#and feel free to reblog but dont clown on it
purple-beans · 5 months
Sometimes it feels like, even tho you might have friends, you have a good friend group around you, people who you love and care about, and you know they love you and care about you too.
But at the same time you know they all have their own friend groups too. And you're not a part of that friend group. So despite having all those friends and loved ones, they all do stuff with their own friend groups, and you're just, left in the middle because somehow despite it all, you still don't belong. Despite all those people around you, you're still on your own.
That kinda sucks sometimes, y'know?
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koshercosplay · 1 year
one of the (many) things that resonated with me after reading the Wayfarers series by Becky Chambers (if you haven't read them yet, GO READ THEM) is Ouloo's opinion on the exhaustion of political activism vs taking the easy way out and letting others do the work for you.
she wants to live a quiet life, and she wants people to stop killing each other. that's the extent of her politics. she doesn't know the complexities of the political landscape of the galactic commons in which she lives, nor is she obligated to become an expert in it: fundamentally, she wants people to get along, and she wants to serve them cake, and she does her best to live her life in exactly those terms. when she's confronted with her own biases, she works doubly hard on herself to overcome them, because her existence is dominated by that one, very very simple thing: be kind to others. some of the other characters look down at her for it, saying it's naive, that the world can't be made better with cake, that if she really cared she'd do something more tangible about it.
but I think there's something really valuable in that mindset. I want to be kind to others, and I want others to get along. I don't have the answers to all of the political questions in our society. but also, I don't have to. not everyone is capable of being loud and angry. I go through so much anxiety and stress, worrying that I'm not doing enough, I'm not loud enough, I'm not doing my part to change the world we live in, what if I'm just being lazy?
sometimes living your own life gently and with kindness and interacting with others from a place of love is enough. we need both kinds of people in the world. and sometimes gentle people get loud, and sometimes loud people need gentleness.
not having all the answers all the time is okay. worrying is not activism. anxiety is not activism. you are allowed to take care of your body and mind.
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Is there a way to disable to creepy clown on the side of the dashboard? Some of us don't want to see that as we scroll @staff
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lynslegion · 2 years
I know this is oddly specific but I want to give a shout-out right now. If you, like me, are a fan of fire emblem and have fibromyalgia or another chronic illness with brain fog and others forms of cognitive dysfunction I love you so fucking much. It's so difficult going from being able to enjoy games that require a good bit of thought to feeling like you're receiving psychic damage just because of a single map. You're not stupid, you're not bad at the game, you're playing on irl Lunatic difficulty and you're kicking ass. Take breaks when you need to, and don't let it get you down if you're having trouble with beating a map. Though it may not seem like it, we're playing on par with people who play these games on the highest difficulty because of the limitations imposed on us. Keep kicking ass, my friends. <3
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mondaysaglitch · 2 years
seeing a lot of posts about the new harry potter game, and people saying "oh my god thanks for reminding me to buy it!" man it's almost funny how fucked up people are now-a-days.
we're on a rock hurling through space, and we're all hurting in ways nobody else but us can truly understand, yet some people make the concious decision and put foward effort and money to add onto the suffering of others.
why is the message "don't be a dickwad to people" so controversial? why is basic human decency a thing that people are outwardly proud about lacking?
furthermore, why do some people boast about lacking the brain power to even conceptualize the fact that just because you disagree with someone doesn't mean it's a personal attack against you and you have to do everything in your power to hurt them to get back at them.
formal language and any political issues aside; if you enjoy the suffering of others who exist in real life, get the fuck away from society until you re-learn how to be kind to others. if you derive any type of joy from the agony of others, especially agony that you've directly or indirectly caused? you need to be rehabilitated for a lesson that's supposed to be taught in kindergarden.
and to clarify, no i'm not talking about something like wipeout that's meant to be entertainment. i mean if you watch gore videos for entertainment or buy a game that monetarily supports a transphobe just to get back at those 'troons'. if you get any sick kicks from people who are genuienly suffering and DID NOT sign up for said suffering? you're worse off than a literal child in terms of decency.
i get that end times are coming and violence is more prone than ever, but the fact that there's a group of humans who are downright prideful about the fact that they find pleasure from the pain of others makes me think that society deserves to collapse now more than ever.
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lesbianralzarek · 1 year
tumblr in reddit terms
blogs: personal subreddits where the theme/topic is 99% of the time just “me and whatever the hell i feel like at the moment”. for reference, the most common other theme rn is “wizard roleplay that never breaks character”
reblogs: crossposts. these are crucial to maintaining tumblr’s ecosystem. due to blogs generally having fewer followers than subreddits have subscribers, this is the way that posts get seen and passed around. the vast majority of posts on a person’s blog tend to be reblogs, so if the people you follow dont reblog a whole lot, your dashboard is gonna be a ghost town. post limit (combined total of reblogs and original posts per day) is 250, so feel free to go hog wild
tags: this one is complicated. theyre a combination of flairs and Comments But Low-key. you can use them for organization and to avoid seeing content you dont want to (go to your blog, settings, account settings, content you see, and then add tags you want tumblr to warn you about before seeing it). if op tags the post #reddit (in the tags, not the body of the post), itll show up in the #reddit tag when anyone searches that tag. tags are also used for comments that dont really add anything to the post. you know how a jpeg gets kinda gross when its been through a million screenshots and has ifunny watermarks and shit? thats what adding “lmao same” as a comment does to a post. comments stay on reblogs, while tags show up in 4 places: op’s notifications, the notifs of whoever you reblogged it from, when someone clicks on the “notes” button of a post and actively looks for the tags left on it, and when people view your specific reblog of the post (like a follower would on their dashboard)
likes: upvotes but weaker. almost everyone turns off all the algorithms (settings, account settings, dashboard preferences, toggle off the first 3 options. also, make sure your dashboard is on "following" and not "for you". this is highly recommended), so leaving a like doesnt boost the post in any way. they still matter to some people. you can also use them to bookmark a post and go back to your likes later
enthusiastic and/or hyperbolic tags: reddit gold. you wanna let op know you like their art? leave something like ”#printing this out and stapling it to my forehead #op you wanna get married?” in the tags
pornbots: both reddit and tumblr have an issue with them. we block and report them on sight. they usually have hot women as their icons, no posts or reblogs, and a description like “22, brazil, nurse <3″. try to not look like that if you dont wanna get blocked by everyone you follow
blocking: you have this as well, but it seems like a bigger deal on reddit. the reason we are not twitter is because we block bitches who annoy us and move on with our day. do not feed the trolls
things we dont have:
karma: clout-chasing is The Most embarrassing thing you can possibly do on this site. we are all in this circus together and the clown who gets the most laughs is still a clown. popular users will literally deactivate sometimes because clout is a burden. no one here makes money
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differentpostrebel · 16 days
Lost and Found: A Pirate's Promise
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The first gif, is cause its the standoff, and also Caesar with the heart eyes for Joker, and the second gif because I cant find a gif of them running. Dressrosa really do be bringing out the passion and action.
Chapter 26: Doflamingo’s Deadly Game
A/N: We are back with another chapter! I truly cant wait for you guys to read this one, Chapter 27 is done and Im currently working on chapter 28. Thank you guys so much for liking, commenting, reblogging, and interacting!. I also have a special chapter cooking for Sabo and Y/N and what went down during those two years... We have some good stuff coming up, also dont forget to like chapter 25 also! And without further a do lets get to it and let the adventure begin!
Word Count: 5.1K 
Sanji x Reader, Sanji x Y/N, One piece x Reader 
Laws POV… 
Doflamingo laughed softly, his voice dripping with mockery. “Better hurry, Law. She won’t last much longer.”
We stood locked in a three-way standoff: Admiral Fujitora and his men on one side, Doflamingo opposite me, and Caesar still pathetically at my side. The air was thick with tension, a clash waiting to erupt. Caesar turned, frantic as ever, babbling in a desperate plea.
"Joker! Make him pay for this! And also the prin—"
Without hesitation, I grabbed him by the scarf, choking off his words as I dragged him closer. “The deal’s off, Doflamingo!” My voice was sharp, resolute. There was no going back now.
Doflamingo’s menacing laugh echoed through the battlefield. “I haven’t seen you in ten years, Law. Show your old boss some respect.” His grin widened, dark and unforgiving. “As for Caesar, you know how valuable he is to me. I need him back.”
“Ohh, Joker, you do care!” Caesar swooned beside me, completely missing the gravity of the situation.
One of the Marines spoke up, eyes shifting between the parties. “Admiral, it appears Law brought in Caesar Clown for a trade-off.”
Fujitora nodded, the weight of his presence almost palpable. “Ah, yes. The scientist responsible for that poison gas. A tricky situation... If he works for one of the Seven Warlords, he might be granted amnesty.” His brow furrowed as he weighed the situation. “This is delicate.”
Doflamingo chuckled, his voice cutting through the air like a knife. “They say you and Ryokugyu are forces to be reckoned with on the battlefield.”
“Sir, you flatter me,” Fujitora responded, calm but wary.
“Cut the crap. I don’t need praises,” Doflamingo spat, growing impatient. His smile twisted into something more sinister. 
“I’m having a little trouble unraveling the situation here, but it seems to me that as a Warlord, you’re doing things that go beyond your authority... like this fellow over here calling you Joker.”
Fujitora’s voice remained steady, though there was a hint of warning beneath it. 
“If you’re really trying to take me down, be ready to dirty your hands. It’ll take a mountain of evidence. Now... what do you plan to do about Law?” 
Doflamingo’s eyes glinted with dangerous intent as he turned his gaze back to me. His laughter stopped, and the battlefield grew even colder in his silence. “If you’re referring to the news about your alliance with the Straw Hats, then yes, he’s guilty.” Fujitora’s voice was calm but firm, the weight of his words unmistakable. “So tell me, Law—is he simply your subordinate, or an ally? The answer will determine whether you both are guilty. If so, that means we’ll arrest you... and the Straw Hats.”
“What kind of excuse is that?!” Caesar shrieked, his voice trembling. “So all he has to do is lie, and he’s scot-free?”
My mind raced. Damn it. My plan had completely fallen apart. The Navy was here, and now I was the target. I glanced around, feeling the weight of every decision. I can’t let the team in Dressrosa get caught up in this. If I lie, it’ll only make things worse. I have to make a stand, here and now.
