#and im just really proud of the shading and the general like
imorphemi · 2 years
Is the Tumblr Thing les go!
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I've probably posted more with the doodle blog but hey thats pretty neat!
Also almost no reblogs because I have a sideblog dedicated to reblogs so they're not on here lol
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How much have I rambled? I didn't realize it was that much XD It's almost offset by the art tho haha
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Aww yis les go
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Ooo ok! Not bad I really like both of those I'm still very proud of them :D
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Oh amazing!!! My two best Pearl drawings that is awesome
Now what about that #1?
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i mean.
its not a bad idea and i would love to see it get popularized lmaoo
XD this was fun!
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bonetrousledbones · 6 months
getting a sudden resurgence of art motivation is such a blessing and a curse tbh. bc on one hand im drawing a lot and having a lotta fun doing so but on the other hand i wanted to make Even More secret stuff for atbb that requires drawing so i told myself i would make a few very sketchy things that would have to be quick and don't have to be Insane Awesome Quality since they'll be blurry as hell in the final product anyway and i have like less than a week / a couple days at most to get it all ready in time
so anyways now it's 3am and i just finished the first of what i still want to do after 3 days
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#trousled dumb#WHAT THE HELL IS IT WITH ME AND OVERDOING SHIT THAT'S JUST GONNA BE BLURRED!!!!!!!!!!!!!#there are THERE characters in this fucking thing btw. and a background. whats wrong with me who have i become#i was sooo close to just leaving it with minimal shading & detail and finishing it like So Many Hours Ago I Don't Even Know#but i had that thought. you know the one. the one that says Wait I Can Push This More. and well i fucking pushed it#i think im gonna have to do an art dump when this event is done. because where this is gonna be seen beforehand it's gonna be 400px wide.#its original width is 1694px for the record. can you imagine the compression#motion blur + scanlines filter + several gaussian blurs + ungodly compression.......................why did i . do this#sigh. at least i am extremely proud of it and at least i lost track of time solely because of how much fun i was having#but also fellas i do not think i will be drawing everything i want to be prepared by the time of the reveal lmaooo#head in hands. i have drawn a really really good pair of boots. and also a lesbian. and also fully rendered drinks with ice cubes in them#ice cubes that you cannot see. because they are already so small that they had to be drawn with a 2px brush. and now they are blurred#and also obscured by the glass details in general. but by god do they change color under the liquid and everything#goodnight . i would put a cute little emoji here but there isnt anything that represents a smile akin to baring my teeth like a wild animal
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wekillitwithfire · 1 year
having one of those days where you don’t draw for like a week and then you pick of the pencil and it’s like you unlock some new part of your brain and drawing has never been easier nor quite as fun
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boycritter · 4 months
how i fuck with color like that: a hopefully helpful guide
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skin doesnt have to be skin color. grass doesnt have to be grass color. free yourself from these shackles.
pick 3-4 colors you want to be the main colors of your piece, but know you can use transitional shades and stuff like that as well, so you arent limited to those exact 3-4 colors
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for this piece, this was the color scheme i went with, but obviously a lot more colors show up! general rule of thumb i follow is 1 dark tone, 1-3 mid tones, and 1 light tone. if you're painting digitally, you can reduce the saturation to check that your values are distinct :3
also if you're painting digitally!! you can use tonal correction (or whatever its called in your art program of choice) to adjust the hue/saturation/luminosity of an entire layer :3 which can be pretty helpful if you think your colors are a liiiittle bit off, but you want to keep the relative saturation/luminosity/etc the same
sometimes i will go to sites like this one for inspiration, but other times i just know what i want to do
start slapping down color in the places you want it to go. uhhh i have no good advice for this part i just feel it in my bones. which i know is not super helpful. if you have a reference image, USE IT. its your reference for a reason. you can turn the saturation of it all the way down so you're not distracted by the hues, just pay attention to the value and stuff. don't worry about it looking realistic or smooth, in my experience the blockier the chunks of color, the funkier the piece will look.
does it look good! hell yeah! good job! does it not look good? hell yeah! that means you're practicing! identify what you think works and what doesn't, and apply that knowledge in the future! working with a limited color palette definitely takes practice, but if you know basic color theory then you should be in a good starting position (if you dont um. you should learn that? i dont think im qualified to teach that) yeah idk basically you can just refine your piece a bit, i would recommend using a brush that has built in color mixing if you can find one of those, those are good :3
if you're painting digitally overlays are YOUR BEST FRIEND!!!! fill bucket tool a whole layer with one of your midtones, reduce opacity, set it to overlay (abt 20% in my experience), this will really unify the colors of the piece
get funky, get fancy, create visual interest. what i do is similar to the first thing, but i take this like. sand tool?
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its one of the defaults on csp, but what ill do is i'll draw squiggles with this on a separate layer with all the colors of my color palette, then set it to a 10-20% overlay, and it gives it this grainy texture i think is really cool
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piece linked above without any overlays versus with both a plain overlay and grainy overlay
^ do that. you are awesome and every thing you create is valuable even if you dont like how it turned out. you need to make mistakes to get better and you did such a good job and im proud of you for creating. <3
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josephtrohman · 6 months
wait, now I'm curious, can you show your fob tattoos?
sorry for the delay anon, i wanted to take the time to potentially take some better pics and i had a very busy evening last night lol. tattoo tour under the cut!!!
