#and merula with her true family I knew it was coming but it still hit
danceworshipper · 2 months
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kalimagik · 4 years
As Family the First Time
Charlie Weasley x Reader
Includes storyline of “A Hogwarts Mystery” 
Word Count: ~4K
A/N: Here is the Charlie post that I promised you all! I already wrote it, so it was easy for me to edit and such just to upload. If you enjoy reading, like, reblog, comment, or give me a follow! I have a few requests that I will get to writing, but I’m away for the week, so I will write them when I get back home! (Don’t you worry! I got some good ones too!) I’m also starting to edit my long fic that will be a Harry Potter Series! So be on the look out! Happy reading, loves! <3<3 P.S. I didn’t really have time to edit this, so I apologize 😅
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“Are you sure you want to do this, love? It’s always so crazy at home.” Charlie questioned as the couple prepared for their journey from Romania to England.
“Charlie, I’ve told you a million times. I can totally handle your family. I’d been there a few times during our school years. Plus, at school, I spent time like half of your siblings anyways! Bill was there for our first 5 years and one of my good friends. Percy was Percy. And I even befriended the twins! I can totally handle this. Why do you doubt me?” Y/N laughed, tossing a sweater into her suitcase.
“Okay, you got me there, but it’s gotten even crazier. Ronald’s friends are almost always there and the twins have gotten even more chaotic since their first two years at school!”
“Charlie, do you not want me to meet your family as your girlfriend or something?”
“Yes– I mean, no. I just like to have you for a little more to myself in that aspect.”
Y/N rolled her eyes. She’d been in Charlie’s house during school and they’d gone on the craziest adventures while Y/N broke all the cursed vaults. She’d been very close to following in Bill’s steps as a Curse-Breaker, but was pulled towards dragons after practically raising a Welsh Green and visiting the Romanian Dragon Sanctuary with Bill on assignment. They were magnificent creatures.
Now, she didn’t work with them like Charlie did. The boy was constantly covered in cuts, bruises, scars, and burns from working so closely with the dragons. Y/N on the other hand observed and took notes and did research surrounding all of the different ones. However, there was one dragon that both of the dragonologists shared a bond with. The dragon that Ron wrote to Charlie about, Norbert or Norbertta, adored Y/N. Maybe since she was raised by Hagrid, she was a little better with humans, but she loved Y/N.
She’d laid some eggs and Y/N got to watch the entire process close up. It was a dragonologists DREAM!
Anyways, once Y/N and Charlie found themselves at the same dragon sanctuary, they reconnected. They’d always been good friends in school and maybe, there’d been a little spark between them, but they never dated or anything. Just an intense amount of tension in their last 2 years. It drove Bill mad because he wasn’t around enough to push them together.
But, here they were. 4 years out of school and they finally started dating, but for the first year and a half, they hadn’t gotten around to telling either of the families yet, so Christmas was the best time, right? That’s why they were packing, Charlie told his family that Y/N had moved to Romania and that her family wasn’t going to be around. And seeing as how she had holiday time at Christmas as well, Molly immediately invited her to their home at the Burrow.
“It’s about 4:30. The portkey is going to leave soon, so we should get going,” Y/N smiled, zipping up her bag and pressing a kiss to Charlie’s lips to get him moving.
“Now is your last chance to stay here, love. I’d of course stay with you and we could just make a family of our own!” he beamed.
Y/N couldn’t stop the loud laugh that erupted from the back of her throat. “WOAHHH! Slow your roll there. We haven’t even thought about an engagement yet!”
“Okay, maybe not, but who says we’ve ever done things in the right order? I mean, I kissed you before you even knew if you liked me or not.”
“True, but a kiss and a baby are two very, very different things,” Y/N giggled. “Now, common, we’ve got a portkey to catch!”
The couple made it to the location of the portkey where about 7 other witches and wizards were travelling to England. Once they reached England, they would then apparate to the Burrow. Simple.
“Okay, please grab onto the boot, it will be leaving in three…two…one!”
The pulling right behind her navel was never something she could get used to, but once landing in England, she’d gotten the hang of landing on her feet.
“I will never like those things,” she shuttered, picking up her bags. “Not when Rakepick took us on one and not now!”
“Really, I think it feels like riding a dragon! It’s blood brilliant!”
Y/N rolled her eyes, preparing herself for yet another uncomfortable experience as they prepared to apparate.
Regaining her balance once again, Y/N looked down the hill to see the Burrow standing brightly in all of its glory.
“I’m telling ya, this is your absolute last chance. We can always snag a room in London and spend the holidays there.”
“Charlie, why do you not want for me not to spend time with your family?”
“Not you, I’m just slightly selfish. I know the second we walk in, my mother is going to feed us. Bill is going to want to catch up. Ginny just loves having you around more than Fleur, so she’ll be right there. Fred and George will want to show you what they’ve been working on or flirt with you because they don’t realize you’re dating their handsome older brother and couldn’t care less about any age difference. They just see you as the badass girl who mum should’ve despised for all the danger Bill and I got into, but didn’t. Ron isn’t as much of an issue because the boy is in teenage moods according to mum. Although, if Harry and Hermione are there, he should be okay.” Charlie rambled on about his family.
“We’ll be here for at least two weeks, so if they take me from you for an evening or two, it’ll be completely fine. Oh look, it seems that they have seen us. Do you want to tell them we’re dating now or what?”
Charlie took in a deep breath trying to decide, but it didn’t have a chance to respond before Arthur, Bill, Fred, and George were calling out to them.
“I’ll find the right moment, don’t you worry,” he whispered. “Dad! Brothers!” he smiled, opening his arms.
“I’ll hug Y/N first!” one of the twins yelled.
“Fred! I called the first hug!” George quickly interjected.
“I do have the capabilities of hugging two people at once,” Y/N chuckled, opening her arms for both twins, who seemed to have doubled in size since the last time she’d seen them. “When did you two double my height?”
“Oh you know, a lot changes when you move off to Romania. Freddie and I have matured,” George informed her, straightening his coat.
“That’s not what mum’s last letter said. I heard you two blew up a bathroom. I bet McGonagall had a heart attack.”
“Charlie, we used to sneak off school grounds on a regular basis for dangerous adventures. She didn’t have a heart attack because of us.”
“Good point. Also, don’t talk about all that in front of Ron and his friends. Mum would kill me if I gave them any ideas. They put themselves in regular danger too, so I hear.”
“Yes, uh, no ideas would be excellent,” Mr. Weasley echoed. “Now, Y/N, how are you doing?”
“Dad, you took my question!” Bill smiled, coming in for a hug.
“I’m doing well. Hagrid’s dragon’s eggs just hatched and Norbertta has let me get near them. It’s been SO exciting!” Y/N smiled.
“Missing curse breaking at all?” Bill asked.
“I would say that I’m enjoying the quiet life, but like with dragons isn’t exactly quiet,” she laughed.
“So are we going to stay out here talking all night or are we going to head inside? I mean, Y/N/N and I are used to camping, but I was promised a warm bed,” Charlie pointed out.
“Right you are, Charlie! Fred, George, can you take their bags please. Y/N will be going to Ginny’s room. We’ll be a tight fit, but we’ll make it work. We always do.” Arthur instructed.
“Oh, dad, Y/N can sleep in my room. She doesn’t need to sleep on a cot. I’ll bunk with Bill.”
The two lived with each other already, so it would be weird to be in a room by herself for a few weeks. Who knows though, maybe if Charlie told about them being together,
“Is Fleur here, Bill?” Charlie asked on the way down to the house. Y/N walked beside him, so Charlie had to resist the urge to take her hand in his.
“She went back to France for the holidays. Wanted me to come with her, but when I heard you were coming home, I decided to hang back. Haven’t seen my closest brother in a while, not to mention one of my best friends from school,” Bill winked at Y/N.
“I’m excited to be back in England! I just wish my parents and brother would have decided to stick around. We could’ve gone to see them too!”
“We?” Bill asked, eyebrows raised, but a smirk on his face.
Y/N bit her lip. Shit. Little did she know that Charlie had spilled the beans to Bill months ago, making him promise not to say anything to anyone.
“Brace yourselves, Mum has been looking forward to this since you wrote home, Charlie,” Bill said, keeping the door open behind Arthur.
“Y/N! Charlie!”
The pair was hit by the warmth of the Burrow and Molly making her way around the table to them.