I took a deep breath and shouted, “It’s true! The Straw Hats aren’t working under me. We’re equals in this alliance!”
“You just have to make things more difficult, don’t you, Law?” Doflamingo’s laugh rang out, filled with cruel amusement. “Well then, it’s settled. You’re guilty. But that won’t be the only thing making headlines tomorrow.”
Fujitora’s face remained unreadable, but the air around him shifted. Suddenly, an immense pressure bore down on us, the ground beneath us trembling. “Consider this your sentence,” Fujitora said calmly as the sky darkened. From above, a massive meteor hurtled toward us.
The Marines scattered in panic, and Caesar scrambled for cover, but I stood my ground. “Room!” I yelled, extending my hand. The space around me warped as I sliced the meteor in half, the debris crashing harmlessly around us. When the dust settled, all three of us stood in our original spots, a deep crack running through the battlefield like a scar.
“Even a blind man couldn’t miss that,” I muttered, still catching my breath.
“Ah, pardon me,” Fujitora said with a calm smile. “Just a small test.”
My heart pounded, but there was no room for hesitation. Fujitora continued, “Now, Law... you’re a criminal, which means I’ll have to arrest you.”
Doflamingo's grin widened as he watched the chaos unfold. “What now, Law? You’re not going to run, are you? You won’t get far in my kingdom.”
I gritted my teeth, my mind scrambling for a solution. I’ve got to think of something—fast.
Sanji POV… 
The streets of Dressrosa were a blur as I raced forward, the pounding of my heart drowning out everything else. Violet was right behind me, her soft footsteps barely audible over the chaos. But even with her so close, my mind was elsewhere—on Y/N. I couldn’t stop picturing her trapped in Doflamingo’s web, and it was driving me crazy. Every second I wasn’t with her felt like a second too long.
With shaky hands, I grabbed my transponder snail and frantically dialed. “Franky,” I called out the moment he picked up, my voice tight with urgency. “Where’s Y/N? Have you seen her?”
Franky’s voice came through, calm but direct. “I’m heading to the flower field.”
I stopped dead in my tracks, confusion mixing with my frustration. “The flower field? Why there of all places?”
Franky’s tone sharpened, clearly not in the mood for my questions. “And where the hell have you been, huh?”
I hesitated, casting a quick glance at Violet, her presence reminding me why I’d been gone. “I was… falling in love,” I admitted, my voice barely a whisper. Violet smiled at me, her eyes filled with a quiet understanding that almost made me forget the urgency of the moment. Almost.
But Franky’s laughter brought me crashing back. “Ah, so you’ve moved on, huh? Guess Y/N’s not on your mind anymore? I’ll be sure to let the others know there's less of a competition now!”
His words hit harder than I expected, and I could feel my chest tighten. Even with Violet by my side, Y/N was still there, lingering in my thoughts. No matter what Franky thought, I hadn’t forgotten about her. I couldn’t. Not with the danger she was in.
“Franky, cut the crap,” I snapped, my voice cold. “We’ve got bigger things to deal with. Just tell me if you’ve seen Y/N.”
“Honestly, I haven’t since we separated,” Franky admitted.
“Crap, we need to find her and fast!” My mind raced with the possibilities of what Doflamingo could be planning. Franky continued, “By the way, I also know where the factory is, but it won’t be easy. There’s a whole thing about it.”
“We’ll be lucky if we even make it out alive,” I muttered under my breath, frustration and urgency mixing together.
“Yeah, I’ve heard about Doflamingo’s plan,” Franky replied. “We walked right into that trap. But just because we’re in deep now doesn’t mean we can’t salvage the operation. I’ve got a few tricks up my sleeve. We can still do some serious damage.”
"Alright," I said, trying to focus, “just meet me at the flower field, and we’ll work things out.”
Franky chuckled, “What the hell is that place? Sounds like something out of a fairy tale!”
I couldn’t help the irritation creeping into my voice. "By the way, I’m worried about Y/N. With Doflamingo’s plan, things are getting worse. And I’m also worried about Nami!”
Franky’s voice softened a bit. “Don’t worry, Y/N’s tough as nails. And so is Nami. They’ll be fine, Sanji. You’ve got to have some faith. We just need to find Y/N before Doflamingo does. As for Nami, she’s got Brook and monster Chopper watching her back.”
I opened my mouth to respond when a commotion broke out around us. A crowd had gathered, watching something on a large screen. I glanced over and froze. “Hey! What’s going on there?” I spotted Luffy on the screen, inside the Coliseum, fighting.
“Franky, why the hell is Luffy fighting?!” I demanded, my frustration spiking again.
“Oh, yeah,” Franky said, as if just remembering. “He’s fighting in some big tournament. I forgot to mention it.”
I groaned, running a hand through my hair. “Why the hell did you leave him alone? You know damn well he can’t be trusted on his own!”
Franky didn’t miss a beat. “Hey, you’re one to talk. You lost Zoro and Y/N!”
I clenched my fists, frustrated, but Franky wasn’t wrong. Violet, standing close to me, tensed. Her eyes darted around as if sensing danger before she spoke. "Blackleg, I have to leave. My men have found me. You and your crew are focused on getting to the factory—here, take this." She quickly handed me a folded piece of paper. “It’s disguised as a toy factory.”
I grabbed the map, my heart pounding. "No, you can’t go! If you’ve helped me this far, there’s no turning back!" I protested, desperation creeping into my voice. The thought of her walking away now—after everything—was unbearable.
“It’s too late for me,” she said quietly, her voice carrying a weight of resignation. “The executives already know I’ve betrayed the family. I’m doomed.”
“Violet, wait!” I reached out, placing a hand on her shoulder. “The western gate—meet me there and stay hidden. That’s where our crew’s rendezvous point is. I swear, I’ll get you out. No matter the cost.”
She looked at me, her eyes softening, filled with both care and sorrow. There was something deeper in that gaze, something that made my chest tighten. “Hopeless... you’re just hopeless,” she said with a small laugh, a blush creeping across her cheeks.
My heart raced, my mind split between saving her and focusing on the mission. But just as the tension hung in the air, a familiar voice shattered the moment.
“Pardon me, sir, but please fight! Don’t be hopeless!” It was Kinemon, and he was standing right in front of me, completely oblivious to the mood.
I groaned, my hand dropping from Violet’s shoulder. "Way to kill the mood, Kinemon. When did you even get here?"
Violet was already starting to slip away, her urgency returning. “Violet, wait!” I shouted, but Kinemon stepped in front of me again, blocking my path.
“Fight those men!” Kinemon pointed toward a group of thugs trailing behind him, completely unaware of the delicate situation he was interrupting.
“Really, Kinemon?” I muttered, exasperated. With a swift spin, I kicked the nearest thug square in the face, sending him flying. One by one, the rest followed, collapsing like dominoes. After a few seconds, it was over. I took a drag of my cigarette, feeling the familiar burn in my chest. “They’re just thugs, Kinemon. Why the hell did you need me for this?”
Kinemon straightened, brushing off his robes as if he had just finished an important task. “I was informed that the toy factory is holding my dear friend, Kanjuro,” he said gravely, his face lined with worry.
I raised an eyebrow, exhaling a cloud of smoke. "Oh, is that so?"
Kinemon’s eyes widened, desperation creeping into his voice. “Do you know the way?”
I couldn’t help but smirk, pulling out the small piece of paper Violet had handed me earlier. “Sure, you’ve got it,” I said, unfolding the map in front of him
"Alright, I think I lost them," I muttered to myself, finally stopping after what felt like hours of running. My heart pounded in my chest as I bent over, placing my hands on my knees to catch my breath. My muscles ached, and I was heaving like I’d just finished a marathon.
"When we get out of this," I breathed heavily, “I’m definitely gonna work on my cardio, because… man, I’m out of shape.” I chuckled to myself between gasps for air. "Then again, I was injured for the most part, so maybe this counts as my workout."
My eyes landed on a bottle of water, abandoned on the side of the street. It was probably someone’s, but I didn’t care. I snatched it up, unscrewed the cap, and gulped down the cold water. “I needed that,” I sighed, wiping my mouth.
Suddenly, a loud voice echoed from the nearby broadcast. "The crowd is going crazy, folks! Lucy is destroying the competition… in pursuit of the Flame-Flame Fruit!"
My heart nearly stopped. "Lucy?" I straightened up, my mind racing. "Flame-Flame Fruit?" My eyes darted to the transponder snail broadcast, and then it hit me like a ton of bricks. "But that’s… Ace’s fruit. How did—"
My breath caught as the camera panned to the fighter in the arena. It was Luffy—no, Lucy—fighting like his life depended on it.
"Luffy?!" I whispered, eyes wide with shock. "What the hell is going on?!"
The crowd around me was roaring, cheering for "Lucy." It all made sense now. Luffy was after Ace’s fruit. My stomach twisted with a mix of emotions—relief, worry, and confusion. But more than anything, I knew I had to get to him.
“I gotta get there, and quick,” I murmured under my breath, already gearing up to run again. I glanced to my far left and spotted the massive structure of the Coliseum in the distance.
"I’m close!" I whispered to myself, my legs already moving. The pain in my body didn’t matter now. All that mattered was getting to Luffy before anything went wrong. “Hang on, Luffy, I’m coming!”
With renewed determination, I pushed through the streets of Dressrosa, weaving past the citizens and sprinting toward the Coliseum. My mind raced just as fast as my feet, every step bringing me closer to whatever chaos awaited inside.
Law POV.. 
“Room!” I yelled, slicing through the second meteor Fujitora had just sent crashing down. My heart pounded in my chest, but I kept my focus sharp.
“Strength truly admirable for a warlord,” Fujitora said, his tone calm but unwavering.
Before I could respond, I heard Doflamingo’s chilling voice cut through the air. “Don’t interfere, he’s mine to kill, and mine alone,” he declared, launching a barrage of string bullets. One of them grazed my left cheek, drawing blood.
“Damn it,” I hissed, my mind racing. I couldn’t afford to get bogged down here, not with Y/N still in danger. I leaped away from my position, darting into the dense forest, hoping to gain some distance. But Doflamingo wasn’t far behind, his maniacal laugh echoing through the trees.
