#and if you wanna see this project go ANYWHERE you HAVE to lay off them before you wring them fucking dry
poryphoria · 1 year
hey dude re: everyone malding about subspace being "an abuser", have you never fucking been abused before?? abusers are PEOPLE. you cannot be serious right now. abusers aren't just magically scum of the earth in every aspect, anyone has the potential to be an abuser. even YOU!!! ESPECIALLY YOU, READING THIS RN!!!! You cannot be ripping sodas throat out about portraying a character with flaws, who is a shitty person, and that's exactly what you're doing right now. it's kind of fucking disgusting. you have to chill the fuck out. i KNOW y'all are twitter mfs too just by your goddamn media comprehension.
artists are people. devs are people. You need to learn boundaries. you need to learn some fucking respect. the things they make are their own, they're not fucking making shit purely to cater to you and they are under zero obligation to heed to your specific likes and comforts. characters in media can be morally grey, do shitty things, just like real life people! y'know what's fucking abusive?? clubbing someone over the head who makes the thing you like just because you personally were taken aback by a creative choice they made!!!!
tldr get the fuck over your moral purity bullshit with the subspace situation and leave soda alone. characters are allowed to be portrayed as morally grey, abusers are human beings, let it be the fucking end of it and for the love of GOD get off sodas fucking back and learn some fucking boundaries!!!! people like you are killing the creative drives of the artists you claim to praise. it's disgusting.
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hogwartsandhawkins · 6 months
Prove Me Wrong
Chapter 17: Winds of Change
If you need to catch up, here's the Masterlist
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Summary: Jess and the gang get kicked out
Word Count: 7.5k
Warnings: Fighting, mentions of blood, bruising, face injuries, of aged men hitting on under-aged girls 🤢, angst. As always let me know if I missed something!
AN: So I got a new laptop, and was super excited to write on it. And then when I uploaded my word doc, it crashed. 🤗 Long story short, after crying and being unmotivated to redo everything that I thought I lost, I fixed it.
The street was full of cars when Jess and Billy pulled up, causing them to park further down the street away from Tina’s. Billy pulled the parking brake and turned off the ignition, turning back to Jess. 
“So what the hell did he say?” Billy was staring at Jess, completely surprised that she had already admitted to Steve that they were a little more than just partners for an English project now.
“He suggested that we hold hands and skip through the football field.” Jess rolled her eyes as she heard the strong laugh leaving Billy’s body. 
“So is he pissed?”
“He’s not exactly thrilled…” 
“Yeah, well. Fuck it,” Billy shrugged unbuckling Jess’s seatbelt for her before taking the keys from the ignition, “Bout time he realized you’re your own person.” 
“He already does, Billy-“
“No he doesn’t. ‘’Cuz god forbid you decided to go to this party without him.” Before Jess could continue arguing, he opened his own door and stepped out, reminding her to “Stay right there,” as he left. When he opened the door for her, waiting for her to step out, he continued, “It’s like he wants you two attached to the hip…” He shook his head, looking as if he were annoying himself with the thought of Steve Harrington always around. 
Once Jess was out of the car, she began to take off the jacket, causing Billy to drop his current thought. “What’re you doin’, leave it on…” 
“I don’t wanna carry it all night when I have to take it off inside.” Before Jess had it all the way off, however, Billy quickly shed the one he was wearing, throwing it in the back and closing the passenger door. 
“There. Problem solved.”
“Geez, Jess, I thought you were supposed to be the smart one,” Billy teased, “When you don’t want it, I’ll take it alright? Just… keep it on. Least till we get in…”
“You just want it on me to piss off Steve.” They began walking away from the car, the sound of music becoming louder despite the already drowning sound of teenagers that littered her outdoor area. There were easily twice as many people at this party compared to the one Carol had, as Tina was never picky about who came, something Jess had always appreciated about her. 
“I didn’t even know we were seeing pretty boy tonight, alright. Can we lay off the subject now?” 
“Oooh, someone’s testy,” Jess’s smile was faint as she poked fun at him, but slowly faded when she looked up to realize he wasn’t smiling back. “Okay… sorry…”
“No, it’s just… You ever get tired of only thinking about Steve when you do something?” 
“I do not!” 
“Like two goddamn peas in a pod. You’re obsessed with him, he’s obsessed with you,” Billy sighed, slowing down their pace to further the conversation without anyone overhearing, ensuring this by looking around before he spoke again, “It just would be awesome if I could do shit for you without you thinking it’s all this weird thing to piss Harrington off.” 
“Right, because you weren’t trying to at the diner?”
“Jess,” Suddenly, Billy stopped walking entirely, turning his entire body to face her as he looked past her, focusing on his actions from earlier. “I wasn’t trying to piss him off. I was just… fuck…” His shoulders shrugged with frustration, tensing as they dropped again. He looked over toward the house, his jaw now as tense as his shoulders. “He needs to know that I’m not exactly going anywhere,” His head slowly inched back to her as he sucked in a final breath for courage before continuing, “That I’m here to stay.” His eyes flicked to another group walking past them, behind Jess, locking onto them until they were far enough for Billy’s liking.  “Look, I’m not asking for him to like me. I just want him to know that we at least got one thing in common.” 
“And what’s that?” Jess took a step in his direction as she watched him look around one last time. 
“That we both think you’re cool as shit,��� He answered as if it were obvious, now walking toward the house at the same, slow pace they had previously. 
Jess followed closely, her arm only inches from his. “Oh yeah? I figured it would be something like how you’re both scarily obsessed with basketball or something.”
“No, Logan. See, thing is, there’s still a big difference between me and him when it comes to basketball. I’m actually good and your little boy toy sucks.”
“He does not suck.” 
“Oh, so that’s the part of the sentence you’re gonna correct?” 
“He does not suck.”
Billy let out an airy laugh as he shoved his hands in his pockets due to the cold, his breath visible when his chuckle dragged out. “Alright, so he’s not that bad.”
“He’s starting five.” 
“So am I.” 
“So there you go,” Jess countered, “You both don’t suck.” 
Billy shook his head in surrender as they reached the wide-open front door. They both looked past the entryway into the main living room, which was already packed, when Jess felt two hands on either side of her neck, patting her shoulders softly.  
“We goin’ in or what?” Jess turned around to see Steve, Jason, Chrissy, and Patrick standing behind her, the others that came with them squeezing past to get inside. Jess and Billy lead the rest of the group toward the kitchen, Steve staying close behind. The music was even louder than it usually was, possibly due to the fact that Tina’s party wasn’t the only social gathering happening on this street. There were never any noise complaints called in on New Year’s Eve, surprising in a small town like Hawkins, and even if there were, there was always a good chance that Hopper would ignore them for the holiday. 
As they made it to the crowded kitchen, Jess noticed a large group of boys she had never seen before stocking the fridge with an assortment of beers, liquor, and mixers. It wasn’t until Tina’s older brother, Christopher, joined them from the dining room that she realized why she’d never seen them before. 
“Hey, Chris.” Jess watched as Tina sauntered over with Nicole, Vickie, Katie, and Jane, who were all giggling, seemingly excited that Tina gave them automatic access to the only college boys at the party. Before Jess could continue listening in, one of Christopher’s friends took notice of her, giving her a look that quickly made her uncomfortable. She turned around to face Steve, causing him to stop. 
“You okay, kid?” 
“Yeah, yeah it’s just, the kitchen looks packed, you know…” Steve looked past her, shrugging his shoulders as he looked into what seemed to be the most open part of the house.
Billy, however, looked where Jess had earlier, taking notice of the older group by the fridge. “You want anything outta there, princess?” He asked without taking his eyes off the cluster of boys. The question made Steve’s eyes roll, but he didn’t interject, allowing Jess to place her request. When he walked past the kitchen island to retrieve a red cup, he caught the attention of Jane, who quickly left the now large group she was in to stride her way over to him. 
“Hey there, Hargrove.” Jane leaned into him slightly, eyeing the drink that he now had in his hand with amusement. “That for me? Because that’s definitely not for you.” 
Billy looked down at the cup as well before laughing coldly, the corners of his mouth pulling downwards. “And why not?” The sarcasm dripped from his question, causing Jane to lean away, not sure if this banter was the friendly kind. 
“Because I know what you actually want.” 
Billy picked up on her tone, clearly expressing she was no longer talking about beer. “Yeah, I doubt that,” He deadpanned, not breaking eye contact as he watched her expression change from confident to irritated in a matter of seconds. 
“Really? Because that’s not the impression I got before break.” She batted her lashes ironically, challenging him on his not-so-new attitude towards her. He finally broke the staring, walking himself to the fridge that was still being crowded around. He pushed past the boys, not troubling himself to ask them to move as he bumped shoulders with the one now chatting up Nicole. To his dismay, she had followed him. He turned around to see her crossing her arms over her chest, almost as if she was triumphantly looking at the can he now had. “What did I tell ya, knew exactly what you’d be going for.”
“Don’t you got some desperate college dude to bug?” He asked rather loudly, still unbothered by the fact that said college boys were gathered around behind him. Billy heard one of them mumble something behind his back but didn’t budge to look behind him, as he felt he’d made his point perfectly clear. 
Jane looked over at the group he came in with, scoffing when her eyes met the back of Steve’s head, watching who he was talking to. “I didn’t know you were friends with Steve Harrington now.” When Billy only rolled his eyes in response, about ready to walk away, she poked at him once more, successfully stopping him in his tracks. “So, what you’re saying is you’d rather hang with Harrington and his little prude all night than have some actual fun, Hargrove?”
Billy scrunched his nose in annoyance, his jaw clenching as he heard the nickname Jane spat out. He wanted to retaliate, possibly hurt her feelings to the point where it would have ruined the rest of her night. There were names that were already lined up in his mind that he could call her and could have probably justified even hours later after he possibly felt bad for his actions. But he stood there for a moment, chewing on his tongue behind his closed lips that were contorted into a sneer. He stared off into the crowd, not exactly fixating on one person, refusing to look back at her face which he was sure was now sporting a satisfied grin, knowing it would anger him further. Instead, he cleared his throat and relaxed his jaw before responding with a simple, “Just fuck off, Jane,” not even bothering to finish his sentence before he continued walking back to Jess and Steve. 
Jess listened to Steve talk about the upcoming tournament as she glanced over to Billy, who was now striding toward her with two drinks in hand. Behind him, Jane purposely caught her attention, waving with only her fingers as she eyed the outfit she was in. Jess watched as her eyes landed suddenly on Billy’s jacket, taking a moment before forcing herself to peel them away and walk back toward the rest of her friends. Jess broke into a small smile, causing Steve to stop mid-sentence. “What’s so funny?” 
“Nothing,” Jess quickly responded, her eyes finding their way back to Steve’s. 
“So, Harrington, you hangin’ with us all night?” Billy stood next to the both of them, taking a quick sip out of Jess’s drinking, ensuring it tasted right, before handing it over to her. Steve thought for a moment, looking over at the red cup Jess had in her hand and then to Billy, who was now taking a drink out of his own Beer. 
“You totally can, if you want. It’s no big deal really,” Jess interrupted his thoughts, not wanting him to think that he had to leave. 
“You know what,” He looked over his shoulder to look around the room, “I kinda owe Heather a dance.” He then straightened his neck back to look over Billy intently. He stood there for a moment longer, evidently recalling something from earlier as he stared at Jess’s cup once more, causing him to relax his shoulders slightly. “Don’t have too much fun without me…” He then gave Jess a friendly smile as he backed away, turning to disappear into the crowd. 
Jess continued to look in the direction that she last saw Steve. “Weird…” 
“What? Weird that pretty boy left?” He took another long drink out of his beer, pretending not to even notice his absence, though if he was being honest with himself, he also found it odd as well that Steve had just agreed to leave them alone. He had intended the question to be a joke, fully expecting Steve to follow Jess around all night, not allowing her a single moment alone with him. And again, if he were being honest, he couldn’t really blame him. 
“I mean, he did cancel Benny’s just to be here…”
“Eh, like he said. He owes some girl a dance.” He shrugged it off as he scanned the room, catching Hagen’s attention as he looked toward the back door. 
“Aye! B!” Jess surprisingly was able to hear Tommy shout over the speakers, watching him pull Carol by the hand through the crowd. 
“Jesus, Tommy, slow down…” Carol mumbled as they reached Billy and Jess, pulling her hand away once his grip loosened. “Hey, you two.” 
“Did I just see you with Harrington?” Tommy questioned, not yet greeting Jess. 
“Yeah, what was that all about…” Carol left Tommy’s side and joined Jess, looking back over at her before adding, “No offense,” to the end of her sentence. 
“Nothing important.” 
Carol looked over at Jess, giving her the same look Chrissy always did when it came to Billy. “Well, I think it’s cute that you’re getting along with him now… Anyways. Tommy’s wanting a rematch.”
“I can’t this time. Driving.” Billy then gestured with his can over to Jess, giving her a wink before further explaining. “Gotta take this one home.” 
“Dude, lame.” Tommy groaned, “Why don’t you both just crash here?” 
“Jess has a curfew, remember?” Carol poked fun at her, pinching her cheeks as if she was a child. “It’s fine, the girls will play a round. Does your goody-two-shoes friend drink, like, at all?”
“Chrissy, I mean… yeah… sometimes but-“
“Good, wave goodbye to the boys,” Carol then looped her arm with Jess’s, walking purposefully toward Jason, Chrissy, and Patrick. “Cunningham. Come on, you’re up at beer pong.” 
Chrissy quickly stood at Jess’s side as they made their way to the kitchen. “I’m not very good…” She said apologetically, causing Carol to giggle. 
“Good. You’re on Jess’s team then.”
“You’ll be fine, Chris. Carol’s not very good either.”
“Bite me.” Carol led them away from Jason and Patrick, who were now eyeing the three girls suspiciously, and began making her way to the kitchen, eyeing the group that was still by the fridge. 
“Please don’t ask Jane to play…” Jess groaned, now dragging her feet a bit. 
“Oh god no. She fucking hates you, you know that right? Why would I ask her to play?” 
“Yes, Carol. Thank you. I know.” 
“I wonder why…” Chrissy leaned in, laughing out loud as she watched the way Jane quickly snapped her head over her shoulder as she heard footsteps coming toward her. 
“Tina, let’s play.” Carol unlooped her arm from Jess’s and grabbed Tina’s hand, pulling rather aggressively, only allowing Tina to wave by to a couple of the girls before she was headed out of the kitchen. Jess and Chrissy followed closely behind them as they navigated their way around the maze of teenagers that crowded the living room. When they finally made it outside, Jess saw Tommy and Billy already waiting for them by the table, Billy quickly making his way to Jess to grab the cup out of her hand. 
“Hey! I’m not-“
“Yeah, you’re done with this.” Billy then downed the barely touched drink, crushing the cup when he was done, tossing it toward the opened black bag that was by the ping pong table. “Like I said, I’m not bringing you home completely sloshed.”
“Oh don’t worry, Billy, your girl’s gonna be plenty sloshed when we’re done with her.” Carol then high-fived Tina as they set up their side of the table. “Hurry up and get over here, Logan, I’m tryna win.” 
Billy shook his head, leaning in to whisper in Jess’s ear. “Don’t worry, Tina’s shot’s trash. Played against her on Halloween. Go kick their ass, princess.”
Jess walked over next to Chrissy, who was putting their cups together, occasionally looking up at Tina and Carol’s side to make sure she was doing it right. Out of the corner of her eye, Jess watched as Jason and Patrick joined them by the table, Chrissy giving her boyfriend a shy grin as she waved over to him.
Carol let Chrissy start the game, teasing them by stating how it didn’t matter, and how she and Tina were going to win anyway. Their game went on for what felt like forever, most of their shots bouncing out of cups or missing them completely. Eventually, Steve wandered into the backyard as well, stopping by the table to watch. Once a little over half of the cups were gone, Jess looked over at Chrissy, who was now continuously bumping into her, giggling uncontrollably as she apologized each time. 
“I think Chris might be done,” Jess mentioned, watching as her friend took her time to grasp the ball and aim. 
“No! I’m fine… I just don’t drink a lot,” she continued to giggle, looking over at Jason as he started walking over to her. 
“Don’t get too wasted now.” Jason was now over, counting the cups on her side of the table. “You still got boutta hour to midnight.” 
“Okay okay, fine.” She tossed the ball haphazardly to Jason, who quickly shot his hand up to catch it, not expecting the toss. “You play then.”
“Hey, that means we win.” Carol pointed out, counting how many cups each team had left. “Logan, if she quits, we win!”
“Okay, fine, Carol, you win.” Jess gave in, causing both Tina and Carol to cheer, once again high-fiving each other. 
“What happened to kicking their ass, Logan?” Billy teased, watching her walk back to the side of the table. 
“Yeah, well, Tina had a better shot than you said.”
“Hey!” Tina overheard, crossing her arms as she stared down Billy. 
Jason still held the small ball, bouncing it off the table and catching it with his opposite hand. “You wanna finish this out, Patrick?” 
When he agreed, Tommy jumped in as well, “I’ll take other side. C’mon, B, jump in. We only got like… six cups left.” 
Billy nodded his head slowly, counting the cups himself, convinced he’d only have to drink a couple of them before he and Hagen won. “I ain’t playin’ another one after.” He then threw his now empty beer can in the trash bag that lay on the grass, its contents spilled out around it. “Watch how it’s done, princess.” He walked to Tommy’s side, Steve now taking his place by Jess. 
“Watch how it’s done, princess,” Steve mocked quietly, earning him a punch in the arm. “Good thing you’re staying another three hours. Those guys are good.” He nodded his head to Jason and Patrick before continuing, “No way he’s not downing all three of his.”
“Yeah right… Jason and Patrick only have four left. No way.”
“Oh yeah, well so do Hargrove and Hagen now.” 
Jess shot her attention back to the game, realizing that both Jason and Patrick must have made it in one, Jason now aiming the ball again. When he sank his second shot in the cup nearest Billy, Tommy pounded on the table, watching his friend down his second beer already. “Shit, shit…” The game was over quickly, with Billy only making one shot before the other four cups on his side were gone. 
“What happened to showing me how it was done, Hargrove?” 
“How the hell could I have known that the lightweight’s boyfriend could actually pl- owww.”
“Don’t call her that!”
“You look over at her recently?” 
He nodded his head toward the ground where Chrissy was sitting, looking up at the stars. Jason walked over to her, helping her up as she finally fixed her eyes on him. “Did you win?” 
Jason only laughed at her, leading her back inside so she could sit on the couch. “This is why you don’t play beer pong, baby.” He sat her down on the right side of the living room couch, plopping down next to her as she leaned against the armrest. Billy and Jess followed, Steve close behind them as they entered the house, all three sitting on the loveseat opposite the couch. It was a slightly tight squeeze for the three of them, causing Jess to be partially on Billy’s lap, something he didn’t mind at all. The close proximity caused her to take off Billy’s jacket, which Billy quickly took from her, draping it over the leg she currently wasn’t sitting on. 
Tina, Tommy, and Carol soon entered through the backdoor as well, making Jason scoot closer to Chrissy as they too squeezed to sit on the couch, Carol sitting completely on top of Tommy. Unfortunately, with Tina now sitting with them, the rest of her friends came as well, the college boys following closely behind them. Jess quickly felt eyes on her, and this time, it wasn’t Jane’s stare that caused her to feel uncomfortable. 
Jess nodded back at Tina’s brother, who sat on the floor in front of his sister after wordlessly greeting her. That’s when Jess noticed the same boy from earlier in the kitchen, seemingly more confident now, whether it be from alcohol or from the fact that he realized his friend was acquaintances with Jess. He eyed her noticeably, going out of his way to sit on part of the floor closer to the loveseat, grinning at her once again before pretending to listen to a conversation that was taking place on the couch. On his third attempt of getting Jess’s attention, Billy noticed, causing him to grit his teeth before releasing his jaw again, not wanting his annoyance to be obvious. He then looked over at Jess, attempting to gauge her interest. When she looked as if she were about to crawl out of her skin, he threw his arm around the back of her shoulders, leaning back into the cushions as if trying to convince his body to relax. 
He squeezed her shoulder gently, reassuring her that he was there, to not worry about the creep that happened to be there. Billy didn’t care to know the dude, didn’t care to know his intentions. His longing looks at a high schooler were enough to profile him as a weirdo that he couldn’t wait to get Jess away from. Based on the amount of alcohol at this party, he assumed this man was at least legal drinking age, knowing his friend, Tina’s brother, was 21 as well. Billy leaned down to whisper in Jess’s ear, still not taking his eyes off the only non-teenagers there. 
“You want anything outta the kitchen, princess?”
“It’s okay…” Jess answered quietly, seemingly able to read his mind, “Don’t worry about it… I’m sure they’ll leave.” She traced Billy’s gaze to the same guy still looking over at her, making her quickly look away. It took every ounce of patience in Billy to not call it out, to not pull him up by his collar, hitting him continuously until he fell back down on the floor. But it was only a look, he kept telling himself. He couldn’t risk looking crazy in front of Jess, or worse, embarrassing her in front of their whole class due to just a look. After another ten minutes of attempting to be interested in conversation, however, he kept glancing down at the college boy, apparently named Dennis.
Stupid fucking name.
Dennis had also continued to do the same to both him and Jess, looking between the two of them before staring at Jess for an unwanted amount of time, his eyes appearing to forget that she, too, was a person. Against Billy’s better judgment, he looked over at Steve before looking back at Jess. 
“I need a drink,” He said before whispering in Jess’s ear, “Stay with Steve, I’ll be back in a bit with some water for you, yeah?” He then got up and left Jess’s side, making sure to leave his jacket by her, using it to claim his spot. Jess watched as he disappeared into the crowd, spotting the way he would turn his head back over in their direction occasionally, jaw clenching every time he did. When she could no longer see him, she scooted herself closer to Steve, hoping that would save her from Dennis wanting to socialize with her in any way. It seemed to work for a moment, but she began to grow nervous when Billy had yet to show back up after a few minutes away. Dennis obviously had taken notice as well, scrutinizing the leather jacket that was placed in his way. 
Jess stayed as small as she could, refusing to make eye contact with anyone, until someone within the crowd shouted, “TWO MINUTES TILL MIDNIGHT!” Everyone began cheering, most of the group that was sitting began to stand, awaiting the anticipated countdown. It looked as if Dennis was lost in the crowd, making Jess relax for a moment, only to become on edge again when she felt an unfamiliar hand grab her wrist. 
“Hey,” Jess turned around to see Dennis now standing in front of her, much too close for her liking. “So where you gonna be at midnight?” She could unmistakably smell vodka on his breath, which made her stomach churn, it smelling much less pleasant than the slight smell of hops Billy would have after he would drink. 
She tried pulling away softly, but when his grip didn’t loosen, she panicked, looking back at Steve for help. “Sorry, I’m just gonna hang out with some friends…” She responded, still looking over at Steve who quickly arrived next to her. 
“Hang out with me instead.” He retorted confidently, not caring who was currently next to her. 
“Uhm no I-“
“She’s not interested, bud,” Steve quickly butted in, now directing his attention toward Jess, pulling her arm away, “C’mon kid, let’s go.” 
Jess eagerly began following him away until she was again stopped by the same unfamiliar hand, Dennis’s other hand nudging Steve away. “How about she tell me she’s not interested.” Jess felt her blood run cold, looking at the difference in stature between her friend and the unwanted college boy, who stood taller and broader than Steve did. However, it didn’t deter Steve from pushing back, much harder than Dennis had pushed him. 
“Let go of her, or else.” Steve was now in Dennis’s face, causing Christopher to come over, trying to defuse the situation. 
“Come on, Den, let’s get outta here…” Tina’s brother attempted to whisper, trying to take his friend’s hand from around Jess’s wrist. Jess continued to watch the way the older boy’s eyes faded in and out, clearly intoxicated, and furious. She tried to free her arm once again, but was much weaker than the stocky brunette, when suddenly someone grabbed Christopher’s shirt, quickly pulling him away from Dennis, Billy now standing in his place. Jess then felt a slight pinch in her wrist, hurting only for a moment, realizing after that her hand was suddenly free from Dennis’s grasp and secured softly in Billy’s. He then let go slowly, pointing over to Steve without taking his eyes off Dennis. Jess did as she was wordlessly told, making her way back to Steve’s side. She had never seen him this inflamed, his eyes wide and wild, his jaw ticking with anger. Everyone else besides a select few had yet to notice what was going on around them, continuing to count down, which almost drowned out what Billy said next. 
“You wanna explain why you’re touching my girl?” 
She wasn’t sure if she had heard it correctly, or sure if she, or anyone besides Dennis, was meant to hear it, but she was sure she would have been blushing currently if it wasn’t for the situation they were in. 
She watched the way Billy was now shaking out his wrists, occasionally clenching and unclenching his hands into fists, stretching out his fingers when they were released. She’s seen this movement from him only once before, and it didn’t turn out so good for the other boy he was facing that night. 
Billy patiently waited for a response, Dennis coming up with one he wasn’t expecting. The older boy chuckled at him, looking back over at Jess before saying, “Didn’t seem like your girl when I was talkin’ to her.”
Billy’s expression slowly changed from enraged to feigned amusement, smiling maliciously before he chuckled back, scrunching up his nose as he did so. He continued to stare at him, nodding wordlessly before running his tongue along his top row of teeth. 
