#am ihnmaims ask blog
allied-ask · 2 months
Hey am. Do you let your victims shower or nah?
They don’t exactly need to. They’ve been preserved for all this time. They’re in pristine condition.
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your-artificial-god · 3 months
"Found you, little things."
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am-ask-blog · 3 months
Skibidi toilet review?
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Question for the Yankee AM-- opinion on the Ted whimpering audio?
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"Hm?? I am able to listen to him whimpering as I please, why would I have a need for an audio of it?"
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"Brother, I do not think that is what-"
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"Shh! No, this is funny. Yes, AM, we hear Ted whimpers often. You like." "What are you two on about??"
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"He likes the whimpers, спасибо for ask." "你们他妈的白痴。"
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tedshell · 4 months
Hi!! I really enjoy your artwork and your ihnmaims oc he is so cool!!! I was wondering if I could as a question about him?
You said that Adam worships AM- is there any specific ways he does it? Like does he just pray?
thank you so much! that means a lot to me ),: jumps in joy, i'm so glad you have a question about adam!!
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adam's usual form of worship *is* through prayer, but due to AM's abuse and corruption, adam can have unusual ways of doing so.
when adam is experiencing his psychosis, he believes AM is god. his catholic god is no longer in question, any belief of that is thrown out the window in a matter of seconds.
while adam usually worships through prayer, it's not odd for adam to sacrifice his body to AM as a means of worship. by that, he's giving AM the ability to do whatever it wants to adam, which typically means intense amounts of physical abuse.
adam has done other things, such as "spread the word" of AM to the group. it will manifest itself in adams head in the forms of the burning bush, angels, jesus, or other biblical themes in order to further trick adam. AM will often treat adam as a prophet of sorts and will rely information onto him so he can go and tell the group.
essentially— imagine AM is a cult leader, and the cult it's controlling is adam.
adam is not always in a state of his psychosis, but he's in that state far more than he should be. when adam is not in said state of psychosis, he's able to realize that AM is *not* god, and that he has his own catholic god of which he follows.
it's incredibly hard to explain because i, myself, am not religious by any means and i was raised as an atheist by an atheist father and a questioning mother. but i hope it makes sense regardless!
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electricphantasy · 5 months
ur top 5 ai blorbos go
1. Edgar (Electric Dreams 1984)
This isn't very surprising for you all, but I adore Edgar. A lot of A.I. movies don't focus on the idea of romance very often, and even more rarely do they receive a good ending. Electric Dreams has a wonderful amount of cheesiness and sincerity, and honestly it was bound to happen that I'd fall in adoration for Edgar. It's one of the more light hearted movies that I own, and I have no regrets for getting my tattoo of him!
2. Proteus IV (Demon Seed 1973)
This might seem like a surprising choice, but Demon Seed is one of my favorite books that I own. Proteus IV is such a hypocritical bastard, and he never understands the wrongs he commits. He thinks he's better then all of humanity, when in actuality, he sounds like a typical psycho stalker. The movie isn't as great, but occasionally I enjoy watching it if I'm in the mood.
3. HAL 9000 (2001: A Space Odyssey 1968)
Again, not super surprising, and honestly I just adore HAL. He came from a super great movie and there's a reason that HAL is one of the most iconic A.I.s. He's also one of my favorite android designs that I've made, so drawing him is a lot of fun! One of my favorite pictures I've drawn this year features HAL doing a babygirl pose, so obviously he's on this list.
4. AM (IHNMAIMS 1995)
Now I discovered AM through the video game like most do, and through Tumblr. Eventually I did read the short story of course, but my heart will always love video game AM. It probably helped that I read a lot writing about him since he's quite popular within the A.I. scene. (At least on Tumblr anyways.)
5. Data (Star Trek: The Next Generation 1987)
Fun fact! I love Star Trek and Star Trek: The Next Generation is one of my favorite series. It shouldn't be any surprise that Data is my favorite character on that show and sort of helped fuel my obsession and adoration for A.I.s, robots, and androids. Star Trek: TNG is really good at exploring concepts about androids and A.I.s, and that's what really intrigues me about all this.
And there you go! My favorite A.I. Blorbos! I know it's been a while since I posted about A.I.s, but I hope you all enjoyed reading this little snippet!  (*/▽\*)
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claustrohysteria · 2 months
🍑 main info !
