#also tumblr misogynistically cut my tag short
fitzrove · 1 year
"omg ewww only crusty misogynist men think about the roman empire/ww2/military history/insert other theme, and they think about it CONSTANTLY haha" some people need to listen to themselves and pay attention to what they're saying 😭
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marblecakemix · 8 months
Welcome to my humble domain!! 🫧✨
Hi, you can call me Marble (this is my internet nickname), a lesbian in her early 20s from Poland. Just vibing here on Tumblr from time to time. If you want to look into my post/reblogs read my takes on #talk tag.
*I'm an adult and I post things for adults. I don't have time to block minors, feel warned!
You can ask me anything you want. I won't shy away, but remember that I'm not your therapist and all my opinions are biased forward women!
More information about me under the cut! 💕
If the part has * in front of it that means I changed something in the text and/or my views are different than before.
*I'm still quite new to radical feminism and I'm trying my best to learn how to take action. In short, I fight for women's rights and freedom from sex-based oppression. *I'm looking into different ideas too, but this blog is mainly focused on radical feminism.
I desisted in the middle of 2023. I used to be a non-binary/agender and asexual individual for around 3 to 4 years, but I understood all of that was because of internalized misogyny and homophobia and I actually wanted to have my boobs intact and I did like being a woman before I was introduced to the trans community. (For clarification, I didn't take hrt or have any surgeries done. I've only transitioned socially, thank goodness.)
I'm an ex-Christian, now I probably would call myself a spiritual person, researching my Slavic roots at the moment. I have a complicated relationship with faith, so nothing in this department is set in stone.
I believe in critical thinking and triple-checking facts. Everyone can have their opinions, but actions should have a base in grounded reality and unbiased scientific research. Read those books ladies!
I'm mostly talking about my experience as an ex-TRA, a lesbian, a woman, someone who lives in a misogynistic/conservative family and a country that has yet to legalize same-sex marriage, but you can safely transition here even as a minor.
*I'm a trans identified men hater. I don't care. Fuck all men, I don't care anymore. Gender dysphoria or perversion (autogynephilia) in males should have never been "solved" with a surgery and/or irreversible drugs/HRT. No other mental illness has permanent body modification as its treatment, same should be for gender dysphoria. The trans movement (men's rights movement in disguise) is the most harmful thing that happened to homosexual youth and I'm so tired of seeing more people being pushed into it just because they are themselves and aren't scared to dress unconventionally!
I gave up on men. I don't believe men can change, at least not in the closest future. I will probably never trust a man again with anything. The stakes are too high and my life is more precious. I believe that women don't need men, period.
I make mistakes! I'm just a human being and, naturally, I will be in the wrong sometimes. May it be because of the language barrier or me just not thinking things through, doesn't matter. I will try to acknowledge my mistakes and say sorry. I'm still learning and there isn't a better way than through your own downfalls!
I don't block people, unless they're insufferable. We can have different opinions, different lifestyles, different views, but if you're annoying I draw the line there.
I also draw sometimes (I don't have much time for it right now, bc I'm in the middle of my academic years), you can find my work under #my art.
Nothing here is set in stone. As I grow as a person my views will probably change. If you have any questions, just ask them! I'm happy to answer all of them ❤️
Last update: 6th August 2024
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nightzskii · 4 months
I'm not deleting every post uugh
★ EDIT: Finally making a new pinned post ❜
SHORT INTRO; Hello! I'm panda/nightskii who alsp goes by maxwell (max for short.) My age will always be in my bio but my birthday is April 6th. I go by he/him and also they/it but I really don't mind just he/him!!! This blog is centered around art or just me reblogging important or self indulging posts! Yoyo ^_^
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AN INTRODUCTION — @nightzskii
Hello, and welcome to my blog!! ^_^ I'm nightzskii [otherwise known as max/maxwell or panda].
— I use other names like Rock, Nini, Len, Craig, and many others that I'll say you can use! I'm a name hoarder, I love names.
