#am from georgia and north carolina
maybebabyplease · 2 years
that southern food poll got me truly sad and homesick and then my office had a party tonight and they got SOUL FOOD so i had cornbread and red beans and rice and mac n cheese and it was all soooo good but i actually might still be a little homesick ugh north carolina baby come claim me i wanna swim in a creek and patch my cuts with superglue and catch fireflies and fish for sharks and sweat all day and hear my grandma’s accent :( :( :(
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kemetic-dreams · 3 months
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Anti-literacy laws in many slave states before and during the American Civil War affected slaves, freedmen, and in some cases all people of color. Some laws arose from concerns that literate slaves could forge the documents required to escape to a free state. According to William M. Banks, "Many slaves who learned to write did indeed achieve freedom by this method. The wanted posters for runaways often mentioned whether the escapee could write." Anti-literacy laws also arose from fears of slave insurrection, particularly around the time of abolitionist David Walker's 1829 publication of Appeal to the Colored Citizens of the World, which openly advocated rebellion, and Nat Turner's Rebellion of 1831.
The United States is the only country known to have had anti-literacy laws.
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Significant anti-African laws include:
1829, Georgia: Prohibited teaching Africans to read, punished by fine and imprisonment
1830, Louisiana, North Carolina: passes law punishing anyone teaching Africans to read with fines, imprisonment or floggings 
1832, Alabama and Virginia: Prohibited Europeans from teaching Africans to read or write, punished by fines and floggings
1833, Georgia: Prohibited Africans from working in reading or writing jobs (via an employment law), and prohibited teaching Africans, punished by fines and whippings (via an anti-literacy law)
1847, Missouri: Prohibited assembling or teaching slaves to read or write
Mississippi state law required a white person to serve up to a year in prison as "penalty for teaching a slave to read."
A 19th-century Virginia law specified: "[E]very assemblage of negroes for the purpose of instruction in reading or writing, or in the night time for any purpose, shall be an unlawful assembly. Any justice may issue his warrant to any office or other person, requiring him to enter any place where such assemblage may be, and seize any negro therein; and he, or any other justice, may order such negro to be punished with stripes."
In North Carolina, African people who disobeyed the law were sentenced to whipping while whites received a fine, jail time, or both.
AME Bishop William Henry Heard remembered from his enslaved childhood in Georgia that any slave caught writing "suffered the penalty of having his forefinger cut from his right hand." Other formerly enslaved people had similar memories of disfigurement and severe punishments for reading and writing.
Arkansas, Kentucky, and Tennessee were the only three slave states that did not enact a legal prohibition on educating slaves.
It is estimated that only 5% to 10% of enslaved African Americans became literate, to some degree, before the American Civil War
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Roevember : billboard project
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Kamala Harris shines in Oprah interview . . . while Trump preemptively blames Jewish voters if he loses
September 20, 2024
Robert B. Hubbell
Kamala Harris appeared on a live event on Thursday hosted by Oprah Winfrey. The interview took place in a friendly setting but was remarkable, nonetheless. Harris is an empathetic, emotionally intelligent, skilled communicator who excels in one-on-one conversations that provide room for her humanity to shine through. As I write, the event is ongoing, but it has already addressed difficult and important issues. But no issue (so far) has been more powerful than the discussion of Trump's abortion bans.
The entire event is here, and I urge you watch it: Harris speaks at campaign event with Oprah in Michigan.
Oprah Winfrey’s producers included a short video on the life and preventable death of Amber Thurman, whose tragic story was revealed by Pro Publica on Wednesday. Amber experienced complications from mifepristone, sought medical care, and was turned away by physicians because she “wasn’t near enough to death” to qualify for a “life of the mother” exception under North Carolina’s abortion ban. By the time doctors were ready to treat Amber, it was too late. She died from complications that could have easily been prevented by earlier intervention. See NBC, How Georgia's LIFE Act killed Amber Thurman.
After the video played, Oprah turned to Amber’s mother and sisters, who spoke eloquently about Amber’s death. Many in the audience were moved to tears. Kamala Harris was visibly anguished by the testimonial of grief by Amber’s mother and sisters.
Oprah then turned to Kamala Harris and said, “What do you want to say, Madame Vice President?” Harris turned to Amber’s mother and sisters and said,
I am just so sorry.
Kamala let her statement hang in the air for a moment of stillness and silence—so that its impact could be absorbed by Amber’s mother and sisters and the audience. The seven-minute video clip of the segment is here: "I am just so sorry." | Kamala Harris on Amber Thurman.
Kamala Harris’s statement was remarkable because it was entirely selfless and completely focused on comforting Amber’s mother and sisters. Few politicians can summon the ability to be genuine and empathetic especially while at a campaign event. Donald Trump has never uttered similar words to anyone in any context.
If Americans are waiting to “get to know” Kamala Harris, the Oprah interview is essential viewing. Share the links included in this newsletter with someone who would benefit from seeing Kamala Harris in an informal setting talking about important issues.
There were many powerful and important moment in the interview. If you can, watch it all. But if you can’t, here are two segments that you should consider sharing.
