#and I also got reminded of the wip comic of the first conversation in this fic hgerituhiug
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tomato-bird-art · 17 days
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SF ZINEFEST 2024! Some pictures from the San Francisco Zinefest last week! I had a wonderful time, and it was SUPER busy! thanks everyone who swung by to pick up prints and zines from me, I really appreciate it. It was really heartening to see people enjoy my art and remember me from over the years—I’ve had a very busy year and not as much time to “be an artist” as I’d like, so it was very invigorating to be around other queer artists again in a dedicated and enthusiastic space. When online a lot, you tend to forget how it is to be around art in person, and this was a great reminder of it—also every year, I’m always excited to see the beautiful outfits and fashion of the attendees! Someday I’ll dress up more special, but alas it’s just work and apron for me XD
I also finally got to meet longtime mutual and incredible artist @megamoth in person, and got a copy of their Devilman zine series here I contributed to some years ago! Here’s a pic with a cool itabag as well.
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This year, I debuted a few new works:
“Fujo X-Ray Visions”
is a collection of personal comics from the past year I’ve been posting here and on Patreon, mostly about trying to balance life as a cartoonist and as someone pursuing some new career experiences in the healthcare field. Like “Voids and Visions” before it, there’s a bunch of personal stuff and angsting along with regular goofiness.
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It’s available now both as a physical zine, as well as a digital download!
“If All The World Were Mine!”
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My collection of artwork and comics I’ve done for my medieval rpf side account, @angevinyaoiz over the past couple years. It’s a mix of some serious historical illustrations, goofy cartoons, and nsfw works. It’s probably one of the most “niche” things I’ve ever made or gotten into as of late, but I’m happy for the audience who has appreciated my work over the past several months. It’s available currently as a physical zine purchase on storenvy, and I’m planning on making an expanded digital zine version available later—fill out this form to be notified!
“Best Yaoi Movies of 20th Century Hollywood”
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In this collaborative project I did with my friend @titilvating, in the style of classic cut and paste, copied zines, we offer our takes on 19 movies made before the year 2000. Many are acclaimed classics; some are underrated gems.  We made this zine to both introduce folks to the richness possibilities of classic movies; whether longtime cinephiles familiar with queer subtexts,  or young fujos looking for more material to sink their yaoifangs into.  Our sample size caters to our personal tastes rather than “good representation” and reflects a fraction what’s out there, with a focus on western US/European media, but hopefully can serve as a fun introduction and celebration. Old movies are a lotta fun, who would’ve thought?
It’s available now as a free digital download, but contact me if you’re interested in a physical edition as well!”
Other Works:
My print version of “The Sons of God” was very well received! I realized sometimes giving little titles to print pieces make for great conversation starters, and I got to chat a lot about my inspirations for the respective pieces. Grab a physical print here!
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Ending Thoughts
Overall, I’m glad I got to meet lots of people this year and also pick up lots of zines! I didn’t have a chance to really browse this time around since it was so busy, but I got to trade a lot with folks and also pick up some cool zines and stickers myself.
For those who’d like to keep up with what I’m doing, follow me here, on Patreon, either as a member or free-follower, since I tend to post my sketches/WIPs there first. For me now, it’s back to the grind of school and also continuing creative projects. I have a lot of stuff I dream of doing, and it’s always a challenge to balance that with what needs to get done. If I learned anything from this event, it’s how valuable it is to connect with people in the real world art space (Something I always learn and forget like every few months.)…also, always bring water and snacks—can never be TOO prepared!
Wishing you all a good autumn,
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meduseld · 4 months
Twenty Questions For Fic Writers!
Tagged by the lovely @samuelroukin. Answers under the cut,
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
241! Which is wild.
2. What's your total ao3 word count?
629,313. So more than half a mill
3. What fandoms do you write for?
A bunch? Rn working on a The Terror fic, and probably more WOT stuff but DC is always in my head and the one I've written the most for.
4. Top five fics by kudos:
I’d Learn To Float 
You're Looking At Me (Like You Don't Know Who I Am) 
Water Is Sweet, Blood Is Thicker 
Tough To Talk To 
Down On Both Knees 
5. Do you respond to comments?
I always try to! In fact I've ended up expanding on works in the comments because we get into wonderful conversations. The connection is a blast. I even love getting comments that say "extra kudos" and I send them little hearts.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably Like The Stars Miss The Sun In The Morning Skies since the only others that sort of end on an angsty note, Concentration Slip Away  and A Beautiful Lie (both of which are BatLantern with implications Hal is dealing with the aftermath of HalSin like in the actual angsty one) have room for there being a way to work it out. Something about Hal, I guess.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Oh, def I’d Learn To Float which probably adds to how popular it is.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Yeah, and never on the ones I would have expected. The ones that stick out are when I got a weirdo on my early NickXZiggy stuff and a really crappy comment on a fic recently that just revealed the person did not read a single tag or warning so I was more annoyed than anything because that was 100% on them. Those are the minority though, people tend to be really great! It's just funny that when I write ships I know are ~problematic I'm semi-braced for it and nothing happens but then they show up in the ones I would have thought no one would find objectionable.
9. Do you write smut?
Yes, but somehow that's when most of the character work seems to happen! I am that person that goes I'm just gonna write them going at it, no plot just sex, and end up with 5K of them being in their feelings before anybody gets naked.
10. Craziest crossover:
This is gonna be especially funny with the fact that Ben tagged me, hey @samuelroukin you want some Star Wars x Turn? It's here: What Binds The Galaxy
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge but there was that one guy that stole a ton of DC big bang works to put on Kindle Unlimited so there's a non-zero chance one of mine got got before they had him taken down.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, because I am a control freak so I have said no <3 (it's a character failing, I know)
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes and I had a blast but it never moved past the Discord collab phase for a few reasons. Maybe one day though!
14. All time favorite ship?
Hard call but honestly. HalSin is that bitch for me, the all -timer, has it all: enemies to lovers, lovers to enemies, mentor-mentee, brothers in arms, the-only-one-that-gets-me, opposites attract, xenophilia.... Also probs relevant that it was among the first to give me the tingles as a tween reading comics so.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Ugh there are some bangers in my icebox, there's a reason I don't post WIPs. But recently I was reminded of an excellent BirdFlash one I have that's just. Stuck. And an epic Superbat at a Boarding School of Horrors that I can't get my ass into gear about without the Big Bang to push me.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Character work I think, getting why they tick and getting it across. I'm a decent had at plot too! Did some casefic/mysteries and watched people get got in real time in the comments.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Getting to the damn point instead of wandering off into the weeds with 86 commas. It has had its moments but sometimes I need to get back to the action and maintain momentum. I wish I was better at smut too, I think I'm okay but then I read something someone else wrote and go HOW.
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
This is a context needed answer. I think it really depends on what you're trying to do/the source. If your character does in fact routinely swear in another language in canon just pop it in there, or if they do that or if it's a setting where there are a lot of languages in play. Then there's the whole whether it is clear from context to readers who signed up to read 1 language or if you need to clarify. And finally: are you trying to conceal information? Because if you are you can pop it in as a bonus for readers who do speak it, or just have your bad guy be like "he turned and said a few words in Russian to his assistant, who snapped to attention" or conversely, if you aren't, you can say "He turned and switched to Russian, which their hosts did not speak. 'When it's morning, we will...'" It really depends what you're trying to accomplish with the other language and what you want your reader to know (or not know!)
19. First fandom you wrote in?
...............Fullmetal Alchemist anime and I buried the bodies, you'll never find them. Never.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
Oof that's a hard call, they're all so different. But for today I'm gonna go with You're The Only Girl (I've Got On My List) because of the sheer size and juggling elements going on and how well it turned out in re: my plans for it at the start.
Tagging, if you dig it, @warrenkoles @hearthouses @poeedamerons and @starkfish
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shoceted · 1 year
Hello, this is like... months late but you were one of the only English KeiwaxAce writers I actually liked and seeing that you've dropped the series is devastating (but understandable, they've been ruining Keiwa since Bullfighting Game and I'm devastated, on the edge of my seat and have a lot words/feelings about it too). Could I ask what was your turning point for the series? Or, I guess, what was the straw that broke your back.
If you don't feel like it, that's fine too. Thank you for sharing your Geats fics at the start of the series.
(Anonymous cuz i'm shy af but mostly because haven't used tumblr in years how does this website even work anymore help-)
firstly, this is an incredibly kind thing to say about my writing, and i appreciate it a lot! i kind of miss being that inspired — like including the ex-aid crossover i wrote, seven things??? that's impressive, actually, go me. the first 16 episodes of geats provided a lot for me to be inspired by, i guess. (i think my heart's always going to do something when i think about the phrase "the tycoon i know", tbh.)
the last straw... well, for one thing, the lack of keiwa focus after episode 19 did bug me, because he was my favorite character and i liked seeing him. people say "oh he got focus during the first dgp" but i don't think that's really the case; i went more into this on my personal twitter account, but him being the audience surrogate for the first arc doesn't mean he's the focus of those episodes. like 1-2 are establishing ace, 3-4 are establishing neon, 5-6 are establishing buffa, and then it's only 7-8 that keiwa gets focus... and he's eliminated. at the beginning of the next dgp, he's not even a contestant, he's just a device used to show the fact that being eliminated without dying gets rid of why you wished for what you wished for. it's not until episode 12 that he's even back.
now, i thought the direction they were going with him — he still wants world peace, but in a more realistic way, wanting to bring all the dead contestants back — was really good, too. and i liked him and neon both developing into characters who could trick ace by the time episode 16 comes around! (i actually still have a kace wip that i might finish someday for the sake of finishing it that takes place between episodes 16 and 17, sorta; like, i have 5k of it written and all it needs is the smut that sure is a part of it, so i might go back to it eventually? who knows.)
and thennnnn the dezastar arc starts, as does the decline in keiwa's writing.
i don't mind characters being comic relief now and then, but having a previously-serious character relegated to just comic relief doesn't sit well with me. 19 was a great episode for keiwa, and that conversation with ace he had over dinner made me lose my shit, and i foolishly thought that maybe they'd take him seriously from there on out.
but, no, they sidelined him. for 12 weeks. waiting for my favorite character to have proper focus episode for 3 straight months really bugged me, tbh, though i didn't say anything for fear of stirring the pot. and we finally get to episode 31 and he gets kicked into a pit. this made me really upset.