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my futct keyhole tattoo was my first tattoo gotten at the beginning of february :3 i can’t wait to go back to this artist bc she killed it but it also was my most expensive tattoo (understandably so) so i need to save up but i have more non fob ideas i want to take to her based on her portfolio. it’s a little purple cuz this is from when it was still fresh and the purple is from the stencil but i feel a lil self conscious about my arm rn so i can’t take a better pic rn lol it’s not purple tho
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this one was the second one i got and it’s a difficult location for me to photograph since this is on the outside of my ankle lol. i got this one incredibly impulsively near the end of february, bc i had a stressful evening and before going to bed i looked up tattoo shops near me that had online booking availability for the next day, and i booked after looking at the guy’s portfolio a bit even tho he practices more traditional styles n traditional tattoos aren’t my fav. i really wanted to get something special to remember my 8ball, and i was really excited and proud about coming up with this idea on my own!! this one i was slightly upset with at first bc i just think i should have waited but now that ive gotten used to it i appreciate it soooo much more!!!! and now im really happy and think it looks cool :) also this one hurt like a BITCH i wasn’t expecting it given the relative ease of my first one (the shading was rough on the first one but that was it), and the guy even offered me numbing spray for the black, but i powered through and he was very impressed with me and said i was tough lol :)
these next two i got at the same time and for some reason i can’t take a good pic of the one rn (it’s got a lot of adhesive on it from removing the second skin so it looks kinda bad right at this moment until the adhesive washes off more, but beware the second picture has a little bit of blood)
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pls don’t make fun of my chubby arm but anyways these two i got at the same time just this past saturday from a lady who specializes in tiny tattoos :) the xo is based on how it actually appears on the back of the record, and she tried to font match it and i think it’s soooooooo cute (it’s rly little on my wrist, so little she just charged me for the i swear i say tattoo!!!). i know it’s kind of crazy to get two tattoos for the same song but 1) that’s my song im the number one highest streamer on stats fm, 2) xo has gotten me through so much :( i am considering one more xo tattoo in the future (getting “love never wanted me but i took it anyway” in pete’s handwriting using the font someone made out of his handwriting). but it’s my plan to wait on that one and make that be a far future tattoo, UNLESS they play xo as my 8ball in which case my ass will get it the next chance i get. lol
i maybe have one or two fob themed tattoos i’m potentially interested in getting in the future but that’s like a long term thing, i want to get some tribute to whatever my 8ball may be at minneapolis to go with my fame < infamy tattoo, especially if they play a song that’s one of MY songs, but this is generally where i’ll leave the fob tattoos for a bit and just getting more personal/non music related tattoos lol
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opalastronaut · 9 months
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my 2023 art summary! i know some people have been doing this so i thought i would as well :3 below is me talking abt my art (improvements/what i wanna get better with)
some things i wanna note abt how my art has changed over this year:
ANATOMY: ive gotten a lot better at anatomy! not many comments from me here
BRUSH CHANGE: the notable (and very needed) switch from a fluffy/textured circle brush to a rectangle, more marker-like brush! the firealpaca fluffy brush did me so dirty . so glad i switched brushes idk how i did art w/o my current brush for so long
SHADING: i think my shading has also gotten better, though i don't think its anything too huge? i could be wrong though!
PERSPECTIVE: i've definitely improved when it comes to perspective with posing ... imo, i think my art has gotten a lot more fluid :)
all that aside, here's what i want to try to work on this year with my art:
BACKGROUNDS: i need to work on drawing backgrounds really bad. i have no idea where to start though so ill try and at the very least figure that out!
WORK ON POSING: i have definitely improved when it comes to posing with my art, however i do feel like it's still a bit stiff.
POSTING MY ART: i often make art im proud of, and never end up posting it anywhere. i think a big reason i haven't is because i tend to not get any traction/notice when i do. might focus more on posting fanart this year :)
DRAWING MORE OFTEN: there tends to be times where i wont draw, this can be anywhere from a week at least to a month at most. when drawing, you (in the general sense) always learning new things, and going without drawing for too long can cause you to sometimes forget things you've recently learned, and you have to start from scratch with it. i think ill try to at least draw once every 2-3 days, if anything even just sketches to help my muscle memory!
but umm .. ya :3 thats kinda my rundown on my art! if u read this ty! hoping to be more active this year c:
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roodles03 · 2 years
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Forlornness: Part 4
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I wanna mention I'm really happy with how that last background came out, especially with the shading on that giant plant thing. That panel came out really good in general.
One thing you may notice that's different about this comic then The Grim Truth, is that I'm really working to make my lineart thinner. I feel like my line thickness was getting WAYY too thick while working on TGT. Some of the panels have super thick lines and it kinda throws me off looking back, (PART TEN IM LOOKING AT YOU.)
Anyway, some of the panels in Forlornness I feel like I also might have made the lines too thick, but it's really impossible to tell until I've finished the lines and do you think I wanna redo all the lineart just to make it thinner?
