#also sorry if tracking is wonky I haven't tracked anything in several years and partially forgot how I used to do it
operafish · 2 years
Long-awaited surprise Kanisha audio!!
Hello all!! So sorry for the delay in this but I finally got around to tracking the audio from when Kanisha had to step in for Emilie mid-act! As I previously mentioned, unfortunately my phone was about to die and I couldn’t get Act 2, but luckily I was able to get Emilie, Kanisha’s AIAOY, and half of John’s last performance until January. Enjoy!!
Ben Crawford (Phantom), Emilie Kouatchou (Christine)/Kanisha Marie Feliciano (Christine u/s), John Riddle (Raoul), Raquel Suarez Groen (Carlotta), Craig Bennett (Monsieur Firmin), Nehal Joshi (Monsieur Andre), Maree Johnson (Madame Giry), Carlton Moe (Piangi), Erica Wong (Meg Giry u/s)
October 23, 2022
Act 1 only. John Riddle’s last show until January. Emilie Kouatchou hurt her ankle backstage, so Kanisha Marie Feliciano played Christine from Il Muto onwards.
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