#and going on newgrounds to look at animations
diabolocracy · 6 months
One of my favorite ship dynamics tbh.
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xenosagaepisodeone · 5 months
For the last 2 weeks I've been transfixed on a strain of lost media I've come to call "bad memory induced media", where the supposed media in question does not (or at least more than likely does not) exist, but there are swaths of people convinced that they have definitely seen it at some point. There is rarely anything more to go off of for the hunt than a vague summary outlined in a post on some forum, but the lack of specificity allows people to fill in the blanks with similar types of media that they've seen, giving them the impression that they've already experienced it. I've found that this is extremely common for alleged lost shock media in particular, which isn't surprising. I talked a little about this on my LOL SUPERMAN post, and I get the impression that a similar strain of logic applies on a smaller scale.
Anyway, 2 major cases I have been looking at for a while are Saki Sanobashi/Go For A Punch and Evil Farm Game. Saki Sanobashi in particular fascinates me because an urban legend like this should have crumbled to the wayside by like 2018 at the latest, since that's when anime more or less became demystified to normal people. The basic premise is that it is an 80s/90s horror anime about anywhere from 4-8 girls trapped in a bathroom. The girls talk about their lives, hopes, dreams and philosophies before slowly going insane and dying one by one. If you like horror stuff you probably are already getting the vague impression that it sounds familiar- which could be influenced by any swath of media artifacts from Saw to the Russian Sleep Experiment creepypasta to the Ikea SCP to ClockUp's Euphoria to snippets of Battle Royale to that one Grisaia no Kajitsu arc. OP insisted he found it fully subbed on the deep web (omegalul) and hasn't found a trace of it since, implying some kind of murky origin or legal status (the OVA is not pornographic btw). As you can probably tell, I think this is silly. Like, so much goes into anime production that it would be difficult to hide any traces of this thing's existence. Someone had to voice act those girls. Someone had to sit hunched over a desk and draw that settei. OVAs were such a new thing in the 80s and 90s that both sfw and nsfw series were advertised in magazines. The only way that this could be so lost that not even a MAL entry remains is if it had been a student/indie production or something made for a single comiket event...but even at that....you're telling me that someone still managed to rip this from a vhs and subtitle it? And then chose to upload it to the deep web instead of youtube? even the title sounds like something google translated but didnt format correctly ("Saki Sanobashi" being gibberish while "Saki-san no Bashi" translates to "Saki-san's Bridge").
And yet there are people who will say "I definitely saw this at some point" because they saw a reaction image similar to the alleged scene where the protagonist smashes someone's head into a mirror. "The neck scratching death sounds familiar...." because you watched a higurashi amv! And OP did too, and thought it was so creepy that he involved it in his fake story. It's almost grating how much you have to suspend your disbelief to embrace that something like this exists in the exact way that stories like this insist. While many people have accepted that the series is likely not real in the last 4 or so years, there still persists a cohort of people hunting for Saki Sanobashi, likely because they are kids who are now too old to believe in Squidward's Suicide.
Evil Farm Game gives me a chuckle because it goes like this: a redditor posts to r/tipofmytongue about an old flash game where you play as a farmer who kills his wife and then has to hide her body while going about his farm tasks. The setup is completely fine and actually kind of reminiscent of a few story driven flash games I played on newgrounds as a kid. Many people came forward insisting that they had played this as well, one person even producing a link to a file from their hard drive that they couldn't open, but strongly believed that the game was there. A subreddit was even created to support the search. The twist is that it was a misremembered joke from a vinesauce stream.
Everyone knows that memory is an extremely fallable thing; people can be coaxed into believing that they did or saw things that they didn't with the correct prompts. What gets me is that a lot of people on the hunt for "bad memory induced media" seem to largely be hyping themselves up. They want to believe there is something that exists against all reason no matter what. It's chuuni in nature. Do not get me wrong- the interest in finding a cool, mysterious, haunting piece of media isn't lost on me, but dog, the dopamine hit of finding a previously lost 1985 commercial for almonds in a box of vhs tapes you got from eBay is the same.
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homunculus-argument · 11 months
While I like the way I dress, I have to admit that my winter gear makes me look like a villain from a shitty edgy badly dubbed flash animation from 2008. The type that had supremely shitty art style that clearly tried to go for something original, but was obviously 75% the result of the artist involved just flat-out not knowing how to draw, and with the "it's not just offensive for the sake of being offensive, it's ~satire~" type of writing that was obviously just a bad rip-off copy of South Park.
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I look like I yell slurs at children in a zero-budget 2008 Newgrounds cartoon.
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yaboirezzy · 3 months
Any of you ever find a new thing you're interested in and you want to know and see more of it, only to find out that thing has been dead or gone for a while and the person/people behind it did something awful or got in some bad controversy?