Also, I fucking forgot Willow's eye shadow in panel 5, and we're just gonna have to deal with it, sadly.
Anyway, stupid art rant aside, I'm making Hunter suffer and I'm proud. Now I make all of you suffer around him hahahahahahaha.
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joayri · 6 months
ok so i remembered i am a physical being on earth with aspirations and thoughts and dreams and also remembered that i have a drawing tablet that hasnt seen much use besides playing Osu! ocasionally and also that im legally allowed to post cringe
i asked for the roblox avatar's of some people i know and then decided to draw them, the result is what you'd expect from someone with the artistic skills of my level and i thought this would be a good place to post the cringey drawings i made yes i know it looks bad
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this goober was the first one i got when i asked for people's roblox avatar
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i decided to do this simple headshot (is that what it's called?) in an attempt to understand layering in shading a little bit, i think it looked really cool
the next one i got i decided to go a little bit further and actually like , draw a body
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this one looked, meh-ish, i got asked "where the boobs" and i had to tell them "its above my skill level :pensive_emoji:" and that's true because if it wasnt i totally woulda done it
when i showed this 4 people thought it was neat (including the person's whose avatar it belonged to) and one guy called me the n word and told me to leave the server but i wont let that shake me so a 4/5 "neat" ratio is a win to me
this next one is one is one im also proud of, because it was when i figured out that: My tablet settings were kinda fucked (damn you Windows Ink)
and 2: i actually received good advice art wise, this is what the end result looks like
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this one looks not that bad compared to the other ones, i'd say it is probably the best one so far and its the one i received most helpful criticism about during the process of making it, so i guess i'm proud of that one
it will probably take me ages to reach a point where i can truly be able to do art the way i want it to, and practice is a good method and also getting over the fact that i'm gonna be forced to do "bad art" before getting to a point where i can do "good art" if such concepts are even a real thing, im not gonna hide my intentions and be fully honest i just wanna learn art to draw big titty protogen women and by god i'm gonna put in effort to reach my goal.
if anyone got advice or anything in general to say please do so i'm down to hearing people out and best of luck to ye who read this far
off to figure out how to tag stuff properly
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orbitfalls · 9 months
YESSS OFC I WILL LOVE!!! and aaaa yes 80k im so proud of myself!!!! out of order is my first ever fic (still a work in progress but she's grown quite long lately heheh!!) so it has a very special place in my heart<33 i definitely do feel like i've improved a lot since i started writing it, but i think that progress is a good thing yk<3
it's wolfstar- and jily centered, or at least it started out that way, but Pandora and Barty lowkey started taking over the story as i got progressively more and more invested in their characters. The plot itself is still about wolfstar and jily, and they're still the MCs, but half the chapters are just pandora and barty being icons at this point😭 then barty and lily started flirting and i was like, WOW, HOLD ON, WE'RE GETTING WAYY OFF TRACK HERE so i invented ✨east of eden✨ to let my inner demons unfold (and east of eden has now become my favourite to write, unsurprisingly). this is also essentially how i got into shipping bartylily lol<3
oh and look at that, i've already gotten off track in my own rambling again... let me tell you about out of order!!
it's a boarding school AU, and a muggle AU with a modern setting. the concept is that sirius and james are your standard it-boy roommates and have been for the past several years (peter erasure:( didn't much like his character when i started writing it and it's too late to change it now), but the story starts off with remus transferring to their school and being assigned to their dorm, which starts a bunch of drama, because remus is a rather famous influencer. The Thing is, though, that wolfstar used to be very close, but a Big ThingTM happened two years ago which sparked a HUGE conflict between the two of them that no one else knows about, and which would be a huge scandal for Remus' career if it ever got out. the whole thing's very dramatic and tense, and there's a bunch of drama happening on the side lines while the story unfolds. i'm adding a little snippet below that's really not that little because i just can't shut the fuck up. it's set at mary's birthday party, narrated by an ecstasy-tripping remus lol<3
(forever pushing the albino rosier twins agenda btw)
As Remus trips through the tightly packed dance floor, even the familiar of faces distort and disfigure, napes growing fingers that stretch through tinsel-decorated locks of hair and eyes that are too wide, or too round, or just misplaced in general. Mostly, they're brown, or green, or blue. Some are heavy-lidded, some are red around the edges, some have dilated pupils. Pandora's eyes have a sort of reddish purple shade. They're the type of eyes that are round and sort of puppy-like, with a little space of white that droops below her irises as if she's always looking up. She's traced them with eyeliner that stands out against the pale surface of her skin, and when she smiles, gentle creases form under her platinum bottom lashes. "Remus." Her voice sounds like she's speaking through a shallow body of water. Her eyes look like little purple suns. Remus sees them rise and fall over the horizon and imagines how his lifespan shortens by another day every time they move. He imagines how ancient she must be. This is why you shouldn't do ecstasy in the bathroom, he supposes. He blinks. She's looking at him still. He blinks again. "Aren't you supposed to hate me?" "Hate you?" Her head tilts to the side. There's something faintly unsettling about the way her features bend with her emotions, not a cold and motionless face like Regulus' or a vivid display of dramatics like Sirius', but some third and different option entirely. "I don't do that much. Why do you think I should hate you?" Remus shrugs. He's sort of forgotten. "I don't know. Aren't you Regulus' girlfriend?" "Certainly not," she laughs. "Regulus is family. Sure if you'd hurt him, I'd hurt you, but I wouldn't have to hate you to do that." She says it easily, not the trace of a threat in her tone. She's quite a small girl, smaller than both Lily and Regulus - still, Remus' intuition tells him that he'd be in deep trouble if she ever decided she wanted him to be. Remus sways slightly. The song changes and more people press onto the dance floor; he feels the pulse of the wood under his feet. It beats in sync with his own pounding head. Pandora smiles, and Remus watches her eyes crease. She says, "But Regulus isn't the one you damaged, at the end of the day, so I hold nothing against you." She's got a pretty voice, softspoken and a little deep for a girl, with a posh finality to the details of her words. She pronounces them properly, pierced lips moving around each syllable like she's blowing bubbles through a piece of gum: Certainly. Pop. Regulus. Pop. Sure. Pop. "Oh," Remus says. He feels like a tree in the wind. "That's good." Pandora laughs. She reaches out a small hand, fingers heavy with silver rings. There's one on her middle finger, shaped like a snake. It hisses at Remus. "Come, let's go to the others," it says. Pandora's hand is sort of warm, but also sort of cold, like when you put your hand into water so cold it seems to ignite your skin.