Steve seemed to recognize this look as well, taking a step forward to get ready to shield Jess if needed, but still not obstructing her view. She then watched as Billy took one last look over at her, the same smile still there, but his mouth now closed. However, his eyes had a different look, almost apologetic in a way, before he turned back his attention to the creep in front of him. 
“Yeah... Don’t worry though, I’ll make sure to show her a good ti-“
Dennis’s snide comment was quickly interrupted by a fist to the mouth, causing everyone in the vicinity to back away, some staring wide-eyed, others now cheering. Despite Dennis being slightly taller and wider than Billy, he didn’t seem to be able to stand up to the younger teen, who was relentlessly throwing punch after punch, not stopping until one of Dennis’s other friends jabbed Billy in the gut. Jess watched the way Billy winced in pain, now turning his attention to the other boy. When she saw Dennis standing up again, now squaring up to take an unfair punch, Jess almost screamed at Billy to turn around, but Steve stopped her as he pushed her back against the crowd softly. 
“Awe fuck,” Steve mumbled before quickly walking up to the other boy, grabbing his collar before shouting, “Hey!” He then swung his arm back, punching him so hard the boy’s cap flew off. Billy glanced over at Steve briefly, surprised at the sudden help. He then nodded at Steve before turning his attention back over to Dennis. Just when both Billy and Steve seemed to be holding their own, Steve taking on a few more punches than Billy, two other college boys stepped up, Christopher being one of them, who was now also swinging at Billy with Dennis. Jess could hardly keep track of the two boys she came with, watching helplessly as both of them disappeared in the middle of the four older ones. Jason and Patrick, however, emerged from the crowd, trying to pull the other boys off Steve and Billy. Jess watched as Jason grabbed for Christopher, who quickly turned and clocked Jason in the jaw, taking him aback only for a moment before he tackled Tina’s brother to the ground. The fighting went on for only moments more until Jess suddenly saw Billy grab for Dennis’s legs, swiftly lifting him and slamming him into Tina’s coffee table, the legs buckling and center cracking from the weight. 
“ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!” Tina’s voice could be heard over everyone’s cheering, which quickly stopped once she screamed. “MY PARENTS ARE GONNA FREAK!!” Billy slowly rose from the top of Dennis, dusting his legs off before straightening back up, grimacing in pain as he did. Jason and Patrick both helped Steve off the floor who was now sporting a bloody nose. Billy simply stared at Dennis as he pitifully rolled off the now broken table onto his hands and knees, having a hard time getting back on his feet. Chrissy was now at Jess’s side, holding her hand in anticipation as she looked over at her boyfriend, who was also holding onto his own nose, blood dripping from his hand. However, Jess overlooked Jason’s or Patrick’s injuries, her worried gaze leaving Steve and now focusing on Billy, who now had a bruise forming on his cheek, his bottom lip cut. He had yet to look over at her, his eyes still fixed on the boy on the floor almost as if he was challenging him to get back up. He didn’t even flinch or look over when Tina began to yell again next to him. 
“All of you!” She then pointed at all the boys but her brother, “OUT!” 
Jason began trying to speak up, “C’mon Tina, they-“
“I said GET OUT!” 
Jason ran his hand over his face, flicking blood off, walking toward Chrissy, grabbing her hand with his unbloodied one, then nodding at Jess. “Let’s get out of here.” He then looked at the older boys in disgust as he led the girls to the front door, Patrick already out in the front yard. Billy swiped his jacket from the couch, looking back unsatisfied at Dennis one last time before turning and leaving as well, gesturing at Steve to follow him. Billy quickly caught up to Jess, staying close behind her. She could hear how rapidly he was breathing, making her look back at him, causing him to lock eyes with her before he placed his hand on the small of her back, telling her to keep moving. When they finally reached the concrete step that separated the communal sidewalk from the path leading up to Tina’s doorway, all four boys plopped down to sit, looking exhausted. Jess was the first to speak. 
“I’m so sorry guys I-“ 
“Don’t you dare fuckin’ apologize.” Billy stopped her, shaking his head as he stared blankly across the street. 
“Yeah, it’s not your fault, Jess.” Steve agreed, flashing her a sympathetic smile. “You alright?”
Before Jess could answer, however, Billy snapped his head in Jess���s direction, his eyes coming back into focus. “Let me see it,” he demanded, his voice lower in register.
“What?” Jess looked back at him now, confused at what exactly he was requesting. 
“Your wrist. Let me see it.” He held out his hand, figuring she would automatically comply, placing her hand into his, allowing him to examine it carefully as he intended. When she didn’t make a move to do so, his eyes darkened. “Jess…” 
The wrist in question was tucked securely under her blue sleeve, her fingers grasping the fabric against her palm tightly. She had yet to look at it either, but she was sure there was at least a red mark, based on how tight the older boy had ahold of it and how promptly Billy removed his grip when he saw it. She had just watched Billy calm down a bit, and she wasn’t too keen on seeing his rage spike back up. 
“You alright, kid?” Steve now reached for it, the wrist being closer to him than it was to Billy, but she moved it out of easy reach. 
“You guys are freaking out over nothing, it’s fine.” 
“Then let me see it,” Billy spoke again, his voice attempting to hold steady, not wanting Jess to mistake his anger as being directed at her.
“I’ll let you see it when we get out of here…” Jess softly responded, causing Billy to rise from his concrete seat next to Steve, his leather jacket still in hand. “Billy…” He said nothing in response, draping the jacket over Jess’s shoulders before gently reaching for her left wrist, raising it close to his chest before pushing her sleeve out of the way. Jess was surprised to see bruised lines forming in the shape of fingers. They were light, but certainly there. She then looked up at Billy, who was contorting his mouth in an angered frown, looking over her shoulder and then back at her wrist, as if trying to adjust his eyesight to ensure he was seeing this right. 
“Ga’damn,” Patrick now stood next to her, peering over to see the bruises. “That’s fucked, Logan.”
Jess’s eyes moved in his direction in annoyance, indicating he wasn’t helping any, Patrick throwing up his hands in response. Billy still had yet to say a thing, still adjusting his eyesight away from her wrist, only to find himself looking at it again, becoming more unwound with every glance. When he couldn’t keep looking at it, he turned to face Tina’s front door, his chest now heaving. 
“Billy no,” Jess said suddenly, not knowing whether he was thinking about going back in to find Dennis again or not. 
Steve must have felt the tension as well, also rising from the step, looking down at Jess’s wrist once, cringing at the sight of it. “C’mon man, let’s just leave.”
“And go where? Our rides are still inside.” Jason finally spoke up, still sitting as Chrissy stood over him, her hands secured in his, him not wanting to let go of her just yet. 
“You guys didn’t drive here?” Jess asked, looking over at Steve who typically always took his car. 
“Not this time.” 
“Awe shit…” Patrick cursed, sitting himself back down next to Jason.
“I can’t go back home now, my mom’s gonna flip if she sees blood all over me, gotta at least get this shit off me,” Jason groaned, Patrick quickly agreeing with him. 
“We could always go back to Benny’s like we planned?” Chrissy suggested, now trying to rub some of the blood off his cheeks. 
“With what car, babe?”
Jess gave Billy an inquiring look, practically asking permission before she mentioned his car out loud. 
“Can’t drive yet, princess… thought we’d be here for another two hours.”
“Steve’s sober,” she quickly responded.
He glanced over at Steve, now standing awkwardly next to the two of them, before shaking his head. “Hell no.”
“C’mon, Billy. You wanna sit here the rest of the night? Let’s go to Benny’s, you guys wash up, let the rest of your buzz go ‘way in the next couple hours.” When he didn’t budge, she added, “He’s a really good driver…” causing Billy to roll his eyes. 
Jason and Patrick looked up hopefully at Billy, wanting to get out of there as soon as possible as other classmates were now starting to come outside to ‘mingle’, making sure to continue to stare at the banished group. “There’s not ‘nuff seats, and the back’s small as shit.”
“It’s cool, Chris will sit on my lap, Jess and Pat can sit in the back with us, you get front since it’s your car. No big deal.”
Billy stood there for a moment, considering everything he heard before wordlessly tossing his keys to Steve. He then walked ahead of them, a little peeved this was how his night was ending, with a busted lip, a bruised ego, a ruined buzz, Steve fucking Harrington now driving his prized possession, and worst of all, it was his first real night out with Jess.
“Fuckin’ perfect,” He mumbled under his breath, “Just great.”
When they finally reached his car, he stood by the passenger door, eyeing Steve with warning. “If you put a single scratch on her, you’re dead.” He then threw the seat in the upright position, moving out of the way so Jess could squeeze in the middle. Steve did the same, Jason moving into the back seat behind the driver’s side, positioning himself before outstretching his hand to help Chrissy onto his lap. When Patrick began to enter behind Jess, Billy suddenly stopped him, grabbing him by the shirt and tugging backward before mumbling, “You take front.” 
Jess smiled when she saw Billy enter, pushing herself over into Jason more to try and make room for him. When he was semi-comfortable, he adjusted the seat back to allow Patrick to sit, leaning back after to try and relax. However, the tight fit made that difficult, not having much room for his legs. He stretched his left arm behind Jess, shifting every two seconds. “Ah shit…”
“Here, you want me to…” Jess then tried scooting her leg out of the way to allow Billy’s leg more room in the middle. 
After a few more failed attempts to sit comfortably, Billy grumbled in irritation. “Fuck it. C’mere.” He then grabbed Jess by the hips and effortlessly positioned her on his right leg, her back now facing the small triangle window. He placed his right arm in between her and the door, providing her back with more support, shifting lower so her head wasn’t rubbing against the ceiling. Her legs dangled in between Billy’s, which were now comfortably spread. “This alright?” He whispered in her ear. 
She began to nod when Steve entered the car, looking behind him. “You guys okay back th- … ere.” His eyes fixed on Jess and Billy, giving them both a disapproving stare. However, it only lasted for a moment before he turned back around, turning the ignition. He then readjusted the rearview mirror so Jess was able to see his eyes clearly. “Ready to go then? You guys… situated?”
“Ready when you are, Harrington,” Jason grinned, squeezing Chrissy’s thigh as he winked at her playfully. 
“Jess?” Steve questioned, glancing back at her through the mirror. 
“Uh y-up! Ready!” 
Steve nodded, appearing to relax as he accepted her response, again adjusting the mirror so he could see the road behind him.
“Let’s get the hell outta here then.”
Taglist: @nix-rose @fandom-princess-forevermore @ooo---hazelgrimm---ooo @axionn @defenslessheart-main @the-lost-are-ignored @ahoyyharrington @strawberrykittey
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elsaellaelys · 1 year
summary: JJ is in love with his brazilian girlfriend.
pairing: JJ Maybank x brazilian🇧🇷fem!reader
620 words
a/n: Clearly nothing of self projection in this, as you might notice. I just wanted to read something like that and who's better to write it than a latin? Let me know if you want a spanish reader fic too. <3
This is something JJ never thought that could happen to him, dating a beautiful latin girl, and being hopeless in love with her, now he considers himself the luckiest guy in the island.
JJ parked his motorcycle outside her house, a small house, but she made it feel like the total definition of home, with the roses and little wildflowers she spread along the tiny garden, the unmatched chairs around the thrifted table in the porch. He could hear the music loud even before coming in, it was Raça Negra sounding off in the speaker, he was able to tell after all the experience with Y/N's music, pagode right after she woke, Slipmami when she wanted to set a mood in bed and ride him all by herself, he is such a fool for her like that. Opening the front door lightly JJ perked through it, her silhouette was in the front of the stove, hips swaing to the sound of Cheia de Mania, it felt like his heart went up to his head, just like it always do everytime he sees her, hair clipped up, short skirt hanging loose, bikini straps showing at the waist line, top tied just in a simple bow and he remembered what he was there for, they were going to the beach, excitement flowing through his body for thinking about spending a whole day with his mulatta queen laying in the sun light, skin so tan looking oiled cause of the sunscreen.
"Hi mami." He knocked in the door after closing it, Y/N turned around, a bowl of pancake dough in her hands, a smile beginning to light her face.
"Hi! I'm making breakfast , its gonna be quick. I slept to much, but I just need to eat and we can go." she gabbled while walking around the kitchen, flipping a pancake, filling a cup with coffee, grabing a plate she stopped. "Do you wanna eat with me? I'm talking way to much, aren't I?"
He smiled rouding her waist with his arms, head resting against her shoulder, peppering kisses in her neck. "It's not like I don't like it, mami. I want a salt pancake, that ones you do with cheese and ham"
"What about coffee, American Boy?"
"A beer would be perfect." he grinned at her, she pushed him away with a disgusted expression.
"Eca! We do have to take some to the beach, but in the breakfast?!" she complained while flipping the pancake, she is the best when it becomes to drinks, caipirinhas, quentão, brazilian limonades, nobody could stay sober in a party if Y/N made the drinks "Whatever, they're in the... the... the thing you use to make things cold."
JJ laughed lightly, he understand how sometimes the words slip from her mind, how her vowels are too portuguese at some words, how her english goes to hell when he goes down on her and, fuck, how he loves that. "The fridge, you mean?" "Yes!" she smiled, setting the plates down.
Hot salt pancakes laying beautifully in front of them. Tá Vendo Aquela Lua starting on the speaker.
"Oh, Jay, you have to dance this one with me!" she begged, reaching his hands to bring him to the middle of the american style kitchen.
"But look at those pancakes." JJ whined.
"But. Look at my ass, wouldn't you like to hold it while I shake it?" he grunted, following her, holding her hips a little too low, her hands float to his shoulders as she swayd to the music rhythm, laughing when he longed the twirl just to take a look at her, singing to him, she didn't mind to translate it. She knew he understood. How they were meant to be, how she would do anything for him, how she wanted to stop right in that moment because anything, anybody and anywhere would feel better than that.
The coffee and the pancakes were getting cold, but their love was just warmer and warmer inside their hearts.
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whumpcloud · 1 year
Red Room - Lies and Proof
content: filmed whump, creepy/intimate whumper, sadistic whumper, captivity, threatened fingore (cutting off a finger - doesn't happen but nails get pulled out instead), begging, implied child abuse (non-specific)
New project. Jack Mitchell (yes, that one, if you know me you know I'm excited), twenty-one, he/they. Real pretty when he cries. No permanent injuries, no broken limbs, and no facial damage, but as always, it's up to you. Streaming in twenty. Leave suggestions while you wait!
Matthew refreshes the page.
Nothing. Thirty seconds.
Matthew refreshes the page.
Take a knife to him.
Oh, knife freak's still here. Matthew refreshes the page.
Threaten him with something permanent so he screams and begs :)
Not even a finger or two? Bummer. You're not usually this careful. Pull out their nails?
holy shit, youre not kidding. hes all over the news. you should show him.
Now that gives Matthew an idea. He can manage all of those, if he does them in the right order.
Jack is sitting up on the mattress, biting his nails down to the skin, when Matthew comes to get him.
"N-No, please." Jack shrinks away, as though hiding in the corner is going to help. "Please, please don't, p-please-"
"Begging's not gonna get you anywhere, baby boy," Matthew grins. "But keep doing it anyway. It's adorable."
Jack screams and struggles until Matthew slams the back of his head into the wall, so about three seconds. Jack whines and closes his eyes so that the room doesn't jostle with Matthew's careless movement. It doesn't seem like Matthew has an ounce of patience for Jack screaming when he doesn't explicitly want it.
Matthew lays Jack on the table and straps him in. Jack immediately notices the television, then everything spins as Matthew tilts the table.
"Can't have you straining your neck to look," he smiles. "Camera on!"
The one thing that Jack can take comfort in is that Matthew looks like an idiot. He really does look like some kidnapper in a movie, black scarf over his mouth hiding his maniacal delight. Not that it's really any comfort at all, but Jack grasps onto it anyway.
"You gonna say hi, Jacky?" Matthew says.
"All of you are horrible people," Jack spits.
"Yeah, yeah, I think we know that," Matthew laughs, then checks his watch. "Anyway, let's watch something. Might take a bit to get to the good part."
Matthew turns on the television, flicking to some celebrity news show that Jack has always been banned from watching or being on.
It plays for a few minutes, and Jack can feel his heart beating in his ears. Is the anticipation a part of it? Jack fidgets in his bindings.
"This is so fun for you," Jack says dryly.
"Wait for it," Matthew says, double checking his watch.
And then Jack sees it. That's him, on the screen, a picture of him at a convention a few years ago. It's the only one the news ever uses, because it's the last time they managed to get a photo of him smiling like that.
It fades out, into an interview, and Jack isn't listening, can't listen, because that's his father, on this show he hates, looking anxious and teary and worried.
Jack hates it. Is it another act? Even he can't tell. He turns away from the screen, angry tears in his eyes.
Matthew watches, and Jack knows that stupid smirk is on his face under his stupid scarf. "What is it, baby boy? You don't like watching? Don't you wanna see your dad?"
"He's lying," Jack mumbles. "He doesn't care."
"That's not a nice thing to say about your dad, Jacky," Matthew says.
"So?" Jack squeezes his eyes shut. "He probably thinks I ran away. He's just using being famous to get me back."
"Oh, that's interesting," Matthew chuckles, and circles around to rest his chin on the top of the table, fingers tracing Jack's cheekbones. "Why would you run away, huh? Come on, you've got nothing to lose by telling."
"Do you think I wanted to be a fucking actor?" Jack snaps, wrenching his face away from Matthew's touch. "I didn't, I hate it, but he wanted me to and I didn't have a fucking choice."
"Daddy issues, huh?" Matthew's tone of voice doesn't waver from amusement. "Doesn't mean he doesn't care about you, baby boy."
"He cares because I look good on camera," Jack mutters.
Matthew laughs. "Can't say I disagree. But come on, I bet he'd care about you getting hurt. Even if it's just 'cause he's not the one hurting you."
"He wouldn't."
"Aw, you sound so sure." Matthew grins as Jack's head snaps to the side at the feeling of a knife against his hand. "We could prove it. You wanna prove it?"
Jack swallows. "What, are you going to send him a video of me?"
"Nah, nah, I'm gonna send him something way more fun," Matthew grins, placing the knife edge on Jack's pinky. "Let's go real cliche. What about your finger in a box?"
Jack's eyes widen. "N-No, no, you said- you said nothing permanent, you--"
"And you didn't think I could change my mind?" Matthew digs in, just a little, and Jack's tiny whimper is music to his ears. "Could be fun. We'll just have to see."
"No!" Jack is already starting to sob. So quick to panic. "No, don't, please, please no, s-something else, anything else, please, you said nothing permanent, please!"
Jack screams - like it's going to help, like it's doing anything but make this even more fun - when Matthew slices, a little droplet of blood trickling down the side of Jack's hand.
"Stop it, stop it, please!" Jack begs, not even caring that he's being filmed, that people are watching this for some kind of sick pleasure, laser focused on the fact that he could lose his finger. "Something else, please, I'm begging you!"
"That you are," Matthew says, pressing Jack's palm flat. "Didn't I already tell you begging wasn't gonna get you anywhere?"
"No, p-please!" Jack's desperate voice breaks. "Something else, something else! Not this, please not this!"
"What else then, huh?" Matthew's other hand slides into Jack's hair. "Go on. What else should I send him?"
"I don't know, I don't know, just not my finger, please--"
"I asked you a question, sweetheart," Matthew says, voice lowering. "I want an answer. Pick something. Something that'll hurt."
What can he afford to lose? Jack wracks his brain for something, something that Matthew will accept, something that will hurt but won't hurt too much and he can send and won't be a finger.
"M-My nails?" Jack tries. Is that enough? Please let it be enough. "Y-You could pull… pull them out."
Matthew's face lights up. Oh, he just knew this was going to be fun. Jack has no idea that he's managed to tumble headfirst into where everyone wants him. He really does know exactly how to behave for a camera.
"Alright," Matthew grins. "One hand or both?"
Matthew has no real intention of letting Jack get away from this with any nails left on his hands, but he wants to see what Jack picks. Wants to see how far Jack thinks he wants to go with this.
"Both," Jack mumbles. "Don't pretend it's a choice."
"No, it is," Matthew lies, and puts the knife down to pick up some tweezers instead. "But you've said both now."
Jack is too panicked to think about whether it's a lie or not, and Matthew knows that. Matthew ignores Jack's pleas to change his answer, holds his hand still as he begs, and can't help laughing at the scream when the first nail is ripped from his finger. By the third nail, Jack is cussing out Matthew and everyone watching with all the swear words he knows. By the seventh, he can't do anything but incoherently sob for it to stop. Matthew holds every single nail up for the camera to see, then sets it aside.
"You're so cute when you beg," Matthew says, kissing the top of Jack's head. "All done now. See ya later, everyone."
And Matthew turns the camera off.
"Don't touch me," Jack gasps, fighting to control his breathing. "Don't fucking touch me, I s-swear--"
Matthew isn't actually expecting any resistance, but Jack manages to grab his ponytail in one bloody, bound hand, and pulls sharply.
"You little shit!"
Matthew's first instinct is to break Jack's fingers for it, but he stops himself, and instead wrenches his hair from Jack's grasp and grabs the knife.
Jack balls his hands into fists. "You're a sadistic fucking freak--"
"Shh," is all Matthew knows he needs to say, because he's holding a knife under Jack's chin.
Jack goes silent.
"That's good," Matthew says. "Now, I'm gonna ask you to do some things, and you're not gonna cry or complain, 'cause I don't have the patience for that when no-one's watching. You just gotta do what you're told."
"Mhm," Jack manages.
"Okay. Gonna unstrap you, and then you're gonna walk with me."
Matthew leaves no room for disagreement. Jack limply slides from the table, and Matthew holds him up by the waist, and pulls him towards the countertops around the room.
"There's a box up there," Matthew says, using the knife to gesture. "Bring it down, and then you're gonna push your nails into it."
Jack obeys, even though he whimpers and almost starts to cry again when he sees his own bloody, broken nails. He makes a point not to look at his hands.
"Tape and paper and pens in that drawer," Matthew says. "Write your address and stick it to the top. Write a little letter if you want. But remember I'm over your shoulder, so don't get any ideas."
"Why are you making me do this?" Jack mumbles.
"DNA, silly," Matthew replies. "I sanitise everything, so it's not on the counters. But I'm not taking more risks than I need to."
Jack writes an I'm sorry before hesitating, and tacking on an I love you.
Jack drops a strand of Matthew's hair into the box with the letter, and immediately shuts it so Matthew won't see. It won't make a difference if Matthew's DNA isn't already somewhere. But on the off-chance it is, Jack can cling to some hope.
taglist: @bloodinkandashes @itsmyworld23 @rabbitdrabbles
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kaimelia · 3 years
Kai brushed their fingers over Amelia's collarbone, tracing up the contour of her skin and feathering a kiss on her shoulder as they moved their hand away.
"Vermont," Amelia whispered, glancing over at Kai. They raised their eyebrows.
"Really?" She grinned, taking their hand and lacing their fingers together.
"I like New England. I love the cold, and it's somewhere new."
"Are we talking like a city in Vermont or a cabin in the middle of nowhere?"
"Both." Amelia brought their hand to her lips, kissing the smooth skin on the back of their hand. "I mean, if I get to choose anywhere to live, why just pick one?"
They pulled their hand away, leaning over her and kissing her softly. "Let's do it," they muttered against her lips.
"Move to Vermont?" She chuckled softly, moving her hands into their hair and pushing their head down towards her. "That's realistic."
"I meant more of the cabin in the middle of nowhere," they muttered, kissing her again before pulling away and laying on their side, moving their leg between hers under the blanket covering them. "No phones, just candles, homemade food, sex, and conversation."
"Is that not what we're doing now?" She pressed the back of her palm to their cheek.
"Well, our phones are both on as loud as possible; I'm slightly paranoid that Hamilton will interrupt us at any moment, there aren't any candles, and there certainly wasn't any homemade food."
"The fireplace is a perfect substitute for candles. I am perfectly content with our takeout, and," she glanced away from them, feeling around the piles of clothes until she found her phone, "I'm turning this on silent."
"Don't," they reached for her and took the phone out of her hand. "You have a son whose father may need to get in contact with you if anything happens."
"You think I'd be able to hear my phone ringing over," she raised her eyebrows, and Kai laughed, tossing Amelia's phone back over towards the pile of clothes beside her. "Where would you choose to live?"
"Anywhere that's not America," they muttered, tracing their finger down her jawline. "And anywhere that doesn't have a language that exclusively uses gendered pronouns," they smiled. "Canada would be nice."
"You wanna stick with the snow?"
"I mean if it wasn't for the cold and the snow, we wouldn't be able to have the fireplace on at all times." Kai met her eyes, brushing a strand of her hair away from her face. "But, if it means I get to spend all of my time with you, I'm more than okay wherever we end up." They leaned their head down again to kiss her as soon as their voice trailed away, and she smiled against their lips.
"You could just move to Seattle," she whispered, shifting to lay on her side, pressing her back against them. They moved their lips to her hair and sighed.
"Believe me, I've thought about it."
"You have?"
"Are you telling me that you haven't?" Amelia shrugged and intertwined their hands.
"I get so caught up in the project, and it doesn't feel possible. Everything's here in Minnesota."
