queenoftsage · 4 months
No Yeo Jin Goo fandom here on Tumblr huh? lol
[aside from the people who love 'Beyond Evil'. I know they stan Yeo Jin Goo... but stil.]
Good... Let's build it up then.
Here.. Let's compare and contrast, or do that thing that some fandoms absolutely hate, which is NAME DROPPING.
Here is Yeo Jin Goo, and Doh Kyung Soo...
My two NUMBER ONE faves. [we're missing KAI in here... but I want to leave it at Two on two on two... ]
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Cute, right? Yes I know...
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hyperfixtime · 2 years
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HAPPY HOLIDAYS @vampiricmycelium !!!!!
Did my best to give you smthn you asked for with the @mcytblrholidayexchange and uh- ... I had such big plans (that will still happen mind you, and you'll be tagged with the result since it's supposed to be another holiday gift for you :D )- Anyways! Team ranchers reunion in the empires crossover! hope you like it :)
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dullmesser · 2 years
*Friend A*: don't worry maria, it's not covid it's just a flu. the symptoms you are describing are just of a flu
*My period, still not making an appearance being 5 days late*: take the hint girls, just take the mf hint!!!
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belle-aesthetics · 1 year
I want to invoke great joy into your life for using an interobang as your avatar. That is all.
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star--anon · 3 years
honestly, if I ever reach 200 followers, I'm going to retire and become the old man that lives on the mountain in all the movies that occasionally offers fragments of wisdom
mostly just because I think I'm better at thinking of ideas than writing them
...actually that's a good idea...
Does anybody want headcanons/story prompts? Really considering reverting back to what this blog was meant to be: a headcanon blog
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schnaf · 4 years
me, crying for the 293847th time this week: no no it's okay i really enjoy this show
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vagrantblvrd · 4 years
Even later late-night half-assed AU idea:
Everyone lives AU where the Empire is still A Thing but Order 66 doesn’t happen and they ends up in a decades-long war anyway, but like. With double the number of Skywalkers running around shooting things and Being Dramatic.
Also a Kenobi.
And some Naberries.
Leia’s act of ~youthful rebellion is marrying the smuggler who helped save her, Luke’s and Obi-Wan’s lives that one time.
Luke’s act of ~youthful rebellion against his father is transferring to whatever squadron/unit Han’s in and being like :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD as they zoom off somewhere for Adventures.
Leia is like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  when Anakin asks if she knew about this beforehand - no one told him to expect this much trouble with twins, okay. Obi-Wan will you stop laughing please???
(I kind of want Leia to fly as Rogue leader on a few missions without Anakin realizing and then some Dramatic Reveal where she pulls her flight helmet off and shakes out her hair - slow motion of course.
When Anakin asks how the hell that happened Wedge and the rest are “She’s Luke’s twin! How were we supposed to know?”
Or something equally ridiculous in which Anakin realizes even Rex has turned against him and all is lost and such?
I just feel not enough hilarity comes from the whole Twin Thing, okay, and I’m super tired.)
Meanwhile Leia sleeps a little better at night knowing Chewie’s looking out for her idiot husband and idiot brother.
And like, nothing against Wedge or the rest of the Rogues, but everyone knows they didn’t keep an eye on Luke as enable strongly and that’s why the crew of Rogue One declared independence from the rest of Rogue Squadron, and look, okay, it’s a delicate balancing act keeping things from being on fire all the times with these idiots. 
But also the realization that Chewie can only do so much when the Falcon runs into trouble in the Outer Rim - “What do you mean you lost my son, Solo???” “Padme, please calm down, you’re scaring the smuggler.”
Only for Luke to show up a few months later with a hermit beard and also a Mandalorian and tiny green gremlin kid in tow, just
:DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD “Boy, do I have a story to tell you guys!”
“Also, we have a Moff in carbonite and my husband is the new ruler of Mandalore, and anyway, what have you guys been up to?”
Anakin being handed this tiny green gremlin kid and being all >:((((((((((((((((((( because no! He will not be won over by an adorable tiny green gremlin kid okay? His heart is made of stone!!1!
But like five minutes later he’s totally wrapped around Grogu’s tiny little finger and entertaining him by floating objects over his head and Luke elbow Din, all “See? Told you it’d work.”
(Also, also, the next time Luke gets in a lightsaber duel with a sith lord he straight-up catches the sit lord’s lightsaber in his prosthetic hand because of that time Luke saved the Mand’alor’s life due to Imperial assassins and beskar is rather incredible like that, isn’t it? :DDDDDDDDDDDD)
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spookyscarykittycat · 3 years
Okay so I just saw your post about ur goddess whistling neighbor girl and I know we don't know each other I just wanted to say GOOD FUCKING LUCK!!!! I'm sending good vibes your way😘♥️♥️♥️
OMGGG THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!! I love how despite having no clue who I am you jumped in to wish me luck, LOVE YOU FOR THAT!
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strawberry-lemonade · 3 years
hii! so if you were a person i knew irl, you would prolly be that one classmate who's supportive of everybody and is like really nice to everyone, so basically everyone likes you...
hey hey hey!!!!!! that’s the person i’ve always wanted to be!!!!!!! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
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meta-shadowsong · 4 years
Quick response to Mandalorian season finale
Behind a cut because, well.
Okay, yes, I am in this show for Dadalorian and Found Family etc. But I am at least as invested in the plotline this season about various factions of Mandalorians and their, for lack of a better word, sectarian disputes. Which frequently result in barfights. Because Mandalorians.
(AKA that scene where they picked up Bo and her minion was. A Delight.)
(Also, I love my girl Bo-Katan. Even if she’s very much a blunt instrument/not a politician going at this in all the wrong ways and was Very Rude to Boba but tbh I wasn’t 100% sure she was going to show up in this episode and I would’ve been Sad if we hadn’t gotten to see them meet. Either here or next season.)
(Still Sad at the lack of Sabine, though :( )
Leaving aside anything re: Gina Caranno (because that has been discussed by people much smarter and better-informed than myself), I’m kind of thrilled that the strike team was Almost Entirely Ladies.
(On that note. Uh. Does anyone else kinda. That little “Anyone else, we can take” smirk. And I just. Uh. Bo/Fennec, anyone??????)
(I kind of already ship Bo with Ventress tbh but a) multishipping ftw and b) threesome??????)
(Hi I’m shallow sometimes lol)
Anyway moving on.
