#and besides he's already taken her innocence anyway so what does it matter
myplasticadversary · 2 years
Also I do feel like girl Kendall's emotional fragility would probably be framed differently, like as not something that makes her more worthy of being pitied and cared for but as a failing of her character, like she's choosing to be subjugated and wallow in her misery and has no real ambition. Or at least Shiv would see her as someone always playing the wounded martyr.
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whumpback-wail · 10 months
04 - Investigation Continues
Trial by Fire (Wriothesley x Reader) - TW/CW in masterlist
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“The production zone could use a hand in inventory, I think the work there may suit you more than manually making the Gardemeks, that one requires a lot more strength,” the guard looked up from his clipboard and gave her a smile, "don't hesitate to come to me if you have any problems."
That was three days ago.
(y/n) was honestly taken aback. She had expected people- prisoners to be more… Rude? Rough? But everyone here seemed to be nice with each other.
Shaking her head, (y/n) reminded herself that it's only a matter of time. She's innocent, a victim caught in the spider web of investigation and lies, and Navia is on the surface working to get her out. If there's anyone (y/n) can trust, it's Navia.
Anyway, (y/n) needed to speak with the Duke. He was away when she first got to the Fortress, and the production people had kept her busy since then. Perhaps after hours at night? Is he even back yet?
She sighed and resigned herself to stacking boxes of spare parts on shelves. (y/n) had categorized each area assigned to her so that it becomes easier for her when the time comes to get specific boxes ready.
(y/n) eyed the final box, it was filled with scrap metal, but it was completely full. The only empty spot that goes for that category would be the one further up. She looked around for more empty boxes, perhaps splitting up the contents would work-
Distracted by her thoughts, she did not see - nor hear, the sound of heavy boots walking towards her. Suddenly the man was already beside her and picking up the box.
"So does this go into that empty slot up there?"
(y/n) turned to look, and came face to face with a tall muscular man, her own height barely passing his shoulder. He donned a black shirt under a grey vest, with his jacket draped over his shoulders. His hair seemed to have a permanent bed head style which shows off the grey tufts in between the black ones. He looked like someone who would enjoy energy drinks while listening to heavy metal music, she thought, before she snapped out of it once she noticed his steel blue eyes looking into hers, awaiting an answer.
"Um… yeah there." (y/n) pointed at the empty spot.
He placed the box there seemingly without effort. He clapped the dust off his hands and loosened his red tie. "You're new here."
It wasn't a question.
"Yeah," (y/n) replied.
-and I'm not supposed to be here, I'm innocent. I was framed.
"Sorry I wasn't here when you came in. I'm the Duke."
(y/n) stared at him. So that's why he was dressed so differently from the other guards, despite the similar colour scheme.
"Y-your Grace." She nodded at him politely, "I'm (y/n), I was hoping to see you to discuss some things regarding me being here."
• • •
After further checks from the doctors, she was given the clear to see more visitors. Navia had rushed inside after that. She was the first familiar face she had seen after Wriothesley. (y/n) missed her friend dearly.
However, (y/n) could tell that Navia was being careful with both her words and touch. Navia did not ask anything about her time in captivity, instead choosing to speak more mundane everyday things, like what cake she likes lately. Wriothesley must have warned her, or maybe the nurses did. Eitherway, the visit was kept short, a nurse then came to get her when the time was up.
Once visits were over, Wriothesley was the one who kept her company while she had dinner, then he had to leave to meet up with Neuvillette to discuss matters in regards to… the recent events. He had made sure that she was asleep before he left, leaving her room at the capable hands of the two guards outside.
It felt almost like a routine now. Every few days Wriothesley, Navia, and Neuvilette would meet at the safety of Neuvilette's office, occasionally joined by Aether and Paimon, which was the case this time.
“Wriothesley,” Paimon greeted, ”how’s (y/n)?”
“Her recovery is progressing nicely. Now that visitors are allowed to see her, why don’t you stop by to say hi sometime.”
Aether nodded, “sure, we’ll stop by before we go take another commission tomorrow.”
“It was nice to see her again,” Navia smiled as Wriothesley took a seat next to her, “still, (y/n) felt different, sometimes her eyes glaze over as if she’s elsewhere, then it focuses on you again. I can suggest you some therapists if you’d like? I’m sure (y/n) would need one eventually.”
Wriothesley nodded at her, “I would really appreciate that, thank you for lending us your men too, Navia.”
Clearing his throat, Wriothesley went straight to business. "Anything new?"
The two shook their heads.
"The Spina di Rosula managed to track down a handful more men who worked under Arderne,” Neuvilette explained, “but none of them have any useful information. The only other person they seem to think has any information is a guy named Dougier. They say he worked directly under Arderne.”
Wriothesley paused, the name sounds familiar. Wasn’t he…
“He’s part of the Berrett society, wasn’t he?” Aether asked, “Is he still in Meropide?”
Wriothesley frowned. “No. His sentence was over a month ago, right before… Before my fiancée was taken.”
“Hmm… so he’s involved,” Neuvilette took a sip of water out of his fancy glass. Why is it that only Nuevilette can drink plain water that elegantly? “I’m not surprised. After all, the man did have a grudge against you for uncovering his schemes that time, Wriothesley.”
"That explains a lot." Wriothesley mumbled, he unclenched his fists, not realizing when he started feeling that tense.
"We'll need to track down Dougier next then?" Aether asked.
"Yes, I'll dispatch some of my men to ask around my network." Wriothesley answered.
"Spina di Rosula have been scouring the area for him but there were no traces, they reported that it was as if he disappeared." Navia pondered, crossing her legs as both gentlemen looked up at her, "but we all know people don't just disappear into thin air, it's possible we overlooked something. Let's go over the chronological order once again.
• • •
(y/n) jolted awake. Another bad dream, she’s safe now, there’s nothing to worry about.
She directed her gaze at the sofa, which was devoid of her husband. Is he still outside? She knew he was investigating her case, so perhaps he’s meeting up with Neuvilette and Navia.
Suddenly she felt nauseous.
These past few days she kept waking up with nausea, but this was the first time she felt the strong urge to vomit. (y/n) quickly pressed the call button and clumsily stumbled to the toilet using her crutches. She lifted the toilet bowl and emptied the contents of her stomach.
“(y/n)?” She could hear nurse Komaki in her room.
“I’m here.”
The door to the bathroom swung open, and nurse Komaki quickly rushed to her side. She held up (y/n)’s hair as she continued to retch and dry heave into the toilet bowl.
“Did you just wake up before this happened?”
“Yeah.” (y/n) felt tears pricking behind her eyes. She remembered clear as day the things that happened to her in the facility, but part of her refused to accept a specific event that kept recurring.
It can't be… right?
"Uh... Nurse Komaki?" (y/n)’s voice was shaky
"Yes dear?"
(y/n) hesitated. She didn't want to do this but she had to make sure.
“May I… Is it possible to get a pregnancy test?”
Nurse Komaki’s eyes widened, she leaned in closer to her, eyes filled with a mix of sympathy and worry. “Of course dear. No questions asked. I can also arrange to test for any STDs, with your consent of course.”
“T-thank you. I'd need that.” (y/n) sighed in relief, but then straightened up when she remembered her other point.
“And uh… I believe with the doctor and patient confidentiality you can at least do this much… uhh… Please don’t tell Wriothesley about this.”
• • •
"There, that's it!" Navia's exclamation turned all eyes on her, "you said you found her unconscious and she was not breathing, but she showed little to no signs of memory loss or brain damage, on top of her vision being taken too."
Wriothesley knew where she was going with this.
"Humans will suffer brain damage if the brain is not supplied with oxygen for over 4 minutes." Navia continued.
"Are you saying… her breathing stopped within four minutes of me arriving at her cell? I didn't see anyone come in or out."
Navia nodded, "that is very likely."
Neuvilette squinted at the maps spread out in front of them. "Then… there's a chance that a hidden passage or room is present in the location where she was found."
Paimon hummed, a bit confused, "What about how she retained her memories even without a vision?"
"For now we don't really have an answer to that," Wriothesley got up, "but I'm sure at least Dougier does."
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nurse komaki -> (*´ー)ノ(×_×) <- (y/n)
Taglist: @almosteggs @quuela @tempest1art @yamanaka13-blog @arseneumbra @kimmeaahh @cottonfluffs@randomidk-123 @applejayee @keigo-hawks-takami-simp @mechanicalbeat1 @aribae1234-blog @bforbiblio @supernerdycookietrashblrr @furblrwurblr
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chaosduckies · 4 months
Restoration (Chapter 13)
The last chapter is here everyone! In honor of pride month, I give you this. This amazing chapter that is easily one of my favorites to write. I hope you all enjoy! I promise these two won’t be gone for forever though :D
Word Count: 3.6k
CW: None!
Four Months Later
I stared up at the stadium lights above while the school principal and superintendent were talking to the many parents sitting in the stands. I wasn’t paying attention to what they were saying. Something about our class and graduation. I didn’t care all too much. Only that I could go home after this and wake up the next morning without having to worry about school ever again. 
Ryker kept me cupped in his hands much like the other people sitting beside him were, waiting until we could get up and receive the piece of paper that officially states that we’ve graduated high school. As soon as the many, many speeches were done, they finally started letting the rows in front of us stand up and walk up the steps to the removable platform. 
And soon enough, it was our rows turn, walking in a single line, and getting handed the piece of paper. I held mine close, smiling the entire way back to our chairs. I did it, mom. All of this was for her and dad in the first place. Though, I would’ve never seen today if it weren’t for Ryker. 
We moved the strings attached to our caps to the left while everyone started cheering loudly. I had to cover my ears while I laughed and looked back up to Ryker, who was laughing and waving to his siblings that were in the stands. Today was a great day. And a sad one. Tomorrow I would wake up the next morning and have no one to talk to. But that was okay. I shouldn’t bother Ryker anymore. No matter how many times he’s made me laugh even after my mother passed away. No matter how many times he’s given me almost exactly what I’ve needed for so long, I knew today would be the last day I would get to talk to him. 
Everyone had started to head home while Ryker met up with his siblings, getting hugged and congratulated. I did too, just minus the hugging part. It was hard to have a smile on today since my mom was supposed to be here, but I did anyways. I just hoped she was looking at me right now. 
“So I’ll see you at home in a few?” Jasmine asked, taking Isabelle’s hand and giving me a teasing side eye. Apparently everyone alone with her was worried about me after what had happened and just tried their best to help me out. They knew what it was like. And now, Jasmine doesn’t glare at me anymore or give me empty threats. If anything, she’s the complete opposite of what I first thought of her. We’ve become pretty good friends. 
“Yeah.” Ryker replied, waving them off while walking back into the school and letting me slide off his hand. What was he doing? 
“Hey, um, wanna just change back into your clothes? I’ll take you back after.” Ryker told me as I nodded, heading into the nearby restrooms to take off the black gown and fold it neatly into the cap. I sighed, getting ready to say goodbye to him in just a few minutes before he drops me off at the bus stop. 
I walked back out, seeing that he had already folded his clothes nicely and put on his signature hoodie. I climbed back onto his waiting hand as he grinned. That was… interesting. What was happening? I didn’t know, but I just carried on, still saddened by the thought of saying goodbye. 
We walked outside the school, walking down the sidewalk, but not taking the turn to the bus stop he usually does. I looked up at him worriedly, “The bus stops over… there.” I pointed back to the street as he just innocently smiled at me. Oh. Where was he taking me then? I wasn’t too worried honestly, but still. I wanted to know. 
After about a silent ten minute walk with no sound except the crickets and faint cars in the distance, we had arrived at the same coffee place he had taken me to months before. Didn’t he say he works here? 
“I thought you were taking me back home.” I told him, confusion lining my voice. He shook his head, “I said I’d take you back after. I never said after what.”  
There was a loop hole? Why were we even at this coffee shop in the first place? I couldn’t exactly argue with him, and I didn’t exactly mind it either. It just means I get a few extra minutes before leaving. How could I argue with time? I didn’t know whether to like the fact my heart was beating faster and faster, or to hate it. All I did know was that I was excited because he wanted to spend the last few minutes of the night with me. 
We sat down at the exact same table when we had first came here. There were a few people, some even talking with the workers. I sat down at the human-sized table on top, facing Ryker while he scooted all the way down. I bit the side of my cheek as a woman with the cafe logo on her work outfit came with a notepad. Ryker laughed and greeted her like they were best friends while I didn’t pay attention all too much. I guess Ryker noticed and ordered for me. He knew what I liked anyways. 
“Everything okay?” Ryker asked, his smile slowly falling as he lowered his head to get a better look at me. To be honest, not really, but I wasn’t going to let him worry about me anymore. Again, I can’t keep leaning on people. 
“Yeah,” I nodded my head, “What are we doing here anyways?” My voice came out a little mumbled, but Ryker heard it all the same.
“Graduation present. For the both of us I guess.” Ryker shrugged his shoulders, but I could tell he was hiding something else. I had no idea, but I guess I’ll figure it out. Plus, I didn’t even think about bringing a present for him. Was I supposed to? No, no time to feel guilty. 
The lady came back around again, handing us our drinks and telling Ryker that she’ll see him tomorrow night for work while he laughed and nodded. I don’t know why I felt so insecure right now, but I just did. Instead of dwelling on that, I took a sip of my hot chocolate and stared out the small window next to us covered by fake vines and flowers. I wish I had more time… 
I jumped at the mention of my name, nearly spilling some of my drink on me. Ryker chuckled softly above, a slightly sad smile on his face. 
“Are you sure you’re okay? You’re jumpier than usual.” His free hand cupped behind me, but never touched. What was he trying to do? I have zero idea, but I shouldn’t waste what little time I had. I didn’t want him to leave. But I knew he would anyways. Maybe it would be a good thing if he does? No, no it will not. It really wouldn’t be. 
“Yeah, I promise. I’m just a little tired.” I shrugged it off, taking another small sip. Ryker did the same, looking outside the small window. I sighed, internally crying while watching a few people walk on the sidewalk outside. Didn’t Ryker have to get home? It was already about to be ten, and we were getting drinks and sitting down together. Shouldn’t he be with his family? He just graduated too. 
“What are you gonna do now that we’re out of high school?” Ryker asked, setting his cup down and resting his head on his crossed arms in front of me. I fidgeted a little before sighing and shrugging my shoulders, “I didn’t h-have a plan. Just get a job and hope for the best?” I nervously laughed. 
“What about you?” I asked, seeing him think about his answer. 
“Watch my siblings? I, um, can’t exactly go to college if I still have to watch over everyone.” Ryker laughed sadly. My heart sank. That’s not exactly fair. I think he deserves to go to college if he wants to. If I could I would help him, but I already know he wouldn’t let me. He’ll be leaving soon anyways. I’ll just be another name he remembers after today. 
“I-I think you should.” I cheered him on while he blinked a couple of times, laughing along with me. 
“Thank you, but It’ll be hard if I go. I can’t keep up with everything all the time.” Ryker replied, trying to hide the sadness in his voice. My heart throbbed. If only I could help. But I was just small. I mean, I can’t even get around their house anymore without any help. What makes me think I can handle taking care of five other kids while Ryker was focusing on college? I breathed out a shaky breath, my slightly trembling hands reaching for the little mug filled with hot chocolate. Just a few more minutes. Just a few more minutes before all of this goes away.
It stayed silent for a while. Be both had finished our drinks, there were only three other people here besides us to in the café. I didn’t want to leave. I did all of this for my parents, and now it’s going away. I made friends, I graduated, heck, I’m not even that scared of giants anymore. Well, maybe a little, but I was more talking about Ryker and his siblings. But I did all of this for them because they wanted me to live a normal life, and yet, I still can’t. What do I do? 
“Nathan, are you sure you’re okay?” Ryker asked again, pushing his cup to the edge of the table. 
“Mhm.” I nodded my head, doing the same as him and trying my best to keep the smile on my face going. 
“Would you mind if I take you to one more place? It’s like a five minute walk from here.” Ryker asked, a slightly worried expression on his face. I shook my head, standing up out of my seat and waiting for Ryker to do the same. I climbed onto his waiting hand, sitting in the middle just as usual while I tried not to look down at the terrifying drop below me. I sighed, bringing my knees closer to my chest and burying my head. Did it really have to end? 
The walk was short just as he had said. It was a tiny park. It looked sort of abandoned. The grass looked like it hadn’t been cut for a while, there were some short vines latching onto the poles of the swing set and little parts of the slide. The lights were dim here, but it felt nice. The slight breeze that just barely ruffled my hair, how quiet this place was. How come no one fixes this place up? I feel like more people would come here if it looked a little nicer. 
“I know it’s nothing special, but my parents used to bring me and my siblings here almost everyday after school,” He breathed, crossing his legs while sitting on a nearby bench, “It doesn’t look perfect, but it still has some great memories.” 
I looked up, seeing how he smiled while looking at the park that was now covered in overgrown plants. My face heated up as I caught myself staring, turning back around and studying the sight. It doesn’t look bad at all. I liked it here. I liked everywhere Ryker has taken me. To that café, the little store that we went to just a few weeks ago, here. I sucked in a shaky breath, wiping away the loose tears that fell down my cheeks. I won’t get this feeling anymore…
“Ryker…” I tried my hardest to say it without him catching on that I was holding back tears, but of course he knew. He always did anyways. 
“What’s wrong?” He held me a little closer to his face. I just shook my head, making sure he wouldn’t be able to see the water in my eyes. What was wrong with me? Why was I even crying? 
I shook my head, biting the bottom of my lip. Why did he bring me here? Why did I say yes to this even? Why was I holding back my tears? I’ve tried preparing myself for months. I knew he was going to leave, and I’ve accepted that fact. So why was it so hard to believe it? 
Ryker cupped his hand a little more. I didn’t know what he was doing, but I don’t care. I was going to cherish what little time I had left with him. He’s given me these happy feelings I haven’t felt in such a long time. The memories. Why did it all have to be stripped away from me again? 
“Hey now, it’s alright, it’s alright. What’s going on?” Ryker tried comforting, a bit of a worried expression on his face. A couple tears fell down my face as I prepared my question that I needed an answer to. 
“A-are you, um, g-going to l-leave me?” 
A few second of silence was thrown between us as my heart threatened to jump right out of my chest. Ryker blinked a couple times before a soft smile appeared on his face, “What makes you think that?” 
My heart was beating faster. Was that a yes or a no? I couldn’t tell. I brought my knees closer to my chest as I searched for my response. I was terrified. Not of Ryker, but of what the answer to this question. But my mind was already set on his answer, and I knew it could be entirely true. 
“B-because I’m… me? I-I’m small and insignificant to you. Y-you don’t need me.” I buried my head again, covering my head with one of my arms and listening for his response. I didn’t want to look. I didn’t want to hear the words. Could I reverse time? Change everything that I’ve done to get to this point? Maybe then this wouldn’t be so hard. 
“I don’t remember saying any of that,” Ryker held me a little closer, “Nathan, little guy, it’s okay. I promise I don’t think anything like that of you. I’m not leaving, okay?” 
My heart stopped beating for a second as I peeked out, seeing his trademark smile. He meant it. He really did. I wiped away my loose tears, a nervous smile on my face. Now I was embarrassed. This was dumb. I was just being dumb. I thought I was getting the hang of controlling my thoughts, but apparently not. But still, my heart was beating fast. I was relieved at his answer. 
“Well now I f-feel stupid.” I softly laughed, facing him while on my knees. I stared down at his palm, trying to calm my own heartbeat down. It wasn’t really working, but Ryker was just as patient with me as he always has been. 
“It’s not stupid. I get it. A lot of people leave after they graduate. It’s fine.” Ryker explained, sighing and leaning back into the bench we were both on. I did the same, still wondering what we were doing here. My heart was still beating fast, but I finally had my answer, and that’s all I needed. Nothing else. I wouldn’t be alone anymore. Or at least for now. 
“Nathan, could you turn around real quick?” Ryker had asked, fixing his position a bit. I did as he asked, almost immediately met with his lips softly being pressed against me. I fell on my back from the slight push, my cheeks flushing a bright red and my heart somehow beating faster than before. It was over before I knew it as I quickly sat back up, my body a little shaky as my hand went through some of my hair, a little surprised at the gesture. Did Ryker just kiss me?
My cheeks flushed a deep red, seeing Ryker a little worried but also blushing just as much as I was, “S-sorry, I-I’ve never… kissed a human. I-I, um, didn’t hurt you, right?” 
A little squeak came out of my mouth. He kissed me. What do I do? Does that mean he likes me? I’m so confused. I mean I liked him. A lot. Am I mistaking my feelings for friendship? If that were true then why was my heart beating right out of my chest? Why was I blushing this much? I’ve never felt like this with anyone in my entire life. All I knew was that kiss was probably the best thing I’ve experienced in my entire life. 
“N-no.” My voice came out like a whisper as I tried my best to stand up on wobbly legs on his hand. I bit the side of my cheek  wondering if this was the right move, but all I knew was that this is what I wanted. All along. The way my heart would flip every time he said my name, or the way he would smile at me and his siblings. I was just so confused about it. 
Ryker was confused at what I was trying to do before I stood on my toes, trying to return the gesture, even if he can’t feel it. He lowered his face as I planted a short kiss on his lips the same he did to me, hoping he would get it. My legs gave out on me as I backed away, seeing Ryker bite the bottom of his lip soon after he felt me back away. 
I couldn’t think of anything else. Did he even know? Instead, a happy smile formed on his face as I tried to hold back a little laugh. I can’t believe we just did that. I can’t believe that this was even happening. This could all be some happy dream I’m having, but I knew it wasn’t. It felt real.
“I’m not… dreaming, right?” Ryker had asked, his face still a flush of red that was slowly going down. I shook my head, my heart beating amazingly fast. Good to know I wasn’t the only one who thought they were dreaming. But what do we do now? I’ve never been like this before. 
“Do you want to go to your house now?” Ryker had asked, pursing his lips as he planted his shoes on the ground, getting ready to go. No. I didn’t want to go to my house anymore. 
“Y-yours?” I smiled, in hoped that he’ll say yes. He laughed and nodded, taking the sidewalk back to his house. 
The lights were off in his house as he quietly walked to his room. He placed me down on his nightstand where all of my makeshift stuff was. He never threw them away. Just for me. What are we now? Are we still friends? I don’t even know how this works. 
Ryker took off his hoodie, put on different shirt before turning on his lamp on his desk and turning off his lights. I stayed where I was at, wondering what I do now. I’ve never been in a relationship before. I don’t know how these things work. I don’t even know what to do. Was that bad? 
“Are you tired?” Ryker asked, sitting down on his bed while moving the covers and pillows to the way he likes. I shook my head, I wasn’t really, no. Not after what had just happened a few minutes ago. I was still a little confused, but at the same time happy. He really wasn’t going to leave me. 
“Well, I’m not really either.” Ryker laughed, bringing two fingers up to the part of his lower lips that I had kissed. Or at least tried to. I blushed a little. Was that bad? 
I climbed onto Ryker’s offered palm as he sat up against the head of his bed. I was covered by one of his hands like a blanket while also laying on his chest. Oh my heart will never get a break today- But I wasn’t saying that it was bad. If anything, today was the best day of my life. Nothing could change that. 
“Comfy?” Ryker laughed as I listened to his heartbeat, controlled and normal unlike my own. I didn’t know how to deal with any of this. I just snuggled up closer, hoping that it was fine. I was guessing it was when Ryker slid down, his head now resting on a pillow and his legs bent. Who knew that about a year ago I would have thought this was crazy to even think about doing, and yet, here I was. I was actually happy.
“You wouldn’t mind if I moved you, right?” Ryker had asked a hint of worry in his voice. 
“No.” I answered, getting in a better position for him to move me in. I would move myself if I had known where he wanted me, but anything that I was thinking of was not what he was thinking. And it only made my brain fry for just a few seconds. 
He lightly pinched me between two fingers, giving me another lighter kiss that practically covered my entire body before laying me back down. He laughed while I laid there, brain fried and flustered. I giggled a bit, snuggling closer and shutting my eyes. I’m glad to know that he likes me the same way I like him. 
Maybe I don’t wish to reverse time after all. 
*Starts crying uncontrollably*
Thank you to everyone who’s read through all 13 chapters and stuck with me for so long! I appreciate every single one of you❤️
My first story is done though! Just in time for pride month too if you know what I mean :D Don’t worry, because I will definitely write some little scenes with these two in the future. How could I just throw these two away? NEVER.
Thank you everyone for reading, and I hope you enjoy whatever the next story will be. (I totally don’t already have characters and done some world building-) But thank you everyone!
Taglist: @da3dm
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Aim For The Heart | Chapter 16: Heartstrings
Tumblr media
Pairing: hitman!jungkook x female reader
Genre: romance, drama, angst, fluff
WC: 7.3k
Warnings for this chapter: strong language, teenage heartbreak :(, two bumbling fools that are emotionally constipated, I think that’s it
summary; Jeon Jungkook is an infamous hitman, known for his inability to fail at whatever job is thrown his way. At least, up until now. Y/n, a kind-hearted and full of life teacher, is his newest target. Jeon isn’t sure who would put a hit on this seemingly innocent girl, but fortunately, that isn’t his problem. All he has to do is pull the trigger.
Previous > Next
6 years ago:
"Mina, I'm so nervous!"
Mina laughs lightly at the way you bounce up and down on your bed, "It'll be fine, ____! He'll totally like you back, girl don't even worry about it!"
You let out a nervous giggle as you jump off your bed and run to your closet, "What should I wear?" 
"____, you literally have a school uniform," Mina laughs again. 
You turn and pout at her, "Heyy, I know that! I was asking which one I should wear, the burgundy socks or the white ones? Tie or no tie? Blazer or no blazer? Long-sleeved or short?"
Mina shakes her head in amusement, "You're cute and he'll think so no matter what you wear," She rubs her chin in thought, "But definitely the white socks, the burgundy tie with the grey sweater vest instead of the blazer, and long sleeves."
You do a little dancy dance of excitement before grabbing the decided clothes out of your closet and hurrying to pull them on. Mina is already dressed in her uniform, waiting patiently as she sits on your bed. 
When you're all ready to go, you grab the little box on your bedside table and run out of your room, causing Mina to stumble after you. 
By the time lunch rolls around, you're buzzing with excitement at the prospect of getting to see him. 
Not to mention being able to finally tell him how you feel. 
Mina is by your side the whole way to your locker as you grab the little box out. 
She nudges your shoulder as you two walk to the cafeteria, "You can do this, ____."
You nod, your tummy all in knots to the point that you're not sure if you'll even be able to eat. 
Despite that, you finish everything on your tray while your legs bounce in anticipation. 
Once you two make your way outside to the field, you are trying your hardest not to hightail it back inside. Mina holds your arm though, preventing you from doing so. 
"You can't back out now, babe."
Mina's words terrify you but you know she's telling the truth, you can't just go on without at least trying. 
A bunch of kids are milling around outside, some of the boys showing off to the girls as they size how tall they are compared to each other.
Then you see him, in all his glory. 
He's standing in the field with a few other boys from his class, chatting. 
His dark blonde hair glistens in the sunlight as he laughs at something one of his friends said. 
You feel your heart leap to your throat and you freeze, "I- I can't..."
"____," Mina turns to you, placing her hands on your shoulders, "I am not about to let you give up now, not right before you do it! Just go over there. If you can't speak, then just hand it to him, simple as that. He'll understand when he opens it anyway."
You nod stiffly, "What about his friends?" Your voice shakes, "I'm scared to do it in front of them."
Mina nods, "I got this." 
You're about to protest but she's gone, already marching her way over to them. 
