#and Im talking about usage of the word exotic right now
starlooove · 1 year
so when it comes to exotic now y’all just wanna ignore connotative vs denotative definition 💀
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whereisten · 5 years
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The Agreement
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Summary: Vampire!Sicheng needs a new toy and he just so happens to find you, a struggling college student that would literally give up a few drops of blood for some quick cash. An agreement is reached, you are told that you are strictly forbidden from falling in love. You are to only show up, give blood, get money. Seems pretty easy, right?
Pairing: Vampire!Sicheng X female reader
Genre (emboldened words signify what this specific part has): angst, smut, fluff, violence
Chapter Warnings: alcohol usage, drug mention
Word Count: 5.7K
It’s the first day at your new job and you close the door of the Uber as you approach Sicheng’s house.You give the door a light knock and Sicheng answers it just as quickly as he did the first time.
“You’re here.” Sicheng smiles when he sees you at his doorway.
You smile and nod.
“Come in.”
You’re both quiet during the first meeting, but your mind is filled with many questions. Who was Sicheng? Why did he live alone? How did he get like this? You thought you should get to know him better. He was drinking your blood after all.
Sicheng watched the Twilight Zone on an old black and white television as you had the blood drawn out of you in his entertainment room.
Your cushioned chair was comfortable and you felt you might drift off into sleep, but you didn’t want to, not in this place and with this man that you weren’t familiar with.
“What episode is this?” You finally broke the silence and asked.
“The Midnight Sun” Sicheng answered while still watching.
“And... how many times have you watched it?” You asked him.
He laughed out and turned to look at you. “Too many times.”
The episode follows a young lady struggling to live in the blistering heat. In this universe, there is no night, no moon, no cool air and the world is suffering as the sun draws closer and closer every day.
“I like this episode” you responded and he turned around gave you a look of shock. “You’ve seen this already?” He asked softly.
“Well, Yeah, I didn’t have dvr or satellite growing up so I could only watch what showed on the channels..for old people..” you mumbled the last part.
“I’m sorry—I didn’t mean..”
He laughed and you swore you heard angels sing. “it’s fine, I am old.”
You opened your mouth to ask but stopped yourself.
“The acting is wonderful” Sicheng picked up a cup of tea and brought it to his pink lips. He spoke like an actress from an old Clint Eastwood movie.
“Could you survive..in a world like that?” You quietly asked Sicheng.
He placed his cup down and turned to you. “I don’t know. There’s only so much of the sun I can take. My cells regenerate themselves, but if they’re killed at a ridiculously fast rate, I may not survive.”
You nodded and looked back at the TV.
Sicheng was delicate, you were captivated by the way he moved and the way he spoke. He was always so graceful and careful. You could tell he was from a different generation as he possessed manners that kids your age had no idea existed.
Day two was the same, the two of you watched the Twilight Zone and didn’t speak to each other.
The session was over and you were fixing your jacket on your body while he collected the small bags of blood you filled.
He never drank out of them in front of you, you figured that it wasn’t a pleasant sight and that’s why he chose not to.
“How are you feeling?” He asked before you opened the front door. He always walked you out like a gentleman saying goodbye to his one night stand.
You smiled when you turned and saw his worried expression. “I’m fine.”
He smiled. “Good, I’ll see you on Friday.”
It wasn’t until Friday, the third session, that you finally asked the burning question.You were watching The Hitch-Hiker episode.
“Sicheng, what happened? How—did you get like this?” You watched the pale man breathe slowly.
He turned to you and paused.
“I’m sorry, forget I asked, it’s none of my business.” The last thing you wanted to do was piss off your pleasant boss. He made our job so easy, it was like you were a sugar baby but instead of sex, you gave blood. It was easy and great.
“It’s alright, y/n.” He gave a small smile.
“My father, he was what you young ones call, a jerk. He was a narcissist. He had the disease, but my mother was human. I was human. My father and I would practice fencing in the woods by our house in China, and one day, a hunter finally caught him.” Sicheng paused and stirred a sugar cube in his tea.
