#and i will feel somehow responsible cuz she used talking to me as a way to stay up until 3am last night while i had tried actively to preven
mamanbou · 4 months
why do I allow myself to have complicated feelings that occasionally veer into the negative about people who I know I ultimately love in a way that couldn't be compromised by the frustration of a particular moment or downsides to one aspect of the dynamic, but whenever I consider those people having similar feelings towards me I start crying and throwing up
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animentality · 5 months
in re your post about therapy speak and ship wars, i THINK i agree from what I do understand, but i also dont know what therapy speak means? I looked it up and got this definition "Therapy speak is a colloquial term that refers to the use of psychological, therapeutic, or mental health language in everyday conversation. It can include terms like "boundaries," "abuse," "psychopath," and "trauma"."
So would an example of such be, "X ship is better than Y ship because X ship respects each others boundaries, but in Y ship they're a psychopath"? And then you know probably some added death/doxxing threats cuz ship wars.
Either way, yeah, ship wars dumb af, I just am dumb af too so I don't know what the post means. I also, fortunately, don't encounter much of therapy speak in my fandom spaces or online in general (proven by the fact that I had to look it up) as I just talk to people that I know and avoid the For You pages (which, plot note, are very often not For Me) so I'm lucky to avoid stupid opinions.
Thanks for answering if you do choose to, I know that at least several of the replies/responses to that post are likely stupid af, so I hope that my stupid af question is at least stupid af in a different way :) If I somehow have the wrong definition feel free to just link me to something that explains it better, because regardless it seems like a useful term to know!
not a stupid question at all.
so in the context of that post, abusing therapy speak refers to people who misuse terms like "narcissist" and "bipolar disorder" and "gaslighting" to suit their own personal tastes.
say for example, a character is arrogant and kind of haughty. if you don't like that character because people ship him with the character you like to ship with someone else, you insist he's a "narcissist" when he's you know. just arrogant.
and you say he can't be with her, because he's a narcissist and he has problems. that's problematic.
or say there's a female character you hate for having genuine human reactions to traumatic things. you'd say well I don't like her because she lets her obvious bpd hurt people instead of trying to fix her issues, she's so messy :(
and then if someone lies to another character, say their enemy, because they're fucking enemies, then you'd say oh he GASLIGHTS him, how could you guys ship this??? toxic ship???
so that's what that post refers to.
therapy speak as a whole, by definition, is fine because PTSD and depression and trauma do exist.
but in certain spaces, especially Twitter and TikTok and Tumblr of course, it's been weaponized as a tool to harass people who are fans of characters or ships that they themselves do not like.
which is ridiculous.
like you can say you don't like a ship without feeling the need to diagnose the two characters with whatever fun term your gen z therapist tossed at you that week.
you can say oh I simply do not like this character instead of oh he has an obvious mental illness and that's why I don't like him.
or you know.
he's a terrible representative of (insert illness) and that's why I don't like him-
bitch, we used to just not like things.
now it's like... oh this character is a psychopath.
let me read you a Wikipedia page on dsm-5 and explain that my personal preference is morally correct while yours is amoral.
that's why that post meant.
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msommers · 1 month
1, 3, 11, 14, 19 for riya, meredith and ellana?
ok so like. ignore the time it took me to get to these. i was in fact thinking of them constantly but the act of actually typing?? horrendous. // oc asks: roots edition
1. How many living parents does your OC have? If they're alive, where are they now and what's your OC's relationship with them? If they're dead, how did they die?
RIYA — two! both of Riya's parents are still living in the ancestral Clairmont estate back in Cumberland, thank goodness. Riya is the biggest daddy's girl known to Thedas, they've been nearly attached at the hip since she was born as she's Loren’s only daughter and youngest child. they had matching outfits, practically a language of their own with all of the in-jokes and references, and she felt safe talking to him about anything and everything. she's not nearly as close with her mother, but their relationship is still good. i think Riya sometimes perceives it as being a little worse than it is, but that's just because she's somebody who craves frequent displays that show how somebody feels about her. Priscilla sacrificed a whole new palatial estate to the Circle of Magi just so Riya could grow up in the comfort she was used to, never truly punished her for shunning her studies and responsibilities, and started pulling on every resource to protect her after the frame job. there's no doubt they love each other with all of their hearts, but Priscilla has trouble with vulnerability and emotional expression, and Riya struggles with the high standards/expectations from her. 
MEREDITH — first of all: you're sick and twisted for this. second: zero 💚 they were both casualties of Rendon Howe’s coup. i personally, me myself and i, believe Rendon would have been too much of a cowardly, slimy fuck to be face-to-face with any Cousland when it all kicked off, so i believe that Bryce suffered a fatal stab wound from one of Howe's stealthier soldiers and subsequently bled out in the larder before being found. as for Eleanor?? i'm having a tough time with this one and have been for the whole week it took me to finally get back here. as of right now, i'm fucking with the idea that Eleanor was able to wipe out a small group of the attackers before Rendon finally showed up with his own squad of goons, and she died from one of them stabbing her in the back after she'd gotten far too close to taking Rendon down in a rush attack. i simply find it hard to believe the woman who took down a warship at the age of fifteen would've laid down and died, or been unable to get at least one good strike at the man who filled her with such a powerful vengeance. clearly the fuck didn't die there, but i like to think he spent a good few months recovering from the wound Eleanor left him on her way out.
ELLANA — you'd think after all these years i would have her clan figured out but i kinda forgor 💀 i think her parents would be alive! given who Ellana is, i imagine her family (and clan overall) would hold similar values and they'd lead kinder lives that allow them more peace from outside dangers. i know she'd be a family focused woman so she would have a good relationship with both parents, perhaps closer with her mother just cuz. if i end up making a post in the next few days with a bunch of brand new dalish elves hot off the presses this is your fault (affectionate)
3. How did your OC feel the first time they left home? Why did they leave?
RIYA — answered here!
MEREDITH — first time she left home probably would've been joining her father on teyrn business to visit some bann or other, tagging along because of a young girl's curiosity. likely could have been the first trigger to her becoming interested in politics, bombarding Bryce with questions on the carriage ride to their destination and then somehow finding even more once they were there because she found the business so fascinating. it would have undoubtedly been exciting for her from the jump, and only gotten better the further along they went as she started to learn more and more about the people of the teyrnir and her father's responsibilities. 
ELLANA — her clan is one of the rare groups to engage in occasional trade with humans and i imagine this soft-hearted clown would've enjoyed taking part in those ventures, i'll count that as technically leaving home because i'm sure it was at least a week’s worth of time spent traveling out and engaging. she was eager to go! it would have meant a great deal to her that she was being entrusted to join the journey as a protector for those who were going along, and she wouldn't deny feeling a bit of a thrill at the idea of interacting with non-dalish for the first time. 
11. What was your OC scared of as a child? Are they still scared of that?
RIYA — answered here!
MEREDITH — Aldous doesn't strike me as the type of teacher to censor or lighten history for the sake of a young mind, which i'm sure Meredith would've been grateful for in her young adult years and onward, but as a child she was often worrying herself to sleeplessness over the dreadful—and sometimes downright evil—acts of humankind. the Orlesian occupation and subsequent war to regain Ferelden’s independence was filled with enough horror stories on its own to fuel her nightmares for years on end. this all probably contributes to her later development of paranoia tbh, but let's not examine that rn. i’d say around her origins era that she’s still holding onto those fears, but she has the added fun and lucky experience of getting to learn that her own countrymen are just as capable of their atrocities.
ELLANA — i think she would have been fortunate enough to avoid any serious fears as a child, in part due to her innate bravery and another to her clan having a more gentle history compared to many others. perhaps a fear of heights, which she'd definitely gotten over by the time the inquisition came around (hi mage barrier + flinging self off a cliff to avoid finding a path combo <3) ((she wouldn't like. Literally do that but it's funny)). something super specific but i feel suits her as she's spent so long in the woods: a forest going silent. not something i think she'd have gotten over, and just the idea of it makes her feel on edge. like what the fuck do you mean all of the wildlife and even the wind has gone quiet because Something Is Coming, that’s always scary. 
14. Who was your OC's first love? How do they remember that person now?
RIYA — a noble boy that started training under her brother, Regulus, when she was in her teens. he was a young warrior-in-training with lofty aspirations of gaining glory through acts of altruism and heroics—basically he was a startup version of the heroes she'd grown up hearing stories of from her own family history and other various tales of daring, so naturally she had to pounce on that with all the finesse a 15-year old Riya possessed. it worked because she was pretty and heaped on all of the praises a young fighter would love to hear from a girl (not to mention there's a high chance they already knew each other from running in the same social circles), but it wouldn't have lasted very long. they had a good month or two of a fun and frivolous relationship, but Riya had gotten her first hook-up and that sparked her long-lasting habit of fooling around with a partner until she was abruptly ready to drop them and move on in search of another. she would have been adamant then and would still be now that just because their connection was brief, it doesn't mean her love for him wasn't real (it was a shallow thing entirely based off of her [unsurprisingly] getting horny about a young hero in the making but hey! still counts). i'd say she remembers him fondly because i don't imagine it ended in a Disastrous way. all she's got of him are good memories of early practices for her flirting skills, eagerly observing warrior training, and a judgment-free first sexual experience that probably gave them both a good confidence/happiness boost.
