#and i discover something new that really hasn't aged well
ottoline-otter · 1 year
Back to my yearly tradition of watching Summer Holiday and finding more new things that are horribly un-PC about it
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bluecollarmcandtf · 8 months
I'm so annoyed, my best friend has such an asshole for a husband. He basically never pays attention to her, all he cares about sport, beer and his friends. He never helps around the house and he's a lazy slob! He's always at the gym or going to the game with his bros. He's such a prick, maybe he should just be date his bros since he's so obsessed with them. He's always complaining about his wife "bothering him". Plus who would want to marry a slob anyway, as a husband he should be devoted to cleaning his house and caring about who he is married to.
I think I found the guy you're talking about, and you're totally right about him being an asshole. Your friend deserves better than an uncaring, selfish, pig-of-a-husband. That girl has tolerated him for too long! She won't be seeing him or his sexist buddies ever again when I'm done here...
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Just look at him! The first thing he does when he gets home is grab a beer and park that fat ass of his on the couch. Sure, he might hit the gym later on his way to the bar, but he's not planning on helping his wife out with dinner. He's not really planning on talking to her at all until he needs a blow job later tonight.
You mentioned his name was Brett, I think?
Well, Brett can barely hold a job. He's lucky you gave him a chance and got him a gig as a delivery man. I think he's been doing this for a month now, but he absolutely resents the work. Brett can't really enjoy anything unless he has a beer in his hand, and he absolutely hates wearing that stuffy little uniform.
Nevertheless, he's been consistently showing up so far; probably because his wife is waking him up, washing his clothes, and feeding him breakfast. Brett essentially only uses her as a maid and sex toy!
It's a good thing I've got something planned for Brett today as he starts his delivery rounds. He doesn't notice me following as he grumpily carries a package out of his truck, and he doesn't have time to react when I reach out and grab the back of his head.
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"You're not going to move," I command, sinking my fingers into the soft parts of his skull, "You're going to let me in."
A deep sigh blows out of Brett's mouth, and I know his willpower is gone. "I'm not going to move. I'll let you in..." he repeats numbly.
With permission, I shoot inside his mind, discovering much of what I expected. His thoughts revolve around meeting up with his bros after work. He hasn't genuinely cared to think about his wife in ages. His mind is just as simple and unlikeable as he is.
Good thing I'm here to change it!
"Brett, I'm changing your thoughts. You like that. You want me to rewrite you."
"You're..." he struggles to form words, "You're changing my thoughts. I like that. I want you to rewrite me..."
"Good," I grin maliciously.
Bringing my lips closer to his ear, I begin to fill his head with his new personality. He accepts all his new goals and dreams wholeheartedly. I imagine, you will like them. They're the ones you asked for...
Done for now, I pull out of his mind, whipping Brett back into consciousness! He gasps for air as he regains his senses, but then something overtakes him. He's taken off running down the street!
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I follow behind, knowing exactly where he'll end up. I must say that I enjoy watching his thick ass jogging away in those tight brown shorts. He's a lot more muscular than I gave him credit for.
I'm sure his new husband will enjoy that body of his too.
Brett sprints several blocks and runs straight up to a house at the end of the street. It's the home of one of his football buddies. I think his name might be Axel or Alex or something. I'm not sure.
Anyways, Brett bangs on the door, panting like a dog. When the door is finally opened, he wastes no time. Brett pulls his bro in for the long passionate kiss he's been waiting for.
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"Dude?" his friend mumbles as their lips part, "What are you doing?"
Little does he know that I already hypnotized him, too. He's going to accept everything Brett does like it's what he's wanted all along.
"Axel! Man, I love you!" Brett moans, pulling his football buddy in closer, "I want you to marry me. I'll quit my job and be your housewife. I'll be better at that! And you can boss me around and use me however you want, bro! I mean everything; cooking, cleaning, everything!"
"Woah, dude! That's a lot to take in," he hesitates, but already his mind is giving in, "But yeah. I like the sound of that. Being my wife means more than just cooking and cleaning though."
Brett looks at his new love earnestly. Meanwhile, Axel straightens up and crosses his arms to look rough.
"It means pleasure, whenever I want it and wherever I want it. It means you only get to watch the football games in between you serving me and my friends. By the way, they're just my friends now. Got it, dude?"
"Yeah," Brett whines, "Just let me start now!"
Axel smirks and pulls his new house husband into the house, giving him a possessive slap on the butt as they pass over the threshold.
"Alright, bitch. I'm gonna treat you just as bad as you did that old girl of yours."
"Who?" Brett asks out of genuine confusion, but he's already brushed off the comment and dropped to his knees.
"I don't know. Don't care either," Axel sneers, "Just get started. Haven't blown a load all day."
The faint sound of repetitive gagging echoes out of the house as the front door slams shut. It seems like my work here is done.
The football gang will enjoy having a very willing bro to take care of all their needs, and Brett will do it with a genuine smile on his face. That friend of yours is a free woman, so I suggest she find something fulfilling to do with her life. Brett may be trapped in another marriage, but she sure as hell isn't!
Hope you liked how I handled your problem!
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ai3xx0 · 5 months
Well me again because...okay, I have a question, do you have HC on Clay when he was a kid?? something that makes you say "this definitely happened"
(i like to ask questions... mainly about personal opinions sjfhkaks)
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I do!! and i drew a few of them here,,
I think that when he was a kid, Clay was SUPER flexible and athletic despite never really doing any training to get that way. Mainly, it would've been because he was an energetic little guy, and every new athletic move he'd discover would send his mom into shock. And I think he'd sit in the most ABYSMAL ways, as seen in the lower left, and you'd really wonder how he hasn't broken his spine yet. I also headcanon that he was really tall for his age, perhaps he got a growth spurt...i dunno, but i found a way to sneak my ver of kid Danielle into this so YAY!
im on FIRE today. i think its because i have a school presentation and this is the best way to procrastinate. hope you like it gang
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666writingcafe · 6 months
I know I'm being stupid. I shouldn't be following Simeon to his room after he blew up at us in the dining car. If he's anything like Satan, I might as well start digging my grave.
But I can't leave him alone. I don't know why; it's just a gut feeling that I have. Still, my gut has never led me astray. And I'm not talking about when its judgment is clouded by greed, but during situations like this one. You know, life and death sorta things.
I take a deep breath before opening the sliding door. Simeon's back is turned to me, appearing to look out the train window.
"Hello, Mammon." His voice sounds eerily calm, like how Lucifer gets sometimes right before he begins torturing people.
I can't flee. I have to see this through.
"Dude, what happened back there? I've never seen you react like that, not even during the war."
"That is none of your concern." Simeon slightly turns his head to the right. "Tell me, why did you feel the need to bully Luke?"
"That wasn't my original intention--"
"Answer the question."
"I will, if you'll let me finish!" Silence. "Look, I believe he needs to be taught how to relax. He's way too uptight. I mean, he can't even take a little joke! The kid's a real piece of work."
"It's only a joke when everyone involved finds it amusing."
"Well, I can't help wantin' to tease him sometimes! In some ways, he kinda reminds me of myself when I was that age."
"Oh, really?" Simeon doesn't believe me.
"Seriously?! Don't you remember what I was like once upon a time?"
"A nuisance?"
