#and feel insecure around eachother but at the very end found a brief middle ground
miquella-everywhere · 15 days
Me thinking about how there are more hints in the base game towards Miquella and Rykard having a sibling relationship than anything regarding Miq and the Promised Retcon
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The Craftsman Shack on Mt. Gelmir indicating that Miquella spent a good amount of time in Rykards domain creating and engineering weapons(and Rykard allowing Miq to do so), the fact that you can find both the Pulley Bow/Crossbow on Mt. Gelmir, and that the Shaded Castle is literally within Mt. Gelmirs shadow and being one of the few places where the Haligtree is visible.
And also with the revelation that Miquella's charm acts as a type of calming spell and the fact that he can remove unhappy memories, and the very existence of the Tonic of Forgetfulness which can literally remove unwanted bitter memories, and that the bottle is highly golden and floral just like Miquella's aesthetic
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Whereas in comparison to the nothing we get in the base game regarding anything between miq and rad......
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bonesthebeloved · 5 years
Everything Stays
Based on this beautiful comic by @chronophobica
Triggers/squicks: brief mention of unsympathetic light sides, crying.
Relationships: brotherly Remus and Roman, familiar Deceit and Romulus
Remus has been questing through the imagination out of pure boredom.
After Deceit had gone to the surface to 'spice things up' he'd been bored out of his mind. The promise that he'd be allowed outside soon enough not nearly enough to satisfy his need for a distraction.
So he'd packed himself some food and water, said goodbye to orange and off he went.
Now the plan had been to find some sort of creature or beast and befriend them, maybe wreck some havock while they were at it, but when he found an oddly familiar yet completely forgotten garden he'd decided that a little side quest couldn't hurt.
The garden was big and he knew his way around as if it were his own despite not remembering ever coming here. The feeling that he was missing something pulling him in further. His original plan completely forgotten as he walked through rosegardens and past ponds with beautiful swans and koifish. Cackling in delight as he saw a few bat's sleeping in one of the darker trees and spiders making their webs between the branches.
Roman would love this! Well, part of it anyways.
When Remus approached the middle of the garden, quietly humming and swaying along with the songs stuck in his head, he stilled. Looking closely at the fountain infront of him.
On the very top of it sat an axe.
A very familiar axe.
"Shit. Is that-?"
It was.
Creativities axe, the King's weapon, sat on top of the fountain, glinting faintly in the sun seeming to almost mock him as he simply stared at it.
They'd been trying to find it for ages. He and his brother looking all over the imagination and not a trace. Yet here it was. Out in the open in a huge garden in broad daylight.
He walked forward on autopilot, reaching for the weapon without a second thought. It felt strange, feeling it under his fingers again after such a long time. The thing seeming to almost vibrate (heh) with power as he wrapped his hand around it.
Huh. He remembered it being bigger.
He studied the light pink axe in his hands closely as a flash suddenly blinded him and there he was, a much bigger and much heavier axe stuck partly into the ground and Remus trying to desperately lift it.
He tried and he tried. He tried until he was all sweaty before remembering that he could just will his body to not sweat. He tried until the sun sunk below the horizon and he willed it back to midday with a wave of his hand. He tried until his muscles were sore and his other quest was long forgotten, the only thing on his mind getting that axe off the ground.
And when he finally stopped trying he sunk out and into his own room, not even bothering to change his dirtied clothing or wash his greasy hair before he dashed over to his brothers room.
"Remus!" came his brother's surprised shout as he kicked the door in with such enthusiasm that it hit the wall beside it. Creating a small dent his brother would wish away in no-time.
Roman was sitting at his desk, crumbled up paper and scrapped ideas everywhere around him. Looking tired in every sense of the word as Remus faintly remembered Deceit telling him something about a callback and their hopes and dreams being destroyed.
He wouldn't know either way. His connection to Thomas wasn't nearly strong enough to pick up on such subtle things.
His bond with Roman was however. And he frowned slightly as he felt the wave of stress and mental drainage wash over him before he wove it away. Focusing on the task at hand.
He'd try and talk about it later. They had more important things to discuss.
Like how Roman was going to have to help him lift a giant battle axe out from the dirt. They could deal with his brothers emotional issues later.
"So... Why exactly are you dragging me out of my room and into the middle of nowhere?"
They had been walking for half an hour now and Remus had been surprised when his brother hadn't spoken or complained much the first thirty minutes.
They had almost reached the garden. Remus could nearly see the first trees peeking out from over the horizon as they wandered onwards.
"I found the axe."
It was almost laughable. How fast and strong the reaction was his brother gave. "You WHAT? And you didn't tell me before? Remus this is fantastic news! Why didn't you bring it?"
