#and i said well my last family trip wasn't bad so i know it isn't a rule but that means it being bad also isn't a rule
dtaegis · 1 year
guys do you also feel more dumb for being otimistic than your pessimistic friends or is this a me thing
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certaimromance · 10 days
𝜗𝜚 A Lie Matter.
Spencer Reid x Prentiss!reader
Series masterlist | ONE | TWO | THREE |
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Summary: All Spencer wanted was to have you back, but when it happens, it's the opposite of what he and you thought it would be.
Words: 3,6k.
TW: mentions of crime, trauma, death and pain (normal warnings in the series). so much spoilers for s6 and s7. the events narrated occur after emily's "death". so MUCH angst. read the dates carefully, especially the years, because there are some backward time frames that can confuse you if you don't pay attention!. english isn't my first language (sorry for my mistakes, be kind please).
Note: Okay, if I apologized for the first part, I have to get down on my knees for this one, because it is even more bitter (sorry Emily and Spencer, too).
I ask you to put yourselves in everyone's shoes and refrain from hateful comments. The process of writing this was emotionally challenging for me because I recognize that everyone has a valid point of view.
♡ Enjoy! ♡
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December 5th, 2010
Your brow furrowed as you opened a new tab on your computer and watched it freeze for a few seconds. You were not very knowledgeable about technology and thought that perhaps a technical analyst could be of assistance. You were somewhat surprised when you suddenly felt a pair of warm arms around you from behind the sofa.
On the bright side, it wasn't all bad. At least not if you had him on your side.
“Hey.” You said, smiling slightly as you felt Spencer rest his head on your shoulder. “I thought you were reading.”
“Yeah, but you looked really focused and I wanted to know what you were doing.” He replied, carefully sitting down next to you on the couch, not wanting to invade your space. You looked at him with some amusement. “I'm just curious.”
He gazed at your computer screen, his heart aching a little as he noticed you were browsing a travel site, exploring different destinations and planning your budget. Had you decided to leave? He wondered why you hadn't told him sooner. Were you planning to leave him?
“Are you planning to leave?” He finally asked, after a few seconds of trying to decide whether to pursue the matter further. “Did something happen?”
The question he really wanted to ask, and feared to ask, was: Did I do something?
But no, Spencer wasn't going to self-destruct or assume things this time. He trusted you and he trusted that you would tell him if something was wrong because that was the kind of relationship the two of you had built.
“It's my mother's gift to me.” You replied quickly, as if to avoid the subject. “For my birthday.” You added as you noticed he looked confused.
“A trip?”
“Yes, when I was younger, I wanted to see the whole world and my mother promised that someday I would.” You began to explain, trying to avoid his gaze at first so as not to show too much vulnerability. Suddenly he took your hand in support. “Since I was fourteen, she's given me a trip every time...she doesn't know that I don't even have that dream anymore.”
“What is your dream now?” He asked with a genuine curiosity that made you feel small under his gaze.
You paused for a moment and smiled at him. “Is it too cheesy if I say it's you?”
“It's sweet.” Spencer couldn't help but blush a little and let out a laugh and then get a little more serious. “What's your dream?”
It was a new question, so you weren't quite sure how to answer. It was unusual because no one had ever asked you that before, or at least not with such a genuine interest in your answer.
“Other than you? I think just peace of mind. Maybe a family, a dog, and a nice house. The usual.” You rambled a bit, unsure. “To be honest, I've had the same dreams as my sister all my life. I've always copied them, even the FBI idea. But we already know that didn't work out so well for me.” You faked a laugh and pointed to your leg.
You expected him to laugh, the last thing you wanted was a look of pity or a deepening of your childhood problems. But you knew him well enough to know that he wasn't the kind of person to let things go, he literally couldn't forget them.
“Don't feel sorry for me, please.” You said as you noticed how his caresses on your arm were getting softer and softer.
“It's not that. I just don't like it when you treat yourself badly.” He explained calmly. “You were good at the FBI anyway. You're good at everything.”
You let out a bitter little laugh. “I was only 'good' because my sister taught me how to fight. And without being able to do that, I'm no good.” You pointed with a smile on your face, not wanting to worry him. “But it's okay, you have the brains.”
“And you're smart, funny, pretty, and-” He started listing your attributes at a surprising pace, which made you stop him with a kiss.
He is deeply moved when he experiences the sensation of your lips on his. Your kisses always leave him feeling profoundly cherished. They are characterized by a gentle, soft, warm, and tender quality that makes him feel like he is the most precious thing in the world to you. It is enough to send an intoxicating wave of emotions through him, filling every inch of his body with warmth.
“Thank you.” You gave him a smile when your lips parted.
“I had a lot more to say.” He said, still a little flushed. He then tucked a lock of hair behind your ear, as if he wanted to see you better. “I could go on for days.”
You just smiled at him like you were head over heels, feeling like you could say 'I love you' right then and there.
But you didn't. Unfortunately, you were too afraid to do it that time.
March 29th, 2011
“Aren't you planning to eat?” Your sister asked you for the third time, taking a big sip of her coffee and looking at the croissant you still had untouched on your plate.
You shifted uncomfortably in your seat and tried to cross your arms, but the wounds in your stomach still caused discomfort and you had to stifle a groan with a poor excuse. “I'm not hungry.”
Emily didn't say anything at first, just watched you, made you feel like just another criminal she was carefully profiling.
The two of you had been enjoying breakfast together at the table for several minutes without engaging in conversation. The dining room was peaceful, with only the sound of the clock on the wall to gently remind you that time was passing, whether you wanted it to or not.
And you really hoped the time would pass quickly so you could go home soon. But not fast enough for the people you loved to put you in the memory box that never opens.
“Can we have a normal conversation?” She asked, trying to break the awkward silence.
“I'm listening.” You finally make eye contact and stop looking out the window at the Eiffel Tower to look at her.
Then she gave that stern mother look, and you knew you were in trouble. “You have to eat. If you want, we can order something else.”
You didn't say anything, just looked at her tired face and sighed a little, feeling a twinge of guilt for not accepting her attempts to make the atmosphere more pleasant. You didn't know how to tell her that your frustration and pain went far beyond the physical, that it was something you felt in your heart and that no special food or doctor could fix. Everything was already taking its toll on you.
“I know this is tough, but please don't make it worse. I'm here for you.” She put her hand over yours and gave you a little squeeze, trying to show support. “We're in this together. You have me to lean on.”
You couldn't help but frown. Now she seemed so open with you, it was surprising to think of all the secrets she had kept from you before. There was literally a part of her life you didn't know about. She hid from you for years that she was on a covert mission, that she was babysitting someone else's child from afar, and that a terrorist was one of the ghosts that kept her on the defensive from everyone, including you. And none of that was the worst of it, because that place was occupied, because she didn't even seem to care how that affected you.
You had always been too much for everyone but Emily. She had always known how to carry your weight as if it were no obligation.
At least, that's the way it used to be.
“I know you miss Spencer. I do, too. But I promise you, he's fine.” She interrupted you when she noticed that your voice trailed off and your eyes glazed over, as if you were about to burst into tears just hearing his name. “He's safe.”
Mentioning him so suddenly was like walking through a minefield and hoping a bomb wouldn't go off.
“He thinks we're dead.” You said, feeling a chill run down your spine.
“And we both know why that is.”
“Yeah, but if...” You tried to start talking, but she quickly cut you off.
“Please don't start.” She abruptly put the cup she was holding in one hand down on the table and turned the other away from you. “We've been through this many times.”
“But it's not fair.” You got up from your seat suddenly, feeling a couple of tears running down your cheeks and worry welling up in Emily. “It's going to be a month of this already.”
“We're not going back now. It's still dangerous for everyone.” She stood up behind you, trying to talk some sense into you. “We'll come back when it's time.”
“And when will it be time? How much longer? You told me it would be a short time and now...” Your daily round of questions since you two had arrived there had begun once again.
“Please stop acting like a little girl.” Emily spoke up before she could think through her words.
Oh, that was something your mother would say, not your sister. She would never judge you for being afraid and sentimental.
“Am I a little girl for wanting to know when we will have our lives back?” You asked after a few seconds to process her words. “I'm sorry, I don't have your mental strength to take it. I don't have a JJ to talk to and play online games with every time I drown in here. I don't have anyone but you, and I feel like you don't even trust me.”
The words had come out of your mouth without much thought, and you realized that they might have caused some distress when you saw her expression.
“I trust you, you're my little sister.” She came up to you slowly, trying to show you that what you said wasn't true. “I've known you since you were born. There's no one I trust and care about more.”
“And where was that confidence when you needed help?” The question came out of you automatically before you went to your room.
As soon as you laid your face on the pillow, you thought about how much you needed the people who were away at that moment, especially the one who was your voice of reason. You felt a certain longing for their presence.
September 21st, 2011
Spencer was frozen in place because you weren't there.
There was no trace of your presence in the room, and his heart threatened to burst with pain. His eyes were tired of desperately searching for you, and his mouth was tired of holding back questions about your whereabouts because the answer frightened him.
“I'm really sorry, but I've wanted to tell everyone the truth for a long time.” Emily said after several unexpected hugs and reunions. It was only then that her gaze fell on him. “Reid.”
“She is...?” His voice was cut off before he could finish his sentence. The mere possibility that his mind had been playing tricks on him all this time tore him apart.
In that moment, all other concerns in his life receded into the background, including the intense discomfort in his hand. His world had once again come crashing down, and the pain he was experiencing seemed to lose its meaning in the midst of it all.
His heart seemed to start beating again after seven months of complete inactivity just by hearing that word. The few tears he had left moistened his eyes, momentarily blurring his vision and preventing him from seeing how everyone around him looked at him. Just one word kept going through his mind.
Alive. Alive. Alive.
You have been alive all this time.
“Where is she?” He asked instantly, anxious. He took another quick look around the room, but you weren't there. “Why isn't she here?”
Just from the apologetic look Emily gave him before she spoke, he knew something was wrong. “I haven't heard from her in almost two months.”
The sentence lingered in the air for a few seconds before it was processed. It was difficult to imagine that you would stay away from your sister for so long. That didn't seem like you.
“Why?” Penelope was so intrigued that she couldn't help but ask the question before anyone else in the room had a chance to. “Is she okay?”
The woman was clearly uneasy under the intense scrutiny of her colleagues, who kept glancing at her as if she were a ghost. “We had a disagreement, and she left. All I know is that she's here somewhere in the city trying to protect all of you.”
As it turned out, Spencer wasn't crazy. He really did see you on the street. It really was you all this time.
“I know this is a bad time, but I was hoping you could help me find her because I really don't know...” Emily tried to speak again, her voice cracking.
At that moment, JJ gently put a hand on her shoulder and approached the group, having spent several minutes in contemplative silence. “We've located her.” She noted respectfully, giving Reid a look that conveyed guilt and regret for what was happening. “And she is here.”
All eyes were riveted to the door of the room at that moment, waiting for you to be there to resolve some doubts and heal other pains. The hearts seemed to explode with the expectation of a new confrontation, of you being part of the miracle.
Because it was a miracle that you and Emily were alive, right?
“Hello.” Your voice echoed in the room and made everything fade away.
The mere sound of your voice, after months of hearing it only through old videos and voice memos, had Spencer leaning on the table with one hand and the other on his heart, trying to keep it from falling out of his chest.
God, you were there. Really there.
It was you again. Unmistakably you.
April 10th, 2011
The telephone, which had been in your possession, suddenly became detached from your grasp and hung precariously close to the ground. You were overcome with a sudden rush of emotion, your body trembled, your breathing ceased, and your eyes brimmed with tears as you heard your boyfriend's voice.
“Hello? Who is this?” You listened as Spencer repeated when you had the strength to pick up the phone again and put it to your ear. “Hello?”
It's me, I love you, I'm sorry.
That's all you had to tell him, because it was the truth, even though he might not like it and it might ruin his day to find out about your charade. He had a right to know. Especially since he was the best thing in your life and you were the worst thing, causing him so much pain. You shouldn't have to be a psychic to know that he was suffering.
All those candid conversations you had with him about the challenges of losing loved ones were truly impactful. In a way, you were now one of the people he'd lost.
“What are you doing? Who are you talking to?” Emily's voice startled you, so you quickly hung up the phone, trying not to look suspicious. But she knew you too well to deceive her. “Please tell me you didn't do what I think you did.”
You didn't say a word, and that was enough.
“I was just thinking about what if. I didn't do anything, I didn't call anyone.” You raised your hands in innocence and walked away from the phone calmly because you knew you had already hung up. “I'm not a fool.”
That's nonsense. You were a fool for love and always have been.
Perhaps you loved too much, or perhaps you didn't love at all and just enjoyed the feeling of being loved. Your negative thoughts were causing you to doubt the reality of your experiences with Spencer. He seemed too good to be true, and you sought reassurance in his voice to confirm that you weren't losing touch with reality. The idea of trying to explain this to your sister made you feel self-conscious and a bit foolish.
“Okay.” She said in a calm tone, even though he didn't believe a word of it. She took you by the arm gently and spoke again. “I've found a store you'll like.”
You simply nodded and followed her because you felt it was important to avoid making it all about you.
September 21st, 2011
The person you had been waiting months to see had left the room upon seeing you, as if you were some kind of plague threatening to kill him. You felt a sense of loss, as if your heart had died in that instant, while you received the deep embrace of your older sister and the occasional dismayed look from the people who used to know you.
“You should go talk to him.” Emily said, her voice conveying concern and empathy, which caught you off guard. Her hand was still on your lower back, and it felt comforting.
You were at a loss for words, so you simply nodded and left the room to find him.
It was quite remarkable how you were able to locate his troubled figure so quickly after stepping out into the hallway. It seemed as if your intuition had guided you directly to where he was. You felt a pang of guilt as you noticed Spencer standing in front of the large wall with pictures of those killed in action, looking specifically at the lower portion where your picture was next to Emily's. It seemed somewhat incongruous that you were there, given that you no longer officially worked for the FBI and your death hadn't been in the field. However, you assumed someone had pulled strings to put you next to your sister.
“Spencer.” His name came out of your mouth slowly and painfully after you had avoided saying it for seven months. Your arms wrapped around him before you had a chance to think about what you were doing. You just wanted to feel him close and be reassured that he was real. “I'm sorry, I'm so sorry.”
He remained silent and still, seemingly unaware of your presence, as you clung to his body like a life preserver in the midst of a storm.
God, you needed him so much.
Just when you thought maybe he hadn't heard you because he hadn't even flinched at your voice, he turned away from you and spoke. “I've been looking at these pictures every day for seven months now, every time I pass by or get a chance to come by. I'm trying to convince myself that you were dead, really dead, and that I'm not freaking out already.” His tone was as cold and sharp as a knife edge. “And now you're here.”
As soon as you became aware of the absence of its presence, you felt a bit disoriented. You took a few seconds to regain your composure before you looked at your picture with a hint of disappointment and considered removing it from the wall, but you realized it was firmly attached and it might not be the most constructive approach. Removing it wouldn't address the underlying issue.
“I'm sorry, it wasn't my...just try to understand me.” You could only stammer at that moment, unable to excuse yourself.
“I can't do it. I understand Emily's motives a little better. She wanted to protect you, us, and herself. But you...” He paused, as if the words weighed so heavily that he needed to take a breath before saying them. “You knew when I was afraid of going really crazy, and yet you let me think I was losing my mind.”
His words had a profound impact, evoking a growing sense of emotional distress. You felt a deep sense of regret for causing pain to someone who had done nothing to deserve it.
“I know I hurt you, but I didn't mean to. I swear.” You spoke to him with a trembling voice, trying to control your need to walk up to him and take his hand in the same loving way as before. “I know you suffered, I did too, and I thought of you every day I was gone.”
