#and companionship outside of jorrvaskr
sunshine-and-moonshine · 10 months
141 In Skyrim
Requested: No
Warnings: Mentions of an attack on Ghost’s part but nothing else I can think of
A/N: @arthurmorgansballsack you wanted to be tagged, so here is your tag!!!!
Price - Harbinger of Jorrvaskr
As a Harbinger, Price is often meeting new people. Young and Old alike, all who think they have a shot at being famous. At bringing glory to themselves. But time and time again he turns people away, their hunger for power outrivaling all of their good qualities. None of them ever understood what it meant, to be a companion. To be more than yourself, to dream for more than just yourself. To dream and hope, to live and die, for everyone in Jorrvaskr. None of them understood it, except for you. You who came in, heart and eyes blazing, looking for family over glory. And it turned out to be only you who he could confide in about being wary of the wolf’s blood that ran through his veins. How he grew tired of the hunt and longed for rest and companionship. And it was you who made his heart skip a beat when you placed your hand on his and told him that he could always feel free to seek out your company when he grew weary and lonely.
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Gaz - Dragonborn
Gaz met you just outside of Whiterun. Out of breath and looking exhausted, holding a letter from some Jarl or other. He’d pushed away all the other couriers but…you were just so determined to get him his letter, refusing to leave him until he accepted it. It endeared him to you and he found himself telling you that he’d only take it if you’d have dinner with him at The Bannered Mare. You seemed surprised by the offer but tentatively agreed. Only to somehow end black out drunk and wake up passed out in his house in Riften. An Amulet of Mara laid between both of your naked bodies, a plain gold band on your finger and a matching silver one on his. And he didn’t want to let you go. You were the first person in forever who actually seemed to want to listen to him. Who tried to comfort him when he told you about the troubles of being Dragonborn. And beyond that, of how he didn’t remember anything before being Dragonborn. How he’d woken up in that cart, his mind empty of memories, and the trauma that came from that day in Helgen. With you, he wasn’t just the Dragonborn. He was human. He was….himself.
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Ghost - Dark Brotherhood Assassin
Probably the only member of the Brotherhood who didn’t actually consider it a family, Ghost didn’t care to introduce himself to the fresh meat, you. He figured you’d be dead soon anyways. But something about you drew him in. He tried to make excuses for it, convincing himself he was only interested in the planes of your body that were highlighted by the uniform, that he was only lusting for you. But that didn’t explain why he hovered around you, sticking to your shadows and watching your back. Why he felt his heart skip a beat when a target fought against you, pinning you on your back with a knife to your throat. And it didn’t explain the wave of rage that turned his vision red, that drove him to lunge at your target and beat them into the ground. It wasn’t til he looked into your eyes, his fingers under your cowl checking to make sure you didn’t get cut, that he admitted it wasn’t just lust.
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Soap - Thieves Guild Member
Soap had been a Thieves Guild Member for a long time. Starting as an orphan in Riften’s streets who got particularly good at pickpocketing. Or at least he thought he was, until he tried to pick your pockets in his late teens. You were older than him, an amulet of some kind around your neck. It looked expensive and he had wanted to take it but he knew it was too dangerous. So he’d settled for the coin sack hanging at your waist. Careful, so sneaky, his fingers ready to loosen the leather string holding up the bag when you spoke. “Not bad, but still sloppy.” You’d said, turning back to look at him. He’d wanted to run but found himself entranced by the mischievous look in your eyes. You offered him a place to stay, warm food in his starving belly, and jobs a plenty to get more gold then you’d ever be able to carry in a coin sack. And he’d accepted, gladly. And every job he did, every task he completed, it wasn’t for the gold but to please you. To see your smile when he showed up back home in the Ratway. Years and years he worked tirelessly, putting all his coins into a cozy house with nice furniture that he built all by himself, the leftover money spent spoiling you with gems and jewelry and nice clothes. His fingers caressing yours when he handed it over, melting under your warm stare. Until one day he handed you a necklace of Mara, and asked you to wear it when you came to visit him tonight.