Oprah asked Harris, “What is in your heart to say to the American people as we head into November 5, especially people who are undecided?” Harris gave a positive, affirming view of America’s future, framing her answer in terms of what we are fighting for, not what we are fighting against. If you only watch one clip, this should be the one: "Freedom worth fighting for." | Kamala Harris.
At the end of the interview, Oprah made a strong pitch for viewers to vote for Kamala Harris. The clip is here: "This is the moment." | Oprah Winfrey. Share it widely!
Oprah said,
For all of you watching who are still on the fence, in the middle, independent as I am, or whether you just still don't know what you're gonna do. This is the moment for all decent and caring people who want the best for yourself and other people. This is the moment for people who are tired of all of the bickering and all of the name-calling, people who are exhausted by the craziness and the made up stories and the conspiracies. This is the moment you wanna get on with your life because you know that we can do better and that we deserve better. You know this, I know you know this, I know you feel this. I know this is what you're saying amongst yourselves. We're better than this. And as my friend and mentor Maya Angelou always said, ‘When you know better, you got to do better.’ So, let's do better and vote for Kamala Harris
It is worth the effort to amplify Oprah’s endorsement. She is one of the most influential Americans of our generation. Let me share with you how I came to realize that fact.
I was preparing for a high-stakes trial about fifteen years ago. As usual, my client wanted to run a mock jury simulation with test jurors selected from the same zip code as the real jurors.
Each mock juror filled out a 200-item questionnaire. The first question was, “Who is your hero?” I thought that was an interesting question, so I said to the jury consultant, “That’s interesting. What types of answers do you get to that question?”
The jury consultant replied, “Oh, we disregard that question.” I asked, “Why?” He replied, “Because the answer is overwhelmingly the same person across all jury pools, so it doesn’t really tell us anything.”
So, I had to ask, “Who is it?” The jury consultant replied, “Oprah Winfrey.”
I then went home and started telling my wife the story. As soon as I described the first item on the jury questionnaire (“Who is your hero?”), my wife said, “Oprah Winfrey.” It was at that moment that I became a believer in Oprah Winfrey's power and influence.
So, share Oprah’s endorsement far and wide! She is held in high esteem by most Americans! And share the clips of Kamala Harris’s shining performance! (To do so, right-click on the blue hyperlink, select “Hyperlink,” then select “Copy Hyperlink.” Go to a new document or social media post, right click where you want to insert the clip, and select “Paste.”)
Meanwhile, Trump preemptively blames Jewish voters if he loses the election
Speaking at an event billed as a summit on antisemitism in America, Trump seemed to preemptively blame Jewish voters if he loses. He said,
The Jewish people would have a lot to do with a loss. It’s only because of the Democrat hold, or curse, on you.
See WaPo, Trump says if he loses election, Jewish voters would have ‘a lot’ to do with it. (This article is accessible to all.)
Blaming Jewish people for political setbacks has a long and ugly history. It is time for the media to condemn Trump's antisemitism, not merely report on it.
[Robert B. Hubbell Newsletter]
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jomiddlemarch · 5 months
US Tumblrians, this is our time to shine! Break out your fine-tip markers and your favorite playlists and beverage of choice and get ready to save democracy-- from your home! If you are under 18, you can still participate!
These postcards have been found to increase voter turnout by about 1.3% which is actually A Big F-ing Deal when you consider the margin of victory in swing states.
States getting postcards (drum roll...): Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Michigan, Montana, North Carolina, Nevada, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, Wisconsin!
In many of these states, there are bills to protect access to reproductive health AS WELL AS the presidential and Senate elections.
You are sent a list of addresses and three templated messages to choose from. You order as few as 200 postcards and the mail date is in October. They also send you the state themed postcards and there are always a few extras for mistakes and keepsakes. I keep a card from every campaign I write for (assuming I have one) in the same album I keep all my holiday photo cards.
Save democracy! Use your voice! You can include children in this and if you have issues with handwriting and the financial leeway, you can simply donate to the organization. If all you can do is reblog this post, that counts too (and if you're not from the US but you still want to reblog this, thanks!)
I'd love to see this post go big, so am tagging some good friends because that's the way we make a difference-- TOGETHER!
Tagging @tessa-quayle @fericita-s @mercurygray @tortoisesshells @asteraceae-blue @amarguerite @aquitainequeen @oldshrewsburyian @artielu @iamstartraveller776 @theburnbarreljester @orlissa and anyone else who is willing!
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redistrictgirl · 1 month
Four Presidential Possibilities
Hello again, everyone! I enjoyed demonstrating the range of possibilities in the post I made a couple of weeks back, so I decided to do it again with my fancy new outcome simulator. I generated forty versions of the election (not a large sample size, but good enough for demonstrative purposes) and am bringing you the ~85th and ~65th percentile outcomes for each candidate - each one is a stand-in for a quartile of the models my forecast generated. So imagine drawing one card from a deck - the odds of getting an election night result similar to any of the maps you see below is the odds of getting your suit of choice on that card. Without further ado, let's begin.