You watch in embarrassment as Mina taps one of the boys on the shoulder. He turns and smiles when he sees her. Mina is gorgeous, of course he'd smile when she spoke to him. 
You're really her only friend, as she is yours, but the boys are constantly swarming around her nonetheless. 
You start to feel self-conscious when you see the boy making your heart thump heavily look at Mina and smile brightly. 
Shoot, what if he likes her?
You can't compare to her. 
Besides, she's your best friend, you'd give him up for her if she wanted him.
You'd do anything for her. 
You snap out of it when you see Mina leading the two boys that were with him away, then she gestures at you behind her back. 
You force your feet to move as you hurry over to him before he moves on to talk with someone else. 
Just as he's turning, you're coming up. 
He almost bumps into you, a surprised gasp slipping from his lips as he notices you. 
"Oh, sorry! I didn't see you there."
You smile crookedly, "It's- It's fine!" You squeak out. 
His smile widens as he looks at you, "You're ____, right? Tenth grade?" 
You nod like a darn bobblehead, your words suddenly stuck in your throat. 
He's so handsome. 
And cute. 
And sweet. 
And thoughtful.
"I'm Jimin," He reaches a hand out to you, "It's nice to officially meet you."
You take his hand, letting him shake it as his bright smile continues to beam. 
"I know, um," You need to get it together, "You're in eleventh."
He nods, "Yes, only one and a half years left of these ridiculous uniforms," He chuckles. 
You nod stupidly, "Uh, yeah," A nervous laugh slips from your mouth.
Just do it, rip it off like a band-aid.
"I uh- I have something for you."
He looks at you with curiosity, his pretty eyes glancing down to the box in your hands. 
Then his smile fades. 
Your heart stops in your chest when you see the look of recognition on his face. 
He's been confessed to before, of course he has. 
Your shoulders slump. 
You just want the ground to open up and swallow you. 
He looks back up at you and gives you a gentle smile. 
The smile of rejection. 
"____, you're really sweet-"
Oh, no. 
"I would say yes in a heartbeat, really. You're different from the other girls here, you care about people, I can tell. I've seen it-"
"But?" Your voice comes out as a whisper.
His smile turns sad, "But there's a girl I like already. I'm sorry, ____."
It feels like someone just tore out your heart and stomped it into the ground. 
You don't say anything. 
You can't. 
It hurts too much. 
You just open the box and pull out the note, tucking it into your palm before closing the box again and handing it to him. 
Jimin takes it reluctantly, still watching you carefully, his eyes sad and regretful.
"I hope you like the cookies," You smile at him, finally meeting his eyes, "Just think of it as a friendship gift, nothing more."
Jimin nods, still looking guilty as hell. 
"I hope it works out for you Jimin, I really do."
"Thank you, ____."
Then you turn and walk away, pieces of your heart falling behind you with each step you take. 
A minute later you hear Mina calling to you, but you don't stop. 
You hurry inside and to the locker rooms. 
You're hiding in a stall when you hear the door to the girls' locker room open and Mina's voice call out, "____, are you in here?"
You don't answer and a moment later the door shuts, leaving you alone with your thoughts.
You curl up, pulling your knees to your chest as the tears finally come.
You wish you could just disappear. 
The thought that you need to see him the rest of this school year and the next before he leaves is sickening. 
Your heart has never hurt more than it does now, it feels like a bunch of swords are impaling it over and over again. 
Fourth grade. 
You had liked him since you were in fourth grade, he was in sixth. 
It was the day that you had tripped and spilled your lunch tray all over yourself. 
This angel had appeared, pulling you to your feet with the brightest smile you'd ever seen. He had taken you to get another uniform in the office and even got you another tray of food. 
He only ever said hello in passing after that, but you were infatuated. 
You thought you had loved him. 
Another sob cuts through the silence in the locker room as you realize you don't want it anymore.
You hope you never fall for anyone again. 
Love is just a terrible joke, made to hurt the weakest, the ones that fall for it.
The handsome man standing before you makes your heart lurch.
What kind of joke is this?
You take a step back and clear your throat, "P-P-Park J-Jimin?"
His smile returns as he lets out a small laugh of disbelief, "You remember me?"
You nod reluctantly. 
Jimin looks into your eyes just like he did that one day in elementary school, an angel appearing out of nowhere to save you. 
"But, how?" He asks, clearly bewildered, "After the accident, you never..."
You suddenly realize you're standing there like an idiot, so you open the door wider and gesture for him to come in. 
He walks in and sets the pizza you ordered on your kitchen table. 
"D-Do you have t-t-time to talk?" You ask bravely. 
Jimin nods, "Of course."
You two end up on the couch, an awkward silence falling around you. 
You can't look him in the eyes because every time you do, he's just staring at you like you're the lost puppy he'd been looking for for years. 
"It's been so long," Jimin says quietly, "It's been like six years since we actually spoke."
You nod, "The d-d-day you rejected me." 
When you look up at him he looks heartbroken, so you give him a small smile, "I'm j-just giving you a hard t-t-time."
Jimin nods sadly, "I'm so confused. I just- I thought you had forgotten me after you were in the hospital..."
You say nothing so he continues, "No, you did. You did forget about me, I tried talking to you and-"
"I know," You whisper, "I'm s-s-sorry Jimin, but I lied."
That makes him freeze.
"You and M-Mina were the only two I r-r-really remembered."
It's silent for a minute, then he whispers, hurt, "But why?"
You look back at him, "It h-h-hurt too much to talk to y-you. I'm sorry."
Jimin nods sadly, "Don't apologize, I understand. But, how did you remember me?"
You laugh, embarrassed, "I had k-kind of been in l-l-love with you since elementary s-school."
Jimin's eyes bulge out of his head, "What?"
"Yeah, since w-we met. After you had h-h-helped me clean the mess I made." Jimin looks lost for a minute, then his eyes light up with recognition, "Oh! Oh, really?"
You nod, another laugh slipping out. 
"So, you didn't lose your memory of me...because you still had your memories from elementary school?"
Another nod.
"But then, how did you remember me rejecting you?" The words taste bitter in his mouth.
You shrug, "I don't know, I j-j-just did. A few th-things came b-back to me after leaving the h-hospital."
"I'm sorry that had to be one of them," Jimin whispers. 
"It's o-okay, you had n-no obligation to like me b-back," You take a deep breath, already feeling better after getting that off your chest, "Whatever h-happened to the girl y-y-you had liked? Did you a-ask her out?" 
Jimin nods with a sad smile, "Yeah."
"We dated until college...then I found out she cheated on me and we broke up."
Your heart breaks at that, "J-Jimin, I'm so-sorry."
"Don't be, it was for the best."
You sit in more silence for a bit, but this time it feels more comfortable. 
Then Jimin speaks up again, "So what are you up to these days, ____? Any special man in your life?" He wiggles his eyebrows at you jokingly. 
You laugh, "I am a k-k-kindergarten t-teacher."
Jimin's eyes light up, "Really? Congratulations, ____. You seriously deserve it."
"Th-Thank you. And w-what about you?"
Jimin sighs and gestures at his outfit, "Clearly I'm not as successful as you," You laugh and shake your head as he continues, "I'm just working this delivery job until I get my foot in the door for some journalist positions."
Your eyes grow wide, "R-Really?"
He nods, "I've always wanted to be a reporter, a journalist, something like that. It's a lot harder than it looks though."
You nod, "W-Well I'm rooting for y-you."
"Thank you," He smiles warmly at you, "You were always the sweetest."
You blush at that and Jimin continues, "You never answered my previous question," He squints at you playfully as he points at you, "Any special guys?"
You're about to shake your head, then Jungkook pops into your brain. 
His dark eyes penetrating your thoughts, his rosebud lips sneaking into your mind. 
Jimin sees you hesitate and a knowing smile grows on his face, "Ah-ha! There is someone!"
You look at him, blushing profusely, "Th-There isn't-"
"Liar!" Jimin cackles, clapping his hands, "You are so in love!"
His words startle you, "I'm n-not! It isn't l-like that."
Jimin wipes at the gleeful tears in his eyes as he leans closer to you, inspecting your face carefully. 
"I know that look, ____. You're smitten."
You splutter, "I-I-I am n-not smitten!"
Jimin smirks at you and you fight the urge to smack him.
Then he glances around your living room, "It's beautiful in here, did you decorate it yourself?"
You nod proudly, glad he's changed the subject. 
You two make small talk for a few more minutes, just catching up on life. 
Then Jimin looks at his watch, "Shit, I gotta go. Bossman will be livid with me for taking so long," He stands up and you follow him to the door. 
"Thanks for having me, ____. It was wonderful to catch up with you."
You smile brightly, "I'm s-s-so glad that we were able to m-meet again."
Jimin gives you one last smile as he walks out the door, but before you can close it, he turns around, "Do you..."
You raise an eyebrow in question. 
"Do you think we could meet up again sometime? Grab a coffee or something?"
You nod happily, "I w-w-would love that."
You end up exchanging numbers before he hurries on his way. 
Closing the door, a huge smile spreads on your face. 
Park Jimin. 
Your first love. 
Delivering a pizza to your door. 
Who would've thought?
After a moment to process, you start to giggle uncontrollably. 
What the heck just happened?
Jungkook is jogging up the stairs leading to your apartment when a pizza delivery guy comes down at the same time. 
He smiles at Jungkook and moves past him. 
Thinking nothing of it, Jungkook hurries to your door and knocks three times, waiting anxiously. 
The door opens rather quickly like you'd been standing there. 
"Ji- oh..."
Your eyes are wide as you stare at Jungkook.
He gives you a small smile, "Um, hi."
He sees you swallow thickly as you observe him, it takes you a minute to respond.
Jungkook bites his lip, not sure how to go about saying what he wants to say next. 
"W-What are y-you doing here?" You beat him to it. 
The way you say it makes his stomach turn a little. 
When he doesn't respond, you sigh and reach up to rub your tired eyes, "J-Jungkook..."
He wishes he could say something, anything. 
But it's like every single word he's ever known is suddenly gone out of his brain and he knows nothing. 
You look so sleepy, the events from the past week are probably weighing on you right now.
Jungkook thinks as his gaze drifts over your exhausted face, his heart pulling apart in his chest as Mina's story comes barreling back into his mind. 
After another beat of silence, Jungkook finally finds his voice and you decide to be honest with him at the same time. 
"____, will you go somewhere with me-"
"J-Jungkook I'm t-tired of th-this-"
You both shut up and look at the other. 
Jungkook's heart sinks in his chest at your words. 
Your own heart feels like someone is poking at it with a sharp stick. 
"What?" Jungkook whispers.
You cover your face with your hands, "I- I j-just..."
"Can I come in? Please?" Jungkook asks hopefully, wanting to correct things before shit hits the fan.
You nod and open the door wider for him to slip inside. 
He immediately notices the pizza box on the table and his mind wanders back to the guy passing him earlier. He lets it go as he stands there, waiting for you to shut the door. 
You do, then you walk over to the couch and plop down, curling your legs up and tucking them near you as you grab a pillow and hold it tightly to your chest. 
Jungkook takes a few very deep and very calming breaths before walking over to the couch to sit down. 
He needs to just keep breathing, or else he'll mess shit up again with his stupidity. 
You fidget quietly as Jungkook stares at the Barbie movies in the glass cabinet under the TV. He doesn't know why he can't seem to look away from them. 
"She just finds comfort in things like coloring, watching movies, eating sweets. Her brain was damaged, badly. But it's gotten so much better since then, she's made so much progress. She might act like a kid sometimes, but she isn't one and doesn’t think she is. ____ was innocent before and she's innocent now-"
Jungkook's breath hitches as he remembers Mina's words. 
"Did y-you speak t-to M-Mina?" 
Jungkook turns to you when you speak up quietly, noticing the way you won't even look at him. Your eyes are locked on the pillow in front of you as you pick at the loose threads. 
"Yeah," He mumbles back. 
You finally raise your eyes to his, "I- I think you sh-should leave."
Jungkook's heart stutters painfully. 
"____, I need to talk to you."
"A-About what?"
"I-..." What does he say? He needs to get you out of here, he's run out of time, "I know this sounds dumb, but would you go somewhere with me? Just for a little bit."
You just stare at him, your eyes reflecting a pain he's never seen in you before, even after he was horrible to you in the rain, even after his dumb ass forced you to go home and ruined your day. 
This pain is a first. 
He shifts his body towards you more, "____, what's going on? Are you oka-"
He freezes, his mind short-circuiting at your bitter response. 
"No, I'm n-not. I'm n-n-not okay."
You can see the way his eyes flicker back and forth between yours and it makes your heart race. 
You can't handle this. 
You don't like pain, you don't like it. 
You always run from it. 
Maybe you are just a child. 
More reason to put an end to this anyway. 
The insecurities swarming your head finally come out, in an angry huff of air, startling Jungkook when you stand up abruptly, still gripping the pillow. 
"I n-n-need you to leave."
Jungkook stands up too, his tall frame looming over you and making you look down at the ground.
"I can't," He mutters.
Your eyes trail up to his, anger burning in them. 
Why is life so unfair?
Why can't someone just like you, for you? 
Why does reality always have to come and bite you in the butt?
"Go to M-Mina," You seethe. 
Jungkook looks at you like you're crazy, his mind going in circles trying to figure out what the hell you're talking about.
"____, what?"
"You h-h-heard me," You swallow the lump in your throat. 
Curse this stupid stutter. 
You can't even tell someone something and be taken seriously. 
Jungkook shakes his head slowly, his confused gaze locked on your angered one. 
"Why would I want to go to her?"
You scoff, making Jungkook take a step back to observe you in disbelief. 
What happened to you?
Were you really that mad about him asking you for her number? He didn't need it because he liked that brat, he needed it because he needs to save you. 
But you don't know that. 
How could he expect you to?
"Just...get o-out," Your voice is thick with tears. 
Jungkook shakes his head again and takes a step towards you, his hand stretched out. 
But you step back, away from him. 
"Stop h-h-hurting me!" You suddenly raise your voice. It isn't anywhere near a yell but it shocks him enough. You never raise your voice...
"I'm sorry-"
You close your eyes and take a long breath as if to calm yourself down. 
"I kn-know you like M-Mina. Don't m-make me hurt anymore by h-having to let go while y-y-you're standing right in f-front of me!"
Jungkook steps forward and grabs your hand, but you don't open your eyes. 
You dare not look at him. 
Not ever again. 
Or you'll break. 
You love Mina more than anything, you'd do anything for her. 
That's why she was always pushing you away from Jungkook. 
She likes him. 
And of course, he likes her back.
The pain in your heart is causing your breath to shorten. 
If you look at him now, you won't have the strength to give him up for her. 
"____, I swear I don't like her-"
It isn't true.
"I just needed to ask her something!"
Stop trying to spare me the pain, just leave me alone. 
"____, please look at me," Jungkook pleads. 
You shake your head, keeping your eyes closed tight. 
Jungkook sighs in exasperation, "I had to ask her about your accident!!"
At that, your watery eyes slowly open. 
Jungkook breathes a sigh of relief when he sees your beautiful eyes land on him. 
Then you take your hand out of his and he feels his next breath stutter.
"What?" You whisper. 
The words get caught in his throat for a second before he's able to shove them out, "I had to ask her about Kihyun, and the accident...I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but I swear ____, I don't like her like that. Hell, I don't like her at all! Not to mention she hates my guts!"
Your jaw clenches and Jungkook wants to just beg you to listen to him, to please not be mad and just listen to him. 
"I w-was in a c-c-car accident..."
Jungkook does a double-take at your words. 
"What d-d-d-does that have t-to do with you or Kihyun? How is th-that any of your business?!"
Jungkook just stares at you as your face turns red, "I w-want you to leave me alone p-please. Stop playing w-with my h-heart and running out on m-me."
Jungkook feels like he's about to explode. 
With anger, sadness, regret, and this weird protective stuffy feeling he gets when he's around you.
"I'm sorry-"
"And I f-forgave you."
He flinches at that. 
"But an empty a-apology means n-nothing, J-Jungkook."
"It-...It isn't empty. ____, I know I'm stupid, I'm a grade A idiot! A fucking moron! But I never meant to hurt you by running out, I just- I panicked..." He's fumbling over his words, not even understanding what he's trying to say at this moment. 
"W-Why would you g-go behind my back to t-talk about me?! Why not j-just come to me??"
"I didn't think you-"
"Didn't think I r-remembered it?"
Your voice is bitter, laced with hurt. 
Jungkook nods slowly. 
You scoff, "Y-You're right, I d-d-don't. I had to rely on M-Mina to tell me that m-my family died in a c-c-car crash and I w-was the only one that survived."
His chest hurts. 
"Did y-you want to m-make fun of m-me? Figure out exactly w-why I sp-sp-speak like a fr-freak? Why everyone t-t-treats me like a ch-child?"
Jungkook's brows furrow, "Why on earth would you ever think something like that?"
"B-Because I'm n-not like you, J-Jungkook. You c-could get any g-g-girl that you want, but I w-was stupid enough to th-think it would be-...never m-mind."
Jungkook's brain is racing, he has no idea what you're getting at. 
He doesn't understand what the hell girls are thinking or trying to say. 
He knows he's an idiot, he doesn't know how to fix that. 
But he needs to fix this. 
And quickly. 
He steps forward to grab your hands again, but this time you don't pull away, "____, I never meant to make you think I was using you to get to Mina if that's how you feel. I wasn't. I needed Mina to tell me because I was worried about you, I swear," His voice is firm. 
You look at him, unsure. 
Jungkook sighs, "I didn't go to you because I thought that you wouldn't remember, but more so because I didn't want to hurt you further if you did. I didn't want to stir up anything that you'd want to put away. I realize now that that was shitty of me to go behind your back, I should've come to you first, it was your story to tell. I'm sorry."
You blink, taken aback by how honest and sincere he seems right now. 
You'd been hurting from all the running away and ignoring you and all that he's been doing recently. 
This is the first time it feels like he's actually taking you seriously. 
You bring your eyes up to his, "I'm s-s-sorry for lashing o-out. I have f-f-feelings like every-yone else and I w-was hurt."
Jungkook nods, "It's okay, I'm sorry too." His deep brown eyes search yours carefully as you continue, "You c-c-can like Mina, I-I-I underst-stand. She's b-beautiful..."
Jungkook takes you by surprise when he starts to chuckle. You look at him curiously, "W-Why are you l-l-laughing?"
Jungkook gently lets go of your hands, making you miss the warmth of them instantly. 
He brings his hands up to run through his hair, "I can't believe you think I'd fall for Mina."
You scowl, "Why w-wouldn't you?"
Jungkook lets out an amused scoff, "She's not my type."
"Oh, y-yeah? What i-is your type then?" 
He looks at you and you make eye contact for a second before your gaze darts away. Jungkook keeps his eyes on you for a moment longer. 
"Wouldn't you like to know?" Jungkook says teasingly, noting that your cheeks turn pink as you shake your head in denial, "I d-d-don't care."
He laughs lightly and you feel your heart lift in your chest. 
A minute passes in silence as the two of you try to think of what to say next.
You're a bit embarrassed about your outburst, but you know he understands. 
You were valid in your feelings and he seems genuinely sorry for everything.
Jungkook's head is in a completely different place, trying to go about how to ask you to leave Seoul with him. 
This is ridiculous, you'll never agree.
You watch as Jungkook's eyes dart around the room as if he's trying to figure something out. 
"Y-You okay?" You ask, a bit worried. 
Jungkook looks up, his eyes finding yours. 
Just do it, Jeon. 
Don't be a wuss.
"Will you leave Seoul with me?"
He blurts it out, figuring he'll chicken out if he doesn't. 
Your eyes widen and you're shocked into silence for a good minute. 
When the initial shock leaves you, you blink a few times. 
Jungkook just stands there stupidly. 
He winces at your hesitation although it was inevitable. 
Damn it, he knew you'd ask, you'd be stupid not to. 
He needs to make something up, fast. 
"This- this seems like the worst timing possible... But I was...invited to uhm, to a thing, a thing in uhm, in Busan. It's like uh, a uh, a school reunion? Thing? Kind of? It's uh...."
Fuck he's a bumbling idiot. 
Before he can make a bigger fool out of himself, you burst into laughter. 
His chest feels lighter at the sound.
Well, at least he made you laugh...
You wipe at your eyes as you double over in laughter, a good contrast to what you were doing a little while ago, so he'll take it. 
Jungkook just stands there, his arms crossed over his broad chest as he watches you make fun of him. 
When you finally catch your breath, you look at him to see him scowling darkly. 
You feel like it would scare anyone else, but it doesn't scare you. 
You poke at his chest, the last of the giggles leaving your lips. 
Jungkook stiffens when you touch him, but he will not let you know that your touch affects him. 
"Are you finished?" He asks, trying to appear unamused. 
You nod, still wiping away the tears of mirth from your eyes. 
"So, w-what you're tr-trying to say is, you want me to go to B-Busan with you for a school r-r-reunion?"
He nods in embarrassment at the silly lie. 
You laugh again, "Well, w-why didn't y-you just say that? I'd l-love to g-g-go with you!"
Well...that was easy. 
Jungkook bites back a smile at the way you shake your head and giggle at him. 
"W-When is it?"
"We'd have to leave tonight...like, you should pack now."
"Oh," You look at him in surprise, "Oh, um. O-Okay...how long w-will we be gone?"
The ridiculous contrast to what was happening a few minutes ago and now is going to give you whiplash. A moment ago you were yelling at him to stop hurting you and now you're agreeing to go to Busan with him... 
What kind of a day was this?
"Uh, I'm not sure, I was hoping to just spend some time there and go sightseeing, maybe?" Jungkook answers your question awkwardly. 
Your warm smile makes him swallow painfully, "I w-would love that. School d-doesn't start for an-another three weeks."
"Perfect," Jungkook nods, "Then it's settled, go pack."
You shriek in excitement and hurry to the back with a little skip to your step, "V-Vacation!"
Jungkook lets out a long breath, his heart skipping a beat at the happy humming floating from your room. 
Thank goodness he was successful in that. 
But what makes him feel even better, is the fact that your beautiful smile is back. 
"Sh-Should I tell Mina?"
Jungkook's grip tenses on the wheel at your words. 
He isn't sure why, but he doesn't want Mina to know where the two of you are going. 
"Nah, I already told her I was going to ask you to come with me. She knows," Jungkook prays that you'll fall for it, biting his lip harshly. 
"Oh," You squeak from the passenger seat. 
He swallows his heart that leapt to his throat at the adorable sound.
You look out the side window, watching as the sun starts to set, your head leaning against the glass. 
"How l-long will it t-t-take us to get there?" You ask quietly, your eyes still glued to the beautiful colors running across the sky. 
Jungkook glances at his phone where the directions are. 
"Mm, since there's hardly any traffic, hopefully four hours?" 
Your eyes widen a little and you make a small sound of acknowledgment. 
"Hm, ok."
Jungkook drags his eyes back to the road, telling himself that he's not allowed to look at you the whole way lest he get distracted and crash the car like a fool.
Jungkook has some soft music playing in the background, making you smile softly to yourself. You didn't think him the type of person to listen to classical instrumental music, but it's nice and relaxing, especially for how tired you are. 
An hour into the drive, you feel your eyes getting extremely heavy. You keep blinking them rapidly to keep yourself awake, but every time you blink it gets harder and harder to open them again. 
Jungkook, as well as he had done the first hour, fails his own rule as he glances at you. 
He had noticed the way you were shifting and jerking around for the past few minutes. 
"Hey, you okay?" Jungkook asks gently before returning his gaze to the road. 
You nod sleepily, a tiny yawn slipping out of you. 
"J-Just a little s-sleepy is all."
A soft smile appears on Jungkook's face and you feel your chest warm at the sight. You can't stop staring at his side profile, the line of his jaw, and his adorably big nose, even his lashes are long and beautiful. 
"You can take a nap you know-"
"Nooo, no no," You wave a hand in the air dismissively, "I'm n-not tired at all!"
Jungkook stifles a laugh at you contradicting yourself within thirty seconds. 
He nods, "Okay, then you don't have to take a nap."
You smile drowsily, appearing almost drunk in a way. 
Jungkook glances at you again. 
Drunk from exhaustion, you most certainly are. 
What a rollercoaster of a day.
He sighs, a gentle sound as he turns back to keep his eyes forward, "You look really sleepy."
"Y-You look really p-pretty..." 
Jungkook, startled at your words, looks at you with wide eyes, "Huh?"
No one has ever called him pretty before...
You have an elbow against the console, your chin in your hand as you gaze up at him dreamily. 
"I'm s-s-sorry I said all th-that mean st-stuff back at my apartment," You whisper, lips turning down into a pout. 
Jungkook fidgets, "It's fine, ____. I deserved to get snapped at."
You shake your head, "Noooo," You say cutely, smacking your lips, "Nooo, you d-deserve th-the whooooooole world!" You gesture out, almost smacking him in the face. 
Jungkook chuckles. 
You're just tired yet you act like you've been drinking nonstop.
"You, J-Jungkook, you d-deserve to a...a? A h-hug."
He feels a pinching in his chest at your words.
"Thanks, ____." 
You nod, your head lolling to the side as you start to drift off to sleep again, then you jerk suddenly as you remember something. 
"M-My first love!"
Jungkook looks at you, bewildered.
"He-...b-brought it to me..."
Jungkook arches an eyebrow at you, "Who brought what to you, ____?"
"An angel brought m-me food t-today!"
Jungkook nods along with your nonsensical rambling, "That's cool," He muses as he passes a car on the highway.
After that, you fall silent. 
He glances over at you after you haven't spoken for a few minutes, to see your head resting against the seat, your mouth open slightly as you sleep soundly. 
He fights the smile that's creeping its way onto his face, trying as hard as he can to pay attention to the road. 
Jungkook reaches up a hand and slaps it across his face, harder than he had meant to. 
He winces in pain, but at least it got him to think straight. 
Jungkook keeps his eyes on the road (mostly) the rest of the way. 
It's kind of lonely with you sleeping beside him, but he doesn't really mind.
  It's around one in the morning when Jungkook gently shakes your shoulder. 
You stir, your eyes opening into little slits as you look around in confusion. 
"W-Where am I?" You ask, mumbling almost incoherently. 
"We're here, ____. We're in Busan," Jungkook says softly, his hand still on your shoulder. 
Once you're able to open your eyes all the way, you see the inside of Jungkook's car, then you turn your head to the right to see him standing outside your door, holding it open as he smiles at you. 
"Oh," You say in surprise, "I f-forgot we were on v-vacation."
Jungkook chuckles at that, "Come on, ____. Let's get you to bed."
He reaches around you to unbuckle your seat belt, then you watch quietly as he grabs your purse and slings it over his shoulder. 
Next, he grabs your hand and helps you out of the car. 
You take in the sight of a small motel, very simple, very dark, and very very cute. 
Jungkook watches your eyes light up at the place you'll be staying tonight. 
"It's s-so cute," You whisper sleepily. 
Jungkook shrugs, "I've never considered a motel to be cute before, but it's decent."
You keep a hold of his hand as you climb out of the car, then you shyly let go and follow him to the trunk where he pulls out both of your suitcases. 
"I can c-carry something," You offer as you see him start moving with both of the cases to the front of the motel. 
Jungkook shakes his head, his floofy brown hair flopping about, "I'm all good."
You bite back a laugh at the sight of him wheeling two suitcases with a purse slung over his arm, then you hurry to catch up to him. 
Inside, there's a very small old man at the front desk, reading a newspaper. 
He looks up when you and Jungkook walk in. 
A friendly smile graces his features as he sets the paper down, "Hello there, how can I help you?"