Also the sound/almost-music when the Cylons Dark Troopers were activating was Excellent I approve.
And that Visual of the one trooper Din set on fire. ...honestly that whole hallway fight sequence was pretty Brilliant.
And the sort of...almost casual layer of the scene in the elevator. Even if these women haven’t worked together before, just that, “sure you don’t need any help with that?” “I got it. Excuse me.”
And that whole thing where Gideon was trying to Manipulate Din and he was like “...dude, I legit just care about the kid. I’ll fight for/with Bo-Katan because she’s pretty badass and I Might As Well plus she gets me what I want but I don’t...actually...Care about her Greater Cause?”
(Side note, I’ve spent a lot of time writing Bo-Katan/figuring out how her head works and literally all she cares about is Mandalore and its survival. It’s why she broke away from her sister in the first place, and has informed every single thing she’s done since. A lot of why she makes the specific choices she does goes back to the Mandalorian Civil War and her experiences there--especially since all the evidence indicates she was not with Satine and Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon. The way that separation and their different experiences of that conflict probably contributed to the eventual destruction of what seems likely to have been a Very Close Relationship before that is fascinating to me. And the subject of a fic I’ve been working on off and on for a couple years now, lol.)
(...anyway, where I was going with this was--I mean, yes, Gideon knows everything in terms of facts, but he doesn’t always interpret them correctly. IMO, Bo-Katan’s desire to rule Mandalore is less about power (for herself) than it is about Mandalore. Especially given some of what she says to Sabine in Rebels--if there was someone else she genuinely trusted to take the throne and rule her world, she’d be willing to cede her claim and be one of their generals. Especially since she’s very much not a political animal. She’s an excellent war leader, but not so much in terms of actual Governance.)
(insert long ramble about the Parallels between her and Anakin, which I touched on in one of my fanfics, lol; and will probably do more with in my BB project which involves the two of them and Padme as the main characters)
(And, yeah, she does want to fight Din for the right, but if she thought Din would be a good Duke/King of Mandalore, I think she would seriously considering swearing allegiance to him? Again, witness how she handled things with Sabine. Also she would probs prefer to avoid a third (fourth?) civil war in her lifetime. But, I mean. I love Din but he is. He is not a Leader. Not like her people need.)
(And I think the way things played out with Sabine affects her decisions here, too--she did accept the Darksaber as a gift/tribute then, but proceeded to lose it. Maybe she does need to fight for it the way Maul and Viszla did (presumably; we don’t know how he got the Darksaber; it may be something he inherited/have been held by House Viszla for a while, even if they never used it to dethrone the Kryzes until now).)
(But, then again, I mean, this has been her life for at least a decade, so...well, maybe she wouldn’t quite step aside. Even if an Absolutely Perfect candidate came along. But WRT Din specifically--given who he is and what he’s capable of, while she absolutely wants him in her camp (and on a personal level isn’t super thrilled about having to fight him like this; she seems to genuinely like this kid), my guess is she doesn’t want him ruling. Not without some more actual leadership training/experience. Because, well, he’s been either a follower or a loner in everything we’ve seen him in, and given Bo’s opinion of (possibly experience with?) the Watch/the group who raised him, and the fact that he’s consistently shown himself to have super-narrow priorities and not really caring about much outside of them...yeah, she probs has some Concerns.)
(Plus, he clearly doesn’t want it. And you have to Want It on some level in order to be an effective ruler--that Wanting can be from genuine altruism/wanting to make the world better, like we see with Bail and Padme; it can be from single-minded determination to Make Things Right, like Satine and I would argue Bo-Katan (Leia falls into either the first or second category, depending on the point in her storyline); and it can come from a desire for personal power and advancement (as we see with Pre Viszla and, of course, Skeev Palpatine himself; to be fair, rulers in this third category tend to be bad in other ways lol). But someone who genuinely doesn’t want power generally kind of Sucks when they’re unexpectedly handed it. Which I could cite several IRL historical examples of. And, I mean, obviously, this isn’t the only factor in play for what makes a good ruler/leader (see above re: Palps and Pre Viszla), but it is a factor.)
(Also, to clarify: none of these are bad qualities/traits, necessarily? Like, traits are good or bad depending on whatever context a person/character finds themself in. And in Din’s current context, with his current life and mission--even in situations where he has to coordinate with other groups in the service of a larger goal--these are excellent traits to have. But for someone who’s responsible for an entire nation? Not so much.)
(One could argue that Bo has some Issues there, too, albeit different ones, which is why I think she might be willing to step aside and cede her claim to a Genuinely Good/Better Alternative, if she found one. She’s a war-leader, not a ruler, and the two jobs require overlapping but different skillsets.)
(..........honestly? I don’t think the show would go there, but I think the two of them as a team/partnership ruling Mandalore would actually be really effective? Either on an equal footing or with one as the Official Ruler and the other as a second-in-command/right-hand. She has the leadership expertise and the actual will and drive to pull this off, and he has the diplomatic skill, as we see with the Tusken Raiders, among others.)
(Not a romantic partnership, lol, that would be Weird, but a political and probably eventually platonically affectionate one. Especially with how Mandalore feels about family of choice/adoption, and the fact that they’re both kind of alone now (whatever happened to Korkie, anyway??) even if no formal adoption is likely in their case...)
(Anyway. Uh. Long tangent aside...)
(also if there’s anyone who didn’t see Gideon trying to decapitate Din when his back was turned...IDEK what you were expecting. Like. I am All About guys like Pellaeon in the Imperial ranks, and the fact that there might be a few people who would make that offer/deal and be on the level. To say nothing of my best beloved Alexsandr Kallus. But. Uh. Gideon is. Not one of them.)
(Also, I thought it was a Nice Touch when the spear started turning red--because, no, the Darksaber can’t cut pure beskar. But it does generate heat, as we’ve seen in, say, TPM. And beskar does melt.)
Also, called it on tossing the Cylons Dark Troopers out the airlock Not Working in the long term.
While it’s not Cool or Flashy like a bomb or slicing, the Cylons Dark Troopers pounding the doors down with their goddamn fists was Cool and Terrifying in all the best ways.