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officialgleamstar · 1 year
For the art ask game 8 ! 2 3 6 !!!!
hi cubey!! :D i wasnt sure if the 8 was on purpose but i answered it anyways!
art ask game!
8 | what's the most fun and the least fun parts about your process
i love doing line art (which may be surprising, considering how little i do it nowadays LOL). i think its really fun to finally watch everything come together and to refine the sketch!! i barely enjoy it more than sketching though, they're pretty tied to me.
least favorite part... probably shading. ive never been very good at understanding what parts of the body will be hit by light, no matter how many observation and life drawing classes ive taken lol. i love shading a still life! but when it comes to the human form, not so much 😭 i cannot explain how many drawings ive done, like, three layers of shading, took a step back, then deleted every layer and posted it as flat colors instead because i hated it LMAO
2 | what's your favorite thing about your style
ohhh thats hard. i really like my art in general, honestly? i dont think im a fantastic artist, but i do think its clear that i like. went. to school for it bhbjfdghjbdfjh im proud of my art!! i really like drawing noses i guess and i think my style works well for good variation there? i still need to practice more types of noses, but i think im already doing well, so ill say that! the noses.
3 | what's your least favorite thing about your style
very small thing but EARS. I HATE HOW I DRAW EARS but i also dont know how to draw them BETTER ? i used to just never draw them. then i used to do them more detailed, but it always just looked... odd. i think it looks better without the extra details because i always did it weird, but it still looks goofy. its such a small thing though that i dont know that anyone else would ever even notice LMAO also! jawlines. my style very much favors a round soft jawline, which is obviously my default (stares at my art and tries not to think about same face syndrome), but then i try and do a sharper jawline and feel like im dying LOL im trying to get better at that though, because i want more facial diversity in my art. scary and veronica marlowe i just know you have sharp fuckin faces and im trying to get better at showing this aspect of you every day
6 | warm colors or cold colors
WARM COLORS!!! orange is my favorite color! i love warm colors! i tend to use a mix of both in my art though, i like the way warm tones and cool tones balance each other out :]
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fainthedcherry · 1 year
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My five days of shiptober this far!!! I hadn't had the time to think of a post, nor do I really have a description to ramble about gotta say- I just drawn shaded sketches, where on average I think I took 4 hours for each sdfklsdlkg, there are days where I'd catch up 3 entire days in the SAME day on the weekend, so I can spare myself at work and take it easier,,
I'm doing BOTH inkdriantober AND shiptober AT THE SAME TIME SO. YOU CAN IMAGINE THE BIG BIG BUSY I AM THIS YEAR. BUT I AM MAKING IT AND IM PROUD OF MYSELF FOR DOING ANY CHALLENGE CONSISTENTLY AT ALL!!!! It's been YEARS, since I had so much passion and determination, to keep going and catch up, whenever I fell behind! >:)
Anyway, lemme list all 5 days worth of prompts;
Day 1 ~ Crushing (Albert and Irena)
Day 2 ~ Confession (Nancy and Waldrin - Nancy was created by my friend Hollowed-Hartlocke !!)
Day 3 ~ Favourite Activity (Finn and Lotta, Finn was created by Heavenly-Hellfire & Lotta by my friend again!!)
Day 4 ~ Formal/Prom/Part Wear (I chose formal bc I wanted to draw Chloe's outfit and then made Leo look like every generic dad ever sdklfsdl)
Day 5 ~ Couple's Cosplay (I had 0 IDEAS for this one I admit, so eventually I went it "fk it, Sonic charas being Sonic charas", Josie is just my sona, Cyrus was made by SALEMGRIM ! (Cyrus is just a fictional dude))
With that, I hope you enjoy some crappy sketches. xD These may not be rushed, but not perfected either. Some anatomy mistakes stand out to me like hell, but not gonna fix em bc I got 0 time for dat. I plan to post some inkdriantober stuff next possibly tomorrow or in a few hrs!
