#and ive seen fanart from a friend and someone else
shatterboxin · 5 months
can't remember if i've said this before, but i am absolutely obsessed with the idea of a cute mutants zine, and if us few fans could somehow make one someday, that would be AMAZING
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wordy-little-witch · 4 months
Hiiii PLS 🙏 wordy plssssz i need more transfem buggy headcanons like i love ur post but i need more🥹🤲 like the hc and scenarios that shook the seas,,, wat r crossguilds reaction n shanks n other pirates reaction uahxiskzkzs shes gonna b so hot dksk ive seen fanart and fembuggy looks so HOTTTT
Hiiiii honeybun!!! I got you, dw ♡♡
• he finds out through news coos and bounty posters. It's no secret that the redhair pirates keep careful tabs on bounties, new and old faces alike in the game, but there's special attention to black haired rubber boys and blue haired clowns when it comes to bounties and reports. The crew knows this and supports it. So when they get a paper, when Benn reads through it and does a spit take with his coffee, everyone cones scurrying, especially when he yells for their captain.
• (romantic) Shanks, upon seeing the bounty and story, is left reeling. Buggy had always been breathtaking to him, had always been the epitome of everything he finds beautiful and attractive. Shanks adores Buggy, head to toe, inside out, and even then he could always see the little chinks in the other's armor, the discomfort and uncertainty that stained the clown's cells. It's in the microexpressions, he knows, and those signals are suddenly gone in these pictures. He's breathless. He's swooning. He needs to see Buggy in person.
• (platonic) similar to the above, Shanks keeps tabs on his precious people. And Buggy, his beloved baby brother, his beloved best friend, is among those he looks out for from afar. Seeing Buggy so different, so bright, seeing the way his - her - smile finally reaches her eyes and eyebrows and cheeks, it makes him melt a little. He's proud, so proud, so happy that Buggy looks happy and healthy, and he's.... he wants. By the Seas, he wants to see her. He wants to see and meet his sister.
• Depending on the time frame when the change happens, Crocodile either meets Buggy for Cross Guild as a woman or deals with the transitional phase with the business. If it's the latter, he actually makes a point to try affirming what he believes is Buggy's gender identity in vague terms. Then, when Buggy begins to shy away from them, he moves to more neutral monikers, heavy on the Clown and Fool.
• upon being told that Buggy identifies as a woman, he just rolls with it. He has to fight the trans urge to make "we traded genders" jokes, which he blames proximity to the clown for. He's not going to cause a ruckus about it. He will however cause bodily injury if someone else has an issue with that.
• he's absolutely livid, btw, that he finds the clown attractive like this. It's not the body, not exactly - Croc doesn't really care one way or another about the configuration downstairs of his partners - but he is attracted to intelligence, confidence, power, and how pretty someone is when they cry. Sue him, he has a type. It just so happens that Buggy, newly confident, newly steady, is branching out into all of his standards while staying so utterly charming. He's so mad about it. He wants to kiss her. He's going insane.
• he doesn't stick to labels. They're boring. He doesn't care. He will admit however that the majority of those who held his interest were men. The Clown was an exception - though not because of her gender. He's typically drawn to people by their Haki signatures, and he has noticed a common trend in those he enjoys - Shanks with his firey volcanic energy, Crocodile feeling akin to the desert lands he called home, even Roronoa Zoro's antiquated cliffside mountainous energy. He finds earthy energy to be the most comfortable, emotional aspect be damned. The Clown is very much a different element, liquid and mutable and dynamic. It is reflective, overtly bright and rippling uncontrollably. Odd, he admits, but not investing.
• it's when Buggy calms, when she blooms, that Migawk sees the ripples calm, sees the sharp reflections soothe themselves, and sees that the seemingly shallow pond of energy is but a cover which leads into a fathomless sinkhole. The shores are quaint, smooth, beautiful, and lead gradually further and further in towards a sharp drop which casts the Blues into blacks and the blacks into abyssal shade. It's strange, it's unusual, it's delicious.
• it especially helps that Mihawk finds Buggy to be rather good company. Without her forced shrill demeanor and loud hypervigilance, she's actually a wonderful conversationalist. He enjoys her company. It's unexpected.
More romantic aspects bc I am absolutely melting over it-
Cross guild
• Buggy has always been rather touchy-feely, something she constantly fights with because of her past and experiences. She adores cuddles, holding hands, casual touches, and the like. Her boyfriends aren't exactly the types to love PDA or to seek out physical touch. They do allow her to indulge, however, and they each have their preferred manners of doing so.
- Mihawk
- - in public, will pull a full chivalrous move, offering her his arm, his hand when she climbs up or down, a casual yet respectful hand on her waist to guide her.
- - in private, he will cuddle against her back when he is amenable to touch, chin over her shoulder as they both read a book, one arm wrapped around her waist, fingers caressing the soft skin of her soft sides, other hand tangled with one of her own. If not that, he will become a cat in human form, wordlessly smacking whatever was in her hands away to burrow into her stomach or chest, going limp yet clinging in a mess of contradictions. It never fails to earn a slightly annoyed snicker from her.
- Crocodile
- - in public, he and Mihawk seem to share a general demeanor insofar as the types of touches. He does however take it further by occasionally just plucking her up into his arm, treating her as a dainty little thing, casual touches peppered throughout that imply a level of possessiveness, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear, a drag of fingertips or hook along her shoulder, a curl of a hand at her hip.
- - in private, the touches come and go, but the emotion behind them remains. Sometimes he will simply trail fingers over her spine or shoulders, absent and affectionate. Sometimes he will drag her into the cage of him limbs to have and hold her close, a cheek pressed to her chest, hand cupping the other breast in a simple gesture.
• only thinks "uncle buggy -> auntie buggy"
• does not care, Buggy is Buggy.
• is happy that Buggy is happy!!!
• will throw hands if anyone is mean to his aunt, his hands are rated E for Everyone.
• for a long time, didn't even know. Finds out by rumors in a random bar which he is Hella confused by and so fact checks. Has a mild moment when he realizes his baby boy is in fact a baby girl now. Wild. Decides to go see his daughter because What The Fuck Buglet
• no he doesn't cry when he sees Buggy. He just.... got sand in his eye. He did not get emotional when he saw his youngest child beam at him with a smile so like Roger's, in bold colors which suited her, so bright, so joyful, so free -
• he remembers the trembling, scrappy little being who would huddle between him and Roger after bad fights, so uncertain, so scared, so far removed from the young woman before him today, and Rayleigh just smiles, bonks her on the head and calls her princess.
• and if he pulls her aside later on and they sit together on the beach, drinking together, well.... when he says Roger would be so proud of her, he means it. And when she cries? Well. He won't tell anyone about it. It's a private moment between father and daughter.