Side note--I think even if I hadn’t been spoiled (forgot to mute the spoiler channels on the SW Discords I’m on before going to bed, and checked on autopilot), X-wing + Grogu perking up would’ve probably clued me in and I would’ve been SHRIEKING. I was still vibrating super hard even though I knew who was coming, but it probably would’ve been slightly more XD
(and then a moment of HAHA GIDEON KNOWS WHAT’S COMING)
(and so does my girl Bo)
(and then the green ‘saber and the glove and other costume details and IF YA DIDN’T SCREAM BEFORE YOU SURE ARE NOW!!!!)
(Kind of cool that they waited until the last minute before showing his actual face though)
NO MY GIRL BO-KATAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(shut up i’m shallow)
(also I love her she’s legit one of my favorite characters in this series I don’t want her to die DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD:)
(yeah that was my actual real-time reaction to her getting shot lol)
“Talent without training is nothing.” ::insert Obvious/Tired joke about Luke having all of three months’ training At Best::
(also, I mentioned this in my last quick reaction, as well as elsewhere, but I’m...still kind of uncomfortable with the continuing implication that the Jedi path is the only option other than Darkness. Not because it’s a bad one, either in the PT-era or with Luke’s reconstruction. But the idea that the only way to achieve the mindset/emotional stability/whatever needed to wield the Force without Falling is through adapting the Jedi philosophy sits wrong with me. especially the implication that you can only do so from an early age/in isolation from other influences or bonds; which is a word I’m using very specifically because there’s a difference between Attachment as defined by the Jedi and interpersonal bonds which they clearly have and I don’t want this to get derailed by that particular Discourse(tm) That doesn’t even super hold up on Earth, with a single species, let alone in a galaxy with trillions of beings of multiple different species. Basically, people and the galaxy--and by extension the Force, which is in part created/influenced by living beings--are way too complicated for there to be only one right answer.)
(Also, it...doesn’t really hold up with the core message of Star Wars, which is about Choice? If the only way you can be a Good Force Adept is by meeting this extremely narrow set of criteria, most of which are outside your possible control......but I should probably save this for a separate post, lol.)
(The point is, I mentioned earlier in the post how much I’m LOVING the throughline in this season about different factions/sects among Mandalorians, and I think it would be Great if we got more of that with Jedi/Light adepts.)
(Anyway. Uh. Back to the episode...)
That FACE MOMENT had me legit crying omg
omg had they MET
I...don’t know what I was expecting from the credits but Welp. I wonder who the body double was...
(And before you ask, I didn’t really get the Uncanny Valley effect from Rogue One, not even Tarkin, so.....yeah, I guess I don’t always pick up on that, or it hits me from weird directions, lol. Because I sometimes get that from the Rebels animation, especially in stills/gifsets, because everyone’s faces are all so Smooth...)
.........Jabba’s palace, okay.
.......Bib Fortuna, Okay.
(those fingernails, however, are Not Okay)
Good on you, Boba, just shooting him in the face instead of letting him posture!
although why you want to rule Tatooine is...okay then.
LOL at Fennec perching on the arm of the chair, sipping her booze all casual-like.
Right! So that was an Experience! Overall, I liked it. Looking forward to how Din and Bo handle things moving forward, in particular! Because, like I said, I’m in this series for Dadalorian (so IDK how I’ll feel with it no longer being the Core Story since Grogu left with Luke) and in this season for the Mandalorian factions/sects and how they interact.
I’m also not sure how I feel about three interconnected series leading up to a Major Finale Event? Disney’s Star Wars has not had a super great track record with giving all the information needed to follow things in the core product (see: the ST worldbuilding lol, and also some of the cameos/appearances in this season, even), so I’m Skeptical of how well they’ll do explaining what is Necessary in each of the three series, in case someone only watches one or two.
What were your thoughts?
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maximaxstreasurebox · 5 years
Me,reading BSD chapter 78…
Reaction time!
(I ‘read’ scans,so rip understanding wtf is happening-)
SO we are at the street...okay
welcome here dude,get a nice meal buddy~
*COUGH intensifies* bitch
I will punch ur stupid face,Jouno-
Wtf is that apple-
Kunikida: n o p e
Jouno: triggered
fucking smile of his.........
Jouno: u want apple
Kunikida: fuck u
NO HAND............
THE FU-?!?!?!?!?
So what's ur plan?
Jouno,u little shit-
Rip ideals o-o
*imagines Jouno voice* Try to write anything u bitch-
*sobs* Q-Q
oh okay Atsushi seems alright..
Don't u fucking dare.........
Theeey are uuuur friieeeeeeeeends....
*blinks*.....h e h?
are u brainwashed?
Nice point Sigma, he fcking died once-
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biscuit-drivels · 4 years
Lav darling, you are always funny, but you are exceptionally so today, so with your permission, your today's messages go straight into Lav tag because I dont wish to ever forget them 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 me:  lol people are getting annoying on fb when it comes to exams. They want to know when i am going and I have no mood to tell them. Lav:  Tell them when your nose sniffs the grass but from the root out me:  I bet you actually told this to someone 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Lav:  Ofc mentions of death have been said in the past Lav:  I always tell people that to do anything i have to find it funny and they don't understand it.  Every project I've done or if i said anything i have to find it stupid unless i won't do it. I am always joking but also always serious Lav:  In the last year i had to do some essays for french and eng.  And in eng i chose to do the history of typewriters because i found it funny like a machine made with knives :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Lav:  And in French i had to describe my ideal partner and prof said we could made it up. So whilst everyone put their personal tastes i just described jane eyre :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. I said i wish not to be held in an attic
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soliser · 5 years
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@horclogium​ asked  →  "Can I...?" :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
cardia was being so mean.   this newfound courage,  something that wasn’t there back when they were ‘master and servant’.   how was she to react to this,  to such a question??   with those big,  wide eyes and how her lips quivered slightly.   and how close she was.   this was not fair,  in the slightest.   it made her ears press against her skull,  not of fear or concern but rather embarrassment and something  ...  a little more intimate.
"  you --  ”     a start where her voice came out shaky,  a pause to regain composure.   but composure was hard,  especially when it came to beckford.   lips pursed,  she wasn’t going to try this again,  she knew very well she wouldn’t be able to speak.   and one did say,  actions spoke better than words.   there was no hesitation when a hand curled against the back of cardia’s neck,  pulling the other closer.   only when they were but a breath apart,  did she stop,  did her eyes gaze towards tempting lips that were parted with want.   only then she would answer.