He let out a short, frustrated sound and paced the room a few times before meeting your eyes again. You didn't need to take into account what the FBI had taught you about human behavior, because he went way beyond that and none of it was likely to help you now. You had gotten to know Spencer very well and had never seen him as upset as he was now. No manual could help you know what to do.
“I bet you thought about me and felt bad, right? But you know what the difference between us is?” His tone was harsh, but his gaze seemed so fragile it hurt you. “You woke up every day to an empty bed, and I woke up next to a grave. It could never be the same.”
Your lips were sealed because you knew he was absolutely right and nothing you could say would change that.
“Please, Spencer, wait.” You followed him down the hallway before he could leave and saw him stop to look at you doubtfully. You never before imagined that the one who used to watch you with such expectation and love was going to watch you as if you were a phony. “I love you.”
He frowned and lifted his shoulders. “It's too late for that.”
It is possible that it was.
Tag List ♥︎ : @rosieinvienna @florencespirit @jiuseoks @rinsie @guiltyyassin
If you'd like to be included in the tag list, please leave a comment here or in one of the other parts of the series, and I'll add you. It's the same if you want to be removed, just let me know.
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russellsppttemplates · 6 months
Hiii, would be comfortable with writing something about the reader not having a good relationship with her parents but loves her in laws and they are basically like her parents, thank you
Note: I have this plotline for Pierre, there are other pieces you can read as well about this too if you haven't read yet and want to read more 🤍
Cw: reader has a bad relationship with her family/has cut ties with her family
"Have you decided what you want to have in the tables?", Pascale asked as she brewed some tea for the two of you, watching Jean and Pierre working on the grill outside.
"Not really, we've seen a few arrangements, and we know what we don't like - especially those really big things where you kind of can't see the person in front of you", you scrunched up your face and she giggled, "it's not the priority on our list, but we're going through all of it in due time", you said, "It has been hard not having anyone else to discuss it with - Pierre only cares so much about how it all looks", you shrugged before composing yourself, "don't get me wrong, he's been very involved, he's been to all of the meetings with the wedding planner and the only thing he isn't involved in is the dress try-on for obvious reasons".
"No need to be so flustered, dear", your soon to be mother in-law soothed your worries quickly, "it's nice to know he's been helping, I knew he would after he asked me a couple of questions", she winked, "you never have to worry about asking for help or opinions - I'd love to to and pick the dress with you if you'd like me to be there", she offered, not wanting to step on any toes.
"I'm glad you're in my life", you spoke up, wiping the stray tear that fell on your cheek. All of the day to day jokes about mothers in-law you grew up hearing and laughing about were surely not written about the lady in you had in front of you.
"Chérie, we're the lucky ones to have you in our lives - there's no one else I'd love to be with Pierre", Pascale smiled, hugging you and rubbing your back gently.
"I like this one," Anna said, looking at the dress you were wearing. The look on your face however didn't match her excitment, "It's not it, is it?", Alexandra offered as you twirled around, not like the naked back detail.
You shook your head and walked back to the dressing room, shoulders slumping at yet another attempt to try on your dress. Was your body the problem? Did you have a funny taste in wedding fashion?
On your way to the curtained area, you tripped on the dress, quickly balancing yourself before actually falling over, checking if you had done any damage to the dress, "just because it doesn't look right on you it doesn't mean you should rip it, Y/N", you muttered to yourself.
"Chérie", Pascale called, "can I talk to you for a bit?", she asked before you nodded, letting her grab your hand, "It's ok, beautiful girl, there are lots of dresses. We will find the one you like the most and that is the one for you", she said rubbing your hand in a comforting manner.
You nodded and looked up, keeping the tears at bay, "thank you", you sighed, squeezing her hand.
The last dress was not one you would usually go for even though you still picked it from the hangers, finding the ties and undoing then enough so you could try it on. You slid the dress on carefully and pulled the ties as tight as you could, pushing your boobs a little so they would fall into the moulded cups. As you looked in the mirror, you felt beautiful in it. The bodice fit perfectly, hugging your waist beautifully before fanning out on your hips, and the train wasn't too long, just the right amount to elongate your presence. It felt soft against your skin, and once the lacing on the back was properly done up, it would feel secure and delicate.
Giggling softly, you walked out to meet the group again.
"I think she found it", your soon to be sister in-law Charlotte smiled she saw your radiant smile, "I just need help with the back", you said, turning around so Pascale could help you as she immediately got up and delicately threaded up the laces on he back.
"It's beautiful, Y/N, you look so beautiful", Pascale whispered, "It's like it was made for you," Alexandra clapped her hands excitedly, "This the one", your murmured, twirling around happily in front of the mirror.
(Thank you for sending this in ✨️)
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dazuya · 2 years
If That's How We Reunite, So Be It
Ragnvider! adopted! reader going to Mondstadt after a decade with their new family, Only to be reminded of the things they went through by their old one.
Part 2 for Dark and Cold.
"So sweetie, We have one day off for now. Is there anything you wanna do? Or do you just wanna stay in and play with the new recruits? Hmm?" Childe asked. Although he never had a shimmer in his eyes. You could tell he was gentle to people he cared for. You could tell his words hold honesty and love.
"I do want to show you around places i loved as a kid. But you know, only if you like to, brother Ajax." You said shy and not being able to look him in the eye. You wanted to show him sides the he had shown to you. He would tell you about his family. Take you to his family. Take you to places that were special to him because you were his own. And now, you would tell him just that. That he was your brother. That without him, you would've passed that night.
"Well, Yes! i definitely would love to! This is the first time we're here and it would be amazing for you to show me around. Do you want the others to come?" He asked smiling and already out of the couch to get ready. Although you'd love to show your friends in the Fatui your old hometown. You'd show it to them another time. Not right now.
"Just you. I'll take them later. Anyways, the first place i want to take you to is windrise. Follow me!" Maybe the inner child in you always wanted someone to go there with. That place had one large Tree infront of the Anemo Archon's statue. It was the perfect place to climb up and just sing your heart out.
"Alright, Alright. Hey now! Don't trip over nothing. I don't want to carry you around all day yeah?" He said following you. Walking from your inn. You guys made your way to windrise. While you were going on about how the tree is so big and beautiful. Childe would look over you with a gentle smile. Sure you might be twenty five now. He still sees you as the fifteen year old he took in that day.
While you guys were walking there, Three people made sure you couldn't see them following you. Aether was worried that the Harbinger and his supposed subordinates were going out to make trouble. While Diluc and Kaeya were making sure that you weren't in danger. Sure they can't look after you when you're outside Mondstadt, They could least keep their mind at ease for now.
Aether was confused as to why Diluc was joining them. Kaeya, he could understand. Kaeya was a captain so it made sense that he would be there to maintain peace in the city. Diluc was a night owl. He would protect the city at night. But somehow, he left his office for today. Brushing it off, they were sneaky enough to be without ear shot distance but not be seen.
"So, This is the tree i was talking about! Isn't it Huge? Seems like it's grown a bunch since last time. Come on! let's climb it." You started to make your way on top of a branch which would support both you and childe. Childe just followed you and sat next to you.
"I'd come here whenever, my gaurdian would go to work with his kids. They were older than me so they had things to do. While, I'd sit here and look over the lake. It still looks beautiful. Doesn't it, Ajax?" A small smile on your face. It certainly was the same tree you were on. The memories came back to you. What started as a hum turned into fully fledged singing. While you were swinging your legs dangling from the branch.
Childe felt inner peace. Maybe coming to Mondstadt with you wasn't such a bad idea after all. Aether stared at you wide eyed. He wasn't that submerged into someone doing anything. Not less a Fatui memeber! Should he be admitting to find you ethereal? No but he can't lie to himself.
While the Ragnvider brother's felt somewhat relieved. That you still didn't stop singing. The same song they taught you to sing when you left lonely, Or when you were happy! They couldn't tell which one you were right now. But considering the way you smiled to Childe and his subordinates, It was clear that were happy.
"You've been hiding such a voice for me? I've been hurt. Just wait until everyone hears about this!" He joked to you. Ruffling your hair. Laughs echoed through the place. Getting down from the tree carefully, You decided to make your way to thousand winds temple. It was still in ruins, The same ruin gaurd lurking and taking rounds mindlessly.
"I'd come here to fight it sometimes! Because i didn't have a vision, I would just use sword. It wouldn't work as well and the tavern owner would come save me. But now since you taught me how to use a bow. I think i can take it on my own. So keep your eyes on me brother! After this, We'll sit on that point there. We can see the tree in windrise from here." You said almost eager to show him how hard you'd practice with your bow and make sure to make it a point to get better and make him proud. Before Childe could say anything to object you from fighting, He didn't have the heart to say no to you. He just let you be for now.
Aiming your bow at the core of the ruin gaurd, you infused it with your electro element and shot it accurately. Just like how you'd be taught. When it was down, you got close to finish the job with sword. After dusting your legs and hands, You made your way to him. Who was waiting to tell you that you did good.
"Is This what you've been doing in the ruin labs? You've gotten better i must say! Just don't get yourself in dangerous situation yeah?" He chimed. Looking out for you.
The three people who'd been following you had their weapons out. Just in case something went wrong. Diluc smiled to himself. You've grown to be able to protect yourself. Something he wanted to do. But he left you to do it on your own. Kaeya was kind of proud that you didn't let go of the sword skills he had taught you way back when you were younger. Chuckling to himself when you'd complain about it being hard when right now you were doing it without breaking a sweat.
Aether was entranced, once again. He couldn't help but admire you. You might be on the other side of his journey but he wouldn't mind taking a breather with you as his stop. Paimon made note to keep his love sick gaze for you in her mind.
"You know, I thought i was going to die that day. Thank you for taking me in. I was abandoned by my mother in front of a church. A kind man took me in. Only to be killed later, And then I met you! I wouldn't wanna go through it again but i think having my family now makes me think maybe it was worth living for. Of course you don't have to consider me as one! Just.. Thank you so much. It might not have been the best to fight and go out killing people but if i get to protect you from harm's way and your family then i think it's good enough for me, Brother Ajax." You were starting to tear up. Childe brought his hand to wipe away the tears. He pulled you in for a warm hug.
"I don't think I've ever made a better decision. And don't talk nonsense. You are and will always be my family. Even though you're stubborn. A little hostile to people. Please get along with other Fatui Harbingers. They're not bad you know? But Regardless of all that. I'm proud of you and how long you've come. Again, you don't have to come with me. Just stay with our family back home. I'll come visit you guys." The chilly windy was carrying sentiments of years which bottled inside of everyone there.
"I would always want to know you're safe. So i think I'll always join you. Even when you wouldn't want me." After a heartfelt talk between you guys. You were making your way to the city, when you noticed blonde hair in the side of your vision. Telling Childe to wait until you went and picked some flowers was an excuse to check this out.
The Ragnvider brother's made their way to childe. Not to threaten him. But to talk and find a way to perhaps connect with you.
"Look, We just want to talk about them. I know it seems like a laughable attempt to repair something that's been shattered. We just can't help it. Just once, Can we talk to them? With you or without you. Anything works." Kaeya was trying to come to an agreement while Diluc was nervously glancing around making sure you don't see them talking.
"And Why would i do that? Do you take me for a fool? I think it'd be best if you let it go. I don't want to comfort them again regarding you guys. It's heartbreaking for me." Childe hissed. Yes, he didn't want them near you. But some part of his heart wanted you to heal with them. If this had been with sibling or you. He would reach out too. He understood that. Pondering on it for a while.
"Don't come near them. I'll give you one last thing. Here. Take these. I found these on them the day i found them. I doubt they remember anything but here. Now i suggest that you take your leave before sweetie comes. And like i said. I will always make sure they're happy." Childe handed over a pair of earrings to kaeya and a wooden bracelet to Diluc. They had the initials "K.R" and "D.R" on them. Their heart swelled up and broke down. So this is what you were excited about. This is what you wanted to give them but never could.
They left. They couldn't face you again. Not when you had left such a previous thing to process. While Aether was confronted by you.
"Why were you following us?" You asked glaring at him. He merely gave you a sheepish smile and explained that he was just going around seeing Mondstadt.
Considering how his clothes weren't of Mondstadt origin. You believed him. He was a traveller from a far. So maybe it wouldn't be too bad to show him around later too. Just some genric places while you stayed here.
"I see. Well, I'll certainly see you around. Maybe show you a place or two. But don't get on my brother's bad side!" Right when you said that childe creeped up behind you. Aether's eyes were begging Childe to pretend they don't know each other.
"Well what do we have here hm? Aether and Y/n huh? What're you doing? It's getting late. Let's go back and have dinner." He said. You were confused as to how he knew him but that would be another conversation. Since your brother already knew of him. Maybe he wasn't a bad guy you thought.
"Okay. We'll take out leave.. Aether." With that the both of you left to your inn. Aether felt like he could certainly catch you up on that offer for a tour around.
Meanwhile the brothers were content. Not to their heart feelings but at least enough. They couldn't meet you outright. But at least they got one step closer. If this is how you reunite, step by step. Then so be it.
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upthewitchypunx · 10 months
You all seemed very confused about my last post, trust me, I'm just as confused about the casting a spell that binds someone's sexuality, but I guess that's where we are.
Look, I try to be a compassionate person, but sometimes when you reconnect with someone who was close to you over 20 years ago and invite them to live in your home it doesn't always go well.
I don't like talking about other people's stories, especially online, but this has affected our life and our home and brought chaos into our space. So, this is my story.
This old friend seems to have it together, paid rent early and had a job lined up before they got here. It seemed they were having a bit of trouble adjusting. After a few months it was clear they were going through a mental health thing for the 3rd time in 2 months and making wild accusations and doing hurtful things like smoking cigarettes and massive amounts of weed when they know they have a lung problem and abandoning cats with no food or water or not paying all their rent or giving 30 days notice before they leave town, you just have to cut ties.
This was the last straw. The one before was 2 weeks ago when I was accused of thinking they wanted to use magic to steal my partner and that somehow because I knew stuff they didn't I was making them feel bad about it and that they think I think they just want to steal all my ideas.
I was compassionate. I stayed calm. I said I was confused, asked if she was okay. A few days later she came down crying to apologize, said she wasn't okay. We talked. I told her about the Oregon Health Plan and how she could get some help. She seemed grateful and she did and had an appointment lined up.
Then last week we left for Astoria for a night and she was there at 4 pm to bring a package in but by 1pm the next day when we got home most of her things were gone except furniture that wouldn't fit in her car. We didn't really notice the things gone at first and thought maybe she had gone on a little trip because the cats were still here so we fed them and got them water, then messaged her after a few days. She claims she had a medical issue and called an ambulance. Then her family came here and towed her home. The time line doesn't make sense. Her family is a 12 hour drive away. How long was she in the hospital? How long did it take to pack her car? Why did she leave the cats? Why didn't she tell us on her own about the medical emergency?
I'm a pretty forgiving person, especially if the person is honest and isn't trying to take advantage of me. It often bites me in the ass, but at least I know I can sleep at night and treat people to my own ethical standard until I hit a point.
Last night we got more confusing messages declaring we actually wanted her cats all along and the whole binding her sexuality thing. We decided that it wasn't worth putting effort into this relationship, she's with her family now, we aren't getting blood from a stone, and that we had done as much as we could, calmly said we were confused and hurt and will find new homes for the cats, and blocked her.
I don't usually air someone's personal issues online, but this is someone you will never know, they probably won't see this, I don't really care if they do, and this is my blog and this is an incredibly frustrating, emotionally laborious, and financially unexpected experience we are going through right now and I just need to vent.
I've already contacted a cat rescue about the cute nice cat and the hissing mean cat that won't come out of the closet. Now I need to get rid of a brand new IKEA bed frame, a couch, a big clothing rack, 2 poorly constructed book shelves, a TV, a bunch of clothes and shoes, a record player that doesn't work, a giant stack of new age books, and a bunch of other random shit.
