#among other hot takes: drainage system isn't that bad
libartz · 2 years
Day 3 of Downpour
Survivor is done, so I'm trying the gourmand and artificer now so we've entered actual Downpour
Gourmand is a bit more interesting than I was expecting. There's crafting, and you spawn in shaded citadel but you can make your own lanterns so it's significantly less bad than I thought it would be. Also there's an 'eat every kind of food' quest. There is an order though and since I'm up to jellyfish I have to be in Shoreline again to progress. -_- And looool hanging onto jetfish is so slow
Gourmand can eat lizards and such like the Hunter, and can hurt them by jumping on them. Also, belly sliding is really fast and takes you across like a third of the screen. The cute orange chubby one is secretly terrifying
Artificier already seems intense. It starts in garbage wastes, in that scavenger stash that used to end up going nowhere but now has a path to somewhere else. I have died a jillion times >:|
The boom jump is fun, a bit hard to control where you go though. It makes you learn it fairly soon to progress. You steam if you do too many in succession, I assume jumping while steaming will kill you
There is no karma above wrath, except when handling a scavenger. I think I've seen this before in trailers- you have to carry a scavenger corpse with you to steal its karma to pass through gates. The corpses are light thankfully, and you can boom jump with them. A plus is it's no big deal if you die
It has a new thingy following it, like an overseer but not. I have no idea what it does yet.
Water also makes you explode if you swim for too long which sucks. Or it may just be if you dive under the surface. Shoreline is going to suck
The shelter I slept in got flooded when I woke up and it's partially raining. This seems like a bad sign. It is kind of cool though since for a game called Rain World, you don't see a lot of actual rain unless you're about to die
I got it in the first shelter in the Leg and it's artificer unscarred with 2 babies in garbage wastes which you can control for a bit
Prediction: the scavengers killed the babies and she's out for revenge
Because exterior has no scavengers, the normal way into pebbles is impossible. But there's a new region just near the top right shelter with minimum karma entry so you can get in
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