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First is the top quartile for former president Trump. Here, we see three states flip to him: Georgia, Pennsylvania and... Virginia? In this model, Mr. Trump loses the Southwest but dominates in the Southeast, pushing all the way up to the boundary of the nation's capital. Keep in mind that even though Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada, and Arizona are blue here, they are still very much competitive - the former president is simply that unlikely to win all of his target states.
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The second quartile for the Republican nominee is a narrow loss. This is probably buoyed by the small sample size of outcomes I used for this post - really, we would expect this quartile to be full of 50-50 outcomes and nailbiting instead of a moderately clear Harris win. The only state here that flips from 2020 is Georgia, into Mr. Trump's column.
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The second quartile for Vice President Harris also lacks any particularly flashy changes from 2020. Here, she performs well in the Southeast, holding Georgia and flipping North Carolina, even as she loses Pennsylvania. This is why, as I emphasized on Sunday, it was so important for Republicans to hold the Southeast - Ms. Harris could have lost either southeastern state as well as Wisconsin or Arizona and still have secured an Electoral College majority here.
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Finally, the top quartile for Ms. Harris sees a map identical to 2020, with the exception of one congressional district in Maine and one big, blue pipe dream. While Texas itself is a fringe battleground, there are enough of those in Mr. Trump's column spread out across different regions that there is a decent chance of having one surprise us (almost equal to an entire quartile on its own).
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oddcryptidwrites · 1 year
Welcome Back to the Collection of the Odd Cryptid's Writings
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Hi! I'm Athens/Andy (they/them). I am a somewhat old yet somewhat new face on writeblr. I'm currently a second year student at a university in the deep south, studying history and anthropology in order to become a museum curator. Most of my free time is spent writing, which is the driving force behind this blog. Writing has become the love of my life over the past ten years.
AthensWrites has had two prior iterations. All I posted here in the previous iteration was privated, including Not Your Typical Fairytale. Don't fear, NYTF will make a glorious return ;)
With all that said, welcome back to the odd writings of Athens, and I hope you enjoy your stay. Below the cut, I've detailed some of my current projects, which range from Sci-Fi (my favorite) to thrillers to fantasy to realistic fiction. I've highlighted key content warnings and tags for each, just to keep you aware. If you'd like to hop on a tag list for any of these stories, please let me know! Some of them I post more frequently than others. I am also very tag list and tag game friendly so PLEASE tag me in stuff. If you need other people to tag in a writeblr tag game, look no further than this post!
The collection is constantly updating and evolving, so stay tuned!
Not Your Typical Fairytale (#nytf)
Although originally planned as a standalone novel, NYTF has now expanded into three separate books: Knight of Dawn, Queen of Noon, and King of Dusk. There's an additional collection of short stories/untold stories planned as well, tentatively titled Pawn of Midnight.
Content warning: gore, death, violence, graphic scientific experimentation, derealization, paranoia, drug use and abuse, alcohol use, child abuse (physical, verbal), relationship abuse (verbal, manipulation), sex (consensual) Related tags: nytf, Piers Hall, Grady Yensey, Rene Dubois, ATLZoS
Knight of Dawn
Piers Hall is the newly crowned monarch of the post-apocalyptic State of Georgia, after their mother, Queen Adele, was declared unfit to rule. Despite meaning well, they find themself unprepared for the role, especially as political rivals, like North Carolina’s President René Dubois and Councilmember Shanna Miles, close in on their tail, seemingly threatening to topple their rule. When various palace staff start to show where their real loyalties, it seems like Grady Yensey, Commander of the Royal Guard and their closest friend, is the only one they can trust. Piers and Grady must scramble to uncover the truth behind Queen Adele’s questionable associates, Piers’ missing past, and President Dubois’ shady activities
International Alliance of Superhumans (#iash)
Superhumans have existed as long as we have, normal people who suddenly develop seemingly magical powers overnight. That’s why the International Alliance of Superhumans was founded in 1945, to help control these superhumans to better humanity. Now, the Alliance's ideals and control is falling apart, as the Underground and the Union threaten its weakening rule over the superhuman community. Fireball is the golden hero of the Alliance , the face of the organization, the beloved apprentice of the Chief Administrator after the death of the one and only GoldenSon. He’s brave, courageous, kind, and always up to take a photo with the kiddos, accompanied by his partner, NightSong. He’s taken down villains from Quantum Rift (the killer of GoldenSon) to Árbol Terror, and now has his eyes set on taking down Hueso Blanco and Morpheus Nox before they can tear a hole in reality. Brigid Roberts is the face behind the mask of Fireball. They’re the only child of the now-deceased Nikki Roberts and find have found themself seeking revenge for Nikki’s death…while also trying to manage this superhero business and their senior year of high school. It doesn’t help that the administration of Wesmoreland keeps threatening to expel them for their aggressive behavior. Hueso Blanco is