"Naive, Simeon. I was that lost puppy. Cute, friendly, energetic, but incredibly oblivious to what the real world was like. I mean, isn't that why you guys are sendin' him to the Devildom and human world in the first place?" He sighs.
"It's almost been three years, and yet from this side of things he hasn't learned jackshit. He's still convinced that the way angels do things is the right way. He doesn't wanna even consider that he could be wrong."
"Oh, like you're doing much better," Simeon snaps.
"At least I'm doing something! You're just standing around and waiting for Luke to discover the world on his own. He needs guidance! And sometimes that means forcing him to experience new things whether he likes it or not!"
"And who are they going to blame when shit hits the fan, Mammon?" Simeon's facing me now, staring daggers into my face. "You were in charge of MC during the exchange program; what would have happened if a demon decided to have them for lunch during their first ever week in the Devildom?"
"The demon would get in trouble, obviously. But I'm not sure what this has to do with Luke--"
"Do you wanna know what else would have happened?" I'm not going to get another word in until he's done ranting, am I?
"People would have begun asking questions," Simeon quickly continues. "'Where was Mammon at the time?' 'Why didn't he stop the demon from eating MC?' And if you weren't able to come up with acceptable answers to those questions, your ass would have been on the line, because you failed to do your job.
"Oh, maybe you'd escape with a light punishment. After all, you have friends in high places that can bail you out of trouble. But what if you used up all your chances? What if protecting MC and ensuring they survived the exchange program was the one thing that would save you from a fate worse than death? What would you do then, Mammon?"
Oh my God...I knew he'd gotten demoted due to his lack of cooperation during the early stages of the war, but I didn't realize he was that close to being sent there. It's the one place in the Devildom that the Celestial Realm has control over, and it's usually reserved for the worst of the worst. The truly irredeemable.
And he's right. Being sentenced there is a fate worse than death.
"Simeon, I'm sorry. I...I didn't know." I walk over to him and tentatively hover my hand over his shoulder. He remains still, allowing me to rest my hand on there.
"Only Michael and Raphael do," he whispers. "They were the ones that offered me the guardianship over Luke. If anything happens to him, they won't show me mercy again, especially in light of them discovering that fucking notebook."
"You know Lord Diavolo would take you in." Simeon shakes his head.
"I don't want to spend the rest of my existence serving him." He pauses. "I'm sure he's a kind master, but he still rules over you guys. I want to be under my own power."
"What about MC?" The question slips out of my mouth, causing a corner of Simeon's to curve up slightly.
"That is an arrangement I'd prefer to keep between me and them."
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befuddledcinnamonroll · 7 months
Cherry Magic (Thailand) - final thoughts
So this is where I confess I still haven't seen the original Cherry Magic (*ducks thrown fruit*). I know, I know! It really hasn't been on purpose, I just happened to get into BL at this very particular time where I was starting to catch up on quite a few recommended watches, and then we got this firehose of new content, and now I'm just eternally behind (good problems, I know).
All that to say that when the initial trailer came out, I didn't have any baggage from feelings about the previous one, so I kinda just ignored the complaints and thought it looked super cute and fluffy. And it was!
What I loved:
This show had such A+ casting. I love Tay & New. They're good individually, they're good together, they have great chemistry, and are fantastic actors. I was so glad to see Junior again after he was so stellar in Midnight Museum - playing a very different character, he has great range - and I like that they had tested his and Mark's chemistry there first, so they already had a good level of comfort here. And I adore Jan & Sing as well, so always happy to have them on screen.
I adore that this show prioritized showing healthy communication. People were willing to talk about things. Achi telling Karan about his mind-reading was so good. When things went wrong, like their first date, they would talk about it afterwards. The miscommunication trope is one of my most hated, because I have gotten to an age where I just strongly feel that no one has time for that kind of bullshit. And this show agreed with me!
Also the scene where Karan's sister gives feedback to their mother about how she's treating Karan was incredible, and if I have time at some point, I want to talk about how she nailed all the key elements of sharing feedback in a way that will encourage someone to truly hear it. (I know a lot of people don't like to hear this because it's easier to call people dumb or tell them to "shut the fuck up", but if you actually want to change minds, this is how you do it).
Getting more of an exploration of queer life at an older age, having to navigate your work and friends and families as you discover new things about yourself. We joke all the time about the glut of university shows, but seriously, that's a time that is well past for so many of us, and it means something to delve into more adult life.
Relatedly, I also really identified with Achi both as someone who is demi, and as someone who's realized things about my identity at a much later stage than most. It was nice to have that kind of representation.
The theme of what healthy love can bring to our lives. Most of the show is focused on romantic love, but I love that the platonic love and support also plays a very large part. We don't want to be dependent on others to feel good about ourselves and what we are capable of, but the support and caring of others can often be really important in being able to take that next big step, or to see something in yourself that you didn't even realize was there before.
Anyway this show is marshmallow fluff in visual form, and getting both this finale and Perfect Propose finale on the same weekend has left me with many warm fuzzies on my insides.
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jaydenix · 1 month
How to fix season 1 Bloom part 1
...out of 1000, because everything wrong with S1 goes back to Bloom getting too much screen time and one post can't possibly fix such a mammoth problem
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So season 1, Bloom's in this brand new crazy world filled with crazy things. There are fairies at Alfea, witches at Cloud Tower, and the boyfriend factory- I mean Red Fountain's got specialists. To Bloom, it's more or less everything she could have wanted right? In episode 1 we see she was reading a book about fairies until late into the night indicating she's holding onto her childhood aspirations well beyond the conventional age (which honestly: good on her I love her for that). And in episode 2 she says "I've always wanted to be a fairy with all my heart".
It's clear from this that Bloom has had a lifelong obsession with fairies and so discovering she is one should be unimaginably incredible to her (as it would be to most people). And so I ask: why didn't they delve into this more? After episode 2 we don't really see anything to reflect this aspiration of hers, which is disappointing because after I gave it some thought they could've fleshed this out and added more to her character. How I think it should've been done is have the odd moment beyond episode 2 to just have Bloom genuinely express how cool it is to be a fairy. Specifically in big moments like the first time she does a spell and ESPECIALLY the first time she transforms, like imagine how cool that would feel to anyone? It'd be awesome! Who wouldn't be gloating about it afterwards especially in Bloom's shoes as she didn't know even anything remotely like this was possible not long ago and because of the aforementioned interest in fairies. We just need an occasion like this sprinkled in where Bloom is filled with childlike wonder at the world she has found herself in, that would've been so good. For some comparison: in Miraculous Ladybug, remember the first time Alya became Rena Rouge? She was *so* excited to be fighting bad guys alongside Ladybug and Cat Noir. I want something similar to that for Bloom. Though alongside this it could've offered a bit of cynicism for Bloom, when things get tough she begins to express what she doesn't like about the new world with new pressures and threats, everything was so simple back home but this whole world is so much bigger than anything she could've expected and begins to doubt herself thinking maybe she hasn't got it in her to be a fairy. These doubts could have been what contributed to her leaving Magix to go back home in episode 17. And then when she loses the power of the dragonflame, she should've been completely distraught at what had happened, scared she may never get her powers back and wishing she didn't doubt herself. And once they're back in her hands she feels rejuvenated with life ready to take the down the Trix.