“I’m so happy you got here safe! PERCY! RONALD! GINNY! HERMIONE! HARRY! Y/N and Charlie are here! Dinner will be on soon!” Molly called right before wrapping her arms around Charlie and then Y/N.
“We’re so happy to have you hear, dear! I cannot believe your family decided to go on holiday over Christmas. No matter, we’re happy to have you back in our house. I don’t think you’ve been here since 3rd year! It’s been far too long.”
“I think 3rd year is when Bill brought Merula and I back for Christmas, but I saw you guys when Bill graduated from Hogwarts and when Charlie and I did,” Y/N thought back.
“Still, far too long! Ah, Ginny, come say hello!” Molly motioned over.
“Y/N! You’re here!”
Y/N opened her arms wide for the young red head. She was in her 2nd  year already and Y/N couldn’t believe it. She’d always gotten along with Ginny. She saw a lot of herself and her spirit in Ginny.
“Hey squirt! How have you been! How’s school?”
“It’s fine. Been crazy all year as usual, but I’m happy you’re here!”
“Hogwarts is always unusual! Always was for Bill, Charlie, and I. Lots of adventure to be found in that place.”
“Hello, Y/N. Good to see you again.” Percy said formally.
“Hello, Percy. How is your last year at Hogwarts?”
“Busy. There’s been a lot going on!”
Before Y/N could respond, they heard Ron’s voice coming from the top of the stairs.
“Mum, did you say Charlie was home?” Ron asked, footsteps being followed by 2 other pairs.
“Yes, dear!”
“You’ll love Charlie,” Y/N heard Ron tell his friends. “And…Y/N’s here too,” he suddenly stopped at the bottom of the stairs, eyes wide.
Harry bounded down, running right into him. “Ow! Ron, why’d you stop?”
Y/N couldn’t help  but chuckle. Ron never seemed to know what to say around her.
“I’m Charlie.” He held his hand out to Harry and Hermione. “And this is Y/N. He went to school with me. She was in Y/H, not like it really matters though. She was the bloody best curse breaker Hogwarts has ever seen.”
“Hey!” Bill played offended.
Knowing what it felt like to be all anyone can talk about, Y/N did her best to remain normal around the Boy Who Lived, even though she couldn’t believe what he had been through already in his short life.
“Hi! It’s so lovely to meet you. Charlie has told me all about you two from Ron and his mum’s letters.” The two 3rd years shook her hand too.
“Dinner’s on! Everyone to the table please,” Molly said as plates flew from the cabinets to the table.
“Y/N, you can sit next to me here!” Fred hollered from down the table.
“Oi! She can sit here,” George retorted across the table.
“Knock it off.” Y/N could tell that Charlie’s voice was deepening, almost as if he was getting angry. He did say that he hadn’t wanted her to be taken away by his family. “She’s going to sit next to me, alright?”
Y/N did her best to conceal her laughter. It was always amusing when he got like this. Not to mention, Y/N then never had to do any teasing.
“I think I'd like to sit with Ginny. If anyone wanted to know what I would like,” Y/N laughed, walking towards her little friend. “We have a lot to catch up on! But, you can come sit beside me, if you’d like, Charlie.” She giggled.
Dinner went well. Ginny told Y/N all about what she’d been learning, who she hung around, which professors were her favorite, and how she loved Hogwarts. The twins went on about the best pranks that they had pulled since the last time they saw her. Y/N heard from Ron’s friend Hermione a little bit. She was as sweet as could be, but definitely a bright witch. She of course caught up with Bill. They still wrote to each other, but not as often as they had before.
But, when Molly stood up to clear the table, Y/N’s attention broke away.
“Oh, let me help you with that, Mrs. Weasley,” she offered.
“No, no! Sit down. You’ve traveled so much today. Bill and the other boys can help me. Ginny will show you her room, so you can get settled in.”
“Oh, mum, I told Y/N that she could stay in my room. I’ll bunk with Bill. There are already enough people in Ginny’s room. She should get some privacy,” Charlie responded.
“Fine, fine. Ginny, show Y/N where Charlie’s room is. Boys, will one of you get her bags?”
“No worries, Mrs. Weasley! I can get them myself! Thank you though,” Y/N smiled, picking up her two small duffle bags. “Lead the way, Squirt!” Y/N smiled at Ginny. Red spread onto her cheeks as she turned towards the stairs. What had Y/N said?
Y/N followed the red headed girl up the stairs to the 4th floor. A green dragon painted on the door.
“I’m guessing this is Charlie’s?”
“Uh huh!” Ginny beamed, her usual persona returning. “Want me to help you unpack your things?”
“Sure! Lead the way in!”
Ginny sat on the bed while Y/N took things out of her bags. She could sense that she wanted to say something, but didn’t know what to say, so Y/N started instead.
“Do you not like it when I call you ‘Squirt’ anymore, Gin?”
“Oh, no, no, no! I just uhhh….”
Y/N raised an eyebrow.
“Can I tell you a secret?” Ginny asked. “A secret that you won’t tell anyone else?”
“Of course! I promise I won’t say it to anybody,” Y/N smiled, sitting on the bed across from Ginny.
“I sort of, kind of have a crush on Harry. And when you called me squirt, I remembered that he was there and it probably made him look at me!” Ginny blurted out, like she’d been just waiting to tell someone.
“Squirt, you’re shaking! It’s okay to have a crush! Everyone has them.”
“Even you?”
“Yes, even me,” Y/N smiled, hoping she was calming the girl down.
Well, Y/N wasn’t expecting that.
“Can you keep a secret too?” Ginny nodded vigorously. “I have a crush on Charlie…”
Ginny’s eyes grew wide. Ugh, gossiping with a 13 year old was fun.
“Really? Charlie? I think you two could work. I mean, don’t tell him, but he’s had a crush on you for a long time.”
Y/N giggled, feeding into Ginny’s antics. “Oh really? How long?”
“I think he had one on you ever since he heard you fought the Hungarian Horntail. And then, when you went to the Dragon Sanctuary the first time, Charlie said you weren’t scared at all. I think he was mesmerized. You should tell him,” Ginny giggled.
“Wanna know another secret?” Y/N whispered.
“Another one?!”
“Well, it has to do with the same one. Want to hear it?” Ginny nodded. Hanging on to every word. “I did tell him,” Y/N smiled.
“You did? What happened?”
“We’ve been dating for a year and a half,” Y/N whispered, as though someone would be listening in.
“REALLY?!” Ginny squealed. “Why haven’t you told anyone?”
“I don’t know. We are just always in Romania and haven’t really seen anyone. It was fun being in our own little world. No one else in the world to worry about, you know?”
Ginny’s smile was huge! She was so excited she was nearly trembling. “Are you going to tell everyone? Is that why he said you could sleep in his room?” Ginny was blurting out questions left and right.
“We were going to tell everyone during this trip, but I don’t know when. I sorta left that up to Charlie.”
*Knock, knock, knock*
“How’s unpacking going?” Charlie asked, opening the door.
“Half done!” Y/N laughed, looking at her unpacked bags.
“What have you two been doing all this time?”
“Just chatting,” Y/N responded, a twinkle in her eye.
“Yeah, just chatting,” Ginny smirked, still not containing her excitement.
“Alright, Squint, what’s going on with you?”
“Y/N told me a secret and I can’t tell anyone else. She made me promise…”
“Oh, did she now?” Charlie asked, moving his focus to Y/N’s grinning figure.
“You can tell him, Gin. He’s in on the secret!”
Ginny essentially combusted. “YOU AND Y/N ARE DATING!” she yelled.
“Wooooah, Squirt. I said you could tell him, not the whole house!” Y/N laughed.
“Sorry,” Ginny blushed.
“Alright, now get outta here. I wanna talk to my girlfriend,” Charlie cooed. Ginny couldn’t stop giggling as she hopped off the bed and out the door, shutting it behind her.
“Don’t look at me like that!” Y/N laughed, picking one of her duffle bags off the ground.
“You blabbed!”
“Oh? I blabbed? How about the fact that you’ve definitely told Bill. I made the ‘we’ comment and he didn’t even question it! Don’t think I didn’t figure it out!”
“But you told Ginny. What would possess you to tell Ginny? She’s always been the blabbermouth!”
“No way she’s worse than Fred and George,” Y/N spit back.
“Okay, no, they’re worse. But you saw how she was when I walked in, she couldn’t keep it to herself.”
“Yeah, she also mentioned how you were mesmerized by me after we went to the Dragon Sanctuary for the first time,” Y/N winked. She watched as his freckles disappeared with the color of red growing on his cheeks.
