tropes (because I love them) that apply to Russell. There is a list for his main verse, Gemsona/SU Verse, his TF2 Verse, and his Superhero verse (the rest haven’t had much of a chance to be used) and I plan to add more of them as I find them, along with the ones for AUs. 
So if you decided to read them, click on and enjoy. Trigger warning for mentions of abusive parents, alcohol addiction and a suicide attempt below.
Normal Verse TV Tropes
Abusive Parents: His Mother, Cassandra. He and his brothers were all victims of her abusive behaviour. While her favourite thing to do was verbally and emotionally hurt then via humiliation, degradation, and manipulation, she wasn’t afraid to get physical with them either. She was also neglectful and dismissive, leaving her oldest sons to look after the others while she did whatever she wanted. Thankfully, his Father, Jean-Luc, is none of these things.
Adorkable: Loyal? Check. Shy? Check. Kind? Check. An absolute nerd when it comes to videogames, space, and drumming? Check. 
Affluent Ascetic: Lives in a modest but nice apartment with basic furniture and a few luxuries despite having the money for more. His reason being is that he’s perfectly happy with what he has already. 
Animal Motifs: Moths and Butterflies. 
Apologises a Lot: Part of him being an Extreme Doormat. 
The Baby of the Bunch: He has seven brothers, and they’re all older. 
Bad Dreams: He has them often, usually after something particularly distressing or painful. 
Befriending the Enemy: Usually his first option. If that doesn’t work and the enemy isn’t backing down, then the switch-blade comes out. 
Beware the Nice Ones: Will not hesitate to jump in and protect someone he cares about, even if it means kicking ass. 
Bookworm: Books and games were his biggest forms of escapism when he was a child. He’s carried his love for both into his adulthood. 
Bungled Suicide: Also combined with Interrupted Suicide. He tried to die but was too drunk to make himself bleed out quickly, which gave Gertrude enough time to find him and call an ambulance to save him.
- This led to a Happily Failed Suicide, where he had managed to start turning his life around since the attempt and making positive changes. He’s not where he wants to be yet, but he’s doing better than he was.
Character Tics: He laughs awkwardly when he’s nervous or embarrassed about something. 
Chronic Hero Syndrome: He admits that he just cannot leave someone in need behind.
Cool Uncle: Viewed as such by his eldest niece, Gracie. 
Combat Pragmatist: He’s not strong, but tries to make up for this by using speed and agility, fighting dirty, and thinking quickly. He’ll go for the eyes, crotch and neck if he has to. 
Cowardly Lion: He’s shy, socially awkward, insecure, and tries to avoid conflict whenever possible, but when it comes to protecting his friends or defending himself, then he’ll jump straight in. 
Disappeared Dad: For most of his childhood and teen years, although not his father’s fault. Thankfully, they’ve since reunited. 
Extreme Doormat: Something that he needs to change.
Friends Are Chosen, Family Aren’t: While reconnecting with his living brothers again, he still chose new people as his family after his mother disowned and vowed to kill him if she saw him again, and cares for him like they’re his siblings too. 
Guilty Pleasure: Nintendo games (particularly Pokemon and Yokai Watch). While his colleagues at the cafe like them too, he still feels a little bit embarrassed about it. 
Hair of Gold, Heart of Gold: A man who tries to be good and decent to those around him. His sandy/straw-coloured locks fit the bill. 
I Am Not my Mother: Partially why he does his best to be the good man that he is; he refuses to continue any pain or suffering his Mother caused him and his brothers, especially now that she’s gone.
The Insomniac: Has trouble falling asleep and then staying asleep if he does. 
Le Parkour: One of his main hobbies and skills, having kept up the practice for years. 
Massive Numbered Siblings: Lived with his seven older brothers and mother in the same house until they started moving out. 
Musician: A drummer for a (mostly) Electro Swing band known as Midnight Swarm. 