the fan reaction to this also didn't do me any favors; i was pissed at buffa (the character, not the actor — i do not care about mokudai kazuto in any direction, though i was accused of hating on him, which was fun) for the whole pit-kicking thing and made this clear, which i realize in retrospect was a mistake, because all of a sudden being a fan of keiwa was not the move. (and fwiw, i don't want to hate buffa; i just get a way with characters who hurt characters i love. i'm the same way about him that i am about kylo ren and sangwoo from squid game, and i do not like this trait about myself.) it reminded me of a bunch of shitty experiences i had in a toxic fandom in 2020 and 2021 that sunk me into a deep depression that it took a long time (and the existence of kamen rider revice, which a lot of geats fans abhor and make clear that they abhor, which also didn't help) for me to get out of. that's when i stopped watching geats live, at least. (i also want to state that this had nothing to do with any ship i like, not even kace. apparently people have this idea that kace enjoyers are really angry folks and it's just like... no? this isn't a popular pairing. nobody is going to get mad at you if you don't like it.)
neon's writing during this time also made me angry; i do not like any of the sponsors at all, and neon's character development coming from a man — and a man who is a toxic fan of hers, at that — didn't sit well with me. on the topic of sponsors, jean felt like forced ace shipping bait, and i didn't like his character much, either. (which also makes me feel bad, since i know the actor's such a huge fan.) it was actually him coming back, as well as punkjack's return (by all means i should adore punkjack, because am i ever a sucker for a flop musician, but nothing about his character has ever worked for me — especially since he unnecessarily flirts with tsumuri and clearly makes her uncomfortable in a setting where she can't complain about this, which, ew), that made me drop geats entirely.
the direction the writing is going right now is also not good. the misogyny of fridging sara and damsel-ing tsumuri, the way they've completely fucked up keiwa's character, it's so frustrating — i honestly want to move zero one up on my toku list for this year so that i can see if ex-aid, which famously gave me a disease, was some kind of fluke. hell, in ex-aid, we have a character who acts illogically because of his grief, and those episodes are perfect to me. doing this with keiwa 40something episodes in doesn't hit the same.
buffa's storyline was supposed to be something similar, i know, but that never worked for me either. much like punkjack, it should have. but his non-reaction to the toru jamato's death when toru's death and his anger over it is supposed to be his entire character motivation... didn't make me feel like hiiro did. his rivalry with ace is also no kaito/kouta. it feels like geats is trying to do a lot of things that worked in gaim without understanding why those things worked in gaim. (and i do hate to be an annoying gaim stan, but... come on, geats.)
maybe i'm missing something because i'm not watching every week, or maybe i just have bad taste, but all of these things piling up makes me want to have nothing to do with geats at all anymore. i've actually considered orphaning all my geats fic in frustration, but i've decided against it because that would mean interacting with my geats fics again. it wouldn't provide catharsis. i'm just done.
so tl;dr: around the dezastar arc i became frustrated with keiwa getting sidelined, the fan reaction to episode 31 as well as its contents brought up bad memories and made me stop watching live, and the return of two characters i just don't see the appeal of made me drop the series entirely.
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roma107 · 2 years
some of iracus easter eggs
before you read this, make sure you've read this fic on ao3 first.
summary: dick Grayson has fallen Or a look at how people reacted after dick's death.
dick grayson week 2022 - Day 1
- dick was gonna die at christmas or thanksgiving which would have amplified the angst tons but i decided to go with superhero day instead. felt more fitting. didn't want to ruin other holidays for his people forever yk.
- superhero day is an actual thing. u.s. marvel employees created national superhero day on april 28, 1995 to celebrate everyone's favorite superhero
- alfred sees dick as his son, the same way he sees bruce. most of his quotes compare both men and notice the difference in their actions.
- my personal headcanon is that dick has some kind of eating disorder and when stressed, he goes mute
- there’s a a decade-long argument between the titans on who's dick's best friend. they didn't reach any conclusion. moreover, the number of people arguing increases every year
- if you liked the quote “ the noise of the family is a reflection of the calmness of the heart “ you should read stolen - it expands on this idea
- the feeling of not being enough to save the boys always hunts alfred. he always has to sit in the cave and wait for their bodies. this time he was hoping to reach the hospital before it was too late. he didn’t
- clark's part focuses on the idea of rebirth. most of his paragraphs started with "the first time...". it's referencing nightwing's legacy of change. dick has always had the courage to start anew when he needed to. he was never stuck in the past, always living in the present.
- dick dies holding damian and leaning on donna. i'm sorry, i don't know why i do that.
- dick dying peacefully while surrounded by his loved ones is his ideal death. dying while flying or well falling is a close second.
- coincidentally the color code pain scale follows their original colors. green, yellow, and red. blue is when the pain is off the charts.
- only dick grayson can lean on the man of steel without feeling fear or being brushed off
- the heroes couldn't return the favor and save him like he saved them multiple times before
- it's canon that the titans distract each other from pain by talks and jokes
- i know roy wasn't in titans annual #1 but roy’s quote still stands
- dick went with Roy on a trip to Ireland to Ireland to help him take care of Lian when he first started out as a father
- should i write the conversation between lian and roy? because it’s totally in my wips and all you have to do is tell me to continue it.
- check my work "d-word" where destiny and death had an interesting conversation when dick died before going to spyral.
- we have a bond, remember? you’ve been inside my mind, let me inside yours. - not comics' quote - taken from teen titans show
- have a wip around the idea of dick using swords. let me know if you want to read it.
- a reminder that ras calls bruce, dick, jason, and tim “detective”. you can guess which one is he talking to here.
- there was a part with haly but never got the chance to write it
- i also have a wip with ace, that i am not sure if i should finish. let me know if you enjoyed the dog's part.
- dogs can only see blue and yellow
- the pets call him dami because that's what dick always calls him and it stuck.
- after alfred's, dick's scent in the manor is the most prominent.
- ace knew from the moment he stepped into the room, that's why he insisted haley goes with him. he knew dick from the very beginning, he caught the change in his scent.
- was bruce in the cave destroying it? guess we will never know
- alfred was getting drunk. yes the proper british man lost it after losing his boy. it's actually canon that alfred got drunk last time dick died before joining spyral
- the longest i've ever written, wow. started this fic last july and finally pushed myself to finish it to celebrate dick's 82 years
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elderbwrry · 3 years
Girls' Night
tags: the knights of ren, All Women Knights of Ren, Girl's night, Girl's Knight, haha please like me, Fluff and Humor, Adversarial Kylux, Very much a WIP, Kylux, although fair warning it might not be that relationshippy
Read it on ao3
Summary: Hux is surprised by what the Knights of Ren get up to in their free time - it's strangely humanising. Unfortunately, Ren is still being the Lord of all Assholes. Hux needs a way to get back at him. It gives him an idea.
Hux marched down the corridor in the Finalizer's quarters deck, the section dedicated to command personnel. The immaculately tiled and polished floors glinted as he whipped past them. He was walking a little faster than usual, he noticed with distaste, but it wasn't surprising; this was his last task before he could officially count his shift as “over” and, instead of standing stiffly on the bridge checking reports, he could settle down to checking them in the comfort of his quarters. His sofa beckoned, along with another three hours of beloved admin, then five necessary hours of sleep before his next shift.
Moments ticked by as he had to pause and wait for a security door to open, and he felt his frustration manifesting itself in his brow. He was currently delaying himself by heading approximately six minutes out of the way of his own quarters, all to give Ren little more than a telling off. This wasn't the first time the glorified poser had caused him this kind of issue – trust Ren to get in the way, he excelled at it – but it was the first time Hux was personally carrying the message round to his quarters that he needed to file a report for the mission he returned from over a week ago.
Hux had tried the usual ways of getting hold of Ren; on his return to the ship, Hux had informed him a report was due; an automated reminder had been sent; a follow-up reminder had been sent; Hux sent a reminder himself. Today, when his agenda noted that Ren still remained unresponsive, Hux hailed him over internal comms. No reply. He called Mitaka in, intending to send him to Ren's quarters, but the poor man had paled at the knight's very name. So, Hux had dismissed him, and undertaken to deliver the message himself.
Hux didn't bother to wonder the reason why Ren wasn't completing the report – undoubtedly it was because he was irresponsible, disrespectful, possibly illiterate – he only amused himself to wonder what foolish excuse would be employed this time. “Meditation,” Hux's mind supplied in a mocking approximation of Ren's voice without that ostentatious helmet, “important Force matters,” “training,” “I was just really tired and forgot :(”
He was just shaking his head disapprovingly at the imagined pout as he drew up outside the door itself. He pressed the button to request entry, pushing it harder than necessary until his thumb joint hurt, as if somehow that would convey through the automated, equalized buzz sound how annoyed he was with Ren taking up his time like this.
The door puffed open, and Hux's mouth was already opened to give Ren a piece of his mind when he realised that the person in front of him was not, in fact, Ren. Instead, stood before him was a woman nearly a head shorter than himself, her long, black hair piled on her head in a decidedly non-regulation messy bun, drawn away from her face, on which was slathered some kind of light pink paste. She was wrapped in a fluffy, pink dressing gown, under which appeared to be heart patterned pink pyjamas.
Hux's planned rebuke of Ren fell away into an, “Uh.” Usually, he had time to prepare himself for any kind of non-work-related interactions, but he had planned to go into this with a clipped, righteous annoyance and come out of it with a self-indulgent bit of riling Ren up, and now that Ren was not available for that, he had nothing.
“Yes?” she said, about as neutrally as Hux supposed anyone would, when called upon while attired as she was.
“I must have the wrong quarters,” was what he managed to reply.
“These aren't mine,” she explained, pointing behind her, around a corner which Hux couldn't see, “You looking for Kylo?”
“Yes,” Hux said stiffly, “is Ren here?”
The woman leaned back inside the door, around the corner Hux still couldn't see. “Kyle!” she called, “visitor.”
“He's not getting up, wet nails!” someone called back, another female sounding voice.