“You’re not getting away that easily, Law!” Doflamingo taunted, his strings slicing through the air as he pursued me. “Stop playing me for a fool! All this running around… it’s just to buy yourself some time!”
I gritted my teeth, pushing forward, trying to ignore the growing dread in my gut. I have to keep stalling. There’s no other option.
Doflamingo’s voice cut through my thoughts again, more venomous this time. “I will soon have her, Law. You can’t protect her forever.”
“Y/N...” The sound of her name made my blood run cold, and my eyes widened with fear. I had to keep him occupied. If he got to Y/N—no, I couldn’t let that happen. I had to keep moving, keep stalling. My only hope was to delay him long enough for the others to handle the situation.
But just as I thought I might create some distance, I skidded to a halt. Fujitora now stood in front of me, his immense presence blocking my path. My heart sank. And as I glanced behind me, Doflamingo emerged from the shadows of the forest, cutting off any chance of escape.
“Come on, did you really think I was going to let you have it your way?” Doflamingo sneered, his voice laced with malice.
“Damn it,” I muttered, my mind scrambling for a plan. I was trapped between two titans—Fujitora in front, Doflamingo behind.
Sanji POV… 
Kinemon and I made our way toward the flower field, hoping to meet up with Franky so we could make our next move on the toy factory. My mind, however, was racing with concern for Y/N, who was still unaccounted for.
“Folks, we are down to two competitors for this round!” shouted the announcer over the video transponder snail. Kinemon and I paused for a second, looking at the broadcast. My eyes widened in disbelief.
“Luffy? Sir Luffy is there?!”
I clenched my fists, a mixture of frustration and worry bubbling to the surface. “Can’t he stay out of trouble for once?”
Kinemon, oblivious to my rising temper, waved his sword in the air. “I say we go to the toy house, rescue Kanjuro, and deal with this situation after!”
I pinched the bridge of my nose, trying to rein in my frustration. “I’d love to, but we have two major problems. One, we don’t know where Y/N is, and two, there are Marines everywhere,” I said, gesturing toward the streets swarming with navy personnel. “It looks like they’re trying to surround the Colosseum.”
“To no end,” Kinemon added, tightening his grip on his sword.
I nodded, scanning the area. “It seems like a lot of pirates and criminals entered the tournament. The Marines are just waiting to scoop them up as soon as they step out of the arena.”
“Y/N... where are you?” I muttered under my breath, the anxiety gnawing at me. I couldn’t help but think the worst. Every second that passed without finding her made the knot in my stomach tighten.
“Well, a society can only operate properly if criminals are apprehended,” Kinemon said with a straight face, completely missing the gravity of the situation.
I didn’t hesitate to smack the back of his head. “Do you even realize you’re working with pirates right now? And one of them is standing right here!”
He blinked a few times, rubbing the spot where I hit him. “Ah, yes. My apologies.”
I sighed. “We’ve got to figure out a way to warn Luffy without drawing attention to ourselves. But the entrance to the Colosseum is heavily guarded, and there’s no way around.”
As we scouted the area, my eyes landed on a group of Marines stationed near the gate. Among them stood a towering figure—a Navy Vice Admiral, waiting outside the Colosseum.
 Law POV… 
“Run as much as you like, you’re just delaying the inevitable,” Doflamingo taunted, his voice dripping with malice as he pursued me relentlessly. His confidence was almost maddening, each step echoing with the promise of impending doom.
Fujitora wasn’t far behind either, his presence a looming threat as he prepared another assault. With a sudden motion, Fujitora commanded the ground to rise up and attack, sending debris flying at me. I barely managed to keep my footing, my landing almost causing me to trip.
Desperation clawed at me as I fumbled for my transponder snail, trying to reach Nami. “Come on, come on, pick up!” I pleaded, my voice tinged with urgency.
“Nami, what happened?!” I shouted into the transponder, but there was no response. Panic surged through me as Fujitora launched a third attack, his Meteor technique crashing down towards me. I tried to dodge, but the sheer force of the blast hit me with brutal impact, sending me sprawling.
“No mercy for the wicked,” Doflamingo’s laugh echoed ominously through the chaos. It felt like the world was closing in on me, each second dragging out with unbearable tension. I clutched the transponder snail tightly, desperately hoping for an answer.
The transponder snail continued to ring, each unanswered call heightening my frustration. “What are you waiting for, Nami? You were attacked, weren’t you?!” I shouted into the device, my voice cracking with desperation.
Another meteor descended, its fiery trail lighting up the sky as it hurtled toward me. The explosion was deafening, the shockwave nearly throwing me off balance. I barely managed to dodge the blast, rolling out of the way just in time. My body was heavy with exhaustion, each breath coming in ragged gasps as I tried to stay one step ahead of Fujitora’s relentless attacks and Doflamingo’s mocking taunts.
"Sir, there are no signs of any pirates or criminals in the streets," I heard a Marine's voice echo from nearby as I crouched, hidden in a shadowy back alley. My heart raced as I kept as still as possible.
"Alright, come back to the Colosseum. We may need backup just in case," the voice of a Navy Vice Admiral responded.
I let out a slow breath as the Marines moved away, leaving the streets quieter, at least for now. Finally, I allowed myself to relax enough to make a sound.
"I need to think of a plan," I muttered under my breath. But first, I had to get rid of this disguise Kinemon had put me in. It had helped me stay hidden, but now it was more of a liability. The Marines, along with the men who had been chasing me, were probably out looking for me. I couldn’t afford to stay in one place for too long.
As I was about to stand, someone grabbed my shoulder, pulling me back down. I hit the ground with a loud thud.
"And just where do you think you're going?" one of the men sneered, his laughter making my skin crawl. “The boss is going to be pleased about this.” said the other man.
Crap. They found me.
I clenched my right hand, preparing to throw a punch and send them flying, but before I could strike, a familiar figure appeared, already handling the situation.
"Now, now, why don’t we let the girl leave?" a smooth, calm voice spoke. "Besides, you're not going to lay a single hand on her."
In swift, precise movements, Sabo took out all three men with ease, knocking them down one by one until they were left sprawled out on the ground, unconscious or close to it. He hadn’t even broken a sweat.
“Sabo?” I whispered, relief flooding through me as I stood and walked toward him, my heart pounding for a different reason now. Without thinking, I wrapped my arms around him in a grateful hug. "You always know how to show up just in time."
He chuckled softly, his hand resting on my back. “What can I say? I like being there when a beautiful woman needs rescuing.”
I pulled back slightly, smirking up at him. "Oh? So you’ve made it a habit of saving me, huh?"
He gave me that familiar cocky grin, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Well, what can I say? It's one of my favorite pastimes. Besides, you seem to find yourself in these situations often. Lucky for you, I don’t mind being your knight in shining armor."
I rolled my eyes playfully, but I couldn’t hide the smile tugging at my lips. “If you keep this up, I might start to think you’re following me around on purpose.”
Sabo leaned in slightly, his voice lowering, teasing. "Maybe I am. You make it worth the chase, after all." 
I was about to close the gap between us, the tension thick with unspoken words, when a groan interrupted the moment.
“Ugh... what happened…” one of the thugs muttered as he slowly regained consciousness.
Sabo sighed dramatically, rolling his eyes. “Way to kill the mood,” he muttered under his breath. I smirked, crouching down to meet the thug's groggy gaze, grabbing him by the collar.
"Hello there," I said sweetly, my voice carrying a dangerous undertone. "You and I are going to have a little chat," I added, tightening my grip slightly as the thug’s face drained of color.
Minutes later, Sabo had tied up the last of the thugs while I took the opportunity to change into one of the outfits I “borrowed” from one of the sellers here in Dressrosa—an off-the-shoulder white mesh cami and a black mini skirt. When I stepped back, I caught Sabo looking at me, his gaze trailing slowly from my feet to my face. He let out a low whistle, his eyes sparkling with mischief.
“Well, well, well,” he said, grinning as his gaze lingered a bit too long. “You’ve certainly outdone yourself, haven’t you?”
I felt a blush creeping up my neck but tried to stay composed. “Oh, this thing?” I said with a mischievous smile. “Just something I borrowed from a seller. Figured I’d spice things up a bit.”
Sabo’s eyes sparkled with amusement and admiration. “Borrowed, huh? Seems like you’re making quite the impression. I’m not sure how I’m supposed to concentrate with you looking like that.”
I stepped closer, crossing my arms with a playful smirk. “Distracted, are we? I thought you were the one who was always so focused.”
Sabo chuckled, his gaze lingering appreciatively. “Focused, yes. But you’ve definitely raised the stakes. It’s hard to keep my attention when you’re dressed like that.”
I leaned in slightly, my voice dropping to a teasing whisper. “Careful, Sabo. You might just get a little too distracted if you’re not careful.”
Sabo’s grin widened, and he leaned in, his lips brushing near my ear. “Oh, I’m definitely up for the challenge. But you should know, being this close to you is making it a lot harder to stay focused.” 
I playfully pushed Sabo away and made my way to the thug, grabbing him by the collar. “Now, why were you chasing me? Who sent you?” I demanded, my voice firm.
Sabo, arms crossed and grinning, watched with amusement. The thug sneered at me, trying to muster some bravado. “Bite me!” he spat, attempting to land a headbutt. I dodged effortlessly and released him, Clenching my right hand and connecting it with my left palm letting my hand spark with electricity.
“Now, are you ready to talk? Or are we going to do this the hard way?” I said with a smirk, electricity crackling between my fingers.
Sabo whistled appreciatively, “Yeah, you don’t know what you signed up for. You really don’t want to get caught in that.”
As my hand drew closer, the thug’s bravado faltered. He squirmed, his face paling. “Okay, okay! I’ll talk!” he pleaded, trying to back away.
“Start talking,” I said, my voice laced with barely contained rage.
“We were sent by Joker to capture you and bring you to him,” he stammered, trembling.
“Joker, huh?” I muttered. “Well, looks like you’re going to have to make a call to Joker then.”
“I refuse!” he said defiantly, though his voice wavered.
“Well, I tried doing this nicely.” I grabbed him with my left hand, lifting him up, and connected my right hand, electricity flowing through my left arm. “Now, Bolt,” I said, as the electricity surged through him.