the epitome of an ex-Alliance villain, a well beloved hero fallen from grace, after Árbol Terror and Quantum Rift convinced him to join the Underground. Now with both of his former allies dead, he leads the Underground, and with the help of Morpheus Nox (an up and coming villain with a terrifying similarity to Quantum Rift) he plans to tear a hole in our reality, ripping out world apart. Martin Garcia-Flores is the sole caretaker of his younger brother, Elias, and would do anything to protect him. After the Alliance's violent threats, he left, in order to protect what was left. He lost friends and family and his love to the Alliance's corrupted side, and now works tirelessly to bring it to his knees…while also trying to work three separate jobs to keep himself and Elias afloat. When fate brings Brigid and Martin face to face, maskless and vulnerable, the two come to understand they may not be as different as they’d both previously thought. Content Warning: violence, gore, death, family abuse (physical, verbal), alcohol (use) Related Tags: IASH, superhumans, Brigid Roberts, Martin GF, Hueso Blanco, Fireball
Space Clue/The Murder of Fredrik Lexand (#tmfl)
In 2183, humans abandoned earth as her ecosystems collapsed and became uninhabitable. Now, the remnants of humanity live in the Lexand Starfleet, a group of 16 name-brand ships, sailing towards deep space. In control of it all is Fredrik Lexand, the 17th great grandson of the original founder of Lexand StarFleet. From his living pod at the head of StarSeeker Alpha, he controls everything and anything that happens to humanity, from their food to their spouses to where the remnants of humanity will travel to. The weight of the world on one man’s shoulders (who are we kidding, of course he has lackeys who do all the menial work), worshipped as a god. Until the morning he is found brutally dismembered, mangled parts of his body strewn all over his office. Humanity freezes, watching intently, as the Lexand Pod is locked down by Detective Scoud Tambry, swearing to uncover the killer, and avenge the Corporate god-king. Content Warning: Violence, gore Related Tags: tmfl, space clue, Triple A Siblings, Scoud Tambry
Something Queer is Afoot (#SQIA)
Something Queer is Afoot is a massive collection of stories, all centering around queer life and romance. The Queer Crew is the group which most of them are centered around. This collection is MASSIVE and has about 10 different novella-length stories within. The content warnings listed below covers ALL of SQIA. Content Warnings: su*cide, death, homophobia, transphobia, abuse (physical, verbal, and sexual), drug use and abuse, religious trauma, sex (consensual and noncon/r*pe) Related Tags: SQIA, tqc, nlth, frf, sunandgun, boc
Still to be added: All of SQIA's individual projects, Cryto Conspiracy, The Great Fantasy American Road Trip, World of Ateine, Neon Squad
Athens' Current Objectives....
Blog Tag Directory:
#athenswrites: Personal writing
#athens answers: ask games
#other writeblrs: exactly what it sounds like, other writers I've reblogged
#writers I love: reblogs of close friends or writing that just hits me different
#rblg: general reblog tag
I'm pretty good at tagging extensively, so if you need to find something or are looking for a specific wip in my blog, there's a high probability I've tagged it like crazy
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executethyself35 · 7 months
Let's See How Far We've Come: Episode 1
pairings: BoB x ocs
a/n: the time throughout the day might seem wonky, has actually been proofread, for future chapters: this is based off of the show and the actors representations of these men, i mean no offense to the actual veterans.
warnings: slight cursing
Toccoa, Georgia, 1942 
Everyone got to the barracks at different times, trains coming from different states and cities taking somewhat longer or shorter. The first one there was probably Eliza Thomlin. With her being from Asheville and all. Eliza arrived at 5 am and waited for maybe five hours until another girl came. The girl was taller than Eliza. Her skin was much paler than Eliza's, with a near-white complexion. Her curly blonde hair framed her pretty face. The girl then introduced herself.
“Hello my name’s Torrance, everyone calls me Torrie though,” she had a British accent, which was strange being that they were in the south.
“I’m Eliza, ain’t you supposed to be on the other side of the pond?” asked Eliza. 
Before answering, Torrie let out a laugh, “Yea, I guess so, but I haven’t been to the other side since I was 15.” 
 “Well, I didn’t expect that, where are you from now?” Eliza let out a chuckle.
 “Hattiesburg, Mississippi, you?” 
 “Asheville, North Carolina, I’ve been sitting here for 5 hours waiting for someone to show up.” 
 “Well, you got someone to talk to now,” Torrie laughed again. Eliza smiled, she knew she was gonna have a friend here. About an hour later, a dark-skinned girl showed up, who spoke quickly with a clear New Orleans accent. “Y’all here for the female parachute infantry?”
 Eliza immediately replied, “Yup, what’s your name?”
 “Olive-Marie LeBeau, most people call me Olive though,” the girl replied.
 “I’m Eliza.” 
 Torrie piped in, “And I’m Torrie,” her accent seemed to surprise Olive.
“Well at least it’s nice to see a familiar face,” Olive replied. Over the hour that Eliza and Torrie were talking, Eliza found out Torrie was mixed and just so happened to be albino also. “Yea, it is, you look shocked by my accent” Torrie replied.
Olive laughed, “Well, you don’t hear a British accent in America all that often.”   Torrie replied, “Well you got that right.” 
A few hours later two other girls showed up. They were around the same height. One had olive skin and medium brown hair, and the other had tan skin and black hair. The black-haired one spoke up immediately, “What’s all y’all’s names? I’m Bianca Hernandez.” 
 Everyone introduced themselves except the brown-haired girl. “What’s your name girl?” asked Olive.