Just what was happening in there? How many women were there, and what were they doing in Ren's quarters, of all places, clad in such unofficial wear? Hux shuddered to think. Was he also going to have to remind Ren of the rules against fraternisation with inferior officers? That was sure to be a fun conversation of Ren not giving a kriff and Hux being able to do little but barb his words and maybe mention the situation to Snoke. Odd, though – Hux had never thought Ren had showed any preference for women... or perhaps that had just been wishful thinking.
The woman before him remained still for a moment, her brown eyes glazing over just slightly in a way which made Hux think she wasn't entirely mentally present. Then the look was gone as soon as it had come, and she frowned, annoyed. “He wants you to leave,” she informed him, “but he wasn't very nice about it, so you're coming in.” She turned and retreated back inside, beckoning casually for him to follow.
After a moment, once Hux's brain had caught up – Ren had just communicated with the woman through the Force, and now he was being invited in against those wishes. He slipped through the door, letting it puff closed behind him.
The first fact of the place was that Ren's quarters were larger than Hux's. Hux had known this, of course – he'd scoffed over the confirmation for the allocation when Ren had first transferred over, perfectly happy to take moderately sized quarters himself – but, as he walked down the grandly inlaid corridor from the entrance antechamber to what was presumably a living space, it contributed to the sense of an impending mystery as to what, exactly, he was about to discover. He hoped it was nothing too debauched.
“You're that General, aren't you?” the woman a step in front of him asked over her shoulder. “Hanks? Hugs?”
“Hux,” he corrected. He disliked intensely when people got his name wrong. He was the General of the ship they were all currently hurtling through space on, he was the General Starkiller – how could she not know who he was? “Who are you?”
“Ushar,” she replied easily. No rank, no designation of any sort, no actual deference to him as a General; all things Hux made a mental note of for later, when he could check the ship manifest.
“Might I ask what you're...”
Hux had begun to speak with an acerbic self-confidence – it was his ship, and he demanded to know what was happening on it – but it all became clear when Ushar opened the door to the central living area and the situation was revealed. It was the second time Hux had been caused to falter in his words in the last five minutes, and he didn't appreciate it. “What is this?” he asked, minorly horrified, as he took in the scene before him.
Ushar shrugged. “Girls' night.”
The room looked like some kind of stereotypical, tacky imitation of a Zeltronian spa had taken over. There were tall glasses of something bubbly scattered around, half-drunk, the bottle chilling in a bucket of ice on the coffee table, which was scattered with cosmetic items. A holo-romance was playing off to the side. Boxes of chocolates fountained forth crunched up wrappers. There were four women – two humans, a zabrak and a twi'lek – lounging around in the pit of cushions the room had been turned into. The cushions were allpink to match the identical pink bath robes and headbands and fluffy slippers the room's inhabitants were sporting. And, at the centre of it all; Ren.
“You...” Hux started, under his breath just enough that no-one would take notice of the stammering. He had certainly not expected this. “I...”
Ren, clad too in pink fluffy bath robe, seemingly with nothingunder it this time, finally took notice that Ushar had led Hux in, as he sat up quickly and angrily, removing slices of some green vegetable from over his eyes. The woman who had been painting his toenails – black, possibly the only thing that could reconcile the Ren Hux was used to with this strange, pink perversion before him – protested, but he ignored her, instead hurrying to his feet and wading his way out of the pillows.
“I told you to make him leave,” Ren growled at Ushar, but the effect was considerably diminished thanks to his appearance. The bathrobe he wore was the short, fun kind of style which only came to his knees; the pink headband kept all his hair back from his face gave him a kooky sort of bird's nest; his face was slathered with a light green version of what Ushar had on, all except for comical spaces around his eyes and lips.
Ushar glared at him. “You shouldn't have ordered me like that, then,” she said, going over to sit next to the zabraki woman, shuffling in closer than was strictly platonic and picking up one of the glasses. “I'm not some stormtrooper.”
“You're ruining the night,” Ren brandished the vegetable slice at her. It wobbled.
“You'reruining the night!” the woman Ushar was sat next to shot back. “He's here after you!”
“Yeah, Kyle,” the twi'lek said from the sofa in a tone that was very much mocking, but still friendly, popping a chocolate in her mouth. Who were these people, that they could speak to Kylo Ren like this and get away with it?
Ren turned back to Hux, glowering. The face paste made him look like a clown. The outside finally reflects the inside, Hux thought to himself while wondering if Ren had waxed his legs or if they were just like that naturally, and had to force himself not to laugh. He obviously didn't mask his expressions quite as well as he should have, however, because Ren seemed to sense that Hux was amusing himself at his expense. Seizing Hux's upper arm in a grip to rival that of a hangar-bay droid, Ren manhandled Hux back to the door of the room, away from the group.
“Unhand me, you oaf,” Hux admonished, shaking Ren off him and lowering his tone a little so as not to disturb the ladies, who, in their disregard of Ren's plumped-up edginess, had endeared themselves to him.
“Why are you here?” Ren demanded before he'd even finished speaking, also at subdued pitch.
“Why are you here?” Hux returned, hissingly. “Who are these people? Why are you not completing the mission report which you have had no fewer than five requests for? Why the hells are your quarters this gods-awful colour?”
Ren took a moment to glare at Hux.
Hux interpreted this as having the upper hand. “Well?”
“I'm not completing any more of your stupid kriffing reports,” he said as if it were obvious. “I told you that already.”
Hux cycled through his memory quickly. He remembered Ren slamming down the last report onto his desk and threatening something similar, but he'd disregarded it, because reports were Necessary, and it was not a possibility for anyone to simply not do them.
“You will do the report,” Hux replied.
“You'll do it now.”
Ren snorted. “No.”
Hux bristled. “Ren, I have been forced to come down here – well out of my way – to extract this report from you, only to find you sitting around like some... pampered princess, when I could be-”
“Good point actually, let's return to it. What are you doing down here?” Ren frowned and crossed his arms, but his lips curled cruelly, ready, Hux was sure, to make some insult about his doing such menial work.
“That brings me to the next matter,” Hux plucked the opportunity of throwing in this additional argument, squaring up. “You have intimidated my administrative staff to the point where it is necessary that I waste my time in a way which is thoroughly unacceptable to me.”
Ren widened his eyes in mock sympathy. “Did you forget how to use a comm?”
This only pissed Hux off more, because something about the movement was ridiculously attractive. He wasn't sure whether it was the slight shrug which emphasised Ren's muscular arms, the fact that the pink really brought out the rich shade of his hair, or even the cruelty behind the act itself, but it could not stand.
“I'm quite familiar with the comms system,” he spat, “it seems that you are the one having trouble, since you failed to reply to my hails. As my co-commander,” (Hux had practised in his bathroom mirror not grimacing as he said this) “you are expected to answer your comms when I call. It is highly unprofessional of you to shirk your duty like this.”
Ren momentarily pursed his lips. His next words were caustic. “I don't intend to waste my life away at work like you do, slaving over a tablet until I look like the living dead. At least I know how to relax.”
Hux's eye twitched. “I know how to relax.” An imagined image of himself on his icy blue sofa in his black and red robe, his cat to one side, his data-pad in hand, appeared in his mind. That was relaxing.
“No you don't,” Ren scoffed. “You should see the bags under your eyes. You look more drawn out than all the Starkiller blueprints put together.”
Mentally, Hux's self-image adjusted so that his porcelain skin turned grey, the lines of his face more prominent, the room dark until only he was visible by the harsh light of the data-pad. It could not have been more different than his current surroundings of pink and fluffiness and companionship and soft lighting.
“Get out of my head, Ren,” he said, putting the warping of his imagined scene down to some Force meddling.
“I'm not in your head,” Ren replied, “you're just sad and lonely and jealous that you have to go do a report while I have a nice night with my knights – my friends. You,” he pointed sassily, “could never have this,” he pointed back to the ladies. “Now kriff off, I'm not doing the report. Maybe you should do it yourself, since you have such a boner for that kind of thing.” The door far behind Hux puffed open, presumably manipulated by the Force.
“I expect the report before the end of my shift tomorrow,” Hux said, voice dangerous and low. How dare Ren speak to him like that. How dare he judge what Hux did to relax, while he was being a layabout with these random, cool ladies... doing... fun things like... painting nails and getting tipsy... and watching holo-dramas... and... he wasn't jealous.
“Leave,” Kylo told him.
Hux narrowed his eyes. “You will regret this, Ren.” He turned on his heel and marched from the room, commenting to himself once more as the door puffed closed behind him, “You will regret this.”
[line break]
Kylo watched Hux retreat from the room, waiting until the door had closed to turn and make his way back to his knights. He flopped himself back down onto the floor, jostling Ap'lek's sofa cushions in the process.
“Ah kriff,” he complained as he saw his black-smudged toes stretched out in front of him, “he made me ruin my nail paint.”
“I'm not doing them again,” Trudgen said, tossing the little black bottle at him, shifting around to watch the holo and grabbing a chocolate. “You shoulda been more careful when you got up instead of rushing off to be a bitch.”
Kylo sighed over-dramatically and called out, “Cardo!” She and Kuruk were in the kitchen, probably making an unsightly mess of the place, but Kylo knew only she would be willing to finish the paint for him. Of course, he would have to take the chance that the stuff would end up even more smudged than it already was, and, now he was thinking about it, he would probably be better off just dipping his entire feet in nail polish.
A chocolate wrapper hit the side of his head. He turned to see Ushar had thrown it. “Just do it yourself,” she told him, “it's not like it's hard.”
But he wanted to feel spoiled, that was the whole point of this spa evening anyway. He called Cardo's name again, whinier this time.
“What?!” came the shouted reply, “We're making mug muffins!”
Vicrul frowned, straightening up a little where her arm was thrown around Ushar's shoulders. “In the microwave?”
“Huh,” Vicrul shrugged, settling back down again. “Good luck cleaning that.”
Kylo groaned, letting his head fall back onto the sofa cushion behind him. First Hux was on him about a report, then none of his knights would do his nails for him, now Cardo was splattering his lovely microwave with chocolate batter. This was all Hux's fault. Kylo wasn't sure how yet, but it was.
He opened his eyes to see Ap'lek looking down at him, where his head rested by her left elbow. “What's this about a report then?” she asked flatly. Kylo just groaned again and re-closed his eyes.