The thug convulsed under the shock, his whimpers echoing as I let the current flow. After a few agonizing seconds, I dropped him to the ground, his body twitching as he lay there, groaning.
“Now let’s try that again,” I said, smirking, as I readied myself for his response.
Laws Pov.. 
I kept running, my breath heavy, my mind racing. Doflamingo was closing in fast. I glanced over my shoulder, just as he appeared in front of me, blocking my path with that twisted smile.
“Well, how about that? Nowhere else for you to run, Law,” Doflamingo taunted, his voice dripping with amusement as he started walking slowly toward me.
Before I could react, Caesar’s voice cut through the tension. “Joker, wait!” Caesar shouted, waving his hands frantically. “Kill him if you want, but there’s something important I need you to do first! And don’t forget about the Princess!”
Doflamingo’s attention flicked toward Caesar, and I used the brief distraction to gather my strength. My mind was spinning, and in that moment, I couldn’t help but think of Y/N. Wherever you are... I hope you’re safe and far away from all this.
Caesar’s whining continued. “That bastard ripped my heart out and stole it from me! I shudder just thinking about what he’ll do next!” he said, his voice trembling with fear.
I can’t stop here. I won’t let him win!
“Room!” I shouted, raising my hand. “Shambles!” The world around me shifted as I teleported away from Doflamingo, creating enough distance to continue my escape.
As I reappeared farther away, my body aching, I kept running, not daring to slow down. I just need to stall. Keep him away long enough... Y/N, stay safe. I’ll deal with him. Somehow.
I fumbled with the transponder snail, my heart pounding as I called Nami’s line again. Instead, Chopper answered, sounding frantic. “Hello! Who is this?! Whoever you are, we need your help!”
“Listen, Raccoon, I don’t care what your situation is!” I barked, still sprinting and narrowly avoiding another barrage of Doflamingo’s strings. “Take the ship and head to Greenbit, now! I’m leaving Caesar with you! No time to explain—just do it!” I cut the call before he could protest.
I could hear Doflamingo's mocking laughter echoing closer. Just as I glanced back, pain tore through my side—a "bullet string" hit me dead on. I crashed to the ground, gasping for air, my vision swimming.
“This is the end of the line, Law,” Doflamingo sneered as he loomed over me, his voice a twisted blend of arrogance and sadistic joy. “Who did you end up calling? Was it the princess?”
His cruel laughter sent chills down my spine as I struggled to push myself off the ground. Every breath felt like knives in my lungs, but I forced myself to glare up at him.
“I set a trap for your partner,” Doflamingo continued, eyes gleaming with satisfaction. “I knew he wouldn’t resist the prize in that gladiator contest. Strawhat doesn’t stand a chance!” He laughed again, like a predator toying with his prey.
I clenched my fists, trying to ignore the searing pain. My mind flashed to Luffy, Y/N, and the rest of the crew. I couldn't let Doflamingo win.
“So, are you ready to give up, Law?” he asked, his voice dripping with false sympathy.
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slutouttanowhere · 5 months
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pairing: Roman Reigns x Sabrina Richards
word count: 5k
a/n: not much to say here, Naomi, and Sabrina’s entrance song: My House by Beyonce, hope y’all enjoy, reblogs are much appreciated. Follow me for more ❤️
⏪ Chapter 1
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Chapter 2
Adam Pearce is dead set on overworking me tonight, not only did I have an appearance with Seth, and Cody tonight, I’m booked for a tag match for the titles with Naomi. “Anyway like I was saying, the neon looks bomb on you girl.” Naomi beamed at me, when my pouty expression didn't change she started dancing, and playfully backed her booty up on me. “Don't leave me hanging now.” She said mid twerk, Naomi was determined to get a laugh out of me, and there’s no way you could deny her. 
“Fine.” I giggled, my hips began to sway to the music in my head, but then I slightly bent at the wait poking my booty out. Of course Naomi cheered me on, which drew the attention of others, and the next thing I knew Carmella, and Liv had danced their way over to our side of the hallway. Liv had pulled out her phone, and set it up on one of the unused crates. 
“Dance break!” Carmella shouted, soon my stress from earlier was forgotten for the moment. 
“She got that whoa there, hangman got that whoa there, don't act like you dont know.” I sang Beyonce’s lyrics, and Naomi posed in her best cowboy pose, which led to us all trying to follow suit, the four of us bursted out into laughter. The chatter had started up again, and I was in the middle of filming a tiktok with Naomi when Roman rolled by, this time only Solo by his side. Which was suspicious, but I decided to ignore it. 
“So…this is what you do with your free time, making tiktoks.” Roman’s judgmental tone came from behind me, I could see in the reflection of my camera his eyes were watching me. Looking me up and down like a starved wolf. My lips pressed together, I could feel my blood pressure rising from the way he’s nearly breathing down my neck, and when I looked over to Naomi she was standing with her arms folded. A small smirk on her lips, I may or may not have told her about the pending crush I had on The Tribal Chief, of course she was more than happy I was moving on from a past shitty relationship. I continued doing my dance as if he wasn't standing there, a bold move on my part, but I didn't even know what to say to him, or how to say it. The only time I had interactions with Roman was in direct relation to Cody and Seth, neither of them were here now. 
“Don't act like you dont hear me talking to you girl.” Roman raised his voice, then grabbed my arm, and turned me to him. I whipped around, and met him with a glare. I tried to pull my arm away, but he wouldn't let me go, he was taken aback by me putting up a fight. That only seems to excite him, the corners of his mouth turned upwards into a playful grin. 
“Oh pardon me my Tribal Chief, I’m just confused as to why the hell you’re bothering me?” I questioned him, my tone stale, and a forced smile on my lips.  I wasn't in a pleasant mood tonight, and I had a long list of reasons as to why, Roman being the top of that list. I could hear the girls quietly instigating behind us, and for a second his eyes flickered over my head to the peanut gallery behind us, and back to me. 
“So moody today? Is it because you're tired of dealing with those losers, I already told you how to solve that.” He teased, he laughed smugly, he leaned in closer to me. The butterflies in the pit of my stomach fluttering vigorously, the scent of his expensive cologne invading my senses made it hard for me to think.
“What I’m tired of is you acting like you’re not scared.” I looked him up and down, I noticed his hair was not tied back in his trademark tight bun, but instead, fell down around his shoulders framing his face. His hair was curlier then how he usually kept it, I preferred it that way, but I knew he liked to keep it out of his face when he’s in the ring. 
He scoffed, “Scared? Of those clowns? The failure, and his dancing jester?” 
“Roman, everybody knows what you’re scared of babe…irrelevance. And all of it is in that undisputed title, when it’s gone, who are you then? Just, Roman Reigns.” I thought I was being funny, but it seems I bit back at him more than I intended. My logic turned off, and my mouth started running without thought; his tongue slowly glided across his lips, and his eyes looked up to the ceiling. He mumbled something inaudible to himself before his gaze found mine again, he scowled at me
“How many times have I told you to address me as ‘My Tribal Chief,’ Sabrina?” His voice now deep, and gruff. He sighed heavily, shaking his head, his grip on me loosened temporarily, and that’s when I remembered he was still holding on to me. Our proximity caused the butterflies in the pit of my stomach to swirl violently, and send a shiver down my spine. I had pressed his ego in front of other people, and now I would pay for it. “Looks like I’ll have to teach you a lesson for being a bad girl.” My heart pounded in my ears, nervous as to what the hell he meant by that, surely he wouldn’t put his hands on me in a violent way? 
“Naomi, Sabrina, you guys have ten minutes to head to gorilla.” An official had walked up to our group, their eyes lingered on Roman’s grip on me, reluctantly let me go. Naomi then pulled me by the shoulder, and dragged me off in the opposite direction. I looked over my shoulder, sure enough his eyes were watching me. I whipped back around, and tried to focus on putting one foot in front of the other. 
“Girl…” Naomi trailed off, we stood behind the curtain, Hunter sat behind the monitors watching the show. He gave us a wave, but barely took his eyes off the small screens. 
“I know.” I sighed, she knew better than anyone the burden I shouldered with this drama, but she also knew how stubborn I can be when it comes to getting what I want, and executing the plan on my terms.
“Let’s not think about that right now, instead, lets focus on whooping Sonya, and Shayna’s ass’. After they jumped us last week, they gone feel this glow. Ya feel me?” Naomi and I slapped hands hitting our hand shake, then bumped hips, I couldn't help the giggle that came from me. 
“I’m so glad you're my partner.” I pulled her into a hug wrapping my arms around her waist, her long toned arms going around the back of my neck, when we heard DIY’s music hit signaling their win we knew we would be up soon. 
“You know I got your back B.” She hugged me tighter, then we ran through our warm ups, and some stretches while we waited. Hunter notified us that after the commercial break we were out first, soon they hit our music, and out we went. The lights in the arena went out, and the stadium nearly exploded from the roar of the fans, my skin prickled with goose bumps from the loud pop we received for us tonight. It felt so good to know my home town still showed up for me when we came around. 
“WHO THEY CAME TO SEE? ME. WHO REP IT LIKE ME DON'T MAKE ME GET UP OUT MY SEAT. UH OHHH” Our music blasted through the arena, Naomi and I danced down to the ring, our glow in the dark, neon gear the brightest thing in the arena besides the titan tron behind us. This was the best part of my night, having fun with Naomi, she's such a breath of fresh air. “No sauce or nothing.” Naomi mumbled to me shaking her head as we watched  Shayna and Soyna walk down to the ring, they  didn't really do fancy entrances. They’d rather get straight to the fight, that’s fine by me, the faster I can beat their ass the faster I can get back to Cody and Seth. Shayna and I started things off, immediately she tried to get me into a sleeper hold. I was quick to power out of it bucking my hips back into her pelvis, I could hear her grunting, but she held on to me. It was becoming difficult for me to breathe, I knew I couldn't give up just yet, a contender's spot was on the line. Naomi amped up the crowd stomping her foot on the apron, “GLOW, GLOW, GLOW!” She shouted, I bucked my hips back into her a second time, and then a third time till Shayna stumbled backward. She landed on her butt roughly, I could hear the crowd cringe, but I didn't let that distract me. She struggled to her feet, but I kicked at her shoulder, then switched back and forth giving her a barrage of kicks to both shoulders. She stumbled on her feet, quickly I hopped up to the top turnbuckle, Naomi slapped my thigh thus tagging herself in, and I ended my move with a missile dropkick to Shayna’s chest. 