"Hi," Jungkook clears his throat, "I called about two rooms earlier today...well, I guess it was technically yesterday..."
The man nods and grabs this little notebook, "Perfect! Name?"
"Uhm...Jungkook, Jeon Jungkook,” He says lowly. 
Ohhhh, Jeon?
Even his last name suits him. 
You see him fidgeting a little as the older man flips through the notebook, "Ah yes! Right here."
Then he turns to grab a key out of a little cabinet, "Your rooms will be one twenty-three and one twenty-two-"
He pauses, his hand freezing over an empty cubby in the cabinet. 
"Uhm...one moment."
He shuffles behind a little curtain leading to a different room. 
Jungkook looks back at you with a puzzled expression and you shrug, you don't have any idea what's going on either. 
A minute later the man comes out with a regretful look on his face. 
"I'm so sorry, Mr. Jeon. It would appear as though someone accidentally gave your rooms away without looking at the reservations," The man looks terribly guilty. 
Jungkook bites his lip, "Uhm, alright, well can I get two other rooms then?"
The man nods quickly and ruffles through his notebook, then he looks at Jungkook again. 
"We only have one room available. I sincerely apologize, this was my mistake-"
"Don't worry about it," Jungkook gives him a tight-lipped smile, "We'll take it. Thank you."
After getting your key, you and Jungkook walk out to find your room, not speaking until you get there. 
Once Jungkook unlocks the door and opens it for you, he gives you an embarrassed smile, "Sorry, ____. I would take us somewhere else but it's late and-...I'll sleep on the floor."
You turn to him, "D-Don't be silly. We'll both sl-sleep on a bed."
He looks at you, bewildered, then his gaze follows your outstretched arm as you point at the bed. 
The beds. 
Jungkook sighs in relief, letting the door close behind him as he sets your suitcases to the side. 
"Well this isn't so bad," He says as he looks around the room, taking in the twin beds with satisfaction. 
Then he looks at you to see you gazing around in wonder, gently touching the bed and making your way over to the bathroom to peek your head inside. 
When you turn back to him, your eyes are lit up like stars in the night sky. 
"It's b-beautiful!" 
Jungkook does one more look over.
There are twin beds with white covers and pillows, a nightstand between them and  TV on a desk in front along with a coffee machine and glass mugs. 
Meh, it's not a crappy place, he's been in far worse, but he's also been in far better. 
Then something clicks and he looks at you again, "Wait, have you never been to a hotel- or- a motel before?"
You shake your head, your innocent eyes never leaving his. 
Jungkook lets out a short laugh of disbelief, "Huh."
You walk over to your suitcase and grab it, pulling it with you to the bathroom, "I'm g-going to change."
"Uh-huh," Jungkook says, still trying to process the fact that you've never stayed in a place like this before. 
When he hears the bathroom door close, he walks over to his suitcase and opens it up, grabbing out a t-shirt and some pajama shorts. 
He makes quick work of changing, then he settles on the left bed, a groan leaving his lips as he lays back. 
A moment later, the door to the bathroom opens and Jungkook sees you walk out shyly, a simple lilac nightgown draping around your frame. 
He looks away quickly, fixing his gaze on the black screen of the television positioned in front of the twin beds. 
You hurry over and climb into the bed on the right, slipping underneath the covers and sighing happily. 
"Th-These beds are s-so comfy!"
Jungkook hums in response, his eyes still glued to the TV even though it's off.
You pull the covers up to your chin and close your eyes, letting out a tiny yawn. 
At the sound, Jungkook's resolution crumbles and he glances over at you. 
The way your eyelids flutter and your lips part slightly as you breathe makes his heart beat rapidly. 
Suddenly, your eyes pop open and you're staring right back at him.
He was so startled when it happened that he didn't even look away, instead, his gaze stays locked on yours, eyes wide. 
It feels like an eternity passes as the two of you just stare at each other, but it's really only a few seconds. 
Long enough for Jungkook's heart to be in his throat and your tummy to start tickling. 
Then you whisper, "I w-was just going to a-ask you to turn out the l-light."
A choked breath escapes Jungkook as he snaps his gaze away from yours. 
"Oh, yeah sure." 
Without looking at you, he reaches over to the table between your beds and flips the light off. 
It's silent for a little bit, then Jungkook hears you whisper in the darkness, "I'm sorry a-about earlier."
"You already apologized, and I told you there was no need to."
You sigh and shift onto your back, "When is th-the school reunion?"
Jungkook internally groans, "It's in a few days."
"W-Why did we have t-to leave so quickly?"
Jungkook moves to his right side, so he's facing you in the darkness, but he can't make you out. 
"I wanted to be sure we got a place to stay before it all filled up."
"Ah, okay."
Fuck, he hates lying to you so easily. 
The fact that you have full trust in him is making him sick to his stomach. 
But at least he got you here. 
He's gotten you out of Seoul. 
That buys him a bit more time to figure out who the hell placed the hit on you. 
Then he'll take matters into his own hands. 
After a few minutes, Jungkook is sure you've fallen asleep again, so it takes him by surprise when you speak up. 
"What is y-your favorite flower?"
"Uhm, I'm not sure...I don't know that many flowers," Jungkook replies, his eyes still closed. 
You giggle, "My f-favorite is the a-almond flower."
Jungkook nods thoughtfully, then he realizes that you can't see him so he clears his throat, "Ah, what does that one look like?"
"It's little and w-white with a h-hint of pink in the middle. V-Very cute."
Jungkook smiles, "Sounds very fitting for you."
Your cheeks heat up as you cuddle more into the covers, "Do y-you want to know th-the meaning of it?" You whisper. 
He finally opens his eyes, but all he can see is darkness, "Sure."
He suddenly remembers your letter to him after you visited the field of dandelions. 
What did you say the dandelion represented again? Oh yeah, hope and happiness...or something like that...
"It m-means h-hope and renewal."
Jungkook hears you shifting a little to get comfortable. 
"That's nice," He says gently, "I guess the little simple ones tend to represent hope, huh?"
You positively beam, realizing that he must have remembered your letter to him about the dandelion. 
"I g-guess so."
Jungkook turns onto his back, staring up at the ceiling. 
Before he can back out, he asks, "What does the lotus flower represent?"
"Is th-that your f-favorite?"
Jungkook blinks a few times before answering you, "It was my mother's."
You sit up and look over at him curiously, wondering if something had happened to her with the way his voice sounded and the fact that he used past tense. 
"Oh...w-well I happen t-to know that one," You lay back down, "It m-means enlightenment and r-rebirth."
How ironic.
"Ah," Is all he says. 
You lay there in silence for a little bit, then you remember something that you had wanted to tell him. 
"Oh y-yeah, I had the w-weirdest dream the other day."
"Mm? What was it?" 
"I w-was laying in a f-field of flowers. Purple f-flowers-"
Jungkook's brain suddenly snaps to attention at your words, "What did they look like?" He asks abruptly, interrupting you. 
"Uh, they w-were some of m-my favorite flowers, they're c-called Agapanthus."
"Agapi- what?" Jungkook asks, face scrunched in confusion. 
You laugh and blindly reach for your phone on the nightstand. 
Jungkook looks over to see a blue light illuminating your face as you look at your phone and his breath gets caught in his throat. 
Don't be stupid, Jungkook. 
He looks away quickly.
"H-Here," You stand up and waddle over to his bed, plopping yourself down on the side of it and jostling him a bit. Jungkook swallows thickly at the close proximity all of the sudden. 
You hold your phone close to his face, watching as he squints at the picture of the flower you were talking about. 
"A-Agapanthus," You state again, smiling. 
But Jungkook barely hears you, he's frozen, staring at the picture in your hand.
That's the flower that was in his dream the other day. 
The field was full of them. 
"Anyw-way, I w-was lying there. It w-was so vivid. Th-Then I realized I was h-holding someone's hand-"
Jungkook can't tear his eyes away from your phone, his heartbeat increasing the more of your story you tell. 
"I c-could tell it w-was a guy's hand, b-but I couldn't turn my head to see who it was."
His eyes finally drift from your phone up to your face where you're sporting a faint pout. 
He doesn't know what possesses him to ask, all he registers are the shaky words suddenly coming from his mouth, "What's the meaning of this flower?"
Your gaze shifts to his and you smile softly, "L-Love."
a/n: jk is a damned fool, who’s with me.
Tag list; @hopekookies @moonchild1 @barbellastyles98 @teresaisla @ggukkieland @mwitsmejk @scuzmunkie @jaebeomsblackgf @sugaslittlekookies @moon-asia @bangtannie7 @yoonchrisgull @njkbangtan @higashikatasgf @jksbbyfacebunny @sweetonkookieandtae @voidswan-recs @sadxaries @bts-junseagull @jinfused @taehyungiev13 @gaeguuliii @kimnamjoonluvbot @jungkooook @mutterseelenalleinn @surilirani @patpus @yukiehyukie @crypticsabbat @ohyeahjk @steffiiirose @the-falling-star @telepathytae @erenkook ​ 
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randomshyperson · 4 years
Wanda Maximoff / Reader - The One Where You Punch Tony Stark - Chapter Three
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Gif is not mine, but i love it.
Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 4 ||  Read on AO3 (Complete Work)
Summary:  When the rumors that you punched Tony Stark in the face spread around your school, some interesting events unfolded.
Warnings:  18+; Enemies to Lovers;  Angry Sex; Underage Sex; High School AU;  Violence; Fights;  Inappropriate language; Fluff and Smut; minor mentions of Reader x Carol and Reader x Jessica Jones.
Notes:  This work was already finished on AO3, but i forgot to continue this on Tumblr. I hope everyone who thought that was a one shot, enjoy the rest of it.
Chapter Three - Sometimes it’s just a date
You don't like water polo. Actually, you don't like watching the water polo team. 
With next week being finals week, you would like to have a quiet period. But then, the track and field and water polo finals are making the athletes restless, and you have to deal with the excitement of your colleagues around the halls. 
Maybe Natasha is right, you are pretty grumpy when it comes to socializing.
Participation in a sports team is mandatory from the first year on. Principal Thanos had approved this rule as an "incentive to healthy living," and only students with a medical condition could get away with it. You considered falsifying a medical history many times, but eventually you agreed to join the lacrosse team. You kept your performance average, just to maintain your grade. And even when the coach saw potential in you, you told her that you had no interest in participating in the championships. 
And then you were sitting on the team bench, watching your team play on the field while the crowd cheered as you watched. All sports were encouraged, after all, usually all students attended all kinds of games. You watched Natasha wave to you from the stands, and you smiled back. 
You were almost falling asleep, then a chorus of startled exclamations coming from the audience startled you, and you looked quickly at the field.
Your teammate, Gamora, suffered a foul and was being helped off the field by her teammates. You looked down the field with a frown, hoping that she was all right. But then she was taken off the field on a stretcher, her knee bandaged. It didn't take long before the coach came to you and signaled that you were going to have to replace the girl.
Letting out a grumble of protest, you stood up, grabbing the bat the coach offered you, and stepped onto the field.
Your approach to playing was interesting. You were aggressive and impatient, but efficient. You scored three points, and tried not to be bothered by the attention you were getting. And then, when your team won, you tried not to push the girls who jumped on you during the celebration. 
As you joined the team in the locker room, the coach asked to speak to you privately.
- I wanted to say that I was surprised by your performance, but in fact I always knew what you could do. - She commented as soon as you were alone in her room, inside the locker room. You shifted the weight of your feet, awkwardly.
- Thanks, I guess. - You say, and the teacher smiles tenderly at you.
- Tell me, Y/L, do you have plans for college? - she asks, leaning on her desk. 
- Not really, Coach. - You say. - I sent some applications, but after my suspension, I don't think I will have much of a chance.
- You know that something like a position on a regular team can count in your favor. - She comments, and you shrug.
- I have only played in two games so far. - You hit back. She smiles.
- Oh yes, and you performed flawlessly. - She says. - What I'm saying is, I could write you a letter of recommendation. If you commit to play with us until the end of the school year, of course.
You frown, thinking about it. 
- I wouldn't want to take Gamora's place.
The teacher laughs, shrugging her shoulders.
- Don't worry about it, we can arrange the team for you to play together. Besides that, unfortunately Gamora will not participate in at least two games because of her injury. And she will be happy to know that you are helping the team to win.
You nod, putting your hands in your pockets.
- Okay, I'll take it then. - You say. - Only for the letter of recommendation of course. - You joke, and the coach goes to one of the drawers. She pulls out a first team uniform. - This is yours. - She hands it to you. - And please try to control your temper on the field.
The coach winks at you, and you laugh slightly, accepting the uniform. You nod slightly and walk out of the room toward the showers.
- I can't believe you're a jock now! - Natasha jokes when you tell her you joined the team. You laugh, pushing her slightly. You are sitting at the tables in the outdoor cafeteria during the second break.
- Please don't say that. - You say playfully. Nat just smiles, taking a bite out of her snack.
- But anyway. - she says after a moment. - Are you still going to the concert on Saturday?
You let out a sigh and Nat looks at you curiously.
- I'll tell you something, and you promise not to hate me? 
Nat laughs, imitating a promise sign, and you shake your head, smiling.
- Go ahead, say it. You're making me curious. - She asks. You laugh, trying to build up courage.
- I have to tell Carol I'm not interested. - You begin, and Nat raises her eyebrows in surprise. - I'm liking someone else.
- Wow, Jones really got to you? - She assumes, and you laugh, denying it with your head. - Wait, there's a third girl? My God, you're unstoppable.
You laugh ruefully, and Nat follows you. You swallow dryly before speaking and look at the table where you are sitting.
- I am in love with Wanda Maximoff.
Nat lets out a surprised exclamation, and then laughs, thinking you were joking. And then she notices your expression, and widens her eyes in surprise.
- My God, you are serious! - she exclaims. But then she smiles at you, and puts her hand on your forearm. - Hey, I don't have a problem with that. I was just a little surprised.
- Really? - you ask with a sigh of relief. Nat smiles at you.
- Now explain to me how this happened. - She asks, cupping her face in her left hand as she looks at you intently. You take a sip of your soda before speaking.
- Actually, this has been going on for some time. - You confess. - Me and Wanda... well. The first person who knew I liked girls was her. - You tell, and Nat lets out a surprised exclamation, but does not interrupt you. - We have been in the same class since elementary school. When we were in eighth grade, she saw me kissing Mary Jane Watson behind the soccer fields. I asked her not to tell anyone, and she never did. - You say, and Nat listens attentively. - And then she became who she is now, and any interaction we had seemed like we were going to jump around each other's necks at any moment.  - You sighed. - And then, after the soccer game, I gave her an orgasm against the locker room wall.
- Wait, what? - exclaimed Natasha in surprise. - My god, you had sex with Wanda Maximoff? - She practically screamed and you raised your hands and waved for her to keep her voice down. Nat laughed with a mixture of disbelief and excitement. - I can't believe it. I don't even know what to think about it.
You mumbled with embarrassment, looking away.
- Just keep it down, please. - You asked, and Nat laughed. 
- Are you two in some kind of secret relationship now? - she asked, and you laughed ironically.
- Not at all. - You say. - She completely ignored me after that. And then we argued during Ms. Hill's class. 
- Shit, I'm sorry about that. But are you still willing to take this anywhere? Since you are going to dismiss Carol.
You blink slightly, thoughtfully. Then you shrug.
- I'm only going to dismiss Carol because it's not fair to be with her while thinking about another girl. - You explain. - And I don't expect Wanda to want anything to do with me anyway.
- I see. - Nat says, giving you a sad smile. - But I think she would be very stupid to let someone like you slip away.
You smile sadly, and you go back to eating. Before long the break is over, and you share Nat's displeasure at having to go to the health class.
Health classes are awkward. At least now that you and Natasha were friends, you were distracted by her jokes. Professor Wade Wilson was known for his humorous and completely unfiltered attitude during class. He made jokes and pranks, and didn't care much if the students were actually learning something. You remember when you were learning about the effects of alcohol on the body and he brought a bottle of whiskey and shared it among the students. Counselor Fury was not happy at all.
But occasionally you learned very important things in class, like how to clean wounds made in laboratories, for example.
You figured he would follow the programmed curriculum, but you should know better. Wilson came into the room, sat down at his own desk and signaled for everyone to go to their seats. Nat exchanged an amused look with you.
- Good morning, brats. - He said as he took something out of his pocket. The room erupted in giggles and comments as he held up a rubber penis and vagina. - Let's talk about sex today.
- Finally, eh Mr. Wilson! - shouted Tony Stark ironically, causing the class to laugh. You saw him give Pepper Potts a mischievous look, while the girl just smiled and fiddled with her hair. 
- Well, I need to teach you how to put on condoms first. - says the professor with a slight irony in his voice. - Because of course you are all innocent in this matter.
The class laughed, but you were distracted scribbling in your notebook. The professor leaned over to read the attendance list on his desk.
- I need two of you to demonstrate your knowledge to me. - He says. - Stark and Y/L/N come forward please.
Nat nudges you with her elbow and you frown. She nods toward the desk, and Professor Wilson is already looking at you. You mumble a "shit" before getting up and walking to the front of the room.
- Please demonstrate. - He says handing a condom to you and one to Tony, who gives you an angry look, and you roll your eyes. Tony moves toward the plastic vagina, but Wilson laughs, putting his hand in your way. - The other prosthesis, Mr. Stark.
You watch Tony's red cheeks with disbelief, and you also hear the giggles that circulate around the room. Tony quickly opens the condom with his teeth and puts on the rubber penis with his shaking hands. Then he turns to the class, putting his hands in his pockets.
- Who can tell me what Mr. Stark did wrong? - asks the professor, but no one raises their hand. You wonder if people just don't want to say that Tony Stark was wrong, or if they really didn't know. - Really, guys, nobody?
- He bit the package, sir. - You grumble, feeling all the stares on you. Wilson lets out a happy exclamation as he looks at you.
- Yes, exactly, Miss Y/L/N. - He says, looking around the room again. - When you bite the condom wrapper, you can damage the condom, and consequently, take away its effectiveness. The class takes note of the information passed on. - Now, Y/N, please. Demonstrate how to use the female condom.
You let out a sigh, and turn to the table, without preventing other students from seeing what you are doing. Quickly, you open the package and put the condom on the prosthetic.  Professor Wilson lets out a chuckle, congratulating you for handling it correctly, but as you turn around, you hear Tony Stark comment loudly:
- With so much practice in real life, it should be easy. - He says, and the class bursts into giggles. 
- Stark. - The professor says with a scolding tone, but you assume a wry posture.
- Don't be like that, Tony. I'm sure Steve will be happy to let you practice with him. - You fight back, and the laughter swirls around you. 
- Look, here you bitch... - Tony steps forward and the professor stands in front of him, with a serious expression. You think this is the first time you've seen him angry.
- You two come with me immediately.
And so you end up sitting in Nicky Fury's office again, with Tony Stark in the chair next to you. You both stand with your arms crossed and looking straight ahead as Professor Wilson explains the confusion in his class. Fury nods and says that he will handle everything, and the professor gives him an understanding smile before leaving the room.
- I have been waiting to talk to you two. - says Fury as he sits down at his desk. - Who would like to start?
- I have nothing to say. - says Tony in a harsh tone. You want to punch him again.
- That's too bad, Mr. Star. - says Fury. - You will stay here until someone tells me the nature of this conflict.
You let out an irritated snort. 
- I've told you before, Fury. - You say. - Stark is an arrogant piece of shit who has no respect for anyone. 
- You're fucking insane, girl! - Tony cuts you off, and you refuse to look at him. Fury lets out a sigh. 
- Please, I will not tolerate this kind of verbal aggression in my office. - He says. - If you don't answer me, I will simply recommend that you both be expelled.
You and Tony are silent, both with furious expressions. But then you remember the promise you made to the coach, and let out a sigh.
- I punched Tony in the face at his eighteenth birthday party. - You confess, surprising them both. 
A moment passes, and you think Fury is finally going to expel you, but then Tony speaks up next to you.
- I provoked her. - He confesses. You look surprised, and Fury just waits for Tony to clarify. He lets out an impatient sigh before speaking. - I followed her out and said some rude stuff.
Fury is thoughtful for a few minutes, and then he makes some notes in his notebook. You began to drum your fingers against your thigh, uncomfortable.
- Would you like to tell me exactly why you did that Tony? - Fury asked.
Tony let out an impatient grunt. And many moments passed before he spoke again.
- I don't know, okay? - He says, running his hands through his hair nervously. - I only saw her kissing a girl and then I was outside. I didn't want her at my party.
- I should have known you were a homophobic jerk. - You say, and Tony tells you to go fuck yourself. Fury warns you both again.
- Tony, I've heard rumors about your relationship with Mr. Rogers. - Fury begins and Stark straightens his posture, his face red. You think the conversation is getting interesting. - Don't you think, perhaps, your reaction to seeing Miss Y/L/N has something to do with it?
- I don't want to talk about it. - Tony grumbles. You stand there thoughtfully, understanding what Fury meant. He had suggested that the only reason Tony hated you so much, besides being a complete idiot, was because he rejected his own sexuality.
- We're going to talk about this privately, Mr. Star. - Announces Fury. - That will be my last warning to you two. No more fighting. If I hear that you two have renewed conflicts, I will recommend your immediate expulsion.
You and Tony nod, and Fury releases you with a detention card. You grumble, but leave the room, closing the door while Tony and Fury stand talking in private. 
You never imagined that you would see Pietro Maximoff in detention. But when you thought about it, it actually made sense. 
Sitting in the back of the room, you were even more surprised when he looked up at you, and gave you a shy smile. You blinked in surprise and looked away.
Professor Charles Xavier only taught history to the senior year, which left him with many free periods throughout the day, so he was also responsible for the detention class. It worked well, since it seemed that no one could hide anything from her, and detention ended up being quite efficient.
He came into the classroom with a book in his hand, and sat down, staying for many minutes without saying anything at all. And then he asked everyone to pair up, and you looked incredulously at Pietro Maximoff as he sat down in front of you.
- You're kidding me, right? - you said as soon as he arrived. Peter laughed, shrugging his shoulders.
Before Pietro could say anything, Professor Xavier announced that the class should make a short summary of the last subject he taught in class, which drew a disgruntled gasp from the few students present.
You started to take the materials out of the backpack and put them on the table. 
- I wanted to thank you. - Pietro said as the professor sat down. The class was buzzing with murmurs, all the students talking about their work, and Charles didn't seem to care, focused on his book. You looked at Pietro with your eyebrows raised, and he smiled wryly. - For helping me that day.
- It's a natural reaction, Maximoff. - You retort, looking away from him and start writing in your notebook. Pietro chuckles.
- Yeah, I know. - he says. - But still, thank you. The nurse told me that if you hadn't been so quick, I might have had an injury that would have prevented me from playing football.
You shrugged, not knowing what to say. You were silent for a few moments, each concentrated on his summary, and then Pietro stopped writing and you felt him looking at you.
- What is it now? - you asked without taking your eyes off the paper.
- Do you like music? - You raise your eyebrows incredulously as you look at him.
- Everybody likes music, what kind of question is that? 
Pietro laughs awkwardly.
- Sorry, you're right. - he says humorously. - I actually meant, do you know "The Panthers"? They are a rock band. They are playing in town on Saturday and…
- Are you asking me out? - You blink in confusion. Pietro shrugs.
- As a thank you. It's not a date. - He adds quickly when he sees your expression. - I'm going to the show with some friends.
- I'm also going to the show. - You retort, and Pietro assumes a surprised but happy expression.
- Great, we can see each other there then!
- I guess. - You grumble, turning your attention back to the summary. Pietro smiles, and a moment passes before he hands you a small piece of paper with a phone number.
- Text me when you get there. So it'll be easier for us to meet. - he suggested. 
You blinked in surprise, but remembering that Fury had told you to avoid conflict, you just put the paper in your pocket, and you and Pietro finished the exercise. He handed your summaries to the teacher, and sat down in front of you again. You left your hands in your pockets as he turned to you.
- What did you do to be here anyway? - you asked. Pietro stretched out his legs, leaning his back against the wall.
- I followed your lead. - He said humorously, and you frowned uncomprehendingly. He laughed, then clarified. - I punched Tony during practice.
You raised your eyebrows in surprise. 
- Wow, I didn't see that one coming. - You say. - May I ask why?
- He said some things about my sister. - Pietro says, locking his jaw as if remembering the conflict. - And then I punched him in the mouth. - He grimaces and imitates the move with his hand, making you laugh slightly.
- What did he say? - You can't help the question from escaping your lips. Pietro doesn't seem to mind though, shrugging his shoulders.
- Stupid comments about her, sex stuff. - he says. - We were training and he decided he was free to talk about her body to everyone on the team.
You swallowed your anger, not wanting to show it to Pietro, choosing only to nod.
- When he does it with other girls is it okay then? - you tease without holding back. Pietro frowns, denying it with his head.
- Of course not. - he says, and straightens up. - Look, I know you have an opinion about me. But I'm not a complete idiot. I don't treat girls that way.
- Oh, right. - You say it with irony. Pietro laughs, knowing exactly what you're talking about.
- I am serious. - he says. - I know what the school says about me. I don't like commitment, and I've been with a lot of girls. But I didn't cheat on any of them. - He clarifies, shrugging his shoulders. - And I don't treat them like objects.
- Congratulations for doing the minimum. - You say a bit harshly, and Pietro laughs. 
You fall silent again, and then Professor Xavier dismisses the class.
Pietro waves and smiles at you as you leave detention, and you think that maybe you have been teleported to a parallel reality.
Carol picks you up at your house. You both put on your leather jackets, and she thinks it' s pretty hot. 
The Panthers' concert is very crowded, and it is held in an open field on the edge of town. When you arrive, Carol holds your hand to lead you to your group of friends. You don't mind.
You hug everyone, and mention that you like Thor's new haircut, who had cut his long hair and was wearing an earring in his left ear. You were talking for several minutes in the food cart area, since the show was going to take a while to start. 
Then Pietro Maximoff saw you and waved excitedly, and his friends looked at you with a mixture of curiosity and incredulity. Natasha laughed softly in your ear before he approached. 
- So glad you could make it! - he said cheerfully. You decided not to mention his choice of clothes, since Pietro came with the team jacket.
- Hi Pietro. - You greet awkwardly, but he looks cheerful, and greets all of your friends with a smile. 
- Hey, you're owls, aren't you? - He says. - I've seen you at state when we played there last year!
Your friends smile and nod politely, and then Pietro looks around, and waves. A group of people join you all next. You feel your body tense up the moment Wanda Maximoff walks up to you, and then a deep irritation hits you as you notice a tall boy with his arms around her. You think you have seen him before in geography class. Also in the group are your classmates Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson, and Peter Parker, the last being a freshman. You barely register the words of introduction that Pietro makes, your attention completely on Wanda, who looks surprised and slightly embarrassed to see you. 
Your friends greet Pietro's group, and you look away from Wanda to pay attention to his words.
- If you guys don't mind, can we all stay together? - Pietro suggests, and you want to scream that you can't bear to stand next to the boy holding Wanda without strangling him, but your friends agree, looking excited to interact with new people.
- Let's stay in the north stands, it's better to see. - Said Valkyrie signaling the direction, the group agreed and you started walking. Natasha hugged Clint and gave you a suggestive nod in the direction of Wanda, which made you roll your eyes in humor. And then Carol threw her arm over your shoulder, and you wanted to laugh at the deadly expression Wanda threw at you before looking forward. Carol didn't notice.
When you arrived at the chosen area, you sat down on the grass. The group was well-mixed, and everyone seemed to be talking to each other. You felt Wanda's gaze on your back, but you refused to look at her. Thor and Bucky handed out the snacks that they had bought with the group, and as you drank your soda, you felt Carol's hand on your thigh.