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xx-slug-xx · 2 months
Hiii so I just saw ur post and ask reply about proshipper antis and ocd and I wanted to give my two cents because idk I'm like self important or something? But I do think I have a good perspective as someone who's never truly affiliated with proship or anti proship (I'm also not a huge poster or anything so.)
I've been diagnosed with OCD for most of my life and also have been a victim of sexual violence, which is only relevant because when I was younger I had a debilitating obsession with being "found out" as someone who consumed noncon and proship content. I was really disgusted with it while simultaneously consuming and writing it myself, albeit privately which I thought made it "more okay". It took me a long while to leave this mindset because, as most ocd obsessions are, it was not congruent with reality. I feel the trap that a lot of people fall in to is within the labels of pro or anti, that there must be one or the other. Mainly people will label themselves as anti because it's, to me, an elitism of morality that only serves to detriment their own values. (Ie if you're pro-morals then you should seek to understand and rehabilitate, if you rlly think some kinks are so horrible that anyone who enjoys them needs to change.)
I've found that in the real world, among my friends who are on irl kink communities or who I just candidly discuss these sorts of things with, most don't have starkly pro or anti mindsets. I think it's strange that the very common mindset of "I'm really not into it but it's none of my business" is labeled as proship online. Ive never heard an incredibly anti sentiment be expressed as outwardly as it is online, because it's really just socially inappropriate to judge people's personal thoughts like that irl..? All that being said, I believe that if there wasn't this loud anti proship discourse online, I would have not been so distressed with my private thoughts before I was in recovery, and really the intensity with which these "thought crime" ideals are expressed only serves to make more people label themselves as proship. People generally don't like being judged for intimate things, shocker.
Valid experience and good opinions, anon :D
Tbh, my experience is kinda similar, though not exact. I always felt guilt for anything I enjoyed in fiction and that includes virtually all my kinks since they are mostly all fiction due to me being aspec! I think my guilt stems from religious trauma tbh. It’s a sin to be happy after all! Must be the devils temptation /j! Growing up in fandom, seeing people online saying all these things I enjoyed actually made me a bad person caused me feel like I was dirty. That there was something wrong with me for actually really mundane things. And my OCD fed off of that like a leach. I still to this day can’t let people borrow my phone bc my OCD tells me that people will do or say nasty things to me if they find out. “Find out” meaning that they see the fanart and fanfics that aren’t even on my device that I looked at somewhere in the past (not even recent!). Wasn’t until the last four-ish years where I realized that was dumb lol. It was a long journey of self acceptance that I still struggle with today. It’s hard to get past mental illness, but you can live with it and still be happy! It may never go away, but you can absolutely learn to tell your brain to stop being dumb as fuck!
Like, why would I be kicked out of my house for watching South Park as a child? I wouldn’t have been, but my OCD brain told me shit like that all the time! I’m not bad for having fun! Neither is anyone else!
I absolutely agree with you that labeling the normal response to seeing something you don’t like, or meeting someone who likes that thing, as “ok not my thing but good for you ig” shouldn’t be a “proship” thing. I don’t like the pro vs anti divide all that much. But in reality, that’s how this internet argument is taken and seen. It’s rooted in it from a fandom history perspective (as lame as it sounds when I say it lmao). Normal people in real life don’t care about internet drama, and they don’t care what a proshipper or antishipper is. I honestly feel like a lot of people forget that, but I see a lot of people on the anti side of things applying their internet opinions to the real world. That’s why I’m concerned. I see a lot of antiship people dropping irl friends and spreading label against them too, and it’s not a healthy mindset or way to live. It’s fine to not have the same tastes, even being uncomfortable with someone else’s tastes. But I don’t think it’s healthy to worry so much that it affects your real life like how I see a ton of antis doing. Life is uncomfortable and it’s full of people who can make you uncomfortable. But life isn’t black and white, and people/things that make you kinda uncomfortable with certain things can also be things you could care less about. I know so many people in my life at least who I just don’t talk about certain subjects with for that very reason, but we are still great friends regardless of our differences! And they aren’t “bad people” either lmao
Proship vs antiship never should have been a thing. Imo, you’re either an asshole towards others for stupid reasons, or you aren’t and just agree to disagree unless someone’s causing real harm! Proshippers can be assholes just like antishippers sometimes lmao, so those aren’t synonymous!
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grimescum · 5 months
im in the mood to yap so i chose to yap about hellsing ships. i dont partake in shipping usually but i still find them interesting to think abt
all of this is my opinion!!! i dont hate u at all if u ship anything i happen to not like or agree with. if you dont want 2 see someone being judgemental about something u enjoy (understandably so) feel free 2 scroll past
also no being annoying. questions and comments r fine but anything else jsut shut up
goated. there will never be anything better than girlboss x malewife im sorry
though i'll say i dislike the interpretation of integra where they tone down how badass and stoic she is just to make her. like. a little bit tsundere. u cant make the gnc couple gc like that fucka you
silly guy x silly girl will never not solo, especially when fucked up angst and cannibalism imagery is involved. heavily tied with alutegra for me
CUTE!!!! i dont see any fanart of this ship that i dont like. lesbians know what theyre doing and they do it well
don't take my lack of input as me disliking it or anything i just ship to project
cutie...... i see anderson as a big softie even if he's fucking crazy and scary and i greatly enjoy softie guy x serious gal. i dont see much angst potential though unless u bring alucard into the mix and make him jealpus as fuck
i also think the idea of alucard's master cucking him with his own arch enemy is hilarious so it gets a bonus point for that
love the rivalry, love the enemies to lovers, hate how often alucard is twinkified as if he isnt built like a pot of spaghetti. my biggest pet peeve is when people prettify characters and i happen to see this a lot w the content of it i stumble across
if someone makes alucard just as fucking wank looking as he is in canon i will gladly bring this up to a 9 or 10/10. stop being pussies u guys
read a very cute fluffy fanfic on this once!! i'm a little mixed about age gaps but as long as the younger one is a consenting adult i see no reason to freak out
good potential for angst with the age gap considered, though i dont think walter would date someone *that* much younger than him for the same reason. i think they'd be very sweet regardless of if they're friends or not
i have father issues so this ship will be getting an extra point
okay, this one i admit can be cute? i quite enjoy the silly normal girl x scary traumatized guy dynamic, but i personally dont like how sexualized a lot of the fanart is, or how they tend to baby-ify seras as if she didnt cannibalize a man. not much flavor here in my opinion. ive never been a fan of heavily heteronormative ships
love the girlboss x devoted malewife dynamic, dislike how the little content i've seen of it comes across as creepy imo. i can def see there being jealousy with how alucard is essentially integra's dog and gets all the attention while walter is just the butler... i dunno
more old men need to get bossed on girlstyle but alucard x integra still does this better i think
the jealousy to lovers pipeline never made sense to me as a jealous bitch myself but i suppose i can kinda see it since jealousy is not far from admiration... very interesting in the angst department, but i cant imagine how any romantic interactions with them would be like aside from light playful banter
as long as its not baby walter then i'm fine with it (girlycard x 14 y/o walter is 0/10 booo booo tomato tomato)
ive only seen this ship once, i can only assume its appeal comes from hot lady integra beating the shit out of enrico's annoying ass
snarky x serious is a very good trope but unfortunately i think alucard x integra does this better, AND with a romantic aspect that i can see. enrico also annoys me
i love the silly dynamic but because i dont feel much for either of the characters i really cant say
CUTE!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE the crazy girl x normal(?) guy trope, i tried 2 do that with my oc claudine actually!!