Naomi flawlessly hops up onto the top turnbuckle, and into a splash frog, into a pin. Shayna was slow to kick out, nevertheless, Naomi moved to the next thing, and brought Shayna up to her feet. Before Naomi had the chance to do anything, Shayna popped up, and clocked Naomi right across the face. “C’mon Naomi wake it up girl!” I shouted and clapped my hands at her, she didn't have much time to recover, Shayna took Naomi’s confusion as an opening to lock her in the sleeper hold. This time she didn't make the same mistake she made with me, Shayna then wrapped her legs around Naomi’s waist so she wouldn't be able to shake her off like I did. She was trying to fight it off, but she was fading. I was stomping the apron so damn hard one would think I might break it off the bone, but in all my efforts it was working. “Fuck it.” Led by passion to get my hands on those titles, I couldn't let us go out like this, the referee was too slow to stop me. I got in between the ropes, and popped Shayna on the back of the neck with an enziguri kick. She immediately dropped to the ground with Naomi, as I was trying to untangle them, Sonya had shoved me, without hesitation she climbed on top of me. Her fists attacked me, while she was doing that, she didn't see how I reached out, and slapped Naomi’s hand.
Naomi finally stumbled up, and dragged Shayna’s body out the ring. While Sonya was busy flexing to the crowd, I ran up to her, hooked my arm around the back of her neck then planted her face first into the mat landing a bulldog. The crowd was in a frenzy, cheering, and shouting for Naomi and I. While she’s laying there trying to recover, I climbed to the top rope, I steadied my feet before flipping off the top turnbuckle into my finisher StarGazer. I landed right on top of Sonya. I went for the cover, and she kicked out. I didn't bother waiting for her to recover. I stood up, then stomped both my feet into her gut off the top turnbuckle, then I grabbed her by her legs, and flipped her over locking in the Sharpshooter. Shayna had tried to get in to break my hold, but Naomi’s long legs kicked her on the side her head, thus knocking Shayna out. Sonya screamed, scratched, and clawed. Anything to get out of my grasp, little did she know I hadn't even sat all my weight down on her, until I could feel her dragging me towards the ropes. I dragged her back to the center, and sat all the way down on her lower spine applying more pressure. 
She wasn't able to take the pain to her back any longer, and ultimately ended up tapping out. The bell rang, Naomi climbed back into the ring, and they hit our music. We wrapped our arms around each other, hugging each other tightly, and excitedly jumping up, and down. After our celebratory dance, we made our way up the ramp, and to the back. “Damn we were on fire tonight!” Naomi beamed, we slapped hands, and bumped hips. I was really proud of how far we’ve been making it since teaming up together, the future's looking bright for us. We walked back to the locker room with our arms linked chatting about what we were gonna be doing tonight after the show. After a quick shower, I had the makeup team apply my makeup this time. Tonight for Miz TV, Seth wanted to wear black, and red. To what his outfit was going to be I wasn't sure, but he said his shoes were going to be a surprise. Cody wasn’t into fashion much, he usually left the flashiness up to Seth and I. My appearance with the boys was revealed to me the day before, so unfortunately I had zero red items in  my suitcase. After an impromptu trip to the mall, I was able to throw something together that would appease Seth, but also match his color scheme of the night.
“Alright Sabrina, all done.” Laure, my makeup artist, held a mirror up to my face. It was perfect as I expected, and just as swift. I gave her a quick hug, thanked her for her life saving work, and went about my business. While I was on my way to find Seth and Cody I bumped into them. “Oh hey, I was just about to come and find you guys.” Cody, who’s deadpan facial expression let me know all I needed to know about how he felt about his outfit. He was dressed nicely in his usual three piece suit, when my eyes landed on his dark red tie, and a dark red vest to watch. Then I looked at Seth who was of course grinning from ear to ear; it appeared he was wearing all black, “look down Sabrina, check out my awesome dancing shoes, ha haaa.” He laughed, he took a step back for me to see his whole outfit: red sunglasses, black puffer jacket, and black puffer pants to match with a black fishnet top. My eyes continued to travel down to see these big, bright, red boots. I was shocked, though I wasn't sure whether I liked them or not. I shrugged feeling impartial, “all I know is, you’re probably the only person that could pull them off the way that you are.” 
“Yeahhh, we look like money, baby.” Seth cackled, then he turned to Cody, and wrapped an arm around his neck. “Lighten up man, have some fun for once.” Seth tried to coax a smile out of Cody, but we all knew how stubborn he could be. That didn’t stop Seth from trying, but when they played our music grinned mischievously. “Ohhh that’s our cue.” Seth pushed me ahead of them so that I would step out first, the crowd roared to life, and as if it couldn’t get any louder, when Cody and Seth came out after me the noise level was deafening. This seemed to have brought a small smile to Cody’s lips, I bumped my shoulder into his, and we linked our arms together. Miz was already waiting in the ring, his show all set up with three chairs for us, and mics waiting. Seth held the ropes open for me, and I was thankful that I wore sneakers tonight. 
The crowd was buzzing with energy, I couldn’t help but stand in the middle of the ring to soak it all in. A sensation of excitement coursed through me, they started to sing Seth’s song, which brought Seth out of his seat. “You sound beautiful Cali, absolutely gorgeous!” I shouted, though I could barely hear myself over them, my skin prickled with goosebumps underneath my fur jacket.
Cody brought the mic to his lips, his eyes swept across the arena, and landed on Miz. Who sat patiently letting us have our moment, he to wore a smirk on his lips; he’s been the one stirring the pot between us and The Bloodline this whole time. Anything for views. 
“So…Miz, Cali, what do ya wanna talk about?” He asked, the corners of his lips curling into a small grin, Seth finally took his seat on the other side of me. His large red boots in my peripheral vision, despite them being an eyesore, I happened to catch something else. In the crowd, back in the third row behind commentary there was a person just sitting there with a hood on. I couldn’t really see their face from the way they angled their head downwards, a chilling sensation went through me. 
I tried to ignore it, and I thought I was doing a good job at it till Seth elbowed me. “C’mon boss, look alive! We are in your home state San Diego, California after all!” He shouted, drawing the attention away from my stoic moment, but I couldn’t help but feel uneasy. 
“Uh, sorry, I was distracted by Seth’s bright ass boots.” I joked, Miz looked at me a bit worried at first, but like a professional he carried on as well. 
“How do you guys expect to defeat the Bloodline? The tag titles are on Jimmy and Jey Uso right now. While Seth and Cody are amazing competitors individually, things are a bit shaky as a tag team.” Miz spoke honestly, all eyes turned to me, and I honestly wasn’t sure how to answer that. 
“The Usos have been tag teaming together since the very beginning, they know no other way. On top of the fact that they’ve been tag champions for quite a while, and that is the exact reason they are going to lose those titles. See if it’s one thing I’m good at, it’s getting into the mind of my opponents, I mean I do have a Psychology degree after all.” I chuckled letting the crowd reply, but then I continued. “Jimmy and Jey have gotten way too comfortable where they are, complacent, and lazy. They think they’ve got it all in the bag, but come this weekend at Hell In A Cell, Cody and Seth are going stomp the fuck out of them.” I could hear Seth cackling behind me, the crowd began to sing Seth’s song. 
“And what happens if you’re unsuccessful?” He asked, he leaned in with a quizzical expression, a slight smirk on his lips as if he stumped me. 
I took a breath, tossing my hair over my shoulder, staring straight ahead at the audience, I said, “how’s that old saying go? There’s always a plan B.” There was a mixed reaction from the crowd, and I knew I had them eating out the palm of my hand then.
Miz was going to ask another question, but he was cut off by Roman’s music. I froze, my smile gone, and my heart pounding in my ears. It’s never a good thing when Roman shows up, with only Paul Heyman at his side, he holds onto Roman’s undisputed title tightly. The Ula Fala draped around his neck seemed to have caught the lights of the arena making it shine gloriously. His lips were moving, but we had no idea what he was saying. Cody stood from his chair, instantly on guard, he grabbed onto my wrist. 
“Roman, Roman, Roman….I just knew you couldn’t help but show your ugly face.” I said dryly, he always shows up at the worst moments, and I hated that for me. He slowly approached the ring, then hopped on the side of the apron where I stood. I took a step back accidentally bumping into Cody, I didn’t take my eyes off The Tribal Chief, nor did he take his eyes off me as he stepped into the ring. 
He held his hand out to Paul, without hesitation Paul placed a microphone in Roman’s waiting hand. “So now you’re a liar, because I know for a fact you don’t think my face is ugly baby girl.” He smiled smugly, his chocolate brown eyes looking me up and down, as observing me from head to toe. He lingered on my sneakers, then looked at Seth's boots, and then back to me. A humorous expression on his face, “with the exception of Sabrina, y’all look like some clowns.” The crowd didn’t like his insult at all, which only caused Roman to laugh harder. He casually leaned against the ropes, soaking up the hate, and loving every second of it. 
“What do you want Roman, you’re wasting our time.” I rolled my eyes trying to move things along, placed my hand on my hip, and switched my weight from one foot to the other. 
“I’m the WWE Undisputed Champion, your time is my time. Matter of fact, shit don’t shake around here unless I want it to. This is all mine, and I can do with it as I please.” He spread his arms out wide, he took his time making his point crystal clear.  “This ring? It’s mine, the cute little chairs y’all were just sitting in, it’s mine. Y’all in this sold out arena in San Diego because of me!” He didn’t stop there, Roman only knew how to take things too far. “This WWE universe, down to the bullshit they tweet online, is only ever relevant because my name is attached to it.” He turned towards the crowd, his eyes wide, and his fist beating his chest. “So…instead of bitching, you should be thanking me, it’s because of me, that you are the star that you became. All three of y’all.” He took a step closer to me, but Cody  stepped between us. 
“Cut the shit Roman.” Seth snapped at him, “I’m the one that put you in the Shield, I’m the one that set you on this Tribal Chief path in the first place!” He shouted from behind me, Roman’s eyes widened, enraged that Seth implied such a thing. 