“You can't be procrastinating this stuff again,” Ushar nagged him over the sound of footsteps, accompanied by a smell of chocolate, and a thunk-clink of a tray with spoons being set down on the table as the cooks brought the muffins through. “Your job is important, here, Kylo. Snoke wants you to do well.”
“To hell with Snoke,” Kylo mumbled, hoping the crusty fart wasn't spying on his thoughts as they spoke. Paperwork was a fate worse than a fate worse than all the Sith hells combined.
“Then we want you to do well,” she continued.
“Plus we blew up so much shit on that mission,” Vicrul added, and Kylo opened his eyes to glare at her as she accepted a mug from Kuruk.
“You have to tell the General about that some time, why not put it in a report? You'd save him lots of time, probably. I bet he'd be so appreciative.”
Kylo accepted a mug proffered by Kuruk and waved it about a bit. “Since when do we care about saving Hux time? I meant what I said, he loves paperwork so much he probably,” he picked up a spoon and stabbed it into the fluffy top of the muffin, watching steam come out as he tried to pick a suitably ridiculous image of Hux. “He probably sleeps with all the files strewn over his bed and like,” he made a face, “rubs them on his body, gets all cozy with them at night. I don't know.”
“I'm pretty sure he does paperwork on his data-pad,” Ap'lek said, and she was right, though Kylo resented that she'd killed his roll.
“Just do the kriffing report, Kyle.” Trudgen hadn't pulled her attention away from the holo enough to face him as she'd said it, but apparently had been paying enough attention to comment, “Anything to stop him showing up and interrupting us. Girls' night is a no-business zone.”
Cardo chose that moment to vault over the back of the sofa and land heavily on the cushions. “Ooh, General Hux came over?” she asked cheerfully. Her hands were, predictably, still coated in chocolate powder. “I can't believe I missed him, I want to see if his hair is gelled that solid from close up.” She grabbed her mug and dug into the muffin.
“The General shouts too much,” Kuruk said, sitting cross legged on a cushion by the coffee table. “He should check his blood pressure, it can't be good for him.”
“Hey, a bit like you!” Cardo added, “You must call me through next time. He's cute.”
Kylo opened his mouth – partly to gape at what had just been said, and partly because the muffin was too hot and he hadn't had the impulse control to prevent eating a large spoonful. “Hey!” he started a few times, mouth full and burning. Finally, he was able to swallow. “He is not cute, and there will be no,” he wobbled his mug and spoon in a no-fingered version of quotation marks, “next time.”
“Then do the report,” Ushar shot back.
Kylo made a loud complaint noise.
“He's not gonna do it because he wants the General to come over again,” Ap'lek teased, and, to Kylo's horror, all his knights laughed. Traitors. He didn't want Hux to come over again.
“I don't,” he replied vehemently, “I want him to kriff off and stop annoying me.”
“I think that's against his job description,” Kuruk said, prompting further laughs.
“You should just do it,” Ushar said, getting to her feet after a moment more.
“Hey, where you going?” Vicrul asked sadly, not letting go of Ushar's hand.
“Babe, I gotta peel my face.”
“Wait, let me come with, it's really satisfying.”
The two disappeared off, and Kylo had to add 'his knights screwing in his bathroom' to his list of sub-par things to happen this evening. He wasn't going to do the report. He couldn't be bothered, he didn't want to, he hated writing things and making them sound 'formal'. No, tonight he was going to finish his mug muffin, paint his nails and fall asleep with his knights in front of a trashy holo-romance. Hux would get the hell in eventually and do the report himself. Give it a few more days, and Kylo was sure Hux would drop the issue.
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sarahlevys · 4 years
(a fic rec post - last updated 10/31/2021)
11/25/20: I have been talking to a lot of people about The Good Ship Twylexis, and when @earnmysong asked me for some fic recs, I could not resist! Below are some of my favorites, organized by length. This is not intended to be an exhaustive list, and is simply composed of some of the ones I’ve read. I hope you check them out!
10/31/21: Nearly a year later, the fandom has grown by leaps and bounds! I've been able to add many excellent Twylexis fics to the below list. I tried to keep these recs focused on fics in which they are either the only ship or a substantial part of the narrative, so while there are many fics nowadays that have Twylexis as a side pairing, those will not be listed below. Now that we can be more choosy, I've also removed fics that featured Twylexis as part of a throuple or moreple (so that I can hopefully do a fic rec list for that specifically in the future!)
So I see Alexis is getting back out there. (Short Reads)
in the middle of the deep blue night – T – 577 – by @hullomoon
Alexis is all alone at the party, that is, until Twyla joins her.
in the hack – G – 2K – by thingswithwings
After Ted, and before the Next Thing, Alexis joins a curling team. She's great at it, because, what, like it's hard?
Icarus had the right idea – T – 4K – by Luthor
In which Alexis convinces Twyla to take her to the beach, and has an okay-time I guess. 
never saw you coming, never be the same – G – Podfics! 15 minutes in total – by DelilahMcMuffin, GoLBPodfics, & Amanita_Fierce
Three different perspectives from Twyla Sands and Alexis Rose's first Pride spent together as a couple.
to be your harbor – E – 4K – by @doublel27
Twyla uses some of her money on things that are special to her. Alexis is special to Twyla. Luckily, Twyla is precious to Alexis.
and it's just around the corner darling, 'cause it in lives in me (no, I could never give you peace) – T – 3K – by beepbedeep
She’s what people call the worst, most pointless kind of celebrity, a socialite, and she does it better than anyone else. It’s good, she knows it’s good, she’s serving her purpose, playing her part perfectly, and if she doesn’t really know how to be alone with herself, how to handle the actual weight of her life when the gossip blogs get bored and the photographers stop showing up for a while, that’s fine.
i knew from the beginning (it was you from the beginning) – T – 1K – by @anniemurphys
Twyla and Alexis celebrate, at a distance.
i took an arrow to the heart – G – 3K – by @sarahlevys and @landofsonlali
Twyla calls Alexis in celebration of the fourth anniversary of their friendship, and the conversation shifts to their feelings for each other. Together, they start to explore the intricacies of love and relationships.
aflame – T – 4K – by @pretendtofly
Alexis has a few days left in Schitt's Creek after the wedding and Twyla wants to spend them all together.
could be your baby, ride the same whip (oh no, no, there's no slowin' down) – T – 3K – by @turningtimeinthetardis
Alexis doubts anything too surprising will happen when she and Twyla decide to go on a little shopping spree (such as they can afford, that is) at one of Elmdale’s boutiques. Maybe they’ll encounter some truly hideous blends of patterns, but nothing stranger than that.
After all, if there’s one thing Schitt’s Creek and the surrounding suburbs can offer, it’s quiet predictability.
I weigh a hundredandfuckingsomething pounds (that makes me almost good) – G – 2K – by beepbedeep
Her legs don’t look good, but half of the girls she knows have legs that look even worse, smiles that are even more shark-toothed or arms that are even less toned, and she reminds herself that these are just the rules', that she knows the rules and knows where she’s failing, but other people are failing more.
shining, shimmering, splendid – G – 1K – by @davidbrewer
Twyla finally starts spending some of her lottery winnings on things that make her smile, and learns how much she loves to travel. Who better to show her around the world than Alexis?
ask 'em my questions and get some answers – G – 1K – by @lilythesilly
Alexis and Twyla meet at Disneyland.
a handprint on my heart – T – 4K – by averita
Five times Alexis and Twyla visit each other.
Merry Go Round – T – 2K – by Perkalil
In her first days in town, Alexis is in a rough place; she finds kindness and compassion in the local cafe waitress.
feel you on my skin – E – 1K – by @hullomoon
Alexis notices what Twyla's wearing. She has a lot of feelings about it.
you make everything good – G – by @rosedavid
Twyla has to go and visit her gaggle of cousins for two weeks, and Alexis is pouty about her girlfriend leaving for so long.
didn't ask for this – you freely gave it (so now i watch your mouth for the both of us) – T – 6K – by @turningtimeinthetardis
Alexis chops her name down to three letters like it's nothing.
Twyla thinks about it a lot.
putting roots in my dreamland – G – 4K – by @lilythesilly
A twylexis flowershop au.
(but if baby, i'm the bottom) you're the top – E – 3K – by @sarahlevys
Five times Twyla tops Alexis, and one time she lets Alexis top her.
three o'clock – E – 2K – by @schittyfic
Two tipsy girlfriends thirst over the hot, bearded guy across the bar.
shivers – E – 5K – by @anniemurphys
Alexis has a long day in an airport, and Twyla wants to take care of her.
This Stupid, Wonderful, Boring, Amazing Job – G – 1K – by @lilythesilly
A cute lil 'The Office' AU.
in calm or stormy weather – T – 4K – by @anniemurphys and @landofsonlali
On National Siblings Day, Alexis spends the day with her favorite brother Patrick, and David bonds with Twyla.
all i need is to see your face – G – 1K – by @wild-aloof-rebel
Alexis has doubts. Twyla knows how to soothe them.
got a fistful of four leaf clovers – T – 1K – by iphigenias
Two weeks before Christmas Alexis calls David.
“So I think I like someone,” she says.
all i want is you – T – 1K – by @landofsonlali
alexis is too restless to cuddle and worries about being a good partner to twyla who loves cuddling. twyla reassures her.
Fifty Shades of Gruyere – E – 2K – by @schittposting
Alexis and Twyla eat cheese and fuck.
I dreamt about you last night – G – 930 – by sonichallows
Alexis has a romantic dream about Twyla and tells her about it the next day.
Mistletoe – T – 2K – by in48frames
Alexis and Twyla go ice skating.
Twy, what are you doing here? You could be anywhere, doing anything. (Medium Reads)
Twyla's Cafe Podcast, An Alexis Rose Production, Produced by Alexis Rose (with help from Twyla) – T – 6K – by @whetherwoman
Twyla and Alexis start a podcast, and accidentally have some feelings along the way.
Crystal Clear – G – 6K – by @imalittlebitgogirl
Twyla and Alexis meet at a Winter Solstice celebration and bond over being newcomers...with more connections than they first realize.
take me out (and take me home) – M – 7K – by @anniemurphys and @landofsonlali
When Twyla’s Thanksgiving plans fall through at the last minute, Alexis flies back to Schitt’s Creek.
know that i’m yours (to keep) – T – 8K – by @anniemurphys
Five times Alexis and Twyla talk at Café Tropical.
