#an attempt was made... JKDSHGKJASGHJ
zvyr · 8 years
Carnival: MASKS
001. ( @minimalistkrp)
Seungil had always been the more artistic and strong son in the family, A natural admiration infested within Jinsoo for his brother. Why was that? Possibly because he had raised him more than his own parents had done. Their parents weren't necessarily horrible and neglect them-- Jinsoo himself believed that they loved the two of them just as much as they could; The wanted them to do well, but they sometimes fell to less than satisfactory results. No one ever said that raising a child and then another three years later would be easy-- it didn't get easier, it got harder and more challenging.
Jinsoo, Unlike his older brother, was quiet-- He was shy, soft spoken, and gentle for the most part. He was a child that didn't cry a lot and enjoyed sleeping and was particularly considered the 'easier child' between the two of them when they were children. Seungil was always the one who was more adventurous and outspoken, spontaneous-- and maybe that was partially because of their age differences or maybe it was simply just how he was. It was crazy to think about how much Jinsoo had changed from these days--while his brother had stayed the same; Brusque, Tough, Sharp-spoken. . . Jinsoo had mirrored these traits of his brother and become a strong man by the time she was 19 years old-- He had mastered it.
Yet, Those who knew him, Always knew That he was the same little boy who lost his turtle and spent hours in the cold autumn air searching for him with his elder brother before it grew dark and he had to return home-- Crying for hours until he fell asleep at the foot of his bed. The same little boy who was afraid of the dark but wouldn't admit to it, so his brother skipped school one day and simply spent hours using a glow-in-the-dark paint that illuminated the walls and the ceiling; Transforming his whole room into a galaxy of lights, the whole universe. He was a soft child like this.
Nowadays, It was rare to see the glimpse of this boy that once inhabited. Jinsoo struggled to act like his true self on a regularity because he had a hard time opening up to people. The sensitive boy that he once was had grown a thick shell around him-- a wall that was built to hide himself inside and keep everyone out. His trust was never easily obtained and he always doubted whenever someone would show interest in him, Humans having ulterior motives were something that was well known to him and he'd rather not let someone shatter him.
This began forming when his father began to become unfaithful-- He started drinking and shouting, and acting in such a disdainful fashion that it harboured unpleasant feelings within everyone in the family, but it wasn't like every family was perfect-- it wasn't like every family was in ruins either. Despite his father being like this for a good amount of time, There were great moments, memorable ones. Soon, These things seemed like distant memories, nightmarish thoughts that may or may not have been dreamt up as a far off reality.  That's exactly how his father portrayed it in the aftermath, That he was an angel who had never done wrong-- but this was when things began to rile up and become hectic; Seungil wanted to do art. Seungil didn't want to go to college. His father was outraged and this arose many problems.
He was then, seen to himself as the martyr, This is what he decided upon himself. 'The good and obedient son, Jinsoo.' That was his image. He studied abroad, furthered his knowledge so that he could go into something that paid well and that he could be independent, and refused all money from his parents. He wasn't ever going to be the good, perfect, angel son they wanted him to be-- But he took on the facade for the better of everyone. Jinsoo became tough and closed off, focused on one goal and continued further.  He wondered, if one day, he would ever fall off the trail that had been paved so neatly for him-- Or if he would begin to enjoy it, accept it? currently, though, he just did as he was told.
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