#and charging them like 100 coins per book
qsmpcryptid · 8 months
Tubbo is becoming the king of capitalism I think
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bowandcurtsey · 3 years
Congratulations for 1k followers! I'm so happy for you, and you deserve all of our love♡ I hope many more people discover your account and fall for your stories like we do.
Can I request for a part 2 of Langris falling for Commoner Reader? And I was actually the one who requested that, and I really loved it so much♡
Thank you so much for all your hard work, I love you so much and I wish more blessings comes your way! Thank you so much for making my day brighter whenever I read your stories, I love you and have a great day!♡♡♡
Part 1
Hello bby, thank you for coming back to request again! Thank you for loving my work! ♡
Langris Vaude x F! reader
It only took 5 days for Langris to come back to you with good news. 5 days. You've heard of so many cases where commoners make a report and they wait for months for news. But yours? Less than a week.
It only took 1 day for Langris to get the guy to confess to his crimes AND write the detailed report to submit. The vice captain personally interrogated the man, aka Carlos, one to one. When he left the room, man was shaking and nobody knew what Langris had said or done.
The next day he went to the magic parliament and got this case to be escalated with evidences that this man was a repeated offender. The team helped him with this one; he made them run a back ground check on the 2 men in 6 hours.
Within 3 days the magic parliament came to Langris' office early in the morning, telling him that the court for this case would be scheduled in two days.
And here he was, standing outside your shop with you, breaking the good news. He watched as your face brightened up from the tiring day and your lips curled into this sweet and beautiful smile.
"oh my god," you exclaimed excitedly upon hearing the good news, "thank you so much, my mom and I appreciate this so much, Vice Captain Langris!"
His heart uncontrollably raced in his chest and he felt giddy from happiness like a kid getting his favourite candy. But of course, the cool and suave Langris had to play it cool, "it's a small case. How are your injuries?"
"Er.. I'm feeling much better now!" you beamed at him.
"Don't over work yourself, you're on light duty as told by the doctor, " he narrowed his eyes at you, "see you at court in 2 days."
"I'll try to, we're a little short on manpower during this busy season, plus now that we have to close 2 days later to attend court, we have to work doubly hard to cover for the rent.." you suddenly thought about the losses you'll make for that day, on top of the losses from the other day.
"tch." he sighed out loud, shaking his head as he walked into your shop.
"Hello Vice Captain Langris," your mom greeted him warmly, "thank you for the other day."
He shrugged and nodded politely to your mom and took out a bag of yuls, "how many more bowls are available until you're out?"
"oh! We still have a good 100 bowls to sell son, order as much as you want for your team, it's on the house!" your mom offered, thinking he wanted to grab dinner for his team.
"Give me 100 bowls to go then." he placed the bag of coins on the counter, "then go and rest for the day. Just put everything in a huge pot, I'll bring it and ask someone return it tomorrow."
Your mom and you blinked at him.
"What?" he snapped at the both of you, "if you don't have such a huge pot then just give half of it to me, no worries. Then pack up for the day after the current customers are done eating."
"N-no.. we do have a big pot.." Your mom was flabbergasted, "It's just no one made such a big order before..."
"Also, I'll book down your little restaurant tomorrow.." he paused awhile, thinking of an excuse, "It's Alec's birthday so I'll let them celebrate. Give me the bill to book down the restaurant for an entire day."
"Erm.. No one has done this before either.." your mom looked at Langris dumbfounded.
"Alright, just charge me as per the sales you make for a busy day then." Langris shrugged. "Is 3000 yuls enough?"
You tugged at Langris' sleeves from the side, "can we talk for a minute..?"
"What is it?" Langris questioned the moment you both were out of your mom's hearing.
"You don't have to do this for us..." you quickly said, "we owe you too much."
"Then just heed the doctor's advice and not over work yourself."
"But I can't be selfish and rest while my mother slogs herself out!" you suddenly cried out, "it's just what us commoners do, slog out our lives because we're not rich and cannot afford to rest unless we're dying and bedridden."
Langris raised a brow at your sudden outburst.
"We can never repay you for all your help.." you lowered your head.
"Who said anything about repaying?" he scoffed.
You glanced up at him, your gaze meeting his, who was staring intently at you.
"I'm a magic knight, a vice captain at that, isn't it my duty to serve my citizens? And can't I just buy 100 bowls of noodles to treat everyone in the Golden HQ for their hard work for the past week?" He continued with his white lie so you wouldn't feel bad.
"Also, is it wrong to book down a restaurant?" Langris looked into your e/c eyes, "since you said you owed us a favour so I thought booking your restaurant would be best, isn't it?"
You pursed your lips. This man said nothing wrong. Maybe you really thought too much into it. Maybe a small part of you had a little wishful thought; that maybe the Vice Captain of the Golden Dawn was interested in you.
"Cat got your tongue?" the sharp tongued Langris was back, "now can I get my noodles?"
Langris put down a huge pot on the desk with a loud thud. Everyone looked at him with the commotion he made.
"Noodles. Give it out to everyone, including Captain Vangeance. It's for the hard work in the past week." Langris simply said as he disappeared into his office again.
Every one stared at each other and the huge pot sitting on the desk in the middle of the office. Since when was Captain Langris so nice? They thought to themselves as they helped themselves to some noodles.
"Alecdora!" Langris called for the member into his office.
"Yes sir?" Alecdora came in holding a bowl of piping hot noodles.
"Bring some members to y/n restaurant tomorrow early evening. I booked the place. Don't create a mess and clean up after yourselves. Bring a cake and say it's your birthday. The food is on me. Leave the place by 830pm sharp."
"H-huh?" Alecdora was still trying to process what his Vice Captain just told him.
"Just do as I say, get out." he waved the man away as continued his paper work.
2 days later, you were well rested and recharged thanks to Alecdora and his team coming in so late in the day and leaving so early.
You and your mom saw Langris waiting for you at the entrance of the magic parliament.
"We have a prosecutor that will help you, while that idiot probably has his own defence lawyer. He'll lose 100%, so you just have to answer truthfully at whatever questions they ask you later on." he explained.
You were the victim and your mom was a witness. So Alecdora helped to bring your mom in to register while Langris brought you to meet your prosecutor.
"Don't be nervous, brat." he tried to console you, "you have 'worry' written all over your forehead."
"Stop teasing me!" you exclaimed, cheeks burning from embarrassment.
He stopped suddenly, standing very close to you all of a sudden. "As long as I'm here, you won't lose. Don't worry. I always keep my promises."
You heart was almost about to stop as you felt thousands of butterflies in your stomach.
"Th-thank you, Vice Captain Langris.." you spoke softly and shyly now. It was Langris' turn to have heat spreading across his face.
"What can I get you after this case is over?" you really wanted to do something for him for all his work, "I'll try to do anything you ask or get anything you want if it's within my means!"
"well then, since you insist..." a smirk crept up Langris' lips, "I want a date then. A day off. I'll bring you out."
He watched as you flustered, thinking about how cute you were.
"if you win the case later on, you'll be compensated handsomely, I believe.." he pretended to stroke his chin, although he had already studied and put in a proposal for the amount to be compensated to you, "you'll then have a good amount of money to hire someone, so you'll be free to go on a date with me, won't you?"
"Well, you don't have to if you don't want to," he tried hide his hurt feelings and turned away, continuing the walk to the prosecutors' office.
"Y-yes I'd really love to Vice Captain Langris!" you quickly said before catching up with him, "if you don't mind being seen on a date with a commoner.."
"Tsk." he rolled his eyes, "have you not heard me clear enough? As long as you're with me, I won't let anyone bully you."
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Friday Night Lights: A Non-American’s Guide to American Football
Friday Night Lights is now back on Netflix and you have to watch it. 
Just to be clear, that isn’t a request – it’s an order. The NBC football drama is simply one of the most affecting, thrilling American TV shows of all time. Though premiering in 2006, the show can mark its lineage all the way back to a true story from the late ‘80s. In 1990, sports journalist H.G. “Buzz” Bissinger published the non-fiction book Friday Night Lights: A Town, a Team, and a Dream. The book follows the story of the 1988 Permian Panthers high school football team in Odessa, Texas as they make a run for a Texas state championship.
The book was adapted into a Peter Berg film of the same name in 2004, starring Billy Bob Thornton. The story of the Permian Panthers was dramatically rich enough to conquer two mediums already, but when a third was announced in the form of a TV series for NBC it seemed like overkill. Did the world really need more high school football drama after a successful book and movie? It turns out that the world really did.
Friday Night Lights, the TV show, further fictionalized Bissinger’s story. Odessa, Texas becomes the fictional Dillon, Texas (though the Permian Panthers logo remains a big yellow “P”). Kyle Chandler steps into the role of a new coach, the magnanimous Eric Taylor. Shot in a cinema verite-style where blocking is optional, Friday Night Lights makes the viewer feel like they are just another Dillon citizen, desperately dreaming for a state championship. Above all else, this empathetic show never speaks down to its small town characters. 
As previously stated, Friday Night Lights is a must-watch. But if you’re one of our many non-American readers (Hello, everyone! I see you out there, writing “s” in words that need “z”), the football angle may seem like a real roadblock. So let’s tear down that roadblock. American football is the most popular sport in the United States but also perhaps its most impenetrable. The rulebook is thick and its connection to American culture deep. What follows is an attempt to explain American football for non-American viewers who are hesitant to tackle the show. Hopefully this will also prove useful to existing Friday Night Lights fans who have some questions about the game. 
To simplify matters, we’ve broken our football school down into three parts: The Different Levels of American Football, which explains the sport’s place in American culture and why high school football is a big deal; The Rules of American Football, which is as succinct a distillation of how the game is played as possible; and The Strategy of American Football, which examines whether Eric Taylor is even a good coach anyway. 
The Different Levels of American Football
Football is a pervasive force in American society. The highest level of play in the country (and the world) is the National Football League in which 32 teams of well-paid professionals compete against one another. The NFL is the richest sports league in the world by revenue and its championship, the Super Bowl, is usually watched by roughly 100 million people per year. Football’s influence doesn’t begin and end with the NFL though. The NFL doesn’t have a minor league or development system, so those interested in watching younger athletes are able to do so by following the sport on the collegiate or high school level.
College football is a huge deal. Some major universities’ football stadiums can house upwards of 100,000 fans. Four-year universities and colleges across the country field their own football teams that compete against one another in 12-game seasons (before a postseason consisting of “Bowl Games” but that’s too complicated to get into right now). Football at the collegiate level contains hundreds of teams split up into different leagues based on size and different conferences based on geography (for the most part). There isn’t any promotion and relegation like in European football leagues but if an institution grows big enough they can secure an invite to a higher level.
Though the decision-makers of the sport like to pretend it’s an amateur exercise and the players are not paid, college football is really a multi-billion dollar business. In fact, college football’s governing body, the NCAA, was just spooked enough by a U.S. Supreme Court decision that it allowed its athletes to finally pursue “Name, Image, Likeness (NIL)” deals in which they are allowed to make money from personal sponsorships. 
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Then we come to the high school level of football. Longtime viewers of American teenage dramas may have a pretty good idea of what a U.S. high school is now but here’s a primer for those who don’t. High school is the highest level of free public education in the U.S. before the more academically (and financially) strenuous college system. High school follows eighth grade (which together with seventh grade usually comprises of “middle school”) and consists of freshmen (ninth graders or 14-15-year-olds), sophomores (tenth graders or 15-16-year-olds), juniors (11th graders or 16-17-year-olds), and seniors (12 graders of 17-18-year-olds).
In some areas of the country, high school football is a bigger deal than college football or even the NFL. Though this level of the sport is played by essentially children, a high school football team may be the only competitive sports enterprise within hundreds of miles for some communities. This is particularly true in the massive U.S. state of Texas. Every region of the U.S. loves football, but passion for the sport is particularly acute in the Southeast, Midwest, and Texas. West Texas, where Friday Night Lights is set, is really high school football mad. The region is distinctly rural and far removed from the state’s three big cities – Houston, Austin, and Dallas. As such, high school football is the singular cultural force that many oil-drilling West Texas communities rally around.
High school football leagues across the country differ considerably, but like in college football, schools are generally grouped together by size and funding. Public and private high schools are able to compete in the same sports conferences as long as they have similar enrollments and budgets. Typically a high school football season consists of only 10 games (football is a physically brutal sport and as such plays far fewer games per year than other sports like baseball, basketball, or soccer). The regular season is usually followed by a bracket-style playoffs culminating in a state championship. There is no country-wide tournament, which is why “winning state” is the ultimate goal in Friday Night Lights. 
The Rules of American Football
I won’t lie to you: this is going to be difficult. Explaining any sport from scratch is a tall task, let alone a sport as complicated as football. Let me attempt to do so from the ground up and please be patient. There will be some visual aids as well.
First, it’s probably helpful to know about the field that football is played on. There’s a reason why in some European markets that the sport is known as “Gridiron Football” and that’s because the field resembles a cooking utensil known as a gridiron.
Every American football field consists of 100 yards (split into two sides of 1-50 yards). At the end of each side of the field is an “endzone.” A player entering into the endzone with the football is called a “touchdown” and nets a team six points. At the back of each endzone are the goalposts – yellow tuning fork-like structures that the ball is occasionally kicked through for more points. These are akin to rugby’s goalposts but slightly differently shaped. Let’s table the whole kicking thing for now and focus strictly on the action on the field.
The goal of football is to enter into the endzone with the ball to score points and have more points at the end of the game than the other team. A football game is 60 minutes, split into four 15-minute quarters (with a lengthy halftime break after the second quarter). Eleven players take the field for each team, one side on “offense” and one side on “defense.” A coin is flipped at the beginning of each game to decide who gets to start as offense and who gets to start as defense. The team who began the game on defense will get to be the offense at the start of the second half.
The offense is charged with advancing the ball 100 yards down the field into the end zone, while the defense is tasked with stopping them by tackling the person with the football to the ground. The offense is granted four tries or “plays” to try to score. The action isn’t continuous in American football like it is in European football. After a team runs a play to attempt to advance the ball, they get a 40-second break to plot their next play. A play simply refers to the action on the field that the offense takes to get down the field. It begins with the “center” “snapping” the ball to the “quarterback” behind him and ends when the offense either scores (rare) or is foiled in some way – whether that means being tackled in bounds, stepping out of bounds, or throwing the ball out of bounds. Here is a chart of the typical football positions.