i dont dislike anything abt this ship i just wish there was more canon substance
i think its funny and also i enjoy their canon interactions... the 5 billion is mostly satire i'd put this along with the other ?/10 ships
whatever . i see people be very annoying about this ship and i'm aware not everybody is but it just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.. same thing with andercard but the fanbase for it is a lot bigger so i'm more forgiving
i saw this once and i want to be thorough.. um . they are brothers . if thats ur thing then whatever but its not mine
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arabaka · 1 year
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hello everynyan !!!!!!!!!!!!!! how are you !!!!!!!!!!! (jokes aside) i missed you all! i wanted to give an update on this blog and my wellbeing. but i also wanted to be transparent! i’ll include a TL;DR so if you want more info, please look under the cut!
LOVE  YOU ALL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
original pinned post
ill be going by my first name now! names jackie, pleasure to meet everybody!
i have bpd and that resulted in me having a terrible breakdown that ended up hurting my friends. i have since made amends and strengthened the bonds with SO many people. 
there is someone i engaged with frequently on my blog i have since blocked. i ask that you be mindful of sending me mp100 fanfic/fanart. i won’t disclose this person’s identity.
i’m BACK! so expect to see me <3
as some of you may know, i suffer from BPD and am believed to be on the spectrum. BPD stands for borderline personality disorder. some quick notes on this disorder and what it entails:
Borderline personality disorder is a mental illness that severely impacts a person’s ability to manage their emotions. This loss of emotional control can increase impulsivity, affect how a person feels about themselves, and negatively impact their relationships with others.
People with borderline personality disorder may experience intense mood swings and feel uncertainty about how they see themselves. Their feelings for others can change quickly, and swing from extreme closeness to extreme dislike. These changing feelings can lead to unstable relationships and emotional pain.
People with borderline personality disorder also tend to view things in extremes, such as all good or all bad. Their interests and values can change quickly, and they may act impulsively or recklessly.
now people with bpd experience something called splitting and this is:
BPD splitting is a symptom of borderline personality disorder (BPD). It’s when a person sees everything as black or white, good or bad, or best or worst. Splitting is a defense mechanism people living with BPD use to deal with emotions (such as the fear of abandonment) that they cannot handle. 
this past week, i had the worst episode ive had in a long time and some of you may have seen it going by the last few posts on my blog. i was incredibly volatile, distrusting, and upset but worst of all, i let that affect my relationships. i vented to some people, very similar to the sentiment i was posting on here, but i also said some pretty hurtful things that made these people feel like i discredited their love by saying i didn’t feel that way from anyone. but the thing with bpd, and a lot of other mental illnesses/disorders… it warps our perception and our view on reality. 
all these people wanted to do, like many of you, is help and i pushed it all away preemptively due to past trauma was rejection and abandonment. but this hurt one of the most important people in my life and on top of that, i subtweeted that person on a venting insta for the purpose of hurting them. it’s a big regret of mine and i’ve vowed to NEVER let that happen again to ANYONE. 
mental illness/disorders can explain your reactions and actions but should not excuse it.
i have since made amends with my best friend and everything is back to normal, if not better because i have a new appreciation for her and our unbreakable bond.
but i can’t say the same for someone else, someone that i engaged with pretty often and someone that was special to me.
but i learned that this person… was never a good friend. 
they showed their true colors and showed that they were not as supportive as i thought. now, that’s not to absolve myself of any blame! because i did hurt them too! but instead of being open to communication and growth, they said i had hurt them several times without ever bringing this up to me. they expected me to listen to their venting but suddenly couldn’t when it came to me. that they didn't have the capacity to do so. yet, were upset that i didn't confide in them?
this person is out of my life now. i’ve blocked them on everything. i won’t disclose who this person is but i will be triggered by their art/writing for a long time. again, even though this person has disappointed me greatly and hurt me in turn (with other things i will not go into), i do not wish any hate on them. with that being said, please let me know who the creator is before you share any mob psycho fanart/fanfic with me and i’ll let you know if it’s okay or not.
fortunately though, this taught me a lesson. a lesson in appreciating my friends (AND ALL OF YOU!!!), trusting their word, AND watching what i do and say so i don’t hurt people.
moving on to my content, i am going to be BACK!!! back and posting!!! so expect my ass B) 
we’re back to normal, we’re healthy and we’re striving for growth!!!
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pansy-picnics · 1 year
ugh if there’s one thing this world needs is more Cass and Eugene interaction, like I don’t just mean bickering and the sort. Like actually being there for one another when they’re upset and helping each other out.
I’ve literally found about 2 fanarts where it’s just them and they’re not getting at each other! I still think that they would bicker but it would actually be way less intense and spite-fuelled after the series and they’d find some common ground, especially since they are the only ones (beside Pascal ofc) who know what it’s like to have died and come back to life, I can’t imagine how relieved Eugene would be to get to talk to someone about it and have them actually understand.
I hc anyway that after Cass came back she was like super out of it, and Eugene knew exactly how she felt and could help her, I think Cass would also be relieved that someone else knew what it was like and could sympathise with her.
I think though one of my absolute favourite hcs I’ve seen for them is that after Cass comes back Eugene defo sorts out Cass’ haircare routine and looks after her hair for her, cause he more than likely has wavy/curly hair too (but just straightens it most of the time). And although Cass is like super reluctant to let him help at first, she eventually gives in and it’s like the best her hair has been in forever so she just lets him do it regularly from then on and it’s just their thing. Also it gives Cass a chance to open up as well (no eye contact, relaxed and something to distract her if it gets too bad) which she definitely needs especially straight after coming back to the castle post ziti.
