#and i gotta decide on the new name
naamahdarling · 6 months
#my psych who prescribes my psych meds is a resident and is moving on in a couple of months#i don't even remember the names of them all at this point#this happens over and over and I cannot find a clinic that will put me with someone who intends to stay#thst will also prescribe my adhd meds#and my anxiety meds#and the real kicker is that twice now they have LIED about it and said they would#only to reveal after all the hoop-jumping that oops sorry they didn't really mean it#so it's a risk i have to take any time i leave#and rhen there's the issue of new people almost always wanting to DO something#but instead of talking to me about it they just decide that my meds need overhauling and pressure me to go off shit that works#but that they morally object to i guess#and my psych for some stupid reason has decided she wants bloodwork for my cholesterol and blood sugar stuff and im just like#what hell does THIS presage because if she harasses me about the results or tries to put me on drugs for that#I'll give her a nasty scrap about it#im not interested in those meds at all#and im certainly not messing with my diet since food is the only pleasure i get most days and even that is marginal at best#and removing that would just make me worse#but medpros for the most part really don't give a fuck about that#and so now im afraid - because i do not and cannot trust them - that if i disapprove of the meds they will retaliate somehow#which good luck proving that when management and oversight often don't even care if they course of treatment will HARM you#if it relates to being fat or having bad numbers#they just gotta pathologize!#so yeah im sick of everything and just kind of want to bury myself in a bog forever#i shouldn't have to deal with this
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iceeericeee · 11 months
I wonder how many tags i can add on to this
#there must be SOME kind of a limit otherwise posts would get suuuuuuper duper long like is it just 30?#idk but i'm going to find out by simply maxxing out the character limit for each tag and finding out the limit of tags for each post lololo#this is gonna be great. i just have to remember to type without ever using the comma. it shouldn't be too hard right? fuck i almost typed#the comma i'm already bad at this smh my head. also if your still here i commend you. you have a better attention span than i do.#i'm already starting to get bored holy shit this is not happening. i gotta power through this. FOR SCIENCEEEEEEEEEE. or somethinggggggggggg#but fr idk what else to say. maybe just saying that i don't know what to say will be good enough? but does that even count?#I don't even know anymore. ffffffffuck. this is gonna be a while huh? also holy shit if you're still here omg u deserve like. a prize or#something because u definitely didn't have to stay and read all of this bull shit. lololol i typed out bs but decided to just spell the who#thing out just to make it go by faster. i'm so lazy. this is only the nineth tag HOW will i make it to 30. i am sobbing the adhd is adhding#very hard rn. are you still here? bruh this is insane. i have somehow managed to keep ur attention this long and it's just me spouting#absolute balderdash. wait do you know what balderdash even means? i don't care if you do already i'm gonna tell you anyway. balderdash is#basically just another word for nonsense. boom. you learned something new today. balderdash equals nonsense equals this damn post.#why did i decide to do this in the first place. it was a dumb idea. i don't know if i can even keep going. this is only the *counts tags*#it's the 14th tag. we've got a long way to go boys. men. soldiers. comrads. friends. besties peeps. marshmallows.#where was i going with this? oh yeah. trying to max out the limit for tags. dang i almost typed a comma there. i haven't done that since#i think the third or fourth tag. dang that feels like such a long time ago. not for you guys probably. it feels longer because i have to li#type it all out and stuff. so it's definitely gonna feel longer for me. are you still here? good lord don't you have better things to#be doing than reading all of this? we're already on tag number 18. it feels like i should be on the thirtyeth by now. or however it's spell#'toast' you might be wondering 'why are you typing out the names of the numbers instead of say '9' or '5'?' well you see. young one.#this is a strategy i'm using to make each tag slightly longer. even if i don't know how to spell it. it'll make it just a little bit longer#anyway. i got off topic. not that there was ever a topic to begin with. unless it's about making this as long as i can.