The offense’s two most reliable ways of advancing the ball downfield are either throwing it or running it. On a running play, the quarterback (Jason Street or Matt Saracen in Friday Night Lights) will receive the snap and hand it off to a running back (Smash Williams or Tim Riggins) who tries to run the ball upfield while his teammates block for him. Alternatively, the quarterback can throw the ball to an open wide receiver as long as the throw originates from behind the line of scrimmage (the area on the field where the play originated). 
Four tries to reach the end zone are rarely enough opportunities for the offense. Thankfully, that’s where “first downs” come in. If the offense advances 10 yards, their “downs” or attempts to score reset back to the full four. That’s where terms like “1st and 10” or “2nd and 7” or “4th and 1” come from. The first number refers to which “down” or attempt the offense is on (1, 2, 3, or 4) while the second number refers to how many yards they need to reach to achieve another first down. Due to penalties or a player being tackled well behind the line of scrimmage (called a “sack” or a “tackle for loss”), the number of yards needed to reach a first down can exceed 10. One time in 2012, the Washington Football Team even had a “3rd and 50”, meaning they needed to move 50 yards for a first down. 
If the offense fails to score or get a first down while on fourth down, possession of the ball is granted to the other team on the same spot that the offense failed. This is called a “turnover on downs.” The team that was previously on offense will bring their defensive unit into the game while the other team will bring their offensive unit. At the collegiate and professional level, players usually only play on one “side” of the ball – offense or defense. In high school, where the level of talent is more inconsistent, it’s not uncommon for several players to be on both the offensive and defensive units. This doesn’t come up much on Friday Night Lights though – for the most part the offensive players stay on offense and the defensive players stay on defense.
It is possible for the defense to force a turnover in other ways beyond just a turnover on downs. If the offense drops or “fumbles”’ the ball and the defense recovers it, it belongs to them. If the defense catches a ball thrown by the offense it is an “interception” and the offense suddenly becomes the defense and the defense suddenly becomes the offense. This situation factors prominently in Friday Night Light’s first episode. 
Turnovers are awful, so the offense has a couple of tools to combat them. At any point during their drive down the field, the offense can choose to “punt” the ball. This means that if they’ve reached 4th down and are unlikely to convert a first down (if it is 4th and 10 from their own 30 yardline for instance), they can choose to have a kicking specialist called a “punter” enter the field. The punter receives the snap, tosses the ball up in the air, and punts the ball far down the field to the other team to catch and try to advance. This is a surrender from the offense but at least they’re making things a bit more difficult for the other offense by pushing the new offense further down the field. Punts rarely factor into Friday Night Lights as they aren’t particularly interesting. 
Alternatively, if the offense is close to the end zone but not close enough that they’re confident they can reach it, they can attempt to kick the ball through the aforementioned goalposts for three points. A “kicker” is brought onto the field and attempts to kick the ball through the goalposts from the ground. A “holder” is allowed to hold the ball upright for the kicker but the ball must be touching the ground for the attempt to count.
Let’s delve a little further into the scoring system. We’ve mentioned that kicking the ball through the uprights is a field goal and nets three points while carrying the ball into the endzone is a touchdown and nets six points. But there are a couple other ways to score in football as well. After a touchdown is achieved, the offense is immediately granted the opportunity to score again. They must choose whether they want to kick the ball through the uprights from extremely close range (which nets one extra point) or to try to reach the end zone again from extremely close range (which nets two extra points). Additionally, if the offense is tackled in their own end zone, it nets two points for the opposing team and they receive the ball back via punt. This is called a “safety.”
To recap: 
Safety: 2 points
Field Goal: 3 points
Touchdown: 6 points (+1 for a field goal attempt, +2 for a scoring attempt).
This means that football scores can generate pretty much any result other than 1-0 or 1-1. Typically a “normal” scoring game will be somewhere between the 20-40 range in divisions of 7 or 3. A score of 35-28 is a pretty usual final football score.
Still confused? That’s understandable. Football is a fairly confusing sport at times. But hopefully you are a little better equipped to understand the action on the field in Friday Night Lights. The show certainly isn’t trying to present a complicated depiction of football. Armed with the basics, you should have a rough idea of what’s happening during all the football action. 
If you feel like you’ve mastered the basics, feel free to move on to the final section of this piece.
The Strategy of American Football
The only constant in football is change. The rules of the sport are tweaked every single year and sometimes the sport undergoes truly massive alterations. In fact, the forward pass itself (now a staple of the game) wasn’t even legal for the first few decades of football’s existence. As such, the offensive and defensive strategies of football are in a constant state of flux. 
What’s interesting to note about Friday Night Lights is how old-fashioned its depiction of football appears to be at the series’ beginning. Keep in mind that this story began with the 1988 Permian Panthers. So despite premiering and taking place in 2006, the Dillon Panthers offense looks quite antiquated at first. 
The Dillon Panthers open the series as a run-first offense in a “Wing-T” formation. Running back Brian “Smash” Williams is the cornerstone of the Panthers’ strategy because back in the ‘80s and ‘90s, athletically superior running backs were usually the most dominant force in any high school offense. The Panthers plan of attack is to have a fast tailback (colloquially called a “running back” because they begin the play in the backfield and then…run)  and a strong fullback in the backfield alongside the quarterback. The Panthers’ plan is to snap the ball, give it to the fast guy, have him follow the big blockers, then rinse and repeat.
Interestingly enough, the show uses the primitiveness of the Panthers’ offense to its advantage in later seasons. When some parents and Panthers boosters (literally just rich people that support a high school or college team) want to oust Coach Eric Taylor, they point to his inability to change with the times and create a sophisticated passing attack as one reason. Coach Taylor does eventually attempt to implement a “spread” offense. 
Spread offenses were all the rage at the high school and collegiate level in the early aughts. The “spread” strategy refers to “spreading” three to five wide receivers on the line of scrimmage to force the defense to cover them man-to-man. Defenses are always strategizing just like offenses, and by forcing the defense to spread out and guard many receivers, it takes away a lot of their more sophisticated coverage options (like double-teaming or divvying up the field into “zones” of coverage). 
In later seasons, when Coach Taylor gains access to a fast, dynamic quarterback, he incorporates a bit of the “option” into his spread offense. This is where the QB uses the spacing from the spread to scan the field, analyze certain players’ positioning on the defense, and decide to pass the ball, hand off the ball, or run the ball himself.
Based on all this, it sounds like Eric Taylor is a pretty brilliant coach, right? Well, not exactly. The internet is littered with breakdowns of Taylor’s strategy from smart football minds. Most of said articles criticize him on two big fronts. The first is his tardiness in adapting to a pass-heavy offense. The second is his absolutely abominable clock management. Since the clock counts down in American football and there is no stoppage time, managing time is a huge part of a coach’s responsibility. 
Since the show naturally wants to inject some drama into its football scenes, the Dillon Panthers as coached by Eric Taylor often have next to 0 clock awareness. This breakdown even notes than in the pilot episode, the Panthers somehow only move the ball 30 yards in five minutes of gametime. That is…pretty curious. 
Also, while it’s not uncommon for a head coach to specialize in either the defensive or offensive side of the ball, Eric Taylor’s is particularly offensive-focused. Defensive plays aren’t as exciting to depict on television, so Coach Taylor is rarely shown coaching up the defensive half of his team. That’s a pretty big blindspot when it comes to head coaching. 
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Now that you’ve read through this full breakdown of American football, give Friday Night Lights a watch or a rewatch. Who knows – you may even be a sharper football mind than Coach Taylor at this point.
The post Friday Night Lights: A Non-American’s Guide to American Football appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3lnaaMj
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bitmexregister-fs · 5 years
Beginner’s Guide to BitMEX(FS)
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Founded by HDR Global Trading Limited (which in turn was founded by former bankers Arthur Hayes, Samuel Reed and Ben Delo) in 2014, BitMEX is a trading platform operating around the world and registered in the Seychelles.
Meaning Bitcoin Mercantile Exchange, BitMEX is one of the largest Bitcoin trading platforms currently operating, with a daily trading volume of over 35,000 BTC and over 540,000 accesses monthly and a trading history of over $34 billion worth of Bitcoin since its inception. 
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Unlike many other trading exchanges, BitMEX only accepts deposits through Bitcoin, which can then be used to purchase a variety of other cryptocurrencies. BitMEX specialises in sophisticated financial operations such as margin trading, which is trading with leverage. Like many of the exchanges that operate through cryptocurrencies, BitMEX is currently unregulated in any jurisdiction.
Visit BitMEX
How to Sign Up to BitMEX
In order to create an account on BitMEX, users first have to register with the website. Registration only requires an email address, the email address must be a genuine address as users will receive an email to confirm registration in order to verify the account. Once users are registered, there are no trading limits. Traders must be at least 18 years of age to sign up.
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However, it should be noted that BitMEX does not accept any US-based traders and will use IP checks to verify that users are not in the US. While some US users have bypassed this with the use of a VPN, it is not recommended that US individuals sign up to the BitMEX service, especially given the fact that alternative exchanges are available to service US customers that function within the US legal framework. How to Use BitMEX
BitMEX allows users to trade cryptocurrencies against a number of fiat currencies, namely the US Dollar, the Japanese Yen and the Chinese Yuan. BitMEX allows users to trade a number of different cryptocurrencies, namely Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Dash, Ethereum, Ethereum Classic, Litecoin, Monero, Ripple, Tezos and Zcash.
The trading platform on BitMEX is very intuitive and easy to use for those familiar with similar markets. However, it is not for the beginner. The interface does look a little dated when compared to newer exchanges like Binance and Kucoin’s.
Once users have signed up to the platform, they should click on Trade, and all the trading instruments will be displayed beneath.
Clicking on the particular instrument opens the orderbook, recent trades, and the order slip on the left. The order book shows three columns – the bid value for the underlying asset, the quantity of the order, and the total USD value of all orders, both short and long.
The widgets on the trading platform can be changed according to the user’s viewing preferences, allowing users to have full control on what is displayed. It also has a built in feature that provides for TradingView charting. This offers a wide range of charting tool and is considered to be an improvement on many of the offering available from many of its competitors.
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Once trades are made, all orders can be easily viewed in the trading platform interface. There are tabs where users can select their Active Orders, see the Stops that are in place, check the Orders Filled (total or partially) and the trade history. On the Active Orders and Stops tabs, traders can cancel any order, by clicking the “Cancel” button. Users also see all currently open positions, with an analysis if it is in the black or red.
BitMEX uses a method called auto-deleveraging which BitMEX uses to ensure that liquidated positions are able to be closed even in a volatile market. Auto-deleveraging means that if a position bankrupts without available liquidity, the positive side of the position deleverages, in order of profitability and leverage, the highest leveraged position first in queue. Traders are always shown where they sit in the auto-deleveraging queue, if such is needed.
Although the BitMEX platform is optimized for mobile, it only has an Android app (which is not official). There is no iOS app available at present. However, it is recommended that users use it on the desktop if possible.
BitMEX offers a variety of order types for users:
Limit Order (the order is fulfilled if the given price is achieved);
Market Order (the order is executed at current market price);
Stop Limit Order (like a stop order, but allows users to set the price of the Order once the Stop Price is triggered);
Stop Market Order (this is a stop order that does not enter the order book, remain unseen until the market reaches the trigger);
Trailing Stop Order (it is similar to a Stop Market order, but here users set a trailing value that is used to place the market order);
Take Profit Limit Order (this can be used, similarly to a Stop Order, to set a target price on a position. In this case, it is in respect of making gains, rather than cutting losses);
Take Profit Market Order (same as the previous type, but in this case, the order triggered will be a market order, and not a limit one)
The exchange offers margin trading in all of the cryptocurrencies displayed on the website. It also offers to trade with futures and derivatives – swaps.
Futures and Swaps
A futures contract is an agreement to buy or sell a given asset in the future at a predetermined price. On BitMEX, users can leverage up to 100x on certain contracts.
Perpetual swaps are similar to futures, except that there is no expiry date for them and no settlement. Additionally, they trade close to the underlying reference Index Price, unlike futures, which may diverge substantially from the Index Price.
BitMEX also offers Binary series contracts, which are prediction-based contracts which can only settle at either 0 or 100. In essence, the Binary series contracts are a more complicated way of making a bet on a given event.
The only Binary series betting instrument currently available is related to the next 1mb block on the Bitcoin blockchain.  Binary series contracts are traded with no leverage, a 0% maker fee, a 0.25% taker fee and 0.25% settlement fee.
Bitmex Leverage
BitMEX allows its traders to leverage their position on the platform. Leverage is the ability to place orders that are bigger than the users’ existing balance. This could lead to a higher profit in comparison when placing an order with only the wallet balance. Trading in such conditions is called “Margin Trading.”
There are two types of Margin Trading: Isolated and Cross-Margin. The former allows the user to select the amount of money in their wallet that should be used to hold their position after an order is placed. However, the latter provides that all of the money in the users’ wallet can be used to hold their position, and therefore should be treated with extreme caution.
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The BitMEX platform allows users to set their leverage level by using the leverage slider. A maximum leverage of 1:100 is available (on Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash). This is quite a high level of leverage for cryptocurrencies, with the average offered by other exchanges rarely exceeding 1:20.
BitMEX Fees
For traditional futures trading, BitMEX has a straightforward fee schedule. As noted, in terms of leverage offered, BitMEX offers up to 100% leverage, with the amount off leverage varying from product to product.
However, it should be noted that trading at the highest leverages is sophisticated and is intended for professional investors that are familiar with speculative trading. The fees and leverage are as follows:
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However, there are additional fees for hidden / iceberg orders. A hidden order pays the taker fee until the entire hidden quantity is completely executed. Then, the order will become normal, and the user will receive the maker rebate for the non-hidden amount.