Must Have Caffeine: He honestly has no idea what he would do without coffee or other such caffeinated substances. 
Near-Death Experience: Has experienced a few of these in his life time. The most serious left him unconscious in hospital for two days, and needing time to recover after he woke up. 
Never Speak Ill of the Dead: A mild example. When people find out his mother died, he tries to downplay it simply by telling them ‘she wasn’t a good woman’ and leaving it at that.
Platonic Life Partners: With his dear friend, Pari Vass. 
Plays Games at Work: Plays on his 3DS or Switch when it’s slow at the cafe. 
Pungeon Master: He admits that he really likes puns a little bit too much for his good. 
Rage Breaking Point: How his anger presents itself. He holds it back and if it doesn’t get vented out, one more straw will eventually break the metaphorical camel’s back. There are warning signs though, such as increased irritability. He inherited this from his mother. 
Recovered Addict: Used to drink alcohol to excess. He has since stopped and has been clean just over a year and a half.
Right Hand Cat: A non-villainous example in Misty, who he inherited from his previous landlady, Gertrude. 
Secretly Wealthy: Thanks to a very large inheritance he received from his late landlady, Gertrude. He doesn’t like to flaunt it for fear of attracting the wrong kind of attention. That doesn’t stop from making regular anonymous donations to crowdfunding sites, charity organisations and from paying for other people whenever he can. 
Self-Deprecation: Guilty of doing this a lot. 
Sir Swears-a-Lot: Having a bunch of sailor-mouthed older brothers and a foul-mouthed mother has had this effect on him. He swears even in his casual speech, although he does rein it in when around  kids or the elderly. 
Speech Impediment: He has a noticeable stammer. He has got it somewhat under control thanks to spending a lot of time practising his talking, but it still comes out on occasion. 
Stage Names: When he’s drumming for the band, he’s Luna Moth. 
Straight Gay: Is attracted to other men, but has been mistaken for straight or asexual on several occasions. 
Weak but Skilled: Is fast, agile and knows how to move. But he can easily be taken down if he makes one wrong step. 
Unfazed Everyman: Has met multiple supernatural beings, monsters, or otherwise odd people, but has already learnt to accept their presence.
Why did it Have to be Snakes?: He’s absolutely terrified of the ocean. 
TF2 Verse TV Tropes
Breaking the Fourth Wall: Has done this a few times now. It seems to be a Scout thing.
Double Jump: A Scout standard. 
Death is a slap on a Wrist: He respawns when he dies, making any kind of death this. That said, he tries to avoid it whenever possible. 
Eaten Alive: Has been a victim of this twice now. He respawned both times, but he’s been left with a deep aversion to that kind of death. 
Fish out of Temporal Water: A very mild example. He was killed and remained dead and stuck in respawn for two years. When he came out, it felt like no time had passed, leaving him very surprised to see that he really had been gone for an extended period. However, he quickly became used to the idea and accepted it. If anything, he was glad for having more movies, books, and music to catch up on. 
Fragile Speedster: Once again, a Scout standard.
Friendly Enemy: Is this to REDs when off the clock (see Punch-Clock villain below.)   
Never Hurt an Innocent: He won’t attack civilians unless absolutely necessary, and even then, he does his best not to use lethal force.
Nothing Personal: How he views his job. 
Older than they Look: While this happens in his normal verse, it happens a lot more in the TF2 Verse. He’s often mistaken for a newbie, or someone way too young to be fighting.
Only in it for Money: Why he chose to work a job killing people in an endless war in the first place. That, and getting away from his mother.
Punch-Clock Villain: Is this to the REDs. Once battles are done, he treats them like any other person; with decency and respect. 
Railroad Tracks of Doom: How he was killed and spent two years in respawn.
Stereotype Flip: Scouts are often viewed as being loud mouthed, arrogant, and bratty. He is none of those things, not even in battle. This has surprised many a merc. 