But yeah I neeeed more of these idiots interacting cause they literally have my heart istg (and also the show did nothing for them really post s1)
Hah realised I’ve just gone on a rant but like it 2am and I’m sleep deprived, sorry! :)))
anon you’re so right and let me just tell you ive felt exactly the same way for SO long so youve come to the right person
^ obviously theres been more since this was posted but THIS is a rlly good masterpost of art of them. THIS is a cassgene/uknighted dream triad fic and i dont know if thats your thing but it basically captures the exact bonding moment that you mentioned imo it fits them SUPER well both romantically and platonically!!
ur so right about the hair thing also omfg cass is the WORST out of all of them when it comes to taking care of her hair. like whenever it gets too long she just grabs the first sharp object she can find and cuts it all off. her ends are so broken and frizzy its SO bad. but eugene and rapunzel force her to do little spa days with them all the time. cass is very practical and really doesnt understand the point but she just likes spending time with both of them.
honestly as much as i love them i havent drawn a lot of art of cass and eugene individually….but theyre best friends actually. like they have banter and they tease each other but my general interpretation of them and uknighted dreams relationship is just. Comfortable. theyve come around to accept their differences and have a shared sense of solidarity with each other. and not just bc of rapunzel either!!! they hang out without her just as often and they genuinely have come to understand one another. they like to spar together and rapunzel watches while she works on anatomy sketches.
they’re not going out of their way to be physically affectionate or anything, but i try to make it obvious in my uknighted dream art that they arent averse to it either. it’s always the little things for me man!!!! the subtle affectionate gazes or the casual hand on the shoulder or just a gentle hand hold its so. IMPORTANT ok!!!!!!
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they understand each other on a deep psychological level and yet they regularly tell the other to kill themselves. they are literally everything to me. i need to draw them soon
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2n2n · 1 year
id love to hear you talk more about tsunene! its not a ship ive given much thought before, but i do think they have such potential to be absolute besties so i can totally see the ship appeal lol
I can do my best.... first off though, I'd point to another ask where I talked about their similarities. I think, because they both love Amane, because they both want to hear what Amane wants, they share a lot of thoughts, feelings, and experiences. I think their parallels are intentional.
When I look at fanfiction... fanart... I often feel Nene-chan gets shaved down to 'a normal girl' ... 'just nice' or something. Nene-chan has almost no friends, and she's incredibly unpopular. She's not simply a frumpy hum-drum normal girl, she's... a weird person...! She walks around the school singing songs to herself, she freaks out loudly, she's clumsy, she's super exciteable and expressive, she's childish and playful, she likes weirdly macabre things....!!!!! She's VERY different from the other girls we've seen in-manga!!!! Nene-chan is the only girl like this!!!
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Gosh, chapter 1 is entirely about just how socially helpless and unable to be a normal, dateable girl Nene-chan is... she can't even give a boy flowers or make him a bento normally...!!! She's... offputting!! To most people!!! She's weird haha! It's what HANAKO loves about her...!
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God only knows what she was like as a CHILD with her creepy ghoul and skull plushies, and attraction to ghost stories!! Nene-chan made the DECISION! entering middle-school to become more feminine and acquire more feminine vocations!! Before that, just how unappealing to the average person was she? The Nene-chan we know now, is a Nene-chan who has tried to make herself more appealing... ! And... she's so strange!
Getting a decent role in a school play is impossible for her, nobody would vote for her to be anything !! Because she's unpopular... ! Poor Nene-chan doesn't seem to notice this reality, though...
Nene-chan's playfulness can even be a bit much for Amane, who can be bulldozed by it! Though of course, it's part of why he loves her! That childishness is something Amane really needs in his life!! He needs to be spun and spun around, he needs to be whipped up into a frenzy! He needs someone lively!
I don't think I need to explain that Tsukasa is also exciteable, clumsy, childish, playful! Of course he is, so much so it scares some people or something, haha. Of course, Tsukasa also bulldozes Amane, too playful and energetic! ... but Amane needs that...!
Nene-chan is so easily swept into the moment with someone else-- at the tea party, and with Shijima-san within her wish... really, if Natsuhiko wasn't there, how do you think this situation would have ended? What point was Tsukasa trying to make, by crawling into Nene's lap, while she tries to assert "Hanako-kun isn't my type"...?
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she's quite receptive to Hanako's excessive intrusive touching ... gradually. Lol... all these boys are too forward for her at first blush.... they're both such rude boys....
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We should give Tsukasa the chance to get up close to her just as often~~ make her heart race~~
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his forwardness, his honesty, his desire to peer into your heart-- what about that wouldn't suit an ultra-romantic like Nene-chan, so used to the evasive Hanako, who is always hiding his gaze from her, pulling down the brim of his hat? How do you think a long conversation would go, if they were finally completely alone? How would it feel to have Hanako's twin touching her, staring at her, calling her name? Nene-chan wants to know about him.
anyway I don't know why Nene-chan is blushing here when she recounts meeting Tsukasa, lol...
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Personally, I think it's all inevitable.
It's like an approaching train ready to crash!
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mockingbirdshymn · 2 years
rating camp camp pairings
because i ran out of ideas for posts and saw someone else do this a few years ago so swoop the idea is mine now
nerriston - 10000000/10
i love them. ok. i really do theyre super cool. it make sense like. they have a perfect dynamic. theyre cute. we have magician who has anxiety, cocky loud theatre kid who does not give a shit, and short dnd nerd who would beat your ass and probably carries in all the groceries at once. LIKE. its perfect. it literally is the best
im equally as loving of presner/harriston/nerrison but nerriston is my main otp
presnurf - fuck you/10
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hacks gags dies
presmax - 1/10
personally i dont see this? and its not because they havent interacted, mostly because their personalities don't mesh well imo? not to say that opposites don't attract, thats the building ground for so many good ships, but with them its just. kind of just pure annoyance any time they interact. and unlike nerrison, it's not a continuing thing that makes it a rivalry and has layers to it (ex. background interactions, like at the lake lilac summer social), with max and preston its just general annoyance any time they bump into each other.
plus i hc preston to be 14 and max is canonically 10 and while my headcanons arent canon, that interpretation of mine makes it a very much no go for me
neil x harrison - 3/10
not for me, but i can 100% see it
again though, i hc harrison to be 14 and neil is canonically 11, so,,, another dealbreaker for my bc of this headcanon
nerikki - 3/10
definitely compatible, and if it werent for the fact i have a sturdy hc on cc campers' ages, i feel i could like it?
but 14yo x 10yo is a big nono for me
ered x nikki - 1/10
for me it feels like nikki has a crush on ered in the same way kids tend to have crushes and idolize people older than them. like how someone may like their friend's way older brother, even though hes like 6 years older, but it dies out once they mature and stop idolizing him.
ered is either 15 or 16 in my headcanons, and nikki is canonically 10, so,, nikki can have a crush on ered in the same way kids have crushes on celebrities, but for ered to act on that would be very very bad
ered x nerris - 6/10
can see it, not my favorite, but i can definitely enjoy content from it (like fanart or fics) if its not the main focus.