"Too heavy. That's why I dragged you with me brother mine! Maybe you can help me lift it!"
Roman frowned at that. Looking sceptical as he looked his brother up and down. "Why not ask Decei-" "Busy. By the way, he'd start crying as soon as I mention the King." Roman nodded at that and stayed quiet for a moment. "Can't really ask the others. They wouldn't agree with you being there," he said, thinking out loud as they entered the garden.
He fell quiet after that, looking around in wonder and slight recognition. Remus could tell he was having the same experience as he had when first discovering it. "Familiar yet completely new huh?" "I- yeah... Yeah you're right."
It was then that Remus decided to take his brothers hand. Comfort was a thing he was still getting the hang of, but Deceit had been teaching him recently and he knew how to calm others down.
With Roman that ment physical contact and reassurance.
When Roman squeezed his brothers hand and gave the tiniest smile in response Remus knew it had been the right decision. And so they continued onwards with Remus leading the way knowing full well Roman knew the path they had to take aswell, walking through the garden in silence, hands skimming the hedges and statues covered in moss.
When they finally arrived at the center again their hands fell from eachother grasp. Remus eager to try to lift the axe again, Roman standing incredibly still. Staring at the weapon with a faint memory playing just behind his eyes were Remus couldn't see.
"Roro?" the nickname fell off his lips so easily the meaning of it almost slipped past him.
But he noticed how Roman looked up at him. Hopeful and fragile and so much like he had when they separated for good. He noticed how his fingers were twitching to reach out and hug his brother. To make sure this wasn't a dream.
And he noticed how all of the cut strings between the two of them began to slowly reconnect. A spark of hope growing into a little flame burning bright within him. The light at the end of the seemingly endless tunnel suddenly a little closer.
And the axe. Calling out for them to lift it. To hold it in their hands again and feel its power.
"Come on then Ree. Let's show this thing who's boss."
And four hands grabbed the handle, the two of them looking at eachother in silent conversation.
And Remus knew then that they would be alright. That this falling apart would be fixed again. That they had a chance to be brothers.
And two hands lifted the axe high above his head.
The King laughing loudly and open heartedly as he swung it around a few times. The thing light as a feather now that he held it in his hands.
And he danced around, twirling and jumping through the garden and enjoying the feeling of being himself again.
After a while he calmed down enough to form a coherend thought and closed his eyes. Focusing on the two halves and how they were reacting.
"How did this happen?"
"I have to talk to Deceit! He'll be over the moon to see us again!"
"The others will hate us again."
"We're finally together!"
"Why did they hate us?"
"Dee? Honey are you here?"
Romulus called out into the darkened livings pace of the serpent side. The axe leaning against the wall glowing faintly. Ponytail tied into a messy bun to prevent it from slapping them in the face when he ran to this location.
The inside of the room gasped loudly and then remained quiet for a full minute before Deceit emerged from the shadows looking small and frightened and oh so fragile.
"Hello buttercup." He called out again. Watching as another part of the snake's defences shattered and he started to shake. Slowly walking towards him.
"I missed you." he said, and that was it. Deceit ran the last bit of distance between them, crashing into the other and hugging him tightly while burying his head into his chest, hat flying off.
Romulus simply wrapped his arms around the lying trait and held him. Shushing and cooing. Telling him that it was alright and that he was here over and over again until the sobbing lessened to a manageable amount.
They didn't speak a word after that. Romulus didn't explain and Deceit didn't seem to want an explanation. He simply led the King inside and summoned a large pile of pillows. Plopping down and looking at the other until he did the same and movie night could start.
Deceit would want answers eventually. Hell, even the two parts of him wanted to know how this had happened. But for now, they all needed some comfort. And watching movies while cuddled close, creativity feeling whole again for the first time in years and Deceit feeling like the part of him that had been missing had finally clicked into place again was the right thing to do right now.
And as Aladin started playing and Dee put his head on the King's shoulder, loosely braiding a few strands of his long hair together, they all felt at peace for the first time in what felt like forever.
And they weren't quite the same as they had been. Their hair had grown and their personality had changed. Their balance lost and connection only now reforming. And maybe there were more insecurities and uncertainties now then there had been.
And the axe was glowing gently where it stood leaned against the closet. And while it may have earned a few scratches over the years, it still remained the same.
Just changed ever so slightly.
That ending went off the rails but I just wanted Romulus to hug Deceit so I made them. Sue me (please don't I'm sensitive)
Taglist: @purp-man @crazycookie13o @deceitifullies101 @sapphire-knight @ragingdumpsterfiremess @chronophobica @lance-alt @mylifeisadeceit
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