#which i am apparently good at doing. i guess. are you STILL here? do you seriously have nothing to do? i guess i'm flattered you stayed thi#whole time. instead of reading something else you stayed here. with me. listening to me talk. on the twenty-third tag. oh yeah its tag 23#except now it's tag twenty-four. how crazy is that. this little talk is almost over. only 6 tags away if memory serves right. this's strang#i kind of don't want this to end. but i know it should. after all there is a limit. but all things must come to and end at some point i gue#i'm running out of things to say. it's probably a good thing it's almost over. hahahahah............... but i don't want to go. i don't wan#to leave this post. i've worked so hard on it. and for what. just for it to end. are you still here? yes? good. i'd hate to end this alone.#thank you for indulging me and my craziness. the end is only 2 tags away now. you can go ahead and leave. i'll be okay on my own. really...#...you're still here? i- i don't know what to say. i suppose a toast is in order. perhaps. for this journey. this stupid dumb post i though#would be fun. i'll make it short. it's the last tag after all. this was fun. but i will never do it again. so long as a i live. i'll miss y
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arlathen · 16 days
<- is suddenly getting brain worms about a rook
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doctorbrown · 1 year
DOCTOBER '23 ⸺ 「 7 / 31 * FAMILY 」
December 31, 1999
❝Hey Doc, I just wanted to say thanks again for inviting us over. You know, the twins, they really look up to Jules and Verne❞—both Emmett and Marty glance over to the living room floor, where Verne is sprawled out on his chest besides two young, bright blue-eyed children, playing with souped up toy cars on a holographic course that Verne manipulates at will—❝and Jen really loves Clara and—❞
Ellie's car has just crashed into the wall of the bank and Verne makes dramatic explosion noises, earning a series of uncontrollable giggles from the three year old who leaves the car half-phased through the wall. Curie—the longhaired collie—perks her head up from where she was slumbering on the couch and immediately hops down, padding over to where Verne and the children are laying.
Verne sputters when Curie sits down on top of a section of his holographic city. Some of the buildings disappear in her thick fur, only for a few rooftops and spires to protrude from her back instead. She wags her tail and it's young Emmett's turn now to be delighted by the sight of the dog as she cleaves fake buildings in two with her tail.
Emmett silences Marty with a hand on his shoulder and a warm smile. ❝You're family, Marty. You, Jennifer, and young Ellie and Emmett. Besides, you only get to see something like this once! We're welcoming a brand new millennium and there's nobody in the universe I would rather usher it in with.❞
Despite the obvious lie coming from the father of time—the inventor of time travel; even Jules momentarily paused in his channel surfing to throw a look over his shoulder at his father—himself, Marty only raises a brow before breaking out into a wide grin. They could watch the clock tick down to the year two thousand as many times as they wanted from anywhere in the world with the time vehicles, but this was the real deal.
The first time. No universe ending paradoxes waiting to ruin the celebrations, no 'let's compare the various new years' traditions', no extenuating circumstances.
Just them, the people most important in their lives, and a countdown that, for once, designates unbridled hope. The future.
We've made it. And though the temptation is still there to check, to make sure Marty's future continues on the bright path it has been since he finally listened and avoided that devastating accident, Emmett has managed to restrain himself thusfar to allow everything to happen in real-time around him.
❝I almost can't believe it, you know?❞ Marty says, and Emmett nods once, slowly, unable to stop the memories from flooding back. ❝That we've actually made it, and—❞
❝Emmett, dear.❞ Clara's voice rings out from the adjoining kitchen, stopping Marty's thoughts in his tracks. ❝There's only seven minutes to the new year; can you go grab the bag that I left on the counter? The camera should be there too! Marty❞—Clara finally emerges from the kitchen with Jennifer in tow, who is balancing a very large sheet cake in her arms—❝be a dear and clear away the rest of the snacks from the table, would you?❞
Both men nod in acceptance of their respective duties and Emmett pecks Clara on the cheek as he disappears into the kitchen. The bag is exactly where she said it would be and curiosity eats away at him; his beloved wife had clearly planned something else for the evening without his knowledge and he considers peering in at risk of ruining the surprise she'd clearly put a lot of thought and effort into.