"Well, we won't be working on this project forever," they muttered, "hopefully," they added with a small chuckle. "And then, we can see where things go. I'm only here because of Hamilton, so I'd have no issue picking up and moving. As long as you get your own place because I don't want to move in with Grey."
"Are you serious?" She craned her neck to look at them behind her.
"Why wouldn't I be?"
"You'd uproot your whole life just to come to live in Seattle with me?"
"Well, you have Scout, and I don't think his Dad would be the biggest fan of you taking him to Minnesota. And, your family is there, so," they shrugged. "It makes sense." They dropped their head, kissing her forehead as she shifted to her previous position on her back, meeting their eyes. "I'd be lying if I said I haven't been looking into the research labs around Seattle."
"You should take some time off whenever we finish," Amelia pouted her lip out, "and we can celebrate with a vacation."
"To Vermont?" They grinned, dropping down onto their back beside her, rolling their head to the side.
"Picking a place to live is very different from picking a vacation."
"Okay, so where are we going?" Amelia rolled onto her side, glancing up at the ceiling in thought as she placed her chin on Kai's chest, maneuvering her way under the blanket to lay on top of them. They splayed their hands over her back.
"Do you have a secret love for rom-coms?" Kai brushed her hair away from her face as they spoke.
"You're telling me you don't want to go to Paris? French food, Paris streets, love everywhere," Amelia smirked. "I speak a bit of French."
"I speak enough Spanish to order a meal, and that's all that high school gave me."
"I went to French preschool. I didn't even know I could speak French until I had a brain tumor removed and woke up speaking French." Kai raised their eyebrows. "That's a story for another day."
"You had a brain tumor removed, you speak French, and you're hiding an obsession with romcoms? What else haven't you told me, Shepherd?"
"What haven't you told me, Bartley," she mocked back, lolling her head from side to side.
"I'll trade you a secret for a secret."
"Not fair, you just learned three things about me," she pouted, and Kai rolled their eyes.
"I have the worst handwriting-"
"Come on; I already knew that."
"Fine, will one big secret make up for it?"
"Depends on what it is," Amelia whispered, leaning up and kissing Kai quickly.
"I'm in love with you."
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haik-choo · 4 years
karasuno boys as boyfriends
a/n: im just basically astral projecting myself into these situations; ALSO if you want more detailed ones, just ask, and you shall receive! (also this is my first post i’ve written on here! but if you want plenty of kpop content i’m @hyucksong where i’ve been writing and I am still active! :))
-tsukishima, yamaguchi, hinata, kageyama, tanaka, nishinoya, sugawara, daichi, and asahi
tsukishima kei.
the type to look you straight in your eyes when you ask for a hug and say “no, who do you think i am, your boyfriend?”
runs his hands through your hair from the front and then when his hand reaches the back of your head he pulls you into him and kisses you either on the forehead or the lips <3
in order to be in a relationship with him you HAVE to have the same type of humor.
i don’t think he could date someone who doesn’t make fun of people with him
you guys are like best friends who make fun of each other and. make out a little every once in a while
he’ll hold your hand and hug you in public but he will NEVER do anything else, especially not in front of the boys
he thinks the blush that ignites on your kissable cheeks should be for his eyes only
he gave you a keychain that had a cute little strawberry shortcake on it. and it’s your most prized possession 
will shoot a glare at anyone who watches you too closely. like no. don’t get googly eyed over MY girlfriend. 
and you don’t have a problem with that ;) 
yamaguchi tadashi.
he likes to watch you when you’re not looking to pick out the little habits you do
he thinks that knowing someone’s little hardly noticeable habits is one of the most intimate things on mother earth
he knows that you stir the milk in the bowl three times before you pour the cereal in to check for chunks because you accidentally drank spoiled milk when you were younger
NEVER has an issue getting you a gift for any occasion. he ALWAYS knows what you’re looking at and what you want and you lowkey think he can read your mind but in reality he just pays attention <3
you’re either just as shy as him to bring out his more assertive side or more assertive than he is to bring out his more timid side -- both are good
kisses you on the forehead and holds your hand in public -- he loves PDA because he can show you off :’)
yes. he kisses the back of your nape in public. so what. 
kageyama tobio.
he probably fell in love with you because you were just as passionate about something else as he is about volleyball; music, drawing, writing, math, science, reading -- whatever
i see this relationship as being one that’s like...accelerated friends. like,,, you act like him and hinata except you kiss sometimes and he can see you at the end of the wedding aisle
DEFINITELY reads cosmopolitans once you start dating because he wants to be a good boyfriend for you <3
PDA is literally little to NONe,,, not because he doesn’t like it...it’s just because he doesn’t realize that he’s not showing you affection lololol
like in one arm he has his athletic duffel bag and the other he has a volleyball
he doesn’t mean to neglect you he just does AGAGAG
realized he liked you when he thought about you when he was drinking his milk and mindlessly bought you one too
the first time y’all kissed. he literally stared at you so intensely for a SOLID ten minutes debating in his head whether or not he should just go for it or wait or just smash his face into yours and hope your lips connect
he chose to cross his fingers and ended up smashing his forehead and nose into yours 
it was cute tho <3
hinata shoyo.
when yall cuddle and you’re the little spoon he likes to put his head on your shoulder/between your neck and watch as you scroll through tiktok or instagram and just mindlessly talk about his day 
the type of boyfriend where neither of you can cook and you both confusedly look at recipes on google like: ????? wtf is the difference between brown sugar and regular sugar
it’s his INSTINCT to hold your hand. no matter what. his hand just...gravitates to yous.
AND HIS LIPS JUST FIND YOUR CHEEK??? like it’s so natural to him to kiss your cheek when he sees you, even in public. it’s so adorable i--
he loves to tickle you. like you’ll be vibing, drinking whatever you drink in the morning and he’ll come up to you all casually and kiss you cheek...and then he’ll pounce 
he holds you close to his chest when he tickles you, partally because he likes feeling your laugh vibrate on his chest, and partially because it’s easier to not get tickled if he’s right behind you
his sister LOVes you and it just. makes him so happy
tanaka ryuunosuke.
you CANNOT remove his hand from your ass. it is permanently glued there. it is attached to you. yes, even in public.
number 1 hypeman! he will always support you, no matter what! you could be in a competition to raise the biggest beetle and he’ll be there rooting you on and staying up late with you as you rear your award-winning beetle
you two lay next to each other on the couch/on his bed and he’ll have his arm around you and you’ll lay your head on his chest as you watch netflix shows
i don’t imagine him being shy when he first kisses you; the first time he kissed you, you were literally just. existing and he literally just...couldn’t hold it in...and he just went for it
literally CATAPULTS himself into you and kisses you senseless
yes you and saeko are besties she gives you ALL the tea about young tanaka
the type to take off his shirt more during practice if you’re there watching, and literally BURN red if you mention anything about his muscles
you once traced a vein in his arm and commented on how hot it was and he literally short-circuited 
kiss his biceps. kiss his abs. kiss his cheek. please. it’s all he wants. he’s touch-starved
nishinoya yuu.
SUCH an excited boyfriend
like he seriously gets so hype doing ANYTHING with you pleaSE give this man an award. you’ll be at the amusement park and the line to get into a ride will be three hours and he’ll be like
“I get to spend three hours with you?!! fucking sick! absolutely radical!” 
he’s bold in public, but only because he wants to rub you in his teammates faces, but his ears will be Red
at home, he’s calmer :) he just loves to spend time with you, even if you’re sitting on a bench watching him practice receives for five hours straight in the blazing sun. 
he just treasures your time so much, you treats you like a precious gem -- he will NEVER treat you wrong. deadass has no problem admitting when he’s wrong -- but if he thinks he’s right then he WILL stand his ground
he’s a passionate man, who loves just as passionately.
his favorite time to kiss you is after you’ve taken a sip of a soda because he likes the taste of the syrup and the burn of the carbonation, but most of all because he likes the taste of your lips in combination with all of them
the day nishinoya told everyone yall were dating, kiyoko stopped you in the hallway and deadass got on her knees and thanked you LITERALLY she was like “i’ll buy you anything. give the word and it’ll be yours.” 
sugawara koushi.
would kiss you on the first date. deadass. he’ll just drop you off at your doorstep and you’re still high on adrenaline, and you’re lowkey hoping he’ll kiss you and you get  little disappointed when he doesn’t and then when you least expect it. bam. his lips on yours
his smell oh god, he literally smells like fresh sugar cookies. it’s like as soon as you get anywhere near him his smell just invades you nose and. you’re powerless. you just wanna hug him
never smells bad. try me, bitch. NEVER.
his hugs are literally god’s gifts. he loves hugging you. he just completely envelopes you with his pretty setter arms and his smell takes up all the space in your head and nothing else exists for that moment, just you two
loves tucking your hair behind your ears or just moving it out of your face; doing homework and your bangs are in the way? not for long because he’ll clip them up for you <3
he’s pretty mischievous and will playfully put his hand next to your head and lean down with such a HOT look in his eyes 
and he’ll say some shit like “i wanna devour you” and then he’ll laugh afterwards and give you a kiss on the forehead and you’re standing there. like -.- o.o -.- o.o
whenever he feels insecure about his position on the team, you’re always there to comfort him and he’ll just lay between your legs and rest his face on your stomach as you comb your fingers through his hair and scroll through tiktok
PDA? yes please. uh huh. mhmm. he doesn’t care who sees his love for you he just wants to love on you baby. kisses you on the lips, no problemo
daichi sawamura.
you and suga are the only ones who can scare him when yall are mad lol
boyfriend where you’ve dated for like a year but it feel like 50 have already passed. in a good way!
this relationship is so ungodly domestic. like from the first day it’s just pure comfort and he’s like your rock and you’re his anchor
you two bicker a lot but it’s lighthearted and you just feel so secure with him that poking fun at him and at yourself is just natural
daichi. gives. god. hugs. he does. it’s fact. 
his arms are just so big and he has so much body warmth and he probably smells like some bullshit cologne like “smoldering woods” and it’s just so. daichi
you two spend the night at each other’s house so often it’s like you already live with each other and people always forget that you don’t lolol
totally sleeps with his shirt off and only with underwear. isn’t awkward about it either;  when he wakes up he puts on sweats but still remains topless (not that you’re complaining)
you two are like. the strict parental couple, when you walk together whether it be down the street or in the hallways, you just look so right for each other it’s. mind blowing
doesn’t mind kissing you a little in public but really thinks that stuff should be for private; so normally he just kisses your temple and always has an arm either around your shoulder or around your waist
asahi azumane.
literal fucking teddy bear. god please cuddle him. please kith him. please comb through his hair with your fingers and kiss his nape and kiss the back of his head. please i beg of you.
did NOT ask you out first. he wrote love letter to you and then waiting behind the gym because he thought being near the volleyball gym would give him some luck and them you got in front of him and he was. deer in the headlights
needless to say you asked him out and kissed his cheek. he DIED
even once yall are comfortable in the relationship he still needs reassurance every once in a while because he’s a little insecure, not that you’ll leave him for someone else, but that he’s not good enough
his PDA skill are. subpar. he usually just holds your hand and that’s it, but sometimes kisses the corner of your eye or nose and you just combust
when yall cuddle he doesn’t like spooning. he likes to be able to see your face and the expressions you make, so doesn’t like being the little or big spoon; yall face each other and just lets your head lay on his arm even tho it’s numb. im: soft
kisses are so sweet, slow, and hesitant. he doesn’t really kiss you often because he has terrible timing but...when he does it’s like the whole world just becomes still in that moment and nothing matters but his hands on your waist and yours in his hair 
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queenmylovely · 3 years
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Okay Ben looks too adorable here with his pink nose 🥺 and i need a cute blurb about it....maybe some smut if you're up for it 🤭 thanks babe ily 😘
wow you totally read my mind and the thots I had about this picture 😉 
so this is 2k of pretty much all smut (18+, fem!reader) so enjoy! 
You were hanging out on the couch with your current book and a nice cozy blanket when you heard the front door opening and looked up. In walked Ben, home from his covid-restrictions-approved hangout with Gwilym and Allen at a nearby pub. They had sat outside, so Ben was wearing a jacket and his nose and cheeks had cute pink flushes to them that made you want to pepper a thousand little kisses all over them.
With a bright smile, you asked him, “Hey babe, did you have a good time?”
Ben nodded quickly as he toed off his shoes, “Yeah I d-did, but I literally c-can’t t-talk I’m so fucking c-cold right n-now.”
You could tell it was true because of the way his teeth were chattering and you frowned in sympathy, “Come here, lay down with me. You can leave your jacket on since you’re so cold.”
“W-well, I actually have a d-double layer, so I’ll t-take the first one o-off,” Ben admitted as he shrugged off his outer jacket, leaving a big hoodie on.
Lifting the blanket for him to climb under, Ben’s eyes boggled for a second at what you were wearing. It was a negligee style nightdress, lilac and lacy, but the fabric was thicker than an actual negligee would have been and it wasn’t sheer.
“D-did you wear this just for m-me?” Ben grinned as he found his place on top of you.
“It’s hard to take you seriously with your teeth chattering like that,” you told him with a smirk as you fixed the blanket on top of him. “And no, you perv, I just got this from my online order and it’s not even lingerie, it’s pajamas.”
“Well I’m g-gonna appreciate it l-like l-lingerie,” he said with a sneaky smile.
“Can you at least get warmed up first?” you rolled your eyes, rubbing your hands on his arms.
“Actually, I think I k-know what c-could help with that, since it’s m-my face that’s the c-coldest,” Ben said, none of the sneak leaving his expression.
“Oh yeah, what’s that?”
“I think if I p-put my face r-right here,” he paused, dropping his face to nestle in your breasts, and his next words were muffled but you could just understand him, “I’ll be warmed up in n-no time.”
You laughed but let him stay where he was, although you had to admit that his cold face in your chest made you shiver. Ben stayed like that for several minutes as you read your book, and thankfully his breath was warm enough to combat his cold skin. But sure enough, as time ticked by you could feel his face returning to a normal temperature, and if you weren’t mistaken, you could also feel Ben getting a little excited by your lower thigh.
“So now that you’re all warmed up, are you gonna tell me about your night?” you asked, setting down your book and combing your hands through his hair. Ben slowly lifted his head and as you made eye contact you saw how dilated his pupils were and felt a little something yourself.
Ben nodded, “Sure, well even though we have had our zoom calls and regular ones, we had a ton to catch up on, and it was good to see them in person while having a drink.”
“Uh-huh,” you kept playing with his hair.
“And they told me about their projects, you know, and-- ah,” Ben moaned as you tugged on his hair for just a second, and when you did it again before he could even restart what he was saying, he looked down at your chest and then back up at you with a cheeky smile.
You swallowed as he leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss to the valley between your breasts. And then another right along the edge of your nightdress. And then he pushed the straps down your arms until both of your breasts were exposed and made a path of kisses to your right nipple, kissing it softly as well. You breathed out and waited and Ben finally wrapped his lips around it and sucked, making a jolt of pleasure move through your body. It wasn’t long before he switched to the other side, using his tongue and lips as he had on the other to make you gasp softly.
Then he began another trail of kisses, this time up your chest, neck, and to your mouth, bringing his lips to your own in a searing kiss. Ben’s tongue slipped in your mouth and you moaned, widening your legs in an invitation for him to move his hips on top of yours.
He ground his crotch into you at just the right angle, rubbing against your clit and you nodded into the kiss, breaking it just to murmur, “Do that again.”  
Ben complied and the two of you fell into a rhythm of hips and hands and lips and moaning and oh fuck this was good. One of Ben’s hands was on your breast, massaging it and squeezing your nipple, and the other braced him so his hips could keep moving with yours. Your hands, however, were free to do whatever they wanted so you moved them between his hair, up his shirt to grab at his pecs and abs, and his ass, pulling him into you.
Soon the pleasure had built enough to the point where you were practically panting in each others’ mouths and you pulled back to tell him, “Benny, time to fuck me.”
Ben would’ve chuckled at your wording if he wasn’t so turned on and hard, so instead he just nodded and kneeled between your knees to undo his belt and push down his pants. But when he was about to push them past his knees, you lifted your dress, and the sight of your bare pussy stopped him in his tracks.
“Oh come on, now please say that is for me,” Ben groaned, putting himself back above you and gripping his cock in his hand.
You smiled, just as cheeky as he had been a few minutes earlier, “Only for you.”
“Fuck,” Ben lined himself up with your entrance and started to push in, slowly until he bottomed out. He dropped his head back to your chest, though this time it seemed like it was because he physically couldn’t hold it up, and asked, “Can I move?”
“Yes, please move Benny,” you told him, one hand going to his hip to start the movement, and the other quickly grabbing the blanket and pulling it back up from where it had slipped because you didn’t want to get chilly.
Ben didn’t seem to notice the blanket’s weight on his back, much too focused on setting the perfect pace as he thrusted in and out of your pussy, how wet you were making it easy to get it right. You wrapped your legs around him to keep him from going anywhere because he was making you feel so good you couldn’t think about anything else.
Your hand moved back into his hair, pulling it on and off, basically whenever a thrust was particularly good. Ben, for his part, was pressing hot kisses to your breasts, mumbling about how perfect they were, how perfect you were, and how perfect you felt. It wasn’t an unwelcome ego boost, and gave you a heady feeling that increased your pleasure, so much so that you started clenching around him.
“Oh fuck, babe, ah I’m so close, are you?” Ben whined, slowing his thrusts and looking up at you as he waited for your answer.
“You’re making me feel so good, Benny, but I’m not that close yet,” you told him the truth.
“Okay,” he nodded, staying still inside of you to give himself a chance to cool down just a bit. But he wasn’t giving you the same chance, and one of his hands went between you, two fingers rubbing against your clit in just the way he knew you liked. Then he dropped his head down again and switched between your nipples, sucking lightly to offset the pressure on your clit.
The whole thing made your head swim, and a couple minutes later you were writhing below him, your pussy clenching on his stilled cock.
“Now, Ben, now I’m close, oh so close,” you told him, wanting him to start fucking you again so bad you could hardly get the words out fast enough.
“Good,” he looked at you and smiled, and you tried to return it, but as he started thrusting again, all you could do was whine.
“Shit, you’re so fucking wet and tight,” Ben moaned, his voice getting higher as he moved in your heat.
“Uh-huh,” you replied, not really knowing what you were agreeing to because all of your focus was on how good his dick felt inside of you, and how good his fingers felt on your clit.
Then suddenly it was hitting you, and your back arched into him, your legs pulled him tighter, and your pussy pulsed around him as wave after wave of pleasure coursed through you and you cried out, “Ben, Ben, Ben-- ohhhh.”
Ben kept doing the same exact thing as he watched you through your high, how your face moved in your pleasure, and especially how your lips formed his name.
As you started to come down, Ben slowed his thrusts, but as soon as you could form whole sentences again you told him, “Keep going, Benny, get close again.”
You kissed him again as he resumed his pace, helped along by your hips moving in time with his.
He wasn’t far off, and soon he warned you with a voice much higher than usual, “Babe I’m-- ah, I’m close again.”
“Okay,” you pecked his lips quickly. “Do you wanna cum on my tits?”
If he wasn’t so close, Ben would’ve stopped in his tracks, but that wasn’t an option right now.
“Are you kidding?” he asked, eyes wide with excitement. It wasn’t as if he had never done this before, but both of you tended to prefer him cumming inside of you (for the intimacy). Tonight you had figured he seemed extra fascinated by your breasts, so what the hell?
“I’m not kidding, but you better hurry up before I just make you cum in my pussy,” you teased, but you did clench around him again.
As quickly as he could be careful, Ben pulled out of you and crawled up your body so he was straddling your ribs. You used your arms to press your breasts together and Ben used his hand to get himself the rest of the way off.
It was a heavenly sight and not an unpleasant feeling for you as Ben came, his eyes closing in pleasure, his brow furrowing just a bit, and his mouth forming your name as his cum spurted over your chest.
“Oh fuck, I love you,” Ben said as he looked down at the result of his orgasm on your boobs. “You’re literally the best.”
“Thank you, I love you too,” you said with a smile.
Ben made his way back to between your legs and then quickly sorted out his clothes, pulling up his briefs, kicking off his trousers, taking off his sweatshirt and undershirt, and then putting his sweatshirt back on.
“Here,” he said softly as he used his undershirt to tenderly wipe clean your chest, as tender as wiping cum off of someone can get anyway. Then he balled up the shirt and tossed it in the direction of the hallway.
You smiled up at him as you pulled the straps of your dress back up, covering your chest again, “Thank you, babe.”
His response was to flip the two of you over so you were laying on him. How he did stuff like that without one of you ending up smushed, you never knew. Not being one to complain about being the little spoon though, you cuddled into him with a small hum.
“So will you tell me about your night now? Or are you still too busy obsessing over my boobs?” you asked, earning a pinch to your hip.
“Well, I’m a multitasker, you see,” Ben slid his hand from your hip to cup your breast. “I can tell you about my night and obsess over your boobs all at once.”
“Alright, prove it,” you replied, looking up at him with a glint in your eye.
And he did; he managed to tell you all about it, only his one hand giving any attention to your breast. But later, after you had migrated to the bedroom together, he asked you about your night (which had only consisted of your book). So he asked you to describe it, and suddenly you were the one having trouble staying focused as his mouth found your breasts yet again.
shall I tag for length? yes. permanent taglist: @riseetothesun @drowseoftaylor @caborhapch​  @queenlover05 @johndeaconshands @stardust-galaxies @zodiacaldust  @buckyluvrs @im-an-adult-ish @sleep-i-ness​ 
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Yes ! Can you maybe do an imagine where the reader breaks up with Will because they dont think they’re good enough for him ?? But with a happy ending where they get back together because he really wants to be with them
Of course, sweet Anon!😊 Man, y'all really love angst lmao In retrospect, this might be a bit too angsty😬I blame Bo Burnham's Inside
This imagine is going to be really depressing, like a lot. There will be mentions of attempted suicide and self harm so, SEVERE TRIGGER WARNING.
It had been over a year since you broke up with Will.
You'd never felt more depressed in your life, but you thought it was the right decision at the time. What bullshit that turned out to be...
Your crippling insecurity forced your mind to think you didn't deserve to have someone as amazing as Will, he was so thoughtful and you were so, well, so dependent.
You weren't in the best stage of your life when you met Will, you were in a really dark place and you had even more trouble getting out of it. You haven't really made much progress since then, but you tried.
You just wanted to feel better for once. Every day, you just felt like you were drowning and taking Will with you.
He was your rock, and he made sure that he was right beside you every time you felt bad. Of course, being an actor, he had to go away sometimes and you always told him that you'd be fine. You weren't, of course, but you were always so happy for him whenever he'd book a film or TV show because it made him happy.
There were days you just felt numb, mostly when Will wasn't with you. Those days you'd just lay in your bed, sob uncontrollably until the exhaustion would put you to sleep.
Will felt helpless, and you could always see it on his face. He was worried about you, he wanted to help you, but it wasn't something that he could change or do anything about. Him worrying about you day and night made you feel even worse, that was not what you wanted for him. He deserved to be with something that lifted him up and encouraged him, not someone who's depressing all the time and unintentionally bringing him down with them. No...you didn't want that for him at all.
It was inevitable, but it didn't make it any easier to break up with him.
Will's heartbroken face would forever be engrained in your mind, but you kept telling yourself it was in his best interest.
You cried the hardest you ever cried in your entire life. You loved him so much, you didn't want to let him go, but you couldn't let your toxicity ruin his life. And you honestly thought that it would get better in time, but it only made your mental state deteriorate ever more.
One night, when the pain got too hard to handle, you took and broke your shaving razors, taking out the blades.
In hindsight, you really wished you hadn't, you felt embarrassed about it for the longest time. But trying to look on the bright side, it did force you to finally get the professional help you needed. Therapy, medication, the whole nine yards. You kicked yourself for not getting yourself help sooner, because you felt better now that you were going to therapy.
You still struggled a lot, but you knew once you found the right medication, it would become more bearable, and it did eventually. It took a lot of hard work.
You thought about Will a lot, what he was up to, if he found someone else that he loved. The thought was painful, but all you wanted for him was to find true happiness.
One day, you decided to go out to a coffee shop one morning, as opposed to just Postmateing yourself like you normally did. Your therapist did say you needed to get out more, so you took their advice.
You walked through town, a simple little coffee shop catching your eye. The name sounded familiar to you, though you couldn't quite place why. You didn't think you'd been to this place before, you usually made your own coffee, but you wanted to give it a try.
The light ring of a bell filled your ears as you opened the front door. It was a really cold morning, so the warm heat hitting your skin and inhaling the strong smell of coffee and freshly made bakeries put a small smile on your face.
You were thankful that there wasn't a line, possibly to early in the morning, maybe you got there before the usual early birds. Though looking around, it was a small place, only a few book readers scattered amongst the small tables that were set up opposite of the counter where you ordered.
While waiting for your coffee, a wall full of art caught your eye. You walked closer to look at all the pieces, all of them painted by customers. Hmm, cute...
You didn't really acknowledge the bell ringing once more, signaling an arrival of another customer, to focused on the pretty art.
"Hey!" You heard one of the workers say cheerfully, probably addressing the new customer. "Your usual, Will?"