“You see, we can only die at the hands of someone that loves us, and the hunter knew this. He took my mother from the house and held her at gunpoint while forcing a knife in her hand. My mother reluctantly drove the knife through my father’s chest and he started to die, but he couldn’t bare to think of the finale of his “superhuman” gift. He decided to pass it on to me before he died. My mother saw this and quickly turned the gun on the hunter and killed him before he could get to me.” Sicheng cleared his throat and looked at a painting above the piano in the corner.
It was of an older man in a military suit.
“That’s him, that’s the bastard that gave me this curse.” Sicheng said through clenched teeth.
Your eyes widened. What a terrible thing to experience at 22. You couldn’t imagine going through it yourself. But now you understood the crucial rule in the agreement. The one that forbid you from falling in love. It would give you the power to kill him.
“And so, I was pressured into taking over my father’s finances and businesses. I took care of my mother until she died. She hoped that I would bring her grandchildren, but I never did...I don’t want to carry on this bloodline, his bloodline.” Sicheng said in a deep tone.
The timed machine went off and you jumped in your chair, frightened by the alarm.
“I’m sorry Sicheng, I’m sorry that happened to you.” You said quietly as he got up to unhook you from the machine and take the needle out.
Sicheng laughed and shook his head while grabbing gauze. “Don’t be apologize, dear, this happened long before you were born.”
You gave a small smile. You started to gather your things to leave, but Sicheng stopped you by gently placing a hand on your arm.
“This is yours, thank you” Sicheng handed you a black bag with cash.“It’s $1,050. I’m sorry, I don’t use debit card or Orange Pay or whatever you guys call it.”
Your eyes widened. “oh—thank you.” You took the bag and Sicheng nodded and walked back to his entertainment room.
You were saddened to learn of his tragic past. He was expected to do so much at such a young age all while living as a completely different person, with strange abilities he couldn’t understand and a demanding craving for blood. He was cursed to lie without the ability to love and be loved back.
Twenty minutes passed and you still stood in his foyer. No one was driving for Uber right now as a terrible thunderstorm rolled on outside. The thunder shook the walls of Sicheng’s grand house and the chandeliers swayed back and forth, it really was a bad storm, so you understood why no one would be on he street.
You sighed.
Sicheng walked out of the entertainment room and wiped his mouth clean with his hand.He just finished drinking.
“What’s wrong?” He asked, surprised to see that you were still there.
“I—there’s no one driving right now, it’s the storm” you gave a small smile. “Im sorry I’m still here.”
“It’s alright, y/n. I’ll drive you back.” Sicheng walked closer to you.
“Are you sure? It’s terrible out there.. I can wait a few more minutes.”
Sicheng shook his head, “I hear and see everything, the darkness only heightens my senses even more.” He smirked.
You laughed. “Okay, now, I didn’t think you were a show-off but I guess I was wrong.” Sicheng laughed. “Come on, lets go.”
Sicheng led you through his house and to a door which led to the garage. The garage was huge and filled with several exotic cars.
“Whoa” you gasped at the sight of the expensive cars you only saw on TV.
“So you don’t have Apple Pay but you have the newest Lamborghini?” You walked around and gazed at the two door car.
Sicheng laughed. “Taking my father’s place does have its perks.”
Sicheng opened the passenger door to it and held it open for you.
“Thank you for this.” You turned to Sicheng as he drove on the highway to your dorm.
As expected, Sicheng has the radio on the station that plays jazz music.
“What do you study?” Sicheng breaks the silence.
“Oh—psychology.” You said.
“Oh! That’s nice!” Sicheng said brightly.
The two of you went on to talk about the growth of the field. Sicheng told you that he was impressed by how much you knew.
“Do you like jazz?” He was asking the questions now and you didn’t know how to feel about it. You two were establishing a relationship, but you liked the way he talked, sometimes you couldn’t focus on what he was saying while you listened to his sensual voice.
“Y-Yeah it’s nice.” You nodded and look outside to the rain that threatened to break through the glass.