☆; My activity on tumblr isn't much, I don't post and when I do it's not really for this blog.. I gotta get used to posting again..??! I might make a blog for all my ocs and characters and their reference sheets. I'll try to respond to mutuals/friends when I can faster than I would with strangers, but sometimes my ability to do such a thing is nonexistent. It's not on any of you!
☆; I'm Black and Puerto Rican! This is what I know because my mom told me. I CANNOT SPEAK OR UNDERSTAND SPANISH!!!?? I can say a few words [only like. two.] and understand SOME phrases, but I lost my ability to understand Spanish since I'm always around people who speak ENGLISH. I do want to relearn however, but I also want to learn Japanese!
☆; I do have disorders that effect(affect??!?) my daily life and how I perceive and understand things. I struggle with some social clues, but I'm not going to force anyone to use tone-tags, I'll just guess and respond!
☆; YOU MAY BE WONDERING WHY PAST POSTS HAVE SYSTEM STUFF IN IT!!! It's because I AM a systsm. I don't use this blog for system stuff anymore however, and I'll be @'ing most blogs I have that's NOT private! Including my altermate's blogs. I am the main host and have been here for the longest!
☆; YOU CAN USE THEY/IT OR ANY OTHER PRONOUNS BESIDE [SHE/HER] ON ME!! I may be seen using he/him for myself, but I'm not that picky on pronouns. I'm agender, and I do NOT care what term is being used for me, including feminine ones! You can call me any word with fems in mind. I don't care.
☆; Any carrds, rentrys, etc I have will be linked/put inna masterlist that I gotta fix. Thank you for your time on this part!
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MY BOUNDARIES — @nightzskii
★; DNI [pro] proshippers/anti anti/compshipper/darkshipper/etc, [pro] Zoos/[No]Maps, Anti Mogai/lgbtqa+phobic, Racist/Colorist, Sexist/Misogynistic, Ableist/Discrimatory, Kink/Nsfw blogs, * Violent Syscourse/[Pro] endos/non traumagenic, [Pro] Ddlg+varients, HARMFUL TransID/Radqueers + anything in that corner, Pro harassment/Pro Misinformation, Villainization + Romanticizing Disorders, Violently religious, GENUINELY WEIRD stans & Fans, Anti age/pet regression. PLEASE DO NOT INTERACT.
* VIOLENT syscourse/[pro] endos/non traumagenic ((Let's not harass or be rude to each other. help.))
★; If you make jokes you can't make [examples being making a joke about being; a black slave when you're white, r//ped (a) when you weren't, m//lest//d (o, e) when you weren't, anything historical when it's not YOUR history] then please DON'T INTERACT EITHER! I can appreciate a "dark joke" when it's something you can actually joke about.
★; If you use AI to steal/generate/etc peoples actual hard working designs, then don't interact. Stay in your cage
★; IF YOU FEEL UNCOMFORTABLE WITH ME OR FEEL UPSET ABOUT WHATEVER I DID/DO/HAVE DONE/ETC, TELL ME! I don't mind talking about it and I'd rather to not strain any friendships if its something that can be talked about!
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FINAL NOTES — @nightzskii
☆; I do have old blogs STILL flying about that was WAY BEFORE I FOUND OUT I WAS A SYSTEM! Some of those blogs were made by myself before i "molded" [fused, but I don't know I should use that word???] with the old OLD host at the time who ALSO ran those blogs. OUR VIEWS FROM IT HAVE CHANGED BY NOW! If you find it and link it back to us, feel free to @ the blogs its so funny looking back.
☆; I will NOT talk much about being a system with other disorders on this blog. that's for a different one!!
@dazyskiie-luv [writing] & @nightzskiiauz [my aus/stories]
@bluestoneau & @horrorrversee [au]
@twisteddescendants & @kufflesdiamond & @huntersscythe [twst]
@stars4-max & @hoardzskii [personal]
@moon-loves-genders [have to fix it!!] & @wat-da-hell-iz [inactive currently] & @dabackroms [inactive currently]
@vampbitesfr & @howlin4uu [monster rp accounts, inactive currently! refixing.]
@snowdinne [MAIN SYS SIDE BLOG.]