Cause I have and it's with this:
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So I was rewatching some old/classic web animations (mostly Eddsworld, SMB Z, and archived newgrounds animations) and I saw this in one of the playlist that has a bunch of those animations. I only watched it because it was next in the queue but after a couple of minutes I was kinda hooked on it and kept on watching, after a while I decided to watch it till the end, and well...I was really interested.
Sure it was REALLY dated with how it looks and feels, plus the characters and the concept or setting are really standard and could use some improvements, but I thought to myself while searching for more stuff about this series: "Eh, it's part of the charm with these old web animations. Also this was just the pilot episode so surely there's more to come, surely it'll get better from here, surely this'll be a good or at least fine series that'll have some charm and laughs with absolutely nothing bad happening to-" yeah that didn't happen and I wished it did instead of what actually happened.
Yeah so going over every unfortunate thing that happened would take like forever (I think based on what other people have said) so I'll just give you a short summary of what happened: The creator (animated james) canceled the series after two short seasons, he was exposed to have some questionable actions and/or interest which of course led to controversy, and he disappeared from the internet (wherever he is I hope he's doing well). Yup it's another "a classic content creator's downfall" situation...
Okay but you might be thinking to yourself: "What about the series itself and it's two short seasons? Is it any good, is it another case of separating the art from the artist, did it at least leave a bittersweet taste behind?" well....no. Yeah I'm very sorry to any C Students fans out there, I understand if you like this series and think it's really great or an underappreciated gem from the past, I get that and I respect it, but C Students is just really meh to me.
"Well what is C Students?" you might ask, well according to the wiki: C Students is animated web series centered upon a group of teenagers and their life and misadventures in Hartlane High School. Yup, that's all it is from the wiki, and it's actually fitting because that's is ALL this series is about, it's literally just another "teen high school - slice of life & comedy" series kinda like the ones you would find on Nickelodeon or Disney Channel back in the 2000s, except this time it's animated...which isn't really giving it much, like aside from the expressions, some of the movements, and a few things here and there you can have this series in live action instead and it would not be any different.
The characters don't improve or change even slightly from their basic one-note roles/stereotypes in the pilot, similarly the misadventures and situations they go on or find themselves in aren't that interesting or different compared to those from any other series in the genre, and the humor is...the same as those from any other series of this kind, not to say that it's all bad but it's definitely got a lot more misses than it does hits as the later episodes go on, hell even the mature jokes have all aged in varying conditions (both generally and based on the controversy). Speaking of which, that's kind of the overall problem I have with C Students: It clearly looks and feels like a comedic slice of life high school series, but it also tries to be serious and act like it has something important to tell, and it's obvious that it doesn't mix together or handled well. Like for example there's the music video "Creative Types" which is great to watch and listen on it's own, but when put alongside the actual episodes it feels out of place and doesn't feel like it's from the same series at all, which it is even if it's not canon to the main series' timeline. So TLDR: It peaked at the pilot and it slowly and sadly went downhill
However the thing that upsets me more than anything else about this series is...It could be good! It could've been better! I wish it could've been better! I wish it could've entertained us with something different or interesting to it's concept or genre in the same way as The Looney Tunes Show does to suburban sitcom, I wish it could've mixed/handled/balanced the more serious and mature stuff better like Smiling Friends, I wish it could've had some nice charm and laughs to it at least.
Which is why I'm planning on making my own take/version of C Students! Yes I know it's another one to add to my pile of "stuff I've planned out but never actually making", but that's the thing with me unfortunately: I'm good at planning or making ideas and not so much on actually making them come to life, I'm just one person and the idea of making a long running thing on your own without any help whatsoever is terrifying, I'm the one with the blueprints and I need other people to actually construct the thing. But anyways yeah, that was my personal thoughts on C Students (If you don't like or disagree with it then feel free to do so as it is MY opinion and you shouldn't feel obliged to agree with it) I'm PROBABLY gonna make my own take on this series sometime soon, hopefully we'll see how that turns out
EDIT: So I found out that the seasons I watched was a fan-continuation of the series not by the OG creator, but all my points still stand as it would've been more or less the same as canon (according to the creator and people in the comments)
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toastedclownery · 1 month
Just curious.
What got you into Monkey Wrench?
For me it was a combination of just stumbling across it on YouTube and learning about it from Gooseworx (since she’s the voice of Us in episode 3) via her tumblr. Also TV tropes.
I was hooked on it instantly.
I vaguely remember stumbling across earlier versions of shrike and Beebs on Zeurel’s Newgrounds page ages ago too. But only just.