“I love it.” Sicheng said as he turned into your campus.
“Of course you do, old man.” You teased and laughed, you felt that you two were finally becoming friends. You didn’t want everything to be so serious.
He laughed. “You’re ruthless and brave, I like that.” He turned to you and smiled.
You both sat still in the car for a moment as you watched his puffy lips.
He leaned in closer and watched your lips as well. The rain suddenly stopped and you looked outside and turned to him.
“I should—go now.” You got your bag and left as he nodded.
What was that? You thought to yourself as you walked to your dorm.———————
You and Sicheng grew closer as time went on. You would watch TV shows together and share the memories you had—well, it was mostly you listening to Sicheng reminisce on the ,memorable events that occurred in his long life. 
To be honest, you just loved watching him talk. There was just something about his voice that you liked. It was warm and soothing.
Sicheng enjoyed his time with you too. He liked how funny you were and how you would call him “old man” whenever you said goodbye. 
He liked watching you laugh and smile while the two of you watched his old DVD’s.You both noticed that you looked at each other more frequently, more...longingly.
Sicheng felt his heart growing in adoration for you and he should’ve stopped what was bound to happen. 
He knew better, but he couldn’t. He liked being around you.
“This is like...ancient, you need to upgrade.” You said as you watched Sicheng pop a DVD into the DVD player that sat in the corner of his entertainment room.
I Love Lucy came up in bold letters across the screen.
“All the other shows we’ve watched are good, but this..this is my favorite.” Sicheng grinned as he sat down on his couch and pressed play on the remote.
It’s the episode where Lucy and her friend try to work a factory job where they organize chocolates, but they can’t keep up and end up having to eat the chocolates from the conveyor belt.
He laughs as he watches it with you and you can’t help but watch him, fascinated by his bright expression and his dimples, the way his mouth opened wide and his big eyes squinted. His teeth were perfect as was his jawline, everything was so perfect.
You smiled to yourself at first, but frowned once you felt the longing in your chest. The two of you were getting close after these two weeks, dangerously close.
He was helping you financially and spiritually because he made you happier and gave you something new to do to distract you from your college life filled with due dates and endless studying. It gave you anxiety,but he calmed you down.
You wanted to be more than just friends, but you were afraid of liking him. His glances and the way he watched you laugh told you that he felt the same way too.
“Don’t fall in love.” Yuta’s voice echoed through your mind. 
There was a reason he said this, so you figured it was best to heed his warning.
But how could you when Sicheng was charming and kind? He was strangely attractive at every moment. He never had a bad look, his hair always neatly styled, his shirt always pressed and crisp.
His hands were soft, you watched as he raised one to his jaw and placed it in his palm while he watched the TV.
He was an anomaly, he had the knowledge and manners of a 70 year old man, but he still looked like he could attend college with you.
“Do you want to paint me while you’re at it?” Sicheng said while still watching the TV. He knew you were staring as you were doing a terrible job at hiding it.
“I-I’m sorry,” you laughed.
He turned to you and smirked. “Don’t be.”
Your chest felt a strange pull when he looked at you so you quickly looked away.
It was moments like this that told you your heart was already too far gone.———————
It’d been a while since you and Bella went to a campus party or a nightclub, so you thought it’d be the perfect opportunity to get out and celebrate with your money one Saturday night.
When you arrive to the club, you buy a few drinks for you and Bella.
“Okay! OKAY, do you feel it now Mr. Crabs??” Bella shouts after she’s taken a seventh shot at the bar. She is already tipsy and laughs out loud as she slams the shot glass down.
You smiled, you were happy to see her happy. It had been a while since the two of you just had fun.
“Bella! That’s it for tonight okay? Lets dance!” You grab her hand and take her to the dance floor.
The flashing blue, pink and red lights decorate the club as the DJ plays a mix of pop and hip hop hits. Sweaty bodies bump into each other while couples swallow each others’ tongues on the dance floor.
Bella is smiling and twists her waist so that she moves sensually to the beat. You mirror her action and just feel the rhythm in your veins, closing your eyes for a second.