And one time they talk somewhere else.
I Offer You My Heart – G – 10K – by @landofsonlali​, with art and podfic by @sunlightsymphony
Twyla is the owner of a coffee shop in Schitt's Creek and Alexis is a frequent customer, featuring pining, flirtation, and a whole lot of beverages and baked goods.
Oh Please, Not Now – T – by in48frames
“Oh,” Twyla says. “Yeah. Schitt’s Creek is super haunted."
Ladies Night Inn – T – 15K – by @imalittlebitgogirl
What if Twyla had accepted Alexis' invitation to a ladies night in her motel room after she and Mutt broke up?
i'm your moonlight, you're my star – M – 14K – by @sarahlevys and @anniemurphys
Twyla and Alexis spend the holidays together.
and the stars look very different today – T – 12K – by @hullomoon, with art from @hagface
Teaming up with a group of talented women, Alexis plans her next job
Hide Your Diamonds, Hide Your Exes – T – 8K – by @middyblue
Alexis may or may not be a diamond thief. Twyla is the FBI agent tasked with finding her.
heaven is a place not too far away – T – 8K – by @sarahlevys
Alexis' soulmate mark – the ability to sing – triggers when she moves to Schitt's Creek.
Pretty Follies – T – 9K – by @treepyful
Alexis and Twyla team up to play matchmaker for Stevie and Ruth.
Unfortunately, the course of true love never did run smooth.
Everything That We'd Ever Need – E – 12K – by @middyblue
5 times Twyla went skinny-dipping and 1 time she wore a dress.
Rollin' With the Homies – T – 9K – by @sarahlevys
The Clueless AU.
Phasers Set to Stunning – T – 9K so far (WIP – 2/4 chapters published) – by @kindofspecificstore
Patrick wins passes to San Diego Comic Con, and takes his best friend Twyla with him. Alexis Rose, rising star of Galactic Sunrise Bay, is attending for the first time and has her eyes on a super cute cosplayer.
I was thinking we could have a little ladies' night at my place. (Long Reads)
you and i and nobody else - E – 124K so far (WIP – 7/10 chapters published) – by @sarahlevys​ and @anniemurphys​
Twyla Sands and Alexis Rose meet on Mutt’s season of The Bachelor.
Maybe If You Stayed – E – 14K – by @fraudulentzodiac
“Years down the line, this is the moment she will look back on as the moment she should have known she was in love.“
your body’s poetry (speak to me) – E – 19K – by @anniemurphys
Ballet AU.
I’ve Only Ever Wanted Fire – M – 26K – by @sarahlevys​, with art from @rhetoricalk
Written for the prompt: Twyla is a real estate agent specializing in properties that are haunted or possessed. Alexis is looking for a new apartment.
Silence Lay Steadily – E – 44K – by @davidbrewer
A ghost story loosely inspired by The Haunting of Hill House.
like glass from sandy ground – M – 18K – by @middyblue
Five times Alexis ran from grief, and one time she didn't.
Taste of a Poison Paradise – M – 15K – by @lilythesilly
Be gay do crimes but make it a Harley Quinn AU.
Half of My Soul, as the Poets Say – E – 20K – by mixtapesandsunsets
Yes, she imagines telling the Alexis of two years ago, who had felt so untethered sitting next to Twyla outside these very rooms. You believe in fate. Your fate is right in front of you, Lex, you just need to reach out to meet it. It’s her. It has always been her.
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ahumansvoid · 4 years
Misc WIP Folder
So I’m going through my WIPs folder’s subfolders. 
One is labelled Misc, so that’s the one I’m going through now. Everything will be below the cut because this will probably be a long post, there are sixteen files in this folder. 
Most of them are from different fandoms, so I’ll put what fandom it’s in + what title I have for it in my folder in bold before I talk about it. I’ll be going from oldest to newest. Technically not because I can’t sort Google docs like that, but rather “last modified by me” so, longest abandoned to newly abandoned I guess?
 Also Spoilers for any of the fandoms, maybe? Probably. 
If you have any questions about any of the fandoms, message me or send me an ask. I’m open to talking about any and all of them. 
Fandoms Involved (Ordered by appearance):
Murdered: Soul Suspect (Video Game)
Trollhunters: Tales of Arcadia (TV Show)
Gravity Falls (TV Show)
Until Dawn (Video Game)
Avatar: The Last Airbender (TV Show)
The Mummy (2017) & (1999) (Movies)
Assassination Classroom (TV Show/Anime)
Red vs. Blue (Online Show- Rooster Teeth)
Camp Camp (Online Show - Rooster Teeth)
Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency (TV Show)
Devil May Cry (Video Game + Anime)
Aladdin (2019) (Movie)
Castlevania (TV Show)
Murdered: Soul Suspect - MSS
So there isn’t much in this one, just a bullet pointed outline. Murdered Soul Suspect is a video game, if you don’t know it and are curious you can google it or message me. 
Anywho. This is just a little part I thought was funny.
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It’s essentially a Ronan survives AU of the game, pretty standard and I thought it would be fun. Honestly this part about Ronan and his cracked spine just reminded me of Obi-wan and how I write him in ignoring his injuries (and how most people write him) so it made me laugh a bit. 
There’s really not much here, I didn’t even finish the outline.
Trollhunters: Tales of Arcadia - trollhunters au
I am very creative with my titles. Clearly. This is another bullet point outline. but this one is longer and irrc I actually started writing this, and that file would also be in this folder so if I did write it’ll also be featured on this post.
This is an au where Claire is the trollhunter rather than Jim.
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The top bit is literally just for context on the next star point. Anywho Writing AAARRRGGGHH/ seeing it spelled out is funny to me. Also I’m pretty sure I rewatched bits with AAARRRGGGHH with subtitles on to see how it was spelt and then replicated that.
The second star point is funny to me because I describe annoyance/anger (rightful, both of them) as pissy. And that’s funny.
There’s more but if I’m write and I wrote it out, then that’ll be featured later. 
Gravity Falls - Gravity Falls
... Okay I’m not creative with titles until I have to be. Once more, bullet point outline. So this is an after-canon AU where Bill left a remanent of himself in Dipper and it’s become apparent when they’re in Piedmont.
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I just like the rules I had Dipper give Bill. I thought they were neat. Also, I like Mabel convincing Dipper to let Bill live because he’s pathetic. This is a demon who has tormented them for an entire summer, but nows he’s pathetic so lets help him. 
Not much of interest in this. I probably didn’t write it because it’d be a long and day-in-the-life type fic. It’d just be Dipper and Bill coexisting and going through life and IDK how well I’d of written that. So I didn’t write it.
Until Dawn- Until DAwn AU
FYI I’m keeping the titles case-sensitive. Another bullet outline. So this is a Josh survives/exorcised AU, also an Everybody Live AU. I’m pretty sure I wrote this when I was heavily invested in Until Dawn and Josh (because I like him.) And I was reading Until Dawn fanfic in which Josh is blamed for what happened on the mountain. And I think I was getting pissy which lead to this:
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So in this AU the Until Dawn Group splintered into Sam, Josh & Chris, and Mike, Emily, Jess, Matt & Ashley. So this conversation/fight is between Chris and the second group. So Chris is the 1st,3rd and 5th talking bullet point. I don’t know who’s talking in the 2nd &4th bullet point but it’s one of the second group. Probably Emily, Mike or Jess maybe. Not Ashley.
Im 90% sure that I wrote out this entire outline just for this little interaction. 
It just tickles my id. I still kind of like it, but I honestly don’t know what else I’d write for this AU.
Avatar: The Last Airbender - Zuko is the avatar
Title is self-explanatory. Also, I really like bullet outlines. So. Anywho. 
Aang is still a 12 year old in this, he used up all his “avatar energy” (that’s literally what I wrote) to keep himself alive so he’s just an airbender now.
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I just love Iroh. And this is just funny to me.
If I ever wrote this, it’d be a lot of hijinks of Katara and Aaang (and eventually Toph) covering for Zuko whenever he bends anything other than fire. More cracky than serious.
“The Mummy (2017)” and “The Mummy (1999)” - Mummy x Mummy
I watched the 2017 version of the mummy (got it from the library for 2 bucks) and since there are some throwbacks to the 1999 movie I decided to try to combine them. This also became an AU where Evie and Rick save Imhotep in Mummy 2, and due to Evie being revived meant she was functionally immortal (doesn’t age, but can still be killed). And due to everything, by the Mummy 2017 rolls around it’s just her and Imhotep hanging around, investigating ancient egypt and whatnot.
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Honestly this is just part of the outline. None of this is really amusing to me, just, if I ever tried to write it, a lot of work. Although, the fact that I can’t remember the blonde lady friend from the Mummy 2017 is kind of amusing and I literally call her ‘BLF’ throughout this entire outline. I think her name was Lisa. Or Sara.
i’ll google it.
Assassination Classroom - AC AU
At this point, I might as well tell you when it isn’t a bullet outline than saying when it is.
This was really just a Reaper/Koro-sensei raises Nagisa rather than his mom.
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People panicking around children is amusing to me. Again, long AU. And this was probably an excuse to write some baby assassin Nagisa and whatnot. Honestly whenever I read this I do remember more details on this, that I have never written down. 
Murdered: Soul Suspect - Murdered: Soul Suspect
Okay I think this is just a repeat of the one I posted earlier???
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I- I don’t know what this was? Like this is newer than the other one? 
Uh, brain weirdness?
Let’s move on.
Trollhunters: Tales of Arcadia - TRollhunters
Ok! So this is the written out of the bullet point earlier. I did not write out much. But I’ll talk about it a bit more? So this AU is also a Bular survives and Jim finds him and helps AU.
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This is literally all I have written. So, right after this, Jim would find an injured Bular and helps him. There isn’t much to add, but I will add what I had written as Barbara’s reaction from the outline:
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Large AU, but it would be fun to write. I would most likely end up writing Claire’s journey of Trollhunting along with Jim’s adventures with Bular.
Red vs Blue - Meta, no, that wasn’t, he wasn’t
Okay, that’s not the full title but also the full title is literally the first sentence. Which is a long one so you get part of it. This is actually a written au, it’s about Agent Maine/ The Meta surviving and meeting up with Siris. This is just the first couple paragraphs:
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Nothing I read was particularly funny to me, so just the first two paragraphs. Essentially what would’ve happened is Siris would help Maine find Washington (on Chorus) go to Chorus. Find Felix and Locus. Drama Ensues.