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“  please.  ”
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lachalaine · 6 years
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dun dun dududuuuuun !! bonjour, hello, and i wish only the happiest of holidays to all !! it’s the end of the year again, and while i’ll personally admit it’s been a huge mess of one on my side of things, i must say that i’m very thankful for a lot of what’s occurred this year as well, especially for me with regards to the rp community on tumblr ! it was a year of ups and downs and while i wasn’t as active as i would have liked to be due to the constancy of irl concerns, i’ve still somehow managed to acquire a severely supportive and absolutely wonderful set of mutuals that have made me feel very so welcome on here time and time again, making tumblr out to be what i would seriously consider to be one of the few sanctuaries i have left that i hold dear to my heart. being on here has legitimately been actual therapy for my mental health in the months that have passed, and i only have you all to thank for it ! your mere presence on here, whether or not we might have spoken on a near constant basis or even just once in a blue moon ( because i know i tend to evaporate into thin air once every few days without warning sdbhdbahda ) or even potentially never has been a real source of joy for me, even if all i was able to do was generally just take a seat back and watch you having fun on the dash. 
thank you for being such positive and such creative individuals on here, for putting so much of yourselves into a hobby, for spending your time and energy on creating new worlds with us with your characters, and just generally being such absolute inspirations for everyone. thank you as well for still being here and for accepting me and my muse onto your dashboards and for allowing us the chance to impact your tumblr experience, despite that we’ve had more then a few slip ups this year that we’re still trying to catch up on. we’ve never felt more accepted by the community ( nor have i ever felt like more of a mess, but you take the good with the bad and roll with it guess dbshdbsa ) and i sincerely appreciate you guys never giving up on me, no matter what !
your genuine patience and kind understanding has been a blessing for me and her in so many ways, and i’m thankful that we can still be here at the end of this year to hopefully make up for all that we’ve missed and failed to do with you guys, and still attempt to try to come in strong for the next one. i’m hoping as well to repay everyone for all that you’ve done for me this year, because i’m not exaggerating when i say i don’t think i could have made it through without your support !! whether it’s been a small ask or a short im message or even just a spare like on one of my posts, it all has meant so, so much to me, and though i know people will say that tumblr is a hellscape, somehow this community still manages to power through the bullshit to make it one of the most welcoming platforms i’ve ever had the chance to be on, and i’m thankful for the chance to be considered a part of it. it’s allowed me to meet all of you, people that i don’t know i would have ever had the opportunity to meet otherwise, and that alone has been an experience i would hate to ever have to lose. 
thanks for being here for me and for jackie, through our times of stilted growth and near constant stumbles, and thanks for giving me the strength of heart to keep moving forward, and to keep trying !! i know for a fact i wouldn’t be nearly as stable irl if i didn’t have this hobby to keep me grounded, and honestly - being here is one of the best decisions i have ever made in MY LIFE. bless you, ily and thank you xx
and so below the cut i just have some quick ( lol ) messages for a few friends that really just made such a grand impact on my year, i don’t know where i would be without them. i also just want to make a quick shout out to the people that have made my dashboard what it is - a haven for creativity and laughter and inspiration, and a place where i feel most accepted and at peace. if i might have missed you, please don’t take offense to it, there’s just a lot of people on my dash and honestly my head is spinning already but ily too please don’t doubt it and thank you !! 
for the people that i just generally really adore on my dashboard but have also made such a grand impact on my muse and i in 2018, i just want to say THANK YOU for sharing your time and your efforts with me, for sending me asks and for writing with me or even if we haven’t written together yet - just thank you for being my friend and for being here !! I KNOW IM STILL CATCHING UP TO THINGS IM AT 115 ON MY INBOX AND NOT TO MENTION MY DRAFTS BUT I’LL MAKE SURE TO FULFILL EVERYTHING I OWE YOU GUYS ASAP! thanks for being so patient with me and for giving me countless chances and for those of you checking up on me and also offering me your support when i needed a friend - thanks for being such absolutely incredible people! 
i really adore you guys more then you know and i hope 2019 gives us a chance to do more together, because i feel a lot like there’s so much more to work on and i’m so excited to get to it all with you! also YOU GUYS ARE SERIOUSLY AMAZING WRITERS AND IM CONSTANTLY IN AWE AND READING YOUR WORK BECAUSE ITS ALWAYS SO MUCH FUN AND I LEARN A LOT AND YOU GUYS ARE REALLY INSPIRING OKAY I JUST NEED YOU TO KNOW THAT THANK YOU FOR SHARING YOUR TALENTS WITH ME I AM THANKFUL FOR THIS CHANCE ALWAYS !!!
@dialforsnacc / @jaxyu / @saikuru-no-owari / @mikrifotia / @niirmohii / @aureumrex / @endgcme / @ncughts / @univentorem / @moonsought / @valhallic / @tamenteki / @lifedenied / @necrophagic / @spellbiinding / @hathlived / @manypcths / @odigxs / @brynhildrofromantia / @portalipsis / @pridesglasses / @luseron / @ghxstlyrxveries / @nanpoghan / @lordspreyer / @moonsought / @sukkubxs / @hhemeraa / @xaconite / @imperterritus / @astcrii
thank you all sincerely for everything, and i do really hope i managed to get most everyone asdbhasbdha i know im missing quite a few people but even if you’re not on the list, please know i adore you, thank you !! also moving forward these are the uhm -- ‘short’ messages i promised, sorry for babbling on and all but thanks for reading through, i appreciate it !! 
