#anatomical glass heart vase
kyunkyun · 2 years
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Hand Blown Glass Anatomical Heart Vase
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witchern · 3 years
* thread tomorrow with today.
for the midam wedding! ficlet. 941 words.
Michael makes the chuppah himself. 
He doesn’t use any of his angelic magic, and the only reason Adam knows this — in spite of Michael’s attempts at keeping the damn thing secret — is because, even when Michael is working in the yard outside their cottage, Adam can occasionally hear him spit curses at the drill whenever it doesn’t work properly. 
It’s enough to put a smile on Adam’s face. The archangel Michael, Prince of Heaven, first of God’s children, undone by a power tool.
In any case, Michael masks his progress by hiding the pieces in the shed at night and makes Adam promise not to peek. 
Whenever Michael is outside working on the chuppah, Adam thinks about the fact that the archangel is making something with his own two hands — something that represents the new home they’ll build together — and his heart fills with warmth.
( read the rest under the cut or on ao3 )
At first, Adam is self conscious trying to plan a wedding. A Jewish wedding. He’d never been particularly religious — his visits to the synagogue these days are purely based around whichever High Holiday is next on the calendar. His menorah is from Target, not some priceless family heirloom. His Shabbat candlesticks are from Target too, and they’d only been used twice since they’d been purchased. 
In his lowest moments, Adam sometimes feels like he doesn’t deserve the traditional trappings: the ketubah, the tallit — even the chuppah. Each time he has to Google something that he should’ve remembered from Hebrew school, he feels like a fraud. Like he hasn’t earned this. Like he’s playing make-believe. 
But Michael is always there to remind him that he’s not a fraud, that he’s worth it, that what he wants is true and real, that Adam has more than earned this sliver of happiness that they’ve built together in the aftermath of so much pain and horror. 
Michael builds the chuppah; Adam builds his joy.
They decide on Earth Day for the wedding because, well, it has dual significance for them. Michael was around for its literal creation; he saw the planet from its gestation until its current point. 
As for Adam? He wants a way to mark the fact that they’re back. That they’re on earth together, out of hell, breathing fresh air and feeling the wind in their hair, the sunshine on their faces. He wants to mark the fact that the ground beneath them is real and the world is theirs to explore however they want, for as long as they want.
Adam watches one morning as Michael crosses the yard to retrieve the chuppah pieces from the shed (no, this doesn’t count as peeking), and he knows he wants this forever. 
The day of the wedding arrives and the outdoor ceremony itself is a quiet, intensely private affair. In the past few months that they’ve lived in this sparsely-populated area, Michael has managed to befriend a retired cantor in town who agrees — happily — to officiate.
(Adam wonders how the cantor would feel if he knew he’d be officiating a wedding for the Biblical archangel Michael. He doesn’t bring it up, but it does make him chuckle internally every now and then.)
Kevin is there as one of their witnesses. Through a series of random circumstances involving an abandoned house across town and a kikimora, he and Adam had met last year and bonded over drinks while bitching back and forth about the Winchesters. In short: Kevin is Adam’s best friend. 
Jack is their second witness — and really, it should be strange, having the new God (or at least as close to God as this world has) as a witness at their wedding. But Jack isn’t just God: he’s Michael’s nephew. The two of them have been talking more, trying to bond despite the wounds they both carry. Adam isn’t privy to everything they talk about, but he doesn’t need to be. That’s between Michael and Jack; Adam’s just glad that Michael has someone else to talk to. Someone who’s family, and wants to get to know the two of them better. 
The cantor, of course, is there too, beaming at them all. 
And as for the chuppah itself —
It’s beautifully simple. The four poles are made of birch wood, pale and smoothed over with sandpaper. Tied to the four poles and hanging over them to signify a roof is a gorgeous white-and-gold tallit fluttering gently in the breeze.
“Whose tallit is that?” Adam asks, tilting his head to get a better look.
Michael glances at him, an amused and fond smile tugging at his lips. “Well, when we take the chuppah down after this, it’s yours. If you want it.”
And, well, Adam always knew he would cry on his wedding day.
They each have their own glass to smash under their feet. Later, Michael will take the pieces of Adam’s glass and fashion it into a small, anatomically-correct heart-shaped vase. They’ll put flowers in it and it’ll sit on the windowsill in their kitchen, in the perfect spot for the afternoon light to glint off its surface.
