#also? this has only Stirred Within Me during the last bunch of episodes but vax/pike? also really adorable as a concept actually
mostlyanything19 · 3 years
I just also love Keyleth and Percy’s relationship so much? Whenever they directly interact? Idk man romances are fine and all but mostly I think I just like it as a more loosely defined sort-of quadruple of just varying sorts and degrees of romantic/familial/friendship feelings between Vex/Vax/Percy/Keyleth just all together somehow. you know. like, these two really tight platonic relationships pairs getting romantically entangled each with one of the others is fine, but I hope they won’t, as a result of that, end up as two new, mostly seperate pairs? if that makes sense? I’m saying this without knowing how this is gonna shake out in their future obviously, I JUST WANT EVERYONE TOGETHER with as little focus as possible on romance as the Most Special Option Of Them All, idk
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