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Hello Tumblrverse! I’m coming at you with something very special today for my friend @blossom-adventures as this week is her birthday! I hope you enjoy this little piece I wrote up for you and that you have the loveliest of lovely weeks, Blossom. ❤️
“Would you meet me at the top of the Palace’s parapets at midnight?”
The question has echoed in Jaina’s ears all afternoon, distracting her from being able to get anything else done. Try as she might, her thoughts seem to always drift back to Ulfric’s words in her ears. What could he want with her and at midnight no less?
She sighs heavily as she walks the streets of Windhelm’s infamous Snow Quarter, various friends and citizens alike calling out to greet the familiar figure of the Dragonborn. While being in the city has been an adjustment for her, the people there—and Ulfric—have certainly made her feel at home.
“Would you meet me—”
She blows a piece of hair out of her face in frustration with herself. 
Surely, she hasn’t done anything wrong or broken any of the city’s rules, and it isn’t as if she hasn’t seen or interacted with the Jarl before. What on Nirn makes this so different? And why can’t she get him out of her head? 
Jaina bites her lip as an image of his face drifts into view.
Her face turns a mixture between red and maroon all the way up to the tips of her ears. While she has been trying to deny that she feels some sort of attraction to the Jarl, her body tells no lies. She had been hoping that the situation would just resolve itself on its own, and she could go on ignoring this little infatuation, but the heart wants what the heart wants.
If only she could save him and herself from her own emotions—and the secret she is hiding.
Jaina shakes her head. There is no use dwelling on it now, especially since she has already told Ulfric of her troubles, and he hasn’t treated her any differently because of it. Perhaps, that’s it. She feels some sort of affection for him or some type of companionship with him because he has been one of the few who she has trusted enough outside of Jorrvaskr to know exactly what she is.
Either way, there is no use thinking on it any further. All she can do now is wander the snowy streets as she waits for the appointed time.
It comes sooner than she thought it would.
Minutes turn to hours, and the sun sinks into the horizon, but Masser and Secunda are nowhere to be found. They have chosen to hide their faces from the world, shrouding the sky in inky blackness.
When Jaina arrives to the Palace’s roof, there is no one there. The only thing she sees is a worn blanket thrown across the floor. She glances around carefully once more to search for Ulfric and then sits down on the blanket, leaning her back against the cool stone of the walls.
Where could he be? She was certain he had said midnight.
Her fingers pick at the beds of her fingernails as she looks for something to distract herself from her nervousness. Eventually, she turns her face to the sky.
There she sees an ocean of stars unlike any she has ever seen before. It takes her breath away.
“It’s beautiful isn’t it.” A voice whispers in her ear, and goosebumps erupt over her skin. 
She knows that voice, and as she turns her head just a fraction, she finds herself centimeters away from Ulfric’s face. How did he get so close to her without her noticing?
“Good evening, Jaina.” He smiles at her slightly, and her heart bursts into a thousand butterflies. “I’m sorry I am late, especially since I was the one who asked you here, but I was trying to see if there was a better place to watch the stars.”
“No, no. That’s quite alright. I was more than content here.” She stops herself, and then realizes she has stuck her foot in her mouth. The fluttering in her body and pulse pounding in her ears makes it nearly impossible for her to focus. “Not that I am incontent to have you here now or that—”
“Relax, Jaina. I know exactly what you mean.” A small chuckle escapes from his lips. “Windhelm has some of the best conditions in all of Tamriel for stargazing.”
Is this why he asked her here?
Jaina is suddenly grateful for the cover of darkness. For if he could see her face now, it would be clear to him that she is blushing furiously.
“I—I didn’t know you liked to watch the stars too, Jarl Ulfric.”
“I did quite a bit of that when I was a soldier in the Great War.” He answers her without prompting. “I heard that you like to do so as well. I may have asked around.” He clears his throat and suddenly points up. “That is the constellation of the Lady. It was one of the first I learned to recognize many years ago.”