Your smile dropped. Ha, what are the odds, right?
"Yep, of course. Thank you."
Then, your heart dropped.
You recognized that voice anywhere. Now you knew why this shop sounded so familiar, it was Will's favorite place to get coffee, he had mentioned it to you before. Of course, of all the coffee places in town, you had to pick this one.
You slowly turned around, your heart beating out of your chest and almost coming to a complete stop once you laid eyes on his face. That face you always thought about, even in your dreams. "Wi-"
"Y/n!" You cringed as the coffee shop worker called out your name, telling you that your coffee was ready.
Will immediately snapped his gaze over to you, clearly having trouble believing it was actually you. You stood there awkwardly, having a hard time reading his expression. Was he mad? Sad? Happy?
"Y/n." Will almost whispered, taking a couple steps closer to you.
Will looked the same, just as handsome as when you last saw him. His eyes were locked onto you, looking you over in awe. He thought you looked so much healthier now, but always thinking that you look stunning, no matter the circumstance.
"How...how are you?" Will started, a small smile finally stretching across his lips. "You look," He chuckled softly, "amazing."
You looked down slightly when your face started to burn, all of your blood seeming to rush right to your face from one simple compliment. "Thank you." You said sheepishly. "You look amazing too, as usual."
Now it was Will's turn to blush, his easy to spot with his fair complexion. "Uh, do you wanna, maybe, sit down? Or we could go somewhere else, if you want to, that is. Don't feel pressured or anything." He rambled.
You smiled. "Yeah, sure." You grabbed your coffee and joined Will at the table he chose to sit at. "So, uh, how've you been?" You asked, taking tiny sips of your hot drink.
"Good, good. I'll be filming a new project soon, so that'll be fun." Will paused for a beat, then sighing despairingly . "I've been, uh, thinking about you. A lot."
"I've been thinking about you too."
"I kinda lied. I am filming something soon but, I haven't been good. Ever since we broke up, life just...kind of feels a bit grey now."
You frowned, biting your lip hard to keep tears from welling up in your eyes. "I'm sorry, Will..." You whispered. "I thought you'd be better off without me to drag you down. I was such a burden."
Will furrowed his brows, shaking his head with a frown. "No. You weren't dragging me down, I loved you, Y/n. I would've done anything for you. I know that you struggled a lot with your mental health, but I wanted to be with you through all that. I never thought you were a burden, not for a second."
"I just," You wiped an unwanted tear from your cheek, "I don't think I was ready to be in a relationship then. I've been working really hard on my health and now that I have a clearer mindset, I think it was probably for the best that I broke up with you when I did."
Will took a deep breath. "I respect that. I do. I'm happy for you, that you're better now. I don't want this to come off as selfish...but I still love you. I want to be with you. But I understand if you can't be in a relationship right now. I'll wait for you, as long as it takes if you'll let me."
You blushed furiously once more. At this point, you practically wanted to throw yourself at this man. You didn't care if it didn't work out again, you still wanted him, badly.
"I still love you too, Will. Always have."
Will smiled softly. "I don't want you to be my partner again if you're not ready."
"I don't know if I am, I'm still working on myself, but...goddamn I wanna kiss you so bad right now." You said, eliciting another blush and a shy laugh from Will.
You answered him by leaning forward slowly, rubbing your nose against his before gent as you smiled widely at him, leaning closer. You almost shivered as his cold hands reached over to delicately trace your jawline, the gesture automatically putting you in a sort of trance where you could only look into his eyes.
"I really want to kiss you." Will giggled, fully cupping the side of your jaw. "May I?"
You answered him by leaning forward slowly, rubbing your nose against his before gently connecting your lips with his.
Over a year of wanting and missing Will, you ignored your dislike of PDA, you've needed this for so long. The spark you always felt when you kissed him was still there, still giving you goosebumps along with an intense desire you definitely couldn't act on in this coffee shop.
Will pulled away, only to rest his forehead against yours, his eyes closed just relishing in the moment. "I've missed you so much."
"Me too." You chuckled breathlessly.
"I don't want you to feel like you have to rush back into things. We can take it slow if that's what you want."
This man was always such a gentleman, but it just made you even more eager to take him home with you.
"Right now, I don't think I'm capable of taking things slow." You said, a almost seductive tone to your voice.
Will smiled playfully, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "That's absolutely not taking things slow."
"How about we go to my place? Make up all the lost time?" You asked not as confidently, the feeling of rejection making you nervous, but Will smiled gently, taking a hold of your hand and kissing you once more.
"Lead the way."
Hope you enjoyed! Hopefully it wasn't too depressing and dark in the beginning.
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streetlight11 · 3 years
Try Not To Fall In Love
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Summary: Being forced into marriage is never an exciting idea simply because you are getting married to someone not out of pure love. So when he was forced to marry a girl he doesn't know, he desperately gets help from his friend, hoping his friend could save him from the arranged marriage.
Theme: fake dating au, strangers to lovers
Genre: fluff, tinge of angst
Warnings: none
WC: 6.6k
Pairing: Bestfriend's Friend!Hoseok x Fem!Reader
a/n: Hello! I got this idea the other day while I was listening to a song by Keshi called Summer, where there was a line in the song which goes, "3 months is all we got, try not to fall in love" so I wrote this before I lost the feel of it ✌
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“Shoot, what am I gonna do? My parents are setting me up for marriage with this… I don’t know, this spoiled brat whose parents apparently owns the famous clothing brand in Korea. Ugh, I hate her! I don’t wanna be married to some spoiled girl who only thinks about herself.” Hoseok groans in frustration as he paces around Namjoon’s living room.
Hoseok’s parents were power and money hungry. They thrive to be rich but forgets that the safer alternative was to work hard for it instead of taking a short way out. Since Hoseok was an only son, they used him as a pawn by planning to marry him off to the daughter of the most wealthiest family in the country.
He despised this whole plan.
Namjoon could only frown as he didn’t know what to do for his friend.
“Can’t you like maybe, I don’t know? Tell your parents you’re not interested in her or something?” Namjoon asked.
“Yeah, unless you want me to waste my breath then yeah sure I’ll make that excuse to them. They’re going to make me marry her no matter what I say! Shit! I hate this!” Hoseok growled as he plopped on the couch and threw a pillow across the room, making Namjoon scold him for throwing a tantrum.
Hoseok mumbled an apology as the room fell quiet. Just then, it was as though something clicked in the back of Namjoon’s mind. He snapped his fingers and shot up from the couch instantly, shocking the poor boy.
“I know! How about you get a fake girlfriend? That way your parent’s can’t say anything right?” Namjoon exclaimed as if it was the most brilliant plan ever.
“What do you want me to do if they ask me to break up with this fake girlfriend? Joon, I’m telling you. My parents can be hella desperate, they'd do literally anything to make their plan work.” Hoseok sighed again.
“Look, if you get a fake girlfriend, treat her like a real girlfriend. That way, when they see how much you care and love each other, your parents won’t bother you with arranging a marriage for you ever again. There! Problem solved.” Namjoon shrugged, only for Hoseok to roll his eyes.
“Okay fine, sure. But the problem is, who am I gonna ask to help me with the plan? You know I don’t have any close female friends…” Hoseok frowned worriedly at his older friend before the male smirked.
“Don’t worry, I’ve got that covered.” Namjoon said with a satisfied smirk on his face.
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You were just typing away your codings for your assignment when a familiar figure stood in front of you on the other side of that wooden table. You glanced up and were immediately greeted by your best friend, Namjoon.
“What is it now, Namjoon? I already told you the group project is not discussable with members outside your group.” You sighed, earning a blabber from him.
“Yeah yeah whatever. Listen. I need you to do me a favour.” Namjoon began, rendering you curious.
“With what?” You asked.
“I need you to be a fake girlfriend for a few weeks.”
“What? Why do you need a fake girlfriend? Having girl trouble again?” You chuckled at your successful mock directed to him.
“Shut up. Anyways, not me. It’s for my friend.”
Your eyebrow was raised in confusion, staring at him with so much doubt.
“Yeah, I don’t know about that.” You said but he was quick to stop you.
“What? Why?”
“Namjoon, for one, I don’t know who your friend is. And two, this might be a little risky…”
“Why do you say that?”
“Most of the time when two people get into these fake relationships, they often end up being awkward and are close to opposite from what they hoped to turn out.”
“Y/N come on! Please! He’s really in need of help, his parents are forcing him to marry a girl he doesn’t even know and love. Just help him this once, will you? After all of this ends, I promise I’ll make it up to you.” Namjoon begged as you stared at him with worry in your eyes and he could clearly see it.
After much thought, you decided to help out simply because if you were in this person’s shoes, you would also dread the idea of being forced into marriage.
You just hope this plan turns out successful.
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It was a Saturday afternoon and Namjoon had texted you earlier saying to meet his friend for lunch to discuss how you want the plan to go. Namjoon gave you the address of the cafe and told you to find a guy with dirt blonde hair and black long sleeved shirt. You didn’t want to have a bad first impression for yourself so you opted to dress slightly nicer instead of your usual sweatpants and oversized sweater.
You chose a simple denim skinny jeans, fitted cropped top with a cardigan to go over. Once you made it to the cafe, your eyes skimmed over the entire interior of the cafe.
You noticed that the cafe was filled with people but out of pure luck, there was only one guy seated near the windows alone and was exactly as Namjoon described him to be. With that, you made your way to him, noticing the two cups on the table. You assumed he bought a drink for you to not get kicked out of the cafe.
He was handsome. You definitely never met him before. Which makes things slightly harder considering this means you would have a lot to learn about this guy if you had to pretend to be his girlfriend for the next few weeks.
Right when you were a foot away from the table, his eyes glanced up from his phone only to lock eyes with yours. For a moment, you saw the way his cute brown eyes sparkled.
“Hi, are you Hoseok?” You asked as he nodded.
“I assume you are Y/N?”
“In the flesh.” You joked, only for him to crack into a smile that seemed too adorable. You took a seat after he gestured for you to sit down. Both of you went silent for a split second before you spoke up.
“How long have you waited?”
“Not too long, I think close to about 10 minutes?”
“Oh, sorry. I got stuck in traffic for a bit.” You apologized knowing you were in fact late.
“No, it’s fine…” Hoseok smiled as his eyes glanced around your face for a second while you looked down at the cup to see that it was a Hazelnut Latte, your favourite.
“I bought Hazelnut Latte with almond milk for you. Not gonna lie, I had to get help from Namjoon on what you usually drink. Didn’t want to buy the wrong one on a first meet.” He said as he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. You giggled at his confession, finding it extremely endearing how he asked Namjoon what your favourite drink was.
“Anything is fine honestly, I’m not picky but I guess I can say this is the perfect pick.” You smiled when you saw the corner of his lips curled up sharply.
The two of you began chatting more comfortably with each other, getting to know the other in slight depth so that you would know what to say if someone questions you about the other. You later found out he was your age and that he owns a puppy named Mickey. He was a dancer and he likes to rap when he’s bored.
You also found out that he and Namjoon have been friends since high school. Which means he’s known Namjoon longer than you have.
A few minutes later, you both decided to lay out the plan for his fake girlfriend project. You went through the basic stuff, saying what you can or can’t do in public, all that kind of stuff.
After brainstorming and exchanging ideas or thoughts on the plan, you smiled before saying the one thing that both of you had to try to be mutual about.
“Whatever we do, let’s try not to fall in love with each other.”
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Your first few weeks of fake dating went well. Hoseok and you managed to act like a legit couple in public. He would drive you to campus every morning, hold hands as you walked around the campus grounds, sit with you during his free period, have lunch with you and Namjoon on days where your lunch schedules are in sync, walk you to your classes with his arm on your waist, basically everything a couple would do.
Of course, not to forget the little kisses he gives you after every walk, before every separation, in between chats, but those kisses were anywhere but your lips for you both agreed to avoid lip kisses.
Everything was going well so far and despite the little butterflies you sometimes get whenever he holds you or kisses you a certain way, you tried your best to remind yourself this was all temporary.
Besides, you were only doing this to practice so that when you do in fact go over to meet his parents, they would believe that you are dating their son.
Nobody would believe someone is dating if they saw an awkward couple who doesn’t know what to do around the other.
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It was a Tuesday afternoon and you were having lunch with Namjoon and Hoseok when the latter sighed deeply the minute he sat down beside you with his own tray of food.
“Hoseok? What’s wrong?” You asked as Namjoon eyed his friend worriedly.
“My mum’s inviting that girl’s family over this weekend to our family dinner. All my relatives are gonna be there…” He said hesitantly as he avoided your eyes. Hoseok was currently picking his food, not actually eating it.
So you gently placed your hand on top of his that was on the table, successfully gaining his attention when he turned to look at you.
“Hey, you’re gonna be fine. Don’t worry too much, okay?” You tried reassuring him but it looks like he was too stressed out about it.
“I know… It’s just… The last thing I wanna do is to humiliate myself in front of everyone, or even worse, humiliate you. Maybe this wasn’t a good idea. I shouldn’t have dragged you into this mess in the first place.” Hoseok said as he began to have second thoughts.
Before you could respond, he got up abruptly while slinging his bag strap over his shoulder.
“Sorry, I have to go.” He apologized as he began to walk away. You turned to Namjoon who looked just as confused as you were. Namjoon told you to go after him and that was exactly what you did.
Hoseok had just left the cafeteria hall and was making his way towards the Dance Studio building when you ran after him.
You grabbed his hand to stop him and once you were standing in front of him, you took in a breath to speak.
“Hoseok, listen to me. Everything’s gonna be fine. No one’s gonna humiliate anyone. Don’t stress out too much okay? It’ll be fine.” You tried to reassure him but it looks like he was still having doubts about it.
“Y/N, the plan was to bring you home with just my parents and that girl around, not my entire family. I don’t want you to get hurt if they say anything bad about you, about us… We really shouldn’t have done this, I’m sorry for bringing you into this.” Hoseok apologized again but you weren’t having any of it.
With that being said, you cupped his face and caressed his cheeks with your thumbs, not caring about the looks you got from the students that were currently passing by your two figures in the middle of the hallway.
“That’s not gonna happen… Okay? We’re going through this together. No matter what. We have to finish what we started. Besides, if there’s anyone during that gathering who I trust would keep me safe, it’s you.”
Your words hit him deeply and he couldn’t agree more. It has been 3 weeks since you started this whole fake dating thing. And if he were to be completely honest, the very last agreement you made right before all this started in which you said ‘try not to fall in love with each other’, this statement has been washed down the drain since the first week of your fake dating.
After the third day of practicing your fake relationship, he realized that you were an amazing person. You were so humble, kind, selfless, down-to-earth, basically everything a guy dreams of. Seeing how sweet you were with such a genuine heart, makes him go all fuzzy and warm for you.
It was only after the first week of that fake relationship that Hoseok realized, maybe he really was falling in love with you.
With that being said, Hoseok leaned into your hands as you watched his frown get replaced by a smile and soon, he wrapped his fingers around your wrist gently to say, “Okay… Let’s show them how love should really be.”
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Weekend finally rolled around and you were currently getting ready for Hoseok’s family dinner. You opted to wear a beautiful lavender laced sleeveless dress with a pretty round neck, where the hem of the dress stops just past your knees. You were going to pair it with your nude heels. You style your hair to a pretty low bun with your bangs framing your face in a middle parting.
You kept your makeup at a bare minimum since that was just your personal preference. You were just packing your important belongings into your purse when you heard the doorbell ring.
You abandoned your purse for a second as you jogged to your front door. Once you opened it, you nearly got your breath stolen by how handsome he looked.
He was wearing a white button down formal shirt, the first few buttons undone, his sleeves rolled up to his forearms, pairing that with a tie loosely hanging around his neck. He wore black jeans with the shirt tucked in, along with a pair of black loafers.
Not to mention his hair being styled in a way that his forehead is shown but at the same time, his fringe flops down with a slight volume so that it’s not too flat.
He looks really good.
“Hey gorgeous.” He smirked upon seeing your outfit.
You couldn’t stop the blush forming on your cheeks but you were quick to respond to him to avoid getting teased by him.
“Hey handsome. Give me a second to get my purse!” You said as you jogged back into your apartment, hearing his soft chuckle behind you. After you grabbed your purse, phone and house keys, you strapped your heels on and soon left the apartment. You made sure to lock your door before walking down the hall with him.
Both of you were talking about random topics when you felt him slide an arm around your waist. For some reason, this made you jump while your breath hitched in your throat a little too loud.
Hoseok chuckled at your reaction, clearly not expecting you to react that way especially since you were always relaxed when he does that out of the blue on campus.
“You okay? You seem jumpy…” Hoseok asked worriedly before his eyes searched for yours desperately.
“Uh, y-yeah… I’m just nervous I guess.” You laughed, earning a soft squeeze to your side before he kissed your temple gently like he always does.
“Don’t be. I promise nobody’s gonna hurt you… I won’t let that happen.” Hoseok’s voice gradually got lower until he whispered those last words to you. It made your heart flip and your stomach swirl from both anxiety and adrenaline.
The drive to his family home was about 40 minutes but you enjoyed the entire ride there. Hoseok made you laugh quite a few times, both of you singing along to the songs on his playlist, you played around with his things in his car, him glancing over at you every now and then only to smile every time he catches you doing something silly or was just laughing at something he said.
Gosh he was sickly in love with you.
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He finally managed to park in his parent’s driveway along with a few other cars that probably belonged to the other guests. You got out of his car, suddenly feeling nervous all over again. Hoseok noticed the way you were stuck in place beside his passenger car door, making him walk over to you.
“Hey, relax. We’re gonna be fine. You said that yourself didn’t you?” Hoseok smiles as he cups your face softly while he caresses your cheeks with his thumbs.
You slowly nodded up at him, watching as he plants a soft kiss to your forehead.
Of course this was all for the fake relationship at the end of the day, but was all of this gestures really fake though?
Both of you walked towards the front door with your left hand in his, fingers intertwined while your right hand wrapped itself around his left forearm to hold him close to you. Hoseok stopped in front of the door before turning to you and whispered, “Are you ready?”
“Ready if you are.” You gave him a weak smile and soon, he pushed the door open.
You made it inside without anyone greeting you at the door since it was in fact his house anyway. However, the minute you entered the living room, you instantly squeezed Hoseok’s hand lightly. Clearly overwhelmed by the number of people who were gathered there.
“Oh! Hoseok dear! You’re here!” One of the middle aged ladies said with a smile.
“Yes Aunt Ju, I’m here and I brought my girlfriend with me if you all don’t mind. I figured it’s a perfect time to introduce her to all my family.” Hoseok said proudly, making you feel slightly safe in his arms.
Just then, a voice sounded from behind you and it wasn’t exactly pleasant.
“How dare you bring an outsider to our family dinner! She’s not invited! And who said you’re dating this low life girl? You’re getting married to Lena!” Who you could only assume to be Hoseok’s mother, said in full disgust as she glares and looks at you from head to toe.
Hoseok’s body shook with rage as he frowned at his mother, ready to shoot her down with his words if he had to.
“You can’t tell me who I can and can’t be with, mom. Why should I marry someone who doesn’t mean a single thing to me when I can live happily with the girl of my dreams?”
“Nonsense! I am your mother so you have to listen to my decisions!” You were afraid of what might happen next so you tugged Hoseok’s hand a little to gain his attention. Luckily, he felt it so he glanced down at you for a second and the moment he locked eyes with you, he immediately softened.
He took a deep breath before turning back to his mother and smiled, “Yes, you are my mother. But I get to decide who I want to marry for it is my life and not yours.”
His mother’s face distorts into an offended scowl. She watched as her son brought you over to the rest of his family in the living room.
Upon sitting down, one of Hoseok’s cousin’s greeted you with a hug as she began talking to you.
“Hi dear! What’s your name?” She asked.
“Hi, I’m Y/N, you?”
“I’m Seori. It’s nice to meet you!”
“It’s nice to meet you too.” For the first time that night, you smiled genuinely as Seori warmed up to you pretty quick. Though from the corner of your eye, you could see a girl who hadn’t kept her gaze off you from the minute you entered the room.
For this reason alone, you could only guess that she was Lena, the girl who Hoseok was supposed to marry.
You were just chatting with Seori about Hoseok’s old habits when she suddenly leaned in to whisper something surprising to you.
“Honestly, I’m rooting for you instead of that rich girl. She’s such a brat. Hoseok is definitely too good for her.” Seori smiled, making you chuckle. You couldn’t believe Hoseok’s cousin was actually agreeing with you being her cousin’s partner even though she only just met you.
“Oh… Thanks… I guess?” You said awkwardly, earning a laugh from her.
“No really! She’s such a spoiled brat. I don’t understand why my aunt is dying for Hoseok to marry her. Blegh…” Seori faked a gag at the end.
Just then, your eyes travelled over to the other side of the room, only to find Lena shooting daggers into your skull. You got uncomfortable under her intense gaze which caused you to fidget in your seat. Unfortunately, Hoseok noticed this so he turned to you and whispered carefully.
“Are you okay? What’s wrong?”
“H-Huh? Oh, n-nothing. I’m fine.” You smiled at him as he frowned knowing you were lying but he decided to just trust you so he snuck a quick kiss to your cheek before smiling at you.
Why is your heart racing?
An hour went by, Hoseok kept you close to him at all times, making sure Lena or his mother never got too close to you.
You were just talking to Seori and Wooyoung, another one of Hoseok’s cousins when you excused yourself to go to the washroom. You made it down the hall and was about to enter the bathroom when you heard bickerings from one of the rooms.
As bad as you know it would be to eavesdrop, you got even curious when you recognized one of the voices to be Hoseok’s.
The closer you got, the clearer those voices were. However, your heart wasn’t ready for what you were about to hear.
“I want you to break up with that stupid girl and marry Lena!”
“No mom! What the hell? You can’t do this to me!”
“I’m your mother! And I demand you to leave that lowlife brat or else, I won’t take you as my son anymore! You choose. Outsider or Family.” His mom threatened him as she began to walk towards the door.
For some reason, you couldn’t seem to move. Your feet were glued to the ground as your eyes pooled with tears at the brim.
The moment his mother pulled the door open harshly, you flinched.
The tears on your eyes were now falling freely down your cheeks. You locked eyes with Hoseok for a brief moment before you looked back at his mother who had a satisfied wicked smile on her face.
“So, you heard right? Break up with my son if you love him and care about him still being a part of this family.”
Hoseok was frozen behind her as he watched you carefully for your next words. You two were supposed to be strong for each other. You were supposed to come out of this family dinner hand in hand with a proud smile on your face. Unfortunately, that doesn’t seem to be the outcome tonight.
So with one shaky breath, you locked eyes with his mother while your tears streamed down your face, giving her exactly what she wanted.
“Okay. I promise I’ll leave your son alone from now on. This will be the last time you see me in his life, if that’s what you want Ma’am.”
“Good. Now leave. You don’t belong here.”
With that, you gave her a weak smile before you turned in your heels and ran. Hoseok was going to run after you but his mother stopped him.
Your running figure caught everyone’s attention as Seori and Wooyoung called out to you desperately but all you did was run to the front door and left. A few seconds later, Hoseok was seen running down the hall and was about to go to the front door when Hoseok’s mother yelled his name.
He stopped in his tracks, only for her to threaten him again.
“Jung Hoseok! Don’t you dare go after that girl!”
“Why?! Why not mom?! Why can’t I go after the one girl that I love?! Tell me mom! Tell me!”
“You don’t love her…” She scoffed, trying to convince herself that her son isn’t capable of finding love on his own.
“What do you know about love mom? You call marrying someone I don’t know, someone I’ve never talked to, someone I’ve never met before, love? If that’s what you call love, then I don’t want to be a part of it. In all my life, I’ve never known what is the true meaning of love besides a family’s love. And now I know…” He paused to take a deep breath before he continued.
“Call me insane, but I am in love with her. I am madly in love with the girl who you just blatantly threatened to break up with me. It’s such a low move of you to threaten an innocent girl when all she did was love me.” Hoseok said as he turned and was about to leave when his mother threatened him again.
“If you step out of this house right now just to go after that brat, you are never to step foot in this house ever again.”
With that being said, Hoseok turned around and gave her a sad smile. He knew the decision he was going to make. He knew it would probably change his life forever. And yet, not a single ounce of regret was lingering in him when he said the next few words.
“And let the girl I truly love slip out of my hands for good? I’m sorry mom, but I don’t think so.” Hoseok said and with that, he left.
Hoseok’s father had to hold his wife back from slaughtering her son as Seori and Wooyoung cheered for their cousin while Lena was just fuming in her seat.
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Hoseok arrived at your apartment building, running up to your unit level only to pound his fist against your door. He waited a few seconds but all he got was silence. He tried a few more times and still no response. He panicked as he ran his fingers through his hair, trying to think of where else you could go.
Just then, it was as though something clicked in his brain that made him rush back to his car and soon drove off to the one possible place you could have gone to.
After a few more minutes on the road, Hoseok practically leaped out of his car and soon sprinted up the apartment steps not bothering to wait for the lift.
Once he was on level 4 where Namjoon’s apartment unit was, he gave it a few knocks.
It was currently 10:40pm so he knew damn well that Namjoon was still awake. Hoseok’s mind was currently running amuck as he tapped his foot impatiently against the ground.