Oh, and cleanse the house of that nonsense before finding a new housemate, which a friend of a friend is interested in.
All of this while we are working to make the shop on the first floor browsable.
Please do not make disparaging comments about someone who is seriously going through something. I don't need to hear it. It won't be helpful or have a point. I'm not mad, just annoyed and wishing people had better communication.
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matan4il · 1 year
Would I have viewed the finale differently if I didn't know it could have been the last? It still would have sucked and I would have been bummed. Outside of the Buddie of it I don't know why they couldn't let one of them stay single. Especially the pandering way they did it.
As someone who chooses not to be in a relationship, I wish they would have normalized it. I was a bit of an oopsie to older parents and the very youngest to many siblings. As a result, I have taken care of them and a lot of nieces and nephews. But I love it!! It allowed me to go to school longer and get my dream job. I get to vacation when I want. Everyone knows I will be the one to take the kids on their first trip abroad. I love my life. It's a blend of selflessness and selfishness, and there have been people like me forever. I have always seen shades of that in Eddie and Buck. I don't see the need to force either to be in a relationship or even make them seem lonely. Either way, I still wouldn't have liked it because it was done poorly, I especially didn't understand the "why Marisol." It was lazy writing and unfulfilled at best.
Also, one other small thing. I do identify with them a bit also because it's like the butterfly effect. Maybe they would be completely different people if Eddie hadn't knocked up Shannon and Bucks' parents' cared. Maybe I would be different if I was first born instead of last? And that's OK to think, but also ok to still love the life you have now..
Hi Nonnie! Thank you for the ask and sorry it's taken me a bit to reply, I wish real life wasn't as intense... but I hope you're doing good! *hug*
I agree with you so much, not wanting to be in a r/s at any cost should be normalized. I'm SO happy for you, to hear that you have a good life and that you're enjoying it to the fullest!
I believe that having a family (a romantic partner, kids) has a different meaning to each person. I'm the granddaughter of Holocaust survivors, so what family is to me was very much shaped by what they taught me. To my grandparents, the family that they built was the ultimate victory over the hatred that tried to exterminate all of us Jews. Passing along their identity, their heritage, their values, as well as the memory of those relatives who had been murdered in the Holocaust, it was all a part of this triumph. That's on top of the significance of continuity through family in Judaism in general.
So I come from a very specific background, and even I recognize that what family means to me isn't a universal thing. Which is why it's very annoying to see that TV and movies often treat the subject as if there is only one way to be happy, and that is to find a romantic partner. Many times, it's tied to having kids as well, but almost always it's about settling with a life partner. And I think it's a harmful message, this idea of "one size fits all." More than that, I believe in certain cases it's so pervasive that some people try to stick it out in bad r/s, even abusive ones, due to the idea that it's better than to be alone. When it clearly is not!
That's why Eddie breaking up with Ana simply over the fact that he wasn't happy was so important, realizing that if his happiness was elsewhere, it's okay to walk away, that was so important. Like I said in this ask reply, they can still turn the storyline with Marisol (and for that matter, Natalia) into something poignant about Eddie (and Buck's) journey. What upsets me is the thought they might have actually wanted to leave it there, in that place where Buddie seem to be dating women just for the sake of dating once more.
Hope you have a great day! As always, my ask tag. xoxox
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its-an-obsession · 2 years
Vigilante Shit
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Outer Banks Masterlist | Full Masterlist
Summary: You had your fair share of douchebag exes. JJ liked to joke that you were a magnet to them. Surprisingly, you had been dating Kelce for about two years. It shocked most people, but he wasn't all that bad until he cheated fully sober. You thought it would be an excellent idea to get revenge on Kelce with John B's help.
Y/N/N: Your Nick Name
Topper Thornton -> your cousin
Slight Language
John B Routledge x-reader
"Can we not try to kick me in the face?" Topper stopped the soccer ball with his foot. "But that would ruin the fun," I smirked. He rolled his eyes and pushed the blue and white ball to me. We just finished our grocery run with my mom. Rafe and Topper were a part of this upcoming Golf trip, and they needed some help with groceries.
Topper and I were the closest in our family. Some people are often alarmed when they find out we're related. He has his moments. He isn't all that bad once you get to know him. I mean, he doesn't have the best group of friends to be his real self. And my boyfriend happens to be one of those friends.
Kelce and I have been dating for over two years. Again, people - meaning my friends - frequently ask me why I'm dating one of the cocky Kooks. He's sweet, and he actually isn't a bad person. Just like my cousin, my boyfriend has his moments. A few times, I've been worried that our relationship will fall apart.
As summer goes on, I can't help but worry about Kelce's actions. We've always been honest. It's our number one rule to tell each other everything and not get jealous if we're with our friends. But I guess he can use those rules to his advantage. Before Topper and I started hanging out, he told me he had something to tell me.
I tried to keep my mind from wandering elsewhere in hopes I wouldn't freak out. Topper caught the ball with his foot and picked it up from the grass. "Hey! You're using your hands!" I pointed at him. "Have you heard from Kelce?" he ignored my comment. I shook my head and slipped off my sandals.
He watched me as I set my shoes beside the chairs. Topper sighed and set the soccer ball behind him. "Do you remember that party I went to last weekend? The one you and your friends decided not to go to," he said. "Yes. I am well aware of that," I replied.
Topper rolled his eyes and plopped down on the chair. Three weeks ago, there was a huge rager at a fellow Kooks house. Kiara and I were going to go, but we decided not to and just hangout with the guys. Which was much more fun.
John B and I spent the whole night talking and cleaning the living room after hosting our own party. My cousin reached into his khaki pocket to pull out his phone. I looked out at the water in front of my house, admiring the waves hitting the dock. I smiled in remembrance of when John B and I had snuck down here one school night.
"Here," Topper tapped me on the knee with his phone. My attention was drawn away from the beautiful view. I looked down at Topper's hand and grabbed his phone. "What am I looking at exactly?" I inquired. "That party I just mentioned," he said. I nodded and motioned for him to continue.
Topper leaned forward with his arms resting on his knees. "I saw Kelce walking into a room with a girl," he informed, "I was able to take some pictures. When he walked out of the room, it looked like something happened. I think Kelce has been seeing her for a couple weeks. I saw him the other day with her at the resort."
I scrolled through the pictures. My heart sank when I flipped to one specific photo. The girl was sitting on Kelce's lap, her legs wrapped around him. Her arms were on his shoulders while his hands sat on her waist.
"Y/N/N, I am so sorry. I debated even telling you and letting him confess, but I knew that would hurt you even more."
My grip on the phone tightened as I stared at the images. I thought I could trust Kelce. I thought we had something for our two years together, but I guess all of that was a facade. Topper's eyes remained on me. He slowly took his phone away from my hand. I didn't take my line of vision off of the green grass.
Topper hesitated at first but joined my side on the bench. He hugged me. "What're you gonna do?" he rested his chin on the top of my head. There was a long pause as I thought of something I could do. Murder was always an option, but I'd prefer to not be in prison at sixteen years old.
Draw the cat eye, sharp enough to kill a man You did some bad things, but I'm the worst of them Sometimes I wonder which one will be your last lie They say looks can kill, and I might try I don't dress for women, I don't dress for men Lately, I've been dressing for revenge
After my conversation with Topper, I changed and chose to stop by the chateau. I needed some advice and someone to be my partner in crime. John B has always been someone I can rely on.
Since moving to the Outer Banks, it's always been hard for me to make friends. Being related to Topper helped a bit, but most of the people he introduced me to were complete assholes. So, when I met John B and the Pogues, I jumped at the opportunity. Now, we're really good friends.
The Twinkie sat in the driveway, telling me my friends were home. "John B!" I called, stepping onto the screened-in porch. "In the kitchen," he replied. I opened up the side door to see him standing at the sink. He dropped a paper towel into the trashcan and leaned against the wall next to the fridge. He stepped back with his brows raised when he saw me (GIF Above). "I need your help," I caught my breath.
"With what?" he inquired. John B stepped away from the kitchen to stand in front of me. "He cheated. Kelce cheated on me," I said. Just saying those words made my heart clench, and my stomach tighten. John B's expression changed suddenly. "How did you find out?" he walked over to the couch.
He sat down and pat the spot beside him. "Topper told me," I replied, "Apparently, Kelce made out with some touron at a party, and they've seen each other since. Topper has pictures to prove it." I pulled out my phone to show my best friend the 'evidence.'
Topper sent them to me after he found out I was going to the chateu. He knew that I'd want to show John B. Obviously, not our other friends, they'd go insane if they saw the pictures. But I can imagine they will find out soon. John B looked over my shoulder to see my camera roll.
His brows rose - again - at the images. He reached a hand over, deleting each of the pictures. John B ignored my expression and shut off my phone. "You don't need to keep looking at those. It'll just make you feel bad," he said. "I already feel bad," my shoulders dropped.
He sighed and set an arm around my shoulders. I smiled as my head rested against him. "So, what's the plan stan?" he rhymed, "Murder?"
I laughed and shook my head in response. I told him that that wasn't necessary, even though I wanted to hurt Kelce. "Normally, I wouldn't be prone to causing a bit of trouble, but if it happens to involve my best friend. I'll allow it," he smirked.
I don't start it, but I can tell you how it ends Don't get sad, get even So on the weekends I don't dress for friends Lately, I've been dressing for revenge
My face scrunched up when John B rubbed the top of my head with a fist. I raised my arms, preventing him from giving me another knuckle sandwich. It went quiet as he thought to himself. "Didn't Kelce get a new dirt bike?" he thought. I nodded.
A mischievous smirk appeared on his face when the idea popped into his head. I let out a small gasp once I had caught on to what he had said. "Kiara left some spray paint in the shack. We got some pretty obnoxious colors," he winked. He stood up from the pull-out couch. John B grabbed the keys from the little bowl and waved them.
"I've got the Twinkie all gassed up."
"You are a terrible influence."
"But you love me," he said. "Do I?" I stood up from the couch. He punched my shoulder as he followed me. After debating on which spray paint to grab, we settled on neon pink, green, and mustard yellow. Kiara had done an art project for school and just so happened to leave the paint at John B's.
Big mistake, Kie. Big mistake. John B made sure to park a few blocks away just in case Kelce was at the front of the house. We stood behind the brick wall separating his house from the one beside his. Kelce's neighborhood had houses scattered about. Thankfully, the view from each house wasn't pointed at us.
That left us with a good hiding spot. I peered over the top of the wall to see if Kelce was there. John B got out the paint from his backpack. He handed me the neon yellow one. "The bike's in the garage," I said. "Is it open?" he asked. "Yeah," I whispered.
He cheered to himself. I tilted my head to the back entrance, where we could sneak in and out. "Since it's 1:00, Kelce's family has that family reunion thingy," I said, "We should be in the clear." The two of us knelt in front of the dirt bike.
John B left my side to stand in the doorway of the garage. He stayed on high alert. I covered my mouth as I used neon green to cover the handles and wheels of the car.
I wrote 'cheater' on the side of the dirt bike and 'asshole' on the other side. I hoped Kelce's new girl would see this and dump his ass. I'd hate for her to deal with this whole fiasco too. I mean, she had no choice. I doubt she even knows that he had a girlfriend.
She needed cold hard proof, so I gave her some. She had the envelope; where do you think she got it from? Now she gets the house, gets the kids, gets the pride Picture me thick as thieves with your ex-wife And she looks so pretty Driving in your Benz Lately, she's been dressing for revenge
I grinned at my work before adding the finishing touches. I painted a thick coat of neon pink on the seat before adding yellow polka dots. John B looked over his shoulder to find me standing victoriously beside the horrible-looking bike. "That looks awesome," he chuckled. I bowed and set the can back into his backpack.
"We should leave before anyone sees us," he said. "Good idea," I said. We hastily escaped through the back entrance and ran towards the Twinkie. I couldn't help but laugh. Kelce got what he deserved. John B gave me a fist bump while he pulled out of the neighborhood. "Now what?" he said. "I need a drink," I leaned my head against the seat's headrest. "I can help with that," he grinned.
She don't start it, but she can tell you how it ends Don't get sad, get even So on the weekends She don't dress for friends Lately, she's been dressing for revenge
John B and I sat on the HMS Pogue. The others were on their way from wherever the hell they were. I took a long sip of my drink and set it beside me. The two of us kept saying how much it was to spray paint Kelce's bike.
John B's shoulder sat comfortably around my shoulders. The sun was still in the sky, with just a few clouds in sight. It had been cloudy earlier today but had cleared up as the day progressed. "How do you think the others will react?" John B questioned.
"Don't know," I sighed, "Pope will be worried, JJ will be proud, and Kiara will probably be a mix of both."
He nodded in agreement, drinking his beer. We stopped by the store to grab some beers from JJ's guy. "Have you ever done something like that?" he said, "And I'm not counting that one time you carved your initials in Mr. Sun's desk."
I scoffed and finished off my drink. I went to grab another beer, but John B pulled my hand away. "Nah, I think you've had enough," he said. "Oh, come on," I pouted. "You're not drowning your feelings with alcohol," he said.
Ladies always rise above Ladies know what people want Someone sweet and kind and fun The lady simply had enough
He disregarded my annoyed expression and leaned back in the leather seat. I observed the grass ahead of us swaying from the breeze and waves. The cool Summer wind brushed against the trees, the marsh, and the dock.
"Well, hello mi amigos!" JJ hollered, already holding a beer. John B and I waved to them. Kiara came over with a cooler in hand and Pope with the speaker. "How's it goin'?" Kie asked.
"Pretty good," I grinned. She looked at me suspiciously and stepped onto the boat. Kie set the cooler next to the other one. "What did you do?" she asked. "More importantly, what did both of you do?" Pope added. Kiara tilted her head in agreement with Popesicle's statement.
John B cleared his throat and motioned me to spill the beans. I sat up in my spot, crossing my legs. "I may or may not have vandalized Kelce's bike," I grinned. Pope's mouth dropped in reaction. Kiara choked on her water when I confessed.
Not surprisingly, JJ laughed and shook his head. He gave me a high five and joined Pope. "You did what?" Pope said. "We vandalized Kelce's prized possession," John B repeated casually. He stretched, acting as if it wasn't such a big deal. "And exactly why did you do that?" Pope asked for more information.
I explained what happened, with John B chiming in. They were surprised that Topper had pictures, but they knew my cousin would do anything for me. Pope's reaction slowly turned to acceptance. Once he heard the reason, he decided that the decision was allowed.
While he was doing lines And crossing all of mine Someone told his white-collar crimes to the FBI And I don't dress for villains Or for innocents I'm on my vigilante shh again
The others settled in for the night, but I continued to stay down at the dock. I sat on the edge with my feet skimming across the water. Every once in a while, I saw fish swimming and occasionally came up to the surface. My attention was drawn away when I heard footsteps.
John B strolled over to me with a blanket in hand. I smiled up at him as he sat down. "You looked cold," he wrapped one end around me and the other around him. It was quiet between us up until he spoke up. "How're you doing? And don't say it's a stupid question because I know it is," he said, "I just wanted to see what was going through your head."
I thanked him. John B lightly kissed my forehead and brought me in for a hug. "I'm always here for you. I hope you know that," he said. "I do," I said.
Taglist: @kasidy709 @soflties @elliecool123
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shwoo · 1 year
Doing the final edit of this fanfic did not take me as long as I thought it would. First half is done!
(Filbo's dad isn't the greatest parent, but he's not abusive and Filbo isn't scared of him, just to be clear. Filbo just doesn't like to see people upset, especially loved ones.)
TItle: Just Dropping in (part 1 of 2) Summary: Filbo has lived with his dad almost all his life, but now that he's back from Snaktooth, he's decided to stay with some journalist who wasn't even part of the original expedition. Filbo's dad has some suspicions. He has a lot of suspicions. (Also on AO3)
Chapter 1: Keep It Under Wraps! Chapter 2: Don't Spill The Beans!