“I’m Marselle Rosaliano,” the girl answered in a sweet tone. “I like your hair, Eliza, it suits your eyes.” 
Eliza was bright ginger with bright green eyes, and that comment made her face as bright as her hair. It was later into the afternoon and the girls who had shown up already had retreated inside the barracks. There was a knock on the door, Bianca had yelled for whoever it was to come in. In walked the tallest of the girls gathered, she was built and had long black hair and dark eyes, and she looked menacing. Bianca asked, “What’s your name?”
“It’s Zipporah Fieldman,” said the girl. 
Bianca grinned while lying on her side in one of the barracks beds. “Well, I’m gonna call you Zippo because there’s no way in hell I’m gonna remember that.”
Zippo let out a chuckle, “That’s better than Zippy, what’s your name?”
 “Bianca,” she replied. 
“Well, I’ll call you B.”
 B chuckled, “That’s creative.”
“Yea and so is Zippo asshole,” Zippo replied grinning. Everyone started talking and having a good time and started creating nicknames for the ones who didn’t have one already. Olive became Ollie. They tried to make Eliza ‘Lizzy’ until she shot that down in a heartbeat angrily, no one questioned it and they moved on. Marselle politely declined being given a nickname. 
It was about 2 hours later and what seemed to be the last of the girls had arrived. She seemed to be about Marselle and B’s height, she had dark red hair and pale skin, she and Eliza looked like they could be sisters. She knocked on the door and walked into the barracks. Everyone stopped talking and looked up at her. Until Zippo perked up “What’s your name?”
“Mary McCullen,'' the girl introduced herself.
“I’m Zippo, that’s B, that’s Ollie, that’s Torrie, that’s Marselle, and that’s Eliza,” Zippo introduced herself and everyone else. Everyone greeted each other and started shooting the shit. Until one last girl barged into the room. She looked like she was ready to give everyone an order, she glared at all of them. A look that made all the girls get out of their beds and stand at attention. Now, she was the tallest out of all of them, she had short straight blonde hair. She spoke with an authoritative tone. “I’m Lieutenant Harten, I’ll be leading you ladies. You girls are now officially apart of the 101st Airborne, you neanderthalettes are gonna be apart of the 506th’s E Company, you all better prove yourself tomorrow and show that a women’s division isn’t a stupid idea, because tomorrow is when you meet the boys of Easy and show them what you’re made of. Now go get some food because for some reason they decided to keep y’all separate from the boys for as long as possible,” the Lieutenant let out a laugh. And so it begins…
Taglist!!: @1waveshortofashipwreck, @dontirrigateme, @blueberry-ovaries, @montied, @scotchballs9, @xxluckystrike, @ithinkabouttzu, @themysciraprincess, if you want to be added or removed from the list, message me or send me an ask and i'll take you off or add you!!
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vanhelsingapologist · 9 months
I am requesting goth country music recs!
You got it! Now, obviously goth is its own thing. Has its own sound. In my post, I meant more than there are gothic themes in country music, so you won’t find like, Sisters of Mercy wearing cowboy hats. Some of this is Southern Gothic, some of this is simply alt-country music with dark themes. You’ll also get bluegrass and Americana (which is sort of where rock and country meet). I tried to keep this mostly country since that’s what you asked, but I overlapped a lot and I tried to keep the sound diverse!
• Old Number Seven by The Devil Makes Three. The Devil Makes Three is a band based out of California but Bluegrass and Country make up a majority of their discography. They also have I Am The Man Thomas.
• Decoration Day by The Drive By Truckers. They’ve also got a great one called Where The Devil Don’t Stay. This is alt-country and rock. This particular one is sung by Jason Isbell, who’s my favorite country/americana artist. He’s from Muscle Shoals, Alabama and has a song that got pretty popular called If We Were Vampires.
• Hypothermic by Goodnight, Texas. I wasn’t sure if I should put this on because they verge on folk, but I’ll be real, there’s so much stylistic overlap that folk, Americana, and country are like triplet sisters by this point. A better example would be Jesse Got Trapped In The Coal Mine, and Tucumcari on account of their twang. They’re from North Carolina.
• E. Watson by the Decemberists. The Decemberists are from Portland, Oregon and are pretty well-known for their indie folk. That being said, E. Watson is a murder ballad and is sort of undeniably a country song.
• Barton Hollow by The Civil Wars. They’re a group out of Nashville, famously collaborated with Taylor Swift. Nice balance of male and female vocals.
• Appalachian Witch by Gallows Bound. Virginia band known for using punk influence to play bluegrass. It’s pretty sick.
• Highwomen by the Highwomen. They’re supergroup of country music singers, all of which have some kickass discography, but this one is darker. My personal favorite in the group is Amanda Shires, who has a great song called Hawk for the Dove. She and Jason Isbell also did a cover of the song I Follow Rivers and made it pretty country!
• Ain’t No Grave by anyone. I like the Johnny Cash version, but I also like Crooked Still. I think it works best with female vocals, I don’t know! It’s an OLD gospel-blues folk song.