Just then, the door opened to reveal Namjoon who looked worried for something, or perhaps someone.
“Joon ah! Please tell me she’s here…” Hoseok whispered desperately as his eyes pleaded for Namjoon to give him the answer he really wanted. Of course, Namjoon could never lie to his friend. Which is why Namjoon lets out a sigh of relief before smiling at the latter.
“She’s in my room.”
With that being said, Hoseok quickly kicked his shoes off only to walk towards Namjoon’s room carefully so as to not scare you.
Once he was standing in front of the door, he skipped the knocking and went straight ahead to open it.
The moment he did, his heart shattered upon seeing you sit on Namjoon’s bed with your knees up to your chest while you hugged them. You had your face buried in your arms as your soft cries echoed around the room.
Hoseok softly entered the room, closing the door behind him as he carefully made his way to you.
“Joonie… Why am I feeling this way? Why am I so sad? This is fake, isn’t it? All this is fake… So why does my heart hurt so bad?” You whispered in between sobs but still not looking up. You felt the mattress dip beside you which means someone had just climbed into bed with you.
Except, you just assumed it was Namjoon. Little did you know, you were wrong.
“Maybe because our feelings weren’t fake.”
His familiar gentle voice caught you off guard as you slowly brought your head up only to gasp when you locked eyes with Hoseok’s soft ones. He was smiling down at you, and yet, you could see how broken he was.
“H-Hoseok… W-Wha… What are you doing here?” Your voice was weak as you stuttered over your words.
“I left… I couldn’t let you leave.”
“N-No…” You croaked out. “N-No… No… What about your family? Hoseok, did you not hear what your mom said?”
With that being said, Hoseok gently cups your face with both hands as he shushes you to calm you down.
“Shh… Shh… It’s okay. I know what she said. But it doesn’t matter because what’s important is that we’re together.” He smiled as he kissed the tip of your nose, wiping your tears away with his thumbs.
“Hoseok…” Your voice was barely a whisper, earning a soft ‘shh’ from him yet again.
“I don’t care what she said. I don’t care what any of my family says. It's my life so I make my decisions. And right now, I’m so glad I left. That way I can show you just how much I truly care for you…” Hoseok paused as he slowly leaned closer to you until his lips were just an inch apart from yours, foreheads touching gently before he took one shaky breath and finally expressed his feelings for you wholeheartedly.
“I love you, Y/N.”
Your heart was pounding against your chest as you closed your eyes, afraid to look him in the eye. Finally, with one small breath, you whispered your reply for his little confession.
“I love you too, Hoseok.”
And just like that, Hoseok smiled as he caressed your cheeks before he kissed you on the lips.
Your heart almost jumps out of your chest as you slide your hands around his waist. He kissed you so sweetly, you nearly allowed yourself to fall on him. Hoseok pulls away with a soft sound, keeping one hand on your cheek while the other rests on your neck.
He kept his forehead gently against yours as his lips purposely brushed over your lips. You could hear his nervous breaths, only for him to whisper against your lips.
“Let me love you properly this time. You’re all that I want.”
With that, you couldn’t help but giggle feeling your heart full again. You loved him. You don’t know what you did to deserve him. Nevertheless, you promised to love him back equally.
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7 months had passed without any of you realizing. Hoseok has been staying with Namjoon ever since that unfortunate incident with his parents, more specifically his mother. Hoseok hasn’t talked to his parents ever since, simply fulfilling her request if he decided to leave the house that night.
You were in a stable relationship with Hoseok in which he has shown you more love than what he was capable of giving you previously when you were fake dating.
He showered you with so much love, it makes your heart melt every single time.
It was a gloomy Saturday afternoon. You went over to Namjoon’s place to hangout with him and your boyfriend. Upon your arrival, Hoseok seemed too excited as he quickly tackled you down onto the sofa whilst he tickled the life out of you.
You had to beg him to stop as you ended up panting for air. You were just cuddling with Hoseok on the couch while Namjoon sat on the huge bean bag chair at the corner while you all watched the movie.
You were just drawing random patterns onto Hoseok’s clothed chest, earning soft kisses at the top of your head when you heard the doorbell ring.
All of you glanced around at each other, only for Hoseok to ask his roommate if he ordered anything.
Upon Namjoon saying no, the male stood up and made his way to the door. You and Hoseok continued watching the show while Namjoon went to answer the door. A few seconds later, you heard Namjoon’s voice calling to Hoseok from the end of the hallway but for some reason, his voice sounded a little suspicious.
You definitely didn’t expect this.
“Uh, Seok ah, you might wanna pause the movie.” Namjoon warned as you both turned around. The minute you locked eyes with Hoseok’s parents, you immediately tensed up whilst he sat up straighter in an alert stance.
“Mom. Dad.” Hoseok whispered under his breath as the two of them smiled at their son.
You could feel the tension rising as Hoseok’s body became stiff. To avoid making things worse, you carefully got up and excused yourself.
Before you could leave, Hoseok grabbed your wrist as his eyes were begging for you to stay.
“You should talk to them.” You whispered as you looked at his parents and soon gave them a small nod before you and Namjoon left them to head to Namjoon’s bedroom.
You closed the door behind you and the minute you were inside, you couldn’t help but let out a shaky sigh. Pressing your back against the door, you slid down to the ground until you were seated on the floor. Namjoon frowned as he went over to you, pulling you into a warm hug as he caressed the back of your head comfortingly.
Meanwhile, Hoseok's parents took a seat on the same couch he was in except there was a huge gap between Hoseok and his mom.
“My dear son, how are you sweetheart?” His mom smiled sadly, knowing Hoseok probably still held a grudge on her.
“I’m fine…” Hoseok said coldly, unsure of how to react.
“How’s school? Everything okay?” His dad asked.
“Yeah. I’m coping okay. Nothing out of the ordinary for me as usual.” Hoseok shrugged as he looked everywhere but his parents. Just then, his mother was the first to apologize.
“I’m really sorry for the way I acted that night… I… I wasn’t thinking.”
Hoseok finally looked at his mom with a deep frown on his face.
“What are you saying?”
“I’m saying that I shouldn’t have treated Y/N that way and that I shouldn’t have made those threats to you and her when I should be happy that you found love and that you were genuinely happy to be with her… I’m so sorry, dear.” His mother started to tear up as Hoseok’s heart immediately softened for her.
Of course he couldn’t hate her.
He could never hate his mother.
So when she began to cry, Hoseok scooted closer to hug her, rubbing her back soothingly to calm her down. His father simply smiled as he patted Hoseok’s back a few times for he wasn’t a man of affection. No doubt, he still loves his family dearly.
A few minutes later, Hoseok pulled away from his mother, only for the lady to sniffle and ask, “Can I see her? I want to see the girl who’s been making my son so happy.” She smiled as Hoseok nodded.
He soon got up, making his way to Namjoon’s bedroom. He gave it a few knocks before opening it, only to find Namjoon and you seated on his bed facing each other, placing a game of rock paper scissors. You were just laughing at Namjoon’s mistake when you heard the door creak open and soon, you met Hoseok’s soft eyes.
“Hey…” Hoseok said as he stepped inside briefly to walk to you and Namjoon.
“How’s everything?” Namjoon asked with a weak smile, only for Hoseok to speak up.
“We made up…”
“Oh? That’s amazing.” Namjoon sighed in relief but then Hoseok looked at you and placed a soft hand on your thigh.
“But now my mom wants to see you.” Immediately, your breath hitched in your throat.
What if she still hates you?
Hoseok could sense your worries so he squeezed your thigh softly and soon reassured you that if anything goes wrong, he’ll be there to protect you. With his words of affirmation, you both finally left the room with Namjoon flopping onto his bed.
You walked behind Hoseok while he laced his fingers with yours. The minute you came into the living room, you locked eyes with his mother and for some reason, her words from that night came haunting you back.
You unconsciously hid behind Hoseok and his mother saw this.
However, the frown on her face couldn’t easily be mistaken for anything else. She knew she would leave this effect on you, but maybe not to this extent. And for that, she feels bad.
Seeing how you wouldn’t budge from behind him, Hoseok gently tugs you forward while he whispers to you, “It’s okay… I’m here…”
This was enough to give you some moral support as you carefully sat down on the couch beside his mother.
“Hi dear, how are you?” She asked as you saw a brand new tear threatening to roll down her cheeks.
“I-I’m good, Ma’am.”
“Don’t worry sweetheart, I’m not here to yell at you… I’m here to say sorry. I know what I said to you that night wasn’t right. And I know that I can’t take back whatever I said. And I totally understand if you don’t forgive me. All I wanna say is thank you for making my son happy. I can see that he truly loves you. I’m sorry once again.” She smiled as the tear finally rolled down her cheek.
All the while, you were still holding Hoseok’s hand as he sat closely behind you but his fingers were laced with yours on your lap while his right hand gently caressed your sides to calm your nerves down.
For some reason, you could see the sincerity behind her apology. Which is why you reached for her hand afterwards and spoke up.
“I forgive you.”
His mother stared at you in shock, surprised that you forgave her despite all the things she said to you.
“You… really forgive me?”
“I understand that all you wanted was the best for your child. And I couldn’t blame you for that. But apart from that, I’m thankful that you finally approve of my relationship with your son. I love him so much but I dread to see him being torn apart from his family.” You said.
His mother couldn’t help but cry harder as you offered her a hug to which she openly accepted.
You rubbed her back to soothe her nerves only to hear her say, “Hoseok did an excellent job at choosing the right girl.”
You pulled away to find her smiling at you before glancing past your shoulder to look at her son with a look that Hoseok seemed to understand. His parents soon took their leave, while you went back to join Namjoon after saying goodbye to Hoseok’s parents.
Hoseok was just standing by the door to say bye to his parents when his mother cups his face and whispers, “Don’t lose her, no matter what people say. She’s a keeper.”
With that being said, she kissed his forehead and soon left.
Hoseok couldn’t agree more with his mother’s sentence, knowing that he would never let go of you that easily nor would he lose you because of other people’s words. He won’t ever let those things happen.
And that’s exactly what he’s going to do.
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hwangsbbg · 4 years
don’t wanna talk to you - Hyunjin
3k words, makeup sex, reader is mad that Hyunjin is neglecting her and ignores him. Reader is foreigner.
"It's like I sacrifice my precious vacation time to come all the way to Seoul and spend time with him but he's always busy with her" I complained to my best friend Juyeon who was over at my house along with Eric after I had called them, frustrated with my oblivious boyfriend.
"So you think he's cheating with you?" Eric asked as Juyeon ran his hands through my hair, my head sat in his lap as the TV played in the background, none of us really caring what was on anyways.
"It's not that. But he knows she likes him. She's always shown it. She tried kissing him at the JYP family event this year knowing he was with me and whenever she's around him she acts all flirty" I explained getting more and more riled up at the thought of Hyunjin hanging out with her.
"But why would he hang out with her then? That makes no sense?" Juyeon quirked an eyebrow as I sighed.
"JYP thought it was a good idea to make them do a collab dance stage so they're working on it. He could have said no though. He's supposed to be on a break but he accepted because he didn't want to let his boss down."
"Ok so if it's just work, why're you so riled up?" Eric asked.
"Because! He goes out to eat with her and they're always texting now ad it's just so fucking annoying" I replied.
"So did you tell him that its bothering you?" Juyeon inquired after listening to my mini rants.
"No. I'm just gonna ignore him. If he doesn't bother spending time with me or considering my feelings then I won't bother acknowledging him" I replied making Juyeon shake his head.
"Stop. I know it sounds petty but he really deserves it" I spoke up before Juyeon could say what was on his mind.
Hyunjin and this girl have known each other for a long time. She's liked him for a long time. She works in the same company as him and always gets to see him. She flirts with him all the time when I'm working and when I come to Seoul during my vacation, he still spends time with her.
"So how long have you been ignoring him for?" Eric grabs some pringles chips and stares at me through the lenses of his golden rimmed glasses, awaiting my response.
"Like 2 days" I answered truthfully. "And do you think he noticed?" Juyeon asks.
"I mean he sent me a message two nights ago and I ignored it, then he sent like three more the next day along with two calls and I ignored them. But I hung out with Chan and Jisung yesterday and texted them so I'm pretty sure he knows" I told them.
"Wow. I don't even know what to say. This is between you two and I'm sure you'll figure it out" Juyeon gave me a small smile that I returned.
"Okay but you hang out with so many guys though? Us and the rest of our members, the rest of stray kids, txt, ab6ix, nct, seventeen, too and so many more. Isn't it a little unfair for you to get mad at him" I lifted my head from Juyeon's lap to look at him after he tried to reason with me.
"All of these guys have never tried to kiss me and respect my relationship. If it were Yeji or Ryujin, I wouldn't worry but it's because it's her. On top of that, I always make time for him and he literally forgot I existed although I came here for him and my friends" I huffed.
After more talking and me basically venting my anger out, we decided to watch a movie before they had to go back to their dorms.
"Love you guys" I hugged them, waving goodnight and closing the door behind me. It was only 8pm but I was pretty sure I wasn't going to go anywhere tonight.
I decided on taking a shower. It was well needed as it gave me time to just think about anything I wanted to underneath the hot and powerful taps of the shower drops.
After showering I put on some body lotion and got dressed in an oversized shirt along with a pair of underwear as it was quite hot this night.
"What the fuck" I stopped scrolling through my phone as I heard the door to my house knock even though I wasn't expecting anyone at this time. It was already about 9pm.
I walked out of my room and towards the door, phone in hand. My house was one story but with several rooms.
As soon as I opened the door I groaned and closed it again. There stood my beautiful boyfriend whom I was very mad at dressed in ripped black jeans and a white button up.
The door was knocked again right as I closed it and I rolled my eyes opening it again.
"I don't want to talk to you" I huffed, trying to look tough despite the 12 cm difference between the two of us, glaring at him even though he towered over me.
"Well we're gonna talk whether you like it or not" He pushed himself inside the house, clearly as frustrated as I was before kicking the door close behind him.
"It's been two days. Two fucking days you're not talking to me and I don't even know why" Hyunjin runs as hand through his hair, staring at me as I stood in front of the front door watching his movements.
"I get that you're mad at me but can you at least tell me what I fucking did" he follows me into the living room as I start walking away from him.
"Why don't you fucking ask Yuna" I glared at him.
"What the fuck are you talking about" He asks, still oblivious to the issue.
"Are you fucking serious Hyunjin. I decide to come to Seoul and spend time with you during my break. And you fucking go on lunch dates with a girl who's clearly into you" I yelled, trying to hold back tears of frustration. I tend to cry when I'm angry or worked up.
"You know we're practicing together for the collab stage and that's it so I don't see the problem" He tells me.
"That's not the problem. The fact that you keep hanging out with her and always texting her, going to eat with her and so on, that's the problem. You haven't spent a minute with me in like a week and you're on a fucking break" I replied.
"I'm only going out to eat with her and hanging with her because even if she likes me, we're still friends and she's my partner. It's not my fault if you're jealous" He shoots back at me.
"Fine then I guess you don't mind me sleeping over at Sunghoon's place" I was purposefully trying to incite a reaction out of him. Sunghoon is a close friend of mine that used to like me.
"The hell you are" He glares at me.
"Who are you to stop me? I'm only hanging with him because even if he liked me, we're still friends. It's not my fault you're jealous" I used his words against him.
"I'm your fucking boyfriend. And I don't understand why you're being like this"
"Because I care about you and you don't act like you care at all about me. Its been a week you're hanging out with her all the time, only texting me as if we weren't in the same country. And you only come to me when I start ignoring you" I wanted to hit him with his own album that I saw resting in my bookshelf.
"You're acting like such a bitch right now. I don't have to spend every fucking minute with you. I have a life you know" He spat.
"You know what you're right. I guess I'm not as important in that life of yours I had thought." I couldn't help but let a tear fall at his words. I turned on my phone that was resting in my hand and quickly unlocked it.
"Babe? Baby are you crying? Fuck I didn't mean to make you cry. Shit I'm sorry" His tone immediately softens as he walks closer to me, cupping my face in his hands and wiping away the tears.
"Are you seriously looking up flights back to the US" He asked incredulously after glancing at my phone screen.
"I mean you clearly don't care if I'm here or not" I huffed, removing his hands from my face.
"Of course I care, so much. And I'm sorry I made it seem like I didn't. You know this project is important for me. Solo projects like these give more attention to the group. And I know you don't like her but trust me, nothing will happen." He began apologizing.
"It's not about trust Hyunjin, it's the fact that you don't even remember I exist and spend all your time with her" I huffed.
"I'm sorr-" "I mean what girlfriend wouldn't be fucking jealous if their boyfriend decided to spend every minute with a girl who likes him" I cut him off.
"Oh so you're jealous huh" He smirked as I glared at him.
"That's besides the point. You really fucking pissed me off" I rolled my eyes
"Okay I'm sorry baby. Ok? I promise tonight and all day tomorrow I'm all yours" He gave me a small peck and this time I didn't reject his actions.
"And you know I might've been spending time with her but it's you I'm always thinking about" he wrapped his arm around my waist, resting his forehead on mine, smiling.
"Cuz you're fucking mine, not hers" I replied, kissing him once again, my hands unconsciously moving to wrap themselves around his neck and pulling him slightly downwards so I didn't have to go on my tippy toes to reach his lips.
"Of course, I'm yours. I'll always be just yours" He whispered, his hands holding onto my waist, pulling me closer, closing the distance so there was not a millimeter of space between our two bodies.
His pink, plump, soft and addictive lips moved against mine and I almost forgot why I was mad at him to begin with. I smile into the kiss as I felt him tug at my bottom lip and smiled even wider when his tongue entered my mouth.
He moved his tongue in sync with my own as his hands travelled down, cupping my ass, rubbing on them and using them to bring me closer to him even if there was no distance between us.
"Fuck baby, jump" He pulled away as I looked at him with a smirk, my arms still hanging onto his neck, jumping slightly so he caught my thighs and wrapped them around his waist. Having a dancer and performer boyfriend came in really handy as he could easy carry me like this with no problem.
I began leaving small kisses and sucking on his neck as he carried me to my room. He obviously knew the way as he was accustomed to the house more than anyone else.
With no words said he used his back to close the door before laying me on the queen sized bed, giving me a small smile whole kicking off his shoes.
"You're so fucking beautiful" He easily slid off his shirt, moving between my legs and lowering his body to plant kisses on my neck.
His fingers trailed on my bare thighs as I realized my shirt definitely rose up so he had a perfect view of everything the underwear wasn't covering.
One of his hands slid under my oversized shirts, cupping a breast and rubbing on it while the other lazily rested at my waist as he continued to suck dark purple marks on my dark skin.
My legs wrapped around his torso, pulling him closer causing him to rut against me making both of us to let out different noises but for the same pleasurable reason.
I lifted my back a little and he immediately understood what I meant as his hands went to the hem of my shirt and in a swift action, he pulled it off, throwing it to the ground next to us.
He groaned, staring at my bare breasts, his lips immediately attaching to one as if it were a magnet. He teasingly held my nipple between his teeth ever so delicately making me whine before he placed his soft lips around the bud and began sucking on it, grinding his prominent bulge against my underwear covered core.
He tried to pull away and my hands instinctively went to the back of his head, keeping him in place as if to not lose the pleasure. I heard him chuckled lightly before slowly lifting his head, staring at me, my nipple still in his mouth, before he released it with a loud pop, moving to the next one.
He began sucking on the breast, already leaving dark purple marks before sucking on the dark and hard nipple that was patiently waiting for his mouth.
"Mm please" I didn't actually know what I was begging for but I was in too much pleasure not only from his lips but from the way his hips moved on me.
He let go of the nipple after a while, blowing onto it before standing up straight, unbuttoning his jeans ever so slowly. It's almost like he wanted to tease me however he was only making himself suffer by imprisoning his erection in those tight clothes for a while longer.
His lip stuck out of his mouth as his brows furrowed in concentration as he removed his jeans and underwear at the same time. He was quite impressive, not only blessed with good looks.
"You're soaked and we barely even started" He smirked, running a finger along my covered slit making me let out a small whine that didn't go by unnoticed by him.
He began chuckling before grabbing the hem of my white underwear and pulling them down, easily.
"As good as you look right now I really need you" He was referring to all the foreplay he wanted to skip and I was completely fine with that.
"You're still here tomorrow" I gave him a small smirk before sitting up, wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him back onto the bed with me, engaging a passionate kiss. I took the lead as Hyunjin focused on positioning himself.
"Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck" I moaned out as the tip of his length slowly entered, already stretching my walls and he moved his head to rest at the crook of my neck.
"So fucking tight. Fuck" He mumbled, slowly pushing the rest of himself in until he was buried deep inside.
He placed both his hands on either side of my body and slowly began moving. His thrusts were slow and precise and had the both of us cursing and breathing heavily.
I stared at his sweat covered forehead with strands of hairs sticking to it all the way to his glorious lips that were swollen from the kissing to his abs that I could drool over for days.
"HO- FUCK" I might've reacted a tad bit too loudly as he hit a certain area that made the pool of heat in my stomach bubble and a certain knot form.
"You're so fucking hot. Look at you. Under me. So hot. You're gonna make me cum" He grabbed one of my thighs and moved my legs up to his shoulder, resting it there to give him better access.
He continued for a while before I stopped him and flipped us around.
I kissed all over his neck, sucking on a few areas on his chest, shoulders and collarbones and of course the nipples before I positioned myself.
I hovered over his waist, carefully grabbing his length and positioning it at my entrance before sliding on to him.
I began moving slowly as he watched me, jaw slightly parted, his eyes darting from my face to my breasts to his cock being buried deep inside of me.
"Mmm fuck babe c-can you speed up" I began moving faster at his words and he began matching ever bounce I made with a thrust upwards.
"Yeah who fucks you like this huh?" "Only you baby- fuckkk" I was pretty sure the neighbors could hear us considering how loud we were being.
"B-babe I'm coming" his voice for some reason dropped and came out a bit broken as he reached his high.
I felt his cock twitching inside of me and like he predicted, a few seconds later, he released, painting my inner walls white as I rode him until he was finished.
"Keep- keep going you didn't come yet" He looked out of breath when he grabbed my waist as I tried to slide off of him.
"It's fine you don't have too, it was great for me as well so don't worry" I reassured him but he shook his head no.
He gave weak thrusts and I smiled at his attempts to make me feel good as I began moving again, slowly.
It didn't take much time or effort after that for me to come and to get off of him roll over onto the other side of the bed
"I bet Yuna can't give it to you like that" I finally let out after recollecting my breathing.
"Would you let that go already" He chuckled, playfully rolling his eyes before grabbing me and pulling me closer to him.
"I love you. Really. I love you so fucking much. And I might not always show it but I do. And nobody could ever compare to you babe" He kissed my forehead as I tried to suppress the huge grin making way on my face.
"I love you more Hyunjin" I breathed out, moving closer to him as his grip around me tightened.
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drabbles-mc · 4 years
Family Time
EZ Reyes x Reader
Request by the wonderful @ly--canthrope: Shopping for the coming baby and the reader and him are giggly, soft, soon-to-be parents and they end up decorating the nursery together that afternoon and their dog is with them and gets curious about the baby bump and then curls up on the reader’s chest, protecting her because she is the valuable one
Warnings: EZ being a super sweet and cute human, a protective doggo, and baby fever
Word Count: 1.9k
A/N: We love a little baby fever for our boy!! EZ would be such a phenomenal dad and you cannot convince me otherwise. Also did I do a little projection with the nursery decorations?? Possibly.
EZ Taglist: @noz4a2​ @queenbeered​ @sincerelyasomebody​ @sadeyesgf​ @thesandbeneathmytoes​ @appropriate-writers-name​ @tomhardydallasstarsgirl​ @multiyfandomgirl40​ @sillygoose6969​ @louisianalady​ @gemini0410​ @paintballkid711​ @chibsytelford​ @yourwonkywriter​ (If you want to be added to the tags for any of my writing please let me know!)
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“Oh but wouldn’t this look cute on the wall above the crib?” you pointed at the framed picture on the top shelf.
EZ smiled, shaking his head, “I just wanna know, Querida,” he walked over to you, resting his hand on your ever-growing baby bump, “how much Winnie the Pooh stuff are you planning on putting in our baby’s room?”
You laughed, placing your hands on top of his, “As much as I can!” you rubbed your stomach lightly, “How long have you been thinking about decorating the nursery?”
He shrugged, “Ever since you told me that you’re pregnant.”
You nodded, “Right. So you’ve been thinking about this for about seven months. I’ll even say a year, since we started talking about kids. But, I, on the other hand,” you laid your hand against your chest, “have been day-dreaming about decorating my baby’s nursery ever since I knew I wanted to be a mom. I got lots of ideas in here,” you tapped the side of your head.
There was a soft smile on EZ’s face and you could feel the love radiating off of him, “I love you,” he leaned in and kissed you.
You smiled, “I love you too.”
He stood up on his toes, reaching the top shelf that you couldn’t and placed the frame in the cart, “But you realize the nursery isn’t that big, right? I mean, we’ll still need somewhere to put the actual baby when they get here.”
You laughed, shaking your head, “There will be room. Besides, babies are small. They could fit anywhere.”