MEREDITH — if there's one thing about me it's that i'm gonna push my “Meredith and Gilmore were childhood sweethearts” agenda whenever i'm handed the opportunity, because i can't be convinced that it's not adorable as hell. a little lady and a young squire?? cuties. babies. must be protected. nothing too serious really but they were in their early teens and had grown up together, having that close bond made it easy to slip into crushes once they hit puberty. he fancied himself her protector and she found it incredibly romantic, as a young noble girly is wont to do. he also knew how to make her laugh, could tell when she was hiding irritation from others to be polite, and took her seriously (which we all know is monumental to a teen girl who has Ideas and Opinions). unfortunately, most of the time when Meredith allows herself the space to remember him, she thinks back to his promise that he would be at her side until she had all of Ferelden wrapped around her finger. makes it harder to face the fact that she’s taking those steps without him, even if she’s managed to find support in others. she’s fond of the times when she can think of him and focus only on his loyalty and courage, rather than the other Horrors which plague her even a decade on. we don’t talk about Fort Drakon <3
ELLANA — the Second of her clan, a girl named Mirisa. a severe case of puppy love that lasted quite a while on both sides. Ellana was practically born with a deep respect and awe for mages, so i imagine that contributed to her developing a crush and subsequently taking any excuse under the sun to be present for Mirisa’s practicing or training so that she could observe the magic. their favored way of wasting the time away and being together was going off to relax under the shade of some tree or other, Ellana with her head in Mirisa’s lap, content listening to the Second ramble on about all she was learning from the Keeper that week. most of the arcane talk went over her head (though she engaged with it as best she could), but her favorite topics were the various tidbits of history that she wasn't learning about in her own teachings. they're probably still friends by the time Ellana is sent to the Conclave tbh and she looks back at their little love affair as an adorable example of harmless, innocent romance. it brings a smile to her face recalling the little moments of sneaking chaste kisses when nobody was looking, or them giggling at nothing simply because they were giddy being near one another. 
19. What traditions or stories does your OC carry forward from their childhood to the rest of their life?
RIYA — answered here! 
MEREDITH — i’m sitting here trying to come up with a condensed list or something but it’s like. take one look at this woman and you know she’s carried and cataloged literally everything she’s ever been told or learned herself through her entire life. she has names of nobility and military figures memorized from wars and conflicts that haven’t mattered in who knows how long. she’s hoarded knowledge on ancient and abandoned Fereldan traditions just for fun. she can recite the entire timeline of the Cousland family back to its origin and give you cute little blurbs on most, if not all, of the family members. she’s a fucking nerd with an obsession to Know Things due to the assumption that knowledge is power enough to keep her safe and in control, she’s not letting anything slip the mind palace.
ELLANA — naturally she carries and maintains the vir tanadhal as both a dalish and a hunter, feeling more attuned to the vir bor'assan (bend but never break. "as the sapling bends, so must you. in yielding, find resilience; in pliancy, find strength.") out of the three. the vir banal'ras (aka dalish calling for a blood debt to be paid) wasn’t something she clung to very much as a kid but the memory of it came rushing back and became very important to her on a handful of occasions during her time as agent/inquisitor. she wasn’t as religious or spiritual as some of the others from her clan, but she still carried out the traditional ways of worship for the evanuris as any good dalish would.
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deathsbestgirl · 2 years
the jersey devil has always been my favorite. it’s the first episode i really remember (i was TWO when this show started) and sometimes i forget how full it is of little msr moments.
scully walks in on mulder looking at a magazine and teases him. “anti gravity is right” her little smirk gets me every time.
she tells him about a case she knows he’ll be interested in and immediately he digs his claws in. pulls out another x file from whatever year and tells her to take a look. instead, she wants to hear it from him and it’s oddly adorable.
she didn’t hesitate to follow him or drive with him to new jersey. *and then* he wants to make a weekend of it. do a couple touristy things with her and investigate the case because that’s what they do and he needs the excuse to spend time with her. scully gets all pouty when he tosses her the keys and has a three hour drive alone to look forward to because she has to go back home.
and THEN at her godson’s birthday party, she has a little chat with her friend about kids & having a life and the woman immediately asks about scully’s partner (LMAO) scully deflects, cuz she already knows mulder pretty well and thinks he has no room in his life for anything but the x files & the search for his sister.
like these two idiots are already falling but so staunchly pushing it aside and focusing on ~the work~ because they both truly care about it. their dedication to it is real & honest. but it’s so cute how they use it as an excuse from the beginning.
and god it irritates me when the writers & whoever act like mulder & scully don’t really talk. because they do, but a lot of it is the subtext of what they’re saying aloud. they learn quickly how the other’s mind works, and maybe it’s just me, but that means a lot. that takes knowing someone intimately and they do that by talking. and sure, maybe they don’t get too ~personal~ but they don’t even current personal lives to share about. they talk about their history when it comes up, or if a case is somehow related. they don’t really pour their hearts out, but that isn’t them.
their intimacy & knowledge of each other is rooted in their work conversations and all that reveals. which is so so much. it’s why we, as the audience, are so enthralled with them & the show.
ANYWAY. then when mulder is arrested, who is called except scully. and how quickly she goes running back to jersey for him. only to tease him, and for him to demand she take him out for food.
and *of course* he wants her to stay. mentions *he* has a hotel room. the audacity he has is adorable. and so she almost delights in telling him she has a date, even though she ends up visibly nervous & uncomfortable. MORE TEASING. the way she laughs at him when he says he has a life. because she knows exactly what his life is. i live for the way scully teases mulder. it’s affectionate & kindhearted.
after the conversation with her friend, she thinks she wants a life outside work, outside mulder & the x files. but she can’t talk to this man about her work & expect him to understand it or not judge her, and she is bored out of her mind. yes, she loves kids & wants a family. but listening to this man talk about his life — she can’t even come up with any responses. so obviously when mulder pages her, she can’t take the out fast enough. like?? ditching a date to go jersey devil hunting with mulder. priceless.
omg the way his phone rings and he just picks up and says “scully” because of course she would call that quickly. and he knew she would because he sees that same fire in her that he has.
all the little quips she makes during cases, i feel like this episode has some great ones. “talk about primitive behavior” talking about her godson’s party. “i can see why they would take you for a vagrant.” calling it the drunk tank when she takes his call. scully’s sense of humor is on point and i wish we got more of it. and i think it’s the way that if someone else said a lot of these things (especially to mulder) they could easily be construed has mean hearted or cruel, but that’s just not something she has in her and especially not for mulder.
the jersey devil on top of mulder — this scene is something else. the tension is so good. the acting — impeccable. this woman has no lines but there’s so much emotion when she’s on screen. and mulder talking about her? “she was beautiful” he sounds deranged and scully goes into doctor mode (the Touching, “well she just about ripped your lungs out”) then agent mode so they can have jurisdiction. ever the professional but with such personal motivations. again when it isn’t ~personal to her. i ADORE scully. there’s a reason she’s the first character i ever fell in love with. (thank you gillian anderson! you had two year old me hooked before i knew anything or could even intellectually understand this show.)
“tell him he’s got a real life neanderthal on the loose”
mulder is injured and bloody and running through the woods to protect this woman. she can’t even be taken down by the dart they shoot at her. incredible. and scully & her former professor may be more intellectually invested in this case, but their goals (as well as the park ranger’s) are all aligned and it’s just beautiful?? these are four gentle souls in a modern world surrounded by cruel people.
omg i almost forgot about when her date calls the office and mulder answers. he doesn’t say anything in the moment, but when she comes out to meet him, he does. and when she follows him, he teases her?? “don’t you have a life scully?” keep it up mulder and i’ll hurt you like that beast woman” “eight million years out of africa” “and look who’s holding the door” one of my all time favorite moments. and idk why but i love that she cuts in front of him and opens the door to let him go first.
it’s so interesting to me how often scully bites her tongue. she isn’t afraid to tear down men or take them down. but when there’s procedure to be followed, she stays quiet. it’s almost painful.
this episode is why i thought they were married. i didn’t care that scully was on a date, didn’t even think twice about it — they were MARRIED.
it’s so funny to me that scully laments having no life so early in the show, when presumably before this, she should have had the time if she was teaching. and i know they cut ethan out, but even if you take into account she had a relationship right before / at the beginning, she jumped into the x files head first and let it envelop her life so quickly.
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itstokkii · 4 months
I'm the anon who talked about the picture with Russia and Turkey and first off. I'm sorry if I came over as rude or insulting to the artist/commissioner 😭 it was a good piece of art and obviously not even near the stuff that you were talking about ...I just got reminded of it... glad to see that the commissioner was just fetishizing Ivan....
anyway, I'm sorry that the other anon is so weird about FraTurk ☹️ also, trying to "uhm akshually" your points about Turkey being MENA as if that would somehow erase the blatant orientalism and racism
hey! yeah kind of a relief(??) idk if I'd call it that, cuz tbh idk how to feel that it was "oh I wanted to fetishize ivan" ?? cuz admitting that is umm...wow okay !
and yeah also wasn't my main issue anyway. the main issue is orientalism, and if you wanna apologize you should probably do it to the commissioner + artist lol
and honestly I'm having the time of my life with these anons, like every single one they send I try to figure out what the silliest response to them would be! for right now I think I'll keep using the bingo board because it's like a fun game to see what they hurl at me next. I do feel like they're multiple people, most likely friends of Miss Orientalism(friends..she has those??), but thank you for the well wishes! I'll be alright for now I think ❤️
it's so weird how they think I don't know what I'm talking about. bro you're looking at someone whose people were orientalized as those "savage exotic muslims" by russia as a means to justify colonialism. and yeah so apparently twink uwu boy = normal dude w hobbies. it disturbs me the length they try to defend their blatant dehumanization of MENA men(I can hear that anon pissing rn for calling turkey MENA). that and they treat accusations of racism way more seriously than the racism itself. crazy I could never !
also I think the cherry on top is that these are people almost 10 years older than me with partners and a job and they all feel the need to gang up on a minor online. like I'm not hurt but like. It's so funny to watch them lose their 25 year old minds.
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smol-grey-tea · 1 year
My head is full of thoughts of him but none of the thoughts are cohesive cuz in all my years I still don't fully understand him
He's a guy who comes off as lighthearted and carefree but when you really look at him I think he's such a hardworking person. He only eats food that's healthy for him, never eating anything just because he wants to; god knows being a teacher is such a difficult job, grading papers, teaching a classroom of teenagers who didn't choose to be there, so much paperwork; in his diary, he says that he always takes notes on how every lesson goes and he plans each lesson 3 days in advance.
After finishing work at school, he works another job, one that's actually very strenuous and physically demanding and loud and surrounded by so many people. When does he practice?
Also, when does he eat? He'll have Tei's breakfast in the morning, then have what, canteen food at school?? Then what'll he have after that? Some days he comes home so late he probably doesn't even get dinner. Does he have the time??
Then ik he likes to watch anime at night so how much does he sleep? He has bath in morning and probably has lengthy skincare routine. Bet you any money he shaves.. Even waxes.