Deposits and Withdrawals
BitMEX does not charge fees on deposits or withdrawals. However, when withdrawing Bitcoin, the minimum Network fee is based on blockchain load. The only costs therefore are those of the banks or the cryptocurrency networks.
As noted previously, BitMEX only accepts deposits in Bitcoin and therefore Bitcoin serves as collateral on trading contracts, regardless of whether or not the trade involves Bitcoin.
The minimum deposit is 0.001 BTC. There are no limits on withdrawals, but withdrawals can also be in Bitcoin only. To make a withdrawal, all that users need to do is insert the amount to withdraw and the wallet address to complete the transfer.
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Deposits can be made 24/7 but withdrawals are processed by hand at a recurring time once per day. The hand processed withdrawals are intended to increase the security levels of users’ funds by providing extra time (and email notice) to cancel any fraudulent withdrawal requests, as well as bypassing the use of automated systems & hot wallets which may be more prone to compromise.
Supported Currencies
BitMEX operates as a crypto to crypto exchange and makes use of a Bitcoin-in/Bitcoin-out structure. Therefore, platform users are currently unable to use fiat currencies for any payments or transfers, however, a plus side of this is that there are no limits for trading and the exchange incorporates trading pairs linked to the US Dollar (XBT), Japanese Yen (XBJ), and Chinese Yuan (XBC).
BitMEX supports the following cryptocurrencies:
Bitcoin (XBT)
Bitcoin Cash (BCH)
Ethereum (ETH)
Ethereum Classic (ETC)
Litecoin (LTC)
Ripple Token (XRP)
Monero (XMR)
Dash (DASH)
Zcash (ZEC)
Cardano (ADA)
Tron (TRX)
EOS Token (EOS)
BitMEX also offers leverage options on the following coins:
5x: Zcash (ZEC)
20x : Ripple (XRP),Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Cardano (ADA), EOS Token (EOS), Tron (TRX)
25x: Monero (XMR)
33x: Litecoin (LTC)
50x: Ethereum (ETH)
100x: Bitcoin (XBT), Bitcoin / Yen (XBJ), Bitcoin / Yuan (XBC)
Trading Technologies International Partnership
HDR Global Trading, the company which owns BitMEX, has recently announced a partnership with Trading Technologies International, Inc. (TT), a leading international high-performance trading software provider.
The TT platform is designed specifically for professional traders, brokers, and market-access providers, and incorporates a wide variety of trading tools and analytical indicators that allow even the most advanced traders to customize the software to suit their unique trading styles. The TT platform also provides traders with global market access and trade execution through its privately managed infrastructure and the partnership will see BitMEX users gaining access to the trading tools on all BitMEX products, including the popular XBT/USD Perpetual Swap pairing.
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The BitMEX Insurance Fund
The ability to trade on leverage is one of the exchange’s main selling points and offering leverage and providing the opportunity for traders to trade against each other may result in a situation where the winners do not receive all of their expected profits. As a result of the amounts of leverage involved, it’s possible that the losers may not have enough margin in their positions to pay the winners.
Traditional exchanges like the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) offset this problem by utilizing multiple layers of protection and cryptocurrency trading platforms offering leverage cannot currently match the levels of protection provided to winning traders.
In addition, cryptocurrency exchanges offering leveraged trades propose a capped downside and unlimited upside on a highly volatile asset with the caveat being that on occasion, there may not be enough funds in the system to pay out the winners.
To help solve this problem, BitMEX has developed an insurance fund system, and when a trader has an open leveraged position, their position is forcefully closed or liquidated when their maintenance margin is too low.
Here, a trader’s profit and loss does not reflect the actual price their position was closed on the market, and with BitMEX when a trader is liquidated, their equity associated with the position drops down to zero.
In the following example, the trader has taken a 100x long position. In the event that the mark price of Bitcoin falls to $3,980 (by 0.5%), then the position gets liquidated with the 100 Bitcoin position needing to be sold on the market.
This means that it does not matter what price this trade executes at, namely if it’s $3,995 or $3,000, as from the view of the liquidated trader, regardless of the price, they lose all the equity they had in their position, and lose the entire one Bitcoin.
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Assuming there is a fully liquid market, the bid/ask spread should be tighter than the maintenance margin. Here, liquidations manifest as contributions to the insurance fund (e.g. if the maintenance margin is 50bps, but the market is 1bp wide), and the insurance fund should rise by close to the same amount as the maintenance margin when a position is liquidated. In this scenario, as long as healthy liquid markets persist, the insurance fund should continue its steady growth.
The following graphs further illustrate the example, and in the first chart, market conditions are healthy with a narrow bid/ask spread (just $2) at the time of liquidation. Here, the closing trade occurs at a higher price than the bankruptcy price (the price where the margin balance is zero) and the insurance fund benefits.
Illustrative example of an insurance contribution – Long 100x with 1 BTC collateral
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(Note: The above illustration is based on opening a 100x long position at $4,000 per BTC and 1 Bitcoin of collateral. The illustration is an oversimplification and ignores factors such as fees and other adjustments.
The bid and offer prices represent the state of the order book at the time of liquidation. The closing trade price is $3,978, representing $1 of slippage compared to the $3,979 bid price at the time of liquidation.)
The second chart shows a wide bid/ask spread at the time of liquidation, here, the closing trade takes place at a lower price than the bankruptcy price, and the insurance fund is used to make sure that winning traders receive their expected profits.
This works to stabilize the potential for returns as there is no guarantee that healthy market conditions can continue, especially during periods of heightened price volatility. During these periods, it’s actually possible that the insurance fund can be used up than it is built up. 
Illustrative example of an insurance depletion – Long 100x with 1 BTC collateral
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(Notes: The above illustration is based on opening a 100x long position at $4,000 per BTC and 1 Bitcoin of collateral. The illustration is an oversimplification and ignores factors such as fees and other adjustments.
The bid and offer prices represent the state of the order book at the time of liquidation. The closing trade price is $3,800, representing $20 of slippage compared to the $3,820 bid price at the time of liquidation.)
The exchange declared in February 2019, that the BitMEX insurance fund retained close to 21,000 Bitcoin (around $70 million based on Bitcoin spot prices at the time).
This figure represents just 0.007% of BitMEX’s notional annual trading volume, which has been quoted as being approximately $1 trillion. This is higher than the insurance funds as a proportion of trading volume of the CME, and therefore, winning traders on BitMEX are exposed to much larger risks than CME traders as:
BitMEX does not have clearing members with large balance sheets and traders are directly exposed to each other.
BitMEX does not demand payments from traders with negative account balances.
The underlying instruments on BitMEX are more volatile than the more traditional instruments available on CME.
Therefore, with the insurance fund remaining capitalized, the system effectively with participants who get liquidated paying for liquidations, or a losers pay for losers mechanism.
This system may appear controversial as first, though some may argue that there is a degree of uniformity to it. It’s also worth noting that the exchange also makes use of Auto Deleveraging which means that on occasion, leveraged positions in profit can still be reduced during certain time periods if a liquidated order cannot be executed in the market.
More adventurous traders should note that while the insurance fund holds 21,000 Bitcoin, worth approximately 0.1% of the total Bitcoin supply, BitMEX still doesn’t offer the same level of guarantees to winning traders that are provided by more traditional leveraged trading platforms.
Given the inherent volatility of the cryptocurrency market, there remains some possibility that the fund gets drained down to zero despite its current size. This may result in more successful traders lacking confidence in the platform and choosing to limit their exposure in the event of BitMEX being unable to compensate winning traders.
How suitable is BitMEX for Beginners?
BitMEX generates high Bitcoin trading levels, and also attracts good levels of volume across other crypto-to-crypto transfers. This helps to maintain a buzz around the exchange, and BitMEX also employs relatively low trading fees, and is available round the world (except to US inhabitants).
This helps to attract the attention of people new to the process of trading on leverage and when getting started on the platform there are 5 main navigation Tabs to get used to:
Trade:The trading dashboard of BitMEX. This tab allows you to select your preferred trading instrument, and choose leverage, as well as place and cancel orders. You can also see your position information and view key information in the contract details.
Account:Here, all your account information is displayed including available Bitcoin margin balances, deposits and withdrawals, and trade history.
Contracts:This tab covers further instrument information including funding history, contract sizes; leverage offered expiry, underlying reference Price Index data, and other key features.
References:This resource centre allows you to learn about futures, perpetual contracts, position marking, and liquidation.
API:From here you can set up an API connection with BitMEX, and utilize the REST API and WebSocket API.
BitMEX also employs 24/7 customer support and the team can also be contacted on their Twitter and Reddit accounts.
In addition, BitMEX provides a variety of educational resources including an FAQ section, Futures guides, Perpetual Contracts guides, and further resources in the “References” account tab.
For users looking for more in depth analysis, the BitMEX blog produces high level descriptions of a number of subjects and has garnered a good reputation among the cryptocurrency community.
Most importantly, the exchange also maintains a testnet platform, built on top of testnet Bitcoin, which allows anyone to try out programs and strategies before moving on to the live exchange.
This is crucial as despite the wealth of resources available, BitMEX is not really suitable for beginners, and margin trading, futures contracts and swaps are best left to experienced, professional or institutional traders.
Margin trading and choosing to engage in leveraged activity are risky processes and even more advanced traders can describe the process as a high risk and high reward “game”. New entrants to the sector should spend a considerable amount of time learning about margin trading and testing out strategies before considering whether to open a live account.
Is BitMEX Safe?
BitMEX is widely considered to have strong levels of security. The platform uses multi-signature deposits and withdrawal schemes which can only be used by BitMEX partners. BitMEX also utilises Amazon Web Services to protect the servers with text messages and two-factor authentication, as well as hardware tokens.
BitMEX also has a system for risk checks, which requires that the sum of all account holdings on the website must be zero. If it’s not, all trading is immediately halted. As noted previously, withdrawals are all individually hand-checked by employees, and private keys are never stored in the cloud. Deposit addresses are externally verified to make sure that they contain matching keys. If they do not, there is an immediate system shutdown.
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In addition, the BitMEX trading platform is written in kdb+, a database and toolset popular amongst major banks in high frequency trading applications. The BitMEX engine appears to be faster and more reliable than some of its competitors, such as Poloniex and Bittrex.
They have email notifications, and PGP encryption is used for all communication.
The exchange hasn’t been hacked in the past. 
How Secure is the platform?
As previously mentioned, BitMEX is considered to be a safe exchange and incorporates a number of security protocols that are becoming standard among the sector’s leading exchanges. In addition to making use of Amazon Web Services’ cloud security, all the exchange’s systems can only be accessed after passing through multiple forms of authentication, and individual systems are only able to communicate with each other across approved and monitored channels.
Communication is also further secured as the exchange provides optional PGP encryption for all automated emails, and users can insert their PGP public key into the form inside their accounts.
Once set up, BitMEX will encrypt and sign all the automated emails sent by you or to your account by the [email protected] email address. Users can also initiate secure conversations with the support team by using the email address and public key on the Technical Contact, and the team have made their automated system’s PGP key available for verification in their Security Section.
The platform’s trading engine is written in kdb+, a database and toolset used by leading financial institutions in high-frequency trading applications, and the speed and reliability of the engine is also used to perform a full risk check after every order placement, trade, settlement, deposit, and withdrawal.
All accounts in the system must consistently sum to zero, and if this does not happen then trading on the platform is immediately halted for all users.
With regards to wallet security, BitMEX makes use of a multisignature deposit and withdrawal scheme, and all exchange addresses are multisignature by default with all storage being kept offline. Private keys are not stored on any cloud servers and deep cold storage is used for the majority of funds.
Furthermore, all deposit addresses sent by the BitMEX system are verified by an external service that works to ensure that they contain the keys controlled by the founders, and in the event that the public keys differ, the system is immediately shut down and trading halted. The exchange’s security practices also see that every withdrawal is audited by hand by a minimum of two employees before being sent out.
BitMEX Customer Support
The trading platform has a 24/7 support on multiple channels, including email, ticket systems and social media. The typical response time from the customer support team is about one hour, and feedback on the customer support generally suggest that the customer service responses are helpful and are not restricted to automated responses.
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The BitMEX also offers a knowledge base and FAQs which, although they are not necessarily always helpful, may assist and direct users towards the necessary channels to obtain assistance.
BitMEX also offers trading guides which can be accessed here
There would appear to be few complaints online about BitMEX, with most issues relating to technical matters or about the complexities of using the website. Older complaints also appeared to include issues relating to low liquidity, but this no longer appears to be an issue.
BitMEX is clearly not a platform that is not intended for the amateur investor. The interface is complex and therefore it can be very difficult for users to get used to the platform and to even navigate the website.
However, the platform does provide a wide range of tools and once users have experience of the platform they will appreciate the wide range of information that the platform provides.
Visit BitMEX
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zerodhamargin1 · 4 years
zerodha margin calculator equity
Call and Trade include is accessible at an additional expense of ₹50 per call.
Extra charge of ₹50 per executed request for MIS/BO/CO positions which are not get down to business by the client.
Advanced Contract notes are sent by means of Email. Actual duplicates of agreement notes can be requested at extra charge of ₹20 per contract. Dispatch charges are extra.
Exchange SMS cautions (discretionary) are charged at ₹1 for Equity, F&O, and Currency exchange alarms and ₹0.50 for Commodity exchange alarms.
Moment installment door charges for more than 22 banks: ₹9 per store move.
DP charges for conveyance based value selling: ₹13.5 + GST per exchange.
Zerodha Trading Software (Zerodha Trading Platforms)
A client can exchange with Zerodha in following manners:
Kite 3.0 (Web-based Trading Platform)
Dispatched in November 2015, Zerodha Kite Web is an online HTML 5 lightweight and quick exchanging stage which can be utilized for exchanging on portable, tablets just as on an internet browser. Kite is created in-house by Zerodha and since its dispatch has gone through different updates. As of now, Kite 3.0 web stage is offered by Zerodha. It offers full market watch, broad outlining with more than 100 pointers and 6 diagram types, progressed request types like Brackets and cover, millisecond request situations, and significantly more for exchanging at BSE, NSE and MCX. zerodha margin calculator equity Kite Web 3.0 is accessible for nothing to every one of its clients.