For a while, neither of them say anything else; however, Jaina notices that as the night stretches on, Ulfric’s hand steadily gets closer to hers until it brushes against her own fingers. It is the barest whisper of a touch, but it is a touch nonetheless. And despite the fact that it is not exactly inappropriate in nature, her skin against his own calloused hands sets her alight, causing her to shiver.
“Are you cold, Jaina?” Ulfric leans over to whisper in her ear. “Perhaps we should turn in for the night. It is late.” 
She looks at him, mouth opened, yet no sound coming out. If only she could force the words out. However, Ulfric shakes his head at her.
“I had a very nice evening.” Boldly, he tucks a piece of hair behind her slightly-pointed ears. “I would very much like to do this again with you.”
Their eyes lock for a moment, and although Ulfric has stated that they should retire for the night, she doesn’t move. She is too entranced by the shifting emotions in the Jarl’s stormy blue eyes. It is as if he warring with himself and holding himself back from something, but then slowly, she sees him move closer to her—feels the stubble of his beard brush against her skin—and then finally, his lips press against her cheek.
“Happy birthday, Jaina.”
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wasulfhrafnx · 5 years
lira banging pots and pans: my daughter is beautiful and someone worthy of her should date her. except they’re going to have to get through me first. :> may the odds be ever in your favor.
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Tales of Marriage
“Mama, could you tell us a story?” Lucia asked as they sat around the table. Azirina glanced at her over the rim of her mug.
“Which one?” She asked.
“How about how you and pa met?” Blaise asked.
“You have heard that one a hundred times.” Farkas said before taking a bite of an apple.
“How about your wedding?” Lucia asked, making both Farkas and Azirina pause.
“Our wedding?” Lucia nodded firmly, making Azirina chuckle.
“Ok. But I will let your father tell it.” She said, looking at Farkas who chuckled.
“It started at Jorrvaskr….”
Farkas was sat, watching some of the new recruits training when he heard the commotion. Athis was moving into the hall when he grabbed him.
“What's going on?” He asked.
“The harbinger has come back.” The elf replied. “She has a amulet of Mara.” Farkas paused. An amulet of mara? She was looking for someone to marry? He paused as he thought about the Khajiit warrior. She had risen through the ranks, honouring Kodlak by granting his last wish. She was brave, intelligent and strong. She was an amazing warrior. She was…. going to be his wife if she was interested. He got to his feet and headed into the mead hall. Vilkas was stood, leaning against one of the posts that supported the roof. He glanced at him before nodding towards the centre.
Azirina was stood, a blue beacon in her unique armour with the silver circlet upon her head. She was watching Athis try to woo her, the amulet of Mara glinting in the light.
“Sorry Athis. I am afraid I am not interested.” She said. Torvar slid up to her, shoving Athis out the way.
“Yeah. You're more interested in a real nord. Not some outsider.” He said.
“May I remind you that I hail from Elsweyr Torvar.” She added. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders, her ears flicking briefly.
“Yeah. But I think we can make a exception for a pretty little kitty.” As soon as those words left his mouth, he was raised above her head and held there.
“Call me kitty, one more time.” She snapped. “I am your harbinger and you would do well to remember it!” She threw him across the room, watching him crash into the back wall. Farkas let out a chuckle, watching as her ears twitched and she turned to face him. She smiled, moving around the table and walking towards him, the amulet glinting in the candle light.
Farkas gestured at the amulet. “An amulet of Mara. You're looking for marriage then?” He asked her. She nodded in response.
“Could we talk outside for a moment?” She asked. He nodded, going to lead the way when Torvar reappeared.
“Wait, I am interested. Come on! I would marry you twice!” He said.
“I am not interested Torvar.” She countered.
“You really are a tease….” Farkas wasn't sure what he said next. A loud shout, a show of the Thu'um rang out through the hall. Torvar was blown across the room, crashing into the table as Azirina stretched. She turned and headed out the hall. Farkas shook his head and followed, watching her ears and tail constantly move.