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mikareo · 1 year
im ur biggest fan!! also here to ask about a complete matchup 👀 idk what else to say mf uhhh from jjk, male, adult, you have access to pics of me 🧍‍♀️ (idk what else to say im a taurus?? intp?? stupid??) omg i like reading, baking, making jewelry, dream date probably a picnic or something simple like that or a barbes and noble run y’know? anyways ily
💌 ✮⋆˙ love letter to...itadorey!
ur my number one matchup fan!!!!! i hope u eat this up bestie ajskl also my formatting is a work in progress pls forgive me and enjoy <3
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[ ꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱₊˚⊹ ᰔ ] your complete matchup results!
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congratulations . . . ‧₊˚🪐༘✩ SUGURU GETO ₊˚🦦⊹♡
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⋆⭒˚。⋆ chemistry analysis . . .
i was so so so close to matching you with nanami, but then i was like wtf am i doing...geto is right there. i really think that you and geto would work well and look good together (let's pretend adult him didn't resort to genocide asjkl) considering his quiet nature and calm demeanor. he'd be a moment of peace during your days and would absolutely want to relax with you and let you vent for as long as you'd like— whether that was about relationships, work, or life in general, he's a shoulder to lean on.
once again considering that geto did not want to kill every non sorcerer and maintained his original personality, the two of you would have quiet days together where you'd likely have to babysit gojo— but hey, at least you're in it together. he'd share his favorite novels with you and always read your recommendations before picking up another book of his choice, and later give you a whole summary of what he loved and would change about the writing. we all know geto is the scholarly one between him and gojo, and his habits outside of sorcery more than likely reflect that.
my favorite thing that really made me want to pair you with geto, was your hobby for jewelry making. geto's a bit of a flashy guy with fashion, and he'd 100% turn to you whenever he was looking for a new pair of earrings or a stylish necklace to show off. there'd be times where he'd even ask you for tips on how to make his own creations— though he'll always prefer yours— and ultimately fail at replicating the finesse and skill you've already honed. he'd show off your jewelry as well, proudly stating that his partner created it whenever he receives a compliment on whatever he's wearing.
all in all, you and geto would have a very quaint and quiet life together— in which the only thing that matters is each other. you can associate each other with peaceful mindsets...until one of you has to fetch gojo from some sort of screw up he makes. your hobbies reflect that of each other, and you're proud to share passions and moments that are sacred between you. you could also stop him from committing genocide. geto would adore you and understand what a special person you are, which is all that you deserve and more. <3
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⋆⭒˚。⋆ memories on the wall . . .
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⋆⭒˚。⋆ a treasured moment . . .
"this seems to be a dry spot." geto nods in approval at the small patch of grass that avoided the light rainfall the night before, beneath a heaping willow tree that provides convenient shade from the sun showers above. as you stand basking in the heat of summer, he swiftly manages to lay out all of the goods you've brought to the park in mere minutes— record time!
lemon yellow picnic blanket? check.
woven basket full of sweet treats? check.
wine glasses with champagne? check (there's no occasion, you both just like getting tipsy).
"why don't you sit down and i'll take care of everything." his hands are in his hair, tying it up in a high bun whilst looking your way and insisting that he gives you the princess treatment. as if he's a culinary expert, geto handles the food with ease and places it in a stylish manner upon the blanket— to which you burst out laughing, much to his disdain. "what's wrong with it this time? i think it looks great!"
"you're so particular," you giggle and snatch a strawberry from one of the plates, "we're going to eat it all, so why make it look so pretty?"
he sighs and smiles as your face lights up from the sweetness of the strawberry. "i want it to look nice, that way we can take a picture and treasure this memory." oh, why does he have to be the sweetest man you've ever met? you're so lucky to have him (though he believes he's luckier to have you).
reaching out to tuck a loose strand of hair behind his ear, you grin softly at him. the look of love you share is nothing but wonderful, irreplaceable, once in a lifetime, and beautiful. if you, yourself, could name another wonder of the world it would be the love that the two of you share. "geto..." you whisper.
"every moment with you is one that i treasure."
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i hope u enjoyed this and i that haven't lost my touch for matchups (it's been so long asjkl) this was so cute to write AHHHHH i love him sm AND U
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metukika · 1 year
hi!! first of all I adore your art style sm and I was wondering how you developed it; are there any tips or tuts you could recommend for improving? thanks !!!
oh my god, thank you!
about developing an artstyle... honestly, for me, i just picked and dissected all my favorite parts from other's styles and mixed them into a frankenstein one of my own! there's some general interpretations from anime, since i used to watch them when im younger and some from very cartoony artstyles from artists online. if im into a fandom, sometime that original source will have an effect on my art.
developing something consistent and your own takes a LOT of time and patience and experimenting. dont lose hope just becuz it changes a lot. for a long while, every other drawing of mine would look completely different.