The new year will be here in—he checks the wall of clocks, ticking rhythmically in perfect synchronisation—five minutes. He can wait that long.
Everyone is gathered around the table, staring at the cake proudly displayed on the table, where a big blue '2000' is written on top, next to the words, Happy New Year! Jen and Clara are a few steps away from them, looking incredibly pleased with their work, and Clara's eyes light up as Emmett places the bag gently in her hand, then joins the others around the table to look at the cake.
In the background, some announcer's voice drones on about there being five minutes left until the new year while footage of the clock tower and a gaggle of people are projected on-screen.
Clara pulls a small golden hat out of the bag for herself with the year written on the front in sparkling silver font, then hands a matching one to Jen, who immediately puts it on. For most of the boys, Clara produces a garish pair of sunglasses from the bag shaped like '2000' in various colours.
Verne makes a face but slips them on anyway, and both Emmett and Marty hold them up to inspect them as if they're suddenly about to explode in their hands in a shower of sparks.
❝Mother,❞ Jules starts, ❝you really didn't have to do this...❞
❝I know we have the time machines, but it's not every day you live the course of your natural life through the turn of a brand new millennium, so I wanted to celebrate. You only have to wear them for the photo, Jules, and you can take them off if you want.❞
Verne grins and throws an arm around Jules' shoulders. ❝Yeah, come on. They might actually make you look better.❞
Emmett slips on his blue glasses with a shrug and then holds his arms out to Marty, as if to ask how do I look? Marty laughs and shakes his head but follows suit, and there's a comment somewhere about how cute they both look, but neither of them are sure if the comment came from Jen or Clara, so in the moment, they decide they said it in unison.
❝Verne, honey, put this on Curie, would you?❞ Clara hands him a colourful bandanna adorned with confetti spirals. ❝And everyone line up. I'll get some of the clocks in the picture so we have the time and—Emmett, you're sure this timer feature will work?❞
❝Positive, dear. I tested it myself.❞
There's less than a minute left on the countdown by the time Clara sets up the camera and hurries over for the photo, taking her place at Emmett's side.
The flash goes off at exactly midnight and as the two couples share a quick kiss, both Jules and Verne make obnoxious gagging noises while the McFly twins stare longingly at the cake on the table.
A chorus of happy new years ring out among the families and as Marty pulls Emmett in for a hug, ❝Happy New Year, Doc,❞ somebody announces that cake is being served.
Emmett pats him twice on the back, smiling. ❝Here's to the future. Now, let's get some of that cake, shall we?❞
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be-good-to-bugs · 10 months
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2023 / wip / they will absolutely wreck ur shit but in a cute girl way (rot, destruction, infestation) also theyre a band
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corpsoir · 2 years
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hi. ever wondered how skagen got his scar over his eye. well i wrote a little silly story about it have funnnn if theres misspellings or weird grammar no theres not dont look at it <3
its about 1.4k words long!
cw for drowning!
He has dreamt about drowning. Read about it in books, seen it in movies too. All of that had failed to mention just how badly it would hurt and how exhausting it is. Every single gasp for air feels like knives in his chest, but then again, it’s not much air he’s breathing in after all. His lungs are filled with the salt of the sea around him, the loud crashing of the waves against the rocks fills his ears, making him feel dizzy. His arms and legs feel like they're made of lead, fighting the waves becomes increasingly impossible the more he moves.
How did he even end up here? Skagen’s mind feels foggy and blurry, and instead of focusing on trying to keep his head above the waves, his mind wanders. It’s easier than trying to fight the sea anyways, and oh he’s so tired… Oh, how easy it would be to just... Let go and relax, letting the sea cradle him and rock him until his eyelids feel like heavy leather, impossible to keep open. One wave sweeps him farther away from the rocks, and the next sends him hurtling against them. Somewhere in the distance he can feel the barnacles tearing his skin open.