Look, I'm basically saying, how much damn time to himself does he even have? Ik Eri said he comes home holding shopping bags everyday but he also often splashes out on Eri too, spending a lot on her and the dolls. I think it's cute.
But he has a reputation for being lighthearted and carefree, as if he has no responsibilities or worries. He acts like that and purposely doesn't talk about the work he does, probably cuz he just doesn't like talking about that stuff anyway? I always wonder about why he never tells anyone about him being a drummer - you'd think it'd be something he'd boast about? All the cheering fans? But he keeps it a secret..
Either way. I rly don't remember the url even tho I rly rly wish I did but someone said that Tei's treatment of Yuri is purposeful so that he gets a reputation of not just being carefree but also an incompetent joke. Because they share a room, Yuri somehow found out about Tei's secret desires, so Tei purposefully makes people want to not take Yuri seriously so that of he ever tells anyone about Tei, they won't believe him
Yuri is so confusing and fascinating and amazing and sweet and cute and complicated..
He explains, on the date he takes Eri on, that he isn't just a flirt for fun: he simply mirrors the love that other people are already giving him. He says that he does this because it's both in his concept and because he believes it to be the polite thing to do
However, he also displays that he has difficulty understanding what other people are feeling, often misunderstanding that Eri isn't angry when she very much is and constantly finds her actions and emotions confusing. I think possibly the funniest instance of this is when the Korean teacher is so obviously flirting with him, giving him home baked muffins and asking him to eat with her but he doesn't even realise that she's flirting and he speaks to her sincerely and calmly, actually declining to eat lunch with her.
He only ever responds to people's love, never initiating it himself, but he says that Eri is the first/only person he's ever wanted to initiate love with. I think tho that his love for her is his way of thanking her for buying and loving him in the first place, which is very sweet.
He's so fascinating to me because I don't- I still don't understand him. I love him.
Wait! I just thought of something. Yuri's issue always reminds me of a quote from Bojack Horseman: "Everybody loves you. But nobody likes you." He is surrounded by people who love him but don't like him. They only really like him for his looks, for who he is on the surface. Their love for him is insincere so therefore, the love he mirrors to them is insincere too.
He's only really used to experiencing and mirroring that insincere kind of love. So is that why he didn't understand that the Korean teacher was flirting? Because she knows him better than most the other people who flirt with him, and potentially does love him sincerely since she made homemade muffins for him. Because her love for him is sincere, is that why he didn't understand what she was feeling? He thought she was just being nice and took the muffins out of politeness
A particular quote that interests me about Yuri is one in which he implies he knows people's love for him is not sincere. After Eri leaves the club, he chases after her, and she asks him why he left since people will surely miss him if he's gone. But he responds with something to the effect of "they won't even notice I'm gone" which I think speaks such volumes about him, his character, his beliefs, and his attitude towards those people
He comes off as such a player but he knows they don't really care about him and by his choice to follow Eri, he doesn't damn care about them either. He understands that their love is superficial but superficial love is the only thing he does understand.. When he realises that the reason he wants to give things to Eri is because his love for her isn't superficial, he doesn't know what to do. It's too unfamiliar to him, on top of the fact that it's against his concept
No wonder he got identity crises n shit, man. Who the hell is he? Is he all the superficial surface level shit he mirrors from everyone else? Is he someone capable of sincere love? Who is he?? God damn.
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Wait, do you think those lines aren't actually blushes, but he drew those on his face himself? Why's he even got a spoon in his mouth anyway??
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yykins · 1 year
camping? no way! | kim jiwoong
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summary: to celebrate the university's 48th anniversary, you and all of the students went camping.
pairing: kim jiwoong x fem!reader
genre: fluff
warning:  curse (sh*t)
note: the story is a little too fast, cuz my brain isn't working while making this anyways i hope y'all enjoy/like it!
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First of all
I hate camping. yes. i do.
Especially when it's a school activity.. there's this BAD part of it where yk people doing some shit together at the tent while the teachers is away, not minding other people who is just there trying to sleep or relaxed. OR all of your classmates sitting together in a circle while the campfire is on the middle, and they be playing truth or dare omg ykyk doing some nasty shit eh, IHATETHATGAMESOMUCH!
Now for the GOOD part. The only good part on here is i'm with my best friend, we're just here to enjoy and most importantly appreciate the nature YES, we gonna appreciate it everyone cuz if we didn't we will be doomed.
“ i hate this ” i mutter while building my own personal tent. I didn't actually agreed to be in here, my friend just keeps telling me to come with her and she said it will be so boring if i'm not in there, she has no one to talk to.
My friend scoff in response. “ c'mon this is your first time going on a camping, why don't you just enjoy the presence of the nature around you hm ” she said while smiling at me.
I just looked at her blankly, how i am supposed to be enjoying this. i'm an indoor person trying out outdoor activities, the heck.
"don't worry, he also agreed to be in here" she said smirking. i quickly looked at her. "girl don't tell me.." i said while trying to stop myself from smiling.
"Yes. he agree-" i jumped happily and quickly hugged her. “ THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU SO MUCH!! AHH" bro, now i know how am i gonna enjoy this.
Today is the day where i'm gonna die.
Getting lost in the woods is definitely a very common situation, right. well guess what?
Yep that's a great guess. i'm lost! unfortunately, i'm unlucky today, it's been an hour since i'm in here. I'm starting to feel a little hungry and also the sun is on the middle which means it's only noon.
My friend and i was planning to take a stroll on the forest, which is stupid for both of us to agree. Now i'm all alone because my idiot friend just left me in this stupid forest.
I've been walking around and i feel like i'm walking in circles, my legs is starting to feel like giving up, so i sat at the stone for awhile and look around, haven't seen any suspicious in here, it's just full of giant trees and big stones.
"This is not a great timing on getting lost, WHY?"
After i said that, i hear something, i quickly look at my right which is where i heard it, this is so fucking creepy, c'mon man, i hope it's just an animal that's not deadly. I was literally hugging myself because of the fear, bro. I don't know what to do, i'm not prepared in this kind of situation.
My feet is starting to come to where the sound was, dude my curiosity can't handle this. Oh my god i hope it's just a deer or maybe a bear that is friendly?? cuz if it's not, i'm so dead.
"Wait hold up- a bear that is friendly have you lost your mind?!"
I faced palm myself.
I moved the bushes away and peek slowly, i sigh in relief, there is no one, oh my god, thank you lord! Praise the lord everyone!
Someone tapped my shoulder which make me screamed in fear. I look behind me, omg it's him... wait- IT'S HIM !? Yow wait- Bro, it's him, what am i supposed to do?! shit i'm panicking. I quickly cleared my throat and fix myself.
"hey jiwoong.." help i'm shitting on my pants right now, my man was lookin' fine today eh.
"hey.. what are you doing in here? are you somehow taking stroll? or..?"
"yeah, i AM taking a stroll.. heh, what about you? what are you doing in here?"
"you know just fishing.. i was about to go on that way, when i see you slowly peeking on the bushes, it was quite funny tho" He said while trying to hold his laugh. dang man that was cute- i mean.
"oh HAHAHAHAH, yeah, i mean it's you.. you know the person that i've been longing to.. sh*t." I quickly ran out in scene. That was so embarrassing!
It's been an hour since that happened, and it still lingers in my mind. after that i finally found my way back and went straight in to my tent.
"wow man, what a day.. i just wanna go home"  i stretch my back and untie my shoes putting them in my bag, i change in to one of my t-shirt and gray sweatpants. I unzip my tent's zipper and sat. "it's indeed cold today no?" i look at my left and yep, my man is already here.
"oh- yeah it is, they didn't lie eh, how did you get in here so fast?"
"ahh, i don't know.."
"oh k" i just nodded in response 'this is awkard as hell'. "you know what? your quite an interesting one.. might also consider your comfession earlier, hm?" he said as he plastered a smile on me.
Damn, my prayers have been answered.
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
hi Dani !
hope you're having a good day!
I need to rant (you can just delete this if you want that's totally fine)
I did something bad 😬 RATATATATA
basically I confronted someone who has been giving me a lot of trouble for a long long time like it's not all her fault it's my fault too but like I didn't know that something I was doing had that effect on her? Wtvr it is it happened a loooong time ago and we've talked about it a lot after it and anytime I confront her she keeps bringing that one thing up, she did things too but she never apologized for them still didn't last night but somehow I still feel bad about the confrontation?
Basically she always felt excluded because of me but I never intended that I was just being myself but she always compared herself to me and then felt bad about herself it lowered her self esteem by a lot and she blames me for it even though I never compared us or tried to make her feel inferior, when I saw that my accomplishments or happiness was bringing pain to someone I cared about I tried diminish myself, I started brushing off everything good that happened to me and just feeling guilty for being myself and being happy when I'd try to be honest and tell her that I have a life and problems of my own she would just start comparing it to her own problems and be like "but you have it better than me so you're fine" so I started not sharing anything cuz talking about my problems with her just made me feel like a burden when I brought this up last night her response was "I never asked you to not rant to people you did that to yourself" I'm just tired at this point, tired of apologizing, tired at being at the receiving end of her anger cuz she does and has in the past taken out her anger on me and she fully knows this
I always try to be nice because idk why wouldn't you be nice but she's making me so angry and I hate being angry so it's like fucking me up that combined with the school stress but that's a constant so 🤷‍♀️
Thanks for listening if you're reading this
Sending a lotta love your way
Sometimes writing things down (or saying them out loud) helps us understand the thing better. Ranting is a good thing, in that sense, and I'm glad you shared this with me.
I know you didn't necessarily ask for advice or support. But just a couple of quick things:
Trauma or pain or stress or grief - all of this, any of this, is not competitive. It's not about who has it worse. Someone, somewhere, always has it worse than us. But that doesn't erase our pain. Someone else's pain shouldn't make us feel better (even to soothe our own). If your friend expects you to disregard your pain (or underplay it) because she thinks she has it worse, she is invalidating your feelings. No one is allowed to do that. Especially someone who cares about you.