The door to Theobe's apartment still appeared to be closed and locked. That was a good start, they guessed. They'd half-expected to come home to find it wide open. At two months, the Snaktooth trip wasn't exactly their longest ever, but…
They shifted their grocery bags to one arm and opened the door, to an untouched front hall, and sighed. All right. Back to the real world.
Filbo followed them in. "Wow, Buddy, you live here?" He stopped to admire the hat rack next to the door. "A hat rack? You really thought of everything!"
Theobe smiled. Almost back to normal. They made a detour to the kitchen to drop their groceries on the counter -- they'd put them away in a second -- and headed to the living room to lie on the couch.
The living room was as immaculate as they'd left it, which knowing them, was probably going to last another five minutes. They gave the main couch an experimental push, and it once again failed to sprout cockroaches. Disappointed, they flopped backwards onto the couch cushions.
They were going to order pizza later. The two of them had decided on pepperoni, and Theobe could almost feel the crispness of the crust and the chewiness of the base. And the cheese… Soft and melty, but still semi-solid. And real tomatoes in the sauce, tangy without being covered by overwhelming sweetness…
Filbo entered the room from the kitchen, with the same boundless energy he'd had since they'd left Wiggle's play. "Whoa, that is a lot of books, Buddy," he said, pointing at the bookshelves. "And did I see a coffee machine back there?" He sounded hopeful.
Theobe tried to shrug. "I am a journalist." They'd had some pretty tough deadlines in the past. They did sometimes like to sleep, though, unlike some editors they could mention.
Filbo crossed the room to the hall door. "And what's through here?"
Reluctantly, Theobe rolled off the couch. They probably should show their new guest around. They could rest after that.
They showed Filbo the bathroom, the bedroom, the spare room, and then the office, which Filbo seemed particularly impressed with. He seemed impressed with everything, but Theobe had learned to pick up on the nuance by now.
"I wish I had a whole room just to work in," he said, as they headed back to the living room. "Not that I… have any work to do." He laughed weakly. "Uh… too bad Beffica didn't wanna stay with us, huh?"
"I think she wants to live on her own," said Theobe. She was going to have trouble finding a place on such short notice, but they knew how much she hated having to rely on someone else's goodwill.
Also, all three of them knew that she wouldn't enjoy living with Filbo, and Filbo would enjoy it even less, so it was a little weird that he'd been the one to suggest it. For someone who was always telling Theobe to look out for themself more, he wasn't good at taking his own advice.
"Well, she'll be fine, I guess," said Filbo. He looked at the phone sitting on the corner table. "Oh, and we better make sure Cromdo got in touch with his sister." He cleared his throat a couple of times. "Speaking of which… I kinda gotta call my family. You know, let them know I'm not… dead… Can I borrow your phone? They're a little far away, but I'll pay you back! I'm… good for it… Heh."
"Don't worry about it," said Theobe. They weren't rich, but they owned their apartment outright, and a long-distance phone call wasn't going to break the bank. "Call your family!"
"Hey, thanks, Buddy!" said Filbo. He picked up the phone and hit the keypad, mumbling to himself. After a few seconds, someone picked up. "Aunt Susma! Hi! It's me, Filbo!"
Theobe sat in the armchair closest to the corner table. Filbo had talked a little about his family, but never in much detail. This could be interesting.
"Nope, still alive, haha," Filbo responded. "We had to cut things a little short, but I'm staying in New Gr-- Oh, hi, dad!"
Theobe cocked their head. Filbo had said several things about his dad, Miglo. Positive things, mostly, but Filbo could say very positive things in very concerning ways. His dad was, at the least, a bit overprotective.
Filbo's expression had turned slightly nervous. "I was just telling Aunt Susma I was gonna stay in good ol NGC for-- No, I'm okay, really! Still got.. all my limbs…" He looked at his left arm as he spoke. It was currently part banana and part jerky, but Theobe had to agree, it was still there.
Theobe could faintly hear Filbo's dad over the phone. He sounded agitated, but they could have guessed that from Filbo's half of the conversation. They couldn't really blame this Miglo guy for being upset. Filbo had been gone for a year, and Snaktooth Island did have a reputation.
"Actually, I'm staying with a friend?" Filbo continued, with a glance at Theobe. "They're a journalist, I met them on Snak-- Well, no, but Lizbert invited them after we got there, and…" he chuckled, "they did save my life a couple times--" He winced, and held the phone away from his earhole.
The chattering from the phone had got louder. Theobe could almost make out words, but not quite. And they guessed they shouldn't pry, even though they really wanted to. Filbo looked stressed enough as it was.
"Dad! Dad, please calm down. I'm fine, I swear! We got out there… Huh? Oh, right." Filbo smiled. "Their name…" he said proudly, "is Theoblab."
Theobe had a bad habit of forgetting to introduce themself by name, and when Filbo had started calling them "Buddy", they'd assumed it was a generic nickname he used for everyone. And at first, that had definitely been true. He'd called everyone Buddy, often several times a day. But as Snaxburg had repopulated, Filbo had begun to stop using it as much, until the only person he stilladdressed that way was Theobe. By the boat ride back, they'd had been on the verge of asking him if he thought they really were called Buddy, when Filbo had finally, sheepishly, asked for their name.
"Uh…" Filbo continued. "Hang on, dad." He covered the receiver, and turned to Theobe, squinting. "Buddy? What's your last name, again?"
Theobe couldn't be surprised that he'd forgotten already. Besides, it was an easy one to mix up. "Rumplerun," they said.
Filbo uncovered the receiver. "Rumplerun!" he said into the phone. "They're writing a story about Snaktooth Island-- I'm staying to help them out, like they helped all of us out on--" He paused. "Well, I can't just come home on such short notice… Besides, I promised." He listened again. "I wanna see more of the city. And uh, broaden my horizons…?" Another pause. "Yeah, but I don't really remember much from back then… Uh, I'll ask them." He put his banana-y paw back over the receiver. "My dad wants to talk to you."
"Sure thing," said Theobe. "I'm a little nervous," they added with a laugh. They weren't, but talking to hostile sources wasn't their favourite thing in the world.
"Aw, don't be!" said Filbo, handing them the phone. "He's not… uh…" He scratched his head. "Well, he's all the way back home!"
Theobe took the receiver. "Hello? Theoblab Rumplerun speaking…"
"Miglo Fiddlepie," snapped the voice on the other end. "Now, what are your intentions with my son?!"
"Um…" said Theobe. Maybe that meant something different where Miglo lived. He didn't seem to have an accent, though. At least, his accent wasn't any different from Theobe's. "A roof over his head while he's in town?"
Miglo grunted. "Are you even a real journalist?"
"What?" said Theobe. "Of course! I work for GNN…" They hoped that would be true for longer than it took to write their Snaktooth story.
"Well, Theoblab Rumplerun who works for GNN," began Miglo.
"That's me," Theobe put in.
"Watch yourself," said Miglo. "I'm gonna get to the bottom of this."
There was a click, and a dial tone.
Theobe looked at the receiver. "He didn't say goodbye…"
"Heh, yeah," said Filbo. "Sorry about my dad, Buddy. He can be… a little intense."
"I've talked to worse," said Theobe with a shrug. They hoped Miglo had fun trying to get to the bottom of nothing in particular. They had a couch to go lie on.
Theobe sorted through their pile of drafts, which by now was threatening to take over their entire desk. They had plenty of raw material, and it was far past time to start putting it all in order. They were definitely starting the story off at the mysterious door, just before Filbo and Eggabell had finally managed to open it, and then they were going to switch to their arrival on the island. They'd retooled the giant moth made of pizza into gale force winds, and they'd done enough research on balloon accidents that they were sure it could stand up to reasonable scrutiny.
But then what? Then they profiled someone, but who did they start off with? Filbo? And after that, did they go back to their fall into the "lava tubes" under the mountain? Or did they continue with profiles and village life, and save all the Lizbert stuff for the end? Theobe had become sure that the real key to selling stories about mysteries was to emphasise the Grumpus element, so the village life was vital.
But they still needed to spice it up with action, and since they were leaving out the Snak hunts, a lot of that action was right at the start or the end of their trip. They might be able to get away with adding the expeditions they'd conducted with Triffany, but how non-linear could they get, before Clumby started complaining at them again for alienating their audience?
Most of what they'd written was still technically debunkable, but at least this time Theobe knew it. And if someone else got close enough to Snaktooth Island to force a retraction, then everyone had bigger problems than Theobe's job security.
There were muffled sounds coming from down the hall-- voices. Mostly Filbo, but there was someone else, too, and it didn't sound like the radio. And Filbo seemed to be squeaking a lot, and he'd been doing that a lot less lately. Theobe scribbled a quick note about event ordering on some scrap paper, and jumped up to investigate.
Filbo was in the front hall, talking to someone over the intercom. "I'm not really dressed to go out--" he began, then turned to Theobe with a smile. "Buddy! I was just about to come get you! My dad is, uh… here."
"Your… dad?" repeated Theobe, confused. Their first thought was that he couldn't be. He didn't live here, he lived in some small town near Grumpney. Or according to Filbo, not that near. But obviously, he didn't have to stay there, any more than Filbo did.
"Hey!" said the voice from the intercom, who did sound a lot like the grump Theobe had spoken to on the phone a few weeks ago. "I hear you! Let Filbo down here!"
"I'm not stopping him," said Theobe into the intercom. They tried to think. As usual, Filbo was wearing only his mayoral sash, and it seemed clean, but he did still have a Razzby instead of a right foot, and the Inchwrap he'd eaten the day before the party had migrated to his left arm. So in that sense, he'd been telling the truth. He really wasn't dressed to go out. Maybe in few more days.
"I'd really rather stay up here, dad," said Filbo quickly. "Uh, that's why I didn't get dressed properly today. I'm not feeling too great. I think it's something I ate." He chuckled slightly. "M… maybe you can come up here?" He looked at Theobe as he spoke.
Theobe got the question in his expression. "Sure, why not?" It seemed like Miglo wasn't going to go away unless they gave him at least something. And despite his hostility, Theobe was getting very curious to meet Filbo's dad. He'd had a hard life, Filbo had said.
Filbo looked relieved. "Because if you came up here, you could see that everything's fine. I'm just having a fun vacation!"
Miglo grumbled for a second, then said "Fine. But people know where I am."
"Uh," said Filbo. He gave Theobe a confused look. "That's… good?"
"I'll see you in the lobby," said Theobe, and turned off the intercom. See how he liked not being said goodbye to.
Filbo grabbed his head. "Oh, grump, what are we gonna do? Why did I invite him up here?" He lowered his arms. "No, no, we'll get through it. He's gotta see me, or he's just gonna worry. And maybe… call the police again."
"Again?" said Theobe, intrigued. But now wasn't the time. "How are you gonna hide the Snakifications? We could get out the cloak." Filbo usually wore a cloak when he had to go outside, but it would look really weird to wear one indoors. They were more of a poor weather thing, if anything.
Filbo seemed to have recovered. "That won't be necessary, because I have a secret weapon!" He ran out of the room, and returned with a large bag of gummy grumps. "Ta-da!"
Theobe inspected it, noting the speech bubble above the cheerful Grumpuses on the front, which declared that "We're 100% Sugar-Free!"
"Hey, try not to eat too many of those." One time, Theobe had eaten a whole bag in one sitting, after reading an article in Grumpus Health and getting curious. It had been the second least pleasant post-food experience of their life. Worth it for the fact check, though.
Filbo smirked. "That's the whole point, Buddy! I figure I can get rid of… at least one of these?" He looked at his Inchwrap arm, then his Razzby leg.
"Ah," said Theobe. He was trying to speed up his next detransformation. That would do it, but it only ever seemed to work on one body part at a time. Something about programmed cell death in Snakmatter and digestive capacity? Floofty had started to describe it, but they'd spent just as much time complaining about the loss of their research, and wondering aloud if Eggabell's notes had survived, so they didn't seem to know much more about it than anybody else. And then there was their leg…
Theobe was a little grossed out by Filbo's plan, but they guessed they couldn't talk, with their own experiments. And that favour they'd done for Wambus on Snaktooth.
They grabbed their keys from the side table next to the door, and said "See you in a few."
Filbo ripped open the bag and tossed a couple of gummy grumps into his mouth. "Uh, try not to let my dad get to you, Buddy." He swallowed, and tossed in a few more. "He's just… protective. He can't find out about Bugsnax, or he'll freak out even worse."
Theobe smiled. "Don't worry, Filbo, he won't hear about them from me."
Theobe had been half-worried and half-hoping that Miglo would leave before they could get downstairs, but there in the lobby was a Grumpus with a very familiar build. He also had lilac-coloured fur and a slight overbite, but otherwise, he looked a lot like Filbo.
The Grumpus looked up as Theobe approached, and scowled. "So you are who you said you were."
It was definitely him. Unless the city was hosting a soundalike convention in the hotel across the street or something.
"Uh, yeah," said Theobe. "Listen, can you call ahead next time? We, uh, weren't expecting anyone today." Theobe had never been very sociable outside of their job, and this was the first time they and Filbo had had to figure out how to host someone not in on the secret.
Miglo followed them to the elevator. "I shouldn't have to call to see my son."
Theobe was pretty sure that being related didn't exempt him from giving them a heads up, but they didn't say so. Nothing Filbo had said had given the impression that Miglo was a violent grump, but he did seem to be barely restraining himself from… something.
After a few seconds of silence in the elevator, Miglo cleared his throat. "Why would you agree to put up someone you just met, anyway?"
"What?" said Theobe. "Filbo? I didn't just… We met on Snaktooth! Didn't he tell you?" They were pretty sure they remembered him saying that.
"Hmp," said Miglo.
"Really," said Theobe, who was getting the sense that Miglo didn't believe them. "He got the town running again-- If he hadn't been there, we don't know what would've happened."
Filbo usually attributed Snaxburg's revival to Theobe, but Theobe didn't see how. All they'd done was catch Bugsnax and listen to people, which they'd had to do to keep their job. They'd spent so much time exploring the island and catching Bugsnax that they hadn't even been in town half the time. And meanwhile, Filbo had made sure to check on everyone every single day.
Miglo chuckled. "Ah, so you don't know him at all."
They reached Theobe's floor, and Theobe thought better of what they'd been about to say. "I think you're selling Filbo short," they said instead.
They were beginning to have some suspicions about the way Filbo always put himself down.
Theobe unlocked the door to find Filbo waiting for them in the front hall. He'd changed into rain boots to hide his raspberry foot, and was holding his left arm behind his back. "Dad!" he said, with what sounded like genuine enthusiasm. "Great to see you!"
Theobe's rain boots were going to be sticky after this. It was a good thing that their allergies only seemed to respond to living Bugsnax.
"Filbo, you're all right!" said Miglo, sounding relieved. They hugged briefly, Filbo only using his right arm. Then Miglo added "Uh, what are you holding behind your back?"
"Well, I'll bet you're tired from your trip," said Filbo, beckoning him with his right arm. "Buddy has a really good coffee maker."
Miglo narrowed his eyes and looked around. "And who is Buddy?"
"Oh!" Filbo laughed sheepishly. "That's Theobe… It's kind of like an… inside joke…?"
Theobe waved. There was something bizarre about hearing their real name come out of Filbo's mouth.
Filbo walked sideways through the door to the dining room, and Miglo followed.
He frowned, then sniffed. "Seems clean enough."
"I vacuumed just this morning," said Filbo proudly.
Miglo turned on Theobe so fast that Theobe jumped. "You're making him do all the housework? Just because he's unemployed? Hasn't he been through enough already?"
Filbo ran between them. "It's okay, dad, it's okay! We split the chores. We even have a chore wheel." He took a step back to hide his arm, and pointed at the fridge in the kitchen nook.