The salt in Skagen's eyes and lungs stings. The waves are whispering and roaring simultaneously, and he feels himself floating away to just this morning, lying safely in bed under his warm covers. The memory already feels a little bit blurry around the edges, like spilled water on an ink drawing. Was it really just this morning? It feels like it's been eons. Another gasp for air just fills his lungs with more water. He misses his blanket; this shit is cold and kind of sucks.
Skagen let’s himself get carried away by the sea, back to his warm bed under the covers, the morning sun casting golden stripes in his room, tickling his eyelashes. A hand brushes his hair from his cheek, and he can feel a tired smile forming on his face. The hand then grabs his shoulder and shakes him impatiently.
"Stooop, just five more minutes, come on..." he drawls.
Skagen is hit by a cold rush or air when the covers are lifted, and someone slinks in beside him. Oh, that's right. Solvei had stayed over for a sleepover, now he remembers... Or... Does he? The memory is getting really grainy, the ink on the paper losing its original shape becoming a pitch black, shapeless swirl in the water.
He's so warm and cosy here, his bed rocking him back to sleep. Just five more minutes. Arms still heavy as lead, wrapping them around Solvei proves to be a challenge. Is she slipping away from him already?
"What the hell Sol, come back, where are you going...?" he mumbles, or at least he tries to. All he can muster is a wet gurgle, and it burns. Oh, it burns and his entire face hurts. The covers suddenly feel sharp, like they’re digging into his skin, the pillow a sharp point straight through his eye.
"Skagen," he can hear Solvei saying somewhere far away, above him. "Open your eyes, you idiot."
He does.
He's greeted with the worst pain he's ever felt in his life. His face feels like it's being split in half, torn apart, and a rush of adrenaline surges through his body. Skagen tries to whip his head around to find the surface, but the pain is literally pulling on his face, and the water around him is red, thick with blood.
Wait, are there sharks on the west coast? The thought suddenly hits him out of nowhere, until he realises it’s a fucking stupid thought and he’s currently drowning. There are no blood-thirsty sharks in Sweden. There is water in his lungs though.
He can barely see anything. His hair, the seaweed, the blood, the sunshine breaking through the surface above, all rendering him completely unable to see.
Something yanks on him then, the pain in his face shooting through his entire body, and suddenly he breaks through the surface, yet again feeling his skin being torn apart by the barnacles on the rocks. He wants to scream, but instead of noise its water rushing out of his lungs.
While in the water, his arms and legs felt heavy and difficult to move, but now it's virtually impossible. He tries to sit up, tries to move his arms and get away from the waves lapping at his feet and legs, but no matter what he does he can’t force his muscles to move even an inch.
He can hear someone shouting, a man’s voice. Stop yelling, Skagen thinks. I’m trying to sleep here, can you shut up?
The last rush of adrenaline he felt has left him, and he's left a cold, bruised and bloody mess on the rocks.
Next thing he knows, he's in a hospital bed. Warm blankets remind him of this morning again. Oh, this feels nice actually, it's just what he needed! Warm, cosy, it feels like he's floating. He can hear his parents outside, but their conversation is muffled and sounds... Weird. It's as if someone pitched everything down and made every noise sound offbeat and out of tune. There's a pressure on his face and opening his eyes he realises his right eye has been covered with something. He tries to raise his hand to poke at whatever is covering his face.
Someone is holding his hand in place.
"If you would've died there, I would've killed you, Skagen."
Ah, it's Solvei.
Grinning, he turns to look at her. "What're you talking about... I’d be double dead…” he grumbles. God, his vocal cords feel like they’re made of sandpaper. Sound like it, too.
Solvei slaps the hand she's holding and doesn't return his smile. The slight upward twitch in the corners of her lips doesn't go unnoticed by Skagen though.