ered x dolph - 1/10
sir, dolph is like literally the youngest. ered is the oldest pls stop (ik the eggs benefits episode was what started a lot of ships but. but cmon)
honestly though i rlly like the idea of them as older sister younger brother type of dynamic, tho ive not seen many people hc that if any
space kid x dolph - 8/10
i like them as friends more but i can definitely see it and enjoy it!! either romantic or platonic, i really love their (imagined bc they never interact lmfao) dynamic, and theyd mesh together very well personality-wise. both are clueless (dolph because he doesnt pick up on things well/holds a very positive view on everything, and space kid because his brain is like a pinball machine), and both have no friends/are generally excluded from everyone else due to their differences.
makki - 9/10
at first didnt like it at all, i like it now though!! dont have much of a reason for this, just think it's cute. angsty boy and feral girl. max would be moping and nikki would bring him a cool rock and he would not understand why but keep it anyway
maxneil - 10/10
"mandatory gay pairing for every main characters" is what someone from a random youtube video from like 4 years ago would say
though i rlly like it. guy who doesnt care at all and guy who overexplains absolutely everything/cares too much. max would ask a retoric question and neil would go into a ramble. max annoying the absolute shit out of neil and neil just. loudly sighing
neil x nikki - 1/10
i headcanon them as stepsiblings after parents day!! before i used to like it, but the fact their parents boned and nikki discussed being siblings killed that for me
nurf x a cactus - 10/10
he deserves to be prickled
neil x tabii - 1/10
i dont like fics where they're together as adults if im honest. as much as i adore tabii, her borderline obsession with neil makes him uncomfortble and i dont think it'd really be healthy at all. hes made it clear he doesnt like her
max x sasha - 7/10
can def see it! two bitchy assholes, though i dont like the idea all too much. would need someone else in the relationship to balance it out, or else its just kind of two dicks doing back and forth
pikeman x sasha - 8/10
it would not be healthy but by fucking christ it would be hilarious
sasha would be the gold digger and pikeman wouldnt know how to speak to a woman and it would be great
nikki x sasha - 5 to 8/10
nikki was bullied by sasha a lot, also sasha is kind of a dick, but they could be cute if sasha got over herself and started to be actually decent. with care put into it, it would be cute in a storyline of "girl forced to be perfect her entire life and externalizes this onto others, learns to embrace her true self through realizing that girl who is messy and doesnt care about how she looks is happy"
or maybe i just really like mabel x pacifica. its one or the other
tabii x erin - 8/10
very cute!! i liked how they acted at the end of the lake lilac summer social, but they work more as best friends in my opinion? badass besties who would wingman each other and tell each other everything in sleepovers. but at the same time, i do love gay people.
erin x neil - 7/10
SIGH if only erin got more character development. it could have been very cute. mostly because erin deserved someone who liked her for something other than her loks, which shed been pressured to prioritize just all of the time. also neil and erin could bounce ideas off each other?? and once more, pathetic bf x badass gf
erin x snake - 2/10
there wasnt much between them outside of "omg hes cute" without much emotion put into it, yk? which is funny because i like snake x tabii which wasnt too different but whatever
snake x tabii - 8/10
forever crying about that. they would go so well together????? tabii deserves someone who thinks shes pretty i really like tabii and she and snake would be badasses together and i and i and i
pikeman x snake - 3/10
do not like it personally. mostly because pikeman's an asshole but yk
camper x counselor - wtf/10
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daniel x david - 4/10
definitely not for me!! can be cute i guess, especially in aus where daniel isnt a cultist, but i dont think david would ever fall for a child murderer
david x gwen - 20/10
i love them. i love them so much. goes into my favorite trope of badass wife x too scared to ask for katchup at a ristraunt husband
david x jasper - 10/10
pre-jasper death only. post-jasper death and thats creepy because jasper is literally still a child
pre-jasper death and in aus where jasper lives, i will gobble that shit up like a starving turkey. i literally love it so much. like??? i cant explain why. plus ive read so many good fics with it that i am unable to hate it.
gwen x jen - 3/10
jen has appeared a total of one time for exactly 5 seconds. but in aus where shes given a character and isnt a murderer then i think it could work
daniel x jen - 5/10
never interacted (as if im one to talk with my nerriston bullshit) but cultist x cultist can be made interesting
cameron x priss - 9/10
could either be 1 of 2 things
your grandparents that keep fighting all of the time but love each other
two irresponsible grandparents that teach the child how to make an explosive
they seemed to have a sort of romantic connection and it wasnt all sexual attraction, and cameron's fear of comitment was the only thing really stopping them from enjoying a presumably happy and healthy marriage
platypus x food - 10/10
a match made in heaven
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rascalrat0 · 6 days
wooah how do you even come up with rammy and lammy art? whats ur process? its so mesmerizing and I havent seen this sort of fanart in the fandom depsite the source material
first of all, thank you! i really really appreciate it! ^^ ive been working so hard on art lately. trying so much to get better and become more creative.
second of all, this is gonna be a little hard to word.. i never explained my art process before, hehe. it might sound odd, but i always tend to stay away from looking at other artists lately(from these days. i look at old art mostly. unless it's my friends or someone i really like a lot). and kinda trying to break the cycle of the typical things you see in art these days.(cause my god i can't tell the difference in anyone anymore. art & personality, ) the only inspiration i get from things anymore IS 1: the source material, and 2: my mind. the mind is so powerful, especially with creativity. if i make something that i have not seen before with something, i'll go with it. it does not hurt to do weird things, weird is great. and nobody else has to get it. and well yeah, no doubt art can kinda make you rip ur hair out(lol) i personally think when i get to that point, im taking it too seriously. and to let go and have fun. i keep adding and adding, see what looks good. not exactly "see what fits". cause then youre restricting yourself.
thirdly, i don't even really sketch much anymore unless well, im just planning to sketch. i just refine, color, shade and etc as i go. the first draft looks best to me. just thinking about, what world do i want this character to be in? doesn't matter if it isnt possible in their world, it's my head and my art. i also love surrealism, and not in the way most people think. cause my surreal may not be someone else's.
if u want my advice on art: don't look forward to looking like everyone else and don't compete. look deep into your mind and come up with ideas. whether it's sad, angering, risque or even hilarious. there's your art. maybe even limit your material to see what you can come up from that.
sorry, got off a bit there lol. but yeah! there it is. i hope you got something out of it.