@bestiatexere // momochiiiii !!!!! the best twinsie !! the sweetest twinsie !! the most amazing and seriously the most incredible person friend i have ever had the absolute pleasure to write with! not only write with, but plot with and ship with AND DHBSDHBASHDS GIRL I SWEAR IT HAS BEEN AN ABSOLUTE BLESSING FOR ME THAT WE STUMBLED ON EACH OTHER THE WAY WE DID. IT COULDN’T HAVE COME AT A BETTER TIME. we’ve been through a shit ton together since the day we met, and it’s been a hell of a roller coaster ( like holy shit, i can’t believe the crap we went through tHIS YEAR ALONE !! ) but thankfully we managed to get through it all in one piece! and though i know we’re exhausted beyond belief and kinda wanna pass out to hibernate for a few weeks until we’re ready to face the world again, i know we unfortunately don’t quite have that kind of luck on our side just yet. but someday !! someday soon!! someday we’ll have the chance to write and plot and make sure our kids get all the happy endings ( and angst endings hihihi ) they could ever WANT OR NEED AND DHSAHDBASH HAVE I EVER TOLD YOU HOW HAPPY AND LUCKY I AM THAT I SOMEHOW MANAGED TO GET TO BE YOUR FRIEND ?? you are a blessing through and through, always giving so much of yourself and trying your best no matter what! you’ve been able to keep me grounded when i’ve felt like i’ve been a ghost, and you’ve been such a constant source of comfort and support when i’ve been lost. the fact that you’re always so understanding and kind to me even when i’m like this has been such a treasure to me, i never want to make you feel like i ever take your friendship for granted. i am seriously so absolutely lucky that you’ve given me this chance to write with you and your incredible muses, because you give all you can for them, and your effort shows. in heart, mind and words, in ideas and plots and all the gifs we squeal and scream over constantly --- these things have gotten me through my days when the world seemed very bleak, and i am thankful that you’ve chosen to share these treasures with me. you are the one person where i feel like we’re constantly on the same page and i can be an anxious mess with you and also a dork with you and ITS SO COMFORTABLE IM SO LUCKY !!! YOU’RE MY BESTEST TWIN. SOMEONE I CONSIDER ONE OF MY BEST FRIENDS. AND I CONSTANTLY ADORE YOU AND AM IN AWE OF YOU AND YOUR TALENTS AND ABILITIES EVERY DAY YOU GET TO SHARE IT WITH ME. U ARE A BLESSING. NEVER FORGET. YOU’RE THE BEST GIRL AND I HOPE YOU NEVER EVER HAVE TO FEEL OTHERWISE AGAIN !!
@kuebcko // SCALEEEEEEEEY !!! hello hi ily thank you for always being there for me :((((((( honestly, i don’t know how you manage to do it but somehow i feel like you have a j warning alert somewhere in your mind, that just kinda pops up an alert whenever you feel like im sad or need a friend AND LET ME TELL YOU, IT IS WORKING LIKE A CHARM. like, i don’t know if i’ve ever mentioned this, but i’ll be feeling anxious or lowkey down in the dumps, and even if i try to keep it quiet because i KNOW YOU WORRY ABOUT MEEEEE AND IM SORRY I DON’T WANT YOU TO WORRY BUT IT MEANS A LOT THAT U DO !! even if i try to keep it quiet, you still somehow manage to come in with like this one cute positivity ask or even just a cute pinterest pin for me to look at ( which btw YOUR AESTHETIC SENSE IS ALWAYS ON POINT !! ) AND HOLY HECK IT BRIGHTENS UP MY DAY LIKE U WOULDN’T BELIEVE. its like a guaranteed HAPPY switch for me, that just turns my day from :( to :D :”> :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD JUST LIKE THAT. you have helped me through so many of my days, even without trying. you’ve always supported me and tried your best to cheer me up, offering me a shoulder to cry on or vent to when you knew things were rough. and you’ve always been so, so understanding of me and my current predicament THAT I DON’T KNOW AT THIS POINT HOW YOU PUT UP WITH ME BECAUSE IM THE WORST AND MOST UNRELIABLE PERSON EVER AND ITS TERRIBLE AND IM SORRY BUT THANK YOU FOR NEVER GIVING UP ON ME :(((( YOU ALWAYS SPARK THE WARMEST LIGHT IN MY HEART AND I NEVER FAIL TO SMILE WHEN I SEE A MESSAGE FROM YOU. AND ALL I WISH FOR IN THE FUTURE IS THE GENUINE HOPE THAT IM ABLE TO DO THE SAME FOR YOU. i know you’re still uncertain of your work and what you do, and it hurts my heart to see you so anxious about things, and i know no amount of words might help take that frustration you feel away. but i must tell you, no matter what you write - your heart and your soul has always been able to resonate so intensely through your writing and your muses, that it always takes those of us that that get the chance to read it on a trip! one that we’re very reluctant to get off of, and one where we’re constantly looking forward to whatever else you’ve got up your sleeve. whatever else you have in mind to do, scaley, i hope you’re given the chance to do it, because i know you’ll be a success at it either way. thank you for always being there for me, and for always being there for so many of us that need a smile or a cheer just to get us through our days. i hope that in the coming year, i can be more present as your friend, and i hope i can be that same source of joy for you as well. 
@soulmauled​ // SHIROOOOO !!! hello hello hi hi hi can i smother you in hugs for YEARS PLEASE YOU MAKE ME SO HAPPY ALL THE TIME AND IM SO HAPPY YOU’RE AROUND HONESTLY !! i know we don’t get to talk too much and that when we reply to each other its usually always more then a few days or weeks later but dhbashdbsah DO U KNOW I DON’T MIND AT ALL?? because so long as we get to chat once in a blue moon, that’s enough to make me happy! you’re honestly the absolute sweetest person i have ever met, and any time i get an ask for a chat from you, you’ve always been able to make me giggle, no matter how sad i might have been initially. you make my heart feel lighter, and i’m always glad when i get to hear of how you’re doing, and i’m always hoping that things are going well for you. thank you for always sending me things to answer from your boys, and for always doing your best to answer the things i manage to send you as well! i appreciate you doing the memes i tag you in all the time too because reading your results always makes me happy! idk honestly you’re just - you’re just a very sweet and soft presence to me all the time, and being able to be your friend is a blessing i wouldn’t exchange the world for and i appreciate you so very, very much! i hope your 2019 is an incredible year for you in all the ways possible, and i wish you a lot of happiness and good health! ALSO I WISH TO PROVIDE YOU WITH MORE JACKIE MOMENTS BECAUSE JACKIE BEING WITH YOUR BOYS IS A GIFT THAT KEEPS ON GIVING AND I RESOLVE TO PROVIDE MORE OF IT FOR THE BOTH OF THEM DHSBADHBSAH BLESS 
@bathed-in-red // RO !!!! SNUGGLES YOU FOREVER OH MY GOSH, I MISS YOU. THANK YOU FOR POPPING IN EVERY SO OFTEN WITH THE LIKES AND THE ASKS. THANK YOU FOR STILL BEING HERE AND FOR STILL SUPPORTING ME AND BEING AROUND. i miss writing with you so much and i hope we get the chance to do so again in the future. i hope things are going better for you in every way, and i hope your mum is doing well. i know things have been rough for you too and i wish 2019 would be better for both of us. please take care of yourself always and be safe. im so happy to see you every now and then honestly, and though we dont always get the chance to talk, im happy in the moments we do. i know we’re both busy as fuck and potentially always hibernating BUT. I ADORE YOU ALWAYS AND IM SO HAPPY THAT EVEN IF WE SPEND DAYS AND MONTHS APART, YOU’RE ALWAYS SOMEONE I KNOW I CAN DEPEND ON. thanks for being there. thanks for watching out for me. i hope things get better for you too and if you ever need anything on my end, please let me know. i’ll do whatever i can to be there for you, as best as can be. i adore you ro, and i miss you and roppi loads. take care always and be safe and ilyyyyy BIGGEST HUGGIES AND SNUGGLES HAPPIEST OF NEW YEARS TO YOU BBY YOU’RE THE BEST!