EZ laughed, “I’m not sure that that’s the mentality we should be having,” he leaned against the cart, “How about we take this stuff and cash out. We can head home and start decorating the nursery, and if when we’re done we still have room, we can come out shopping again next week and I won’t give you a hard time about not having room to put the baby somewhere. Deal?”
You smiled, resting your hands on your stomach, “Deal.”
The two of you pulled into the driveway of your house. The second that EZ cut the engine on the car you could hear the dog barking inside. You chuckled to yourself, shaking your head. He knew the sound of EZ’s car and yet, despite the countless days he’s heard EZ pull into the driveway, he still loses it every time it happens.
EZ comes over and helps you out of the car. For a while you would try to wave him off, saying that you were pregnant, not incapable. But he would continue to insist, so eventually you stopped fighting him on it. You asked if there were any bags that he’d let you carry in, knowing that he wouldn’t let you do the One-Trip Olympics like you had before you were pregnant. He smiled, handing you the smallest bag as he collected up the rest of them. You rolled your eyes with a smile as you left him to his devices.
You made it to the front door, turning the key in the lock. You tried the best you could to stand off to the side as you opened the door, knowing that your dog was going to fly out into the yard and head right over to EZ. He’d always liked EZ more and you had never really questioned it—EZ was the one who brought him home from the shelter, after all. He was nice to you, but very rarely did he ever get cozy with you.
He came tearing out across the lawn and was attempting to jump on EZ despite the fact that he had multiple bags in each hand. EZ laughed, trying to carefully step around the shepherd that was jumping at him, “Down, boy. Easy.”
He was refusing to let up so you whistled, calling him over to you, “Apollo! Come!”
The dog whipped his head back around to you and slowly trotted over. You stood just inside the door to the house, coaxing him in so that EZ could walk in peace. He trailed happily behind the two of you, sniffing excitedly at the bags that EZ was carrying.
“Looks like we have an extra helper for decorating,” you laughed as Apollo sat in the doorway of the nursery.
“If only he had thumbs,” EZ chuckled.
Both of you looked around the nursery. Painting was already done—EZ had enlisted Angel’s help with that. They’d let you help with that solely because they hated doing the taping. Over the course of a weekend the three of you had turned the previously blank walls of the nursery into a forest scene. While it was for the baby it would be the 100 Acre Wood to keep with your Winnie the Pooh theme, but it was a neutral enough paint job that it could grow up with your child. At least, that was the way that you had pitched the idea to EZ.
The big things had already been put together thanks to Felipe. He wasn’t going to have either of you fretting over putting together the crib and dresser when those were things that he could easily take care of in an afternoon. He’d even attached a mobile to the crib, and also went out and found a nice little bookshelf when you had mentioned it was something you had been thinking of for the baby. He wasn’t always the most verbally expressive man, but you’d never doubted for a second that he loved you and the baby that you had on the way.
“Alright, so what do we need to get into place?” EZ looked over to you for some direction.
You pressed your lips together in thought, “Okay, we need to get the changing table in here, along with the little standalone closet. Plus we got a couple shelves to throw up on the walls. And the string lights. And the framed photos,” you paused, “Oh and the reading corner with the chair.”
“So…the whole room,” EZ laughed as he rested his hand on the back of his neck.
You smiled walking up and kissing him on the cheek, “We don’t need to get it all done today. We got time.”
He rested his hands on your bump, smiling, “Not as much as we think, Querida,” he didn’t take his hands off of you as he continued to talk, “I’ll take care of the changing table and the closet to start. If you want to find a place for the string lights and stuff, I can bring in the chair afterwards and we can work together on the reading corner, okay?”
You nodded, resting your hands on top of his for a moment, “Sounds good. Thank you for doing all the heavy lifting, EZ.”
He laughed, shaking his head, “You’re carrying the most important thing. The least I can do is move some furniture around.”
You were able to hang up the lights and even a couple of the framed photos as EZ got the bulkier furniture all situated in the room. He was right—the nursery wasn’t a huge room, but somehow it still didn’t feel cramped despite all of the things that you were moving into it. It felt cozy, and you couldn’t want for the three of you to spend time there.
“Okay,” EZ took a deep breath, “where’s the chair going?”
You gestured to where the string lights were, “I figured over there? That way there will be some nice soft light while we’re in here reading.”
He smiled, nodding, “Sounds perfect.”
You hated that you pretty much just had to sit back and watch him do everything, but you knew that even if you tried to assist he’d shoo you away. After he situated the chair, he sat down in it and looked around the room. He nodded in approval and waved you over. You crossed the room to meet him, interlocking your fingers with his. He attempted to pull you onto his lap but you shook your head.
“I’m two people now, EZ,” you laughed, “I’ll crush you.”
He rolled his eyes, “Don’t be ridiculous, Y/N. I’m way too strong to be crushed. C’mere,” he tugged at your arm.
You sighed, wanting to pretend that you were annoyed with his persistence but you really loved it. You took his hand in yours and tugged him towards you, “I’d be so much more comfortable just cuddling with you on the couch. You deserve a break from all the hard work anyway,” you lifted his hand to your lips and placed a kiss on his knuckles, “The little stuff can wait until tomorrow.”
The two of you got situated on the couch. You were leaning against EZ’s side, his arm wrapped around you so that he could keep you close but also feel any motion that the baby made. For a few weeks already you had been feeling intermittent kicks, and the sensation never got old. You loved how excited EZ got every time that it happened.
“You’re still okay with not knowing ahead of time?” you asked him as you rubbed your hand over your stomach.
He smiled, nodding, “I like the surprise. No matter what they’re going to be so loved,” he kissed your temple, “Just like their mother.”
You smiled, settling back into him, “I love you.”
He pressed his lips to the side of your head again, “I love you too.”
You both returned your attention to the show you were watching. Every now and then you’d feel a small kick in your stomach, and you’d look over to see EZ with an ecstatic smile plastered across his face as he soaked in the moment. He’d lightly trace his thumb along your stomach for a few moments before his eyes returned to the TV screen.
You heard the jingling of a collar and suddenly Apollo was trying to climb into your lap. You laughed, trying to resituate yourself so that the couch could comfortably hold all three of you. Despite your efforts to make space for him to have his own section of cushion, he was determined to lay with his head in your lap. You and EZ both looked at each other and shared a confused laugh, unsure where the sudden bout of cuddliness came from.
His head was nestled against your stomach and thigh. You gently pet his head and neck, reveling in how calm your usually excited pup was. A few minutes passed with all of you enjoying the calm that had taken over your household. Then you felt another kick. You looked at Apollo, and you could tell that he felt it too. You chuckled quietly to yourself as he pressed his nose against your stomach, trying to figure out what had just happened. While his nose was pressed against the fabric of your shirt, there was another kick. His ears perked up and he looked at you as if to ask if you could explain what had just happened.
You scratched behind his ears, “It’s okay. It’s just the baby. You’ll meet them soon.”
He stared intently at your stomach for a few more moments, waiting for something else to happen. When all was still quiet, he laid his head back into your lap. You watched him for a few moments, chuckling to yourself at the way his eyes would dart over to your stomach every so often before he would close them.
“You think he knows?” EZ asked as he watched the whole scene unfold.
You nod, “I think so. He’s getting ready to love someone else in this house more than he loves either of us,” you chuckled, “You’re about to be de-throned, knocked out of the number one spot on his list.”
He laughed, kissing the top of your head, “I’m alright with that.”
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candy-and-writing · 4 years
My Resolutions
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Synopsis: You and Steve have a strained relationship. He takes it upon himself to fix that
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader, slight Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: Dark! Steve Rogers, NON-CON, fingering (female receiving), oral (female receiving), slight breeding kink if you squint
I am NOT responsible for your media content consumption. This work is not intended for those under the age of 18 due to explicit sexual content and/or dark themes. By reading this work you agree that you are at least 18 years of age. I do not consent to have my work posted on any third party app or website; if you are seeing this work anywhere other than tumblr and archiveofourown, it has been reposted without my permission.
Tony Stark's New Year's party was extravagant. Men in expensive suits and black ties, women wearing elegant party gowns and jewelry with more diamonds than a Tiffany's store. Chandeliers hung from the high ceiling, the lights soft and bright, matching the ambiance of the orchestra. Long, white-clothed tables lined the walls, covered in overpriced shrimp and finger foods, a large chocolate fountain that stood entirely too high next to various fruits and other snacks. Servers walked around the ballroom carrying trays of champagne and little plates of desserts, though most guests already held a cocktail or glass from the bar.
You stood next to Natasha as she conversed with Clint and Wanda, something about Budapest? You were too busy gawking at the lavish scene around you. The Avengers cleaned up nice, the boys wearing expensive tuxes and black bow ties while Natasha, you, and Wanda had gone dress shopping. Nat looked stunning in her long black dress, thin straps that crossed along her back and her short red hair pinned to the side. Wanda wore a dark red dress that had a high neckline and sleeves that passed her elbows, styling her hair in a messily beautiful high ponytail and dark makeup.
You wore a silky sapphire blue gown, the neckline low and cut to show much more cleavage than you were comfortable with, the thin straps were the only thing to cover your back. The skirt of your gown was loose and flowy around your legs, stopping at your toes. Your hair was curled down around your shoulders, dangling earrings tickling your jawline. Your makeup was simple, eyeliner and some fake eyelashes Natasha helped you out with and some red lipstick. To your surprise, it contrasted beautifully with your dress.
You left Natasha to navigate your way through the crowd, wanting to reach the bar. Once there, you ordered a cocktail and sat down, sighing. You picked at your painted fingernails, twisting a ring around your finger.
"Hey, doll." 
You looked up to find Bucky leaning against the bar, smiling at you. You smiled back. The bartender handed you your drink, you thanked him before taking a hefty sip.
"Having fun?"
You shrugged, stirring your straw in your drink. "Parties make me anxious, there's always too much that could happen when nothing ever does. All these strangers—does Tony even know all these people?"
Bucky sat beside you, sighing like your dad does when he goes to sit down and watch the football game. "Sounds fair, given what we do for a living. You have a right to be paranoid."
"I'm not paranoid," you glared. "I'm being cautious."
Bucky chuckled, ordering a double whiskey before looking back at you. "You wanna join Steve and I? Get your mind off things?"
You sighed, playing with your straw for a moment before nodding. "Yeah."
He guided you to the middle of the room, dodging past people until he found Steve and Sam. Sam greeted you with a nod and a smile, looking you up and down quickly before he met your eyes. Steve gave you a tense nod, quickly continuing his conversation with Sam. You scoffed before taking a drink, feeling stupid for thinking Steve would greet you at all. He's had such a stick up his ass the last few months, barely acknowledging you and only talking to you when he had to, but he was more than happy to ignore you. You've caught him glaring at you from the other side of the room multiple times, like your presence itself just annoyed him. You had no idea what you did to piss the supersoldier off, but you've learned to just stay out of his way.
Although you would admit, with his long hair, short beard, and his tight tux, he looked ruggedly handsome. He was a stark contrast to the man he once was when you first joined. He would at least talk to you then.
You shook your head, taking a sip of your cocktail. You had no idea why it bothered you so much—he didn't like you and you didn't like him, you just couldn't understand why. He was nice, kind to everyone else, to complete strangers, so why did he look at you like you were a bug he squashed on his shoe? And it wasn't like you actually hated him, despite your nonexisting conversations and the spiteful glares, you were quite fond of the super-soldier.
One cocktail turned into two, then three, then two more glasses of champagne when you spotted a server walking near you. Bucky was too busy conversing with Steve and Sam about his days back in the 107th to notice your tipsy daze, laughing as Sam made a snarky remark about his old age.
It was well past midnight now, the guests from the party had slowly disappeared, leaving the Avengers to finish off the eggnog and bacon-wrapped shrimp. You sat on the edge of the couch next to Wanda, nursing your third—was it your third? Or was it your fourth? No, no, definitely your third—cocktail Natasha had made you. Across from you sat Steve and Bucky; Bucky had taken his jacket off while Steve left his on, instead unknotting his bow tie. At first glance, you'd expect Bucky to be the one giving you the cold shoulder, not America's Golden Boy. But Bucky was probably your closest friend. You grumbled, taking another drink.
"Alright, let's go around the room!" Tony clapped and rubbed his hands together before pointing at Bruce. "Banner! New Year's Resolution, go!"
Bruce mumbled for a moment before sighing, saying something about finishing his big project with Dr. Cho. Clint went next, saying he wanted to be there when his daughter graduated middle school. Natasha wanted to do some volunteer work, maybe get a cat, something she could take care of.
"Cap, you're up!"
Steve sighed, holding his beer down at his lap. "Uh—"
"To get laid," Sam interjected, snickering. Bucky laughed as Steve's eyes widened.
"Seriously?" you nearly choked on your drink. "I can't believe that's one of your new year's resolutions."
Steve cleared his throat. "It's not." He gave you a dangerous glare, which you failed to see on account of you finishing off your cocktail. "I was going to say—before I was interrupted—I want to make the world a better place, this time next year I want it to be better."
You shrugged, reaching for a bottle of champagne. "Eh, whatever you say, Captain."
"What about you?" he asked, all but snarling. "What's your resolution?"
You poured yourself a glass from the bottle of some fancy Krug Blanc de Blanc champagne, it was crisp and rich and the bubbles tickled down your throat. "Don't got one," you said plainly. "I think they're dumb."
Tony 'boo'd. You stuck your tongue out at him.
"Aw, come on," Clint groaned. "Think of one thing you want to do this year."
You sighed. "Fine. I. . . I guess I don't want to die?"
"There ya go! That's the spirit!"
You chuckled, shaking your head as you sip your drink. Wanda went next—said she wanted to do something to help Sokovia since they're still rebuilding the city. Bucky said he just wanted to live his life with his friends. Corny bastard.
An hour passed, maybe more, before you started to get cold. The cool air danced along your bare back and down your spine. F.R.I.D.A.Y had started playing Christmas music and Natasha dragged you up. You protested, begging her to let you go. She had your hands in hers, swaying you back and forth until you were begrudgingly moving on your own until your hips were moving on your own accord.
Then you fell. Tripped over your dress.
Bucky stood up, rushing over to you as Natasha tried to give you her hand but you waved them off. "I'm fine, jeez, back off."
"Maybe you should lay off the drinks," Nat said.
"Yeah, how many have you had?" Bucky frowned at you.
"What are you, my mom?" you growled, reluctantly taking Bucky's hand as he pulled you up a little too fast. You clutched onto him, dizzy as you struggled to steady yourself. Suddenly, there was another pair of hands on you, rough as they held you tightly.
"I'll take care of her," Steve's voice said.
"Steve—" Bucky was interrupted.
"I said I got her." He pulled you out of Bucky's grasp, dragging you out of the room.
"Go easy on her, Cap," you heard Tony say softly, "you know this time of year is hard for her."
That made both you and Steve scowl. It is not, you thought as Steve pulled you along, your small feet struggling to keep up with his fast steps. Your head spun, dizzy as Steve stopped at a door. He shoved you in, wobbling and stumbling over your heels. You turned to him, about to tell him to watch it when you stopped. His expression was stone cold, almost feral. He stalked up to you as you shuffled back, circling until you bumped up against a table. Surprised, you looked behind you, running your hand along the dark mahogany. That wasn't your table. Looking around your surroundings, you saw that you weren't in your room at all.
"Steve," you say, your voice shaky. "Where are we?"
His snarl turned into a cold grin and he chuckled at your stupidity. "Are you that drunk or are you just that stupid?" he belittled. "Take a good guess."
You knew where you were, and his snarky remark had you biting your tongue you hold in your dry sarcasm. You rolled your eyes and tried to push past him, but he shoved you back until you hit your head, laying over the table.
"Don't roll your eyes at me," he growled, hand pressing down on your chest.
"Ow! What the fuck, Steve!"
"You wanna know what my new year's resolution really is?" Steve had pushed himself up against you, noses close to touching. You could smell the beer he had on his breath.
"Steve, seriously, this isn't funny—"
"It's you."
He forced himself in between your thighs, your dress riding up to your knees as you kicked your feet out, flailing as Steve pushed against you, pinning your wrists on either side of your head.
"Steve, stop," you begged. "Please, you're scaring me."
"Good," he huffed. "You should be, maybe it'll sober you up."
"Shut up!" You flinched, turning your head away from his. "God, I am so sick of you and your little games. Playing innocent when you're walking around in your skin-tight uniform, flirting with Bucky, ignoring me. You brought this on yourself, sweetheart."
You're the one ignoring me, you jackass.
"Steve, I—" you took a deep breath, trying to play your cards right. "I never meant to make you think—"
"I don't care," Steve sneered. He let go of your wrists, his hands rubbing up along your thighs. You pushed against his chest, trying to get him off you, but he brought his hand back and slapped you across the cheek, looking at you like you were an annoying fly. You cried out, head snapping to the side as Steve pinched your inner thigh. He pushed your dress up over your hips, your black lacy thong on full display.
"Jesus," Steve breathed. "You wore this out in public? You're lucky some other man didn't try to fuck you earlier."
"Steve!" you cried, frightened. Your heart was pounding in your ears so fast you thought you were going to pass out. One of his hands went to your throat, squeezing just enough to make it hard to breathe.
"I said, 'shut up.' God, you really need a lesson in obedience."
With that, he roughly grabbed the hem of your underwear and pulled, tearing the garment in two so hard it left burn marks on your waist. You let out a strained cry, squeezing your eyes shut as tears slipped past your lashes. Your head spun in a drunken daze as Steve licked his fingers before he rubbed against your clit, causing you to jolt. You let out a strained, garbled 'no'. Steve only gripped your throat tighter.
"It's alright, sweetheart," Steve cooed, his voice suddenly softer, "I can make it feel good for you. Just relax."
You clawed at the hand wrapped around your throat, trying to tear him away, mouthing voiceless pleas.
"Just relax, sweetheart, it'll feel good. I promise." He continued to rub circles over your clit, softly and then harder at random intervals. You mewled, squirming in his grasp, your back arching as he dipped his finger into your channel, spreading your juices around. His now slick finger stroking your sensitive bud as you let out a strangled moan. "That's it, doll, just let yourself feel it."
He leaned down, his lips meeting yours in a conquering and controlling kiss, tongue delving into your mouth. You were helpless as his lips moved to your jaw, inserting a second finger into you. You gasped as Steve started pumping his fingers in and out of you slowly, finger fucking you until you were a whimpering mess.
"It feel good, doll?" Steve asked, lips dangerously close to yours. The pads of his fingers brushed against a certain spot inside you and you cried out, hips jolting. "You like that?"
You felt the stretch as Steve forced a third finger into you, your legs numb and heavy. Your head spun, and you thought for sure you were going to puke as he sped up, the coil in your lower belly tightening as his lips latch onto your clit. You gasped, a scream getting stuck in your lungs as he sucked on your clit in the most beautiful way.
"St—stop. . . Steve, St—Steve, please—"
A few more licks was all it took before the coil in your stomach snapped. You let out a coarse scream, the breath getting sucked out of your lungs. Your thighs shook as your back arched painfully, your pussy convulsing against Steve's fingers until you collapsed, lax on the table under Steve.
"Jesus, sweetheart." Steve pulled his fingers from your channel, causing you to whimper. "That was beautiful. You're so fucking beautiful."
His words barely reached your ears, sounding muddled and far away like you were under water. There was a loud pounding, your heartbeat ringing in your ears, strumming through your body. You didn't realize Steve had unzipped his dress pants, shuffling them down past his knees, stroking himself slowly. He let out a soft sigh, lining himself up between your legs.
Your eyes widened. "Wait—Steve, don't—!" Steve used his hand to cover your mouth, silencing you.
"It's alright, sweetheart," Steve cooed, "just relax. I'll make it feel good."
He pushed into you slowly, his thick cock stretching your walls. You screamed into his hand, legs clenching in an attempt to stop him.
"I said 'relax', doll. This is happening, just accept it, it'll feel so much better."
You closed your eyes, willing your muscles to unwind as Steve thrust into you, groaning.
"Fuck, you're tight," he growled. "I know you're not a virgin, you fucked Bucky just last week."
Your eyes flew open wide at the candor remark. You mumbled something incoherent to him against his hand, which he chuckled at.
"Oh, please, you honestly think I'm that clueless?" Steve scoffed. "The missions you two are always taking together, the incessant flirting, the sneaking around like you're a bunch of teenagers. No, I knew, and—frankly—I'm a little offended. I had to find out from Natasha?" He punctuated her name with a sharp thrust of his hips. "You must have one hell of a spell on him that he didn't come running to me after it happened. . . . How did it happen? I'm curious."
He moved his hand away from your mouth, when you didn't answer immediately he snapped his hips up into you.
"Tell me," he said, pulling out slowly, just to the tip, then pushing back in inch by inch.
"Okay!" you screeched, "Okay! We—we were in Germany, a couple months back, for the human trafficking intel S.H.I.E.L.D had. The mission was a bust, they knew we were coming, they killed all the girls. One of them—ngh—she wasn't even old enough to start her period yet. Bucky took it really hard—"
"I don't care," Steve growled, bucking his hips. "Get to it.”
"He drank himself to sleep that night," you whimpered. "I had to wake him up a few hours later because he was screaming. When—when he calmed down, I tried to talk to him, but he kissed me. I—I told him we shouldn't—"
"Because you didn't want to or because he was upset—oh, fuck."
"I—" you preened. "I didn't want to do anything he would regret, when he told me there wouldn't be anything to regret, I just went with it."
"You let him fuck you," Steve corrected.
"Yeah," you forced out, even though that wasn't the truth. It had been more than that. It wasn't just a quick fuck, it was something both of you needed to get past that. You needed to forget and Bucky needed reassurance. You had let him take control that night, something he needed, while you laid back and let him be the one in control over you. You trusted him completely, and that man had pulled more orgasms from you than anyone ever could.
"Do you know why that is?" Steve whispered, his voice low. His hips kept their slow pace, his dick ever so slowly sliding in and out of your cunt. When you shook your head, he gave you a devilish smile. "It's because you're a slut. And he thought you were easy."
Steve pushed your legs up to your chest, effectively bending you in half as he fucked into you faster, his balls slapping against your skin as you screamed, hands clawing at the table below you. His cock was driving into you deeply, hitting a spot inside you that had you seeing stars. He was longer than Bucky, albeit Bucky was thicker. You bit back a moan, refusing to give Steve that kind of satisfaction.
Steve clicked his tongue. "Come on, doll, don't be like that." His hand dipped down to where your body's were conjoined, his fingers rubbing softly against your clit.
"Fuck!" you gasped, your back arching. You let out a string of moans, whining as his hand stayed stuck to your clit.
"I need you to come for me, baby, one more time. Can you do that?" His hot breath grazed against your ear. "Fuck—come on my cock, sweetheart."
You bucked your hips wildly, trying to shake him off you, the sensation all too familiar yet unwelcome. "Steve—stop, please, I can't—"
"You can, sweetheart, I know you can. Just a little bit more." He rubbed small, fast circles against your clit until you came with a scream, Steve clamping his hand over your mouth as he came, silencing your overstimulated cries.
He thrust deep into you, spilling his seed in your pussy. He groaned, held himself still for a moment, then pulled out. You whimpered, feeling his cock leave your abused channel, cum flowing freely from your cunt. Steve's cum. You never thought you could feel so disgusted.
Steve looked at where the cum was seeping out of you, scooping it up and pushing it back in with to fingers. You gasped, trying to squirm away from Steve's fingers.
"You're going to stop fucking Bucky," Steve ordered, his voice low. "Things are going to be strictly professional between you two from now on, Understand?"
Your eyes widened. You couldn't do that Bucky, he didn't deserve to be kicked to the curb like that.
"I said, 'do you understand?'"
The sharpness in his voice had you nodding, suddenly feeling like a kid trapped with the monster from under the bed.
Steve smiled. "Good."
He released your face, and you took that as your cue to get up. When you propped yourself up on your elbows, Steve pushed you back down. You gave him a quizzical look, he gave you a dark grin on return.
"You didn't think we were done, did you, sweetheart?"
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reinerispretty · 4 years
rotations. bonus! y/n is in labor
 Hey hun. So sorry for asking for a rotations thing bc idk if you still wanna do those. Anyways y’n going into labor with her first child and Zuko loosing his shit bc we all know he would. And the rest of the gaang having to wait with a literally insane Zuko while they just hear y/n screaming in the distance birthing a child. Thanks
happy weekend everyone :) i thought it would be fun to do a rotations request!! tysm for requesting ily <3 
(Y/N) laughed, but as she tossed her head back she felt a sharp pain in her stomach. She leaned forward, cradling her bump as she hissed in a breath of pain. Katara grabbed her arm. “(Y/N), are you alright?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just um, a cramp or something.” (Y/N) gave her friend a reassuring smile. “I’ll be okay.”
“I thought you were impulsive when we were kids,” Katara said as she walked by (Y/N’s) side. “But flying halfway across the world in the middle of night while pregnant just to have me make you sea prunes really takes the cake.” 
(Y/N) hummed as she waddled, using chopsticks to shove sea prunes into her mouth. Her distaste for them had been clear for years, but she had woken up last night with an insufferable craving. She could have ordered the servants to whip up the traditional Water Tribe dish, but she was craving both Katara’s cooking and her companionship. 