I might actually write this. Maybe. There’s potential, if the drive hits me.
I havent watched RvB in a couple of years, but I did like the series. It was interesting.
Camp Camp- Camp Camp
Y’know since this is ‘misc’ I get just having fandom names. Lot easier to identifiy.
So, this file is currently loading still, but I remember this. It wasn’t that long ago. This wasn’t so much a fic as a comic I would of like to have done. I definitely would’ve needed to brush up on my art skills (I am mediocre at best) but it’s just a small little comic I would’ve done on Camp Camp.
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First little bit. I actually wrote out most of this rather than just bullet pointing it. 
There is a little bit I’d have to polish up, but I could probably post this entire thing. But I kind of want to actually do the comic first. But boy that’s a lot of work.
I love how most of the reason I’m not writing these is that they’re a lot of work.
Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency (TV Show) - Project Cheron
This is an AU where Priest is one of the projects of Blackwing. Specifically Cheron and I think my reasoning is that he makes people go where they need to be. IDK. I actually wrote a couple of these. But this one is essentially Priest getting a bunch of projects together to help something. Idk.
This entire thing is weird and would probably be labelled crack if I ever finished it.
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Okay. This entire scene is funny to me. Just, this girl rushing out in front of the car waving happily with a decapitated head in her hand. I like it. So, Aine and Herodias are OCs. Both are projects Priest is collecting. 
Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency (TV Show) - “Dirk
Another Priest is a Blackwing Project AU but that’s not really the focus of this story. This story is about a project (Project Carman- OC) who can trap people in their certain significant memories of her choosing. Carman gets annoyed at Bart, Dirk and the Rowdy 3 so she traps them in memories signifcant to their stay in Blackwing and Priest.
I’ve only written 2 of the six memories, so that’d be fun to complete. These are also just sad. They’re not happy memories. So, random moment that’s somewhat amusing:
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Also, title is the first sentence in the fic.
Devil May Cry - “Should I
I- why did I decide to do this from oldest to newest? Part of me is embarrassed, the other part is reminding me I have no reason to be? It’s a video game fic. But also this is a game of my childhood. It’s about Nero looking for his dad and finding Dante instead. Canonically Dante’s twin brother, Vergil, is Nero’s dad.
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Just a random moment because I didn’t write that much of it. Also I thought it was kind of cute. Patty shows up in the Devil May Cry anime. Which I watched before I played the games. 
Aladdin (2019) - Aladdin AU
A mix of bullet outline and written. I don’t actually have much of this AU, but essentially before Aladdin wishes to become a prince, he notices some mercenaries kidnapping a little girl and decides to rescue her. 
This girl is the princess of Shiroba, Aladdin takes her back to Shiroba. The Queen/ Sultana appreciates Aladdin going out of his way to help her so she invites him to stay in the palace. 
Eventually word gets to Shiroba that Agrabah is planning to attack so Aladdin and the two twin princes of Shiroba (that I made up, OCs) make a plan to infiltrate and see what they’re planning. They’re not planing espionage, but as Shiroba is a peaceful nation, they want to see if they should start evacuating people and whatnot.
So you get the Prince Ali stuff with the Genie and yada yada. 
I have none of that written. I just know that’s what I intended to do with it.
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So, first little bit. Long AU that would take a lot of work. Also, I know this isn’t super popular but I liked the 2019 version of Aladdin. I really like the changes they made. 
Castlevania (TV Show) - Waking up in Jail wasn’t a new experience
Again, title is first sentence. Not writing that out. Anywho, this is a kind of complete canon AU to Castlevania. Essentially we haven’t reached Lisa getting burnt at the stake yet. So, loving Dracula fam. Trevor and Sypha meet earlier due to circumstance. Alucard gets attacked by something and gets rescued by Trevor and Sypha. They travel together for a while. And then Sypha and Trevor get to meet Alucard’s parents. 
That’s where this AU will go if I ever write it. To be fair, last time I wrote in this file was March, so I guess that’s technically possible. Don’t hold out hope.
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First couple of paragraphs. 
Also, that’s it! Misc WIP folder done!
Oh, if you’ve made it this far, a)thank you and b) if you want to continue/write any of these, go ahead, but tag me or send me a link. I will be very happy to see/read what you create if you like any of this in an inspo way.
Also. This is long, so, IDK if Imma go through the other folders rn. Maybe tomorrow. 
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summertime-children · 5 years
WIP Challenge
Tagged by @kikithedeceiver​ (thanks~)
Tagging: @starspatter​, @cookiehoodie​ and Meli if she ever sees this bc I want a snippet of all her unwritten knkd fics (?) (and if any writer out there needs a nudge to share their WIPs, feel tagged!)
Challenge: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous.
I’ll do what what Kiki did and post titles of my WIPs with comments and short fragments of them? I’ll share here only my kagepro WIPs (so basically kidokano/Kano ones lol). A little warning before we start: it’s going to be very long lol bc I can’t finish fics to save a live and I have... lots of ideas, plus I never get to talk about them >.> Also they’re going to be getting gradually worse bc I’ll go from newest to ancient-est. (Full disclosure tho, those aren’t raw quotes from my WIPs bc some had so visible grammar errors, I just had to fix them + I always put notes in my works, like every second word lol) Here we go.
Comment: This is the freshiest one, I was writing bits of it merely the day before, and because of that I still naively believe I will finish and post it soon, so I won’t say anything more about it.
”I want you to understand. You… need to know there’s so much to love about you!”
“Haha like what?” he laughed with bitter sounding laugh, something that must had slipped as it was followed by a face she had occasion to see only a few times- a face of regret. Regret of choosing wrong words, wrong mask to put on or forgetting to put her at all.
Different ways to say it
Comment: Just a short fluff where Kano’s snarky bottomness is showing lol
“You should’ve asked ‘Can you kiss me?’ instead.”
Kano is dumbfounded for a few seconds before he snorts.
“Right.” he begins with a playful grin “Let me fix that. Can you, Kido Tsubomi, the fierce leader of Mekakushi Dan, my girlfriend, my sun, my stars, the love of my life, the love of my thousands other lives, do me an absolute honor and light up my da-“
He didn’t even manage to finish before he felt the pair of soft lips landed on his, catching his words.
New chapter
Comment: Won’t say much about it because it’s supposed to be a gift for certain someone~ But here’s a little sneak peek 👀
That was weird. They never really talked about having any pets. They talked about having kids (as much as stating that they want to make a family together during several separate occasions counts), but the topic of having pets was never brought up and in a timespan of living together and even moreso of living alone together, they already had plenty of opportunities to get one. And yet Kano always knew that when Kido pictured their future family together there was also present a small ball of fur waving its tail and he could see it in her eyes at that moment more visibly than ever.
GrimReaper!Kido x Vampire!Kano
Comment: I was very disappointed with the knkd fanwork of that one Halloween art, so I decided to write something that would satisfy me (with no success so far rip).
The black figure that merged with the ubiquitous dark hanged up the big scythe they were holding on the wall, among the collection of similar but different in sizes scythes, proceeded to take off their shoes (but then put them quickly back on, changing their mind as soon as their feet met with the concrete) and pulled off the black hood of their cloak to reveal the long green hair, something that finally stood out in the darkness, before walking deeper into the room.
I can’t wait to fall in love with you
Comment: Inspired by well, that one sentence that is in the title and lowkey (?) by Meli’s lovely fic~ It’s the kind of fic that I myself call “(not) soulmates au”. It revolves around the idea that after so many timelines of falling in love with each other, they’re just bound to fall in love again... Even when they don’t remember their past lives...
“Oh man, I can’t wait to fall in love with you.” Kido turned her gaze towards the blond lying next to her on the couch. Her widened from being taken aback by his statement eyes met his golden, cat-like ones, tinted with the strange warm spark that she could feel she had yearn for a very long time. It lasted only a second though because soon her brows furrowed and her gaze dropped from those well-too-familiar (given the circumstances) eyes to her hands.
Two cats
Comment: Set in the sort of the au where they never died? On one winter day Kano takes stray cat to his house to take care of. It’s solely Kano fic btw.
Forgetting for a moment about his own advice (why he should had kept repeating it in his head) he looked over his shoulder to see if his stalker was still there and in that moment their gazes lock. “Crap.” He couldn’t help but think ‘curiosity killed the cat’ as a pair of similar eyes to his stared back at him.
hbd kido
Comment: Product of my procrastination. (As you may tell, I have a problem with it). One year I was slightly~ more productive and was kinda disappointed that I didn’t manage to write Christmas fic. So then I thought that I could save some time and write this fic where Kido has joint Birthday-NewYear party with Christmas decorations still lying around (including mistletoe *cough cough*) just in time for KidoKano Day killing not two, but even four birds with one stone. It’s sort of high school au btw.
“Hi.” The boy tried again. His face was embellished with wide grin and slightly flashed cheeks and in his hand she noticed a can of beer. Oh no.
“Hi, Kano.” She said with disinclination. It wasn’t like she didn’t like the guy. Even more, in the normal situation, like average day in the school, she would find a conversation with him a nice or refreshing thing. He was one of a few people that actually knew about her existence and despite her previous prejudice he turned out to be a pretty nice guy.
Christmas Event
Comment: I’m not sure what Christmas event that was for lol.
For Kano it was this time of a year when his Mother would stay home the whole day instead of going to work and she would be more kind to him. Though he wouldn’t call it exactly this way (it’s not like he felt she wasn’t kind to him normally after all), but she was definitely more forgiving.
Affectionate meme Requests
Comment: Requested for the writing meme in the year 2016. Keeps it as a reminder of how big loser I am (?) (just what this post manages to do so far lol) The prompt was “love bite” >.>
From her spot she couldn’t see him quite clear, due to the still turned off lights, so it was only up to her imagination to decide whether he recollected his mask or not. Maybe it was the second after all, because excluding two golden eyes that shone at her there were two bright spots that stood out in the dark, both marked on his skin.