And then she kissed you, and you knew you had to talk to her. You asked her to walk with you, and you walked back to the entrance of the show, which was now completely empty. 
It was quick, and impressive easy. Carol smiled and said that everything was fine, and said again that you never made promises to each other. She gave you a kiss on the cheek and went back to the group. You told her you would buy some candy before you went back.
When you reached the snack bar area, someone pulled you behind a pillar.
- I want to talk to you. - Wanda said angrily. You rolled your eyes impatiently, putting distance between your bodies.
- I'm all ears. - You said with irony.
- I don't want you dating anyone else.
You let out an incredulous laugh. 
- You've got to be kidding me. - You spoke in anger. - Are you even listening to what you're saying now?
- Why are you going out with that girl? - Wanda asks in the same tone.
- You're a damn hypocrite, you know that? -You accuse her, moving closer. -Wanting to impose demands when you're having sex with that jerk.
Wanda rolls her eyes, and you think you might explode with rage. And then you grab her around the waist and push her against the pillar behind her. Wanda lets out a surprised exclamation and her gaze falls directly to your mouth.
- You think I don't know how you feel, don't you, Wanda? - You whisper, looking at her with a mixture of seriousness and desire. - Tell me, do you pretend it's me touching you when you're with him?
Wanda lets out a sigh, but lifts her head, not responding. You let out a wry laugh, and then you press your knee firmly against her core, and she shivers and lets out a low groan, closing her eyes tightly.
- Don't forget to moan my name tonight. - You say it against her ear, and then let go.
You walk back to the group, feeling hot and bothered. You exchange a look with Natasha, but say nothing. 
Wanda comes back a little later, and during the entire show, you feel her looking at you.
You refuse Carol's ride when the show ends. She waves with a smile, and leaves. And then you wave goodbye to everyone, and decide to leave by bus. You liked public transportation because it helped you to think while you looked out the window.
- Be careful, troublemaker. - asks Nat as she gives you a hug goodbye. She is sleeping at Bruce's house and will not accompany you on the way back. 
Pietro has had a few too many beers, and gives you a tight hug when he says goodbye, saying that the night was incredible. You laugh at his reaction. You don't say goodbye to Wanda.
And then you are walking to the bus stop, with your headphones on, and you almost stumble in shock when you feel someone touching your shoulder.
- Fuck, girl! - You complain as you turn around. - What is it now?- Go on a date with me. - Wanda says looking at you.
- What?
- Go on a date with me. - She repeats, smiling. 
You blush, and look down at the floor, suddenly feeling very warm. You wave your hands inside your jacket pockets.
- Now?
Wanda nods, and you bite back a smile on your lips.
- Okay. - You agree.
You turn and sit down at the bus stop. Wanda sits quietly next to you. You raise your hand and take out one of your headphones, offering it to Wanda. She smiles when she accepts, and you listen to some music together while you wait for the bus.
Since the vast majority of places in town were closed at this time, you took Wanda to a place that wouldn't be.
When you worked at the junkyard, you discovered many interesting places when you had to pick up equipment for your boss. One of these places was the city's port.
You knew that there was a secluded area of the municipal harbor with an incredible view of the sea, and so you guided Wanda through the bars and down the concrete path. You sat on the edge, your feet dangling a few feet from the ocean below.
- How did you find this place? - she asks, staring at the landscape. 
- Working at the junkyard made me explore the city. - You answer also looking straight ahead.
You are silent for a moment before you ask:
- What should we talk about, Wanda?
- Anything. - She says. - Or nothing at all.
You smile.
- I don't know what is going on between us. - You confess, and Wanda lets out a sigh.
She says nothing and you almost give up trying to talk about your relationship, and then she puts her hand on top of yours, looking at the ocean in front of you. 
- I'll tell you one thing, and you promise not to freak out, okay? - she asks, and you nod.
Wanda looks down at her own lap, and takes a deep breath, as if she is taking courage. 
- I think I'm in love with you. - She confesses, and you feel your heart race. - It's been a while, actually. I guess I just realized it now.
- How long?
- Do you remember when I saw you kissing Mary Watson in the eighth grade? - She asks and you nod. - I just... I didn't know why it bothered me. And then, you told me to keep it a secret and I got so jealous that every time I saw you I just wanted to slap you. And then we started to fight and I pushed all the feelings aside hoping they would go away. And then game night happened.
You remained silent as you absorbed Wanda's words. She spoke again before you could.
- Damn, I know this is a lot to absolve. - She says. - I understand if you just want sex. Or if you'd rather not talk to me anymore.
You interrupt her monologue with a kiss on the lips, which makes her gasp. But you pull away, smiling shyly at her.
- I'm in love with you too, Wanda. - You confess, and watch Wanda's cheeks turn red.
Wanda brings your mouths together again, and you kiss her intensely. You giggle with relief and happiness, and then Wanda hugs you around the neck, and you let your arms wrap around her tightly, sinking into her body heat as you close your eyes. 
You hold each other for long minutes, until you break the embrace to look at Wanda tenderly. You find her to be the most beautiful girl you have ever seen. Running your fingers over her face, you smile tenderly.
- What will happen now? - you ask, and try not to be intimidated by Wanda's hesitation.
- I don't know. - She says. - I want to be with you.
- Are you ready to admit this to everyone?
Wanda closes her eyes for a moment, and you think she is going to deny it. But then she nods in agreement, and you feel a new surge of excitement hit you. 
You let out a relieved laugh, and kiss Wanda's cheek, pulling her into a hug. She giggles against your grip. You then settle down, sitting side by side as you put an arm around her shoulders and she leans her head on your chest. Wanda intertwines your hands in her lap as you gaze out over the ocean in front of you.
- Do you really think Darcy and Elizabeth wouldn't be together? - she asks, and you laugh, not moving away. 
- Actually, I just disagreed with you, because you're hot when you're mad. - You joked, making her laugh. 
The night went by quickly after that. You and Wanda cuddled while talking about various random subjects. You watched the sunset together, and she kissed you hard before getting on the bus to her house.
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yslkook · 3 years
mind of mine masterlist
summary: jungkook accompanies you on your journey to purchase a brand new car. jimin charms your pants off (or attempts to) and sora has a proposal for you that you don't quite say no to. pairing: “badboy” jk x “shy/reserved” oc warnings: cursing, alc, excessive use of pet names, kinda toxic friendship
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It takes about two weeks for Jungkook to understand exactly what kind of car you were looking for- essentially a sturdy vehicle that would get you from point A to point B without fail. Something reliable, would last for years and years, something efficient. Not necessarily anything fancy or luxurious.
But Jungkook had finally got you to shyly confess that you wouldn’t mind having heated seats in your car. After all, it had been something you’d dreamed of ever since you had received your driver’s license-
“Nothing else? Just heated seats?” Jungkook implores curiously as he pours over your meticulous binder for the fifth time. Honestly, you didn’t really need his help. You already knew what you were doing. His presence at the dealership will probably ensure that you’re not getting scammed, if anything. He loves his friends (two of them being his roommates), but he knows the truth about how they make their sales.
Mei and Mina call them sleazy car salesmen for a reason after all.
“It’s not ‘just’ heated seats!” You protest, “We never had the money for cars with heated seats when I was growing up. So that’s what I want.”
“How about leather heated seats?” Jungkook suggests, “Leather seats have better ventilation-”
“Oh, I know,” You say matter-of-factly.
“Of course you do. Smart ass.”
It feels incredibly domestic, walking into Namjoon’s car dealership together with Jungkook. Shoulder to shoulder, hopping off of his motorcycle together. He had taken it upon himself to purchase a second helmet, despite your insistence that you would pay for one.
But he had told you not to get a big head, that the helmet wasn’t for you specifically. That he needed a second helmet anyway, and you joining him on the motorcycle more and more as of recently was just the impetus for him to purchase one.
So you say nothing when it’s clear that he had bought the helmet with you in mind- it’s a sleek, glossy lilac color. A similar shade of lilac as your phone case, your favorite small backpack, and your work notebook.
You say nothing about it, only keeping your small smile to yourself.
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Of course it’s Jimin who immediately jumps up to offer you assistance today. He gives Jungkook a Cheshire grin, mischief dancing in his eyes. Not that you would know otherwise.
He knows Jimin won’t let him live this down. At least Taehyung might have a little more tact than Jimin.
“So are you both looking for a vehicle together?” Jimin asks once you’re both seated in the comfortable leather seats in front of his desk, when in fact he knows damn well that you’re not.
“Huh? N-no, I’m looking for a car. Jungkook is helping me out,” You say, your face heating up at the implication. Isn’t Jimin one of his roommates?
Jungkook’s tongue pokes his cheek. You notice.
“I’m here to make sure that you or Taehyung don’t scam her,” Jungkook says, “Where’s Joon? He’s less...annoying than you.”
“Joon can’t even drive a fucking car. He has no business trying to sell them,” Jimin says swiftly.
“Er,” You interrupt softly, “Isn’t he your boss? He owns the entire dealership, doesn’t he?”
Jungkook stifles a laugh at your presumed innocence. You offer a slick smile to Jimin when he scoffs in amusement.
“Yes,�� Jimin says, “So tell me. How can I make your dreams come true?”
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If Jungkook wasn’t with you, you think you would’ve fallen victim to Jimin’s charms long ago. He’s nice, a little flirty and funny. But helpful. You can see how someone might end up paying more than they’d need to with Jimin being their car salesman.
You listen to every word Jimin says, taking notes in a specific section of your binder with your favorite black ballpoint pen. You need to have all the information at your fingertips before making a big decision, no matter what it is. Jungkook had teased you for it at first, but he’s become accustomed to your thought process.
Jimin has shown you at least five different types of models of cars ranging from sedans to SUVs. In theory, they all fit the bill. But you haven’t really felt the connection with any of them.
Jimin is nothing if not patient, though.
“I’m sorry,” You say, “I know I’m being meticulous. You must be annoyed.”
“It’s my job, sweetheart,” Jimin shrugs, “Besides, you can repay me with your phone number maybe, huh?”
“That doesn’t sound like an ethical business practice,” You say flatly while Jungkook glares at Jimin (who only smirks at him in return), “You already have it. From when I made the appointment.”
“Is that an invitation?”
“You wish,” You roll your eyes, “Does every one of your clients get this treatment or is it just me?”
“Nah, it’s just anyone who catches Jungkookie’s eye,” Jimin winks at you and Jungkook is about to strangle his roommate. Perhaps he should put an ad out for a new roommate, considering he might kill his current one in the next five minutes.
“O-oh,” You falter, cheeks blazing at this point, “Can we look at a few more? I’m gonna use the restroom really quickly. Maybe even grab a coffee.”
“Sure, sweetheart. I’m not going anywhere.”
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“Will you fuckin’ stop it? I can’t believe you,” Jungkook hisses, “We’re literally at your workplace and you’re putting the moves on her-”
“Oh, will you relax,” Jimin says breezily, “I’m just seeing if she’ll take the bait.”
“There’s no reason for that shit,” Jungkook says, glaring at his friend, “Cut it out.”
“I like her,” Jimin says, as if he hadn’t spoken, “She’s cute.”
“Back off,” Jungkook says, “And while we’re at it, just for you being an ass. You’re gonna give her heated seats for free.”
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Jungkook watches your eyes light up at the car that Jimin is currently telling you about. He can already tell from your wide eyes and soft, excited smile that this is the one. You’re already running the checklist through your head, physically looking at your notes as Jimin easily answers your questions.
“Can I take her for a test drive?” You ask Jimin and he somehow produces a set of keys for the exact model from his pocket.
“I knew this would be the one…” Jimin says as he takes you to the parking lot to grab the test car. Jungkook rolls his eyes in fondness and heads off to find his other roommate, Taehyung. And to say hello to his friend, Namjoon.
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“It suits you,” Jimin says once you’d taken the car out for a drive and brought it back safely.
“You think so?” You ask, giving the keys back to him, “I bet you say that to everyone.”
“Only when I mean it, sweetheart,” Jimin winks at you.
“How lucky for me,” You mutter under your breath, “So...what are the next steps?”
“I bring out the contract, you sign it, and you take your new car home,” Jimin says confidently.
“Yeah,” You say dreamily and look outside to the car in longing. You’ve done the homework, done the research. Went through this logically and meticulously. Even if the car does start depreciating the minute you step out of the dealership… You want it. It checks all of the boxes, you know you’ll get your money’s worth from it.
But before you give Jimin the okay to draw up the contracts, you want to tell Jungkook. You spot him talking to Taehyung, his bunny smile on display (which makes you smile in turn) and excuse yourself from Jimin for a minute to go after Jungkook.
“Hi,” You say and introduce yourself to Taehyung, who offers you a wide, boxy smile, “I’m gonna get it. The car, I mean. I love her.”
“She passed the vibe check?” Jungkook asks.
“Yeah. She passed the vibe check.”
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When you comb through the hefty contract with sharp eyes, Jungkook is somewhat amused to see the free of charge cost for the heated seats. Jimin only winks at him in response.
You can’t seem to find anywhere else where Jimin may be overcharging you, so you ask Jungkook to review it, too. And surprisingly, Jungkook finds nothing out of the ordinary. He knows how Jimin operates here, trying to gain any extra cent of commission that he can. Not that that’s a terrible thing.
“It’s yours, sweetheart,” Jimin says fifteen minutes later, once you sign your name on the dotted line.
“Really?” You let out an exhilarated laugh, adrenaline suddenly coursing through your veins, “Really, really?”
“Keys are yours, and someone will bring the car out front for you,” Jimin smiles, “Congratulations on your first car. I’m honored that you chose me to help you make this purchase.”
“Wouldn’t have had it any other way, Jimin,” You beam. After a moment of deliberation, “Oh, by the way- have fun on your date with Mina tonight. I heard all about it.”
Mischief dances in your eyes and Jimin’s eyebrows shoot up to his hairline as he lets out a surprised laugh. Jungkook looks at you proudly- that’s what Jimin gets for being a menace.
Jungkook wraps an arm around your shoulders and walks you out of the dealership and you slowly wrap a tentative, shy arm around his waist. You both wait shoulder to shoulder for one of the dealership boys to bring your brand new car out front.
In the meantime, you try to pluck up the courage to ask Jungkook to have a drink with you after. To celebrate and to treat your friend for helping you out for the last few weeks. You bite your bottom lip in nervousness and Jungkook notices. He wants nothing more than to gently pull your bottom lip out of your own grip, but refrains from doing so.
But you realize, it’s Jungkook, this is your friend and the comforting, warm scent of laundry that envelopes you gives you a little courage.
“Do you want to grab a drink or something after this?” You ask softly, “I… wanted to treat you. For helping me the last few weeks with the car stuff.”
“C’mon, baby. You know I’ll never say no to a pretty girl buying me a drink,” Jungkook says, lips pulled apart into a sly smirk.
“Oh, that’s all I am to you? A pretty girl?” You roll your eyes and shove his shoulder playfully, despite the heat in your cheeks.
“Not at all,” Jungkook murmurs, tightening his hold around your shoulders and looking at you with sincerity dripping from his big, brown eyes, “You’re my pretty girl.”
If he didn’t have a strong arm around your shoulders, you’re certain you would’ve evaporated into the floor at his words.
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The image of Jungkook smoking outside of the bar right under the glowing, purple neon lights is an image you haven’t seen very often. A strand of dark hair falls in front of his face as he lights his cigarette, his eyebrows knitted together in concentration.
Even from this distance, you can see the purse of his lips and the silver glint of rings on his fingers. It shouldn’t send a rush down your spine the way it does, but you won’t deny it. When it comes to Jungkook, you won’t deny your feelings. Or your attraction.
For some reason, a thought crosses your mind- you hadn’t told Sora that you had purchased a new car. Much less that Jungkook had helped you pick one out. But you push her from your mind easily, as if you’ve been doing the last few weeks. It’s been difficult for you to keep Jungkook out of your conversations with Sora- she always has a way of bringing him up more than not.
But it’s not just Jungkook she has a strong, stubborn opinion on. It’s everything these days- you had showed her cars that you were interested in and she had shot every one of them down, she always has something to say about your passion for work (or rather she never pays enough attention about it), and she even had something negative to say when you had timidly brought up that you were maybe thinking about another ear piercing.
You’re growing tired of it. You find yourself getting nervous around her, like you’re walking on eggshells around her. Even when she just texts you, your heart speeds up in anxiety. But at the same time, there is a voice in your head telling you not to upset her.
As if that’s somehow the worst thing that could ever happen. Objectively, you know Sora. You know she’s stubborn and loud in her opinions and always has to get her way. But at the core of it all, you want to believe that she has a good heart. Because if she doesn’t have a good heart… Then what were you doing this to yourself for? What were you surrounding yourself with all of this negativity for?
You can sense Jungkook’s dislike of her, even if he doesn’t outright say it. But you’re no idiot. Mina and Mei have been honest with you on their opinions of her. So has Yoongi and Hobi.
They all think she’s dragging you down and that you’ll spiral in her negativity if you don’t open your eyes. They’ve all had a few choice words for her, but you find yourself uneasy whenever the topic of Sora comes up.
The more you hear it, the more you wonder about your supposed best friend. But you push those sour thoughts away to focus on the man in your field of vision.
Your heart hammers in your chest as you approach him on unsteady feet.
“Don’t look at me like that,” Jungkook mutters with the cigarette in between his lips when you get closer to get a good look at him.
“I’m not looking at you like anything,” You reply, eyes subconsciously wandering to the cigarette. Your nose scrunches at the smell without you even realizing it.
“You look like my mom when she first saw me smoking,” Jungkook says bluntly.
“Your mom? You really wanna compare me to your mother?” You raise an eyebrow, “Don’t know what that says about you, Jungkook.” Jungkook lets out a surprised laugh at that.
“Shut up,” Jungkook rolls his eyes and peels himself off of the brick wall before putting his cigarette out and tossing it in the ashtray next to him, “I think you owe me a drink?”
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Jungkook, you decide, is dangerous and warm all at once. The starry glint of his big, doe eyes throws you off more than once, leaving you either stammering over your words or choking on your drink when you try to reply to him.
The bar is quiet and nearly empty, only the sounds of faint music playing in the background to keep you both company. You’re both facing each other at the bar, knees touching ever so slightly.
Even that simple touch makes you feel warm all over.
Jungkook slides your drink towards you, a soft ‘thank you’ pushing itself out of your lips. You suppress a shiver when his ring clad fingers brush over yours, and he notices the way you tense up a little bit with his touch.
He appreciates the way the dim lights shine on your hair and illuminate the planes of your pretty face. He thinks it’s the perfect lighting for a photo of you- the dark colored jacket and your dark wash jeans blending into the colors of the bar around you. Something at the base of your neck glints as you turn to face him.
“Cheers, to your new car,” Jungkook murmurs, tipping his glass towards yours.
“Cheers to you for helping me,” You reply with a smile, clinking your drink with his.
“Pleasure’s all mine, baby,” Jungkook says, “You deserve it.”
“Deserve a vehicle that will have hardly any value in ten to fifteen years?”
“You deserve something for yourself,” Jungkook corrects, looking into your eyes as if he can see right through you. You’d told him how you had grown up with one car amongst a family of five, and how money was tight when you were younger. You were the eldest of three, and now that everyone was older, you had slowly started dipping your toes into the concept of having things for yourself.
You whisper a soft thank you and take a sip of your drink. “My parents were so excited about the car,” You say quietly, “Told them I couldn’t have done it without you.”
“Oh? You told your parents about me?”
“Had to tell them about the man who got me heated seats for free,” You reply with a knowing grin, “You think I didn’t catch that?”
“Heated seats were the least Jimin could’ve done,” Jungkook rolls his eyes.
You wave him off, “I like him. I could see why him and Mina are good together. She told me they’ve had this weird on and off thing for, like, a year now? Like c’mon. Get it together.”
“Yeah. Don’t know why they keep denying the inevitable,” He says, voice full of something barely concealed.
“The inevitable?”
“They both have their issues but… They would make it work if they sorted themselves out,” He says softly, a tenderness to his eyes that makes your belly flip. You don’t know if he’s talking about Jimin and Mina or about… something else.
Something else being you and him.
“Maybe one of them is scared,” You whisper.
“They can work through it together,” Jungkook replies instantly. The air in between you both is charged, plush with tension and electricity. You look at him unsurely, with wide eyes, and god, if Jungkook doesn’t want to sweep you off of your feet and pull you in for a kiss.
“Jungkook, I-” You murmur, voice soft and deafening, silky like honey in his ears. The moment is right there, ripe for you, ripe for him...
And then your phone starts ringing, and Jungkook has never heard a worse sound. Your chest drops for a second when you see that it’s Sora calling you, and Jungkook has never felt as frustrated as he does right in this moment. Each significant moment of frustration over the past few months has Sora linked to it. He wonders if she has a radar for interrupting at the worst possible moments.
You give him an apologetic glance before answering the phone. She only calls if it’s important or if she needs you so you won’t risk it.
“You’ll never guess what I just did,” Comes Sora’s excited voice through the receiver. It’s too sugary, too sweet. You wince.
“What’s that?” You mumble, shoulders drooping.
“Got you a date for this Friday, you remember Yunho right?” She exclaims. If your heart wasn’t on the floor already, it certainly was by now. “He wants to take you out- he’s the lawyer, remember?”
“Y-yeah, I remember,” You say weakly, “But-”
Jungkook’s eyes flash at your suddenly dejected frown. That’s what Sora does- she takes you and she turns your happiness into something sad. It’s like she can’t stand to see you happy about something that doesn’t align with her “vision”.
“You can thank me later, babe,” Sora says cheerily. This time, you visibly cringe as you try to protest. Try to tell her that you don’t want a date with this man, that you only want a date with the man in front of you. But you can’t get the words out, she won’t listen and she hangs up on you before you can get a word in edgewise.
“Sorry about that,” You mutter.
“Why? She’s your friend. Not mine,” Jungkook says brusquely and you bristle at his bluntness.
You’re distracted for the rest of the evening, mind on another wavelength. He knows you’re upset, but he doesn’t push. He gets you to smile and laugh a few times, only for your eyes to turn sad right after.
Jungkook only wishes that you’d be able to see what was right in front of you.
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TAGS: @kookdbean
MoM tags: @tiemeuptogoldenchains @boymeetsparadise @jungkooksseuphoria @kaepjjangiya @drumsofheaven @ppeachyttae @tae-bebe @yiyi4657 @mygscafe
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softboywriting · 3 years
Meet The Parents | Billy Russo
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Summary: You introduce Billy to your parents and it doesn’t go as well as you hope. [Billy Russo x F!Reader] [Assistant!Reader Trope] [Alternate Timeline - Castle family not mentioned/never happened] [Fluff] [Problematic Parents/Divorced] [Parents Fighting] [Language] [Flirting] [Flashback/Nightmare]
 Word Count: 3.8k 
 A/N: This is a follow up to my first fic Little Moments but can be read separately as a stand alone story. I may be doing several in a series with these two.
The office is quiet, and has been for the whole day. Billy has been out at a client meeting since you got in. Anvil is becoming quite popular in the private military market, having taken on three new contracts in the last two weeks. You're proud of Billy, he works hard to win over his clients and offer top of the line service. As the primary contact for all contracts and placements, you've gotten busy too. More business means more expenses, and more employees to keep track of. You don't mind, it keeps you active and engaged. There is nothing more you hate than just sitting around staring at the wall or watching cat videos for the billionth time.
"Hey sweetheart."
You glance up from your work and see Billy closing the office door behind him. He's dressed up, black and grey patterned silk shirt, expensive black suit, the tailored jacket over his arm. He looks positively delicious if you do say so. Those shirts are the best thing you ever convinced him to wear.
"Hey yourself. How'd the meeting go?"
"Shitty." He sneers and tosses his jacket on his office chair. He begins unbuttoning the sleeves of his shirt to roll them up to his elbows. "The guy brought his daughter."
"Okay? What does she have to do with anything?"
Billy raises his eyebrows in an 'are you shitting me' expression. "His daughter is a model. Not naturally talented mind you, paid for by her daddy. Clearly he thought havin' her there would sway me into acceptin' the number he offered for the contract you wrote up. Like he's doing me a favor."
You stand and walk around the desk, eyes going up and down his chest. "You didn't do anything did you?"
"What kinda man do you think I am?" Billy walks you back against your desk, pinning you in with his hands on the top behind you. He drops his head to yours and stares at you with those dark endless eyes. "You think I'd fuck around?"
"I know you won't, you're too gone for me." You run your hands up his back and he arches against you. "Did she try?"
"She tried. Even sat on my lap."
"In front of her dad?"
"Mmmhmm." Billy drops his face to your neck and mouths at your skin. "I don't mind a little show and tell but even I got boundaries. Parental peepshows are off limits."
You laugh softly and he brings one hand against your lower back up to pull you against him. "Take it easy. You know the rules. No relationship stuff while I'm on the clock."
He groans, pulling his head back to look at you. "I need to touch you though. I don't want her lingering on me."
"I know." You step out of his hold and he lets his hand drag across your back as you escape his grasp. "Just another hour okay? I've gotta wrap a few things up."
Billy pulls his tie loose and unbuttons the top of his shirt. "Why did I ever make these rules?" He sinks down in his chair and spreads his legs, lolling his head against the back. He really is such a tempting little tease. How could you resist a man like that? Truth be told it's hard.
You take a seat behind your desk and focus your eyes on the invoices on screen. "You made them because you want Anvil to remain professional and not a playground."
"Your bullshit."
Billy bites his lip and gives you that look. The one that says he isn't to be messed with, that he's gonna get what he wants no matter what. And oh it's so tempting to get up and go sit on his lap in that chair. It's always been a fantasy of yours. One you haven't gotten to full fill due to his rules. He's really only cockblocking himself.
"No, Billy."
"C'mon, be bad. Break my rules."
"No! You're such a jerk!" You laugh and he chuckles playfully. "We have dinner with my parents after this anyway. I'm not breaking your rules and getting all messy before we go see my parents. You hear? Parents."
"Always such a good girl."
"You like it."
"Damn right I do." He pushes up out of his chair and crosses the office to cradle your head and press a chaste kiss to your temple. "I'm gonna go home and get ready. Anything you want me to lay out for you? I think you've got a few things at the apartment."  
"The blue dress. I picked it up from the cleaners last week with a few suits. It should be in your closet."
"The one I bought you a while back for the client dinner?"
"Isn't that a little revealing for a parents dinner?"
You raise your eyebrows and he narrows his eyes.
"You're a monster." He presses his lips to your ear. "If you keep teasing me I'll have to put you in your place."
"I guess I'm a glutton for punishment."
"Oh sweetheart, you have no idea what you're askin' for." Billy kisses your cheek and steps away. "Playin' with fire will get you burned."
You smile innocently. "See you later."
"You're terrible." He goes to the door and stops, looking back once more. "But I love you."
"Love you too Billy."
"Ugh," he groans, slapping a hand over his chest. "Say it again."
"Love you?" You giggle and he acts even more dramatic, pretending to swoon against the door. "What are you doing?"
"Being you."
"Wh- you son of a bitch! Get out!" You throw your squishy stress ball at him and he cackles as he runs from the office. What a child.
"Oh, this is your boyfriend?" Your mother asks in actual surprise. As if you weren't meant to have a man that looks like Billy Russo. Truth be told you had never dated anyone half as attractive, not to you anyways. "He's so...well dressed."
Billy takes your mom's hand and kisses it politely. "We're all well dressed here ma'am. You look lovely too."
"Thank you." She flushes and giggles.
