#also this poem is a bunch of limericks put together
madkat-stuff · 1 month
Spruce - An SBK WIP
There lies a kingdom aglow
covered a bit in snow
As is floats in the sky
oh ever so high
from the deep and dark void below
The people there would exchange
spruce logs for a good deal of range
But one day their clothes
and their looks I suppose
turned colors and started to change
Perhaps it was something out of hand
That no one could quite understand
But someone recalled
A broken crystal once sprawled
Now there must be a curse on their land
As time marched its merry way on
With the falling snow thereupon
The void made its call
To one and to all
Like a large and black feathered swan
Skulk had started to grow
On their beautiful land below
The snow fell more
With more ice than before
And the winds had started to blow
Like a terrible horrible dream
A dark feeling, wanting to scream
Covered in ice
Something not so nice
The snow would continue to teem
It’s starting to take its tight hold
Watching its poor victims fold
If you still cannot tell
It will show you well
That no one escapes from the cold
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