“You didn't do a goddamn thing for me, but lie, you backstabbing bitch!” Roman growled out, hurt still evident in his voice, that was years ago at this point, but nothing felt worse than your family hurting you.
I threw the mic down at the chair, and put my hand on Cody’s shoulder. “Guys, let's not tonight okay?” I pleaded with them, they should be reserving their energy instead of fighting right now. Roman got under Cody’s skin with ease, no matter what came out of Romans mouth it got a reaction. 
“You keep holding on to the past, you're going to lose your future.” Cody closed the gap between them, he pointed to the golden title Paul Heymen held onto with dear life, and the crowd was so loud I could barely hear Roman’s words. Something along the lines of, “you keep running your mouth, you might lose a couple teeth.” 
“Cody–” I was cut off by Seth bumping into me, which caused me to bump into Cody, and he bumped Roman. That was all the excuse Roman needed to push Cody back and punch him square in the jaw. 
“Shit.” I cursed, the sound of shouting, and grunting came from behind me. Jimmy and Jey were both beating Seth outside the ring. I went to climb out the ring, but two large hands grabbed me by the arms, and spun me around. 
Romans hands grasped my shoulders, his eyes dark, and shining with malice. “I told you! I told you there would be consequences, look at what you caused, look at what you made me do!” A chill ran down my spine, I tried to pull away from him, but his grip only tightened. He brought me closer, then spun me in his arms so that I could watch as Jimmy and Jey rolled Seth back into the ring. The hooded man I saw earlier hopped the barricade, then revealed himself. Solo Sikoa, I should have known. 
He stalked over to Cody in the corner who was very much out of it, “don’t do this.” I mumbled, I was in disbelief that this was happening, I knew Solo was out there, but I let myself get distracted as usual. There was so much chaos going on all at once, I didn't know where to look next, Cody, and Solo were closest to me. He stomped at Cody’s hands, and any body part he could get to.
“Don’t look away, watch them, watch the destruction; this is what needed to happen. You need to see that these two bozos are not worth it, Seth was never worth it.” He whispered in my ear for only me to hear, I didn’t take my eyes off Solo when he set Cody up in the corner, ripped his suit open, and chopped him across his chest until Cody fell back down to the mat. It didn’t stop there, “and when you finish that one, this one is next!” Roman shouted, his arms tightened around my waist, and stomach. His hands felt hot on my skin, his nails dug into my flesh reminding me of how he was in control of this situation. 
Solo set Cody up again, this time he held his thumb up high, and brought it down onto Cody’s throat with a powerful torque behind it. He slid down in the corner, groaning in pain, Solo wasted no time turning to Seth, and as much squirmed around he just couldn’t get free. Solo’s thumb went up, and when it came down, I wholeheartedly believed that one was personal. Roman held onto my wrist with an iron grip as he pulled me out of the ring, “stop fighting me!” He growled out. I rolled underneath the bottom rope, Jimmy, Jey, and Solo following suit. Paul Heyman was already close by Romans side, a sickening smirk on his lips. 
“Step ya game up fuck boy!” Roman laughed into a mic, Seth wobbled to his feet, a look of confusion and hurt in his eyes as he watched Roman retreat with me. He tugged me along up the ramp, and into the back. No one said anything, he had that much pull. I passed Naomi on the way back, she gave an apologetic look, but I remained quiet. I felt like we had been walking forever till we reached a door with a sign that read,‘Tribal Chief Roman Reigns,’ indicating their private locker room. It was a nice set up, better than Seth and Cody’s I knew that much. A dark brown conference table centered the room, a nice layout of fruits, vegetables, cheese, meat, and crackers on a table off to the side near a mini fridge. A tan colored sofa on the other side near large ceiling to floor windows overlooking San Diego. I walked over to the windows, it was a long night, and all I wanted more than anything was to sleep. My phone wouldn't stop buzzing, scrolling through my notifications I saw they were mostly Seth and Cody blowing my line up. Then an endless stream of tweets about what everyone just witnessed, I bit my lip trying to stifle the giggle that pressed against my lips. I exhaled, then tucked my phone back in my jeans. 
“Alright Uce, we got a match in a little bit.” Jey informed Roman, I always found their dynamic interesting. If Roman had a favorite twin, I put all my money on it being Jey. I’m not totally surprised, Jey is a sweetheart, and more reserved, the complete opposite of Jimmy, who’s always trying to get a laugh out of their cousin.
“Go…take Solo with you, knowing those clowns they’ll be tripping over each other to get back at us for what just happened.” He sighed, Jinny tried to slap hands with Roman, but was met with an annoyed expression. 
Jimmy slapped his own hand, smiling sheepishly, “yeet.” Solo stared at his brothers, a disappointed stare in his eyes, wordlessly he exited first, Jey clapped Jimmy on the shoulder then followed behind their baby brother. “Damn, y’all wait for me!” Jinny called after his brothers. 
I shook my head, My gaze landed on Paul who was watching me with curious eyes. I lifted an eyebrow at him, but neither of us said anything. 
“Ah, my Tribal Chief.” Paul called to Roman as if he just remembered something.
“Yes?” Roman turned to the wiseman, a small smile on his lips, and his shoulders more relaxed in comparison to earlier. 
“I have a few business calls to make, may I be excused?” He asked ever so politely, I had to repress the urge from rolling my eyes. As sensitive as Paul is, the incoming revelation will shock him the most I’m sure of it. 
“Of course, take your time, actually if I need you I’ll give you a call.” He patted Paul on the shoulder with his free hand, Paul turned and gave me one last look, his stare lingering longer than it should have. Roman stepped into his line of sight blocking his view of me. 
Paul bowed respectfully, “My Tribal Chief.” Then he left, leaving just Roman and I. He slowly turned to me, our grins grew simultaneously, I skipped over to him, and threw my arms around his neck. 
“When I met you all those years ago…I never thought you were an evil genius.” Roman chuckled, then kissed me on the nose causing me to let out a giggle, then pressed my lips to his. 
“All pretty girls are secretly evil.” I laughed, I took him by the hand, and led him over to the sofa. He brought me into his lap, “and then when we finally reveal it all to them, Cody and Seth will crumble.” My hands caressed Romans face, I loved how his eyes softened when he looked at me, and now that we finally had alone time I could stare at him as long as I wanted uninterrupted. 
“Seth is an idiot.” He mumbled between kisses, his face buried in my cleavage, he inhaled my scent, then let out a growl. His hand slid up my thigh to my waist trying to feel any exposed skin he could. All that pent up energy from not being able to touch each other for so long was starting to unravel. 
“Mmm we should save it for later, we’ve got a whole weekend after all.” I moaned out, Roman swept my hair behind my shoulder, then trailing sloppy kisses up my neck to my cheek. His large hand gripping my breast nearly ripping the flimsily lace top. 
“Ugh, you’re right.” He looked down at his watch, the show was pretty much over at this point, and Jimmy, Jey, and Solo were traveling together. I grabbed him by his beard, kissed him softly one last time before getting up, and crossed the room to nibble on the plate of food Roman had. A knock came from the opposite of the door ruining my current mood, nevertheless, Roman opened the door to reveal Paul Heyman on the other side. 
“Everything is set to go for your time off, is there anything else you need from me my chief?” Paul asked. 
“Nah, I’ve got it all handled from here wiseman, let’s get goin, the sooner we’re on the jet the better.” Roman reassured him, then Roman grabbed me by the arm, and pushed me ahead of him. 
Paul gave us a perplexed look, “um, my Tribal Chief…she’s coming with us?” 
“Are you questioning my methods?” Roman paused, turning to the wiseman, his tone gave no room for argument, and Paul was keen on that. 
“Oh absolutely not.” He responded without hesitation, his eyes darted to me, but my eyes were on Roman. If the direction of things were changing, I would wait for his signal; I suggested he let Paul in on the plan Roman wanted this as close to the chest as possible. 
“Good.” Roman pushed me gently forward, “walk.” He ordered me, I did as told, turning with my head down to hide the smirk forming on my lips. 
After we finally made it onto the Jet, Roman took a seat directly across from me, and Paul took a seat towards the back. I placed my hands on the table, he reached for me, his fingers caressing my skin. Letting my head fall back, and closing my eyes, I finally relaxed enough to fall asleep. The days to follow are gonna be nothing but sunny skies and beaches. 
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godsprincess444 · 7 months
୨୧ biography of meee ୨୧ 
hiii i’m cassidy nd this is my blog!!
first and foremost i’m a 15 year old little girl ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ (sex blogs, men 18+ please don’t interact with me)
⋆ ˚。⋆୨ so sum things i love are poetry, literature, reading writing, lana del rey, hello kitty, horror movies, nature, the sturniolo triplets (IF YOU SEXUALIZE THEM (WRITE SMUT ETC.) DO NOT INTERACT. DONT LIKE, FOLLOW, REBLOG ETC.), pirates, marine biology, astronomy, psychology, philosophy, cherries, anddd so many more things that you probably can and can’t guess ୧⋆ ˚。⋆
♡ my favorite colors are light pink, dark red, black and light grey
♡ my favorite singers/bands are lana del rey, mitski, bjork, queen, deftones, frank ocean, amy whinehouse, tchaikovsky, mozart and melanie martinez !! ౨ৎ
♡ my favorite songs are in my feelings, off to the races and pretty when you cry; by lana del rey, good looking by suki waterhouse, killer queen by the band queen, too drunk too fuck by nouvelle vague, french music rlly and roslyn by bon iver & st. vincent
♡ my favorite movies are birds of prey, twilight, scream Vl, sleeping beauty and black swan
♡ my favorite tv shows are 2 broke girls, american horror story, gilmore girls, spongebob and ben and holly’s little kingdom
♡ my dislikes are clowns, racists, homophobia, anything of the demonic witchcraft supernatural shit, green beans, pain, teenage boys at my school and COCKROACHES
♡ and sum random things i’d like you to know !! i want to be a marine biologist and astronomer. i rlly could never tell you my aesthetic. i’m a christian girly, God is always first !! i LOVE tim burton movies and im very pretty, ty for reading!! i love you xx <3
my pinterest and musiii !! ౨ৎ
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kingbeeleth · 4 months
i usually go by BEELETH or HALBERD, but i am indifferent to having a name; you can call me anything or nothing at all really
refer to me with he/him, it/its, they/them, or no pronouns.