Peruse Zerodha Kite Review
Kite Android/Kite iOS (Mobile Trading App)
A cell phone application for Android and iOS. This application permits clients to exchange from their cell phones. Kite Mobile application is accessible with the expectation of complimentary all its client for exchanging and checking stocks and product markets in India. With live streaming information from BSE, NSE and MCX, Kite Mobile App is the most exceptional exchanging application accessible in India.
Zerodha Console (Reporting Dashboard)
Reassure is the back-office foundation of Zerodha. It's an exchange and announcing dashboard wherein Zerodha clients can view and screen every one of their speculations stocks, subsidiaries and common assets and so on They can likewise get to different reports, get account proclamations, place withdrawal asks for and download contract notes. The 'Support' additionally offers examination apparatuses, for example, reference book and heatmap.
Zerodha Sentinel (Price Alert Tools)
Sentinel is a cloud-based device which permits Zerodha clients to set up value alarms on stocks, prospects and alternatives. The interesting component of Sentinel is that not normal for other comparable value ready devices that are machine reliant and possibly trigger when the PC is on, here value alarms can be set off for any time, in any event, when the PC is off. Warnings are sent on Kite and email each time a value alert is set off. With Sentinel, a broker can set continuous value alarms on 80,000 stocks, subsidiaries and bonds and so forth, across trades.
Zerodha Coin (Mutual Fund Investment)
Zerodha Coin is a Mutual Fund speculation stage by Zerodha. Coin permits individuals to put resources into Direct Mutual Funds. This implies you could do sans commission direct MF venture. It offers investment funds of over 1.5% on commissions each year. Common Funds are stored in Demat account connected with Zerodha exchanging account.
Call and Trade
Clients who are not on the web; can utilize Call and Trade administration for an extra expense of ₹50 per broker.
Accomplice Products From Zerodha
Zerodha not just gives its clients admittance to its restrictive exchanging stages and instruments yet additionally to items created by different organizations utilizing the Zerodha stage. The instruments can be coordinated with Zerodha's Kite stage. Exchanging stages and devices offered by Zerodha accomplices are-
Smallcase-It is one of its sort topical venture stages that empowers clients to put resources into an instant arrangement of stocks made around a subject/thought or a system. There are a few decisions in smallcases like Top 100 stocks, Electric Mobility, Insurance and so forth, for a speculator to pick according to his venture methodology and put resources into a solitary snap.
Streak-A start to finish cloud-based stage for retail dealers to make calculations without coding, Backtest it on recorded information and execute them live on the lookout. It offers different highlights like ongoing data, alarms and oversee positions.
Sensibull-It is an alternatives exchanging stage that proposes exchanging procedures to merchants dependent on their market see. With Sensibull, dealers can analyze different procedures, assess their benefit, get dangers and afterward execute it from the stage. It additionally permits dealers to make custom alternative exchanging procedures.
GoldenPi-It is an online bonds and debentures exchanging stage. The computerized, and innovation empowered stage gives ongoing updates on new venture choices, approaching interest installments to your A/C, and individual help. GoldenPi doesn't charge any expense from clients. The base putting sum in bonds ₹10,000.
Zerodha is alright for venture in light of the fact that:
Its proportion of grievances to dynamic customers is among the least on the trade.
It is a zero-obligation organization.
It doesn't offer Margin Funding.
It doesn't keep customer protections in the pooled account.
It doesn't do restrictive Trading with customer reserves.
Zerodha Account Opening Charges
Zerodha record opening charges are ₹200 for online record opening. On the off chance that you decide to open a record disconnected, you will be charged ₹400. The demat account AMC is ₹300 every year.
Zerodha Brokerage Charges 2020
Zerodha follows a fixed business model wherein it charges a level ₹20 or 0.03% (whichever is lower) per executed request. It charges zero business on value conveyance. The greatest financier chargeable per request is ₹20.
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Tuesday 30 August 1831
5 3/4
11 5/..
Fahrenheit 64˚ and damp rainy morning at 6 – putting things in my new cupboard etc. about an hour – dressed, out at 7 3/4 – to Lower Brea – took George Robinson to the new foot path to be made through Well Royde wood – had Joseph Wilkinson there – all agreeable – George had got a man ready to begin – set him to work and George to begin leading stone – then to old Mr Wilkinsons in the Hough – not at home – sat a little while with his wife explaining about water course, etc. – should be back again at 12 – and would see Mr Wilkinson then by the new Godley Road to Halifax, to the bank – got draft at sight on Messers Swann York for £14 payable to Mr Lawton, Proctor and £86 in cash – 
Then called and sat 24 minutes with Mrs Saltmarsh – very glad to see me – to excuse me to her mother if I could not call if not should write – I had intended to stay till December or longer – found this arrangement could not be managed – could not be made convenient to my sister – and I was obliged to be off at 2 or 3 a.m. next Monday at the latest – so hurried and busy because quite unprepared – had no idea of being able to stay – should explain more to her mother if I saw her but should swear her to secrecy as usual – 
Home at 10 1/2 – paid my father the £10 I borrowed on Saturday – breakfast at 10 55/.. – observed to George Robinson this morning that if Stump Cross Inn was ever to sell should not like it to go for nothing – begged George to let me know – he said Mitchell had valued it far too high – at 30/. a day-work on that hill side to farm – about 20 days work belongs to Hammertons and co. joint property – 
Mr Sunderland came to visit McDonald for her throat and then came in to my Aunt and me in the drawing room – thinks my father very well – he has quite rallied again – out and at Well Royde wood at 12 10/.. found Mr and Joseph Wilkinson and George Robinson there – more difficulty in settling the matter than I expected – part of bit of ground I wanted to wall in belonged to Upper Brea – well then, said I, measure it off and I’ll give Joseph a shilling a yard for the 16 yards – George Robinson sent down to Lower Brea for the money – I put it into Joseph’s hand and now ‘we’ll have the wall up as soon as we can – you can make no more objections’ – 
They talked of building a new barn at Upper Brea – Went with them to see where they would put it – Luckily it will be farther back and more out of sight – there ought to be a new house said they – I then asked if they would let me the old buildings – there was no room for me at Shibden – I might go and live there (Upper Brea) – well! they could make a lease for 20 years – well! said I, we’ll think of it – but that wont do like selling just the old buildings and a bit of ground about them – why! Joseph thought of living there himself and building a new house but not more than 4 rooms on a floor – went with George Robinson to the mill to see what he wants addressing – a new room about 6 yards square - £100 will do it – then spoke to me of enlarging the dam and making a new entrance to the mill – but he would do it himself – no! said I, I am not fond of that – why! that would not be wanted of 2 years – very well then said I say nothing about it yet – nobody knows what may happen before that time – perhaps I can make some better arrangement for everybody by then – observing that the field the mill stood in ought to belong to the mill – the new room to be done as soon as George gets rid of his partnership with his brother I to have seven percent for my money – 
Home at 2 10/.. found note from Mr James Edward Norris – compliments and is sorry it has not been in his power to give an answer sooner – ‘not been able to come to any terms with Mr Emmett, but through a friend he has some expectation of having a ‘price fixed for the plots of ground in question’ – Mr Emmett is and will be from home ten days or a fortnight’ after his return Mr Norris will through his friend endeavour to bring the business to a conclusion – Halifax 30 August’ – I must think about this – 
From 2 1/4 to 4 20/.. (interrupted myself by inking over a couple of very bad to make out pencil pages of my Dutch journals) wrote pages 2,3 and 4 and 1 page and 1 end of 1/2 sheet envelope to Isabella Norcliffe will write to Mrs Norcliffe before the 6th and direct post office Whitehaven – anxious about the boy (Joseph Booth) not missing the place in the racing stables at Mr Scotts (Whitewall Corner near Malton) and beg Isabella Norcliffe to do anything she can about it – mention my being so unexpectedly obliged to change all my staying at home plans, and be off as soon as I can to the Continent – cannot know till Friday or Saturday whether the plan at present in agitation can be managed – if it can, must be off very early on Monday at the latest – will write and tell her how it ends directed to croft – after Sunday will be too late find me here – she had best then direct to Messers Hammersleys bankers Pall Mall, London – 
Then wrote a kind, chit chat half sheet full (much in praiseful commentary on the 3 girls and Charles we had at Langton) to Mrs James Dalton – said I was unexpectedly obliged to change my plans or should have spent the winter here and paid my promised visit at Croft – then wrote very short letter on the back of my draft for £14 to Mr Lawton and then quickly and off hand, a half sheet full (quite to my mind?) to Mrs Milne, and went down to dinner at 5 3/4 instead of 5, as I had ordered it, having to go to Well Royde wood at 6 1/2 – came upstairs between the courses of my dinner for 10 minutes – 
and copied my letter to Mrs Milne dated today there is no merit my dear Harriet in giving if we are rewarded a hundred fold I had not nor could have ‘pleasanter contemplations than those arising from the assurance of your forgiveness and regard ‘bonheau’ bonne heure when the elements that destroyed one world revivify another not everything will translate so happily aux douces no the spirit would be gone all would be vapid and not even the kindness of an absent friend would ween that memory had ‘breathed up on the face of the waters’ yes a friend that word that means so little or so much I leave it in your keeping what but must be better in such charge? 
I am very sincerely rejoiced to hear such good accounts of your invalids I hope and trust your mothers spirits and fortitude will support her thro so much anxiety I have twice taken the liberty of directing Cameron’s letters to the minster court not knowing exactly where Miss Pearson lives I shall venture to do so again as soon as I am able to fix the day of my departure without fear of further delay how provokingly you missed Mariana in spite of such rapidity of movement I hope and trust her rummage did her good may I ask you to be so good as give my love and thanks to Mr and Mrs Duffin for their long kind letter. You will see Isabella on Thursday and dear Isabel! she does not seem in very good travelling estate my kind regards to all your family circle and believe me a faithful guardian of the petit coin you are too kind to value and always my dear Harriet very affectionately yours AL  – 
Made up into a parcel to ‘Mr Fisher, Petergate, York’ my letter 5 pages and one end of the 1/2 sheet envelope) to ‘Miss Norcliffe, Mr Fisher’s, Petergate, York, (Tuesday 3 August 1831 per mail – carriage paid)’ and enclosed in the same envelope my letter (3 pages and under seal of 1/2 sheet) to ‘Mrs James Dalton, Croft Rectory. Darlington’ – put into the parcel my 1/2 sheet-full enclosed in little French envelope, to ‘Mrs Milne Minster-Court, York’ begging Mr Fisher (on the whitey brown paper in which it was folded) to forward it according to the address – Left the parcel with George and my letter for the post to ‘Mr Lawton, Proctor, Petergate, York’ – vide business letter book) – draft for £14 on Messers Swann, and saying it was my intention to execute the will in London and leave it at my bankers, Messers Hammersleys and co. of which I should be much obliged to Mr Lawton to make a memorandum – 
Off at 7 10/.. to Well Royde – found Mr George Robinson and his man Matthew who had just cleared out the line of foot path through the wood when I got there – sauntered back (along my walk) as I went and came in at 8 10/.. – wrote great part of the journal of yesterday and went downstairs at 9 1/4 and came up again at 10 40/.. – according to my letter from Paris my Aunt was to pay for herself and McDonald £90 a year on paying Marian for 4 months, from Tuesday 7 June day of arrival, to 7 October next, she said she should be satisfied with £80 which makes it one even sum per quarter – 
Fahrenheit 69˚ at 10 40/.. p.m. and windy – damp drizzling morning till near 9 – afterwards tolerably fine day –
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bigyack-com · 5 years
When Department Stores Were Theater
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After the hundreds of jobs going poof and the thus-far inadequate discounts, the saddest thing about the closure of Barneys New York is that its signature naughty window displays will recede even further in collective memory.A Hail Mary campaign earlier this year imploring shoppers to go inside even as the store declared bankruptcy (“STRUT STRUT STRUT STRUT STRUT STRUT”) was but a faint echo of the era when subversive tableaus of papier-mâché public figures, found objects, condoms on Christmas trees and the occasional scampering vermin mesmerized crowds, offended cardinals and even sold some clothes.But “we’re in a post-window-display world,” said Simon Doonan, the Barneys O.G. window dresser, in a telephone interview, noting the “impenetrable facade” of Dover Street Market, heir apparent to the luxury avant-garde. Its New York entrance has only small, high apertures above pedestrian eye level.“In the old days, window displays were the primary form of marketing — fashion was the same as butcher shops and fishmongers,” he said. “Now, if you’re waiting till someone walks past your store, you’ve lost the fight.”Indeed, the bustling new Nordstrom on 57th Street dispenses with traditional boxed-in display windows entirely, replacing them with a shallow, wavy facade that John Bailey, a spokesman, assured would be festooned with red and white lights come Black Friday. The facade is “an interactive viewing experience for customers walking by,” he wrote in an email, “connecting the shopping experience in store to the energy of the city.” (And the energy of customers’ phones.) A young employee at the central help desk said elliptically that “our windows are our customer service.”Gather ’round, children, and let Auntie Alexandra tell of when department stores, now mostly glassy, anodyne places you go to exchange online purchases, used to put on a show. Sometimes more entertaining than the theater.First, though, a quick gallop through what remains of New York’s holiday windows in 2019, and the hopeful cornucopias within.At the doomed Barneys flagship on 61st Street, there was of course bubkes, just signs reading: “Everything Must Be Sold! Goodbuys, then Goodbye.” Inside on the fifth floor, female customers were listlessly flipping shoes to glance at the soles and calculate the markdown, as if with muscle memory from the much-lamented warehouse sale. Four creaky flights up, the power lunch spot Fred’s, named for Fred Pressman, Barneys’ charismatic chairman who died in 1996, was full — even as a worker held a headless naked mannequin steady by her neck on a hand truck, waiting for the elevator to go down, down, down.A few blocks away preens Bergdorf Goodman, the beautiful princess whose holding company, Neiman Marcus, muscled recently into the Hudson Yards, like a watchful mother-in-law moving into the guest cottage. There are no old-school windows at the gleaming new Neiman, being that it’s high up off the dirty street in a mall (and incidentally charging kids $72 per head for breakfast with Santa). But at Bergdorf, David Hoey, the store’s senior director of visual presentation, and his team have gamely produced a concept called Bergdorf GoodTimes. Literally gamely. Like, filled with actual games.One window was captioned “Queen’s Gambit” (chess); another, “Jackpot!” (pinball); another, “Winner Take All” (casino — perhaps a dry subconscious commentary on the high-stakes state of retail). Around the corner, a life-size board game, “Up the Down Escalator,” was dotted with fictional gift cards, coin of the online-shopping realm.Mr. Hoey’s sophisticated, colorful creations did not seem intended for little ones — and anyway those were scampering around across the street, splashing in small pools and peering into mirror-glass “sky lenses” outside the Fifth Avenue Apple store. Paging Dr. Lacan!Further east on 59th and Lexington Avenue, dear old Bloomingdale’s was flagrantly violating several of the decorative precepts set out by Mr. Doonan in his seminal 1998 book, “Confessions of a Window Dresser: Tales From a Life in Fashion.” Specifically: “do remember that technology is boring” and “don’t incorporate sex.”If Bergdorf is rolling the dice on the future of the department store — eroded perhaps irrevocably by Amazon’s mighty, corrosive flow — Bloomie’s is searching the stars. Not the celebrities whose daffy effigies used to populate Mr. Doonan’s windows, mostly with enthusiastic cooperation (Madonna, Magic Johnson, Norman Mailer, Prince, Queen Elizabeth), but a lavish commingling of astronomy and astrology titled Out of This World.Robots were placing ornaments on a tree and sitting at a synthesizer ready to play the carol of your choice at the push of a button. Google Nest, a sponsor, was poised to turn on the tree, the lights; the fire. And astronauts were floating in a “3, 2, 1, Gift Off,” or was it a “GIF Off?” Female mannequins embodying various figures of the zodiac were outfitted like go-go dancers, all pearls and feathers and curvature: propped up against each other on a pedestal as a recording played of John Legend singing, incongruously, “Christmas in New Orleans.” Inside, on the main floor, one embodying Cancer the Crab hung upside down from the ceiling: eyes closed, suspended over a hoop, hand-claws splayed, rotating slowly. Her bared, inverted legs conjured less the #MeToo era than the infamous “meat grinder” photo of the June 1978 Hustler magazine that feminists used to protest on Manhattan sidewalks.