"Yeah, over here," said Theobe. They hadn't really seen the point in having a chore wheel for just two people, but Filbo had insisted. He'd decorated his side of the wheel with a paw print and a smiley face, so Theobe had put their own, slightly smaller paw print on their side, as well as a doodle of a pencil.
While Miglo was looking at the chore wheel, Filbo put his right hand behind his head, smiled, and tried to make some sort of gesture with his lettuce arm. He glanced at it, and whipped it behind his back again.
"Hmp," said Miglo, and headed back to the dining area.
Theobe bit back a sarcastic comment about whether he'd finished his inspection, and said "So, how would you like your coffee? Would you like some music?" They gestured at the tape deck in the corner of the room.
Miglo glared. "Regular coffee. No music. Quit trying to suck up to me."
"Uh, dad, shouldn't you have soy milk, or creamer…?" said Filbo.
"Oh, yeah," said Miglo quickly. "Soy milk, please."
"Sure thing," said Theobe. Filbo was lactose intolerant as well. They also had oat milk, for Shelda, though she preferred flax milk. "Or we have oat--"
"Soy," said Miglo. "Don't even try to get on my good side. My daughter-- Filbo's little sister-- she had a teacher who tried that once."
"Dad…" said Filbo, sounding a little exasperated. He glanced at Theobe, and shrugged.
"No, they need to hear this," said Miglo. "She's a film-making genius-- so good her tenth grade media teacher tried to enter her final assignment in a contest as his own!" He paused.
Theobe could tell he wanted them to ask what had happened to them. They considered pretending to be completely absorbed in measuring coffee into the filter, but they were a little curious. "Okay, then what?"
"I made some calls," said Miglo happily. "Now he's blacklisted from teaching for life! Filmmaking, too. I have connections."
"Yeah…" said Filbo weakly. "That sure was… a thing that happened." He didn't sound sarcastic. Just like he'd heard this story too many times.
Theobe wasn't sure they believed what Miglo was saying, although Filbo clearly seemed to. "You did all that just because he tried to get on your good side?" they said, as they turned the machine on.
"You have no idea who my stepfather is, do you?" said Miglo. "Of course you don't."
Theobe wanted to say that Filbo had somehow forgotten to give them an itemised list of all of his relatives on the day they met. Instead, they said "Nope."
"Not even a guess?" said Miglo.
Well, at least he was enjoying himself now. "The head of the Grumpinati?" said Theobe.
"Ever heard of Barolb Heavytreat?" Miglo continued.
"The senator?" said Theobe, legitimately surprised. He might as well have been the head of the Grumpinati, for the influence he had. Heavytreat definitely was married, but they couldn't remember what his husband's name was.
"Dad, please don't be so hard on Buddy-- I mean Theobe," said Filbo. "They're just a great Grumpus. They helped everyone on the island!"
Of course they had. Filbo had asked them to. "Even Cromdo." Theobe didn't actually dislike Cromdo, but he'd been hard to deal with before he'd stopped hiding his interests.
The coffee maker was starting to give off a delicious smell. Theobe had spent so much time trying to imagine what Bugsnax must smell like to the others that a lot of normal food smells still set off the memories. But never coffee. Maybe there was a coffee Bugsnak someone on the island, but if there was, they'd never encounter it.
"Filbo, you don't need to cover for them," said Miglo, more gently than Theobe had heard him speak so far. He hesitated. "Wait. Are they the one who made you wear that ridiculous sash? Is that part of their 'help'?"
Filbo picked at his sash. "It's not ridiculous…"
"Or was that Lizbert?" said Miglo. "Good thing you never married her. I had her totally wrong!"
"Still mad, huh?" said Filbo, half to himself.
"You and Lizbert dated?" said Theobe, surprised. Given what they knew about their age difference and when Lizbert had left home, they weren't sure when that could have even happened.
"No!" said Filbo. "Never. Dad's just…" He looked at his dad and laughed nervously.
"Thinking about your future," said Miglo.
"Well," said Filbo, "The sash was, uh, my idea. People kinda kept forgetting I was mayor, so I… But I wasn't really mayor, nobody elected me, so I was kind of like… honorary mayor? Nobody else wanted to do it, so…" He laughed again.
"You did a great job, Filbo," said Theobe.
"Aw, thanks, Buddy," said Filbo, sounding as touched as he did every time Theobe told him that. "Dad, I hope you'll forgive Lizbert one day. She didn't even really…" He frowned suddenly. "Oh, gru-- uh, gosh. I gotta go. Excuse me!" He rushed through the living room door.
Miglo jumped to his feet.
"He's just going to the bathroom!" said Theobe. Obviously the gummy grumps had kicked in. Right when the coffee was ready, too. Oh well.
(Important author's note: I know about Joey Quickbeans. But apparently, in this story Theobe does not)
(Next Chapter)
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stesierra · 1 year
@autumnalwalker tagged me! I'm drawing from the Halfway Revenant. My words are venture, focus, whimsy, & vision.
I'll tag anyone who's interested with tree, cave and steel.
A feminine voice snapped, "Well, don't come to me when you get lonesome. I wouldn't take your money if it was the last-- Stop grabbing my arm! I'm leaving!"
And a short-haired woman barged out of the gate, storming away from the city so that bountiful portions of her anatomy bounced. And a great deal of anatomy was on display. She carried a large double-handled bag made of linen and reeds but wore nothing but sandals and a knee-length linen skirt wrapped about her hips. A dozen semi-precious necklaces fell just above her naked breasts. Some sort of powder whitened all her exposed skin except for her oval visage. A thick layer of cool gray makeup coated her face from hairline to chin. Kohl marked her eyes, and rouge reddened her lips and cheeks. That face looked like nothing natural, but it wasn't supposed to. The makeup and the rest of her outfit was an announcement of this woman's profession. Mindral had seen others like her in Shaneh, but only rarely, because she had seldom gone to the fifth layer, where the brothels were.
The painted woman said, "What are you running away for? Do you think I'm a some sort of criminal?" She wore a bracelet similar to Mindral's own, enchanted to ward off menstruation and pregnancy. At a guess, this woman made more use of the latter property.
"Of course not, areh," Mindral said.
The prostitute cocked her head. "Well, what did they throw you out for? Bad fashion sense? Dirty clothes? Carrying a crossbow in the streets?"
"I'm just arriving and have yet to venture into the city. But they threw you out? Why?"
The woman sniffed. "Oh, for prostitution."
"But prostitution is legal."
"Oh, yes, but soliciting in the central district isn't. Or being there in this outfit, at all." She sighed and tilted her head skyward. "I just wanted to snare a nice young man from a key family for the night. I would have shown him a good time. As if their high-priced courtesans who sit up in their fancy boudoirs are any better than me."
"I see," Mindral said. "And now what will you do?" A town might have enough work for a prostitute, but this one didn't look dressed to walk so far.
The woman shrugged. "Oh, I'll go back in tomorrow. That's the way it works. Walk the wrong street and sleep outside for one night. They tell us revenants will get us out here, but I'm not frightened." She smiled, baring perfect white teeth, and managed to look beautiful despite the makeup. "So who're you? I'm Nila Mehre, escort extraordinaire."
Mindral rolled over and vomited up liquefied eggs and pickled pork. The sour taste of stomach acid and the salt of tears filled her mouth, but the overwhelming stench of the putrid dead filled her nostrils. She threw up until nothing remained inside of her and kept heaving even after that. The sight of the dead kept her down on her hands and knees. Flies buzzed around her, trying to settle on her neck and arms. But she didn’t hold still, not like the corpses they’d laid their maggots in.
In the end, the chittering of the rats drove her upright. She wrapped her arms around herself and stumbled towards the door. The uneven floor tripped her, but she forced herself on faster. The urge to flee this rotten tomb whipped her on, despite her weak and twitchy muscles. She wasn’t spending another second here. If she was alive—and she was alive!— then she was escaping. Escaping, and figuring out a way to tear down Payar Cheref for the wrong he’d done her.
She made it out into the main corridor, and the stench died slightly. The passageway stretched both left and right, and for a horrible moment, she didn’t know which way to turn. If she chose wrong, she might wander lost in the caves forever.
And then a Nimina light turned on to her right, awoken by her movement. Nothing turned on to the left. It had to be a sign. She trudged towards the light, and more turned on ahead of her, illuminating dripping straws and shining flowstones. The cool air of the cave caressed her skin. Silence wrapped her, now that she’d left the scurrying and chirping of the rats behind. Only the thump of her footsteps convinced her she hadn’t gone deaf.
She touched her brow. Dried blood crusted her forehead and the sides of her face. The unbinding symbol was gouged into her forehead, the edges swollen and painful. It should have freed her soul. It had, for a little while, but it hadn’t lasted. What did that mean? Had the novice priest botched the funeral rites? Was the carving incorrect? Was other explanation could there be? She wasn’t dead. She wasn’t with the gods. Something had gone wrong.
She trudged through the caverns, past stinking rooms with fresh burials, and thirst dried her mouth and throat until her tongue felt like leather. There was water outside of the catacombs. All she had to do was reach it. Then she could drink her fill and wash away the blood. She focused on that small thing because she couldn’t figure out, just then, how to make Payar Cheref pay for trying to murder her.
Look, there's not a lot of whimsy in my stuff.
She didn't know what she expected outside of the garden that ringed the Nimina Palace, but it wasn't a club to the head. She caught a glimpse of three big men, one holding a cudgel, before her vision went black.
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The Halfway Revenant
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zenganthefool · 1 year
what i liked and didn't like about the finale
so i watched the finale, and... i have thoughts, so imma share them, cuz that's what tumblr is for
here's what i liked about the two episodes: -the way marinette figured out who monarch was, was in my opinion well done. First she had the heavy hinting that she didn't seem to understand completely because of felix's theater bad trip before the finale. Then she went there and found other hints of him being monarch (the tablets), and right when she pieces it together, she has the final proof she needed, she sees him detransform. It might just be an opinion but i really liked how that was done -bugnoir costume looked pretty cool imo -the whole fight in the mansion was so freaking cool, it was really satisfying to see gabriel get a piano dropped on him. Also the fact that the previous lucky charm turns into the new one instead of making 2 lucky charms is a detail that i like which makes it impossible for her to just spam it and get anything she wants which is good, i was wondering about that when she unlocked the whole growing up thing -plagg and tikki becoming fucking giant like the form we saw in dear family, as well as the reveal of gimmi -the cliffhanger at the end with the lightning in lila's room that i can't for the life of me figure out what they're coming from but it's gonna be epic
alright, here is what i DID NOT like however: -lack of chat noir. he was just gone for two episodes there, he was completely useless which really brings us back to season 4 kind of bs -gabriel got his wish and there was no real consequences because of it, so he was proven right all along, he saved his wife and assistant for the low price of his already fading life -gabriel statue and him being treated like a hero, and marinette lying to adrien about it as well -the ending just felt... empty, i guess? It wasn't the big conclusion of the gabriel arc that i expected -where the hell was the reveal? I'm pretty sure back in season 4 it was said the reveal would be in season 5 and it literally isn't, we only have that last episode left, Action, but i'm pretty sure it's not an actual story relevant episode -the cliffhanger at the end. I know it's also in the things i like about it but i also hate cliffhangers, they cause me pain lmao
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ceydsmelayne · 2 years
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Conclusion -She Let Go-
Our journey is bumpy together. Our childhood is traumatic. One shines their Light, the other sits in her darkness. As I've said before, our mother has conditioned me to be there for her no matter what, and I have. We've endured drug and alcoholic parents, sexual and physical abuse from them, moving and separation from the family we love, and hardships through high school. No matter how wrong she is in any situation, I held her heart and she held my hand.
After high school, I moved to Florida. She felt I abandoned her. Left her with no one to hold her heart and make sure she was okay. I had been gone only for a few months when I got the call; Michael had been caught videoing her in the shower. The call was from himself. He was ashamed and scared, I could hear it in his voice. What did he expect me to say? All I could say was, well... you have to own up to this and make it right, I don't know how, but this is bad. He already had history with me, and now my mother failed us again, by allowing it to continue on with sister. I couldn't be there for her, I knew she hated me for it.
From a young age, she developed a way with manipulation. She would turn our parents against each other, taking the focus off her so she could do as she wanted. Disregarding the history our step-father had with me and advisement from mother, she chose to wear tight and revealing clothing around him. Almost enticing him so she can turn mother against him. What was her thinking on this? He shouldn't be looking. Well, duh, of course not, especially considering he's supposed to be our "father". He has a problem. There comes a point where you have to protect yourself, why did she choose not to? I by no means blame her for what happened. Mother failed us, but she failed herself too. She always wanted the attention; if I was talking, she made sure she was heard, if Michael was focused on mother, she was distracting him, if mother was focused on Michael, she was distracting her. No matter the cost. Attention whore.
My sister has a history of drug abuse, since she was 13. Drinking robitussin and alcohol, pills, coke, I can only hope meth isn't on that list. All the while being medicated for depression and anxiety. A few years back she had a major medical situation. The doctors couldn't figure out what was causing her so much pain in her hip. She was on the pain meds and drinking. The only way she knew how to cope. Grew up watching our parents. After a long few months, many doctor visits, and a trip to the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota, she got an answer. By then she was dependent on the meds and the way of life she grew to know. She cut me out most of this time of her life. I knew she wasn't well because of it. Like I've said, she's part of me.
As I'm living my life in Florida, I do my best to water the relationship. The phone calls got shorter and her tone towards me grew colder. She was being molded by the way of life she was choosing. She was already a moody child, but the substances just made it worse. We'd be in the middle of a healthy conversation about whatever she was going through and like a light switch, she'd flip and I've turned into the enemy. I'm against her and she's projecting her anger towards me, causing me to question everything in the conversation. Gas lighter. She's become a narcissist. As her sister, I fought to look past these traits and see the origin of it. I endured for years.
She moved in with me 2 years ago. Excited and hopeful to be together. Nothing but turmoil and chaos. I started divorce papers and we moved in together, it barely lasted 4 months. I couldn't take the verbal abuse and destruction she caused. The moment I realized I needed to move out was the night of her birthday, February 22,2021. We had gone out and the tequila was smooth. My best hometown friend was visiting and we were celebrating. The last bar we went to, a friend, who I had always felt connected to, walks in. My silly self is to the moon excited to see him, while realizing I need to go home. Thankfully, he lived in the apartments next to mine. But I didn't go home. Both of us drunk and in the back seat, I wish I could remember more. Thanks tequila. The door flies open, and I'm being dragged out by my ankles. She proceeds to beat the shit out of me. I barely remember her banging my head against the pavement and her thumbs pressed against my eyelids as I scramble from her hold. She punched Jakob 3 times in the face and threw is wallet and phone across the parking lot. She ran off, calling my ex to tell him I was with his best friend. What a night. I've come to the conclusion that she was jealous, why else would she react that way. When I asked her, she said " because you shouldn't have been there", as if she could tell me how to live my life. I didn't drink for a while after that and I moved out in April.
We didn't speak for a few months. She tried to cause turmoil at my secondary workplace, the kava bar, what had become my safe place. She started to work at one of the locations, even came in as a customer on my shifts. Making friends with my friends and guests at my bar, she enjoyed telling them how she beat my ass that night. It hurt and embarrassed me, which is what she wanted. With time, though, many saw who she was and didn't pay her any attention. She stopped coming around which was nice, but I worried. Come November, maybe early December, she totaled her jeep. Drinking and driving. How that girl didn't go to jail is beyond belief. When she told me, I had a meltdown. She nearly died. I nearly lost her, forever. In December, I Baker Acted her. The scariest call I've ever received. The relationship she was in hit an ending and she swallowed a handful of sleeping pills. She hated me, again, but only for a few days. I helped through that month. It was hell on both of us, but she came out stronger. For a short time.
We grew closer after that. Helped celebrate her birthday again, the sober way. Jakob and I crossed paths again that night, too. The Universe is a beautiful force.