@valorandheart // KELLYY !!! HI HELLO EXCUSE ME DO U KNOW HOW HAPPY YOU MANAGE TO MAKE ME ALL THE DAMN TIME?? whether its with jamie or sanford, reading your messages or little comments and asks about the most random of the things i post always has the amazing ability to perk me up and make me laugh out loud whenever i get the chance to read them !! you’re such an incredibly uplifting and joyful person honestly, and im so happy we get to write together and plot together EVEN IF I POOF INTO NONEXISTENCE AND GET BACK TO THINGS IN LIKE A MONTH OR TWO ( IM SO SORRY !!! ) ITS ALWAYS INTERACTIONS WITH YOU THAT ALWAYS MAKE ME FEEL SO LIGHT AND HAPPY AND HONESTLY YOU’RE HILARIOUS AND FUN AND ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL IN EVERY WAY !! i’m so lucky that i’ve been able to write this plot out with you, even if ITS TAKING ME YEARS TO RESPOND TO THINGS. AND OUR PAIR IS ALWAYS ON A TURBULENT ROLLER COASTER THAT WE CANT ALWAYS FIGURE OUT BUT SOMEHOW THEY MANAGE TO MAKE IT WORK. its been such a joy for me this whole while though honestly speaking, because i’ve been able to see jackie grow from her experiences with jamie, and learn from him and somehow even try to strive to be a better person because of him. she’s still a mess, but she feels a little more whole, a little more not so lost when she’s with him, and this kind of development is the kind of thing I DREAM FOR. and i can’t wait to see where they end up!! or rather I CANT WAIT TO SEE WHEN THEY FINALLY GET A KISS IN AND ALSO WHEN THEY EVENTUALLY STOP RUNNING AWAY FROM THEIR FEELINGS OKAY IT’LL BE AMAZING !! also I WANT TO SEE SANFORD AND JACKIE INTERACT AND YELL AT EACH OTHER OKAY ITS A NEED AT THIS POINT WE BETTER DO SOMETHING IN 2019 OR ELSE IMMA SCREAM IN ALL HEADERS OKIE THAT WOULD BE BAD FOR THE BOTH OF US IT CANNOT HAPPEN EVER DHSABDHAS WE’LL WORK ON THIS OKAY OKAY THANK YOU WHOOOO !! 
@weiwuxiian // LIGHT HI HELLO I KNOW I ALREADY TOLD U EVERYTHING IN THE TAGS THE OTHER DAY ON YOUR OWN END OF YEAR THING SO ILL TRY TO MAKE THIS QUICK, AHEM !! i just want to say THANK YOU. for being around for being my friend. i know i’m not the best person at keeping in contact at all, which is totally bad considering we have the same timezone, but i really really appreciate you being around !! being able to be your friend and also getting to write with you! you have such a brightness about you that is so wonderful to see in all honesty, and any muse you pick up somehow manages to radiate it! you are also so very sensible and kind, and i’m very lucky that we were able to get our muses to connect the way they did. libra and jackie will always be one of my favorite ships, and i know i still have some things i owe for him in my ask box, and even if you’re on hiatus with him rn, i must tell you that seeing you so happy on wwx is just as interesting for me as seeing you on libra. i hope school and everything is going well for you, i hope you were able to achieve your goals for the year but also get some time to rest for yourself. i really look up to you in all honesty, you’re one of my biggest inspirations and i hope we get to write our muses together again someday soon. also i hope we get to plot and chat lots again in the future hihi i really miss talking to you tbh !! i hope your new years is amazing and i just gotta say - i’m so thankful to have you as my friend! thankful and lucky and blessed that i was able to meet you this year and get to know you the way i did, and i so constantly wish you all the best!! 
@richkicl // hello jae !!! gosh, i know its been a hell of a long time since we’ve spoken properly, but i hope you’ve been doing well !! we’ve missed you a ton since you’ve left, but we’ve also been cheering you on all this time even though you’ve been away! i’ve been rooting for you, and i know your absence on the dashboard was felt, but i hope you’ve been well and things have gotten better for you in the time that’s passed. I STILL OWE YOU A THREAD FOR SHOYA, BUT IDK IF YOU’RE STILL UP FOR DOING IT BUT IF YOU AREN’T THATS OKIE DOKIE !! i just hope you’re doing okay, honestly. thank you for always offering me a chance to talk about my problems, and for always giving me such solid advice when i need it. you’re one person who’s always been very rational but also so enthusiastic and kind, and being able to plot and write with you has always been the greatest fun for me. i look forward to seeing you around again soon, but please always take your time no matter what. i wish you well, and i wish you an amazing new year. thank you for always making me laugh, and for encouraging me to be more open and be more upbeat. honestly, its because i met you that i feel as comfortable as i do today, and i want to thank you for being such a positive individual, more then anything else. you’re amazing and i adore you, and im so lucky i’ve had the chance to be your friend!! i hope we get to talk again soon. HAPPY NEW YEAR, AND I MISS YOU !! 