“See, what did I tell ya! So, why did you tell her?”
“I can’t tell you. It’s a secret!” Y/N turned her nose up.
“She’s got a crush on Harry, doesn’t she?”
“How do you know?”
“Mum’s thought so since they first met. Ginny can barely say two words around him. It’s hilarious!”
“Don’t be mean! First crushes are hard!” Y/N slapped Charlie on the wrist.
“Tell me about it!” he rolled his eyes.
“What are you talking about?”
“I had a crush on you since 2nd year and you had no idea. So obviously, the other person can be quite oblivious,” Charlie laughed, thinking back on it.
“I was not oblivious! I just wasn’t thinking about that. I was kind of busy avoiding being killed, remember?” Y/N pointed out.
“Oh no way! You went on your first date with Barnaby in our 4th year. And everyone had a crush on you!”
“Okay, but that was in school. Look who ended up with me, huh? Huh?” Y/N tried to direct him away from school time memories.
“True. I did get pretty lucky that you didn’t follow Bill into his job. I’d be so lost now!”
“Lost? More like dead. You’d have gone and tried to tame the meanest dragon in the place. Really, your family should be thanking me!”
“I don’t know. That could be payback for putting Bill and I in so much danger during school…”
“Merlin! I don’t think your mum ever blamed me for that. She still invited me for Christmas every year, no matter how much danger we were in…”
“mhmmmmmm, you may be right.”
“Should we go back downstairs?” Y/N asked.
“Wait, but I came all the way up here and haven’t kissed you yet!” Charlie pouted.
“Fineeee,” Y/N groaned before giggling. He was still pouting when she quickly pecked his lips and pulled away.
“Woah, woah, woah! I was thinking maybe a little more, maybe?” Charlie begged.
“Charlie, we’re in your childhood bedroom with your family downstairs.” She felt bad looking into his sad chocolate eyes. Ugh, why was he so cute?
“Uh, Charlie?”
“One more?”
“Do you think Ginny’s spilled the beans yet?”
Charlie’s eyes grew double the size. “We need to go.”
Y/N tried to stifle her laughter as Charlie pulled her down the stairs, going way faster than she was.
“Charlie! I’m going to fall over!”
“We have to make sure she hasn’t told them yet! I’m not ready!” Charlie shot out.
“Not ready to tell us what, brother?”
The pair came face to face with essentially the entire Weasley family, including Harry and Ron.
“I was just preparing to give everyone dessert,” Mrs. Weasley said, putting down a plate of food.
“Mum! Don’t change the subject. What do you have to tell us, Charlie?” George pushed, following the suite of his twin.
“Yeah Charlie, what do you have to tell them?” Y/N teased, standing right beside him and grabbing onto his hand.
“No!” Ron’s mouth dropped open.
“Merlin’s beard!” Fred spat out.
“Are you two…together?” George asked, big eyed.
“And I already knew it and didn’t say anything!” Ginny added in proudly.
“I hadn’t even said yes or no, squint. Thanks for the help.”
Y/N felt the grin on her face grow as she watched the interaction between a family that she adored so much. “Want to tell them then?” she pushed.
“Fine,” Charlie groaned. “Y/N and I have been dating.”
“Have been?” Bill scoffed.
“Oh, sod off. I told you like 2 weeks after it started! Don’t give me that grief!”
“This isn’t new?” George wondered.
“It’s been about a year and a half!” Ginny stated proudly, smiling at Y/N who nodded in return.
“A YEAR AND A HALF!?” 4 voices, one being Mrs. Weasley said in unison.
“Well, how did this all happen?” Mrs. Weasley now smiling rushed forward, pulling Y/N into a second hug for the night. “You’re with my boy. Oh thank goodness. I was really starting to worry that one day he was going to bring home a dragon!”
“Gee, thanks mum.” Charlie sarcastically replied.
“Well, tell us what happened,” Mr. Weasley encouraged. “You won’t get any peace and quiet until you tell this lot the story.”
“Yeah, not even I got the full story!” Ginny giggled, pulling out a chair for Y/N.
“Wait, wait, wait. Y/N. You mean to tell me that you have kissed our brother? The brother that has been in love with dragons since I was born and that used to dress our owl up as a dragon?” Fred asked, disgusted.
“What? He’s passionate,” she giggled.
“EWWW!” the twins replied at the same time.
“Wait,” Ron piped up, “you’re saying that you two just hang out all the time in Romania, working together and seeing each other…after work?”
“Well….actually….” Y/N dragged on, looking over to Charlie.
“We live together,” he grinned broadly for the first time since his family started grilling them.
“LIVE TOGETHER! Y/N no way. He isn’t even that great!” George blurted.
“I think he’s pretty fantastic actually,” Y/N blushed as Charlie stood behind her chair, placing his hands on her shoulders.
“Oh, Fred, George, be quiet. Let them tell their story! We want to know everything! Common, common! Everyone sit down. Have some dessert. Listen to Y/N and Charlie!” Mrs. Weasley commanded.
The room quieted and all eyes were on the newly outed couple.
“Would you like to do the honors?” Y/N asked Charlie.
“I like it better when you tell it, love,” Charlie grinned, kissing Y/N’s forehead.
Ignoring the groans from the boys, Y/N began to tell the story with Charlie interrupting way too often to add in details. Y/N didn’t say anything because it was just so cute how he did it. But, it turned out to be a really wonderful first evening of an even better two weeks. It was really just a great time to be back in England.
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lins-fandom-hub · 4 years
Death!MC AU
Ohhhh boy.
Started by my friend @dat-silvers-girl who drew a gut-wrenching picture to kick off the challenge, I’m going to add on with an ultimatum that’s going to send my MC into a void. Sorry not sorry?
This will be closely based on the universe developed in Etched, Engraved, Everlasting.
We have your brother held hostage at the location of the final Cursed Vault. Meet us there now, or say goodbye to your beloved hope forever.
The words of the last message sent by R echoed in Clara’s mind, ringing like the echoes of wet footsteps she took over the dry stone floor, her teeth set in a grit as she held her wand in front of her. She could hear her sister’s shoes squeak beside her on her right, with Merula mumbling death threats on her left. Not the best choice of company, but everyone else was already staying behind to fend off the Grindylows and merpeople in the lake. She could only hope that they’d hold out before they got back.
“...have you this time, I swear,” Merula was saying now, her voice rising with every word she spat.
“Save your breath for the Vault,” Clara commanded quietly. “We don’t have much time.”
“Yeah? I don’t have much patience.”
“Clara’s right. Save it,” little Em snapped softly, her wand light sputtering a bit before regaining power. “The last thing we need is another argument to tax us out before the final battle.”
“Wherever this final battle is supposed to take place,” Clara grumbled, pushing the wet hair out of her eyes. “This place is like a labyrinth. Jacob’s prison chamber could be anywhere.”
“You’re honestly such an idiot,” Merula snickered softly, shifting her grip so her wand laid in her palm. “Point Me.”
The wand spun round and round like the needle of a compass, and for a moment Clara stood, mesmerized, before it snapped into position--heading northwest.
“This way,” Merula said, leading the two sisters through another corridor lined with the same stone material like all the other corridors they’ve walked in thus far. It was a miracle that none of them started to feel the effects of pneumonia yet.
After what felt like another eternity, the corridor opened out into a wide, circular, dimly lit stone chamber. Clara’s eyes widened at the sight--the windows that were placed equidistantly on the walls, the golden column that she grew so used to seeing. This had to be the Vault Chamber--but where was Jacob?
“This is the Cursed Vault?” little Em whispered in awe. “Whoa.”
“Yeah. It’s the last one,” Clara confirmed with a nod. “But where’s--”
“He’s here,” Merula said, pointing over to a body slumping against the wall on their left. “Come on.”
In no time at all, the three of them crossed the room to Jacob’s side, and upon seeing his condition Clara couldn’t help but cringe. Jacob was badly injured from the waist down--his legs were locked in perpendicular angles, completely paralyzed, and there was a bleeding gash about the size of a rose on his left inner thigh. His arms were bound to his sides and behind his back with ropes, and his mouth was gagged with a handkerchief of silk.
“Oh no,” little Em murmured, taking out a knife and proceeding to cut the ropes. “Jacob, who did this to you?”
“Why, I did, of course.”
The three of them immediately turned to see the last person they ever wanted to see approach them--hair of hellfire, eyes gleaming with a frosty demeanour, her expression pointed as she glared at them.