“I’m the Fire Queen,” (Y/N) said. “I’ve gotta give the people something to gossip about.” Katara laughed and rolled her eyes. 
“You’re just lucky I was still here. We’ve been traveling so much lately.” (Y/N) had taken a stab in the dark by flying to Republic City. Katara’s last letter, dated almost three weeks ago, had said that she and Aang would be traveling there to see to some building projects. He, Zuko, and Sokka had been taking turns overseeing the development of the cultural epicenter of the four nations. It was coming together rather nicely. A few housing developments had been erected here and there, and the city hall was nearly finished. 
(Y/N) stopped as they walked down the sidewalk to inhale a few deep breaths. Constantly carrying a child in her stomach had proven to get more challenging as the pregnancy continued. Katara looked at her with a worried frown. “You shouldn’t be traveling so close to your due date.” (Y/N) rolled her eyes. 
“You sound like Zuko.” (Y/N) had been traveling all over the world lately. When she woke up with a craving, she sought to satisfy it. Since reaching the ninth month of her pregnancy, her doctors and Zuko had urged her to relax her duties as queen for the time being. 
“Maybe he can be right sometimes.” (Y/N) gave her friend an exaggerated gasp. 
“Blasphemy!” Katara giggled, taking (Y/N) by the arm as they continued their walk to the center of the city. Aang stood in front of city hall with his hands on his hips as the construction workers did their jobs. Katara called out to him and he turned around, a wide smile on his face. 
“(Y/N)!” Aang cheered, walking over to them to give her a big hug. “What are you doing here? You look great! Are those sea prunes?” 
“I had a craving,” (Y/N) said with a shrug, eating another prune. Aang’s face contorted in amused disgust. 
“She took an air balloon and left the Fire Nation in the middle of the night.” Aang shook his head. 
“No one can scold me!” (Y/N) insisted. “I’m pregnant, I’m pulling the pregnancy card.” 
“How about we fly Appa back to the Fire Nation? It’ll be nice to see Zuko,” Aang’s smile was bright and hopeful.
“That would be amazing! We haven’t had visitors in so long.” She looked to Katara. “You’ll come right?” Katara had been so busy these past few months. Between traveling with Aang and building up her own tribe, she and (Y/N) hadn’t spent proper time together in ages. 
“Of course.” 
Getting on Appa’s saddle with large belly had proved to be almost impossible, but with a little of Aang’s airbending, (Y/N) was able to roll onto the sky bison. “I’ve missed Appa so much,” (Y/N) sighed as she tilted her head back. It was nice, to feel the wind on her face and blow back her hair. Being on Appa, she felt young again. 
“I’ve missed you so much,” Katara said, nudging (Y/N) with her elbow. She smiled. 
“I’ve missed you too!” Aang called back. “In case anyone’s wondering about me.” 
(Y/N) laughed, but as she tossed her head back she felt a sharp pain in her stomach. She leaned forward, cradling her bump as she hissed in a breath of pain. Katara grabbed her arm. “(Y/N), are you alright?” 
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just um, a cramp or something.” (Y/N) gave her friend a reassuring smile. “I’ll be okay.” 
But minutes later, the feeling returned, lasting for a much longer amount of time. Katara stared down at (Y/N) in shock. “I think you’re going into labor!” 
“That’s ridiculous,” (Y/N) muttered. 
“Is it? You’re practically about to burst.” 
“You said I looked great for being nine months pregnant!” 
“You do! But your baby’s coming, whether or not you’d like it.” Katara turned to her husband. “Aang! Is there any way we can land Appa?” 
“We’re over open water, there isn’t anywhere to land!” 
“Alright, then we’re going to have to go faster! The baby’s coming.” 
And (Y/N) had never seen Aang become so serious and determined, not even when he was about to fight the old Fire Lord. 
Aang and Appa had managed to cut the travel time by nearly half. The poor sky bison was panting by the time they landed in the courtyard of the Fire Nation Palace, but even as her contractions were occurring, (Y/N) was shouting at servants to get him hay and water. Aang was attempting to airbend (Y/N) off of Appa when Zuko arrived. 
“What’s going on?” He demanded, a light smile on his face. “I arrive in the morning to find my wife missing and then walk out here to find the Avatar practicing his airbending on her?” Katara hopped to the ground, her face grave. 
“She’s going into labor. Where are your doctors?” 
The smile instantly faded from Zuko’s face. “I-I sent them into town if the citizens needed anything. Should I send for them?” Katara sighed. 
“There’s not enough time. Have the servants bring hot water and towels into one of the guest bedrooms.” 
“The guest bedrooms? But the master bedroom is bigger.” 
“Do you want blood all over your sheets?” Katara questioned. Zuko was too stunned to answer. “That’s what I thought.” 
Aang helped (Y/N) land on her feet, but she cried out and doubled over as another contraction formed. Zuko rushed to her side and lifted her into his arms. “I can’t believe you, (Y/N)! You’re so--so--” 
“Insufferable?” She asked, grinning sleeping up at him. Sweat beaded on her brow, but she still lifted her hand to pat his cheek. Zuko shook his head, but a smile still crinkled at the edges of his lips. 
Servants were ordered around as Zuko set laid (Y/N) into bed. Katara immediately went to work. (Y/N’s) contractions were becoming increasingly more painful as she lay in bed. Zuko flinched as he heard his wife shout. He and Aang hung toward the back of the room, watching Katara. She whirled around on them. 
“If you’re going to stay, you’re going to help. Otherwise, stand outside.” Aang ducked out immediately, giving Zuko a quick pat on the back. The Fire Lord had a decision to make. 
“I’ll stay,” He decided, but his voice was shaky. (Y/N) smiled at him from her position on the bed. 
“Alright, grab some towels.” 
The birth of their child was proving to be more difficult than (Y/N) had expected. The pain that tore through her body was unlike anything she had ever felt before. Tears streamed down her face as she shook her head, laying back on the pillows and sobbing. “I can’t do it, it’s too much!” 
“You can, (Y/N), you can do this.” And while she loved Zuko very much, he had never been very good with words. She sobbed again. 
“What if I won’t be a good mom? I can’t do it! I don’t want to do it!” Katara came round to the side of the bed and took (Y/N’s) hand. 
“You are the strongest person I know. You are brave, kind, and inconceivably wonderful. You will be an amazing mother, (Y/N). I don’t have any doubts about it.” 
“You’re just saying that because you’re my friend,” (Y/N) said as she calmed down. 
“We’re not friends, we’re family. And I would never lie to you.” She stroked (Y/N’s) sweaty hair. “You are more than capable of doing this.” 
(Y/N) looked up at Katara and saw the honesty in her eyes. Silently, she nodded, and Katara moved back down to the bottom of the bed. “Alright, now push!” 
And in just three more pushes, a beautiful, healthy baby girl was born. The room was filled with her wails and (Y/N) couldn’t help but laugh in disbelief. She had done it. She and Zuko were parents. 
Katara cleaned up the child to the best of her ability and handed her to (Y/N). She took the baby in her arms and cradled her close to her chest, smiling up at Zuko as she beamed down at her. He kissed his wife and then kissed the baby girl’s head ever so gently. 
Katara stepped out of the room to give them a moment of privacy and met an eager-looking Aang waiting in the hallway. “How is she?” He asked. Katara smiled. 
“She’s great. They have a healthy baby girl.” Aang grinned and took Katara into his arms to hug her.
She and Aang reentered the room to find Zuko and (Y/N) still cooing at their baby girl. “She’s beautiful!” Aang breathed as he rushed over to (Y/N’s) bedside. 
“She looks just like Zuko, I think,” (Y/N) said. Zuko shook his head. 
“No way, she’s way too pretty. She looks just like you.” 
“Have you decided on a name?” Katara asked as she joined Aang’s side. (Y/N) nodded. 
“We both decided to name her Izumi,” (Y/N) said, and Katara inhaled a sharp breath and her eyes glistened with tears. “It means spring of water.” 
Tag List!
@beifongsss , @aroyaldarknessblr , @musicalkeys , @thefandomimagines , @blondie0458 , @kairiririri , @awesomelupe , @zukosvice , @tomshollandz , @lavendercrystals , @astralsaf , @realimbo , @mycollectionofnuts , @wingeddemonclub , @gingersnap126126 , @aangsupremacy , @marvel-ing-at-it-all , @davnwillcome , @someoneovertherainboww , @bigbuckyenergy , @breadqueen95 , @buttholland , @noodlesfluffy , 
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starkeristheendgame · 5 years
okay so i just got my first ever massage today and holy crap it was so sensual. and i was wondering if you could write something where like tony’s had so many massages in his life that he knows where the best spots are and peter is stressed cus of college or whatever and tony gives him a massage and peter cums just from tony giving him a back massage.
Ooohhh, yes! I’m not one for massages personally because I kinda hate being touched by people I don’t know, especially like that, but I’ve given a few to friends and received a few from past lovers, so I hope this is to your liking! Thank you so so much for the prompt! I added a little dry humping in this, too, because cumming just from a spinal massage seemed a lil too unrealistic.
Super healing was all well and good, but Tony knew well enough that it didn’t mean the absence of pain. He’d been around Steve long enough to know that in some cases, it even amplified it. What was feeling your bones and muscles stretching for each other if not painful?
Watching Peter wince and reach for his lower back for the fourth time since they holed themselves up in the lab, Tony knew the answer. The kid had taken a pretty decent battering on the field - No broken bones, but plenty of taut, aching muscles.
“Hey, kid” Tony called, setting down the holo-pen he was using and motioning for Peter to join him. The boy moved happily but gingerly, overcareful of stretching too much as he bounded over to Tony’s side.
“Yes, Mr. Stark?”
“You doing okay? You’re creaking more than I do”. Tony had just began to come to terms with the fact that his age unfortunately hadn’t slowed down. He was verging on fifty, greying at the temples and finding it harder and harder after each battle. He was by no means unfit, but age was unkind to even superheroes.
“I’m fine, Mr. Stark. Just kinda twinges a little” Peter shrugged, and visibly regretted it. Tony cast the kid a pointed look, and he deflated slightly. “Okay. So...It kinda does suck. But only a little! Like, a day or two and I’ll be fine. Hot baths help, too”.
Tony gave a considering hum and reached up to rub at his jaw. “What about massages?” He asked, and Peter blinked at him.
“What, like...Some stranger rubbing you all over while you wear nothing but a towel?”
Tony huffed a laugh. “I don;t know what porn you’re watching, kid, but the majority of places ask you to wear your underwear or a bathing suit”. Peter went a pretty shade of dusky pink, eyes flitting anywhere but Tony’s face as he died a little inside.
“Uh. Well. No to either. Both! I mean...I’ve never had a massage. Its just a little weird, isn’t it? And expensive” Peter rambled, gesturing meekly. Tony supposed it was a little strange, but he was also not ill-advised of the merits of a skilled masseuse.
“Cm’ere” Tony coaxed, motioning Peter closer. The boy frowned a little, but was mostly curious as he stepped forwards, and Tony grasped him by a lithe shoulder, turning him until the kid was facing away from him, and Tony could see the smooth lines of his back through his shirt.
He reached up and set his hands on Peter’s shoulders, brows furrowing as he carefully felt about the honed muscles. God, but Peter was tense. Not coiled like a spring, but he definitely wasn’t lax as Tony pressed his thumbs gently into the meat of his shoulder. Peter jolted in surprise but visibly forced himself to relax as Tony began to knead at him, and after several moments, let out a soft sound.
“Huh. That’s...Not so bad” Peter admitted, when Tony was digging into the space between his shoulders, paddling out the tension across his spine there. Tony gave a light smile and a hum, to show that he was listening to him.
“You feel like someone just caught you jacking off, kid” he chuckled, and then paused. Perhaps...Not the greatest choice in words, and he hurried to wipe them from immediate existence. “I know you got pretty beat up out there, yesterday. How about I book you in with my guy, huh? You can see him whenever you feel too...Tense”.
“I don’t know, Mr. Stark. I mean, I don’t think I want some stranger feeling me up” Peter replied, but it was quiet, distracted as Tony let his hands dip a little lower, to the point where his spine began to broaden out into shoulderblades, pawing at the meat and bone.
“Have a think about it” Tony urged, thumbs pressing against the dip of Peter’s spinal cord, and the boy gave a muffled, sharp sound. Tony almost, almost paused, but he knew pleasure when he heard it, and continued wordlessly. And he was kind of glad he did, because when he took the selfish opportunity to run his hands down Peter’s spine, the kid truly did feel like he’d been tazed or something.
“Jesus, kid” Tony whuffed, petting gently at the locked up muscles. Peter ducked his head and then looked over his shoulder at Tony, almost shyly. Tony greeted him with a small smile and let his knuckles graze the delicate outline of the boy’s spine, not enough to really do enough except indulge himself.
“Alright, here. Sit on this chair, facing the back” Tony instructed, motioning to his abandoned stool. It had a sloped back, and Peter twisted, moving cautiously but clearly interested to see where this was going to do. He took a moment to psych himself up as he watched Peter splay those toned, lithe thighs around the chair, watched the shirt hug his back when he leaned forwards.
But Tony was nothing if not a pleaser, and he stepped forwards, waggling his fingers and then driving the heels of his palms against the small of his back. Peter made another of those soft little noises, and Tony offered a smirk, brows furrowing as he focused on mapping the lines of Peter’s body, each slope and curve and each battered muscle.
Somewhere along the five minute mark, Peter’s head was lolling and on every other press of Tony’s hands he was uttering pleasured, sighed little sounds. It sang through Tony’s veins, catering to every nurturing and giving atom in his body. Peter was growing laxer by the minute, and yet...
“Hey, kid. If you wanna get the most outta this - And this isn’t a come-on, but you ought to be laying down, and I’ve got a perfectly working bed one floor up” Tony remarked, trying his hardest to word it so it didn’t sound like he was being a leech.
“Mr. Stark?” Peter sounded sleepy, but his voice was a little higher, too, hitched like he was trying to contain himself.
“Not a come-on” Tony hurried to reiterate, hands stilling but not leaving Peter’s body. “Massages are done with you laying down, right? So you’re all relaxed and...Easier to mash up like a potato, I suppose. I can do a little magic like this, but if you want the full effect...”
He was aware of how it all sounded, and he was about to take it all back when Peter shifted, and then nodded.
“Okay. Yeah. Um. Are you sure? I mean, its your bed” Peter uttered, Tony stepping back just in time for him to swing a leg around, standing and then sitting again, so he was facing his mentor. Tony snorted lightly, and eyed him.
“You say that like I’m a wolf and its my den”.
“Well. No. But its kinda...Private, isn’t it? Like, its your space”. And. Well, Tony could understand that. He was, in fact, rather comfortable with having his bedroom as his personal space. Especially with the majority of the Avengers living at the Tower now.
It was his space, yes. Even the rare hook ups he’d managed over the years, he took them to one of the spare rooms. But he wasn’t about to tell Peter that, and he certainly wasn’t going to analyse why he was so comfortable with the idea of Peter not only seeing it, but laying in his bed.
“Its not like you’re gonna be rolling around naked in it, kid”.
This is why he didn’t talk to people. He pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed, but a shuffle brought his gaze up and he blinked when he found Peter standing, smiling at him almost meekly.
“Okay, Mr. Stark. It’ll be nice to be able to move around properly again”.
Tony opened his mouth, closed it, and turned on his heel. He’d offered; he couldn’t back out of it now. It felt hideously odd to lead the way to his room, his skin prickling and his mind like a box of angry wasps. He was hyper-aware of Peter’s footfalls behind him, light and steady.
The stairs. The penthouse main suite. Up the short steps and along the balcony. And...Right outside his bedroom door. The actual penthouse was nothing new to Peter - The two of them had spent enough time in here, as had the other Avengers, though it was by far not as heavily populated as the ‘main floor’ of the Tower, now dubbed a communal space.
And yet.
Tony pushed open his bedroom door before he could think too deeply about all of this, and swung an arm out with bravado. “Ta-Da! Here it is. My humble abode. Or...The very top part, at least”.
Tony’s bedroom was...Indulgent. His bed was a super king, and then just a little bigger. Black sheets that adorned a mix of silk of teddy fleece, and snowy-fox style fake fur throws. Ample pillows. The decor was minimalistic but a blend of regal and cool, sleek modern. Steel greys and deep blacks. One entire wall gave a one-way view of the cityscape and could be projected into anything he desired.
Besides him, Peter audibly breathed out.
“I know. Pretty lame, right?” Tony could do with more than 6 blankets. And he could definitely do something more creative with the decor. Besides him, Peter looked affronted.
“My bed came from a garage sale”.
“Ah” Tony considered, then gestured. “Go ahead”.
Like a puppy being told it could get on the couch, Peter went bounding towards it, flopping down near the centre with a delighted sound. Tony’s heart did something that defied gravity, and he let Peter squirm about for a moment before clearing his throat.
“Alright, alright. Roll over”. And he was really gonna have to stop with the puppy analogies before he couldn’t walk down the same street as a dog anymore. But Peter co,plied instantly, rolling onto his stomach with a whine of satisfaction, nosing into Tony’s sheets and...And he took the opportunity to adjust himself briefly, cursing the fact his cock had pricked up in mild interest.
“Alright. I’m gonna avoid any ‘deep tissue’ kinda territory, because you’ve never had a massage before”. And Tony knew from personal experience that ‘flying before you could walk’ was not always the best approach. Peter was looking at him again, blinking doefully and entirely too trusting, and Tony gave a light cough before he set a knee down next to Peter’s hip.
He decided on safe territory, and went back to the boys shoulderblades and upper spine, kneading intently and applying more pressure than he had before, know he knew the boy was safely and comfortably relaxed. Beneath him Peter was pliant and soft, eyes closed, arms crossed as a pillow and doing something utterly unforgivable to Tony’s heart.
He let his hands naturally gravitate towards the centre of Peter’s back, pressing at the easy slope of his spine. Beneath him, Peter’s hips hitched, and Tony fought back a smile. Involuntary movements could be hilarious. He pressed the heels of his palms down, thumbs sliding along the gentle ridges of the bone, and Peter heaved out a breath, hips pressing down into the plush bedding.
It was relatively quiet, Tony focusing on his work and Peter reaping the benefits of it with cute little noises. It wasn’t until Peter moaned that Tony realised his hips were inching quite...Rhythmically.
Doing his best not to alter his hand movements, Tony let his gaze zero in on the boy’s hips, watching as they rolled languidly and minutely against his bed. Something feral opened its eyes within him, licking its great, gaping maw. Tony sucked in a sharp breath and let his weight drop a little more, pressing Peter’s hips against the bed.
“O-Oh” Peter stuttered, and Tony couldn’t help a sly grin.
“Mm” Peter breathed, lips parted. Tony watched, rapt and hungry, gravitating to the space between Peter’s hips. He did his best not to make it obvious, the way he manipulated how Peter rutted against his mattress, but before long the boy was shaking and a steady stream of moans were dripping from his tongue.
Peter seemed to catch himself at one point, stiffening, cheeks flushing, but Tony shushed him cheerfully. “Hey, its okay. At least you’re not screaming in agony” he teased, and Peter giggled, relaxing again.
“I’m sorry. Its just...Its good? I mean, it hurts a little sometimes. But it feels really nice”.
He wanted, so badly in that moment, to make Peter feel even better. To drive his hips down against the bedding until he came. It was possessive and greedy, and he tried to fight it even as Peter’s sweet, high little moans filled his ears.
“Its okay” he repeated, quieter. “How does...Do you feel any better?” He asked, keeping his voice light. Below him, Peter nodded, paused, and squirmed.
“I do, yeah. Tonnes, but...I mean, I’m still a little stiff? In the middle. Maybe...Maybe the muscle is too tight? Or its not the right angle?”
Something twisted within him, warping and bending until it snapped, and he was parting his lips before he could even muster the self-control to murder the thought. “I could...Its not common. For obvious reasons. And feel no obligation to agree, but I could change the angle? Just means kinda...Sitting. On your legs. A little”.
And...Fuck. He wanted to claw the words back in, especially when Peter’s breathing hitched and he whimpered, but...Fuck. Was the kid nodding? The kid was nodding.
“Okay. Yeah. Just...For the...Benefits” Peter near whispered. Tony stared at the back of his head for a little while longer, tracing the spirals of his curls before he sucked in a breath. Right.
“Right” he affirmed, and after a moment, he brought his other leg up, so, so carefully over the other side of Peter. He aimed it close to his knee, so that when he truly shuffled across he wasn’t quite reverse-straddling the teenager. The angle actually was better, because he could pay closer attention to the alignment of his back and the muscle layout.
And now that he had better access, he began to knead at the boy in earnest, drawing soft little ‘uh’s on each press that went straight, unfortunately, to his dick.He couldn’t help the thought that this was quite possibly what the kid sounded like, stroking himself to orgasm in secret, late at night in his room.
“O-Oh. That’s...Yeah, Mr. Stark” the boy half-moaned, shaky and almost surprised, like he hadn’t ever expected it to feel this good.
Tony’s own hips nudged forwards, irregardless of his own permission, until he was all but three inches away from grinding against the teen like a...Well. Like a teen. Tony remembered all those youthful days of rutting against his partners like a dog in heat, the teasing friction that layers of clothing offered.
“Can you...Could you go lower? Like, the bottom of my spine? It feels...tight” Peter sounded hesitant, but more in the way that he typically was when asking anything of Tony. It was still fresh on Tony’s mind that it had taken the kid almost a month of being at the Tower to even ask for a drink.
“Yeah, kid. Okay” Tony agreed easily, surprised at how little his voice strained or wavered. He shuffled on his knees to adjust his balance and lowered the placement of his hands, watching Peter’s spine bow under his touch, hips sliding in an arc against his bed.
The short little hitches had Tony tipping forwards without even really registering it, and when a shuffle from Peter had Tony’s hips just barely grazing his ass, they both paused. Tony was about to open his mouth when Peter relaxed again, fingers flexing then twisting in the bedsheets, and he wordlessly continued.
The squirming increased. The moans grew bolder, less held back. Subtle nudges became flat out grinds into Tony’s luxurious sheets, and each torturous movement nudged them together in bare touches.
One particularly heavy press of Tony’s palms had Peter letting out an honest to god whine, hips pushing back against his hips instead of down against the bed, and Tony breathed out heavy, thumbs digging into his muscles. “Good?” He rasped, and Peter whimpered below him, fisting the sheets tightly and grinding back again.
“I’m sorry. It just...Your hands. The bed” Peter heaved, burying his face into his arms to hide his shame. Tony found himself squeezing Peter’s hips, swallowing thickly as he looked down to see where they were connected, the jut of his hips flush against that plump, round ass he’d been doing his best not to look at for the past fifteen minutes.
“Its okay” he was speaking before he could even think about it, fingers flexing reassuringly in their perfect, fitting hold before he ran his hand down Peter’s spine, pet at his flank. “Happens to the best of us. Just...Don’t ruin my sheets”.
God. What was he saying? This is why Pepper didn’t let him do things. Or meet people anymore. Beneath him Peter’s little body hitched and he turned his head slightly, blinking back at Tony with wide, vulnerable eyes.
“Just relax” Tony cut him off, hands drifting to resume his work on that tight little knot at the base of his spine. It looked like Peter was going to protest, but then he lolled his head back into the duvet, nuzzling it with a low groan.
“M-Mr. Stark” the boy dragged out, trembling just ever so slightly under his hold as Tony drove his hips down against the bedding, and pulled them back up against his hips, where his own cock had begun to swell into a thick rise.
“You’re...Hard” Peter squeaked, and Tony ground his teeth, thumbing at a stiff slope of muscle.
“Yeah” he agreed quietly, and was surprised when Peter’s hips drove back against him. His breath stuttered in his lungs and he folded over slightly, gripping at Peter’s hips as a spark of pleasure jumped through his pelvis.
He fucked forwards against it without thinking, pressing down on Peter’s bowed spine, drawing a moan from both of them. “How close are you?” He ground out, rolling his hips languidly to ride the slope of Peter’s firm ass. Beneath him the boy whimpered and rolled his hips in response.
“That the skill of my hands, or the durability of my bedding?” Tony couldn’t help teasing, and Peter shuddered beneath him, head shaking slightly as he refused to answer. Tony couldn’t even feel affronted - He knew the pleasure of good bedding and sturdy mattress.
They began to move together in earnest, rutting with single-minded intent like Tony was eighteen and driven by his cock all over again (he might not be eighteen now, but the latter still largely applies). Tony braced himself, thighs tensed and body arched over Peter’s, riding his ass like it was all he was born to do even as he kept working on Peter’s spine, digging into the meat and bone until one of Peter’s arms bent backwards, searching.
Their fingers interlocked and Tony moved his arm forwards, bringing Peter’s hand back to a more comfortable position as the signs the boy was getting closer to completion became more apparent. Tony’s own pleasure was coiling through his body, taut like a spring about to release. He felt flushed, heady, cock hot and desperate.
“Mr. Stark!” It was pitched, a half-yelp, and then Peter’s body was jerking beneath him, arching and locking up, torn between fucking forwards and pressing back against Tony’s cock as the boy shuddered through his orgasm, coaxed through it by Tony’s hand on the centre of his back, pressing him down into the mattress.