Heh. This got a bit long. You've activated my trap card (gush abt mw)
Ronnie showed it to me last year! I think not long after ep2 came out
I already knew about Zeurel from his animations on Tomska's channel like Mr. Cat, Chaos Relay, and that weird... Ambulance informercial video. His style is very recognizable. I never looked into him and his original stuff until now tho! And I'm so mad that I didn't lol
Episode 1 got me interested, and I really liked how it was compositioned and how it just. Lets you go into the world for yourself. Typically indie shows are a bit awkward with their dialogue and their exposition, which I didn't mind until I got into MW and it felt so much more organic. It has juuust the right amount of exposition, and everything else you have to guess from context. Actually having to listen and rewatch the episodes to understand things? No wayy
Another important point: THE CHARACTER DESIGNS. The pilot has such a variety of fun character designs! When I saw Tyneen for the first time I fucking 💥. I must admit though. I knew that when Shrike and Beebs showed up on Kara's screen it was "Oh. These two losers are the protagonists that's fun" but honestly I literally cared more about everyone else BUT THEM 😭 I only started really, truly caring about them in episode 2 when the plot was less busy and they could breathe and interact, just the two of them, and understood WHY they were the protagonists
AND THEN episode 3 is what REALLY hooked me in. Ep2 made me follow Zeurel and the progress of 3, and when that came out I loved it so much. We've passed the introduction stage with the cats and now we know who everyone is, and we can get to the story with more Terran lore and the Cataclysm. And of course. Who can forget. The tragic mushrooms. I caught myself tearing up before thinking "Wait this is Monkey Wrench why am I crying"
There's something really special about this show that made me decide to support its production, even if it's a small amount, now that I can
So yeah, episode 3 is what caused all of *gestures to all my fanart and conspiracy boards* ...this
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letoasai · 7 months
No one remembers Anime Spiral
What do kids even do on the internet? I'm genuinely asking. Everything revolves around social media and that's fine but what do they do. Are their cool things they can do anymore?
There used to be websites and you would just wander the internet on the family computer. Newgrounds. Gaia Online. Neopets. Yahoo Games. Quizzila. Live Journal... I'm not saying they were all great but they were something to do and... no i'll commit, they were great. I wasn't worried about posting pictures of myself when i was busy watching a flash animation of Dragonball Z that someone put painstaking hours into.
A lot of younger kids and teens don't know how to download something and save it to a particular folder on their computer because they've never used a computer. Meanwhile we were somehow... coding our Myspace pages to have a particular background. When did we acquire that knowledge?
In 2004/2005 i went looking for Inuyasha pictures, as one did, and i stumbled upon a site of people posting fanfiction? Sign me up... Anime Spiral was the wild west of chaos fanfic writers. People would make banners for their work that would sit in their summary sections. God help you, but those seizure inducing flashing colors were going to get your attention.
People would write anything, stories, poems, lyrics. People would post art and open commissions for people to ask for things in the comments, and the OP would just do it... There were frantic collaborations. Some were really good. Some were really bad.
There were chaotic originally stories with random anime characters thrown in for fun because who was going to tell them they couldn't? Some people just ranted to anime characters and i will always remember Ask Sesshomaru where you'd ask Sesshomaru a question in the comments and the next chapter he would answer every.single.question. The fact that it was probably a 16 year old girl writing that just didn't matter.
Some people just posted picture of anime characters. They did all the internet searches so you didn't have to! They were harder to find then.
The comment/response section to this day... was the best format i've seen on a fanfic site (imo). It was so easy. I miss it! I miss going to my word processing class and pulling up that site and chatting with people in the freaking comments of whatever...terrible story i'd posted at the time. I was probably so proud of it then but yikes...
The notification system was good and it was easy to talk to people without it feeling intrusive.
Maybe Anime Spiral was Tumblr before Tumblr.
I met two strangers on Anime Spiral a week apart. Internet dangers weren't as obvious then as they seem now. Those two strangers became two of my best friends. It's been nearly twenty years and they are still so prevalent in my life.
I met my best friend on that site. That seems so impossible to me now. We never would have met otherwise and i can't imagine my life without them. We were so upset when Anime Spiral went down. We missed the ugly green and mustard yellow template to this day.
It wasn't a great site, it had it's problems... It had a lot of problems but at the same time, it was a great site. It's hard to find people who even remember Anime Spiral anymore. Going to FF .net or Fiction Press afterwards felt like... a downgrade somehow. The systems overly complicated and it lacked...something.
I do enjoy the hell out of AO3, it actually checks all the boxes for a great writing site, but i'll always remember the chaotic nostalgia of Anime Spiral.
What do kids do on the internet now? Is it safe? Is it just selfies, gossip, and bullying? Do you have a little dragon you can take care of? Neopets could take up a lot of their attention. I don't think 2024 Neopets is the same as 2005 Neopets and that's a shame.
I have no idea. I feel old.
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writing-plurals · 7 months
Greetings! I'm working on an animation short that soon will be posted to YouTube and Newgrounds, and I'm writing the protagonist of the story, her name Veronica Redwood.
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She's 18 years old British-Ethiopian living in North of Manchester. She lives in the same apartment as her brother Nicholas Redwood.
She and her brother went through a traumatic childhood thanks to her parents. That made her dissociate when she was a toddler and end up being a system.