@astrumtristis // LULU. HI I MISS YOU. i miss you a lot and gosh, its been a while. i wish we spoke more often, as much as we used to honestly. things seemed a lot simpler back then, tbh. i know things have been going rough for you lately, and --- i’m really sorry that things have turned out the way they did. i want to give you a small thank you however, because somehow, despite all your own troubles, you’ve managed to take some time out to give me your support as well. honestly, you’ve been a prominent part of the reason i was able to get through the year, as your constant strength has given me the will to keep moving forward. my only hope is that through your own burdens, i might be able to provide that same amount of support to you, as much as i am able to from so far away. the things you’ll be facing from now on will be difficult, more so then anything i’ve ever had to face, but i’ve always been in awe of your strength and your vitality, lulu, and i hope in even the smallest of ways - i might be able to somehow support you and make the road ahead easier for you to traverse in any way possible. please let me know if you ever need a friend. if you ever need anything at all. i’m here for you, as much as you might need me. no matter what, you have my thoughts and my well wishes for everything to get better for you in the end. you’re strong lulu, one of the strongest people i know, and you can surmount this. we’ll fight the universe together if you need backup !! just say the word and i’m there !! do your best lulu, and i hope the next year, and every year after - is the best ever. happy new year bby !!
@vxtxation​ // MIKA !!! oh my gosh where do i even start ?? do you know, you are one of those people i just absolutely look up to no matter what? i’ve always admired your work when i first saw you writing with jae, and idk how we got to being friends but !! IM SO HAPPY WE BECAME FRIENDS TBH. we dont’ talk too much but holy heck i gotta say ALL YOUR MESSAGES ALWAYS MAKE ME SO HAPPY. youre just such a positive person who’s honestly really really cool !! not to mention talented in both writing and art !! i’ve told you this before but your art has always so incredibly wonderful to me! the expressions you give them, the creativity in their situations and the emotion is them is so very clear to anyone who sees it, i feel so ?? lucky ?? to have been on the receiving end of some your work?? I STILL KEEP THEM IN MY PHONE OKAY. also i look back on that one happy but crying jackie pic and my heart just !! gets all warm and light and i want to hug you so so much for that one !! THAT WAS. PERFECTION. IN A PICTURE. AND I DONT KNOW WHAT I DID TO DESERVE IT BUT IT MEANS SO MUCH TO ME. it stood out at a time when i needed support the most, and you didn’t have to but you did and GOD IM JUST REALLY LUCKY. TO HAVE THE CHANCE TO BE YOUR FRIEND. i hope to see so much more of your work in the year to come and i hope 2019 is kind to you. I HOPE WE GET TO WRITE A LOT MORE TOGETHER TOO IM NOT GIVING YOU NO 6 MONTH DELAY ANYMORE I SWEAR TO GOD I WILL NOT ALLOW IT. THANKS FOR BEING PATIENT ALL THROUGHOUT AND FOR BEING SO SUPPORTIVE. YOU’RE INCREDIBLE AND AMAZING AND I APPRECIATE YOU MORE THEN YOU KNOW. THANK YOU FOR BEING YOU AND I HOPE YOU HAVE THE HAPPIEST NEW YEAR IN THE WORLD !!
@tragicalyouth // ASH BBY !!! IM SO GLAD YOU’RE BACK !! i know its been a while since we’ve written together or plotted together or even chatted at all, but i’m hoping we get the chance to do so again soon !! i’m glad to see you picking things up where they left off, and to see you happy and well. im looking forward to more atsu and jackie interactions soon, and i hope they’re able to advance from their convoluted mess of frenemy/crush hahahaha !! they’re still one of my favorite pairings and im looking forward to seeing whatever is in store for them in the future !! i hope your 2019 goes really well, and you’re the happiest you’ve ever been. thanks for always sending me asks as well, I STILL HAVE SOME TO ANSWER FROM YOU BECAUSE I DROPPED THE BALL ON RP STUFF IN JUNE AND IM STILL CATCHING UP BUT IM LOOKING FORWARD TO IT !! i hope we get to chat lots soon and i hope i get to see a lot more of you on the dashboard in the year to come! thank you for always being so supportive and kind as well, and i’m wishing the best for you too! do your best, and happy new year bby !! YOU DESERVE ONLY THE GREATEST! 
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chikenskrach · 6 years
2, 7, 16, 21, 29, 32, and 36 for Hazael, Lottie, Rune, and Thatch
OH BOY ok here we go gonna put the majority of ‘em under the read more LOL
Hazael ;
2 - Does your OC collect anything? What do they collect?
I don’t think she collects anything specific in particular, but I think it’s a Gryphon thing to keep some of their more impressive feathers that they’ve molted
7 - What element would your OC be?
16 - What does your OC smell like?
Kind of dusty? But not terribly bad
21 - What personal problems/issues do they have? Pet peeves?
Something is happening in her homeland, but she’s not willing to say what it is. Uhh. Not sure what else tbh
29 - If they could choose their epitaph for their grave, what would they choose?
That’s your vein of expertise, man xDD
32 - If they could have one thing in the world, what would it be?
I?? Don’t know?
36 - What does your character want most? What do they need really badly, compulsively? What are they willing to do, to sacrifice, to obtain?
You’ve literally picked the WORST characters for such intense questions, this group is hardly even developed…………
Lottie ;
2 - Does your OC collect anything? What do they collect?
7 -  What element would your OC be?
16 -  What does your OC smell like?
Something light, like apples or something? Maybe?
21 -  What personal problems/issues do they have? Pet peeves?
29 -  If they could choose their epitaph for their grave, what would they choose?
32 -  If they could have one thing in the world, what would it be?
36 -  What does your character want most? What do they need really badly, compulsively? What are they willing to do, to sacrifice, to obtain?
Rune ;
2 - Does your OC collect anything? What do they collect?
He’s Fey, he loves ANYTHING and everything shiny
7 -  What element would your OC be?
16 -  What does your OC smell like?
Cold, crisp air, like the inside of a cave. Idk
21 -  What personal problems/issues do they have? Pet peeves?
What isn’t this guy’s problem….
29 -  If they could choose their epitaph for their grave, what would they choose?
V difficult to kill in general
32 -  If they could have one thing in the world, what would it be?
I really don’t know what you expect from these answers xD
36 -  What does your character want most? What do they need really badly, compulsively? What are they willing to do, to sacrifice, to obtain?
Again, he’s still too new for me to know much of anything..
Thatch ;
2 - Does your OC collect anything? What do they collect?
Doesn’t really collect anything. Mostly trophies she earns for herself, but she usually ends up selling them off at some point later on anyway
7 -  What element would your OC be?
16 -  What does your OC smell like?
21 -  What personal problems/issues do they have? Pet peeves?
Seems to be impulsive. Seems to not like to be told to do things a different way. Dunno
29 -  If they could choose their epitaph for their grave, what would they choose?
Idk you pick
32 -  If they could have one thing in the world, what would it be?