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lilysaus · 1 month
time for lilys rare, once-every-five-months hot take on current general opinions, and this one has to do with j k rowling and harry potter.
ive seen some really harsh things said about her, and ive done my own research, and you know what? youre all right. shes a horrible, awful, nasty excuse for a human being. she is. im not going to deny it and i never will. you wanna know something else? harry potter, despite some of the horrible things that j k rowling included within it, is still a great work of fiction.
there. ive said it. harry potter is a great work of fiction. now, that might just be my ignorant little two-year-old brain who grew up reading that series saying that, it might be that im just desperately clinging to my precious past that means so much to me, but still.
consider this: a person can be a terrible, awful person that no one likes and still create fairly good things. someone, such as j k rowling, can be awful and horrible and completely unlikeable and still be a fairly good author.
i mean, just look at the things that the harry potter fandom has created. the darker, more j-k-rowling-esque things included in the series havent stopped the fandom from finding things within the books to justify their silly little headcanons. there are so many things about the harry potter series that are actually so cool and amazing that i dont think we should just completely ignore it.
instead of never reading harry potter again, just dont buy new books. if youve never read it but really want to, borrow the books from someone. find some free pdf online. find them somewhere where you wont have to pay for j k rowlings sexist, racist, and homophobic agenda.
instead of buying the movies, go hang out with someone who already has them. ask your friends if they already have the harry potter movies and either borrow them or watch the movies together. go onto piracy websites, for crying out loud! thats right! im condoning piracy for this one! go watch them illegally! as long as you arent paying for it, i dont care!
and another thing! keep creating fan content for it! and not just any fan content! make the kind of content that will make j k rowling see red. make the kind of stuff thatll just grind her gears. make the kind of stuff thatll make her scream in anger at her phone when she sees it. fanfics, fanart, if you think of it, you should make it.
please, dont let the creator of the content decide who enjoys the content and how. just dont support the creator while you enjoy the content. do the kind of stuff thatll make her mad, but she cant do jack-shit about it. just dont bash on the content.
you shouldnt feel guilty for liking harry potter just because the author is a little shit. you shouldnt feel guilty for liking something you grew up on. because again, you dont have to like the author to like the book. you dont have to like the director to like the movie. you dont have to like the creator to like the content.
thank you for coming to my hot take. have a wonderful rest of your day.
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bigb-enthusiast · 9 months
are you ok w being tagged in any bigb fanart (like either in the post or in a reblog from someone else)
Yea ofc!! A lot of friends and mutuals do it!! Even tho ive seen 99% of them i still appreciate it
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hell0mega · 11 months
i know part of the reason for it is because it's technically been canon this whole time, but it's so funny that close to 100% of the fans of good omens are just aziracrow shippers. like, that's why we watch it. don't get me wrong, the show is masterful, the book is amazing, the characters that are not them two are very good. but like. if i see fanart of adam or anathema, for example, it's EXTREMELY rare, and i bet those artists have also drawn the man shaped beings. i feel like it's so rare for a show that nearly ALL of the people who watch it ship the same ship and watch it for that.
not that there aren't other ships people have for the show (even shipping one of them with someone else), not that everyone ships them in the same way, not that people don't like the side characters--far from it! but the sheer widespread acceptance of the canon relationship is. so funny to me. like i don't think ive seen one person be like "eh i prefered them as friends" like that just doesn't happen
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grouper · 2 years
hi. just wanna say i think its very interesting the way you (and your friends) approach shipping. i say this as someone fully neutral in the jiles v garashir war. ive just never seen anyone analyze shipping the way you described in that post and i think its because ds9 (and andrew robinson) exist in a canon-to-fanon space that few other shows/series have. like your post is a very interesting (and accurate?) analysis but ive never seen it applicable elsewhere
thank you! i think it's more that i'm approaching this topic more as an amateur historian than anything else, with a focus on queerness as a topic and a lens to read through. a queer reading of media that is close to my heart is something that makes me feel closer to myself, and although i know that that read may not have exactly been what the showrunners had in mind there still is something there in my opinion.
i think that more people should take up media analysis of their favourite shows in addition to enjoying them and shipping the characters in a lighthearted way if they find that it suits them. i am a strong advocate for the general public developing better media literacy skills , and if some of my funny deep space 9 posts can encourage others to take steps towards developing better media literacy then i'd feel like i contributed something meaningful.
on that note, i do have to disagree with you that this kind of analysis isn't applicable in other contexts! i think that where there is media, there can be pragmatic and enriching analysis of that media, whether it's about shipping, thematic elements, values, or any other element that may be of interest. the arts have so much to offer apart from entertainment value, and it's often an untapped resource in fandom content .
in essence, what i mean to say is that response to what we take in is what creates art and culture, whether that is in the form of fanart, fanfiction, or any other purposeful creation of anything inspired by what we as the public consume. so whenever you create based on what you consume, that is a form of media analysis that should be recognized for what it is and celebrated.
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omensgate · 1 year
since i run this blog lets look under the hood and see my definitive opinion on every ship which may become increasingly incoherent because i dont have any particularly strong feelings and wringing words out of me is like. water from rag. it stops eventually
SURVFICER v FULL MOON this is going to be a running theme with anything with survivor (and monk) in it; i dont really care about them because i cant imagine them having any personality. i also personally imagine surviver as just a wee babe. gourmand and nightcat are fun, i totally forgot nightcat is literally in its colony. thats sweet! very homely. so i voted for full moon
SOLAR ECLIPSE v CHERRY BOMB sorry to disappoint everyone. i really dont ship artihunter, i imagine them as fundamentally incompatible and in anything i write id write them as bitterly, bitterly divorced. i dont get behind the headcanon that hunter is malicious, and definitely not to the extent that artificer is. it might be run off from vanilla rw where hunter was The combat slugcat but coming from downpour without having the framework of there only being Four slugcats for Four archetypes, the way IVE interpreted hunter is that its on a just and righteous quest to SAVE someone, not go on a murder tour, especially when its character select specifies its high aggression is just due to its digestive system. for them to be divorced though they have to be married first so yes i did vote for artihunter but i cant imagine them ever being on the same level in the end. hunters final death bumping to highest karma while arti without effort is bound to karma 1 is so opposites. its interesting. i dont think theyre frolicking through flower fields cheering and dancing together but theyre so intriguing. solar eclipse of course is nothing to me. nightcat in general has no substance (sorry. i love it but its just nightcat) and monk is nothing also.
BLOOD MOON v KEBAB i voted for kebab not because i care about them but because nightcat is nothing to me. ive seen others write tactful analysis slotting them together so thats all i need to be convinced. also i just like gourmand. its so charming!
SPEARMONK v REVERSAL Spearmonk is nothing at all. i think you could write something fun with peace loving monk startled by spearmasters necessary violence to feed but aside from that its nothing. reversal on the other hand is funny so i did vote for it. gives mad like.. discord and fluttershy energy in my mind
LAGSPIKE v SUPERNOVA i did vote for supernova and then regret it a little bit because i see lagspike is winning now but ive seen such compelling fanart of supernova and i like anything related to stars. im also in the nightcat is a freak of nature camp (see my inv lore) which fits in nice against artis karma trap. lagspike is funny too though, idk why when i think dating sim moments i think spearmaster
CANDY CANE v SEAFOOD candy cane is of course nothing to me. seafood is (shrug). it reminds me of playing with my (boy)friend as gourmand where he (arti) carried me around for mobility. the pair of quick movement carrying something that can kill in one hit is super nice.