As of writing this, She has 3 headmates, their names Rim, Linni, Connor. Rim being the host and responds the most to the body's name (Veronica) Connor being a protector, while Linni the trauma holder.
The story sets in a futuristic world where AI is advanced and are becoming sentient.
Veronica lives in her room often, with her robot cat. Until she ended up finding other robot hiding her closet. The robot's name is Sedena. She ran away from the company that made her due to abuse/violence, and is scared that Veronica will do the same to her. (She won't.)
So, what I'm asking is how day to day life is as system, since that's what Veronica is going through. I'm a singlet, so I have no experience in this case.
Every system's gonna have a different day to day, so this is really something you'll want a variety of answers for, and if a certain experience feels more fitting to pull from, follow that lead!
That said, a lot of systems switch regularly, and some switch almost never! It fully depends on the situation they're living in, how stressful it is (or how many positive triggers there might be too!)
Some systems have a lot of memory barriers about what the person before was doing, which is more likely to be the case for a traumagenic system like what you've described.
This looks like spacing out mid conversation, perhaps, and coming back and the conversation you're in has switched topics completely and you have to piece it together. Or similarly, trying to figure out what the person was doing based on what's around you and where you are.
Ask other systems for their experiences, and for writing? Start with figuring out what kind of life Veronica has, and go from there. A system's habits and needs will change around that.
-Mod Tick Tock
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communist-hatsunemiku · 8 months
dude that 50k porn animation really does look like shit, like??? wtf is going on. Do you know how much 50k would fucking mean? we all know how much it would mean and this fucker drops it on some shitty animation that looks like it came straight from newgrounds circa 2010 or something
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typefourty · 9 months
Do you ever think about how many animators got their start on newgrounds and in flash? I think about it a lot. I ended up watching a compilation of all the HSR cartoons while I was working since it's like 9 hours long and includes all the extra toons that were included on the dvds, and it made me think about just how old they are. I was watching these when I first moved in with my dad. I still remember trying to get my friends to watch sbemails with me over lunch. The Brothers Chapps had such a profound impact on my humor and art that I'm still unintentionally dropping chappisms in normal conversation years later, four years after flash's death and much longer after the site stopped regularly updating.
They both wrote for Gravity Falls and the Aquabats Super Show. I didn't know this going into either of them. I saw a man dressed in a top hat and wrestling mask in Cobraman and didn't think twice 'til I recognized his voice and figured out it was Matt Fucking Chapman. Seeing HSR characters in Aquabats at all is fucking nuts to me. You mean that little red cunt i watched in kindergarten is here? right now? in my tv show? ridiculous. time is meaningless.
The reason I mention it is because it happened again recently. I started getting into Monkey Wrench, which is headed by Zeurel, the same guy who animated those excellent Vinesauce Joel videos.
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The thing is, I recognize Shrike, one of the main characters, and I just realised why. This guy has been animating since newgrounds. I saw his old stuff. I was watching Colosseum Tournmanet and keeping up with it regularly with a friend. This guy has had the same ocs for nearly sixteen years. I thought I was having a stroke when I saw the promotional material for Monkey Wrench on my dashboard.
Do you know the guy who made OneShot? Did you know that he made a fucking cavestory mod called WTFStory? Do you know how I knew about GIRakaCHEEZER? NOT THROUGH ONESHOT.
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The world is a very small place and I think that's wonderful. I think that's what I was trying to get at. I'm not trying to be existential either. It's hard for me to properly express how excited i am to recognize someone i looked up to as a kid, and to see them still making things. especially as an artist who grew up on sites like newgrounds and learned how to draw because of cartoons like Homestar Runner. Newgrounds, AlbinoBlackSheep and a lot of really early internet forums paved the way for a lot of creators, and it's terrifying and extremely comforting to know that people who might have had a really strong impact on you when you were young are still around, still healthy, and still making things.
ohh our art and actions and words have consquences. something you created for fun can have a profound impact on a strangers life. time is eternal and ever marching and thats a good thing actually
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magicalgirlagency · 7 months
I know this is a magical girl blog, but since you've mentioned indie games, I wanna know which ones are your faves? I assume the list isn't a big one, considering how you dislike horror games...
Pizza Tower (has Horror elements, but it's overrall bonkers and with a bitchin' soundtrack! An update with The Noise as a playable character is in the works!);
AntonBall (and its upcoming sequel, AntonBlast, which it's more close to the Wario Land 4 experience than Pizza Tower);
Captain Wayne: Vacation Desperation (it's not out yet, but it's basically DOOM combined with One Piece);
Freedom Planet (I like how it started off as a SonicTH hack, only for it to grow into its own thing. Things get intense in the sequel!);
Spookware (WarioWare but spooky! And with graphics similar to Paper Mario, too!)