It's important to be aware of the people around you and the energy they consume. When we feel tired (physically and emotionally) around certain people, that's not a good thing. It's because talking to those and maintaining our relationship with them consumes more energy (and requires more effort) than it should. And most often, these people don't appreciate the effort you make. Be aware of them. Be mindful of them. Know your worth. Prioritize your energy and share it with people who value it and cherish you.
People who refuse to apologize are assholes.
Take it easy with the school stuff. That shit should not be as stressful as they make it be. Sending love x
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nobito203 · 11 months
A setback
I think it's important to acknowledge that I'm living in a world where everyone is pushing to the limit. It means that the more we get, the more successful we become. I have been doubting that a little.
It happened yesterday that I got rejected from a job I thought I would get it. It was disappointing. And it's a setback. I'm happy with how I am processing it incredibly well. It's a setback and I admit to myself that it might need to happen for me to see how I perceive my world at the moment. I can be beneficial from this setback. It's going...
Some negative feelings arises and it's a way my mind is telling me that I need a change in my life. I don't know what is gonna be yet but I appreciate the negative emotions come to me to signal that because happiness and positive emotions don't serve a really meaningful purpose besides letting me know everything needs to be the same cuz why change when it's good. I want to take this setback to test out how people around me recently has impacts on me and vice versa.
Me got rejected is not my fault, but I take responsibility to it. I'm responsible to the struggles I am choosing to suffer. That thought is very empowering me to make a change in which I might to sacrifice different things. A setback made me think about the book of Mark Manson "The subtle art of not giving a fuck". I just finished watching its documentary. It was nice to watch it. Struggles in life are inevitable, life gonna suck no matter what at some points, but I have the choice to choose what kind of struggles I want to deal with because it will only be rewarding to me at the end of it when I choose 'em.
I chose to stay home writing this today. I'm responsible for the words I'm pouring out right now. I give a fuck about the words I'm choosing. It feels pretty good not gonna lie. A setback results this.
The setback makes me scared a bit yesterday about my relationship with a girl I'm really into and talking to her a lot recently. I thought she doesn't want to do this miles-away relationship with a jobless person like me cuz she makes it clear that she doesn't do long-distance relationships. I totally get that. I was afraid this gonna take a toll on our newly-built relationship. I like her a lot. Yet, I still chose to tell her that I got rejected because honesty is what I've been showing her the whole time since the day we met. She needs and deserves to know the truth. I'm content that she took it very well, maybe a little disappointment from her I'm not so sure. She's very supportive of me. We had a silly-rough conversation but just like every time we had that kind of convo before, we came out of it stronger. She's making me want to be a different lover from I was before in my last relationship. I created an intrinsic motivation for myself to be someone who is patient with her. And I think I'm doing a good job. The setback, somehow, even makes us understanding more of one another. She'll be on another separated post for sure. I have a lot to talk about her. She's so awesome and I hope she knows that more often about herself.
My friends are supportive of me with the setback. They didn't try to cheer me up because they know it won't work. They and I chat about it. It was very relief.
Life sucks sometimes, it's inevitable. But throughout this experience that I'm still experiencing, I see a lot of good thing from it. I see how people close to me reacted to it and how I'm thankful to have them in my life. To be honest, the least I expect they're here, the happy I am that they're here with me. I understand that I come to this life with limitation, with things I will never achieve, with things that won't go my way. But out of that, I think they all serve a purpose of creating and shaping me the way I am today.
I'll be back soon with changes!!
Nov 7th 2023
-No Name
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anthromimicry · 5 months
@red-hemlock asked: "I don’t need your pity." (For the Dealing With Trauma starters if you're still accepting them! =D 'Cuz yay Arkham threads, and Riv just loves talking about her lye scars lol. Also HI I LOVE YOUR OC. <3)
a patient's opposition is not necessarily automatically personal. this is a stance that misao had come up with herself and yet, a flare of annoyance almost managed to rise to the surface within her in response to the other's comment. she had honestly been having a long day so far — the warden of arkham had pretty much demanded that she fit in at least three more patients than she usually would into her schedule, after all. and although she wanted to believe that all of this wasn't draining her... it truthfully kind of was. so, after misao heard river reject her sympathy for her, a shallow breath left her mouth before she could stop it as she rearranged the position of her legs. no longer were they taking part in the ' open ' body language that misao usually tried to display in front of patients. they were crossed now instead, while she silently evaluated river from where she sat.
whatever she was going to do now, misao knew that she couldn't allow herself to vent to the other in any way, since that'd be grossly unprofessional. and she wanted to be known as a good psychiatrist; because that did mean that patients would continue to be sent to her, then subsequently (sometimes) be eaten by her, which is a cycle that she needed to keep going to live as they were her primary food source now. though she still wasn't a perfect one by any stretch as her own personal biases were running through her head right now and she had to take a step back to return back to being neutral towards river. misao tapped her fingers along the chair she sat on for a moment, before she finally spoke, head tilting faintly to the right.
❝ mm. well... i sincerely regret if i have upset you, river. that was not my intention at all when i said i'm sorry you had to suffer through that. whenever you say you don't need it, is it because you think that i am viewing you in a negative light? because i assure you that that is certainly not the case, ❞ she stated this plainly and with confidence in her voice. misao truly didn't look down at people with scars, not only because she had a few of her own, but because she'd grown up in an environment where they were viewed as signs that you had survived something. thus... she believed that you shouldn't have to hide them, especially given the fact that doing so often resulted in more negative thoughts being produced by someone than before, that usually had a close correlation to depression and anxiety. but misao supposed that maybe river saw her pity towards the unfortunate circumstances that caused them to be inflicted upon her as her believing that she was somehow more superior than river herself.
she didn't know for sure, though, which is exactly why she thought to ask river more about it the next time she had the chance. ❝ i don't think that i am better than anyone here, river, if that has something to do with it? i understand how it may not seem like this but feeling pity for someone helps us to be empathetic towards others because it is an emotion. and thus, it can break us out of our current mindset, then allow us to attune to the thoughts and feelings of another person. i'm not doing it to be malicious towards you in any way. though i do have a question regarding your attitude towards it, if you'd be so king as to answer it — do you not like receiving pity just from me personally or from others altogether? you can be honest with me, as i promise you that my skin is a lot thicker than it looks. ❞
that much she was certain of, misao thought, while she wrote something down on her notepad before turning her attention back to river. ❛ riversong has expressed disapproval towards the concept of pity during my first session with her. i intend to proceed by gently steering the conversation to figuring out why. ❜ misao gave her a blink-and-you'll-miss-it smile then to try to ease the tension in the room. if river outright told her about it now, then that was good with her, but it would also be okay if they had to circle back to it. it was true that they still had quite some time left in their session.
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harveykl · 11 months
There is no way I can put this poetically, but the reason I can't stand my mother preaching about how God won't help me unless I pray, is that she doesn't give a shit about the humans who depend on her. She doesn't really care much about how I feel or whether I'm happy, as long as the public doesn't look down on her. More often than not, she'll put the we'll being and emotional comfort of every single person who asks anything of her before mine. Every time I've gone to her with a problem or emotional discomfort or even something as simple as a cold, it's met with her disappointment. She gets upset at me for the situation instead of offering comfort. EVERY SINGLE TIME.
what the hell does she expect me to do? 'why are you sick?' 'I wanted to stay in tomorrow, it's my day off, now I have to go get meds' 'why are you going to a psychiatrist? They'll obviously tell you that you have a problem' 'what do you mean you haven't slept for weeks? You're always on your phone. Take a shower. It's all because you aren't praying enough'
Every time I work my ass off and something gets done, it's all "God has helped us" which is fine. I don't have a problem with that. BUT !! Every time something bad happens it's MY FAULT!!! It's cuz I don't listen to her. It's cuz I don't pray enough. It's all on me. Also apparently I'm the only person responsible for how our relationship has turned out, which is me rarely talking to her and still somehow us ending up in multiple verbal conflicts.. hence why I don't initiate conversations unless I have to.
She loves to spread her version of the story where she is an absolute angel and I'm the demon child and everyone busy into it. Why won't they? God I hate this. It's like she's waiting for me to fail so that she can rub it in my face that the only reason I failed is cuz I didn't listen to her.
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midnxght-sweet-time · 2 years
omg okok i totally agree with you and i think that the whole sagau thing has turned into isekai, yandere and cult au smashed together under the title of “sagau” which doesn’t really make much sense because the title “Self Aware Genshin AU” doesn’t say anything about isekai, cults or even stuff about a creator, it’s literally just genshin characters being self aware that they’re in a game.
and i have no problem with people writing that of course, just maybe don’t label it sagau..?
AND ALSO!!! what you said about the whole cast turning completely stupid and mindless besides aiming to kill the impostor (albedo and impostor albedo excluded because they’re special or something) is so true!!! like honestly, i understand (sort of) that it’s a nice setup for the revenge part or whatever.. but don’t you think at least the archons would think twice or even recognize the reader as the creator? or, if it’s in the au where the reader is an actual impostor, don’t you think they’d just imprison you or something? i really don’t think they’d be that cruel. unless, of course, this is the hardcore cult au, then they might.
and honestly if they thought the reader was an imposter and really were trying to kill them there probably wouldn’t be that much of a commotion over some rando stealing their “creator”’s face. they’d probably just kill them and be done with it, because the reader really isn’t very important at that point. at least in my opinion, anyways.
I find that hardcore cult or not, if your telling me someone like Jean, the most responsible there is that even knowing one of the four winds, Dvalin is tryna destroy Mondstadt and she tries to find a pacifist solution to it before resorting to violence with a heavy heart—would resort to killing the imposter on sight just cuz they impersonate their creator is just such a farcry of wtfs.
And the isekai'd mashed with sagau. Yea its out of place but in a way it makes sense cuz ppl still aknowledge yes theyre in a game and with the creator isekai'd in they know that yea this is their creator for the most part. I feel like the isekai'd part is more of an additional detail in considering its more impactful/fun to be in the game then being out of the game and talking to the characs thru the screen.