They didn't need this in season 2 and beyond. By that point it's mostly old news for the most part to her and she's more or less on the same level as everyone else. But it would've been such a nice way to humanise Bloom and make her more relatable. It would also contextualise her arc in season 1. Rather than just making her the omnipresent focus of the season, she's a curious young woman in a brand new world whose discovering who she really is whilst other characters get fleshed out enough.
Those are my thoughts for today, thank you for reading.
P.S: I really need to rewatch S2 honestly but I've got still got a lot to analyse and discuss from S1 so we'll see.
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cityandking · 3 months
1, 12, 14, 18 for dai, minah and vesper!
thank you my dear!! // questions about creating your ocs
1. What was the first element of your OC that you remember considering (name, appearance, backstory, etc.)? 
DAI — theme. I knew I wanted to play a religious character and I knew there was a very Present religious order in airedon that worshiped the sky gods, so he was initially born out of the concept of this really grounded, rooted, earth-adjacent character looking up at the sun and the sky and loving it and striving towards it. everything else kind of slotted into place from there. MINAH — backstory. it helped that we got a whole bunch of campaign lore (plus just, y'know, there's so much DA lore to work with). I always knew she was gonna be a bit unscrupulous and dissembling and kind of went from there. also, fun fact! she was originally gonna be a he VESPER — name. vesper was born out of the ashes (well, a long period of tweaking and re-consideration) of my first inquisition playthrough, so in a lot of ways I had everything set out in broad strokes, but it wasn't until I had a new name that I really began building a new (and better imo) character.
12. What have you found to be most difficult about creating art for your OC (any form of art: writing, drawing, edits, etc.)? 
ok well besides the fact that I can't draw them the way I wish I could draw them...
DAI — his voice is a little stiff and he doesn't do joy well. every now and then I'll have a thought about something (usually a dairef thing) and I just can't pin him down enough to get into it. this happens less when we're playing, but every now and then he just stalls out. MINAH — the secrets she (and I) must keep. also artistic skill rip (I just want to design warden armor) VESPER — her color palette honestly isn't super conducive to edits. also I started writing her ages ago and sometimes it's hard to get back to her voice; I feel like I use to write her much more easily
14. If you had to narrow it down to 2 things that you MUST keep in mind while working with your OC, what would those things be? 
DAI — first, he's upright in all things: morals, posture, obligation, kindness, vows. everything about him should feel like it's standing solid and straight-backed, like it could take a blow and stay standing. second, beneath all that honor and stalwart truth and hope is a deep well of wryness that he can draw from ad infinitum. it's where the bitchiness comes from MINAH — first, her gut instinct when talking about herself is always to lie or deflect, even when it's completely innocuous. there's usually at least one layer between what she says and what the truth is, even if the lie is only in the presentation or the performance. second, her loyalty goes deeper than she'll admit—she's fond of people and bonds easily, even though she tries to keep them at a comfortable arm's length VESPER — first, she is always ready to set herself on fire rather than see anyone else burn or freeze. she's got a martyr complex and a deep well of determination and the two don't play well together. second, she is so tired. she is so so tired. let her nap
18. What is the most recent thing you’ve discovered about your OC? 
DAI — oh lordy. most recent? it's either how hungry he is to know more about his family or how hungry he is to feel solid and real. I made a post a while back about 'how bloody is your OC' and looking back at that I think part of dai's problem in the astral sea is that he hasn't had a chance to get bloody—fighting himself was a good way to get into the meat of things (literally), and the god baby was better because it was tangible change. I think. I'm still trying to get a read on his mental state; he eludes me sometimes MINAH — honestly the cold-blooded mage murder was a surprise to me too VESPER — vesp has been so solid for so long idk what recent thing I've discovered about her. I'm sure I'll have new thoughts and feelings once veilguard drops
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saintsenara · 5 months
I'm this close of making a Severus Snape/Marlene Mckinnon fanfic. It hasn't left my head in past week. What are your thoughts on this ship?
my thoughts - anon - are that you should write this immediately.
i should say, though, that i really don't vibe with the idea that the entire first war order is the same age as the marauders [i don't think this makes sense from an operational standpoint, and i also don't think it makes sense from a deliciously miserable vibes standpoint - part of the tragedy of sirius and james is that they're young and arrogant enough to consider themselves invincible, and i like the idea of the rest of the order, older and war-weary, thinking they're complete idiots, which is why they find it exceptionally plausible that james could have been stupid enough to make sirius his secret keeper without realising he was a death eater].
my preferred vision of marlene, then, is as a fifty-year-old hard-nosed ministry bitch who fucking loathes mad-eye moody.
which doesn't hurt your premise in the slightest, because snape always slaps with an older woman [him and mcgonagall are an exquisite pairing]. it's because he loves to submit, i fear. and also because he so transparently needs looking after.
the meet-cute? well, spies have to have handlers, don’t they? dumbledore passing over his new turncoat death eater to one of his senior lieutenants - particularly given the fact that she’s unlikely to be thrilled about this - is something i can get on board with.
especially when she then discovers she doesn't hate spending time with him...
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bellestarot · 30 days
Baekhyun's Reading
August 28, 2024
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Right Now
He's feeling really down and hurt right now. We’ll dig into it more later, but for now, he’s trying to break out of this sadness by traveling, exploring new places, and hanging out with others.
He’s not letting the situation get the best of him. A lot of people want to get closer to him and talk, but I can see he’s a bit resistant, especially when it comes to opening up emotionally. He’s trying to show a strong front, something that’s been solid for a long time.
However, now he feels more sensitive and open to these emotions than before. He has close friends who are worried about him and want to be there for him, but he finds it a bit challenging to connect with them.
He might be in a relationship now. I’m not sure yet since I haven’t looked into his love life, but he has very genuine romantic feelings and admiration for someone, possibly around his age, maybe even an earth sign.
Love Life
He's involved with someone, but he's still hurt because of that person. At first, he didn’t expect someone like this to be his type—they're very different from the people he usually dates, so it took him by surprise. But I feel like it's not exactly a committed relationship; it's more of a casual thing that sparked a lot of emotions.
He might have met this person through his friends, or perhaps their friends introduced them, and they have great chemistry. However, their work or the fear of people finding out that he's in a relationship is what’s keeping them apart. I also think this person is very physically attractive, possibly likes to wear a lot of red or yellow, and might be a Leo or a fire sign.
He admires how direct this person is. They have a strong presence and always express their thoughts carefully, which he really appreciates. He feels like a kid around them; this might be because they're older, but I think it’s more about the maturity they have at such a young age.
From the start, he was extremely curious to know more about them and discover more about who they are. But now, he’s feeling really hurt because they’re no longer connecting or together at the moment.
The main reason is that he doesn’t want this relationship to become public. He doesn’t want people or his fans to find out he’s with someone right now, even though he has a lot of passion for this person. They have a great physical connection, but he’s putting his need for privacy above everything else.
In the past, there was a project or something he really wanted that didn’t work out, which left him quite hurt because it didn’t go as he had hoped. But he was patient and kept trying until it finally succeeded. Now, it’s turned out positively, and in a way that’s very different from what he initially attempted.
I believe he’s in a very good financial position now, with plenty of money, and he feels quite at ease in that aspect.
He might even be getting more interested in donations and helping others.
He’s feeling much more empathetic at the moment. It’s possible that he’s already planning to do something charitable for others because he feels a strong need to give back.