One thing he had learned about her was that, although her face could be expressionless, her ears and tail reflected her mood. And right now, she looked nervous.
“I am not gonna lie. I came back here for a reason. I am looking for marriage. And I wanted to know. Are you interested in me?” She asked him.
“Won't lie. I am. And you?” He asked her. She smiled brightly.
“Won't lie. I am.”
“Then it is settled. You and me.” He smiled as her tail wagged rapidly. She nodded eagerly.
“Yes! I shall go make the preparations. Meet me at the temple of Mara in Riften.” She said, hugging him before running out of Whiterun. He shook his head and headed inside to tell Vilkas the news.
Three days later, he was stood at the altar in the temple of Mara in Riften. He felt nervous. Not like when he was heading into a battle. This was different. He felt like he could vomit. He glanced at those gathered, surprised by how many were attending. Obviously Vilkas and Aela had come, along with Njada and Athis. There was the wood elf Azirina sometimes travelled with, Faendal he was called if he remembered correctly. There were some people he didn't recognise. But he did recognise Jarl Idgrod Ravencroft of Morthal. That had been a surprise when she had arrived with her bodyguard.
The door creaked open, making him turn. Azirina walked in, dressed in that blue armour of hers.
“Ah, here's the blushing bride now.” Maramal, the priest, said as she walked to the altar. The two of them stood at the altar, Azirina looking ahead as Farkas looked at her. She took his hand gently.
“Let's begin the ceremony. It was Mara that first gave birth to all of creation and pledged to watch over us as her children. It is from her love of us that we first learned to love one another. It is from this love that we learn that a life lived alone is no life at all. We gather here today, under Mara's loving gaze, to bear witness to the union of two souls in eternal companionship. May they journey forth together in this life and the next, in prosperity and poverty, and in joy and hardship. Do you agree to be bound together, in love, now and forever?” Maramal asked him.
“I do, now and forever.” He replied. Maramal turned to Azirina.
“Do you agree to be bound together, in love, now and forever?” He asked her.
“I do, now and forever.” She replied, looking at Farkas.
“Under the authority of Mara, the Divine of Love, I declare this couple to be wed. I present to the two of you with these matching rings, blessed by Mara's divine grace. May they protect each of you in your new life together.” Maramal said, handing them rings. They placed the rings on each other as Maramal finished speaking. Azirina smiled hugging Farkas as those gathered began to applaud.
He watched as she spoke to some of the guests, her ring shining in the light.
“I never thought you would be the one to settle down Farkas.” Vilkas said as he and Aela approached.
“I guess I just needed to find the right person.” He said, looking at Azirina. She smiled, walking over to them. “Married huh? It doesn't feel like I thought it would, but I'm happy. We're married. I guess we'll need to decide where we're living, won't we? You can always stay with me.” He added. Azirina smiled.
“Well, I think we should move into my house in Whiterun. But, I will tell you now….you have just gained a family.” She said.
“What?” He asked.
“I will show you when we get back to Whiterun.” She replied. He tilted his head as they headed out of the temple and back to Whiterun. She led him to a house in the city, pausing as she glanced at him. She opened the door and led him inside.
“A good house. You chose well. I don't like sitting still, so I'm going to set up a small store. Buy and sell what's needed.” He said as he walked in, looking around. Footsteps made him turn.
“Mama!” A young girl cried, running past him and hugging Azirina.
“Hey Lucia. This is Farkas. He is gonna be your new father from now on. Look.” She said, showing her the ring. Farkas approached as the girl looked to at him. A few moments passed in silence before the girl smiled and embraced him.
“Papa!” She exclaimed happily as she hugged him. Farkas chuckled, an arm wrapping around Azirina as she joined the hug.
“And, well you both know the rest.” Farkas finished. Azirina chuckled as the children cheered. She may have been a hero to Skyrim. But this was where she was happiest. Where she wasn't just Dragonborn or Harbinger. Where being the guild master or the listener had no impact.
Here, she was a mother and a wife. And she wouldn't change that for the world.
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