Why did it have to be Snakes: Due to a previous medic’s experiments, he has been left terrified of snakes and spiders. He’s also very afraid of being eaten, having been swallowed alive before and finding it less than pleasant.
Super Hero/ Luna Moth Tropes: 
Lunacy: The night sky, particular the moon and the stars, bring out his full abilities. While he can still fight and use his abilities during the day, his performance suffers greatly. 
Mutant: How he feels it’s the best way to describe him, due to his zombie-like traits, he way he makes no noise (no rustling of clothing or a voice), and millions of stars can be seen beyond his pupils. That said, he uses his powers for good. 
Revenant Zombie: He spent a year ‘pupating’ when his mutation occurred. He was considered dead when it happened and even now, he doesn’t need to breath, eat, or sleep. He doesn’t even have a heartbeat or bleed. However, he does feel pain, he can become injured, and become fatigued. He theorises that whatever developed in his corpse happens to possess his memories and has yet to develop any consciousness if it even has one.
Rise From your Grave: The first thing he did after he first revived as the mutant he is now was claw out of the hole he was buried in. 
The Speechless: Due to his inability to make any noise, this also affects his ability to talk. He communicates via sign language, text, typing, and a special device that reads his brain waves in his base.
Star Power: In addition to his enhanced speed, agility, and stamina, the easiest way to describe his powers is ‘summoning pieces of the night sky from within and shaping them into whatever he chooses’. 
The Stoic: Comes across as this due to his emotions being severely numbed since his resurrection into Luna Moth. 
Uncanny Valley: Has invoked in a few people if they hang around him for too long without knowing what he really is. So he tries not to get too close to them.
Gemsona/ SU Verse Tropes: 
Alas, poor Villain: Feels this for Pink Diamond. He wishes she hadn’t been shattered and that things hadn’t gone as far as they had. 
Amazing Technicolour Population: A standard among gems like him. His especially so due to being a Bornite. 
Because You Were Nice to Me: Pretty much the main reason he defected to Rose Quart’s side. After the other gems believing he was flawed and treating him as such, he exchanged Rose Quart’s acceptance for his services. 
Desperately Looking for a Purpose in Life: He was originally dismissed by the Crystal Gems, who told him they would call him if his services were needed by them again. He still feels lost even now, despite trying to fill his life with different drives. 
Dual Tonfas: Has a pair of bladed ones that his Energy Bow (see below) turns into when he ends up in a situation that necessitates close combat. 
Energy Bow: The weapon of choice he summons from his gem, the arrows are made of Hard Light and infinite. However, he needs to take time to concentrate on ‘reloading’. It splits into Dual Tonfas (see above) for close combat situations. 
Inside Job: Before the shattering, some of his jobs were to pretend he was still on the side of Homeworld and give false messages. 
Martial Pacifist: Since the shattering of Pink Diamond, he refuses to raise his weapons unless absolutely necessary. However, despite all the years he’s been dodging combat, he still has some prowess and will fight if he has to. 
Really 700 Years Old: While he vaguely looks like a young human male, he’s just over 6000 years old. And it shows.
Sure, Let’s Go With That: Early humans who happened to meet him often assumed he was a fairy or other magical creature due to magic being widely believed in. He just went along with it. The same thing happened when people assumed he had a strange skin condition, which is now the excuse he often gives. 
Super Speed: Was designed to be fast and agile, so that he could deliver items and messages as fast and efficiently as possible. 
Trade Mark Favourite Food: Even though he doesn’t need to eat, he does enjoy coffee and noodles, although not at the same time. 
Video Game Dashing: Has the ability to ‘dash’ in a burst of speed in the air or on the ground. This ability even works on the surface of water.
Wall Crawl: Has the ability to do this, most likely to get past as many obstacles as possible while on messenger missions. 
We Are as Mayflies: Makes this observation a lot, about how humans and other organic Earth species live such short lives. He finds it endearing that they still make the best of the time they have.
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