Thunder Ray (it's Punch-Out!! but waaay more intense! Like Shonen manga kind of intense!);
Fight Knight (DOOM combined with Punch-Out!! Also has an intense Shonen manga vibe);
Cosmic Boll (A colorful Beat 'Em Up with Sonic-y designs. Most likely discontinued/cancelled);
Kyle & Lucy: Wonderland (Yet another game with Sonic-y aesthetics and gameplay, combined with Felix the Cat. Looks like it has been discontinued/cancelled, sadly);
Friday Night Funkin' (the fact that this game has managed to help Newgrounds stay relevant after the death of Flash is quite an amazing feat!);
Arzette: The Jewel of Faramore (What if CD-i Zelda were its own original thing? And what if it were actually good?);
Pulling No Punches/Punhos de Repúdio (this one's brazilian! A Beat 'Em Up where you fight against antivaxxers with Bolsonaro as the Final Boss!);
Spark the Electric Jester (Sonic, Kirby and Ristar all combined into one);
Hazelnut Hex (a short but sweet Cute 'Em Up);
Smile For Me (a First Person game with Psychonauts-esque aesthetics set in the 90's where you go around helping troubled people, calling the attention of its mysterious and whimsical doctor as you go);
In Stars and Time (a monochromatic RPG about being stuck in a timeloop);
Cavern of Dreams (N64-styled Collectathon where you play as a cute baby dragon);
Super Lesbian Animal RPG (used to be a MLP fangame, but had to be altered due to copyright issues);
Them's Fighting Herds (same as SLARPG, but as a 1vs1 Fighting Game à la SkullGirls);
My Friendly Neighborhood (okay, this one's actually Horror, but it has heart and passion put into it);
Cuphead (the amount of dedication and research put into the old-timey visuals is admirable. Even the Netflix series is stylish!);
Hades (the Greek Mythos kid in me V I B R A T E S);
Berserk Boy (Mega-Man lookalike with soundtrack composed by Tee Lopes!);
Penny's Big Breakaway (by the Sonic Mania devs! And Tee Lopes works on the tunes, too!);
Undertale (well, duh. Deltarune didn't captivated me as much, though...);
Hollow Knight (not a big fan of MetroidVanias, but this one's got beautiful visuals);
The Plucky Squire (an adorable indie that has been in the making for 20+ years, with an ex-Pokémon designer as its co-director. Strong Zelda/Paper Mario/LittleBigPlanet vibes on this one);
PsiloSybil (Crash Bandicoot-esque game protagonized by a cute curvaceous mushroom gal);
Melatonin (think Rhythm Heaven, but dreamier, pastel-colored, with lo-fi, and more grounded in reality).
And that's all I have so far right now. Might update this list if I remember something else!
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saysike-skedoodles · 4 months
Tell Us A Story!
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"As you were saying, Bex, about how you got here."
"Hm? Oh, yes! So I was sitting but the riverbank until I saw this rabbit.."
You thought that Silly being the Cheshire Cat was the only one changed? News flash, I had also changed up the Mad Hatter's spot too. (not exactly, I'll get into why in a second) Stacy is the Mad Hatter! The reason why Silly and Stacy have been included in the AU out of NOWHERE is because when I first made Bex in Wonderland. I seemed to completely miss the two when I made it. So I thought why not include them anyways. I know I had Galactica as the Mad Hatter (or Mad Catter as I called her cuz cat pun). But I don't think I'm having Stacy be a "replacement role" as I did with Silly replacing Smiler's role. 2 Hatters and a "Hare" (Oblivion is still a cat in this AU even though she's the March Hare) for Bex to deal with. What more could this anxious cat ask for hehe- but it's not too bad, Stacy doesn't change that much as the Mad Hatter anyways, maybe a bit more theatrical in her mannerisms but that's really it. So it's not like Bex just met 3 completely different characters. So things are a bit more calm for Bex this time around from all of the nonsense in Wonderland. I still want to change up a few things in regards to this AU so that it's not a direct copy of 1951 Alice in Wonderland (other than the fact that this AU has a cast of magical talking fantasy animals). Whether it be in characters present, dialogue and all that. I do want to also reference the books when I can too, since this gorgeous film wouldn't exist without Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass in the first place! I also just realised that I could've made Silly the March Hare to soften the blow of Stacy suddenly being the Mad Hatter, but ah, it's fine, we get an already funny coyote being the funny disappearing cat, so I'd consider that a win. ANYWAYS, I know you guys don't see Stacy or Silly in full view in these drawings, and they're kinda obscured in it, but I might aswell mention that Stacy has a polka dot dress! The skirt part has polka dots, that is. I just thought that she would wear something with a bit of polka dot in it as the Mad Hatter. I just thought it would add to fun of the film.