dont be afraid to look closely and copy other artists. one of my biggest art inspos is mad rupert, specifically their work on their comic sakana... it uses a lot of basic shapes and since its in black and white it also makes good work with lineart.
some stuff for my art i only do cuz its more comfortable and easy lol, like the pencil tool brush and the cell shading. instead of putting rules on yourself on how u should draw something, let ursef naturally enter a routine that seems comfortable AND will leave a satisfying result. draw in a way YOU'LL be proud of. do what U think looks good. take inspiration from ANYTHING!
really, dont be afraid to rip off other artists (dont steal or trace their art for posting obviously, though). one time in kindergarten i just straight up copied the drawing of the girl next to me's and when she noticed i was scared shell chew me out but she just complimented me! to give someone else ideas is one of the great things about making art!
maybe you'll find an artist you'll research to no end and maybe you'll just happen to scroll past a random drawing that will make you rethink the way you use colors forever and ever. there will be times where u feel disappointed and that u can do better but thats okay, this happens to everyone! when i couldnt settle for a style ppl still came up to me and told me they recognized that my work was mine just by looking at it, which really surprised me. you'll get it! I believe in u, and have fun!!!
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manias-wordcount · 2 years
Have a request? Read me!
Okay so ive been running this shit for about a year and a halfish i think its time to talk about how i work. though before we start i just wanted to say im thankful for everyone who supports me or just reads a work of mine. it means the world to me and i enjoy being able to share my writings with a bunch silly and lovely people like y’all !!! 
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General Rules for my blog!
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Please don’t ask me for any personals information lol
like actually
this includes stuff like my age, where im from, etc. 
i share what i want on my own private time sooo like
dont ask teehee
Please dont make SA jokes in the comments of my stuff xD
i wish i was joking.
i understand some people use humor to cope
but thats no excuse to be joking about bringing out the rape whistle when a unpopular background character is staring at you
like i really wish i was joking but yeah
Don’t be rude in general in the comments of my stuff lmaoo
like its genuinely annoying.
it’s 10000% okay to not agree with my vision for how a story goes or how a character should react
but if that’s something you want to tell me, do not be rude about it lmaoo like where are your manners
like if you dont agree, you dont agree but neither of our word is law soo...
also dont fucking shame requesters or commenters if they’re actually doing nothing wrong
i’ve had way too many people complain or shade other’s completely reasonable requests like wtf???
but yeah practice some self-awareness before you speak your mind sometimes? 
you are not the only person in the room
okay rant over teehee
Some of the stuff on my blog contains sexual material
I really try to give warnings ahead of time
but don’t be afraid to point out if there's something else that probably needs a forewarning
also my words are not gospel
shit can be dramatized (im whore)  or romanticized for convenience of storytelling (im lazy) so if youre using this stuff to learn about sex uhhh
maybe dont?
Some of the stuff on my blog contains some dark themes
i also try to be transparent about those things as well
but for the record im in no way glorifying these dark themes
though as someone who is both creative and has seen/gone through so shit i do explore and work through some of these topics to myself as a person and as a writer!
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Request Rules and Guidelines
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i’ll write anything!! (within reason)
i think you guys can guess a bit about what “within reason” means
and i know the fact that i dont have a “NO LIST” can be inconvenient
but if you’re unsure if ill write something you want? just ask!
you can always ask in dms or in my inbox! either is fine  
that means i have the right to deny anything too, of course
long story short, y’all dont pay me LMAOO
i usually wont deny something but i will if it’s...
one: requested while my requests are closed (im sorry but no more means nomore!!!)
two: goes against what i believe in some way (i doubt anyone is going to request something political or bigoted so im talking shit like the fact that i will never write anything that takes place in the state of New Jersey USA because  i hate that place so much WHHAHAHAHA
three: you were mean to me AHAHAHAHAHAH
yeah this list isn’t long and very hard to get but i did want to make this transparent
before anyone starts requesting some new jersey aus..........
be respectful !!
not only am i human, im truly am doing this for free (for now, at least) and on my own time
though you should treat people who charge for their work with respect too.
its hard out there for us lil creators lmao
sometimes, less is better.
Super detailed requests can be tricky to navigate.
Again, im doing this on my free time and i average around 1K-2k words depending on what my life is looking like at the moment.
sometimes a super detailed requests require multiple parts that might not be released for a long time.
Or i struggle with getting a story im proud of putting my name while trying to respect the request.
If you want specific details to make the experience more personal to you, go for it
but do you really need to tell me what your request is in 11 full-length  sentences? do you really HAHAHAH
also if i aske you to explain something, please be able to explain it bc im not a mind reader and this guess and check thing is kinda stressful
try not to rush me lol
Im checking my blog everyday.