“Hey Girls!!!” You hear a female voice shout from a few feet away. Once you open your eyes, you see that it’s Rebecca, a mutual friend you and Bella had. Rebecca was tall and gorgeous. 
She always had a possy with her, but she stood out from them. So of course, she caught your attention with the her glowing skin and sparkly dress, accented by her long golden hair. She really was a model and while you could’ve been jealous of her for her dashingly good looks, you couldn’t. She was also very sweet.
“Ahh!! Hey! How are you?” You excitedly jump up to hug her.
“I’m wonderful, it’s nice to see you bookworms out for once! You look amazing.” Rebecca pulled back and eyed you up and down.
You did look amazing in your tight red strapless dress. You took a risk by having some faith in your strapless bra, but it did its job and now your boobs sat perfectly while the dress hugged your curves in all the right places.
“Thank you!” You smiled and watched as Rebecca talked with Bella, who managed to slur out a few words out correctly. You didn’t know that the alcohol had hit her so hard, so fast.
The girls start to dance again and you eventually get tired in your high heels, which were the worst part about your outfit. You didn’t wear them very often so when you did, your ankles screamed at you for making such a poor decision.
“I’m gonna take a seat for a moment guys!” You yelled out over the loud music and Rebecca and Bella both nodded.
You head over to the bar and sit on a high stool to massage your ankle.
You look back up and a pair of eyes watching you in the corner catch your eye. You squint your eyes and see that you recognize the man.
What was he doing here? He didn’t seem like the type to go out and party. Then again, why would he only stay home and watch black and white TV for an eternity?
You gave a cute smile, but he only turned back to the men that surrounded him and rejoined the conversation.
“Oh..okay” you shrug your shoulders and pull your phone out from your handbag.
You were scrolling threw twitter and laughing to yourself at some funny posts when a tall man approached you.
“Hey bartender! Call 911, this lady just stole my heart.” He sat down beside you and smiled.
Oh no.
You turned to him and smiled while still holding your unlocked phone.
“That was..okay” you laughed.
He laughed as well and held his head down. “I tried.”
He was handsome, he had a strange glow about him and big eyes that drew you in. He was one of the men that Sicheng spoke to.
“My name’s Ben.” He held out a hand for you to shake.
“Nice to meet you, Ben” you shook his hand and gave a smaller smile.
You didn’t notice that Sicheng watched the two of you from far away. He fiddled with his watch and fixed his collar when he saw Ben hold your hand. 
He didn’t like it, but he didn’t know why. It wasn’t like you belonged to him, but he still didn’t like to see another man, especially one that he knew, get close to you.
“And what’s your name? Or should I just call you heart stealer?” Ben was charming as he flashed his bright teeth, he reminded you of the business students that went to your school, but he was a little older from what you had guessed. He wore a tight button up long sleeve shirt that stuck to his arms and had three buttons open to reveal the top of his sturdy pecs. 
He smelled like leather and donned a large gold watch that looked like it cost one year of tuition.
He looked expensive and..dangerous.You weren’t sure what would happen if you got too close.
“Heart stealer is fine.” You smiled and looked back at your phone.
He laughed. “you know, I saw you with your friends on the floor and you were the one that caught my eye. No, really, you’re beautiful.”
You looked back at him. “Thank you.” Then looked back at your phone.
You hoped that he would get the hint and leave, but he persisted.
“Can I get you a drink?” Ben tilted his head and tried to get your attention by waving his hand.
You put your phone down and sighed. “Ben, I’m sorry, but I’m not interested. I’m just taking a break here.”
Ben pouted. “I was hoping you’d make this easy for me.”
You furrowed your brows. “What?”
Ben looked up at you through completely black eyes. He drew closer to you and placed a hand on yours as you still watched him. 
and suddenly, you couldn’t do anything, you couldn’t move. You couldn’t even open your mouth to ask what was happening. 
Ben had a strange control over you, you were being forced to do everything he said, and while you were aware of this, there was nothing you could do to stop yourself.