Also I think I should mention this here too but- it's Bex, Silly and Stacy's "design anniversaries" today! Basically it's been 4 years today that I first overhauled their designs and started to give them some lore. Aaaaaannnd, a LOT has changed in those 4 years, which I'm happy about! I like seeing the evolution and change these 3 went through over the 4 years. It's nostalgic to see what young teen me was thinking up of and putting these guys in. I probably should've done something for that today, but I was working on this for the past few days cuz I've gotten caught up in playing Minecraft again. Managed to get a horse and name them "Koko" after Koko the Clown from Fleischer's cartoons :]. But I do wanna have a go at possibly redrawing old artwork from 2021/2022 that features the trio! I feel like it would be a fun experience to see the change in style and also the trio themselves :]
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[all content I post is automatically 13+ if not stated in the title or the content itself]
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bvannn · 1 month
Weekly update August 23, 2024
I haven’t done as much as I wanted this week. I’m still incredibly tired. Tomorrow I am going to try to sleep in, go to a flea market, and watch a movie with a friend. Sunday I want to do a bunch of drawing but with my luck how it’s been it’s unlikely.
I finally got all the physical drawings imported where they need to go. OEB video is 52% boarded last I counted (and the main rig for that is 66% done), comic is 29% done overall. A little bit of OEB work hasn’t been counted yet, plus I’ve sketched out some boards for other videos. Things are going slow but they are going. Animation itself for OEB doesn’t seem like it’ll be as bad as other projects. Once I get going on that I’ll be enjoying it and it’ll go smoothly I just need to finish the setup.
Music: RR is so close to done. I fucked up the sound balancing at lunch today so I need to fix it and add in the vocascreamer and it’ll be good to go. It’ll need visuals too but I’ll throw something simple together for newgrounds. I think newgrounds specifically will like that one. Also finished up another instrumental one and planned the finishing touches on another, once those are done that’ll bring me up to four completed-but-not-released songs. I’ve begun sketches for a visual for one of them and have a plan for how to go about putting it together. I hate after effects with all my heart but I think I don’t have a choice for that one. Other two instrumentals will probably be simpler but either way I need time to draw.
Couple more smaller things for music, got midis set up for vocals for WOTW and BATB, those will be my lunch break projects next week. Also fiddled with some other instrumentals but nothing fancy.
Epithet TTRPG: I did math and now have a formula to plan the encounters! Also figured out player progression. If you’ve noticed a pattern with my progress on the other projects, you can probably guess what’s stopping me here: I didn’t have time to draw minis or maps! Minis don’t take too long to make so I’d like to slip some in next week but maps are a bigger priority and take super long so chances are next week will be mostly comic work and OEB video.
I don’t know what next week will look like, I’ll rest where I can but more likely I’ll just say fuck it and draw anyway. I have one drawing for a mutual to post after I add the finishing touches tonight, then fuck it we ball. I’ll try to finish up at least something else to post, comic panels at a minimum, but I’ll try to get something more significant done.
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queriesntheories · 1 year
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how do you do?
I love to make Stuff: writing things, artsy things, music things, whole buncha things. I also post a lot of nonsense thoughts, and share the cool things I find around the web, especially artsy fun things and stuff that makes internet surfing a little easier.
You’ll see some swearing in the tags, but any jokes on the ruder side I keep tagged; block #not so family friendly if you don't want to see that.
I have a Good Omens sideblog on @bananafishgorillashoelace (with a dash of nutmeg) :D
I'm proudly queer and genderfluid! Not entirely out everywhere, still figuring myself out but generally just trying to do whatever feels fun. All of my trans/queer/questioning siblings out there; I see you, I hear you, and I love you /p (and to folks who are aspec in any form, you're the freakin coolest and I hope something nice happens to you this week! this is entirely unrelated to me, I just hope you have a great day!)
If you need anything tagged just shoot me a message, I’m easy going and don’t mind it. Actually just message me generally I like talking to people :>
More info about this blog and the stuff I do under the cut, but thank you for stopping by regardless of the reason why ^^
And remember folks: Don't like what you see? Blocking is free! (and constructive criticism is recieved gladly!)
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I exist on YouTube as AychTooOh, making music shitposts, playlists, and the occasional fan edit! I try to upload when I can; if you have any playlist ideas send them my way :D
I have made a Wug Picrew, so you can make a cute creature from child linguistics (this is one of my favourite things)
Sometime I write fanfiction on AO3, on the rare occasion that a silly pairing or a scenario socks me in the face with inspiration
I exist on Themeplaza too, occasionally making silly fun 3DS system themes/splashes! (and if you have any requests, shoot me a DM and I'll see what I can do!)
I have some old art on Newgrounds; very very inactive over there, but that's where you might see art I post for collabs :P
Aside from my GO sideblog, I'm also working on turning my tag #q’s internet trinkets into a neocities page! Check back soon for updates, and please send me stuff you think might fit ^^
I also have a pretty hefty original project of my own that I've been chipping away at for the better part of two to three years! If the fates align, you might see it this year!! ;D
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Here are some cool people I think are very neat that you should follow too
@paperoxalis - very skilled 2D and stop-motion animator, sculptor, artist, and writer too! They recently released an adorable animation you can watch here :)
@scottysee - artist, writer and animator working on so many projects; always amazed by their work! You can join their Discord server here :)
@unknown-is-aaaa - very talented artist with an interest in plenty of fandoms, and a heck of a cool-looking art style! They also have a Twitter you can check out here :)
@galandrielle - long-time writer with a heck of a story to tell! Check out her work here! (I’d recommend starting with Michael and John - A Story of Friendship)
@canceltheact - more like a group, but these guys on the theory team are the best and are such wonderful friends to have! <3
@midnightnautilus - artist/animator/writer/squid, creator of the amazing Markiplier AU “A Bit of Madness”!