im 21; minors can interact, but be aware some of my posts/reblogs are suggestive (but typically text-only jokes). i would prefer for my followers to be 16 or older, but this isn't a strict rule or anything. just be safe online
ask me to tag things and i might do it (no guarantees unless we're mutuals, so follow at your own risk; current tags: flashing, loud, clown, bug, unsanitary, apocalypse — note that bug is only applied to realistic bug images, and unsanitary is only applied to more descriptive or visual-oriented posts.)
adult mutuals and brave adult followers, feel free to ask me for my adult art blog, but do not share it with people who should not / do not want to see it. please dont be offended if i dont share it with you. if you came here from my adult art blog, be normal about it and don't talk about my other works here thanks ^_^;
i'm a fat intersex asian guy, and i love men. i'm also epicene and autosexual. i consider myself bear-ish but i still like being cute
i have memory issues, so please be mindful of that. i'm also horrible about responding to messages/replies; if you want a faster response from me, feel free to give me a nudge
if you LOVE my art but HATE being in the presence of such an awesome and talented comedic genius, go to my art-only blog -> @halberdaswang
current major interests are:
Pokémon - mostly BW/BW2 and PLA
Yoeko (formerly Yoeko Kurahashi) - you should join r/YoekoKurahashi :)
DJ Technorch
rhythm games
vocal synths, particularly vocaloid and utau
my OCs - if you like my ocs feel free to draw them ^_^
i am also interested in Klonoa, Sonic, Kemono Friends, demonology, werewolves, media preservation, console emulation, and Nintendo homebrew among a billion other things. if i reblog something with a group of characters but only tag one of them, it's because i only tag my faves in reblogs (original posts are fair game).
additional stuff under the cut if you like reading ^_^
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big list of smaller lists of things i like:
colors — #00FF00 (neon green) if it isn’t clear lol. i also like pink a lot, but if i suddenly went pink, i think it would scare everyone
pokemon — purugly, incineroar, mega banette, regigigas, and beheeyem. i like a lot more but id say these are my main favorites
characters — not listing source media. suffer forever. volo, dark prince / satan, gakupo, kasane teto, both medicine sellers, popuko, king of sorrow, eggnog cookie, wario, santa claus, i m meen, the pyro, sakuya mitsurugi, marisa kirisame, patchouli knowledge, narciso anasui, king of all cosmos, beerus, tingle, goro
musicians/bands/etc — dj technorch, yoeko, hakushi hasegawa, shiina ringo, tv room, emamouse, hi-posi, gladde paling, capsule, susumu hirasawa, gong, oingo boingo, the sworn group, cosmo sheldrake
foods — just about anything with chicken, pork, or mushrooms
drinks — mountain dew is my favorite drink and i think it shows
animals — white tigers
fonts — ms gothic, envy code r, times new roman, really scary minchotai
my ocs — king beeleth, the portalkeeper, anvil, medusa, meow, bullet, root priest, cc, kors
friend ocs — not listing creators because you know who you are. bugs, gwen, hildisvini, fileine, chaching, business dog, starcat, hooligan, quasar
vocaloids/utauloids/etc — gakupo, fuiro, gumi, meika mikoto, defoko, kasane teto, kasane ted, saigone kako, gakudan roco, waltt, speedy torane
rhythm games/series — osu! tatakae! ouendan / elite beat agents, muse dash, frequency / amplitude, taiko no tatsujin, guitar hero, a dance of fire and ice, rhythm doctor, mad rat dead, rhythm heaven, parappa the rapper / um jammer lammy, vib-ribbon / vib-ripple / mojib-ribbon, project diva, project mirai
other stuff — ao oni, lsd: dream emulator, yume nikki, random internet weirdness/rumors/hoaxes (this house has people in it, tsuki project, tortureware, red room, kisaragi station, lhohq, yyyyyyy), fungi, roblox
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karamell-sweetz · 6 months
welcome to my blog!
time to remake my info post :D | last updated 16 september 2024
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my name is karamell! its a pleasure to meet ya :D
i go by she/her and am cis female :3 not too fussed abt pronouns tho!
at present i am 17, my birthday is the 16th of june. i’m australian + filipino, so sorry if i post something at an ungodly hour for your timezone lmao
this blog will be for my fandom reblogs, art and countless ramblings! i have a separate account dedicated to undertale multiverse content -> @karamellz-multiverse-l0g (i don’t post there a lot because undertale is on the backburner for now!) i’m currently aiming to get into an animation course for university, so all my art is working towards that :3
i am also self-appointed chairwoman of the rui kamishiro fanclub! not that that’s too important… but i like saying it lol
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i don’t tag my reblogs/queue usually so uhh good luck poring through that >< all of my original posts are tagged for convenience though, you can find my tags in the search bar :3
in relation to that i’m VERY multifandom so srry if you get bombarded with stuff that doesn’t relate to you haha! but hopefully you’ll like the stuff i rb too, i’m a firm believer in the power of brainrot spreading and most of my fandoms are from the same niche anyway!
i dont have a dni because realistically i cant rlly control who sees my stuff, but if you or the stuff you post make me uncomfortable i’ll just block you. no hard feelings <3
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project sekai - rui kamishiro, tsukasa tenma, wxs, n25, okay actually its everyone i love proseka soo much
vocaloid - miku, una + deco*27, n-buna, kikuo, pinocchio-p, inabakumori, picco, harumakigohan, maiki-p
d4dj - unichørd, hapiara, lyrilily
bandori - pasupa, morfonica, hhw, ras
enstars - trickstar, alkakurei
love live - rina tennoji, shioriko mifune, hanamaru kunikida, ruby kurosawa, you watanabe, ayumu uehara
fragaria memories - romarriche
milgram - amane, yuno, mahiru
undertale (utmv) - xtale, ink, murder time trio
danganronpa - shuichi saihara, kaede akamatsu, k1-b0
twisted wonderland - heartslabyul (deleted the game because UGH the grind)
denonbu - harajuku district
revue starlight - lalafin, karen, aruru (i love all of them tho)
cookie run kingdom - had a very minor fling with this one so you won’t see it a lot
genshin impact - also minor fling, have not played past liyue. solely here for the banger character designs
mcyt (idk if i’ll reblog anything from here but i know a little bit of the dsmp lore and am attempting to understand life series??)
other things you may see: lalaloopsy + other doll lines from that era, mlp, warrior cats, cute art i think is nice, lunime gacha games (i was very much a ‘gacha kid’ back in its prime), puyo puyo, writing stuff, THE COLOUR PINK, webcore, memes, cool crafts, yorushika, other teenage girl things idk
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karamell yells - ramblings and random stuff, may include headcanons and analysis
karamell doodles - my art! mostly fanart at the moment
karamell’s wips - works in progress (stuff i’ll never finish probably)
karamell’s pocket - posts i want to come back to
karamell gaming - random game screenshots
karamell rolls the gacha - my gacha pulls of varying luck
karamell’s mailbox - asks, submissions, tag games, all that fun stuff
karamell’s rq pile - drawing requests (which are always open btw, feel free to send some in if you’d like!)
karamell stop missing the blonde clown - thirsty? brainrot posts about tsukasa tenma because boy do i love him
karamell’s confections - various big projects (videos, edits, etc). all the cool stuff i make that isn’t normal art basically
karamell’s burning pile of ocs - see image below:
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(utmv submissions for this will be posted on my sideblog)
UPDATE: the number is now 350 instead of 244!
when in doubt. rui scribble - various random scribbles of rui kamishiro because i like drawing him
karamell asks a question - mostly polls and stuff i need help with
say hi to my sideblog guys - self rbs from my utmv sideblog @/karamellz-multiverse-l0g. just for a little bump! :)
karamell’s project precure au - project sekai x precure (updates never)
wxs revue au - project sekai x revue starlight (updates randomly)
karamell’s birthday treat cafe - food-themed fandom birthday drawings (on break for a bit)
kamikou seniors trio - tsukasa ena rui posts because i want them to hang out
the mizuruiena agenda continues - mizuki rui ena hanging out
rui dress agenda - rui in dresses what did you expect
rui fanclub sekai - read my blog description. just silly things about a hypothetical rui fanclub
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youtube - karamell-sweetz!
tiktok - karamell.sweetz
pinterest - mirai_spxrk
art fight - karamellxsweetz
bandori - 4636316 (karamellxshowtime!) (i might be out of friend space tho)
d4dj - ffzoJpPf (mirai.chørd)
project sekai - 168505012555628545 (karamellxshowtime)
enstars - 7709727947 (karamelloid)
starira - 1324761851 (revue.sweetz)
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that should be all. enjoy your stay on my silly little corner of the internet!! 🫶
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rosekyu · 8 months
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Ladies, Gents, Things, Animals, Plants, Cryptids and everything else out there, Welcome to my blog! It's an honour to have you stop by!
Im Rose/Kyu/Clowny/Bebe and I'll be your ring leader on this blog! Im between 15-17 years old and my pronouns are they/it/jelly/clown(etc), now the basics are out the way lets get to the good info shall we?
Lets see i should probably start with my identity in more detail we already know my name and pronouns, my birthday is 11th of june and my gender/sexualitys are Non-binary, Omnisexual, Aroace, Polyamorous, Quiosexual/romantic and Platonisexual/romantic, i know its a hand full, Im an agere/petre and also in questioning of being an therian/otherkin specifically in the range of raccoon/jellyfish/cat/glaceon, I most definitely have social anxiety and probably undiagnosed autism, I find that i lack the understanding of emotions specifically sympathy and empathy, and depending on how bored i am depends on how mean i get, not to mention i have dead humour that nobody rlly gets, and yes i do also practice witchcraft and im an omnist, i also believe in spirituality, ghosts and some cryptids, and i dont rlly have a set aesthetic i like them all.