@haruutalks & @cinooscatcafe
@ventifool & @scarafool
@ecplises-mailman & @devildomduzt (all blogs for now!)
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scoobydoodean · 3 years
i don't like to see anti-dean content either but it's hilarious to me that so many dean stans whose content i enjoy have this weird persecution complex about dean getting SO MUCH hate online. like i'm sorry, you guys have to know that's not true. dean is BY FAR the most popular character. are there specific dean anti blogs, yes. is spn fandom at large so accepting of anti-sam sentiment that it doesn't even get labeled as such? also yes. i dare you to say one anti-dean thing on twitter and not get ratioed. call sam a twat and say he should have been killed in the crib, 876 likes.
From one of my polls.
There was that poll I did a while back (on request) of “who do you think receives the most hate/who is most liked online among TFW” and people chose Sam as the most hated and Dean as the most liked. I never weighed in with my own perception so this is a decent springboard. 
So I like—both agree with this take and don’t, and I think I can lend some insights about the sensitivity of some Dean fans. SPN Twitter seems like a complete and total cesspool of disease and I avoid it at all costs. So I can’t speak for Twitter fans and will not. If Sam hate is what they’re up to all of the time, god bless get better soon Twitter SPN (you won’t but oh well). I’ll make this one about my personal observations on Tumblr and Reddit. 
I absolutely 100% agree Dean is the most liked by and large. He’s the most popular of TFW in every poll I’ve ever seen on Tumblr and Reddit, even despite season 13-15 where Dean hate was fucking everywhere. Like, not “Dean is lame/boring” shitposts but like short essays amounting to “Dean is a misogynist microaggressor abusing Sam and Cas” that were getting hundreds of notes (sometimes over 1000) especially on episode airing days and were every other post at one point in the Dean tag. Reddit was no better in any episode discussion thread. This is, in my mind, where the really bitter and protective mindset of a lot of Dean fans came from and the perception that Dean gets the most hate. There were definitely some bitter Dean posters out there before then who always thought like this, but they were a smaller circle of like two dozen people on Tumblr. The Dean hate was super wild during 13-15 and embittered a lot of Dean fans. Personally... this site was fucking miserable to be on as a Dean fan during 13-15 and I was actively being recommended Dean anti posts as “in your orbit” all of the time, saying the stupidest bullshit (imo) but getting hundreds of notes. 
Since the finale, however, Dean hate has practically dropped off the face of the planet again. People who always loved Dean reclaimed him out of love and grief and started shitposting about how he’s never done anything wrong in his entire life. However, you can still surf “anti Dean”, “anti Sam”, and “anti Cas” on Tumblr and find out what 3 people (last I looked) post anti Sam materials versus what kind of hate Dean and Cas get. (Or the variety of other random Dean hate tags like “Dean h8″). You can still find on AO3 the fics written about Sam and Cas escaping evil abusive Dean. I do think there’s possibly been a slight jump in Sam crit stuff, not even because of anything Sam did, but because of Jared. So “who’s the most hated” is also a question of “when?”.