@backlitrabbit - ARG enthusiast, aspiring writer and all-round very cool human. Check out their YouTube channel here :D
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#putting this in my pocket for later - stuff I save for future things
#things q thinks are cool - posts that make me go “:o” (I have many a subtag for this that usually starts with "and by cool i mean (adjective)")
#Q’s creations - the stuff I make :D (don't question the capital letter, i messed up)
#friends of q - things from my friends :)
#q’s internet trinkets - Fun/useful internet things I find that you can use (mostly free if I can help it, bc fun is essential to the human experience even if you’re tight on cash)
#q rambles - my funny little soapbox
#asks go brrr - asks :D please send me asks they're very fun
#not so family friendly - Not entirely PG-13 stuff I find interesting/funny, but still want to share. Block this tag if you want a clean dash, I won’t judge.
#bag of rainbow things - like the things I find cool tag, but LGBTQ+ community/education/history related. (and also probably personally related to me ahaha ^^;)
#yay recipes! - recipes from places! Some of these may also be in the pocket tag; I’ll work on sorting them eventually
#q’s crow obsession - for all your Corvid needs
#wiggly frequencies - the hills are alive with the sound of muse (yes I’m making a DaThings reference on my pinned post cause her stuff rocks. Anyway this is where the music stuff lives)
#because funni - *slams whiteboard* LAUGH!
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(ps if you're wondering where I got these cool little gifs from they're from blinkies.cafe and they rule <3) (I also got this star divider from here!) (last updated 12/05/24)
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polkadotart · 9 months
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a molly for u!
she looks like she is from someone’s newground’s animation? I LOVE how you drew her it makes me think of like old flash animations? Idk I could go on that forever but this gave me a big smile I love this drawing so much you got her smile so perfect thank you so much…
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dragonkittyipod · 10 months
a list of the most specific gobb headcanons of mine, because this is my blog and i post what i want
Banban: every friday for morning announcements, he opens by saying "happy friday everyone! you made it!" before queuing poor-quality, choppy eurodance playing from his work laptop on youtube and into the microphone. -
Banbaleena: she plays with littlest pet shops as a coping mechanism. -
Jumbo josh: he's a capybara with a giant capybara harness that he puts on whenever him and nabnaleena go on walks together. walking means nabnaleena just sits on his head and points at where she wants him to go, and he does. -
Stinger flynn: stinger flynn and nabnab are bros. nabnab stops by from time to time to let things off his chest, and stinger flynn listens. -
Nabnab: his voice claim is MC Ride. also, his favorite death grips song is "disappointed" from year of the snitch. -
Nabnaleena: her original room before she moved in with nabnab looked like this, and she listens to the monster high fright song nightcore version.
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Opila Bird: she's filipino and lets jumbo josh babysit her chicks during the weekend. -
Captain Fiddles: he's great at keeping a low-profile despite knowing almost everything about other people. he's an aspiring ninja, or so he likes to call it. -
Slow Seline: she loves to read manga! she also tends to her own small garden and enjoys making terrariums. she also decorates her room quite often, hanging up new posters and growing her collection of stuffed animals. -
Bittergiggle: his singing voice matches 100 gecs strangely well. he knows all the lyrics to "i got my tooth removed" and can recite it by heart. -
Sheriff Toadster: he's a juggalo because bittergiggle got him into ICP. -
Queen Bouncelia: she enjoys providing for people as much as jumbo josh does, and hosting kingdom events is always really fun for her. she also enjoys flowers and pretty lights. -
Chamataki: ADHDtistic. he has a bad habit of backseat gaming and gets sidetracked when talking about newgrounds minecraft parodies, but is overall nice to talk to.
Tamataki: a calm turtle who watches youtube poops in his spare time. he's a technical guy and invests a lot of time in complex minecraft builds on his personal superflat world. both chamataki and tamataki have matching kandi necklaces crafted by nabnaleena herself. -
Kittysaurus: threatens and insults people using warrior cats terminology, like calling humans "twolegs" or saying "mouse-brain" to others. -
Mr. Kabob Man: his voicelines were hacked by nabnab and replaced with youtube poop samples. now whenever he's brought around, he can say "spaghetti!" upon entrance.