Billy gives a warm smile and tugs you closer. His hand on your back is radiating heat, its comforting. He knows you're tense. This dinner will be a strain on your nerves and he had been warned how difficult your parents can be.
"Your father should be here soon. I told him not to be late." Mom says huffily, eyeing the doors to the restaurant. You've met up with her outside and you're currently waiting for your dad to arrive. Your parents have been split for ten years and it's been hard, but not as hard as it would have been if they had divorced when you were still a young child. Well, you like to think that anyways. They waited, held on to their shit until you were graduated and old enough to understand that some people don't remain in love.
Billy leans in and presses his lips to your ear. "Are your parents going to fight? This place is very nice, I don't want to cause a scene."
"It'll be fine. They can hold it together for a few hours. I hope. Just don't mention their personal lives. It's a sore spot for mom. Dad isn't single anymore."
"Sorry I'm late." You turn and see your dad walking towards you. "Some asshole parked his Rolls Royce just on the line and I hardly squeezed into the only spot open beside it."
Mom scoffs and rolls her eyes. She bites her tongue but you know what she would say. Some comments about his truck being too damn big and a gas guzzler.
Dad puts his hand out for Billy. "You must be the lucky guy!"
Billy takes it and smiles a beautiful, toothy, shit eating grin. "Billy Russo, the asshole who parked his Rolls Royce a bit close to the line."
The way Dad's face turns pale and then red with embarrassment makes the whole evening worthwhile up until then. "That's yours?"
"One hundred percent. Bought and paid for."
"That's a beautiful piece of machinery. Expensive."
Billy leans his head on yours. "I only go for the best."
"Well you know I-"
"Oh shut up already, let's go inside." Mom says and grabs your dad's arm. "Always babbling on about shit when we've got things to do."
"Y'know what-" the conversation fades as your parents head into the restaurant. You're glad. It is bound to be petty anyways. Always was with them. Bickering children they should be called.
"Relax." Billy says in your ear, hand traveling up and down your side. "I can win over your parents for one night."
"You could charm anyone into anything and I've seen as much. You're a silver tongued sn-"
Billy catches your jaw in a light hold and presses a kiss to your lips. Your hand slides up into his hair and he grins into the kiss. "Easy now. We've not even gotten seated yet."
"Your fault."
"Usually is."
You stare at yourself in the reflection of the bathroom mirror. Dinner wasn't going so great and you had barely made it through an appetizer and drinks.
Your parents couldn't stop arguing, Billy was trying his best to charm them but apparently they're uncharmable, and you were left to play referee for your parents against each other or them against you and Billy.
It is a whole mess and you want to just leave, just walk out say fuck everything and go to Billy's apartment and go to bed. You haven't even had a chance to tease Billy like you were planning, hell, you've barely gotten a word in that wasn't defending him or fielding your parents insults they continuously hurdled over the table at one another.
The door rattles on your left and you clear your throat. "Occupied!" You shout and it stops.
It's a single use bathroom, not a multi-stall type set up. So the person outside would just have to wait until you were done having your crisis. Maybe not so fair to them but you'll be damned if you won't let yourself have a moment.
The handle turns and you back into the sink as the door opens. To your surprise it is Billy, not some worker with a key. "What the-"
"Your parents are insufferable. How the hell did you grow up with them? I mean I was in a group home and a few of the adults weren't great but holy shit they weren't my parents."
"I'm sorry."
Billy closes the door and shakes his head, taking your hands in his. "Don't be sorry for their actions. Never apologize for anyone but yourself."
"I knew this would happen. I just thought that maybe...I don't know...maybe they'd be different. Maybe they'd be proud of me, of you, so they would get along for two fucking hours."
"Sweetheart, you're nearly thirty, you're still seeking your parents approval?"
You laugh joylessly and bite the inside of your cheek. "You don't understand. You can't understand."
Billy brings your forehead to his lips and he rubs your back. He's always so affectionate with you, careful to hold and to love you like a man who never received it himself so he wants to make sure those he loves receives it tenfold.
"I understand seeking approval, but there is nothing you need approval for. You're an adult with a good job, a place to stay, an outstanding boyfriend with his own company. I'd say you're doin' alright honey."
You let out an actual little laugh, and he does too, bumping his nose against yours. "You're so full of yourself."
"You like that?" He bumps again, eyes on yours. "I said it to get you to giggle."
"You know it's a little true."
His lips meet yours in a warm tender kiss. "Confidence is sexy."
"It is."
"I could tell your parents there's a work emergency." He slides his hands over your ass and pulls you flush against him. "A real pain in the ass employee is causin' trouble."
You smile into his lips and he smiles back. "Oh yeah?"
He chuckles softly and cradles your head to his chest. "You can't choose how your family acts. Remember that. It's up to you to decide how you act, and if you want to deal with them."
"I know."
"Do you?" He runs a hand over your hair, tangling his fingers in the strands briefly.. "I know it's different for you, I can distance myself easier since I didn't grow up with proper parents. Maybe I'm cold, or indifferent but-"
"Stop." You dig your fingers into his side and he falls quiet. "Don't compare your childhood to mine. It's not fair. I don't want you to begin resenting me because-"
Billy gives you a look that is all warning and it silences you instantly. "I would never resent you for having parents and growing up like a normal kid should. I ended up in a shit situation and that is no one's fault but my own mother's. She is the only person I will ever resent." He softens, leaning in and kissing your nose. "Do you wanna ditch or go try to make something of this dinner?"
You swallow harshly and look at the door. Ditching would be easy, but the repercussions would be insufferable. Your mom would never stop calling about it, your dad would hold it over your head forever. It would be more of a disaster to leave than it would be to stay. No matter how valid the reason.
"We'll stay. I can try and redirect the conversation."
"That's my girl." He pats your cheek. "Proud of you."
Billy takes your hand and interlocks your fingers with his. "I'll take care of it. I can get them to shut up."
"If you can get a word in."
"I have my ways. Don't worry."
You cut him a look as you exit the bathroom and head for the table. "What are you-"
"Don't worry." He presses against your ear and guides you down to sit at the table.
Your parents are still bickering.
"Hey!" Billy says firmly with his hands on the table, not a yell, but enough to get his point across and the attention of your parents but not many others.
"Yes?" Mom asks surprisingly quietly.
Billy smiles and it's all venom, beautiful venom. You know this look, these eyes, that deadly grin. He isn't fucking around and the way he can express that so physically subtly astounds you. "The arguing is going to stop. The petty comments are going to stop. We're going to sit here and have conversations like adults, or you can leave and your daughter and I will have a nice dinner."
"Wh-" Dad starts but doesn't get any further.
"I am not goin' to repeat myself." Billy stands up straight and raises his eyebrows, daring your parents to say another word. The tension is thick, you can hardly breathe. Never did you think you'd have to witness Billy being like this with your parents of all people.
You grab a roll from the basket at the center of the table and pick at it. "How's work been, Dad?"
Dad clears his throat. "Good, busy. People always need an electrician for something. I did a school the other day, new classroom."
Billy sits beside you and lays his hand on your leg, thumb stroking your skin gently. He leans in and whispers "I told you don't worry." He turns his attention back to your parents. "So you're an electrician? Contractor?"
"Yeah, I work for Mundun Electric. Union job, pays well."
"And you?" Billy looks to your mom.
"I'm a medical receptionist. Clarke Center Hospital."
Billy smiles. "That's incredible. You're both hardworking people it seems, I see where she gets her work ethic. She's incredible, the best I've hired for Anvil."
You chew your lip and look down, flushed. "You're just being nice."
"I'm serious." He holds your hand up and kisses your knuckles. "I admire your dedication and the hard work you've put into making Anvil a success. Without you, I don't know where I'd be. Probably buried in paperwork."
"So you work for Billy? That's how you met?" Mom asks and you nod.
Dad raises his eyebrows.
"Dad, don't start."
Billy cuts a glare at your dad. "Don't start what?"
"Nothing." Dad says nonchalantly, eyes going to somewhere else in the room. "I just think inter-workplace relationships are never a good idea."
You squeeze Billy's hand and he just smiles oh so sweetly. "Dad, it's fine. Billy and I are both professionals. If things don't work out we'll make it work for the sake of the company."
"He'll fire you and you'll be looking for a job yet again." Mom pipes up, rolling her eyes. "See, things like this are why you can't hold a career."
"Alright." Billy says firmly. "We're done here. Ma'am, sir, with all due respect you can both go fuck yourselves."
"Excuse me!?" Dad bellows and your mom looks flustered at the use of language. "You have no right-!"
"Actually I do." Billy stands and guides you to stand with him. "I'm going to love and care about your daughter the way she should be. You two are self absorbed monsters who should have never had a child, let alone forced the one you had to live through a loveless marriage. The fact that you cannot manage to sit here and have dinner with her and myself, which mind you has left quite a first impression, is sad and disappointing."
You grab his hand and you're shaking. You don't even know what to say. It's like Billy is telling them everything you've wanted to for your whole life.
"C'mon sweetheart." He puts his arm around you and guides you out of the restaurant. You know there are people staring but it's fine. It's over now.
"I'm s-"
"Uh uh." Billy puts his finger to your lips. "No apologies. Here." He shrugs his suit jacket off and puts it around your shoulders.
"You wanna get out of here before your parents come out. Go get some burgers or something?"
You can't help the little smile that tugs at the corner of your mouth. "Pete's Diner?"
"Anywhere you like." He takes your hand and walks you toward the parking area. "Fuck this fancy bullshit anyway. I never understood the food they serve."
"Me neither. A hamburger and fries with a big ole pickle is good enough for me."
Billy opens the passenger door for you. "You're a girl after my heart y'know that?"
"I think I already have it."
He leans in and kisses your forehead. "That's for damn sure."
Midnight you wake up crying. A nightmare, a reoccurring one as it would be. Though it is more of a twisted memory than a nightmare in actuality.
You are always around seven or eight years old, it's nighttime, you've been in bed for an hour and still not asleep. Downstairs your parents are awake, their disembodied voices float through the old floors. Their voices grow louder, shouting, screaming at each other. A glass shatters and you crawl under the bed. Footsteps come closer in the hall, heavy and slow.
The dream shifts. You're not a child but an adult. Under the bed is smaller now, the footsteps grow louder. The door opens and you scream when your foot is grabbed and you wake up crying.
"What's wrong?" Billy asks, sitting up in bed abruptly and turning on the light, hand instinctively going for the nightstand where you know a weapon is stored.
You had stayed the night, both of you decided it was best to stay together while you decompress from your tragic meet the parents dinner. Didn't matter in the end though. The nightmare still came.
"Just a bad dream. I'm going to get some water." You push back the blankets and plant your feet on the cold floor. It's a nice shock to the system, reminding you this is reality.
Billy's arm snakes around your waist. "Care to share with the class?"
"It's nothing. Just a nonsense dream about old crap."
"Your parents?"
"Yeah. Um, just a dream." You yawn and pat his hand on top of your stomach. "I need water."
"Grab me a bottle?"
You end up in the kitchen, looking out at the New York skyline. His place is so beautiful. It's luxurious, and you can't get used to it. You lean on the island and sip a bottle of cold water from the fridge. You don't think you belong here.
Then the dream comes creeping back in. Rationally you know that dream is never going to become a reality. Not with Billy around.
You look back to see Billy walking in with his sleep pants low on his hips. He scrubs a hand over his face before meeting you at the island.
"Sorry, I just got caught up in the view."
"It s'okay." His arms wrap around you and he presses his face to your neck. "I love you." He whispers softly into your skin.
"Are you alright?"
You thread a hand into his hair and scratch at his scalp. It elicits a hum that's nearly a purr against your back. "Do you ever feel like you don't deserve this? Like everyday you can't comprehend that you're loved."
"I didn't think I could fall in love before I met you, yeah. I'm familiar."
"Wasn't expecting that?" He chuckles, flexing his fingers against your tummy.
You shake your head and he kisses along your jaw. "Billy, stop," you giggle as his short beard tickles your skin.
"No way." He starts walking you back away from the island counter and toward the bedroom. "I've got a disease and if I don't kiss you all the time I'll definitely succumb to it."
The two of you tumble onto the bed and he straddles your hips, mouthing at your neck and chest relentlessly.
"It's three in the morning. We need to go back to sleep."
Billy hums and settles on top of you, nose in your hair. "Sleep is for the weak."
"Then I'm weak." You trail a hand up his back, fingers flitting over his shoulder blade. His skin is so soft, so warm. "Thank you by the way."
"For what?"
"Being here when I had a nightmare."
"Of course." Billy pets your hair, stroking it down against the pillow. "I've suffered my share of them alone. I'm glad you were here so you weren't."
"Me too."
"Go to sleep." He kisses your cheek and rolls off to the side. His arm curls around you and pulls you close. "Love you."
"Love you too."
*****Note: none of my works should be posted anywhere outside of my linked accounts. I do not give permission to repost with or without credit to my accounts. Please notify me of any reposted works.*****
Header image by delicate-venus
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ac3id · 4 years
Plaything | 18+
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plaything 0/ ?? | part 1
pairings: yandere! bully bakugou katsuki x fem! reader
warnings: [series] blackmail, bullying, dubcon/ noncon, filming w/o consent, yandere themes, no quirks au. ALL CHARACTERS ARE ABOVE 18 YEARS OF AGE.
↪ for chapter 0: dubcon, blackmail, humiliation.
summary: by luck, you get enrolled into u.a high the best school in your town. the only catch is that the school is filled with rich, spoilt, and powerful brats who just seem to hate you, and among them, a certain red-eyed blonde dreads you the most
↪ for chapter 0: you reject bakugou’s proposal to fuck in the dirty boys' washroom so he teaches you a lesson.
— navigation
wordcount. 2k+
a/n: hello !! so this is like a little introduction to my yandere! bully! bakugou series fic. there’s also going to a lot of other bnha character mentions but the main pairing will be w/ baku n reader. enjoy!
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“bakugou, i don’t want to do this,” your voice is weak as you bite on your lower lip, trying to stop sinful moans from leaking out of your mouth. bakugo has you bent over the cold and wet sink counter, your chest pressed against the dirty marble while your skirt is flipped over your displaying your bare, perky round ass to his stalking eyes. “who are you calling bakugo?” he spanks your ass with force, making you lose your footing as your head bumps lightly against the mirror.
“sorry, master,” you answer barely above a whisper but it’s loud enough in the empty washroom for him to hear yet he makes you repeat yourself,
“what was that, brat? i couldn’t fucking hear you.” he spanks you again, his heavy hand coming in contact with your soft ass with ferocity sending you flying off your feet.
“i am sorry, master!” you exclaim a little loudly, hoping it would satisfy him. and it does. he scoffs crudely, ghosting his fingers over your pussy lips before dipping his large fingers between them and petting your dry hole. he plays with your cunt, stroking his fingers lovingly over your little pearl, gathering wetness as he slips one finger into your hole. pumping them in and out at a slow pace. he takes his time, building up your orgasm while laughing wickedly as you try to hold in your moans. his fingers inside your cunt increase their pace as your juices start dripping down to your thighs,
“you said you don’t want this?” while his right hand destroys your cunt, his other hand wraps around your small neck. grasping it lightly, making it harder for you to breathe. “why are you dripping everywhere like a slut? hm?”
he had pulled you aside from regular classes, declaring them boring as fuck and that he wanted to do something much better like; fucking you in the boys' washroom. you denied, you told him no. you wanted to attend the lesson and besides skipping with him wouldn’t be any good to you. he was not kind to you, he was a meanie. he still insisted; telling you it’s fine, he knows the material. he can just tutor you later. no harm done, see? see?
if there was anything you hated more than being stuck in the prestigious u.a. high where everyone seemed to be out for your blood was spending time with bakugo katsuki. and being with him alone was another nightmare. he hated you. you didn’t know why, he’d never say why. you just assumed it was because of that one time you accidentally spilled coffee on him or maybe it was just because you breathed. honestly, both seemed favorable in this situation.
after many failed attempts of convincing you to come with him, he gets fed up. he pulls out his phone and shoves it into your face. his screen displays pictures of you which he had taken before and the ones which you had sent him. they are all lewd shots. pictures of you sucking him off while looking into the camera with glassy eyes illuminated the screen and as you swiped right it changed to another with the same background, lighting, and angle but the only difference being that your face was now covered with his seed while you posed for the camera with an innocent smile.
a look deeper into his gallery and you find your nudes which bakugo had forced you to take. it was necessary for you to be naked with your tits and ass being visible, he also wanted to see your face and would never settle for anything else. he never settles for anything without your face in it, makes you take those shots again and again until he’s satisfied with the results. he saves them, all of them. even the ‘bad ones' have been screenshotted and saved onto his phone for his personal use. he never tells what he uses them for but you don’t need to hear it from him. you already know he’s jerking off to each one of them every night before he goes to sleep.
it’s funny, anyone could take a look at those pictures and find out they are not photos exchanged between lovers. your expressions- no matter how hard you try, you always end up looking like you want to cry. there’s fear in your eyes and it just doesn’t feel authentic. it looks forced. like someone had put a gun to your head while you sat and took them. and well, that’s not a far-fetched idea.
he promises these are for his eyes only, “no one else gets to you like this. you are mine.” his words exactly but when his friends also start staring at you with lust-ridden eyes, you can’t help but question his words.
he blackmails you into coming with him. threatening he’d leak those pictures all around the school if you didn’t come with him as if he hadn’t already. as if your compromising photos weren’t already saved in all of your classmates’ phones anyway. bakugo should give himself a pat on the back, he’s such a great actor!
“for someone who doesn’t want this,” his demeaning, rude voice pulls you back from the dreamland you were trying to escape to. he forces you nearer to your edge, tiny whimpers leave your lips accompanied with loud moans as his fingers brush deliciously against your sweet spot. your precious cunt greedily pulls him in deeper and deeper, inviting him graciously into your womb but unfortunately, his fingers aren’t that long. but you know what is?
“you sure are dripping like a whore.” with every whimper which leaves your supple lips, bakugo feels himself get harder. his pants tighten as a bulge starts straining against his expensive, pleated bottoms. the hand prettily choking your neck detaches itself leaving you inhaling puffs of air as he works his pants off his hips. as you hear the rattling of his belt coming undone, a loud cry enough to draw attention from others outside of the room leaves your throat.
it catches bakugo off guard but nonetheless helps him get even harder, he likes to make you cry and get off to it. “why are you crying, bitch? it’s not doing you any favors here.” his fingers rub against your swollen, little pearl while lining up his fat cock to your blinking hole. “please, bakugo, don’t. i will do anything, anything else. just not this, i’ve never done this before.” you sound pathetic. your voice breaking with every word you utter. big, fat tears rolling down your cheeks while you ugly cried. bakugo almost feels sorry.
but in all honesty, he really couldn't care less about you. all your whining and crying only incite him further as ruthless ideas to break you down flood his mind. the kindest so far being him taking you right here and now but, but a sudden flash of seeing you utterly broken and in misery flashed before his eyes and he couldn’t let go of it. he wanted to see you tremble much more than you were right now. he wanted to see you cry much more than you were crying right now. Maybe he did hate you, he always pushed you around like you were his little pet of some sort to prove a point- that he is better than you. he is superior, you must respect him. you should kiss the ground he walks on, you should let yourself be his little plaything. then maybe, he’ll let you loose? who knows, he might just get even more obsessed.
as he watches you cry beneath him, your pathetic whimpers reverberating off the marble walls, a wicked idea pops into his head. he pulls his dick away from your exposed hole instead, replacing it with his fingers like before. “fine, brat.” his voice is softer, it surprises you. was he not going to rape you after all? “just because you said anything.” there it is again, the edge in his voice that makes you regret what you said. now, you know he has something worse planned for you. but it’s too late, you can’t go against your word now. you said anything, get ready to do anything. “stop squirming, i’m trying to make you cum. god knows whether you can even do that for yourself.” you most definitely can.
"a bitch like you needs someone to do everything for her.” again, you are probably the most independent student in the whole school,
“am I right, princess?” you are so wrong. “yes, master.”
no matter how crude and humiliating his words were and how much you hated his voice, you still found yourself clenching around his fingers almost ripping them off. your cunt squeezed his digits tightly as the coil building in your stomach tightened. moans of his name echoed all over the room as you felt yourself come closer. bakugo was taking his time playing with you, drawing you out making your release painfully slow as a form of revenge. you begged for him to play with your little clit so you could achieve ecstasy but he was too petty. after minutes of agonizing you to the point, there were tears streaming down your face and drool escaping your lips, falling onto the wet counter. he finally decided to flick his finger against your hardened bud. rubbing tight circles, he played with it aimlessly until he felt the gush of wetness around his fingers and the high-pitched scream which left your mouth as you came. his other hand pumped his still-hard cock. he was still pissed that he wouldn’t be able to cum inside you but it was fine for now. he had something much brutal set up in his mind for his plaything, he was aware that what he was planning might completely destroy but he figured it was worth it. much better to have a mindless slave who lives to fulfill her master’s wishes anyway.
he lets go of you, backing away with his hard cock still out and aching for relief. the huge head blushed red and leaking with pre, too bad he won’t get to finish inside of you yet. you quickly walk away from him, bending forward to search for your discarded panties. bakugo grunts at the sight of your wet pussy presenting itself to him, riling him up even more than he already was. He wastes no time pumping his cock at the sight of your exposed bottom, gasp and groans of pleasure escaping his lips,
“oi, what the fuck are you doing?” he asks, catching you sliding your panties on your legs. you turn around to face him, face burning when you are met with him stroking his cock at your movements. your eyes almost can’t leave the sight of his leaking cock, hard and begging to be played with and as much as you to admit it; it lights a fire inside you.
“stop fucking staring, you’re making it worse,” he growls and you immediately turn your eyes to his face. he smirks, “what? do you want it now? too bad, it’s too late,” he taunts. his eyes trail your body, eyebrows furrowing when he looks down your legs. “who told you to wear them,” he points at your panties between your legs. you give him a confused look, “you’re not allowed to put them on. give them to me,” he commands and panic crosses your eyes. you hesitate for a moment, debating whether you should listen to him or not. his fists clench as he glares at you, sending shivers down your spine, “what are looking at! give!” he speaks louder this time in a demanding tone as if he was scolding a little child who had picked up something from his office. your fingers tremble as you reach out to give the pink fabric to him, “leave.” what? you look at him in confusion. your big, doe eyes racking fear and anxiety. you wait for him to laugh or make a sarcastic remark about how gullible you are but it never comes. instead, he wraps your cotton panties around his cock, right in front of you, and begins jerking himself off. you are disgusted and petrified by his shameless actions, “what are you standing here for? leave. remember you said anything?” yeah, so you did. and you regret it already.
your legs tremble as you walk towards the door, pushing it open and peaking your head to check for people in the hallway. once you find it empty you walk out to the outside before sparing one last glance inside the dirty washroom. you hope for bakugo to call out to you, call you back but all you see is him cumming thick ropes into your panties while his eyes are screwed shut in ecstasy. yeah, you weren’t getting those back.
with shame and defeat written all over your face, you make your back to your classroom. your face is heated with embarrassment and humiliation as you remember you are walking around practically naked just an accident away from flashing yourself to anyone who cares to see. for the better half of the day, you walk around tugging your skirt as low as it can get. you don’t see bakugo for the rest of the day as he leaves you alone but when you do catch his eyes for a second or two, the wicked grin stretching over his features is hard to miss. He knows exactly what he is doing.
just as the day is about to end, he walks behind you squeezing your bare ass from under your skirt managing a surprised shriek from you when you feel his warm palms caress your ass pervertedly, “cute.” he whispers in your ear before turning you around and pinning you the wall. his fingers slide up your thighs moving closer to your cunt. warm digits graze over your slit earning a gasp from you, “come over, I will tutor you on the subjects you missed.” he kisses your neck, “come just like this.” he spanks your ass lightly before he leaves you be. his words are absolute and you know better than to disobey him, all of this was happening because you disobeyed him. you gather your things and walk up to his dorm room dressed just as you were before: in your school shirt, blazer, skirt, and no panties just as he wants it. when you arrive in his room you are met with his entire friend group sitting there with their books and pencils out. kaminari, kirishima and sero are not as surprised to see you as you are to see them. they greet you with happy faces which you return with a light smile.
“hey,” bakugo says with a smirk, guiding you to sit between sero and kirishima. between them the two humongous men, you feel like a child. with kirishima being tall and muscular and Sero being tall, lean and surprisingly packing a few too, makes you feel like a dwarf. you feel small and tiny in their presence and they very much notice it, sending knowing looks to one another while bakugo tries to tutor you. you know something’s up.
not a lot of studying takes place as kirishima grows impatient and slides his hand under your skirt and settles it over your cunt, rubbing his fingers on your pussy lips, occasionally pressing them on your clit. sero flips your skirt displaying your naked cunt to peering eyes. kaminari whistles, “wow, she really wasn’t wearing anything the entire day,” he comments. with one hand, Kirishima captures your wrists behind your back and pushes you on his lap. sero holds your legs to prevent you from squirming around like a dead fish, trying to break free. “so who goes first?” kaminari asks, walking over to you and crouching at your level. kirishima holds tightly with him seated on bakugo’s bed, kaminari flashes you a charming smile before his fingers run to unbutton your t-shirt, pulling your tits out of your bra. he tugs on one of your nipples while kishima’s large digits tugs on another.
“obviously me, dumbass.” bakugo barks coming closer to you. tears prick at your eyes as you beg him to stop, you tell him you’re sorry and that you will never disobey him ever again but he’s too far gone. the other men in the room might feel a little shitty about what they were going to do but there is no remorse in bakugo’s eyes. he looks at you like a predator looks at his prey, stalking about to pounce at any given second, “shut up, whore. you asked for this.” tears break loose as kirishima starts spreading your legs on command. wandering fingers rubbing at your pussy, trying to get you ready are forced to stop as bakugo declares that it must hurt for you. he wouldn’t have it any other way.
“you know you should have never said no to me right? be grateful for what’s being given to you, you’re our little plaything. a cute, little slut. you don’t get to say no,” his rough fingers grab at your jaw, prying it open as he spits in your mouth. “now just shut up and take our cocks, okay?” you cry out yes but he’s not satisfied. His hand strikes against your face, your cheek stings with burning hot pain as more tears leak out of your eyes. grabbing your face harshly, he lifts it up so you’re facing him, “okay?” he repeats. you calm your breath before answering him, fear and anxiety fucking you up in dread for what’s to come.
“yes, master,” you say in the most submissive voice you make out.
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robininthelabyrinth · 3 years
Prompt for "Close" or "Reforged": NMJ & Baxia goes to the Nie tombs to accompany someone. The spirits sensed a saberspeak translator FINALLY exists and traps them. Everyone thought the place hostile, but the sabers just want NMJ listen to their ramblings/demands/complaints/lectures... and also to do something about that "basketcase" saber spirit sealed further in. They're sick of listening to it! Do something, Nie descendant!
“Tell me something about yourself,” Lan Xichen said one day when he was a teenager, lying on his back in a field in the Cloud Recesses with his best friend in the whole world, excluding family. “Something secret.”
Nie Mingjue, lying beside him, hummed for a moment, thinking about it. “When I was a kid – about Wangji’s age now – I got stabbed in the stomach during a fight,” he said eventually. “Everyone thought I was going to die, and I mean they really thought it, but then I didn’t.”
“Wow,” Lan Xichen said, having meant something more along the lines of ‘a girl let me touch her chest behind the garden shed once’. “Everyone must have been very glad you were all right.”
“Mostly,” Nie Mingjue said, his voice and gaze distant. “Once they let me out.”
“Of your sickbed?”