“Ahh sweetie, that’s it, just relax.” Ben brushed a hand through your hair and gave a sinister smile.
“We’re gonna leave together, tell your friends you’ll see them tomorrow.” Ben whispered in your ear and you nodded.
“I’m going to drink your blood in the alley, and if you scream, I’ll rip your throat out. You won’t remember any of this tomorrow, you won’t remember me.” Ben grinned as he pulled back from your ear and stood up, his eyes returning to normal.
He took your hand as you got up and as you were about to walk over to your friends and do as Ben told you to, Sicheng took your other hand.
“What the fuck did you do, Ben?!” Sicheng yells to Ben who looks shocked. You stand still unable to focus on anything, but Ben’s commands.
“Release her!” Sicheng demands.
Ben only laughs and walks closer to Sicheng, “and if I don’t?”
“You know what happens when you do this..” Sicheng walked closer to Ben and watched as you stayed still but looked at him through low, sleepy-like eyes.
“I don’t care, she can pass out when I’m done, I’ll just get her some orange juice.” Ben looked at you and smiled wickedly.
He had no idea that Sicheng was already throwing a tight fist towards his face.
Ben was too slow and his jaw cracked at the sudden contact.
Sicheng grabbed your wrist and headed to the door. He had to take you home. Now.
“Y/n, it’s okay, I’m here, you’re gonna be okay. Focus on me.” 
He didn’t want to glamour you as that would only make your mental state worse. The only way for you to get out of your catatonic state is if he drinks directly from you. It was as if the glamour from Ben’s eyes infected you and was running through your blood so Sicheng had to get it out quickly.
You were almost at the exit when Ben grabbed your other wrist and pulled you toward him. 
Sicheng landed another punch and grabbed Ben by the throat. He lifted him in the air as some nearby dancers stopped and watched. The scene surely didn’t make any sense. Sicheng was at least half the size of Ben, but here he was lifting him off the ground with one hand.
“Don’t..test me.” Sicheng said through gritted teeth. You had never seen him so upset, it was scary, his eyes were filled with fire and rage. 
“You’re young and stupid, and even though I manage to tolerate your company, I will not hesitate to snap your neck in half and feed your body to dogs.”
Ben stares at Sicheng through black eyes as he struggled to breathe.
You were still drawn to Ben and his commands, your mind wouldn’t rest. Sicheng remembered your state and put Ben down before heading out with you again.——————
Sicheng takes you to his house where he lays you on his couch. 
He placed his hands on his kitchen counter and thought about what he would have to do. Did he really have to do it? Was it really the only way? 
He liked the friendship you two had and he didn’t want to ruin it. He knew that by making direct contact with you and drinking your blood, you would long for it after.
He held his head down and cursed Ben for being so foolish. You were unresponsive in the car as you were unresponsive now.
He walked over and looked down at your weak body. “Sicheng...what’s happening to me? Where’s Ben?” You asked innocently.
He knew you were only asking because you were commanded and manipulated by Ben. 
He sighed and kneeled down before wiping away a tear that fell down your cheek.
“I have to do what he says Sicheng, the longer I stay away from him, the more this fire builds...my chest hurts..I can’t breathe” you cried.
Sicheng knew that being glamoured was a horrific experience for the victim. He had to stop it. He softly brushed his thumb over your cheek and looked into your eyes. “Y/n...I’m sorry, please forgive me.”
You looked at him questioningly and watched as he lifted your wrist to his face.
“Sicheng..what are you doing?” You whispered but Sicheng opened his mouth to reveal two sharp fangs and bit into your wrist. 
You gasped at the pain and whined. The piercing feeling of his teeth puncturing your delicate skin soon faded away and now you only felt a heavenly sensation. 
You felt...high. You were finally in a state of bliss as the pain in your chest dissipated and Sicheng continued to suck your blood from your wrist. It was an indescribable feeling of pleasure.
Sicheng feels it too. He closes his eyes as he savors the taste of your sweet blood rushing into his mouth. The bitter taste of the alcohol you drank combined with the honey-like taste of your warm nectar made it difficult to stop.