But the yandere n cult thing has developed into a mindless worshipping state. I can see a yandere forming but not in the way of 'oh we gotta protect the creator and make everyone bow down to them' especially litterally meeting them just one min ago. I especially hate yanderes that somehow caught feelings on first sight cuz it just doesnt make much sense and the buildup aint fun cuz there is no build up-
And abt the albedo knowing ur the creator. Yes his a homunculus but put it this way; an artificial being thats made to be human, ik his not exactly human but still close to what a human is, can recognize this is the creator but not the litteral GODS or any other non human species like hell YAE or XIAO, two non humans with some supernatural background you would expect to see through a person does not recognize the creator? This is just as bs as the selective infliction of curses of Tatarigami.
That and the whole worshipping thing is like a whole nerf in a character. Like someone as cold as Xiao is fangirling cuz you main him? Isnt Xiao the type of person who would get ptsd knowing you in a way, used him? Just like in his backstory of being used by another evil god.
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terrytellyetales · 2 years
I Just Wanted to See You (Part 5)
I’m still alive and heck yeah I just wrote that! Well.... no. Not really. It’s actually been siting unfinished in my drafts for a long time now. I feel so happy finally getting this out there! If you wanna check out what else I’ve written, here’s the masterlist.
Part 1
Status: Ongoing
It's been an eventful day ever since you arrived at Liyue. You were finally making your way back to the city, happily walking hand in hand with your new zombie friend who kept looking at you. "Hmm? Is there something on my face?" Qiqi shook her head in response before speaking.
   "Who is... Teucer?"
   "Oh. Teucer's my little brother. We travelled together from Snezhnaya to here to find our big brother."
   "If you travelled together... why is Teucer not here?"
   "Uh... hehe... you see..."
You recount the events that took place before you met Qiqi. You started with how Teucer suddenly came bursting through the front door of your house with a very bad idea.
   "I thought maybe the gods heard my wish and it was brother at the door. I mean, it was my brother, but not the one I really wanted to see. After that we snuck on the ship Teucer mentioned. It was tricky because we kept getting caught by this big scary sailor."
   "How did you... get on?"
   "Well... first we tried tip toeing on board but he kept shooing us away. We tried sneaking into their cargo, wearing a disguise, closely tailing another sailor while hiding behind him, but he somehow kept finding us. We were about to give up when I noticed how the lady holding a clipboard kept looking at him and how Mr. Sailor kept looking at her and came up with a great idea!"
   "What did... you do?"
   "Hehe... we helped them become friends! I made Teucer tell the nice lady how Mr. Sailor thinks she looked pretty and smart and that he was too shy to talk to her. I went to tell Mr. Sailor the lady with the clipboard likes him and that she was too shy to talk to him. After that Mr. Sailor went to talk to her. He said not to even try sneaking on the ship, but that was the whole point! While they were distracted, Teucer and I quickly snuck onboard and into one of the crates they loaded up. After they set sail, we had to make sure not to get spotted 'cuz they might throw us off or something. We didn't didn't pack any food, so we tried checking if there was anything to eat in one of the crates."
   "Isn't that... stealing?"
   "Oh. Don't worry. You see, brother gave Teucer a pouch to always bring with him. He said to give it to a nice person and they will take good care of Teucer. We left some of the Mora that was in it on one of the crates. See? We made sure to pay for everything!"
   "Wow. Y/N is... smart."
   "Hehe. It was a good thing Teucer grabbed that pouch before we left."
"Mm... Teucer is... also smart."
"When we arrived, we immediately looked for our brother and somehow wondered outside the city. Oh! Then I got tripped by this plant with eyes. I chased it and caught it by the leaves. I tried to pull it out to get a better look but there was a bigger one that was right above me!"
   "Oh no... did it... crush you?"
   "It would have if I wasn't suddenly yanked away! Mr. Xiao said it's called a Dendro Slime. I've never seen one before. Maybe there aren't any where I'm from since the ground in Sneznayah is always covered in snow." 
(Disclaimer: I have no idea what Sneznayah is like. I'm just basing it off of the little clues in game.)
   "What happened next?"
   "The tiny Dendro Slime was going really fast while dragging me. It suddenly stopped and threw me into the air and off a cliff!"
"Oh no..."
"It was so scary! Luckily, Mr. Xiao came flying to my rescue. And then... I didn't see Teucer anywhere, but that's okay! Mr. Xiao helped me look for Teucer! Even if... we didn't find him yet."
   "Mr. Xiao... will find Teucer."
   "Yup! Mr.  Xiao promised! Oh! We also saw one of the toys brother sells! His name is Mr. Cyclops. He fights bag guys and monsters to keep people safe! But then... it started attacking us... Mr. Cyclops hurt Mr. Xiao and also destroyed the scarf brother gave... Mr. Xiao called him a Ruin Guard and that it was a killing machine. Brother lied... Mr. Cyclops is a bad guy..."
You noticed how you were starting to get teary eyed. Yes, you were upset about the scarf, but you were more upset about your brother lying to you about Mr. Cyclops. Not wanting to worry Qiqi, you quickly wiped your tears and tried to perk up. "But it's okay! Mr. Xiao made me these ade- adepi- Adepti charms!" You carefully reach into your pocket and take out the charms Xiao made form crystal core and leaves.
"Right? Mr. Xiao also said they're magic and will keep me safe."
The two of you continued on happily to Liyue Harbor. While walking, you both noticed a woman who looked like she was in her late 60's. She was standing at the side of the road surrounded by birds. She was holding a small pouch that she kept sticking her hand in and throwing something white that attracted more of them. "Finches." Qiqi's grip on your hand loosened and she runs ahead of you. "Eh?! Not you too. Qiqi! Wait up!" You run after her, not wanting to repeat the same incident when you lost Teucer. "Is this what Mr. Xiao felt when I kept running ahead of him?" As Qiqi got closer, she slowed down so as not to scare away the Finches. You followed suit, but a little to late. You bumped into Qiqi’s back and the impact caused her to fall forward, scaring the birds away in the process. “Ah! I’m sorry!” 
The woman turns around to see what all the fuss was about. “Oh my.” She quickly seals the pouch and makes her way towards you two. “Are you alright, dear?” She reaches out a hand to help Qiqi up.
   “Thank you...”
   “I’m sorry we scared away the birds, ma’am.”
   “Ho ho ho, that’s quite alright, dear. Don’t worry about it.”
   “We scared... the Finches away... Qiqi is... sorry.”
   “Now, now. No need to look so down. Granny knows a trick to bring them back.”
The woman opens up her pouch again and reaches inside. “Would you dears hold out your hands for granny, please?” The two of you comply and reach out your hands, palms facing upward. She puts what look like grains of uncooked rice. “Now, just throw them up in the air like this so the grains scatter nicely.” You both threw the grains as you were told. As soon as the grains hit the ground, the woman lets out some bird noises to call over the Finches once again. Out of nowhere, you see a huge flock fly your way and start pecking at the ground, trying to get as much rice as they can.
“There we go. Would you like to help granny feed the finches? I'm afraid these old bones can't scatter the rice fast enough for them." Qiqi's face lights up at the invitation, but she hesitates because she remembered her contract with Xiao.
   "I have to... fulfil my contract... I have to... take Y/N to Liyue Harbor..."
   "Ho ho ho, what a good girl you are. If you're in a hurry that's quite alright."
You notice how Qiqi looks a bit down. and step forward.
   "Uhm... we're not really in a hurry."
   "It's okay. Mr. Xiao said nothing about not being allowed to make pitstops. Besides, this is still along the way and I'd also like to feed the finches."
   "Ho ho ho, I'm sure the finches will be happy. Thank you."
She offers offers the two of you her bag of uncooked grains of rice so you could each get a handful.
As you were feeding the Finches, you see a slight smile form on Qiqi’s face. Somehow, seeing her this happy, also makes you happy. Some of them even decided to rest on Qiqi’s head.
   “Hey look! They like you!”
   “Ho ho, would you look at that.”
   “I like the Finches too... very much.”
This was a nice change after all the near death experiences you’ve been through ever since you arrived. The three of you continue feeding the birds until the pouch was empty.
"Ho ho ho, looks like meal time is over. Thank you for your help, my dears."
"It was our pleasure!"
"Thank you... very much."
"You're headed for the harbor, yes? It seems this is where we part ways. You take care now."
"We will! You take care too, granny!"
"Have a... safe trip."
You and Qiqi wave good bye to the woman as she walks the opposite direction you're headed. Before you continued your walk to Liyue, Qiqi brings out her notebook and a pencil.
   “What are you doing?”
   “I’m writing down what we did today... so that I won’t forget it.”
   “You really like Finches, don’t you?”
   “Mm, I enjoy... looking at the Finches.”
   “Good thing we took a little break, right?”
   “Mm... I am also glad... to be friends with Y/N.”
   “He he, I’m glad to be friend with you too."
   "Finished. Shall we... go?"
Qiqi puts away her notebook and pencil. She reaches out her hand for you to take, just like what you did before you parted ways with Xiao. You happily take her hand and skip merrily as you continue heading for Liyue once more. As you continue onward, she notices the scratches on your legs.
   “You’re... hurt?”
You stop skipping and Qiqi points at your legs.
   “Those? They’re just scratches. No big deal.”
   “Did the Hilichurls... do that?
   “Probably not. You scared them away before we even got close.”
    “I will... take you to Bubu Pharmacy... Dr. Baizhu can... treat you. Dr. Baizhu says... small cuts and scratches can be bad... if left untreated.”
   “Oh. Okay. Thank you, Qiqi.
   ”When Mr. Xiao... comes back with your brother... Dr. Baizhu can also treat his wounds... if he has any.”
   “Thank you, Qiqi. Let’s hope Teucer’s okay.”
After a little while, you finally reach your destination “We made it!” Still worried about your injuries, Qiqi tugs on your hand with no signs of letting go.
   “Where are we going?”
    “To ask Dr. Baizhu... to treat your wounds.”
   “Oh. Right, hehe.”
You were alone and had nothing better to do anyway, so you decided to go along with it. It would also be a chance to actually ask someone about your brother. Why wasn’t that the first thing you did when you arrived? You were too busy chasing aster Teucer.
   “Do you think Dr. Baizhu knows my brother?”
   “I don’t... know. You can ask him... later. Dr. Baizhu has... many patients. Dr. Baizhu remembers... all of his patients."
“Okay! I hope he does. And then I can go find him and wait with him for Mr. Xiao to bring Teucer.”