SPEARHUNTER v LANTERNFISH lanternfish is nothing to me (i imagine nightcat too timid to jive with rivulets energy...) spearhunter is very interesting. i think i did say before i got into rw community that i was confused why everyone shipped spearmaster and rivulet without ever including hunter who serves a similar purpose. i prefer spearhunter over other spearmaster ships for character roundedness, i like how i imagine hunters confidence to uplift spearmaster
GOURVIVOR v SCRAMBLED EGGS i dont care about either of these. i voted for scrambled eggs because 1. i care about survivor less and 2. funny name! AND OF COURSE, have bombs toghether.
SURSAINT v BARBECUE well. everyone likes barbecue. im not so sure if i super get it but its what everyone else likes and i dont care about survivor
NACHOCHEESE v SPEARVIVOR spearvivor is nothing to me of course, and nachocheese has some ardent defenders. i think both characters classify as "silly" so i vote for it.
COUNTERSTRIKE v RIVSAINT yes i voted for the losing team -_- ive seen more people ship counterstrike than rivsaint. the only appeal i can think of is theyre close in time. neither really have anything going on, i just dont think about socialization with rivulet or saint a lot. hunter and inv can both do anything to me
CHERRY PIE v BOOMSTICK this one.. makes me so sad and i hate that the randomizer pit them against each other on week one. i voted for cherry pie because the image of gourmand taking care of hunter as its sickness progresses breaks me apart. to me their characterization is both "take like slowly but take it, and for all its worth" which is so important to me. and spearmaster and artificer, i get the appeal, i think personally theyd make each other worse and be a vortex of bad feelings supporting each others negativity which would be so fun. but cherry pie is cuter so i voted for it.
MONKHUNTER v MONKMAND when i keep thinking about stinker brackets i think about this one. i dont super care about monk. the opposites of monk and hunter are the only reason i vote for it but its like, gun to my head. i have no feelings in particular
SPEEDRUN v PIRANHA this one is so hard and im not going to reveal my choice because i feel like i cant make one now... i think speedrun has a more palpable hypey energy but piranha has such an endearing charm with moons saviors together... hard to say .
MONKFICER v ERROR 404 who ever thought of monkficer. no one. and my dark secret? im super kinning inv and im kissing myself in the mirror. its clear. its also the ship that super got me into rain world so its special to me.
FISHTICKS v GODMODE i know everyone ships fishsticks. i just dont care about it. spearmaster is too exasperated for me i could only ever use it as a gag. godmode on the other hand is everything to me. these 2 are definitely echoes. theyre also definitely divorced extremely badly. but see artihunter; they have to be married first.
SURVULET v CHERRYBUSH hunters death karma and aggression with saints karma drain and pacifism is so intriguing and enamoring to me. and the name is also very cute. i imagine saint as very pretentious religiously and i imagine it preaching aggressively at hunter in its time of weakness. i imagine a sort of softness not traditionally born from the situation worming its way into both of their hearts with hunters short time on the earth as hunter the slugcat and saints continual treading. and. need i say; survulet is Nothing.
SPEARNIGHT v MONKSAINT monk is as ever nothing to me. spearnight is fun because i think they look the same, and i imagine them both very reserved. but its more of "the one i dont care about slightly less" situation again
NIGHTSAINT v MONKVULET voted for this one because i think nightcat and inv are the same guy so read godmode. genuinely surprised anyone ships monkvulet because, say it with me guys. monk is nothing to me
BATHBOMB v SPEARSAINT imagine the energy with bathbomb! spearmaster and saint are both so placcid its not so interesting. but imagine the shenanigans with riv and arti. i dont super care but they are funny to me, mostly i love the name
SAINTMAND v PAPRIKA GOURMAND AND SAINT ARE DAD ENERGY TO ME Like socks and sandals and shorts sitting on the porch energy to me. paprika is nothing ive seen before so i do not care.
thank you. goodnight.
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boypussydilf · 1 year
BMT (bacon mettuce tomato) from that ask game forrrrrr..... persona AND sgt frog. double whammy
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.
in persona … i would most likely never have thought of sumitaba in my life if not for the fandom. they r just neat. uhhhhhh. lets see surely theres some pair of sgt frog characters i never wouldve considered interacting or smth if not for some external influence. Most notably kurudoro i probably wouldnt habe really thought about them if not for the fandom either but its hard to remember, but let’s also give a shout out to some pairs ive seen interacting One Time- i THINK i saw one (1) piece of ship fanart of bariri and keroro? if im remembering correctly? And also hark ! to the fanart of dororo and putata interacting. iirc. rich kid swag
M - Name a character that you’d like to have for a friend.
EVERY character I LOVE friendship 😌😊☺️🍃🌱💅❤️😌🤭🍀🌸⭐️🌈✨😚 ok im done now. Anyway for real though I would like to be friends with all of the phantom thieves we would be besties . but i wanna hang out w yusuke and futaba especially. but like, separately. the violence when they are combined is funny but would be too intense for me. Also, Eikichi Persona 2. And maybe Maya Persona 2 we wouldn’t necessarily be close friends but she’s nice.
if dororo n koyuki were real we would be best friends “u n dororo n koyuki or me n u” yes. i would enjoy hanging out with fuyuki as well.
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending?
Ok well first of all lists of immutable autistic & trans headcanons as long as my arm for both series, but we already know that very well. Other than that uh ….. really die hard thoughts …. akira & futaba are siblings its simply a fact. also that fanart where sumi runs into akechi post p5r and shes the only one who knows hes alive for a while and its kinda just Them is like 85% canon in my brain. Also there is no world post-p5 where akira doesn’t become like… protests georg. if you have an Adult Akira Kurusu concept and hes anything other than not only willing to punch dudes in the face to try and get things to change but actually Actively Doing the closest things to that he can manage: you are just wrong.
sgt frog headcanons that r Just Canon to me …….. Aside frm the list of whos autistic keroro Super Has ADHD but that really kind of is just canon. not on purpose but no one in the history of mankind has adhd coded a frog harder than this. There’s not much else I can think of this is the worst thing to ever happen to me 😔 I could reiterate my trans headcanons in great detail but we’d be here all night and the Sgt Frog 10 Years Later au in my brain is still only half-formed (its my job, my DUTY, with everything i like to imagine what the characters are like a while post-canon, especially if theres kids who can grow up or other clear room for further life development, but also there’s a lot of factors to consider to figure details out.) So I’m just gonna end by talking about Kururu’s older siblings because we as a people need to talk more about them. I think that personality wise they’re both like. somewhere in between kururu and saburo. They like to Cause Problems On Purpose more than saburo who mostly just Doesn’t Prevent problems but not as much as kururu whod probably blow up a galaxy if it was funny enough, but they’re also like, Outwardly Nice, less like kururu and more like saburo. Theyre sooo good at acting friendly and sweet and normal that you can miss how extremely petty and selfish they’re being and all the problems they are causing. This is just based on 1 clip in the anime where shipepe sends keroro a card for new years or something like that? and part of it goes kinda like “Just a funny thing…. you know what that happens to remind me of? That time I bought you ramen in elementary school…. I still remember exactly how much money you owe me <3” anyway tbats what they’re like to me.