• While we’re on the topic of old folk songs, House of the Rising Sun and all its covers. Gothic as bats. Wayfaring Stranger by Rhiannon Giddens is also fantastic.
• Graves by Whiskey Shivers. They call themselves a ‘trashgrass’ band and they’re based out of Texas. One of the best country bands out there in my opinion. Real dark material, sometimes, too.
• Magnolia Blues by Adia Victoria. Honestly, her entire discography fits that dark gothic country style. She’s one of the more talented artists I’ve heard in a while. You Was Born To Die is great too.
• Up The Devil’s Pay by the Old 97’s. This is an alt-country song by an alt-country band from Texas. They also have a song called Am I Too Late? which is a song about being in love with a corpse. I Don’t Wanna Die In This Town and I’m Good With God is a great contender for this list too.
• Bury Me In Georgia by Kane Brown. Some people miiight categorize this as bro country. I disagree, but it’s definitely more in line with what you’ll hear on the radio. Kane Brown is from Tennessee and he honestly kicks the hell out of any song he’s in.
• Alabama by Bishop Gunn. I think they’re from Natchez, Mississippi. More death, more problems, more religion, more rotting in the South.
I hope this is helpful! It’s mostly modern stuff, but if you want older, I have that too.
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wreched-moth · 2 years
A note on our dear detective Blanc’s accent. It came up after the first movie came out and I have seen it again this time round. His accent is an actual, honest to god southern accent. It is probably a piece meal of a few accents but it certainly has enough right to feel like something Ive heard before.
It is not a very common one nowadays, it is an accent mostly found in older folks, at least in my experience. I haven’t found anything where Daniel Craig makes mention of where he is drawing from for the accent, but I have heard variations on that sort of accent in parts of Virginia, older folks where I am from in North Carolina, as well as a few folks from Georgia.
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queeryouthassemble · 1 year
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[ID: A light red rectangle takes up the top third of a square post, with a heading reading "We, The Youth, Dissent" in large, black, bold lettering. Below it in small black text reads "Queer Youth Assemble is coordinating a nationwide protest of the recent Supreme Court rulings, which have blocked debt relief, prohibited affirmative action, and weakened anti-discrimination protections for queer people nationwide. Join us at a demonstration near you!". The bottom two thirds of the square is taken up by a light pink background. Inside is a light red graphic of a state map of the United States, with location markers in Washington, Idaho, Oklahoma, Illinois, Kentucky, Georgia, Washington DC, Pennsylvania, and Massachusetts. End ID.]
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[ID: A light pink square post, with a large, black, and bold heading that reads "What are we protesting?". Below this is a rounded light red square with smaller black text that reads "The Supreme Court has recently targeted areas of our everyday lives that impact our finances, education, and our freedom of self-expression. With the rulings impacting student debt relief, lgbtqia+ rights, and affirmative action, we have had enough. Queer Youth Assemble has created Youth Dissent as a way to highlight the impact of these recent Supreme Court rulings especially on minority groups within the lgbtqia+ community. The intersectionality of these rulings is too large to ignore and we the youth, dissent." End ID.]
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[ID: A light pink square post with part of a light red state map of the United States taking up the left third of the post. There are three location markers in different states. The location marker in Massachusetts has text beside it in bold, all-caps lettering which reads "Boston, MA". Below it, slightly smaller black text reads "8/4 from 12-3 PM", and below that there is smaller black text which reads "Boston Common, by Brewer Fountain, near the corner of Park and Tremont Streets". The location marker in Pennsylvania has text beside it in bold, all-caps lettering which reads "Scranton, PA". Below it, slightly smaller black text reads "7/29 from 2-4:30 PM", and below that there is smaller black text which reads "Demonstration beginning at 310 Mifflin Street, ending at 800 Linden Street". The location marker in Washington DC has text beside it in bold, all-caps lettering which reads "District of Colombia. Below it, slightly smaller black text reads "7/19 from 10-11:30 AM", and below that there is smaller black text which reads "Outside the Supreme Court of the United States, First Street NE between East Capitol Street and Maryland Avenue". End ID.]
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[ID: A light pink square post with part of a light red state map of the United States taking up the left third of the post. There is a location marker in Georgia and South Carolina. The location marker in Georgia has text beside it in bold, all-caps lettering which reads "Atlanta, GA". Below it, slightly smaller black text reads "8/26 from 10-11:45 AM", and below that there is smaller black text which reads "Outside the Georgia State Capitol building, Capitol Sq SW, Atlanta, GA 30334". The location marker in South Carolina has text beside it in bold, all-caps lettering which reads "Colombia, SC". Below it, slightly smaller black text reads "8/5 from 1 - 2:30 PM", and below that there is smaller black text which reads "Outside the South Carolina State Capitol, North Ground Steps, 1100 Gervais Street". End ID.]