Comment: It was supposed to be male!Kido x Kano fic and yeah... I’m emberassed about it tbh. Like, by the fact I wanted to write it itself. Idk now I find it rather weird to genderbend only one person from the pairing, especially in the fic and for that reason I won’t share fragment from it. Sadly it’s one of my better written pieces lol and going back to it I see I made male!Kido no differnt from the regular Kido... which makes it a good genderbend I guess, but also completely unnecessary.
Angsty Kano fic
Comment: I have no idea lol There’s almost nothing written there.
Even Greater Fear
Comment: Despite what title may suggest it’s more fluffy than angsty. KanoKido family fluff where Kano gets anxious about how happy he is now and that he might someday lose it too. Featuring my knkd fankids, Naoki and Reika.   
“Mom, dad is sad!” announced Reika with reproach. This she wasn’t expecting.
“What?” Tsubomi asked out of surprise and was followed by a low groan coming from behind the couch that could belong only to her beloved husband.  
“No, I’m not.”  She watched how the expressions of her children slowly changed from the ones of concern to the ones of disappointment and disgust.
“And he’s denying it.”
Comment: Silly engagement scenario. If I ever finish that, it'll be my comedic genius’ peak I swear (?)  
He was clearly getting more nervous, the longer the searching wasn’t bringing any results. He let go of Kido’s hand and got his another one to help him search for whatever was supposed to be in that pocket. However, after a while his movements completely stopped and with some kind of dread in the eyes he whispered under his breath, “It’s gone.”
Comment: Angsty setomary fic I wanted to write for SetoMary Spring (anyone remember that?) 
When she moved out to her new family the first thing she noticed was that time has significantly slowed down. Oddly, somehow it did accelerate at the same time. It was hard to explain and she herself couldn’t understand the feeling nor did she give it much consideration, but for the first period of living in that new world, new pace of that very activity- living- has struck her.
One in a million
Comment: An actual soulmates au (with the variation of the red thread concept). It’s way too ambitious for me lol (starting with the fact that it’s supposed to be multi-chapter story). I won’t share a fragment of it bc not much’s written and bc tbh there would be spoilers, in case I ever do post it. I could write about the concept in a seperate post though because I did a lot of world-building for it. (A lot for me, ok?)
Clear and present
Comment: Ghost AU. Baby Kano hides one time in the abandoned, partly burned mantion and that’s where he meets the ghost of (scary) green-haired teenage girl he befriends. Somehow got inspired by that anthology comic? Also I would listen to this song while attempting to write it lol. Not much was written though.
What I didn’t
Comment: This one’s rare. My only attempt at writing harutaka fanfic. (Funnily enough last safe was on kidokano day?... many years ago.)  In the manga Takane was pretty excited to give Haruka a present for his birthday, but he had an attack and was hospitalized so she didn’t and it wasn’t said (?) if she ever gave it to him later. So my idea for this fic was that she didn’t and how she was now trying to give it to him after three years. Took huge inspiration from this song: {x}
She didn’t have to wait long until there were heard slow, but at the same time hurried footsteps behind the door and soon it was followed by the sound of doors being unlocked. The doors before her opened revealing the light-brown-haired boy wearing excited smile and slightly oversized green sweater with embroidered reindeer. And one of these was just the warmest thing in this cold winter world.
Sneeze like a kitten
Comment: Inspired by one line from Gravity Falls lol It was just another thing I wanted to add to list of similarities between Kano and cats and I’m sure it would bring Kido joy too ;3 But as much as I still find this idea cute it is so awkwardly written lol. I kinda appreciate that it’s from Rin’s POV and that I tried using kinda fancier English for that reason (as fancy as I knew back then lol), but I guess first person fics will always sound weird. It’s set in a different route I guess where they sort of met before the orphanage.
Soon I noticed all her glances seemed to be directed at small boy with blond hair sitting alone on the bench, a little away from the playground. At first I was fairly surprised, not understanding why this particular boy had become her spot of interest, but giving more attentive look at the boy made me instantly realize reasons of her intent glances.
Comment: I have almost nothing written there and I barely remember it, but from what I can see it must be my original idea for the “formal event” prompt from the very first kanokido week. I... think it was sort of an au where they never died and they met at some sort of fancy party held by Kido’s parents where Kano was a waiter.
Oof that’s all (I mean all from the folder on my pc, but I won’t be getting into that). For a fair portion of it, I gotta objectively say there’s absolutely zero chance of me ever finishing them, but then (aside from the freshest ones that I still have on my mind) revisiting all those WIPs made me really want to revive some of them owo (some I would have to completely re-write tho OTL)
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tothehounds · 6 years
(Decided to do the post a part of your current WIPs, except instead its a majority of my WIPs up until the point I got stuck. So if you like Naito/Bushi or Hiromu/Naito here you go. These are also slightly rough since I haven’t gone through my usual final check on finished works.) 
Hiromu’s fingers gather the hair near the nape of Naito’s neck. Just like so many times before except instead of the tentative touches and sleepy kisses it’s used as a guide. Hiromu tugs near the root to put Naito not where he wants but needs him, and where he needs Naito is to be put in his place. 
I. (wrestle kink fill where anon wanted a service top Naito/Bushi fic. I haven’t finished yet because I’m a coward that can’t write smut properly)
“Hiromu may be more forgiving but I’m much less inclined to let your bullshit slide.“ Bushi gives him a cursory glance before zeroing in on the small duffel bag dangling half hazardously from his wrist. It serves as just enough of a distraction to sidetrack Bushi, allotting Naito enough time to successfully slip beneath his arm, and consequently into Bushi’s hotel room. “We’re going to be late for that massage appointment you booked us.”
“Booked you,” Naito corrects before lazily slinging his duffel bag onto the bed. “And actually you’re just on time.”
Bushi is still annoyed, if not entirely confused, by Naito as he pushes in close to dip his fingers just beneath the hem of his shirt. Ushering Bushi to aid in the process of discarding the garment before moving onto the fastenings of his pants, fingertips lingering on the waistband of his underwear, before they remember themselves and instead hook downwards into Bushi’s belt.
This gentle undressing isn’t foreign to Bushi but the timing at which it happens is a bit of a mystery. If Naito wanted to fuck, or be fucked, he’d have slipped into Bushi’s room the moment he’d seen that he was still up late enough to enjoy a bath. It’d have been a cramped fit but Bushi is more than certain he’d overlook a bit of discomfort if it meant having the slick, wet, weight of Naito fucking him into the tub’s ledge.
A tentative kiss does little to dissuade Bushi, especially when he takes on that tone. So Naito finishes with the task of undressing him before smoothing a hand into the hair near the base of his skull. “Hiro may have mentioned a certain Kasān being in need of a personal spa day.”
“Brat.” The tone at which it’s spoken almost rivals that of Naito’s own indulgently enamored nickname for Hiromu. Bushi shakes his head slightly in disapproval for being so shamelessly outed before redirecting his attention towards Naito. “So you tricked me into clearing my schedule, making me think I was going to that new spa place in Roppongi, all because you knew I’d refuse otherwise?”
Which Bushi would have whole heartedly. He hadn’t meant for anyone to worry in his stead, especially when he was the one everyone looked to for stability. Their group was in a minor state of disarray and it wouldn’t do any good if that same state reflected on the very person that tried to keep it all together. Bushi would have very much preferred staying an unknown emotional factor.
“You’d have laughed if I offered.”
“That’s because you’re cheap.”
“I can afford you can’t I?”
“You can also afford a new pair of pants but I don’t see that happening now, do I?” Bushi proves his point by hooking a finger into an old tear. It’s strategically passed off as in season, when in reality, Naito had just been much too stubborn to let the damn things go. It’s one of Naito’s more terrible faults because he can’t quite get rid of a single article of clothing, especially once he’s realized they make him look good. Which may partially be Bushi’s fault since he’s commented once or twice on how nice they make Naito’s ass look.
So it’s only fitting Bushi lets himself curve his palms over the back of Naito’s pants to quickly squeeze his ass. “So otosan...what do you plan on doing exactly?” A tug and Naito is pressed just that much closer, who immediately answers in kind by slotting perfectly into the open space between Bushi’s thighs.
“I was thinking I’d get you nice and relaxed, maybe work out some of that tension, and if I get you just plaint enough,”
“You’d fuck me?”
“I was thinking more or less convince you into letting me use the spare room for my Carps memorabilia.”
“Absolutely not.” Naito laughs as Bushi tries to come off angry but just ends up a few notches short of lightly exasperated. It was a nice try though, if nothing else.
II. (Another unfinished wrestle kink meme fill where anon wanted light d’s with Hiromu/Naito. It’s another fic added to the pile of things I need to finish but just haven’t gotten around to because of the smut.)
Naito had humored him, which had been a terrible thing to have even indulged hiromu in in the first place, and in doing so had ensured there would be absolutely no means of getting out of a proper apology.
An apology that came about as fourth right as any grievances towards the destruction of the continental belt.
Naito stares at his own reflection mirrored across the glossy surface, lingering on the smudged finger prints that litter across the embossed lettering, before drifting his attention to the almost comical attempt at reconstruction. For all of Naito’s disdain of trophies he can admit that this particular one isn’t entirely unfortunate to have in his company, it screams Hiromu, right down to the bandaid patch work and fierce determination to stay standing.
“Naito-san, you still haven’t apologized?”
“I have, sincerely and profusely, just like you insisted.”
The lazy slouch at the foot of the hotel bed says otherwise but Hiromu doesn’t comment on it as he walks to the opposite end of the mattress, seating himself directly on the floor. He hums inquisitively at the trophy before leaning in closer, hand cupped around his ear as if to pick up on the conversation, before quietly considering what had just been said.
Naito is mildly annoyed, if not entirely amused, by the way he’s made to wait as Hiromu finishes up a whispered exchange between himself and the stupid thing.
“Trophy-san, is very upset. He says...ah, I won’t say exactly what he’s said, but it’s a very understandable feeling considering what you’ve done. he wants a proper apology and if it’s heartfelt he will agree to forgive you.” There’s an indecipherable, ‘but he won’t forget’ attached to the conversation.
(Notes: some exposition here with Naito being quiet for a while as he considers before apologizing and hiromu telling Naito to kiss the trophy. Naito hesitates, slightly embarrassed but not wanting to disappoint hiromu’s firm command/suggestion to follow thru. Then cue smut.)