“That feels good, Sicheng, don’t stop.” You grabbed onto the couch with your other hand and closed your eyes so that you could focus on the euphoric feeling running through your body.
The alcohol made Sicheng light headed, the sound of your rapidly beating heart filled his ears along with your angelic mewls and moans, and the sight of your soft body on his couch made him lustful.
His mind became filled with desires. He always did like you and now he had you right where he wanted you. He wanted to feel your body close to his while he drained it dry. He wanted to make you feel even better before taking every drop out of you. It was in his animalistic nature.
“Sicheng...” your soft cry interrupted his dangerous thoughts and he finally let go.
“I’m sorry, y/n.” He wipes his mouth with his sleeve and brushed away your hair from your face. 
“Y/n?” Sicheng’s eyes widened as he realized that he took too much blood from you.
You blacked out. He listened out and heard the faint beating of your heart so he knew that you weren’t dead. 
He sighed and and gulped, thankful that he didn’t kill you.
The smokey smell of bacon fills your nose. You carefully open your eyes and look around you to find a soft blanket covering your body. It all comes back to you after you look down and see your cleavage and tight red dress from last night.
A bit of sunlight peeks through the large velvet curtains that cover the windows and then you figure out just exactly where you are. You look down at the heels that have been neatly placed beside the couch you’re on and try to remember how you got there, but you just can’t seem to.
All you know is that you feel light headed and weak. You try to sit up but your body won’t let you.
“You should rest.” A familiar voice comes up from behind.
“Sicheng? Wh-why am I here? What happened?” You drowsily asked.
“The food’s almost ready. I’ll explain everything while you eat.” Sicheng paces back to the kitchen.
You shake your head, still unable to decipher what was going on. 
“Wait—“ you tried to stand up and walk behind him but you falter and start to fall.
Suddenly, Sicheng rushes over to you and catches you before you make contact with his marble floor. 
Your eyes grew as you realized that he just caught your body at a crazy fast pace, but even though you’re caught off guard by his swift movements, you’re captivated by his eyes and the way they focus on your lips. 
It was like everything moved in slow motion. Maybe it was because you were light headed.
His defined arms stuck out under his rolled up sleeves, and his brown hair was now curly. You never saw him like this. He was laid back and cute.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t get to brush it this morning when I got up. I had to hurry to the supermarket and get you food.” Sicheng blushed as you looked at his luscious hair. “Please sit, I’ll be right back.” Sicheng nods and lowers you onto the couch to sit.
“I didn’t know you cooked” You looked down at the source of the pain you feel in your wrist and see two small holes.
He walks up to you and places a tray with a plate of bacon, eggs, and buttered toast in front of you. The sunny side up eggs and crispy bacon were placed on the plate to form a smiley face.
You giggled.
“Actually..I’m quite disgusted by food, but I know you need the energy.” Sicheng gave you a small smile.
He was so good looking, you couldn’t help but smile back even though you felt like crap.
“Thank you, now what the hell happened to me?” You picked up the fork from the tray and stuffed your mouth with a piece of bacon.
Sicheng sighed and held his head down as he sat on the couch beside you. “What do you remember?”
“I remember getting to the club, seeing Rebecca...going to the bar..then seeing you. And—that’s about where it stops. I guess I drank more than I could handle.” You furrowed your brows and looked at the eggs.
“It wasn’t—the alcohol.” Sicheng looked down at you as he sat down beside you.
“Are you telling me I was drugged?” You stopped mid-chew.
“No no...well kinda..wait no” Sicheng stumbled over his words. He couldn’t figure out the easiest way to let you know.“There was a guy, his name’s Ben..he’s..like me.”
You nodded and waited for hime to continue.
“He glamoured you last night. It’s kinda like being hypnotized. He did it so he could drink from you without your objection. Once in this state, you’ll do anything he wants you to do. And the only way to get anyone out of that state is for someone to drink the poison out.”