Over the summer, I had heard from concerned friends that she was abusing nitrous. A can had blew up on her and she had turned blue in the face. Ugh, I wanted to cry. I'm scared to lose her. I called my mother, in hopes of getting sound advice and support for my concern. It was the opposite. I was told that my extra curricular activities were no different. On a rare occasion I smoke pot, but more so I eat mushrooms. Not only for the psychedelic effects, but the mental stability I gain from it. It's called micro dosing. In my mind, my mother just compared nitrous to mushrooms, like meth to pot. I was so disturbed by this, I lost even more respect for my mother.
The last couple of months I saw her grow tremendously. She was a joy to be around, we laughed, we cuddled and we told each other how much we love and mean to each other. She had been eating mushrooms. I watched her transform. She loved life, she loved to think deeper about the bigger picture. We went to the beach and talked and comforted each other. Our rollercoaster ride was on the up. I enjoyed telling my grandma, mom and aunt about how she was doing.
What changed? Where did she decide to turn on me? It's come to a point in our story where she let go. I don't think she realizes it, when she does, will she be okay?
Jakob and I had gone to a music festival in Georgia. She calls me frantic about what's just happened. Someone she fell for, but was complicated because he wasn't over his past relationship. No doubt he cared about her, but she didn't want to give him the space he needed. She grasps onto him like her life depended on it. She learned that from our mother. So the fight that caused this call, she's videoed cornering him in his room and aggressively going towards him. He wanted her out. Understandably so. She tells me she has no where to go, I tell her to figure it out, it'll be okay. She has friends she could stay with until I got home. We could figure it out then. I live with Jakob and his family, there's not much for room to help someone figure out their living situation, let alone with an 18 year old cat. I wanted to be there for her, but I'm out of town and cant do anything from Georgia. On that call with me, she didn't mention staying at our house, just that she'll figure it out. She called Jakob's mom. Bless her heart, she heard my sister distraught and wanted to help, of course. We get the text on the way home, that sister is staying with us. I was upset. We have a history of rollercoaster rides in our relationship, this was going to derail us.
She stayed for a week, but that wasn't the problem. Her attitude and entitlement in the situation was. When we walked in the door from our long weekend, she's wearing my clothes, she had been in set up in our room all weekend with her cat. In our space. Trying to talk to her about her plan throughout the week, ended in her gas lighting and manipulating the conversation. By the end of the week we had finally calmly and clearly converse and talked about options and a plan; she felt better and so did I. She left Friday. The entire issue with this situation was that Jakob and I felt like we were taken advantage of and disregarded. I needed to tell her, but timing is everything.
The next week Hurricane Ian was headed towards us. 2 mph shy of a Category 5 hitting our coast. Fort Myers Beach, Sanibel, and Captiva nearly wiped off the map, flooding and storm surge was catastrophic in surrounding areas. We had friends who lost their home staying with us, family of 5 with 4 dogs and 2 bunnies. No electric and everyone's feeling a little tense. The day after the storm, I missed her calls. Cell service is spotty, so I hardly looked at my phone. Thinking its an emergency, I call back. She answers upset because I didn't pick up her beta fish from the guy she lived with. The whole conversation was so ridiculous, I hung up on her. At this point, there's bigger fish to fry.
As life is getting back to normal after the storm, I'm amongst the many who return to work. It felt great to be behind the chair, being there for my guest as they endure the hardships from the storm. Draining, but happy to be a shoulder to lean on. She texts me to touch up her under cut and take care of her brows. I love taking care of her, however she texted me a few hours later telling me she doesn't have the money and if I can spot her. So now I've blocked my last hour for her, so that I can pay for my services. She has a habit of nonchalantly being an inconvenience and she doesn't care either.
She asked me to pick her up from the airport. Mother paid her way home for the weekend. Slightly jealous of the favoritism, I was happy she was able to take a break from her reality. It's not a terrible drive up there, so I had no problem agreeing to it and I brought Jakob's brother. He enjoys adventures with me. I looked forward to hearing about her weekend. Sadly, there was a lot of tragedy back home. Her friend from high school committed suicide and my high school best friend's ex step dad murdered his girlfriend. Emotions were high. I could tell when she got in the car she had been coked out and drunk all weekend. So I knew to tread lightly. I tried to stay focused on my mission for the day; laundry, clean the bathroom, schedule my oil change. She wanted to talk about whatever was bothering me, which good for her on picking up on my vibrations. I tried to deflect the conversation as much as possible, but she kept pressing the buttons. I started with the situation on how I felt about her staying at our house and that was as far as I got. She only heard that I felt taken advantage of. She interrupted me, started defending herself and lashing out. What pushed me the most was her telling me that I'm a shitty person, a piece of shit and worthless. The intention she put behind it and the forceful energy triggered me. As I was moving out of my ex's house, he screamed those same words to me; saying anything to tear me down and break me. The look on his face is scarred in my memory. It was demonic. From that day I vowed to myself to never allow anyone to speak to me that way, ever. The adrenaline rushing through to me, I could feel my throat tightening, palms sweating as I'm driving her to her destination. I pulled to the house and she left. I blocked her immediately, on all platforms. I will stand by the vow I made myself. Never again.
She let go a long time ago. I was grasping hard as she was pulling her hand away. I finally said okay and let go of her heart.
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hospitalterrorizer · 30 days
wendesday - thursday
sleepy now...
errands day was okay, better than last week at least, my gf is just so wound up about her mom's surgery, it's hard for me to know where she's coming from all the way because there were lots of times my mom went in for surgeries for her back and i was a kid and it didn't occur to me that things could go very wrong, and when she broke her leg and crawled all the way to the house and it was just me at home, and i didn't hear because i was in the shower and i had to call 911 and everything, i wasn't like, scared, it seemed like everything would just work out, i was like, upset of course, it's all not pleasant but it's all like, i guess complications didn't occur to me because they couldn't. all the stuff my mom went through was like, of course she'll live. my gf's doubt i guess, it makes sense, her mother is older than mine ever was for her surgeries, i'm just, i don't know, i'm used to people living until they stop. mostly they decide to stop. her mom's survived a lot of things. it seems like her family is built like that. even if there's an infection which seems possible and even something we should all expect and prepare for (feels condescending to say prepare, what am i really going to do, all i can do is imagine and hope it doesn't, hope to figure out how to make my gf feel better if it does happen, how to help her mother, if even possible (likely not.)), but her family just seems to live, on spite mostly. my mom lived because maybe she's like me, and it's like, well, okay, i guess tomorrow is here, and that keeps happening to you, and years later you realize something has happened to you, and you can't take it back. my gf's family mostly seems to be interested in doing things to people. that's hard to divorce from living usually. i know i'm talking in all abstracts, like, it's some strange ephemeral force occupying some bodies, and not others, but it's not necessarily how i see it. i don't think at least. i can't tell. it's not about some kind of ... lottery? it's just that it gets expressed over time as a response. my grandma seemed to die in a way that said, it's time, i get this sense because i guess she was found in a small nest she made in a corner on a bunch of towels in her house, to not dirty anything else. my uncle died in a way that was also: it's time, but he made it time, by letting things get bad and never telling anyone. my friend died by killing himself, which is probably similar to my uncle, just less abstracted. my grandma on my dad's side seemed to die because it was natural, she'd had enough. she always seemed like someone who had enough anyway. her mother isn't really there, her mother drunkenly drove to utah and came back on pills or something and almost died in her sleeping, pissing herself, going to the hospital and treating the staff poorly, and then still lived. sober, now, attached to life more, receiving surgery to make pain disappear hopefully, she still seems to really want to do more. she won't slack on at least attempting to solve problems that seem to come up. this is what makes her so scary sometimes because she'll see nonexistant issues and do things that don't need to be done, just freaking us all out. but that's evidence of attachment and some kind of pro-active attitude, she's more self reliant than most people, she's so self reliant and capable she made both of her children less capable because she was always feeling that she knew better and could do better, and let them off, which creates all kinds of fucked up things. either way, if she does die, from this, it would be from over-working herself still. maybe more than the infection, she's scared nobody is gonna give enough of a shit about her to help her. in that case, should i go over and try to help for some days of the week? maybe. i guess i ought to think about that. her brother won't help, her husband won't, he's too busy going on stupid trips, getting drunk, both of them, husband and son.
it's a downer to think about, i guess. i dunno. i feel okay mostly. maybe i'm like dead inside or something. my gf seems so scared and it manifests in odd ways, she was upset today because i wanted to go home and not spend too long in a korean supermarket... i said 'we can come back, we'll be back i'm sure' and she kept saying she fought to get us there, and that we won't come back, and that's how it's coming through her, the anxiety about things changing, or maybe it's not even about death, it's just anxiety over having to wait. i don't know how to begin to help her with that, if it's the case. it's not fun not getting things you want but i guess that's also something i'm dead to and i feel bad a lot of the time because i want nothing, and get nothing, and i am nothing, so i'm given nothing. that's not true entirely only in abstract ways and abstract places (online) my girlfriend gives me all the things i need and want basically, it's that there's things i don't know i want that i can't ask for, not to make things about myself though i did but whatever. it's just odd. i feel opposite to her in some way, she can find things she desires always, i can't tell what i want, if i even want at all, usually. well i want all the time in ways but those things aren't really acceptable to write out. a way to put it is i want to be made to not think because of stuff like fire, i guess. inside my stomach. not like, alcohol obv i'm straightedge. it's other stuff.
obviously, her anxiety about it possibly happening, anything going wrong, as badly as possible, that's really well founded. i'm probably in the wrong for not feeling it as strongly. i certainly do feel bad about it on some level, i just don't know. i don't think worrying like that helps, especially not saying it out loud to her mom. but i do understand why. it's scary, horrifying probably to everyone. i'm sure if my mom went in for surgery for something i may freak out too i guess. i dunno. i just want her to not be scared.
not much else done today, some light music stuff worked on... not much else, tomorrow i'll do more, i have to sleep now,
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pinkarsonist0 · 7 months
Rose Gold Lipstick // George x Eliza (CRAIG OF THE CREEK)
Pimples laugh at Eliza with every look in the mirror.
All Eliza wants to be is pretty.
But what she doesn't know is that she has already achieved her goal.
And George helps her see it.
A George x Eliza oneshot made by me <3
I don't own COTC blah blah-
Eliza and George are 14 in this. I missed these two. Back in 2022 I felt pressured to hide the fact I still liked Tiarabow but then I gained confidence to start making content for the ship again, and maybe I can give other Tiarabow shippers the confidence to make some content for them, or people who ship George with someone who isn't Secret Keeper. Reminder that George has no confirmed sexuality, so don't say that he is gay or sm. That's your headcanon you made to ban other ships. Deal with it.
Now, onto the story!
Eliza stared down at the tea cup wrapped in her fingers, she steadied it with the palm of her other hand and the thumb of the hand she used to hold the cup. George sat in front of her, legs crossed and sipping the same tea Eliza was. “What tea is this?” Eliza finally spoke, she gave the cup a small swirl. “Didn’t know you were still a picky eater” George lowered the tea cup to his chin to get the sentence out with a small chuckle. Eliza rolled her eyes, “I'm not that much of a picky eater…”.
“Unless it's tea”
“Well, to better answer your question. I actually don't know myself, my family bought it from their trip back to Birmingham. Oh wait, that reminds me…”
George then reached into his pocket and presented Eliza with a small box. Eliza took the box and examined it, “It was for sale, I saw it and figured you would like it". 
Eliza then opened the box, the satin box held a necklace lining itself with shiny white pearls. But on the inside of the lid also held a rose gold lipstick, she slipped the lipstick from its belt that was containing it. The absence of the lipstick made Eliza realize the belt wasn't just for holding the lipstick but she was also meant to pull on it. She pulled the looped fabric to reveal a mirror for applying the lipstick. 
George took another sip of the mystery tea, while Eliza admired the gift. “I thought you'd like it, just like how I thought you'd enjoy the tea you've yet to drink”.
Eliza put the lipstick back in the belt that was keeping it in place and closed the box. She got hold of her forgotten tea and took a sip before it turned cold. “Hm, not bad”.
Eliza then took a second yet longer sip and turned her attention back to the gift, “Well, it's like you know me better than I know myself…”.
“Give some credit to Jane too, she's the one who helped me pick it. She said, you would like the lipstick”.
Eliza gave a small smile and felt her cheeks go rosy, her cheeks matched her dyed hair and she began playing with the wavy strands. 
But, the sweet moment was ruined by Eliza’s cell phone ringing. Eliza took hold of it and stared in shock at who it was.
“Who's calling?”
“It's my mother…”
Eliza accepted the call and moved her hair from her ear to place the phone up to there. “H-Hello?”.
Eliza was convinced this was something bad, her mother hardly called her ever since she divorced her father last year. Even before that, she hardly even paid attention to Eliza. She didn't even try to fight for custody of her and had no issue with Eliza being with her father. Yet on the rare days where Eliza would see her mother, minimal effort was put into having as much as a conversation. And today was one of those rare days where Eliza was at her mother's house, sneaking her boyfriend, George into the house to sip tea. 
George watches Eliza listen to her mother over the phone, she watched Eliza’s expression change from neutral to pure panic. “T-That was today…?”. George heard her mutter.
Eliza listened further, throwing in nods as replacement for talking as if her mother was right in front of her. Ms.Pendragon’s voice was dull when speaking to her daughter, once she hung up the phone Eliza was standing back up.
“What was that all about?” George questioned then finished his tea, “My mother…She's going to pick me up to meet with her friends from work and my makeup isn't fixed…” Panic laced Eliza's voice as she paced towards her purse.
You would think she was an addict who misplaced her vape based on how she was searching her purse, she flipped the purse upside down twice and didn't even go to pick up anything that had fallen out. Her mind flashed back to the reflection of herself that she saw in the mirror of the satin box, her makeup barely covering up the dark spots on her cheeks, the pimples waiting to be popped laughed at her in the reflection, and a new one on her forehead was waving at her mockingly.
Since it was only George, she didn't mind too much. It wasn't like anything he hadn't seen before, yet now that she actually thought of it, she hadn't felt more ugly. Wait, what was she saying? George probably already found her ugly, he probably got used to the makeup hiding her facial flaws. The whiteheads scattered around her cheeks and jawline must have disgusted him. Yeah…Maybe he was considering dumping her for a girl who was god's favorite and never had to go through what made looking in the mirror so hard for her.
Eliza came closer to giving up to start looking in her room. Noticing the concern, George got up from his seat with Eliza's forgotten tea cup in hand. “Miss.Eliza, your makeup is fine, what's the-”
George jumped back a little from the sudden outburst, thankfully he wasn't too startled. He was used to Eliza screaming, whether it was orders for Jane or him from when they were kids, angry words spewing whenever someone pushed her buttons or a quick shout whenever the day gave her the short end of the stick.
Eliza saw the way George jumped and bit her lip, red lipstick marking her front tooth as she looked down. “I-I'm sorry, I-”. “No no, there's no need to be sorry, I understand. Miss.Eliza, but I was being honest when I said your makeup looked fine…Is there something bothering you?” George used one hand to hold the tea and the other to motion for Eliza to sit down, thankfully that worked and Eliza's tea cup was transferred to Eliza's hand and she slowly sat down with George's newly free hand rubbing circles in her back.
In all honesty, Eliza was surprised with how suddenly she screamed. As a child she remembered being easy to set off, but that improved since then. “Now, will you tell me why your makeup is such a worry for you?”.
Eliza bit her lip as she finished her tea. She couldn't find the words to even speak, she hadn't spoken about her acne with anyone who wasn't her parents or dermatologist. But once George moved a pink strand of hair from her temples, she finally felt safe again. “I-It's my acne…I can't face my mother without it on, I can't face anyone…”.
“But why? Who wouldn't want to see your beautiful face?”
“You mean who would want to look at this?” Eliza looked away with a harsh huff while looking away, her gloved hand pointing at her face. 