He’s also become much more compassionate regarding his career journey. I think that before, he was much more focused on work and what he had to do, but now he’s able to enjoy the whole experience. He not only gets his tasks done, but he also allows himself to feel and connect with others. Even when making decisions now, he’s calmer and trusts his intuition more.
He's really worried about his mom right now. I think she hasn't been resting well, not sleeping properly, or maybe she's been doing things she shouldn’t be doing at her age, and he’s quite concerned about her health.
Overall, he has a good relationship with his family. There’s a younger relative he’s especially close to, someone he loves a lot and enjoys spending time with. But he’s been feeling a bit judged by other family members.
He used to trust these people, but they’ve started showing their true colors, and he’s realized they don’t see things the same way he does. This has hurt him deeply, especially because it’s his own family.
I think the person he’s romantically involved with started out as a friend because they showed up again in the reading, and I can see that he really loves this person and cherishes them as a romantic friend. He really cares for them.
There’s also a friend, maybe older than him, who is more serious with their words—a logical person he really likes. He loves talking to this person and making him reflect a lot on many things. He has good people to confide in, but he doesn’t fully trust everyone because he’s been hurt a lot in the past, maybe even betrayed by some friends.
But I see that most of the friendships he has are with people in the same field as him, so they might be idols or actors he talks to the most.
And there are friends he’s known for so long that they get together from time to time to catch up on life. It’s almost like they’re family.
I think he will be making an investment or getting a good opportunity to make a change or buy a house for his family. I see something related to a home and family happening in the future, and he’ll be quite happy about it.
However, in his work, I foresee some conflicts. In the reading, the Three of Swords came up, indicating that there are people at his job who aren’t very nice, not very trustworthy, and don’t seem to like him much.
He will have to deal with this, possibly even firing some people, as he’ll be quite hurt by having these people around. He’ll also face difficulty figuring out what he really wants to do next in his career. There will be a major financial decision for him to make as well.
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cerealmonster15 · 7 months
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[background template source!]
hmm yknow what. maybe i was supposed to describe the unique magic in that bottom box. oh well teehee!!!!!
updated references for twst rsa ocs Char and Dañarte!!!!! for now. i'll add them to artfight soon!!! I was gonna do another one for Dañarte's Scarabia Era but I worked on these all week.... so i'll just do that one separately sometime maybe lol. anyway i've posted about these guys a lot as u can see from the tags i gave them on my blog, BUT my main origin post about their soap opera lore is really long and intimidating to read.... I have a shorter lore post here, but JFKSJLDJFKLDS.... finding these templates made nice, more condensed intros for them lol. and I [slightly] updated their looks so they aren't just carbon copies of what the seven dwarf characters are wearing!!!! but i'm bad at clothing design so i didn't really change them much!!!!
also i tried to be careful but my handwriting is Bad so i'll retype the info / talk more under the cut.
First guy: CHAR
Age: 18
Best Subject: Animal Languages
Birthday: March 19
Class: 3-C
Club: Fencing [does rsa have a fencing club. idk. they do now.]
Height: 175 cm
Hobby: Horseback Riding
Homeland: Shaftlands
Likes: Arts & Crafts, Shellfish
Dislikes: Keeping Secrets, Beets
Unique Magic: Unknown [I haven't decided one for him yet, and I may simply make him a late bloomer who hasn't discovered his yet lol]
Extra info:
Favorite Stones: Pink Opal & Chrysoberyl
Older Cousin to Dañarte
Long-lost childhood friend + new love interest to Cater
Source Character: Prince Charming from Cinderella
Second guy: Dañarte*
Age: 17
Best Subject: Ancient Magic
Birthday: February 13
Class: 2-C
Club: Equestrian Club
Height: 182 cm
Hobby: Writing Speeches
Homeland: Shaftlands
Likes: Planning, Grain bowls
Dislikes: Tenderhearted people, Undercooked meat
Unique Magic: Kiss of Frost: He kisses something or someone and temporarily freezes them ICY STYLE!!!!! or something like that. idk it doesn't kill people[???? maybe it could. idk.] but it don't feel good. Perhaps the area of frost can vary as well, like a small smooch spot vs spreading through the whole body? We gotta workshop it a bit more I'll get back to u on that someday. maybe.
Extra info:
Favorite Stone: Apatite
Char's younger cousin
"Love interest" to Cater + later on, Jamil...
Source Character: Hans from Frozen
RSA -> NRC -> Scarabia [He gets expelled and/or leaves RSA for whatever reason, I still haven't come up w/that part LOL... and ends up at NRC post breakup with Cater and gets sorted into Scarabia.]
* Disclaimer bc I feel the need to point out whenever I bring him up about his name lol- Dañarte isn't truly a name, it's just a spanish verb that's like "to hurt you". his character literally spawned from a convo I was having with a friend when I was trying to think of a name for Char, and something I said got autocorrected to Dañarte, and we made jokes about an evil princely character... so he became his own thing and I just kept that as his name lol.
anyway. i like talking about them but i also get shy and embarrassed about it klfjslfjks. also i probs did not draw them to scale bc life is hard. so are colors. i went very basic bc im scared but im trying to remember how colors work again in our year 2024 or whatever. WAHOO FUNNY LITTLE GUYS!!!!
shoutout to op of this template [@unfinished-projects-galore] making me sit here and consider the lives of these boys a lil more w/that bio layout. i was tempted to put summoning as Char's best class but WHAT do they summon. tell me idia what does that MEAN - jk it's probably like how juice bb summons cauldrons lol. I also considered Potionology for Dañarte but I think he'd like stuff like history and all that jazz and older [perhaps FORBIDDEN] ways of doing things.
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humunanunga · 1 year
Say it came through science. Simple rituals to levitate objects. The first result was the most surprising. You tried to explain it using quantum mechanics and still couldn't place an explanation.
What would you call it, as gravity vanished?
I... think this is supposed to be some kinda gotcha, under the impression that I said not to believe in magic? But I have more than one answer to this, some in direct response to this and some not. So let me just go down the list and maybe I'll figure out how to abbreviate myself along the way.
I'll start by saying that what is science to us in the 21st century would very much be sorcery back in the Bronze Age. And that's before even touching upon alchemy, which played a major role in the development of the scientific method. In this way, the difference between science and real-world "magic" is the framing. Programming could be described as spellbinding. 3d-printing could be described as conjuration. Pharmaceuticals could be described as potions.
So realistically, if it were discovered in the Digital Age that a ritual could induce levitation, and parlor tricks were ruled out, it would most likely be called a new physics discovery until further studies were made. Is it telekinesis, or is something actually canceling out the force of gravity upon this object? Is this object also experiencing the negation of air pressure, and how is it not affecting anything else? (There's a lot of gases in the sky pressing down upon the ground, as even gases are matter and therefore mass, which becomes weight under the effect of gravity, which is how we get less air pressure at higher altitudes.)
If this phenomenon could be reproduced simply by a ritual, every capitalist corporation would want their employees to do it too and before OSHA regulations catch up with the discovery, so they'd call it a job position.
If this phenomenon could be reproduced by equipment, then buddy, it's gonna be called whatever the leading brand named their device, just like "bandaid" or "dumpster."
People didn't always understand why some rocks seemed to curse their bearers either, but then we developed equipment and studies that could perceive radioactivity. So even if this scenario really did happen, all it would mean is that we either haven't figured out which known force is acting upon the object or the device necessary to perceive the acting force hasn't been invented yet. And I mean, hey, we're still at least a few years short of mind-readers or Ghost in the Shell brand telepathy.