Michael will take the pieces of his own glass and make a mezuzah for their front door.
Later they’ll have a proper party with their friends and family, because Adam will be damned if he doesn’t sit in a chair and get lifted into the air with his husband — husband — at least once. They’ll have their first meal with each other and dance the hora and surround themselves with love and warmth.
But here and now, this moment is just for them. 
And so they stand there, hand in hand, soul with grace, under the chuppah an archangel made.
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bisexualoftheblade · 3 years
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Melanie King Moodboard
[IMAGE ID: The image is a mood board of three rows, with three pictures in each row forming a grid. In between each image is a pure white background. The top left picture is of a blurred black and red background with an anatomical depiction of a human heart in red neon in the center. The top middle picture is of dozens of figures clumped together and fighting against a smokey red background. The top right picture is of a red background with the words “It’s you, it’s always been” written in all caps in red neon. The left center picture is a human fist covered in blood reaching up from the center of a white background. The center picture is the face a blonde Caucasian girl with blue eyes. She is laying on a mirror that is reflecting her face partially, and there is blood dripping down her face and she is surrounded by red flowers. The center right picture is an open book on a white background with blurred text on the right page and a black and red floral design on the left page. The bottom left picture is black headphones against a red background. The bottom center picture is of two flowers with dark green leaves with one flower drooping from a clear glass vase and the other laying on a white table. The flower drooping from the vase is blood red and the one laying on the table is white with blood splatters on the petals. The bottom right picture is of a pomegranate cut in half lying on a black surface. Laying to the left of the pomegranate is a knife with a red handle and pomegranate seeds scatter the surface. END ID]
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usaginotwst · 4 years
Beauty Sleep Part II | Vil Schoenheit
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Story: Weird Girl Energy
Chapter 12: Beauty Sleep Part II
Pairing: Vil Schoenheit x OC
Words: 7,924 (wipes sweat away with a disgusting sound effect)
Rating: G - General
this took ages to write and I can feel my soul withering away. I already want to rewrite it, desperately.
Standing at the threshold, Rook studied the scene in front of him very carefully, his keen eye taking note of the room to file away for later. Adele’s room was…rustic, if he was being kind. It had a charm about it, much like the girl asleep in the bed pushed against the far corner. The floors creaked underfoot, and the walls seemed to sag with age, yet somehow, Adele had made it feel like a home. Pictures of her various friend groups clung to the wallpaper, a single red rose rested in a thin vase on her bedside table, and bits of her uniform were folded over each and every surface, leaving the room feeling lived in. Rook’s gaze landed on Adele and an eerie stillness fell upon the room.
Adele slept, peacefully unmoving for days as Vil, exhausted and desperate, sat hunched over her bedside. A vial of dark green liquid clutched in his hands as he watched for any reaction. Dark smudges replaced the crisp lines of eyeliner that rimmed his eyes from sleepless nights. Letting out a growl, Vil brought a manicured hand down his gaunt cheek to rub the itchy five o’clock shadow that seemed to grow daily despite his constant upkeep.
Rook quietly stepped into the room, a bowl of cool, fresh water in hand and a clean rag resting on his shoulder. He approached the scene the same way he would a big game hunt; quiet and even. The bed creaked under his added weight as he sat by Adele’s side. Feeling Vil’s eyes boring holes through his uniform, Rook spoke as he removed his gloves and hat.
“Perhaps you were distracted while concocting and laid a-,” Rook started, but Vil rounded on him. The frenzied look in his violet gaze sparked cool flames of unease in Rook’s stomach.
“Do you think I’m so stupid that I wouldn’t be able to tell if I cursed her or not?” Vil spat. The force and motion let loose the rest of his hair from his messy bun. The blonde tendrils fell around his shoulders in greasy clumps. After trying to run a hand through his hair and realizing its state, Vil wiped his hand on his pants in disgust. A shaky sigh left his lips; a physical manifestation of the fight leaving his tired and aching body. “I’ve already tried releasing it, but it wasn’t a curse. At the very least, it’s not one of mine.”
Trying to pretend unaffected, Rook simply hummed as he loosened Adele’s braid to run a lavender oil mixture through the strands – to keep them fresh – before deftly twirling her chocolate curls back into place as he had every other day since she fell unconscious. Vil’s words may not have stung, but Rook was harshly aware what this failure meant to his dorm head.