George was taken aback, but let Eliza finish. “I know you and Jane aren’t used to seeing…This. But I’m starting to think my mother is sick of it…George, do you remember when I first started wearing makeup that wasn’t lipstick or eyeliner?”.
George gave a nod.
“My mom saw I was breaking out and brought me a bunch of makeup to hide it. I thought she was caring about my well being for once, but then she started making it mandatory that I put it on whenever she takes me out to fancy places with family or friends. She didn't even hide the fact she thought I was too ugly to have in public bare faced with my acne…After that guess it became a habit and without it I started believing I was ugly so I just put it on to convince myself I was pretty…”.
“But Miss.Eliza, you're already pretty…”
Eliza turned her head towards George in shock, when she felt tears threatening to pour she blinked. She was too deep in shock to look away, not like she wanted too, and George didn't either. “What…?”.
“You're already pretty. How can your mother cover you up?” George then leaned in to kiss Eliza's cheek, then her forehead then her other cheek. With every kiss the dam she built against her eyes to block the tears threatening to spill was breaking, until it finally shattered and let the tears fall. Each tear washing away the contour she used to cover the red acne she hated so much. 
“Oh George, how can you do that without thinking I look disgusting?”
“Because you're not, you never were”.
“But George, you don't understand…You and Jane are the lucky ones, you two are so pretty…You two don't need to hide away because you feel gross, you don't cry before picture day and once your pictures come in you want to throw them in the trash…Why does every other girl at school have to be pretty? With their clear skin and everything…They don't even need to try, they're just born to be pretty I guess…”
“If we're the lucky ones, it's for having you in our lives”
This time Eliza didn't answer as she leaned into George while holding onto his back for support. “I remember back when we were kids, me and Jane thought you the prettiest to walk the creek…And now, we think you're the prettiest to walk the world”.
Eliza let out a sigh, “Well those days are over…”.
“Who said they were? If you asked me and Jane, those days are still going strong” George finished his sentence with another kiss on Eliza's cheek.
“Probably everyone…”
“How would you know?”
“They probably all think it…I used to be so pretty back then, my skin was so clear…What happened?”
“Nothing happened, whether or not you think it, you're still Eliza. You always have been”.
Eliza stayed silent for a few seconds, until she finally spoke after some long thinking.
“I…I know, it's just…I got so used to having the makeup on, without it I feel like an ugly beast. Not after my mom got me to start this habit…”
George turned his head towards Eliza's purse, the fallen items scattered around the floor. He spotted Eliza's pink bottle of makeup remover and the packet of facial pads. George ended the hug between him and Eliza and picked up both. “Well, now is your chance to break it”.
Eliza stared downwards at the makeup remover, when she was younger, she remembered hearing older boys say, ‘One wipe and it's over’. At first she didn't understand what that meant, but now she did and she hated it. But it also planted a fear in her, George was giving her the opportunity to free herself at the palm of his hands. But the chance scared her, what if George was gone after one wipe?
But Eliza took a deep breath, took the makeup remover and stopped thinking. “I'll do it…”
George opened the satin box and presented Eliza with the mirror. Though small, it helped just the same as a regular sized mirror, and with that Eliza slowly wiped the makeup from her face. The cold liquid continued spreading as George sat there and held the mirror for her. 
After a few more wipes, Eliza's face was bare. She was staring at the redness and pimples scattered around her pale face. Just when she was going to consider putting it back on, George put the mirror down and wrapped her up in a hug followed by some kisses. 
“I missed looking at your beautiful face”
“You really don't feel grossed out by me?”
“Why would I be disgusted by the most beautiful woman in my life?”
Eliza returned the hug with a sniff as if she was about to cry, and she did, out of happiness.
After a few minutes Ms.Pendragon texted Eliza to remind her she had to take a taxi and that she left money on the counter. Thankfully, Eliza was allowed to bring a friend, that ‘friend’ being George. 
George helped Eliza get ready, this time, Eliza was finished getting ready a lot sooner since there was no makeup that needed to cover the face George found so beautiful. 
“I promise Miss.Eliza, it'll get better. One day you won't even remember when you had acne"George spoke as he brushed Eliza's wavy pink hair, Eliza did the job of applying the rose gold lipstick George brought her. If you asked her, that was the only makeup she liked to apply besides eyeliner. “Oh I know George, now that I think about it I guess the new cream my dermatologist prescribed is working a little…” Eliza slightly turned her head to better notice the small improvements Eliza's insecure minds concealed for her. “Well, you can't rush progress, '' George reminded as he began styling her hair into a half ponytail.
And at the last possible second before they had to go and catch a taxi, George slipped the pearl necklace from the satin box Eliza held to look at her reflection. George placed the finishing touches on Eliza's outfit by wrapping the pearl necklace around her collar bone.
After that, they caught the taxi to where Eliza's mother said to meet. George saw how Eliza was riddled with anxiety for the whole drive, but once he placed a reassuring hand on her dorsal and smiled down at her while looking into her crimson eyes, he watched the worry melt and drip onto the seat of the taxi. 
Ms.Pendragon was waiting for the taxi at the main entrance with her friends from work, she had an impatient look that she hid from the other women who were talking amongst themselves. Once the taxi dropped them both off, all eyes were on them as George got Eliza out of the taxi. 
Though Ms.Pendragon’s friends were rather happy to see Eliza, she couldn't take her eyes off the bare face of her daughter. Thankfully she controlled herself from ripping Eliza from the hug she was sharing with some of her coworkers and stood there at the side.
But once Eliza was done hugging the women and answering the women's questions and George was done shaking hands with them, Ms.Pendragon's companions made their way towards the building leaving Ms.Pendragon with Eliza and George. “Eliza Darcy Pendragon, why aren't you wearing the makeup I got you?! Your acne, it’s out of control-" Ms.Pendragon gave an expected reaction, Eliza had little reaction though George wanted to take Eliza by the hand, call the taxi back and drive them somewhere else.
However, Eliza took her turn of holding onto George's hand to calm him. “Nah, just lipstick is fine” Eliza's words were so simple, yet they shooed Ms.Pendragon greatly as Eliza and George walked into the building where the other women awaited her.
With every kiss on Eliza's bare face, for the first time in a while, she felt pretty. 
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luvsjimmyreed · 1 year
Jimmy Reed: Texting Drama Over A Mother's Neglect 2
Cynthia: Latasha! What time are you coming home tonight? Wanna go out? I found this amazing Italian restaurant the other day!
Latasha: Oh, sorry! I got work tonight! Why don't you ask Carmen, instead?
Cynthia: Oh, okay! Maybe some other time, then!
Latasha: You can go without me! It's okay, really! I'll join you guys, next time!
Cynthia: No... I wanna go there with you, Latasha! Not Carmen...
Latasha: Uh, okay, but... What's wrong with Carmen? She's gonna be busy next year with entrance exams, so... you should spend time with her while you can...
Cynthia: Oh, Latasha, don't worry about that! The thing is... I don't really wanna spend time with her. She's ugly, you know? I don't wanna be seen with her!
Latasha: What? Mom... How can you say that about your own daughter? You better not be saying things like that to her... she's just a kid...
Cynthia: I know... I know... Don't worry about that... But I'm just being honest, you know? You're the good-looking one in the family! Hey, I know! Wanna go shopping on Saturday? Let's go get you some nice clothes!
Latasha: Uh, okay... I think I'm free on Saturday...
Cynthia: Great! Can't wait!
Latasha: Can I invite Carmen?
Cynthia: Huh? No way!
Latasha: Why not?
Cynthia: She's dumb as a rock! She's not smart like you! She has to study! Forget her. It'll be just the two of us! Your shift is starting soon, right? Lemme know when you're done! I'll come pick you up!
*about an hour later*
Latasha: Dad? You got a minute?
Jimmy Reed: Hey, sweetheart! Aren't you at work, right now?
Latasha: Yeah, but... my shift got moved behind. I'm eating dinner, right now.
Jimmy Reed: Oh, okay. What's up, honey?
Latasha: It's about Mom!
Jimmy Reed: What about her?
Latasha: The way she treats Carmen... We gotta do something about that. She's being really mean to her, I think. I have a bad feeling about this...
Jimmy Reed: Really?
Latasha: Yeah, you don't think so? I know you're always busy with work and stuff, but...
Jimmy Reed: Well... Maybe you've got a point, but... I'm sure she loves you both very much. She might just be a bit under stress, lately. We all have those days, you know. I wouldn't worry about it so much, honey.
Latasha: You sure?
Jimmy Reed: Yeah. Hey, listen, I gotta go. The meeting is about to start.
Latasha: Oh, okay, sorry.
Jimmy Reed: No need to apologize, sweetie. I'll be home around eight or so. I'll probably be there when you get home. Want me to pick you up?
Latasha: It's okay. Mom's coming to pick me up.
Jimmy Reed: Oh, okay. Say, how about if I take Carmen out for some ice cream tonight?
Latasha: That would be awesome if you can, Dad. Just the two of you. That might cheer her up a little.
Jimmy Reed: Absolutely! Anything for my two precious dumplings!
*a few days later*
Latasha: Mom?! Where are you?!
Cynthia: What do you mean? I'm shopping! Wanna join me?
Latasha: What?! What's wrong with you? It's Parent's Day! You're supposed to be with Carmen!
Cynthia: Oh, that... Don't worry about it...
Latasha: Huh? What do you mean?
Cynthia: I said it's fine, okay? It's not mandatory or anything. It's fine!
Latasha: But... She's expecting you, isn't she?
Cynthia: Oh, no worries! I told her I couldn't make it... And it's kinda embarrassing, you know? Carmen's grades are terrible! If I go there, she'll probably just embarrass me.
Latasha: What? But... she gets better grades than me! And remember last year? The teacher asked me to answer a question, but I got it wrong!
Cynthia: Huh? Last year? Oh, that... That wasn't your fault, dear... the teacher should've phrased the question better. It wasn't your fault. Hey, your school trip is in a few days! Want me to buy you some new clothes?
Latasha: No... Listen. Mom, you gotta stop playing favourites! Carmen avoids me, you know that? It's your fault! She resents that you love me more than you love her! She even cried to Dad about that, the other day. You know, Dad's contemplating cutting back on his work - so that he can spend more time with Carmen. Show her the love and affection that you've been denying her lately! And I wanna be friends with Carmen. She's my little sister...
Cynthia: Latasha! I'm sorry, dear! I'll be careful from now on!
Latasha: I don't think it's ME you should be apologizing to, Mom! You should be apologizing to CARMEN! She's the one who's being wronged here!
Cynthia: Oh, is that so? Well, in that case, I'll try to spend more time with her - okay?
Latasha: You mean it?
Cynthia: Yeah... I know, maybe I'll take her to Sacramento or something. School can wait...
Latasha: Sacramento? Oh, you mean Grandma's house? Sounds fun!
Cynthia: Yeah... I'm sure we'll have lots of fun! Don't worry, okay? Enjoy your school trip!
Latasha: Okay! Sounds good. Thanks, Mom!
*School Trip*
Latasha: *missed call*
Jimmy Reed: Sorry I missed your call, honey. What's up?
Latasha: Dad! Where are you?
Jimmy Reed: Uh, at work... I'm eating lunch. Is everything okay?
Latasha: Dad! You gotta help Carmen!
Jimmy Reed: Huh? What happened?
Latasha: She's in Sacramento... All by herself!
Jimmy Reed: What? Uh, what is she doing there?!
Latasha: Mom took here there, yesterday! They were going to Grandma's house! But Grandma wasn't home for some reason. So Mom told Carmen to wait at the station.
Jimmy Reed: Your grandma wasn't home?
Latasha: No! The house was empty! Carmen's all alone! She called me from a payphone! She said she slept in a park last night! She hasn't eaten since yesterday morning!
Jimmy Reed: Good heavens! You're not kidding about any of this, right?
Latasha: I tried to tell her to go to the police or something, but... the line got disconnected. I can't call her back because it's a payphone... I couldn't alert Grandma, since she's not up-to-date on the technology... I dunno what to do!
Jimmy Reed: Okay, honey, I can't believe what I'm hearing... but I'll go pick her up right now. It was very careless for your mom to leave her alone in such a big city! I'm livid, right now!
Latasha: I'm sorry! I didn't wanna bother you at work, but...
Jimmy Reed: No need to apologize, honey. You did the right thing in telling me! So everything you said about your mom and her treatment of Carmen... God, I feel so bad that I didn't take it more seriously. Anyway, everything will be all right. Try not to worry...
Latasha: Thanks, Dad! You might not be perfect, but you are MUCH better than Mom! So, please, don't tell her... I don't trust her, anymore.
Jimmy Reed: I promise, honey. I don't trust her, myself.
Latasha: I'm gonna talk to my teacher about this. I'll talk to you, later.
Jimmy Reed: Sure thing! You take it easy, sweetheart!
*That Evening*
Cynthia: Latasha! How's the school trip? I'm out drinking with my old friends!
Latasha: Glad you're having fun! How's Carmen?
Cynthia: She's still at Grandma's. She told me she didn't wanna go home, lol! Maybe she'll move in with her! Haha! She might never come back, lol!
Latasha: Really? Carmen said that?
Cynthia: Yeah! I was pretty surprised too, lol!
Latasha: You're unbelievable, Mom! Carmen, she's right next to me! She's fast asleep. Dad and I found her!
Cynthia: What?
Latasha: We found her at a train station in Sacramento! She was there all by herself! You realize that?!
Cynthia: What? Wait, what are you talking about?
Latasha: Stop playing dumb with me! She almost had a heat stroke! Why did you leave her there?!
Cynthia: Wait! What about your school trip?
Latasha: What do you think?! I left early! My teacher drove me here! Dad came, too - even though he had work!
Cynthia: What? Why though, lol? Just leave her there! Grandma will be back soon, anyways! You two worry too much!
Latasha: What? Grandma, she's on vacation. She won't be back for two days. You know how she feels about the latest technology, so we had no way to contact her. Her neighbours told us where she went, though. Anyway, Carmen could've been seriously hurt! You realize that?!
Cynthia: Aren't you overreacting, a bit? Just come home, okay? We can talk about this.
Latasha: Huh? We're never going back!
Cynthia: What?!
Latasha: I know why you're like this to Carmen... I know everything! I'll never forgive you, Mom! I'm gonna take care of Carmen, from now on!
Cynthia: What?! You got this all wrong...
Latasha: You're dead to me! Go to hell, Mom!
Cynthia: What?! Latasha! *missed call* Latasha! Pick up!
*A Few Minutes Later*
Cynthia: Hey! Where are you?! Are you with Latasha?
Jimmy Reed: Yeah...
Cynthia: Can you talk to her for me? Tell her this is all a misunderstanding!
Jimmy Reed: Yeah, I don't think so! I should've known better! You're a terrible person, Cynthia! You done crossed a line! Multitudes of lines, in fact!
Cynthia: What? What are you saying? Why do you guys care about Carmen, anyway? She's dumb and ugly! We already got Latasha! Forget about Carmen! That's why I took her to Sacramento!
Jimmy Reed: What the bloody hell is wrong with you, Cynthia? She's your daughter, for God's sake! You're unbelievable! I can't believe that you're the woman that I chose to marry!
Cynthia: What? So this is my fault, now? Listen up. I'm the one that gave birth to them. I'm their mother! Their job is to make me proud! It's the least they can do! But Carmen...
Jimmy Reed: You've said enough! Stop talking! As a mother, you're supposed to love and support your children! Not treat them as if they were disposable property!
Cynthia: But think about it! What if Carmen was never born? That would've been so much better! Listen, let's just leave Carmen in Sacramento. What do you think?
Jimmy Reed: You disgust me! That is no way for a mother to regard her own daughter! No wonder she's been crying to me, so much! And to think that I've been giving her false reassurance about you loving her! Because I didn't want to think that my wife could feel differently about our own daughter!