I see your requests and i promise im (most likely) not ignoring you.
i have other hobbies, and a life too, and possibly 20 requests ahead of you.
i try to get everything out asap but sometimes that’s like 2 or more months
BUT if you’re scared that your request may not have made it through the hellsite, send another one asking if i got the request! 
i’ll respond to that one if i have!
like actually teehee
It stresses me when i just get a request and all that's included is the situation the requester wants and the character’s first name. Give me the full name or tell me where they’re from before i scour every single series i write for to check for repeat names
its not that big of a deal but im scared of fucking up for you guys aaaaaa
If you send me a weird or rude request as anon, im just going to delete it from my inbox for both of our sake
and im not gonna specify what i mean by “weird” beyond that just because it’s very much a random situation
im not naming anons but just kinda think ahead of time what you’re asking me (a stranger) to do and publish for you
maybe uhhh...check my masterlist before requesting?
i know its daunting
i know i have a lot on there
but there might literally be exactly what you’re looking for on there HAHA
if not though, absolutely go forward with requesting !!!!!!!
even if what you want is something similar to what i’ve already written, a few changes make a huge difference!
but when in doubt about characters or stories i’ve written before?
if have the right to change the way i write a request (unless specifically stated otherwise)
all this means is that every request (unless a HC is specifically asked for) will start off as being written as a full length average Mania™ fic
if for any reason i decide it would be better in a different format, then i will change it (ex: fic  => hc)
then ill keep true to that format no matter what happens 
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but yeah ! that’s it for now at least. ill update this post if theres more hehe. also if you have questions, just dm me or put it in my inbox :)
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lilicohirukoma · 2 years
Dead Meat Horror Awards liveblog cuz why not
- fuck yeah production budget, love the ghostface intro
- masters of scare-monies lmaooo
- fr the movies this year were sooo good and agreed horror needs more recognition
- i am fucking this cheeseburger UP Chef Slowik would be proud
- yay for the montage, i got lots of movie recs with it last year
- which also means nay for not naming the movies in the montage like they did last year
- but yeah hoping for at least one award for Black Phone, The Menu and Orphan (Nope and X too)
- damn he lost an ear????
- I don't understand a lot abt stunts so no strong opinions, shout out to all nominees
- admitting to a horror sin: I don't like Scream
- we are only on the second category and I finished my food 😔 shouldve listened to the guide and gotten some popcorn
- again idk a lot abt digital effects so shout out to all the nominess
- shout out to all the nominees in general it's just that I have stronger opinions on other categories
- I want to watch Werewolf by Night now
- Yup Nope deserved it, didn't consider Gordy as a digital effect so makes sense in hindsight
- Girl I hauled ass downstairs and back to put away my empty plate. My roommates probably thought I was getting chased by a demon
- I almost voted for X bc Dutch people were involved lol
- Understandable win, congrats Mad God
- Are these awards only for movies? If no why no Chucky noms?
- Art the Clown-Bolton
- Is that Pete Davidson?
- Love The Menu but their kills were a bit meh
- But yeah Jeremy vs Star Lasso for me
- DAVE GROHL??? I need to watch Studio 666 now
- Deserved win
- Love me a crazy cult leader, wouldn't mind seeing Slowik win
- I voted for Pearl bc she is more likely to win (and would deserve the win) but god please Esther
- Grabber was slay too but not the best of the year imo
- Mia Goth's voice takes me out every time it's so unexpected
- Girl what........ what..... seriously?
- No shade to everyone involved w Art but... what the fuck really?
- Put me in the In Memoriam I'm pissed
- Didn't know some of these people died, for all: Rest in Peace/May their memory be a blessing
- when are we getting a podcast episode on AHS
- oh damn this category is getting tough already
- yeah I'm okay with anyone winning good job y'all
- oh damn we are already 45 minutes in
- congrats Rory
- Ok y'all can make it right give it to Mia
- Barbara Krampton ❤️
- Hearing the word Creepypasta in 2023 snatched my soul out of my body I need a moment
- Oooo I'm gonna have to watch Sissy
- I love Regina Hall so might have to watch Master too
- Mia or Amber OR ELSE /j
- I love Keke tho!!
- I am SO curious to see what Jordan Peele is going to do next
- Hope it goes to Ti West tho
- Okay yeah Jordan deserves it too
- We already got this horror needs to be appreciated speech
- Idk of I like this long list of nominees, I find myself losing interest a lot and that is a disservice to the nominees
- Istg if it's Halloween Ends-
- Aren't all of these movies American? Why are they now suddenly mentioning nationalities?
- But yeah Orphan isn't going to win but I want it to
- Pearl's dad deserved better
- Chad's Revenge looks really fun I'm gonna have to watch this one too
- Not Scream Not Scream Not Scream
- Oh he did actually stop. My power 💅
- Pearl is just that girl!!