Distracted by the thought of being reunited with your brother, you didn’t notice the tall figure falling from the sky until it landed right in front of you with a loud thud. It was a tall man in a gray suit and short ginger hair. He had a red mask tied to his head, black gloves, and a hydro vision dangling from his belt. When you recognized who this individual was, your eyes filled up with tears from the happiness and relief you felt seeing his face. “Brother!” At the sound of your voice he immediately turns to you. Without warning, you tackle hugged him, causing him to nearly lose his balance. He pulls your body away so he could get a better look.
"Y/N! I'm so glad you're safe!"
"It really is you! I'm so glad. I missed you so much."
"Yes, it's me. I was so worried when Teucer said he lost you."
"You found Teucer?"
From the stairs behind him, there was another familiar face.
   “You found Y/N!”
The little boy came running to join in on the touching moment. Childe opened up his arms so he could trap both of you in a tight embrace. It was a long journey filled with adventure. It was both exciting and terrifying since you literally came close to death, but the feeling of warmth, love, and security your brother exuded melted it all away. Finally being reunited made it all worth it.
<< Part 4
Part 6(?)
FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY!! A wild Childe appears! But why is he not in the Northland Bank like in the story quest? Why did he suddenly fall from the sky and land (awesomely) in front of our cute little reader and zombie? How did Teucer make it back before you did? How did he end up with Childe just like that?
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raamitsu · 2 years
I know that big Tokrev twitter account you’re talking about and yikes…Now they’re trying to spearhead the theory that whenever Mikey is in dark impulses mode that it’s actually Shinichiro possessing him and I—Can we just have Mikey be accountable for his actions?? Like I love Mikey too but we need to stop giving him a pass for the things he’s done and stop blaming other people for his actions.
And then them being shocked that a person who is grieving is behaving...Like a person who is grieving. You can really tell that the OP has never experienced true grief before for them to think that the way Shinichiro was behaving was bizarre (and people who supported OP too). Like you stan literal murderers but a guy who’s grieving the loss of his family is apparently where you draw the line?? Get out of here >.>
Wow who are you anon and why are you spitting ?
Tbh it’s affecting a lot of TR stans’ minds to believe Shinichiro was still a bad guy like ?? I thought we’re collectively agreed that none of these characters are either good or bad? Funny cuz no one is saying Shinichiro was a perfect saint guy, but we can somehow grasped the idea of what kind of a guy Shin was from other characters that spoke highly of him. “Bad role model” “excuse violence” - Idk man. Shin brought Mikey to Black Dragon’s last gathering is not equivalent to teaching or educating violence, am I wrong? Like what do people expect? This is a manga that revolves around delinquents after all and most of them are involved heavily in it so don’t expect to see sunshines and rainbows all the time. As far as I remembered, she made a couple of tweets shitting on Shinichiro after the first one she let up still. I guess she deleted them due to the amount of people calling her out.
Aside of that, reading Chapter 270 makes me feel heavily bad for Shinichiro, as he worked hard to the bone to manage his family’s basic needs after their parents passed away, while both Emma and Mikey were just a kid. Being the first born and an elder brother holds a huge responsibility - in fact, he even had to bear all of that by himself. Furthermore, after Grandpa Sano passed away and Emma ran away from home, it’s possible to think all sort of emotions he tried to conceal were piling up, and it got even darker after Mikey passed away a month later. Shinichiro was the parent figure of Sano family, yet she and the people agreeing with her wanted to come at him just because he took down some disrespectful losers at the club :/
Seriously though, are we gonna forget what Mikey did to Sanzu? are we gonna forget the day he wanted Kisaki to realize his dream + said he wanted darkness and he didn’t care whatever method Kisaki used - then suggested Kisaki to join Toman even after Baji, Draken and Mitsuya were fully against it? are we gonna forget that he massacred all of his friends in the future timeline and the fact he never hesitated to show that side of him? are we gonna forget how he let his dark impulses took control of him and took South’s live and put Takemichi in koma? He was entirely conscious and knew what he did. He also uttered Takeomi’s name after he kicked his face. For someone who claimed to not be able to differentiate what’s wrong and what’s right, that is still not an excuse for whatever he has done, so I hope his stans are not being blinded by “how young and traumatized he is” till they can’t rightfully criticized his unforgivable acts.
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makeste · 4 years
BnHA Chapter 306: the beginning of the WHAT
Previously on BnHA: Nana and the Gang were all, “hey Deku, we can read your thoughts and feelings so we should already know the answer to this, but for some reason we want to quiz you on whether or not you’d be down to kill Shigaraki Tomura.” Deku was all, “um okay, well tbh, probably not seeing as Saving People has been my entire thing since literally the start of the series.” The Vestiges were all, “yes that makes perfect sense and again we already knew that, but well, good for you buddy and I’m glad we had this talk. Anyway I guess we should ask these two cryptic fuckers in the corner to finally turn around now before we run out of -- ” and then the chapter ended. Because OF COURSE IT DID.
Today on BnHA: Horikoshi is all “YOU DON’T NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS NEXT, WOULDN’T IT BE SO MUCH BETTER IF I GAVE YOU A CONFUSING CHAPTER WHERE EVERYONE FINALLY LEARNS ABOUT OFA, AND GOES BACK TO THE DORMS, AND THEN THE CHAPTER ENDS WITH DEPRESSED NOMAD DEKU STANDING ON A PRECIPICE WITH GRAN TORINO’S TATTERED CAPE FLOWING IN THE WIND.” Everyone is all, “???????????” Horikoshi is all, “also the parents are moving to the U.A. campus, and Jeanist’s neck is two and a half feet long, for everyone that was wondering.” Everyone is all, “WHERE ARE KACCHAN AND TODOROKI AND FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, WHO ARE THE SECOND AND THIRD USERS”, and Horikoshi is all, “:)” and fades away into nothingness like the fucking fae he is. Like a fucking imp who’s kept his end of the cursed bargain. What, the, fuck.
okay guys, so after the longest Thursday of my fucking life, during which I was secretly hoping that my spoiler containment net would be somehow be breached, inadvertently exposing me to theta spoiler radiation, so that I could be all “oh no... spoilers... there’s nothing I can do... I have no choice but to look” (which sadly did not happen), it is finally Friday and the chapter is finally out. so I’ve got my clown kit at the ready and other self-deprecating memes on standby, and I’m ready to go. and I should note that I’m also ready for Horikoshi to pull some absolute bullshit and be like, “oh you know what, we haven’t checked in with Rat Principal in a while have we” and spend the entire chapter on nonsense like that. I’M READY FOR FUCKING ANYTHING so bring it
(ETA: it would be nice if this man wouldn’t call my bluff every now and again.)
oh, right, we were due a color page! wow look at this
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isn’t this supposed to be the future?? what’s with all of these staticky CRT TVs
anyway, so! is this the first time we’ve seen Tomura’s stylish finger prosthetic glove thingy in color?? because I didn’t expect it to be red. also, at some point you just have to give in and change your pants into cutoffs or something, Tomura. start a new trend of stylish villain capris
meanwhile Deku is dressed like he’s going on a journey into the desert to find a mystical oasis. actually this cape looks a lot like Gran Torino’s. I have to go back and see if Gran’s is all raggedy like this
(ETA: it wasn’t before but APPARENTLY IT IS NOW. I also forgot that Horikoshi had showed it sitting on a side table in the hospital a few chapters ago.)
lastly, AFO looks like someone’s thumb after they’ve been washing dishes for twenty minutes. you are just the ugliest dude in history, and as always, fuck you
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oh, Twowy McTwoface is finally starting to turn around? better CUT BACK TO DEKU’S HOSPITAL ROOM THEN. wouldn’t want to accidentally ANSWER ANY QUESTIONS or SOLVE ANY MYSTERIES, god forbid
well, whatever. whatever!! anyway so now someone’s knocking at the door. I say “someone�� but we all know it’s Hawks
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they were actually standing outside the door for a while hoping they’d overhear another juicy plot conversation, but no such luck this time
lmaooo Jeanist wtf
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acting all embarrassed, but you’re really just as curious as Hawks is. making him do all the dirty work for you huh
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so like two seconds after Katsuki gets dragged away you open the door for the rest of them!! well, fine!! I really want it to be a more private/personal moment between the two of them anyway so let the other kids check in on Deku first then
and in the meantime, time to see Hawks put the thumbscrews to All Might’s resolve lol
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I wonder how much of it Hawks has already put together in the last five minutes. One for All is something connected to All for One that Tomura seems to want. Tomura was apparently targeting Deku. that’s more than enough to make a few deductions right there. I wonder how much Hawks knows about Deku’s quirk. he did watch the sports festival, and he ran into the kids interning under Endeavor that one time
okay well maybe he hasn’t put the rest of it together just yet, but Hawks is making a pretty reasonable pitch here to All Might
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also this is a pretty spectacular view. is this a hospital or a hotel??
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( •̀_•́ )
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[sitting cross-legged on the ground pulling up little clumps of grass and letting them fall from my fingers one by one] yeah. sure. okay. fine. sure
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everybody better hold tight cuz I’m about to pick up this whole chapter and yeet it into the ocean like a fucking frisbee lol
-- OH
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well okay then. proceed. though lord help me if they’re about to reveal the secret of OFA to the whole fucking world skdkj
oh snap
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well, there it is. pretty much what I expected, but it’s good to actually get to see this moment with him taking responsibility
though at the same time, thank you Horikoshi for not forcing us to sit through the rest of that
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their fucking faces omg. okay but seriously, what nation doesn’t secretly love a good scandal
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the Endeavor Pamphlets, part two. thank you for giving the country something to opine about on twitter in these trying times, Enji
so now they’re asking about Hawks and Jeanist but I cannot even focus on anything all of a sudden because what?!