Razzle-Dazzle in the Mezzanine
Mr. Doonan had called from Los Angeles, where he was, among other activities, promoting a monograph to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Maxfield, the boutique there. This even though when he was in the window-dressing business, “I was very anti-anniversary and I vetoed all of them. They just made the company seem old and boring. It looks dusty.”Though I agree 100 percent and moreover think the ascription of significance to particular numbers is as ridiculous as astrology, it also happens to be the 40th anniversary of a seismic and undersung event in department-store history: when the performer Elaine Stritch was the M.C. of an elaborate fashion show at Liberty of London, the emporium known for its fine fabrics. (Many women in those years still sewed household clothes from patterns.)Arranged by Peter Tear, then Liberty’s head of marketing and publicity, and choreographed by Larry Fuller of “Evita,” the show somehow managed to cross-promote the low-tar Silk Cut cigarette with a silk congress happening in London. Concordes were deployed with top models on board. Cocktails were concocted by the Café Royal down the road. Fifty-odd designers contributed special outfits for the occasion, including Giorgio Armani, Calvin Klein, Ralph Lauren and Yves Saint Laurent.Another was David Emanuel, who, with his wife and partner, Elizabeth, would design the show’s bridal gown (and later Princess Diana’s).“People gasped,” he said, remembering the Liberty event on a crackly trans-Atlantic phone line. “They were aching for ‘larger than life.’” Mr. Emanuel described Stritch — subject of my recently published biography, “Still Here” (hey, it’s the selling season) — in a sequined tuxedo jacket, singing among other numbers “Falling in Love Again” à la Marlene Dietrich to the enraptured ladies who lunch who had paid five quid admission apiece for the show, which ran thrice daily over the course of a week. “It has more punch and pulchritude packed into its 51 minutes than most West End musicals twice as long,” one newspaper commented.Mr. Doonan theorized that Liberty, fighting a dainty, twin-set image, had taken inspiration from what the storied retailer Marvin Traub was doing then at Bloomingdale���s. “The whole thing was that the store was the stage — the razzle-dazzle of flash and pizazz and lo and behold, there’s a swimwear fashion show with Pat Cleveland coming down the escalator,” he said. “Every day was ‘curtain up!’ at Bloomingdale’s.”Truly, what could be more of an ultimate fantasy set than the department store of yore, with its infinite “costumes,” props and built-in risers, its endless potential for comedy, dance, drama and even horror? Florenz Ziegfeld’s pre-code movie “Glorifying the American Girl,” showcasing his Follies, starts in one. The heroic airman in “The Best Years of Our Lives” returned to work as a soda jerk in another; ennobled by the theater of war, he chafed at his diminishment in the feminine one of trade.Barbra Streisand gamboled through Bergdorf in 1965 for her TV special, trying on fur coats and hats, spritzing perfume and singing a Fanny Brice-ish medley of “Second Hand Rose” and “Brother Can You Spare a Dime” to funny and glamorous effect. James Goldman and Stephen Sondheim’s “Twilight Zone”-inflected broadcast musical, “Evening Primrose,” was set in a department store called Stern’s, and featured a poet played by Anthony Perkins remaining after-hours, giddy at the idea of the creativity that his solitude, enhanced by all the products he needs, will stimulate. At one point he stands on an escalator belting, “I’m here! I’m here!” foreshadowing the famous anthem in Goldman and Sondheim’s own “Follies” taken up late in life by Stritch. (Later a young woman he discovers there sings of remembering snow: “Soft as feathers/ Sharp as thumbtacks.” She had been left there, in Hats, as a child by her preoccupied mother, but now with climate change the lyric sounds like prescient ecological lament.)Even after the fiasco of Andrew McCarthy at Philadelphia’s Wanamaker’s (R.I.P.) in “Mannequin” 20 years later, and the slow creep of the suburban mall, there was yet another remake of “Miracle on 34th Street.”“Where did Auntie Mame go when she lost all her money?” Mr. Doonan reminded. “Selling roller skates at Macy’s.”It’s hard to imagine, though not impossible, that department stores will remain important sites of commerce and culture much longer. But the largest one in the city is not about to go quietly. At Macy’s, which takes up an entire block, there is a jumble of every sort of window.There are old-fashioned windows devoted to the story of Virginia O’Hanlon, the little girl who wrote to The New York Sun in 1897 asking if there was still a Santa Claus. Around the corner, there are high-tech windows giving voice to a little girl who wants to be Santa Claus. And around another corner: still other windows filled simply with giant Barbies. Being female in the early 21st century is nothing if not a series of mixed messages, but this attempt to empower seemed already antiquated; if Mr. Doonan were still working on windows, surely he would have gone straight for Mx. Claus?The ghost of Barneys yet to come is at Saks Fifth Avenue, which has licensed its former rival’s name, and where windows have been themed with glittering corporate efficiency to the international blockbuster “Frozen 2.” This may delight the tourists, but city dwellers remembering the craft and chance and silliness of the old holiday extravaganzas — when the designers and the famous people and the window dressers were all sticking pins in each other, and the audiences crowded four-deep on the pavement for the free sideshow — will probably be left cold. Source link Read the full article
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rlewis342-blog · 6 years
Movers Tips and Secrets to Prepare You Before for the Moving Companies Arrival for a Pain Free Move
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When choosing a moving company, get at three to five estimates from reputable, licensed and insured movers. They should be registered with the State as movers and have a registration number, which means they are insured and meet all legal requirements to operate. If they only have an MC, ICC or DOT number they may sometimes be just brokers or middlemen who contract your move to others and an occupational license # is not sufficient either.
Have a representative from their company come to your home and give you an onsite visual price quote. Do your homework before choosing. Do an internet search of their address and phone number. If they operate from their apartment or use a cell phone they are probably not your best choice. If they only own one truck they are probably not your best choice. If they cannot provide a copy of their State Mover Registration they probably are not your best choice. If they are in another State or hours away on the other side of your State they are probably not your best choice. If they just started their company that year they are probably not your best choice. If they have opened and closed under other company names they are probably not your best choice. Simple division of corporation searches to find the company owners and associated partners name and simple web searches of their names sometimes results in mugshots and all sorts of reasons for them to probably not be your best choice.
With a poor economy there has been a recent outbreak of rogue movers. The moving industry in itself has received a tarnished image over the years from unethical moving and Vanline trucking companies using bait and switch tactics with vague fine print to increase prices which double and sometimes triple the original price. Most other companies and local competition fall short of customer expectations. With the current unemployment market we have also seen a recent increase of rogue movers who out of work in their particular industry such as let's say construction and are now illegally operating by renting trucks and placing ads on the internet. These inexperienced individuals are unlicensed, uninsured and the nightmare stories and unprofessional results continue to grow. The old saying you get what you pay for unfortunately holds true when it comes to the moving industry.
Legitimate companies hourly rates may normally average from $90 to $110 per hour. Most reputable companies pricing by a flat rate inventory quote will be priced within an average range of $150 higher or lower of each other. The extremely high price quote and unrealistic low price quote will always stand out for you to be leary of. The low price is sometimes a bait and switch. They offer low rates to earn your business, load the items then ask for a higher price or they won't unload your items. They have hidden fees and add on charges in the fine print. The highest price sometimes comes from inexperience or just plain greed. Whether it is a flat inventory rate or an hourly rate a good rule of thumb you will pay for a quality move is $100 per hour. If you or they estimate it will take three hours to load and three hours to unload your paying $600 and so on. Don't be fooled by cubic square feet or weight as those estimates almost always increase substantially. Additionally these large trucking companies will normally not guarantee your unload date if out of area or out of state and normally will not guarantee the same movers that loaded will be the same movers that unload. Trucking and Vanline companies that use tractor trailers sometimes mix your items with other peoples and with the German cockroach and bed bug problems spreading through the US it sometimes may not your best choice to go with that type of company.
Don't be fooled by non binding or binding estimate. An estimate is an estimate. If they offer a flat rate price total make them put in writing the words all inclusive, no hidden fees and guaranteed not to exceed this price. Don't let them fool you into thinking that the hourly rate is no good. The hourly rate works great for most people because you get to control your move. The clock doesn't lie. You can pay for just the services you need that way. Just make sure on an hourly rate there is no fine print that everything must be wrapped. We have seen recent videos on the internet where they blanket and shrink wrap everything turning what should have been a six hour move into a ten hour move. If they ask for payment prior to unloading they are probably not your best choice.
All of these things I mentioned will weed out most of the let's say less than perfect companies. Oh and I almost forgot always ask for references that you can contact. Don't just settle for what is on the internet. Most companies post their own positive reviews and although a great deal of the bad reviews may be true for some companies. Other legitimate companies sometimes suffer because it is normally only the angry customer that takes the time to post a review to begin with. It does not mean that the review is accurate or true as there are two sides to every story and the bad review sometimes only gets to tell one side.
Anticipate the exact date of the move as far in advance as possible. Arrange for the telephone to remain connected the whole day of the move. Arrange for kids and pets to stay with friends or neighbors the day of the move, so they do not impede the moving process. True professionals won't need direction. Let them do their job and don't try helping as most times you will be getting in the way. Most movers are like machines from start to finish. They don't stop moving and know exactly what to take to the truck and when. Prepare before they arrive by getting plastic/shrink wrap, bubble wrap, boxes, packing paper, tape, labels, heavy duty large trash bags and permanent marker to write with. Safely secure and pack every small item in a box, tape and write area or room you want it placed at your new home. Bubble wrap or blanket and tape all of your pictures, mirrors or artwork, lamps and label fragile and what the item is. Stack all boxes in one area of each room and be sure not to block access or walking areas. Empty any loose miscellaneous items out of any drawers. Clothing can normally be left in drawers. Place all loose clothing, shoes, sheets, kids toys etc. in black trash bags and label. Put hanger hole in bottom center of bag and slip over each two feet of hanging clothing. Disassemble any items you can yourself such as beds, mirrors on dressers and washer/dryer hoses.
Make sure you have at least cold bottles of water for the movers at both locations. When the movers arrive do a walk through pointing out any special requests and details and tip them at least ten dollars each. Let them know that if they take good care of your items there will be an additional tip at the end of the move. Both the cold water and minimal tip goes along way with movers. You don't have to take my advice but trust me when I say that the movers will be more careful, work harder and quicker for you with a small gesture.
Gather the following valuables to keep with you at all times: bank books, keys, passport, lease, will, jewelry, precious stones, stamp and coin collections, school transcripts, medical/dental records, vehicle registration and furs. After all items have been removed from the home, a final inspection should be conducted. Closets, crawl spaces, basement and attic areas should be checked. A second person can make the same inspection separately Best Moving Companies.
Clean your new home thoroughly before moving in. It's easier and less time consuming. Decide in advance where large items of furniture will be located. This will avoid the need to make changes after the movers have departed.
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wlliamschantz · 2 years
Top Cryptocurrency Exchanges - William Schantz
The trading of cryptocurrency has experienced a massive boom in the last couple of years. Anyone and everyone are looking to invest in crypto somehow or another. Whether it is trading or just holding some crypto in their wallets for the future. As per William Schantz, It is easier and simpler than ever before to buy and sell crypto on various exchanges. Here are some of the top cryptocurrency exchanges available in 2022!
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The first pick on our list of cryptocurrency exchanges is eToro. It is a highly respected exchange in the crypto world and is highly regulated by governing bodies. Over 40 cryptocurrencies you can trade on the platform, and over 23 million people use the exchange globally.  
eToro is excellent due to its low transaction fees. Firstly, there are no fees for opening and closing trades, and eToro only charges its users the spread. Spreads are as low as 0.75% for Bitcoin trading, and they vary depending on the coin. Secondly, users need only a minimum of $10 per trade which is great for beginners who are just getting into crypto and start with small investments.