The Dean hate Dean fans got mad about wasn’t one sentence shitposts that said “I hope Dean dies” or “I would sell Dean for one corn chip”. What Dean fans got mad about for the most part were posts that basically amounted to, “Dean has no right to grieve his dead mother or have even a moment of realistic rage or grief over that” and “the fact that Sam flinches when he hears loud noises is proof that Dean has been abusing him” and “Dean is obligated to love and parent Jack” and “Dean isn’t allowed to cut people out of his life even temporarily but they’re allowed to cut him out of theirs and in fact should be applauded for doing so”. These were not unpopular posts during Dabb’s run. They weren’t piddly little posts getting 5 notes or upvotes. They were popular sentiments on Tumblr and Reddit in terms of silent voting (likes/upvotes). I think one reason Deanfans can be super protective over Dean getting hate for things they don’t think are fair/his fault/show glaring double standards is specifically because a big part of Dean’s story is his childhood parentification, and the impact that had on his sense of self-worth and his tendency to heap guilt on himself for things that weren’t his fault or his responsibility. This is a life long struggle for Dean and one that is never resolved in the series. Even in the show’s finale he is putting himself down. Even in season 14 he is talking about how he’d be sent away if he stepped out of line and the next episode has his dad there in his presence and there’s no confrontation or catharsis or conversation about the impact of that. Parentification is directly connected to being held to different standards than ones peers, having higher expectations of your behavior, being expected to parent and take care of others despite how it’s affecting your mental health, and being ridiculed and demanded to accept blame for things that aren’t your responsibility. The type of hate Dean was getting, sometimes in essay length posts with hundreds or thousands of notes, often perpetuated these themes as legitimate instead of distancing from them. Some Deanfans also idenitify with these experiences on a personal level because of their own childhood experiences, so reading these things said about Dean didn’t just feel like an attack on a fictional character, but an attack on them and their perceptions of their own childhood experiences. Stans of everyone in TFW sometimes feel this type of thing as a personal attack because of identifying with Sam or Cas or Dean—that isn’t limited to Dean fans, but I think the nature of the types of hate comments and hate essays Dean was facing are important. It wasn’t just “Dean is a boring character”. It was “Dean is an abusive monster”. It was the nature of the comments. 
Now... I do think there is a good argument to say Sam is the least liked, but I don’t tend to think he’s the most hated—the distinction being the severity of the feeling, I suppose. I... simply don’t think people who popularly don’t like Sam care enough about Sam to hate him. o_O The most frequent complaint about him I see in posts with lots of notes (and again—this is limited to Tumblr and Reddit because Twitter can die) is that he’s boring and undeserving of attention for that reason. The last time I saw this, it was also directly in the context of someone making a meme to claim Sam was interesting and Dean was not, and people dogpiling it to thousands of notes to say that Sam is boring and Dean is a more interesting character essentially (and most of the hate was actually about Jared rather than Sam, blaming him for making Sam boring... which is a whole other issue, and you won’t catch me fighting the claim that Jared is the most hated actor among the cast at any point). Low-key Sam hate is widespread. I agree with that. If you want to find Sam hate essays, where Sam is called a classist, a narcissist, a manipulator and emotionally abusive, you typically have to go back to like—season 9. Sam simply doesn’t seem to inspire obsessive hate essays in the last 5-6 seasons. That said, Dean stans are like... totally blind sometimes to how many people simply don’t like Sam or Cas... And a lot of hardcore Dean stans gatekeep liking Dean to the point that they don’t see a lot of people who consider Dean as their favorite as “real” Dean fans, and thus perceive Dean’s “actual” fanbase as small because interpretations of Dean and reasons for loving him can vary a lot at times.
Even some people who like Dean though, do shit post about him being stupid, homophobic, sexist, and otherwise at times, and get 1000s of notes on it because people think it’s funny. So. I guess what I’m saying is that I have this weird inner distinction between “hate” and “dislike” and don’t think being the most liked and the most hated are mutually exclusive, and I think sometimes people think lowkey hate is funny, even about their faves. Maybe it’s a zoomer thing? Idk. 
But what I’ve also said before stands—that people will notice hate about their fave more, and thus tend to see them as getting the most hate. Not just because they’re more sensitive about comments, but also because they see content about their favorite character more and seek it out, and among that content, they will find hate/crit posts, and that can skew ones perception of how many there are for ones favorite versus other characters. I’ll be the first to say though, that I have struggled to find Dean fans to follow who aren’t at least kind of Sam crit, and I’ve struggled to find Sam fans who aren’t at least kind of Dean crit. I don’t think most destiel shippers care about Sam. I think wincest and bibro fans like him a lot—often the most. Dean, being one side of the two most popular ships, is hated more for seeming to favor one over the other or not being loving enough or having boundaries, but he’s needed on both sides, and very popular. In the end, I don’t think it really matters who gets the most hate and I don’t think the fixation on one-upping each other in terms of who is the most hated is productive or even remotely enjoyable as a passtime. I’d rather focus on enjoying the characters instead of being upset about what other people think, at least now that the show is over and hate as faded down a ton... it’s just not mentally healthy to wring ones hands over it all of the time (and this is why, even when it was popular, I always tried to handle things with humor). Anyway, fuck the haters.