Nie Mingjue blinked and shook his head as if to wake up. “Enough about me,” he said. “What about you? What’s your secret? Is it about that He sect girl and the shed again?”
“It was not,” Lan Xichen insisted, even though it totally had been. He was very proud of it. “I wasn’t thinking of anything in particular!”
When Nie Mingjue told Lan Xichen about his family’s curse, he didn’t actually tell him directly.
He brought him to a room, with tea and food set out, had him sit, and then vanished, sending Nie Zonghui to tell him instead. It was horrifying, of course, but in the same manner as the whole war they’d just endured had been horrifying – nothing that would make Nie Mingjue blush.
“Why didn’t he just tell me himself?” Lan Xichen asked, mostly because he couldn’t really be upset at Nie Mingjue for being in the process of slowly dying, even if that’s what he really wanted. “Did he think I wouldn’t be able to stand it or something?”
“Or something,” Nie Zonghui said. “It’s not about you, Zewu-jun. It’s about him.”
Lan Xichen frowned. “What do you mean?”
“It’s a sensitive subject for him,” Nie Zonghui said. “Especially the saber tombs – and after what happened when he was younger, I can’t really blame him.”
“When he was younger? What happened?”
“Did he never say? He said that he’d already told you: when he was young – eight or nine, I think – he was in a fight, and got stabbed…”
“Oh, yes, that,” Lan Xichen said. “I know about that…what does that have to do with cultivation?”
“It was his first fight carrying Baxia,” Nie Zonghui explained. “She wasn’t even fully forged, but he grabbed her out of the smithy and wielded her against those invaders.”
Nie Mingjue had not said anything about invaders.
“He saved the lives of several other children,” Nie Zonghui continued, and Nie Mingjue hadn’t said anything about that, either. “Shed his first blood on his blade – even took his first life, all the things that function as a marker of adulthood. Defeat evil, rescue the innocent, all that. So when they thought he was going to die, they decided to give him the honors of an adult.”
For some reason, that made something sink in Lan Xichen’s stomach.
“When you say honors…” he started.
“He was taken to the saber tombs,” Nie Zonghui said. “To die as his honored ancestors had.”
They must have been very sure that he would not live.
“But he didn’t die,” Lan Xichen said, and Nie Zonghui hesitated. “What are you not telling me?”
“Sect Leader Nie was left there to die alone, as is customary,” Nie Zonghui said. “When they returned after three days to collect his body for cremation, they found him still breathing, much to everyone’s surprise…after, there were rumors that he had died.”
“What? How? He’s walking around even now.”
“They thought he had been possessed,” Nie Zonghui explained. “By one of the saber spirits. It caused some trouble, later. Anyway, ever since then, he doesn’t talk about it directly – and nor should you.”
“But –”
“I think that’s enough of an explanation for now,” Nie Zonghui said firmly, and no matter how Lan Xichen entreated him, he said no more.
“Oh, sure, we have plenty of stories about saber spirit possession,” Nie Huaisang said when Lan Xichen asked in a roundabout fashion. “All sorts! I grew up on them, naturally. Temporary, permanent, through birth or misadventure – that one story about the generation of Nie women where everyone was female, whether born or misaligned –”
That did sound somewhat interesting, actually, but not exactly what Lan Xichen was looking for at the moment.
“What happens in cases of possession?” he asked, pretending to be casual. “You know, if someone thinks someone else is possessed – speaking generally, of course?”
“Generally?” Nie Huaisang frowned and tapped his fan against his lips. “I mean, in the case of temporary possession, you usually try to exorcise the spirit – usually through traditional means, like arrays or talismans or incantations, but sometimes if you think they’re trying to steal a human life permanently, through discomfort.”
“Oh, you know. Excess exercise, denying food, hurting them. Show them that they’d rather not be human after all, that sort of thing.”
“…what if they’re wrong about the possession?” Lan Xichen asked, a cold chill going down his spine.
Nie Huaisang shrugged. “It’s supposed to be pretty obvious? Someone who has the strength of a guai instead of a human, who refuses to die when a normal person would, someone rigid and unyielding with barely any flexibility – more metal than human – unusually angry, full of bloodlust and an unquenchable desire to destroy evil –”
“That could describe your whole family tree, Huaisang,” Lan Xichen said. That could describe your brother.
“Sabers reflect their masters,” Nie Huaisang said cheerfully. “So it makes sense that it would, doesn’t it?”
“But –”
“Oh, don’t fuss, er-ge! I’m sure the elders wouldn’t just go around assuming someone’s secretly a saber for no reason,” Nie Huaisang said. “Now, let me tell you about the generation of women story – it’s one of my favorites –”
“Da-ge refused to let me play for him again,” Jin Guangyao commented, and Lan Xichen frowned.
He wasn’t an idiot – he knew how bad the relationship between his two sworn brothers was – but although he’d hoped that this would help repair some aspects of that, his primary goal with the Song of Clarity was to improve Nie Mingjue’s health.
(Sabers could suffer from qi deviations, too. Not that Nie Mingjue was possessed by a saber or anything.)
“Did he say why?” Lan Xichen asked.
“He was busy this week,” Jin Guangyao said mournfully. “Visiting his family tombs, apparently.”
Lan Xichen blinked. “The – Nie family tombs?”
Jin Guangyao had been speaking casually, clearly thinking of it as some excuse meant to fob him off, but perhaps there was something about Lan Xichen’s face that caught his interest. “Yes, he said there was some issue there that he had to deal with personally. Is there something the matter with that?”
“No,” Lan Xichen said, and then frowned. “At least, I don’t think so? I’ll speak with him about not skipping more sessions, A-Yao; don’t worry.”
He excused himself shortly thereafter and went to Qinghe on the first possible excuse.
“Where’s your sect leader?” he asked one of the guards.
Their frozen expression said everything he needed to know.
“Xichen?” Nie Mingjue said, blinking at him. “Is that you?”
“No, it’s Wangji,” Lan Xichen said. “Of course it’s me!”
“I meant that more in the ‘what are you doing in my family tombs’ sense,” Nie Mingjue said.
Lan Xichen allowed that that was a fair question. A better one, however…
“What are you doing in your family’s tombs?” he asked, crossing his arms over his chest. “If the Song of Clarity isn’t working, we can try something else!”
“Xichen –”
“It is far, far too early for you to even think of coming down here –”
“Xichen –”
“And may I say, that’s a barbaric tradition anyway, I don’t care if your ancestors did it, locking up a child is just –”
Lan Xichen stopped.
Nie Mingjue was rubbing the back of his head, and his cheeks were red. “I heard a rumor that one of the old masterless sabers got loose,” he said. “I was just checking it out. I wasn’t coming here to – to reside.”
“…oh,” Lan Xichen said, and felt rather stupid. And then, trying to change the subject, he said, “How’d you hear about the saber getting loose? I thought no one came here unless there was a death.”
“Oh, the sabers told me,” Nie Mingjue said.
“Oh, I guess…wait. What?”
“So you…hear them,” Lan Xichen said. They were seated on the foot of one of the statues guarding the tombs, which was a bit rude but Nie Mingjue didn’t seem to mind and they were, after all, his ancestors. “The saber spirits.”
“Since I was child, yes,” Nie Mingjue confirmed.
“And you don’t think this is – odd?”
Nie Mingjue shrugged. “They gave me spiritual energy so that I could survive. It left a mark, I think.”
Lan Xichen nodded.
He tried to figure out how to phrase his next question.
“I’m fairly certain I am not a saber spirit possessing a human corpse.”
“Oh, good,” Lan Xichen sighed. “I had no idea how to ask.”
Nie Mingjue knocked their shoulders together. “You can always just ask. I’m your friend. Corpse or not.”
“Please don’t make jokes about that,” Lan Xichen said mournfully, even if it was a little funny. “I’d miss you if you were a corpse.”
“Well, depending on the state of the corpse…”
Lan Xichen snickered, even though he really didn’t mean to. It wasn’t actually funny.
“So is it just sabers?”
“Not always. Why? You want to know what Shuoyue thinks of you?”
Lan Xichen stared at him. “Can you?”
“Either directly or indirectly,” Nie Mingjue said. “Even if the weapon doesn’t want to talk to me directly, they usually don’t have a choice when Baxia is pushing them.”
“…do swords have a lot to say?”
“Not as much as saber spirits. But more than you might think.”
“What does she think of me, then?”
“She likes you. You’re good to her. Except when you wield her overhead because you keep tensing a muscle in your back that makes the strike a little wonky, so she’d prefer you stick with forward thrusts or low cuts until you get that fixed.”
Lan Xichen started laughing.
“If I die outside, make sure I’m brought here,” Nie Mingjue said. “I think I’d enjoy the company.”
“I’ll make sure of it,” Lan Xichen promised, and he meant it, too. “I promise.”
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scorpionatori · 3 years
Forbidden Book of Friends Reveal: Anime vs. Manga
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I don’t know what decision making goes into the ordering of anime episodes when adapting them from the manga, but it’s a shame the scene of Natori telling Natsume about forbidden exorcists techniques was moved around when it was one of the biggest revelations in the series. The anime moving the scene from the arc with Takuma and his shiki to the arc with Matoba’s letter worked, but it took a lot of impact out for Natsume and Natori and the audience. Let’s compare these two arcs and the topics and story elements they deal with:
Matoba’s letter (ch52-54):
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Matoba sends Natsume a lengthy letter that he never opens, and ends up finding him and blackmailing him into helping solve a dilemma for his clan. Earlier Natsume had lost the letter at Natori’s apartment after asking for his help resealing a youkai. Natsume finds out more about exorcist drama and politics with Matoba’s clan. He also learns that Natori is regularly being threatened with curses and that the lizard not going to his left leg may mean he’ll lose it one day. Natori finds the letter Matoba sent to Natsume and sees that he is getting further pulled into the world of exorcism, and he destroys the letter. The main topics this arc deals with are:
Exorcist clan politics and history, Natori being targeted by colleagues, exorcists colluding to sabotage the Matoba clan
Natsume becomes increasingly worried about Natori’s safety due to his colleagues trying to hurt him and the unsettling implications of the lizard avoiding his left leg.
Natori becomes increasingly worried about Natsume’s safety and involvement with exorcists and tries to intervene secretly.
Takuma and his shiki: (ch60-62):
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Natsume finds one of Natori’s paper dolls damaged by rain after watching one of his movies at a downtown cinema. He worries he’s in trouble and heads to the address on the doll where he ends up finding out Tsukiko had hired Natori to investigate something for her. They ultimately find out two of Takuma’s shiki thought they were abandoned by him after he lost his sight, and Tsukiko had put up barriers out of worry, which kept them trapped outside. Natori accidentally overhears about the book of friends from the other shiki, Ginro, who mentions Natsume having something dangerous on him that exorcists shouldn’t even have. Later, Natsume finds out that Taki’s circles and the book of friends are forbidden by exorcists because they’re considered cruel and dangerous. Natsume performs the ritual of release for the shiki. After he and Natori say goodbye to each other, Natori tells Urihime to find out what dangerous item Natsume has been hiding. The topics in this arc are:
Human and youkai relationships, complications from them making contracts with each other, humans losing their ability to see youkai, therefore leaving behind the ones who cared for them.
Humans who can’t see youkai feeling helpless to protect those who do.
Exorcists have rules about what kind of spells and contracts are allowed, and Taki’s circle and Reiko’s book of friends are both forbidden objects.
Continued from the Matoba’s letter arc, Natsume and Natori are both becoming more and more worried about each other’s wellbeing.
Natsume’s ongoing dilemma about wanting to tell Natori about the book of friends but not knowing if he should.
The topic of forbidden techniques does work somewhat in the Matoba letter arc, as it fits in with exorcist politics. However, the arc did NOT deal with what was most important about the revelation: the book of friends.
The book of friends was not a topic in the letter arc. The arc mainly focused on the turmoil in the exorcist community and the history of the clans, Matoba’s desire to acquire Natsume as a powerful ally for his clan, Natsume’s increasing concern for Natori’s wellbeing, and Natori’s increasing anxiety around Natsume getting sucked into the world of exorcism, and his overprotectiveness and attempts at intervening in secret.
There was no room in here to fit in the book of friends revelation in a way that was actually impactful. Natsume didn’t have time to reflect on finding out his grandma’s book is considered too cruel to exist, he was too busy having to help solve a massive problem for Matoba at a large exorcist gathering. Natori knew nothing about Natsume carrying something forbidden at this point and barely noticed his concern. And besides, he was also too busy worrying about Natsume receiving letters from Matoba. The very important revelation about the titular item of the series becomes a fleeting anecdote that isn’t touched on or important for the rest of the arc, and therefore diminishes its impact.
The Takuma arc, on the other hand, was perfect for this revelation. The main plot of the arc revolves around the messy complications of contracts between humans and youkai. Natsume spent a lot of time thinking on his desire vs hesitation of telling Natori about the book, only for Natori to accidentally overhear about it. And shortly after that, Natsume innocently asks if there’s spells that allow humans without sight to see youkai (thinking of Taki’s spell) and immediately learns that that sort of thing is forbidden. Then he hears that the exact sort of contracts that are in the book of friends are also forbidden and considered cruel.
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There was way more tension here with this scene happening shortly after Ginro mentions the book when Natori walks in. Natsume knows he caught at least part of the conversation, and Natori now knows Natsume has something dangerous on him called the “book of friends”. He doesn’t know what it is at first, but later when he sees Natsume’s reaction to hearing about forbidden contracts, it becomes pretty obvious what kind of thing the book is. This also causes Natori to become very concerned.
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Natori was definitely able to connect the dots between what he heard earlier and Natsume’s face when he finds out about forbidden contracts, which gives him more clear motivation to find out what it is as well. In the anime, all he knows is that Natsume has something called the “book of friends” that is the kind of thing exorcists aren’t supposed to have. In the manga, he hears this and then afterwards sees how scared and worried Natsume is when he hears about forbidden contracts for the first time. It’s safe to assume at this point that something that was titled “the book of friends” is probably a book of forbidden contracts with youkai. This makes the reason behind Natsume’s constant involvement with youkai even more apparent. Not only is he in possession of something outlawed by exorcists (when he was recently dragged into a big dilemma by the leader of the community), if he’s in possession of a large collection of youkai contracts who are bound with their real names, this explains why they go after him so much and why he can not keep a distance from them. Natori knows for sure now that Natsume has a massive target painted on his back for both exorcists and youkai, beyond just his strong spiritual power. He knows full well what his colleagues and Matoba are like, and how dangerous youkai can be. This gives him a much stronger motivation for gathering info on the book of friends when he has a pretty good idea of what it is, as opposed to in the anime when he only had a very vague idea. Even if it was wrong to search for info on it without Natsume’s knowledge anyway, Natori’s fear of the book of friends and urgency in finding out what it is is more understandable in the manga, whereas with how it was framed in the anime, people probably found it easier to read him as suspicious and sneaky more than very genuinely concerned about Natsume’s safety with such a thing.
Again, I don’t know what all goes into the ordering of episodes in anime adaptations, and it doesn’t matter as much in an episodic series such as Natsume Yuujinchou, but there’s still definitely important things that can get altered or left out or taken out of a better context when the order is changed from the manga. Natsume finding out his grandmother’s book is forbidden was a very important reveal for a lot of reasons. It’s very difficult for him to learn that the item he already had a lot of complicated feelings on is considered cruel even by exorcists. This increases his feelings of guilt for having such an item and his love for his grandmother vs his fear that she was a bad person for binding so many youkai (in general this was not touched on enough in the anime, but I could write a whole other essay about that). He’s also been debating whether or not to tell Natori about the book of friends since they first met, only for him to find out on accident. And then shortly after he learns from him that it is forbidden in the exorcist community to bind youkai with their real names when making contracts. Overall, while they made it work with the changes, it wasn’t as impactful for the characters or the audience to move that scene from its original context.
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fific7 · 4 years
Into the Darkness / Part 4
The Darkling x Reader
A/N: The final chapter. This does not follow canon, it’s literally just lemon zest 🍋 ... I have a vision of Ben Barnes in his black Kefta and riding boots permanently stuck in my brain right now. Attempting to write it right out of there.
Warnings: 18+ please due to NSFW content. Some dom/sub interaction, being restrained, coercion, questionable consent (thankfully it takes place in a fantasy universe), sexual content including oral, loss of virginity, very rough unprotected* sex. I don’t mention her actual age, but Reader is not underage.
*Irl, please don’t go wild in the country without protection.
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[My GIF]
The Darkling looked at you with icy eyes. He took off his Kefta and threw it onto one of the chairs, and began unbuckling his trousers. “Take your clothes off, and get on the bed.”
He was furious. Jealous and furious. He fucked you for so long and so hard that you were weeping rivers of tears by the end of it. He’d stopped several times to pull you into a new position, before thrusting back into you and continuing his attack. Every time you gasped more loudly than usual, he smiled coldly at you.
He was fucking you from behind now. As he was about to come, he grabbed you by the hair and pulled your head back, hissing in your ear, “Remember who you belong to, little dove.” Tugging at your hair, he commanded, “Say it! Say who you belong to!” as he released his come into you.
“You... I belong to you, moi soverennyi!” you managed to say, breathing shakily from his prolonged physical assault on you. That’s what it felt like to you, an assault, a punishment. He’d never been so rough with you before, so relentless while he was fucking you. It was well over an hour since he’d pounced on you when you’d first lain naked on the bed, and he hadn’t let up once.
He rolled off you, got up and stalked into the screened-off bathing area, where you heard him taking a piss. You surveyed yourself while he was absent; bites, scratches and fingermarks - which would surely bruise - were apparent all over your body. Your breasts were sore from his incessant kneading of them, your nipples inflamed and painful from him constantly sucking and biting at them.
Your thighs were marked by his fingers and a pink rash from his beard was already showing between your legs. That same beard had also scratched and irritated your mouth and chin. He’d sucked love bites onto your neck, collarbone and breasts. You groaned and turned over to lie on your back, pulling the covers slowly over your abused body.
He walked back to the bed, pulling the covers back off and barking at you to get up and get on your knees. You sobbed, “Please, please...no, moi soverennyi....” He grabbed your arm and pulled you onto the floor. “Shut up and do it!” You wobbled up onto your knees, aware of his hard cock right in front of your face. “Open your mouth.” You did so, and he thrust into your mouth, pushing in so fast and so deep that despite all his recent schooling of you, you choked immediately.
He didn’t stop or back out, merely began roughly fucking into your mouth. Eventually you managed to draw in a breath, and tried to stop choking as he thrust in and out. You thanked the saints when you felt his warmth flooding your throat, and swallowed it as quickly as you could.
He allowed you to get back into bed, and you sank gratefully onto the mattress, pulling up the covers once more. He joined you, firmly grasping your jaw with one hand, “Never, ever, act like that with one of my men again.” He released you, lying down on his back. “You are mine,” you heard him say in a low voice, “mine!”
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
It had taken you forever to fall asleep and when you awoke early the next morning, every single part of your body was aching. You were suddenly aware of a pair of grey eyes on you. His head was propped up on his hand, and he was just staring at you.
He rolled the sheet down until your breasts were exposed. Leaning over, he sucked on one of your nipples, grasping your other breast and groping it. You winced, they were so sensitive after all the manhandling they’d endured the night before. He saw your expression, but kept on doing what he was doing.
“I’m the only one who gets to do this,” he said, giving your breast an extra-firm squeeze, which made you gasp. “I’m the only one who gets to do this.” He kissed you, thrusting his tongue into your mouth. “And I’m the only one who gets to do this.” His head disappeared under the covers, and you felt him tonguing between your legs. “And this.” He parted your legs and you felt his cock there for a split second, before it sank into you. He moved fully onto you, pinning your hands on the pillows above your head and began to thrust.
Your eyes were watering as he ground into you, in pain but trying not to cry out. He reached his climax, and pulled out of you, releasing your hands. He lay on his back, staring at the material of the tent above him. “Your body has made me insane. You have made me insane.” You looked at him, “What do you mean?” “I’ve lost my mind over you, you’re constantly in my thoughts. I will .. not.. have you speaking with or being looked at by other men.”
You sighed, “So...what?....I have to remain locked away from everyone? How is that fair?”
He didn’t answer you, but got out of bed and started to get dressed. “Two of the serving women will come to you this afternoon,” he said, “do as they tell you.” He pulled on his boots, shrugged into his Kefta and left the tent.
You had no idea what that was all about. So you ran a warm bath, soaking in it and tried to soothe away all your aches and pains.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
The two serving women in their white and gold Keftas arrived after you’d eaten a light lunch. They’d brought an extravagant black silk Kefta with them, along with some ivory silk underwear, and said it was all for you to wear this afternoon. You were completely confused. Why? Wear to what? But you knew better than to ask them.
They cast odd looks at you, lingering on the love bites visible above your robe, and on the fingermarks on your wrists. You felt jealousy swirling in the air, but steadfastly ignored it. You were used to everyone’s wary, jealous and strange reactions to you these days.
However, you soon found yourself in yet another rose oil bath, this time insisting you didn’t need their help. You could only imagine the rumours that would fly if they saw your ravaged body. After your bath, you donned the silk underwear and put your linen robe back on.
Your hair was pinned up in a loose swirl by one of the serving women, you were dressed in the new finery and were then brought by them to the large meeting tent. They left you at the main entrance, so you lifted up the flap and stepped inside.
You could see him pacing beside the large campaign table. There was an unfamiliar man on the other side of it, dressed in the grey of the Oprichniki. The Darkling turned to you as you entered the tent. His eyes looked like a glacier, freezing you with their icy intensity.
“Welcome to your wedding ceremony,” he said.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
You’d stumbled slightly as he’d said that. “What?” you shrieked. His eyes closed in irritation, “Be quiet!”
He walked over to you, taking your hand in his and lifting it up as if you were going to dance. “We are getting married,” he stated. “It’s the only way I can still my mind, rid it of this unease.”
“What unease?” you asked. “The feeling that if I don’t make this official, it will cease,” he answered. “That someone may try to take you from me.” You looked at him, amazed. Had this all been triggered by a short, innocent conversation with Ivan? “I was merely conversing with Ivan,” you mumbled.
He laughed, but it was not with amusement. “You’re oblivious, aren’t you? All the men look at you with lust in their eyes, and want to possess you. They are jealous of me because I have you. The women are all jealous of you because you’re with me.”
Your gaze dropped from his. “I never asked for this, it’s your doing.” He nodded, “Yes, I know. But if I marry you, it will still all the tongues from wagging. It will also prove that it’s a permanent arrangement. That you will not be replaced. That I will not release you to be with other men.”
He walked you forward to the table. The Oprichnik, meanwhile, went to the main entrance and brought two more people into the tent. One of them was Ivan, the other unknown to you but also dressed in grey. Ivan looked extremely uncomfortable but gave you a short nod. These were the witnesses, you guessed. The original Oprichnik was also an ordained priest, you were told.
You took a deep breath as the brief ceremony commenced. How were you feeling about this? No discussion, no betrothal, nothing - it was all his decision. Anger boiled up in your veins, before subsiding as you realised - and accepted - that it would provide a high level of protection and security for you and your family. And it seemed you didn’t have any say in the matter anyway.
After the Oprichnik finished intoning the marriage vows, you were both required to respond “I swear an eternal oath to you by these vows.” Neither of you would be able to break this contract.
You were surprised when at this point the Darkling produced two black wedding bands from a side pocket, both of them with his symbol engraved on them. Yours was slightly thinner than his, and he slid it onto your ring finger before kissing it, and your finger.
You placed his ring onto his finger, following suit by kissing it and his finger. And that was it. Ten minutes and you were bonded to each other for eternity in the eyes of the saints. He leant in and kissed you softly. It was in complete contrast to his earlier treatment of you, and you felt even more conflicted about this dark, mysterious and still dangerous man.
There were toasts with kvas, and then you both left to walk back to your tent. You noticed that Kirigan had taken a very long and circuitous route back through the Camp, and he had placed your left hand on his right arm. He’d then placed his left hand over yours, so that both rings were prominently on display. You realised that this was his very public wedding announcement to the Second Army. The whispers and wide-eyed looks you both received as you walked through the Camp were quite something to hear and see.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
You were introduced - albeit it briefly - to an entirely different General Kirigan on your wedding night. One who took his time to remove your clothes, layer by layer. One who tenderly stroked your face as you lay next to him in bed, one who very gently entered you after kissing you until you’d run out of oxygen. One who gasped out, “My wife!” as he released his come into you. Who placed kisses on your breasts as you drifted off to sleep after sex. He didn’t disturb your sleep any further that night.
In the morning, he’d brought you tea and sweet bread to wake you with. You stretched, sitting up as he placed the tray onto the bed beside you. “Good morning, wife,” you heard, as you looked over at him. He was already dressed.
“Good morning, moi soverennyi,” you replied, but he shook his head. “You should address me as moi muzh,” he said, “...which is ‘husband’. Also lord, bedfellow, helpmate.” You nodded, “As you wish, moi muzh.” He smiled at you, gently moving a strand of your hair back from your face. “I will address you as moi zhena.... ‘wife’.”
His fingers strayed down to your breasts, cupping one of them and rubbing his thumb over your nipple. “I wish I could spend more time with you ... and these beautiful breasts....” his gaze dropped to where his thumb was, “...but I have an important strategy meeting I must attend. It shouldn’t take long.”
His eyes darkened to stormy grey, “And I’ll then expect my wife to be ready to pleasure her new husband.”
You nodded, “Of course, moi muzh.”
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
You’d dozed back off, enjoying some alone time and recharging your inner batteries somewhat. Then you felt a hand on your shoulder, shaking you, and the bedclothes were pulled back. Your eyes opened and met his grey ones. He was already naked, moving onto the bed next to you, pulling your nightrobe up and off over your head, his eyes roaming greedily over your body.
His hands, unsurprisingly, went straight to your breasts and began massaging them. You sat up, moving your arms a bit so that he had better access to them. You’d accepted his obsession with them, and now acquiesced to every touch. Apart from anything else, he was now your husband, and you were under oath to obey him in everything.
His stiffened cock was already leaking pre-cum, and you readied yourself. Not a moment too soon, as he then straddled you, parting your legs and sinking into you. You gasped as he started moving on you, back to a fast pace and deep thrusts.
You’d been moaning softly at each thrust, when suddenly you were aware of another presence in the tent. Your eyes widened as you looked over his shoulder; no-one ever came in except by invitation. A sound of a throat clearing, and the Darkling’s head whipped round. It was Ivan, looking both incredibly embarrassed and in great fear.
“Forgive me, moi soverennyi,” he muttered, “you know I wouldn’t normally intrude but there’s been a report of...”
You’d been shielded from Ivan’s sight by The Darkling’s body, but now he also pulled up the bed covers over the two of you. “Get out,” he hissed at him, “I’ll see you outside when I’m finished.”
Ivan swiftly left, and you wondered if he’d also taken leave of his senses. He surely must’ve had a fair idea of what Kirigan would be occupied with when he returned to his tent after the meeting.
Kirigan turned back to you, he’d slid out of you when Ivan had come into the tent. “Where were we?” he smirked. He pulled you back towards him, giving his length a couple of strokes before pushing back inside you, continuing where he left off. Once he’d released into you, he got up and started re-dressing himself.
He left the tent, returning twenty minutes later looking angry. “That was a complete waste of time.” You were sitting up in bed and smiled at him, “Then what was his real reason for disturbing you, moi muzh?” He shrugged out of his Kefta, placing it on the chair, before turning and looking at you. “Why do you think? He wanted to see me fucking you so he can relive it in his dreams and pretend it’s him, moi zhena.”