- Love Mike Flanagan 💜
- I hope the Black Phone wins, this movie had me in awe in the cinema
- Yeah idk Fresh just doesn't interest me
- Considering Nope won fan I hope it won't win
- DUTCH?? Alright I'll watch Speak No Evil
- Are you.... for real?? Way to end the ceremony on a low note
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spacedykez · 2 years
tma-dragon posting. i love them so much actually. okay so explanations and elaboration and other possiblities for each of them because i love them so much
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^^ buried
-wingless. buried dragons wouldn't have/need/want wings, since wings would only be a disadvantage in tight spaces. -i didn't really include this, but i imagine they'd have longer claws. like if you look up mole paws? their claws are long and curved slightly. this is to help them dig!! -just to help tell them apart, the patches on them are meant to be dirt/mud from being underground -the leaf-tail is literally JUST for aesthetics tbh. that doesn't really have a practical use. -optional: the plants on their backs! that probably wouldn't actually happen (probably just moss/lichen, if anything) due to how much they'd brush against tunnel walls and things. but its neat to me. -also, the thing in the dragon's front claw is meant to be a coffin shape -mudwings from wof would be Buried dragons ^-^
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^^ corruption
-bug/beetle wings!! mostly because i think it would be neat!! -holes/bugs all over. look, we all know jane prentiss ok. -not much to say abt this one actually. besides the bug wings its just. a dragon version of jane prentiss. -silkwings from wof would be corruption. just because Bugs.
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^^ dark
-shadows :D they are like living shadows its very cool (this is the best thing i could come up with as a visual difference for the dark. i think its neat). -other than that, shaped like a normal dragon!! -leafwings from wof would be dark. LOOK i know you're thinking but MIST wouldn't leafwings be BURIED or CORRUPTION cause PLANTS? shouldn't NIGHTWINGS be DARK? and like. you're not wrong. but listen. dark is about what lurks unseen, about hiding, about the unknown. and what is the Whole leafwings arc in the first book (or two? its been awhile) of the third series about? its about the leafwings being hidden from the world. lurking in the shadows.
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^^ desolation
-wings of fire, literally ;D -tail that ends in a flame -like. basically a phoenix in dragon form!! -i can't show the Colors with pencil, but i imagine that the darker shades in this image would be reds, fading into orange, fading into yellows. like fire!! -i just love this drawing actually. the gradient of the wings is so nice. yes i am just going to appreciate my own art. thats why i make things. its for Me. -skywings from wof would be Desolation dragons
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^^ end
-like with the dark, this is my attempt to come up with a visual difference for end dragons!! -living skeletons. living death!! -drawing end dragons is actually a good exercise in anatomy ^-^ -i think that they could Optionally have the ripped wings look. you know what i mean.
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^^ eye
-in all honesty i just liked the idea of eye wings. like. LOOK AT THAT. behold, if you will ;) -eye on the chest because why not. it doesnt have to be there. mostly just Eyes where there should Not be Eyes. -and then the green Beholding eye for the actual eye. this is important to me and only me -appreciate the wings again.
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^^ flesh
-the wings here are more rounded!! to give more of a fleshy feel. they're more... moulded. if you know what i mean. -mouths where mouths definitely Should Not Be. -other ideas i thought about were making the tail wider, adding extra joints to the toes, and just generally messing with anatomy a bit.
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^^ hunt
-the pose in this one was important to me. this is a Predator, and it is stalking its prey. -specific focus on IT HAS TEETH. yes all dragons have teeth but hunt dragons have bigger teeth yk. -sorta fuzzy around the edges? meant to imply that there's fur there. -almost like a dragon crossed with a wolf. just generally wolflike/predatory. -and in the background, the Hunt symbol ^-^
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^^ lonely
-another one where the pose was important. im very proud of it actually i like it a lot :D -nothing visibly different about lonely dragons actually. lonely avatars really don't have that many physical changes. -because of this i just went crazy with the fog/clouds -icewings from wof are lonely. i originally put them as slaughter but i think lonely suits them with their isolated little kingdom. also sandwings are slaughter.
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^^ slaughter
-this was accidental but it's like. longer than the other dragons. which actually works quite well. -those wings need to be like 5x bigger but you see the ripped look i mentioned earlier -its a spiky thing. its purposefully a lot sharper than the other dragons; its snout is more pointed & it's got spikes down its spine -blood/gore/scars all over it. because slaughter. -sandwings from wof are slaughter because. well. spoiler alert. slaughter = war & sandwings are. very much at war for a very long time.
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^^ spiral
-obsessed with this thing actually. its like a chameleon-deer-dragon. i love it. -horns big and swirly/curved. -tail long and spiralling -thats. about it really. then u just gotta imagine it all colorful and distorted and u've got it. -rainwings from wof would be spiral. literally just cause Colors. they fit the vibe. funky dudes /pos
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^^ stranger
-okay this thing is freaky /pos -do you know the owl mosters from toh. cause this feels like them. i don't know if i accidentally drew inspiration from them or what but yeah. -an all-black, smooth-skinned dragon (the wings are just not shaded so u can actually see them) -hivewings from wof would be web because of the whole mind control thing.
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^^ vast
-i could have gone bigger with the wings i think. the only thing the vast rlly has is GIANT FUCKING WINGS cause dragons are already like. basically creatures of the vast. -i think seawings from wof best fit the vast. its just the water connection yk.
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^^ web
-not really any major physical changes, but you've gotta put cobwebs on web avatars. they're really hard to see actually they just blend in with the scales but they're There. -i really wanted to do a sorta puppeted pose for the web. this made it like 100000x harder for myself but it actually doesn't look half bad. -nightwings from wof would be web. hear me out, they are absolutely the dragons that would try to manipulate people. have u read the books. also they have fancy mind powers, and darkstalker particularly is like DEFINITELY web.
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