“Trophy-San says it can’t be helped because Naito is out of control.” The corner of hiromu’s mouth curves in a playful smile, one the contrasts starkly to his next few words as he meticulously sets trophy-San upright. “So
Naito-San must be reminded...don’t you agree?”
Naito stares, uncertain, and that moment’s worth of hesitation is enough to immediately shift the atmosphere.
Hiromu’s fingers gather the hair near the nape of Naito’s neck. Just like so many times before except instead of the tentative touches and sleepy kisses it’s used as a guide. Hiromu tugs near the root to put Naito not where he wants but needs him, and where he needs Naito is to be put in his place.
“Naito-san must be reminded, don’t you agree?”
“Yes, what?”
The fingers in his hair tighten, just on the edge of being too much but not quite enough. It’s a perfect middle ground of pain but Naito needs more, welcomes Hiromu’s worst even, but he’ll get nothing if he doesn’t answer quickly.
He’s barely deserving of the pain Hiromu’s dealing him already.
“Yes, I need to be put in my place.”
Hiromu smiles sweetly in answer before carefully guiding Naito downwards, forcing him to bow deep, as he presses Naito’s forehead into the cool metal stand of the trophy. It’s almost immediately an awkward position to be in, only because it forces him to rely on reading Hiromu’s tone of voice rather than having the advantage of deciphering his more transparent expressions.
“You can start by giving Trophy-San a proper apology.”
A slight shift from above lets Naito know Hiromu has gotten more comfortable. The pressure on his scalp however refuses to let up.
“I’m sorry for being so careless. I hope Trophy-San will forgive my earlier transgressions and find it in their heart to accept my apology.”
The hand on the nape of his neck loosens. A clear indicator that Naito had chosen the correct words, saying them in just the right tone, to appease Hiromu. “Good, now give Trophy-San a kiss.”
Hiromu slaps him. Quick and sharp, a warning that garners little room for further missteps. Its enough of a shock that it takes a gentle shove to remind him that he’s in very real danger of disappointing Hiromu.
A sentiment he refuses to prove true, especially when it takes a very specific line of needling to get this rare rendition of Hiromu.
“Naito~san, it’s rude to keep him waiting, don’t you think?” Another slap. Much lighter than the first but every bit as commanding as that initial first strike.
It’s just good enough to get him panting.
He’s close enough now that every exhale causes the sleek metal to fog over. So Naito bridges that last gap to press a quick kiss to metal plating of the trophy, catching just the edge of Hiromu’s unimpressed stare reflected back in the embossed surface.
“Kiss Trophy-San properly. Use your mouth like I know you can.”
Naito can’t help but burn with embarrassment. The light flush creeping further along his neck and chest as Hiromu instructs him that much further, leaving little room for confusion in regards to his request.
III. (Follow up to solo hay tres fic with the shingo/bushi pay off. This is barely started tbh.)
Bushi holds his gaze even as he kisses Naito. It’s a look that encompasses every possible emotion that’s accumulated up until this point, but most of all it’s look that very much feels like it’s meant to consume.
And Bushi may very well eat him whole.
“Shingo, come here.”
Naito opens his arms, allowing Shingo to slot into that perfect space between the both of them. Tucked into the solid weight of Naito’s left side while Bushi remains a scorching point of contact on his right. And even though he’s well past the initial first few stages of feeling like an intruder in this intricate new relationship, Shingo can’t help but feel like he’s overstepping on what is ultimately meant to be Naito’s moment.
The trepidation must show because Naito quickly kisses him, familiar, and reassuring in nature until he pulls away to address the both of them. “I’m proud of you, the both of you, and as much as I’d love to celebrate I think I need a few dozen aspirin and a nap.”
Naito pats Shingo’s cheek playfully before kissing Bushi sweetly, lingering, before turning that same affection on Shingo as well. “We can all celebrate when I don’t feel like shit but in the meantime have fun.”
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chunsoftie · 7 years
#1 2 3 5 9 11 13 for Fanfic Day Meme unless you don't wanna write that much in which case do what your body tells you
Thanks for the ask! Sorry I didn’t answer this sooner - I was at work when I got this but thank you so much, regardless!
1.  What is your favorite fic you have under your belt? 
My favorite fic would probably have to be either the(broken) road to recovery, my current WIP, or if we’re talking about oneshots,the king to your satellite castle is one I particularly admire. 
I think broken road is a fic that’s opening me up to writingmore multi-chapter works. Obviously, I cater more towards the short-story,oneshot style of writing, so the fact I wanted to embark on something longer ischallenging me to the extent I want to be challenged. I think writing this fichas allowed me to experiment more. 
The latter fic is a oneshot that I found myself proud ofwhen I finished. I really enjoy those Kyle/Cartman stories where it’s the twoof them bonding through mutual means, whether it be by deep, intellectualconversations or just hanging out at a D&B’ and then gazing at the stars. Ifind that I always have to include these heavy conversations between the two ofthem – like if I didn’t, what was the point? Kyle and Cartman are both smartkids, they can learn to adapt to the world themselves, but the idea of themneeding the other as they get older, knowing they can’t survive without theother…that’s really impactful to me. 
I also have to give credit to my compilation of oneshots onFFN, “The Most Random One-Shots You’ll Ever Read.” Basically it’s my Lord ofthe Flies compilation I’ve had published since 2014 and it’s over fiftychapters with over 150k+ words. It’s definitely something I’m proud of.
2. What is your favorite snippet of dialogue?
This is from my Junjou Romantica fic, the jetlags and thecatalysts:
Akihiko was just asconfused. It wasn’t sheer egoism that he was surprised not everyone knew who hewas, but a comfort that he could start scratch with someone. He shot the restof the drink, leaving his glass empty.
“I’m an author – my name is Usami Akihiko.”
“Ah, Usami.” The boy refilled the glass.
There was a brief silence where Akhiko expected the action to bereciprocal. When the boy caught on, he become flustered.
“My name is Takahashi Misaki.”
The feminine name left the writer in bafflement but he went withit. Misaki. He found the bartender start to laugh and he raised an eyebrow.
“It’s funny, your name is Usami. An old friend of mine – well,he was friends with my older brother – we called him usagi because he remindedus of a rabbit.”
“Well, that is what usagi means.” Akihiko took a drink. Misakigave off a comical expression.
“I see that the more you get drunk, the more your sarcasm comesout.”
“And I wasn’t even trying to be sarcastic.” Akihiko replied.
And I love thisfrom the king to your satellite castle”
“I should be pissedthat you assumed I wasn’t busy, but considering you never question yourassumptions, what else is new?” Kyle pulled on his jacket and hopped shotguninto Cartman’s truck, and the brunette just scoffed as he pulled out of thedriveway.
“Nice to see you too, Jew.”
“We’re a little too old for the nicknames, aren’t we?” Kylemuttered, eyeing the black jacket Cartman was wearing over his red shirt andhating himself for finding it hot. “Where are you taking me?”
“We should just let it be a surprise.” Cartman grinned, cominginto an intersection. Kyle rolled his eyes and leaned in, eyebrows narrowed.
“Where are you taking me?”
“We could sneak into a movie.” Cartman commented, a suggestivetone rather than a commanding one that took Kyle by surprise. “Terrance andPhilip’s new movie is out.”
Kyle was tempted, but he had already seen that with Stan and hedidn’t feel like seeing it again. Plus, Cartman would just talk during thewhole movie and Kyle knew he could barely take a few sentences with tolerance.
“You would suggest sneaking into a movie, probably because youdon’t have the money to get in.”
“Hey, I actually have a kickass job, Jewboy. I help society withgood deeds and commercial products.”
“You’re a grocer, Cartman.” Kyle sighed. “All you do is stockshit and put things under a beeper.”
“And what do you do, Kyle? Flaunt your pretty little ass and letyour family pay for all of your shit?” Cartman reached for what Kyle assumedwas a Dr. Pepper in the cupholder and took a drink. Kyle flushed a little atwhat seemed to be a compliment, but he flicked Cartman on the arm.
3. What inspired (broken road)?
In another ask I was told to include Broken Road with this,so that’s what I’m doing.
I actually came up with the idea for Broken Road on a walkback home from studying. I was almost back to my dorm and I thought, ‘You know,if you want more Eric-centric psychological works, why don’t you try writingone, yourself?’ And I was hooked with the potential of a behavior correctionalfacility, so I stuck with it. I ended up going back to the library either thatsame night or the next just to look up research before I started writing thefirst chapter. 
Originally I wanted to just continue writing it and make it along oneshot, but I felt like making it multi-chap was the right thing to do(and honestly I am glad I stuck with it in that regard).
 5. What’s your favorite headcanon you use in your fics?
I don’t really use a lot of headcanons for fics but if I hadto say a repetitive thing when it comes to my fics is when it comes to Kyman, Ilike the more ‘drunken exploration’ trope…a lot more than I care to admit. Myother OTPS, like Jalph, I don’t even care to use this as often just because Ifeel like if two characters could benefit from this, it would be Kyle andCartman.
9. What’s the fic you like the least?
Probably ‘he’s your ride home.’ I kind of wrote that at twoin the morning and thinking of it now, there is so many ways I could havewritten it better. I may go back and edit it just because compared to my otherKyman oneshots, it’s relatively weak.
11. What’s a fanfic idea yo haven’t done yet?
There’s a Stormpilot fic idea I’ve had for a while now thatrevolves around Finn and Poe’s confrontation regarding what they feel towardsone another with the setting of another couple’s wedding and them on the sides,not realizing how this plays with their own lives until they get a littlecarried away and well, yeah. It’s something I’ve been wanting to write for awhile but I just haven’t started yet.
I also would like to write a restaurant!AU Kyle/Cartmanoneshot. I have a few plans for this already so I may go ahead and write thissooner than later.
And, of course, I have another Bellarke piece I want to workon, but that’s going to be for another time.
13. Do you have a favorite character to write for?
I love writing for Cartman. He’s my absolute favoritecharacter to write for and I love it when people request me to write him,because, he’s fantastic. 
I also love writing Ralph. Jack is tied as my favoritecharacter in Lord of the Flies, next to Piggy, but there’s something aboutwriting Ralph that makes it so enjoyable for me, like I can envision hisexpressions in my mind and laugh mentally.
Thank you, @polarspicecaps-blog!
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