You cast your eyes down, “He finds me so attractive?” He laughed, “Of course he does! Every time he looks at you, he wants to fuck you senseless.” You looked back up at him, “Are you going to punish him, moi muzh?” Again he laughed, “No! He is already being punished, every single moment of every single day, knowing that you’re mine and that he will never have you. Why do you think I made him one of the witnesses to our wedding?”
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
A few days later, you awoke to a stiff cock hovering at your lips, so you obediently opened your mouth and lay there as Kirigan thrust far down to the back of your throat. You swirled your tongue around it and sucked on him as hard as you could, just as he’d instructed you. When you felt his warm release in your throat, you swallowed it down, coughing slightly when you weren’t quite fast enough.
He’d then followed his usual morning routine of fucking you a short time later, before dressing and going to his first meeting. Once again, an hour later, an Oprichnik came to your tent and said you were to attend at the meeting tent. Now familiar with what this would lead to, you followed him over there and waited in the side room. Kirigan marched in a few moments later, sitting in the chair and pulling you onto his lap as he unbuttoned his fly. His hard length was inside you in seconds, and you moved quickly on him to bring him to his climax so he could return to the meeting.
He pulled your face to his and kissed you hungrily. He drew back, looking intensely at you but saying nothing. You stood up, rearranging your clothing as you did so and preparing to leave. “Wait,” you heard, and you turned to him. He stood up, re-buttoning his fly, approaching you and placing his hand on your cheek. “You know that this is not just about sex, don’t you?”
You opened your mouth to speak but no words came out. He continued, “I married you because I wanted to fully claim you. But...” he hesitated then went on, “I also feel love for you.” You gasped, amazed at his confession. “You do?” “Yes, I do.”
You were silent. What did you feel for him? Attraction, fear (still), respect for his power, grateful for his protection, possessiveness.... but love? You looked up at him.
“I do have feelings for you, moi muzh. I think love is mixed in amongst them.”
He smiled down at you, “I’m glad to hear you say that. I hope that love will soon be dominant over the rest.”
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
The next morning after Kirigan had left you, you had to run to the bathing room to vomit into the bucket there. This happened again twice in the afternoon. When this began to happen on a daily basis, he called one of the medics to examine you. Your monthly cycle had been due two days before and it hadn’t put in an appearance yet.
After carrying out a thorough examination and asking several more questions of you, the medic declared that you were indeed pregnant. The Darkling smiled broadly and kissed you, pulling you close against him.
“Well done, little dove. You are carrying my child.”
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
He was even more attentive to you after that. And as the days and weeks passed, your belly swelled, your breasts became even fuller - much to his delight - and your mood swings were atrocious. Even the Darkling didn’t feel brave enough during those to challenge you, when you said you didn’t feel like sex.
He still got his fair share on a daily basis, of course; since you’d come into his life, the Darkling was no longer prepared to go without sex, so he was still on you at least twice a day but had toned down his dominant preferences due to your condition.
But eventually, one evening you and he were looking at the grey eyes and dark hair of a miniature Darkling, who was named Aleksander.
The Darkling looked at the two of you, a smile on his lips. You saw the love in his eyes for you and this child.
“My son,” said the Darkling, placing his hand on the baby’s head and laying his other hand on your face, “my wife. I love you.”
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
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sapphirelass · 4 years
Deal? - Remus LupinxDaughter!Reader
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Hi! :)
Deal? (Part 1) | Oh, darling... (Part 2) | I’ll be by your side (Part 3) 
Please note:
1: I don’t own any of the gifs used, nor any already established characters, so credit to the authors and original creators - You have done a phenomenal job :)
2: English is not my native language, as I was born and raised in Sweden. I have, however, studied English for almost a decade, so I don’t think it’ll be a problem, I just thought I’d let you know ;)
You probably already knew this, but still XD
(Y/N) - Your name
(Y/N/N) - Your nickname
(Y/H/L) - Your hair length
I swear, my next story won’t be about Umbridge XD
Word count: ≈ 2300
Warnings: Umbridge, angst, slight swearing
“I do not wish to criticise the ways of the school, however you have been exposed to some rather irresponsible wizards in this class, very irresponsible indeed - not to mention” the toadlike professor threw a dark glance at a sandy haired student and smirked evilly, “extremely dangerous half breeds”.
The student in question raised her hand angrily, and glared at Professor Umbridge. “Yes?” the teacher smiled sweetly, “miss… Lupin, am I correct?”
“Yes, (Y/N)!” she began, “but that’s besides the point. Look, I know what you’re doing, but Professor Lupin was the best DADA teacher we’ve ever had, and I’d be more than happy to bet everything I own on that being quite a common opinion in this classroom!”
Most of her fellow classmates nodded furiously, and the young girl turned her head towards her professor, who immediately cleared her throat and declared: “Well, I’m afraid simply being a beloved teacher doesn’t really matter, dear.  Werewolves are still extremely dangerous creatures. They are beasts that are undeserving of respect and that should not be allowed to be part of our fine wizard community. They are uncontrollable, and highly likely to injure or possibly kill young witches and wizards, including their own children.”
She flashed a cruel, yet pleased, smirk as (Y/N) furiously stood up, despite Hermione desperately trying to force her down.
“You have NO IDEA what you’re talking about!?” she whispered angrily, her nails digging into her palms as her fists clenched. “You have probably never even met one of these so called ‘half breeds’, have you? No, you were most likely just told some bizarre stories containing more lies and made up facts than truths, and decided to put that worthless ‘knowledge’ - if you can even call it that - to use by spreading rumors and destroying the lives of innocent people.”
Umbridge looked frantic, and was about to speak up, but (Y/N) got there first. “I despise people who look down on others. People who claim to be better than everyone else. People like you. You certainly don’t deserve respect!”
She took a deep breath, and was about to continue when Umbridge’s shrill voice forced her to stay quiet. “That’s quite enough! Detention, miss Lupin. The rest of the week, five fifteen, don’t be late”.
A few hours later, (Y/N) made her way back to Umbridge’s office. She knew her friends had wanted to talk to her, but she had done her absolute best to avoid them all afternoon. She simply didn’t feel like explaining to them why she had done what she did. She’d gladly do it again though. Her father was the kindest, wisest, most incredible person she had ever met. He had done everything in his power to give her a good childhood, and no one had the right to insult him. She’d defend him to her last breath if that’s what it would come down to.
She knocked on the door carefully, and pushed it open when she heard a shrill, terrifying voice sing a sweet “come in”.
“Oh, miss Lupin, almost late I see!” she said arrogantly. (Y/N) didn’t have time to answer before her teacher continued. “Sit down.”
The detentions went on for another four days before Umbridge told her she didn’t have to come back the following evening, but that she better hold her tongue unless she longed for more. (Y/N) tried to keep that in mind, but still lost her cool a few more times before the end of the semester. However, the Christmas holidays were approaching, and though her red, swollen hand caused her to worry slightly, the idea of seeing her dad and godfather caused her enough joy to tip her mood over to “mainly happy”.
She stepped off the train with her friends, and immediately spotted her father on the platform.
“Dad!!” she shouted, and threw her scratched arms around his constantly scarred torso. “Merlin, I’ve missed you so much”. She buried her head in his shoulder, simply enjoying the feeling of love and safety that he somehow instantly gave off.
“Hello, darling!” he said gently, returning the bone-crushing hug. “I missed you too, believe me…”
(Y/N) wanted to stay like that forever, but eventually let go as she intended to at least try to keep her… problems… hidden. She had never really been able to keep secrets from her dad, and therefore didn’t want to do anything he would consider “out of the ordinary”. If she did, he’d figure it out, or persuade her to tell him everything within minutes, and she knew he’d feel guilty if he realized what she had done for him. She understood perfectly well that the scars on her hand were deep enough to be visible for the rest of her life, and that nothing she would say could convince Remus Lupin that it was not his fault. She was left with one option: He could not, under any circumstances, know. Ever.
They carried her trunk together, and walked a few feet behind the rest of the gang.
“So?”, her father inquired, “How are things? You all doing okay?”
“I suppose”, she answered, “Our new DADA teacher is quite a daft prick though.”
“(Y/N/N)!”, he muttered sternly, casually trying to hide a smile, “Are you sure that’s the right word? Sounds rather rough, doesn’t it?”
The witch shrugged. “No, I think it fits rather nicely. It’s almost as if she’s trying her very best to prevent us from learning anything helpful…”
“That’s… well, that doesn’t sound very promising, does it?”
“No, hence the slightly offensive description… But enough about her, how are you? Had any company while I was gone?”
The older wizard smiled, easily noticing the tone of his daughter’s voice switch into a far more joyful, energetic one - One he knew and loved!
“Oh yes, I’ve spent quite a bit of time at headquarters, and Sirius essentially isn’t allowed anywhere else, so we’ve done a lot of catching up. There is, believe it or not, a lot to talk about after 12 years without seeing each other, so it’s been very nice.” He turned to her, smiled even broader and added a quick “But I’ve still missed you.”, before quickening his pace to catch up with the others.
Later that night, (Y/N), Remus, Harry and Sirius were sat in the living room of number 12 Grimmauld Place. Harry and Sirius were playing catch with an old snitch they had found in the house, lazily throwing it back and forth. (Y/N) lay on a sofa, a thick leather bound book tightly clutched in her hands and her head resting on her fathers lap. He was deeply invested in A Guide to Medieval Sorcery, and father and daughter were simply enjoying a nice, calm evening.
All of a sudden, Sirius grabbed the snitch, sat up straight and reached out towards his godson.
“Harry, what’s that on your hand?”
The dark haired boy pulled the sleeves of his jumper further down and mumbled a quiet “nothing”.
“Sure, let me see then”
“No, it’s fine, don’t worry abo…”
Harry didn’t get the chance to finish his sentence, as Sirius had risen from his seat and forcefully grabbed his left hand. The slightly faded “I must not tell lies” was still readable, and Harry winced as the look on his godfather’s face went from composed to furious in a matter of seconds.
“Sirius, I…”
By this time, both Remus and (Y/N) had put their books down, and were carefully observing the “argument”.
“It’s our new Defence Against the Dark Arts professor, Umbridge. She’s quite generous when it comes to giving detentions. But mine’s really not that bad now. It barely hurts anymore…”
“That’s totally barbaric!? Moony, we have to…”
“Harry”, Remus interrupted his old friend with a worried look on his face, “What do you mean by ‘quite generous’?”
His heart practically skipped a beat when he felt his daughter shift uncomfortably, however it was Harry who answered.
“‘m quite sure half the Gryffindors have been to her office at least once by now. Even when you’re not really doing anything wrong, she’ll make up a ‘reasonable’ excuse…”
As Harry spoke, (Y/N) had unconsciously been pulling the sleeves of her jumper closer to her fingertips. Remus obviously noticed and made eye contact with Harry, nodding discreetly towards his daughter as if to ask if she too had… well… yeah? Harry closed his eyes, knowing full well how his friend wanted to hide her scars from her dad. It had taken hours of convincing before she had even let him, Ron and Hermione see, and he understood why she didn’t want Lupin to know. He did, however, not like the idea of lying to his former professor, and nodded slightly.
Remus closed his eyes looking simultaneously sad and angered, sat up straight and muttered “(Y/N/N)?”
The young witch took a deep breath and was about to move away from her dad, but he was faster and quickly grabbed her hand. He was very gentle, but she flinched anyways, as her last detention had taken place only a week prior.
“(Y/N/N)”, he repeated, “show me”
“Dad”, she mumbled quietly, “‘tis fine, don’t worry”
“(Y/N)!” His voice sounded far sterner now, “I’m serious. C’mere”
“No, I don’t want…”
“It’s not a question of whether or not you want to, Love”, Sirius explained before his friend could think of a response. “Show your dad.”
“(Y/N/N)”, Harry mumbled, “Just… just do it”
“No! I can handle it! Stop making it sound like I’m too weak to do so!”
She felt a tear escape her eye, and stood up to leave the room when Remus waved his wand and locked the door.
Taking yet another deep breath, his daughter turned around, made her way across the room, pulled her left sleeve up and slammed her scarred hand down on the table for the other three to see.
“There! You happy now?!”
A flood of tears were streaming down her face, as her dad, godfather and best friend leant closer and read seven deep-red, awful, heart wrenching words:
I must not defend filthy half breeds
Remus put his head in his hands and stood up, while Sirius moved closer to his goddaughter and pulled her into a tight hug. Harry joined the embrace and comfortingly rubbed her back.
“why? Why (Y/N/N)?”, her father whispered quietly, his voice barely audible.
“I… I couldn’t…She… sorry…”
The usually calm, collected girl was completely lost for words. Shaking. She had no clue what to say, all she knew was that she had to let her dad know that she was sorry. Sorry for making him feel guilty. Sorry for causing him so much pain. Sorry for not being strong enough.
She walked over to him and noticed heavy, wet tears on his face too. Carefully she wrapped her arms around him, and together they sank down onto the cold floor. They sat there for what felt like hours before Remus finally spoke up, repeating his previous question.
“Why, darling?”
She met his sad gaze and collected her thoughts before quietly whispering “She keeps saying horrible things - pure lies - and she’s enjoying it. She’s throwing insults my way every chance she gets. If I don’t stand up and fight, everyone will think she’s right, and she’s not. Nothing will ever change unless someone works for it, and as soon as that someone backs down, they’ve lost. I’m not having that.”
He looks back at her, his eyes full of pride. “What did I ever do to deserve you?”
“You mean besides being the most phenomenal dad imaginable?”
He chuckled softly, ruffled her (Y/H/L) hair and held his hand out. (Y/N) slowly placed her hand on her father’s and shifted her gaze towards the floor as he examined the neatly written letters. With a worried expression on his face, he grabbed his wand and moved it back and forth over the scars while quietly muttering a few carefully chosen words. The pain immediately became more endurable, and after putting his wand away the older wizard grabbed his daughter’s shoulders gently, and looked at her in a sad, yet determined way.
“(Y/N/N), as honourable as your intentions are, please don’t do this for me. I’m not going to tell you to back down, but if you’re going to keep it up, don’t let it…” He paused, trying to find the right words. “I can’t stand the thought of you getting injured because of me. I’m not wo…”
“Yes, you are! Stop saying that! I’ll be a bit more selective, if that’s what you want, but don’t you dare tell me not to fight for you. You are my dad, my only family, and there is not a single person on this planet less deserving of disrespect, insults and hate. Dad, you’re amazing, and I’m not letting her fool people into thinking you’re not.”
After a moment of silence, a quiet, “I still don’t like it…”, escaped his lips.
“I know.” She sighed, “That’s why I originally didn’t plan on telling you.”
(Y/N) was fiddling with her fingers, not quite meeting her fathers warm gaze, when she suddenly sat up and said, “Let’s make a deal? I promise to choose my fights more wisely, and in return, you won’t blame yourself for the consequences of said choices? Sounds fair, doesn’t it?”
Her father sighed, but reluctantly answered, “Fine, as long as you promise me one more thing.”
“You won’t hide scars or pain from me ever again, no matter whether it’s physical or mental, okay? You’ll let me know, and let me help, always!”
She held her right hand out, her dad shook it and they shared a smile. This time, a true, pure one that actually reached their identically green eyes.
~ L
Part 2 Oh, darling...
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ghostdrew22 · 3 years
Angel || Draco Malfoy
Requested: No. Pairing: post-war Draco Malfoy x fem!reader Warnings: Lots of angst in the beginning, mentions of self-harm/self-destructive behavior, mentions of blood, quite a few mentions of the devil, ptsd, just a lot of dark themes ig (let me know if i need to add another warning) Summary: You’ve always been an angel in Draco’s eyes and now, years after the war, he’s reminded why once again.
WORDS: 3440
I’ve been wanting to write about the ‘devil on the shoulder’ trope for a while and I felt like @anchoeritic‘s 3K WRITING CHALLENGE was the perfect opportunity though i think i lost the plot a bit at some point and this probably isn’t what you had in mind.
i had to do so much research for this, probably the most research i’ve ever done for a fic. It’s a lot heavier than I’d intended for it to be (i almost cried at certain points) but I still really love it.
anyway this fic is inspired by ‘Angel’ by FINNEAS (which is a great song that I recommend listening to) and i hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.
So much anger that he doesn’t know what to do with it. Red, hot, fury just begging to be unleashed.
He takes a deep breath and shuts his eyes. When he opens them again his fist collides with the wall. “Fuck!”
The miniature Mephistopheles that’s made home on his shoulder tells him to keep going, that this is the only rational response. Draco heeds the advice until his knuckles are bleeding and there’s a dent in the wall.
He lets out a frustrated sigh as he thinks about you returning in a few hours, then he punches the spot one last time out of frustration. Draco’s own love for destruction lies parallel to the myths surrounding Beelzebub, his own virtues bringing him to peril instead of an unseen force of evil. But it’s much easier to believe that the voice always telling him to do wrong, is not his own.
Maybe this is who he is, a fucked up kid with anger issues. Maybe this is all he’ll ever be, knuckles spotted in crimson and harmful thoughts being shoved down as to not raise alarm.
He feels violated by the mark on his arm. Sobs stacking up in his lungs at the very thought, but all he can express is anger- all he can understand is the resent that crawls beneath his skin and settles into his bones like calcium.
Was it his choice? No. Did it matter? No. Choice means nothing in a world run by circumstance. Intention holds no value when there’s no action to follow through. In another world, a better world perhaps, he would’ve had the right to choose and he hopes that he would’ve chosen the right side- the good side.
Forgiveness, they say, is often practiced by the strong willed. He’d tried to forgive, he really had, but Iblis had told him that it didn’t matter who he forgave because they’d still done this to him anyway- they’d still sold his soul to the Devil.
“Draco, when will you forgive me?” She pleads and he shrugs with a thin smile.
“I don’t know mother. I don’t know.”
“It’s been years.” He turns a steal glaze toward her.
“And yet I still can’t get the mark off.”
“What am I meant to do?”
“There’s nothing you can do. It’s too late to do the right thing.”
“What would the right thing have been back then? Huh?”
“The right thing to do would’ve been to protect me.”
“I did protect you. I took the Vow for you!” She yells as she stands out of her chair and points an accusatory finger toward him. He’s seen this scene so many times before that it’s permanently imprinted in his mind, but this time he’s not a scared teenager being scolded by his mother.
“I didn’t ask you to do that.” He stands as well, “I just asked you to save me. Why didn’t you save me?”
“What?” She’s taken aback,
“Summer before fifth. You told me that you’d had enough of him, you told me that we were going to leave and run away so that you could save me from him, from all of them.”
“So now you hate me because I couldn’t leave your bigoted father?”
“No, mother. I hate myself because you couldn’t leave my bigoted father.” He tucks his chair back into the table and pulls out his wand, “Thank you for dinner mother, it was lovely.”
Then he’s gone, and he doesn’t come back.
Draco had shut himself out from the world, hoping that his loathing would dissipate with time but it hadn’t. He still wakes up every morning with that tiny voice reminding him that he’s worthless, and he still believes it.
Why had he done it? Why had he allowed them to put the mark on his arm in the first place? Why had he put his own morals, his own principles, on the line to save a family who might not have done the same for him? Why had he allowed himself to succumb to the many ministrations of Diabolous, which dragged him further and further down the dark side?
Weakness. That’s the only answer he can conceive. Or maybe that’s the sound of Lucifer on his shoulder, consistently reminding him that he’s no match for the evil that resides deep within his soul. He can’t fight it, it’s who he is. He’s weak and he’s unholy. Bathed so often in sin that it’s sunk into his DNA. Does that even make sense?
Draco shakes his head and runs his hands down his face in an attempt to ground himself. But it doesn’t work, all he can see is red and all he can hear is his own conscience belittling him for continuously making the wrong choices. Why does he always make the wrong choices?
His throat so dry it feels as though he’s swallowed sand. His palms sweaty like he’s dipped them in oil. He paces around the room in a desperate effort to remember where you’d placed the box last time this happened. He can feel himself disconnecting from the world, feel himself sinking further and further into the dredges of his mind that torment him most.
That part of his brain that holds the memories, the shame, the anguish, is his biggest obstacle in recovery. It’s always on good days, days when… He blinks when he realizes that no fond memories come to mind. Does he even have good days? Or does this always happen, is this what’s become normal for him?
He catches a glimpse of himself in the mirror and steps back in shock, completely forgetting about his mission to find the box. The man in front of him looks clean, taken care of. When had he become this man and stopped being the terrified teenager that never ate and wore bags beneath his eyelids like name tags.
There is muscle on his arms, taut beneath the dress shirt that he must’ve put on that morning before going to classes… or work? When had he earned the right to stop looking the way he felt? Which of his actions had merited his beauty returning, when the dark mark still lays clear beneath the dress shirt that he’s got on? There are hickeys along his chest- one, two, three, littered around his torso like a map to his heart- and he can only assume that they’d been left in the wake of your last meeting, because he can’t seem to piece together the memory of them being made.
You. Where are you? Why can’t he remember where you are or what you look like? Did you finally leave? Did you finally realise that he wasn’t worth any of the pain and anguish that he’d put you through? Had you ultimately decided that Draco and the dark mark could not be separated, both physically and mentally? Maybe he never managed to redeem himself in your eyes, and it hurt so much to lose you that he made himself forget.
Redemption, he’d searched far and wide for it. He’d spent the months after the war trying to find some spiritual cleanse for the ailment in his essence, had dabbled in every muggle religion he came across in hopes of finding something that would provide him freedom from guilt. The Bible, the Qur’an, the Gita, the Torah, the Guru Granth Sahib, the Tripitaka- none of the holy books he’d read had promised him enough solace to feel deserving of love from a higher entity. They had all just reminded him of the purity and innocence that muggles embodied, the same qualities he came so close to erasing.
Redemption wasn’t in the cards for him. If it had been a game of Poker, Draco would’ve been the first fold with the knowledge that he didn’t stand a chance against the better players at the table. Who were the better players? He didn’t really know, he just knew that he wasn’t one of them.
His eyes drift toward his reflection once more and he feels disgust crawl through his anatomy. Nausea, a familiar friend in times like these, making itself comfortable in the barrel of his gut. Why had he even eaten today anyway? Sustenance won’t fill the emptiness that’s making domicile in his chest, it won’t make him less of a habitat to repulsive regret and desolation.
He walks toward the dresser and picks up a pocket knife that’s sitting in-between some make up and a music box. Then like deja vu he can already feel the weapon pinching, digging beneath his skin as if it’s trying to excavate bone. He recalls blood pouring out, drowning his pale skin in spills of vermillion and carmine, and dropping to the floor. The floor, chalky tile with tiny chards of black glass engrained in it, something that he hadn’t come up with himself but liked anyway. Who had come up with that again?
Screams, familiar but unrecognizable, had filled his ears soon after. He remembers his arm being wrapped in a bandage, him being carried off the bathroom floor and taken to the Hogwarts infirmary, no, it was actually St Mungo’s. He remembers being treated and loud cries settling down into comforting whispers beside him. He remembers feather light touches being placed on his face and kisses settling onto the skin of his palm.
He remembers something good, but he doesn’t know what.
He remembers the injury, and knows that it didn’t work.
Draco takes a deep breath and puts the knife back down. Staring at his reflection once more he sees that the man standing before him is not the same child that had stepped into battle way back when. When was that? Months? Years? He can’t tell.
The box. The box will tell him. But he doesn’t know where it is, he doesn’t even know where he is anymore. This room is definitely not his Hogwarts dorm room, it’s not in Hogwarts at all, and it’s not his room in the Manor either. Where is he?
His eyes shoot up when he hears a door shutting, and soon after voices follow suit. The voices are coming toward him, in this strange room that he’s in, and Draco struggles to identify them. His dorm mates potentially? No, this clearly isn’t Hogwarts. Friends? His mother? You?
Then there’s a laugh, from a child, from two children, and suddenly none of it makes sense any more. He knows those voices, he knows those laughs, so well that they might as well be his own, but he can’t seem to attach faces or names to them.
A few of the voices drift off, further down the hall, and one gets louder as the door to the bedroom opens. Draco holds his breath as the person walks in, not knowing what to expect, and feels a confused sense of relief wash over him when he sees you standing there.
You laugh as you enter the room, “If you can get an outstanding in Transfiguration then we’ll get you whatever your heart desires.” You respond to your daughter as you recall how both you and Draco had struggled with the subject during your Hogwarts years.
You furrow your eyebrows at the state of your bedroom- documents scattered across the bed, clothes in tiny piles all over the floor, and a tiny dent in the wall beside the bathroom door. A sigh escapes your lips as you process the mess and prepare yourself for what’s about to come. You turn and your eyes land on your husband, and your heart breaks at the sight of him. He’d promised this morning that he’d be fine, it was the only reason that you’d left him alone, but clearly he wasn’t.
“Love? Are you okay?” You ask softly as you take the shoes off of your feet and close your bedroom door behind you. He tilts his head to the side momentarily in confusion, but then realisation flashes across his eyes and he takes quick strides toward you.
“Oof.” You breathe out when he pulls you into his chest and rests his forehead on your shoulder.
“Y/N.” He muffles into your shoulder and you feel your heart swell with love for him- this man who recognizes you instantly, even when the entire world is nothing more than a distant memory.
“Miss me?” You ask with a small laugh as you bring your hands up to wrap around him tightly. He mumbles an agreement and you smile, “I missed you too.”
“Bad day.” He whispers and you nod, rubbing his back in an effort to soothe him.
“I know baby, wanna talk about it?”
“No. Can’t remember.”
“Okay, that’s fine.” You pull him away from you and kiss his forehead with a warm smile, “We can just lie down for a while.”
He obliges as you pull him toward the bed and shuffle the papers off of it, climbing on after you and setting his head in your chest. You run your fingers through his hair and hum, trying to your best to make him feel calm and prevent another breakdown.
But your efforts are futile, within the hours that Draco had been alone he’d thought every terrible thought that he possibly could, Al-Shaitan had already tormented your husband through a series of painful misconceptions. Draco had never really subscribed to religion or faith but after the war he’d identified quite quickly with the concept of the Devil- confessing that he believed he had an evil conspirator sitting on his shoulder- and felt that his own soul deserved to be damned. You’d tried to rid him of that notion, many times, but it never worked, he was in too deep.
You tense up when you feel a cry escape his lips and his fingers tighten into the space of your torso. “I’m sorry.”
He feels terrible, terrible for ruining all of your hard work. All the effort you’d put into rebuilding him now disintegrating in the blink of an eye. But you’re here now, you’re going to fix him again, he knows it.
You try to level your breathing so that you don’t cry too, so that you don’t fall into this pit of despair with him, because Merlin knows that any pain Draco feels takes as rough a toll on you. You pull him off of you and sit up, bringing him to sit as well, so that you can look him in the eyes.
“Sorry for what Bub?”
“For being broken. I-“ He feels another sob rock through him and you pull him into your chest. “Please fix me Y/N.” He pleads, a whimper following suit.
His fingers are digging into you again, he’s clinging so tightly to you like you’ll disappear if he doesn’t stay close enough, and it hurts you to know that even after all these years he’s scared that you’ll leave.
“You’re not broken Draco, there’s nothing to fix.”
“But I’m- I’m-“  Cries start to escape rapidly and interrupt him. He can’t see clearly anymore as tears form in his waterline and obstruct his view of you. It hurts, everything just hurts.
“You’re not broken, my love.” You whisper as you cup his face, “You’re not evil, you’re not bad. You’re good. You’re my husband, I love you. Did you open the box?”
He shakes his head, “Couldn’t find it.”
“Okay, let me get i-“ You’re cut off by your bedroom door opening and your children marching in.