Other good things about eToro include the support for many different ways of payments. You can use PayPal, credit or debit cards, e-wallets, and bank transfers to work on eToro. The exchange also provides free crypto wallets for its users to store and trade coins. The ‘eToro Academy’ is a dedicated service made to educate new users with free videos and articles to teach and clarify trading crypto.
Coinbase is one of the most widely used exchanges in the world at the moment. Coinbase offers access to almost 100 different cryptocurrencies and has over 70 million verified users on the platform. It is also considered highly safe as institutional (Very high value) traders are also using the platform.
The spread fees are as low as 0.5% for most coins, and transaction fees range from $0.99 up to $2.99. The exchange also has different features like Coinbase Pro, Coinbase Earn rewards, and other trading tools for advanced users. Coinbase Pro is great for advanced users and institutional traders as it grants them access to multiple features like real-time order books, secure trading tools, and charting tools.
Another critical factor why Coinbase is a very highly regarded platform is because the exchange is insured. This means if the website or platform is ever hacked, their users will be able to get most of their money back. Coinbase also offers ‘earn while you learn’ features, where users can watch videos and get educated about cryptocurrency while earning certain types of coins for just watching! For more information, you can contact William Schantz, a renowned cryptocurrency expert.
Gemini is another great cryptocurrency exchange platform. It has over 13 million active users with over 50 currencies on offer. It has a very high-security rating which means your wallet is as secure as possible when using Gemini. US dollar accounts on Gemini are also insured to make the platform as safe as it can be.  
The platform is straightforward, which is excellent for casual investors and new beginners. Their spread fees can be as low as 0.5% and can go up to 3.99% depending on the payment method or coin. The fee structure can be a little confusing and is higher when compared to eToro and other exchanges.
Many platforms may have cheaper and fewer fees, but Gemini has many safety features and insurance measures that everyone should prioritize when getting into crypto.
For more information about cryptocurrency and its various exchanges, visit William Schantz now. This is the best place to get educated about crypto and how you can get into the world of cryptocurrency.
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Strive Pt. 18
{PART 1} {PART 2} {PART 3} {PART 4} {PART 5} {PART 6} {PART 7} {PART 8} {PART 9} {PART 10} {PART 11} {PART 12} {PART 13} {PART 14} {PART 15} {PART 16} {PART 17}
Pair: Tomarry
Rating: M-E(depends)
Tags: Mild Language, Homosexuality, Sexism, Obsessed Tom, Time-Travel/Dimension-Travel, Teacher/Student, Eventual Romance, Teacher-Harry, Grey!Harry, MoD(sort of), Death!being,
For a time we had a peace. And that peace was something none of us would ever trade. But as always, all good things must come to an end. The darkness that settled over Hogwarts that morning was one I would never wish upon anyone. And with it came a most foreboding feeling. An omen.
As if sensing the incoming danger, the sun had disappeared behind the darkest clouds we'd ever seen. And in the distance were lights. None of which any of us were personally acquainted with at least in such magnitude. A single light up close was not a foreign sight but many at once was trouble.
The glowing stomachs of the dragons could be seen from afar off, and it gave us enough time to react to the incoming invasion. I had always believed that Godric's desire for a dragon was ridiculous, yet in that moment I couldn't be any more grateful for his ostentatious attitude. It truly saved the school that day.
We four had stood our ground upon the stone turrets and cast our most powerful protective enchantments around the castle. And the glowing orb alerted our enemies to our knowledge of their coming. But we were ready, and when the fire rained down from above as the winged creatures surrounded us, we unleashed Hogwarts' own defenses.
Godric's dragon and my beloved Basilisk, Isembard attacked our flying foes relentlessly. The sight of dozens of dragons falling from the sky upon meeting my precious Isembard's gaze, was one I will never forget. And with his assistance, we managed to even out the field of battle considerably, leaving the magical humans for us to handle personally, and the rest of the dragons to suffer.
We did not lose children thankfully, but the castle suffered much damage from it being too difficult to keep up the protections and fight at the same time. The rebuilding took years to work through I have been told.
I lost my dear Isembard that day, but in his memory, I hatched my beloved Cici. She was naught but a hatchling when I left the school, but she needed to stay to protect the students. It was the duty I had hatched her for. I miss her.
I miss Hogwarts. But it is better this way.
The morning paper had held unpleasant news regarding the magical war and the actions of Grindelwald. The current European Dark Lord was causing mayhem even more frequently than he'd been before. And to Tom, it seemed almost frantic in a sense.
It was late February and it didn't appear as if the war would end anytime soon. And the students all knew that eventually Grindelwald would try his hand in Britain. He was taking over the continent and it made sense to make Magical Britain his next conquest since Britain had one of the largest and oldest Magical Communities in the world.
Of course there were rumors that the man hadn't invaded the community yet because of Dumbledore. Tom wasn't certain how much stock he could put into such a claim, but he was aware that for the entire time the prodigy known as Albus Dumbledore resided as a teacher at Hogwarts, Gellert Grindelwald never stepped foot into Great Britain. There was an attempt before Dumbledore earned his teaching post, but afterward, there was nothing on British soil, to show that the Dark Lord had been there.
However, now the Daily Prophet was making comments on how Grindelwald seemed to be coming closer. That his mark was being magically burned into buildings and that he and his followers were making their way across the continent in a most jagged journey. Mapping of their appearances were sporadic at best.
The entire Great Hall was full of whispers and even his Slytherins seemed concerned about the happenings.
Grindelwald boasted a desire for Muggle subjugation which was all well and good, but surely he knew that there were too many Muggles to just force them into complacency? The rumors of him controlling Adolf Hitler, the man at the forefront of the second Muggle World War, seemed to hold some truth. His Muggle puppet was busy making the Muggle world cower, but the simple fact of it, was that not everyone was cowering and many were fighting back.
And there would always be people fighting back. This was what made Grindelwald's plan flawed in Tom's mind. Tom didn't like Muggles either, but he would much prefer to ignore them and not think of them at all. He didn't have such a luxury since he had to go back to Muggle London every summer. He had to go and be reminded of just what they could do, which was why he was for keeping them and magic separated completely.
If people felt threatened, eventually those who got tired of feeling scared, would rise up and cause a ruckus. It was best for people to respect those in charge. It was even better for them to think they are the reason the person was in charge to begin with. Less chance for opposition.
Hitler was experiencing some struggles, and Grindelwald hadn't gained control of all of the magical world. Puppet and master seemed to be floundering, looking for something to help them.
Tom looked toward the professors, who were also talking among one another over the current events that would no doubt be history one day. Professor Potter seemed the most distracted despite the fact that his own copy of the Prophet was levitating in front of his face while he sipped his favourite tea.
His eyes were unseeing, taking no note of the words before him as he occasionally lifted his cup to his lips. Tom wondered what he was thinking about.
"Professor Potter seems concerned," Abraxas noted without an ounce of subtlety, much to Tom's annoyance.
Nott and Greengrass nodded their agreement, though Nott seemed more willing to speak his thoughts. "Dumbledore is as equally worried. Though to be honest, unlike the Gryffindors who feel safe because Dumbledore is here, I feel more safe knowing Potter is here. He is far more impressive and I feel he'd be capable of holding Grindelwald off."
All those who heard turned to look at the youngest professor of the school. A chorus of agreements followed soon after. "Too true," Greengrass nodded.
Grindelwald had proven that he would slaughter even Purebloods to get his way, which was why so many were terrified of what he represented. There was no safety for anyone in the magical war. This wasn't being done to make magic what it used to be in the eyes of the world. And it wasn't being done in hopes of bringing back the more forgotten Artes. This was simple greed to benefit Grindelwald alone.
Tom wondered if Potter knew that the Slytherins held him in such high regard. And Tom was among them though he would never admit such views aloud when surrounded by his minions. It wouldn't do for anyone to entertain feelings of 'equality' when thinking of Tom Marvolo Riddle. They were not his equals.
"Who wants to bet that Professor Potter will defeat Grindelwald?" Abraxas proposed, holding up his bulging coin purse and smirking darkly at the group.
Carrow scoffed. "A fool's bet. Perhaps we should reword it. How about a wager on when Professor Potter will defeat Grindelwald? We can pool our money and the winner gets the whole cauldron."
Everyone seemed keen on the idea and put forth their bets immediately.
Abraxas Malfoy- 100 Galleons. Early August 1944.
Marlo Nott- 25 Galleons. Mid-September of 1944.
Basil Greengrass- 50 Galleons. June of 1944.
Enver Carrow- 20 Galleons. Yule of 1944.
Varvava Carrow- 20 Galleons. Easter of 1944.
Brais Zabini- 50 Galleons. January of 1945.
Nestor Goyle- 20 Galleons. 1 week before Valentine's Day in 1946.
Tavish Crabbe- 20 Galleons. 2 weeks before Valentine's Day of 1946.
Perseus Mulciber- 25 Galleons. May of 1945.
Jubilee Avery- 55 Galleons. 1 week after the summer hols begin in 1945.
Tom mentally added up the numbers and nodded to himself, liking them very much. And because he was around Professor Potter more than the others, he might just be able to convince the man to go after Grindelwald personally. And as Tom intended on applying for a job at Hogwarts once he graduated, he would have even more of a chance to speak with the man. After all, who would turn away Hogwarts' best student?
The gold was placed in a Shrinking Cauldron, so that they could regulate the size of it if more money was added. Each of the participants swore to acknowledge the true winner fairly and honestly, and the Prediction Charm for fair wagers was added to good measure.
Feeling confident, Tom reached into his robes and withdrew his own coin purse. He proceeded to dump 25 Galleons into the cauldron and take up the same Magical Oath as his fellows. "I predict Professor Potter's defeat of the Dark Lord Grindelwald, to come the first week of April in the year 1945."
It was half of what he'd managed to save thus far thanks to the various students coming to him for assistance in tutoring. And if he played his cards right, he would get even more in return.
The others eyed him warily, looking less sure of their presumptions now but being unable to take them back once the Oath and Charm were set. Tom rarely participated in such things, but this he had full certainty that he could manipulate to his liking.
Once all bets were placed, with a few more adding their gold to the cauldron and bringing it out to 500+ Galleons going to the winner, the cauldron disappeared, and would only reappear when the winning prediction came true, as per rules of the charm.
Tom could do a lot with 500 Galleons. And so many books could be purchased that way. Books meant information. Information brought knowledge. Knowledge was power.
He was looking forward to Harry Potter defeating Gellert Grindelwald no matter how it happened.
As March came, Tom was once again made aware of the International Dueling Championship coming up in July and how Professor Potter would be competing for a Mastery. A new bet was going around Slytherin House, and nearly everyone had varying opinions on what would happen.
Some students even offered to help their favourite professor practice by dueling him ten to one.
It might seem unfair to the Hufflepuffs who refused to partake in such a task, but it was actually in Potter's benefit. It would help him deviate his attention properly. The man always won such duels, even when Tom participated in them. He was simply better and capable of thinking on his feet. He had an unconventional approach to magic and Tom made certain to take note of it.
Spells he never would consider using in a fight had been cast. One that made the victim speak only in limericks if they tried opening their mouths, meaning they could only use nonverbal spells if they knew any at all. Another caused the tongue to burn terribly making it difficult to focus one's attention elsewhere and thereby making it almost impossible to cast at all.
The Dueling Club was progressing nicely. More people were capable of casting the Patronus after each meeting. Potter was encouraging and kind. He also informed them that they could get extra points for their O.W.L. and N.E.W.T. DADA grades should they master the charm by then. Extra credit of any kind was always appreciated, making the students work harder.
Potter's class was on the same level as always despite the work no doubt piled onto his shoulders thanks to his additional duties as Deputy Headmaster. The man made multi-tasking seem easy. Tom could only hope to have such skill when it came to his cause in the future.
And he managed to learn something else about the professor that no other student did, and it was all because of Tom bringing back the professor's book on the Founders in order to trade it in for the book on the Gaunts.
Tom had nearly run into a woman coming out of his favourite professor's office. She was on the short side, with a heart-shaped face and a widow's peak. Her dark hair was long and plaited, and her eyes were topaz, if that was possible. Her clothes were an obvious mark of her wealth but she didn't appear to be pompous like most of the rich children he knew.
"Apologies," he murmured, plastering his most charming smile on his face for the woman.
She waved him off. "It's nothing, dear. Are you here to see my sweet Harry?" Her smile was wide, carefree, and all-encompassing.
"Ellie!" Professor Potter's voiced rang from within the office, sounding very much mortified.
'Ellie' turned in the doorway and crooned, "My very sweet and very single nephew!"
So she was his aunt. Tom realised a second too late that this had to be Ella Potter, current Lady of the Potter Family and wife to Charmont Potter. Their son Charlus had graduated in Tom's first year, so he never truly got to know the man.
He also didn't miss the not-so-subtle suggestion at his professor's unattachment to another being. And if he was being honest with himself, he very much liked the idea of being in a relationship with Harry Potter. He was obsessed with the man already and having the man all to himself would make his magic sing.
"Tom is a student!" Potter blustered, much to Tom's pleasure. He liked hearing his name coming from the man. When he looked over Ella Potter's head, Tom could see Potter sitting at his desk, looking as if he wanted the portal to Hell to open up and swallow him immediately. His flushed face was a lovely compliment to his features.
Ella's head drew back so she could cackle, throwing her entire self into it. "Not for long, dear!" She turned back to Tom and extended a hand. "Ella Potter."
He made sure to place a light kiss on the back of her hand, offering his knee-weakening grin again. "Tom Riddle, Lady Potter. It's a pleasure to meet such a lovely woman as yourself."
He got a twinkling wink in return. And unlike Dumbledore who was simply unnerving when he twinkled and winked at people, this felt conspiratorial and teasing. Like Tom was in on whatever she was thinking and she considered him an equal. "Such charms worthy of a Slytherin, Mr. Riddle. I myself was a Slytherin many years ago." She leaned in, pitching her voice down so only he could hear. "As a Dark Witch, I married a Grey aligned wizard and have been perfectly happy for over two decades. A little advice for a fellow Dark individual, that a difference in cores will not get in the way of a romance so long as you don't make a big deal of it," she said, gesturing toward Professor Potter with an insistent tilt of the head.