"You-... Shut up, you were drowning! Stop joking, you scared the shit out of me! They had to bring you here with a fucking helicopter! What if it had crashed!" She is genuinely upset with him, that much is clear. Skagen feels a sting of guilt. He shuffles onto his elbows and slowly sits up, even this little movement renders him out of breath. Ugh, breathing hurts.
"Are you saying I got to fly in a helicopter, and I don't even remember it?" he says, voice strained.
Another slap on his hand sends him into a hoarse laughing fit, and this time Solvei can't keep herself from smiling.
"Careful, before I go tell the nurse to bring me water to finish what the sea started, you idiot."
Skagen scrunches his nose, pokes his tongue out at her and lies down again. God, his body is tired, aching. Bones, muscles, lungs and everything. Especially his face.
About that.
Skagen raises his free hand to poke at the bandages. What the hell happened to him?
“I don’t think you should touch that; the doctor said it looked uh… Pretty bad. I didn’t get to see it though, he might be lying. I dunno.” Solvei lets go of his hand and runs her fingers through his bangs. Sectioning the hair off in even chunks, giving him a clumsy, five stranded braid.
Skagen pokes at his face anyways.
“I can’t really feel anything though, it’s probably not that bad. I think I just got hit with the boom when the boat gybed…” Skagen closes his eye and yawns.
Solvei snorts. Continues her messy braiding. “Uh, yeah no wonder you don’t feel anything, they’ve probably given you like, every painkiller ever. On the planet. And also,” she yanks the half-done braid playfully, “did you forget what I told you already? You nearly drowned. Some guy found you and helped you, said he was out fishing. Caught you on his hook.”
It takes a few seconds of Skagen processing what he’s hearing – no doubt the painkillers making his mind a little foggy – before he starts giggling uncontrollably.
“Would you still like me if I was a trout?” he wheezes.
The laughter erupting from Solvei is only making Skagen cackle more.
“No, you weirdo, I would turn you into fish fingers immediately!” Using the now finished braid she whips him over the nose with it. Gently, of course.
“I bet I would taste delicious.”
“I bet you would taste disgusting. Hey, your hair is still full of salt.”
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ghostlynimbus · 7 months
Thinking of jobs for everyone in this series is stressing me out 😭 why can't they all just be rich and unemployed
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calronhunt · 1 year
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Realized i could transport these guys into Kibby Cat World. Because I love their designs soooo much but i couldn't think of a plot for them in wc world. -yoink- into my insane kibby cat world now
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darabeatha · 8 months
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'King of braves' was such a badass title to give him im im im-
#;ooc#ooc#;c.amazotz#'if you do not believe me i will demonstrate it to you first hand' AUGHHHHOOHHHGGG#i dont tend to focus much on his lostbelt's side but i gotta admit that albeit his story was completely new#it was very cool#spoilers alert but basically theres like this ultimate alien thingy that wants to erradicate humanity and#its like turbo incredibly strong#and during that period of time; c.amazotz was the ruler of the humanity at that time and#bc this alien thing was so strong; all his kingdom decides to sacrifice themselves to give c.amazotz the power to#anihilate the alien; and its like 100 million people dying to fuse with him#this grants c.amazotz inmortality so he keeps fighting this incredibly strong alien for like 6million years#until he can finally wear out the alien and end up sealing it#so he has to fight constantly for millions of years all alone bc theres no more humanity left but him#and he has to live with this too; the insanity of all his people sacrificing themselves for him and the future#AHUM; something like that#now dont ask me why this alien thing is there or what does it want bc i tried multiple times to understand what it is and to this day#i have no idea what the heck ort is but ok#i tend to pluck my c.amazotz from his lb counterpart bc i like reading about the context behind him as a maya deity#and bc this wasnt really touched much in his lb besides the name and the fact he is a bat god and lives in the underworld#same thing happens with i.zcalli/m.octezuma and with a lot of lostbelt characters#they are shaped by the circumstances in -that- world mostly#so its like; i view it as AU's in a way??#lb servant and then the same servant but in regular summoning conditions
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musimoni · 10 months
made a bsky !!