“Dad, you’ll never guess what happened at school today- Oh, is this a bad time?” Ariel, your daughter, stops in her tracks as she raises her eyebrows at you.
You shake your head and gesture for them to come in. “I think it just got a little much for him this year. Please get me the box, love.”
Ariel goes to the headboard and pulls out the aforementioned box from the first drawer, before her and Cael, your son, get comfortable on the bed beside you and Draco. But Draco doesn’t need it anymore, he can already sense himself coming back down to earth. He knows where he is- with you, in your house, with your children, in your bed. He’s home, he’s safe.
He takes the box anyway and begins to unload its contents in silence, the three of you observing him with admiration. It’s a small circular box that your children made a few years back after witnessing one of his episodes for the first time, containing momentos from the last 18 years of you and Draco’s lives together. Pictures, notes, a few school projects.
“Tell him about what happened at school today, it’ll probably make him laugh.” Cael encourages his older sister Ariel, and she does as told.
Draco pays a significant amount of attention to the story, piecing together facts that he’s slowly starting to understand and recognize as a part of his normal life. He intertwines his fingers with Cael’s as Ariel continues telling the story from her spot on your lap.
So much love that he doesn’t know what to do with it. Bursts of it just choking him out.
Draco remembers everything now. He remembers this house of yours, the one he’d bought straight out of Hogwarts and begged you to live in with him because “It’s nothing without you in it”. These children that you’d had 14 years ago, that’d he’d been so scared to raise because he thought they’d resent him, and that made everything in the world just seem brighter. This life that he modeled with you on the embers of his haunting past, this life that reminds him he’s good.
Before you, he would’ve been terrified to show any one his vulnerable side, especially his children, but you’d taught him that loving someone means loving all the good bits and the bad bits, all the happy moments and the sad moments. Now he knows that when days like this happen, when he gets so lost inside the mental maze of his own construction, the three of you will always be waiting to help him out.
Ariel finishes her story and Draco bellows out a laugh, feeling thankful to have you three around in his moments of weakness.
His three guardian angels- the only people who can always lead him away from the shadow in his mind and toward the luminescence that he carries within him. “All the good within us is split in the middle, half from you and half from mum, just as it should be. I hope you remember that we wouldn’t be who we are without you both.” Cael suddenly speaks up and you smile pridefully at him.
“They wouldn’t.” You add once he’s done and smile, “I couldn’t have done such a bad job without you.”
“Hey!” Ariel accuses and you all laugh.
“She’s right though, I am the one who taught you hexes at age 7.” Draco grins bashfully and you roll your eyes.
“And look at us now, acing Charms!”
“See love,” Draco turns to you, “There is a method to my madness.”
“Mhmm.” You hum with a small smile. “Go do your homework, dinner soon.”
“Yes, I’m making pizza tonight.” Draco adds as he kisses both of your children on their foreheads.
They excitedly hop off the bed and run out of the room. “I can’t belie-“
“Harry called.” Draco interrupts you and your eyes go wide at his statement but you nod for him to continue, “He wanted to know how I was doing, you know with it having been 18 years since the war and all. Offered to come spend the day with me and make sure I’d be alright while you were gone.”
“And you said no?” You raise your eyebrows and he shakes his head.
“No, I told him that I’d come by his office instead. Then when I was getting ready… I just started having flashbacks again, and my mark hurt. I felt horrible all of a sudden, like there was huge weight on my chest and this fog obscuring my vision.”
There are few things that Draco has faith in, but you, you he never runs short on trust for. You’re a constant in his life, a shoulder that he can always rely on when he needs it, and as he sits here and tells you about his day, he feels love for you hit him tenfold.
You, this beautiful, kind, ethereal being that has no place on earth. You, the one who’s managed to convince him that saints are real. You, who has given him your entire life, along with all the love that you have to offer. You, Y/N, the love of his life.
An angel.
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‘Till My Last Dying Breath
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Aaron Hotchner x Reader
Warnings: CM level of violence, guns and the use of, mentions of injures, blood and kidnapping and like one swear word. 
Category: Angst 
Word Count: 2.2k
Author’s Note: Some good old 3am Hotch angst, very on brand for me :) 
Love was like alcohol. Some people have the occasional drink and they’re happy. Others prefer to stay away from it for various reasons while others need it. Need it to function, to get through the day, to feel something. 
An addiction. 
He was an addiction and one you’d have ‘till your dying breath.
His face, his hands, his touch, his smile, you needed him in every sense of the word. Aaron was the one thing holding you in place and he didn’t even know it. For someone whose job it was to notice the little details, he was oblivious to his own life and your feelings. 
You clung onto his hand as he leaned over you, “hold on, the medics are almost here” his other hand was pressed to your side, covering the gaping bullet wound in your side. “Aaron” you breathe, “y/n, don’t. Save your strength” 
“You can't save everyone Aaron” you whisper, your grip beginning to loosen on his hand.
The panic in his eyes isn't as well hidden as he hoped, the red liquid staining his shirt sleeve and his hand. Your breathing slow and weak, you were slipping and slipping fast. 
“I can save you. It's my job” he breathed, his words barely coming out, he worried if he spoke any louder he’d hurt you more than you were already hurt. Seeing that it was his fault that you were in this position anyways. 
It should have been him. 
An Hour Prior 
“Did you find anything ?” Hotch’s voice carried across the room as you walked back in with Spencer. Spencer shook his head and you opted to actually answer him, “lead was a bust, there isn't even a house there” 
“What do you mean there’s no house?” Derek spat, “Didn’t Garica say there was?” 
“Okay relax, I know she did but there isn't so what do you want me to do?” you rolled your eyes and sat down at the table. 
“Cut the attitude l/n, we’re all tired. Get it together” Hotch said, harsher then he’s ever spoken to you. 
The case was getting to everyone, the team had spent the last five days in a small town in Colorado. They had been looking for three missing women, one had turned up dead and the other was alive but not without signs of trauma and abuse. The third one is still missing and the girl who had survived didn't seem to have answers or remember where she was coming from. The frustration began to set in and everyone just wanted to go home already. Derek was on the phone with Penelope trying to figure out where the missing house really was. The room was quiet other than JJ and Emily going over the theories at the end of the table. “Hotch, Garica’s sending you another address” Derek told him, he nodded. 
“L/n you’re with me, let’s go.” 
You held back the urge to roll your eyes as you followed him out of the station, the two of you drove in silence. You wanted to know why he spoke to you that way, no matter how upset he was, he never did so what changed today? “Seriously, what’s your issue ?” looking towards the man in the driver’s seat. His permanent look of seriousness on his face, his brows furrowed slightly. “What issue ?” 
“Why’d you tell me to cut the attitude? Derek started it” 
“Derek is a grown man, he’s been a part of this team longer than you. Know your place” 
“My place ? Are you fuckin-” 
“Be quiet, we’re here and there’s someone outside” he stopped half way down the street on the other side. The two of you looked at the house that Garica sent the address too. There was a man outside, smoking on the porch, his clothes covered in blood. “Do you think-” “yeah, we go in on my count” Aaron told you, strapping his vest on. 
You weren’t one to wait for directions, hence why Aaron was upset to begin with. He wasn't exactly pleased when you got out of the SUV and sprinted to the house. Gun drawn and pointed at the man, he dropped the cigarette and ran into the house, following after him. 
“FBI! Stop!” you sprinted up the stairs as he ran. The sound of a door slamming and Aaron’s voice in the background were the only sounds you were hearing until a woman screamed. You pushed on the door but it was locked. You tried slamming into it with your shoulder but it wouldn't budge, taking a step back before you kicked the door with everything in you and the door swung open and slammed into the wall. The man’s head shot up, he leant over the girl who was strapped to the chair. 
“Let her go” you tell him, your gun pointed directly at him as you slowly make your way into the room. You take in the room, the smell of old blood and rotting flesh fills your nose, enough to make your eyes water and make you gag. You held yourself together, looking over at the girl. She was strapped to the chair, the rope around her soaked in blood and every inch of exposed skin was now hues of purple, blue and black. There were gashes in various parts of her body, no doubt she had taken the brunt of the beatings as none of the other girls looked as wounded as her. 
“I can't” he whispered, his hand brushed across her cheek, she whimpered. 
“She’s innocent, she didn’t do anything to you” you take a step closer, lowering your gun. Aaron’s heavy footsteps echoed through the house. “What was that?” the man’s head whipped in your direction, his eyes flickering back and forth through the doorway. “Nothing, you stepped on the loose board” your heart pounding in your chest as the man made his way towards you. No matter how many times you did this, it didn't get any less scary. Your gun raised again, pointed at the man who was in front of you, your eyes flickering to the woman in the chair.
“Any closer and I will shoot you.” 
“I’m not scared of you” he smiled mischievously at you
“And I'm not scared of you” you reply, deadpan. 
“You shouldn’t be. I would never hurt a beautiful person like you.” His words sent chills down your spine, not the good kind either. Aaron appeared behind you, his sudden presence startling the man, his reflexes kicking in as he grabs your gun and pulling you towards him.
“What are you doing here? You aren't supposed to be here” the man had your gun pressed to your head, right against your temple. Aaron’s gun was pointed at the man. “Let them go” he tells the man, who again, does not do as he’s told. “Move,” he waves the gun in a sideways motion, “let me go and you can take the girl” he steps forward, pushing your body as he moves. 
“I don’t want the girl, I want agent l/n back” 
The man froze, he was evaluating his options. Let you go and he gets to keep the girl and the other option is to die. There was no way in hell he was going to give up without a fight, “I'll give you the girl and your agent, if and only if you let me go” 
Aaron’s face twisted before it relaxed, almost like he had given in. You knew Aaron better than the unsub did, hence why your beating heart settled when he gave you a look. A look of certainty, of trust. 
“Go,” he stepped from the doorway, “let them go and you can go” 
“Nuh uh, I'm taking them down with me, that’s the only way I know you’ll let me go” 
Aaron nodded, the man pushed you down the stairs with him. “Why are you doing this?” you ask him, the gun was still pressed against your temple it was surely going to leave a mark.
“Doing what sweetheart?” he breathed, his breath hot against your ear making you feel disgusting and uncomfortable. 
“Why did you take those girls? I need to know” you didn't care, you were buying Aaron time. Time to check on the girl, to get back up to the house, to get you out of there. You trusted that man with your life although he was the biggest pain in your ass. 
“I needed them” he gives you a simple answer.
“Needed them for what?” 
“To satisfy my needs” 
“And what needs are those ?” you question him again. 
“You sure are a nosy bitch” he grumbles. 
Aaron’s steps shake the house and he runs down - basically jumps down the stairs. His gun pointed again at the man behind you. “I gave you a chance, you’re still here. Let them go or I will shoot you” Aaron says, the man laughed wickedly. 
“No thanks agent” 
“I’m not asking you again” 
Aaron's gun clicked, the trigger pressed slightly. The man loosens his grip on you slightly, your gun is now pointed at Aaron. 
It all happened so fast, the sound of the trigger being pressed behind you was enough to make you move to the side, the bullet went in through your back and out the front of your stomach. Aaron’s gun goes off next, the sound of multiple shots ringing through the house and the man behind you falling to the ground, the gun dropping from his hand. You were in shock, your hand pressed to your side, Aaron’s gun still pointed at the man as he stepped towards him, kicking the gun from beside him. 
Aaron’s gun clicked once more, a single shot echoes through the house before you fall to the ground with a thud. He turns and you’re on the ground, hand clinging to your side as the blood slips through your fingers. Aaron’s hand replaces yours, his other hand coming up speaking into the coms, calling for medical backup. Your vision blurry and your body weak, you reach for Aaron’s hand. Your blood soaked one wrapping around his. You clung onto his hand as he leaned over you, “hold on, the medics are almost here” his other hand was pressed to your side, covering the gaping bullet wound in your side. 
“Aaron” you breathe, 
“Y/n, don’t. Save your strength” 
“You can't save everyone Aaron” you whisper, your grip beginning to loosen on his hand.The panic in his eyes isn't as well hidden as he hoped, the red liquid staining his shirt sleeve and his hand. Your breathing slow and weak, you were slipping and slipping fast. “I can save you. It's my job” he breathed, his words barely coming out, he worried if he spoke any louder he’d hurt you more than you were already hurt. Seeing that it was his fault that you were in this position anyways. 
It should have been him. 
“Hey, you know I-” you start, his other hand brushes your hair away from your forehead. “No, I know.” he breathes, a small smile on your face. If this was your time, so be it. At least you’d go looking at the man you loved. 
Your eyes felt heavy, fluttering close. Aaron’s hand patted your face a few times, “hey, stay with me. Hear that ?” the sirens blared but they sounded far, you knew you wouldn't be able to hold on much longer. 
You knew you weren't going to make it. 
This was it. 
“Aaron,” you mutter, a cough cutting off your words and the blood spattered onto your cheek. “Y/n?” Aaron called, his eyes glued to you. “I- I,” your breathing was heavy, it hurt to speak. “What is it?” Aaron’s look hurt, the sadness visible on his face, it hurt you to know that you’d be leaving him shortly. 
“I love you” you admit, the last words you’d speak to him.
Aaron’s expression softened, a faint gasp leaving his throat. You look at him one last time. The way his hair flopped over his face, his blood soaked hands, the way his hand felt pressed against you and lastly, the expression on his face when you told him what you had been dying to tell him since you met him. Aaron’s voice rings through your ears, “I love you too” the last words he’d ever speak to you and the last words you’d ever hear. 
A dying confession of love seemed a fitting way to end things. 
You love him and you always will, you loved him until your last dying breath. 
Your love for him was an addiction.
He was an addiction and one you couldn’t seem to quit, one that was with you ‘till your last dying breath.
Taglist: @mac99martin @aaron-hotchner187 @fanofalltheficsx @luke-alvez @iconicc @lieberhers @pumpkin-reads​ @katexrichardson​ @sluttytears​ @thelukealvez​ @scandinavian-punk​ @pagetsimp​ @morcias​ @shotarosleftpinky​ @mrs-dr-reid​ @hqtchner​ @averyhotchner​ @willlemonheadsupremacy​ @mggsprettygirl​ @simxican​ @ssa-autumn-hotchner​ @potter-reid​
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Summer Problems
Warnings: mentions of alcohol
Pairing: Venti x Gn!reader
Genre: Fluff, hurt/comfort
Summary: you’re having a bad day but Venti helps you
It was summertime.
Mondstadt was crowded at this time of year, much to your dismay. The people just made the city warmer, and you couldn’t get to any stores due to the long lines. Not to mention the extra commissions. The same person had asked you to find their kid eight times this week.
It was hell.
However, Venti was overjoyed by the new flood of tourists. The people, the songs, the conversations you could overhear. Every part of it was great!
And, it meant that the anemo archon could buy more dandelion wine. More visitors means more people to listen to his ballads, which means more money, which means more wine. Maybe Diluc would even give him some for free if he was in a good mood!
Occasionally, you and Venti would bicker about your opinions on summer, but it was all in good fun. Besides, there were some benefits to the heat. For example, the heat and crowds gave you a reason to travel outside of mondstadt on your breaks, and it gave Venti a reason to pester you every chance he got.
Of course, “pester” isn’t exactly the right word. Venti was the one who encouraged you to go on walks to the tree with him, and despite your reluctance, you eventually caved. And it was Venti, so what could go wrong?
Soon, it became a tradition for the two of you. Every time you had a break, you would grab something to eat and bring it with you to Vanessa’s tree. There, you and Venti would talk about your day, and whatever else was on your mind.
Right now was one of those breaks, but every commission you had gotten done today had gone wrong.
Most of the people you were helping were rude or loud, the top two qualities you hated. Additionally, you had turned in some paper work to Jean, a few hours late, which was not taken well since she was already busy.
You may or may not have gotten yelled at by her .
Plus, you hadn’t eaten breakfast this morning because of your duties, and all of the restaurants in mondstadt were packed to the point where they couldn’t accept any new customers, leaving you starving and sad.
So, you went to the tree empty handed, hoping to find some comfort from your lover. As usual, he was sitting below the tree, playing his lyre. When he saw your wilting form, his demeanor changed from relaxed to worried.
He rushed over to you, gently wrapping his arms around you.
“Are you okay, (Y/n)? What happened, what’s wrong?”
All you could do was sniffle before completely breaking down. You buried your head in the crook of his neck, as your arms found their way around his body. Venti rubbed your back and guided you to sit down in the grass.
“Everything’s going to be okay, I promise.” He whispered, “I’m right here.”
Your sobs broke through the atmosphere, drowning out the sounds of the rustling leaves. Venti just held you, like you always did for him when he was sad. When you calmed down, you felt exhausted. Your chest felt lighter, even though your sadness hadn’t fully dissolved.
Venti rested his chin on your head, which was lying on his chest. The warmth of his body was so different from the cold night air, the clash of temperatures causing you to shiver and hug the bard tighter.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Venti asked softly.
Pulling away, you looked up at him, waiting a second before nodding. You told him about everything. You told him about your bad commissions, Jean’s frustration with you, and the fact that you hadn’t eaten all day.
As you spoke to him, you realized that you had missed your final shift for today because you were at the tree. Sighing, you decided that you were too tired to care. But you couldn’t help but ask yourself, were you ready to fix things tomorrow?
Venti laughed quietly and kissed your forehead. “I’m really sorry that happened... you’ve been doing the best you can, and that’s really what matters.” Pressing your head to his chest, he continues. “And, I wouldn’t worry about your issues with Jean. I’ll help you explain yourself! You’ll get off innocent, I guarantee it!”
“How- how do you know that?” You asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Ehh… well… let’s just say I’ve known her for a while, so I have some tricks up my sleeve!”
“Venti does she know that you’re barbato-“
“Maybe- but that doesn’t matter! Anyways, we need to get you something to eat.” Venti cheered, yanking you up from the ground, intertwining your fingers. “Let’s go!!”
“Wait- wait what? Where are we going?! I thought every tavern was full….” You murmured.
“Ehe! I saved us a spot at Angel’s Share- don’t ask how, now come on!”
Next thing you knew, you and Venti were racing through the darkness towards the glowing lights of the city of freedom.
You knew that with the help of a carefree spirit like Venti, you would be ready to fight again tomorrow.
Some dandelion wine might help you as well.
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wannabe-fic-writer · 4 years
Natasha Romanoff x Reader : Tolerance
Summary: Natasha likes to push.
Warning: 18+ Language, Jealousy, Teasing, Smut (Daddy kink, marking, spanking, fingering, strap on) 
Word Count: 2,031
Side Note: I have no idea what made me write this but I’ve never written straight up smut so I hope this isn’t crap.
She is a tease.
The biggest tease you’ve ever met.
It’s nothing you can’t handle but that doesn’t mean you enjoy not being able to do anything about it.
Quite frankly you knew this was going to happen. Tony and Pepper sent Morgan to spend the weekend with her grandparents which meant free time for them. In true Tony Stark fashion, he planned a party.
He told the team weeks ahead of time and it’s safe to say that everyone got considerably excited over it. There hadn’t been a Stark party since long before the snap and no one would admit how much they missed them.
When Saturday night arrived, you and Natasha got ready an hour before the party. Despite your admonishing to do so before then, only for Natasha to dismiss that idea by telling you that you would just be fashionably late.
The second she left your bedroom to get dressed you knew she was up to something. So before you pulled on your black dress pants, you stepped into a harness and secured Natasha’s favorite red ribbed dildo to it, tying it to your thigh with an inconspicuously wrapped belt.
As always your girlfriend looks beyond gorgeous. The black thigh length dress exposes her back and leaves a space at her side, revealing just enough of the curve of her breast to make you clench your jaw.
She combs her fingers up into her hair and shakes the curls out to leave a wavy look behind.
On the drive to the building you warn Natasha not to try anything, her smirking at you and saying,“ we’ll see.”
And you so indeed see.
Along with the team, there are a number of other people around. The King and Princess of Wakanda escorted by the general, Fury and Hill, as well as the Captain herself Carol.
Which leaves a number of people for Natasha to flirt with.
No matter where you stand she’s directly in your line of sight: at the bar with Bucky and Steve, on the provided couches with Wanda and Clint, in a corner with Tony and Bruce.
She leaves lingering touches on the people she’s chosen to drag into her little game. Leaning close to them just enough to put her chest on display.
If it weren’t Natasha everyone might’ve thought something of her actions, but it’s very publicly known that she’s your girl.
The two of you hadn’t fucked out in the open at any point but you never bothered to cover the many bruises and marks you decided to leave on each other. And that’s evidence enough.
Apparently though, someone didn’t get the memo.
Two hours into the party, as Natasha notices your lack of reaction, she tries for a more embolden play.
Grabbing the hand of Carol Danvers, she pulls the woman on to the dance floor.
It’s not packed enough for you to lose her, which you’re grateful for. It allows you to send a murderous glare their way as you watch your girlfriend sexually dance against the blonde woman.
Her hips move in an enticing manner, the Captain matching her movement as her hands lay against your girlfriend’s hips.
Disregarding the drink you just ordered, you march over to the two, jaw clenched so tightly your teeth might shatter.
Natasha’s green eyes alight as you approach. Fire setting inside her when you grab her waist and spin her into you.
“Excuse me, we have something important to discuss.” You give your best smile to the blonde woman before pulling Natasha away.
She excitedly keeps pace with you as you walk through the hallway of the venue, each step taken with intense purpose.
Having never been in the building before you aren’t sure where to go, purposefully passing the bathrooms, until you finally find a door marked ‘Administrative Office’.
Natasha has no time to think. You open the door and pull her into the room, pressing your lips against hers with pent up fervor.
She eagerly returns it, a cocky smirk breaking the kiss.
“What’s gotten into you Y/L/N?” She teases.
“You don’t think I knew what your plan was already?” You cock a brow at her.“ This skimpy little dress of yours gave the plan away before we even left the apartment.”
She knows you knew, she just didn’t think you caught on that early.
“Don’t. I’m sure whatever you’re about to say is a bunch of bullshit. Besides you know exactly why we’re in here.”
Even though it’s not a question, she nods. It’s as if she’s already fallen into the heat and intensity of the moment.
A switch basically flicks in her as she waits, ready to comply to whatever is about to happen. She knows whatever you’re about to do is going to be worth it.
You run your thumb along her bottom lip and she sucks it into her mouth without needing instruction. Letting it go with a pop, a small string of spit hooking around her bottom lip, that she licks away.
Her tongue leaves her lips looking even more glossy, accentuating how plump and kiss swollen they are. This just makes you kiss her again.
A low moan vibrates through it as your hand tangles in her hair and tugs. You trail hot open mouth kisses across her collarbone, leaving marks behind that will for sure be visible by the time you return to the party.
“You must feel pretty proud of the show you put on out there huh?” 
She moans again as you speak against her neck, voice low and rough with arousal. 
When you pull back you find her green eyes blown,“ did you enjoy dancing with Carol like that?” You circle her body like she’s your prey, stopping behind her to speak in her ear,“ grinding into her, letting her touch you the way that she did?” 
Emphasizing your point, you mimic their past actions: pushing your hips into Natasha so that your strap rubs against her ass and running your hands down her waist.
Natasha breathes heavily and rests her head back against your shoulder,“ it worked didn’t it?” She bites your ear, running her tongue across it as she pulls away.
“That’s not what I asked you. I want to know if you enjoyed it?” 
She has two options here. Tell you ‘no’ and let this continue exactly how it usually would. Or lie and tell you ‘yes’, eliciting you to punish her and this continues roughly.
“Yes.” She whispers.
Jaw clenching, your hand trails up her back, and you push her down. The red head hisses at the feeling of the cold wood pressed against the tops of her breasts.
Your fingers leave a burning trail up her thighs to the bottom of her dress and you hike it up to bunch at her stomach.
When your hand rubs soft circles on her ass she knows what’s coming. The anticipation of it sends another wave of arousal into her stomach and pooling between her legs.
The first smack is painfully delicious, making her hiss and moan through the number one, not forgetting to count along even in her sex daze.
The force of your smacks and the burn on her ass eventually has her jolting against the mahogany desk and she knows her panties are beyond ruined.
After the tenth smack you stop, once again rubbing the abused cheek soothingly. It’s a familiar tingly painful sensation but she loves it.
She’s not fully recovered from your previous actions when she feels your fingers sliding through her folds, collecting her arousal and ghosting over her clit.
“Y/n please.”
A dark chuckle falls from your lips that’s equally intimidating as it is sexy,“ begging so soon? Where’d all that courage from early go?”
You tease her entrance with your fingers as you speak, just barely slipping one inside her.
Being so riled up has her cursing already, a near silent “fuck” falling from her lips at your ministrations.
“I find it amusing that you’re begging me now when just minutes ago you were practically letting Carol fuck you on the dance floor.”
She whimpers at both your words and the way you roughly remove your fingers from her. Your finger hadn’t filled her by any means but the loss of your touch is enough to make tears spring in her eyes.
Turning her head, she looks back at you,“ I don’t want Carol. I don’t want anyone but you. Please.”
You decide that she’s been teased enough, and you know she has no feelings towards Carol it was all to get a rise out of you.
It’s beyond relieving to her to hear the belt of your pants clatter against the floor. You pull her underwear off of her, the fabric slightly agitating her abused ass.
“Tell me something Tasha, do you think you deserve to be fucked?”
She’s nodding before the questions is even asked.
Amused, you run the tip of the strap against her folds, collecting her dripping arousal on it, before easing it into her.
The rigged dildo fills her and has her gripping the desk already.
You start with a slow teasing pace, hand just barely gripping her hip as you move into her.
Until she starts to moan louder, breathing harshly as she says,“ harder daddy, please.”
Her words make you still, purely because you have to process the sound of that word leaving her mouth. She speaks it with such innocence despite your current actions.
Only for it to be spoken appropriately dirtier as you begin to pound into the woman.
Her body bounces every time your hips connect, her arousal coats not only her own thighs but also yours. She’s cursing, begging, and calling you ‘daddy’ in an attempt to make you literally ruin her.
But that’s practically guaranteed when she cums without your permission.
If she’s being honest she wouldn’t have been able to stop it anyway. You’d managed to hit her most sensitive spot repeatedly and there was no holding back the orgasm that forced from her.
Since she’s decided to disregard your rules, you work harder and faster to pull another one from her seconds later. But you know she can do better than that.
And she does, cumming a third time with a single thrust. Her legs quiver and her arms grow weak.
“Fuck, Y/n, I can’t-”
“Just one more pretty girl. You can do that for daddy can’t you?”
Wanting nothing more than to please you, she slides a hand underneath her body and circles her clit. Your ministrations plus hers makes her cum a forth time.
She literally screams, a Russian curse mixed in, as she collapses against the desk.
You just barely move inside her, allowing her to come down from the highest of highs. A hand running over her thigh in time with your slow rocks.
When her thighs settle and her body stops heaving with each breath, you pull out of her. A whimper spills from her lips with her last ‘fuck’.
Helping her sit up, you turn her around to face you. Gentle fingers comb red hair out of her face and wipe away the tear stains.
“I love you.” You smile at her.
Of course she returns it, no matter how outdone she is,“ I love you too.”
After you’ve eased her underwear back into place and fixed her dress, you fix yourself. Ideally you’d clean yourselves up but that’s not an option at the moment and you’re slightly pleased with the idea of her being reminded of this moment every time her slick thighs rub together.
“Just a reminder, I can handle a lot of things, but I don’t tolerate people touching my girl.” The grip you assume on the back of her neck is equally as loving as it is a warning,“ try that again and you won’t be walking for a week.”
She nods, teeth biting into her bottom lip.
When the two of you return to the party, marks blooming on Natasha’s skin aa she clings to your arm, it’s clear to everyone what just went down. But it’s not spoken on.
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