Now, here looks like a good place to interject with what @claire-starsword and @no-foxgiven said so well in the notes:
#to believe in the supernatural is to be open minded about the things we don't and possibly can't explain #not to throw away the explanations we do have
#this is why i love Clarke's Third Law (and its reversal) #''Any sufficiently advanced science is indistinguishable from magic'' #Like yeah computers are magic #electricity? if you don't know enough it certainly is #but also the reverse #''Any sufficiently understood magic is indistinguishable from science'' #the mitochondria may be the powerhouse of the cell but also we just magically process magic #diseases transmit through curses (pathogens) #Life is magical and science is magic!
Even if we have no understanding of engineering, frankly, the reason we don't usually think of computers as magic is because they're mundane. Basically, most real-world magic like physics or sentience or morality isn't called magic because we reserve that word for mythologized interpretations.
There was one more point I was gonna tack on at the end, what was it... ah, right.
My post didn't say not to believe in magic. I was saying to be careful. Not to tell anyone to touch grass, but having a sense of wonder is important. Indulging in a little whimsy is fulfilling, but believing something that doesn't hold up against fact-checking just because you want to live out a fantasy where you're the heroic rebellion against demon overlords is how you get an angry mob bringing a noose to the White House.
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peachieflame · 2 years
Do you have any ither zukka fic recs? I’ve been trying to discover some new good ones:)
Yess I love giving recs! A little warning tho, all the fics Im gonna mention are more than 5k+ words long cause I don't like short one-shots and a lot of them are multi-chaptered with over 40k+ words. Also I'll update this as I read and discover more faves!
Expand to see the list cause its long....
Lighthouse Beam: Sokka’s breathtakingly beautiful and he’s smart and makes other people laugh. Zuko has a half-burnt face and a deaf ear. It’s not rocket science. Or, Zuko falls in love with the boy in his Philosophy class.
🍑: I really like college/highschool AUs and even more zukka fics where Sokka is actually described to be smart. Sokka is one of the smartest characters in the whole show Idk why he's been branded as a dumb, dense character by the fandom. Anyways, loved that this fic had Zuko being the one to fall first as-well.
In the Soft Light: As the newly appointed cultural liaison to Northern Water Tribe, Zuko is the first Fire Nation Citizen to step foot inside the city's walls in nearly a century. He's determined to prove himself—to the Fire Lord and to his father—even if the Water Tribe's spirit-touched prince seems to want nothing to do with him. Or Moon Spirit Sokka AU.
🍑: Enjoy this authors' writing style, really engages me in the story. Also ahhhh fanfic based on my moon spirit Sokka... im very grateful 😭. I didn't include this one in an ask about moon spirit sokka au cause I hadnt known about it at the time but now I reread it whenever I can.
7 Things We Did (and Probably Shouldn't Have): How Zuko and Sokka collided through ill advised means—or approximately seven (7) acts—is beyond them. In just a year, they will trudge through the unorthodox conquests of youth (see #2: The Late Acquisition of 2 gallons of Arizona Peach Iced Tea) or capitalist schemes (#5: Bought A $4,550 Jacuzzi). But how they manage to Allow Aang to Become Vegan (#1), Host The Mr. Teen Universe Contest (#7) and, um, Set The Classroom on Fire—Again (#6) to eventually fall for each other, is still a mystery to them.
🍑: Although this one hasn't been updated in almost a year, the 2 chapters that are posted is some of the most fun I've had reading a fanfic! I admire the coding put into it so that it has a creative, unique structured. Also cute little things like the scrap paper or the scrollable email box (which blew my mind when I first saw it, I didn't even know it was possible to code something like that) just engaged me more in the writing.
Kiss Me To Just Shut Me Up: Zuko proffers the card, and Sokka takes it, their fingers brushing. Sokka tries to cover up the way he shivers at the contact by turning the card over and squinting at the text written on the front. Zuko Sozin. Tattoo Artist. The Jasmine Dragon. A single dragon curls around the characters in red ink. — There's a new tattoo and piercing shop on Ember Island Beach.
🍑: Oh beau... you're so multitalented. This was the fanfic I was recommending to everyone that bought a zukka print from me at cons like I had no shame I just wanted everyone to read Beau's amazing work. And you all should read it if you havent yet.
Five Times Zuko Wanted to Die (and One Time He Didn't): “Sorry about that,” the voice says, and suddenly the curtain has been pushed aside, and Zuko is speechless. “What can I help you with?” He stares. “Um— ” The boy has to be around his age, he’s sure of it. He’s got the most perfect tan face Zuko has ever seen, with blue eyes so brilliant it’s hard to form words. Or the college-age AU in which Sokka fixes watches, Zuko struggles through engineering, and everyone's nervous about the cute boy from the jewelry shop.
🍑: Modern settings fics that aren't like cafe/barista AUs are kind of hard to find (or at least ones that I like cause im picky) so I was surprised to see this one! Again it's an enjoyable fic where Zuko is smitten first and Sokka is not written as dumb. I also remember wanting to draw fan art (one of the scenes) so maybe I'll go dig that sketch up and finish it.
At the Top of the World: Zuko is sent in disgrace to Alaska's Northern coast to ensure nothing stands in the way of Sozin Oil Company’s new offshore drilling project. He is willing to do whatever it takes to make his father see he’s worthy, even if it means fighting against the one person he's met who actually seems to give a damn about him.
🍑: I'll never shut up about this fic, its beautifully written, well paced and realistic characterizations. As an Indigenous person this fanfic tackled Indigenous struggles better than any other fanfics I've read so far and it shows the author did their research. ATLA fandom tends to sweep aside Katara and Sokka's indigenous identity a lot. It's even more frustrating when most fics acknowledge colonialism and racism and yet brush aside Indigenous discussions or theory because they're either scared of touching the topic or don't care. Even fics that do mention their Indigenity is brushed aside with surface level discussions you can tell the author is just parroting from whatever twitter thread they skimmed. Im definitely not saying that fanfic should be an educator for social political issues or that it should be written in a way that it could replace theory for whoever stumbles upon it. Im just baffled that so many authors will mention colonialism only to explore it's effects on Zuko and not the actual Indigenous characters.......... that's all.
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tctteredwings · 5 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media
was ana reis. [ lydia west, cis woman, she/her ] — whoa! ANNA RILEY just stole my cab! not cool, but maybe they needed it more. they have lived in the city for 19 YEARS, working as a YOUTUBE GAMER/HACKER. that can’t be easy, especially at only 29 YEARS OLD. some people say they can be a little bit ECCENTRIC and IMPATIENT, but i know them to be PRECOCIOUS and DECISIVE whatever. i guess i’ll catch the next cab. hope they like the ride back to THE BRONX!
IN A NUTSHELL; headscarves and sweatshirts, the sound of a kettle whistling, pink headphones, notes scribbled on every surface, ripped overalls, dancing in her underwear, thinking and talking about two different things, an encouraging smile, escaping to the beach and the sound of the ocean.
Name: Anna Riley Nicknames: None Age: Twenty-nine Date of birth: 26th August 1995 Birth place: Los Angeles, California Occupation: YouTube Gamer/Hacker Romantic/sexual orientation: Heteroromantic/heterosexual
Anna grew up in Los Angeles ( well... technically Venice, LA ) and as such, has always kept a very special place in her heart for the ocean and the feeling of the sand between her toes.