She doesn’t want for anything, she’ll find a way to get it
36 -  What does your character want most? What do they need really badly, compulsively? What are they willing to do, to sacrifice, to obtain?
Wait aren’t these just basically the same question? Just with a bit more urgency? LOL
Anyway. You’ll just have to wait and find out
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vagrantblvrd · 3 years
AU where Castle buys The Old Haunt and realizes a few months down the road one of the bartenders has a side job of Solving Crimes?
“I’m sorry, what was that, Castle?”
And Castle, okay, is like.
“I was surprised too, but if you don’t believe me, just ask him.”
In which the “him” in question is the guy waiting in an interrogation room because a couple of uniforms checking out reports of gunshots found him standing over the body and also Castle got a phone call and anyway.
And then shenanigans in which Kevin Ryan sort of kind of works for Castle???
(“You totally do, I sign your checks, and also there was the whole...thing about new management back when I bought the place and you call me ‘Boss’ when I walk in and - “)
He also used to be a cop until Reasons and now tends bar and the things about crime solving on the side because friends and friends of friends and also random people have heard about him, and really, you know. It’s more of a hobby.
“A hobby.”
Kevin grins, all sunshine and flowers and Esposito is slowly, so slowly, losing his shit because Kevin Ryan is sweet, polite. The kind of guy everyone likes. Beckett likes him and they just found about about him an hour ago.
(But he’s a little shit to Esposito.)
“Yeah, I mean. Some people knit, I, uh. Do this?”
Like the man doesn’t know how he got into the whole solving crime by moonlight gig.
“Well, I mean. That’s a sometimes thing. Usually I’m tending bar at night.”
And on and on and maybe, idk, there’s a whole...werewolf thing in there too because you know me and werewolves, right?
Kevin had problems adjusting after being bitten on a case – “It’s a whole story, I wouldn’t want to bore you,” but he’s got a handle on it now, and anyway.
Kevin and his life of tending bar at The Old Haunt, Solving Crimes, and the whole being a Werewolf deal, and he’s like, it is what it is, you know? (Alternatively, “Life in the big city, never a dull moment!!1!” like Kevin hasn’t lived there all his life, and also what does that even mean, and is he trying to say the werewolf thing is just something that happens in New York? Is he???)
But also the thing where he’s having the best damn time fucking with Detective Esposito and also flirting and poor Esposito just doesn’t know what the hell is going on?
And then there’s the time they have to Kiss For Great Justice – or, okay, to avoid getting caught by some baddies and anyway, such a hardship, you know?
Plus, Kevin with his werewolf strength just manhandling Esposito – totally not something Esposito would like to experience again in a different setting – and anyway.
That was a thing that happened, and no, Castle, Esposito will not go into detail so just stop taking notes.
(Kevin off to the side, though? Thinking about it.)
And then, idk, some Thinking and Kevin gets a P.I. license – makes sense to do it since he’s got all these people coming to him for help and anyway, yes.
Montgomery is like – “Not only do we have Castle helping out on cases, but now there’s a P.I.?”
And Kevin’s like “Only sometimes, though?” like that makes it better, but he’s a damn good bartender and Montgomery’s like, maybe if I drink enough I’ll forget about all of this and also it will become someone else’s problem</i> because if ever there was a reason to drink it would be Beckett and her team and anyway, shenanigans.
Castle lets Kevin turn part of The Old Haunt’s basement into space for the P.I. gig – files and such. Boring paperwork.
Sometimes he meets with clients upstairs in the bar – before the place opens up for the night or whenever, and Castle is just ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ about it because what mystery writer doesn’t love a good P.I. story?
Also, also, later in the Nikki Heat series a P.I. shows up who lives to ~torment Ochoa and make his life miserable and anyway?  (Kevin’s like :DDDDDDDDDDDD about it because of course he is.)
(Plus maybe there’s some charity cause around Halloween or whatever with a short story about a werewolf P.I. - come on, Elrod’s got the vampire P.I. in prohibition-era Chicago, why shouldn’t Castle have modern day werewolf P.I.?)
Esposito is like >:(((((((((((((( whenever Kevin’s cases and theirs line up and Beckett sticks Kevin with him – “At least yours knows proper police procedure/protocol, Esposito!” and also “Do you really want to trade, Esposito?” because they love Castle, of course they do, and yet.
Doesn’t matter though, because Shenanigans still happen.
(And, okay. Kevin’s helpful and also saves his life a time or two – “I mean, I didn’t know we were keeping score?” and there are times it’s nice to have someone to talk to, like on stakeouts and such.)
Plus, it’s always kind of hilarious watching the Big, Tough Guys zero in on Kevin as the ~weak link and then running into the brick wall of his werewolf constitution?
And also Kevin and Esposito sparring together not long after they meet and Beckett keeps sticking the two of them together and Esposito is like, yeah, yeah, sure. Guy says he was in narcotics, mentioned doing a hefty stint undercover before everything went to hell, but just look at him! Definitely got bullied in school, you know?
So sparring and Kevin all “If you insist,” and Esposito being like “Wait, no, I - “ because Kevin’s smirking and he has a bad feeling about things, and also Esposito suddenly remembers how Kevin put that guy who charged him on the ground in nothing flat, didn’t even break a sweat doing it. Which. The guy in question was easily twice Kevin’s size and -
The sparring matches early on where Esposito learned Kevin can handle himself and also that cold showers are a lifesaver, y’know?
Also the thing with all the flirting and whatnot and at some point Esposito is like oh, no, he’s hot, but it’s a realization quickly followed by oh no, he wears sweater vests unironcially and however will he be able to reconcile the two?
And Kevin okay, standing there watching Esposito have these dual realizations – Esposito and his Night of Epiphanies brought on by too much to drink or a concussion and Kevin shows up after being drunk/concussion-dialed and anyway.
“Well, if I thought you’d remember this in the morning I’d have a suggestion that would take care of both those problems of yours, but since you are, what say you sleep it off/get that head checked.”
And then Kevin just being :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD the next day and Esposito has no idea why, but he’s rightfully distrustful of it, and anyway.
They figure it out in the end and all that good stuff.
(P.S. Castle gets Kevin a vest to wear when they’re going into Dangerous Situations that says P.I. or something along those lines? Kevin is like *eye-roll*, but not so secretly loves the thing because it makes Esposito *eye-roll* harder, and anyway, yes.)
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