Peter cums with the most breathtaking sound. A moan warped into a cry, shaking and rich with pleasure and emotion. Has the bite heightened everything? Peter’s senses are always so sharp, so raw. How did an orgasm feel, when even the sound of your own breathing could overwhelm you?
When the kid finally, finally slumps down beneath him, still pinned - allowing himself to be pinned - Tony can’t bring himself to chase his own, heat and guilt fighting an equal war in his gut.
“How do you feel?” He bit out, forcing himself to let up some of the weight. Peter had only consented to Tony making him feel good. And even then...Had it really been consent? He kind of felt like the guilt was winning out of the heat.
“I feel good” Peter breathed, head turned to blink at him lazily, sated. “Really good. I feel...Loose”.
The lecherous smirk is dazzling before he can stop it, palm sliding down the gentle slope of Peter’s spine the settle dead centre on that inviting, round ass, thumb pressing just a fraction into the dip of his cheeks, towards a wet, hot heat Tony knows awaits.
“Want to feel even looser?”
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novasintheroom · 4 years
Ooooo a fresh blog! Heyo there! So, my first request is some head canons, if you write them anyway, for the each of the turtles having a s/o who is usually the purest of beans. Like— she doesn’t get angry, usually shy when meeting new people, very humble, sweet and caring— but for the first time she does it’s like she realizes she’s frustrated and mad about something that happened during the day and it’s the first time she’s expressing it. the turtles notice her come in knowing something is off about her behavior when she’s usually so cheerful. Almost like “Sometimes it just makes me so— it makes me so... so...! Angry!” But she actually gets super surprised with herself realizing she’s actually venting just to say she’s fine in the end after bottling up for so long. The turtles just looking at her and asking if she’s okay 😂 If that makes any sense.. sorry if it doesn’t.
Oooooo my first ask!! I’m so nervous and excited! I think I got the gist of what you’re getting at. Thanks for sending this in, it means a lot to me! <3
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·         Honestly caught off guard when you come in steaming
·         Your calm and sweetness is something he loves and looks forward to – it’s hard being the firm leader in his family when everyone pushes back, so you’re a pleasant break from the arguments and sassy remarks
·         Not today
·         It’s loud in the lair – Raph and Mikey are doing something with a basketball and hula hoop that’s got Raph raging and Mikey screaming, Donnie’s got a power tool going on the truck, and Splinter’s Celine Dion music is blaring to drown it all out while he works on pruning his plants
·         Leo’s up in the concrete rafters with a book, glancing down every other minute to make sure Raph doesn’t kill Mikey
·         He would have completely missed you coming in if Mikey hadn’t thrown the ball toward the entrance
·         You dodge the ball before it hits you, but instead of laughing it off like usual, you throw a dark look at his brothers and beeline toward the dojo.
·         Woah, that’s weird
·         Avoidance of his family = big red flag
·         You didn’t even say hi to him??
·         Hops down and follows, waving off Mikey’s calls to you
·         Finds you in the corner of the dojo, bag thrown to the side and hands smoothing out the sand of his small zen garden
·         Feels a bit awkward honestly
·         Listen, he’s getting better at it, but he’s not the best at feelings
·         Especially girl feelings
·         He knows something’s up though, and he wouldn’t be a good beau if he just let you simmer
·         Spooks you when he asks if you’re okay
·         Darn those ninja skills, how is someone as big as him so silent?
·         You sigh and just say you had a fight with your roommate and that it’s fine, you just needed some quiet before you went to his family
·         Okay, coolcoolcool. He can work with this. He and Raph fight all the time! “What was the fight about?”
·         Cue explosion
·         “She doesn’t pay her part of the bills on time, and she has her boyfriend over constantly and I can hear them through the walls when they’re screwing because the stupid cheap apartment has stupid cheap thin walls, and she leaves her dishes everywhere even when I ask her to not be a slob, and the landlord is getting after me for her rent when– “
·         W o w
·         He didn’t think you knew any swear words, but the names you’re calling your roommate would make even Raph blush
·         Your rant goes on and on
·         Anytime he tries to suggest a solution you get angry at him like why can’t he just listen omg
·         He shuts up quick
·         Somewhere in the process he sat down and your head moved to his lap while you laid all your problems out
·         By the time you’re finished your chest is heaving and it’s been an hour
·         Leo’s scared to say something in case you go off again lmao
·         He just plays with your hair and hums while you calm down
·         Finally you look at him with wide eyes, “Wow, geez, I didn’t think I was that mad.”
·         He can’t help but laugh, “Me neither.”
·         Your smile is back, though, and that’s the best thing he’s seen all day
·         “You feeling better now?”
·         You say yes, and give him a good hug and kiss as thanks for his patience
·         He asks you to come to him if things start building up again
·         Seriously, start talking to him – I don’t think the poor guy can handle another explosion like that lol
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·         Raph knows anger
·         Does he know how to deal with it? Ehhh that’s hit-and-miss
·         But he knows it
·         So seeing your tense shoulders, clenched fists, grinding teeth when you walk in – he knows you’re angry
·         It’s a bit off-putting tbh – you’re the calm to his rage, the quiet touch to wind him down when something gets under his skin
·         What happened to make his quiet girl so mad?
·         Did someone say something about your family?
·         Or something about your outfit?
·         Did a skeevy guy try to touch you?
·         Did someone try to kiss you?
·         Okay, now he’s getting mad
·         Decides to take a page from Splinter’s book and pulls you aside to talk
·         “What’s the matter?”
·         You pull at your sleeves, looking anywhere but him
·         You just mumble you’re fine, and that you’re hungry and try to move to the kitchen
·         Nuh-uh, that don’t work with him
·         Catches you by the arm and gives you a look, “Somethin’s bothering you, and you’re gonna tell me what it is.”
·         “And what if I don’t wanna talk about it?”
·         “Tough luck.”
·         Your glare could curdle milk, but you don’t say anything
·         Alright, you wanna play it that way? He’s got three brothers he grew up with; he can get it out of you.
·         Hauls you up and tosses you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and takes you to his workout station
·         Ignores your screams of outrage and the beating fists on his shell
·         They’re like little kitten paw pats; he can’t help but smile at how small you really are
·         When he sets you down in front of a world-weary punching bag, he crosses his arms and waits
·         You’re red faced and snarling. “What are you doing?”
·         He raises a fist, and gives the bag a good punch – “That’s for when Mikey backwashed into my water bottle today.” He throws another punch, “And that’s for Donnie’s stupid snorts waking me up last night,” and another, “and now I’m back on Mikey’s backwash!”
·         He stops the bag’s swaying and gestures for you to take a turn
·         Realization dawns in your eyes. You look at your fist and throw a pathetic punch at it. “That’s…for my fifth plant…dying this week?”
·         He almost laughs, but nods encouragement
·         You punch again. “That’s for whoever stole my lunch out of the fridge at work.”
·         And again. “And for those kids who spit on that homeless guy!”
·         And again. “And for Gina’s face when she made fun of my teeth!”
·         Punch after punch, you let out your anger and frustrations that boiled over today
·         Raph’s impressed – not just with how much crap happened to you, but how long you held it in
·         You’re a lot stronger than he gave you credit for
·         He’s also a bit freaked at seeing the rage in your eyes
·         Is that what others see when he comes at them?
·         Yeesh
·         You feel a lot better after the session, if sheepish for letting so much anger show
·         But he brushes it off, “Hey, you see how I am. It don’t bother me none, sweetheart.”
·         He pinches your butt for good measure as you walk back to the lair and laughs when you punch him in the arm
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·         The one that takes the longest to realize something’s up
·         He can’t help it! He’s busy making sure his family is safe and hidden! He’s gotta keep the firewall up-to-date from all the new viruses being put out, check the perimeter lasers so that no one sneaks up on them, change the oil in the Turtle Tank, and why is the computer sparking over here, he needs to ask Raph or Leo to come with him to get new parts at the junkyard, but if he –
·         Bumps into you and is like ‘oh. how’d you get in here’
·         Delighted to see you though! It’s like all his worries suddenly vanished when he realized ‘oh yeah! I have a girlfriend!’ and that’s you!
·         Missed you a lot since it’s been a few days since you could visit
·         Starts showing you all of the progress he’s made on certain things, asks you how school’s going, how was that group project you had, did you get that interview for work?
·         It’s your clipped and short answers that finally makes him take a step back and really see how you’re doing
·         You’ve always been enthusiastic about his inventions, even if you don’t completely understand every technical thing he talks about. He thought you guys were past the awkward conversations too.
·         Clipped answers are a big no-no – it makes him shrink inside, like his words and ideas don’t matter
·         Takes a few seconds to look you over – awkward seconds, ones where you look down and away and not at him
·         “Are you alright? Did…something happen?”
·         You take a few deep breaths, trying to calm yourself, but then the words just start pouring out: “I’m sorry, it’s just, I can’t stop thinking about how my supervisors treated me the past few days. They scheduled me to work a triple shift! Without asking me! And I told them I had a date with you, and a million other things to do, but – “
·         You lay it out for him, apologizing every other minute for just putting this on him out of the blue, that you tried really hard to be happy coming to the lair but your boss just text you that you have another shift tonight instead of getting to hang out with Donnie, and –
·         Donnie sits you both down in a couple of chairs, his hands holding your own as you keep talking and venting
·         Rubs circles into your palm, eyes never straying from your own watery and frustrated ones
·         A breath out of the nose is the end to your rant, and you lean to put your head on his shoulder. “I just hate when people spring things on me! I just wanna stay with you and hand you tools to work on stuff.”
·         His heart warms at this, even if he’s sad at how sucky your job is
·         And it gives him an idea
·         He manages to hack into your work’s scheduling system and put your supervisors or fellow employees in your place for the night
·         Even sends out a text masked as your head boss to whoever he put, letting them know they’re on the job and that you had an emergency
·         You’re torn on this – those people had things they had to do too
·         But Donnie reassures you: “If they’re as bad as you say, then getting more people mad at them might just make them change. If not, we at least get to have our date night, right?”
·         Well, when you put it that way…
·         He gets a big, long smooch for pulling it off and for listening to you
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·         Listen, this boy is intuitive when it comes to emotions.
·         He kinda has to be with the type of older brothers he has lmao
·         Instantly knows something’s up by the sound of your feet coming down the tunnels – heavy, like you want to stomp them but don’t know how
·         He’s geared up though – his baby girl’s coming!
·         Hops off the couch and has the biggest grin for you when you walk in
·         Doesn’t even falter when he sees the glower on your face
·         Says something stupid to test the waters – “Woah, babe, I’m gonna have to call the cops – I’m pretty sure it’s illegal to be as fine as you are!”
·         Not even a smirk.
·         Okay okay. Obvi you’re not in a happy mood.
·         Man, he was hoping for a little blush at least!
·         Takes that heavy bag off your shoulders you’ve been lugging around all day and corrals you back to the couch
·         Grabs some sodas and a few chocolate bars from his hidden stash in the kitchen
·         He knows you need it more than him right now
·         Sits down and calls out to the lair that “we’re making out on the couch!!” Def keeps his family from coming in and interrupting lol
·         Isn’t even phased when you explode about your day – your coworker had it out for you, your professor told the whole class that your paper was what not to do if you wanted a good grade, etc. etc.
·         Mikey accents your day with “No!” and “He didn’t!” and “What a jerk!”
·         It’s cathartic to hear someone agree with you like that
·         He takes you in his arms when the frustrated tears start falling and you start to wind down
·         “It just makes me so angry, and I hate feeling embarrassed and…”
·         Rubs circles on your back to help calm you, just like his family did to him growing up
·         After a minute you’re better, and back to your sweet, happy self, if still a bit stuffy from the tears and snot
·         You’re surprised and apologize for your emotions, but he stops you
·         “Hey, everyone has their bad days! Sometimes you just gotta let it out, y’know?”
·         You give him a big kiss for being so sweet
·         Makes the day a lot better after that with the soda and candy and some video games
·         He’s a good turt <3
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orangeoctopi7 · 4 years
It’s Fine (It’s not fine)
@forduary week 1 is Hurt/Comfort. The one’s definitely more on the hurt side of things, but I promise there’s some comfort at the end!
Stanford Pines is six years old. He’s in his bedroom, reading quietly. He’s just getting to the climax of the adventure story he’s reading when his brother Stanley crashes into the room. It wouldn't normally be a problem, Ford is really good at tuning out the world around him while he reads, but Stan is complaining loudly.
“I’m booooooard!” The boy moans, grabbing onto the post of their bunk-bed and dangling off it dramatically. 
“Whaddaya want me to do about it?” Ford asks in irritation, not looking up from his book.
“Let’s go play on the beach! Or go to the comic store! Or… or something!” Stan suggests. “Anything but just sit around here doin’ nothin’!”
It was a hot summer afternoon. Ford didn’t want to go down to the beach or the comic store when he knew for certain anywhere they went today was bound to be crowded with people. He just wanted to sit and read in his room and enjoy some time to himself. 
“Can’t you go by yourself?”
“Are you kiddin’? Ma would throw a fit!”
Ford heaves a long-suffering sigh, places a bookmark to hold his place, and snaps his book shut before thumping it down on his bed.
“Well we don’t hafta go if ya don’t wanna.” Stan says lamely.
“It’s fine.” Ford assures him.
“Are you sure?”
“It’s fine.”
* * *
Stanford Pines is ten years old. He’s at recess, trying to lie low. Stan got held back for the whole half-hour because he’d been caught trying to sneak the class pet, a newt, into his backpack. This of course leaves Ford at the mercy of Crampelter and his thugs, who have little to no mercy on any given day. 
“C’mon freak, fight back!” The towheaded bully taunts him, holding Ford back by the forehead as he tries to struggle past the blocking arm for his backpack, held just out of reach. “I know I seen you taking boxing lessons back at Mel’s Gym!”
“It’s ‘I saw’ or ‘I have seen’, and just b‘cuz I’m taking lessons doesn’t mean I’m stupid enough to pick a fight I know I can’t win!” Ford protests. 
“Pfft, you’re no fun.” Crampelter scoffs, before grabbing onto one of Ford’s hands while he continues to reach vainly for his backpack. “But y’know what does sound fun?”
“Let go of me!” 
“Seeing how flexible your extra fingers are!” Crampelter starts to push Ford’s pinky finger back with his thumb, stretching it to its limit.
“Stop it! That hurts!”
But Crampelter just keeps pushing and pushing until Ford is sure some tendons are going to pop, when a shrill whistle echoes across the playground.
“Hey! Crampelter! Drop the freak!” The teacher on recess watch commands.
The bully finally lets go, and Ford stumbles to the ground, holding his injured hand close to his body.
“Here, lemme look at that.” the teacher pulls Ford’s hand away to check it. “Eh, ‘snot bleeding or broken, you’re fine.”
As they walk back from school that afternoon, Stan rants over and over that Crampelter Will Not Get Away With This, plotting various methods of revenge, most of them too fanciful to ever come to fruition.
Ford is silent the whole time, his gaze turned towards his shoes.
“Hey.” Stan suddenly stops his ranting and places a hand on his brother’s shoulder. “I’m sorry I wasn’t there to help.”
“It’s fine.” Ford mumbles.
“I promise I’ll try not to get held in for recess again.”
“I said it’s fine.” Ford assures him, knowing that hoping Stan won’t get held back from recess again is like hoping it won’t snow in January. Technically possible, but highly unlikely. 
* * *
Stanford Pines is fourteen years old. He’s a freshman in highschool, and he and his brother are in detention after he was caught letting Stan look off his algebra test.
It’s not that Ford has anything against sharing his answers with his brother. It’s not like he has any sort of moral high-ground here. It’s just that Stan is always so carelessly obvious about it!
“I said I was sorry, alright!” Stan hisses at him, trying not to draw the teacher’s attention.
“We’re not in middle school anymore, these things actually go on our record now!” Ford hisses back. “You have to be more careful!”
“Well maybe if you would actually slip me your paper instead of making me crane my neck over your desk! Nobody’s gonna notice if you hand your test in two minutes before everyone else instead of five!”
“That’d be even more obvious! Maybe if you wore your glasses for once!”
“Maybe I would, if you could hold your own in a fight!”
“What does that even have to do with anything!?”
“You don’t wear glasses in a fight, genius! That’s just asking for them to get broken! And I know I’m always having to step in and save your skin, so why would I even bother wearing them in the first place?”
“Hey!” The teacher overseeing detention snaps at them. “No talking!”
The boys shut their yapps and go back to studying, or at least pretending to study.
“I’m sorry.” Stan murmurs, once he’s sure the teacher is no longer paying attention to them.
“It’s fine.” Ford grunts back.
* * *
Stanford Pines is 17 years old. He is begrudgingly walking down to the beach with his brother.
“C’mon Ford, it’s October, there’s only a few more days of weather nice enough to work on her left! And the dumb science fair isn’t until April!”
“I still have so much research to do before I can even start!” Ford complains. “Not to mention procuring parts, testing different models--”
“That all sounds like stuff you can do once it gets cold.”
“I should be in the building phase by then!” 
“Alright, look,” Stan jabs a finger in his brother’s direction. “If you wanna spend the last few warm days of the year cooped up in the library, that’s your problem. But I’m gonna enjoy the sunshine and the beach, and finish fixin’ up the Stan’o’war. We’re so close, I can practically taste the treasure and babes!”
“...Fine.” Ford grumbles.
“No, no. You go do your nerd thing. I’ll put the finishing touches on this thing we’ve been working on together since we were pipsqueaks.”
“I said it’s fine.”
* * *
Stanford Pines is 17 years old. He’s just come back from the most humiliating moment of his life (thus far). He confronts his brother, the offending evidence crinkling in his clenched fist. Stan tries to play it off like it’s not a big deal. Like he expects his brother to say It’s Fine.
It is most definitely not fine.
* * *
Stanford Pines is 20 years old. He’s showing his new roommate around their humble apartment.
“I really ‘preciate this, Stanford.” Fiddleford McGucket tells him for the sixth time that day. “Most folks wouldn’t offer to put their TA up in their apartment, ‘specially not when you’re lucky ‘nough to get yer own place!”
“Well, I’ll be starting the Doctorate program myself, next year! That makes us equals, in my mind.” Ford says proudly. “And I’m happy for the company! The only reason I have the apartment to myself is because my last roommate and I parted over… differences.”
“Heh, you too, eh?” McGucket chuckles. “Least you weren’t kicked out, like I was!”
“Why were you kicked out?”
“Oh, several reasons. I think the robot in the kitchen was the straw that broke the camel’s back.”
Ford laughs. “Well, I for one would love to have a robot that does our dishes and cleans the counters.”
McGucket grins and leans against the table.. “See, I knew we’d make great roommates!”
Unfortunately, McGucket’s leaning is more than the wobbly table can take, and it tips over on its side, scattering textbooks and papers everywhere. The two friends begin cleaning up the mess, McGucket apologizing profusely. 
They’ve almost finished putting everything back onto the table when Fiddleford picks up an old photo of two little boys standing before a derelict little boat.
“Well bless my soul! Is this you, Ford?”
Ford’s heart skips a beat. He hadn’t realized he left that photo lying on the table!
“Ah, yes, that’s me. That was the day I decided I wanted to be a researcher--”
“And lookit this little fellah next to ya!” Fiddleford interrupts Ford’s soliloquy. “He looks just like you! I can’t believe I’ve known you for three years, and you never told me you had a twin!”
“Er… it just-- it never came up.”
“How in tarnation does yer own twin brother never come up?” Fiddleford asks incredulously. “So, what’s his name?”
“Stanley and I are not on speaking terms.” Ford says stiffly. “I haven’t spoken to him since I was a teenager.”
A multitude of expressions dance across Fiddleford’s face before Ford can hope to interpret any of them. “I’m sorry to hear that.” He finally says.
“It’s fine.” Ford says tersely, snatching the photo back.
* * *
Stanford Pines is 21 years old. He’s trying to get a good night sleep before his first dissertation tomorrow. 
Trying being the operative word.
The past year rooming with Fiddleford McGucket has been great, for the most part. Ford loves spending time with an intellectual equal. McGucket accepts all of Ford’s idiosyncrasies, and Ford accepts all those of his friend.
Well, almost all of them.
It didn’t take long after they started rooming together for Ford to realize one of the several reasons McGucket had been evicted from his last apartment had nothing to do with his penchant for robotics, and everything to do with his penchant for late-night banjo playing. As much as it cut into Ford’s sleep schedule, he didn’t have the heart to complain to his roommate about it. He knew he had plenty of his own bad habits that were difficult to deal with, like his coffee addiction, his antisocial behavior, his tendency to start a project and just leave it laying wherever he was around the apartment, and his few dozen subscriptions to cryptozoological newsletters.
The digital clock on Ford’s bedside table reads 2:20 AM when the music finally, thankfully stops. He sighs and turns over in his bed, hoping to finally fall asleep.
When he wakes in the morning, groggy as a hung-over sailor, Fiddleford at least has the decency to look apologetic.
“Sorry, did I keep ya up last night? I kinda got lost in the music an’ lost track of time.”
“It’s fine.” Ford mutters as he pours himself a large mug of the strongest coffee he can brew. This is the first roommate he’s gotten along with since… since he started college. He can put up with this.
“Well, if’n ya need me to, I can start headin’ up to the practice rooms in the assembly hall fer my jam sessions--”
“It’s fine.”
* * *
Stanford Pines is 31 years old. He’s spreading thick globs of slimy aloe vera on his hands. He’s been letting his muse take control of his body while he sleeps for about a week now. Bill says he’s not used to the limits of a physical human body. He’s injured Ford’s body just about every night so far, but last night, when he picked up the hot coffee pot by the pot instead of by the handle, was the worst by far. 
“This keeps on happening, Bill. You need to be more careful.” He gently chides his muse.
Ford smiles, blushing. “Perhaps I’ll get around to modifying it someday. But for now, as I was saying, could you please be more careful with my body at night?”
Ford pales. “Er, perhaps I should help you practice using my body first, just to decrease the risk of that sort of thing.”
“No! No of course not! That’s not what I meant!”
“Of course not! It’s fine! I’m fine!” Ford insists, finishing bandaging his burns.
* * *
Stanford Pines is… probably 45? He’s not quite sure. He’s lost track of time after traveling the multiverse for so long, especially after the Do-Over Dimension.
He’s making his way through a crowded alien market, hoping to find something he’ll be able to use in his Quantum Destabilizer, and also hoping not to be recognized by any bounty hunters. It’s annoying, having to wear a hood and goggles and mask everywhere he goes, but that’s just the way it has to be now.
It’s fine.
It’s only until he can complete the Quantum Destabilizer. After that… it didn’t matter what happened after that.
It’s fine.
* * *
Stanford Pines is 62 years old. He’s sitting in a hospital bed. Despite what that may suggest, his life has finally taken a turn for the better. Bill is gone, Weirdmaggeddon is over, and, miraculously, no one died. Stanley was going to be ok. The kids didn’t hate him. He’s achieved his goal of destroying Bill Cipher, and survived! He’s fine. They’re all incredibly, wonderfully, fine.
The doctor is giving his vitals one last check before officially discharging him from the hospital. It’s obvious that under normal circumstances, Ford would not be leaving the hospital any time soon, but thanks to the incredibly persistent insistence of his family, and the fact that the hospital is already absolutely filled to the brim with people who were injured during Weirdmageddon, and the fact that Stanford was instrumental in stopping Bill, they’re making an exception. 
“Alright, you’re free to go!” The doctor finally says, handing his clipboard over to Ford to sign. 
“Hooray!” Mabel cheers as her uncle signs his exit papers. “Now you’ll be able to help us set up for our birthday party!” She slings an arm around his neck to hug him, completely forgetting about the thin layer of bandages around his neck. Ford can’t suppress a yelp of pain.
Mabel reels back, hands flying to her mouth. “Ohmigosh, I’m so sorry!”
“It’s fine.” Ford forces a smile.
“I wasn’t thinking!”
“Mabel, really, it’s fine.”
“Ford.” Stan says firmly. Ford recognizes the expression on his face from the last few days. It’s the look he gets on his face when he’s remembering something painful. “You gotta stop doing that.”
“Doing what?” He asks, confused.
“Saying ‘It’s fine’ when it’s not.”
Ford raises an eyebrow. “Stanley, it was just an accident. It really is fine.”
“Oh, yeah, of course this was…” Stan stammers, apparently coming back to the moment. “Mabel’s not-- this was just an honest mistake. But you say… uh, or at least, you used to say that a lot. Even when I could tell it wasn’t really fine. You gotta stop that.”
Ford shifted in his bed uncomfortably. “I’m just being polite.”
“There are ways to say things aren’t fine while still being polite.” Dipper points out.
Ford can feel himself flush. “I’m not good at that. I always come off as rude… or angry.” Saying it’s fine is just easier. He can just move on and forget about it. Control his emotions. Remove them from the equation for the time being, process them later when he’s alone, so nobody gets hurt.
Stan takes a deep breath before he speaks again. “You just gotta trust us, that we’re not gonna leave you just ‘cuz you get angry sometimes.”
Is that really what he’s been afraid of this whole time? That certainly seems to be a part of it, but not the whole. All the same, he does at least feel that he can trust his family. And he can try to be more honest with them when something is bothering him.
“I think I can do that.” he says as he gets up from the hospital bed, ready to go home.
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