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is Jeanist even a real actual human being you guys?! are we sure he’s not three kids sitting on each other’s shoulders?? are you related to that one guy with the really long neck from the Jedi Council?? are you Orochimaru, bro??
so now Hawks is apologizing for the murder of Twice, and for hiding the connection with his dad
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the fact that he has to give this serious formal apology and beg forgiveness for the shameful crime of Having An Abusive Father is really something else, though. just. it’s realistic, but I still hate it
moving on now to the one thing he actually does owe the public an explanation for
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not to go all “Hawks did nothing wrong” on you guys yet again, but seriously. 100% facts. fandom can (and no doubt will) debate this until the end of time, but if Twice had gotten away they wouldn’t be having this press conference right now because there wouldn’t be any heroes left to give one. anyways though, I’ve already said more than enough about that in previous posts
so now some severe-looking lady with the weirdest fingers I’ve ever seen is saying that her mother was injured during Machia’s rampage
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and she’s basically all “a fuck lot of good ‘I’m sorry’ does us all about now.” true true
wow she’s really getting fired up
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and now Enji is basically saying that he understands that an apology isn’t enough, and what they really need now are solutions. okay, well! SO THEN WHAT IS THE PLAN THEN
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this eloquent PEZ dispenser makes a good point you guys
wait, hold up
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CERTAIN citizens?? um excuse me, what??
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh shit
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holy shit. well, this will go over well
okay! so this tells me a number of things, though
basically the minute that Hawks learned about One for All, he realized that anyone connected to Deku (e.g. Inko) would be a target for AFO. AFO wants OFA, meaning AFO wants Deku, and one of the easiest ways to get to Deku would be to target his family
Hawks therefore realized that Inko needed to be placed into protective custody
but the fact that ALL of the hero course students’ families (and is it only the U.A. hero course, or all of the hero course students across the country?) are being given protection tells me that Hawks and co. don’t want to single Deku out as being important. so then it looks like they’re not going to tell everyone about OFA (or at least not the public. which, good). so rather than drawing suspicion by saying “we’ve got to protect everyone connected with this one kid”, they’re making it seem like all the U.A. kids’ families are getting this treatment
but since the heroes are now spread so thin, they can’t just send a protective detail to each and every family, so they’re bringing all of the families to the same place instead to better keep an eye on them
so that’s all well and good, and a very smart move. except that idk how all of this is going to go over with the general public, all of whom are probably feeling unsafe at the moment, and who will probably see this as preferential treatment -- basically just the heroes looking after their own and leaving everyone else to fend for themselves
(ETA: okay so @hanashimas​’ translation clarifies that U.A. is offering their services as an evacuation shelter for everyone who wants it, not just the families of the U.A. students. that’s much more appropriate so I withdraw my previous “wtf” reaction lol.)
anyway though here’s Mitsuki and Inko
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can we take this as confirmation that the two of them really are friends? that’s one piece of fanon that I’ve always hoped was true, so I’m gonna go ahead and say it’s confirmed
(ETA: also this means that Hagakure’s parents (or maybe “parents” in quotation marks) will supposedly be moving in as well. sure am curious as to how that’s going to go.)
now someone in the press crowd is asking whether U.A. can provide adequate security, which is honestly the LAST thing I expected these people would be outraged about lol. shows what I know I guess
(ETA: again though, this makes sense if the “certain civilians” thing was just a translation error.)
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you tell me, Dabi! weren’t you the one who said that wouldn’t be enough to kill him? what even is your endgame here. I’m starting to worry about the villain brain cell supply you guys. I feel like Compress took most of them with him when he left
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“when asked about One for All, Endeavor fucking lied through his teeth.” well, well, well
( ⁰ ⌂ ⁰ )
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(ETA: 9. also if he really wrote every kid in his class then that means the U.A. traitor -- or Hagakure as we like to call her around these parts -- also knows about OFA, and knows that Deku has run the fuck off and isn’t at U.A. anymore. so that’s just great!)
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the hell does that mean, you must leave. leave to go where. son you are not up and leaving to go power up and lead us all into a timeskip. and I swear to GOD, if you left Kacchan too...!!
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y’all I’m not even gonna waste your time with more keysmashing, JUST ASSUME THAT I AM DOING IT NONSTOP, FOREVER. and let’s just jump RIGHT IN HERE
okay so here I thought that All Might and co. had taken him away somewhere to train, but that is CLEARLY not what’s going on here. this kid is standing here in his Apocalypse Aesthetic hero costume which has CLEARLY seen better days, with Gran Torino’s cloak (GUESS THAT EXPLAINS THAT, THEN?? SO DID GRAN FUCKING DIE EXCUSE ME WTF), and a fucking backpack. this little green idiot has RUN AWAY FROM HOME. this is the absolute LAST THING ON EARTH I ever expected to happen so PARDON ME WHILE I SCREAM CONFUSEDLY INTO THE VOID
he does not look okay. you guys he doesn’t look okay at ALL. he has NEVER looked like this. this isn’t just a “I’m sad because I’m leaving all my friends behind” kind of look on his face, or even just a “Gran Torino died maybe and I’m still having emotions over it” look. this is an EXHAUSTED, dead look in his eyes. something terrible has happened
love how this random building is just straight up collapsing, like that’s just a normal thing that happens every day now. lovely
did he go with Deku?? did he get a chance to talk to him before he left?? did he get his own private letter which he read and then promptly blew up in a fit of panicked rage?? is he going to go after him?? DOES HORIKOSHI KNOW WHAT HE’S DOING TO ME RIGHT NOW?? OF COURSE HE DOES, DON’T BOTHER ANSWERING THAT
omg. though actually the fact that we’ve already jumped a few weeks forward makes me hopeful that there won’t actually be another timeskip, or at least not much of one. I’m sure that’ll be the big debate of the week, but I don’t think we can jump too far forward here. for starters because of that All Might prophecy I mentioned. and also because TomurAFO isn’t just going to wait around for months. and also because I’m 100% sure that Deku’s running-away backpack is just filled ENTIRELY WITH NOTEBOOKS and this asshole cannot possibly survive more than 3 days on his own. UNLESS SOMEONE COMES TO HELP HIM THAT IS. OR SOMEONES, EVEN. OMG. omg omg omg. fuck this chapter lmao
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monstas1ut2 · 3 years
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2/3 Eren Yeager (Smut Warning!)
That's why I fucked yo' bitch, you fat motherfucka!
The screenshot sound was pretty loud as your back went up and down like a roach sprayed with raid. The male on the other side of the phone laughing his ass off. Well, he wasn't the only one.. but he's the one who took the screenshot.
"Delete that shit, don't put it on Instagram Connie!" Your pretty face was immediately in the camera's view. Your eyes a little wide at the fact that you were caught off guard. But at the same time, you let yourself go in front of the group. That's your wrong doing. But it made them smile nonetheless.
The people who were on the call at the moment were Connie, Jean, and Sasha. The rest were either too bothered to be in such a crackhead group, or they were busy.. probably the first one. Anyways, everyone in first period happened to be your friend, they were all different but they adored you nonetheless... even Annie... she just hides hers pretty well. Anyways, It's almost the end of senior year already and the bond is hard to break..
"That's my favorite song, you can't be catchin a hoe off guard.." you scolded the bald male who still happened to be laughing. His controller in his hand since he was playing nba2k. Jean was also playing but at the moment he was trying to figure out what you were doing.. and he's mad he didn't see..
"What did she do now?!"
"She was throwing her back out of place!" Sasha muffled out as she was stuffing her cheeks with a Hershey chocolate bar. She was also watching Hell's Kitchen on her tv, you could hear it.
"Daddy Jean aint need to hear all that.." you playfully spoke as you bit your lip at him. It was obvious he liked you, not to the point where he wanted a relationship though.. he's just a bit of a man whore.
Though everytime you mumble a 'Daddy Jean' , he's all for it. That's yo bitch.
After a bit of a pause of talking, Connie had picked up his phone and you were now cleaning the table that was in your room. The last time you were in this room, you didn't even have time to clean... Your father was screaming for you to hurry.
Let's explain, this weekend, you are visiting Hange, your mother . She missed you so she invited you to stay for a few days. Today is Friday so you have the whole weekend with her. She had planned Saturday and Sunday. Not to mention, Monday is a holiday so no school. 
"Hey guys... uh Armin and Eren having a party.. y'all comin?"
All while Sasha said yes, along with Jean.. you were still jamming to 2-pac spitting his shit. Your hand movements not going unseen by the three on your phone. So in result of not having a response from you, Connie screamed oh so suddenly which caused you to jump pretty high.
"What the Fuck is yo problem!? You bein held by gunpoint nigga?" Your voice showing 1% concern as you moved closer to the phone on your dresser and you stared into it.. quite surprised still.
"(Y/n)... you makin my hair fall out..." Connie spoke as he gave a sarcastic smile and... wow it was hard for everyone to suppress their laughter... your face would turn purple instead of red though..
"Ight~... watchu want?..."
"Oooh, Eren.." you spoke in interest, your long eyelashes fluttering. This however made Jean and Connie 'throw up' at the same time. All while you rolled your (e/c) eyes.
"Yall do too much-.. and Jean, stay in yo game ight?.. befo I come through the screen and punch-"
"Eren havin a party.. are you going..?"
Tilting your head in slight disbelief that Connie interrupted you. Your eyes rolled as you looked to the side. Obviously leading them on, but at the same time they knew that Hange will let you go...
"Fine. But somebody pickin me up.. and Sasha cuz boo-boo can't drive worth a dime.."
As much as you hated it, you sat uncomfortably in the dodge... Ugh... It's just something about you and dodge's. The cars radiate fuck boy energy, and guess who happened to be driving this car? Jean..
Though he let you sit in the passenger seat just because. Your eyes staring out the window as you messed with the stockings you had on. They were in a bit of a web, that was the design. You also had on a plaid skirt and this crop top with some white platforms. Oh you looked scrumptious.
The person who put this outfit together in the first place was Hange.
"Baby Jean, you need a new car... cuz-"
"It radiates Fuck boy energy.. you said it the first time you ever saw it... I know.." Jean pouted as he continued to drive to Eren's house. Who was shared with Armin. The two always lived together, some speculated that they were... sparkle sparkle.. gay.. but they aren't.. not that you would've minded.. it just would've been a bummer.
"(Y/n)... Didn't Your father take your car away...?"
Glaring back at Connie, who was wearing a white shirt with black pants and some timbs. You rolled your eyes and looked through your window again.
"Yeah but my car is a Mitsubishi.."