Cynthia: Huh?
Jimmy Reed: All you care about is looks! So much so that you had the audacity to abandon our daughter alone in a big city... just because you think she doesn't look pretty! Not that our children are even under any obligation to make us proud - but, seeing as how that's so important to you, I have news for you! Carmen passed the Global Mathematics Certification.
Cynthia: Wait.. What?!
Jimmy Reed: Last week's parents' day... Latasha was there. They announced it in front of the whole class.
Cynthia: Seriously? I had no idea!
Jimmy Reed: The teacher said she was a genius. She said that she might win the Nobel prize someday.
Cynthia: Nobel prize?! That's amazing! I had no idea Carmen was so talented! When are you guys coming home?! We gotta celebrate!
Jimmy Reed: You're joking me, right? You were hellbent on writing off Carmen because you thought she wasn't pretty enough, you didn't even bother to pay any attention to her! What kind of a mother are you?! In fact, she was hoping that maybe... just maybe... you would one day show her the same love and affection that you show Latasha. That's why she wanted you to be there, in fact. She was trying to EARN your love. She was hoping that you would REWARD her by loving her. No kid should have to feel like they need to earn their parent's love, Cynthia! But you don't even care! You're deplorable!
Cynthia: Of course I care! And look whose talking! You're the one that's always working!
Jimmy Reed: Well, I will contend that I haven't been the epitome of an attentive parent. However, I also recognized the error of my ways - and I apologized to them with sincerity. From this day forward, I will work hard to make amends for having been a workaholic. As soon as Latasha expressed her concerns with me about your treatment of Carmen, I knew how much both of my girls meant to me. That's why I took Carmen out for ice cream, that night. To show her that she has at least one loving parent!
Cynthia: Fine, then! I'll apologize, too! Just come home already! How long are you guys gonna stay there?
Jimmy Reed: We're not coming home!
Cynthia: Huh?!
Jimmy Reed: I want a divorce! I'll send the papers over, tomorrow. It's over! What you did to Carmen is inexcusable and unforgivable! I might've made mistakes as a parent by putting too much focus into my job - but abandoning Carmen in Sacramento was no mistake! Apples and oranges.
Cynthia: What?! You can't do that! Go to hell! I'll never sign them!
Jimmy Reed: Fine, then! I guess we'll see you in court! I also plan to charge you with child abandonment and child endangerment!
Cynthia: Why? They're my daughters! I can do what I want with them! You can't take them away from me!
Jimmy Reed: Ugh! Listen, Cynthia! You abandoned Carmen. You left her in the streets all be herself! You're never seeing them, again! Deal with it! The last thing I want to happen is for you to abandon Carmen in Canada, next! Or Russia! I'm gonna take care of them from now on!
Cynthia: No! Wait! Hold on! You're not taking them away from me! They're my daughters! They'll never leave me like this!
Jimmy Reed: If you wanna talk to them yourself, fine - but... I think their minds are made up...
Latasha: She actually came to talk to us, after that. Did she really think we'd choose her over Dad? She wanted to take us on a vacation to "make it up" to us. Needless to say, we refused. She already bought tickets, so she asked her friends to go with her - but, they all said no with her. Anyways, when we told her that we never wanted to see her again... she flipped out. She started screaming like a lunatic. But then the neighbours called the cops on her. She ended up getting arrested. I guess she got what she deserved, lol. She's still trying to fight the divorce, but it wasn't looking good for her. It appears that she'll also have to pay us some compensation money for what did to Carmen. When Grandma returned from her vacation, we explained to her what had happened - and she was horrified! She ended up disowning Mom for that - and she let Dad, Carmen, and me stay with her for awhile. As we said before, she might be a bit old-fashioned - but her home and yard is very cozy and charming. She wonders where she went wrong as a parent and a person with raising Mom, but we all tell her not to be so hard on herself. Eventually, though, we plan to move out into a new house close to Grandma - so that we can continue to visit her regularly. It's a very exciting opportunity for us. I'm just glad Mom's out of our lives, now. Carmen finally made peace with knowing that Mom will never love her - but she doesn't want love from such a deplorable person, anyway! Neither do I! Time to move on!
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bluesky88diary · 1 year
Trust God with all your heart and don't lean on your own understanding. The providence. Some call it fate, but fate is a little different. God always gives you a choice to trust divine or human.
In 2019 I wish to go for fan meeting in Japan to meet Hara, but couldn’t make a step, lost in doubts. Then my friend told me about one guy, who was playing on streets in Japan without visa. Similar like in Hong-Kong you come as a visitor for two week, then you have to leave. That guy was traveling in a village of Japan that isn't part of Japan, stay there for week end and then re-enter without visa again. After hearing this I had deep regrets I didn't give it a chance, merely trusting God will provide everything I need, like it was in Hong-Kong.
After I decided meet you at the fan meeting I didn't even doubt something can prevent me to go. First, this story about short term visitor, second, Japan is kindly accepting Ukrainian refugees. I thought I have no reason to doubt, won't let worries consume me like the last time, that I couldn’t make a step. Then over week before flight suddenly I found out that Ukrainians need visa, so worries came. They was so bad that I couldn’t think clear or even sleep well. "What if I was wrong?" I thought to apply for e-visa, but there was no option for one way traveler. Japanese consulate located in Washington, in order to travel there I supposed to quit job earlier. I didn't know what to do, only pray for wisdom and guidance. Then peace came, God will take care. Then again I thought maybe I need visa though, again worries overflowed me. But each time I prayed peace come. Jesus can carry me through. However I couldn’t think clear, because today I find out that in New-York is also Japanese consulate, it's very close to my place and I could apply for visa in person without problems, but some why I didn't have such a thought.
After I arrived in LA allergy immediately struck me, then in hostel one guy turned on fan in midnight and I got cold. However pills and medicine helped me to fit good condition. I wasn't worry, ready for the upcoming flight and excited to face future, finally to meet you. At the airport I arrived at 6 am, very early. More than enough time, but couldn’t check-in online my ticket. Then waiting line was so unusual. It took two and half hour to wait, some people lost their flights unable to check-in in time. Officer asked me about PCR test, and after I said, "this requirement was canceled yesterday", she checked and said "Thanks God". I was very optimistic even facing some difficulties. I told her clear about my case and she made few calls, then said that Japan has strict rules and don't allow them to give flight permission without visa. Then I explained my case more clear, hoping for humanitarian visa they provide for Ukrainians in port of entry. She made few calls again and kindly asked me few questions and then gave me Japanese consulate contacts to make visa first. So she didn't let me take a flight.
I don't understand why. I'm sure in Japan customs officer would solve this question without problems, but I couldn’t even get there just because… I don't understand many things in this life though.
Maybe I want God do too much for me. But no, God won't do your job for you. Looks like I was too much self secure… I'm not good with business and planning. My trips always spontaneous to end up in random places… Though many miracles happen, but maybe God teaches me to be more responsible, what is required for family also. However, don't you know, I'm always late… Cannot plan properly. But even this is very good. Because only loyal loving woman will be patient enough to wait for me.
Please forgive me my foolishness. Forgive me I cannot come this time.
Dear Seun-Yeon, from very first sight I fell in love with you. However, this connection appeared lost, but again after years it remains in depth of heart. Facing many difficulties, I'm also facing you again and again. Isn't this providence of God? I don't say 'fate', because fate sound cruel for me. God is kindly loving. I like to trust him more.
Sigh… I wish to be on time. 진짜!
But I don't give up. It's hard, very hard for me as for infj type. Maybe you can understand. Next days I'm going in Japanese consulate in NY and will ask them kindly for guidance how to reach Japan.
Keep praying. 화이팅!!
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avatar-anna · 2 years
Thank you so much for making Latina!reader imagines!!! I was wondering if you could do one that features bad bunny? Like he is either an ex or a very close friend of the reader who's Mexican/Puerto Rican and Harry gets jealous and starts questioning if she would be better with someone like that? Basically he just sees her in her home and her roots and how she has a life that doesn't revolve around him like his other girlfriends had
Sorry it's so long!! But pls don't think you even need to think about this. Just a thought from my over active mind. <333 estás tan increíble
umm...of COURSE i will :))
"Like this, bubba, see?"
You did the steps, nice and slow so he could watch where your feet were going, then stopped, gesturing for him to continue.
Harry did his best to replicate what you'd just done, following along to your count of, "Five, six, seven, eight!", but to no avail. He kept forgetting which foot went where and tripping over himself. He prided himself on being good at most things he did, but dancing seemed to be the one thing he couldn't quite grasp. A fact you both knew, that you had no issue with, but Harry insisted that you teach him.
You didn't know where this sudden fixation on learning to dance came from, but you were more than happy to show your boyfriend a couple basic steps. Not that you were a professional by any means, but that didn't matter. Growing up, dancing was as common as eating. Your parents would have house parties and when it was time for bed, you would go to sleep, but the party continued well into the morning downstairs. When you were old enough, you joined in on the fun, and dancing had been a way for you to let go and forget about any worries ever since.
Dancing followed you in a non-professional sense most of your life. In college, you and your roommates were known for throwing dance parties, and it became a way for you and the other Latin American students to connect, bonding over songs you all collectively grew up with and the ones your generation discovered on your own.
When you brought Harry home for the first time, you worried he would have a hard time fitting in. Some of your family members didn't speak English very well, or at all, and you knew that stepping into an entirely different world would be something of a culture shock for your newly minted boyfriend. But you really liked him, could see a future that lasted a lifetime with him, and once everyone in your family saw that, you knew there wouldn't be any problems.
And perhaps you didn't have enough faith in Harry, because he charmed every single one of your family members, even the ones you had to translate for. It went so well, you weren't even sure why you were worried in the first place.
Fast forward to a couple years later, and he was the love of your life. You went with him on tour when you could, singing every word to each song he performed, and he washed your hair and rubbed your back when you were stressed.
Without realizing it, you'd left that party-life behind, staying in with Harry or coming home at a reasonable hour when you did go out. You didn't dislike the life you were living, you couldn't be happier, but there were moments where you looked back and wished Harry was into going out just a little bit more. When you first started dating, you'd gone to a couple clubs together, but it just wasn't what you were used to. Your lives were different in a lot of ways, not in a bad way, just very different.
Why Harry wanted you to teach him to dance was a mystery to you, but it was an opportunity to step into your world a bit, to see a side of you he didn't often get to. That's what you assumed his reasoning was, at least, and it was, but it was also a lot more.
"I don't know why I can't get it," he said, and you could hear inklings of frustration start to enter his voice.
"It's okay, bubba," you said, going over to him. "Dancing isn't meant to be thought about. You just gotta feel it."
"I am feeling it," he grumbled, but you didn't take it to heart. One thing you learned about your boyfriend was that if he didn't get something right away, he immediately wanted to quit, but you weren't letting him off so easily.
You and Harry kept at it for another half hour, but he just kept getting more and more frustrated, which made him harder to teach. You finally called it a day, not wanting to get into a fight over nothing, and gave him his space to calm down while you went up to shower. When you came back downstairs, you almost died from a cuteness overload.
Harry was trying, counting the steps out loud and holding his arms out like they were on your hands and waist. As you watched from afar, you saw him start to get it. He wasn't very smooth, but he had the steps down, and seeing him try so hard was probably the hottest thing you'd ever seen.
"That was great, bubba," you said, taking a chance by interrupting him and letting him know you'd been watching the last few minutes.
He startled a little, but he wasn't angry with you for spying on him. "You think so? I feel silly."
"That's just because you didn't have a partner."
You got up and went over to where he was standing in his living room, the couches pushed back to create a makeshift dancefloor. Grabbing Harry's phone, you queued up a Bad Bunny song, but before you could set it down, he asked you to change it.
"Can I ask why?" you asked after putting something else on.
"Didn't you have a one night stand with him?"
If you had been drinking something, you would've sprayed it all over Harry, soaking his face and shirt. "What? Where the hell did you hear that?"
"Did you?" he asked, his face red. From anger or embarrassment, you weren't sure. Probably both, and you felt the same.
"No, I did not have a one night stand with Bad Bunny," you said, realizing that that was probably the most bizarre sentence you'd ever said in your life. "He bought me a drink once, but that was about it."
You gave him a flat look. "Yeah. Oh. You'll be happy to know you're the only celebrity I've slept with."
"I'm sorry, I know it wasn't my place to ask," he said. He scratched the back of his neck sheepishly, trying to avoid your stare, but he couldn't for long. You would pin him with your, I want the truth and I want it now, please, stare until he told you where he came up with that idea.
"When your friends were over that one time, you were all talking so fast I could hardly keep up," he said. You recalled the event in question. Your friends wanted to get together, but you were staying at Harry's place that weekend, so you'd originally told them no. But Harry surprised you and said they were welcome anytime.
"I remember," you said.
Harry had slowly picked up Spanish over the years, but sometimes when you spoke with friends and family, you spoke to fast and he couldn't quite catch everything.
"I heard the name, and they all kept pushing you around and teasing you. It's like they wanted you with him instead of me."
Now you felt like a dick.
You recalled you and your friends revisiting that particular memory. You'd all gone to Puerto Rico for a summer vacation, and Bad Bunny was just becoming a household name. It was that classic cliche of you being seen across the bar and him ordering you a drink. The most you'd done was go over, thank him for it, then talk to him for about ten minutes before one of your friends said they were done for the night, so go home with him or them. You weren't really in the mood for anything, so you said your goodbyes to a future Latin American superstar and went back to your hotel. Imagine your surprise a few weeks later when the guy who bought you a drink at a small club in Puerto Rico was suddenly everywhere. You didn't talk about it often, but your friends did like to joke about, "what could've been," and "what were the chances." It was all harmless, and you were happier than ever, but Harry obviously didn't feel that way.
"Harry, what's this really about?"
He wouldn't look at you, which was how you knew he was really upset. "I just feel like you would be happier if you were with someone who could...I don't know, relate to you better or something."
Sighing, you took his hand and led him toward the couch. He was all sweaty, but you didn't care, pulling him so that he was resting comfortably between your legs. As you ran your hands through his hair, you said, "I love you."
"I love you too."
"You make me happy like no one else, bubba. Words can't describe it," you said, brushing his cheek with your thumb idly. "We come from two different worlds, but I don't think that's a reason for us to not be together, do you?"
"No," he sighed. "I'm sorry, I don't know why I get so insecure about that stuff. You make me happy like no one else too. I'm just scared to lose that, I think."
"Don't be sorry. You know I get that way sometimes too. Let's try and talk about it next time and not bottle it all up, okay?"
"Okay. Kiss?"
You leaned over him and kissed him upside down. When you separated, he turned over so that you were chest to chest and had better access to you. Squishing his cheeks together, you kissed him again, but when you pulled away, you kept his lips puckered.
"And for the record, my friends and family all love you. I know you know that."
"I do," he said, his words muffled from the way his cheeks were all squished together. "Your sister said she couldn't wait to pass off Lord of the Rings marathons to someone else."
"You know what, just for that," you said, standing up and searching for his TV remote. Harry was mock-begging and pleading for you not to put on your favorite films, but you knew he wasn't serious. Not totally, anyway.
Halfway through the movie, he kissed your temple and squeezed you closer to his side. "I still want to keep learning, though. The dancing."
"You got it. I've been told I'm an exellent teacher," you said, grinning but not taking your eyes off the screen.
"Debatable," Harry teased.
"You're gonna wish you hadn't said that. I was nice to you before, but I'm gonna be a drill sergeant now."
Harry only laughed and squeezed you tighter. Tipping your head towards him, you saw that he was already looking down at you, waiting. When you kissed him, you knew everything was gonna be just fine.
i realize that i've put this couple through a lot. i promise they're very happy and in love and do more than just cry and get insecure about their relationship. the next time you see them they'll hopefully be doing something fun and not just talking about their feelings lol
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