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florenceisfalling · 2 years
is this ordeal with dream making you reassess rpf fandoms in general or anything?
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edit i realize i went on a mostly irrelevant tangent bc of my posts where i said ive always disliked the dsmp fandom, but if you were wondering Solely because of the allegations, no. stanning a real person always comes at a risk and while it sucks when things go awry i do think i'm normal Enough about my parasocial behaviors that i'll be fine mentally regardless of the outcome and will leave if i must. ok now onto the rest of the post
oh i'm ok discussing the community, just not like. the details of the allegations.
and the answer is: not particularly. the dsmp fandom is a pretty unique case, not in terms of content (i dont wanna sound like the kinda person who thinks minecraft rp is new) but in terms of community.
this is not to say that other fandoms surrounding real people are better, much less perfect, but they're definitely a more comfortable thing for me.
for one, i've seen a lot of people having the dsmp as a "baby's first fandom" sort of moment. i think this is because its something really popular that is harder to enjoy passively - while you can watch stranger things with your family and get the whole experience just by watching the show, with the dsmp you need to keep up with cc twitter pages and stuff to be fully in-the-loop, and this leads into fandom pretty easily. this means you have a lot of people going around getting into their very first discourse All At Once. and people who get Really attached to one thing and feel lost when suddenly the fandom they literally learned to draw/write/etc for goes quiet.
for two, the dsmp is a category that is broad as hell. its not like i watch all the ccs. i think that would probably make my brain melt from my ears. but when you have a category that is Broad As Johnny Bravo's Shoulders, its more like a million little fandoms than one big one, and they all overlap but don't really Share A Space. u can like someone's tubbo fanart and then see in their bio that they like, have a really strong vendetta against quackity or something. or vice versa. you also have a lot of shit to keep up with, which is simply too much for me. i will continue just having like. three dudes to think abt from now on rather than 30
thirdly, the thing Above about there being so many ccs does make the fandom more Baffling for everybody, and the community seemed to repeatedly add to that. i am not going to be like "hari and every popular blogger is evil! what about people who ARENT popular >:(" bc that is downright ridiculous, but think abt stuff like duo names, oddly specific tags, referring to ppl solely by nicknames, spreading conversation back and forth between multiple social media sites rather than just tumblr, etc - all of those things had a purpose and were perfectly fine (anyone who tells you that you must refer to your friends by username only just to make Their online experience more accessible is an idiot) but they did make things tricky for newcomers. friend groups aren't inherently cliques, but some of the ppl ive seen claiming that its "super easy to pop in and join no problem!" are the Exact folks ive seen unintentionally exclude others. again, not a moral failing, just a consequence of What Its Like in the fandom, especially to people who havent been around forever. and if you don't like a popular blogger youre kinda fucked bc they're everywhere- like can u imagine if there were Multiple clones of isa in the jse fandom, and they were like. your Only window into updates and shit etc etc? not to compare isa to anybody else. sorry to anybody who feels like theyre being compared to isa even if u dont know who that is. sorry
there's also an age difference in the fanbase And in the content creators. some of my favorite fic writers in the jse fandom are young, but some are also literally in their 30s with children and jobs. meanwhile a significant number of ppl in the dsmp fanbase making art n posting hot takes n stuff are under 17. particularly with tommy, ranboo, etc. and when so many of the streamers themselves are young, it can cause Problems - a lot of the adult ccs are at my college level, peak time for stupid behavior. not to mention,,, when you look at the jse/markiplier fandoms and see a fan being really sexual, its just like, "oh, maybe this is a little weird, but relatively harmless as long as they aren't being invasive about it." when you look into the fandom of a youtuber who isn't even old enough to vote yet, and see a fan being really sexual, it's more of a "holy shit that is predatory and fucking disgusting" moment.
^ continuing off of that, or at least the cc ages, their fame skyrocketed after a much shorter time than a lot of other creators. they did not have a normal adjustment period to being fucking everywhere. i'm not even one of them, and i didn't have a normal adjustment period to seeing them everywhere. older ccs with more professional stuff going on don't make the same mistakes as the newer folks. they know when to step away, too - as much as i wish jack was back on tumblr due to the theory content here, i also get why he's gone and understand that the environment would be Shaken tf up by his return.
having them be such a trend also meant that while the fandom is big, the anti-fandom is just as prevalent. in the jse fandom we have blue and their pals (yikes!), as well as a group of people that have generally negative feelings towards sean but are normal about it. we do not have entire communities dedicated to stalking him for "crit" and the amount of people speculating on his personal relationships have pretty much dwindled. we don't have people casually dropping his address and information about his family every time they meme about him. i can talk about watching jack and mark around ppl ive never met without starting off with a disclaimer! in fact, i frequently have to do the opposite with jack and mark, because their discourse is so Out Of Sight from the majority these days that some people just fucking ignore their friendship with pdp or past transmisogynistic jokes or etc etc etc. literally see ppl calling them "unproblematic kings!" every 2 seconds and gotta be like what the Fuck are you talking about
u also have the fact that the dsmp fandom became Such an ordeal during a really shitty time of fandom discourse in general. while people arent like going batshit insane over steven universe or whatever so much anymore, the moral arguments about fiction right now are hell on earth. it is pedophilia to watch cartoons and abuse apologism to think a character who was mean one time is interesting and if you are personally attached to a character then your feelings can just override canon in theory discussions. literally the worst time for anyone to be in a fandom regarding very morally/politically funky roleplay. as evidence i present whomever the fuck thought up the idea of posting proship discourse on r/dwt2
lastly i am far more invested in the egos as far as hyperfixating goes rather than the actual creators (as much as i love them) and would have zero problem just taking anti and making him My Own Guy (considering ive already basically done that) in the case that jack. idk. killed someone and was promptly cancelled on twitter for murder.
so yeah no. my deepseated hatred of the fandom in general (despite my love for much of the art and the wonderful people ive met) does not extend to all real person fandoms
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