The neighborhood around these parts were quite pretty. Just like where you lived with your dad. But at the same time you were confused as to how Eren and Armin could afford such a place. The first thing popping in your mind being. Drug dealer and then you thought about what Sukihana said about dating them...
That's probably why Levi didn't want you around him... Yeah.. This whole senior year has been Levi making sure Eren doesn't sit beside you... nor have a project with you... It's like he barely existed at first. Though you always had these ways to talk to him. He's not even that bad.. he's quite the hottie and he knows what to say... he's just a flirt, and you edge him on every time...
"(Y/n)! Can you come with me to find the food?"
Snapping out of those thoughts of Eren, you didn't even realize Jean had already parked. A small 'mhm' coming from your throat as you opened the car door. Everyone else doing the same. Lord it was a bunch of people out here. People were outside and inside which was baffling honestly.
A soft hand touched your wrist and started to drag you towards the house door. It was Sasha, her mouth almost watering for something to eat. She told Eren to make sure there was extra cheese in the fridge for her. Hidden... and lo and behold when you both shimmied through the crowd, the cheese was in the fridge. Her eyes beaming as she grabbed some chips as started eating like it was her last meal, nothing out of the ordinary.
"This music actually hits..." you spoke out to nobody in particular as your hips started to move ever so gently. Though as nice as your body was, it looked more seductive than anything. Popping one of those chips into your mouth as your hips continued to wine ever so gently.
The looks you were getting, not only lustful but want... The way your long dreads just complimented your look had only made it worse. The second you decide to stop, it seemed like everyone stopped looking at you. In slight despair that you'd stopped. Though one individual in particular was continuing to stare...
His hand, wrapped around the cup as he'd sipped at the liquid inside. The black ring on his middle finger caused his hand to look hotter than it already was. He had these prominent veins that would just look so pretty on your brown skin...
"She likes you too..." the blonde that was a tad bit shorter spoke to his childhood friend, Eren.
"What makes you say that..." lord, somehow over all this music, and his low tone... you could still feel the vibration of Eren's voice. Just glancing from the kitchen as Eren was sitting on the couch in the living room. Leaning back like he owned the place... well he did.
Fine ass..
Giving him a bit of a stare, your glossy lips curved into a smirk as you glanced at him up and down. All before turning your attention back to your friend who was having the time of her life eating...
"So Sash.. what's up with you and Connie...? Yall gon date.. or-"
"My bad.. my bad.. I just wanted to know"
The party was a bit lively, more than anything since this is a longer weekend. So everyone was happy.. including you because they were playing your favs. So of course your body started to move again. That skirt of yours being a paid actress in helping you look more hot. Though, what you did not expect was someone coming up behind you...
Now that's nasty..
You whipped your head around about to give them an earful... though... you saw that smexy... face and you looked kinda shocked...
"Oh..." you choked out before turning your head again.. Eren's evil little smirk had caught you off guard. It boosted his confidence even more that you didn't feel the need to even move away from him. His hands slithering onto your full hips.
Man, he was really risking everything this time... considering your father is.. Levi...
This however was thrown out of the window because of the fact that you could feel Eren's... crotch against that thick form of yours. That little smirk on your face only widening as you started to gently rub against him, your back bending over somewhat.
His long brown hair then started to ever so gently fall in front of his face as his greenish eyes stared hard into your body. That harsh little grip on your waist made you feel all different types of high. Gawd.
"You like that huh...? I know.." your cute, but seductive voice made Eren chuckle just a tad. It causing you to almost choke on those words.. This man didn't need to TRY to be hot... he was already smexy.
His hands then started to travel up your body to your arms and he gently pulled you up towards him, your back against his scrumptious chest. All you could do was open your mouth a bit, quite surprised that he wanted to be this close with you.
"Eren... You a lil close... you needa tell me sum?"
The way you spoke, the way you carried yourself... it was new to Eren when he first met you.. but he got used to it real quick and he noticed he wanted something he never knew existed.. and that was you.
"Can't tell you here... but I can tell you in the bedroom..." Eren purred out, his voice smooth as a babies skin, smooth as butter. It caused you to tingle, the female between your legs wanting that more than anything.
Biting your glossy lips, the room started to become hotter than it already was. The people who were in the house started to pile out of the main and started to go outside. It was quite cold outside as well, but the party continues.
"Where the hell is (Y/n)..." Jean spoke to himself as he watched Connie and Sasha become drunks in two seconds. It was obvious he himself could not drink since he is the driving parent tonight.. but he now had nothing to do... he's just wondering where... you are..
"S-..Shit Eren~..."
The (f/c) nails you had were now digging into Eren's muscular arms as his lips caressed your neck. The seductive kisses making dark marks on your brown, beautiful skin.
Your head being thrown back onto the soft black pillow as your pretty toes curled. Feeling Eren's slender fingers inside of your pussy. His intimidating green eyes watching your every expression, every move. Seeing that your crop top was already rolled up over your pretty chocolate mound breasts that were covered with your bra.
"E-Eren, s-stahp..." choking that out, you could hear the loud rip of your stockings when Eren moved his hand out of them. The wetness of your brown pussy lips being known pretty well when Eren's fingers slid your panties to the side.
"You don't want me to stop... huh...?"
The electricity shocked through you when you watched Eren stare down into your eyes. Lust and want, all in them as his key necklace dangled in front of your face ever so gently.
His shirt immediately being discarded as he watched your pussy pulse from his fingers being pulled away from it. It was amazing to him how much you wanted him.. it was amazing... it ran something through him...
All you could see was his muscular frame, his hands to match as he easily tore through your bra. Watching the way your breasts fumbled out of the cups. He never seen a black woman's breasts before.. but it couldn't get any better than this though.. is what he thought.
"Daddy~... don't stare at em..." you pouted playfully before licking your glossy lips. Just running your fingers up Eren's arms as you eventually made your way up to his luscious hair. Running your fingers through the locks. Pulling him down ever so gently to finally get that kiss you wanted.
Eren's eyes glowed when he felt your soft lips, the lip gloss giving him this taste of lovely. His lips tasted of some sugar, kinda made you wonder what was in his cup before this.
The wetness of Eren's tongue touching yours as the both of you withered in this naughty, sloppy kiss. Something you both weren't supposed to do.... It was fun, crazy... scary..
"You act all bad outside of the bedroom huh... but you ain't ever have someone touch you..." Eren teased gently, in a whisper against your lips. His hand gripping your chin as he stared at your innocent looking face. Gently spitting all nastily into your mouth and you moaned out seductively. Swallowing it so easily..
"Show daddy you'll be able to take it..."
Eren's cock was so hard in his pants, it being unzipped by him and his underwear was now restricting his release. His eyes staring at your pretty pussy, the wet, pink insides were bright and untouched. Though his pale cock was eager to invade it.
"I-.. I can take it daddy..." your whimpers echoed In Eren's ears as he pushed his underwear down. Your knees being pushed to your chest as you felt Eren's stare. The plaid skirt you had was still on, so you tried to cover your pretty pussy with it.
"Stop... don't hide now.." Eren scoffed out as he gripped under your thighs, the underside of his cock rubbing up and down your wet and gooey pussy.
"Hold your legs... don't move.."
It was so demanding, your pussy clenching already as the wetness dripped down to your other hole. Your pretty, long nails visible to Eren as you held your legs as tightly as you could. Knowing Eren's cock was a monster. You could see it... right between your legs.. right between your brown pussy lips.. the contrast was unbelievable..
"F-Fuck!! Eren~~ ow~" the way your painted toes curled gave Eren a shiver of excitement. Your back arching ever so slightly as your virgin hole was taken away from you. Squeezing tightly around Eren's experienced cock.
"Shh.. it's Ight.. take it babydoll.." Eren's whisper was gentle and sincere as his thumb started to gently rub at your clit. Causing you to swallow your spit, though it spilled out. What also spilled out is your loud whimper. Your legs staying wide open for him as your hand slowly slid up his muscular structure.
"It's .. i-it's so big..."
Hearing these whimpers and words spill from your throat, Eren couldn't help but take his hand and wrap it around your throat. Causing your breath to be taken away oh so suddenly when Eren snapped his hips forward even more.
"Fuck!" Your moan could probably be heard outside as your breasts bounced from the impact. Eren's smirk wide as he felt the tightness of your insides. His necklace going back and forth ever so gently as his pelvis started to clap against you. The feeling was so foreign to you, having someone ram into you like this. But it was Eren... it wasn't just 'someone'..
Your (f/s) scent was powering against Eren's own scent. The feeling of Eren's cock was starting to really take a toll on you..
Eren's cock was being enclosed so tightly, you just wet up his Dick so well.. he was starting to become obsessed.. more than he already was.
"Daddy's. little. pussy..." his deep voice echoed in your ears as he started to get a bit faster. Your breasts bouncing even more as Eren made sure that skirt was moved out the way. He wanted to make sure to see everything. His hand squeezing harder at your throat. It was keeping you firm against the bed, like a little fuck doll...
"I-it's your pussy Eren~"
Curling those pretty toes again, you could feel the bubbles in your lower region. The craziest orgasm you've ever experienced... just tip toeing to the tippy top. All you could muster was a pathetic whine. Your eyes watering up behind your long eyelashes.
"I'm-.. I'm cumming..." Your voice was so weak, it sounded like you were passing out almost. Just rolling your eyes back as the bed frame started to hit the wall. Your pussy gushing more than usual as the white cum started to coat Eren's cock a little.
"Shit... yeah~..." Eren growled under his breath, watching you come undone on his pale cock. Your thicker form was just so adorable, looking all bent up. Your locs scattered around ever so softly.
It was like he was fucking a goddess...
Eren was between harsh and soft, his manhandling ways were shown easily by the way he pulled out quickly and turned you over. Your plump ass shaking like jello as his cock easily slipped inside once again.. filling you up for the second time. God you just couldn't wait till you could feel his cum...
"Imma Fuck you till you turn dumb..." Eren spoke harshly as his long fingers gripped at some of your locs. Pulling them and wrapping them around his wrist somewhat. Gaining all control over you and your own body...
He wasn't playing either...
(๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ Masterlist 2
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