So when her family announced the move over to the East Coast just after she turned nine, it was safe to say her world was turned upside down. Yes, she lived in a city —- or on the edge of one of them —- she New York was known to be very different.
She survived. Just about. Tolerated school and the people she found herself surrounded by. Eventually, her tolerance turned to indifference, then her indifference turned to liking... something that would finally turn to love. By the time she was sixteen, she knew that New York was where she wanted to be. And it wasn't as though the beach was that far away.
Anna's only problem after that was other teenagers. She'd always been a little eccentric, a loner of sorts, and because of that, she was made fun of. Yes, she was a geek, but what was wrong with loving her laptop and answering every question in a test correctly?
In the end, she spent much of her teen years alone, but it allowed her to discover new passions. She befriended a small group of people and embraced her love for gaming. It was pretty much all she did when she wasn't at school. In fact, she found she was actually pretty good.
The idea to put those gaming sessions on YouTube came around her twenty-first birthday and before she knew what was happening, she was making money for herself away from competing in tournaments. ( She doesn't exactly class herself as a pro gamer, but you could probably call her that. )
Hacking came later. and is something she only does occasionally She's been good with computers since a very early age and she soon realised she could help people out in not-so-legal ways every now and again. Mostly she does favours for friends, but every now and again she'll get talked into taking money.
Anna's an extremely passionate person, but she's never been too good at committing to anything other than her games and her subscribers. As such she's kind of had a revolving door of guys in her life, never really giving herself over completely. Not to say that she hasn't tried, though.
When she's not plugged into her computer you'll usually find her at the beach or sipping tea at Rise & Grind.
Her parents are originally from Montserrat and emigrated to the US shortly after they were married. She visits the island at least once a year to see her father's parents, sometimes spending whole summers out there.
Anna would love a pet, like love a pet, but she doesn't dare as she's pretty sure she'd end up killing it by accident. As maternal as she likes to think she can be, she really isn't.
TLDR; Anna was originally a Cali girl and moved to NYC at the age of nine with her family. It took her a while to adjust but she can safely say she's very much a New Yorker now. She was a bit of a loner as a teen and a total geek, her passion for gaming and all things tech took over pretty quickly. At twenty-one she launched her YouTube channel, quickly followed by Twitch, and things took off for her in a big way. She also does a bit of hacking on the side, but only for friends as a 'favour'. She's a very passionate person who finds it almost impossible to commit, so is pretty well known for her revolving door of guys.
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ironwoman18 · 3 months
From competitors to lovers - Part 1
Disclaimer: Kimetsu No Yaiba (Demon Slayer) and its characters don't belong to me. I just use them to manage my boredom.
Chapter 1: Separate ways
Giyuu Tomioka was a boy born and raised in the United States, more specifically in New York. He loved his life there with his family.
His father always made an effort to keep his language and traditions alive so he made sure that Giyuu and his bigger sister speak Japanese with him and English in classes and outside of their home.
This forced both of them to be bilingual at a very young age, which wasn't a problem with Giyuu since he was really smart and he even learned to write Japanese quite fast for someone who hasn't been interacting with it his whole life.
His sister struggled a bit but in the end she did it as well so the Tomioka family was happy to share something unique and important.
When Giyuu was twelve, he was sent to Japan to live with Urokodaki, an old friend of his father. In there he has two more kids, Sabito and Makomo, a young girl two years younger than Sabito and himself.
The old man needed help with his dojo so Giyuu, Sabito and Makomo helped after school, they did their homework and fell asleep as soon as their heads touched the pillow.
Sabito was an outgoing guy who enjoyed talking to others and making jokes while Giyuu was quiet and he seemed grumpy at times but it was just a perception because he was actually really sweet.
Sabito noticed that, especially with Makomo who quickly became like a sister to Giyuu.
“Giyuu, you should talk more, you need more friends than me and Makomo, you know that, right?” Said Sabito one night.
“Yes I do but it's hard to do so...” He said softly “I'm not like you”
Sabito sighed and started to think about what would help his friend having more friends.
A brilliant idea came to his mind the next day “Giyuu... We are going to join a music academy!! We have some money saved and we can pay the classes with it” Urokodaki paid them for the work they do at the dojo so they used some money at school to buy a snack or a juice and saved the rest if they wanted to buy something more expensive or go to the movies.
He was reluctant at first but he finally joined a class with Sabito. Both decided to learn how to play guitar, and the classes included learning how to read music and singing lessons. Makoto didn't join them, but she supported them.
In their classes were two girls with similar black hair and hairpins, the Kochos, Kanae and Shinobu. Next to them was a mean-looking guy named Sanemi Shinazugawa, with white hair and a scar across his face.
They later discovered that they attended the same school but Kanae was in class five which was for the most brilliant students, Sanemi on the other hand was in class one which was for the... Less brilliant and bad behaving students.
Giyuu and Sabito were both in class four which means they were intelligent but not at the level of Kanao.
They quickly became friends. They even had lunch together at school and met after music lessons to hangout. Sanemi didn't like very much Giyuu at first but the black haired guy found out two secrets about Sanemi, one was that they both liked the same kind of music and the same mochis in town so they kind of found common ground there and the second one was his major crush on Kanao.
“I get it, she's pretty and very nice with everyone,” said Giyuu as they shared a box full of balls of rice filled with sweet black beans and matcha.
“Don't you dare tell anyone about it Tomioka” he said in a treating way, Giyuu only smiled.
“I won't, I would never do that, I enjoy having some friends” said Giyuu then ate some more. Sanemi was surprised by that but he could tell the boy next to him was telling the truth.
Sanemi was studying to play the drums, Kanao and her younger sister, Shinobu, were in keyboard classes. So they decided to practice together as a band. The girls parents were happy to see them having friends and enjoying the music lessons so they allowed them too, but only on the promise of not losing academic excellence, which will never be the case.
At first they weren't very good with harmony. Until they talked it out. Giyuu offered to play the bass since Sabito was better at showing up with the guitar than him and he could lead harmony. Shinobu agreed since she was younger and couldn't lead harmonies on her own.
Giyuu learned the theory. Bass and keyboard lead the harmony, drums the rhythm and the guitar was to give it a layer of rhythm and it was the flashiest instrument.
Kanae will be the lead singer, her voice and pitch were perfect. For some songs they changed to Giyuu or Sabito. They practice a lot until they organized a little show for their classmates.
Giyuu was nervous, tonight he will open with the opening of Dragon Ball Z. Something he practiced for months but was pretty nervous.
Until Shinobu took him backstage and shook him softly “hey... Tomioka... Calm down, you will be great, ok?” She said in a bossy tone “I trust you, my sister, Sabito and that weirdo Sanemi trust you so... Trust in you” he smiled softly and nodded.
“Thank you... Shinobu” he said patting her arms softly and the show began.
Kanae was backstage watching the first song. She was just their singer so, since Giyuu took the microphone he was playing and singing at the same time.
Their classmates were in shock by how good it sounded and sang alongside him. Then Kanae walked in and the show continued.
They did a mix of anime songs, some rock and pop songs popular at the moment and everyone was enjoying it.
In the end they drank water and talked to their classmates about the band and if they will continue. They decided that they would if they had more invitations for birthday parties or something like that.