Okay, wait, who the hell is Ben?” You asked.
“Don’t worry about him, he’s an asshole, but I’ll have him taken care of.” Sicheng looked to the side and gave a look of annoyance. 
You weren’t sure what he meant by that but it didn’t sound like things were gonna end well for Ben.
Sicheng stopped himself from clenching his fists and looked up at you, he studied your dainty face. He was upset that Ben had tried to hurt you. 
He waited for your reaction before he continued, but you still looked shocked.
“It doesn’t make any sense, I know, but I had to..drink from you.”
You choked. “You WHAT?”
Your eyes widened and looked back down at the two pin-sized holes that decorated your wrist.
“I’m sorry, it was the only way.” Sicheng turned to and touched your thigh. 
Your body felt shivers as his cold fingers touched your skin, but your mind was still trying to piece the puzzle pieces together. 
Sicheng broke one of his rules. He drank from you directly, he was the one that punctured your skin. Sicheng was so strict about his rules and you didn’t understand exactly why. But you knew that this could only mean that there were serious consequences to be expected once they’re broken.
“What does this mean, Sicheng? What’s gonna happen to me? Am I gonna..turn?” You gulped and looked up at him.
Sicheng looked at your eyes, taking in the depth of color they had for a moment. He had never looked at you for long, he never studied your features until now. You were so young and beautiful. He adored the shape of your eyes and the curve of your lips, even the slightest movements you made were graceful and soft.
“No..you won’t turn, but there will be side effects. You’ll have the urge to have your blood sucked again, it’s like a strong craving but you have to ignore it. It may take some time, but you will get over it. It’s like—a withdrawal from a strong drug.” Sicheng tried to give you a reassuring smile, but you only stared with large eyes.
“What if I can’t control it? What if I can’t ignore the feeling?”
“You’ll be okay, I promise, I’m not gonna let anything happen to you.” Sicheng held your hand with the hand he was resting in your thigh.
Everything was happening so fast. You couldn’t remember anything from last night and now Sicheng tells you that you’re...addicted to a feeling that you can’t even remember.
Your mind was cloudy and you couldn’t think about anything but him for some reason. His touch sent sparks through your body and you started to feel a trembling in your chest whenever he looked at you or touched your skin. 
You knew what this meant, and you knew you had to stop it. You took the tray off of your lap and stood up, letting go of his hand.“Thank you for this, but I have to go.” Sicheng jumped up and held your back. “Are you sure? You should get some more rest.”
“I’m fine..please, can you just take home?” You looked up at Sicheng who gave you a somber look. 
He didn’t want you to leave, not so soon. He wanted you stay, but he didn’t know if he had this desire for you to be close to him so that he could make sure you were physically okay or if he was really developing a connection to you.
He only looked down and nodded before walking away from you to get his keys.—————
You got back to your dorm and fell onto your bed, thankful to finally be in familiar surroundings.
You stared at the ceiling and thought about him. You thought about how he made you feel and how he took care of you.
His small smile gave you butterflies as you left his car. 
You had reached your dorm and were about to leave when Sicheng touched your arm and leaned forward. His eyes gazed at your face, your eyes and your round cheeks, before settling on your lips while you breathed heavily. 
The sound of your heart beat increasing made him smile.
You were so close, you felt your chest rise up and down rapidly while you stared at his pink, round lips. You moved closer to him, so close you could feel his cold body just inches away from yours. But he pulled away.
He couldn’t do this to you, too. He couldn’t ruin you, like he did the others.
“I’m sorry, maybe..we should take a break” he turned to the road and put his hand back on the wheel. 
You felt a hint of pain in your chest when he suggested you not see him, but even with a cloudy mind, you knew that this was what was best for your health.
You were getting emotionally attached to him and this wasn’t part of the agreement.
He cleared his throat and didn’t look at you while you sat in silence for a moment.
“Call me if you feel different or weird. It’s best to stop it while it’s early.”  he said softly.
You weren’t sure what it was, but what if you didn’t want to stop it? What if you wanted to give in..to him?
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