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misscrawfords · 5 years
I'm so surprised to hear you thought GOT was overrated! For some reason I would have thought it would be totally your thing and you would like it. Huh, why did I think you were a fan... the things you learn from these little questionnaires, eh 😆 (Though I will not disagree on the final season judgement. I don't know a single person who liked it, not even ONE! I did think the early seasons were excellent though. I think there was a time when it perhaps did deserve acclaim & wasn't overrated.)
Ahh, I mean, you’re not wrong… Like, it would totally be my thing if it wasn’t so tediously misogynistic in so many ways and the last season weren’t so bad.
I absolutely loved it at the start and then I got as far as the season where Sansa was raped and just decided I couldn’t be bothered. Picked it back up a season or so later and was very into it, got half way through S08 and just stopped and then blocked all the tags so I didn’t have to see anything about it.
Honestly, part of it was the fandom. Just seeing people being angry and upset constantly about it was making me genuinely stressed and bumming out my tumblr experience. And vitriolic Sansa related shipping wars when I just shipped Sansa/happiness and there didn’t seem to be any men worth her time on the show. Also my dash was always filled with pictures of the actors and actresses (especially Sophie Turner, who I just… don’t really like?? I literally have nothing against her, she’s probably lovely and she’s a good actress who does wonders with Sansa, she just doesn’t do it for me personally on any level) and I have zero interest in celebrities and award shows and fashion and premiers and all that stuff.
Also S08 was the worst and life’s too short. I’d rather just do something else. I was never a sufficiently big fan to get overly annoyed by it - I just cut my losses!
Thing is, so much of it was excellent. I love the world-building so much - it feels like a fully realised ancient world, and considering that all adaptations of the Trojan War so far have been absolutely SHIT it often felt like GoT is the closest we’ll get to a proper ancient, epic, fantasy universe. The characters, relationships and dialogue was often good. The opening credits and theme tune, amazing. 
But it falls down in several key areas (and we all know what they are so I won’t go into them) and I guess I think it’s overrated because critics and MEN just keep hailing it as the greatest thing ever and now D&D are getting their hands on Star Wars and… oh… it’s so tiring, isn’t it?
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silveredglass · 7 years
·         Always post the rules
·         Answer the questions given by the person who tagged you
·         Write 11 questions of your own
·         Tag 11 people (or however many you want)
Hello. @dictacontrion tagged me in this, (thank you love!) And can I just say - I love this particular tag thing? It’s different and everyone’s questions and answers are great. It gets long so I will put a cut in, but everyone and anyone come have a chat if you like. <3
1. If you could have one billion dollars or the not (or only incidentally) profitable superpower of your choosing, which would you choose and why?
I suppose one billion dollars because I could do a lot with that.. Fund a lot of shelters, healthcare. Give a lot away to indigenous peoples to make their own choices. I could get myself elected. Possibly buy a two bedroom terrace in the city I live in (although real estate is crazy here so that would eat up a chunk 😉 But yeah, I mean you’d go for the money and the ability to change lives.
2. What article of clothing makes you feel most awesome? 
My under-boob-body-suit-spanx-thingy? Also, I have this amazing navy matt sequin skirt and it’s, uh, well it’s amazing. It comes to about my knees and it twirls (!) and did I mention it’s made of matt navy sequins.
3. How did you get into your most recent fandom?
I don’t really have a ‘recent’ fandom as such. Relating this to my blog and fic stuff, I guess for me I have always had just one blog that everything went on; I was never good at separating interests or interested/good at ‘curating’ something. I did for many reasons discourse and theories and lies people tell and a whole damn hot mess delete my old blog and start again, but I literally had about 5 people I spoke to on that and 4 of them have left tumblr. That said, it’s always been Harry Potter and 1d and music in general and pretty pictures and sometimes a boob or two.