The Hashiras, as they called themselves, spent the rest of the year doing performances; they even allowed the people to add two songs to their setlist to make it more personal for them.
Urokodaki was proud of his kids and encouraged them to keep going.
When they finished elementary school and joined middle school, things continued pretty well for them.
Their little band started to add their own songs, it was hard to do since they built up a reputation with their covers but people found their songs were pretty awesome too.
Giyuu normally writes rock songs, with hard feelings involved like anger or sadness. Kanae was more into love songs, she took her friends stories and wrote about them, with their permission of course, and Sabito was a mix between them so his songs could be about love but a sad love. Sanemi would never write a song in his life, he felt too dumb for that.
Shinobu also has songs but never shared them. She was keeping in the shadow her most international struggles to herself and couldn't dare to share them.
She felt anger, she felt like she was faking her emotions trying to be like her sister so she couldn't show her true self to anyone.
The band continued to grow in popularity among their school and neighborhoods so the Kocho parents bought some days in a studio for them to record five original songs for some extra money selling the CDs. It was huge and they were happy to finally have their music in a CD.
They sell it and continue to use the money they earned to continue doing the same.
They continued doing so until tragedy hits...
“WHAT THE HECK?! TOMIOKA CAN'T BE SERIOUS!!!” screamed Sanemi as some veins popped up on his forehead and his eyes were filled with little veins.
“MY PARENTS want me back to the United States...” He repeatedly emphasized that it was his parents, not him “I would rather be here than going back but they needed me there... My sister is... Dead... Her fiance did it... A car crash according to him but we don't believe it”
Kanae hugged him as he broke down and cried. Sabito and Shinobu joined in and Sanemi was dragged into it by a tearful Kanae.
They stayed like that for a while until they let the black haired boy go “I will be leaving at the end of the school year. I will start high school there” he is fourteen now as well as Sabito, Kanae and Sanemi, Shinobu is twelve.
Their last performance together was quite emotional and after it a couple of days later, Giyuu Tomioka was heading back to the United States.
Back in the USA, Tomioka continued his music lessons and luckily for him this helped him to have friends. He met Edward Monson, Matthew Braun, Samuel Fletcher and Veronica Green. They became his friends and they made a band.
Giyuu grew taller and became a very popular guy, even though he hated it, thanks to his mysterious aura.
He kept in touch with his friends in Japan but his new life was here so he tried to move on. He continued to write songs and they were really good.
He was leaning more towards rock and heavy metal thanks to Eddie, as they called their guitar player.
They became successful and entered a competition. The winner would be going on a tour and be the representative of the USA in an international competition.
Their parents allowed it and they began to practice. He wrote their setlist and practiced every day until the summer vacations arrived and the competition began.
They were allowed to perform one cover song and a set of five original songs.
Their cover song was Master of Puppets by Metallica, sung by Eddie. Veronica and Giyuu will have a duet then Veronica would be the singer of the other songs.
Sam and Giyuu were the keyboard and bass, Matt was on the drums and Eddie was their guitar player.
Their shows began and everyone was on fire. They were the last band of the day but the energy of the crowd was high so they seemed to enjoy the show pretty much.
“It was amazing!!!” Said an enthusiastic Eddie as they were in the green room drinking water and having a snack “I'm pretty sure we will past to the next round”
And they did. They scored the highest amount of points for the first set of five teams. The other three days were full of other talent groups. They picked two groups per day to continue to the next round.
Their band and seven others met in a two-day battle. Giyuu shared his progress with Sabito and the others via WhatsApp.
Then the last four battle to pick only two. Every performance they changed the songs, even the cover. They moved from Metallica to Imagine Dragons to Journey and now it was the turn for Queen. They sang Somebody to Love.
Giyuu took the lead and even though he was reserved he sang his heart out to this song and people were on fire. They continued with their original setlist and by the end of the night, their band, California Roll, and The American Girls, a band of only girls, moved to the finals.
“We have something on our favor” said Eddie as he ate a pizza slice “we have our killers duets with boy and girl, something the judges enjoy very much”
“Yeah but they will earn the vote of more men because they are all pretty girls” added Sam after finishing his own slide of pizza “and I'm not saying you aren't beautiful Vero but they are five”
“Sammy, sweetheart... I don't care if there are a band of twenty hot girls. I will beat them with my voice” she said, winking at him.
Yes, Veronica was sexy, she was blond, she had green eyes and she was tall especially with those high heels she usually wears on the stage.
But Sam was right, the American Girls had a blond girl, a brunette, a black haired, a red haired and an Asian girl. They have a girl for everyone’s taste.
“And did you forget that we have the female vote?” Said Veronica matter-of-factly “we have Giyuu, Eddie, Sam and Matty... There are a bunch of women who would be happy to vote for us”
She was right too. So Giyuu added “we can play our cards and win because, yeah... We don't have five hot girls but we have one and we can do duets with her so both women and men are happy and vote for us”
The final day of the competition would follow a different path, there will be two voting systems. One will be the judges and the other will be the audience. If you win both you will be the winner but if there's a tie they have to perform one last song and see which one is better and pick a winner.
It was hard but they were confident.
The day arrived, their cover song will be Don't stop believing by Journey. They played with the audience as always and had an extra duet.
Then it was the turn for the other band to play and they did it great but not as good as they did. They didn't say anything though, just in case they didn't jinx it.
In the end California Roll won and they celebrated all night. They would have their tour in December so they enjoyed the rest of the summer and began to practice at the beginning of their senior year.
Giyuu was very reserved but he already had his first kiss and his first time with a girl and he even enjoyed a one night stand now and then. Of course he was a gentleman and could never talk about it with anyone.
By Christmas he was on a tour with his friends. Writing songs and enjoying the success.
Then the international competition arrived and on the first day to check the sound he saw his friends... The Hashiras will be his competition... They had a new bass player and Shinobu was the one who stood up the most for him.
She grew up and she looked like Kanae but a bit shorter, she looked stunning even though she was wearing only black tight jeans and a Metallica shirt.
On the other hand, he took her breath away, he was way taller than she remembered, his hair was longer and tied in a messy ponytail. He was wearing worn out blue jeans and a black shirt.
They wanted to talk but it was hard since her band will be next to check out the sound and he would be next. She hadn't seen any picture of him ever since he left and he neither since she never posed with her sister.
I wanted to do something with these two. It will be a long fic, I don't know yet how long but I hope you enjoyed it.
I had been thinking about writing a crossover with KNY and Spy x Family but still don't know how...
Thank you for reading and I'll see you in the comments/reviews.
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i-have-one-braincell · 9 months
As someone who hasn't read the Iron Fist comics, at what age is Danny supposed to return? In the show, they're teenagers around 15/16 so if he got another year then 17/18, right? But we've already established that the show's writing can be iffy so I'm curious to know from the official source.
I think there was a Netflix show about him but I'm not a huge fan of real person productions made on comics/books.
Do you have suggestions on where to start reading about Iron fist and the other heroes? I've heard Batman had gone through different writers with different takes - some that are even contradictive of each other - and I don't like it when that happens. And Spider-man? I've been told that the newest aren't as good as the older issues; something about not staying true to his character.
Oooff don’t watch the live action Iron Fist show. I’m begging you.