“Maybe it’s time we call the headmaster for help?” Rook suggested gently as he dipped one edge of the rag into the bowl.
“No!” Vil shouted. The sound of shattering glass had Rook sitting up straighter on the bed. The wallpaper sizzled and began peeling away where the dark green liquid burst and dripped towards the floor. Two pairs of eyes rested anxiously on the mess.
Embarrassed and uncomfortable, Vil turned away from the huntsman to hunch over Adele’s bed once more.
“I’ll take my leave.” Rook said to the air as he gently gathered the items he had brought with him.
With two long, silent strides, and the click of the door latch, Rook disappeared and Vil was alone. Alone with nothing but his thoughts the gentle breaths from Adele’s parted lips. Violet eyes bored holes into the bed sheets as he avoided looking at her serene features. The gravity of his misdeed sent the cold weight of dread sinking in deeper in his stomach every time he so much as glanced at her.
Out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of himself in a large shard of glass from the potion bottle he had thrown. His gaze was met on equal grounds with the sight of red-rimmed eyes and the thick beginnings of facial hair, the image of desperation.
Before he could fall prey to despair, the familiar jingle of a MagiCam notification pulled his attention away and sobered him up. He hadn’t updated in a week, there were countless comments and messages inquiring about him and his content. His content. It was always content and product placement…Had anyone asked after his health, he wondered, eyes trailing across the bed to Adele’s face.
The past week had been nothing but visit after visit from students Adele had made plans with. Each and every individual asked after her and it took everything Vil had in him to keep from snapping when they tried to enter the dorm. One after another they came like clockwork, and every time he turned them away, something akin to bitter understanding grew in Vil’s heart.
From the first moment he first laid eyes on Adele, Vil wondered what was it that drove the school’s boys to their knees. It wasn’t her beauty, he deduced. In his eyes, she was plain; she put no effort into her appearance, choosing to dress in her homely manner and spend no time with makeup. And yet, there was something about her that drew you in and held you captive to her. What it was exactly still escaped Vil’s grasp.
“Oh, what a shame, the poor girl.”
“She had promised to help with-,”
“We had a tea party planned and-,”
“Poor Adele, she was going to show me how to-,”
Despite her exhausted state, Adele had continued to give and care about those around her. Was this level of graciousness, this positivity, what drew others in? Was that cocktail so enticing it could override aesthetic or anatomical beauty?
A loud knocking interrupted his thoughts and irritation bubbled up in his chest once more. Who could it possibly be now?
“Adelaide, you simple girl, do you know the whole damn student body?” Vil muttered venomously.
Read the rest here
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🌼 Only fair that I send you some back. 🌼 18, 10, 12, 2, 4, 25, 32, 36, 37, 50.
Yay, thank you!
2. what’s your favorite candy? Anything caramel and chocolate tbh.
4. what was your first kiss like? Gentle, beautiful and filled with slowly blooming love, or so I hope.
10. favorite milkshake flavor? Strawberry
12. favorite flowers? Forget-me-nots, black and red roses, evening stock, violets
18. chocolate, vanilla, or red velvet? I love all of this but I think chocolate :]
25. do you believe in love at first sight? Not love, no, but attraction and connection yes.
32. favorite romcom (or any romantic movie)? I don’t think I have one...
36. cloud gazing or star gazing? Star gazing <3
37. do you like to dance? I use to like to dance, nowadays I barely ever have either the occassion or will to do it. I like an idea of learning waltz and tango someday, as well as bellydance.
50. what’s your dreamhouse? Either a spacious apartment or a house, goth, extravagant interiors, like an octopus chandelier, anatomical heart vases, skull-shaped bottles, portraits of my favourite poets, lots of Romantic and dark art, lots of dark wood and almost no metal, stained glass, red, black, purple colours... Preferably shared with some like-minded handsome gentleman.
Thank you for the ask <3
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I thought this would be a cool vase
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witchern · 4 years
What if Michael makes a heart (anatomically correct or otherwise, depending on your preference) out of the glass Adam smashes on their wedding night?
ohhhhhhh wait that would be VERY cute!! i’d lean towards an anatomically correct heart – with adam having been pre-med, michael would think it’s funny. (and it is funny, he’s right.) 
could even take it one step further and have michael turn it into a functional vase like this! it sits on the windowsill in their kitchen where the light’s best and not only helps the flowers grow but catches the colors of the glass in the best way possible. 
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