“Rakepick,” Clara growled, rising to her feet with her wand raised. “You did this to my brother?!”
“Honestly, Miss Lin. You really are as stupid as we were lead to think,” Rakepick purred, withdrawing her wand from her cloak. “I should have known that you’d do anything to save your brother and his well-being without thinking twice about your...friends.”
The hairs on Clara’s neck stood up, a chill running down her spine as she heard the last word said so uncertainly. Surely she and Merula were still not friends...and it was best not to spill out her true relationship between herself and little Em.
“Whatever happened to Rowan was done on her own will,” Clara spat. “Now answer my question--did you do this to my brother?”
Rakepick only chuckled, the rich laugh stirring a volcano in the pit of Clara’s stomach. “I’m not surprised you wanted to know. Very well--yes, I did this, on R’s orders.”
“Just so you could lure me here?”
“Dear, it’s not just about luring you here,” Rakepick drawled. “Look at the column there--the treasures that lie in the final Cursed Vault. Wouldn’t it be something to take it and walk away without sparing another thought about your brother’s reputation, your friends’ trust? You could start a life of glory. You could join us.”
“Join you? All this time you were working with the enemy--”
“All so you could join our ranks.”
No way. There must have been some sort of lie embedded in those words. Clara glanced over at Merula, who blanched at the sight of her former mentor, completely at a loss for words. Little Em was too busy working on the restraints binding their brother to notice.
“Your brother was a failure--simply a tool for us to use, but disposable after. How eager he was to think he’d get anywhere with us!” Rakepick scoffed, shaking her head. “I thought the same about you too, at first...but your strength has proven rather intriguing to me, Miss Lin.”
“Jacob and I may have our differences but we both agree on one thing--having anything to do with R directly is a mistake.” She shook her head. “No. I refuse.”
“Surely you don’t want to know the real reason you’re in this position?” Rakepick asked. “The real reason you’re standing here, in the face of danger, with your brother so close and yet so far?”
“Save it, Rakepick. If I do want to hear the truth, I’d rather hear it from someone I trust,” Clara finally said, then shouted, “Stupefy!”
“Petrificus Totalus!” Rakepick called out as she ducked from the jinx, waving her wand at Clara. She managed to dodge the blow, and it accidentally hit Merula who fell to the ground like a cardboard doll.
“Oh no you don’t!” Clara roared. “Depulso!”
Spell after spell was fired in the vicinity, jets of every colour flying through the room at the duelists locked in a careful dance. Clara could feel the beads of sweat emerge through her pores now, sticking with the lake water that still clung her robes to her skin, and she clenched her fists in an effort not to feel the burn of leaking tears through her eyes. She was so focused on the enemy in front of her that she didn’t even hear Jacob stir, now released from the binds, until little Em shouted, “I got it!”
“And what is this?” Rakepick said, turning now to the young Hufflepuff student now rising to her feet--somehow, despite the sweat shining on her forehead and her hair now resembling a wild bird’s nest, her breathing was still well controlled. “Is this another Lin? My, my--all the eggs in the viper’s nest!”
“What does it matter if I am?” little Em cried. “Don’t I have as much right to care about Jacob as Clara does?”
Rakepick didn’t respond. She eyed the youngest Lin with her evil glare, a wicked grin spreading as she raised her wand again. “Just like your sister, huh? Brave enough to go after your brother--and stupid enough to fall into a trap. If one Lin isn’t enough, wait until R hears of the day I rid of all three!”
“No!” Jacob’s choked voice was not enough to catch anyone’s attention. “No!”
A shot of red snaked its way towards little Em, who suddenly let out an unearthly screech as it hit her square in the chest--she crumpled now to the ground, writhing in agony, hands clutching at her hair unaware of the flowers that began to fall. The curse was enough to break the petrification over Merula, and she shot up to a sitting position, eyes widening at the sight of little Em being put under the Cruciatus Curse.
“No...” she murmured, crawling over to Clara who was frozen to the spot, unable to register anything except for the screams that bounced around. “You evil little--”
“Uh, uh, uhhh. Watch your language, Miss Snyde--”
“SHUT UP!” Merula bellowed. “YOU FILTHY, EVIL, NASTY LITTLE--”
“STOP!” Jacob finally managed to shout, stumbling his way now to little Em who was biting her lip so hard in an attempt not to scream. 
But Rakepick was faster. Just as Clara took a step towards her siblings, Rakepick suddenly appeared at her side, trapping her wrist in a death grip and forcing her to look into her eyes--those cold, calculating cerulean eyes that Clara could never shake from her nightmares.
“Try me,” Rakepick murmured. “Join me, or watch just how much I can hurt your family.”
“You will never get in the way of our happy family again,” Clara hissed. “I would never allow it.”
“So be it.” 
Faster than a viper sinking her teeth into her prey, Rakepick drew out an elegant dagger from her belt and plunged it deep into Clara’s side.
Jacob’s eyes tore from his youngest sister to see his second sister curling into the blade that stuck at her hip--she collapsed now to the floor, but Rakepick wasn’t done. She took out the knife and in one swoosh of her cloak pinned Clara to the floor, where she then stabbed her hard into the chest.
Clara never had the chance to scream, but little Em did. As the last of the Cruciatus Curse wore off, she watched in horror as, in her waking moments, her sister succumbed to the fatal wounds in her chest, her breathing growing shallower until it died altogether.
“No.” Jacob murmured--with what little strength he could muster, he crawled over to his sister’s side, cradling his sister’s head in his lap.
Merula glanced at the dagger now, dripping with Clara’s blood to the floor, before glaring at Rakepick and brandishing her wand. “You bitch!” she finally screamed at her former mentor. “Avada Kedavra!”
Not even the satisfaction of ending Rakepick with the killing curse was enough to bring peace to Merula. Even with Rakepick’s death--the death she finally delivered--she knew there was a horrible price to pay, even if she wouldn’t admit she wanted to pay it at all. As insufferable as she was, at least Clara was there sometimes. She wasn’t all that bad. Now she would never get the chance to tell her that.
And as she looked back at Jacob and little Em, she knew that the pain she felt was nothing compared to how they felt. Tears burned at the brim as she went over to them, kneeling down beside the corpse of her peer.
“Go,” she murmured to it. “Go join your tree twin.”
After the final battle and the death of Clara Xing-Hui Lin, everyone was rendered shocked. The aftermath rang with an effect much worse than the Statue Curse could give. The curse was broken, but at the cost of their dearest friend’s life--their leader’s life.
Jacob and Em would never feel at peace again. Merula was admitted to an asylum and never returned for her seventh year.
The world turned upside down...and not for the better.
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carewyncromwell · 4 years
[Previously, on “Adventures in Cursebreaking...”]
And now...on we go!
Carewyn was the last to enter Hagrid’s tent. After making sure the last flickers of their fire had gone out and everyone else had made it inside, she took a moment to watch the dragons flying overhead. Another flew low over their camp and Carewyn once again subconsciously ducked, even as she watched it intently. The dragon’s tail should’ve hit the top of their tent, but Carewyn could see the faint, translucent outline of her ward shielding it from the blow.
The wards were working like a charm. Feeling much more reassured, Carewyn exhaled heavily and turned on her heel, entering the tent with a more confident smile.
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Carewyn had never been camping before, given how poor her family was growing up, so she felt relieved that the tent came equipped with beds. Being the image-conscious little lady she was, she frankly had dreaded the thought of sleeping in an old sleeping bag on top of a bunch of rocks and dirt and waking up without a proper shower or bathroom mirror.
‘The things I do for you, Bill,’ she thought airily.
Bill had suggested that they all get some rest, but none of the others were much in the mood to sleep yet. As Carewyn glanced around the tent thoughtfully, she was reminded of the many sleepover parties she’d seen her classmates receiving and giving out invitations for, when she was in grade school. Carewyn had never been invited to any sleepovers, which had really hurt her feelings, but she’d heard enough second-hand to know some of the conventions -- doing each other’s hair and make-up, gossiping about cute boys, and playing games like Never Have I Ever or Truth or Dare. And so it was with an oddly playful smirk that Carewyn said,
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The six gathered around the table at the back of the tent, and before long, everyone was getting into it.
Bill dared Carewyn to sing the worst song she’d ever heard, and through a dark flush and with a visible cringe, Carewyn sang as many words as she could remember from “Agadoo” by Black Lace. Penny asked Charlie what his favorite type of dragon was -- after a lot of babbling indecision, Charlie finally settled on the Ukranian Ironbelly. Barnaby dared Merula to be nice to him for the rest of her life -- sadly Merula rather quickly failed that dare by immediately trying to smack him on the back of the head.