4. What’s your least favorite/most hated book, and why?
Ahh. Jesus. There are books I hate that I have never read – like The Da Vinci Code. But for something that I have read, probably anything by Brett Easton Ellis. I’ll focus on American Psycho. 
I spent a lot of time in my late teens and early twenties either at school or uni reading books written by men about male experiences (presented as seminal works for ALL humans which eye-roll they are not) and often feeling very uncomfortable about them, but because they were deemed ‘cool’ or ‘good’ by people I respected I never spoke up about my issues with them. AP is honestly just the pinnacle of this. It’s not that I think the book is poorly written, or that it doesn’t have a place as such, or even that I have a problem with the shocking the elements of it – but it gets away with so much horrid misogyny in the name of art and really the violence actually takes away from the theme of the novel and so just ends up being sensationalist bullshit.
I am not sure if this makes sense, but basically I hate it because it is misogynistic and bad and also because of what it represents about me not speaking up when I wanted too.
5. Describe a fanwork you’d love to read/see/watch, but don’t want to create yourself, please?
Hahaha, @charlotte-bird’s Glasto fic. (Although I want to write a festival one shot myself, I love her sketched out plot idea and this art work a lot.)
6. What would be the lineup of your ideal music festival?
OK. I ended up with a spreadsheet which involved a fantasy festival lasting three and a half days, over three stages and two tents, and I was negotiating set times with myself because I wouldn’t be able to see all the bands I had programmed for myself at my fantasy festival? It was a mess.  SO, I have gone for a nice one day-er featuring artists who I have not yet seen live, and for most, will of course never get that opportunity.
The Go-Betweens. Manic Street Preachers. Pulp. Amy Winehouse. Fleetwood Mac. David Bowie. The Beatles (cos you would if you could.) and then The Supremes to dance the night away…
7. You’re given the power to unilaterally create one law or policy in one country - what is it? 
Fark. I don’t live there but straight away I thought of health care in the US. It’s unfathomable that people go broke because they break a leg? But closer to home and for personal (selfish?) motivations I would create federal policy around domestic violence, sentencing and parole conditions for offenders and proper long-term funding for short and long term effects of domestic violence. And leading from that a reformative framework for addressing crime that is primarly committed against women and children as a whole.
8. If you had to commit to living in one place for the rest of your life, what would it be?
I think near a river on the NSW South Coast. Or maybe Edinburgh. But I’d probably want to stay in Australia. We have a fair amount of problems and douchebag conservatives, but it’s a very lucky place to live.
9. Thinking about your life a year from now, what’s one thing that you hope will be different?
I’d like to have some proper travel plans for a long trip overseas & the other missed connection stuff relating to that.
10. What’s one thing that you hope will be the same?
My family are all healthy.
11. What’s the last thing that made you laugh? 
Emily’s Cartoon this week , I just saw it reblogged again on my dash and lmso – the sky badger kills me.
OK. I’m tagging @charlotte-bird, @serpensthesia, @devinesis, @dddraconis, @slowestdive, @kiwisinnewyork, @thebluepeninsula, @jadepresley um @dictacontrion want to do this again !? (totally do not have to at all) @blamebrampton? 
I know you’re all busy, so no pressure. And I know everyone always says 'anyone else who sees this and wants to please do’ - but I mean it, honestly I love this one, it’s like having a great chat.
My questions are:
1. Have you ever had something happen to yourself (not as a baby) that you didn’t remember until someone else told you about it?
2. Best food combination that shouldn’t work but does that you have ‘invented’?
3. Do you like live theatre? Art exhibits? If so tell me about something you’ve seen that made an impact.
4. Do you have an accessory or jewellery or makeup that you wear almost always?
5. What is your strongest olfactory memory?
6. What album that has been released in the past two years should I go buy?
7. When you were a kid did you have a favourite make believe game you’d play? Or dress up you’d wear?
8. Tell me something that made you feel proper chuffed with yourself. In a nice quietly contented way.
10. Have you ever had a scary or very odd animal encounter? 
11. Share a link to a fic or fan art that you love?
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