Because Potter's core was Grey, as he'd once told Tom. And Tom's was Dark.
Ella stepped back. "I need to get going. Harry dear, do Floo us a bit more often will you? And come home for Easter!"
She was gone before either Potter or Tom could say anything.
"I'm so sorry about her, Mr. Riddle, she can be very vocal about what she wants. Years with a Gryffindor have worn away her subtlety as you saw."
Tom shook his head, not really minding a bit. It let him in a little more on the man's life. He seemed to be on good terms with his aunt and uncle. He was 'very single'. And he was a blushing mess when his romantic life became a topic of conversation, which most likely meant he was inexperienced in relationships. It was nice to know. Tom's greedy need to know more was practically pounding at his skull.
"It's fine." More than fine really. "I merely came to return your book." Though honestly he wanted to hoard it for himself. But it wasn't his and unlike some students, Tom didn't steal people's belongings. So long as they didn't anger him. A spoil of war was different in his opinion.
Potter smiled and thanked him. A silver book from the shelf slipped out of place and floated toward Tom. "As promised. Treat it very carefully. It cost a lot to get my hands on that and it worth almost as much as Salazar's book was."
"Thank you, sir." He couldn't wait to learn more about his ancestry. Morfin and Marvolo had next to nothing for him to learn. The Gaunts had been very poor at keeping records of their history.
Before leaving however, Tom felt compelled to ask, "Are you feeling well, sir?" He looked stressed and tired.
The minute look of shock he got in response made him want to smirk, but he withheld the powerful urge. He was a Slytherin! He could contain himself until he was alone!
A slow, and dare he say sweet, smile was aimed his way. "Not really, but it isn't something pressing. Thank you for your concern though."
"If it does become pressing, please see Madam Vinch. The students value you too much for you to become ill."
He took his leave before anything else could be said, feeling flushed and not wanting the man to see his embarrassment.
Tom had mentally included himself in with the student body in his statement. However his value of Potter was a lot higher than what was considered normal.
A/N: I wrote this whole chapter this morning. Adding in some mystery on Harry’s end and giving Tom a leg up over the other students who honestly don’t care enough about Harry to wonder about his home life. Not that Tom realizes that.
76 notes · View notes
lopezayiesha01 · 3 years
How to Play 온라인카지노 Switch #5891
As of 2015, Japan's pachinko market generates more gambling revenue than that of Las Vegas, Macau and Singapore combined. Many gamblers believe that if they have bet on a slot machine many times in a row and lost, this increases the odds of the next bet being a winner. *The better paytable is only available on the ‘Without House Edge’ version of the game. It should be noted that at the end of any winning session the casino charge a 10% of win fee when playing Without House Edge games. By continuing, you bet twice the amount of the ante wager. You should also raise and carry on with the match if you are given an A and a Q and the dealer’s first card is not an Ace. Fold your hand whenever you are at a disadvantage to keep the house edge at an absolute minimum. You see the cards, they are dealt right in front of you and all of them are facing up. Let’s analyze this scenario. You are dealt two pairs. The dealer upcard is a 4. What do you do? Of course, you Bet/Raise and win the match in progress. In other words, it makes perfect sense for you to carry on when you have at least one good pair. It’s a simple game, don’t over-complicate it. Keep your advantage close to 100% and make the best out of the hand you were dealt as long as you have at least a pair! Remember, if the dealer does not qualify and you have no cards, you still win and your ante bet is paid 1:1. When it comes to the live sessions, Caribbean Stud Poker tables are among the busiest in a live casino.
Thought up one summer night by Austrian gamester Walther Marseille, Ph.D., rules were first devised for a fifth suit based on a green or invulnerable suit. In 1937, a book for rules using the fifth suit was written in Vienna, Austria, and patented for this set of rules. http://query.nytimes.com/search/sitesearch/?action=click&contentCollection®ion=TopBar&WT.nav=searchWidget&module=SearchSubmit&pgtype=Homepage#/비트게임 For high-rollers -- people who bet hundreds of dollars a hand -- the casino might give free airfare, room, food, beverages, or limousine service. The cards were hand-painted, and sometimes engraved. They depict hunting themes with suits of falcons, stags, hounds and ducks. An Arboretum and rose garden (Michaut Park - 7 hectares) behind the Hotel de Ville.
When a card game is played, the players arrange themselves in a circle around a horizontal surface on which the cards will be played. I will refer to this surface as the "table" although of course any flat surface can be used. The players face inwards, and are approximately evenly spaced (so that they cannot see each other's cards). A ball that enters a catcher will trigger a payout, in which a number of balls are dropped into a tray at the front of the machine. In Deuces Wild, the payout for a four of a kind makes up approximately ⅓ of the payback percentage of the game, and a four of a kind occurs on average approximately every fifteen hands. The substitution of wood blocking and hand coloring with copper plate engraving during the sixteenth century was the next significant innovation in the manufacturing of playing cards.
The game is played by placing two handfuls of beans or other objects on a board, and - after players have cast bets on values of 1 through 4 - repeatedly removing four beans from the board until only one, two, three or four beans remain, determining the winner. The design of the standard English playing-card is now well known throughout the world because of the spread of card games like bridge and poker. If these are the only sort of playing-cards you have come across you may think that there is only one basic design for the faces of cards, with just the design on the back varying.There’s no exchanging cards or other features, and what you see is what you get, making this one of the easiest poker games to pick up and play. If you want to take a shot at some real money action, you’ll find all of the Playtech table games featured here at Mr Gamez, including this one, at the greatest casinos featured in the top right corner of this page. If you are a blackjack fan or just want to learn more, you should read on. You can learn its origin and other useful information.
In either case, the ball enters the playing field, which is populated by numerous brass pins, several small cups into which the player hopes the ball will fall (each catcher is barely the width of the ball), and a hole at the bottom into which the ball will fall if it does not enter a catcher. Studies concerning the social impacts of casino gambling suggest that this industry has distinctively yielded both positive and negative effects toward local communities and the lives of local residents. For instance, Giacopassi et al.The problem with this strategy is that, remembering that past results do not affect the future, it is possible for the player to lose so many times in a row, that the player, doubling and redoubling his bets, either runs out of money or hits the table limit. The payout for making a Flush is cut from 6x your bet to 5x your bet, but all other payouts remain the same.
The dealer designates one of the players to cut, and the plastic insert card is placed so that the last 60 to 75 cards or so will not be used. (Not dealing to the bottom of all the cards makes it more difficult for professional card counters to operate effectively.) Ohio, for example, has a so-called "Voluntary Exclusion" program for gamblers looking to kick the habit that allows them to ban themselves for either a year, five years, or life.Another player must choose to cover the shooter to create a stake for the game to continue. Eleven other local lotteries in Nebraska followed suit, until the state banned the devices, effective 1985.
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It isn't true: besides being a felony, it's also a fire hazard. The game is played in rounds and these "Pass" and "Don't Pass" bets are betting on the outcome of a round. 안전메이저놀이터 At casinos in Iowa and South Dakota, for example, such devices have contributed up to 89 percent of annual gaming revenue. With a total of 10, he should double down unless the dealer shows a ten-card or an ace.
This reduces the maximum payout percentage to 96.15% for players betting five coins per hand to receive the Royal Flush bonus. Commercial bingo games in the US are primarily offered by casinos (and then only in the state of Nevada), and by Native American bingo halls, which are often housed in the same location as Native American-run casinos.one fascinating thing about blackjack is it has 52 cards in a deck, and surprisingly, there are 52 weeks in a year. With the expansion of computer technology in bingo, electronic random number generators (RNG) are now commonplace in most jurisdictions.
0 notes
thedivinefish · 4 years
TGIWednesday and the gift that keeps on giving
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TGIWednesday News
“it’s the most wonderful time of the year...” My mother Ruth used to sing that song.  Her birthday was Christmas Day and she tells great stories of growing up just after the great depression.  When she was born her oldest sister delivered her.  The doctor showed up the next day and checked her out at the old farm house and did not charge them (next day?  I would hope not) My mother Granny Ruth was the gift that kept on giving.  Kind and generous and always with us still to this day. What is your gift to the world that keeps on giving?  Be fully present, and as loving and kind as you can because it seems like the grumpiest folks need to hear, read and feel this the most.  Scroll down for my gifts to you! You have 4 more days to go wild during our "12 Days of BOGO" sale when our MyBeliefWorks™ audio MP3/PDF collection in the library is Buy 1, Get 1.  Click here for more info!
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​For those who aren't familiar,​ below is ​a​ list of the​ 30+​ audio​s in the series.... Find a topic that addresses your issue(s), click on the link to read more. We had a lot of help downloading & channeling these over the years & they keep getting better. Don't forget... you can share these with your immediate friends and family.
Abundance Abuse Addiction Body Scan: Head to Toe Bountiful Harvest Creatives Daily GPS Reset Dark Energies/Fears Decision Making Diet & Exercise Education & Learning Family & Relatives Financial Windfall The Gold Coin Healing Body Disorders Healing Mental Stress
Holiday Stress Increasing Intuition IRS & Tax Time Love & Romance Money Mindset Moving Forward Pain Relief Pet Healing Sales & Success Improving Sex Improving Sleep Traveling w/Ease Work & Career Weight Loss Youth & Vitality  
Shop BOGO Here!
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December LIVE Zoom Event
These monthly LIVE events are by invitation only exclusively to our TGIW subscribers held on the last Wednesday of each month. These calls are unique in that you have the benefit of tapping into a multitude of issues that many participants have submitted for the group.  We compile that list of dozens of write-ins and one by one, we will clear it all together that evening.  And know too that during the LIVE call, I bring in additional pieces from Spirit in the moment of reading each item that really expand on things and cover the clearings in a much deeper way.   The value in this is tremendous! Instead of paying $68 for a half hour one on one with me where we might clear a dozen or so items, you can join our group each month for just $22 where together in 30 minutes you will watch in silence and amazement as you hear and feel the shifts of near 100 items - most of which you haven’t even thought of until you hear them LIVE!!    Our next LIVE Zoom MySwitchWorks event
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Wednesday December 30th at 7:30-8:00pm ET TOPIC: Intuition and Becoming More Psychic Registration fee = $22 (including replay)
This month’s Zoom event is all about your hidden gifts, intuition and clearing out blocks that are preventing you from reaching your highest potential. 
Are you clear on what your gifts are and how to use them? What would you like more of? Intuition, discernment, clear purpose, more motivation, healing, better focus or alignment, better connection to angels and the Divine, prophecy cards, numerology, astrology? What are your blocks? Feeling stuck, disconnected, overwhelmed, frozen in fear, lazy, lethargic, procrastinating?  
REGISTER NOW, SUBMIT YOUR TOP 3 issues and join us as we discover and erase the blocks allowing you to become more aligned with your divine gifts! NOTE: All who are registered will receive the REPLAY via email the following day. All participants will be muted, no video, listen-mode only.
Browse the previous MySwitchWorks catalog here.  
Register Here - $22
TGIWednesday Download
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~ THE GIFT THAT KEEPS ON GIVING ~ I believe, think, know and feel that I can be the gift that keeps on giving. I am ready, willing and able to be giving this time of year and always.  I know when, where, how and why to give expecting nothing in return because by giving the act alone opens my heart to boundless possibilities. I am asking in all languages and throughout all time lines and so it is.
From the Fish Box
Dear Jimmy, Let me start off by saying how much I loved meeting you Saturday. You're so amazing to be in the presence of. I felt so intensely aware of love from Spirit and still do. I am drawn to the energy I felt in your presence. It’s so very hard to explain but it’s almost like a feeling of addiction. Addiction to Spirit and Spirits touch! I just had my MRI this morning and prior to the results I told my nurse practitioner about being blessed by Spirit and how meeting you has changed my life. She said I seem lighter and my energy I put off made her feel lighter in conversation! My Dr. walked in after she told him my conversation with her. He was singing the “Jimmy Mack” song! He said I want “him” on my team here! He opened up my last 3 scans and he was speechless! September growth, October even more growth, Today......so much shrinkage that the blood vessel that was once pushed up like a crescent moon was now sagging a slight bit! He had no words for the progress except being dumbfounded! Thanks so much! I can’t wait to see you again! I will be back in December through the end of the year! If you have any free time for me during this time I would love to make an hour appointment with you again! Happy Thanksgiving and thanks for blessing me with Spirit and a renewed faith! All my love and gratitude, Rosemarie 
 Tampa Office Sessions
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Jimmy Mack will be offering sessions at Dr. Charla Tempone’s NEW office at Swann Holistic Health Solutions from 10am - 4pm on Friday December 11th 403 S. Habana Ave. Tampa, FL 33609 Just south of Azeele next to Skin Savvy http://www.ctholisticsolutions.com
Please call their office directly at  ☎️ (813) 873-7773 in order to get on the schedule for 15-minutes $38 or 30-minutes $68. If you’re new to working with me, I suggest you schedule 30 minutes.
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Friday sessions are back to being phone-only for folks that I usually see at Kodawari until further notice. You can book time with me in the shop and schedule online.   3965 Henderson Blvd Suite C Tampa ☎️ (813) 999-1874 http://www.kodawariyoga.com/
Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
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Tell the Fish - 365 Daily Inspirations and Affirmations - by Jimmy Mack DECEMBER 9th "Today brevity will be my guide. I answered the above "question" with a simple "Nope." I will ignore people who want to tell me their same sad story over and over again without doing anything to change the recording. I will ignore any inkling I have of an internal sad story too and I will persist creating changes and greater positive outcomes."