After a few cycles, it was Merula’s turn again. Carewyn asked her whether she’d like a truth or a dare, and true to form, her old rival instantly selected “dare.” Carewyn frowned slightly, trying to think of something, when Charlie quickly leaned over and whispered a suggestion in her ear.
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Biting back an amused smile, Carewyn went with Charlie’s suggestion, daring Merula to eat one of the rock cakes Hagrid had left for them. It took some verbal prodding, but Merula eventually (and very, very reluctantly) did so. Just like Carewyn when she’d first tried one of Hagrid’s desserts, her expression contorted with discomfort.
“Ow,” Merula groaned, massaging her jaw. “I think I dislocated something in my jaw, just trying to eat that -- “
Carewyn almost felt a little sorry for suggesting the dare and tried to show some sympathy. “At least it looks like Hagrid left out the raisins this time.”
Merula grimaced in disgust. After gulping down some tea to wash the taste out, Merula turned her sights onto Bill. Penny insisted it was Bill’s turn to take a dare, and the eldest Weasley agreed. Merula grinned mischievously.
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Much to Charlie’s displeasure, Bill recounted some stories of how Charlie tried turning the family pets, Scabbers and Errol, into “dragons” so he could study them.
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Merula, Barnaby, and Penny were all laughing. Carewyn hid a wide, rather girly grin behind her hand -- the image of a little Charlie “chasing dragons” sounded adorable!
Charlie, however, wasn’t amused at all.
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“Charlie, wait!”
Carewyn tried to call him back, but Charlie smacked the flap over the door aside and left the tent. Bill and Merula both immediately looked guilty -- Bill advised Carewyn that Charlie just needed some time alone, and the group quickly put an end to the game and started getting ready for bed.
Carewyn, however, wasn’t going to listen to Bill’s advice. She could tell Charlie had been hurt -- there was no way she was going to let Charlie mull by himself while feeling that way. She knew from first-hand experience how much that sort of thing could fester. So she crossed the room and left the tent after Charlie.
She found her fellow “Fireball” sitting in front of the flickering remains of their campfire. He was sitting with his head in his hands, his brown eyes boring into the crackling embers.
Charlie’s head twitched slightly at the sound of her voice, but he didn’t look up as she came up beside him, sitting primly down on the ground next to the tree stump he was sitting on. If she’d sat on the closest rock, she’d be a good five feet away -- she thought sitting closer to Charlie might be a bit more comforting to him, given the circumstances.
“Did Bill ask you to ‘check on me?’” Charlie asked bitterly.
“No -- he’d said you needed some time alone, actually,” said Carewyn. She brushed her ponytail over her shoulder offhandedly. “But I disagreed.”
Charlie’s eyes narrowed slightly upon the remains of the fire, but did not reply. Carewyn kept her gaze on the same place, even as she propped her shoulder up against Charlie’s leg.
“I didn’t think what Bill said was funny,” she admitted quietly. “I thought it was really sweet.”
Out the corner of her eye Carewyn could see Charlie turning to look at her, but she decided to keep her gaze averted.
“I think it’s awesome that you knew what you wanted to do, even way back then. When I was little...all I knew is that I wanted to be a great witch -- do lots of cool things -- maybe be able to help people, like the good witches in the Muggle books I used to read. I didn’t know how I’d help, or what I’d do. Even when I got to school...I still didn’t know.”
Carewyn smiled fully, pressing her shoulder a bit more into Charlie’s leg.
“But you’ve always known who you are -- what you’re capable of. That’s something to be proud of. You shouldn’t be embarrassed about it.”
There was a long silence. Then Carewyn felt something come down to rest in her hair. She looked up to see that Charlie had placed both his arm and chin on the top of her head.
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“Wish you weren’t the only one who thought so,” he mumbled sourly.
Carewyn looked up at him sadly. “I don’t think I am.”
Charlie gave a disbelieving snort. Her blue eyes hardening slightly, Carewyn added a bit more firmly, “But even if I was...well...I won’t always be, right? All you have to do is work hard and prove those people wrong.”
Charlie didn’t speak for a long moment. Then he exhaled heavily through his nose.
“...S’pose so.”
He slowly peeled his arm and chin off of Carewyn’s head as he met her eyes at last.
“Thanks, Carey.”
Carewyn could tell Charlie was still upset, though his expression seemed less bitter than before. “Are you going to be okay?”
“Yeah,” said Charlie, attempting a smile. “I think Bill was right -- I just need some time alone, to clear my head. You go on ahead and get some sleep...I’ll see you in the morning, okay?”
Carewyn hesitated, but after a moment, she gave in. With a short nod, she eased herself back to her feet and headed back to the tent. She tried to stay up for Charlie, but after a while, her eyelids began to feel heavy, and soon she found herself drifting off into a restless sleep.
To Be Continued...
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missjosie27 · 5 years
Year 1 Part 5- A Secret Revealed
Over the course of the following week, Bill was true to his word as he and David continually met twice a day to review more spells and to practice for the inevitable rematch. They’d usually start at the library followed by an hour long training session in the afternoon. Matching up their schedules proved to be a tad tricky, but in the end, they managed to keep to their regular meetups.
Under Bill’s tutelage, David knew he was rapidly improving. He was never able to beat him in a one on one, being that the eldest Weasley was much further along in his magical education, but he had managed to make it interesting a few times to the delight of the lanky thirteen year old. Far from being threatened, Bill was quite happy to see David come along so quickly. As such, they had moved on from the three original curses to various other jinxes which is what they were currently glossing over with the help of Rowan, who was more than happy to try and impress the illustrious older student.
“Check out this one, Dave. A curse that can make your opponent’s teeth grow as long as ten feet. Wonder what Merula would look like with that.”
“A rabid beaver I imagine,” he replied while the other two boys chuckled.
“SHHH!!!” came the harsh tone of Madam Pince, a middle aged witch who had a rather intense reputation for the upkeep and organization of the Hogwarts Library. Anything she deemed to loud or harmful to the books would bring out an almost hawk like instinct for rooting it out, indeed that instinct seemed to make her physical appearance, which was also rather bird like.
“Sorry, Madam Pince,” Rowan apologized in a whisper as she gave them a stern look. 
“Anyway, I feel like you’ve been at this for about a week. When are you going to face her?”
“I dunno,” he shrugged. “I can’t exactly seek her out or else it’s going to look like I was the one who started it.”
“David’s being smart about this,” Bill concurred. “We Gryffindors often have a reputation of charging into battle head on, but it would be unwise to do so in this instance. 
Slytherins are tricky by nature. Anything you do, they’ll try to pin on you, especially since Snape will always take their side.”
“Fair enough,” Rowan agreed. “Besides, it always gives us more time for looking up new spells. Have you heard of the Jelly-Legs jinx? It sounds quite useful.”
“That’s always been popular one around here,” Bill nodded. “Mostly used for a one time practical joke but it has its uses in dueling too.”
Rowan, emboldened by the older student’s approval continued to prattle on about various theories and spellwork and David decided to tune it out momentarily as he continued to read the page of the latest book on defensive magic he had picked out. His best friend’s hero worship was already becoming a bit much and if the Indian preteen wanted to show off to Bill, all the more power to him.
He was just about finished with reading a spell that gave one the ability to defend oneself against most forms of dark magic (far too advanced but interesting nonetheless) when he heard a quiet voice enter his mind.
David….David Grant
Its volume raised ever so slightly.
David….find the vaults…it’s the only way
His spoken aloud comment caught the attention of his other two friends.
“What, what?”
“Someone just said my name.”
Rowan and Bill looked at each other, confused.
“I didn’t say your name.”
“Me neither.”
David shook his head. For a split second, he could have sworn he heard Jacob talking to him…
“Never mind,” he said, dismissing the idea altogether. “Must have been my imagination.”
“SHHHHH!!!!!” came the return of Madam Pince’s hawk like presence over their table.
That got them to focus once more on the books that lay in front of them, but David’s mind was officially elsewhere. Was that really his brother speaking to him, or was he undergoing some kind of hallucination? And what was the about the cursed vaults? He knew that’s what his brother had been after but to entertain the idea they were real was absurd.
With great effort, David pushed the distractions out of his head. He had bigger fish to fry. He wasn’t going to get caught up in the same obsession as his brother.