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yosos0w0 · 2 months
About Me
Hi, nice to meet you! ^^ I'm Yosos, and I do Pixel art, Art sprites, and Pixel animations. I first learned pixel art from an old friend of mine who works in indie video games. She got me hooked on it back in 2018-2019. But honestly, pixel art wasn’t my passion at the time. My original passion was Rubber Hose style art and animation from the mid-1920s to 1930s, inspired by characters like Koko the Clown, Betty Boop, Felix the Cat, and good ol’ Mickey Mouse.
When I tried drawing them on my phone, it didn’t look so good because my hands were always "broken" because I kept punching the wall :-P lol. For me, pixel art is good because it’s easier to control my hands when drawing on my phone. Anyway, now I'm stuck with pixel art and learned a lot from my friend. Not sure what happened to her, but I kept going. I still use Rubber Hose animation as a base because I love how bouncy and expressive the emotions are and how fast the character movements can be.
I also take inspiration from various pixel art video games from both my childhood and now, like Super Mario Bros, Kirby's Adventure, River City Ransom, and Mother 2/Earthbound, to more recent titles like Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: The Game, Undertale, Deltarune, Yume Nikki, and more. I appreciate the authenticity of their styles and the vibrant colors they use, and I just love how they move too. ^_^
I'm a self-taught artist, and I typically finish my art within a week to two months, depending on the size of the canvas, number of frames, and colors used. And yeah, I watch NSFW animation and art to learn more about animation techniques and anatomy. Sooooooo yeah, that’s me! ^_~
Pixel art:
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Description: Just a Guy in a Purple Catsuit.
Date: 02/11/2024
Size: 413x542 px.
Colors Used: Oil 6
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Npc BBS Characters
Description: It's just a concept of a few NPC characters, inspired by a thread in general. I think it's a fighting game like Street Fighter, but my idea is more like an RPG game similar to Dragon Quest. The story is that you just moved to Newgrounds City, and suddenly bad things happen. Some of the famous Newgrounds characters disappear, and only you (the player) can save them and Newgrounds City. Idk :-P
Date: 08/18/21
Size: 87x140 px.
Colors Used: Endesga 32
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BBS General Fighter Turbo
Description: Hey @Ryanson, here is the animation I promised you! I'm sorry if it's not very polished. I know you like fighting games, I think? So I added other users for you to fight, like @Poopypeter. The others are background characters, such as @Superrobloxbros, @Pumpkinheadude, @Cerealgutz, @Z0i, @Chezmond, @Drsevenseizemd, @Void, and @The-great-one. That's all, I guess. I hope you like it! ^^
Date: 08/29/22
Size: 185x165 px.
Frames: 26 frames
Colors Used: Endesga 32
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Happy Easter
Description: Happy Easter Everyone ^^
Date: 04/07/23
Size: 274x274 px.
Frames: 30 frames
Colors Used: AYY4
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Choose your users!
Description: Hello! It's been a while. I apologize, Snug-Bug, for taking so long to finish this animation. I had a lot of school and personal problems, which delayed its completion. I'm also sorry that it's not a Snugbug DLC That you want it, but it's finally here. I've combined all the user's art requests into one piece to create this artwork. It consists of 135 frames, each lasting 100 milliseconds. This is the longest animation I've made, excluding the study work and ongoing problems I'm still dealing with. Additionally, keep an eye out for some Easter eggs in the pixel animation. I hope you all enjoy it.
Date: 08/14/23
Size: 516x267px.
Frames: 135 frames
Colors Used: Endesga 32
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Waifu San
Description: If you can't beat them join them. Inspired: https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/whimsical-wife/yosos-chan To hell with you @whimsical-wife To @Thetageist and @Drazah?????????????
Date: 05/02/24
Size: 200x200 px.
Frames: 72 frames
Colors Used: Endesga 32
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Mr. Pumpkin Man
Description: Originally I'm trying to make a New Character Sheet for my Oc/Persona Character but idk what I did.
Date: 07/17/24
Size:  216x146 px.
Frames: 452 frames
Colors Used: mulfok32
My Projects
Blam and Protect
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Description: THE PORTAL IS UNDER ATTACK! And it's up to you (P-Bot) to destroy the bad guys! You'll use your P-Blaster to eliminate spammers, trolls, and just plain bad submissions.
Role: Background Artist
Year: January 23, 2023
Link: Blam and Protect on Newgrounds
NG Fishing Collab
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Description: In early development, this project was almost scrapped. I took over when Demisurgex left. There are a few submissions from the original post (which got deleted) that I still haven't found. [Important] If you had submitted illustrations to the original NG Fishing Collab post, but can't find your submission anywhere in our gallery mode, PM me (CJspellsfish) and send me your fish details.
Role: Additional Artist
Year: November 23, 2023
Link: NG Fishing Collab on Newgrounds
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Unfinished works:
No. 01
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Contact Information
If you want to contact me here's my Social media Account:
DeviantArt: mryosos
Newgrounds: yosos
X (formerly Twitter): YososOwO
Tumblr: yosos0w0
That's all ^^
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