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[ID: A light pink square post with part of a light red state map of the United States taking up most of the space. There is a location marker in Illinois, Kentucky, and, Oklahoma. On top of the map is a light pink rounded rectangle. Bold, black, all-caps text reads "Springfield, IL", with smaller bold black text reading "TBA" below it. Below this, bold, black, all-caps text reads "Frankfurt, KY", with smaller bold black text reading "7/29 from 5-7 PM" below it. Below this smaller black text reads "Outside the Kentucky State Capitol building, 700 Capital Ave, Frankfort, KY 40601". Below this, bold, black, all-caps text reads "Oklahoma City, OK", with smaller bold black text reading "7/22 from 2-5 PM" below it. Below this smaller black text reads "Outside the Oklahoma State Capitol Building, 2300 N Lincoln Blvd, Oklahoma City, OK 73105". End ID.]
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[ID: A light pink square post with part of a light red state map of the United States taking up the right half of the post. There is a location marker in Washington and Idaho. The location marker in Washington has text beside it in bold, all-caps lettering which reads "Seattle, WA". Below it, slightly smaller black text reads "TBA", and below that there is smaller black text which reads "Volunteer Park Amphitheater, 1139-1157 Volunteer Park Rd, Seattle, WA 98102". The location marker in Idaho has text beside it in bold, all-caps lettering which reads "Boise, ID". Below it, slightly smaller black text reads "7/31 from 12-4 PM", and below that there is smaller black text which reads "Outside the Idaho State Capitol Building, 700 W Jefferson St, Boise, ID 83702". End ID.]
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[ID: A light pink square post with a black, all-caps, bold heading which reads "Don't see a protest near you?". Below this is a light red rounded square with smaller black text within it, reading "Keep an eye out for upcoming announcements about protests near you! If you are interested in organizing a demonstration in your state, please feel free to contact us at [email protected] We have a complete guide to organizing your own demonstration coming out soon!". End ID.]
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freetheshit-outofyou · 8 months
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THIS IS THE WAY! I am from Nevada, I lived here until I was 19, joined the Army and was promptly sent to the south and Mid-west where I would spent about 12 years of my career. I lived in Alabama, Georgia, North and South Carolina, Arkansas, Kansas, Texas and Louisiana. When I talk to folks I say Y'all or some derivative of it depending on the number of people. I have no clue what I used in place of y'all before I lived in the south. Up here folks say...
I don't remember ever saying that, although I am sure I did. It feels like a foreign language, more correctly it feels linguistically incorrect. It's funny how we adopt things from the places we lived and bring them back to where we are from. When folks here, hear me say y'all they often assume I'm from the South. When I tell them I an the 5th of 6 generations born here they are stunned that I say y'all. To expand in the y'all....
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Y'ALL is a total utilitarian word that can encompass so much with so few letter. All y'all have an outstanding day and remember....
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yellowsugarwords · 10 months
Hey:) I'm glad you're back and are feeling better I've been missing your posts! If you could (and want to; no worries if you don't!) could you do a "What state (do you think) is every twdg s4 character from?"
Thank you!<33
(let the record show: I am Canadian so this could very much be biased)
okay ima do the whole season 4 squad so let's go
Clementine: Georgia feels the utmost fitting for Clementine. Possibly because of the first season, but probably also because of her ‘doesn’t take shit’ yet sweet personality.
AJ: I can see him emerging from Nebraska. Something about that just makes me giggle.
Marlon: Montana 100%. Marlon fits the vibes immaculately.
Louis: California. He’s way too chill and easy going in the face of imminent death to be from anywhere else.
Violet: Wisconsin. I can see her being obsessed with cheeses and the cold.
Mitch: Definitely New York. His aura just fits.
Willy: Florida. He’s crazy and reckless and I think that fits perfectly. He is the embodiment of “Florida man” in the news.
Tenn/Minerva/Sophie: I’m getting strong North Carolina vibes but I have no idea why.
Aasim: Wisconsin. I don’t know why, I can just feel it.
Ruby: I can see Ruby growing up in Georgia. There’s something about her sweet homey personality I can see coming from there.
Omar: Pennsylvania. I feel like he would fit the vibes there and it also kinda makes me giggle thinking about him facing vampires.
Brody: I’m getting Alaska vibes. Something about her being private and often isolated.
𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 💌☕️ | 𝘴𝘶𝘱𝘱𝘰𝘳𝘵 𝘮𝘦 𝘰𝘯 𝘱𝘢𝘵𝘳𝘦𝘰𝘯! ♡
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citrinelavender · 4 months
Vegan Pesto
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(sharing previous food blog posts, new ones are coming soon!) I am so happy to share this recipe with you! If you know me personally, then you know how much I love pesto. My love for pesto began many years ago during my youth days in Athens, Ga. I grew up having an amazing big sister who felt like it was her duty to introduce me and my younger sister to new cultures and experiences. We grew up in the southern regions of Georgia and North Carolina, so it's easy for the only thing to be on our palate is traditional soul foods like fried fish or a chicken biscuit.  Some of my favorite memories growing up was when my sister would take me to a new restaurant and she would tell me to try something new. I was never disappointed when I would try the cuisines from all around the world. It was one sunny summer afternoon when me, my sisters, and my cousin went out for pizza. We were sitting on the rooftop and looking at the menu to please our appetite. My sister suggested we put pesto on our pizza. I was a little skeptical at first because there is one thing I don't mess with and that is pizza. I really LOVE pizza. I trusted her suggested and we ordered the pizza with pesto. I took my first bite and the fresh and glamorous flavor of basil was there. I remember that day so clearly because to me pesto is life changing. Moving forward anytime I saw pesto as an option I would eat it with pasta, my omelette, and sometimes just simply with bread. Traditionally pesto is not vegan because it has parmesan cheese in it. Although I am vegan I am not missing out on anything that I enjoyed prior to my lifestyle change. Everything can be veganized.  This recipe I developed is from me trying all the vegan pestos that have been created and curating the perfect pesto. Basil is packed with many health benefits and it is good for your heart chakra. The rest of the ingredients included in this recipe are healthy too, leaving you with this divine health sauce. Do yourself a favor and make this pesto, its a fun and delicious addition to make your meals extra bright with flavor. 