As it turned out, it didn’t take long for David to engage Merula once more. Bill had already declared him more than ready for his rematch, cautioning him all the same not to get carried away and let the Slytherin get into his head. You could only read and drill the same spells and techniques so many times before the actual battle. Though only a first year, David felt he had learned more than enough to take on a fellow first year, no matter how nasty and fearsome her reputation. He wanted to face her again and more importantly, put a stop into her reign of terror.
The opportunity came fifteen minutes after Transfiguration class one Monday afternoon. Walking towards the down the steps towards the Herbology greenhouse, a random Ravenclaw boy suddenly stopped them.
“You guys gotta get down to the courtyard. Something big is about to go down.”
As he ran off, David and Rowan looked at each other and shrugged before realizing something was off.
“Wait a minute, where’s Ben?”
“Professor McGonagall let him out early, remember? He had a stomachache from lunch.”
The three usually walked from class to class, occasionally joined by Charlie or some of the other Gryffindors. If Ben wasn’t already on his way to Herbology, it could only mean one thing.
“You don’t think…” Rowan asked him.
“We’d better check it out just in case.”
Unfortunately, their worst fears turned out to be true. As they ran down into the 
courtyard, they witnessed a huge crowd of first years surrounding what looked like Ben Copper and of course…
“Merula,” David snarled as he made his way through the crowd. “Wait here, Rowan.”
He tapped a random blonde Hufflepuff on the shoulder as he drew closer to the front.
“What’s going on?”
“Merula’s cornered Ben Copper,” she explained. “He keeps trying to walk away but she won’t let him.”
Taking a deep breath, David continued to push forward, finally being able to witness for himself what was going on and what he saw only served to push his temper even higher. Merula had her wand trained on Ben, who looked as if he were one stage away from wetting himself. This had been one instance where he was unable to avoid her.
“You’re an embarrassment to everyone here,” she taunted him, her wand remaining squarely aimed at his head. “I bet you barely have enough magic to light your wand.”
“Please,” Ben practically begged. “Just leave me alone. I haven’t done anything to you.”
“Your presence alone is enough to offend me,” Merula spat. “Mudbloods like you shouldn’t even be allowed at Hogwarts. It’s disgusting.”
David had seen enough. At that moment, his fury broke. He didn’t care who saw or who started what, he wasn’t going to stand by and watch this horrid injustice for a second longer.
“You leave him alone,” he said quietly, but his tone indicated a rage that was extremely rare to witness. Only his family had ever seen him that angry, but everyone knew to stand clear when his voice became deathly quiet and his pupils dilated.
“You leave him alone right now,” he continued. “Or else.”
“Or else, what?” Merula laughed, blissfully unaware of the firestorm she had awoken. 
“You never learn, do you Grant?”
“I’ve learned plenty. And I’m giving you three seconds to get out of here before I really get pissed off.”
Those arrogant violent eyes gave every cue she wasn’t going to back down.
“Make me.”
For a split second, neither one of them said or did anything as the tension in the air reached a boiling point, the crowd absolutely fixated on the two eleven-year olds set to do battle. David remained focused on his opponent, his wand up his sleeve, ready for the inevitable fight. Whatever came next, he would be prepared.
Without warning, it was Merula who struck first.
Her shot missed, however, as David side stepped the jinx and fired one of his own, which also barely missed.
“A trip jinx?” she taunted. “You’ll have to do better than that!”
David didn’t reply, as he pressed forward with his attack, using his inner rage as a drive, setting off a series of curses and hexes that sent her reeling back. He could see he had the advantage. Merula wasn’t used to someone being as aggressive as she was, and her lack of poise was showing. All the while, the crowd began to shout encouragement, almost entirely to him. Even the other Slytherins seemed relatively neutral in deciding who they wanted to emerge victorious.
Finally, David broke through and managed to hit Merula’s knee with a leg locker curse, sending her toppling over. The crowd cheered but the fight wasn’t over yet. In pressing his attack, he had left himself exposed to a sneak attack and the Slytherin girl was not one to fight fair. Snarling with anger, she sent one more surprise spell towards him from the ground. David, having only a split second to react, relied on instinct, rolling to his left and bringing his own wand to bear.
A jet of red light found it’s mark, as the witch’s wand flew into the air and hit the ground 
with the sound of clanking wood echoing throughout the courtyard. After a few more seconds, the crowd erupted in cheers.
“It’s over, Merula,” David declared, still keeping his wand fixed on his opponent. “Now yield.”
“This isn’t fair!” she said, her composure quickly slipping. “You can’t be better than me. No one’s better than me!”
“From my vantage point, I’d say you’re no better than anyone,” came the quiet, angry reply. “You lost Merula. Now apologize to Ben and stop your endless bullying.”
The effects of the leg locker curse now worn off, Merula stood up, all semblance of confidence completely eradicated as she practically screamed.
“Apologize?! I’ll never apologize to mudbloods or anyone else! Do you know who I am?! I’m Merula Snyde! Fourth Generation Slytherin, the greatest witch at Hogwarts! I do what I want whenever I want, I run this school! I-”
“Are in very big trouble, Miss Snyde,” interrupted a cold voice.
In the midst of her tirade, barely anyone had noticed the arrival of Professors McGonagall and Snape, both of whom looked quite cross. By the time they did, it was too late.
“P-Professor McGonagall…”
“Your use of that foul epithet will cost you dearly,” the head of Gryffindor admonished her with steel in her unwavering tone. “Thirty points from Slytherin.”
“Ah, but I suspect this dust up was not entirely her fault,” Snape interjected in his usual dangerously, silky timbre. “And it comes to no surprise that Grant is once again involved in the breaking of school rules.”
Professor McGonagall, though quite upset with Merula did not spare David the same gaze.
“Is this true, Mr. Grant? Were you and Miss Snyde involved in a duel?”
There was no point in lying. And frankly, David didn’t want to lie.
“Yes, Professor.”
“You know that Hogwarts has a strict policy against unauthorized dueling. I cannot let this pass. Thirty points from Gryffindor.”
“But Professor, I didn’t start this,” he protested. “I was only trying to prevent Merula from bullying Ben-”
“Silence,” Snape cut him off. “Whatever pathetic attempts at lying…”
“Severus,” McGonagall interrupted. Evidently, she was willing to hear more of the 
context. “Which of you threw the first spell?”
“Merula!” David quickly answered before she could object.
“Liar, he struck me first!” Merula whined.
“Don’t listen to her, Professor,” Rowan interjected. “We saw the whole thing. David was protecting Ben before Merula struck first.”
The crowd murmured in agreement. Indeed, no one seemed willing to try and lie for the Slytherin girl, who looked positively humbled.
“Very well,” she said. “Professor Snape and I will both take this into account. I shall inform the Headmaster of what has happened today and then send for you both in my office when a decision has been made. In the meantime, do freshen up with some proper robes. The rest of you, back to class.”
She and Snape gave each other sharp looks before both vacating the scene and the crowd began to disperse.
“Well that could have gone better,” David muttered as he pocketed his wand and gathered his books off the ground.
“Are you kidding?” Rowan said incredulously. “Don’t be a prat, Dave that was amazing. 
You stood up to Merula again. And not only that, you beat her in a duel!”
“I can’t thank you enough,” Ben said, coming up to him now. “I don’t know what I would have done without you there.”
“It’s what any decent person would have done,” David nodded as he placed a hand on Ben’s shoulder. “I just hope I’m still here by day’s end. Snape is going to do his best to get me expelled.”
“Professor McGonagall believed you though,” Ben offered hopefully. “No way she’ll let that happen.”
“Besides, you saw her face when Merula used that word. She was furious.”
David tried to take comfort in his friends’ words. He took immense satisfaction in taking Merula down a peg, but it would be all for naught if he was sent packing back to two extremely disappointed parents. The thought of their second son being expelled would be too much to bear.
“Thanks, mate. I guess I’ll just have to pray Dumbledore sees it the same way.”
Indeed, it was all they could do. And despite David’s triumph, he couldn’t help but feel uneasy as to how angry he had become when dueling Merula. Was it indicative of something lurking that had been unaddressed?
Either way, it was not a pleasant thought.
It didn’t take long for David to receive the owl requesting his presence in Professor McGonagall’s office and only a couple of hours after his duel with Merula, he found himself on the way down to the Transfiguration classroom.
However, a surprise awaited as he rounded the corner towards his destination. He suddenly felt a tap on his shoulder followed by a “Hey.”
