#also that's probably why the scientists couldn't control GLaDOS.
canadianlucifer · 3 months
Thinking about Portal again and it's just... People get mad at Wheatley for becoming all evil and murderous when getting attached to the facility but... it's literally not his fault.
Wheatley showed 0 signs of annoyance or hate towards Chell prior, hell he didn't have any negative feelings towards her at all until he was going through drug withdrawals and, in the stress of the situation, blamed the only person he could. When he was punching the elevator, it was because GLaDOS, who we know he did not like, provoked him and hit him where it hurt the hardest. Yeah, he was going to lash out! And he just got into the chassis and didn't know his own strength yet and audibly said "uh-oh" when it broke, as in, "oh shit I didn't mean to do that"
Throughout old Aperture, GLaDOS shows that she doesn't care about killing Chell anymore. When she isn't connected to the facility, she's just normal. She's not taunting Chell or calling her fat anymore.
And when they get back up to Wheatley? He's completely civil, kindly asking her to do tests for him so he gets a hit of the drug. It's not until he's going through the withdrawals that he gets agitated and starts to, and I quote, "try things her way". Even through all that stress and frustration, he never considers killing her until he finds Atlas and P-Body.
Then when he's knocked into space and finally disconnected, he apologizes. It's not a fake one, it's real because there's nobody around to hear it. He's stranded in space, no hope of ever returning to earth and seeing either GLaDOS or Chell again and yet he still apologizes because he is genuinely sorry.
Do you get what I'm saying? The facility is poison. The facility itself is what turns whatever robot is attached to it evil.
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