Now going onto my likes/interests, i have a new fixation every other week but my most common ones/most my likes are Fnaf, Poppy Playtime, Omori, Danganronpa, Bungou Stray Dogs, Madoka magica, Angels of death, Class of 09, Sonic, Bee and puppycat, Pokemon, Terraria, Clowns, Batim, Sk8 the infinity, Tbhk, Ohshc, PvZ, Sanrio, Vocaloid, Ghost hunting/Cryptids, Mario kart, Minecraft, Mlp, Miraculous, Paw patrol, Gacha and so much more lmao.
I cant fit it all in this so if you ever have any questions feel free to ask in my inbox, or just talk to me. (under the cut are masterlists and tags)
Now what is my blog? well i post moodboards! if that wasnt already obvious ofc, i wanted to do stimboards but i cant atm so the next best is moodboards, i also post other random things, i already have done a few and if you want a specific theme for a characters i've already done feel free to request it, my requests are atm open for any type of moodboards explained here X
My Masterlists:
Angels of death
Madoka/Magia Record
Plants vs zombies
Smile precure
My tags:
꧁•⊹٭𝚁𝚘𝚜𝚎 𝚁𝚎𝚋𝚕𝚘𝚐𝚜٭⊹•꧂ = reblogs
꧁•⊹٭𝚁𝚘𝚜𝚎 𝙼𝚊𝚔𝚎𝚜٭⊹•꧂ = my moodboards/other
꧁•⊹٭𝚁𝚘𝚜𝚎 𝚃𝚘𝚖𝚏𝚘𝚘𝚕𝚎𝚛𝚢٭⊹•꧂ = random posts
Side blogs:
That's pretty much it for now! I do have a carrd that has a little more in it right here X so check that out if you please.
DNI: Homophobic, Racist, Anti furry, Anti therian, Anti alterhuman, Anti witchcraft, Anti religion, Zoophiles, DDLG, Pedophile, Ableist, will add more if required, just use common sense.
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credit x|x
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spiralfuckingdies · 2 months
intro post yay
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hi im spiral (he/him)! ontologically evil mentally in 2007 or smth liek that
headmate ina system! fictive and i talk about it sometimes!
clown obsessed breakcorefag scene freak! i luv bright colors and loud music and eroguro and jimbojimmy123 and weird shit
im very cool and u should b my friend
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this is a personal blog cuz i am a yapper and it is terminal. run by me in specific but other headmates might cameo sometimes. if ya want our main feel free to dm!
as for t he actual contents of this blog its mostly gunna b my werid thoughs and spam reblogging dumb shit
pls dm and spam with asks! u can always ask 2 b friends or ask 4 our disc
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since i am a singular headmate in a systtem my actual usage of this blog will b pretty spotty, aand it might take me long periods of time 2 respond to asks, dms, etc. these r never actual attempts 2 ghost u
if u run a (completely sfw) agere/syskid blog or r under 13 bodily id prefer if u didnt interact/follow for yr own safety. my blog does contain a lot of swearing and some sexual content. i regularly fetishize violence. slurs will be said. i am very unpalatable and have zero intentions of making myself more sterile and family friendly so id just prefer if u dont follow
this blog contains flashing lights and (drawn) gore, as well as references 2 self harm, drug abuse, suicide, etc. if you r uncomfortable with that sorta thing i would not recommend following either cuz i rarely ever tag them
i am very mentally unwell and it shows in the stuff i post/reblog
if im actually on yr dni i will softblock u
other than that no real dni!
blinkies and stamps and stuff r under the cut cuz there r a lot of flashing lights
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si0l0id · 2 months
☻ re-introduction!! ☻
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🪲im Sio! (it/zim/thing) im a neurodivergent guy with LOTS of interests :) if u like any of these things, plz consider following me:
🍭queer ppl, vocaloid, smiling friends, animal crossing, goldfish & koi (& fish in general), futurama, FNAF, clowns, TADC, reptiles & amphibians, bugs, sonic, pjsk, sam & max, WH, undertale & deltarune, character design, rhythm games, art, & more!
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🐞i dont post super often but when i do i try to make it interesting lol. i mostly post abt games & my pets! (and sometimes adoptables bc im broke) feel free to ask for any acnh design codes in my screenshots/clips! reblogs r appreciated! (/nf)
🧃all my links n stuff r listed in my carrd below! :) (im not active on insta, ES, or DA anymore but feel free to follow anyway if u want ^^;)
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trialbystory · 1 year
Got tagged via @weissroseschnee, and yeah sure, I have some thoughts.
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last ten people who reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals & followers!! <3
1) Music. Plain and simple. If I’m having a good day or a bad day or the best day ever, it can be improved by playing some music. Classical, Ska, Broadway, Game OSTs, Power Metal, whatever comes up. Spotify, mp3s from my phone, something from my vinyl collection, it’s all good. Whether I’m really getting into it and singing along/playing an instrument, or just letting it sit in the background while I read or game, it always enhances my mood.
B) My friends. I’m not a particularly social person, so my offline circle is fairly limited. But despite that (because of that?) I’ve accomplished something I am unreservedly proud of: I’ve surrendered myself with better people than I am. That sounds a bit self deprecating, but I promise it’s not. My friends are legitimately some of the best human beings I know. We help each other and watch each other’s backs, it is legitimately like tropey shonen anime bullshit and I love it.
III)This may be obvious, but the greatest source of joy in my life is stories. Consuming them, creating them, examining the different ways we tell them and why different stories are important to different people in different ways, it’s wonderful and fascinating, and I wish there were more hours in the day for me to devote to it.
Four) People supporting each other. This kind of expanded out of my live for the found family trope, but seeing groups of people come together to be positive and lift each other up fills me with a le almost physical sense of warmth. Whether it’s a story where a closeted character haphazardly stumbles into a group of people who can help them learn to recognize and live their true self, or real-world stuff like the overwhelming positivity of the LoadingReadyRun community and events like Extra Life or AGDQ or Desert Bus for Hope (only a few months away). It helps remind my jaded, misanthropic ass that people don’t just suck by default, and that’s a good feeling.
Final) The advance of technology. Okay yes, this one’s kind of loaded, but I am ever the techno-optimist. But in my defense a lot of the dark side on this one comes from ass clowns more concerned with money and the business side of things than the actual tech. But at the end of the day I do believe that if it’s allowed to, technology can solve more problems than it can’t. Any advancement that’s not strictly in the field of weapons has something to contribute to human society. There will alway be problems and there will always be greed trying to bend technology away the good of the world, but I think given time it will always be a net positive.
I dont exactly have a lot of followers/mutual to tag, so rather than doing it through asks I’ll just do it at the bottom here. Really only three people readily spring to mind, and if you’re one of them feel free to ignore (and if you’re not feel free to pick up the banner yourself out of spite or something?) but @powertaco @infinitefern and @misterdadguy you lot are the official callout.
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gladiator-gladiolus · 2 years
My prejudgement of the engage cast: Solm edition
Like I said before, this is as of before I venture into chapter 4 this time, so obviously I don’t actually know ANYTHING about anyone except what I’ve accidentally absorbed through fanart. This is all purely based on their appearance and the vibe. I’ll reblog with what I actually think of them after I’ve finished the game, or have sufficient enough exposure to them
(These are probably really harsh, I have unleashed my full prejudice)
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Sylvain and Yuri’s personality love child
manwhore (but respectfully)
Looks like he has committed numerous war crimes and does so with an irresistible smile, 10/10 would do again, 5 star review on yelp
Knows how to emotionally manipulate you
Can dance really well but won’t tell anyone
a very good leader
Charismatic as FUCK
knows his people well and they love him
has a fanclub
Is known to prank people
sexy and he knows it
I’ll either be in love with him and won’t admit it or I’ll be completely immune
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What is going on with his hair???????
ngl im kinda into it though
Has “goes to the same hairdresser as Lorenz” syndrome
Really mean but everyone is into it
Gay but is almost homophobic about it
would kick a child and call it character building
Has another male character he is shipped with religiously
the red flag everyone ignores
obnoxious pretentious little meow meow
I’m going to absolutely adore him
pretends he knows everything but actually dropped out of school at the age of 9 months
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Chivalry isn’t dead personified
excuse me hi, yes, my name is micromanagement supreme
Probably a Nationalist
Comes across as a jock at first but is actually extremely skrunkly dunkly
His work is his life
would rather the world be shaped into a cone and everyone slide off the face then see his friends hurt
Would rather be dead than not feel useful
In a modern Au would be obsessed with guns and holding dead animals
his parents are silly :(
is trying to further his reputation for 60% of the game
accidentally adopts one of the younger characters
is actually a bit of a nobody
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If you sucked every inch of optimism out of the world and concentrated it in one place, this is what would grow legs and emerge
Social butterfly
Comes across very confident but is actually really insecure
Is an only child
Tends to avoid reality
Shockingly the most religious out of all Solm characters
either extremely childish or overly mature with responsibility issues and there’s no in between
Kins Pinkie pie
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Wears winter clothes in the height of summer and visa versa
Tell him to bring a coat and he won’t then will blame you when he gets cold
is probably a girl that I mistook for a boy
Wants you to think he shops at hot topic but can actually be seen buying neon vests in the rave shop
Goth but the heart’s not in it
“I dOnT nEEd fRieNds, tHeY diSaPoiNT mE”
Quiet and reserved
Takes a long time to think about things but when he gets back to you on that, it’s going to be the best idea you’ve had the pleasure of hearing
Has a strong sense of self worth
was abused by his dad
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no, Navarre isn’t my twin brother why would you say that?
while you were busy buying body pillows, he studied the blade
Is a martial arts genius
If you’re not talking about combat, get lost
One of the most morally grey people you’ll meet
Is a sword for higher but would probably do it for free if you said please
noble gone bankrupt
Has a cruel master he has weird sexual tension with
the one Merrin looks up to
Man of no words
a woman I’m mistaking for a man
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I saved the worst for last
not the clown but the whole circus
the quiet kid (trademark)
who am I kidding, I’m just jealous because she’s way cooler than me, I’m going to end up loving her to bits
Super slay makeup so is super slay in all aspects of life
doesn't take life too seriously
just go with the flow
Likes causing people pain
favourite film is probably final destination
likes the smell of dead bodies
in reality cares about the well-being of others too much
doesn’t care what anyone thinks of her
the most mentally stable in the entire game
has a weird obsession with marionettes
Solm will most likely be my favourite but right now I’m in denial
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