Turning around, he saw that it was the same blonde Hufflepuff he had spoken to in the crowd earlier, only now he had the full opportunity to see who it was.
Penny Haywood, a very popular, and very pretty first year who had a knack for knowing every kind of gossip passed around at Hogwarts. Her reputation preceded her in many ways. Her shiny, blonde hair was long and thick, highlighted by two braids and two sparkling blue orbs that could only be described as ‘doe eyes’. That she knew where to find him also spoke to her knowledge in and around the school.
“Hi, David,” she said in a friendly greeting.
A girl like this didn’t just talk to anyone. And though Penny was not regarded as stuck up or mean by any stretch, David still found himself surprised to be cordially sought after by someone such as her.
“You know who I am?”
“Does that surprise you?”
“Tiny bit, yeah,” David said frankly. “You’re the most popular girl in our year. Don’t know you’re talking to a guy who’s half mad?”
“That’s not what I hear,” she countered. “Nor what I saw. Your name’s all over the place David. The hero who was brave enough to stand up to the tyranny of Merula Snyde.”
“Well you know me. Can’t resist getting into trouble.”
Penny giggled.
“There’s that infamous sense of humor you have. Relax, I just wanted to say thank you. Almost everyone I knew was miserable with her going around bullying everyone in sight. Especially poor, Ben. The way you completely outmaneuvered her in that duel was amazing.”
David could feel a slight blush coming on. It was one thing for Rowan or Ben to give a compliment, it was quite another to receive one from a girl.
“Uh..well, thanks Penny,” he said, trying to sound confident.
“You’re welcome. If you need anything let me know. I’d be happy to help. I’m not just a gossip girl you know, I’m excellent at Potions. Professor Sprout’s said she’s never seen Snape take so well to a Hufflepuff before.”
“Well I hope I’m able to take you up on that. If that old greaseball in there has his way, I’ll be on the train home.”
“Something tells me that won’t happen,” Penny reassured him, a slight mischievous twinkle entering her eye. “Come sit with me at dinner tonight. I’ll introduce you to everyone.”
David’s heart warmed a little.
“Thanks, Penny.”
“Anytime! I’ll see you around, Dave!”
She gave him a quick hug before running along, leaving the first year Gryffindor to wonder whether his duel with Merula might not have brought some perks after all. Even so, he still had to endure the wrath of Snape and possibly McGonagall first.
Sure enough, they were there, along with his hated enemy, who still retained a rather submissive expression in the face of her teachers. David for one, was glad he had not been put into Slytherin, not just because it had the darkest reputation of the four houses, but having Snape as your head…he tried not to think about that too much. At least McGonagall was fair.
“Mr. Grant, please sit.”
He obliged by grabbing the chair and sitting down next to Merula. Professor McGonagall sat at her desk, flanked by Snape on her right.
“Now that we are all here, we can discuss the proper course for your actions today,” she said. “After making several inquiries among those who witnessed the incident, we have determined it indeed was Miss Snyde who cast the first spell.”
That brought out immediate protest from the Slytherin.
“But Professor, I didn’t start anything. I was just minding my own business when Grant-”
“Silence!” Snape cut across her. “Miss Snyde you are an atrocious liar and it makes me wonder why you were put into my house.”
He didn’t seem disappointed that Merula was getting punished, no it seemed more that he was upset that a member of his house had been dumb enough to get caught in order to force his hand. He couldn’t play favorites in this situation.
“That being said,” he added, his wrath turning towards David. “That also does not excuse Mr. Grant’s actions either. Since you have arrived here at Hogwarts you have broken numerous school rules, made a mess of my classroom and dueled illegally in the courtyard, all of reminiscent of your brother. I assure you, if it were up to me you would be on the train home right now.”
A small clearing of McGonagall’s throat indicated it was her turn to speak.
“We want to make it clear the seriousness of what you have done. It must not be repeated. However, Professor Dumbledore does not agree with Professor Snape in his recommendation of expulsion and nor do I. Each of you will serve a week’s detention and that will be the end of it. If either of you are caught dueling without permission again, you will not be let off so easily.”
David nodded towards his head of house, indicating he more than understood. Merula, merely continued to sulk.
“You both are dismissed for dinner. Good day.”
McGonagall quickly left the vicinity and Snape behind her, leaving the two first years alone once more.
David wasn’t about to stay any longer, lest he risk another argument with the Slytherin girl and began to make his way out of the classroom.
“You think you’re so special, Grant,” he could hear call after him. “But you were just lucky.”
“I wouldn’t call anything that just happened ‘luck’, Merula,” he replied. “Be thankful I only used the disarming spell on you.”
“I’d take you down in a rematch,” she continued to push as she went up to him, stopping near the doorway. “And you’re going to pay for embarrassing me like that.”
“I did what I had to,” he said back quietly. “And if you threaten Ben again I’ll…”
Suddenly, she grabbed him and for a split second, David thought she was trying to 
physically assault him this time. But that wasn’t the case.
“SHHH!” she said, putting a black polished finger to his lips, pinning him to the wall. 
“Listen to what?”
“You know, that is a really good imitation of Madam Pince.”
“Merlin’s beard, Grant do you ever shut up?! Can’t you hear them talking?”
He paused and through the walls and outside of the doorway came a muffled, but audible conversation between Snape and what sounded like a gruff, wheezing old man.
“…who else knows about this?”
“Only me and Mrs. Norris saw the ice, sir. Was going to report the incident to the 
Headmaster, I was.”
That voice could only belong to Argus Filch, the cantankerous, nasty caretaker who was always trying to catch students in acts of wrongdoing in order to hang them up by their ankles (fortunately Dumbledore did not allow such extreme punishment).
“I will inform Professor Dumbledore. This may have to do with the Grant situation and the cursed vaults.”
Filch’s voice took on a greedy tone.
“Is it true that the vaults are filled with gold and powerful prophecies and artefacts from before Hogwarts existed? And that’s why the older Grant boy lost his mind trying to find them?”
“Don’t worry about what’s inside the vaults,” Snape responded curtly. “Worry about keeping everyone out. Especially the students.”
“Aye, sir.”
The two men walked away in separate directions before the two first years separated awkwardly.
“Well, looks like your brother wasn’t completely mental after all,” Merula said, a smirk playing on her face.
“So, all of a sudden you believe in the cursed vaults? Way to be a complete hypocrite.”
Merula gave him one last leer, one that made David uneasy.
“I don’t have to explain myself. Especially not to an idiot like you. See you around, Grant.”
And she walked out without another word.
David wasn’t sure himself what was going on. If the Professors were discussing the existence of the vaults, didn’t that make them real? And why did Merula have a sudden interest them after accusing Jacob of being mad the whole time?
And did this have anything to do with the voice he had heard in the library the other day?
Too many questions, not enough answers, if there were any to be had. For now, he was satisfied that he had defended Ben, defeated Merula, and gotten away with scarcely more than a short time in detention. It was enough.
But as David would soon find out, Hogwarts had a way of throwing surprises when one least expected it.
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lins-fandom-hub · 5 years
Wish Come True (Barnaby X OC MC)
(This little short will be based off of the Celestial Ball, and will be written in Barnaby’s POV. Also there may be a little bit of fluff, just a fair warning.)
She wanted to see me.
I had never felt more nervous in my life. After all the decorating and mingling with friends, the last thing I expected was for Clara to say she wanted to meet me alone in the courtyard, and I couldn’t help but think that I messed something up. That’s sometimes what always happens when someone wanted to meet me--they wanted to see me because I botched up something.
Was it something important? I hoped not. I know I wasn’t the nicest to her in the beginning, and she had every right to hate me. What made her warm up to me, I wish I knew. Still, I’m glad she did. The image I had of her at the start greatly differed from the actual person she was--kind, smart, brave, and funny. Not at all like the troublemaker my dad thought she would be, or the mean nasty girl Merula said she was.
Her considerate disposition made me open up to her about my past, and soon I began to trust her. And the way she protected everyone while we were at the Vaults...
She had this light that made her shine so bright--maybe even brighter than the sun.
I barely had time to compose myself at the fountain before she arrived--dressed casually, but looking amazing as always. She was wearing a black cardigan over a white dress shirt, her red and gold Gryffindor tie done somewhat loosely on her neck. She even wore a black skirt with black stockings to match. Even her glasses were polished to a dazzling gleam.
“I botched things up, haven’t I?”
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I didn’t even realize I said it aloud until the words were already out of my mouth, leaving her looking very confused on her part.
“Botched up what?” she asked.