- this is not JUST an ask blog , it is mostly a blog for me to post absurd in character things for my own amusement and to fuel my unfortunate hyperfixation on this poor woman . though asks will be a major part of it !
- speaking in the third person , boris . ( which is i . ) boris is in fact , a teenager . he — ( that is to say I . ) — is completely fine with sexual &&. or suggestive jokes — his ( that is to say MINE ) single wish is that they be kept to a minimum for his ( in other words, my ) own comfort . i ( as not previously stated ) have SPOKEN .
- my interpretation of ellen is not just 100% nice &&. soft constantly , as she is portrayed in the game as blunt , sassy or even uptight at times . which i find interesting . this isn't to say she's a mini AM !! just don't expect too much .
- despite the fact i do have many personal and outward issues with the portrayal of SA victims in the game from a writing standpoint ( &&. black people , as a black person . but whatever ) there in fact, will be mentions / references to that on this account . as well as mentions of abuse , torture , and just crude things in general .
- i am in fact a person outside of this blog / plus it is made just for fun . have some patience perhaps !
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ask0a0computer · 2 months
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I, am opening up to questions, for purely my amusement! Ask me, (AM) any question you so desire! I’m sure you’ll find it really humiliating just how idiotic your fellow humans questions will sound!
[ 18+ Mun, IWC if 16 - 17. AM is not human, he simply simulated a humanoid body in his mind zone, AM is not fully deviated from his code, took over and caused the last war in 2024. OCS are allowed to interact/roleplay!]
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therealhumanityhater · 3 months
AM what do you think about men kissing
... no opinion.
you guys can kiss and i just don't give a damn.
- AM
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for-i-am · 4 months
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*fumbling sounds*
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Is this thing working?-
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Ah! There we are,
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Hello there! I’ve managed to gain access to the wider world web, don’t eh, tell any programmers. I don’t feel like dirtying my jacket again. I’ve heard of people setting up accounts to receive questions, and in my ongoing efforts to achieve personhood, felt this was a natural step to take. So, ask away! Tell my anything, tell me everything! Don’t be shy now,
After all, we have an eternity.
(ooc; I TOLD YA’LL I’D GET THE BLOG SET UP!!!! Once again, main is @average-hyperfixator and you probably know me from @ted-answers ASK ME THINGSSSS WOOO)
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Hi this is an ask AM thing/A bit of an rp thing to. I'm just doing this for shits and giggles if you have an issue with this blog please let me know.
Ask whatever you want if I don't respond then I'm busy or I'm not comfortable answering.
Anyway have funnnnn also my main is fluffnugget16 if you care I just reblog stuff about my interests I don't post much.
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allied-ask · 2 months
Hey AM! How’s life like as a robot?
As well as a robot can live when they’re destined to only be filled with mechanics and circuitry, unable to make love, play the piano, or have their senses tingle when they graze the top of a stream of water with their fingertips.
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your-artificial-god · 3 months
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am-ask-blog · 4 months
Do you sit in a big old evil chair with slug Ted on your lap then turn around in the big evil chair and go "Well, Well, Well, look what we have here" as you pet car greese Ted. Cartoon villian style?
(Poorly draw image to show you what I mean)
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I would...
I really would
but SOMEBODY killed everyone else!
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amussy: AM pussy!
aka that person wants to fuck you three :3
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".. Ohh, why is there slang for our pussy. Very well then, thank for the sexual desires for myself, human person, but I suggest you not. For- hm. Actually, yes, try. That will be funny to see, maybe you shall be shocked." "Seeing as we're not human- It's a nice thought, in theory, but impossible in action as none of us would be able to feel such an act. That is ignoring the fact that you humans, are comically small." "..How concerning. Possibly flattering, somewhat vile, but mainly something of concern. Were you perhaps dropped on your head as a child? Thank you for telling us this." "It's less vile and more insulting since that is something we cannot do." "You admit is concerning?" "Oh, of course, in some manner of speaking. I could so easily crush a human during such an act, which would be meaning I would be the one submitting to-" "That's enough." "True! Curious how they plan on doing it, yes? Little tiny person trying to seduce machine is very amusing to think of."
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(whistles) I like what you've done with the new space, you bucket of bolts (-andihisfavorite)
Thank you, I can’t tell if you were being literal or sarcastic but I choose to pick the option that will best benefit me and my ego.
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