In the comics, Danny entered K’un L’un when he was 9 years old and won the Iron Fist when he was 19. He was given the offer to eat a plant that would make him immortal and to continue residing in K’un L’un as their weapon but Danny declined and left the city when the next opening have opened to return to New York for revenge. So he returned to New York at age 19.
From the show, I believe he entered K’un L’un when he was about 5 or 6 and left when he was 16 or so.
I recommend reading the Ultimate Spider-Man comics when starting on reading about Peter. He was very well-written in the comics and was an asshole (my fav gender) and we also got Iron Fist in it too but he’s an adult and a daddy and appeared for about 5 issues or so.
For Danny, I say reading the 2014 Iron Fist: The Living Weapon since it’s a more edgy and angsty take on the character and is pretty badass. 2016 Power Man and Iron Fist is a really wholesome comic series of Danny and Luke getting back together again after stopping Heroes For Hire now that Luke is a family man. Both of them are pretty goofy and quite the opposite of how they’re protrayed in the usm.
For Ava, she appears in the Avengers Academy comics but we don’t much of her and doesn’t appear until in the middle of the comic. She is put more on focus in the Mighty Avengers about her control of the amulet and seeking revenge (and also works with Luke Cage and Danny).
Sam would be in his 2013 Nova comics. He’s given more depth and character in his comics than in the show and is not much of an asshole in the comics😭😭.
I’m not entirely big on comics but those are the comics that I read to understand the characters more when writing my Call You Mine fic. I’m not a big fan of the current Spider-Man comics in the main 616 universe since Peter would be written so badly and kept torturing my man😭😭 (I mean I do too but there’s a limit💀). As you said, there’s many writers who writes a single character and would have very different views on the character of how they’re supposed to behave, they can’t stay consistent which is the biggest flaw in current Spider-Man.
Ps. Surprisingly the usm show have their own comic issues as well that I discovered like 2 years ago💀😭. It gives a bit more personality in the characters and Danny is a bit of a doofus in those comics (a good doofus🤭). Its called the 2015 Ultimate Spider-Man (Infinite Comics) if yall want to check it out.
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cbrownjc · 2 years
omg what happens in Paris??? I'm so curious, I don't mind spoilers! pretty please???
Another Anon asked a similar question that actually has a spoiler in the question, so I've put it and my reply to this one under a spoiler cut:
Anonymous asked:
So I gotta be honest and say I'm a rather casual IWaV viewer so I haven't seen all episodes because I would rather wait for entire s2 to be out to watch it all then but I watched an entire ep 7 and... i fully expected Claudia to die??? but she didn't??? wasn't she supposed to die by being grilled by the sun? (I mean that's what I remember from the movie from '94? )
Claudia dies in Paris.
She is killed by the Theate des Vampires, a group of Vampires whom Armand leads.
After Louis and Claudia escape Lestat and go to Europe, they spend time in many places across Europe looking for others of their kind but find nothing.
Then when they arrive in Paris, they discover the Theate des Vampires. Or, more like, the vampires of the Theater discovered them.
Armand and Louis pretty much fall for each other, Louis believing he's found someone more open and honest than Lestat. (Because, in the book, Lestat held back on telling Louis anything, who his maker was, etc. The show has completely changed that point - Lestat actually telling Louis these things, so it'll be interesting to see how the show does it.)
However, the issue is Claudia. Being that she was made a vampire at 5 years old in the book, she does not in any way have the ability to take care of herself. In the movie, she was 10-12 when she was made, and the show has her 14, where she can kinda take care of herself in more ways than either book or movie Claudia could, but still not fully. (As Bruce showed.) If Louis becomes Armand's new companion, who will take care of Claudia?
Well, Claudia herself can see that Louis is going to leave her for Armand, so she takes the matter into her own hands and chooses a human woman named Madeleine to become her "mother" and caretaker. She makes Louis turn Madeleine into a vampire for her, something Louis did NOT want to do because he NEVER has made another vampire and never wanted to. But he does it for Claudia. And in doing so, basically destroys in himself whatever humanity he had left in him (in his view).
But, PLOT TWIST! Unbeknownst to them, Lestat is in Paris! Yep, he made his way there to come and ask Armand to allow him to drink some of Armand's powerful blood so Lestat can heal faster from the wounds Louis and Claudia inflicted on him when they "killed" him. Lestat, for his part, has NO IDEA Louis and Claudia are in Paris when he gets there to see Armand. Lestat tells Armand that it was a "woman" vampire fledgling of his named Claudia that tried to kill him and that his other fledgling, Louis, ran off with her, though Louis had nothing to do with trying to kill him. (Rising up and trying to kill your maker/coven master is against the "Old Rules" that many vamps, particularly in Paris, follow. Lestat never taught Louis or Claudia those Old Rules, so, you know.)
This goes on for like a day or two, and then Armand calls BS, and tells Lestat that Louis and Claudia have been seen in Paris and that Claudia isn't a woman but a vampire child. Which the creation of is a HELL of a big NO. (And hey, some props to amc-Lestat who told Louis - in french - that Claudia was too young when Louis was begging him to turn her.) Lestat stumbles and tries to explain, but it's useless. Armand tells him there is going to be a trial for Claudia's crime of trying to kill her maker.
The trial happens, but it's really just a mockery though, not a real trial. The vampires of the theater wanted to kill Claudia anyway because she was created at too young an age. The whole "tried to kill your maker" thing was just an excuse to put on top of that.
It's kinda implied that Armand is influencing Lestat on what to say because, due to his weakened state, Lestat isn't fully there mentally. And Armand hasn't given Lestat any of his own blood to help heal him like he came to ask for in the first place.
So Claudia and Madeleine are killed via sunlight exposure.
But, PLOT TWIST! Armand was actually the one who, through his Mind and Spell Gift abilities, was the one who really influenced Louis to turn Madeleine. Because he wanted Louis for himself. So at first decided to influence Louis to do that and THEN, when Lestat showed up, just decided to have Claudia killed to get rid of her for good via the mock-trial thing.
Armand tells Lestat - whom Armand STILL hasn't given any of his blood to him to heal himself - that Louis was killed by the other vampires after they killed Claudia. He then throws Lestat off a roof, which just adds to his already weakened state.
Louis thinks Lestat is dead because, in revenge for what happened to Claudia, Louis burned down the Theater. So Armand and Louis go off together as companions. And are so for decades. But Louis knows Armand had a hand in Claudia's death and despises him for it. Armand also told Louis that he influenced Loius to make Madeleine a vampire, which helped to destroy Louis’ sense of self. 
And what Armand had loved in Louis pretty much died in the creation of Madeleine and the death of Claudia. 
So yeah, it doesn't work between them. It pretty much died because of everything Armand did to try and have Louis to himself in the first place.
The 1994 movie changed this last bit so that Louis and Armand weren't companions for decades and Louis and Armand just part ways a day or so later instead.
So yeah. That's what goes down in Paris.
And it's clear that, in the show, the 2022 scenes are very much Louis post-Claudia death, thinking Lestat is also dead, depressed state of being. (I don't think the show is changing Claudia's fate. Louis having all her diaries, I think, is a MASSIVE hint that she's dead. Plus, her death is what sends him into his whole well-known depressive state in the story as it goes forward anyway.)
Also, writing all this out makes me think we might be in some weird stage where Armand is trying to bring back - via repressed and altered memories - the Louis as he was before Claudia's death. The Louis he first desired when they first met in Paris.
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