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tvrningout-a · 1 year
do i call this vampire cult the children of endir, the children of nott, or something else entirely... pls help me bc naming things is hard asdf
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clementiens · 1 year
ok i have decided i'm changing my name. i was on the fence between fionn and liam (which had been a contender before i was born) so i'm just going to use both! fionn is my first name, liam and my current legal name will both be middle names. why not both. long names are nice
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I know it'll be a cold day in hell when Masato asks for Jo's input and actually listens but sometimes I like to think about Jo helping him pick out his new name. He never gave himself the opportunity when he was born and Arakawa had his turn yk... only he put actual thought into it and Jo's just like It Sounds Like Jo 😭😭
THAT WOULD BE CUTE WOLUDNT.... whenever i think of jo getting small chances to be a dad i feel my heart and soul grow 50 times its original size i SWEARRR (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)
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misswoozi · 2 years
The city of Tengoku was once a great metropolis, a futuristic utopia built on cutting edge technology. The city was clean, safe and advanced — a perfect place to live.
In 3041, a massive tech assault was unleashed on the world in the form of an aggressive computer virus. Within weeks of its introduction, it had reached the farthest corners of the globe, crippling entire countries by destroying its cyber infrastructure. Money was rendered useless. Security systems failed. Cars, trucks, busses, trains and planes — all controlled by advanced computer systems — were rerouted into buildings, bodies of water, crowds of people.
What followed was carnage. After months of looting, violence and various civil wars, the globe devolved into a third world war. Robots, once created to make life easier, were turned into weapons. Nobody was safe. Local governing bodies drastically changed the laws, most transforming their police force into an army.
By 3050, most of humanity has been killed, imprisoned or plunged into darkness. In some nations, small pockets of survivors live off the land, completely free of modern technology and the threats that they pose. Others roam the wasteland looking for a safe place to sleep.
But Tengoku remains. The population has been cut to ribbons, leaving only a few thousand survivors within the city limits. Those who remain are generally split into factions — underground rebels (with their own tech) who fight against the government's tyranny, diehard nationalists who bend to the city officials' every whim, virus-worshipping cultists part of a group called The Network and those who are just trying to survive in a new, broken society...
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redxriiot · 2 years
bodyguard au make brain go brr
#;mun has spoken#//Kiri has semi-canonically been noted to hvae a job as event security#//I should utilize that more jfbfb#//Him getting to be a celebrity's bodyguard during school breaks#//Or even some rich kid's; like gets hired by Yaoyorozu's fam bc they wanted one for her for formalities sake or whatever#//And she saw his name and went YES THAT ONE; FOR NO PARTICULAR REASON#//Maybe Endeavor hiring Ei to cover one of his kids; Natsu bc is still shook over the Ending incident#//Fuyumi bc he may have heard her mentioning she would like a helper and this is a subtle way at getting her an unofficial TA#//While also keeping her safe. Esp since he's heard good things from Sho (or if you follow game canon KNOWS Ei is good)#//Or sb to keep an eye on Sho bc the kid's just ALWAYS getting himself in trouble#//Or HECK#//AU where he didn't get into UA; even with his new strength; but wanted to protect people anyways#//So he just decided to do security full time#//Builds himself a bice rep bc he's super friendly but also super capable#//THEN gets to meeting the more prolific clients under his boss's recommendation after saying he's down to do bodyguard work#//Or smth idk; cant research specifics rn jfbbfbf#//The idea of him being a UA rich kid's bodyguard is p funny to me tho#//Like the hitman's bodyguard type beat#//intends to be a friend AND bodyguard tho; absolutely SPOILS his protectee#//Does them little tasks; makes them food ); gets them gifts –gotta keep em happy after all!#//Idk foods for thoughts#Plot ideas
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4giorno · 2 years
listen the geo construct, the flower, that albedo puts down is called the solar isotoma and the damage it emits is called transient blossom and youd best remember it 😤
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