Oops. Maybe I shouldn’t have been so quick to jump to conclusions.
“Oh. Usually when someone wanted to see me so quickly, it’s because I’ve botched up something,” I explained to her quickly, hoping that she didn’t see me as daft. “Or they need my help moving something heavy...”
But I could assume neither of those reasons made sense. She didn’t seem like the type to ask me to move something for her right now. And it seemed pretty clear from the get-go that I didn’t botch up anything...
“Well, I came to see you about the Celestial Ball,” Clara said, looking slightly worried. “I don’t have a date yet.”
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“Me neither,” I responded thoughtfully. “And the dance begins soon!”
Honestly, though, I should be freaking out. After all, I was the one who asked Professor Dumbledore if it was okay for us to bring dates, and...I only asked him in the hopes that I could ask her. But I had no idea where she was going with this conversation. Did she want me to help her get a date? Maybe she wanted some advice? No, scratch that. I’m rotten at advice.
Still, there wasn’t enough time. What did she want me to do?
“I suppose there is a solution,” Clara chipped in with an expectant smile.
“Is there?” I scratched my head in apprehension. “Crikey, I haven’t a clue.”
For being the brightest person in my family, even I couldn’t see where this was going. Maybe she really wanted me to help her find a date.
“Um...well, you’re not going with anyone, and I’m not going with anyone,” she eventually realized. “So...”
And then it hit me. Of course I wouldn’t have botched anything up for her, and for her to come here to talk to me only meant that, with both of us in the same dateless situation, she wanted us to change that--and not by asking me to help her find a date, but to be her date.
“Blimey, I’ve got it!” I finally cried, jumping up in excitement at the thought that came to mind. “Clara, would you like to go to the Celestial Ball with me?”
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I actually felt very honoured that she would come to me with the intentions of me being her date. It felt like a dream come true, and I could see she felt the same way too, the way her face suddenly lit up in genuine joy.
“Yes, I would love to, Barnaby!” she replied excitedly, nodding.
And I felt so relieved, I picked up her and spun her around in the air, earning a surprised yelp from her followed by peals of laughter. Her smile and laughs lifted my spirits so high, I felt like they would forever remain airborne. I eventually brought her down with a smile and hugged her tight.
“I’m so glad the idea of asking you came to me,” I eventually said.
Clara gave a short hum as she hugged me back too. “And I’m glad you asked. We’ll have a great time together!”
“You’ve always been my first choice as a date, Clara,” I confessed as I pulled back to look at her. “But I never really got the nerve to let you know it.”
Clara laughed again and nodded in understanding. “I’ve been really anxious about this dance as well,” she admitted too. “I have no idea what to expect tonight.”
For the rest of the afternoon, we talked a bit about the upcoming dance. I brought her to sit beside me on the fountain’s ledge, and we chatted and laughed the entire time. I couldn’t stop looking at her, though. Something about her really drew me to her--to me, she was like a star in the sky, the first star I would ever see in the early evening. And she was beautiful without even trying. Even without her robes on, she still looked radiant.
I felt like I was responsible now for keeping her light aglow. Even back in the Vault of Fear, I vowed that I would protect her no matter what--as long as I know she’d do the same for me too.
“I could talk about this all night!” Clara eventually said, her face still alight with joy in the setting sun. “But we really have to go get ready.”
I nodded as I walked her to the entrance of the castle, smiling at her. I already had an outfit picked out, but I had to give her time to pick hers. From what I heard, Andre was preparing her dress, and I would admit, I was very excited to see it.
“I even prepared a freshly picked ‘buccaneer’!” I told her with a grin. “But I can’t wait to see your outfit.”
“I’m sure Andre’s waiting for me in the Great Hall right now with my options,” Clara chirped. “I can’t wait to see them. And I can’t wait to see you tonight.”
She stood on slight tiptoe and left me a light kiss on the cheek before heading back into the castle, leaving me standing there in awe.
The party was already in full swing by the time I arrived, wearing a nice red coat with a rose ‘buccaneer’ to match. As I glanced around, I saw Tonks and Tulip socializing by one of the dinner tables, and Rowan and Ben looking rather at ease with themselves as they helped themselves to drinks. Penny was floating around the room like a fairy, with her light yellow skirt fluffing all around her as she looked at the dance and the success that came with her leading the Decorating Committee. I chuckled at the sight myself; I was happy I did a little bit to help with the decorations that hung around the Great Hall. Even Merula and Ismelda looked a bit less “scowly”.
“Wow, Barnaby. Nice outfit!” Andre complimented me as he waved me over. “The colour really suits you.”
“Hey, Andre. Thank you!” I beamed. “How did the outfit selection go for Clara, by the way?”
“Oh, she was stuck in a dress stall for quite a bit of time. I gave her 3 options, with different hairstyles and jewellery and shoes--but she was stuck between 2 of them. It was funny seeing her muttering to herself about which outfit she wanted,” Andre told me with a laugh. “But she eventually chose one, and it’s a stunner, I’ll tell you that.”
I laughed at the story as well. I never thought of Clara to be one of the extremely picky ones, but it was understandable; she wanted to remember this night as much as anyone. “Well, I can’t wait to see her in her dress,” I eventually said. “If only I know where she is.”
“She probably won’t be that late, but she’ll run a bit behind, I know that. For someone to look stunning, they do have to take some time--and believe me, I know,” Andre said. “At least you’re enjoying yourself, am I right?”
“That, I am,” I agreed with him with a nod.
Andre only had a bit of time to shoot me a quick grin before he was called away by Professor McGonagall, and I was left to wander around the Great Hall for a bit. As I eventually passed by Ismelda, who was standing by the corner of the dance floor with a contemplative look on her face, I heard her voice addressing Hagrid.
“I do have a date!” she was saying. “But finding and keeping track of a date in a room this size is harder than I thought.”
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Just as Hagrid suggested he’d look for me, I eventually approached her, eyes widening at the sight of her dress.
She looked like she was wearing the entire evening sky. Her dress was sleek and elegant, and the stars twinkled and shone over the dark navy blue fabric showing constellations and shapes that could only be seen by few in the night. Her glasses were off, leaving a lot more room to see the twinkle in her dark brown eyes. Her black hair, normally either let down or tied in a ponytail, was carefully styled in a bun at the back of her head, secured with a purple headband with a star at the centre. 
She had never looked more radiant.
“Clara!” I addressed her. “I’ve been looking all over for you!”
She turned to me and grinned. “Barnaby, you look really handsome!” she said then. “Your ‘buccaneer’ is quite nice.”
“Thanks. I almost stabbed myself pinning it on,” I admitted with a laugh. “And look at your outfit! Brilliant!” I then took her hand and gave a little motion with my head. “Now let’s enjoy this dance together.”
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Clara seemed to welcome this idea openly with a nod, and soon we made our way to the dance floor. All around us we could see everyone having fun, either grabbing food or socializing with the teachers. To my surprise, Bill was there too, chatting with Rowan now by the fireplace--I assume he came in while I was chatting with Andre. The music was very lighthearted and eventually got me swaying to the beat, and I could see Clara’s eyes wandering about the room, clearly soaking in all of its beauty.
“I didn’t know what to expect tonight,” she eventually said with a soft smile. “All of the planning, and prepping, and fretting...but tonight has been quite special.”
I agreed with her. It truly has been quite a night overall.
“And I think Tonks is right,” she also said. “Of our friends, we’re the only ones here who decided to bring a guest!”
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“I take all the credit for it!” I said with a grin. “Remember I was the one who asked Dumbledore if we could bring dates?”
“When Dumbledore first announced the Ball? I remember,” Clara nodded.
“I asked because even then, I was hoping you’d be my date for tonight,” I eventually admitted.
Now that was enough for Clara’s cheeks to turn pink, and I felt a little shy all of a sudden too. Still, I felt the smile widen on my face as I looked at her, trying to read her expression. Was she happy? She definitely looked like it. I was just happy she was my date for the ball--and even happier I got the idea to ask her.
Eventually, before we knew it, students began to head to the dance floor, and soon we started to dance. The entire time, I couldn’t keep my eyes off of Clara. She was like the star of the dance floor, shining among the other students. As the music began to slow down, some of the students began to retire from the event, but there were still some others who stayed behind.
I looked at Clara and eventually pulled her into a hug as a slow song began to play. We swayed along to the music, and I could hear her hum again in happiness.
I smiled as I held her, and lightly kissed the top of her head. 
She was my wish come true, and I couldn’t be happier.
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