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Vegan Pesto  Ingredients 1 cup of kale (optional) 1 cup of basil  about 2 tbsp of nutritional yeast 1/4 cup of cashews a handful of pine nuts 2-3 cloves of garlic 1 juice of a lemon 1/2 cup of olive oil salt and pepper
Instructions  1.)add all the ingredients into a food processor. (can use a mortar and pestle or a good blender)  add more basil if you aren't adding in anything like kale or spinach. 2.)the olive oil amount is a give or take so add as much to make your pesto thinner or less to give it more of a rustic texture. 3.)also you can have fun with the spices, I sometimes add a fun spice blend to take the flavor to another level. 4.)once you blended your perfect batch of pesto enjoy it with pasta or add it to one of your favorite breakfast meals.
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blackfalcon1800 · 3 months
Congrates in the 'no more babies!'
I also have that fear... I do not have a man in my life.. but I am afraid I might be... forced by some stranger..
I would also love to never suffer periods again. (I don’t get pain. But I hate ruining undies)
I would love to get the surgery also but like.. I'm afraid of cost...and... stuff... OTL
Thank you!
And yes that is a very valid fear to have, so I feel you. Especially with reproductive rights being attacked ever since the overturning of Roe vs Wade.
I'm fortunate enough to have health insurance through my job that will pay for most of the cost, so I've only had to pay a couple hundred so far. I'm fine with it since it means I'll never have to worry about pregnancy for the rest of my life, but I know that money is really tight for a lot of people, so I understand the concern.
If you wanna look more into it, I'll include the resources I've used!
I found info and resources on r/childfree on reddit! There is a lot of info on their wiki about different types of sterilization and what to expect from them.
There's also lots of personal stories from people talking about their procedures, and what they went through with insurance, doctors, recovery, and their social life
Here is their wiki
Info on different types of sterilization
Info for getting immediate help (abortion)
Here is a list of childfree friendly doctors that can help:
US - Alabama to Georgia
US - Hawaii to Massachusetts
US - Michigan to New York
US - North Carolina to Tennessee
US - Texas to Wyoming, including Puerto Rico, Guam, and thr U.S. Virginia Islands
International/outside of the US and Canada
I hope you are able to get the procedure you want and everything goes smoothly for you!
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It's not often I stray from history posts here, but today I am writing this in honor of my good friend Logan Spencer, who just passed away suddenly from a motorcycle accident.
I met Logan directly through my Shipwrecked page here, and quickly became great friends with him. He joined our Crew of the Charles Revenge-Living History, he assisted in the construction of my ship-stage in my backyard despite him being state away in Georgia, and I've enjoyed gaming with him and many phone calls and stops by his home. He also soon after became a fellow Order of Leviathan nominee alongside me, and I'm so glad he made it in. He was also a significant member of the Alee Pirates, a pirate Shriner unit out of Savannah, Georgia.
Logan was born in 1990, growing up in New Bern, North Carolina. He had been fascinated with pirates ever since he was a child, and loved everything Blackbeard. He was also a major fan of Jimmy Buffet, pirate history in general, and an avid supporter of all my endeavors. He was a loving father to his children and family, a kind and generous man who was willing to help anyone, and I am thankful to have known him.
I saw him last only 5 days back at Wormsloe Plantation's history festival. It was brief, but I got to give him a hug, and saw him last walking with his children.
He was also, like myself, a huge fan of music, so I'd like to share this link he sent me to a song he loved about Blackbeard:
Rest in peace my friend. Fair winds, and following seas mate. You helped many people, and made a difference. Thanks for everything Logan. I will miss you. Today's been a very hard day for me emotionally about this loss. Its crazy losing someone, especially someone with similar interests at the same age. Definitely not okay.
(Pictured is Logan Spencer's nominee photo for Order of Leviathan, us playing the pirate board game Merchants and Marauders together, and us on my ship stage during my birthday last year that he helped me build)
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astronicht · 6 months
I’m trying to be better about figuring out what I actually want to eat and then making it, but sometimes what I am craving is country style steak. Specifically the gravy. I have never cooked this in my life or seen it done correctly outside of my grandma and my aunt. Grandma once packed some for me for the drive from North Carolina to Florida and I ate it cold at a rest stop in Georgia surrounded by New Yorkers streaming down I-95, sitting in my car with my door open and my feet on the concrete and maybe that was one of the best meals of my life?
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