The Jimmy Mack Healing Show
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WATCH IT LIVE  TUESDAY'S at 4pm EDT / 1pm PDT Watch and Participate (via Comments) during the Live TV Show streamed on Goldylocks Productions YouTube Channel, Facebook Page and Periscope.   NOTE: You will need to log into your YouTube (Google) or Facebook accounts to comment. If you watch the Live show from any other location other than the 3 listed below, your comments will not be seen by the Show Host or Producer. https://www.facebook.com/GoldylocksProductions https://www.pscp.tv/Goldylocks168/follow Or watch all live and replays in the archives here: https://thejimmymackhealingshow.com/
Instructions for the VIEWERS: 1.    One reading/message per person. The first question posted will be answered, so please think about your question carefully before posting it.  2.    If you want a longer and more detailed message, please book an appointment with the Show Host.  3.    Spirit does come through and gives messages that can apply to many, not just the person asking the question. 4.    It is not required nor should be expected that every question or comment will be addressed by the Show Host. 5.    If you have any issues with the show host or show format, please contact the Show Producer... not the Show Host. 6.    Contact the Show Producer, Rev. Tiffany White Sage Woman via email: [email protected]  
Yesterday's Replay with Special Guest Marla Martenson | Author, Intuitive Reader, Tarot https://marlamartenson.com December 15th - Kimberly Marooney | Angel Expert, Author, intuitive http://kimberlymarooney.com/angel-expert-kimberly-marooney December 22nd -  NO SHOW THIS WEEK  December 29th  Rev Debbie Dienstbier | Trans medium communication with your loved ones in spirit Visit her Facebook page
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**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy
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Nightly prayers include COVID-19. Each night we work on scrambling the frequency for everyone on the prayer list. Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you.  
In addition, throughout the full 30-days, Jimmy will be dialing into your energetic signature each day upon rising and make certain that you are a clear yes, unclear to no and running forward before you start your day. He is doing the heavy lifting for you around 3am NY time while most of you are asleep in order to smooth out your way and increase your most favorable life outcomes.
The 30-day service is now being offered exclusively  and you also have the option of selecting an ongoing subscription ($95/month) which is managed through PayPal only.
Upon written email request, for each new order we offer a one-time email analysis via the intelligent healing software that Jimmy uses on your behalf.  Most clients have had amazing results and outcomes!
You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! Merely include everyone’s names and Jimmy will add them to his daily prayers. *NOTE if the MDP Service was purchased via a special telesummit or radio show offer, prayers will be limited to BUYER ONLY - and will not include family members or pets.
You can run this monthly and stop at any time after the 30 days is up, you will have the opportunity to renew and update your list each month but are under no obligation. I believe you will experience magical transformations and make progress every day! 
Sign Up for 30-Days - $99
Go deep sea "fishing" with Jimmy!
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Level 1 is open to ANYONE at anytime! Click here to watch the Mastery video playlist
The Certificate of Mastery Program includes 2 best-selling ebooks and 2 clearing audios plus written & video instructions, AND one-on-one time with Jimmy ALL for about the cost of a single 1-hr session! This online course is for anyone who is familiar with OR new to "fishing" and is ready to dive into the deep end & get results that are beyond the ordinary! It includes The Tackle Box & The Dowser's Handbook ebooks PLUS 2 MP3s "Clearing Dark Energies" & "Increasing Your Intuition" to help clear, strengthen and prepare your energy field for optimal “fishing” results. This is a work-at-your-own-pace curriculum that will TEACH & CLEAR you at the same time! In under 2wks you will be finished with the program and ready to fish on your own with greater results! Level II offers Practitioner Certification for those who qualify.
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Jimmy Mack | Appointments Skype: Jimmy.Mack55 Clearwater Florida USA Book a 15 minute session Book a 30 minute session Book a 60 minute session ​​​ Transformational Healing of Body, Mind​ & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!​ ​ Download the My Liquid Fish® Starter Kit (*Updated May 2019) Audio MP3 Downloads​ and books​ to improve your life! Get Certified in ​My Liquid Fish® Change Made Simple® Watch Free Videos on YouTube Weekly Radio Show Archives Shop for ​Supplements ​ http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com Copyright ©1998-2020 All Rights Reserved  
-------------------------------------------------- TGIW newsletter managed by: Sandy Bidinger Digital Marketing Specialist at SMBeConnected Solutions www.smbeconnected.com  
Stay connected!
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  Our mailing address is: Clearwater Florida 33756 USA
0 notes
divinefishingtips · 4 years
TGIWednesday and the gift that keeps on giving
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TGIWednesday News
“it’s the most wonderful time of the year...” My mother Ruth used to sing that song.  Her birthday was Christmas Day and she tells great stories of growing up just after the great depression.  When she was born her oldest sister delivered her.  The doctor showed up the next day and checked her out at the old farm house and did not charge them (next day?  I would hope not) My mother Granny Ruth was the gift that kept on giving.  Kind and generous and always with us still to this day. What is your gift to the world that keeps on giving?  Be fully present, and as loving and kind as you can because it seems like the grumpiest folks need to hear, read and feel this the most.  Scroll down for my gifts to you! You have 4 more days to go wild during our "12 Days of BOGO" sale when our MyBeliefWorks™ audio MP3/PDF collection in the library is Buy 1, Get 1.  Click here for more info!
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​For those who aren't familiar,​ below is ​a​ list of the​ 30+​ audio​s in the series.... Find a topic that addresses your issue(s), click on the link to read more. We had a lot of help downloading & channeling these over the years & they keep getting better. Don't forget... you can share these with your immediate friends and family.
Abundance Abuse Addiction Body Scan: Head to Toe Bountiful Harvest Creatives Daily GPS Reset Dark Energies/Fears Decision Making Diet & Exercise Education & Learning Family & Relatives Financial Windfall The Gold Coin Healing Body Disorders Healing Mental Stress
Holiday Stress Increasing Intuition IRS & Tax Time Love & Romance Money Mindset Moving Forward Pain Relief Pet Healing Sales & Success Improving Sex Improving Sleep Traveling w/Ease Work & Career Weight Loss Youth & Vitality  
Shop BOGO Here!
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December LIVE Zoom Event
These monthly LIVE events are by invitation only exclusively to our TGIW subscribers held on the last Wednesday of each month. These calls are unique in that you have the benefit of tapping into a multitude of issues that many participants have submitted for the group.  We compile that list of dozens of write-ins and one by one, we will clear it all together that evening.  And know too that during the LIVE call, I bring in additional pieces from Spirit in the moment of reading each item that really expand on things and cover the clearings in a much deeper way.   The value in this is tremendous! Instead of paying $68 for a half hour one on one with me where we might clear a dozen or so items, you can join our group each month for just $22 where together in 30 minutes you will watch in silence and amazement as you hear and feel the shifts of near 100 items - most of which you haven’t even thought of until you hear them LIVE!!    Our next LIVE Zoom MySwitchWorks event
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Wednesday December 30th at 7:30-8:00pm ET TOPIC: Intuition and Becoming More Psychic Registration fee = $22 (including replay)
This month’s Zoom event is all about your hidden gifts, intuition and clearing out blocks that are preventing you from reaching your highest potential. 
Are you clear on what your gifts are and how to use them? What would you like more of? Intuition, discernment, clear purpose, more motivation, healing, better focus or alignment, better connection to angels and the Divine, prophecy cards, numerology, astrology? What are your blocks? Feeling stuck, disconnected, overwhelmed, frozen in fear, lazy, lethargic, procrastinating?  
REGISTER NOW, SUBMIT YOUR TOP 3 issues and join us as we discover and erase the blocks allowing you to become more aligned with your divine gifts! NOTE: All who are registered will receive the REPLAY via email the following day. All participants will be muted, no video, listen-mode only.
Browse the previous MySwitchWorks catalog here.  
Register Here - $22
TGIWednesday Download
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~ THE GIFT THAT KEEPS ON GIVING ~ I believe, think, know and feel that I can be the gift that keeps on giving. I am ready, willing and able to be giving this time of year and always.  I know when, where, how and why to give expecting nothing in return because by giving the act alone opens my heart to boundless possibilities. I am asking in all languages and throughout all time lines and so it is.
From the Fish Box
Dear Jimmy, Let me start off by saying how much I loved meeting you Saturday. You're so amazing to be in the presence of. I felt so intensely aware of love from Spirit and still do. I am drawn to the energy I felt in your presence. It’s so very hard to explain but it’s almost like a feeling of addiction. Addiction to Spirit and Spirits touch! I just had my MRI this morning and prior to the results I told my nurse practitioner about being blessed by Spirit and how meeting you has changed my life. She said I seem lighter and my energy I put off made her feel lighter in conversation! My Dr. walked in after she told him my conversation with her. He was singing the “Jimmy Mack” song! He said I want “him” on my team here! He opened up my last 3 scans and he was speechless! September growth, October even more growth, Today......so much shrinkage that the blood vessel that was once pushed up like a crescent moon was now sagging a slight bit! He had no words for the progress except being dumbfounded! Thanks so much! I can’t wait to see you again! I will be back in December through the end of the year! If you have any free time for me during this time I would love to make an hour appointment with you again! Happy Thanksgiving and thanks for blessing me with Spirit and a renewed faith! All my love and gratitude, Rosemarie 
 Tampa Office Sessions
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Jimmy Mack will be offering sessions at Dr. Charla Tempone’s NEW office at Swann Holistic Health Solutions from 10am - 4pm on Friday December 11th 403 S. Habana Ave. Tampa, FL 33609 Just south of Azeele next to Skin Savvy http://www.ctholisticsolutions.com
Please call their office directly at  ☎️ (813) 873-7773 in order to get on the schedule for 15-minutes $38 or 30-minutes $68. If you’re new to working with me, I suggest you schedule 30 minutes.
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Friday sessions are back to being phone-only for folks that I usually see at Kodawari until further notice. You can book time with me in the shop and schedule online.   3965 Henderson Blvd Suite C Tampa ☎️ (813) 999-1874 http://www.kodawariyoga.com/
Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
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Tell the Fish - 365 Daily Inspirations and Affirmations - by Jimmy Mack DECEMBER 9th "Today brevity will be my guide. I answered the above "question" with a simple "Nope." I will ignore people who want to tell me their same sad story over and over again without doing anything to change the recording. I will ignore any inkling I have of an internal sad story too and I will persist creating changes and greater positive outcomes."
The Jimmy Mack Healing Show
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WATCH IT LIVE  TUESDAY'S at 4pm EDT / 1pm PDT Watch and Participate (via Comments) during the Live TV Show streamed on Goldylocks Productions YouTube Channel, Facebook Page and Periscope.   NOTE: You will need to log into your YouTube (Google) or Facebook accounts to comment. If you watch the Live show from any other location other than the 3 listed below, your comments will not be seen by the Show Host or Producer. https://www.facebook.com/GoldylocksProductions https://www.pscp.tv/Goldylocks168/follow Or watch all live and replays in the archives here: https://thejimmymackhealingshow.com/
Instructions for the VIEWERS: 1.    One reading/message per person. The first question posted will be answered, so please think about your question carefully before posting it.  2.    If you want a longer and more detailed message, please book an appointment with the Show Host.  3.    Spirit does come through and gives messages that can apply to many, not just the person asking the question. 4.    It is not required nor should be expected that every question or comment will be addressed by the Show Host. 5.    If you have any issues with the show host or show format, please contact the Show Producer... not the Show Host. 6.    Contact the Show Producer, Rev. Tiffany White Sage Woman via email: [email protected]  
Yesterday's Replay with Special Guest Marla Martenson | Author, Intuitive Reader, Tarot https://marlamartenson.com December 15th - Kimberly Marooney | Angel Expert, Author, intuitive http://kimberlymarooney.com/angel-expert-kimberly-marooney December 22nd -  NO SHOW THIS WEEK  December 29th  Rev Debbie Dienstbier | Trans medium communication with your loved ones in spirit Visit her Facebook page
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**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy
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Nightly prayers include COVID-19. Each night we work on scrambling the frequency for everyone on the prayer list. Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you.  
In addition, throughout the full 30-days, Jimmy will be dialing into your energetic signature each day upon rising and make certain that you are a clear yes, unclear to no and running forward before you start your day. He is doing the heavy lifting for you around 3am NY time while most of you are asleep in order to smooth out your way and increase your most favorable life outcomes.
The 30-day service is now being offered exclusively  and you also have the option of selecting an ongoing subscription ($95/month) which is managed through PayPal only.
Upon written email request, for each new order we offer a one-time email analysis via the intelligent healing software that Jimmy uses on your behalf.  Most clients have had amazing results and outcomes!
You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! Merely include everyone’s names and Jimmy will add them to his daily prayers. *NOTE if the MDP Service was purchased via a special telesummit or radio show offer, prayers will be limited to BUYER ONLY - and will not include family members or pets.
You can run this monthly and stop at any time after the 30 days is up, you will have the opportunity to renew and update your list each month but are under no obligation. I believe you will experience magical transformations and make progress every day! 
Sign Up for 30-Days - $99
Go deep sea "fishing" with Jimmy!
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Level 1 is open to ANYONE at anytime! Click here to watch the Mastery video playlist
The Certificate of Mastery Program includes 2 best-selling ebooks and 2 clearing audios plus written & video instructions, AND one-on-one time with Jimmy ALL for about the cost of a single 1-hr session! This online course is for anyone who is familiar with OR new to "fishing" and is ready to dive into the deep end & get results that are beyond the ordinary! It includes The Tackle Box & The Dowser's Handbook ebooks PLUS 2 MP3s "Clearing Dark Energies" & "Increasing Your Intuition" to help clear, strengthen and prepare your energy field for optimal “fishing” results. This is a work-at-your-own-pace curriculum that will TEACH & CLEAR you at the same time! In under 2wks you will be finished with the program and ready to fish on your own with greater results! Level II offers Practitioner Certification for those who qualify.
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Jimmy Mack | Appointments Skype: Jimmy.Mack55 Clearwater Florida USA Book a 15 minute session Book a 30 minute session Book a 60 minute session ​���​ Transformational Healing of Body, Mind​ & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!​ ​ Download the My Liquid Fish® Starter Kit (*Updated May 2019) Audio MP3 Downloads​ and books​ to improve your life! Get Certified in ​My Liquid Fish® Change Made Simple® Watch Free Videos on YouTube Weekly Radio Show Archives Shop for ​Supplements ​ http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com Copyright ©1998-2020 All Rights Reserved  
-------------------------------------------------- TGIW newsletter managed by: Sandy Bidinger Digital Marketing Specialist at SMBeConnected Solutions www.smbeconnected.com  
Stay connected!
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  Our mailing address is: Clearwater Florida 33756 USA
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